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THE SAN FRAJSJ CISCO GALL JOHN I>. SPRECILELS ......•.•..».".•»«»»««'?'»•«»*«' Proprietor ADDRESS ALI. COMMCN-ICATIONS TO r Mm JOHN McXAUGHT . . . • •••• • -JL^t^g^! TUBUCXTION OFFICE THIRD AND MARKET STREETS/BAN FRANCISCO TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1. 1904 THE ;3ANS;FRANeiSeOr;GALL; TUESDAY; iNO\'EMBERv/l,l&04: mouths and throats, even- to the stom ach, acting as a' slow poison. The Board 6« Education will adopt some measures to check the custom of buying colored candy. : Dix— He never says . a good -word about anybody. ']• j ; ; ' (.'.; Hix— Then I -guess you never -heard him talk about himself* ' A DIFFERENCE. Special : information supplied dally to business houses and public men by the Press Clipping; Bureau (Allen's). 30 Cal ifornia street. Telephone Main 1042. * Townsend's California Glace fruits in artistic fire-etched boxes. 715 Market St.* INSECTSrrT. P., City. For informa tion relative to the destruction of In sects that affect fruit trees and fruit, address a letter of Inquiry to the State Board of Horticulture, 3acramentoi stating what you wish to know. In con cise language. N He found that 'the pupils "are In" the habit r of : buying /'candy 'the ' >way. to school ' and eating" it '^almost constantly. He'noted that it was invariably'cblored candy, and ; that ; it ¦ had s t ain ed ' their ; ¦ ¦; Dr. Buchanan says in his " report that the trouble comes from eating cheap candy., He found , the^ candy habit as firmly fixed among them as a taste,, for 'drink^rith a drinker.- Inside the mouths; t <i>» fthe pupils he ' found a peculiar 'color, .different* from 'the ; natural and similar in , all : instances that he * examined. . Young ' pupils in one of the. public schools at ; Plainfleld. . N. . J., having shown an uncommon distaste for.stud ies and a most amazing ; dullness, the Board of Education asked Borough Physician J. II. Buchanan to make an examination as 1 to ' the cause. : . Cheap Candy Dulls Brains THE ATLANTIC LINE— S.,City. The largest vessel of the Atlantic liners is the Baltic, the measurements of which are: Length 726 feet, breadth 75 feet. Answers to Queries. IT I4EFT HIM QUICK. Bill Bo— I hear you had some ; money !eft v -ybu?,vV: ; ? Weary (absently)— Yes; it left me. Peel pears that are ripe, bat not soft, and slice, them. Make a batter of one cup of flour, one-half cup of cold -water, two well beaten eggs, a tablespoon- of melted butter, a salt spoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar. Add the whites of the eggs after the other ingredients are mixed. Dip each slice of pear in the batter and fry in deep, hot fat, drain and dust with powdered sugar; serve hot. The bat ter, like the fritter batters, is better If allowed -to stand an hour or two before using. * Pear Fritters. There may be nothing better than cards, but for a change almost any thing, is desirable. A needle afternoon at this season of the year is Instructive as well as pleasant. Women ' have been away from home at the sea shore, the lake shore, in the mountains, or even off for a short visit, and have seen many new stitches and many new designs in embroidery. Make this fact the basis of an entertainment. Invite the guests for 1 o'clock luncheon and ask them to come, prepared to demonstrate the. newest fad in em broidery or needlework. There are many kinds of embroidery; and u an afternoon . thus spent with needles will -prove a help In making Christmas gifts.; Any new bit of fancy work will answer. , Every one must go prepared and willing to teach every, one else how to do the work she knows how to 'do. . .' Cards, cards, nothing but cards, after noon and afternoon. There are neigh borhood card parties and club parties and luncheons followed by cards until It seems that every one has had cards enough to last a lifetime. But what shall I do with my guests? asks the anxious hostess. Give a Needle Party. One-half pound of cooked fish. \\ tablespoonfiil of flour and one of but ter, blended together, one-half coffee cup of sweet milk, yolks of two hard boiled eggs, one tablespoonf ul chop ped parsley, dash of pepper and salt to suit taste. Mince the fish coarsely, make a thick s^uce of the flour, but ter arid milk, ad<~. to this the fish, yolks 'of eggs mashed very fine, the parsley, . salt, pepper, paprika and lemon juice. Butter a baking dish, or scallop shells, fill with the mixture, sprinkle rolled cracker over the top and brown in the oven. So, when the last farewell is said, And your last fond kiss is given. • When I am numbered with the dead,- I'll watch for you from heaven. . — Plttsburg Press. Deviled Fish. "One out of . every fifty women • dyes her hair," was, the comment of, the manager of a reliable hair establish nlerit. in the windy city to , a * Journal man... "I-f done properly : . it Is impos sible of detection. W^e color, on an aver age nine heads a day— some days m'are, some less^ We have what we call '¦rush Uays, .when'- for, some inexplicable rea son every one \ comes al once, and we ?.re unable to -attend to them all. < ;"i' ; "A "woman imay* say she lilies gray* ha,ir. * j One possessing it may be .pretty and* charming and younc, out 'She has gray hair,' a' person will say. of her. *That "statement is all-comprehensive. It needs ho explanation j in the minds of- th£ majority of women as well men. • • ¦ ." • '- , contrary to general impressiqn, men don't 'object -to -'a woman's dyeing her hais? either. 'We have any number of husbands who come in here -with their wives and talk it over or wait'un.til the process is done; They' don't want their wives to have gray 'hair. ¦-'"Of'course I-.know. Paris is setting the fashion- for white hair, and I under stand'that there is some sulphur, treat ment in' use there for. bleaching "it white, which if perfected : will , doubt less be" brought over to this country. '' "But up to this. time the who wants ; her : hair bleached white is very scarce. •; "As* for turning hair bleached from the use of peroxide or similar;prepara ations, that is equally impossible. Such hair can be dyed the natural colOr,~but no' amount of unguerits can permanent ly remove ' the bleach or bring the hair back to its . original color— nothing but time. It- must grow out by the natural method. -Nature alone can- accomplish this-/. : .., -. .¦¦:-. • ¦ .. ¦-¦; .- . \ . :¦" "Speaking of dyes/ 1 have soRie funny looking,!. heads .to > color/ One /woman came • in here the . other : day with her hair as green as that carpet. Prob ably it came from using , a dye "with nitrate of silver/which, when' it comes in contact with ¦ grease/.. will > turn ¦ green. Another woman awoke' one morning to find her hair a beautiful purple. Some of the French; dyes do '% this when not properly , applied. ; .. "We have ¦women who have been coming here for the last eighteen years. They pay us by the year." Tile i Flowing ' of-' Metals. It • is" perhaps - not ; generally known that*-ohe|Of the fmbsV r iniportant prop erties j of^imetals { employed^ In 'striking coins v and ¦; medals and ¦stamping,; and shaping articles [ of jewelry is a that /of. flowing f under pressure. |_.T Standard sll-" "ver r is "-"remarkable 1 'for. thjif * property/ 'which \ precisely^resembles .the - flowing of "avvlscbus: fluid. The flow; takes" place when ; the metal is subjected to rolling," stamping '.or .' hammering f and; thel par-' ticlesfof* the'metal are thus carried into the ' t parts of ; the 'die without fracturing,' and ? a"' perfect "; impression Is pfbducedL 1 .^:;" !/ " ; '.'; i- : '.>^~ ' ¦'.'¦ ':'.[ '¦" : '-% Silver Leaf for Dressing Wotmds." According j to ; French ; papers . the ; sur geons ; are ';¦; now-. dressing ? wounds with silver^ leaf. tiThe^sllverlis 'simply/placed oh ; the wound r or^ulceiTand;t*a8l Itjsticks 'cloiselyltoT thejsurf ace,^ '£'*. 'little i), cotton soaked \ in collodion ( la sufficient to keep . it 1 In , place^liThe f eff ects^f sheet of sUv«r are 'said to be v«x reinaVkabii", lAmiion and Paris Telephone: • The charge for telephone conversa tion between . London . and Paris has been reduced from $2 to $'l for a three** minute talk.- . . ,-. TOO' BAD. Guest— I guess I'll take some calves' brains. Waiter— Sorry, sir, but we ha'ven't THE LAST; WEEK: 'TT* HE sarripaign ¦• bobks ; axe "about balanced and tjie people '•will . I render, a statement of accourit«\yfth .the Republican, ."party one week from' toVday; As- far -as California is con<iefned.t.h-e book's forecasta statement, and a divyidend-'in therbrr|i of. three, seat? gained and a solid Republican- delegation in the -next- House. ; The., good work done 'by. Gjllett, ¦NeedhiinXahd McLacblan is .to have its're ward in re -election, '• ariijl the; capacity and • promise., -of ; Knowland, Smith, Hayes arid McKinla'y ar-e to have recognition, while- the^ dV f erred .reward of Mt.. Kahn be- beslcwed by His re-election to a seat in which he was a hard working, al-ert. and successful public servant, for two terms. -..;.. -.'-.•• ".'•.". ' '.. '••¦' The pe6ple -demand in .the .n.ext Congress workers, and not drones and; dreamers. ; It -is; to. be' a' Congress in- whicli. California; needs every . influence .that can' advance her interests. This'- State has a representative in : the ; Cabinet in the .department that most con cerns our commercial welfare... Secretary Metcalfs appointment was hailed by Republicans and. Democrats- as ah act of the President vital to ou'r interests and prosperity.-* Let the thoughtful members of both parties renfember that an appointment so' conspicuously use ful deserves acknowledgment by giving to President Roosevelt the support of a solid.delegatioh. There is niot a true California Demo crat, who puts his State above partj£- % that* would not trust Kahn, Haj'es, Smith," McKinlay/. Knowlamf," Gillett, Needhain or Mc- Lachlan to administer upon his .estate without bonds. This being so, why are not these gentlemen deserving of confidence and the right. men to be" trusted in caring 'for the interests of every man's estate so far as it is affected by prpper and legitimate attention in Congress? . ' " This State has long been ambitious, to secure a .representation in the Cabinet. But that ambition was. briefly gratified only once by the short service of Mr. McKenna .before his promotion to the Supreme Court, until President Roosevelt gave to us the position 'of the greatest importance to the whole Coast, and conferred it upon the gentleman who would have been selected by popular vote, if that method had been possible. One needs only to remember the satisfaction expressed at Mr. Metc.alf's- appointment in the complimentary functions, in which men of all parties took •part, to understand how important it is to us. . As the President recognized California, let the State requite him by a vote of confidence that will send a solid Republican delegation to the House. This is dictated by the principle of ordinary prudence. We want a fair chance with the rest of the' country for our com merce and business, in the things that make for their support and. I progress. Let us not be imprudent and indifferent in such a situation. Democratic party can employ to do its work.— Chicago Evening Post. . The Democracy,, by denouncing pro tection as robbery, has" ; put the work; lngman's full dinner pail, • his home, his children's food, clothing and schooling, his wife and family's legiti mate comforts in ¦ jeopardy. It;'men aces likewise the enterprise 'and profits of capital: It threatens a -return of the stringency and stagnation of . ten years ago. — Louisville 5 Herald. HIS REASON. ; Jiggs—r Why ; do ; you ) call t your; auto mobile VRegulator?" . '/'/-• ; ' Jaggs— Because* all ,the oth«r.'-*auto mobiles go'by'it,^ ' Senator a^njamin Ryan Tlllman is a mixture. An eminent educator, jyr. a Z>. Mayo, has said that Tillman has done more for the cause of educa tion In South Carolina than all the rest of its public men combined. And yet the Senator goes up and down the l&nd making speeches which show that he places a premium on ignorance.' He knowe his Bible better than any other man in the United States Senate,' now that Senator Hoar is dead. He. knows the I classics and he quotes them ac curately. 'And yet when he speaks in public his language is that of a man to" whom books are an unknown quan tity. Knowing the good, he chooses the evlL Senator Benjamin Ryan TiH tntn li«&t ot the worst termiits tha Mr. Bryan's declaration that he now hopes to be. the: Aaron "since he cannot be the Moses f of the Democratic party does hot • take Into consideration Aar on's . exploit with the golden calf.— aVaabicgton Star, . , If, when I'm dying.. I can see • " - The one dear form I love so dear, I'll know while angels beckon me That far off heaven is near. And when, on bitter winter's night. In darkness" cruel, cold embrace. One thought of thee makes all;so bright I smile to see your loving face. If I but whisper to the purest snow My secret wishes, sacred, but for you. Its warmth would melt and It would flow " . Away, .like springtimes pearly dew. Thus in fny life you'll «ver be The one great power to guide me "right. For when your noble face I. see . All darkness turns to radiant, light. Could I but link -each, thought into a chain " * . And- stretch it far across the sea. Link into link, the line would still re main. Like all my fondest thought of thee. ,Wash'and boil three medium sized' potatoes, "leaving their -jackets on dur ing the. cooking; when done drain. of£ the water, peel and cut. while still hot in thin slices; put them In a bowl and pour over them a spoo * "ul or two of gx>od, hot, clear soup or one of hoc water, just enough to moisten slightly; sprinkle with minced chives or '.pars ley; add if you like a few slices of cucumber, celery or both; put into **. small pint bottle . three tablespoonf ula of the best salad oil, half a teaspoon ful of salt, quarter of a teaspoonful of pepper and two tablespoonfuls of vinegar, and shake vigorously; pour over your salad, toss lightly, arrange In your salad bowl or on lettuce leaves and serve when cold. — Phila delphia Bulletin. • The Greek Government has decided to restore the Erechrtheion. The great er part the famous ruin on the Acropolis is still -standing and the fragments necessary for its complete recons'tnsction - are, all lying around. Restoring the Acropolis. Knitting is declared by specialists in the treatment of rheumatism to be a most helpful exercise for hands liable to become. stiff from the painful com plaint, and It is being, prescribed by physicians because of its efficacy, says the Philadelphia Inquirer. ' Fos perspns liable to cramp, "paralysis or any other affection of the fingers of that character, knitting is regarded as a mcJst beneficial'exerclse. Besides, the simple work is said to°be # a most excel lent diversion for the nerves and is reconimended to" women who suffer from insomnia and depression. Below the knees, however, all widXh and flare possible is demanded, for the barrel shaped .gkirt is still fashionable and the .material -must, not be allowed to cling .in .'at all 'about tke feet. *V «, All -attention then must be .given to thlte silk. Underskirt. Firat," that Jt fits lik«' a "glove; second, that it. shall do everything .in its pqwer . to ; make "the gown "hang as it "should, and third, that ft be made un as. attractively as pos sible and after the latest fashions.' •As the skirts this year . : afe- made up so full and to aW appearances are so carelessly fitted about the wais't arid hips it is more than ever important that the- silk petticoat be moet • ca're fully draped, for on no account must one's .figure' appear any la"rger.than ab solutely necessary. • . : '- -.¦':'¦-•'. 'V: Salad for Two. DEVOTION. Knit, My LaDy Fair You Won't Be Nervous, So Say the Doctors Underskirt Must Fit Well to Help Hang of the Gown Hubbies Patiently Wait While Wives Have Hair Colored comrhuTiicated to their .own jjQverrirrient by the foreign office, of the one .'.-to which they ; : are., accredited,' and they are punished by recall and. su^ bther^ measures ; as their Government may choose to .take* •-.•¦;"/ ' ;/.-¦.':¦ -"V^-." ':/.'¦'¦'. \ ~. }•'-',¦ ': ¦ "• '¦¦'_ • : .^lr:.. Gurney, .\yhDse claim pf privilege before, a Justice .of the Peace .Massachusetts, has icaused '.•; this discussion, 'had violated the speed laws; of that commonwealth relating, to .automobiles. Those laws, are proper, and- necessary ,t<? protect life and limb',' :but the courts of- the State had no power to punish him. The Justice within whose jurisdiction' the •"•taw; was: violated should -have informed the Governor of the -State, 'who in turn. would have brought the case to the attention of the Secretary, of State at Washington, through whom the facts \ybuid. have been, fhade known to the British Embassadoj, arid the ¦ offending ;*ub-sec:retary of his- legation would have been sent hom^*^ ; p|robably- ; u^Vbe::. It is- not. the policy nor. intention of any- Government to permit, its privileged representatives, abroad to violate the laws, or. even to offend national pride. or public opinion, ox the .countries . to ..-Vhiph they. are sent/ -The purpose of. this is obvious. V Such conduct -destroys .the usefulness of the diplomat, by disturbing, the- relations of the two. countries..'- . ' We suppose : th'e^Parker press :. Hvill . go. so far as -to pledge its candidate to secure the repeal of the. statute of 1790, since there is no limit ;.to "the ;.f <ii a .campaign of demagogy. But sensible Americans will not .synipathi^e with a proposition which' would make their-cduntry ridiqulous ;iri the eyesof..tji;e'worlci..'" "•/."• ••; •• • "-••• THE Gurney. incident in Massachusetts,- in which an : attache of the British legation in Washington demanded the diplomatic privilege of exemption froni judicial process,, issued against him for violating the laws of the State, has already entered into domestic politics. ' It is being used in the campaign against President Roose velt, and the Parker press is striving to make ; it appear that this diplomatic privilege is a new tiling, just* invented by President Roosevelt as part of an imperial programme. Thus we have the Parker papers saying: "The idea that the King can do no farong, or that the representative of a foreign power is the one and only person on earth who is above our laws,, is very distasteful to the American people."' • . • . ' . • . ... That idea- .can harjdly .be distasteful* to any sensible American, since the same practice is observed by all nations in the 'case of our diplomatic officers abroad, and all the members of "their household and attaches of therr legations. Diplomats 'arjfe amenable, to the law, of nations in .all matters less. .than capital crimes. * Their exemption from arrest" and process extends to their domestic servants, provided they file .a- list; of the" same with the foreign Office of the. nation to which they are accredited,- where it remains -an- open, public record which anyone mayicopy/ .-...'..• " .^; '• • -The Government', of the United-States under, the constitution was organized in 1789. In. 1^90,; April 30th, was -passed the existing statute giving privilege and exemption to members of foreign lega tions. That statute has iio .relation?' whatever- 'to the^ maxim of sovereignty that tHe, King can "do." no wrong. It is based 'on the law of nations, : The. statute, was signed by "Muhle-nberg,. Speaker of the House, a'n.d: John ' -Adams J .Vice -Pjesident ;' by -.George Washington, President, and Tkomas- Jefferson', •'Secretary of .'State. If provides that if any. writ:. or : :prpcess : be..iue^:'forth or prosecuted by any person, "in any-of the 'courts of jthe.;United States, or by any particular person,, or-by.any.. Judge "of. Justice therein j whereby the person of any c Embassi(lor;.. or. other public minister "of any foreign Prince or state, or. -of. any, domestic servant of any such 1 Erribassador or public minister,' may-be. arr.este'd.:or ; imprisoned or his .-or. their goods or chattels be- distrained, seized or attached, suchwvrit or process shall be adjudged and. deemed. utterly null and. void. 'Any persons who shalPsue forth, such : writ .or process, or. prosecute the same,- shall be deemed of ..the: jaWs of nations and disturbers of thejniblic repose/- a'mj' be imprisoned: iiptexceedirig. three years, and fined at the discretion! of. the courts .: . .:^ :-. v i. ; . : ¦ -...,' . .Itisunderstood by every: riation that this privilege and exemp tion, carries with it a complimentary 1 . obligation •• on the part of those ' wha enjoy it to honorably observe and obey the laws of the country io which • thev. are accredited. Their failure to do this may be THE DIPLOMATIC PRIVILEGE. The younger set of Sausalito Is re joicing.over the return of Mr. and Mrs. Hlckman, who have been visiting the exposition. ,„ It was their intention, -for a time, to remain* East : through the winter and the big/ hospitable home at Sausalito would have been closed to Miss Isabel Kendall, who is to be come - the bride of Kenneth Lowden on November 16, is now -the much-feted belle 'of- Oakland 1 . Miss Kendall will entertain her bridesmaids in her home on November 9 at a luncheon- and the following evening will see the fair bride-to-be the guest of honor at a dinner- to.. be given by Mrs. William Letts Oliver' and Miss Carolyn Oliver, who will be one. of the bridesmaids. On Friday of this week Mrs. WUllam Llndsley Spencer will entertain Miss Kendall at a tea. Mrs. Linda Bryao and Miss Georgie Spieker have returned .from • the SJL Louis Exposition, -where in company with /several othe^ ' Calif ornians they spent five we'eks In absolute pleasure. Miss Spieker will not linger In San Francisco many weeks, for she is pre paring for a Mediterranean trip. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson were- en tertained at dinner last evening by Mr. and Mrs. William *Cluff. at the Palace Hotel. The Wilsons will hasten their departure for Europe, leaving here on November 5 instead of December 1, as they originally intended.' The 'guests included Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack Wilson, Miss Helen de Young, Mr. and Mrs. Ge6rge Downey, Miss Pearl Landers, Miss Constance .de* Young, Miss Helen Wagner, Miss Ethel Hager, Edward M. Greenwa'y, Richard Hotaling. Edward Mlzner, William McLean and William Downing. . " . ' An enthusiastic group of bridge play ers gathered at the home of Mrs. Fer. dinand-Stevenson yesterday afternoon. The house on Sterner street was pret tily decorated with violets and chrys anthemums. The guests, who passed a delightful afternoon, were: Mrs. Sam uel Boardman, .Mrs. Arthur Callaghan, Miss Gertrude Van Wyck, Mrs. Ardella Mills, Mrs. Philip Clay. Miss Ethel Cooper, Mrs. Alfred Baker •Spaldlng, Mrs. Henry Foster Dutton, Mrs: Henry Lund Jr. and Mra. John R. Clark. . . \ Mrs. Clinton Worden has recently re turned from Del'Monte and will spend the winter with her. mother, Mrs. A- N. Towne, at the tetter's . home, 1101 Cali fornia street. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Worden entertained at tea, and though thoroughly informal about eighty guests came in during .the affair, which was given in honorof Mrs. Frank Sherman Washburn of Tennessee. Palms and chrysanthemums ; heightened the usual beauty of the home, in which these peo ple received: Mrs. 'Worden, Mrs. A. N. Towne, Mrs. Russell J. Wilson, Mrs. William Holmes vMcKittrick, Mrs. Ho mer King, Mrs. Frederick Tallant, Mrs. Horace Pillsbury, Mrs. Welty and Miss Houghton, Miss Emily Wilson, Miss Charlotte 'Wilson, Miss Pearl Sabin, Miss Irene Sabin, Miss Genevieve King, Miss Hazel King and Miss Pearl Lan d Dr. Margaret, ilalwmey, recently re turned from a European trip, enter tained at tea on Saturday « afternoon til honor of Mr. and Mrs." Denis Ma honey. Assisting were Dr. Alice Woods, Dr. Helen Waterman, Dr. * Florence Scott, Mrs.- William . Mahoney, .Mra. Thomas Mahoney, the Misses Nesfleld. Miss Robinson and Mrs. * Charles Gros- Jean. • ' Mrs. Morgan Hill. and Miss Diana Hill are In Paris.. Expecting to spend the winter in Washington, they will pyob-. ably not return to California before spring. Mrs. Hill .was the beautiful Miss Diana Murphy of San Jos*. • * . • Mrs. Howell .and Mrs. Clinton -Brill sail to/day on the Sherman for the Philippines. They', only arrived, from the East a day or-two &go. Major anfl Mrs. Howell were 'stationed at the Pre sldlo.with the Seventh Regiment at one time "and hay e always, left a pleasant memory. Their .daughter, Adah. r.e cently married tQ Charles .Williams of Mississippi: was a great "favorite here In society and her departure left a Void In many hearts. Mrs. Clinton's .hus band is also serving in the PhlUp-« pines. " General Shaf tet, -with' his daughter. Mrs. McKfttripk, . and -his niece, Miss Redman; witf leave to-day for Bakers field, where they .will spend the winter on' the general's-. ranch. During their absence the* Shaf ter home at 2525 Pa cific avenue will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Andrew." rWeJch, whose mar riage'last spring" was a society event. Tliey will entertain! extensively through the season. • • . • • • • • •-..'-• * Mrs. Charles O. Alexander introduced a charming debtftante on Sunday af ternoon. Miss Jsabel Brewer, whose home is with Mrs. * Alexander, was greeted by a large number of guests, who gave her cordial welcome.- Mrs. Alexander was assisted In re ceiving by Mies Brewer, Miss Linda Cadwallader. Miss Emily Wilson; Miss Houghton, Miss Margaret Hyde-Smith. Miss Charlotte Wilson. Miss Margaret Newhall. Miss Malsee Langhorne, MI$s Olga Atherton, Miss Ross and 'Miss Lecy King. • .' • • * Miss Elsa Draper's formal debut, which takes place this evening in the Bohemian Club, was; prefaced on Sun day afternoon by a tea given in her own home. Callers dropped In and out and chatted with delightful informal ity. "In the happy throng were noticed: Miss Gould. Miss Elsie Clifford. Mls« Ursula Stone, Miss Maud Payne, Miss Edith Treanor. -Miss Evelyn Clifford. Miss Dorothy Draper, Mi33 Alice Peters, Miss Erna Herman, Edward M. Greenway, Du Val Moore, Lieutenant Garrett, Dr. Pressley, James Towne, Thomas Miller.- ' Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Campbell have* returned to their home^ln Nor wich, Conn. The'y have been spending several weeks on the Pacific Coast. the "Invasion:- of 'merry young people. Mr. and. Mrs. Hlckman will now open their doors and gladden tne hearts of. their many friends. BY SALLY -SHflRP. THE SMART SET ANXIOUS FOR THE PATIENT. %% EverytMng is being done forejudge Parker that can -be done"— General Nelson A. Miles. COPYRIGHT. 1904. BT'BPECIAli ARRANGEMENT OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL WITH THE NEW YORK EVENING MAIL. 8