Newspaper Page Text
Itching,' Blind, Bleeding or Protruding: Piles. Your drnsriit will refund money If PAZO OINtI VENT falls to curt you In 6 to, 14 days. SOc.* s«me quail. Last May I endeavored to bring about the re-existence of that happy tie which embellished our boy hood days. . He : responded not to ' my effort and until the fatal evening of November 10, when : I" sank exhausted beneath the little magnolia tree -in front of myburninghome, no evidence of recognition passed between up.iaSESg • . • ¦¦¦¦-•"A. WEBER."- Lands Are Withdrawn. PORTLAND, Or., Nov. H.-^-The land office In North Yakima was noti fied t»-day of the withdrawal from entry of a large area of land In the Priest Rapids district of this county preliminary 'to. the building of the proposed Government irrigation canal. BERLIN, Nov. 14. — Colonel' Gaed ke, the Tageblatt's correspondent in the Far East, in a •; dispatch from. Mukden, November 14, says: "The situation is unchanged. f A de cisive battle is improbable, before spring. . The Japanese will not attack until several weeks after the fair of Port Arthur and the Russians are awaiting such an overwhelming. supe riority in numbers as to leave the question of victory beyond doubt./The Russians are constantly receiving , re inforcements and 4 the troops' are in good spirits and excellent health. Even the outposts are well sheltered against the' cold." DOES NOT EXPECT BATTLE. NEW YORK. Nov. 14. — The New York Presbytery, the. local governing body of the Presbyterian church, voted against the establishment of a separate presbytery for the colored race by an overwhelming majority at a meeting here to-day. Church Will Not Bar Negroes. CANNONADE OF SIEGE GUNS. MUKDENV Sunday, Nov.. 13.^— An unbroken cannonade of siege guns, throwing fifty or sixty shells hourly against the Japanese position in the region of Shakhe station, was .begun early this morning and ended only at nightfall, when more than 600 big con tact shells had been thrown into the Japanese army's strongest position on the plain for the purpose of demoraliz ing the work of fortification concen-' trated at that point for the past four weeks. To-day's bombardment was the most serious attempt yet made by the Russians' large guns and it was due to the apparent determination of the Japanese to make Shakhe station en impregnable defense of the railway bfhind. - Both sides have so dug themselves Into the ground, night and day, that artillery fire, as at Port Arthur, is practically ineffective and the am munition: is nearly entirely wasted. Both sides, recognizing this, are re sorting to the competition of big guns nnd regular field artillery is only oc- Starts to Join Baltic Fleet. COPENHAGEN, Nov. .14. — The Russian auxiliary cruiser Kuban tra versed the great belt to-day, going northward. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov.! 14.—Oen eral Linevltch has assumed command of the first Manchurlan army. General Kuropatkin, in a telegram to the Minister - of War, denies the Japanese charges to the effect that Russian troops disguised themselves in Chinese clothing, and makes coun ter charges against the Japanese of wearing Russian uniforms In the at tack on Shakhe on October 14; where by they were enabled to approach close to the Russian batteries and capture several guns of the Thirty seventh Brigade. Kuropatldn Claims Japanese Wear Russian Clothing. ¦ .' .": MAKES A COUNTER CHARGE. GENERAL KUROKI'S HEAD QUARTERS, Nov. 14.— A squadron of Russian cavalry yesterday afternoon attacked - the Japanese In the neigh borhood of Litiatum. The Russians were so severely repulsed that at dusk they were still gathering up their dead and wounded. i Squadron Loses Many Men in Attack Upon Japanese. RUSSIAN CAVALRY IN FIGHT. BT. PETERSBURG, Nov. 14.— M. Pyer loff, the millionaire merchant of Mos cow, has received a pathetic letter from Madame Stoessel, wife of -^.General Btoessel, dated Port Arthur, October 24, appealing to the rich Muscovites for money to assist the helpless wounded defenders of the fortress, some of whom have lost both arms, others either an arm or a leg, some of them blinded and others suffering from wounds in the spine and .who will. be crippled for life. There are, she adds, very many such unfortunates. Pathetic Letter From the Wife of Port Arthur's Commander. MADAME STOESSEU'S APPEAIi. Thomas Lu by, registering from this city, secured a room at the United States Hotel on Eddy street last even ing and later was discovered roaming about the halls apparently insane. The hotel attaches summoned the police, who went to the sixth floor to arrest the man. When Luby saw them he ran to the end of a hallway and plunged through a window." He fell five stories, strik ing 'the roof of a shed between the hotel building and Lyric Hall. Hla body crashed through the roof and was found lifeless on the- ground by the police officers a few minutes later. Luby was about 45 years old? stout in build and was apparently a laborer. Sixth Floor of United States Hotel. Thomas Luby Lieaps From Window on A friend of Dent saw the original translation and sent the gist of it to him in a letter received to-day. From the letter there can be little doubt that the men of the Baltic fleet were drunk and scarcely knew what they were doing. The letter reads as follows: "We knew we were out of our course and were afraid we would run aground somewhere. Of the crews, officers and men, many, I regret to say, were in toxicated. An alarm was given that the admiral's flagship had grounded and in the confusion that followed thi« report three vessels of the rear squad ron collided. While all was confusion we came across what looked like a flotilla of torpedo-boats and we opened flre. Later in the night there was an exchange of shots between our vessel and another, and it was only when we recognized from a small shell that came aboard, but did not explode, that the ammunition was Russian, that we discovered that we had been firing upon one another. "We had several men, wounded." , MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 14.— I^rrible in detair and appalling in its disclosure of incompetency, stupidity and drunk enness in the Russian navy Is an ac count of the recent sinking: of English fishing-boats by the Baltic fleet, re ceived from an alleged inside source by R. T. Dent of the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. When the Russian fleet reached Cher bourg a young lieutenant wrote a let ter to his father, a wealthy St. Peters burg merchant, describing the affair. This was shown to the Russian corre spondent of the Manchester (England) Guardian, who sent a literal transla tion to his paper. The Guardian print ed it, but first eliminated such details as might be most offensive to Russia. Special Dispatch to The Call, INSANE MAN PLUNGES TO FRIGHTFUL DEATH To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c* Letter Tells of Slav Drunkenness and Fight. GENERAL KUROPATKIN'S HEADQUARTERS, Sunday, Nov. 13. Frequent fights between the opposing patrols occurred to-day. The Rus sians, with heavy Howitzer and six inch g'un batteries, shelled the Jap anese trenches and gave the working parties little respite. Large numbers of Russian officers are arriving at the front to replace those who have fallen. -The Russian army is realizing more fully day by day the enormous task involved in driving back the Japanese. Great hopes, however, are placed In the Russian second Pacific squadron. The troops are now better fed than at any previous period and the roads are in good condition, enabling rein forcements to leave the trains at sta tions higher up the line and march to Mukden, thus relieving the pressure on the railroad. Annoy Japanese Employed in Building Trenches. RUSSIAN GUNNERS BUSY. LIGHT THROWN ON THE NORTH SEA TRAGEDY New Enterprise In Its Management Will Combine Philanthropy and Business. NEW TORK, Nov. 14. — A hotel for working girls and working 1 women will soon be built in this city if the plans now under consideration are carried out. Philanthropy and business will be combined in the running of the hotel. Plans have been submitted by an architect, involving the expenditure of $300,000, but several well-known men interested In the project think that there will be no difficulty In rais ing whatever money is necessary, be cause assistance has been offered by men prominent in the financial world. The hotel probably will be In the neighborhood of. the large department stores on the "West Side, where many girls and women are employed. Their board at the hotel will be about 53 or $4 a week. Nothing will be said to the guests about religion or their family affairs. If the girls are out of employment at any time the management will try to tide them over until they get work. Maud Amber Not Married. The st.ory circulated several weeks ago that Maud Amber had married agjain is shown to be without founda tion. The following cable has been received from the actress herself: "Melbourne, Nov. 14. No truth In the rumors of my marriage. They are an Invention of Wilkerson and his at torney to gain sympathy. » "MAUDE AMBER." STOCKTON. Nov. 14.— The body of Edward Foundation, a longshoreman, who was mixseii from the Captain Weber a week and a half ago while the steamer was en route to San Francisco, was found yesterday In Whisky Slouch. Toklo I>eclares Rumor of His Death to Be Absurd. TOKIO. Nov. 16.— The Japanese army staff pronounces the report of General Kuroki's death to be absurd. GENERAL KUROKI LIVES. NEW YORK, Nov. 14. — According to stories printed to-day Rev. Dr. William R. Rainsford, rector of St. George's Episcopal Church and one of the best known clergymen in this city, was threatened by a woman in his church on Sunday. Published ac counts say that the woman rushed Into the rector's study armed with a revolver and after some conversation threatened to kill him. '' Dr. Rainsford's secretary informed the preBs to-night - that on Sunday morning after the 11 o'clock service several people went forward to the pulpit to greet the rector. Among them was a woman. He says' there was conversation, that the woman asked several questions, among them one as to what had been done with her money, which led Dr. Rainsford to believe that she was irresponsible and he referred her to the sexton. The secretary also states no threats were made and no weapons exhibited. Miss Mary Byron was taken into custody by detectives to-day and later arraigned in court. Sexton Chapman identified her as the woman who ap peared In the church yesterday. She was sent to Bellevue Hospital for ex amination, v*^- One Report Says She Drew a Re :*.*::'¦:'¦; volver and Threatened to Kill Him. MUKDEN. Nov. 14. — Since yester day signs that a serious engagement •w ill take place within the next few Japanese Displaying Activitj LOS ANGELES, Nov. 14. — E. H. Gatliff. who occupied a responsible position as a British Instructor in ordniince during the late Boer cam paign, has been offered and accepted a contract for similar duties with the Japanese 'and will probably leave for Japan on the steamship Manchuria, whicfa will sail from San Francisco on the 20th insu Colonel Gatliff has re- FidM near San Bernardino for the last two years, being retained by the big water companies as an expert civil and electrical engineer. His contract with tne Japanese Government will take him to the firing line in Manchuria, where he will assist In operating the heavy machine guns imported from England and the Unit ed States and instructing the Japanese ordnance corps in the handling of these weapons. During the Boer war Gatliff was •wounded, a ball plowing across his face, leaving a prominent scar. He Ftates that the ordnance corps at tached to all the Japanese armies are handled by English and American of- Teach Mikado's Soldiers Kx- British Ordnance Expert Will WOMAX CREATES A SCENE IX DR. RAINSFORD'S CHURCH HOTEL FOR WORKING WOMEN* FOR NEW YORK LONDON, Nov. 14. — Lord Selborne. First 1L<ord of the Admiralty, speaking at- Bristol to-night and referring to Russia's having granted Great Brit ain's just demands, said the crisis just experienced was an occasion for the j country to take stock of Its defensive i organization, and, in dealing with j this question, it was impossible to ig nore the rapid march of the Russian empire toward the Indian frontier. It was useless. Lord Selborne said, for a business nation. dealins with its liabilities, to mince matters. In stead of. a vast tract of impassable^ country separating. the .two empires,; Russia- trad* two- railways terminating \ at the Afghanistan frontier, only a| matter of 4 00 miles from the Indian railway. He hoped there rvever would be war between the countries, but Britons were bound to consider what the Russian military organiza tions had succeeded in achieving in Manchuria, at the end of 6000 miles I of a single track railway line, and to I govern British military preparations in J India accordingly. Look to Her Frontiers. Lord Selborne Says England Must ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 14. — The official announcement that the Em peror has approved the plan for dou ble-tracking • the Siberian Railroad and that $5,000,000 has been assigned for the beginning of the project is greeted with the heartiest approval by the press of this city. The hope is expressed that the work will be begun immediately and pushed to a rapid conclusion, as one of the surest means of ending the Work of Double-Tracking Siberian Railroad About to Be Begun. SLAV MENACE TO IXDIA. RUSSIA'S GREAT TASK. TOKIO, Nov. 14. — The Emperor presided over an extended confer ence of the military and naval staffs at the palace to-day% The proceed ings were secret, but it is understood that the Emperor discussed with the officers plans for meeting the vessels of the Russian second Pacific squad ron when they arrive In Far Eastern waters. Mikado and His Tacticians Planning for the Reception. - - TO WELCOME BAI/TIC FLEET. "Adrian Wills' friendship moves me deeply.* I He Is the ' noblest specimen of God's creation ¦ I ¦ have known. A ' year aeo when I was sick he brought. me He spent a great deal of his time roaming around his cell, clad only in his underclothes. Outside of his guard ian, his attorneys and one or two news paper men he had no callers to-day. Not one of his relatives went near him, and his old-time friend Adrian Wills, who came to his rescue the night *of the fire, was conspicuous by his ab sence. Weber waxed angry once to day. This was after he had read that he was a lover of trashy literature and a dime-novel fiend. He emphatically denied the truth of these statements, saying: Jj "Will you please say for me in con tradiction of the reports that have ap peared in the papers that I have been reading . sensational dime novels that such is not the case. I have not been reading trash of that sort. I have con fined my reading entirely to biography and to standard history for the last two years. Reports that I . have . de voted my time to reading trashy stuff of the dime novel sort are detrimental to" me and. to my case." By the death of his four relatives Adolph must naturally inherit the en tire amount of his father's estate. . This is valued # by conservative people here to be nearly $100,000. This amount is all well' invested in bonds and first mortgages, all paying good rates of. in terest. Outside of Adolph the imme diate heirs of the estate are the brother and sisters of Mrs. ,Weber. ( . Julius Weber himself had no kin in this country. '. His bachelor brother who lived in this State died some years ago. It is reported that he has both brothers and sisters In Germany, but they have not been heard from since his death. The Interview with ' Adrian Wills, a former chum of young Weber, who sheltered the accused youth on the night of the tragedy, which was pub lished In The Call, aroused young Weber to the only display of emotion he has made since his arrest. After .reading it he gave The Call corres pondent the following signed state ment: ....... Tracy, the famous outlaw of Oregon and Washington, it is said here, was greatly admired by Adolph Weber. The young man held up Tracy as an ex ample. That young Adolph is an ex traordinary character and that he is what almost might be termed a psy chological freak Is no longer a question in the minds of those who have seen him and have conversed with him. He is as smart as a whip. His brain is remarkably clear. Not one single ex pression of sorrow over the loss of his family has passed from his lips. He has not uttered one single expression of any kind that' would indicate he had. the* le,ast regret, for. those who were r so foullv and. brutally murdered. So .far as- the -casual -observer can ascertain, he -is utterly indifferent to their passing a way. \ He has frequently asked,. who will. get the- property left by his father and if it would come di rect to him; • When the inquest is resumed on Wednesday it is. expected that impor tant evidence will be introduced. In the absence of Sheriff Kenna, who is now in San Francisco, Under Sheriff William I. May is working night and day to ferret out the perpetrator or perpetrators of the horrible crime. Some very important evidence has been dug up to-day. This afternoon Edgar McFayden, as sistant cashier of the Placer County Bank, is reported to have ordered steps to be taken to prefer a charge against young Weber of robbing the bank, on June 26. It is reported that the cos tume worn by the robber is now in the possesion of the Sheriff here and that he has ascertained where the garments came from and that he only needs a small link to complete the chain of evidence. .{">"¦ Adolph Weber was as calm as usual in his cell to-day. He maintained the same coolness that .has marked his bearing since the murder of his fam ily. His cell is a large one. When he was first put into it he rebelled against its lack of conveniences. He said to the jailer that he had been convicted of no crime and that he should not be thrown into a cell and treated as a common prisoner. He asked for a fresh and clean outfit for his bed and this was given him. He was not satisfied with the meals furnished to him, stat ing that he was a sufferer from in digestion and was obliged to live on a prescribed diet and had the authorities send out for some shredded wheat and other food. He appeared to »njoy them with a great relish. ROAMS ABOUT CELJj. AUBURN, Nov. 14.— That Mrs. Julius Weber feared that her son Adolph would commit some awful deed is a fact that became known to-dav. The information came from Mrs. Snowden, sister of the unfortunate woman who with her husband, daughter and son is supposed to have met death at the hands of her first born. "I now remember," said Mrs. Snow den, "that Mrs. Weber many times said she was afraid of Adolph; that she was afraid he would do some awful deed; that he alwavs had such a pe culiar disposition and that he had al ways read peculiar books tttkt had had a queer effect on his mind." Mrs. Snowden is almost in a state of nervous prostration. The awful or deal that she has undergone since the night of the tragedy has been telling' heavily upon her. Her home Is only a stone's throw from the scene of the awful tragedy and the • shrieks and cries for help that issued from her sister's home on " the night of the tragedy are still ringing in her ears. To-day she is almost beside herself with grief. She says she can hardly contain herself and that the terrible scenes of . last Thursday night, when fche stood on the porch and saw the bodies of her sister, her niece Bertha and her little nephew Earl brought out of the flaming building and laid at her feet are always before her eyes. ADMIRER OP OUTIiAW. Special DUpatch to The Call Th galleries of the group of forts on the northern Dart of Keekwan Moun tain were captured after desperate un derground fighting. The Russians still hold parts of the moat defended by the galleries on North Keekwan Mountain. The Japanese are now engaged in sap ping operations for the purpose of dis lodging the Russians, the result of which It is believed will make the cap ture of the moat an easy task. The capture of»thls fort would give the Japanese the key to the eastern fortified range, as artillery mounted there would dominate the forts in front of the ridge and enable the Jap anese to place infantry In a position to sweep the ridge. During the general attack on the eastern fortified ridges on . October 30 the Japanese gained the moats of the principal forts attacked by them. These meats were found to be wider, deeper and stronger than had been expected, and were defended by caponiere gal ltTies. The powerful east Keekwan fort was gained, but the Russians were re inforced and drove the Japanese down to the foot of the hill. The Japanese are now sapping toward the crest ol the hill. HEADQUARTERS OF THE THIRD JAPANESE ARMY, BEFORE PORT ARTHUR (undated), via Fusan, Nov. 14. — The casualties in the attack of the Japanese on the eastern fortified rfdge on October 30 were 1500. It was an unsuccessful assault. | ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 14. — The latest indications from the front point to an early resumption of the mili tary operations on a large scale. Field Marshal Oyama has received heavy reinforcements from Xewchwang and evidently is nbout ready to wage bat tle for the possession of Mukden. The Japanese are showing particular ac tivity on their right flank, as if they were contemplating a turning move ment from that direction. General Kuropatkin has fortified his positicms along: the Shakhe River and, as he seemingly is prepared to accept a bat tle, he doubtless has made disposi tions to block a flanking operation. According to the opinion of the mil itary authorities here his left flank is secure. Russians Believe Oyuma Is Ready to Attack Kuropatkln. 31 rs.. Snowden, Sister of Mur dered Woman* Tells of the Worry Caused Her Relative by Young Man Now in Jail GHEAT BATTLE XEARIXG. Japanese Are Unable to Capture a Single Fort, days have been increasing. The Jap anese are- displaying great activity eastward. ' Fears are expressed that the railroad will not be able to bring up sufficient supplies. « HIKED BY JAPAN It is not within my ecope to comment upon the nfw Japanese loan.' That is an affair for tri« bftrkers and for the public, who are able to decide what advantages or non-advantages th» Investment offer*. But there can be n» r»»<-eB«ity for commenting upon Russia s «-r«*iit. Any one acquainted with the Fans Exchange is «ble to convince himself of th» solidarity of Russia* finance*. 1 de*m it my duty to reiterate what I have •o often eaid. that Russia will not susi*nd 1 in •r.y case hw military operations in the I-ar KaVt All rumcrt and remits retarding tne p,.saib!e success of the direct overture* ior peace which Japan is tali to have made to Kutwla. and regarding the mediation of the towers, in ray opinion, are started for the pur j.«e of convincing the public that the end of l*e war is clcoe at hand. In this way it is h^i^ei that the public may b« led to believe Uiat Jp-ranese loans offer attractive lnvest- Ruaeta can no more admit of It than could <.rtat BrlJA'n in the Transvaal cr the United States in her war with Sr>atn. "Where the j re-stipe of a country Is at rtake all other con siderations are and must r* put aalde. Some j-rsrrs= may think that financial difficulties will influence RuFfla to end hostilities. Such tn "pinion if. based on the false assumption Of IiusFias financial resources. There If no doubt whatever that Russia, «hos-> annual income exceeds one milliard of dollars, rannot be influenced in h«r attitude ?cward the outcome of the wtr by the amount cf w*r expenditures. It it not altogether out of th" question that RusFla. who did not ex pert war. should In fhe moment when s»he «a* mobilizing her army and in sending corps slier i-crjin in fighting readiness to the Far r.*i-t Mi<J..1enly call a halt en hostilities, par tii-ularly after *he has for nearly a year. •will, out" any difficulty or recourre to -extra oirMnary rm-asure*. been able to carry all the #"Xtra rxiwn^es? These are the opening: words of an emphatic statement made at the Rus sian embassy to-day by Count Cassini, the Russian Embassador. Several times recently the Embassador in the r.Hme of his Govecnment has categoric ally denied the possibility of any inter \ention in the, but the recurrence ef rumors that the powers contemplated nicdiatipn has caused the Embassador to reiterate on behalf of his Govern ment Its position regarding interven tion or mediation of any kind. The statement continues: WASHINGTON, Nov. 14.— "Russia tvi!1 pursue the war in the Far East to the bitter end— that is. until Russia has conquered." Cassini Says Struggle Must Go On FREQUENTLY SPOKE OF LAD'S DISPOSITION Queer Actions of the Youth Caused Mother to Often Ex press Dread Boy Would Commit an Awful Crime War Will Not End Until Russia Conquers. PORT ARTHUR ASSAULT ENDS IN DISASTER RUMOR OF PEACE ANGERS THE SLAV MRS. WEBER FEARED HER SON ADOLPH THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1904. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. 2 ran iif it. Lots More Proof Lite This, and It Is All From San Fran- cisGo^People. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating of it." If any city or town in the Union has sufficient proof on the following subject it is San Francisco. Genuine merit is finding its reward in the hearty indorsement of local citizens. When people right here at home, friends and neighbors of our readers, give a statement like the fol- lowing for publication it is proof convincing for the most skeptical. Read this testimony: F. L. Smith, boxmaker in the Na- tional Box Factory, residence 741 Folsom street, says: "If I was not thoroughly impressed with the fact that Doan's Kidney Pills can be de- pended upon I would never have gone out of my way to recommend the preparation to others suffering from kidney complaint. Before I took a course of the treatment I had tried more than one standard rem- edy, but the results as far as stop- ping the trouble were just as re- motely in the distance as when I first noticed that my kidneys were out of order. A sure indication that in some way the action of my kidneys was up- set was too frequent action of the kidney secretions added to the back- ache, particularly if I contracted a cold. For the last six months there has not been an indication of either excited or weakened kidneys." For sale by all dealers. -Price 50c Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. f sole agents for the United States. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no substitute. TEE'in OF i~. uREN x Few mothers know how vitally important Is the care cf a child's first teeth. The beauty of the pormanent set depends almost entirely upon it. SOZODONT TOOTH POWDER used with SOZODONT Liquid, prercnts accumulation of tartar, yet being freo from Erit does not scratch the enamel. Do not experiment en baby's teeth. Insist on SOZODONT./ I FOE&S: LIQUTD, POWDER, PASTE. (j visit DR. JORDAN'S orcat^ Museum of asiatos y # 0 && i5"5*A-23-sr-t»*-s^*rti-s.r:»:. d \ Qf rl " I-«'r^« Aaat~mic«l M-iwum la th» \ tj aMC>^ World. Wailicnm or any comnicfd A Q JjujFj»3 ecl * l » :oa t!ls Ccm'. Esijtyaar*, © S{B|gr A OS. JORDAN-DISEASES OF ME.1 i I JLj\j( fl Tr«!w«ii prnoMlif or b» Vltr. A A ft y Tt H rttnw* CVr« ut svary ctM tmdartakm. T AfS II A w*! hr M*. fBiLonorsir .r A V ' 1 II V HA It MIA SK. MAIU9 fXZM. ( A Y > A JI ntiMbi* book far own) \ V DB. JORDAN *CO. 1081M»rk.t!Jt..3. f. 9 CUTLERY EVERY BLADE WARRANTED OCEAN TRAVEL. e Steamers tear* Broadway wharvca (ptcr* 9 and 11). fan Francisco: For Wra&ftl. Juneau. Tr«adwella. Hainm. Skagway. ate. Alaska — 11 «. m.. Nov. 1. «. Ji. la. 31. 28. Dee. 1. Chans* to thla company'* steamer* at Seat* For Victoria. Vancouver. Port Townseud. 6eattle, Tacoma. Kveratt, South B«IUoc;bAja, BeUlnsbain— 11 *. m.. Nor. 1, 6. 11. 18, Jl. 28, Dec. 1. CbarffS at Seattle to thla com- pany's steamers (or Alaska and O. N. Ry.; at beatU* or Tacoma to 2*. P. Ry. ; at Vancouver to C. P. Ry- "* For Eureka (Hutnboldt Bay) — Pomona. 1 :3O p. m.. Nov. fl. 12. IS. 24. SO. Dec. «. Corona. 1-30 p. m.. Not. 3. 9. 15. 21. 27. D«e. 3. For Los Ansetes (Yta Port Loa Angeles and Bedondo). San Dleso and Santa Barbara— 8anta Rosa. Sundays. 9 a. m. State of California. Thursdays. 9 a. m. For Loa Aogeles (via San Pedro and East San PwSro). Santa Barbara. Santa Crua, Moa- t*rey. San Slmeonw Cayucoa. Port Harford (&ta Lais Obtspo), Ventura and Ftuenem*. Bonlta. 9 a. m.. Nov. 7. 13. 23. Dec 1. Cboe Bar. 9 a. m.. Nov. 8, 11. 19. 27. Dee. i. For Ensenada. Maffdalena Bar. San Joas del Cabo. Mazatlan. Altata. La Pu. Santa Ro> ¦alia, Guaymas (Ilex.). 10 a. m.. 7th each ma. For further Information obtain folder. Right is reserved to chance ««men or saJlln* dates. TlUJtET omCES— 4 New Montgom- ery »t- (Palace Hotel). 10 Market St.. and Broad, way wharves. Frelgrht Offlc* 1© Market st. C D. DUSANN. General Paas«as;er Afnat. 10 Market St.. San Francisco. The Pacific Transfer Co., 20 Butter St.. wtn call for and check baxraire from hotels a&d residences. Telephone Exchanc;» 31Z AMERICAN XOirB. Plymouth — Cherbourg — Southampton. Pt Paul Nov. SflWmrd. I>ec.lO. lrt:.HO a Philadelphia ...Dec. 8>New York Deo. IT •Calling at D<wer for London and Paris. ATLANTIC TBASSPOBT I^STE. K«w York— tendon Direct. Mntnka.Xov.Srt.7:3<> a!r.|Minn#nah.T.Dee.lO J tin Mesaba .Dec. 3 10 a.n Manltru. Dee.17. 10 «m DOMINION UITE. Montreal — Liverpool — 8h,ort sea passa«;e. Canada .December 10. RED STAR XJNE. STew Tork — Antwerp — London — Parli. Calling; at Dover for London and Parl«. Kroonlar d Nov. 2«iZeeland •••••-• -J^c. It Finland Dec, lfr Kroonland .... .Dec 2* WHITS STAB IiINE. jlew Tork — Queen stown — Liverpool. Baltic Vov. Srt. 11 am|Or*anlc.D<»c 14, lft am Cedric! Dec. 7. 3:30 am MaJestIr.Dec.21. 10 an js'oaton— Queenatown— Xtlverpool. Cymrl" ..: ¦• — ••• D * e - 21 - Jan - 2S - MHW TOBX ATTD BOSTON DQtECV To tne Mediterranean. - Gibraltar. Kanlea. Genca. Alexandria. OlDr FROM NEW YORK. HETTBLIC !><?• !• Jan. 14. Feb. 25 f^RETlC Dee. 12. Feb. 4, March H ' FROM BOSTON. ROMANIC Dec. 10. Jan.2". March 11. CANOPIC Jan. 7. F«b. 1* ¦ C D. TATLOR. Pareenrer A*ent Pacific Coast. 21 Post St.. San Francisco. ..»S£ S.S. ALAMEDA. for Honolulu.>. 11 A.M S S. MAR1POSA. for Tahiti. Nov. 25. 11 a.M* 8 S SONOMA, for Honolulu. Samoa. Auck- land and Sydney. Thursday. Decl. 2 P. M. I.B.SPBICIELS t BEOi Ca, Jfcti.TiCiEt Cffica 543 la- J m mm 03C8 327 Martet ji, Piei 7,' Paciac \i CO MPAOHIE 6E5SRALV T&AffSATLAOTXaai • DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE-PARia Sailing; every Thursday Instead of +J% Tftt . Saturday, at JO a. m.. from Pier 42. North River, foot of Morton it. First clasa to Havre. |7O and upward. Sec- ond class to Havre, $45 and upward. GEN- ERAL AGENCY FOR UNITED STATE3 AND CANADA, 32 Brcadway (Hudson bulldlns;). New Tork. J. F. FUGAZI & Co.. Pacific Coast Axenta. S Montgomery avenue. San Francisco. Tickets sold by all Railroad Ticket Agenta. . Tot V. S. Wavy Tar* ana VaQelo, Etrs. General Friable. Montlcello and Arrow 9:45 a.m.. 12:30 p.m.. 2:15 p.m.. 6 p.m., 8:20 p' m. Leave San Francisco Sundays 9:45 a-m." 12:30 p.m.. 6 p.m.. 8:3O p.m. Leave ValleJo. 7 a.m.. 0 a.m., 12:30 p.m.. 3:15 p.m.. 6 p.m. Sun- days, 7 a-m.. 9 a.m.. 3:20 p.m.. 8 p.m. Pier i ft Mliwion it.: phone Main 1508. HATCH BROS Weekly Call, $1 per Year yyyyyi ADvigmsEMEyTs- y-y-z AND -OTHERS. The better class of druggists, everywhere, are m'en of scientific attainments and high integrity, who devot.j iheir lives to the welfare of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians* prescriptions and scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacture many, excellent remedies, but always under original or officinalnames and they never sell false brands, or imitation medicines. Thej are the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line, which usually includes all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the nnest and best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appliances. The earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of the benefits conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession, is usually their greatest reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that »yrnp of Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and therefore they are selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of the choicest remedies, and they always take pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing the full name of the Company— California Fig Syrup Co. — printed on the front of every package. They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and of weakness or torpidity of the liver and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or over-eating, that there is no other remedy so pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects as Syrup of Figs, and they are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction, v Owing to the excellence of Syrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction which it gives and the immense demand for it, imitations have been made, .tried and condemned, but there are individual druggists found, here and there, who do not maintain the dignitv and principles of the profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment, and who do not hesitate to recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations Borne times have the name — " Syrup of Figs "—or "Fig Syrup" and of some piratical concern, or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on. the package, but they never have the full name of the Company— California Fig Syrup Co.— printed on the front of the package. The imitations should be rejected because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell the imitations they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer passes off on a customer a preparation under the name of "Syrup of Figs v or "Fig Syrup," which does not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package, he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his establishment, whether it be large or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and and deception in one case he will do so with other medicinal agents, and in the filling of physicians' prescriptions, and should be avoided by every one who values health and happiness. Knowing that the great majority of druggists are reliable, we supply the immense demand for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be purchased every- where, in original packages onlv, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exceptions exist it is necessary to inform tne public of the facts, in order that all may decline or return any imitation .which may be sold to them. If it does not bear the full name of the Company- California Fi| Syrup Co.— printed on the front of every package, do not hesitate to return the article and to demand the return of your money, and in future go to one of the better class of druggists who will sell you what you wish and the best of everything in his line at reasonable prices. ADVERTISEMJENTS; H Brand ffl h Evaporated M HI (Dream B ||a bears the above cap label. ||| |i|| Contains fully as much «|| »|| food substance per can as Em ill the watery imitations in BSM HI It is smooth and perfect fir} ?H because skillfully pre- j|| Jra pared. Its purity is raL PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century PREPARED BY