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MRS. ELIZABETH C. PHTLLIPS. ONE OF THE BENEFICIARIES UNDER THE WILL OF BERTHA DOLBEER, WHO TESTI FIED THAT THE TESTATRIX WAS OF UNSOUND MIND. BUT WHO ADMITTED ON CROSS-EXAMINATION THAT SHE HAD TRIED TO INDUCE THE EXECUTORS TO GIVE HER f 23,000. Some ¦well Invitations come from Edward Knowles Co.. 24 Second St., nr. Market. • MurineEye Remedy cures sore Eyes. Makes weak Eyes strong. Murine doesn't smart; it soothes and quickly cures. * VALLEJO, Nov. 14.— Last night Fred Lehmann, a resident of this city, was held up on the Napa road. He was stabbed three times in the arm and shoulder by an unknown man. Lehmann was stopped by four men, who demanded his money and watch. One of the gang used a knife to en force the demand. Lehmann will re cover. Held Up Near Vallejo. • In the official count of ballots by the Election Commissioners yester day afternoon a rain of five votes for Judge Troutt in the third precinct of the Twenty-eighth District was re corded.* The difference in the official count and that of the election officers was due solely to clerical errors. The election officers of the seventh pre cinct of the Twenty-eighth . District and the second of the Twenty-ninth failed to certify to the returns and were cited to appear before the Com missioners' to explain. Official Cqjint Begins. , A coupon worth from 25c to $7.50 free is the remarkable holiday offer of the Great American Importing- Tea Company, whose ad. appears in to-day's paper. A Liberal Store. MARSHFIELD, Or., Nov. 14. — The whaler-. William Bayless has arrived from the north short of fuel and pro visions, having but fifty pounds of flour with which to feed forty-eight men. She had on- board 10,000 pounds of whalebone and 400 barrels of oil. All on board were well. Reaches Port Short of Food. WASHINGTON, Nov. 14. — The fol lowing Californians arrived here to day: At the New Willard — George Hooke and wife, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Button, E. G. Green and Calvin Green, Los Angeles; E. M. Winship and wife and Miss Blanch Beamer, San Francisco. At the Raleigh — H. K. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murphy and Miss S. Slnnott, Los Angeles; H. S. Shelbon, San Francisco. Callfornians in Washington. Much interest is being taken in the vaudeville entertainment to be given by the alumnae of St. Vincent's Col lege on Wednesday evening. The members have worked arduously and prepared an excellent programme. Music will be furnished by St. Mary's College orchestra and both professional and amateur talent will be seen on the stage. ' The evening's exercises will -be opened with remarks by Judge Frank J. Murasky, followed by a barytone solo by James Maguire. Montague Barton will give an exhibition of toe dancing and recitations 1 will be given by Marie Kenny and little Ethel Priest. Among the professionals to appear are Mme. Caro Roma and Genie Fletcher., who is Just now mak ing a hit at the Orpheum. Mrs. Mc- Glade will give a soprano solo, Miss Genevieve Sullivan a contralto solo and the sweet tenor voice of George Kelly will also be heard. S. Samuels will display his skill on the zylophone and Gaelic dancing promises to be one of the interesting features of the even ing. The proceeds will be devoted to charitable purposes. Dances, Songs and Recitations to Be Given by Professional and Amateur Talent. ST. VINCENT'S ALUMNAE PLANS ENTERTAINMENT Bronchial Trouble* are often perma nently cured by Plso's Cure for Consumption. • WANTS UNIONS PUNISHED.— H. Pundt. proprietor of the Poppy Cafe, yesterday filed an affidavit In support of a motion for an or der to show cause why the Cook*' and Wait ers' unions should not be punished for con tempt of court. On April 8 last he obtained an order restraining the unions from picketing his place of business, but be says that on Oc tober 20 a union man resumed his Interference and has continued to patrol tho place. From Los Angeles — E. E. Fraser and E. T. Fraser. at the Hotel York; Mrs. A. F. Rose, and Miss . B. A. Rose, at the Navarre; Miss F. L. Shaw, at the .Hotel Astor; F. N. Shurt leff, at the Woodward. . NEW YORK, Nov. 14. — The follow ing Callfornians arrived in New York to-day: From San Francisco — D. C.' Bloom, at the Herald Square; iW. J. Wayte, at the Hoffman, House; C. Bruck. at the Hotel Astor; P. A. Buck and wife, at the Herald Square; L. H. Butcher, at the Hoffman; C. A. Cum berson, at the Hotel Astor; C. G. Fol lis, at the Holland House; R. Green wald, at the New Amsterdam; Miss H. M. Hardingr, at the St. Denis; Mrs. J. H. Hemingway, at the Spalding; J. James, at the Ashland House; F. F. Knewlne, at the Victoria; C. A. Stewart, at the Gilsey House; J. M. Vermeher, at the Astor House. From Santa Rosa — J. C. Kinslow, at the Grand Union. Californlnns in New York. Recently several million dollars were Invested by capitalists in dredge mining lands along the Yuba River, from four to nine miles east of Marys ville, where vast quantities of gravel and sand from the hydraulic mines filled the old river "channel. To get at the former channel the dredgers moved all the accumulated debris. It is feared by some that much of this debris will drift down stream and add to the already deplorable conditions existing here and farther down the valley. MARYSVILLE. Npv. 14. — A public meeting has been called for Saturday afternoon at the City Hall for the purpose of considering the dredge mining question. George Hutchins, Howard Reed, T. B. Hull, B. F. Wal ton and Cline Bull, all prominent farmers of Yuba and Sutter counties, signed the call. If, sufficient cause ia found legal steps to stop this method of mining: or place It under restric tions will be undertaken. It was here the fight against* hydraulic mining started. The people are apparently not yet very decided whether dredge mining is injurious, but the steps now being taken are expected to settle the matter. Citizcns of Marysvillc Call Meeting to Discuss Question of Great Importance. The proponents wpre not taken by eurprise, however, and in the cross examination, which was pressed with vigor. Mrs. Phillips admitted that she had tried to induce the executors to . make allowance to her of $25,000. She Jelt she had been dealt with very un- Mrr. Elizabeth C. Phillips, bene ficiary under Bertha Dolbeer's will to the amount of $10,000, declared to the jury in Judge Coffey's court yesterday that the tPFtatrix was of unsound mind xvhen Fhe made disposition of her es tate. Mrs. Phillips was a cou?in of John Dolbeer. the father of Miss Dcl beei, and wat one of the few relatives that the y« ung heiress remembered In her testament. To the casual observer this testimony in behalf of the contestants came like h thunderbolt from the blue. Should the fctatemer.ts of the witness be con-^ vincin^ to the jury — should the wilf bet pet apide and the law of succession made to apply— Mrs. Phillips would not be entitled to a cent of the $1,000,000 estate. In other words, it looked as if ehe were trying to destroy her legacy of $10,000. And she stated frankly that In her old age her chief ambition was now to get money enough for herself and husband to live on. But she had been compelled to come to court, she said, and once on the stand must tell the truth of Miss Dolbeer's condition, no matter the consequences. Upon the death of Mrs. Dolbeer, John Dolbeer 6ent for the witness, who thereupon took charge of and con ducted his household for six years, tak ing care of the children. Chase and Bertha, the latter beinsr about two years of aee at. her mother's death. In. the last vear of her life Miss Dol beer developed much restlessness, seemed very, much depressed, com plained of pains in the back of her head and of insomnia, Mrs. Phillips related a number of circumstances and then in answer to a question of coun- Mrs. Phillips also testified that Mrs. Dolbeer, Miss Dolbeer's mother, was in sane when she took her own life in 1879 and that a brother of John Dol beer, who lived in Massachusetts, was mentally unsound. The court refused to entertain depositions of others in regard to these matters. :-.;' ¦"'. ACTED PART OF MOTHER. The witness denied that she had made threats, although she virtually admitted that she tried to force a set tlement with the executors. She had not gone over to the canip of the con testants, however, she asserted. "I cm neither bought nor sold: I am only humiliated," the aged woman was moved to declare in voice that , was quavering. justly and that she ought to have at least as much as Miss Dolbeer left to the mother of Miss Warden, with whom the testatrix had barely an acquaint ance. Mr. Gray to effect some settlement. I told him that the Johnsons, attorneys for the con testant, mieht hear of the testimony I could give regardlne MIsb Dolbeer's mental condi tion and compel me to testif.y, under which circumstances, I said, I would have to tell the truth. J am neither bought nor sold. I am only humiliated in this case. Did not Mr. Williamson point' out to you thsl !f thf ¦will were broken you would (tet nothing- at all and did you not answer that you could easily arrange that matter with the contestant, who would do far better by you than JflO.fOO? „, Yes, Mr. ¦Williamson did tell me that if the will wre broken- I would get nothing at all. but! I never said I would jfet anything from the contestant. Not a word was said about that. Mr. Gray said John Dolbeer ought to have given me ?10O,00O, but he himself could do nothing for me, although he said if the opportunity should present Itself he would Brxcak to Miss Warren about It. Mr. Gray advised me to talk as little as possible and not to go near the Johnsons. Did you not ask him to speak to Miss War ren in your behalf? I did not. 1 deny it. Did you not say to Mr. Gray and Mr. Wll llamscn that you proposed to have $25.C00, that It was money you wanted and that you would get It? I never said it; I never said It. I did say that the v/orld had gone against me and that in my old age there was nothing left for me to care for other than money. Mrs. Phillins will be further cross examined to-day. DREDGE MINING CAUSE OF ARGUMENT IX NORTH Jules Clerfayt, local agent of the Trans-Siberian Railway, has returned from a business trip to the East, which included a visit to the St. Louis Ex position. ' Charles S. Hardy of San Diego, who is prominent in politics in his home county, is at the Palace. He Is here for pleasure and to look over the sit uation as developed by Tuesday's elec tion. . PERSONAL. John McNaueht of Liverpool is reg istered at the Palace. J. E. Stubbs, president of the Nevada State University, is at the Palace. Grant Snvder, a well-known mining man of Kennet, is at the Palace. Adjutant General J. B. Lauck is down from Sacramento and is staying at the Occidental. Attorney T. C. Van Ness, acting for Fredericks, was confident the matter would be adjusted satisfactorily. George Fredericks filed an attach ment against the West Coast Rubber Company yesterday, for the sum of $48,774, part of which he claims is the value of stock owned by him in the concern. The rest he says is back salary due him as president and manager. The other stockholders in the company~are H. W. Goodajl and J. H. Bennett, of the firm of Goodall & Bennett. Goodall makes the fol lowing statement: "In February, 1902, my partner and I, thinking Fredericks knew all about the rubber business, went in with him in the West Coast Rubber Company, at 32 Fremont street. Fredericks was made president. We soon began to think that he was not competent. In May the board of directors appointed Don A. Sutherland manager of the concern and found that the com pany was out to the extent of $19,000. We took stess to remove Fredericks from office. lie got an injunction re straining that move, but it was after ward vacated by Judge Seawell and we removed Fredericks from the presidency of the company. Since then the West Coast Rubber Com pany has been making money. We suppose that Fredericks' chagrin at the removal inspired his action. He did not ask us, for any settlement or statement. He has advanced to the corporation about $22,000, and my partner and I have expended about the same amount." H. W. GToodnll and J. H. Bennett Are Principal Stockholders in the Corporation Involved. RUBBER COMPANY ATTACHED BY ITS FORMER PRESIDENT H. A. L. da Silva was brought be fore United States Commissioner Man ley yesterday by Judson Brusle, agent of a surety company, which had gone on his bonds for $5000 on the charge of importing Chinese women to this country for immoral purposes. Mr. Brusie . wanted to surrender the prisoner and have the bonds released, but Mr. Manley took the stand that the prisoner should be surrendered to Judge de Haven in open court. Judge do -Haven had already adjourned the District Court until this morning. Da Silva was then taken before United States Commissioner Heacock, who also refused to receive him, and Da Silva was taken back to the City Prison for safe keeping. "I don't see why they want to keep me locked up during the Christmas holidays, for my trial can't begin until January," said Da Silva. "I" think I've been given the double cross." Lee Toy* who was arrested at the same time and on the same charge, is out on bail. Mrs. Josie Ingersoll . absconded with $35 worth of black silk goods belong ing to her landlady, Mrs. E. J. Paulson of 32 Fell street, and then deposited the stuff with Mrs. Green, a dressmaker at 29 Fell street, with instructions that it be made ' into a dress of the latest fashion. Mrs. Paulson discovered her loss and had the silk seized on a search warrant, but ; neglected to pursue Mrs: Ingersoll for the theft, and Judge Cabaniss ordered that Mrs. Green com plete the costume, sell it to the highest John T. Brennan, a fish and game peddler, permitted his spirit of enter prise to override his sense of discretion when he sold "suckers" to an unsophis ticated housewife by representing to her that they were mountain trout. The fraud was discovered, he was arrested' and Judge Fritz gave him thirty days. The prosecuting policeman hinted that Mr. Brennan was also strongly suspect ed of having palmed 'off sea gulls as wild ducks. Charles Rupert of 20 Sutter street, Joseph Meyers of 105 O'Farrell street and L. Allen of 101 Ellis street will be tried before Judge Mogan next Friday on the charge of poolselllng. John Preston, a barber, created so much confusion while he was at work last Saturday evening in Mose Harris' tonsorial parlor, 250 Eleventh street, that he was arrested for disturbing the peace. In jocular spirit, alleged to have been of alcoholic inspiration, he shout ed "Next!" and when response was made by one of many waiting custom era he laughed heartily at the ensuing embarrassment, as no chair was emp ty. It was also testified that he "sassed" his employer and "joshed" the helpless ones who fell Into his clutches. When he expressed sorrow for what he had done'and promised to abstain from repeating his. unprofessional conduct Judge Mogan dismissed him. • • • ' Kate Atherton and May Harris be came so mutually attached while in the County Jail that they decided to.con tinue the sisterly relationship when re stored to freedom, and a few hours after their release last Saturday they were arrested together for drunkenness. Kate, being the oldest offender, got six months from Judge Fritz, while May's punishment will expire at the end of thirty days. Mrs. E. C. Campbell of 119 Jones street, whose 14-year-old daughter, Lo rella, was shamefully treated by 20 year-old W. A. Proll of Oakland, was averse to making formal complaint be cause of the undesirable notoriety it would bring upon the girl and herself. Judge Mogan. however, considered the case too serious to be thus disposed of, and informed the woman that if she did not prosecute the defendant .the po lice would do so, as the evidence showed that his betrayal of the child was un usually reprehensible. On pretext of taking her to the theater last Saturday night he enticed her to Golden Gate Park. Finally the mother consented to swear to a complaint and the case will be heard to-day. The girl's father is in Alaska. Mary Napoleon, accused of vagrancy and sentenced to thirty days' impris onment by Judge Fritz, confessed that she had adopted the surname, not be cause she was of French nativity or even descent, but because it had a nicer sound than either her maiden name of Budd or her husband's cognomen, which was Mack. "For what's the use," she asked, "of a girl having an ugly name when there are so many nice ones to pick from?" After four female adults had suc cessively talked until Judge Cabaniss silenced them, Miss Kate Robbins as cended the witness stand and tempo rarily dumfounded the court by an nouncing that she had nothing to say. When the Judge falterinsrly asked her why she had nothing to say there came no answer and there was won der mingled with the admiration ex pressed in his Honor's glance as he told her she might step down. Mrs. Kate Reardon, relict of a po liceman and occupying the second story of 522 Capp street, was accused by Mrs. Hattie Hinkle, her downstairs neighbor, of maligning character. Miss E. Hlppenbacher also complain ed of having been slandered by Mrs. Reardon. Of all the ladies Miss Rob bins was the only one afflicted with reticence. The case was dismissed. It is the wont of the French master mariners In port to assemble for so cial intercourse each Sunday after noon aboard some vessel flying their nation's flag. Day before yesterday the Guetary, moored . to the Filbert-street wharf, was thus honored. With pipe and glass and yarn and chanson the skip pers were hugely enjoying themselves when Gaston, the cook, suddenly shocked the amenities by demanding that each gentleman present hand over to him the sum of 50 cents. When the guests recovered sufficiently from their astonishment to realize that the custodian of the galley was not joking they advanced upon him as one man to wreak punishment for his outrageous breach of the keystone principle of seagoing social usage. 'Tvves then he drew his knife to de fend himself. Captain Sawtrell. in the vanguard, had a small slice of cuti cle removed from his hand ere the cook was disarmed and turned into the custody of a harbor policeman. Gaston pleaded that he failed to see his offense in the light of enormity cast upon it by the prosecution. "Zey eat an' zey dreenk an' zey has ze dam good time," he said, "while I do all ze work. Sacre! Vy should not al-so I has ze good time? I has not ze monee an' I ask for ze feeftee cent. Pouf! Zey try to keel me. I de-fend mineself. Vy not? Eh;" The question will be Judicially an swered next Friday. . > • * * With tongue, hands and shoulders simultaneously expressive of indigna tion, three French shipmasters in turn informed Police Judge Mogan that the charge of assault with a deadly weapon was not the most serious ac cusation provoked by Gaston Sentiell, cook aboard the bark Guetary. In addition to brandishing a large and sharp knife and slightly wounding Captain Charles Sawtrell of the bark Marguerite Dollf us, they averred, the defendant had committed the less pardonable offense of deliberately vio lating that code of hospitality which is cherished more than life, itself by every true Gallic son of the sea. The knife-flourishing — aye, even, the blood-letting — might be overlooked, but the attempt to extort money from those who were invited guests of his captain — there could be no condone ment of that. BY JAMES C CRAWFORD. Thomas Maloney, a racetrack hab itue, was trying to snatch forty winks in Union Sauare when the drowsy god was routed by C. D. Kelly, an ex pounder of political economy, rehears ing a speech which he intended to de liver to an assemblage on Grant ave nue. Mr- Maloney abandoned his bench and smote Mr. Kelly's face with a clenched fist. The assault was wit nessed by a policeman, also of the name of Maloney, who pressed the charge of battery so firmly that Judge Fritz fined the defendant $10. * * • Miss Alleene Hill, who accused To rr.aso Felepedas, her recreant para mour, of vagrancy, testified he was kind to her while she was ill and un able to pursue her vocation of an ac tress in "continuous," but he seemed to abhor manual toil, the only honest means of money-getting for which he was qualified, and had a weakness for helping himself to the contents of her pecketbook. With intent of weaning him from that pilfering habit by reduc ing its necessity she escorted him to the Union Iron "Works and emotionally pleaded that he be given employment, but although her appeal visibly Im pressed several foremen It failed to bring desired result. Judge Mogan will hear some more of Miss Hill's troubles this morning. Mamie Jackson, a waitress, informed Judge Fritz that she was tired of sup porting in idleness one David Robb. who once was a waiter, and Judge Frit* transferred Mr. Robb's maintenance from the complainant to the county, in whose prison he will spend the next six months. • • • Judge Mogan sent four defendants to the Superior Court, with ball in each case fixed at $500. They are Mrs. Fran ces Delphian Forsyth, who fatally shot the Japanese proprietor of a Montgom ery avenue shooting gallery; George Farmer and J. H. Umbach, who stole a quantity of clothing and jewelry from J. H. Glocker at 2 Eighth street, and James Mlchens (colored), who pilfered a watch from a room in a Pacific street lodging-house. H. Katchkuri, a gigantic Japanese, had three of his compatriots down and out and was lulling a fourth -one to sleep by battering his head against a curbstone on Dupont street when a policeman stopped the fray- An in terpreter explained that the fight de veloped from an oral dispute as to whether Japan should sue for peace while. Port Arthur is virtually within her grasp, Katchkuri taking the affirm ative. Judge Fritz fined the defend ant $10. Charles Moore, "William KIrby and Frank Quarn, infantrymen, violated sections 6 and 11 of the rules and regu lations of the Strasburg dancehall by mocking the floor manager and sprink ling beer dregs upon the piano fighter. Roundsmen Skaln and Holmes mag nanimously refrained from charging the defendants with resisting arrest, but for belittling the dignity of the caller-off and the instrumentalist Judge Mogan fined the soldiers three $5 apiece. bidder and hand over to Mrs. Paulson whatever money might be received for it over and above the cost of dress making; which must not exceed $25. sel announced her conclusion un equivocally that Miss Dolbeer was of unsound mind when she made her will on April 23, 1904. The cross-examination opened brisk ly with the attempt of the proponents to show that the witness tried to force a bonus of $15,000 from the executors, to be added to her bequest of $10,000. George D. Gray, one of the executors, and his attorney, W. F. Williamson, were the persons she had approached, and the examination proceeded as fol lows : Did you not on August 8, 1901, at 'the office of George D.. Gray, 421 Market street, say in the presence of Gray and W. F. Williamson that you wanted $25,000, the amount Miss Warren'* mother received, and If you didn't get It you would help out the contestant? I did hot say I would aid the contestant. I demand to be exonerated by Mr. William son. When 1 went to see Mr. Gray, whom I regarded as a llfelone friend, about the mat ter he asked If his attorney. Mr. Williamson, might not be present. I acquiesced and when Mr. Williamson arrived he remarked that what we should talk about might be used some time, but that he thought we could agree to hold It confidential. SCORES WILLIAMSON. Mr. Williamson assured me that anything I would say would be regarded as strictly con fidential. And here to-day it appears that Mr. Williamson has small honor with his word. I remarked that I certainly ought to have had as much as Mrs. Warren, whom Miss Dolb^cr barely knew. I begged and implored Lee Toy Enjoys Liberty and the Man in Prison Hints at Double Crime BEGS MONEY FROM MASTER'S GUESTS HIS PARTNER AT LARGE Violates a Cherished Usage Chinese Bondsmen of For mer Interpreter^ Surrender Him for Safe Keeping COOK OF FRENCH VESSEL SHOCKS SKIPPERS. DA SILVA FEARS HE IS BETRAYED THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1904. Admits one Sought Bonus trom Proponents Mrs. Phillips, Disappointed Beneficiary, Says the Testatrix Was Mentally Unsound. STIR IN DOLBEER WILL CASE 16 ADVERTISEMENTS. Much' That Every Woman Desires to Know About Sanative Antisep- tic Cleansing And about the Care of the Skin 9 Scalp, Hair and Hands Too mnch stress cannot be placed on the great value of Catlcura Soap, Oint- ment and Resolvent in the antiseptic cleansing of the mucous surfaces, and of the blood and circulating fioids, thus affording pure, sweet and economical local and constitutional treatment for weakening nlcerationa, inflammations, itchings, irritations, relaxations, dis- placements, pains and Irregularities pe- culiar to females. Hence the Catlcura remedies hare a -wonderful Influence in restoring health, strength and beauty to weary women, who have been pre- maturely aged and invalided by these distressing ailments, as well as such sympathetic afflictions as anaemia, chlo- rosis,, hysteria and nervousness. Women from the very first have fully appreciated the purity and sweetness, the power to afford immediate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety and great economy which have made the Cutlcnra remedies the standard humour remedies of the civilized world. Millions of women nse Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, for pre- serving, purifyinz and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, f-jr softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, for annoying irritations and ulceratlve weaknesses, and for many sanative, an- tiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves, as well as for all the pur- poses of the toilet, bath and nursery. Sold throughout th« world. Cntlenrm ReiolTtnt. 50c (la form of Cboeotat* Coatwt Pil!», Ue per ml of >*)>. Oin:- m»nt..v>c.. »««¦->. Z5o. Depot* i London. STtunsro'i', Bq. . F«rl«. i ho* dm la I*aix i 137 Coltusbtu At« Patter Drar * Ch«ra. Corp.. Sola Proprietor*. mr 8«nd tor- J. Book tor Womia." I At, Cut. Prices If you've never given me an order for Kodak Developing and Printing. Send me a trial order now. You'll be pleased and •w'ill order again. Every- body likes my work and my prices. BEVELOPlHOi • Roll of Six lOo Roll of Twelve Jt5o PRINTlurO I Sollo finish 3c to 5c Velox finish 3c to 6c SATLIOET I.OADI2TQ FILMS — Tn all popular sizes and popular prices. ANSCO CAUSSAS — In all regular sizes. &2.OO up. CYKO PHOTO PAPEB — Prints by artificial light. Gives perfect, detail. Cameras repaired at moderate prices. Order by mall if you're out of town. THAT MAN PITTS F. W. PITTS. The Stationer. 1008 MAKKET STREET. Ow. Fifth. ;• •' ' SAN FRANCISCO. OUR CLAIMS Upon your laundry patronage are based upon the reliability of our work and its pleasing finish. If your taste is particular onrs is the class of work to satisfy it, and Phone South 420 will bring about the desired results. UNITED STATES LAUNDRY V-V 1004 KABXET STSEET. Telephone South 420. BAJA CALIFORNIA Damiana Bitters ISA GREAT KKSTORATTVE, INVIGORA- ¦tor and X«rvlne. The most wonderful aphrodisiac and Special Tonic for the Sexual Organs, for both sexes. The Mexican Remedy lor Diseases of th« Kidneys and Bladder. Sells on its own merits. NABER. ALFS A BRUNE. Ae«nts. 32S Market St., S. T. — (Send for Circulars.) /^~*%. Dr. Gibbon's Dispensary, EtTllrTf^ 1 " lss * for the treatment of I'rivnt* ErLLrK TOM 1>i '"* a -'"'*- I^t Manhood. Dr-bll'.ty of |SS555fc»'!ivfn!i» w»arin*on ho.ivand mind an4 Diseases. The Doctor rnrps when ° tliers fall. Try h:m. Cfciirt:..* low. SsffiBHIrarrtirnarantrril. Call or writ*, Dr. J. F. UIBBOX. Kan Fr:ir-?isco. CaL DIRECTORY OF RESPONSIBLE HOUSES. Catalogue and. Price Lists Mailed on Application. rBZSB AITD SALT MSAT3. JA^ hftYFS * CO Shl PP Jn * butchers. tOS JA*» UUIEJ tt Wl/. Clay. Tel Mala l^t. LEAST EOOPS AITD SSTLI3HTS. All kinds repaired. Globe Sheet Metal Works. 117C-1178 Mission st. Phone Main M61. OXX.S. LUBRICATDJO OILS; LEONARD * 1^1X13, 418 Front St.. S. F. Phon» Main 1718. E.C HUGHES, .uBa F a SS^ B L^ AD\'ERTISE31ENTS. GHIRARDELUA5 Dainty little choco.- Jr H >||||k lates for dainty little ff j \ y^M At Confectioners' i^^^^^^^^^S^ ¦ ADVERTISEMENTS. J , ,, ..^ FF?tdM M MXi Z3mm MOSS COUCH BALSAM PRESCRIBED BT.THE BEST PHYSICIANS FOR Cousrh*. Colds. SCoarieneas. Bron- chitis. Croup In Children, and All Throat and £unr Troubles Try a bottle to-day; don't wait till the doctor says "COIfSTIMPTlOH." 06c; 80O AT AJUZ, DBXTQOI3T8 CURES IN A DAY Stow ¦! • j