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VOLUME XCVI— XO. 103. NOW. that the smoke of battle has cleared away, DemocratsTare already discussing the reorganization of the party. , In a lengthy statement William Jennings Bryan declares the Democracy was defeated because it abandoned radical principles and surrendered to Wall street. Now, says the twice defeated candidate for the Presidency, it must return to the principles advocated'in 1896 and 1900. Hearst and Watson will attempt to reorganize the party along socialist lines. BRYAN DECLARES THAT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY MUST NOW RETURN TO PRINCIPLES HE ADVOCATES STEWARDESS TELLS ABOUT THE DOLBEER VOYAGE. A\PS. SHERMAN'S DEPOSITION ALSO READ The steamship stewardess' siory of the voyage of Miss Do/beer from Cherbourg to New fork last June was read to the jury in the will contest case yesterday. Her deposition told of unusual conauct, but it was hardly to be regarded as strong evidence of insanity. She said Detective Stillwell had sought to have her make statements of much more effective charac ter, but she refused. The reading of Mrs. Sherman's deposition was also completed. Continued on Pago 3, Columns 1 and. 2. Continued on. Page 3, Column 1. Clean Sweep In, Idaho. BOISE, Idaho,. -Nov. 9.— Returns from' the Stated come '. in slowly, one PHILADELPHIA. , Nov. 9.—Argu ment was besun In the United States Court of Appeals in this city to-day on the appeal of the Northern Securities Company, from a judgment from the Circuit Court of New Jersey restrain ing the distribution^ of certain-stock of the Northern Pacific Railroad; Com pany. • The argument "will t be con cluded-to-morrow. ' Security Company Appeals. - ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 9.— The Russian inquiry] into -the reported fir ing upon, the -German .fishing .vessel Sontag by^ the- Russian second Pacific squadron In the'.Ndrth'Sea on- October 21 having : established jto[the , satlsfac-, tibn of the authorities: that oneof .the Russian* warships i did i fire > ,upon v the German vessel,, that she .lost-herifish ing • gear,.- Russia, has '• agreed ; ; to .'pay. full compensation ito the owner of ¦ the Result of "the Inquiry; Into the Firing * on tlic : Sontag. RUSSIA WILLPAY. Mathers and George H. Rudolph were employed in removing the wooden casing from the interior of an irrigation ¦well, forty fec-t deep. Mathers was at the bottom of the well and Rudolph operated a* windlass at the mouth of the weiL Mathers had chopped away a few of the lower timbers of the cas ing while Rudolph was hauling the debris up and out of the well. The •topping of the lower timbers lessened i he strength of the wooden caslnff.^and suddenly the upper timbers of the cas ing" broke away. Amid a crashing of boards and scantlings tons of stones and earth poured down upon Mathers from th<^ caving walls. Rudolph says that his companion was buried un<^r thirty feet of the cav ing. When he realized what had hap pened he at once summoned assistance and* volunteers are at work ditreinsr to ward the rescue of Mathers. / The grief of Mrs. Mathers^and her four daughters is pitiful to' behold. Weeping bitterly they stand at the mouth of the well urping th» workers on to even greater zeal and almost mo mentarily calling to the buried man in the vain hope of getting an answer ,from him. Mr. Mathers has Hvedjn Pomona a dozen years. His home is at 127 Eaft Pearl street. For a lone time he has been superintendent of the Po mona Irrigation Company's pumping plant. He is 46 years of ajre. POMONA, Nov. 9.— J. Alex Mathers was entombed beneath twenty feet of gravel, sand and earth at the bottom bf a well In the vacant lots near the corner of Artesia street and Oranee <Jrove avenue in Pomona this after noon. Relays of men have been work ing like mad men to extricate him in the faint hope that by some miracle he txiay be found alive. The principal characters in the ro mance al*e H. W. Herwitt, aged 52 years, a wealthy man who has spent much time in the capitals of Europe and the larger cities of the East, but who finally succumbed to the charms of Pasadena as a place of residence, and .Mile. Eugene Ep. Parrient, the daughter of French parents, whose na tive place is New Orleans, and whose age is 21. She came here to find rela tives, but they had left for Alaska and she was obliged to secure employment as a saleslady at the Boston Store. Wishing to >uy a little gift for a lady, the Pasadena bachelor wandered into the store soon after the pretty French saleswoman was employed and she chanced to wait on him. This led to Herwitt's going back on other occa sions to the counter of the new clerk at the Boston Store. Within three days there was a quiet 'wedding, and now Mr. and Mrs. Henvitt are in New York for a brief stay before starting on a Journey around the world.. LOS ANGELES,' Nov. ».— From the modest position of a saleswoman at the Boston Store, to that of wife of a wealthy man of leisure and great traveler is the step just taken by a beautiful young lady of this city. The news of the marriage which has -just been made public, although it occurred about three weeks ago, has created a sensation both in the French Colony of Los Angeles and among certain cir cles in Pasadena. - The demolition of ' the" Chinese^ new town is almost . completed, a thousand houses - having,, been;' destroyed for .the valuable firewood. they, contained." . : ' The town . is j constantly catching fire, and the majority of; the warehouses and I stores .belonging to foreigners have been' burned, to the ground. <i : So many men were killed on" both sides during the last r assault "that many bodies . lay : unburled for days, and in some Instances, dogs, which had been ] driven from T the town,, assuaged their hunger by eating the dead. In a few. cases where this was . seen, the .horror-stricken \ Russian . sharp shooters killed the dogs. Some months ago:. the Russian au thorities . ordered that all dogs seen upon the streets should be shot, '¦ with the result that half famished. creatures have been roaming; the hills, becoming savage. • i ; . The Chinese say that the forts' on Golden Hill- have done practically, no firing, for. months past, and it is be lieved that their ammunition has: run short. ": '. ¦ ,.'.;• , CHEFU, Nov.. 9.— The Japanese con tinue, to bombard Port Arthur and the shells are falling so incessantly that the Russians have practically aban doned the repair of the .work protect ing the harbor. \ Citizen volunteers and the police are now reinforcing the' garrisons of the forts, according to the stories, of Chinese arriving here, sixty of whom left Port Arthur on November 7, .ow ing to the high price of food. Bombardment of Port Arthur Contin ues and Shells Full Incessantly.- ENTOMBED AT BOTTOM OF A WELL Continued on Page 2, Column 1. Are Not Betrothed LONDON, Nov. 9. — The Spanish embassy here authorizes ten emphatic denial of the report 'circulated by a news agency in the United States of the betrothal of King Alfonso to Princess Victoria of Connaughu But in answer to the Questions pro pounded to her during the taking of the deposition the stewardess said she had warmly refused to sign : the state ment for the reason that part of it was false— that part in which Miss Warren was said to have made mention of Miss Dolbeer's mental condition and of ¦ a lover. But she had , no objection to tell ing what she knew of the strange man ner of Miss Dolbeer while crossing the ocean. The" most of the day was spent in finishing the reading of the deposition of Mrs. Raymond H. Sherman, a daugh ter of Mrs. J. L. Moody, a neice of the contestant and cousin' of the testatrix. On Monday her statements -were ad duced to the effect that a "change had come over Miss. Dolbeer during the last year of her life," she "had become very thin," and was "indifferent ' to anything and everything in life." . ; Yesterday It transpired that Mrs." There was some new testimony in the Dolbeer will contest yesterday — testimony that had been sealed up in depositions and withheld from the pub lic. The contestant shot "one of his strongest bolts, which was the deposi tion of the stewardess of the Deutsch land. on which Miss Bertha Dolbeer crossed the Atlantic shortly before her death. The German woman's state ments were that the passenger "stared" constantly, bore a "sad expression on her " face," and Miss Warren, to con trol her, "spoke as one would to quiet a child." ; :¦ r Miss "Warren was with Miss Dolbeer on the voyage in June last. They took the steamer at Cherbourg, after a stay in Paris, where Miss Dolbeer had gone to seek rest. the attorneys for the contestant laid much stress on this testimony of Miss Wilhelmina Pflueger, Pillsbury and McEnerney smiled at it. The jury had by this time been overtaxed by deposition reading and it exhibited no sign of arousal from languor. There was a very interesting part of Miss Pflueger's deposition. that did not reach the ears of the jurors, for Judge Coffey would not permit it to be. read. It appears that C. J. Still well/ for rcerly a detective in San Francisco but now in New York, approached her in the interest of contestant Schander to ascertain what testimony she might give. She says he brought with him a typewritten statement for her to" sign wherein it was set forth that Misa Warren had told her while the vessel was on the ocean that Miss Dolbeer was insane from melancholia," resulting from the loss of. her lover. STATEMENT WAS FALSE. SALESLADY WINS RICH HUSBAND mis n ii. shi;rman. cousin of the testatrix, whose deposition was read yesterday at the trial of* I THE CONTEST TO BREAK MISfc LOLBEER'S WILL, AND SCATTER THB FORTUNE BEQUEATHED BY THE UNFOR TUNATE FUKIDE TO HER FRIEND AND COMPANION, MISS WARREN. In Nebraska the definite announce ment . that the Legislature Is Republi can disposes of the statement that Wil liam . J. : Bryan ; had . aspirations for .the United .States Senatorship. In. that State, too, the, Governorship is in doubt/ There is a curious situation in Min nesota, where Roosevelt has 125.000 plurality,. but where a-Democratic Gov ernor. ' and a Republican . Lieutenant Governor were elected..' .Chairman Babcock of the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee has been ., returned to Congress, but Chairman Cowherd , of: the r Democratic Congressional \ Campaign Committee was, defeated in Missouri. . - ¦- The situation i in ; Colorado presented an interesting phase to-nijrht. Roose velt : has carried \ the ' State by probably 15,000, but -the i Governorship is still in' doubt; both sides claiming victory. The "Solid South" was broken by the defection of Missouri. The figures to night show but twelve States, with 133 votes, for Judge Parker. President Roosevelt carried all the Northern States— swept them in fact— and to night he. < has 343 electoral votes. The banner. State is Pennsylvania. Twenty four hours after the polls closed the returns, from this State indicated that Roosevelt's plurality • would reach 485, ooo. ¦:¦¦>¦¦< . Next 'came Illinois, where the Presi dent polled approximately 225,000 more votes than; did Parker. Ohio gave Roosevelt . 200.000 and New York 174,000. The New York* Citv re turns are .still .incomplete. - but the amazement over the . result has not subsided. Judge Parker carried Great er'New York by less than 41,000 votes. | In general, the situation Is chiefly in teresting :to-night because of 'the fact thaCthe tickets in many of the) States were cut. President Roosevelt ran ahead of his ticket in many localities. In Massachusetts he had a plurality of 86,000, 'while the Republican candidate for Governor was defeated by 35,000. In that State the* Legislature Is Re publican, and the entire Republican ticket, with the exception of Governor, was. elected. In Missouri the circum stances are similar/. * . NO TOGA FOR. BRYAN. NEW; YORK, Nov. 9.— With the election" returns' still incomplete the plurality' for President Roosevelt in the- nation,; according to all indications to-night, j will exceed I 1,500.000— the greatest ever given an American can didate. The nearest approach to this vote was in 1896,, when McKinley re ceived a plurality approximating 850, 000, and in 1872, when Grant received 762,'991. .To-night the -interest centers in Missouri and Maryland. Late re turns indicate that the former State is in the Republican column, so far as Presidential electors are concerned, but that Joseph W. Folk, the Demo cratic candidate, has been elected Governor. In'. Maryland the Presidential vote probably will ; - be cast for Roosevelt. Late . returns to-night indicate that Thomas A. Smith has been elected to Congress by the Democrats in the First District. Congressman Jackson of this district to-night,": however, put forward the claim that trick ballots were used and says he will contest the election. In the other. States it is simply a question of pluralities. .. "SOLID SOUTH'! NO LONGER. I^piffipipl^|nQ He "VHas Nearly a Hair Million Mafgin. "The Japanese, having offered the Russians ' favorable opportunities to surrender, are now Inclined to let them suffer for the consequences of their obstinacy." CHEFU, Nov. 9.— A junk which left Port Arthur on November 1 has ar rived here, bringing the news that the garrison up to that time had repulsed all Japanese attacks. The junk was intercepted by a Japanese torpedo boat, which confiscated all the correspond ence on board. Two Chinese who were on the Junk were executed by the Jap anese. .'.',.;.?> , DOGS DEVOUR THE DEAD. . "Prisoners captured by Nogi say eral Stoessel tells his men that the''Jap anese will massacre them if they sur render. Sorties are made every night.' "There is now no fresh, meat in the fortress; even the horseflesh is. said. to have given out. Rifle ammunition is alarmingly short and . shrapnel is scarce. "Desperate fighting .goes on,niKht and day around Port Arthur. The Russian garrison is- defending itself with the strength of despair.; 'jit, is re ported that the Russian numbers are now reduced to 9000 fighting me*n. ; ; '¦'. \ TOKIO, Nov. 9.— I* is ; reported ' that the Japanese'^have completely.,, silenced the. forts on Rihlurig ajid.Susupc^mbun ta.ins>and'»tha*'/Ctheir^wamjst,reneth;is- now attacking Etz' Mountain.""- ; - v -vV; DALNY, NdyJ 9.— Stanley Washbufn. war correspondent of the Chlcago'Daily News, cables the, following to his pa per: - ; '. • '. "\ V' •• '.. .'.¦¦ Missouri Increases -^His Electoral Vote to 343. ; Speclal. Dispatch to The- Call. Fresh Meat Is Exhausted and Even the Supply of Has Food and Ammunition Are Alarmingly Short in Port Arthur. Bryan says he did what he could to prevent the reorganization of the Democratic party; wiien he failed in this he did what he could to aid Parker and Davis in order to secure such reforms— and there were sev eral—promised by their election. Now that the campaign is over, he will assist- those who. desire to put the Democratic party once more on a strong basis; he will assist. in organizing for the campaign of 190S. , "It does not matter so much who the nominee may be. During the next three years circumstances may bring; Into the arena some man especially fitted to carry the standard.. It will be time enough to nominate a candi date when ' we are near enough to the campaign to measure the relative availability of those worthy to be considered. .' * . .'.'But'/we ought , to', begin now .to- lay our plans " for . the next national campaign ; and 1 to form .the line of . battle. "The party must continue . to. protest against a large army, against a Bryan says that for two years he has pointed out the futility of any attempt to , compromise with wrong or to patch up a peace with the great corporations which are now exploiting the country, but the sound money Democrats were bo alarmed by the race Issue that they listened rather re luctantly, be it salfl to their credit, to the promises of a successful cam paign held out by those who had contributed "to the defeat of the party in the two preceding campaigns. He continued: . "The experiment has been a costly one and it is not likely to be re peated during the present generation. The Eastern Democrats were also deceived. They were led to believe that the magnates and monopolists who coerced the voters in 1896 and supplied an enormous campaign fund in both 1S96 and 1900 would help the Democratic party If our party would only be less radical. . The corporation press aided in this deception and even the Re publican papers professed an unselfish desire to help build up the Demo cratic party. The election has opened the eyes of the hundreds of thou sands of honest and. well meaning Democrats who, a few months ago, fav ored the reorganization of the party. These men now see that they must either, go into the Republican party or join with the Democrats of the West and South in making the Democratic party a positive, aggressive and pro gressive reform organization. There is no middle ground." Will Jlssist in Reorganization. "The Democratic party cannot hope to compete successfully with the Republican party for this support. To win the support of the plutocratic element of the country the party would have to become more plutocratic than the Republican party.. and it could not do this without losing several times as many votes as that course would win. The, Democratic party has nothing to gain by catering to organized and predatory wealth. It must not only do without such support. 'but it can strengthen itself by Inviting the open'and emphatic opposition of these elements. The campaign Just closed shows that It is as inexpedient from the standpoint of » policy as it Is wrong from the standpoint of principle K to attempt any con ciliation of the Industrial and financial despots who are ' gradu ally ' getting control of. all the avenues of wealth. The Democratic party.' if It hopes to win success, must take the side of the plain common people." Futility of Making Compromises. "In 1S96 the line was drawn for the first time during the present genera tion between plutocracy and democracy, and the party's stand on the side of democracy alienated a large number of plutocratic Democrats, who in the nature of things cannot be expected to return, and it drew to itself a large number of earnest advocates of reform, whose attachment to these re forms Is much stronger than attachment to any party name. The Republi can party occupies the conservative position. This Is, it defends those who. having secured unfair advantage through class legislation, insist that they shall not be disturbed, no matter how oppressive their exactions may be come. -¦--¦• "The convention "accepted this theory and the platform made no refer ence to the money -question^ but Judge Parker felt that it was his duty to announce his personal adherence tV the sold standard. His gold telegram, as it was called, while embarrassing to 1 the Democrats of the " West and South, :'warf applauded by the Eastern press. He had the cordial Indorse ment of, Mr." Cleveland, Who declared that the party had returned to "safety and sanity"; he had "the support of the Democratic papers which bolted In 1S96, arid he also had the aid of nearly all of those who were prominent in the campaigns of 1896 and 1900, and yet his defeat Is apparently greater than the party suffered in either of those years. "It is unquestionable also that Judge Parker's defeat was not local but general, the returns from the eastern States being as disappointing as the returns from' the West. The reorsranizers are in complete control of the party. They planned the campaign and carried it on according to their own views, and the f verdict against their plan is unanimous. Surely silver can not be blamed for this defeat, for the campaign was run on a gold basis. Neither can the defeat be charsred to emphatic condemnation of the trusts, for the trusts were not assailed as vigorously this year as they were four years ago. It is evident that the campaign did not turn upon the question of imperialism, and It is not fair to consider the result as a personal victory for the President, for his administration was the subject of criticism. The result was due to the fact that the Democratic party attempted to be con servative in the presence of conditions which demand radical remedies. It sounded a partial retreat when it should have ordered a charge all along the line. Plutocratic Democrats Jilienated. '"The Democratic party hasunet with an overwhelming defeat In the na tional election. As yet the returns are not sufficiently complete to permit analysis and it is impossible to say whether the result is due to an actual increase m Jhe number of Republican voters, t>r to a falling off in the Dem ocratic vote. This phase of the subject will be dealt with next week when the returns are all in. The questions for consideration at this time are: What lesson does the election teach? "arid what of the future? The defeat of Judge Parker should^not be considered a personal one. He did as well as he could under the circumstances; he was the victim of unfavorable condi tions and of a mistaken party policy. He grew In popularity as the cam paign proceeded and expressed himself more and more strongly upon the trust question, but could not overcome the heavy odds against him. "The so-called conservative Democrats charged the defeats of 1S06 and 1900 to the party's position on the money question and insisted that a vic tory could be, gained by dropping the coinage question entirely. Parker's Embarrassing LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 9.— William J. Bryan to-day gave out an extend ed statement concerning yesterday's election, which is intended to serve as his comment upon the result, and as an answer to reports connecting 1 him with a movement looking to the formation of a new party. Bryan said he would not attempt to deny all the reports circulated as to his future politi cal action, but would let his statement serve to explain his position. He says : Roosevelt's Plu rality Greatest in History. -V ' ¦ f So- Catted tPtutocratic € foment of the 97?/' noritj/ &s Snv/ted to Set Out. Remnant of Garrison Pigtiting to the Goldites' Reign at an End FORMER RECORD BROKEN STOESSEL HAS ONLY 9000 MEN Surrender to Wall Street, Says the Nebraskan Defeated Parker. THE THBATEX& CALIFORNIA— 'Sweet Qowwr" CENTRAL. — "Her Marrtaj* Vow." COLUMBIA — "The County Chalnnam" CHUTES— Vaudeville. FISCH ER' S— Vaudeville. GRAJfD — "Pretty Fe«*y." MAJESTIC — "An American Cttlaen.- Matinee to-day. ORPHEUM— VanderlUe. Matlne* to day. TTVOLI — "The Messenger Boy." TBB yTEA.TE.ER. Ux .-;: - "• I Fbroc*st made at JJin Vtudsco t or thirty tears — «««wf nddnlstttp N<rrem berlO: Bui rrmndsco and rMnlty— Fair Tfcsrslaj; cooler; fresh e**t wind. - A. O. MrATOK. T>!Mrtct Fbncaater. SAN FRANCISCO, -THURSDAY, NOVEMBER v 10, 1904. PRICE FIVE CENTS. The San Francisco Call.