PEJSSONAI.S— -Cont__ ned.
LADIES — If you have wrinkles, smallpox pi:-
tiegs. bagglneas of eyes or any b.emlsh of
the face. Mme. Giilin^haxn invites you to
call and investigate her wonderful and Im-
proved method, known to no other in this
city; demonstrator can b« seen dally. 143
Stockton st: write for booklet.
M. F—.LA HARRIS, French liquid powder;
gives face, neck and arms the exquisite del-
icate tint and texture cf alabaster; a grsat
favorite witn actresses: will not rub off; s»nl
only $1 and test It for yourself. M. Eii_ Har-
rls. chemist and s_lr» specialist. 123 Geary st
THE Star Hair Remedy restores gray hair. Im
r roves Its growth.stops fallir.g.curea dacdruff
and Itching scalp: no statn or atickine**.
cleanses scalp: at druggists'. hairdressers' : ao.
cept no substitute. Star Remedy Co., HUM PoU.
DR. ROWELL'3 Fire of Life, a sure curs for
rheumatism, paralysis, neuralcia. pneumonia,
tore throat, etc. Sold by all druggists for
over 10 years; price 50c. Manufactured solely
by ROWF.T.L A BROWN. 40 Turk s.t. S. P.
FANCY and silk dresses oar-fully waahed.
18S9 2122 Fllimor* *:. ; phon* Oeary _05A
$1 a week: suits to order $15 up LEMO3. 112T
Market st.. bet. 8ev«-nth and Eighth.
BARGAINS in fine diamonds; easy payments.
P. V. GARIN. 13.3 Montgomery st
ONE dollar weekly keep» you In fine clothing.
Art Tailoring. ie44 Mkt.. under St Nicholas.
Superfluous hair removed; electric needle. Mrs
Eaton. SCO 3u:ter. Ml3s Eaton. 233 Geary.r.3A
TAILOR-MADE suit $7 50; dress pants $2 50.
Misfit Clothing Parlor, cor. Bush and Dupont
MASQUERADE costumes, play books, wlgi;
country orders. GOLDSTEIN A CO..C33 Mkt
ALFREDUM'S Egyptian Henna restores gray
hair to Its natural color. $1 at all druggists'.
A BRANCH office of The Call for the reception
of advertisements and subscriptions has been,
opened at 1008 Market st. opposlts Fifth.
Open until 11 d. m. .<
DR. C. C. O'DONNELL— Of flc« andresidenc^
1021^i Market st, bet Cth and 7th. particu-
lar attention paid to diseases of women.
BLOOD, skin and rectal diseases a specialty.
DR. BALL. 1073^ Market st
REMOVED— DR. WONG HIM."" herb doctor,
treats all diseases of the human body; for
past four years at 115-117 Mason st. now lo-
cated at 667 Geary st.. near Leavenworth.
WONG WOO. the famous herb doctor— All dls-
eases cured by Chinese herbs. 74«-8 Clay st.
positively cured: i*?w methods; 1 week's
treatment free. Dr. Cottlngham. 204 Suttw.
First-class work, reasonable prices. J. C. RO-
MAINE. 10B7 McAllister St.; tel. Fell 2403.
PATEirrs.. ~~
INVENTIONS patented. F P. MEDINA, at-
torney-at-law. ft Hobart bldg.. 532 Market st.
CLARA E. JEWETT. purchasing agent; coun-
try orders a specialty: correspondence solicit-
ed. 305 Larkin St.. room 4U; tel. South 319.
O. H. UMBSEN & CO.. 20 Montgomery st
Or Investment residence and unimproved
properties will be held Tuesday, Nov. 15. 1904.
at our salesroom, 2t> Montgomery st. at 1_
o clock noon.
Executor's Sale.
Subject to confirmation by the Superior Court.
S21-3-5 Turk st.. 87:6 west of Leavenworth;
Improvements consist of 3 houses of 6-7-9
rooms and bath each; rented nominally for
fio_ 50 per month; splendid holding to Im-
prove; bank mortgage of $14,500 at 6 per cent
can remain; lot 5trxS7:6.
17. &• Fifteenth St.. bet. Valencia and Guerre-
ro; Improvements consist of two-story dwelling
of 7 rooms and bath; lot 25xlm>; subject to
confirmation by the Superior Court.
Administratrix Sale.
30!) Castro St.. between ltith and 17th: Im-
provements consist of a bay-window eottag»
of 6 rooms and bath, brick foundation, etc.;
lot 25x87:6; subject to confirmation by the Su-
r-erior Court.
1408 McAllister St.. north line, bet Pierc<»
and Scott; improvements consist of an elegant
and substantially built residence of 15 rooms.
bath and servants' room, etc. ; large grounds,
garden and lawn; nicely situated: lnt (3stSZ:<l
No. 1.
693 7th ave.. near C St.; n»w cottage of <l
rooms and bath; ni.-ely finished; rent $25.
No. 2. •-¦-'
604 C st. near '7th ave. ; new cottage of T
rooms and bath; nicely finished; rent $30.
No. 3.
600 and 602 C st. cor. 7th ave.; two nsw
flats of 6-5 rooms and bath each; rents $50.
No. 4.
T43 C st. bet. 8th and 9th aves.; new mod-
ern cottage of 7 rooms and bath; rents $00 per
No. 5.
732 C St.. bet. 8th and 9th aves.; modern
dwelling of 7 rooms and bath; rents $30 per
2717-19 24th st. bet Alabama and Florida;
Improvements consist of a two-atory building,
containing store and flat of 5 rooms; rents
$37; lot 27x104:6. • , -
1320 York st». bet. 25th and 2tith sts.: Im-
provements consist of a bay-window cottag*
of 6 rooms and bath; lot 211x100; hank mort-
gage of $S0O at , C per cent can remain.
406 SOth st. bet Sanche. and Noe: Im-
provements consist of a two-story bay-window
dwelling of 8 rooms and bath: lot 23x114.
For catalogue and' further particulars apply
at our office.
.-. G. H. UMHSEN A- CO..
t 20 Montgomery st
$1400 TO $2250.
Go to-day without fall and see the property
on Devisadero St., bet Duboce ave. (13th st.)
and 14th st. Take Halght-st cars, get off at
either Scott cr Devisadero st. Lots only
two short blocks away. We are selling lots
here very fast, over 3O sold. Branch office on
property. -Mary fine, new hous-a being built.
Where can you *et a fine lot so close to th<»
city as you can now buy in this block at
from $1400 to $2250, on easy terms. Remem-
ber, the views are grand; stre-ts bttumlnlxeU
and accepted by the city: everything ready for
building; property so close to tha business
center of a great city cannot remain at the>
present figures asked for this land.
$1 25 PER WEEK.
Choicest lots. Excelsior Homestead Tract:
level as a billiard table: on grade: close to
fine school and Mlsslon-st electric cars;
bound to double In value.
$10 per month, no taxes, fine lots, near
Ocean Boulevard; best residence location
south of Golden Gate Park. Get the calldcea
one for Christmas.
26 Montgomery st.. r. 8. Phone Main 3704.
Lot 40x100. on sunny side of Howard rt.. 3.0
feet north of Fourteenth; In Mission warm
belt; no fogs, no winds; a splendid location for
4 flats and 2 stores; as an Income Investment
It wculd pay owner as follows: 4 Bata would
rent for $35 per month each. 2 stores $40 per
month each, making a total Income of over
$200 per month.
G. THISTLETON. 272 Sadowa, st. Ocean View.
$4500— 9-ROOM house; 1 lota; 4CS Fair Oaks.
$3400— $500 down; new house, 8 r. and b. :
Precita ave.
$1600— $400 down; new cottage. 4 r. and b.:
3O China ave.
$1300 — Cottmre. 5 r. and b. : on Folsom st
terms. D. COFFIN. 2528 Mission, nr. 21st.
OCEANSIDE cottage; a bargain; neat 4-room
cottage on 4Sth ave.: lot 25x114; $1SOO; $100
cash, balance like rent
301 California st.. San Francisco, Cal.
FOR sal*— 3 colonial houses, 6 rocms. bat_
and basement: beautifully finished, up to
date and sunny: east fide of Tenth av*.. n-ar
I st. Sunset. Hallett * Gee. on premises.
$1400— TERMS If desired: 36-foot front; block
of 19th and Valencia; street work complete.
The 1'oUn Co.. 1607 Market, opp. Franklin,
A $2000 HOME built to suit you. K' included,
any location, on $1 25 per weak. Mutual
Horn* Building Association. 427 Cro-sler bH,
HOU8E9- built cheap; plans free. Builder.
436 P-rrott building.
Continued on Pase Fourteen.
Capital paid in $4,600.000 00
Sunttut • 940.901 30
Investment C°rti_cat»s
Office— No. 14 Sanscme street,
San Francisco. Cal.
DON'T risk your r.jonsy in questionable vent-
ures when vou cm obtain "First Mortgage
Gold Bon<!V (firrt lien on downtown business
property) paying a' pood rate of Interest and
as iteoure as Government b^ds; s,l»i«!e bonds
JTtfO 00 each; interest payable 1 quarterly; at-
tornryn Feckinsr investments for clients and
triiFtoes n* <'«tntes itrifiuld l!ive«tleate this at
once. "Bonds." "9 Crocker building.
COMPANIES formed: mining or patents: stock
rcld: itronjr Ractem connections: arlvlco free.
Write A. I* HARA. c 7.THrY. .*._2 Croyslyy b<lc
A— HOT.'PES and flats to let: an Immense list;
service absolutely free; take advantage of
this department; It will save you time and
trouble. Cordes Furniture Co.. 245-59 Geary
«t.. en the cquare.
ELLIS, 8_S— 2 large parlors and kitchen for
physician, hairdresser or milliner; $30; re-
cently tlniihtd.
LARKIN, 1930. 1936. 1944, near Broadway-
New moder"h flats 7 and 8 rooms; rents re-
duced to J30. $35, $37 BO.
FULTON. 9ldA. near Flllmore— Flat. 4
rooms, porcelain --"bath, china closet.
GOOD 7-room middle flat; bath: water free.
IIS Fulton St.. near City Hall.
HAYES, 1749. near park entrance — Modern.'
sunny flats. 3 to 5 rooms, bath; X10 to $22 50.
FIKTEENTh7~2_82— Hatement flat, 4 rooms;
$13. Apply on premises.
$20 — 5 ROOMS; bath, laundry, modern, sunny.
334 Cumberland, bet 19th-20th. nr. Church.
j LARGEST list of houses and flats to let. Call
on Ll'ON * HOAO. 110 Montgomery st
$27 5O~ NEW Park flat, 6 runny rooms, on
car lln*. 223 Parnassus ave.. nesr Stanyan.
i A WEEK'S news for 5 wnti- Th* Weekly Call.
I 16 pages. In wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year.
r_ATS TO LET — -"-f-tyiSHEP.
HANDSOME sunny modern 5-roora flat; splen-
did Mew; healthy location; $30. 4230 Twen-
tieth St.. near Castro.
PINE. 2786— Hardscmely furnished parlor, flat
3 Jarge r. ; yard; also 3 r. and b. ; susny
bay window . furnished housekeeping.
A MODERN, sunny upper flat; 7 large rooms;
newly furnished 3 months ago. 917 Jones
st.. near Bush. 9 to 5 p. m.
Salesroom. 1135 Market st. Tel. Jessia 761.
Don't «*11 your furniture, carpets, office fur-
niture, etc., until you get his estimate.
WILL ray 20 per cent more for furniture than
dealers or will sell on commission. L. H.
BURP, imc, 1636 Market: phone Jessie 2338.
CALL on Alfred Wollpert "73 Mission St.. b«-
fore gelling your furniture. Phone Red 4462.
rTjRiriT_ra_ roit sale.
HENRY MAYER pays highest prices for fur-
niture, carpets, etc. 7S2 Mission: tel. Bush 813
FURNITURE— Murt sell as- a whole or In
parts. 459A Tenth ave.. Richmond District.
Cook for country hotel $40
Cook for San Jose $.15
Laundress, same place $'S0
Cook on ranch $25
Hourework. Angel Island $25
Cleaning woman, institution $20
German *econj girl and nurse $_O
Kitchen helper. Institution *25.
Wajtre«5 and chambermaid, country 125
Housework.- Alameda $30
Woman with a child, ranch $15
Second girl. 3 In family $_5
And a large number of girls for housework,
city and country $20 and $25
Apply to J. F. CROSETT & Co.. 334 Sutter st.
A NURSE, $25; first-class cook. $33; housework,
plrl, $:i5; second girl, $25; nurpe girl. $2o.
and a number of cooks and houseglrls, $-5
and $30. MRS. NORTON. 5CS Mason st.
THE Rcmayn-Shirk Register, Renting and Ad.
Co., r. 012-613 Grant bldg., tel. South 104—
Young woman, a*?t. md»e. clerk, t^M start;
one aast. operator on vests, $1 50 per day.
A — WANTED — Girls to learn halrdressing.
mar.lrurir_. etc. ; trade taught from A to Z
Is 2 weeks; tuition JD to those entering now:
three iKiEitlons to fill immediately; positions
guaranteed at -10 per week up; leading
echool In West. 233 Geary et. room 13.
WANTED — Girls to learn millinery now for
fall season; both seasons taught from start
to finish in one month for $5: positions as
trimmers, salesladies, makers, guaranteed at
$10 per week up: 7 positions to be filled Im-
mediately. Parlors 143 Stockton st. r. 13.
A— PACIFIC College teaches halrdresslng,
manicuring, electric massage, etc.; six hours'
practice a day; guarantee positions; only
recccnlzed college of Its kind on coast; day
and evenirc classes; all parlor work at re-
duced prices, 133 Powell st.
WANTED — Woman for general housework:
must t>e a good cook and willing to wait on
table; no window, cleaning or outside work;
good wages. Apply 2626 Vallejo, near Scott;
WANTED— A neat ar.d experienced French,
German or English girl to do light second
work anfi waiting: no others need apply.
863S Waehlr-cton st
WA-NTBD — Lady designer, high grade ladles'
neckwear; must understand cutting, make
up samples, manage factory; good pay; glva
references. Box 4561, Call.
YOUNG girl aa apprentice !n millinery depart-
ment to learn stock keeping. Apply 10 a. m
I. MAGNIN _ CO., 43-53 Ell!* st
WANTED — A yovmtr lady for embroidery
et-r.jpln;:. «rt department. Call at STRAUSS
& FROHMAN'S. 107 Post Bt
WANTED — A young girl to wait upon an
elderly lady; murt eleep home; call after 10.
WANTED — In Frultvale, a refined, reliable,
younc woman a* mother'e helper; references
required. Box 459, Frultvale.
WANTED— A young girl or mlddle-a?ed wo-
man to assist Jn light housework; wages $10.
AfPly 327 Tourth et.
GIRLS to strip tobacco and band cigars.
YOUNG man dcrlres the services of a school
teachtr. Box *548, Call office.
FIRST-CLAES buttonhole maker on coats; no
other n»:ed appiy. 229 Stevenson Ht. room 5.
A YOUNG girl for general housework and to
assist In cooking. Call 1716 Geary st
WANTED— A Typist who will chew CHIC- :
LETS. « ¦ • ; ¦'-¦'"¦
PANTS finisher wanted at 156 New Montgom-
ery St.. room 16, second floor.
GIRL wanted to assist in light housework*;
eleep at home. 402A Francisco st
CAPABLE girl to assist in housework; $16 a
month. 22S Fifteenth ave.
LAUNDRY Jumble Ironer; position steady
Apply this a. ra. at 7C0 McAllister St.- :..¦"¦.
TAILORESS wanted on custom coats; steady
work; Brood pay. 533 Natoma St.
WANTED — First-clae* tallotees; on* that can
baste out edges preferred; good wages and
steady work to the right party Apnly to
S. N. WOOD _ CO.. 49 Geary st
PANTS finishers wanted by 8. N. WOOD A
CO. Apply at 49 Geary st
LADIES*, we will teach barber trade free to C
more ladles and pay them. $10 each for first 8
weeks: call or write. JNO. A. MOLER'3
Barber College (correct number), C44 Clay st.
WANTED — Women and girls over 10 years to
do pleoework at hom«: no experience neces-
sary. Call HABERTON. 1235 Market st
room 20. "
WANTED — A first-class fitter in cloaks suits
and waists: references required. Address box
HH, Call office.
MIDDLK-AGED Irdy or cirl wanted: «hort dis-
tant In country; for general housum-o-k-
only. - In ian-.»y. Apply 692 Ciroen St.... city.
LaDIES for steady home employment: $V~to
$12 weekly. Emma Ppreskels bldg.. 927 Mar-
ket *t. room CIS.
GIRL to assist In housework: email family"
1413B Mason st
IF there is any woman who Is suffering from
any of the ailments peculiar to her sex I can
offer her Immediate relief. I have devoted
my entire life to' this work. I NEVER
FAIL. I ask fair fees, and I GUARANTEE
results In each case. If you have been dis-
appointed coma to me. Perfect satisfaction
is then insured. I am the oldest graduate
specialist In the city giving attention exclu-
' slvely to ladles' troubles.
DR. WHITE. 702 Market st. rooms T and 8
LADIES — If you are In trouble, confide In me.
Relief for irregularities. Help for the un-
, fortunate. My time Is devoted exclusively to
these conditions. I'm the only GRADUATE
physician here who can say this. Call or
write. Confidential. Est 14 years. DR. It
H. WESTON. office, 305 KEARNY ST.
MRS. DR. KOHL, reliable specialist for all fe-
male foubles and Irregularities; Instant re-
lief guaranteed. 1OO8V4 Market St., opp. 5th.
MRS. DR. WYETH. specialist for all female
complaints and irregularities; Instant relief
guaranteed; 30 years' experience. 944 Post st
VALPEAU'S female pills; beat regulating pills
sold: price $2 50 by express. Pasteur's syr-
inge and tablets: price $5. By express only
on receipt of price. OSGOOD BROTHERS,
wholesale druggists, Seventh and Broadway,
MRS. DR. GOODWIN, well know n ladles' spe-
cialist, has returned from Europe; 25 years'
experience In female complaints without a
failure; no operation, no drugs;. when others
fall see the doctor and be content. Materni-
ty Home, 412 Taylor st, near Geary.
DR. O. W. O'DONNELL— All who are sick or
In trouble consult this specialist on female
complaints; positively corrected; the unfortu-
nate helped; the most difficult cases treated;
advice free. Office. 1018 Market st
LAD1KH suffering from irregularities, sick or
In trouble, consult Dr. Sylvester. 219 Kearny
Bt; relief guaranteed; no drug's, no operations.
original method of 1126 Market
LADIES — Kumround; safe, sure, never falls;
$2. Oleason-Ruggles Drug- Co.,Keamy & Clay.
DR. ROSEN, residence 2995 Folsom st, corner
- 2tltb: ladles, relief or no fee; $10.
I MAKE a specialty of selling good mining
property. A. D. RENFRO, Crossley bldg.
1 40 H. P. firebox boiler; complete; new.
1 Worthlngton compound pump, 500 gal. mln.
1 Worthlngton pump, 6x4x0.
1 Worthlngton oil plant; complete.
1 dishwashing machine; complete.
1 10 H. P. Q. E. motor; mw.
1 Lane planer, 27x12.
1 30-ln. extractor.
1 20-ln. extractor.
1 15 H. P. engine; complete.
1 lot of laundry machinery.
WM. SPECK. 421 Market st, room 87.
2D-HAND machinery, engine, boilers, pumps,
pulleys, shafting, etc.. etc.. bought, sold,
rented and exchanged; see Sunday papers.
H. S. WHITE MCHY. CO.. 130-132 Beale st
BOILERS, engines, 2d-hand machinery. McIN-
TOSH A WOLPMAN, 196-197 Fremont st
Repair it with elaterite. In rolls easy to lay;
needs no painting or coating; good over old
iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs.
FOR *ale — New and second-hand billiard and
pool tables: easy payments; we rent tables
with privilege of buying; modern bar fix-
tures; cheap prices. BRUNSWICK-BALKE-
- COLLENDER. 652 Mission st
AN elegant assortment of diamonds. Jewelry
and sealskins for sale on small weekly pay-
ments: goods delivered on first payment.
UNITED TRUST CO.. 21 Stockton st
A — BUYS, sells or rents gear machinery, en-
gines, boilers, water pipe, shafting, pulleys,
etc. WHITELAW. 253-255 Spear st
A— THE (P. J. Co.) California virgin gold
wedding rings for sale by the PORTLAND
JEWELRY CO.. 25 Stockton st.
REPUTABLE place to rent gents' full dress,
Tuxedo or Prince Albert suits. J. COOPER,
21 Stockton st. (formerly at Palace Hotel).
TRY our men's shoes at $1 and $1 50 pair;
foot-form shoes at $2 50; we pay express
J .charges. 11 34 at. . Exam, bid.; catalog free.
DIAMONDS and Jewelry on small weekly or
monthly payments., DEREMER'S. 137 Mont-
gomery st, room 12, upstairs.
DEEP-WELL drilling outfit; steam power.
William Edward & Co., Ill Fremont Bt.
STOVES disconnected and connected: $2 50;
plumblng.gasfltng.409 McAUlster;tel.Mlnt 30S6
FOR sale — Llewellyn setter dog 10 months old.
Addrers box 4538. Call office.
GAS engines, centrifugal pumps; highest grade;
lowest prices. Price Pump Co., 523 Market st
Wallpaper. 3%c; paint. $1 gal.; painting, whit-
enlng. Merlgan.1302 Webster;tel.Stelner 3671.
SAFES and cash registers, new and second-
hand. I. FREEMAN. 1325 Market st.
BARGAINS In 2d-hand cash registers. Includ-
ing Nationals, guaranteed; terms. 14 Turk st
2D-HAND bldg. material; lumber, door, sash,
plumb, material. The Dolan Co., 1607 Mrkt
FULL line of drummers' samples In grips and
trunks; for sale cheap at 25 Stockton st
AN elegant sealskin for sale for $75. SE-
CURITY LOAN & TRUST CO.. 21 Stockton.
ELEGANT diamond ring, $50: terms $5 per
month. P. V. GARIN. 133 Montgomery st
ROOMS papered. $4 up; tinting, painting.
Hartmann Paint Co.. 310 Thlrd:tel.Maln 413.
Dl'SKS bought, sold and exchanged. T. D.
McCarthy Co.. 807 Mission st.: tel. South 811.
MOVING pictures, magic lanterns, sale, rental;
bargains.. Dullard & Breck, 131 Post st
SAFES — New and second-hand. THE HER-
MANN SAFE CO., 307 Battery st.
GASOLINE «ngtnes. automobiles and launches;
all Elzea. J. E. DOAK. 4B Fremont st
AAAAAA — BUYS any amount good second hand
clothing; special price for fancy ladies' and
men's clothes. 922 Folsom: tel. Folsom 3522.
AAAAA — Highest prices for ladles', gents' cast-
off clothlnjr.Tel Davis 825, 650 Sacramento st
WANTED^— To purchase light spring wagon,
horse and harness cheap for cash. 775 Mis-
DIAMONDS nnd precious stones bought for
"cash. KARL EBER A CO., room 40fl, Ad-
ams bldg., 206 Kearny st; phone Black 3038.
WANTED — a No. 3 Oliver typewriters; state
condition, price. Ad. "A," Call. San Jose.
TILTON wants good second-hand clothing and
theatrical goods. 154 9th Bt ; tet. Jessie 3910.
Levy & Ridler. highest price for gents' cast-off
clothing, chocs; tel. Red 1544. 615 Washington.
Second mortgages, life insurance policies/ es-
tates in probate, undivided Interests in prop-
erty, probate realty leans, . stocks and bonds,
legacies and unolvlded Interests In property
Suite 107-108 Crocker bldg.; phone Main 6924.
601.602-603 Examiner bulldlns.
Quick settlement*; no disappointments.
Save expenses by dealing directly.
Estate, second mortgages, undivided Inter-
ests, assignments of rents, property In trust
etc.; legacies, life estates and undivided in-
terests In property, purchased.
Courteous treatment. Strictly confidential.
' When You Need Money.
See HERMAN MURPHY. "¦ ' ' ¦ .
¦ , A reasonable amount on
1st, 2d or 3d
Mortgage, on real estate or
•\ Chattels, in city, tewn
: or country. ¦
Low rate of Interest.
Give full particulars . '
of property or chattels.
Location, etc.
Box 490. Call office.
Money leaned salaried people without secur-
ity or Indorsement, knowledge of employer or
any cne: confidential and courteous treatment;
call and get terms. Drake. 453 Parrott bid.
A — ON furniture or pianos at lowest rates: no
removal; no publicity; also on real estate;
1st or 2d mortgages or on any security; any
amount O. W. BECKER, 36'Oeary, room 36.
HIGHLY respectable private place to obtain
liberal advances on diamonds. Jewelry, at 2
per ¦- cent interest. Baldwin Jewelry Store,
906 Markat: tel. Mal.i 1B44. Branch 19 Third.
MONEY loaned to salaried people, retail mer-
chants, teamsters, : boarding-houses, without
security; easy payments; large business In 46
¦ principal cities. Tolman, 653 Parrott bid*. - .
MONEY, chattel-, other, propositions. Bannan 4
'. Hall . room 1213 Call bids; phone Main 8211, .
MQgET TO I.OArr— ContlnneA.
ON salaries. Insurance policies, chattel mort-
gages, diamonds, valuables, etc. UNITED
LOAN AND TRUST CO., 21 Stockton st..
near Market . .
A — THE Portland Jewelry Co., 25 Stockton st.
loans money on diamonds, valuables, etc., at
2 per cent per month.
PRIVATE — Money loan«d on salaries without
security: diamonds or chattels; no fee; no
com.: cut rate. Cal Loan Co., 523 Parrott Hid.
1 PER cent on furniture or piano*; no removal;
no commission; no publicity; $25 up; quick,
quiet, confidential. 2't Montgomery St.. rm. -I.
TO salaried people without security; on furni-
ture. Indorsed notes and other security. 3.
F. Discount Agency. 143 Phelan bids.
MONEY to loan at low Interest; gold, silver,
diamonds, pearls and precious stones bought
at W. J. HESTHAL'S. 10 Sixth st.
DON'T borrow money on salary until you see
us. Hutton Credit Co.. 912 Mutual Bank bldg.
MONEY loaned on diamond*, watches. Jewelry;
confd. Diamond Parlor Jewelry Co., 722 Mkt
STAR Loan Co. of Wyoming loans to salaried
employes. Room 311. Mutual Sav. Bit. bldg.
ALL loans on diamonds and Jewelry ot 2 per cent
mo. 8. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 538 Kearny.
8 % ON furniture A pianos; $15 up; no removal:
no com. V. TREMAIN. room 81. 6 Eddy St.
CASH loaned salaried people on notes without
Indorser. MORRELL. 609 Examiner building.
-nrsxc-x inststjkents.
GABLER piano, the oldest, exclusive high-
class piano In America: over 50.000 sold in
the past fifty years. Heine Piano Co.. 233-
237 Geary St.. San Francisco; 1252 Bread-
way. Oakland. - Manufacturers of the Peer-
lens Heine; largest stock and greatest va-
riety; Installments and rents $2 up; prices
from J25 to $1000.
Mussard — Small upright, fine order.
Fischer— Fine order, very reasonable.
Sterling — Mahogany case; used 1 year.
Chlckerlng — Mahogany case, perfect order.
Weber — Mahogany caBe, 3 pedals, like new,
from $95 up; easy payments; all guaranteed.
BENJ. CURTAZ & SON. 16 OFarrell st
BEAUTIFUL new upright pianos for rent. $3
per month; one year's rental allowed If pur-
chased. SCOTT-CURTAZ. 560 Hayes st
ELEGANT $400 piano for $130; private party.
301 Eddy st
$90— UPRIGHT grand, nearly new; a snap.
HORNUNG. 216 McAllister st
8OHMER. Byron Mauzv pianos, Ceeellan piano
player. BYRON MAU2Y. 303-312 Post st
NEW upright pianos sold on $5 monthly pay-
ments. SCHMITZ & CO.. 16 McAllister st
S-PEDAL Steinway up; Chlckering baby grand;
Phonlnger. little used. Keeffe's. 235 O'Farrpll.
TO order; renovated, disinfected (formaldehyde
process); excellent carpet cleaning. HOPKB
BROS.. 1432-34 Howard St.; phone South 216.
" B-U-L-L-E-T-I-N.
PUBLIC "FREE HEALING" before audience
TO-DAY. 2 and 8 p. m. (Office hours 2 to 7.)
RADIUM HALL, 783 v, Market and 1 Fourth
(corner Market and Fourth.)
"NON-MEDICAL" humanized Radium power Is
(solely) used In Rexradlo's treatments; no
medicine, no medical Instruments used.
"NAMES" and testimonials of patients al-
luded to BELOW shown at offices.
"DEAF MUTES" — Several recently made to
hear and SPEAK what they beard. Numer-
ous witnesses, one being Mr. Butler, well-
known S. F. CHRONICLE representative.
"TOTAL DEAFNESS" Rexradlo finds to be a
mere BAGATELLE; nearly every case "be-
gins" to hear "whispered" words after 3 sec-
onds' treatment. (Deaf mutes the same.)
"OSSIFIED" LADY, Mni]~knowle», 379 Bart-
lett, by (one) treatment had her locked -AN-
CHYLOSED Joints made freely "movable"
several weeks ago; no "relapse." but still
further progress to date.
"BLINDNESS" seemed Imminent; within 3
days Rexradlo restored good sight
."LEAPING" CRIPPLE; paralysis; dragged
foot, limb nearly "powerless"; 10 second*'
treatment and I LEAPED before audience."
tally deal from childhood; by 1 treatment
heard (whisper) at 70 feet"
"FEMALE WEAKNESS" — My trouble was
quickly removed by Rexradio.
'"CANCER" disappeared In on* hour after
Rexradlo's (one)* treatment
"UP IN THE AIR" in elevator with man
having '"crooked" arm. Couldn't straighten
It Rexradlo was there, too, and by "mo-
ment's" touch straightened It before descend-
ing elevator stopped. Editor of TOWN TALK
was present. Witnessed by me — WILLIAM
"BEDRIDDEN" — I saw Rexradio treat man
for years "helpless" In bed, had to be
. "lifted" In and out of bed; Instantly rose
(unaided) from bed. Other similar cases.
"REXRADIO'S" (one) treatment straightened
my "bent" limb (rheumatism).
"TYPHOID FEVER" overcome by only two
' treatments; no RELAPSE. — Knott, 112 Fell.
"LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA"— Couldn't stand un-
supported; 1 treatment Tuesday and Instant-
ly stood, walked "unsupported."
"ANCHYLOSIS" of knee; couldn't straighten
leg or move knea; did both Instantly.
"HE SEES" objects (outlines) at 30 feet;
eyes "blind" 7 years (1 treatment Tuesday).
"REXRADIO'S" 1 treatment entirely removed
my "dropsy" and straightened limb.
"SUICIDE" avoided; protracted disease ren-
dered life a burden; orten thought of sui-
cide, after spending largely, vainly, for re-
lief; then Rexradlo made quick, complete
cure, months ago; no RELAPSE.
"REXRADIO" rescued me quickly from th»
fiery purgatory of "neuralgia."
"ANCHYLOSIS of Joints, knees, ankles/ hips,
toes, fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck,
etc., which others deem 'Incurable,' have
often yielded to Rexradlo's very first treat-
ment' " Testimonials shown.
"PAINS" of all kinds (neuralgia, sciatica,
rheumatism, gout, etc.) usually have been
expelled by Rexradlo's "first" treatment.
Proofs — Numerous testimonials.
"RESURRECTION" excepted. BROKER, one
of our leading cltUens, recently (publicly)
said: "I have seen Rexradlo do nearly In-
credible healing wonders In my office. I
verily believe he can do almost anything but
RAISE THE DEAD. I am ready to put up
my money on It"
"$1000 FORFEIT" if above digests ui vases are
not "genuine." Stacks of testimonials.
"NOTE THIS" — Names of all above patients
given at offices to persons similarly afflicted;
we object to "publication" of their name«.
Above "digests" of cases 1 refer to results of
"first" treatment, which benefits usually be-
come perfect and permanent ' after a few
"further" treatments.
"REXRADIO" can and does PO ALL HE
"CONSULTATION" given free. TERMS for
treatment to suit circumstances.
"PUBLIC HEALING" before audiences free to
poor TO-DAY, 2 and 8 p. m. Rexradlo also
publicly gives every one In audience deelrlng
It a "sample" of his peculiar healing power.
Bring your paralytics, mutes, etc. (worst
cases). Come early to avoid crowding. RA-
DIUM HALL. 7S3tt Market st. and I Fourth
(corner Market and Fourth).
RAG carpets wove to order and for sale; also
chenille- wove rugs, silk portieres; dealer In
carpet twlr.e In hank or chain, at loweit
rates. .. Geo. Matthews. 709 Fifth st, Oakland.
RUGS made from old carpets; Ingrain, brus-
sels, tapestry and msquette; chenille curtains
woven Into new rugs. Fluff Rug Factory,
662 Market st. Oakland: take West 8th car.
AT less than cost; uncalled for suits, overcoats
and trousers at CHARLES LYONS* London
Tailor. 7ZI Market st
YOU can buy $75 worth of fuTnttu* 1 * for $7 50
down and $1 60 per week. T. BRILLIANT
FURNITURE CO.. 340 Post St.. neax PowelL
THE4RB Is not a first-class eandy store in
town that does not sell CHICLETS. I
Expert furniture repairing. polishing; upholster-
lntc; carp.lay'g. Tow«y's.370FeH.PhonePagel45a.
U. ANDERSON. 28 O'FarreU st— Theatrical,
masquerade and carnival costumer.
MR8. DR. GWYE5R. B11A Leavenworth st. be.
tween Geary and CFarrell. Tel. East C97/
SUITS to order on Installments of >1 per week
NgUHAUS CO.. th« tailors. 729 Markat st
ELEGANT sulu to order, extra pants or fancy
vests, for $14 75. Fred Wagner. 850 Market.
j EAEY installments for Men and Youths. Suits
to Ordar. Co-ooeratlve Tailoring. 1117 Ukt
A — MURRAY & READY. 034-036 Clay st
Phone Main 5S48.
Leading Employment and Labor Agents.
We Fpeal: the German. French, Italian,
Scandinavian, Greek, Spanish, Slavonian and
Danifh languages. :^,'.'-"!*;'v
1903 We Gave 1004 We Hope to
tO.OCO Men Work. Increase C0.000.
Conl Miners. FREE FARE. Coal Mineral
Oregon State. OREGON. State Oregon.
- 10
Coal miners for a good mine, big wages.
Ship To-day. Fare Refunded. Ship To-day:
Coal miners for State of Washington $3 to
$3 75.
6 hand miners, good quartz mine, $82 50.
4 miners, cold mine. ?90
Concentrator man, good gold mine, $75.
U. S.
20 teamsters. 2 and 4 horees. $75.
20 laborers; no experience needed, $75.
3 hardwood carpenters, $3 75 day.
Blacksmith, country, $00 fd.: 3 bench hands,
$1)0; machine hand, planing mill. $3 50.
0 cooks. 4 waiters, 7 kitchen hands and dish-
washers, butchers, bakers.
21 farm hands, C milkers, 0 choremen and
choreboys; city and country.
5 machine miners, gold mine, $90.
Donkey engineer, near city.
Cement finisher, near city
3 laborers, lumber yard, «2 day.
Butcher, city Job. $15 week.
4 boys to wrap soap, $4 week.
Carpenter, ranch, San Mateo County, $40 fd.
Carpenter, flninher, city, $4 day; tailor, coun-
try shop; bookkeeper and stenographer, coun-
try butcher shop; wcfklng foreman, ranch,
south, f35 to ?4t> and) found.
Foreman carpenter to run gang 15 men on
concrete work; see boss here
Walking boss for construction gang. $85 fd.
4 miners. Nevada, S hours, $3 60 to $4.
Milker and wife. Marln Co.. see boss here,
550 and found.
Butcher, country Fhop, $30 and found.
MURRAY & REAPY. 034-836 Clay st.
4 MACHINE miners, gold mine, south, ' $75 fd.
Elevator- boy. city Job. J15 and found.
Baker, country shop. f5O and found.
MURRAY A REAPY. 634-633 Clay st
15 teamsters for new work In center of min-
ing district, $80, f«re $1 00; ship to-night
10 laborers, same Job, $60. "
MURRAY A READY, 634-639 Clay st.
A— STEWARD. . ~~ 7~
Steward for boarding-house of large com-
pany; must be experienced man. able to
furnish bonds and references, $75 to $100
end found.
MURRAY A READY. 634-036 Clay st
CARTOONIST to cartoon walking delegate for
our office. MURRAY & READY, 634-63G
Clay st.
— *
TYPEWRITER, also a good stenographer, both
for our office. MURRAY & READY C34-
C36 Clay st.
A— NEWSPAPER reporter to assist HER-
BERT V. READY. 034-636 Clay st.
SOC Market Bt. room &>\ 5th floor.
Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Bookkeeper's assistant $15 to $25 week
. - Stenographer ...... ...:.; .'. . .$15'week
Manager d^rartmfnt store $L'5 week
Uili and entry clerk $15 week
I>ru* clerk $12 , see k
. Checker $1.5 we .»k
Timekeepers $15 WM k
Accountant fi& to JL>5 week
Collector $15 W eek
Floor manager $13 week
11 shipping clerks $15 w «ek
General office work $15 week
Hank clerk, bond required $25 week
Young man, learn dentistry $10 week
SOU Market St., room S25, fifth floor.
phone Main 5040.
Wine salesman. $100.
Clothing salesman, $C5.
Driver, $8 week and commission.
2 drivers, good salary.
Neat young men salesmen. $2 day.
Diamond and Jewelry salesman for retail
house, city. $100.
.'t experienced glove salesmen, $75.
2 Jewelry salesmen, Oregon, Washington,
salary and commission.
2 boys, electrical house, ?5 week.
Placer miners. Alaska $30 day
New Demokrat hldg.. 51 3<\ st.. rooms 9-10.
Contractors' Agents. 95 Third st.
Choreman, hotel, near city, $15 and found.
Young man for flower store, experienced, $12
Laborers. $1 75.
Teamsters, $2.
New railroad work, free fare.
Amador County, teamsters, $2.
CLOTHING and furnishing goods salesman, for
cour.try. $20 week ond commission; shoe
salesman, country, $75 month; brick setter.
$2 50 day; 3 brick sorters and wheelers,
$2 28 day: swamper. $40 and board: farmer,
$30 and board: milker and wife, ?C0 and fd.
J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacrament st
THE Romayn-Shlrk Register,. Renting and
Adv. Co.. rooms C12-C13 Grant bldg.: phone
South 1-0-4 — We want 2 thoroughly exp.
salesmen for a first-class gent's furnishing
goods house: al»r> 2 for a first-clasH clothing
house, fine position, top wages; errand boy
MEN— The only original Moler Barber College
teaches barber trade In 8 weeks; wages
earned while learntnc. '
New quarters and new appliances.
Call or write for Illustrated catalogue.
Moler Barber Collegre, 64fi Sacramento st.
Lately moved from Clay st.
3-CHAIR 10c barber shop; rent $12 50; price
is S150; shop taking in from $-13 to $55 a
week; 2 chair* steady. Addreis 227 I »t.,
Sacramento. Cal.
I WANTED — Boys. 17 and 18 years old. for
wrappers. Apply superintendent's office. The
EXPERIENCED J-welry engraver wanted.
Apply superintendent's office. The Empo-
WANTED— Active and Intelligent office boy,
about iO years old: answer in handwriting
of applicant. Box 4781, Call. 1
WANTED — First-class pantsmaker; good
chance: young Easterner preferred. . 19C8
Flllmore st ¦
WANTED — Boy with little experience to carry
out bread and help on cakes. 'Apply to 1080
Clay st. cor. Mason. -.-•;• •^.'
WANTED — Man and wife for a good road
show; no experience required. Address box
45C0. Call office.
GOOD shoemaker wanted on repairing; steady
work. 2801 Mission st.
YOUNG man desires the services of a school
teacher. Box 454ft, Call.
WANTED — Lithographer; permanent position;
good salary. Box 4550, Call.
WANTED — Every young man to ask his drug-
gist for CHICLETS. __ .
WANTED — Flrst-ilass saloon porter: $12 week.
Call early. 152 East St., corner Howard.
LAUNDRY Jumble ironer; position steady. Ap- ,
ply this morning at "CO McAllister st.
WANTED — A first-class watchmaker. SOR-
ENEEN CO.. 103 Sixth at.
SHOEMAKER wanted on repairing-. 693
Howard *t.
ERRAND boy to make himself useful In gents'
furnishing store. ROGERSON. 535 Valencia.
FOR sale — Well located barber shop; good
transient trade. Box 4881, Call.
A NO. 1 10c barber shop for ssle; guaranteed
627 Sacramento st. , •
GOOD, fctrcng boy about 18 to learn hat trad«;
gooil chance for. boy willing to work. Pacific
Coast Hat Works, 1458 Market *t.
BOY In drug store; experience preferred. El-
lis and Mason sts. . ¦ . 1
USEFUL, competent- German, liquor store;
tena bar: state age and refs. Box 4518. Call. '
CO^WEKOO) fuirr and teUneri v.a:iTi
»<<rk by tbc d»y In farr.<:i..*; raj-M worker;
rtrect and house dm pecs. DL'NEAS box
3C, IUA Larkin street
GERMAN eoverr-rs wishes cour.try position;
thorough modcUa; cxi^ricnced teacher;
piano, hinging. German and English branches,
literature. Mlsy Wagner. P. O.. Frultvale.
A CAPABLE cMrr'.y i 3( jy wl«h*« to take
>-l-.arcr of jfTowr. »-h!>;i-«-n: no cbjf-ctlon to
• Gtrruan ii-mruci'.cn If desired. Box
4720. Call.
ADVERTISEMENT?, subscriptions received at
Call Ilranch office, cor. Duncan and Church sts.
WANT arts and subscriptions taken for The
Call at Eaton's P.ezaar. Ka McAllister st
Kir.ST-CLAES French. Italian. English cook
tr.d pastry willies position; tity: experienced;
ftney work: prftraM family; wages $i"-
J. EKPOSITO.; Loavenworth «. ; phone
Larkln i'jtc.
A COMPETENT man. single wishes a position
near c.ty, steady, to care for a place; expe-
rienced in orchard, good driver, gajienlng
and handy with carpenter too'.s. Address
box 4S73. Call office.
A A— A FIRST-CLASS painter, paper hanger,
tlnttr and grciner desire* work by the day
or job; :*.!.;-¦ .«^t work guaranteed; RooJ
work very re*«-jr.ab'.y don's. 1454 Devisaders.
AA— A COACHMAN wishes a position; under-
•:_n<*.s parden:ng. milking; handy with tools;
good horseman an1 driver; teert or references.
Box 44U-". Cal'..
TraTfTtTTJ ri«"lrn to milk cows, tend horses
or take care «f r'.toe-; references. Address
GEORGE WOLLAP. Doninican .Sis-^ra.
Twenty. fourth and Guetrrr:) sts.
A SITUATION wanted to tak» care of rrl v ate
; iti » by trustworthy man; understands par-
«ienln(f. milklnit. handy with tools; good
fcor*emar: fli— '.-cla#s refs. liox 455S. Call.
A GENTLEMAN cf education, a lueld ar.d
•ronJcnt with a good hou*^. A.Mre«s. stating
salary. F. D., box <:>4S. call
EITTATION wanted— To take caro of a 1 private
p!»c* liy s trustworthy man; understands
l:. - ' -. r.f.- hones and miikiag. M. M., -Z>s 3
'.M.!;.n St.
A— CREDIT mar., or.e who kr.ows hi* business,
rapable —.king charge of ar.y sized concern,
wants position. Bex 4780. Call.
YOCNG German with iarnily w'.shes place on
ranch to work on shares. C*:i or address
_. B.. 1C20 Thirty-second st. Oakland.
WANTED -Position In cand7 factory; am old
hand: have had 16 year*' exp. ; have worked
in Nati'-inal Candy and Biscuit Co. 10 years.
:.. + f.-.r< tin* novelties in candy, such as
glace*, cordial* and cre&tn work of all kinds;
c«ji meke r.e» goods that srUl sell and boom
»our business. Adflreis HENKY SEVER-
SON. C58 Grove st. city.
FIRST-CLASS chef, experienced In German.
French. Portuguese and American kitchen.
pusSMun on the 15th or 1st of next munth:
held f--"j ;-...-•:-:¦ r.f- often In Germany aa chef.
Box «r.:.; u.i orfic*.
TOUNG Hawaiian would liks position In phD-
tccraj>h ga^iery: understands developing anJ
rrlrtlng of pictures; 4 years' experience.
Box 4521. Call office.
A MIL»I>LE-AGEr> trectleman withes to take
<-hanr« of a country hotel or city barroom;
th« best of rvferencec and security c&n be
given. Box 4751. Call.
GliNTLEMAN of *roo£ ad£re*s withes engage-
ment with firm as traveler or collector: good
refprerH'eg a* to character; cash boro if re-
Address J. M. ALVARUS, '81
Ellis ft.. c:tr.
A YOUNG, 18. Ju»t out from Sweden.
«tehe* to Ie*m carpenter trade. Please call
cr answer. 2031 Nineteenth £t.; no poctals
A GERMAN,<I'.e-aged and flr.ple. wishes a
situation as clerk In grocery and bar-
r.xmi; co.«l references. W. BOHLING. 417
K»-arr.y st.
A YOfXfi man. »ob<-r. relist!*, capable, of
Rood a(id:t«>. references, wishes position as
traveling »ule*man; any 31ne except cigars.
liquor*. Br.x 4741. Call office.
BOOKKEEPER ar.d salesman. 24. understand*
*tf;nocruphy and typewriting, wants position,
city or opuntry; can furcifh cash bond. Box
<7S». Call ornce.
¦".¦ '•"!.; 1 .:*- oomclon of tnr kind, where a
know-Wee at office work and willingness
to work it wanted; am 34 years old: have
nart*rn references. Box 4722. Call office.
T0CXG man well educated, accurate and re-
liable, with knowledge of bookkeeping and
buficess experience, wants position; refer-
ences Box 4447. Call.
YOUNG man. rood wrirker. steady. • reliable
end temperate; anything where he can ad-
vance; reasonable wages. Box 4714. Call
effiee. Otklor.d.
inrPLE-AGED man wants p'.ace: private
famliy; good all. round man; gardening,
ronking: reference; »agcj moderate; used tm
h'.r»e*. Box 4715. Call office.
A COLORED wants work as houseman;
c&n da plain cooking: can drive team; has
reference*. W. CHOCLATE, 18 fieventi st,
room lit.
FOBER. industrious man wants work on pri-
vate plare; reference* furnished. Box 4553,
Call otfice.
NEAT and honest young waiter. 20, vingle,
wants position In ealonn, restaurant or lunch
counter: Dot afraid of work. Box 4553, Call.
YOUNG German, steady. Industrious and hon-
eist desire* position at anything; well recom-
mended. Bnx 4543, Call.
COACHMAN. w:ilin»- to work and obliging, can
milk, wistieji position, city or country; ref-
erences. A6£:e?s box 4M1. Cali office.
RELIABLE man. thcrruichlr experienced in
wine end liquor business, cellar and store,
wlihea position. H. EXCEL, ::«; Turk st.
FI!tST-CLA£S barter want* position for even-
ir.E*. Saturi *y and fc' Box 4737, Call.
TOUKO Otrirsn, »te»<!y, honest an3 Industri-
ous. de»lres position at anything; best refer-
rnemm. Hex 4758. Call offic*.
NON-UNION blsckirfith with Al r» commenda-
tion* warts work wl'.h responsible parties.
1C28 Hussell rt., Berkeley.
GP.OCTRT tnd bar clerk wants position: 10
years' Addre«s F. E. M.. !>C7U
IIo— arfl «t.
JIKLIABLE man. thoroughly experienced In
Trine anrt liquor business, cellar and store,
wisbc* r-os!tlt>n. H ENGEL. 3S7 Turk st.
YOCNG rnan wishes position as bcrtender.
Box 4_57. Call office. % :, -.- i
JANITOR, first c'.2.s:.. desire* a situation. Box
4r,33. Call
¦WANTED — A- cituaticc as cook; 1s also a good
baktr. 14 1 4 Bernard st.. eft" Taylor.
A P.ELIABLE man want* position as night; refe;eac«s. I. B., 756 Folscm st.
A YOUNG Japanese who has the experience
t ."¦! ¦ ¦> a situation r.s a dishwasher or kitchen
* ' :?¦ in a buclnens house In country or city.
M. £A\YA. JhJO Stockton St.. city.
A NEAT Japanese desire* a po'citlon as school-
boy in *mn.l! family; good plain cook. 8. K.,
1-1 Halght ft . Japanese MlF»!on.
A YOUNG Jarancse —arts work in country;
care qT cowb. liirrea and garden. M. KU-
IvATA. 4C3 Etrvenaon st
JAPANKSn cook wants a position as school-
boy. M. V.. Japanese Mlsslcn; phone Sut-
ter 41S2.
JAPANESE good boy wishes DOfltlon. any kind
cf work: rpeaks good. English. D. SADA.
liA Stockton ft. : phone Bush *0.
A JAPANESE experienced cook wants position ''
t.ousework. G. Y.. 20 Lewis place, San Fran- '
A NEAT Japir.e.'« J«elre» a po«Ucn as school-
bry In cmji!! family; good plain cook. S. K.
121 U:-..t '..'. st.. J&panese MUslon.
COOD Jarxncte boy ivactx situation as a
rrhoclboy: near Hamilton £ch;>cl. Al. K
035 McAlllner St. cltr. -
A JAFANnsr tyry wants a position as school
boy. VI'lL I><-vl*a<3gro; telephone Scott 548.
JAPANESE couple went positions; man cook.
_j*7lfe waltrew. K. OKI, 807 Polk st.
A JAPANESE boy mantF a position a» schnoT
boy. UI'5 Devisadero St.; phone Scott 848.
'A JAPA?:n!-i:, experiences cock, want* posi-
tion, housework. G. Y.. CO Lewis place.
A CHINESE, fxperlenred first-class cock,
nnjcHrh. French, : wishes position; city hotel
or re«aurant boardlntr-houye: meat and
iinsiry cocking: clean, neat: (,-ood reference!!:
satisfaction. CHARLEY WILLMON. 1113
Clay *!.
CfBVESC cojk. cVrlres rosltlnn In
*>ocrdlrs-housp or h<jtel- cify or country
VSVi Stockton 'A., bet, i'r.cifio and Broadway!
« iTINnEE. ccix! ccck. wart* portion; French,
G< it fun!!}- co^k. S41 Clar ft
•I T >At-fIFIKD ¦rtvert'.scir.cnts svnd subscription*
r»cejved «* Call branch office. 2200 Flllmor* st
A BRANCH office' for Call advertisements and
subkcriptlons has bees eclsblUhed at 10&0
Valencia 9U '' '
AT C. R. HANSEN & CO.'S, — —429 Bush st.
Pastry cook and confectioner, country
hotel ...$H5 found and up
Pastry cook and baker, country hotel, $75 fd
Lunehman, saloon, city $55
Shop butcher who can drive wagon, city;
per week $14 to $18
Masseur baths, eprlngs, $30 mo.; found and
60 per cent of receipts.
Gardner, see party In city.... $30 fd. and up
Married gardner, country.. $50. house
Solicitors, tea and coffee house — good pay.
Teamsters and laborers $2 50 day
U. S. canal — State of Nevada.
C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 420 Bush st
MEN— The original JNO, A. MOLER has
opened one of his famous barber colleges at
044 Clay Bt.: trade taught In 8 weeks: tuition
earned while learning: constant practice; ex-
pert Instructions; positions guaranteed. Call
or write (correct number) 044 Clay st.
WANTED — First-class carriage woodworker;
must be able to take charge of woodshop:
good wages to competent man. 100 Golden
Gate ave.
WANTED — One or two men to learn a good
trade; steady work; paid while learning;
•must have $25 security. Call at 618 Mer-
chant st, between Kearny and Montgomery.
MEN and women to learn the barber trade;
It won't cost you one cent: we teach you
Commercial st. •
WANTED — Men and women to prepare for
Government positions. Apply for free cata-
logue giving partleulari. Pacific Correspond-
ence Institute. Grant bldg., 1095 Market st.
WANTED — Laborers and mechanics to know
that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprietor, has
added 100 new rooms to the Denver House,
217 Third st.; 250 rooms; 25c to 50o per night
WANTED — Educated gentleman competent for
. encyclopedia work; salary $1000; references
I required. 47, Academy of Sciences.
WANTED — First-class barber, one who speaks
Polish language, for country; wages $20 per
week. Box 4537, Call office.
WANTED — Schoolboy to carry morning paper
north Market St., c-ast Powell; no Sunday
work. Apply 1325 Mission st.
WANTED — Men to fill 350 rooms at 20c per
night; clothes closets, hair mattress; electric
light In every room. 681 Howard st
8. F. Barber College, 741 Howard St.. wants all !
young men to knov that It has the finest '
equipped school west of St. Louis; red. ratea
GET your shoes half-soled while waiting; 25c
to 60c. 503 Mission st.. bet. 1st and 2d sta..
or 11 Third st. Examiner building.
TRY our men's shoes, union made; $1 and $1 50
pair: foot-form shoes. $2 50; we pay express
charges. 11 3d ct., Exam.bld. ;open till 9 p.m.
WANTED— Goodyear operator; steady Job. Ap-
ply Evans Shoe Co.. Napa. Cal.
BARBER shop in business block; would ex-
change for country one. Box 4750, Call.
BARBER shop for sale cheap; 627 Clay st.
Call bet. 10 and 12 a. m.
BARBER ehoD for sale In the country. In-
qulre at DECKELMAN BROS.. 106 Ellis et.
ONE man to learn the barber trade, absolutely
free of charze. 751 Mission st.
MEN to learn the detective profession. 997
Market *t.. room 104.
SAILORS and ordinary seamen for all parts of
tne world at HERMAN'S. 26 Steuart at
ENERGETIC, reliable men as city and coun-
try agents; steady positions. 247 Fifth St.
MEN wanted at 137 3d st. where shoes are re-
paired by machlrery: sewed soles 10 min.. 75c.
SAILORS and young men (green hands) for
ships. HALLBERT, 617 Jackson st.
LABOR debts collected: suits, attachments.
Law and Adjustment Co., 328 Montgy., r.415.
PENSION atty.. E.A.Bullis, r. 40. Phelan bldg.
Past Com. Geo. H. Thomas Post, O. A. R.
WINCHESTER Hotel, 44 Third st. near Mar-
ket — 700 rooms; 35c night; reading rooms;
free .'bus and baggage to and from ferry.
A BRANCH office of The Call for the recep-
tion of advertisements and subscriptions has
beep opened .at 1008 Market St. opposlts
•Firth. Orten UritlT'lV p. in. . " .'"
ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received at
Call branch office, cor.Duncan and Church sts.
ALL sizes men's shoes, slightly damaged, half
prlre. fiC't Mission nt.. het. 1st and 2d sts.
A — 30 HEAD of work and driving horsea, 8
lar_->- mares, 1 fast pacer, 2 saddle horses,
harness, wagons and buggies; must be sold;
will exchange. Corner Fifteenth and Shot-
well sts., near Folsom.
TEAM of Jet black horses, 17 hands, 5 years
old, weight, 1 250 apiece, price $700; broken
single or double; sound and true. JOHN DA-
VILLA, Jones ave., Elmhurst, Cal.
FINE river bottom pasturage; green feed year
round; near Black Diamond, Contra Coeta
County. Nucleus Stables, 190 Stevenson, S. F.
COBBLE-SORE, footsore horses for soft re-
clalmed river lands; fair prices paid; must
be sound. Box 4488, Call; tel. Main 767.
A SACRIFICE: rubber tire open hack; good
condition; new harness. HARRY WELLER
12W Market St.
FOR sale— Span of 7-year-old Norman horses;
1450 lbs: well broke and sound. 15 Spear st
AUCTION sale 70 horses, Thursday, November
10, 11 a. m.. U-G Valencia st.
FOR sale — 5 second-hand express wagons, one
single truck. 233 Beale st.
GOING out of business; new and second-hand
wagone sold cheap. 1680 Mission st, nr. 13th.
AUCTION sale nf horses, wagons and harnees
every Wednesday at 11 a. m. 327 Sixth st.
WAGONETTES, eurreys, buggies, wagons,* har-
nesa. work & driving horses. 15th - Valencia.
A — PRINTED list of houses to let; send for clr-
cular. G. H. UMBSEN A CO., 20 Montgomery.
TO let — Rear house of 4 rooms; 1332 Larkln
Apply 13.10 Larkin st.
OAK, 410— Completely furnished modern house,
10 rooms, 2 baths, garden and yard.
A NICELY furnished 8-room house; sunny
corner: piano. 12 to 4. 130S Lairuna st.
CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions
received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmore st.
15-ROOM house for sale cheap account of
slcknes*. Apply SIS Geary st.
JAPANESE housecleaning company and shoe-
maker. 018 Gough st; phone Howard 3583.
LOST— A pass book with the Hlbcrnia Sav-
Inga and Loan Society of San Francisco In
the name of MARTIN CLANCY, No. 252-
2K2; the finder will please return to bank.
LOST — Coral beads, with sliver ornament, on
©"Fun-ell st, Tuesday evening; finder will
be rewarded If left with superintendent' at
Hale Bros., 979 Market st. ¦
LOST — Pocketbook, between Cosmos Club and
downtown; marked' "O. E. B."; liberal re-
ward for return with contents. Addrese J. K.
ARMSBY CO.. 134 Market st.
LOST— Ladles' gold, watch: monogram L H.
H. on case; reward. L. M. HICKMAN,
Sautallto. 0
LOST — Nov. 9, 1904, Waltham watch. Fourth
and- Townsend: James M. Kelly, • April 11,
1SU2. Return to 1136 Pacific St.; reward.
LOST — An opportunity to be happy by a young-
lady who did 'not chew CHICLETS.
LOST— Dog, white Spitz; answers to the
name of Ted; a liberal reward. 228 27th st
BROWN spaniel, white breast, short tall. Re-
turn to 212H Steiner st. . .
LOST — One bay mare. Reward, Eighteenth
and Danvers st," grocery.
LOST — Alligator hand satchel, . Sunday, Nov.
6; reward. 828 Buchanan st.
STRAYED from 11 Belden place, black and
- tan bitch; reward of $20; no questions asked.
MALTESE cat, - strayed from 894 Green st. ;
liberal reward. ¦ :'' - . . . .
C. A. McNEILL LAUNCH CO., foot of Clay
st: for pleasure and business: tel. Bush '634.
MACHINERY — Bought, Sold. Exchanged.
WANTED — Second-hand ." swing ". saw. - and
, planer. JOHN T. - GRAHAM. NW.oor. Pr»-
erfta ave. and Alabama Bt - . -.., '.'
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