Newspaper Page Text
RCA I. -STATS— CITT— ?QB 3A^ S . li -Vcux-crscry K.. U ck' »„£ E ; cc _ • vc tn-T- r - 4 '" 1 caratr; *ub«jta_t_l m- :-w -\- V;-? turcs -* * *-'*: resting «£«£ en* &em a U lncrea!cd , : •« 5 ~"* UW n«2L 1 ! U w " l " ; Da e-'»«»U l °nf^fitore«,-.4 "*xiCt) * Acr S - {A>: Citra ch:#iLe to*. --^chfr^ ?_S^S J! C f^«^:Y£^x_T= »Hi *~%= -einrr «. c;o Se to ' Fultoa-2 handsome' Bain" V£t"f . ? r £ " 50 ■** month; lot 25xlCS; line et b '* cSer ™=s!dered. ' »iv«» i° FtIU 'kiin— Choice fm-ertraent. •.V^? S r* r ~«t net on S22.S00; lot j o . "-'"-U; —VCitlsatr. • ~ • t -~SuLstasti£i 2-story res:deneo; 10 «-V«£3* , an<1 haih; coniinaj'dintr marine i^Bo r '. .^ lot - SO**': must be *old. Tvi *."* *' Z>: tlv " Ilev - fl3lt » < n Ihe Jordan ~ »<_ <-o« U> Vtrst -\e. sad CjMtvr- -rrerj «... . :ra ,. Fourteenth-— 1 modern!.. -o manufu« urcrs . Kor raio _ & , V€rll , choice '• c Vif y *' lC! ' * Ith rallrcr.d facilities: *• VV* class r,r property is United, it lie ti-o!1 to aec us Immediately; ™T_i£ lhl? ~ properties can be reached »y both the southern Pacific en] SaniJ 1 e i_lroa_s __, cEN"n:n & spader. £* v° :d — * «a*3*. S flats of S rooms . £^.™ • McAI1 i*t<r si-, near Baker. • JS," 1 - n «a»iy n«v; « r . Second ave., neat - tJniVi m V C at8 of 5 *»oms ar.d bath each. rTJl. - cr 5 '" acoept $7000 to aie ' rUANfiA & co - C27 Mont - J750 FOR A LARGE BC1LDINC. LOT. netr !S" , Ki ' u »* tn Strta Fe Tract. Berkeley: 3fl •^.fs from San Frar.c'.sco: easy monthly h,. tfAV * trf ~ t work <^apleted; good l^cal- U J . HOL^ 1) H». BRKEU & BANCROFT, 1W30 B.-oadn-ay. Oakland. GR>N'D chance to buy elegant building lots . cfceap; P.lchmond LMstrict and Mission: also _ nice residence and laree lots in Oakland on . <>asy t»rms or exchange: must call L-rsonal- ,''.- *2? Ppreckels bui'.dlr.g. • MISSION narm belt, new 5-roora cottage. modern and complete: part cash, balance on mortgage. Apply to R. C. Oark, 320 Bush. A SNAP: for a few div B only: must be seen to -De appreciated: elegant 2-etory modern re¥i- # «lence. . rooms r.nd bath. newly refitted throughout: I^apidKe st.. near 18th. Apply to *,. L. o'.AST. «ieent..ll Montgomery st. S BUSINESS rr-porty. iteAUlster st.. nr. park; -•>xl3. :r,- store tnd C flats in 2st-c!ass condi. tion; always rented; chtap at $11S; pric« $1S.^5O. Bjx 20CS, Call. .BARGAIN— <:cttag*. 4 rooms, with modem imprcvemenrs; terms, same as rent. Apply own*r. '.umberj-ard, ccr. Army and Condon. fl S?V CcUEfr ''- * room!! . «"»«" coal yard; let gr,M business location: wagors. etc >jlsfioa Realty Co.. 3297 Mission street. FOR subdivision— Three tracts; swellest prop- ositics in s^tate. J. E. L,K\VIS. Real Estate Agent. KentBeld. Mario Co. P. O. Ross. -GJtAND view; let on Alpine st. near Duboce av<? .; eayt front; by owner. Box 2746. Call. H'»L?ES and fiats built cieap; plans free, »-asy tfrrrs. Builder, room 4 >«, Parrott bldg. OO<^r» work our motto; prices nv>derate. AHL- HA''H A.- MAYER, flumbers. Howard ft. — EAL ESTATE — COPSTB7 — Tor Sals. wmTt: & BAYLJSrJ Successors to_ CHICKEN RANCHES EVERTWHERE. EXCHANGES. fi &<• per acre — « miles of Cloverdale and ra:!rcitd: <vmj acres, comprising the btt-t stock '*"•* ar -^ ecpedalljr adapted 10 thet-p; 2 fine liviiu: tireamt run several miles sbruueb the liiyixr iXjr: larciul estimates place the uak _etuir.|-age at l_5.t0O cords, fur ■uhich we have a:i cnVr ul 25 ctmts i>er cord on coiu:act with « at-!i imyveeat annually « bethi-r w«.hx1 is cut or J'ft; Wiji,^ *iuii e mors than payt fur the place. tll'.joo— 3M acres rich alluvial boil; 2 miles -oi i.\-i> thrivjive raiiruad towius and not fax .Jrciu l^x!i. j^a.n Joa<iuin County: email almond ■i-;..!;»rd; tuuU Iiuum-. «> ruvius and house for Mlij; rine bam h^idint loii tunt; uajjon shed: blick^ruiiti fclicji; win«lmi:i. 5oou «allun taiik; :<..-i t cJ ar.d jTWS-feaoed; terms or exchange; ti.i-e<Jsc bay property* SSO00 — On o'.ltd drive; I mile of Livermore; **i actvt healihj. full btariug vineyard; about •*> a..n-i :ru:t; j.Lnin dueiling; barn; good well •and VtaimiUi 2 > cars' crop wUl pay for this putee. i*>oo — 2i acres; 1 mile of Courthouse and H:_h 6c_)0l; i seres nne alfalfa: lo acres liai-tlftt and almond*: balance alfalfa la::J: 2 l.t-li*; tuily equlpt>ed pumping plant: <Jtr ciii_r, Larn, poultry houtts; drying plant; fcalf «at_. $4oo<»— 3S acres level loam land near Eln-.ira: VI acres at-rievt*. Vi French prunes; family orchard: 5 acres BartUtt pears; 5-rooia cot- **»*!• barn; 12 l>oultry hGUse>>: brooder Kju«f; 2 wells; windmill and tank: would •subdivide on easy terms or accept unimproved lots in part payment. 50«K>— Almost adjoint, stores. P. O. and 0 miles cf Anderson; 10 acres; 6 acres bearing peaches: cabin 16x24; under Irrigation ditch; wf-il fenced: poultry men. investigate quick. $1(KK> carh required, balance any time to pleat-e ycu; 4y acres all und«-r fine Irrigation system: '^> in fu:: bearing fruit: 5-room and bath oottat-e: barn, stable: 5 acres rich hay ' land for elfalfe; balance timbered pasture; 1 mile of Courthouse and depot; don't wait to .Tit*, but come and investigate. , $300 down; 1 mile of R. R. town: IS acres level black loam: no building*; well fenced; 13 acres fu!l bearing pears ajvl French prunes; fine creek for j>oultry: price (SOOU. any term?. $4C«>t — nert hop land in Sonoma County; 4:) SLcrf-y. « miles of. Santa Rosa: large hophouse; • head of Jersey cows: hess: 4Oo hens; warca. buggy. 2 sets of hsmeee. span horres. farming tools, dairy utJnFlls. furniture; buy this and zn£ke RMDCjr fatter than they do In the Mint. fK5<K»— -ciefe to Nana (Tty: SO acres rich, level land; 3"> tcrcs in orchard 12 years old: rood S-rocm house; !anr«? barn, windmill and tank: drying plant, poultry yards; horses, cat- tle: faitr iinj tool*; good furr.lture; fine income- half cash. C2500 — 23 acre*, half rolling and ba!anc« level; near Har.ta Roi=a. 3 miles of Kenwood: rich land; 2 acr-s orchard: vineyard: creek, 2 wells: dee cottar*. 5 rooms; large barn; fenced 4 fields; B poultry-houses large wt— nettirs? yard*. 150 laying hens': rood hcrse. 3 cattle; rprlng wss-on, top baggy; 4 tons hay: ear" term?. / f47rf»— Or. Gusdalupe Cretk. south of San Jcse; C3 a.-r«y; 12 lr> full bearing orchard In condition j baiarce e-er.tly sloping fine hay :a:-.J; fine creek; 2T. ir.arnific*-nt oak trtes; 4- room cottar*; rood rt«b!»: fc» Income: 'we have n choice list of tma!l home* i n Fauta Clara County; pleased to drive you around and (how them. $2950 — 2 rr:!!es cf Sonoma City; 10 acres level *art!en soil; SH acres bearing vine*; 1 acre fruit; gix.'d dwelling, fcarr., poultry-hou»«s; horse. 1 uracon. carts, plotrs, 3 sets " harness! tools, v.-'.ae rirss, tanks and tacks: furniture; f.r.e crc?. S1700— 25 acres, c>o«w» to Cellstoga; adapted trt vine* and tree«; family orchard; coxy S- roorn cottage; good tarn: fine water. $400 down — 5 acres good land, with new, Jiard finished cottage of !i rooms and bath; jiirge br-xxler-house. 2 lnrubatcre. brooders; all farrniiic tools; near PetaJuma: price $2000. J35O0 —^3nly 1 mite of Haywards: 37 acre*; 4 acres bearing orchard; modern house, C r"vir-.* and bath: flnpy*. barn In caunty, alone c*>tt J4r>00; Cne view; this is the best buy !n tbe vicinity. LODI. LODL T~r.» town that hae the "FSAT" to it: the •*cticn «h»t ha« the most fertile sell In th« P_r Jrg.^uln Valjey; Cut roads; water trans- portation. \V« ar» pu'i>dlv!(!ir.r a choice tract In JO-*cr<> lots: only 2'.2 : .:>v from town; surrounded by xr.<v!"WT! and crchar<S3 snd vineyards: roil rirh. biack. rnndv loam. 12 feet deep: ' rchool m the tract; *73 per ac—; this will not la^t over "9 iayt; first eorrt, first served. Jl— 30 — :r» Rcrr-s in vine e:id fruit belt, neat \yf_\- n?Ay ioeai: S-rcom hous» and barn. ffend stercp for the largest and most dlversl- PpKCttd H^t on the coast. WIIITn t BATT^T. Kur»-ea«Ars t.i 25 -!cr.t:r;rrer>- st., rV>om S. Preperty Exchsnge a Specialty. FOn SALE cr <rcUange — J2S,fi00; 212 rcres, !i> minutes from Et. Helena. Napa County; CT> acres re*i»tant vines: !* under a .high etate of cultivation and is the best watcrc-d ranch in the West. t=plen<lld mod- ern refider.i.-*. and cut LuIMluc*. This f« one of the finest country 1'rcperties th*t has «-vcr l>ecn o«r«-r<-d on th» I'aclfic cotict. and has oosi the owner $C»,C00. Might ex=L_rge 1 for i'e.n Francisco income propertj-. Uood rras-ni" for esTlficlnr. Iyt «• E jve you fall partlccl.TS. -GEf». F. COSBY, room 105 Earcn Uork. Oakland. FOR BALE or exrhsr.TO— $25,000. .125 acres rich loam foil. 6 miles from Et. Helena! NapA Ovjr.ty; Ho acres full bearing resid- ent vines: floe v.inery: cor^^rage: gaod rcsj- Aencc: t.:'I«-n<1l<l r.vt buildinc, etc.; abuntf- nnce n{ wood and water; $<nr.O peryoral IToncny r° with ?alc; everj-thintr complete. - Will $:;0<X» t-^r an-.ium. V.'ill sell on cary trr—? cr xi'Al cschanpe for Sen Kran- clt^o or Oatlaad rro;.erty: ?73.O0O ha« been exr'ef'ed on thif ranch. A chaiic* here for «.rr.*>bTdr to make monry. I>»t n« g|»e you full oartlctilar*. GEO. F. COSBT, room IC5, Eacon binek.* Oakland. I32C0 — T, ACRES, p-'joltry ranch: Just outsid* of rtty I'.niit" of Pc-taiunis: furnlshe<l house of S rr-crns. lar^e bam. and stable. 12 rticlcen bou»e». -t r/roodcr Ji^>u?e«, windmill and WlOO- tank: who> jilaoe In crrhard. apples. i»rur.p» oni r^-srs: :•.:!. ft-nced o::d crose- fer.w-d Into ohlcken yardr; wire netting; rraE3rn'.j> terrrp if dfslred. Call or write V. TC." ffffvjfr KruItvaJe and vVa*hlB£tc;i ttreets. Ftult\e.!e. Cal. SEAL ESTATE — COUHTB? — Tot Sale. BURR & YOUNG. 40 McrUruriti-y nirett. Phone John 1S3C. LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS. $700 — »i s a-rcs uil cleared; facing ma. a county road: close to stores, churches, etc.; t> f tiil<-H from Watson vllle. , flo'-'j — 0 acicB level land: good dwelling: H mile iron It. li. station: near tn:all tov.n, « rnilps from Watscuvllle- would maie eplenJid loultry rancli. St'JZo— t, ucres cf rich land; mcdern 5- room dwelling: 2 irllen from Watscnvllle on main county read; 4 ucrts Newtown pippin apples; orn. cf the rtrust homes in Pajaro Valley; elec- tric cars will run by tbu place inside 01 n?:;t twelve months. • f^OC*i — IS acres. 'J tnilc» from Watsonvllle: 10 arrc? i:i a'^Iss, apricots and berries; Rood B-rootn liou*?. bain, etc: 1 cow. "J50 chlckeii3, 2 fcors.v. double and tingle wagons, 1 disc cultivator 1 plow, '1 harrows, 12 tons hay; household a:.d all farm Iwulesicr.ts; also sro-.vir.jf orc^s co irlth the:i>Uce. SHXxj — r*> ;u-rfs i-.:ii acd valley lar.d. 3 miles from Calis'-cra: 1 mile from school house: 1 acres LeaiinK vines. :; acres orchard: good €- ro->m i-cuicp L^rn and ontbulldinc*. well: good i.-iron;.-. * 1200— S 14 acre*, one-balf m!le from Calla- tcjra: 5-n cm hcuw, 200 fruit trees. ?35C<f— :u\.. acres fine valley land: 3 miles from Caiisicra; 2-itory house, burn; near ■cbootj J27OD— 8 acr«s eanUy land. 4^i miles from I'etalun-.a; huu&e, 3 nxims aiA furniture, barn, 3 brooder houses, «3 brooders, 4 poultry house*. « acres vineyard; sold latt year's crop for $200 on vines; 30 laving hens, 5i» pulleis 3 months old. COO chicks" 8 weeks ol&: wagon, harness, pl^w. cov.-, etc. $-45CO — 12 acres socd sandy loam; 7-room h'.uw and bath, barn and windmill, tank, very good orchard: rear town. • ?l5tK)— 14 acres, li m!!e frcr.i Cloverdale; cot- 5 roorrs ar.d t«sfir;r.t; good barn and poulir> houses, several springs of water, good t-earirjr vineyard, small crchard. $."?100 — lo acre*, house 4 rooms, pantry. closet, etc.; good Imrn, nrlndral'.l and tank; water rlwd to different places; S poultry j houses. Incubator and store hous*. 240 hens. 2i'<0 ch;cU». sow, family orcha'rd; good meney- | maker. ' 11.100 — 64 acres hill land, 3 miles from Mar- 1 tirwz, J, mile from station; SO acres plowed 1 land, balance pasture: barn, wagon bhed, fine I spring water; lot growing oak. $23<iO — 20 acres, l«i miles from Clayton; I good houre, 4 rocirs, bath; chicken yards and houses, wagon and tool shed. 2 ac,res of or- «-h«rd and vineyard, coring water i>lped to lious«e and barn: all good tillable scil, e*pe- I daily fine for crape?. ; $50 i>er acre — ?20 acres of hill and vaJley land. 4 miles from Martinet on country road: I all rocd tillable land; fair hou«e of 4 rocms; 1 large barn, granary, well, windmill, tank, I cistern, family crchard; nicely located. $45 p»r acre— 42 acres rich rolling land. >•; mile from Aronas and 6 miles from Wa'.sin- vllle^ lagcon on place; splendid buy. ! - $3000 — .15 acre* of land; sood dwelling and i barn: spring water; 2 acres timber. C acres po'atovs. balance grain; 0 miles from Watson- vllle. TO EXCHANGE. «3-rocm cottage, worth ?2u0o. in Oakland, for ranch in Santa Cruz Co. ; will ray difference. Grocery. Sl.%00; 5-rcom cottage, worth $2000. for ranch not over J4<XX»; will pay ca«h differ- ence for srr.nU ranch near liiKh school in north I half of State: also many other city properties i to exchange f<*r ranches. Do you wish to buy city or country real ! estate in California? If sj 4jcp us a line. 1 giving us a desorlotlon and tne locality you j desire and we will «r.d you list of cur best I bargains. Have >ou city or country real estate to sell I or exchange, and want to find out the best I way to do 90, by dropping us a card, we will I se-nd you our plan free. BL'RR & TOU.VG, ! 40 Montgomery *trect, San Francisco. ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS. 640 acre's ulfalfa or general farm land; 2 ■ artt-siar. wells; house and large barn; $15 1 per Ecre; terras. f25 PER ACRE. Any numb'r of acres alfalfa lands In the Modesto, Turlock districts. ?40 PER ACRE. 00 acres general fa*n: 15 acres S-year-oId orchard; eood six-room house; large barn; ad- Joining town. 20 acres: small house; barn 24 feet; wind- j mill; «ood well, also well and pump near ■ bouse: irrisation canal alone: and on rear of I laud; near railroad elation, school, ttc; price ! J1S00. 10 acres: new seven-room house, barn, wind- ■ mlil, «-tc. : t; acres to fine bearing Tokay vines; I 1 acre alfalfa; irlce $45C0. ; C acres on Irrigation canal; finest fruit, vine I or alfalfa land on market: price $450. i 13 acres on canal, facing fine road: fenced • on three sides; canal along west line; elegant I sandy loam coil for ail purposes; price $975. 5-acre tract; black loam' soil; school, rail- road : ration, postofflce and • stores \? mile; price ?300. 10 acres; nice 3-room cottage: barn, well, cement floor brooding-house; hot air heated for chickens: well for irrigation; school, rural delivt-ry and good neighborhood; price $2400. 160 acres fine rraln. vine or fruit land; ele- gant improvements; 9-room dwelling; wind- mill, lank, barn, etc.; rural mall, etc.; price JG5 ;vr acre. 15 r.cres: new house. 6 rooms, bath, closets, etc.; windmill and tank; water to house, barn ' and yard: barn and chicken-houses; Irrigating plant, 5-borse-power engine, oil cr gasoline; \ price ?4000. 24 acre?: 5-room house; barn, windmill and I tank, chlckfn-houses, etc.; small family orch- ' ard and vines; faces county road: l'i miles ] from railway station; two miles from cream- ! ery; f24CO. i ■ 1 60 acres orchard, in foothills;- good im- 1 provemenU; splendid water; near railway sta- I tion: good buy at $3000. P. H. JORDAN CO.. fi3S Market Bt., or RHODES & DUDLEY, Stockton. Cal. FOIl farms, stock ranches, orchards and vine- yard land* call or send for catalogues. ROTHEKMEL & CO., 5(J7 California st. Several tracts of redwood timber lands; 160 to iO.OCO or more acres. j $S an acre — 600 acres fine redwood timber land near sawmill and ocean landing. I $75 an acre — ISO acres tule vegetable lands, ; producing large crops potatoes, corn, beans, ; etc.; rent for $8 an acre; on way to Stockton. 515OU — 166-acre mountain ranch, near Uklah: 5-room house, barn and sheds, orchard and vineyard and stock range: Includes horses, ■ cows and'pyultry; a bargain. $l«C0— Hill ranch of 240 acres; S miles from i Ft. Helena. Napa Co.; with house, barn, ! orchard ami vineyard. ! $1500— Good roadhouse stand near Calistoga: 2 acres in crchard; S-room house and barn; 2 well*. $22I>0 — 13-acre fruit and poultry farm, with 5- roum house and barn; all In orchard and vineyard; near Sonoma; a nice home. $2500 — Level valley farm. 20 acne; near Santa Rosa: with a house and barn. $1750 — Ranch 1C0 aerea, on creek near Clayton; part bottom land, with new houss and barn. See our Contra Costa list. jr.OOO — Farm. 16*i acres; near San Jose; all valley land; god house and barn, orchard, etc. $C500— Splendid farm: rich valley land: ha'.f mile from Napa; 50 acres; nice house and barn and 2.") acres In paying orchard: see this. %i an acre only— 1670 acres on Russian River ana at railroad station; in Mendoclno County; several hundred acres level bottom and pla- teau land: rich soil for grain, alfalfa and fruit; r^st Is hill, pasture Vnd wood land: nearly enough wood to pay for the land; rare bargain. $15. 000 — F*.ne ttock ranch: 3400 acres: one lins of railroad, north of Willlts, with buildings: . several hundred acres farm land: running ' -water snd thousands of tan cak and wood; mu5t et-U to close estate; best bargain In Mt-ndoclno. ROTHEP.MEL & CO.. 607 California et. $5000— SO ACRES cf land, all under cultlva- ! tion with Improvements. In orchard section of Sutter County; only three miles from county »eat «md on line cf new Irrigation ditch. • i A sn»p ir taken soon, but wllj not kwp.' M. J. NEWKOM, 406 Second st.. Marysvllle, Cal A BEAUTIFUL Swim chalet and outhouse*, ali.up to date, and 6 acres of prime land planted to apples: situate on Lake Pinto: climate and scenery unsurpassed: 21$ rr.lles north of Wawonvti!". Santa Crvz Co.; gram- mar school within a few hundred yards; 60- acre apple orchard adjoins above; will be sold «-parate!v or an a whole: owner absent from State; wlreJ u*. "sell." , GAFFE V & MAHOK, 11 Montgomery st.," S. F. 10- ACRE lot» In the celebrated Santa Clara Valley: 2 miles from Mountain View; 1 mile from new Catholic University and 5 miles from Stanford; the electric road may go throuph the tract: $170 to $200 per acre; lib- eral terms. I. J. TRUMAN, Call bide.. 8. F. SPECIAL bargain— Dairy and grain ranch, 400 acres in Ss.cran-.ento valley; will divide Li a places, ICO acre* with improvements. S20 per acre: K*> acres at $15 per acre, and SO acres In growing grain. $.';«; part os»h, balance at 5 i*r cent. See P. C. LA Si EN & CO. 463 Tenth nt.. Oakland. ATTENTION. HOMESEEKERS! Send pottal lor catalogue of the best lanf bargains in CAKlorai*. C. M. WOO5TER CO.. «S Market st. ■ WE have for sale the Muir ranch at, Martinez; SI acr«?« in vines: '-j on resistless njots; mod- ern 10-room house, packing rooms, cold stor- age, etc;, going at a bargain. F. F. POR- TEi;, 4CQ Eighth et.. Oakland. MANY email ranch**, fruit and poultry;' In. bay count!?*. MOUSE & SCHXEPF. C32 Market. CONTRA Costa Ocsnty Ke«l estate , for s»!e. ;Scnd for IUk. V. J. WEST. Martlnei. CaL : THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL. SUNDAY, DECEMBER- IS,: 1904: HAYV/A3US BSA_ ESTATE. P. V.'ILBERT. REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS OF REAL RES- TATE IN THE GARDEN OF EDKN. MOKE rOMMONLY CALLED HAYWARD. ALA- MEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. 7 acres, with small house and barn, well and pump; l'j miles from town; near electric line and new boulevard; $H00. Vacre*. with tniall house, good barn. 3 chick- <n-houses. well and pump, plenty wood and v.ater; .t;C0<). . , 23 acres, with fine large house, barn.- several acres in fni!t and vines: fine place for sum- r.i.r boarders; l.-nprovements worth the price; only SJ50O. r«Vi a-.-res. with 5-room house, barn, numerous chleton-hoosea. well and pump, several acres In young fruit. 30iJ fine chickens, cow, horse, harney« and buggy, 2 brooder houses, chicken yards separately fenced: everything In good shape to make menty; a positive snap; only ?3fO0. Unimproved land in subdivisions to suit: fine for fruit or poultry, in the famous Cartro Valley; only 5175 per acre. 12-3 acres: nice little stock ranch, only 5 miles from town, comfortable Improvements, good road, fins trout stream runs through the place; only 5." COO. • 12^i acres, obcut 1-3 in full bearing fruit, new lioutse of 5 rooms, barn. well, windmill and tank, fine cistern, chlcken-hous**, berries and irrigating rilant. horse, spring wagon, cart and chickens; Sne read; near town; only .?7<>0O. Fine m<K!ern high basement cottage of 4 rooms and bath, barn;' lot .V>x1«M feet; 0 blocks from postoffice: only $1300. THESE OFFERINGS "MUST HE SEEN" TO BE APPRECIATE!*. CALL EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE. P. WILBERT, Castro, near B St., Huyward, Cal. : $175 PER acre. 2'"> ucres unimproved; fine lo- cation for chicken ranch: good orchard land: IVi r.-.Hes from Hayward. $7600 — 2.">*i acres: boova 6 roomn. barn, out- buildings, tank and mill: mostly in fruit and trails; nice location; 2 miles from Hayward. $4750 — 41'. arres. good house, 7 rooms, -barn, mill" and tank, partly 1*1 fruit, chicken- houses and yards. 300 chickens, cow, horse, harness, wason and farming lm- * plements; nice home; 1 mile from town. ! $250d — lo acres, small house, barn, chlcken- house and yards, partly In fruit and grapes; rr-jar new boulevard: 1 mile from electric cars: this Is a snap. $1200 — 7 acres, house, « rooms, barn. 6 chick- ! en-houses, mill nnd tank, running water through place year around, 2 miles from Hayward: close to school; improvements worth rrice aslted for whole. KAMAYE & KTANTON, Castro, near A »t.. Hayward. SAK SATEO _EA_T_STAT_7V BAN MATEO SAN MATEO THE FINEST SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT NEAR SAN FRANCISCO. I We have a choice 'list of excellent residence I properties, villa sites and acreage. Don't fail i to see us before buying. Investigate San Mateo I Park, the ideal property of them all. Lots of I about one acre each. Bound to be most valu- : able; $900 up. HAYWARD ADDITION. Adjoining, the towo. Business and residence lotB. Street wcrk complete. Covered with ma- jestic oaks. Easy term"'. See our local agent, Frank S. Grummon. San Mateo office open Sunday. BALDWIN - HOWELL, 25 Post st. LOMITA PARK. As an investm-.nt or for a home site, a 50- ! foot lot in Lomita Park offers exceptional ad- : vantages. Only 43 minutes from the city on ' the San Mateo electric line; outside the fog I belt: well located and drained: artesian water; I streets graded: water and sewer pipes laid. 1 Terms — A nr3t payment of from $10 up and [balance at $10 per month. Easily within the ! reach of all. First placed on the market Aug- I ust 1 and over half now sold. Must be seen j to be appreciated. Go down and Investigate or I write to-day — to-morrow may be too late to j secure a choice. c-ELBY. RODGERS & CO.. ; Main 673. 110 California st. £ I Also at LOMITA PARK. > ELMHUEST REAL ESTATE. ! T I $600— ACREAGE: 5 to 10 acre tracts, $600 per acre; on S. P. R. R. track. '.:■?,■ j $1000— 4-room house and lot; bath, pantry and toilet; half block from electric cars. 1? you want suburban property see JAMES J. OTOOLE, Elmhurst. ELMHURST REAL ESTATE. ALVIN TRACT. $75 each — Lots in the Alvln Tract, only 1 block from the station. OSCAR HEYMAN. 14 Post st. 1 C0I.MA BEAI. ESTATE. FOR SALE. COLMA REAL ESTATE. Large lots; acre lands; near line San Fran- : Cisco. Inquire 4lt» Hearst bldg. R. S. THORNTON. HEA- ESTATE TO EXCHAWQE. i FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. $25,000 — 325 acres rich loam soli, G miles : from St. Helena. Napa. County; 110 acres full I bearing resistant vines; fine winery cooperage; I good residence; splendid outbuildings, etc.; 1 abundance of wood and water; $4000 pevonal ! property go with sale; everything complete; j will net $."5000 per annum; will sell on easy terms or exchange for San Francisco or Oak- '■ land property; $75,COO has been expended on 1 this ranch: a chance here for somebody to ; make money; let us give you full particulars, i GEORGE F. COSBY, room 1C5 Bacon block Oakland. i EXCHANGE— $2C00; 3 acres with new mod- ■ era bouse of 5 rooms and bath; good well, , barn, outbuildings, etc.; no Incumbrance; In : flourishing little town 8 miles from Berkeley; I . will exchange fcr cottage In Oakland, Ala- ! meda or Berkeley and pay from $500 to $1000 j difference. GEORGE V. COSBY, room 106, I Bacon block. Oakland. I VINEYARD o r orchard land In 20. acre tracts- j worth $75 p f r acre; in town of Parlier, Fres- ! no County: school. P. O.. a packing-houses, ■ store, water through tract; will exchange for I Oakland, Berkeley. Alameda or S F. real j estate. Address owner, I. J. TRUMAN, Call I building. t?an Francisco. : GOOD Oakland pj-opt:rty to exchange for coun- I try property. L. A. SPENCER, 472 Tenth ; st.. Oakland. ' !* BEAli ESTATE WAKTED. ' j , ■ ! WANTED— Modern cottage, with stable north j Mkt. : spot cash. Williams. 157 New iiontgy. j WANTED— For cash, house and lot- from prl- ' vat« pf-rty; no dealers. Bos 2141. Ca!l._ WANTED— 2 flats. Western Ad., or Mission"- 50000 to SSOOO; no. agents. Box 2247. Call. J WANTED— Home fcr $2000 by paying a small I deposit and balance monthly. Box 2670. Call. j PASMS A2TO BAJTCH_S~TO~_EASE. 20 ACRES; hcu*e C room's." furnished; barn- stable; chicken hou«es: for a term of years- cheap. JOSEPH STRAUB. 630 Market. 8. F.' ALAMEDA ADVERT ? S ? -TTS A-A3SESA BEAI. ESTAVF. CALL ON HAMMOND ft HAMMOND, The Leading and Reliable Real Estate Brokers, A!&meda. Do you want to b^iy a home: large or small: If so. call on us; we have the largest and choicest lUt to select from; terms cash or !n- • „ llmenta. 1 JUST A FEW GOOD BUYS. $1200— House of 5 rooms and bath on Grand St.: lot 25x110; bargain. $1500 — Good cottas*}. ft rooms and bath; north side of street; lot 40x130; good buy. S22CO— Just completed, beautiful modern 5- room cottage; centrally located; lot 80x100- thi» Is a snap; don't overlook. $2350 — Modern 0-rcom cottage, completely furnished: large lot, COx 1 10; Investigate. $3250 — Will buy a modern 0-rcom cottage in course or construction; lot 42x145; snap., $4750— Beautiful 0-room house on north side San Antonio ave.; built for a*- home; 7 not to sell: owner will sacrifice on account of leaving State; if you are looking for a home don't fall to see this property: lot 40x150. BUILDING LOTS A SPECIALTY. HAMMOND & HAMMOND , : 1422 Park st. , Alajneda. Office opento-day from 8 to 2:30. HAWKS & MEHRTENS • ■• , WIU build you a borne and let the rent pay Several new homes for Eale; low price ar.d easy terms. Choice building lots In all parts of Alameda on terms to suit. It will pay von, to »je;us if you Intend to own your own home. Corner Seventh and Railroad ave. LARGE lots. 15S feet deep: any frontage; : S10 per front foot; .$50 cash and, $10 per month Callat Railroad ave. and Fifth Et. and see 3 II." YOUNG, owner, at new building.' 52100— FOR fa!e: new cottage of 5 rooms; now • In course of. construction: " lot S3xl55; - easy terms : : call " at :■ Rullroad - ave..- west » of Fifth st. J. IX. -YOUNG, ■ and builder. ALAMEDA ADVERT'S ? M'TS Beautiful Homes for." Sale in- Alameda. Beautiful .Homes for Sale In . Alameda: ON EASY TERMS. ON. EASY TERMS. BY THE ALAMEDA LAND CO.. 150O Park Et. Now la the time to purchase. Look at our bargains. Houses and' lots at all prices. Terms. to suit. A FEW SPECIAL BARGAINS.. $2230 buys new 5-room cottage; good size lot; a snap. $2D00 buys a new 6-room cottage; corner lot; worth $3250. -:■■-■ $2500 buys 5-room cottage; ' lot 40x170; very cheap. $2750 buys new 5-room colonial house; lot 30x 20a. $2750 buys elegant 6- room house; Clinton ave.; a bargain. $.',C0O buys 0-room Hi-story colonial home; fine location: laree lot. $4000 buys I-room house; choice location. $4500 buys S-roora house and stable; lot 60x150. J55CO buys house of 8 rooms and bath: floe corner lot: cheap: must be sold. • fCOCO — 8 rooms and bath: lot 37:6x150; Central ; -avi. Houses Built, Rented and Exchanged. ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY. 1500 Park st.'. Alameda. - ALAMEDA PROPERTY. A HOUSE FOR EVERYBODY. Thirty lots from $10 to $16 per front foot: five, minutes from Fifth st. station; $50 down, balance easy terms. ' . Homes from $1000 uo on terms; must ( be seen to be appreciated, j V\:. -.-"-FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A fine 7-room houss, modern, near Morton st. station; for SaJi Francisco property. '''i-:.\l: JUST SUBDIVIDING. One of the best blocks on' Santa Clara ave.: 3 minutes' walk to either narrow or broad gauge station; will be sold on terms. Suitable for a residence and laree garden: electric cars pass the property: a block of land on San Jose ave., near Versailles . t station: 200x235; a bargain. . Also a block on Pacific ave.. between 8th and Wood sts. ;. fine location; one block from MuMick station. Two 4-rocm fiats in fine location on Pacific ave.; at a bargain. One-story and basement cottage; upper flat pavs Investment. A. R. DENKE. 14C0 Webrter St., Alameda. Or C. A. POMEROY. 11 Montgomery St., San Francisco. GREAT BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. ~" $13.CC0— Sherman St.; house 12 rooms; lot 75x150. $7000— Sherman St.; house 8 rooms; lot 50x 150. $3500 — Cllntcn ave.; house 3 rooms; lot BOx HO. $2500 — Lincoln ave.; cottage C rooms; lot 50x 130. $2.150 — Park ave.: cottnse 5 roon-.s. $2700— Eagle ave.; elegant cottage 5 rooms; lot 40xl5o. $4500 — Chestnut 'St.; modern house, 7 rooms; lot 40x150. All these properties ar« modern, choice lo- cations and' are belnsr offered for about one- half of their value. Give us a call. ■ E. D. JUDD CO.. 1424 Park St. WE have a choice selection of lots In Ala- meda; best residential section; on which we will build to suit purchaser, on terms of $3in> and $500 cash, balance In monthly pay- ments. Fame as rent: we have In course of completion a 6-room high basement cottage: basement all plastered and cemented floor with all latest Improvements; near school and station: lot 42:6x135. ■* V".-'-'; Price $3200. v We have a list or cottages and two-story houses for sale from SXOO up; call and see us. WILLIAM DUFOUR & CO., 232S Santa. Clara ave. Near Park st., Alameda. ALAMEDA HOME LOTS. The finest subdivision In all of Alameda; beautiful lots fronting on Bay st.. San 'An- tonio ave. and the bay; size 50x150 each; cov- ered with trees; prices reasonable. BALDWIN & HOWELL, 25 Post st.- 1 ■ Or ' ■ -- 1 E. D. JUDD CO.. " 1*24 Park et.. : - Alsmeda: ■ ■*_ ALAMEDA STORES TO LET. A RARE chance for a butcher; an old stand, stables, etc. : low rent. Apply A. R. DENKE, 14M Wcbuter at. ■ . BERKELEY ADVERT'S'NTS BERKELEY SEAL ESTATE. PROFITS In Realty are made by knowing what REAL ESTATE to GO BY And what REAL ESTATE TO GO BUY. This office has always made a prac- tice of handling \nd disposing of > properties strictly on their merits. "-*V 7 Investors consulting us for an ap- praisal before purchasing property • ' get a ''sure thing." .We , design and. build Berkeley Homes of the most modern and at- ' tractive styles, for rent or for sale. . Intending purchasers or tenants are • respectfully invited to Investigate our services. 1 • - -- We have successfully served others. We .can successfully serve you. CENTRAL REAL ESTATE CO.. ' 2140 Center St., Berkeley Station. Key Route Ter^nlnus. NEW 5- room cottage: bath, pantrj-. foldln" doors, mantel, gas nnd electric light? flxt tures and everything complete- concrete foundation; city water; good lot; 'pood loca- tion; street work done; 2 blocks to Key Route and S. 1\ stations; price $2500: terms $300 cash, balance came as rent— $25 monthly p. R RUDOLPH. Lorin Station. South' Berkeley. . Open, Sunday*. SNAP— Almost new cottatrc. bath hleh basement, bay-window, brick foundation «ta tionary tubs: lot 4Cxl32: street work do'n«- " blocks to station. -school, church and sto'»s"- price, $1600; terms. $200 cash balance *$1« monthly. Open Sundays. O. A, RUDOT PH Lorin station. South Berkeley. j -ir'. A. '-MOST new 5-room cottage; bath nantrv !»>k foundation: lot COslCO: all fenced- mice I -,*-,>): terms $150 cash, balance $20 monfhlv- jck to electric cars and main street O* . \ /RUDOLPH. Lorin Station South her!.-*' >^.<y. Open Sundays. ' . 7?'. BIG bargatn— Almost new 8-room house- bsth pantry, mantel, folding doora. electric 'llch««' lot 40x110; % 2 blocks to station and' stores : everything In nm-elass condition- mice $2100; terms $250 cash, balance S2o monthlv - O. A. RUDOLPH. Lorin Station. s O u tn Berkeley.; Open Sundays. . ouul J2000— NEW cottage, ft rooms, b.-th- eTfoot basement: lot :{Oy.l05: grand view chctce location: street work done; sidewalks laid- will sacrifice for quick sale; owner colne vaway; must sell and; will sell; a reason- able offer will not -be refused; If you are locking fora snap this Is your chance- 1 block from- stations l5 o' $3250 — Elegant new modern house, \ S' rooms finely finished: In hardwoods; one mlnut« from stations ;- fine neighborhood- $°50 ■ cash. $35 -per month. -■ - . ' 141 ■ $2«00— Bunfralow. 5 rooms; 2 blocks froTi «ta- - . tion: $300 cash. $25 month. " j^A $1600— New, cottage. , 4 rooms, block from sta- tion: electric lights, etc.; anything rea- sonable down, balance same as rent 123 $400— Lots level and ready to build; $106 cash $10 per month. - '. • HEDEMARK & JACK CO . 3217 Adeline st... Lorin-Berkeley. City office. 11 Montgomery at. • ■• ■ /-.■;:•■■■■■•.- -.- "LOTS. "' .-* : " ; * . $1100- T 50xl25 on .University ave. : .north ■ side near Grant. - - ■ ' . . ■ -. . ■ '. $300— 40x135; Russell st., near King. - $300— 40x135; Oregon St., near Calais. $950— 40x100: Virginia St.. corner Louisa. ' $$50—40x120; east of College ave. . $3000— $400 cash., balance 8 per. cent: new C-room house: lot .40x115:^1 block of cars- 1 block of; station.. , • , „ - ■ $1500—4 acres.- within 2 blocks of station: not far out; weir worth J2T.00. $400— -Lot. -100x135; : Franklin, et.. > near .Vif- =lni^* MORAN- & SWAIN. ; ■ Opposite - Berkeley,. Station. 1500-^GOOD 50x100: rear school - and car lines: If taken soon., $2650; good 5-room cottage : ' lot-: 50x135: street t- work all <■ done. '■•'. LITTLE ■ & WOOLSEY. 2110; Shattuck ave.; : Berkeley.-' Csl.>^^gggsJ|^^^g^jj(|y|||||||||pW BERKELEY ADVERT'S'NTS BEB— E— SY BEAI. ESTATE. BUY IN BEAUTIFUL BERKELEY. WHY DO I SAY THIS? BECAUSE I BELIEVE IN BERKELEY. I have lived here for 23 years, and know how nearly It approaches the Ideal in all the elements of a residential city. Its climate la among the best, "neither hot in cummer . nor cold in winter. The natural lay cf the lajid affords perfect drainage. In beauty of situation nothing surpasses Berkeley. The outlook either upon. the hills to the cast, or the glorious panorama of bay. mountains and Golden Gate to ' the^tvest, ' is lovely leyond description. Berkeley Is the educational center of the Pacific Coast. Its schools are maintained at the highest. standard, and here is located the great University of California, with nearly 4000 students, and fast becoming one of the foremost educational ln- liUtutlcna of the land. Berkeley's elements of growth are many. The advantages enumerated above draw to It in constantly increasing numbers from all over the. coast those who seek such facilities and surroundings for their families. In addition Its nearness to and superior con- nections with San Francisco, the commercial heart of the coast, makes Berkeley specially advantageous for those wishing to engage In business In San Francisco. Thousands of the clerks, merchants and professional men of that city reside in Berkeley, and the numbers. are increasing at a wonderful rate. Two ferry . lines connect the two cities, running 5 trains per hour, and making tha trip within 35 min- utes. \ Berkeley Is growing now at the rate at about 3000 per year and this growth Is sure to be augmented. | The university will become larger and- grander and Its Influence more far reach- ing. A great metropolitan, population U bound to settle upon the shores of San Francisco Bay. The superior transportation facilities now pos- sessed by Berkeley will be further addea to and perfected, making It a still more conveni- ent point of residence. - To be the finest residential city of the coast is the certain .'destiny of Berkeley. If you think cf securing a home, or have money to Invest, buy In Berkeley. Houses and lots for sale In all parts of town. REMEMBER, THE BEST BARGAINS ARE ALWAYS LISTED; WITH OLD RELIABLE AGENCIES. KOR FURTHER INFORMATION INQUIRE OF H. D. IRWIN 32C4 ADELINE ST.. --<■•. LORIN STATION, BERKELEY. W. J. MORTIMER & CO.. BERKELEY. CAL. End of the Year Bargains. We can trlve you the names of hundreds of people in Berkeley' who have made money this year buying Berkeley property. There are still rood opportunities for the man with a little money, and a desire to better himself. LOOK AT THESE! 450— Good lot on Stuart st.; 40x135: macad- amized and sewered. $600— Splendid 60-foot lot on Hearst ave.: macadamized and sewered. $550— Good 40- foot lot on Rose st.; macad- amized and sewered. We can make terms. Don't think you have to have all cash. $750 — Another good buy on Louisa St.; 40x 135: fully .Improved. See us at once, W. J. MORTIMER & CO.. 2123 Center st.. Berkeley Station. Here Is a list of some good houses for sale: $2600 — New 5-room home; all modern; near station: terms to suit. $•'5000 — Pretty borne on Grove st., near Key Route. ■ ?320O— Comfortable home, on Ward st. §4000.— 10-bouse on Vine st.; near depot. A snap! / x— $4000 — New briox house on Fulton st. You must see this! Good-sized lot, 45x120; terms if desired. Call on V.'. J. MORTIMER & CO.. Berkeley Station. $4500 — Mcdern home on Walnut st.; now rented for $37 net. $1500 — See that pretty home In the Wheeler tract. A good renter. $5350 — A eplendid new home on Hllgard ave.; near can and college. $7500 — Fine corner home on Walnut st. ; mod- ern In every particular. $10,000 — See that fine home, corner cf Euclid \and Virginia. $17,500 — One of Berkeley's magnificent homes, situated on Channing Way, near Tele- graph. If you want something nice, this will suit you. We are loaded for any kind of a proposition. Make us a call. W. J. MORTIMER & CO.. 2123 Center st.. Berkeley Station. . A SNAP— BEE IT! $1450 — $250 cash, balance $15 per month: new 5-room cottage, hot and cold water, bath and toilet, high basement, brick foundation; 1 block to cars. - ■ $6000— House of 8 large rooms; all modern j and up-to-date, with ■ a . block > of land; well, windmill and tank, barn, , chicken-house, fruit trees; house cost more than I am asking for the property. $1850 — New 5-room cottage; high basement, fine mantel, stationary tubs, bath, toilet, etc.. large lot; 1 block to cars. $2800— $S0O cash, balance $25 per month: 8 large rooms;' all modern; lot 50x135; fruit j trees: work all done. $300 to $000— Street work all done; $25 cash, balance $5 and $10 per month."" ' $1500— $320 cash, balance $15 per month; 4 largo rooms; good well and city water; lot 40x135. > $2100— $2C0 cash, balance $20 per month; 5 I large rooms and bath; stationary wash tubs; ! fine mantel, high basement; cement walks; I street wcrk all done; 2 blocks to both trains. • ! $2200— $1100 cash., balance flat mortgage; 8- room house; lot 70x100; 3 blocks to train; re- duced from $3000 for quick sale. W. C. MORAN. South Berkeley. "TRUTH IS MIGHTY." In these columns we have been telling you some truths about Berkeley property and many persons have been Investigating and have con- vinced .themselves, as our sales will show. Do you realize that A HOME IN BERKELEY Is a step toward Independence? Why not In- vestigate at once? Why pay your landlord 12 uer cent or more when you can save half of It and have your OWN HOME In the end? THINK ABOUT IT! • 35 minutes and a 5-cent fare to the city. We have some tine properties or will build what you 'want, tfor your interest look up the McGEE TRACT. 4 FRANCIS FERRIER. 2121 Shattuck ave.. Berkeley. Aftfie Key Route terminus., ■•.;■- * " ALBEE & CORYELL. ' SPECIAL BARGAINS TO OFFER . ${200 — For the next 10 days we offer for <»ale ' ». two new. modern. 5-room flats: lot 5ox ■ i:l5 fett: centrally located, east of : Shattuck ave., at *4L'C0. They will readily rer.t at $5C a month. This Is an 1 exceptionally jjood i>urcha?e and only i open to you for a few 1 days.' $13 000— Choice business property, centrally Io-~ cated: easily worth $20, OCo.- Party wants, to ye!!. ... $300 a front foot — Cor the best vacant busl- -.. ivcss '. corner In Berkeley. This is- a i ,. .unap; the cslce will double in three! ytar?. I $U,SC0-fFor choice business frontace: second to none. in Berkeley; will pay S to 10 per ce:-.t net. • - $.10.000— Choice business block In Berkeley*. paying ::oc-«l Income on the Investment. $1SCO to .?25U»-*-Severzl rr.cst dejirabl« resl- - dence corners -in- Berry-Bams* tract. -Other business property, residences acd resi- dence Iota, choice locations at . reaswi- ■ cblc prices. .Several houses and flats , for, rent In choice locations. We are al- ways nt your service. - • ALBEE & COKYELL, Real Estate & Insurance, 21.IU Center st. Office phone North 5S. Res. r>hone Stuart 155.'5. $2200 and $2500— Two five-room cottages now -belnc; built:, will finish to 3uit; central; -.' south front: Investigate. $135O— Lot CCxi:>T>. terrace, south front; cement : walk: central; snap. , . I SloCO— Lot CC-foot front; corner; terrace; ccn- I tral;: Investlrato. 51200— Lot 50x110: sightly: overlooking entire bay; view can never be cut out by build-. , ings: siwp. $2700 — 6-room colonial house; new; central; --your own terms. ■ - I Grocery store, small stock ■ with horse ami wagon, wocd. coal and feed; horse and wajocs; We show* nothing but bargains." Office open to-daj. xSGRIGG & HARRIS; X. w..cor. Dwlght way and Shattuck ave. $2500— LOT,. 75x150 ft., with new mcdern cot- . tago of 0 rooms; one minute from Key Route- electric lights;, modern plumbing: street and sidewalk : complete: this is -an unusual bar- gain and only offered this week; 14 cash, bal- ance bank mortgage; don't letithls opportu- nity go by. : •-• - - GEO. F. COSBY, .--Room 105," Bacon . block.' Oakland. _. NEWTON & NEEDHAM. ~ . Good lot, street work all done. $475. Two corner lots, 100x270, with 2 houses and chance for four more houses paying rent, $20 per- month/- $3400. «•.-■■ ■• Cozy 7-room cottage, corner lot: $3300; $500 down. j^ewtON • & NEEDHAM. • 2131 , Center . ; Street. MILLS. ; tbe real ' estate \ man ' of ; Berkeley, has many special bargains for the holidays; save some of, your Christmas. money, and secure a home: ln f beautiful Berkeley. : At any rate/ call . and i see % the * real estate ; man.' MILLS, : .2107 ShattucU ave. ; phone i Mason 21S2. . BERKELEY ADVEET ? S ? NTS ! SESXELSY BEAT. ESTATE. FAIRVIEW PARK. Prices will positively be raised Jan. 1. V>05. UNPRECEDENTED RECORD. SALES IN THIS - TRACT UNSURPASSED. Full 50- foot f rcnieze lots for $000 till the new year. All streets sewered, graded, macadamized and sldewalked. Only one-quarter cash, balance. 1.2. 3 years. PRICES RAISED JANUARY 1. 1905. Get mao and make selection* at once. Take electric car» at Lorin station. - PROCRASTINATION "is THE THIEF OF OPPORTUNITY. JOS. J. MASON. Office at the park or Berkeley station. San Francisco office. 421 California st. CHENEY & CO RL'AL ESTATE INSURANCE. WE BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE; WILL BUILD YOU A HOME / ON SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. BALANCE SAME AS RENT FACTORY SITES IN WEST BERKELEY. WITH TRACK FACILITIES. A FEW CHOICE BARGAINS IN LOTS. CHENEY & CO.. :V,v-' TEMPORARY QUARTERS AT ROOM 12. UNIVERSITY PAVINGS BANK BLDG. ■CHENEY & CO.. $1600 — I r.; modern; paved street: near cars. $2250—5 r.; nearly new; near station. $3tio0 — 7 r. ; modern; fine location; near In. $4200 — S r. ; modern; sightly situation; near station. $4350 — S r. ; new; nice: sunny; fine views. $4500 — 0 r. ; nice; fine location; near In. $6000 — 9 r. ; modern: very nice; choice loca- tion. Good lots on paved streets in various part- of town at prices all the way from $350 to $5000. . • . LYMAN ALLEN. 2129. Center st. READ THESE SPECIAL BARGAINS. XMAS OFFERINGS. For sale— Swell little home in North Berke- ley; house of 0 rooms: lot 50x135; price $2C00; two hundred cash, balance $25 per month. BEST BARGAIN IN BERKELEY. New shingle house of 8 rooms, east of the track; beautiful marine view; owner must raise some money before January 1. price $3750. BEAUTIFUL HOME. House of 0 rooms; lot 50x135; east of the track; price for a few days only. $2C5O. Also other bargains in houses and lots all over town. J. P. HALE. 2515 Shattuck ave. ,*/ 1511 Shattuck ave. Phone Mason 2102. Berkeley. .X* v 4 ACRES adjoining the University grounds on ' the east, graded road to land; living water on it; price. $2000. $1500 — Large lot, 52x140. Berry-Bangs tract, near Derby st. and Telegraph ave.; fine for home or Investment. $3000 — S-rcom house on Benvenne ave., south of Ashby ave. $3100 — 6-rcom house en Oxford st. $3i5n — H-room house on Hearst ave. $3500 — 6-rcom house on Dana st. $400 — S-rcom house on Benvenue, near Parker. Small houses In Daley ""Scenic Park tract. 3 blocks of University grounds; magnificent marine view.; just the place for students at- ' tending the Unjyerslty; price. $000; easy terms. These are all good houses save the last named and will pay 10 per cent on money Invested. R. A. BERRY & CO.. ■ • Postofflce block. Berkeley. SPECIAL BARGAINS. $27CO — New B-room house; In fine location; street work, sidewalk and fences all In; this is a snap. v - y ■ . : * - $3500— 6-room house, nicely tinted walls. ' good hardware, electric lights, fuel gas; every- thing abcut it Is complete; a bargain. Are you interested In lots? If so. we have a corner on macadamized street for $675: inside lots for $450; street work done; others for from $650 to $3000; . flno locations": we have many bargeins in. houses and lots ranging- from ! $2000 upward; please give us a call and be convinced. F. H. LAWTON & CO., Phone Derby 1192, 2147 Center st. ANTICIPATE THE SPRING RUSH. $25(iO — Handsome new 0-room house; mod- ern; gas; porcelain tubs: every room tinted; large lot; all street work done: delightful view; close to Key Route station; $300 cash, balance $20 per month. This is a sample: I have other new and up- to-date 5 and li room cottages within 3 blocks of Key Route and S. P. stations for about tbe price above quoted. Easy terms on all of them. C. C. EMSLJE. Real Estate, Ashby, station. $700 FOR large lots, beautifully located on the Alcatraz and College ave. car line; com- manding a grand .view of the Golden Gate: street work and sidewalks at expense of seller; terms one- fifth cash, balance $13 per month: lots 40x135: 50-foot lots. $U0O; secure one; there is no better Investment in Berke- ley or Oakland.- HEDEMARK & JACK CO.. j 3217 Adeline at., Lorin-Berkeley. City office, 11 Mongomery st. ARTISTIC, modern, new .house of 15 rooms, with stable: In best, residence district of Berkeley; size of lot $5x130 feet; must be sold- offer wanted. For particulars apply to 1 VON RHEIN REAL ESTATE CO., 513 Cal- ifornia st. j_ . ■ $750 FOR a large building lot, near Key route. In Santa Ke tract, Berkeley: 30 minutes from San Francisco; easy monthly payments; street work completed; good locality. HOL- COMB. BREED & BANCROFT. lOCO Broad- way, Oakland. HOPKINS TERRACE. . ■ 1 This beautiful tract. 000 feet elevation, more . than half sold: 00-foot lots for sale from $500 i upward; beautiful view; easy terms; all street ■work done; map and prices to be had from JOS. J. MASON. SE. cor. Center st. and Shattuck ave.. Berke- ley, or 421 California St.. S. F. I $2750 — 9-r. house; new. modern; improved street:, snap. $20C0 — 7-r. house: barn, etc, and other bargains in good locations. Lots \ &'M. Open Sundays. D. R. RUTHERFORD. I Notary Publtc. Lorin. South Berkeley. S. B. KENFIELD & CO.. REAL ESTATE. SEE OUR LIST. 2113 SHATTUCK AVE.. * TERMINUS KEY ROUTE. « ROOMS: modern; lot 40x73;. fine location In . South Bsrkeley: 4 blocks from Key route: ■ $2000; $200 cash, balance like rent. W. . N. RUSSELL. 301 California st., San Francisco. Cal. ' BEBZEIEY HOTTSE3 TO LET. $25— NEW, modern 7-room 2-story house ; 3 blocks from station: SO.minutea from city. LANDREGAN. Golden Gate statrSn, or 435 Battery st. FRUITVALE ADVEBT'STS rgtTITVA— E SEAL ESTATE. i h A PLEITNER. Frultvale Station, Cal. $700— Cosy cottage of 4 rooms and bath: lot 35x115; ,1 block from . car line; thU is a- trreat -opportunity.--.- .-. $975 — Neat cottage of 4 roomy. . closet, pantry, etc.: barn: fruit treos, berries; lot 50x 108: 2 blocks from .car line; $130-dowu . balance, $11 W) per month. $10C0 — New cottage of 3 large rooms; lot 56x250 having 2 frontages; handy to cars- sniall sum down, balance less than rent. SIGoO — Brand - ne— ' cottage of 4 rooms bath hall and basement, etc. : all modern in every particular; lot 50x125. on macadam- I Ized "street, near school and. .postofflce: J $2C0 down,- balance easy payment*.- 1 ' $1350 — Modern cottage of 4 rooms*, basement i bath. etc. ;" fruit trees, chicken houses; lot ' ::7:exlO5; only 4 blocks from FruUvale ; station -.easy terms- j *m_aSHns_^B $22C0 — A grand home of 5 rooms: new and modern; fine reception hall: brick mantel - porcelain . bath; lot: 53x150: 1- block from - car line, and In best part of Fruitvale. $2100— Modern cottage of 6 rooms and bath and half acre of good soil: barn, chicken- houses; fruit .trees; terms to suit; will also exchange. _»H~MB| $2000— New and - mcdern " cottage of 5 rooms, hall.' bath and high basement: lot Bt 125: - only - 4 blocks ■ from • local station - tert*s very easy. $1850 — Modern 5-room " cottage. Just completed: hall. bath, basement, porch: magnificent view; .fruit ;tree«: -nice and/dry location; lot ! 50xl44; a big bargain. Three acres orchard in a choice location; (CCO ocr half acre. --= 4EBMMM0 /pMJBPBj Also 1 00 lots* at $75 per lot ana upward. . H. -A. PLEITNER. ;Fruttval«. Station. CaL FKUITVALE ADVT'SITXTS rKtrrrv a zji bsal estate. _, CHAS. F. LEE. . Pbone Vale 29G. Office one-half blotk from Ftultvale station. *200 cash — 2-reum cottage, unrtnlafaed; city fc tcrj _"sOst to ksx t% _ t tii.\ school * ox_ \\\ £•■ ground: b»autlful view; lot 45 fett fronrage; price, a^l told. «45O. itlfW — X«w cctta^o of 3 rooms: stable, wagon shed; chkken-houses and yards; graveled walks; nice gardon; beautiful lot, J frunrages. C0x?SO; close to care. !'-•'" — Xlce rustic cottage of 4 large rooms;>-, butterj': all sewered: chlcken-houscs end yard3 ir.i :•..■•• <1 in wire fence; nice garJen: lruit trees and flowers In abundance; t-U»* tu street cai- and school, lot 33x204: nice creek flows through prv-perty; large khade trees. $115C — Neat. 4-rocm. hlgh-baaement cottas»; all nicely fenced; cood schools, churches and postoffice close by; property SOxllO. OXLT $'JCt> cash— Beautiful home of 3 lame rooms; fine rcceo:iou halt: bath, porcelain tub; patent toilet: larre uantrr: choice location: nnts view; car lines 1 block away: fine »cnoo» and t-hurch close by; trice, all told. »_W); lot f-'S."^) — Eeantlful 5-room bungalow, all ele- gantly panel-rd and decorated: handsome art mantel: elegant bath; larze S-story barn: car- rlage-houst; chicken-houses: over acre of ground: el?ctr;c ears pass the door: nestles at the base of tit* foothills; protected from the high winds: close to the main county boule- vard, whlih makes this very desirable prop- erty; grammar school and postofflce near by; terms can be given with small cash payment down: all Improvements brand new. $nGO cash — Beautiful home of 4 Urgs rooms: high basement: concrete, foundation; fine well of water; all set out in small fruits: will maks a fine chicken ranch; no cold fogs or heavy winds; n-stles at the base of the foothills; street cars, school, church and posiofSea closo by; fine randy soil: nearly 1 acre of ground; price, all told. $2C00; THIS IS A SNAP. "WILL, SELL YOU A LOT AND BUILD TO17 A HOMB ON EASY MONTHLY $75 lots In the beautiful Rosa Lee tract: fln* soil; grand view: new homes rapidly going up: no coM winds or wet fogs, and lots only $73 each: $5 down, balance $'J 50 per month. CHAS. F. LEE. 1_3 Frultvale ave. SNETSINGER & MATTESON. 1214 Fruitvale ave., Fruitvale. Cat Phone Brook 632. $1100— 5-room cottage; lot 80x122: near •tee- trlc cars anj school: trees, berries. Cow. ers, etc. $1200 — 9-rcoxa house; lot 4_141; fine location; wtll; terms. $14CO — l-room cottage; lot 35x113: fcalf block from- else, cars; 1 block from new boule- vard: SCO cash, balance as rent. i SICOO — l-room cottage: lot 10Cxl20; corner; on« ; block from elec. cars; near school. $2000 — 5-rcnm cottage; lVj blocks from sta- tion; goo-J siifHl lot: high ba.ttment; bath: •fas; el*c. ; city water; sewer; $1(X> Cowu. balance as rent. $1650— 4-rcom cofta«: new; lot 50x123; flno location, near school. fl'JOO — J-room cottase; lot 50x120: high base- ment; chicken-houses; fruit, lierries, flow- ers: near car lines and school: short dis- tance from station: own*r 1-avln; and must sell; a gonulr.c bargain. $22C0 — 5-rc-om cottage; lot 50x125; 1 block from elec. cars: east front: good location; fruit tries; .sacrificed to close an estate. 52C0O — 3-rcom cottage: let 30x120; 1 block from car line; excellent location; reasonable terms. ,«$2S0O — 6-rcom bungalow: corner lot. 3Oxt23: Mission style throughout; shades. nxtur«J. • floor coverings: near school and elec. cat*: e4evated location In warm belt; sacrificed on account cf misfortune of former buyer; easy terms to resoonsible people. SNETSINGER & MATTESON, 1214 Frultvale ave., Frultvale, Cal. H. BARKMETER. 12U8 Frultvale ave., Frult- vale. Cal. Tel. Brook 1721. $75O — House of J rooms: high basement: lot 5uxl_. macadamized street; one block from school and car line; 5 short blocks from Fruitvale station; $10o cash, balance t'J t>er month. 51000 — flOQ cash, balance $11 per month: ele- gant hous^ oi 5 roc ma; tine mantel and fireplace; corner lot. 50xlm>: 4 blucks from car line; worth investigating. $1200 — Completely and cozlly furnished cottags of 3 rooms: lot 5ux2t!5; all fenced and cress fenced; :i dozen chickens and pig- eons; chicken-houses; small fruit trees, berries and flowers; 2 blocks from car line: In walking distance to local train. J240O — Small chicken ranch; about 1 J acre of fine land, fronting on 2 streets; house of « rooms, pantry, etc. : 2-story barn, cow stable. 5 chicken and duck houses; all fenced off in runs; good well and pump: in upper Frultvale, 4 blocks from Fruit- vale ave. USSS3 $2100 — An excellent Investment on Frultval* ave.. Vi block from Fruitvale station: 2- story building containing two modern flats of 5 rooms and bath; rented for $24 per month to good steady tenants; will net about ft per cent interest en your Invest- ment: this Is a rare opportunity; owner Is anxious to sell. ! $CtXK> — Reduced from $."!50O: 4VS acres of good land, mostly In bearing orchard: cottaga of 5 rooms, pantry and closets, barn and chicken-houses, brooder-house, incubator, etc.; extra good well of water, windmill and large tank; situated in the warm belt In Upper Frultvale; 15 minutes' walk to. electric car line; terms very reasonable; this I." a bargain vand speculation. s For particulars apply to HENRY BARKMF.YKR. 120<S Frultvale &v»., Frultval*. . ________ . 1320 Frultvale ave. Phone Val» 290. |5G0 — Blacksmith shop; fine location; elos« , to the local train; pays $230 per month; good one-man stand. ' $1650— $250 cash, balance easy payments; new house. 5 rooms and bath, pantry and high basement; close to cars and local; lot 50x146. $1650 — New house of 4 rooms; clos* to local; first-class location. If you have a lot partly paid for or If ytm have part of the money to pay for a lot and would like to start tr> build. COME AND SEE VS.' We have the plans or will draw them to rait you and will build you a house, pay the bal- ance on your lot and furnish the money to build with - and let you pay It back In easy- monthly payments. • FOR RENT OR FOR SALE. . One. acre and 4-room house, close to eleetr!» cars; rent $13 per month: sale price $23O& M. C. GIBSON. (Pbone Vale 290). I 1326 Frultvale ave., close to East 14tll st. Open evenings and Sundays. VT. E. RUDELL. Real Estate and Insurance. Corner Frultvale ave. 1 and Washington st. $12C0 — House of 3 rooms, barn, chicken* houses and yard; A block* from car line. 19 minutes' walk from station; lot 30x250; terms If desired: this Is a snap. $900 — House of 5 rooms: chicken and pigeon houses, flowers, etc.; lot 100x100; near caur_, $&0 — Part cash: lot 50x110; location can't be beat: close to school and depot; street Im- provement* all finished. $650 — $400 cash: house of S rooms: la good location: lot 35x125: 10 minute*' walk to da- pot: dose to car line. $750— House of 3 rooms and bath; city wa- ter: small barn: 2 blocks from 14th-«t. car line: terms If desired. $2500— House of 8 rooms and bath; lanro sta- ble, chicken houses and runs; good well with force pump: fruit trees, berry bushes and -vege- tables: corner lot: 133x143; 2 blocks from car line; reasonable terms. W. E. RUDDELL, Fruitval* are., yroltrala, SPECIAL. "" FOR THIRTY DATS. LINDA PARK. LINDA PARK. LIJJDA PARK. The terminus of 3- cent fare. Haywards ears! streets graded and graveled: stone sidewalks; depot on tract: lots from $30 to $200; $20 cash aud balance $10 per month: 13 blocks to local train- best located property on San Leandro road-' graded school on tract. Apply to 8. 3. AUSTIN. 1101 Twenty-third ave.. Oakland. JUDSON'S subdivision on Frultrale are.; five minutes' walk to station; lots 50x143 at a bargain • terms to suit. For particulars call at JUDSON & CO.'S. 1318 Frultval* are.. Fruitvale. ■ $05O— CUT from $750 to make quick sale: choice lot. 60x163; in frnlt: half block oft FruitvalK ave.: nice homes all around: worth $3w>:easV terms. BEI__t*. 1112 Broadway. Oakland. IN buy ins a borne b« rare to select a healthy 'locality such a Place Is upper FroitTale. situated in the hills; Sccarfar* from Oak- land- 15c fare to San Francisco. J. W1L- Ttl'R* <- CO.. Dlmond. Alameda Cotmty. OAiaAyPAPVEKT'S'M'Ti OFFICE. 101« BROADWAY. OA—IAKP USA— E3TATB. s-a ca^H 51 30 monthly: nne, high and dry hits "5xlW>; only a limited number left: here's the chance of a lifetime; 100x100 will cost but $200 or $30 rer lot: grand vl«— of mountains, valley. and bay: away from fogs and raw winds: near electric cars: fln» school aad In a building-up locality, adjotn- ln East Oakland: sandy loam soil. Call or send for circular. - 455 Seventh St.. opposite • Broadway station. Oakland. Carriage free. H. Z. JONE3. owner. For Additional Classified AdYcrt_e- . .menta See Pace 60. 59