Newspaper Page Text
THE SAN FRANCISCO '-CALL,. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1904. 12 _T7SI™-SS CHATTCE S — Cont— .ned. A— CAMERON _ CO. Phone South 1050. 3 Eddy st.. cor. Market and Powell. Headquartera fcr all kind.* of business chances. FOR sale— First. clgti bazaar: located in thriv- ing location, city; fine" plateglass windows; store fixture*: l«rg«» stock; long lease: cheap rent; doir.if peed business: clearing $150 to f'JOO »er month: trial given; established 17 years; one of bej?t propositions .in city; sick- fl'.-ss; snap; price $3500. FOR «.ale— Stationery, school supplies, dress llntnps: well located: cheap rent; doing Rood business; 3 UvtejC rooms: stock will invoice mere than price ashed; sickness; price $1509. CAMERON & CO.. 3 Eddy *!. EXCHANGES made In all kinds of real state, roorr'ng- houses and" business chances. CAM- ERON & CO.. 3 Eddy St. ' . FOR «ale— One of the best hay, grain, feed, wood, coal, lime and cement businesses in S. F. ; cheax> rent; horaes and wagons, all equipment*; Drfsent owner has made a for- tune and wants to retire: guaranteed to clear from ?C00 to 5&00 per month; trial given if desired; cart down. CAMERON & CO. FOR eale — Fine little 3-room cottage and barn; lot..':o_137 feet; all furnished; horse • and buggy; fine well; 15 minutes' walk frcm de- pot: 2 blocks from electric cars 1 ; snap; $10w. CAMERON _ CO., 3 Eddy st. FOR sale— Well. furnished and equipped coun- try hotel; CD rooms; rent enly *160; 10-year lease; newly painted and renovated through- out; about 00 miles from S. F.; fine, grow- ing town; ©resent owner made fortune and wants to retire. CAMERON - CO., 3 Eddy. FOR sale— Sever-] cood business propoeltlonn for Investors, such as. first-class laundry. Ice cream manufactory, bakeries, furnishing goods, merchandise, country hotel*, restau- rants and many other propo_ltions too nu- merous to mention; would be pleased to have you call and Inspect our list. CAMERON & CO.. 3 Eddy st. NEW Arkansas oil field— G. M. Bailey, MU- sourl Pacific immigration agent. Little Rock, Ark., can get you an oil leaae. trifling ex- pense. Fortunes from future eale leases. FOR eale — Good- paying grocery, liquors and bakery on account cf retiring. 64 Rausch St., bet. 7th and 8th. Howard and Folsom. $1500 — grocery an_ liquors; no op- position : splendid location. Inquire 1621 . Buchanan st: I FOR sale — Small candy store and Icecream par. | lor, with 2 living rooms, completely fur- nished. Box -f5. Call. GOOD plumbing and tinning busmess: tools, stoves. Address YOUNGS & BARRY. Berkeley^ ¦ FURNITURE business; will sell very cheap; owner leaving city; 3 living rooms. 64S Howard st. FOR sale — Stationery, notions and Icecream «ore; livtng rooms with 3 years' lease. Box 4602. • Call office. MANUFACTURING business; »000 boxes, booklets machine, etc.; $300; full value. Box 4999. Call. PARTNEP. — Detective and collection; sr.iall capital; established business. McDIAR- MID'S, 1014 Broadway. Oakland. $900 — KESTAl.'RAXT; great bargain; fine lo- cation; good huElness': party going East: also list of saloons. Eltel & Carroll. 212 Kearny. WELL-PAYING restaurant and boarding- house; little opp-^ition. 417 Grant bid., 1-5. $125 — CANDY and pastry. 3 finely fur. rooms and ba£Cin»nt. 525 Taylor St., nr. Post. PARTNER wanted in milk business; $150 mo. to each. Box M<J. Call. FOU sale— Cheap, lst-class oyster and chop hr,u*». 20 >_ Seventh St., nr. new postofflce. GROCERY and bar in Mission for Bale. Ad- drc-ss box 4701. Call office. WANTKD — To buy a delicatessen store; give location and price. Box 4105, Call office. PARTNER wanted with $2000 for well-estab- lished grocery and bar. Box 480, Call. BRANCH bakery and grocery,' cheap. 4181 Twentieth *t. . near CaMro. ROUTE 12. San Francisco Call, for sale. Ap- ply San Francisco Call office. FINE paying drygcods store, with lease; own- er leaving State: no agents. Box 44&1. Call. LOD GIN G-EO USES FOB SALE. A— CAMERON & CO.. Phone South 1050 3 Eddy St.. cor. Market and Powell. Headquarters lor RoominR-houses, Hotels and All Kinds of Bufiness Chances. Elegantly appointed family hotel of 2S rooms; furnished with everything of the best; no better location in city; high-class people; furnished new about 1 year; if taken at once will be snld at V: actual cost to furnish; account of sickness. Well located house close' in. with cheap rent; two years' Iea«e; furniture and carpets In flrst-clafg condition; will guarantee to clear $_t>o per month now and can be made to clear $300; fine business proposition. ISO rooms; grand, new. modern apartment- fcouse; elegantly furnished and equipped- cheap rent; fine lease; paying $jfx> to *<5OO per month; close in; full of nice peoM*; bar- ga'n If taken at once; dissolution of part- nership. We have a number of special bargains in flats of 0 to 10 rooms, new and modern; can be had for less than half cost to furnish; must be sold; either account of sickness or de- parture. We have 13 beautifully furnished rooms In fine block on Post Et.; full nicest kind of roomers; new and modern throushout: brings In nice income; furniture in oak. bir_.«eye maple, velvet and iixminster carpets- cost * $1N>J to furnish six munths ago; obliged to leave city; biff bargain. $1200. An up-to-date downtown house; rent only $5 50 per room: all light and sunny rooms; electric lights and elevator; has 10S rooms' •w-cll furnished throughout; now clearing $030 to $450 per month; make offer; owner must leave city; only with us. 10 rooms: rent ?C5; cood furniture and car- pets: ulways full; must sell within next ten days; leaving city: make offer. 12S rooms; cheap rent; long lease; first-class up-to-date downtown house; well furnished- clearing $500 to $<;<>0 per month; must eeli on account of other business; only with us. 21 rooms; cheap rent; very central; good fur- niture and carpets; clears $100 per month- must leave city; makf»' an offer. 45 rooms, rent only $125; first-class location - well furnished and good running order; clear, ing now over $200 per month; always full- lx>6t buy In city; account of sickness; price $4500. . V _ . Have a little 14-room boarding-house on Geary nicely equipped throughput; all full and clearing nice income; price $2000. 60 rooms; new. modem building; elegantly fur- nished; close In; full of flm-class people; clearing a handsome profit; fine opportunity to get an up-to-date house reasonable; sick- ness. Have new modern 82-room house; rent $375; electric lights, elevator, corner; everything up-to-date; owner will exchange for Im- proved property neighborhood San Jose; value $7000 to $10,000. 9-room flat; rent only $50; water free; oak furniture: good carpets: must sell; price $400. , Model apartment-house. 2 and 3 rooms each* rent is cheap; elegantly furnished; 5-year leaeetik there are 90 rooms; everything new and modern; you can get bargain account of sickness. 7-room modern flat; close In; well furnished; cost $G00; a bargain If sold at once; $250. C5 rooms; best downtown commercial house In city: clearing now $300 per month: every- thing first-class condition: will trade for Oakland. Alameda or Berkeley property or ranch in California;- must leave city. What do you think? i31-room apartment-house- rent only $130; where you can Clear $95 per month; no work: thjs you can get for $1100; wife at hospital. Large list of real estate, roomlng : hou?es and business for exchange or trade' always on hand. CAMERON. 3 Eddy st. HOTELS. i F. L. 8KAGGS A CO.. Hotel Brokers. 26 Montgomery st., S. F. ; phone James 6301; hotels ¦ for sale, to lease and exchange throughout the West. 18. ROOMS uptown: 4 rooms rented "for office for $05;. I am anxious to sell in order to buy a larger house;. my cash price Is $1200; will exchange for a larger house and pay differ- ence. AcMrtba Owner, box 1515, Call. WILL sell my 30-room apartment and rooming * bouse; corner; fine location; no agents' Ad- dress box 4542. Call office. , 12 NEWLY furnished rooms; central location. DAVID BROS., cor. Kearny-CIay.cigar store. ' \/r~\\ T /^ A 1\ I Of l\/'~/^Vr> Cr^T I WITH EQUAL FACILITY BY PLACING YvJU V^AiN DU I vJK OfcLL the right sort of an ad C— AI_VO___TTB — Continned. A-J $$$$$$ *S** Three offices. S26 O'Farrell street. Open every day and Sunday. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. PHOFESSOR HENRY ELLSMERE. THE GREATEST. LIVING EXPONENT OF CLAIRVOYANCY. WHO HAS ESTABLISHED A REPUTATION IN EVERY PROMINENT CITY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. HIS REPUTATION HAS BEEN EARNED BY THE WONDERFUL POWERS HE HAS SHOWN, AND NOT BY ADVERTIS- ING. AS IS ATTESTED TO BY THE UNLIMITED NUMBER OF TESTIMONIALS HE HAS RECEIVED. If you are Interested In any affairs of your life: if marriage, sickness, deaths, changes, travels, lawa-jlts, business transactions, invest- ments of whatever nature, wills, deeds, mort- gages, lost or absent friends interest you; If you care to know what you should do to be successful; where you should go and whom you fhould avoid: if you desire to have domestic troubles removed; your bitterest enemies con- verted into your stancheet friends: In a wora, whatever may be your troubles, suspicions or datires. visit Professor Henry Ellsmere and ne will aid you. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Professor Henry Ellsmere has decided to place his services at the disposal of the people of this city for epeclal readings at the reduced price of (1 a sitting. This extraordinary favor will only be ex- tended for a period of two weeks. All applications by mail or ep«clal messenger must positively be accompanied by the fee in order to hold the appointment. The central location of Professor Henry Ells— ere'a offices and consultation room en- < ables busy people to easily reach him. HIS ADVICE UNIVERSALLY SOUGHT. Professor Henry Ellsmere's advice has n«^ er been sought In vain in the great crises of lire; his counsel has always shone forth clear, lu- j mlnous and right; the tottering fortunes of many a man have been s>aved from wreck by a word from the lips of this wonderful man; In the great game of business men have. staked their all on the dicta of Professor Henry Ells- mere and won. Friends long separated have been r?unlted through bis Instrumentality. The pro\erbia! "slip 'twlxt the cup and the Up' has been averted In thousands of Instances \ through his ability to read tha future. Ro- mances without number have ended happily and the altar fires of love burn in countless homes to-day because of Professor Henry EHs- itktb's profound understanding of human des- tiny. Obscure diseases have been located by his rjsychic diagnosis and owe their cure to his thorough knowledge of the patient's special needs. DO YOU WISH TO KNOW How you can have jrocd luck? How you can eucceed In business? How you can make your home happy? How you can conquer your enemies? How you can marry the one you choose? How you can cbtaln perfect health? How soon you will marry? How you can conquer your rival? How you can make any one love you? How js^'i can mend your family troubles? How you can remove bad Influence? How you can control any one? How you can make distant ones think of you! How you can hold your husband's love? How you can hold your wife's love? Professor Henry Ellsmere tells all and never asks questions. IF THERE IS ANYTHING HEREIN PRINT- ED WHICH SEEMS IMPROBABLE CALL ON HIM AND BE CONVINCED. Three offices— 326 O'Farrell St., San Francisco. Every day, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. * Open Sunday. All Correspondence Promptly Answered. Removed. ROSALIND & CHASE. Removed. Eminent Spiritual, Clairvoiyant. Phychlo Palmist. Located 700 Poat st. Are the most accurate and capable advisers on nil affairs of life. Names, dates, facts and reliable Information given regarding lawsuits, speculations, invest- ments, influences, marriages, divorces and all domestic and social affairs. Remove evil Influences, reunite the sepa- rated, develop mediums and control those you love, even miles away. Tell who and when to marry, lucky days, numbers, etc., and how to quickly develop the magnetic personality which attains success. Satisfaction guaranteed. Fees within reach Hours, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.. dally and' Sunday MME. M. BERNARD THE FAMOUS Clairvoyant and business medium: perma- nently "located at 17 Third st... next Exam- iner bids:. ; she reads your life correctly, gives an accurate description of the past, re- veals th« present happenings and portrays events to occur in the future; If you are In trouble, discontented or not satisfied with life or have domestic, love cr business trou- bles consult this- great medium and you will be told how to overcome them: valuable ad- vice In all affairs of life; 2."c up; satisfaction guaranteed: open Sundays. Tel Black 4569. MME PORTER clairvoyant, medium, born with double veil and second sl«ht: t»>ljs past, present future; 1. 50c; g. by card? $1; palm- istry full life read. $1. 303 Jones, nr. Eddy. MISS ZEMDAR, young, gifted clalr.and palm. ; reveals love, marriage, business, etc.: L. 50c; G. $1; hours 10 to 0; names. 714 Franklin st. MME. ODELL. clairvoyant, card reading, tea leaves; _.'.c up. C12'i Eddy at.: no signs. MME. MARSEAU. card reader; ladles 25c, gents I»0c. 545 Minna »t. THIS ad. nnd 50c you to life reading at 125 Sixth st. MRS. SHAFFER, clairvoyant, card reader, has returned; sittings dally. 108 6th st., rooms 1-2. MRS. EAUMANN. the well-known fortune- teller, is now at 317 Ellis st. ' SPIIU-Tr A—ISM. MRS. CONNOLL, US Sixth St.. trance me- dium: meetings every night: all tests, 10c: ladies' circle Wednesday, 2:30; 10c. A— MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, bua. medium and life reader. 120(1 Market, r. 14, Gait House. C. V. MILLER'S trumpet materializing stance to-night, 8 o'clock; 50c. 10SI Bush. MME. _T>UNQ*S test circle to-nlRht: 10c. 619 McAllister St.: readings dally: come, skeptics. AV. G. KEKGAN holds a test seance every night except Saturday; 10c. 14S Sixth st. MRS. LESTER, clairvoyant, medium, life read- er; clr. evgs., 10c; read, dally. 836 Mission. PROF. GEE. medium and heal»r: readings daily: circle every night. 10c. 1200 Market. PROF. FRED EVANS, noted slate-writer and clairvoyant. 1112 Eddy st. Phon? Scott 887. , C. MAYO STEERS, trance medium. 305 Larkln. room 49; readings 1 to 5; tel. South 319. CABPET BEATING AND CI.EA"* "JQ. COMPRESSED Air and Vacuum Process used fcr clean! r.s carpets on floor without removal:. carpets and rug3 al?o cleaned by compressed air at thop; prices moderate. S. F. Com- pressed Air Cleaning Co.. 308 Market st.; phones Main 152 and Bush 479. WHEN you become disgusted with your work *<;nd for SPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet-beat- ing works, ;:."."i-. ;07 Tehama st. Tel. South 40. WESTERN Carpet Cleaning Works. 1809 Har- rison St.; Al cleaning. 3c. FRED HAGE- DORN & CO.; phone Mission 225. MITCHELL'S, 240 Fourteenth St.— First-class carpet cleaning, 3c yard. Tel. MlssIon-74. ADVANCE Carpet CleaninK Co.. 402 Sutter St.: tel. Main S94 GEO. WALCOM & CO., Props. RUDOLPH _ CO.. carpet-beating works: prices reasonable. 1703 Harrison tt.: tel. Mission 2C3. A NEW plate — The Whalebone — Cannot break; warranted 20 yrs. ; crowns, $3 50; fillings, 50c; plates, $.">; full set; all work painless and warranted. Chicago Dental Parlors. 24 Sixth. DR. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 Market, nr. Eleventh No charge for extracting when plates are made: old plates made over like new; teeth from ?8 per set; -extracting. 50c; gas given. GOLD fillings, 75c; silver. 35c; crowns, $2; no pain;open Sundays. Dr.A.C.HewItt.204 Sutter ARTHUR CHISHOLM, mirgeon-dentlst.r.l4.1st floor, Hhelan bid.. 806 Market, cor. OTarrell. PARIS Dental ParIprs/235 Kearny. cor. Bush — Set teeth, 91 50 up; crowns. $2 up;filllngs,23c X)R. R. L. WALSH has moved from Geary at. to corner Sutter st. and Grant ave. ALL work guacanteed by the New York den- tists. Dr. Perkins. M«rr., 9C0 Mission, cor. 6th. PBESSMAHEB3 A~P SEAMSTRESSES. McDOWELL Dressmaking & Millinery School — Patterns cut to measure; eve. class. 1019 Mkt. Accordion, sunburst', and knife pleating. Stew- art's button and buttonhole factory, 110 Taylr. _DXrCATTO_TAI_ A— GALLAGHER - MARSH BUSINESS COL- LEGE. 1382 Market gt. Send for catalogue. : SPANISH for .business; dally lessons. $1 a week; 4 to 9 p. tn. Room _:, Parrott bldg. ___ > _O~— X :_TT WAITT—D — Mais— Coa. HARDWARE clerk, yours; -->..--:»! _an. 5 years' experience retail ibelf aaci heavy hardware In East, wants position; best ref- erences. Box Sue, Call office. rum AA— A COMPETENT man wls&ea position in private place; understands gardening, milk- ing; haniy with tools, machinery: good horseman and ffrlver; best of references. Box M4. Call office. A — SITUATION wanted to tak« care of a pri- vate place by a trustworthy man (Dane>; understands gardening, horses, milking; good references. -Box 441_. Call office. GENTLEMAN of gcod address, sp»akinsr English. Portuguese and Spanish. wt»h»» employment with mercantile firm as traveler cr salesman. Address J. M. A., box 8$o. Call office. STUDENT attending Heald's Business College wishes work of any kind to pay expense- ; waiting- at table or worse in sore preferred. Address F$ E. M.. 133B Hawthorne «t. A' PLACE wanted by aa elderly man; not afraid of hard work; caa. taka care of horse, cow or garden," chickens, etc. Call or ad- dress J. DALY. Lauxere st.. San Rafael. POSITION as assistant bookkeeper by ycu_? man; strictly sober; dees not ga_.bie; good references. Box 502. Call office. WORK wanted to clean windows, htrcs**, stores and fix up garden. Ailresa U. B.. 613 Montgomery »t. ATTORNEY who Is an exaerlenced bookkeeper and stenographer wants position. Box 66d. Call offlc*. A GERMAN cock wants place ?a flrst-clas_ delicacy stor*. Bcx SOS, Call offlca. YOUNG man wants work of any kind. Box g«4. Call. NON-UNION. Crst-class, want* work In city: reasonable. Bcx Call. A GERMAN. mlddle-a_ed and single. w!?.i_ _ situation aa clerk in grocery »u>re a.-.d bar- room; good references. W. BOHLJ.N'G, 417 Kearny st. WANTED — Situation as grocery cierk; experi- enced, reliable: best of references: city of country, country preferred; reasonabla wages satisfactory. Box 4DO. Call office. WANTED — Position to mil_ cows, tend horse* or take care of place; references. Address GEORGE WOLLAP. Dominican. Sisters. Twenty-fourth and Guerrero sts. JANITOR wants position (anywhere) or general work In or around place, or house ani window cleaning by the day. or other kind of work. I. MEYER. 110 Hyde st. A COMPETENT man (German) desires pesf- tlnn; experienced In wine and liquor business, wholesale and retail. Address box 5.0, Call. NON-UNION carpenter, thoroughly competent, wants work. Address box 15-0. Call YOUNG man. married. _0 years tn hardware business, wishes position _> salesman cr manager; exoerience. 7 years in Eurcoe. re- tail hardware; eight years manager retail hardware. U. 8.; last five years travellac representative largest who!es_> hardware house U. S. Answer bcx 433. Call cf_ce. WANTED — By a respectable _id respcnsihl. man. work as watch_an. Janitor or day work; handy with carpenter and plumber"* tools; Al references. Adiress JULIUS. 116 Second ave., Richmond district. A COMPETENT man. single, wishes _ position near city, steady, to care far a place; expe- rienced in orchard, gocd driver, gardening and handy with <_rpe_ter tools. Ajidres- box 4873. Call office. YOUNG man of 13 would l_a _c_t!oa aa » helper In a good American hota« _sd do er- rands while learning the English language. JAMES CHRIST. 1103!_ Folsom st. RELIABLE, competent In many occupations, experienced single German, wishes any kind of work; reasonable wages. M. FRICK. 414 Jackson st. YOUNG n_n. well educated. acc__r» and reli- able, with knowledge of bookieeplns and business experience wants position; refer- ences. Box 4966, Call. COACHMAN. 16 years' experience, wants posi- tion: city or suburbs: can milk and do gar- dening If required: first-class city reference. Box 825. Call office. PLUMBER, licensed and Independent, wants work from property owner by. the day or week; will give estimates If des'ired; has all necessary shop tools. Box 4S8, Call office. AA — A FIRST-CLASS painter, paper hanger, tinter and gratner desires worse by the day or job; nrst-class work guaranteed; good work very reasonably done. 1434 Devlsadero. YOUNO married man wishes position as col- lector, or drive delivery wagon; bonds fur- nished. Box 443, Call office. HONEST, trustworthy, young mam wsnts ' steady position as gardener: referaoces It re- quired. Box 401. Call office. SITUATION wanted — Salesman wants position on the road at once; six years' experience; best of references. Box SG3, Call office. MARRIED young couple desire posltlot— la private place; both Intelligent and good workers. - Box 822. Call office. YOUNG butcher, used to have a rout* a_t_ work In the shop, wishes position, la th* city. Box 805. Call. A FOREIGNER, recently arrived, wishes wor_ as blacksmith In factory cr anywhere, w 1_ moderate wages. GEO. DATES. 777 Folsom. A SITUATION wanted by a cook la «— «H restaurant. AL. NAUDB. 1525 Powell st. AN experienced collector; also competent book- keeper; best references. Box 4901. Call. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper a_d office _u; good references. Box SQg. Call office. YOUNO German desires position of any k'.aJ; would prefer to learn trade or as helper far carpenter. Box S33, Call. ACTIVE, middle-aged, sober man warns — e«k: handy around house, garden, etc; caa ratUc and make butter; wages $15. Box 441. C_U. WANTED — Position as city salesman for S_» Francisco or Oakland firm: Al reference*. Address Salesman, 610 Apgar St.. Oakland. ELDERLY man. small, neat, active. Intelli- gent, wants situation; references. Bcx 4143. Call office. BUTLER or Indoor servant want* situation; experienced, honest and willing; German; best references. O. S.. box 4823, Call. WANTED— Set of books to keep evenings. Box 40SC. Call office. JAPANESE boy. gentla and honest, wants _ pGsitkn to do chamberwork In hotel or room- ing-house: has good experience for several years. KIT A, fill Bush St.; phen* Black 6034. A YOUNG Japanese desires & position as schoolboy or half-day worst In Sausaltto cr Mill Valley: speaks _oc_ IVY A, P. O. box 160. Sausallto. ¦»,;» A JAPANESE boy wants a position In fam- ily for housework: can. do Japanese mas- age. YAMA. 350 Jessie St. A JAPANESE boy. speaks English, aa school- boy or houseworker at any place. R. IKEDA, Japanese Gospel Society, 723 Geary. JAPANESE wants position; house cook or hcuseworking: experienced as waiter; wages $6. Apply WATANABE. 1336 California st. A YOUNG JaDanese boy wants a situation as echoolboy or housework, porter In good family In the city or vicinity. M. GEORGE. 4 St. Mary'* »t. A YOUNG Japanese wants a situation as % schoolboy cr easy housework In good fam- ily In the city or vicinity. NOMAGUCIir. 605 Du.ont st. JAPANESE ycung man with experience In launrJry work would Ilka position in private famtly. Address T. T.. 530 Pino st. A PAINTER, .with toola. wants work by the day. whitening and tinting. J. HUNTER. 1&77 O'Farrell; phene Stelner 1075. .JAPANESE (good bey) wants situation as waiter at table in nice fnmlly. GEORGE. 313 Sutter st. Tel. Black 4211. GOOD Japanese boy who can speak English, a.* - pi tin conk. GEORGE. 1304 Post St.; phone Sutttr 4132. flats roa sa__— FT~._n3__D. A MODERN, sunny upper fiat; 7 large rooms; newly furnished 3 months ago. 017 Jones St.. near Bush, 9 to 5 p. m. Furniture of desirable sunny 5-r. fiat. nr. Park; cheap rent; $20; a<Iult*. tt "Fremont av. COMPLETELY furnished nmlera sunny flat. 6 rooms; _- rcctrs rent»d. S77 Edily st. . i FLATS WANTED. WESTERN Addition; nice flat of 4 or S rooms; American family; so children. Box 4959, Call office. JOIiX V. SITOvCKELS;r.'lPwigfeW A&f.m*- Cmnrauntc-ttons to JOHN McXATCHT.'.Vr;.V: ? . Manager W. .1. M JUSTE y Fl fz n— -n<— « ' 3uL — a agCT TELEPHONE. A*k tot TOE CALL, lne O;-rator W~C<»- | oca roa With t:-« Der_r_Mitt You V !t- P_l,"'_'i'-T Office Market and Third. S. F. KltarU- Bee_..<..__lT_to =21 Stevenson «t. JJeJlv-n-S h~ Carriers. 20 Ct«. Per Wo«_. 75 Cts. «Vr Mcnth. Slr._le Cc^es j[> Cy*. T— r.* tv ft_JL Ir.clu3!r.c Pcstase iCasa »> ._ Order): „ DAILY CA__ llacjnd. Sw_*r^ 1 year... $S 00 DAILY CALL tincta-. f-.o.ieyJ. C ~os... ?_'»> DAILY <>LL— By r=Ia_le Moot- "* F:-.r>.\V CALL. 1 Year f?o WEEKLY CALL. 1 Year •• tij~ f;i,it r <>_«O I'er Y*a- Y.\ .ra \ OI aF9.N / B___f TtxS Per Y«- - Wr. POSTAGE. j We.-KIy. 1.00 P*r Te_r Extra ; ALL TOSTMAETHRS ARE AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS. Eft—pie Cci-J's will tc forwarded when re- _aii tubicribers in ordering <*¦_[• "$JJ5_; _r»*t Fbc_- be i-artirular to give both >_w ANJJ OLD ADMASS in order to 1 "« t f re * prcrrpt a_l correct cc—iiiance with their re- OAKLAND OFFICE: IC16 Broadway Telr shone Main 1033 BERKELEY OFFICE: tl*S Crater Street Telechone North 77 Washington correspondent: f _M"FT W. V.' ALL Hotel Barton NEW TOP.K NEWS STANDS: V 'aldorf -Astoria Hotel; A. Brestano. 31 rtior. Equal- ; Murray BUI Hotel; li • and Hoffman Hcuse. CHICAGO NCWS FTANDS: Sherman lioue': P. O. New* Co.: Great Northern II- '.: : Tr'rr.ont Hojse; Auditorium Kctel; Pa^rcer Hcusc. CHICAGO r.nPRESENTATTVE: C. <"On<JE EBOCKCSS. Mamuru* B-Jlldlng. (Lcr.g Disuse* Tclrphcre, "Central 2G19. > NEW YORK nKPRE^ENTATIVE: CTEPHi::." li. .«MITH «l» Tribupe Building NEW YORK CORHESPONDEN'T: C. C. CARLTON Herald Square BLEINEES OFFICE of the Ean Francisco Call. crrntr Market and Third streets: open until 12 o'cicxk *x*ry night in the year. BRANCH OFFICES: 10C* Market street, cjposite fifth; op«n until II p. m. B37 Maptc— niery etre*t. comer Clay: open until ¦_0 i>. ir.. tCi> He >•<¦•!• street; cpen until 9:30 p. r_ r.39 Mc-Aliirter street; cpen until 9:30 p. m. «:15 Larkin street; open until fl:30 p. m. Jfi41 Mission street; open until 10 p. m. JOi: Eleventh street; open until 9 p.m. 1090 Valencia tjreet: cpen until 9 p. m. Northeast ccrner Church and Duncan streets; cpen until 8 p. m. __•(.• F'.lim-,rr: rtreet: open until 9 p. m. _t__T_?G NOTICES. AFTLl'M of M__aa Commandery. W. y 1).. K. T.. Ma« Temple— ?iat~1 p^-^n^ _*rr.r,!y THIS <TI LSIiAY) EVENING. l||l U-eim-fS. JNO. R. H1LLMAN. Rec. *<& CALIFORNIA Chapter No. 5. R. A. M.. « Rill m-et Tills (TUESDAY) EVEN-VV IX'J. Nov. 15. at 7 :3<» o'clock. Stattd/>r\ Uieetir.K. I'.y or<Je r of the H. P. FRANKLIN H. DAT. Secretary. GOLDEN GATE Lodee No. F. nnd ra A M.— CaliM mteun« THIS (TI'ES-VV DAY) EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. ?»t7V\ ond dfe_r*-e. By rrder of W. M. EDWIN' L. UEYER. Secretary. ORIENTAL l>d_e N"o. 144. F. and A. _ M.. Masonic Temple— First ¦ie«rree"»/y THIS (TTTESDAYI EVENING, at 7:S0/V\ o'clock Master Masons cordially in- v1tt-<3 HENRY E. PENNELL. W. M. A. S. HX'BBARD. £ecrt-tary. EAN FRANCISCO Lode* No. 360. F. _ and A. M.. Miatscn. Teir.ple. 20feS Mis-'VV' _on B_— Th:r<! d^trree THIS (TCES- />f\ J'AYi EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited By order ct the W. M. A. A. ANDERSON, S«c. "YEP.BA BUEJfA Lodge No. 13. I O. r >. F. — Officer* and rnernberg.-s^pCafiT'r- erf- rf-quttted to as^-mble at ¦^SjSSvft? the ch_j**l of the Golden Gate 1'nd«;rtiiking Parlor*. 2475 Mission tt.. TUESDAY. Ncv. 13, at 1 o'clock p. m.. for the purr**-* of att«-n-lnK the funeral of our late brother. F. W. FLITNER. STEVEN D. HECK. Nohle Grand. CHAB. A. WISEWELL. Secretary. _ODGE Notice — Officer* anft mem- ¦**__>>, t*-» <• Mission >:¦>¦' k;.h I*>-B«^%_JMfe No. _£> are requf-sted to EW-m-^^S^y^fflj We et the rfca£<el cf the Golden "^jiSTflS" Gate Undertaking Company. 2475 Misricn •t.. TC_SX?AT. Nov. 15, at 1 :.V> «/ clock p. tn.. to Htter.d the funeral cf ocr lat« brother, FRANK FLTTNKR. By <»r<Jer of LULU PERKY. Ncblfr Grand. MINNIE ROBINSON. ReeorlSr.g Secretary. THE California Debr:» Comm'.EMcn. having re- If«iv«-d'_rV''-!ca::or.s to nine ty hydraulic pro- «-*-s frcrr _. car.tirfo, in Eantirfo _!n*\ near Volcano. Arr__or Co_r.ty. C&i., dra:r.:r.ff Into Crass Veiiry Crrk, v.-h:ch re_ch»i! Moke- liicine Riv*r; from L. Deh_cfal «r._ S. )__- r<-ra. In M_zz«:ra ZK'.nr. necr Volcano, A:r.»- <!ur County. C_:.. dra!:;lrg '._to South Branch batter CretJc, wfcich reach** Mokelanuie fUrtri item O. _3_le, In Manila r_:n^, near lea. E2_fU County. Cal.. drains* l_v> Dry | Creek. Trhlcii reaches Pacr_ncnto River: frcm G<.!J Ii_n M:nlng Ccn-.p_r.y, in Gold Run mine, ntar <iuincy. I'lumaa County, Pal., into Creek, which rc_cI-:«-«, F*_t_er RJvcr, and from II. A. and >. A. HallrtT-rtj Jn ii>ieryxn rr.Ine. near Span-* rarn-b. I'lurrcac County, Cal.. «lr_n- ln_ Into .-;•!»¦.-?¦ Creek, which reaches Feath- er River, elves notice that a meeting to re- ctlve any irottsts will .be h f :Id at room 5»1, Flood bull-ing. San Francisco, Cal.. Nov. 2S. I3C*. at 1:30 g. m. 'CIJLAPEST »r.d belt in Ac-.erlra— Th» Weekly «~a!l. 10 1 2_es. r-r.t f> any a4dre?g <n the Ur.lte<l Ftatc-5 r,r Cnr«rla ct;' yur for SI. AG-KTS -AKVED. VTAN'TED — A reliable man cr woman to man- ar* a branch «upj.!y office fcr Talesmen; no Investmrnt or canvassing required in poel- tion; *xpfn«e» adv_r.e*-d: w«kly ealery and 5 I«r cent con:ir.i_icn. Address Manager Supply D«T>t-. 5th floor. Thompson bldg.. _t. —o-jg. WANTED — Averts to eanvaas for household rccf-Ksitl'f : good r-ay and steady work. C. T. ADA— S. 31 *i Mason et. LADY a;rT.t_ wanted everywhere to sell Keinp't E-Jr-poritoHe.. 1312- Market St.. r. 316. ATTOKI7_YS-AT-_A— . A FRAUDULENT _vorc« Is dear at $\i and is no rood; for 2_ jeans I've raa.Ce _i**crce« a tpscl_!iy; Quick; quiet; no money needed; no pay ur.lees divorce is granted; perfectly reliabie; lowest fee«; advice free; collections tr.ede, G. W. HOWE. 1122 Market et. It. \V. K1XG. Attorney-at-iaw. Exam. bldg.. Cth floor: entrance room Cll; c-etabllehed 2<J y«ars; _1I courts, general court and office practice: no fee_ in advance or for consulta- tion; evening by appointment. Tel Red 3901. AA — DIvcrce: costs $12; <jnick.<juiet ;advice free; all law business; no charge unless success- ful; cpen ever.lngs. .027 Market St.. room 301. ADVICE fr^e; divorce costs fl2; no fees or cocts in advance; all law business; office opea Eaturcay cvcr.injrs. S19 Market st.. r. 33. _. S. CLARK, S27 Market, room 304; consulta- tion free; no fet_ln advance; open evenings. A3OPTIO3. A WELL-EDUCATED, middle-aged coupJe In corr.Iortable- circumstances, without chil- dren. v._au to adopt little girl, or boy pre- ferred, aped from 2 to 5 ye_re; the people own a fruit ranch in the heallh!ei»t part of California. Full Information may be had by addm«s!ng bcx 504; Call office. ASTHMA CUBE. CI NOLA'S Asthma Remedy relieves Instantly 10c, 25c, 50c. 1602 Market, ft. Nicholas; • albo Wlnhart. 10th and Washington, Oakland. fOV.D Automobile. 1904. for sale, with lamp«. warchllpht and tonneau: everything com- plete. Kox 4605. Call offlc*. WANTED— Good eecond-hand automobile- •tate price, etc. Box 4008. Call office. C-OT2__fQ BEHOVATIWO. Fl'lTS cleaned and pressed, $1; souring and dyeir.£. Bon ilarche. Examiner bid... r. 410; phone Drumm 4*. Call for and deliver fre«. co__ECTio_r o~~xc_s. BAD tenants ejected for $4: collections made; city or country. Pacific Co"«*ctlen Co.. 415 _U>nt_«nery et.,Too__ 9-10. 1*1. — — — K8Q. i^DGINO-HarjSES^TOB^SAJtE-^^Con. —MARION GP.IFFIN-— 406 Hearst- building over "Examiner' en- trance, corner Third' and Market »ts. : tel. Black 3607. Hotels and rooming-houses for saJe. Free list. We furnish abstracts free and guarantee titles. ;¦•¦/-">¦ ¦ —NO/L- IT 13 WORTH your while to see this 20- room downtown house; New golden oak. blrdseye maple and mahogany fur 1 - $1000 down" and' easy '•> . month; Al transient . location; near Ellis and Powell. MARION_GRJFFT___ — NO 2 ***" ISTOP — THINK— In- vestigate, as such an offer comes only once In a lifetime; 32 rooms; a fine corner on Sutter street; sub- stantially furnished: a splendid house; $1000 down and easy. payments. MARION GRIFFIN. . —NO. 3.— 871 flOIlCSt uOU S£ for what It Is worth see MARION GRIFFIN. —NO. 4.— PRICE NOW— $1800 — A 39- room house; , profit $140 monthly over — all — expenses; easy to manage It: the — roomers — are honest working peo- ¦ Pl *' MARION GRIFFIN. — NO. 5. — PROFIT $48 MONTH- LY; nice, clean, re- spectable roomlng- hou_e on . the sunny side; north of Mar- - ket: 14 rooms; price $750 (was $1200); TERMS $3C0 down and $10 each month. MARION GRIFFIN^ ' —SO. 6.— A 12 -ROOM house Reduced to $10") ; Central ; rent $30. Income over rent $47. All men roomers. • No£ a first-class house, but it's re- spectable. MARION GRIFFIN. —NO. 7.— MORTGAGED HOUSE; mortgagee. who loaned $900 on a 20- room house, asks us to get him an offer: house has been newly renovated and —NEWLY C A R- PETED— Clears $70 monthly; easy terms If de- fired; a mechanics' house. MARION GRIFFIN. — NO. 8.— BEAUTIFULLY fur- 1 nlshed 37- room house 1 . in best location In this city. You n?ed but little money ($1500) to get pos- % session: clears $173. MARION GRIFFIN. ONLY $150 DOWN se- cures a swell 12- room house near NOB HILL; bal. fine furniture; elec- MARION GRIFFIN. MONTHLY. . j MARION GRIFFIN. —NO. 11.— of all kinds. Let us know what kind ot an exchange you would like. Or it you need money to put in with your -property on a trade, we can accommodate you at short notice. MARION GRIFFIN. 400 Examiner building. FOR SALE. 3G-room house; downtown;flne furniture.$5000 24 morns; central; everything new; $1600- $MH) cash. 30 rooms: downtown; transient ».$2500 14 rooms: Sutter st.: transient $1000 100 rooms; all rented; fine furniture; $10,000 C&XW cash. 30 rooms; corner house; very swell. . .$3500 Boarding-house, S rooms, nr. carhouse.$50O Furnished bouse, S rooms. Mission $4,V) San Francisco Credit Co.. 10 Turk st.. 1st fir. — . MITCHELL & CO. i 1206 Market ft. Phone Jessie 29S1 Rooming hnd apartment houses, hotels, flats. Sold to futt purchasers. Titles guaranteed. JIlTCIiELL & CO. — A PARTLY furnirhed house. IS rooms, sunny, downtown, plain but neat: price $750; hav- ing other property must sell. Make offer exclusively with MITCHELL _ CO.. 120« Market st. LIST of great barealnp; from 7 to 200 rooms- cheap rents. To exchange for a lodging- house. 377 acres land in Santa Clara County; also 2 Oakland lots; good paying country hotels and roadhouses. Money loaned on furniture. EITEL & CARROLL. 212 Kearny. $1.15— SPECIAL bargain; flat of 4 nicely fur- nlehed rooms in pood neighborhood, near Market st.: oak furniture, good carpets; everything complete; rent $10; owner loav- ln»- city cause-* the sacrifice. See BROOK- BANK, 917 Market St., bet. 5th and Cth. DRUMM. 121— Lodging & boarding house; 19 rms.; good renting location; medprn; cheap. A BRANCH office o f The Call for the reception of advertisements and subscriptions has been opened at IOCS Market St.. opposite Fifth. Open until 11 p. m. • _OPO-ITG-HOTTS_S ~A-TT_P WANTED to' buy for cash lodging-house of about SO rooms. Address box 4106. Call. FROM all ; sections they come to witness the wonderful demonstrations of the ¦ noted LIVINGSTONE. Readings $1. Would It not be a relief to know how you will succeed, to b e relieved of the matters that are troubling you and of the schemes of your enemies, that . you may meet with better success? Then for a reliable reading go to LIVINGSTONE, 428 .Eddy st. ; three separate- reception parlors: lady attendants; hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. . Permanently located at 28J4 Kearny st. after Wednesday. RICHARD MAYO , The Man With Psychic Power. The. greatest living adviser on the continent. FREE TEST, . FREE TEST To all who come prepared to have a reading. 421A Ellis st., private flat; hours 10 a. m. to 8 ?. m. . . ISMAR. Egyptian Seeres*. The Vendome. 1104 Market. st., San Francisco. Office hours — 10 a..m. to 5 p. m. ; Sundays, 10 to 12;-Wednes- day evening, li'to 8. Phone . South 1141. Mrs. A.H.Krcnenberg, palmist, clairvoyant, card reader; when othtrs fall try me; readings 25c. 721 Franklin, nr. O. G. ave.; tel. Larkln 4207. TR0F. DAHL guarantees to tell ; your past, present and future; names .given; readings 50c. 1027% Market at.; hours 1 to 0 n. m. BUSINESS J3_ANC_S. I RESTAURANT and cafe close' to Market and Powell sts.: least; place el??antiy titled up and doing a large buzinees; best class of r.atronare; owner engaged In other busi- nc-*.>; must sacrifice. See R. G. WILKE. 25Vii Kearny Et. A— $<J0o; ItOADHOUSE with 7 furnished rooms; r^nt $20; 5 years' lease; very beet location: on .«an Mateo road. S«e It. G. WILKE. 2«Vs Kearnj- st. A— $2150; CORNER grocery and bar; 5 years' lease; rent $4<K etore doing a Urge cash busi- '. ness; location can't b«- beat; value in sight. ' S«.-e IL G. WILKK. 20% Kearny et. A-?55iy); SALOON; -bout 1 block from Phelan bulidiar; rent $125; lease; stock will In- voice about $1200; a good paying place; ln- vrftiiaie at once; rare chance. R. G. WILKE. 2«% K'arny Et^ A~f3600- COFFEE saloon and restaurant; 1 block jrora Examiner building ; rliies estab- lished years: doing a f;rst-c!a_ business; about $70 per day. Particulars see R. G. WILKE, 2«% Kearny st. ' A— $l.:50; BRANCH bakery, candy ond dairy produce ttore; 1 block frcm Palact* Hotel: J*ily rec-eljjts fiom $30 up; horse, wagon; p!ao» clearing $200 per month. See U. G. WILKE. 21% _ K _'«~__ S A— $90o— CORNER ealoon, with cigar stand, on Fuurth st.. living rooms; rent 130; lease; _ good paying place; bargain. See R. G. WILKE. 26% Kearny St. A — $1500 — OIJ established commission- atore. dairy produce, etc.. must b« sold at once on acccurt of death; very rare chance, as busi- ness is known for 2S years as a good reliable house. R. G. WILKE. 23% Kearny st. A — $r.'C-O; THE leadln* candy. Icecream and oyster parlor across th? bay; monthly re- ceipts about $1500; rent $C0; no nicer fitted up place this kind ia the State: rare chance. Call R. G. WILKE. 2*% Kearny st. X— $4000; CORNER grocery and bar: few blocks fouth of Market St.; net rent $90: >ease 4 venr»: average monthly receipts $1W; value In sl*ht. See R. G. V.ILKE. 20% Kearny St. A— $.'>00; CIGAR stand: r*nt $30; only 2 blocks from <*s!l building; a bargain. Call R. G. WILKE. 2ii% Kearay st. A— $na>; CORNER saloon: rent $20; place sur- rounJed by factories and doing a good pay- ing business. Call R. G. WILKE. 20% Kearay at. A— Jl'Or*; HOTEL of 30 rooms; rent $1<"*>; lease; i with lirst-class raying saloon In mar.ufartur- | ing town across th* bay; a good paying busi- , ness. See K. G. WILKE. 20% Kearny St. A— $750; I)ELICAT1#3EN, branch baker}' and fancy grocery; ¦* nice living rooms; rent ?25; daily receipt* about $20; »>est location north Of Market. Call R. G. WILKE. 20% Kearny. A — f3SG0; CORNER grocery and bar on Fulton St.; n-nt $00; living rooms; stock will In- voice about $2fc(«>; a well established and first-class paying business. See R. G. WILKE. 26% Kearny gt. F. A. BROOKBANK. BUSINESS AGENT, 017 Market St., bet. Fifth and Sixth. Phons Folsom 1M»5. A GROCERY and bar, located on busy street; large stock and good fixtures; Al trade: o* living rooms; bargain for $750. See BROOKBANK. $150 BUYS br. bakery, delicacy, grocery and milk depot; _ nice furn. rooms; cheap rent; a bargain. See BROOKBANK. 917 Market. $350— PARTNER for well-paying cigar stand on Market et. ; elegant fixtures; full stock; money-maker. See BROOKBANK. SALOON men, attention'. Bargain; $1300 buys fine-paying, corner saloon; elegant fixtures; gcod stock; daily receipts $15 to $25, net rent $:;&; 3 years' lease; make offer; must eell to-day. Ste BROOKBANK. $l_r> — PARTNER for well-paying restaurant; will clear you $75 monthly. See BROOK- BANK. $775 BUYS a nice little grocery and bar; good stock and fixtures; cheap rent. WEST- ERN REALTY CO.. 1007% Market st. $_0T»— LARGE fruit store and fish market; horee and wagon; large stock; living rooms. 10C7% Market «t. WANTED— For cash, saloon license. WEST- ERN REALTY CO.. 1007% Market et. SALOON men, attention! We have 2 good 6aloong on Sixth st. 1007% Market st. $12.*. — Partner store, to take full charge. WESTERN REALTY CO.. 1007% Market st. A FINE grocery In Western Addition; new stock: $.1500. or will take partner. Saloon on Fourth «.. near Market: $1900. Hotel of 5O rooms in good country town; cheap rent; $2500. <'igar stor* on Third st.: rent $10: $300. Ro-dhouse in San Mateo County, with 8 acres good land; 1 mile from Redwood City. A large list of business. roomln_-hous*s and hotels for sale and exchange. EITEL _ CARROLL, 212 Kearny »t. A— $2_5: PARTNER in good, live restaurant. $300 — Partner in real estate office; Knap. $_75 — Flat. « rooms and bath; good. $C75 — 14 rooms; in good location; snap. .$3TX) — Saloon: _oo_ corner; we.II worth $«X> ( >. $2500— Two stor«» in Richmond; worth &C00. S. F. REALTY CO.. 1035 Market st. $200— RESTAURANT; snap; must be sold at once. BEKO & POI'P, 318 Kearny *t. $500 TO $10,000 saloons; good bargains. $450 to $3000 restaurants; good bargains. $750 — Partner: business chance; trlSers ne?d not apply. BERG & POPP. 318 Kearny Ft. FINE OPPORTUNITIES. IF you wish to buy or sell property of any de- scription do net fall to call upon us; we may have Juit what you want to buy or a pur- chaser for what you wact to stll. J. W. JAQUITH & CO., 1312 Market St.. Rooms 418-419. Telephone Folsom 3468. A — $300; PARTNER wanted In light mechani- cal business; no previous experience required; $15 to $30 a week each. 47 Geary, room 2. WANTED— Steady, active young man partner with $200; well-established. - pleasant busi- ness that will pay him $150 month and over. Call 1118 Mark't St.. room 3. SALOON: stock; fine fixtures; 5 years' lease; fine location. Grant bldg., cor. 7th, nn. Cl_. RESTAURANT doing a splendid business for ' sale; cheap. Call Mi Turk st. $400 — PARTNER, . lady or gentleman. In fine paying restaurant. Box 688, Call. $1500 — REAL estate buciness; a long estab- lished unincumbered general real estate and Insurance anency cf thoroughly reliable repu- tation, doing good business; thoroughly equipped; best location in Berkeley: answer immediately; a sacrifice. Box 240, Berkeley Gazette offloe. Berkeley. $3250 BITYS butcher business In suburbs of Oakland; extensive trade; building and ground on main highway; retiring from busiaess; see my acents. SALSBURY & YOUNG. 072 Broadway. Oakland. Cal. FOR SALE— $10,000 will buy a first-class commercial ho- tel, clearing not less than $5000 Der year; good reason for telling; no agents. For par- ticulars -addres- A. KAY8ER. 911 Broadway, Oakland. Cal. FOR rent — 2 acres of land : chicken : houses ; house with 8 rooms, furnished. Including pi-no: suitable for boardlng-houae and chick- en ranch; $25 month: 5 minutes' walk to depot. Appiy 2207% Mission st. SALOON men, attention — Water front saloon for sale: best In city; at a bargain; rooming. bouse In connection; doing good business; sickness cause of selling. See COLEMAN, ; bOC Mutual Bank bldg. I $_rsO — GOOD chance for active man In cstab- I I!«hed cash business, suitable . for a man v-illinr to do plain light work and be satis- fied with $75 mo. : no previous experience re- quired. Commercial Invest. Co., 632 Market. CALL route for tale; good route In Alameda. Apply to this office cr call at 181S Pacific ave.. Alameda: take broad gauge train, get off at Grand t _ •tatlon, Alameda; call be- I fore 12 noon. - t A PARTNER wanted with $12,000 to $15,000 In caah; he will double his money In the first 8 months; first-cla*s security will be given to him. 212 Parrott bldg.. 8. F. COALY ARD In Oakland for sale; old estab- llshed; centrally located and doing a good business. Box 1519. Call office. Oakland. SALOON for sale — At entrance to tu%nel of Bay Shore Ry. 1921 . Fifteenth ave. south., bet. Q and It sts.. nr. R. H. ave. A FINE saloon and lunch house; large place, with 14 room-.- Inquire. at 79 Stevenson «t. WANTED — Butcher shop with full equipment Box 4406. Call office. FCR sale — Small Bulletin route. Inquire Bul- .letln. 233 Kearny st.. room 10. $1000 HALF partner or $1900 whole; - IS .rooms; bar; 3 years' lease. 210-212 East at. CANDY store or half interest In mfg. busi. ness; candy man preferred; 1S10 Market st. FOR sale — A small grocery and bar. Inquire At Jackson Brewery, box S07. CalL ¦ __T7CA TIO-TAIi — Con— aned. VOCAL, piano and violin lessons; Iw^H 1 method for voice culture; all forms of tech- nical exercises for piano and violin; »— a for prospectus; Mrs. Bertha Oeser. voca» department: Rudolf L. Oeser piano an d vio- lin 610 Apgar st.. Oakland; Phone Lane £02. y,."^ . A«-THE Lyceum, an accredited preparatory school for university. law and medical col- leges, refs. President Jordan or any Stanford professor; day. evening sessiona Phelan bias- E R AYRES, founder of Ayres Business Col- lege, has returned: bookkeeping, penmanship, • shorthand, typing: J5 month; life scholarship $50; positions secured; day, eve. 723 Market. THE Paul Gerson Schocl of Acting, the largest institution devoted exclusively to dramatic learning in America: positions guaranteed. Send for catalogue. Native Sons' bldg. A— "Single page method"; no text-bocks; twice the progress in arithmetic, bookkeeping, short- hand. etc.- WESTERN BUS. COL.. 1-S1 Mkf. HEALirS School of Mines and Engineering. 24 Poet St.. S. F. ; civil, mining, electrical, steam and gas engineering. Send for prospectus. A SUCCESSFUL college; no—, large rooms; perfect light; all graduates are getting posi- tions. S. B. Bualneaa College. 739 Mission. ENGINEERING — Civil, elec, min.. inech.. sur- vey, assay, cyanide; day. ere.; est, 1964. van der Nalllen School. 113 Fulton, nr. City Hall. BOOKKEEPING. En«_ math., etc.; day and eve.; Individual lnstr. 805 Larkln -t.. Prof- T. A. .Robinson, former prea. Pac Bua. Col. CLASSES m short story writing and Journalism meet on Mon., Wed. and Thurs., 2 p. m., o33 Phelan bldg. ; term* very reasonable^ HEALD*S "BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 Post it. Established 1S63; largest In the West; send for circulars: _^ A— METROPOLITAN Bus. Col., 802 Van Ness ave. ; positions, secured. R. H. Webster. Pres. OUITAR. mandolin and piano. $3 per month; vocal lessons $1. fe2S Halght st. ISAAC Pitman Business College, 345 Halght; Individual Instruct. ; all branches; day. ev». CHICAGO Business College. 1554 Market — Posi- tions, shorthand, typing, bookkeeping; $9 mo. ADULT and Juvenile classes now open. Hin- man's School of Dancing. 1412 Polk, nr. Cal. SHORTHAND taught thorMy by mall and per- sonally. Miss. M. G. Barrett. 302 Montgom'y. SCHOOL OF ILLUSTRATION Day and PARTINGTON'S. 424 Pine st. — Night class. SPANISH.French.ete. Prof.De FWppe'sAcademy of languages.1018 Poat; est.!S71:ablest profs. SMPIOT-EHT OCTICgS. A — JAPANESE and Chinese employment office supplies best help promptly; city or country. S. IMURA, 839 Sacramento. Tel. James 5231. A— ORPHEUM Employment Offlce^ — Japanese- Chinese help. 426 Powell st.; tel. Main 5752. JAPANESE-Chlneee Emp. Office, 415 Stockton; best help. Fritz Tamagakl.mgr. Tel. Bush 859. CHINESE Employment Office — Best help at Leon Seung's. 411^ O'Farrell; tel. Eaat 428. RELIABLE Japaneee-Chlnese Employment Of- fice; all kinds help. 315 Stockton; Main 51SS. CHINESE and Japanese help; «stab. 20 years. Tel. Main 1997. BRADLEY _ CO.. 640 Clay. EMPLOYMENT WANTED — PEMALE. AT MRS. LAMBERT'S, 41S Powell, tel. Main 5332. best help of all nationalities await po- sitions^^ YOUNO lady, good plain French cook, cne month from France, wishes position In pri- vate famtly; Oakland or Alameda. Box 150S, Call office. Oakland. YOUNG lady of refinement wishes position as lady's companion; city or country. Address MISS A. L.. Call office, Oakland. WOMAN wants work by the day;»washlns and ironing; postals answered If carfare paid. 476 Hickory ave. A FIRST-CLASS nurse for a baby wants sit- uation: best reference*; no postals. Call 258% Tehama Et. SCANDINAVIAN woman wants work by the day; first-class laundress. Box 844. CalL A WOMAN wishes work by the day; washing and housecleanlng. 917H Natoma St.. bet. Tenth and. Eleventh. A WOMAN wants position for general house- work; no postals. 2503 Bush st. A YOUNG girl. Just come from Finland, would like to get a place to do general housework, and she can't speak English. Please call at 322 Fremont st. RELIABLE woman wishe* position to do gen- eral housework; Is good cook; city or coun- try. 267 Minna St., near Fourth. WANTED— By competent, experienced woman, position as working cook, housekeeper. In men's or small private boar— eg bouse. Ap- ply box 4910. Call office. A WELL-EDUCATED German girl (speaks good Engllsh> wants position to take care Of children; $20. Apply 109 Cherry St., bet. Washington and Jackson. YOUNG woman wishes work, by the day, washing, ironing or housework. Call 631 Seo- ond st. COMPETENT German woman wishes work by the day, washing, ironing and cleaning; ?1 .V) a day. Address box 4917. Call office. POSITION as companion to an Invalid or eld- erly lady on a ranch; references. "Box 4996, Call offlc-. POSITION as secretary and companion to lady by one who in all respects Is admirably suited to the task. -Box 4971. Call office. X COLORED woman would like to do clean- Ing or assist In housework. 16 Stockton place, bet. Post and Sutter sts. A SITUATION wanted by a young lady; would like work 4 or 5 hours a day. Address 139>4 Clara «t. CAPABLE and educated young woman wishes position In good retail book or piano house. • Address box 480, Call office. A SWISS girl, a good cook, wants a eltuation on a ranch. Apply 1165% Pacific »C. from 8 to IS m. \ GERMAN woman, first-class cook, wishes to work by the day; best of references. Box 418. Call office. WOMAN wants work by the day; washing or house cleaning; $1 5O and carfare. MRS. OSGOOD, 115 Hayes et. . _____—— ________ A LADY will care for a small child at her home; best of care guaranteed. Address box SOT. Call office. A GERMAN lady desires a situation as work- Ing housek3cr>er or cook; country preferred. Call 604 Octavla st. :¦ .- SITUATION wanted as working housekeeper in smalt family; city or country. 1204. Mis-' slon. basement. YOUNG widow would like to keep house In the country: small family; no washing. Address 1125% Mlwloa St., room 2. GERMAN woman wants work by the day- washing. Ironing and housecleanlng. Call 2*0 Harriet St.. rear. RELIABLE woman wishes a few families by day, chamberwork, cleaning or some wash- Ing; phone Brown 32. 4S8 Geary st. GOOD Klrl, with refjerences, wants place; cither housework or cooking; $30 month. 2112 Bryant st. • A LADY going out by the day; washing and ironing: no postal. 136 Sixth st. YOUNG girl wishes a position In book bind- ery. Apply 631) Stevenson st. . A YOUNG lady wishes a situation to do light housework In a email family. 200A Harriet. A COMPETENT cook. hou<«ework girl, wants situation; wages $25. Box 442. Call office. - A LADY wishes to do plain sewing by the ' day. 526 Montgomery st. AN experienced practical housekeeper In tran- sient rooming-house. Box 4S83, Call office. DRESSMAKER, highest references, will go out; phone Sutter 2544. Box 4941. Call. ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received at Call Branch office, cor. Duncan and Church st* WANT ads and subscriptions! taken for The Call at Eaton's Bazaar. 633 McAllister St. A BRANCH office of The Call for the reception of advertisements and subscriptions has been opened at 1008 Market st.. opposite Fifth. Open until 11 v. m. EMPLOYMENT WANTED — __I,E. AN A -NO. 1 CLOTHING SALESMAN WITH 6 YEARS" EXPERIENCE AND BEST REF- EREXCES WANTS POSITION. BOX S82 CALL OFFICE. A' GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS SALES- MAN. A NO. 1 CITY REFERENCES WANTS A POSITION. BOX SE1. CALL. YOUNG man wishes position. In family; best o£ reference* _. HEART, 216 Sixth it.