Newspaper Page Text
Memoranda. Per schr H C.Wright— Oct 23, lat 32 N, long 144 W, carried away the fore gaff by vessel rolling heavily. .-.:-¦¦¦'. , . Captain Kirk wood and crew of wrecked Btmr Mlneola arrived on stmr Manchuria. ¦ • SEATTLE, ". Nov. ft— U^S stmr Wyomlns; ran •ground near Bremerton this murnlnjc.' Fatal Accident to P. A. Reger. Coroner Leland waa notified yester day; of the death of P.' A.. Rearer, at his residence, .4062 Nineteenth street, last Tuesday night. • The cause of death* was "given as traumatic ' men ingitis. Last Thursday Mr. Reger;ac cldentally struck his head against a door. Meningitis : resulted . from the Injury.. He was a traveling salesman. They Will Examine the Passenger Boats in the Harbor to Note - . Their General Equipment. Admiral. Kemp and Secretary Met calf of : the Department of Commerce and Labor will proceed this morning to investigate the conduct of the United "States Local Inspectors of Stcani Vessels. They will visit many vessels in the harbor and will satisfy themselves by personal inspection whether they are equipped and man aged In accordance with the law. Cap tains O. F. Bolles and John K. Bulgrer, United States Local. Inspectors, will accompany the party. Captain Bulger Bald yesterday that he would do all in his power to assist Admiral Kemp and " Secretary Metcalf in their labors and that he had every confidence that . .they would find the ¦work of the local office satisfactory. SECRETARY MfcTCALP AND ADMIRAIi KEMP WORKING The Doric's Cargo. Tt« steamer Doric sailed ' yesterday for Hongkong and way ports via Honolulu with a general merchandise cargo, valued at $514,310, exclusive of treasure, and to be distributed as follows: For Japan. 1230,927; China, $1U4,51O; Philippine lelands, |107,563; East _Jndles, $l»ltf; Korea, S1621; bouth Africa. J0M; lilwn, »l-v. The following ware the leading exports: To Japan — 1303 rolls 14 cs leather, 115 flasks quicksilver, Ihil bales cotton, 5100 kegs naUa. Hi* bdU 987 pea suel. 887,608 lbs Un plate, tSH4 lbs sheet lead. Ca pkgs machinery, 255 pkgs bicycles and parts. 142 bdls pipe, 675 bbls Sour. 742 lbs cheese, &00 cs canned sal mon, -0 pkgs fresh fruits, 3S9 os assorted canned goods, 61 cs whisky, 950 lbs raisins, 'Mo lbs codfish, 253 lbs ham and bacon, 3d pkgs groceries and provisions, 14,240 lbs sugar, 2tc-.j sals wine, 61 18 Iba dried fruit, 130 cm table preparations. 275 lb« butter, 400 lb* hops, 45 pkgs electrical • supplies, 80 pkgs dry goods, S2 cs boots and shoes, 14 bales duck, 11 cs drugs. To China— "0W bbls flour, 14,b25 lbs ginseng, 8479 lbs beans, 4C0 pkgs fresh fruits, 1C2S lbs ham and bacon, 23 cs bread, 2000 lbs' oleo margarine, feO5 cs assorted canned roods, 275 cs canned salmon, 11,221 lbs cheese, 6700 lbs codfish, 650 lbs 11 cs dried fruit. 33 cs table preparations, 5 cs liquors, 20,210 lbs pearl bar ley. 14,ttl2 lbs dried fish, 680 pkgs groceries and provisions, 800 lbs raisins, 30 pkgs pota toes, 120 casks beer. 6694 lbs tobacco, 2 pkgs electrical supplies, 4 pkgs machinery, 5 pkgs flry goods. To Philippine Islands— 780 bbls flour, 280 pkgs fresh fruits. 204 gals M0 os whisky. 193 gals 20 cs liquors, 6 ca wlne> 4685 cs assorted canned goods, &0 cs fruit Juico, 47S bales hay. 84 cs meals. 2080 lbs dried fruit. 6600 lbs cod fish. 1650 lbs bread. 25 cs salad olL 102 ca table preparations, 86,441 lbs lard. 250 lbs raisins, 10.865 lbs ham and bacon, 240 bbls beer. &0 pkgs past*, 60 bales cotton. 0450 lbs copper. 25 pkgs wagon material, 16Q pkgs tank material. 72 pkgs electric*! supplies, 808 pkgs paper, 6 pkga dry roods, 771 pkgs ma chinery, 10 rolls leather, 18 cs dross, - 23 pkgs A General Carjro for London. The British ship Chelmsford was cleared yes terday for London with 74,294 cs canned fruit, S16] cs canned salmon. 1504 cs canned vege tables, 20,411 ctls barley. t&75 gals 64 cs wine 671.728 lbs pig lead. 4CM3O lbs caacara sagrada. 48 cs eheep dip and 55 pkgs household goods valued at {31&.764. Also 80,000 ft lumber as dunnage, valued at (&40. ARRIVED, Wednesday, Nov 9 Stmr Iaqua, Joncensen, 60 hours from Port land. Stmr National City, Hammtr, 13 hours from Fort BragK. Stmr Acme, Reed, 40 hours from Baa Pedro Stmr Newbur*. Anflndsen, 97 hours from Grays Harbor. Stmr Coos Bay, Leland, 64 hours from San Pedro and way ports. Stmr Manchuria, Saunders, 29 days from Honskonsr, via Yokohama 17 days, via Hon olulu 6 days. St;»ir Homer. Donaldson, 38 \ hours from ' Ban Pedro. Stmr Celia, Smith, 20 hours from Albion Bark Olympic, Evans, 17 day« from Hono lulu. ' Brig: Galilee, Hayes, 43 days from Apia. Schr H C WriKht. Nielsen, 21 days from Mahukona. CLEARBD. Wednesday. Nov. 8, Stmr State of California, Nlcotson, San Di ego; Pacific COast Steamship Company. Stmr Corona. Gielow. Eureka; Pacific Coast Steamship Company. Stmr Enterprise, Younnrren, Hilo; J D Ppreckels & Broa Co. Br stmr Doric, Smith, Hongkong: and Yoko hama, via Honolulu: Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company. Br ship Chelrasford, Burd, London; O W McNear. Br ship Kensington, Borland, Queenstown: J J Moore & Co. Br bark Weathersfleld, Cooper, Tkemantle* J J Moore & Co. SAILED. Wednesday, Kor. 0. Stmr Eureka, lessen. Eureka. Btmr Arctic. Nelson. Eureka. Br atmr Doric, Smith, Honolulu, Yokohama and H on git ong. Etmr Iaqua, Jorsreneon, Ban Pedro. Btmr Acme, Reed, Eureka. Stmr Brunswick, Rllefeen, Fort Brags. Stmr Jeanie. Bartlett, Seattle. Schr Jennie Griffin, Gibson, Botlna*. Schr Mary C, Campbell, Bodega, Schr J M Weatherwax. Backman, Grays Harbor. • / DIED. On board brie Galilee, Oct 6 — Martin Mar. tlneon, lat 18 N.long 171 SO W; age 23; native of Norway; buried at sea same day.' TELEGRAPHIC. ' POINT 1OBO6, Nov 9, 10 p m— Weather dear and calm. ; - ¦ \ DOMESTIC PORTB.' KUREKA— Arrived Nor 8— fitmr IToto. hence Nor 7; stmr Ban Pedro, heno« Wot T. Balled Not 8 — Stmr San Gabriel, for San Pedro. Not 9 — Schr Bertie Minor, for San 1 Pedro. • Sailed Nov 0— Stmr Pasadena, for San Fran clsoo; schr Bertha Dolbeer, for Ban Dtegot ¦ttnr Pomona, for San Francisco. ¦¦- UMPQ.UA RIVER— Arrived Nor 7— Bohr Lily, henos Oct 80. - . KBDONDO — Arrived Not 9 — Stmr South A Careo for Australia, The British bark Weathenfield was cleared for Fremantle, Australia, yesterday with 200 cs canned salmon. 13.440 ctls barley, '483,540 ft lumber and 1W5O doors, valued at $39,089. The Uurk also carried 10.000 ft of lumber aa dun ii&ce. valued at $120. Bay. from San Pedro and called for San Pedro; schr Crescent, from Portland. , Sallod Nov 0— Schr Minnie A Calne, for Port Townsend. COOS BAY — Arrived Nov 9-*Btmr Alliance, from Portland. Sailed Nov S — Stror Arcata, for San Fran cIbco. • ¦ ASTORIA — Arrived • Nov 9 — Stmr Aurelia. hence Nov 6. Sailed Nov 0 — Stmr Columbia, for San Fran cleco; stmr Rosecrans, for San Frsnclsco PORT HARFORD— Sailed Nov 9. 4 a m— Btmr Bonlta.' for San Francisco. BEATTLB— Arrived Nov 9— Stmr Queen, hence Nov 6. Sailed Nov 9 — Stmr Umatllla, for San Fran cisco. . •. TATOORH ISLAND— Passed in Nov 8 — Br ship Strathdon. hence Oct 31 for 'Port Town send. • . , •. PORT GAMBLE— Arrived Nov 9— Schr Ad miral, from Port Hadlock; bktn Kllkitat, from Port Ludlow. SAN PEDRO— Arrived Nov 9— Schr Ameri cana, from Port Blakeley: stmr Jas 8 Hlgr gin», hence Nov 7; stmr Alcazar, from Green wood; schr Melrose, from Columbia River. Sailed Nov 9 — Bktn Chas F Crocker, for Port Townwend; stmr Northland, for San Fran cisco. SOUTH BEND— Balled. Nov 9— Schr Mar coni, for San Francisco. " PORT GAMBLE— Arrived Nov 9— Bark Al bert from Port Townsend. SANTA BABBARA— Sailed Nov 9— Stmr Bo nita, for San Pedro: stmr. Santa Rosa, for San Francisco. '*"':>¦¦¦ " • ¦ PORT BLAKELET — Arrived Nov 9 S«hr John G North, from Port Gamble. WINSLOW — Sailed Nov 9_g c hr W L Smith, for Everett. GRAYS HARBOR— Sallod Nov • 8— Bark Wrestler, for Santa Rosalia. ¦ Arrived Nov 9 — Schr Metha Nelson, hence Oct 29. - ¦ • ¦¦¦¦--¦ ISLAND PORTS HONOLULU— Arrived Nov &—u S stmr Eherman, hence Nov 1 ¦ for Manila and Guam Bailed Nov' 9 — Stmr Alameda. for San Fran cisco. - FOREIGN PORTS. MOJ1— Sailed Nov Br etmr EIlerle. for Portland.' ¦ ' ADELAIDE — Arrived Nov 8 — Br bark Pas* of Lemy. from Port Ludlow. UA.DYSMITH— Sailed- Nov 8— Br stmr "Weli lineton.- for San Francisco. • VICTOniA — Arrived Nov 9 — Br stmr ¦ Em preps of China, from Hongkong. TABLE BAT — Arrived Nov 9 ItaJ bark Gaetano Casabona. from Sydney. YOKOHAMA— Sailed . Nov 0— Stmr Kor«a, for Ban Francisco. . IQUIQUE— 8all»d Nut 9 — Schr Alumna, for Honolulu. . - v - ¦¦ ., •"-¦., SHIPPING INTEIililGENCE. Shipment of Wheat. The British ship Kensington was cleared yesterday for Queenstown for orders with 61, 416 ctls wheat, valued at $89,053. and 20 OO0 ft lumber as dunnage, valued at $350 Sbarboro and Jennings Also Visit Ital ian Embassador and Two Cabinet Officers at Washington. Among the first to be received by President Roosevelt .."on the morning after his election were Andrea Sbar horo, chairman of the California Pro motion Committee, representing the Manufacturers' and Producers' Asso ciation of San Francisco, and Rufus P. Jennings, executive officer of the com mittee, representing the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce on the commit tee. The California Promotion Com mittee Wednesday received a telegram to this effect: "After leaving the White House Messrs." Sbarboro and Jennings lunched with the Italian Embassador. Des Planches, at the embassy, and several- distinguished diplomats were present During their visit to Washington they have also conferred with Paul Morton, Secretary of the Navy, and William H. Taft, Secretary ol War, regarding the use of prunes aud raisins as a ration in the army and navy and on Indian reservations. The matter is now being taken up with the subsistence department. An order may be issued to include these valu able California products In the army and -navy rations." . . v> v '•¦.¦-' Matters of Interest to Mariners and Shipping Merchants. The British ship Acamas U chartered for lumber from Eureka, to United Kingdom, and the bark Olympic returns to Honolulu with general cargo. The BritUh ships Matterhorn and Inverclyde and the French b&rk Marguerite Mirabaud will proceed to Australia In ballast. PROMOTION COMMITTEE OFFICERS SEE PRESIDENT XEWS OP THE OCEAN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10. - Sun rises 7777777!" ~ nTIa Sun sets g:~. Moon sets '.*7:*57**p'. 'm~. S I 1 " 1 ™' ™ I 1 "" 1 " '""•I Time! LkzJ^ MniM 'M Ft - 1? v$\ a ii bhsi a islsis J| » *6 4.7 gHg 3.2! 2:24 4.8 SlStf «1 13 4:45 4.7 »:.?7l .1.2 3:24 4 4 10-14 OK 14 8:38 4.7 11:021 S.I 4 85 4 0 11 0 9 15 I 6:27| 4.s!l2:l-l 2.9| 5:47 3.9Jli : r,8 1.2 NOTE— In the above exposition of the tld«« the early morning tides are given In the left hand column and the successive tides of the day in the order of occurrence as to time: the fourth time column gives the last tide of th* day, except when there are but three tides as *^m lme ? occurs. The heights given are in addition to the soundings of the United States Coast Survey Charts, except when a minus (— ) sign precedes the height, and then the number given Is subtracted from the depth given by the charts. The plane of reference Is th« mean of the lower low waters.. Time Ball. Branch Hydrographlo Office, U S N Mer chants' Exchange, , San Francisco Cal November 9 1004 ', ' The Time Bail on 'the tower of the Ferry building-was dropped exactly «t noon to-day— I. e.. at noon of the 120th meridian, or at 8 p. m. Greenwich time. J. C. BURNETT Lieutenant. U. S. N., In charge. Georsrr Hadovleh Trios to End His Ufe by Suii-ide Over Imaginary Troubles. George Radovich, one of the propri etors of a restaurant at 108 Flllmore street, made a mad jump yesterday afternoon . from the roadway at the Cliff House over the face of the sharp edged rocks facing the ocean. He miscalculated the distance between the place from which he Jumped to the water and as a consequence land ed between two .projecting 1 cliffs from where he was rescued by the com bined exertions of Policeman H. M. X«vy and Dr. Charles Millar of the Park Emergency Hospital. ¦ The shock he received had the ef fect of curing all the ideas he had conceived of ending his life. . , Financial difficulties over his inabil ity to either sell. out or buy his part ner's interest in the restaurant, with an . overindulgence in wine Is what turned Radovich's mind. ADMINISTRATORS* ACCOUNT. — Th« fourth annual account of the administrators of the estate of George T. Reynolds wu filed yesterday, showing receipts during; th« year of $70,362 94 and expenditures of $52.(Kk>, leaving a balance on hand of S1S.304 65. MAKES MAD JUMP OVER ROCKS AT THE CIrfFF SANTA ROSA, Nov. 9.— While es corting two prisoners whom he had arrested at Kenwood to the County JaiU this morning. Sheriff Frank F. Grace found himself in an unusual pre dicament. He was forced to look down the muzzle of a rifle in the hands of one of his prisoners, and listen to the demands of the men for his money and a revolver which they knew the Sheriff carried. - v ¦¦ '¦' ¦ Last nigrht a saloon on' the Sonoma road near this city was robbed, and William Cameron and Charles j Cor men were wanted for the crime. Grace went to Kenwood on the mornintr Southern Pacific train and at that place the youthful culprits attempted to board the train. '. In order to take the boys to the saloon they had robbed for identification, Grace hired a vehicle and driver to return to this city. 'When near the city limits Grace permitted Cormen to alight momentarily from the vehicle and the prisoner took ad vantage of the opportunity to run. Grace fired three shots »in the air "to frighten- the culprit, and then jumped to the ground in pursuit of the pris oner, leaving the second man in the wagon with the driver. The Other prisoner picked up a rifle which had been taken from him and which lav on the bottom of the vehicle and started in pursuit of the prisoner. . When Sheriff Grace came up the creek bank without the first prisoner who escaped, he looked Into the muzzle of the rifle held in the hands of his prisoner. He was dumf ounded ; and argued with the prisoner, asklne him to lower the gun. Finally in fancied security Cameron started to walk away, when William Murphy and John Underhlll came -to the scene attracted by the shots flred by the Sheriff. See ing he was pursued Cameron flred two shots at. Sheriff Grace ,and one each at the other men. ainrphy returned Kteam Schooner Association. Articles of Incorporation were filed yester day by the Steam Schocner Managers' Asso ciation, which states its purpose to be to ••advance th* Interest* of Its merr.bere and b*i*efit the Paciflr Coast chipping trade; u» control and manager the business of chipping, *mployir.g and paying seamen and other em ployee and tb*> general operation of a chip ping office. The incorpcrators. well known ship owners, are as follows : Robert Dollar of Fan Rafael. W. G. Tibbette of Alameda, Thorns* Pollard of San Francisco. George D. tiray «.f <'nV.\xnt, J. R. Har.'.fy of Hjugallto. Special Dispatch to The Call. Water Front Xotes. The brig Galilee came In port yesterday from a cruise among the South Pacific islands, with a cargo of i'95 tons of copra. Captain Hayes reports unusually bad weather and th« loss of several sails in the gales that beat down on the llttlt vessel. It is reixjrted that the British bark Pass of Leny, from Port Ludlow, put Into Adelaide in a wrecked condition. She had passed through a severe gale with the loss of yards, sails and rigging. 1 he echooner H. C. Wright arrived yester day frrm the Hawaiian Islands. October 23 she encountfred a storm that carried away the foregan*. and did other damage to the vessel. Tho Pa< itic Mail freighter Aztec is sched uled to arrive about next Sunday with a cargo of coal. After discharging she will Immedi ately begin loading a cargo for, Japanese ports. The sailing of the steamer Breakwater has bet-n postjjoned to Saturday at 5 p. m. The chip Shenandoah came over from Sau aalito to pier 4, where she Is having a new mast Btpjpijfcd. All the Redstaek towboats yesterday had their coiors at half mast In memory of th« late "Captain Bill" Deitericksen. San, Moon and Tide. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey , Time and Height of High and Low Waters at Fort Point, entrance to San Francisco Bay. Published by official authority of the Superintendent. NOTE— The high and low waters occur at the city front <Misslon-9treet wharf) about 25 minutes later than at Fort Point; the height of. tide Is the same at both places. ROBBERS HOLD UP A SHERIFF the fire with a rifle and finding himself out of ammunition, Cameron surren dered. On the boys were found more than 120, a gold watch, two rifles and other property stolen from the saloon man. They are believed to be horse thieve3 who have been operating In this vicin ity and Mendoclno County many months. Neither Is more than 17 years of age. Cameron has established a reputation to-day as being a youth of desperate character. Supervisors' Street Committee Agrees* on .Method to Improve Street Railway Service. The Supervisors' Street Committee yesterday referred to the City Attor ney all the questions raised by E.IP. E. Troy as tb the alleged forfeiture of franchises on various streets by the United Railroads owing to non-user in order to have the matter legally determined by the courts if. that course is deemed necessary- The 2 committee decided that it would be necessary to pass ordinances covering the many reforms which Troy desires to Introduce in the ser vice of the street railways. Troy wanted regulations as to speed and the installation of proper life guards on cars to prevent frequent accidents. Troy agreed to prepare an ordi nance requiring the cars to be cleaned periodically as a sanitary precaution and the committee will take It under consideration. The proposed ordinance making it unlawful for any person operating an automobile to drain oil from the crank case or gear case of the ma chine on the public streets was taken under advisement. The committee reported in favor of an ordinance prohibiting the distribu tion of. circulars or books containing immoral or obscene literature. CITY ATTORNEY TO PASS OX tX>RFEITED FRANCHISES Harbor Commissioners Meet. At the regular meeting of the Board of Har bor Commissioners yesterday afternoon a com munication was received from the Vallejo, Benicia and Napa Railroad Company asking for more wharf epace. The company states that it has made a contract with the Montecello Steamehip Company to handle the railroad business here and that the present accommo dations on pier 2 being inadequate, it asks to be aligned to the berth on Clay street, now occupied by the steamer H. J. Corcoran. The board reiused to make the change. The abandonment of the Second street car frrry slip and the change to the ferry slip. In Central Basin have made it necessary to es tablish a new ferry fairway 'in that 'locality. The secretary of -the board was directed to consult with the United States Coast and Geodetic survey en the matter. Another large and handsome building Will soon be In process of construction on Geary street, opposite Union Square. The plans have been prepared by Reid Brothers, and excavation on the pro posed site Is now going on. The build ing will be the property of Miss Mary E. Kohl and will cost about $100,000. The plans are for an. -eight-story building, with a frontage of 50 feet, and a depth of 80 feet. The ground floor will be occupied by stores and the up- per stories will be devoted to offices. The front of the structure will be built entirely of stone and the structure will add to the beauty of the neighborhood. As yet the lower floor has not been leased, but the upper floors will be oc cupied as soon as the building is com pleted. The contractors expect to have the building ready for occupancy about the end of May of the coming yefcr. The material is all at hand and work will not be .delayed. C. R. Johnson of Fort Bragg and Robert H. S Wayne of Alameda. HANDSOME EIGHT-STORY BUSINESS BLOCK SOON TO BE ERECTED ON THE • SOUTH SIDE OF UNION SQUARE FOR MISS MARY E. KOHL, OWNER. AT A COST OF » 10O, COO. i Molra M. Spencer, a first cousin of Herbert Spencer, the "famous English philosopher, died suddenly yesterday morning of heart disease In his resi dence. 910 Powell street, where he con i ducted a small stationery store. Mr. ; Spencer was 70 years old and was the son of a California pioneer. His father, a brother of Herbert Spencer's father, took Molra to the United States when I the lad was not more than 1 or 2 (years old. The deceased had many ;. friends In this city and was a diligent i student. He was a devout churchman, and in speaking of him yesterday the Rev. David Evans, rector of Grace Church, said: Mr. Sr*ncer was In church last' Sunday and took • communion. He was absolutely regu lar In his attendance, never having mlased one single early celebration,- at 8 o'clock, since I came here six months ago. • . He was a great athlete notwithstanding his 70 years, and had a gymnasium at his resi dence, wher* he delighted in the practice of muscular exercise. Mr. Spencer took the most enthusiastic In terest In the welfare- of San Francisco. -.In his conversation he ¦jvas-j ardent In «hls . ad vocacy of pure, civic government. He wag a busy student and he held to his unpretentious pbnde in the hope • that one day he might realize what he Judged was Its value. "William H. Holt, organist at Grace Church, said Mr. Spencer was in hla choir at the Church of the Advent fif teen years ago, and when Holt later changed to Grace Churcn Spencer fol lowed him and had . been a constant worshiper there ever since. He would never leave the church until the last note on the organ was sounded. VENERABLE RELATIVE OF FA MOUS BRITISH PHILOSOPHER. WHO DIED HERE YESTERDAY. TO ARRIVB. Steamer. From. I Due. Blliabeth Coquilla Rlvsr Nov. 10 Chico Coqullla Rlrer Nov. 10 Empire Coos Bay & Pt. Orford. Nor. 10 C. Nelson Seattle &. Tacoma. Nov. 10 Ammon Seattle Nov. 10 Pomona Humboldt Nov. 10 Columbia Portland 9c Astoria Nov. 10 Point Arena. . Mendoclno & Pt. Arena. Nov. 10 Santa Rosa. , San Diego & Way Pts. Nov. 10 Alliance Portland & Way Ports. Nov. 10 Argo Eel River Ports Nov. 10 Northland.... San Pedro Nov. 10 Chohalis Grays Harbor Nov. 11. W. Kruger... Humboldt Nov. 11 North Fork. . Humboldt Nov. 11 Coptic....... China & Japan Nov. 11 Aztec Kobe Nov. 12 Barracouta. . New York via Ancon.. Nov. 12 Bonlta, Newport & Way Ports. Nov. 12 Umatllla. .... Pugct Sound PorU. . . . Nov. 12 Eureka Humboldt Nov. 12 Wyefleld Oyster Harbor Nov. 13 1 Corona Humboldt Nov. 13 S. Monica Grays Harbor Nov. 13 Redondo Portland & Astoria.... Nov. 18 .Arctic Humboldt Nov. 13 San Pedro Nov. 14 S Barbara.." San Pedro Nov. 14 Bute of Cal.. Ba « Diego & Way Pts. Nov. 14 Pomo........ Point Arena. & Albion. Nov. 16 Breakwater.. Coos T3ay ............ Nov. 16 Arcata Coos Bay & Pt. Orford. Nov. 16 Alameda Honolulu Nov. 16. Coo» Bay San Pedro & Way Pts. Nov. 16 G W Elder.. Portland & Astoria.... Nov. 15 Peru New York via Ancon.. Nov. 16 Aurella . .. Portland & Astoria.... Nov. 16 Marlpoea Tahiti Nov. 17 Queen Puget Sound Ports Nov. 17 Saxonla Hamburg & Way Pt«. [Nov. 20 1 Menes. Hamburg & Way Pta.|Nov. 20 TO SAIL. Steamer. Destination. Sails. Pier. November 10. Rainier Seattle & Bllnghm 4 pm Pier 10 C. Nelson.. Los Angeles Ports. 2 pm Pier 20 Northland..! Astoria & Portland 5 pm Pier 27 Sierra i Sydney & Way Pts 2 pm Pier 7 G. Llndauer. Grays Harbor 6 pm Pier 2 Sequoia ! Willapa Harbor ... 12 m Pier 20 Pomo Pt. Arena & Albion 6 pm Pier 2 State of Cal San Diego & Way. 8 am Pier 11 M. Dollar..' Grays Harbor.. 4 pm Pier 2 | S. Monica.. Los Angeles Ports. 10 am Pier i November 11. Elizabeth... Coqullle . River 5 pm Pier 20 Breakwater Cooe Bay direct... 5 pm Pier 8 Arcata Coos B. & Pt. Orf d 12 m Pier 13 City Peubla Puget Sound Ports. 11 am Pier 9 Coos Bay... San Pedro & Way. 9 am Pier 11 Nevadan... Hono. & Kahulul. 11 am Pier 23 Alliance Eureka & Coos B Pier 16 November 12. Chico CoquillP River .... 6 pm Pier 2 Newburg... Grays Harbor 4 pm Pier 10 Ammon.... Hamburg & Way. 10 am[Pler 19 Acapulco... N. Y. via Ancon.. 12 mjPler 10 Argo Eel River Ports.. 4 pm Pier 2 Point Arena Point Arena 4 pm Pier 2 Pomona.... Humboldt 1:30 p Pier 9 November 13. S. Monica.. Los Angeles Ports. 10 am Pier 10 Columbia. . Astoria & Portland 11 am Pier 24 S..Rosa San Diego & Way. 9 am Pier 11 November 14. [ Centralla...' Gray? Harbor 4 pm Pier 10 Eureka ; Humboldt 9 anvPler i:i N. Fork. j Humboldt 12 m Pier 20 S. Barbara, i Grays Harbor 4 pm Pier 2 November IS. Corona Humboldt l:30pPier 9 Bonlta Newport & Way.. 9 amiPier 11 Manchuria. China & Japan.... 1 pm Pier 40 Calif ornlan . New York ( pier 25 November 16. | Redondo... Astoria & Portland! 5 pm Pier 27 Arctic Humboldt 9 amiPier 2 Umatllla... Puget Sound Ports. 9 amJPler 11 November 18. I G. W. Elder Astoria & Portland 11 amlPler 24 November 19. I Alameda... 1 Honolulu 11 amjpier 7 . FROM SEATTLE. ~~ Steamer. Destination. - M Balls. . Bertha Cooks Inlet * Way Pts.U'ov. 10 Humboldt fikagway & Way Ports !Nov 11 Dolphin Skagway & Way Porta.lNov 12 Santa Ana... 8eldovia & Way Ports INov 16 City Seattle.. Skagway & Way Ports. Nov' 16 Farallon Skagway & Way Ports. Nov! 19 COAST RECORD 1 M4 4 I i 1 1 r '' -f\ J?*** 1 " SO. 40 68 SO NW Clear .00 r »? n fO.24 62 26 N Clear .00 p r , e^ a «>•(» 72 4« SW Clear .00 Fresno 80.02 74 42 NW Clear .00 flagstaff 2».98 60 24 B Clear .00 lEdependence .30.08 74 44 N Clear .00 Los Anpeles ..28.88 90 56 SW Clear .00 Mt. TamsJpala.30.06 69 66 N Clear .00 ?»orth Head ..30.10 70 60 D Clear .00 Phowjlx 29.86 80 46 W Clear .00 Pclnt Reyes ..29.99 70 60 ND Clear .00 Portland 30.14 66 '44 E Clear .00 Pocatello 30.30 66 28 SW ' Clear .00 R*d Bluff ....30.04 78 46 SB Clear .00 Itoeeburg- 30.12 60 42 W Clear .00 Sacramento ..30.02 68 42 8B Clear .<X> San Francisco. 30. 04 74 56 X Clear .00 8. L. Oblspo. .29.96 88 56 E Clear .00 San Diego 2».S6 84 04 NW Clear .00 Seettle 30.20 48 42 W Cloudy .00 S. EX Farallon.30.O3 63 68 NW Pt.Cldy .00 Spokane 30.44 56 32 NE Clear .00 Tato<>Bh 80.10 56 54 E Clear .00 WaJla Walla.. 30.40 54 . 8rt S Clear .00 Wlnnemucca ..30.28 C8 23 NB Clear .00 Yuma 29. S8 86 (4 N Clear- .00 WEATHER CONDITIONS AXD GENERAIi FORECAST. Th« pressure !»' falling steadily on the Pa cific Coast, but the weather continues fair. No' rain Is reported west of the Rocky Moun tains. Warm weather continues along the entire coast of California. The following- hlg-h winds are reported: Ta to<ish Island, 52 miles, .from the east; North Head, 2S. east. Forecast made at Fan Francisco for thirty hours ending midnight. November 10: Northern California — Fair Thursday, becom ing cloudy at night; cooler along the coast; lisht east winds. Southern California — Fair Thursday, cooler; Ucfct ra*t winds. Nevada — Fair ThurFday. i<an Francisco and vicinity — Fair Thursday, co«\ler; fregh east winds. r»s Angeles— Fair Thursday, cooler; light ea^t winds, changing to southerly. Sacramento — Fkir Thursday; light east winds. . i Fresno — Fair Thursday; light north winds. A. G. McADIE. District Forecaster. PRESCOTT, Ariz., Nov. 9. — James P. Storm, County Treasurer of this coun ty, was found locked in the steel vault of his office, bound and gagged. Fif teen thousand dollars is missing from the cash funds of the treasury. Storm had been in the vault sixteen hours when found this morning by his daugh ter. He says that about 4 o'clock yes terday afternoon, while he was seated in his office, two men entered the door with handkerchiefs tied over their faces. One of them pointed a revolver at his head and ordered him to throw up his hands. Storm complied, and the two men closed the door of the office and produced a string of baling wire, with which they securely bound his feet " and hands. They forced a hand kerchief into his mouth and pushed him inside the vault. After gathering up $15,000 and leis urely ransacking the office for more money, the men closed the door of the vault, locked the office and departed. Being a holiday, there were few peo ple around the Courthouse, and no one witnessed the hold-up. Storm was so securely bound that he, was unable to release himself, and remained in the vault until 10 o'clocK this morning, when his daughter came to the office and discovered it locked. Her father's absence from home the night previous had not occasioned any alarm by rea son of its being election night, his fam ily concluding that he had remained away to hear the election returns. After assistance had been summoned the office was opened and the vault door unlocked. Storm was found, still bound and gagged, on the floor of the vault, almost In a state of nerv ous prostration. The wire with which his hands and feet had been securely bound had cut him severely. He was unable to give any accurate description of the men who held him up, excepting that one was a' tall and the other a short man. They both ap peared very cool and nervy and were evidently old hands at the business. The robbery has caused great excite ment here, and officers are searching vigorously for some clew to the men Mho did the work. Owing to the fact that the officers have no description to work upon and the bandits had over sixteen hours in which to make their escape before Storm was discovered in the vault, it is extremely unlikely that they will be apprehended. Sheriff's Posse Is Organized for Pursuit, but Descrip tion of Men Is Very Meager Movements of Steamers. THOUSANDS MISSING Thieves Bind and Gag County Treasurer in Prescott and Get Away With Coin wire, 650 bxs soap, 9 ca imi and ammunition, I 314 ca boots and shoe*. Tb Eiiat Indies — 270 c* «»fl'" t *^ salmon, . 367 cs assorted canned goods 460 gals 4 cs wine, 13 cs table preparations, 1 cs firearms. To Korea— 100 steal rails, 20 cs drugs and sundries, 2 pkgB machinery, 6 cs hardware, 1 wagon. To South Africa— 150 cs canned salmon, 1200 lbs dried prunes. Weather Report. (120th Meridian— PaolQo Time.) BAN FRAKOSCO. Nor. »— 6 p. m. Th» foUcnrlBc maximum and minimum' tem peratures are reported for the previous day: Cincinnati M-3S|Phlladeli>h!a .....02-40 t £° a •".; BO-80 WMhlngtoa 66-40 Jacksoorute ra-MlNew York 60-40 fit " Bft-40 Pitt«lmrr 60-38 Chicago 44-38 Honolulu. H. I . .78-68 New Orleans ....7»-5e| SAN FRANCISCO ...74-S« TlK, foUowlnar *r» the seaaonal rainfalls to date, aa compared with those of the same four bouriT 11011 * ad n4nfaUe ta lMt twenty- C^ M l«at • Thli Last t>ta«oo»— M hours. Season. Season. Enrek* 0.00 6.71 6.18 gf* Blu * 0.00 8.13 1.66 cra P^ J to 0.00 , 6.60 0.69 San Franclsoo 0.00 7.63 0.72 f^fano 0 .00 6.94 0.09 Independenott 0.00 0.47 0 42 Baa Lul, Obtapo.... 0.00 4.69 0.06 Los Annlea o.OO 1.13 0.43 baa Diego 0.00 0.16 0 07 The big Padflo Mall liner Manchuria, Captain Baunders, steamed Into port yesterday morning, completing her Irst round trip between San Frandaoo ind the Orient. Old ooean travelers, tt.0 were passengers on the Man churia, cay that the big vessel Is as steady as "a church." In ordinary weather hardly a roll or pitch Is notice able as she moves bver the water. All en board had nothing but praise for Captain Saunders, Purcer Winslow, Chief Steward Jones and the ship. The Manchuria brings 13S cabin paa 6#ngers, with 63 whites and 2S1 Asiatics In the steerage. She has 8991 tons of cargo and $87,400 in Japanese yen. Among thoee in the cabin were Mrs. McConnell and family, coming home from Peking. She is a sister of United States Minister Conger and has been visiting the legation at the capital city of China. Alevard Jules Brett, the Mexican Consul General at Toka harna, accompanied by his wife, is on his way to Mexico. Trevor Oorry, pub lisher of the American and Asiatic Journal of Commerce here, is returning after a trip In the Orient. H. L. Dan iels, representing the International Harvesting Company, Is returning from Manila. Messrs. Parlch and Goodsey have disposed of the Interest ¦ of the American Tobacco Trust to the Jap anese Government, and are on their way home. The oabin passengers are as follows: F. B. A.b«nhe'lm. Miss Alexander, Mrs. J. L. Barrett, J, C B«mU. Mrs. J. Brett. Low Kee Caccjp. Mra. H. L. Daalels. Mrs. Esierbrock, ML FuJ'.no, M'.ss M. V. Glenton. George P. Goodaey. R. A. Oubbay, Alexander Harrison, T. R. JCackley, H. Kehrhain, T. K>taoka, T. Haywda, Miss L. P. McOMinell. Paul Meyer, J. S. Moore. Hint Moutrte, K. O. Adams, Colonel Chedas Santa Anna, J. Baud. Nathan Hertz H. B. Campbell. Trevor Corrj-. F. Dear dorf. Mrs. J. M. Ewell. his Imperial Highness Princ» Sadanaru Funhiml and attendants, Mrs. Geoif* P. Goodwey, Mrs. A. E. Hammond, A. P. Koyt. K. Kada, Edwla Ktnd. J. H. Kothari. J. S. Connell Jr., F. A. McK.enile, Major 8. :.'.:. .r.A, b. Moutrie. Miss Gee Chora Moy. H. Akimoto, G. F. Atkinson. J. W. Baum. J. Brett. Mrs. H. B. Campbell, H. L. Daniels. Mrs. F. Deardorf. F. E. Fernald. Major J. S. Garwoofl. A. H. Green. F. A. Harris. Mrs. W. A. Huffman. William L. Keaae. Captain Alex ander Kirkwood. Ching Lung, Mra. McConnell, Mrs. F. A. McKenzie, Miss Agnes Morgan, Mrs. S. Moiitrle, A. O'Gorman Munkhouse, Mris. A. O'Gorman Munkhcuse, C. Onukl, Rev. J. T. Pnx-tor. Ye« Quonjr. V. Reyes. F. Roth. C E. Schnetly. Georpe Middle, Miss N. SidJl«, Mrs. F. P. Stcr.«, Mrs. Percy K. Stothert, Count S. Terashlrr.a and servant, N. Watahabe, Miss McSuslaa. C. M. Loosted, A. M. R. Fitz tlffimons, E. D. Tenr.y. Miss F. Sullivan, R. Koser.b«rK. W. S. Eartlett. Mrs- J. D. Tcwne. Joe RoseTiberg. C. G. Parker, Mrs. J. T. Proc tor and three children, H. E. A. Pato and ser vant, Mrs. Lew and two children, Mr». George Sidfile. Mrs. H. B. Smith. Mis* R. Z. Fion*. B. E. Strauss, Max Sohwacher. Mr*. William Everett. H. Wicks. Mits liearieu* FJtzslmmons. Mrs. E. D. Tcn r.y. John Lyng. Mrs. A. Cuilen, Miss K. Coleman. Mrs. J. Iiosenberg. Allen P. Nich c'.s. E» J. Parish, Dr. K. Bokkaku, Augustin Miss fidiJe. F. P. Stone. Percy K. Stothfrt, Mrs. B. E. EtrauBS, Lieutenant du PetU .Thouras. Mrs. Max Schwabacher, F. J. Amweg. J. B. Castle. Miss A. Sullivan and maid. D. Etoney, J. Michaels, J. D. Towne, Mis Hannah Rosor.bcrg. Doric Off for the Orieni The Occidental and Oriental steamship Doric sailed yesterday lor Asia -with 4T.00 tons o! cargo. 50 cabin paisencers and 350 Asiatics ir the ete*raire, amen* the latter* a number ol Japanese bound home for military service. Th« following are thoee in the cabin. For Yokohama — Jarues Uarbfcr, William M Milne and wife. T. Takahashl. K. OgTiil. For Kobe — W. M. IXan and wife. For Nagasaki— Miss Uuby Allen, M1f5 Emilj Eridpes, A. Ccpplet«rs, Miss May Hu, Mis» Dr. L. Koons, itiE? L. M. Strow. For Manila — Pierce Anderson. William Black, Miss KlU&beth N. Blandfn. James G. Boor. B. JI. Burrell and wife. Jud^e Adam C. Carson, C. C. Cllne, T. F. Crowley. Mis» Marcella I>o>-le J. B. Dougherty. W. il.' Donovan. John En'rlcSt". A- B. Gray. Mrs. E. F. Hull. Knup ton tUrnes John B. Leech. Joseph A. Manning. Frank R. %\hite. For HcnRkc^r— T. VST. Co-rcrtBon and xrife. C L. Oorharo and wife, C. W. Ht«>, Dr. Au pust Hofer. Thomat B. Lawler and wife anJ Infant Rev. Paul II. Linn and wife. Saint Fort Mortler, Ber. P. D. Roach and wife, Misi Katiierine L. Schaeffer. W. P. Stockwell, Mra. Robert Tautman. Frcta Honolulu— D. C. McCaan and wif*. . Plrrra Sail* To-Das Pacific Liner Sierra Sails To-Dau ftp. the Antipodes MANCHURIA COMPLETES HER FIRST VOYAGE LOCK VICTIM IN A VAULT KIN OF SPENCER PASSES AWAY IN SAN FRANCISCO THE SAN FRANCISCO CAIiL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1904. • Fine Building Planned for Geary Street TO ADORN UNION SQUARE The Oceanic Uner Sierra sails this arter r,oan'Bt 2 o'clock from Pacific-rtre«t wharf. Tier 1. for Honolulu. J'aso Pa«o. Auckland e.nd S;,-aney. with freight and passengers. These in the first cabin arp as follows: Honolulu — W. H. Alley. Mr*. Alley, Arthur Benr E. A. R»rti4t. Mm. E. Buffen >-.-•- C E. Cotton. Mr*. Cotton, Mrt. S. M. T;anion. Douglas Damon. O. C. DelJineer. MIks JI Delilriter. E. G. I>u'..^enborg, C E>ton, Mm. r;«ir.r.. T. D. EJwell, Artflle Oape. Fran tie Oav, v.'.t*- and child and two servant*: B. M. Ounr. an1 »if«, F. Ha! Mead an-l wife. MUs U Hitidwick. llr*. Harrison, Mm Harrison, iin.. A. Jj. Hills. -L. A. Hughes. Mrs. Hug-hes, llr. Humphries and servant. S. A. Jaeg*r, Miss I^ac> <"srtain Ljons, E. O. Peter.i and wife, tin J. Kichsrdson, A. C. Robinson. Mrs. Lyons, T. IteStcwart. U. A. Me Wayne, Mies C. Marshall, Mis* M. R. Martin, Dr. W. H. May* Mr*. Mavis. Mm. D. «. Maj\ H. C. Mfyer*. M. A. Robinson. Mis* I>ora RowoM, S. N. Fhi-ndan. Mrs. Mark. Mrs. M. D. K. Mark, Mrs. A. O. BtoaaUCr. C. D. Walker, F. D. Walker. H. K. Walker. Mrs. J. B. War ren. Mrs. I-. V". Whitln. o. R. William!-. Pap'i Pajro — J. F. f)¥born and wife. Miss (Jsbcrn, Matter Oebom. Auckland — <^eorge Bowron and wife, Ml»s Hwron. T. P. Doteon. W. W. Funge Jr.. Mrs. Funee, John Moore and wife, A. D. Ehllson, II. Thomson and wife. Sydney— R. A. Adeney and wife, T. M. Al iTK-k and wife, H. Boan, C. A. Coehlln. C. Darby and *|fe, \V. L.. Davidson, Min I*. Oar!and A. E. H^zlet and wife. Alexander A. Hunter, A Hunter, H. B. Hunter. Frod «rl;k William Kite, .T. Lord. G. Loubier. Mis« L*}uMer. J. Mc<;ormirk ar.d wife. M:ss U Mc 'nrrricK It. McCorroirk. Mrs. H. Edwin Moore Master Moore, P. J. O'Phea, H. (=ootc Oer^tce Smith and wife, J. Smith, A. Wade worth. D. O. Ramsey. Join at Honolulu— J. H. Armltaga and wile. A. L* Barton, Albert Russell, r -.. 11 ADVEKTISEaiEyTS. EegularPncc^C \ My Price only '1*125 makes sharing: bo easy it's a real pleasure; besides saves time and money. IT YOITVE AN T OLD RAZOR, brine It to me. I want St and will make you a liberal offer for It toward a vw razor. I've eood razors as low as f l.(K>. OOOT> POCKET KNIVES at yoar own rric*: guaranteed knives as low as £l .r,<>: very gocx! ones at smaller prices. 2 cakes V. r.'.-.ttrs" 10c shaving-<> Hszors honed and ground; H3e TRY A COXKJLEC'S BELT FILJUXOPEN; beats ar.y fountain pen; clean; handy; id ways rtadr; *:!/m> up. Mall orders promptly filled. THAT MAN PITTS F. W. PITTS, the Stationer, 1008 K1BZXT STEEET, Opp. Tilth. 8aa Tyanelsoo. ADVERTISEMENTS. ' What is wanted of soap for the skin is to wash it clean and not hurt it. Pure soap does that. This is why we want pure soap; and when we say pure, we mean without alkali. Pears' is pure; no free alkali. You can trust a soap that has no biting k& it, that's Pears*. Established over ioo years. TralnsV 1/ to Chicago i MB '. ¦ ' - Mil fl 8 daily from points in California via the Southern Padfic, «¦ MB Union Pacific and Chicago & North- Western Railways, over 11 II THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN 19 11 THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICAGO. II 11 The Overland Limited, the most luxurious solid daily train in the §M %% world. Pullman sleeping cars, dining car, buffet Emoking and MS library car, electric lighted throughout, Booklovers library. BB W^. Less than three days San Francisco to Chicago. BB • \m Daily and personally conducted excursions in Pullman bB ' %3k tourist sleeping cars through to Chicago without change. &W _^<fS '••HektM tod taXl laforattto* e»ll octtfekat j£!fUFjr3jBB^&*SaM tgeats Soothers Pacific Hallway, iP^V^V^nBar I lilt Wj*£2stik 0# Wh?^^^_ * * U fl y^SLjLTT^^W