Newspaper Page Text
THE WEATHER. Forecast made at San Frar.rtsco for thirty hours, andln* midnifht. . Feb "' ruary 8. 1906, 6 p. m. : San Pranaisco and Vicinity — Fair Wednesday; llrht north wind. A. O. McADIE, District Forecaster. VOLUME XCVII— NO. 70. SENATE PROVIDES FOR TWO STATES New Mexico to Enter Alone Indian Territory Will Be United With Oklahoma, hut Arizona Will Remain as It Is. > AFTER a prolonged session, the Senate last night passed the statehood bill in a form providing for the admission of two new States, one to be composed of Oklahoma and Indian Territory to gether, and the other of New Mexico wjth its present boundaries. Arizona was eliminated from the measure and will retain its territorial status. The main controversy centered about New Mexi co. The amendment fathered by Senator Bard, giving it separate statehood, was finally adopted. WASHINGTON, Feb. After a con tinuous session of nine hours, the Sen ate to-night passed the Joint statehood bill. As passed, the bill provides for the admission of two States. It joins Oklahoma and Indian Territory into one State, to be called Oklahoma, and edmlts New Mexico with its present boundaries. ■ Arizona was eliminated from the bill. The long session was characterized by many surprises. Beginning prompt ly at noon, the Senate proceeded to consider the various amendments which had been suggested in the Com mittee on Territories. One of the first of these taken up was the amendment prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors in what is now Indian Territory for the next ten years and this was displaced with c substitute offered by Gallinger which extended the amend ment to the entire State for a period of twenty-one years, and this was adopted. The first surprise of the day came lv-n the committee accepted Foraker's amendment pn-viding for a separate vote by each of the Territories of Ari zona and New Mexico on the constitu tion to be adopted by the proposed State of Arizona. This provision had f* arcely. bet n made - a *rt of th*» bill when Bard presented his amendment, which had been originally offered by Patterson and which provided for the admission of New Mexico ■as a State without the addition of Arizona. ' This amendment proved to be the point around which all the subsequent pro ceedings of importance evolved. llt was at first adopted by the close vote of 42 t.f 40. This vote was taken while the • nate was sitting in committee of the whole and was reversed in the Sen ate proper by the tie vote of 38 to 3S. I'KOVIDES FOR TWO STATES. Subsequently the Senate decided by a elope vote to entirely eliminate New Mexico and Arizona from the bill, and this result had hardly been announced when Bard, in slightly changed form, renewed his proposition for the admis- Kiin of Xtw Mexico ' as a State, and this time the amendment prevailed. One of the affirmative votes was, however, cast by- Beveridge. who was in charge of the bill, for the purpose of moving the reconsideration of the vote. He was prompt in making the motion as soon as the result was an nounced, but the motion was laid on the table. Th. effect was to eliminate Arizona from the bill and to establish a State of Xew Mexico and another of Oklahoma and Indian Territory. In this form the bill was passed. I'AHAii; KlFi:i{i:\DlM. mrprit in connection with KM was the adoption of I sugp. «t. d by Foraker, piovi the submission of the tution of the proposed State of ten of the present f Arizona and the Territory - w Mexico ■eparmteljr. Beveridge had suggested that the committee amendments should be paaaed upon in order to perfect the hill when Foraker secured recognition to formally propose his amendment This had for weeks been considered a crucial amendment, and surprise was depicted on many faces when it was permitted to go to a vote without a suggestion from any Senator. The sur was no less when the supporters ot the committee bill failed to demand a division on the vote. Beveridge. in ge of the bill, sat in his customary on the front row of the Repub lican side, hut made no sign. The re pult created a ripple of excitement throughout the Senate chamber, and when it subsided B<veridge, on behalf ° committee, indicated his pur pose of accepting several amendments by Long. One of these prc sr-ribed the proportion of the public lands to be devoted to the benefit of Th" higher institutions of learning In the proposed State of Oklahoma. The amendment suggested by Long, increasing tho donation to the Okla - Agricultural and Mechanical cc from 150.000 acres to 250,000 s. was agreed to. Bailey spoke in opposition to the union of Oklahoma and Indian Terri tory. He said that if Texas had had Eufficient population in the beginning It would in ail probability have been divided into five States.. Carmack offered an amendment eli •;ng- the provision in the bill re quiring the adoption of a constitution c State of Oklahoma, many of of which shall be irre vocable without the consent of the T nited States. The amendment was agreed to on a viva voce vote. BARD FOR YEW MEXICO. Bard then proposed an amendment. ling for the admission of New Mexico as a State with its present boundaries, the effect being to elimin " rizona as a part of the proposed The amendment was formerly •-ted by Patterson, and was of fered as a substitute for the provision in the bill admitting Arirona and New Mexico as one State. The rending of tke amendment consumed much time The San Francisco Call. and was followed with interest, as it was realized that it probably would furnish the first test vote of the day. Bard explained the provisions of the amendment and a number of Senators s-poke for or against it. Among: the Senators speaking: for the amendment were Xewlands. Heyburn, Bailey, El kins, Morgan, and among those op posed to it were Hopkins and Spooner. Spooner declared that it was idle to compare New Mexico with the original thirteen States. "They did not come into the Union," he said, "they made the Union. New Mexico is not fit to come into the i*n tan. Her mineral resources are a hagatelle, her agriculture a trifle; her population is not such as to justify admission. "' XI.KINS DEFENDS PEOPLE. Elkins. replying, said he had lived in Xew Mexico for many years and knew the people to be in every way worthy of statehood. . He , said the Democratic party was keeping its pledges by supporting statehood for Xtw Mexico, while the Republicans were violating a pledge three times made. - ■ ' ■ . Dolliver opposed the amendment, ex pressing the opinion that there could never be a general civilization without tain. /. v —•;_ -.-.. ; ;->"- /^v-' ; '' --'j "I have observed." he -said, "that mud and civilisation go together." , Foraker spokf? for,separate statehood for New Mexico, as <lid TMler. Both <>fenc>d the Spanish-speaking people ; cf New Mexico, saying that they com pared favorably with the rural people in other sections. Stewart and Clark of Montana supported the amendment. DANGER FROM I'OLVGAMY. Burrows announced his opposition to the admission of New Mexico and based his antagonism on the revela tions concerning liormotiumi which have been made in the case of Senator Bmoot before the Committee on Priv ileges and Elections, of which he is chairman. "I cannot vote for tne admission of Now Mexico." he said, "because to tak^ it out of the jurisdiction <>f the United Ftates and lift It into statehood would oe to remove the probability of bring ing to iustice th>)S« who are violating the la .' .' The bill as it stands, he said, recog nizes the existence of the crime of polygamy In New Mexico by prohibit ing its practice, admitting that when it becomes a sovereign State it may remove the restriction and nullify it. "This." he said, "brings us face to face with a condition that should alarm the country." "Dof-F not the Senator's objection ap ply with Just as much force to the ad mission of a Stute composed of the two Territories of Arizona and New Mex ico as to the admission of New Mexico alone*"' asked Bailey. GOVERNMENT TO TAKE HAND. Burrows admitted that it did, add ing: "I will vote against the admis sion of New Mexico alone or against its admission coupled with Arizona. The .condition with reference to polyg amy is much worse in Arizona than in New Mexico, and the conditions in both are such as to restrain me from voting for either. To-day polygamy exists in New Mexico. Tt has been declared to be the breeding ground of that prac tice. I am in possession of informa tion concerning the conditions in that Territory which is absolutely startling. I cannot now enter into particulars, but I do want to call attention to the conditions, and 1 say that, in my judg ment, it would be a fatal mistake to admit either or both Territories, and 1 believe the country at no distant time would rue the step if taken. Neither Territory should be admitted until this abomination is wiped out." Dubois, who is also a member of the Committee on Privileges and Elections, spoke for the admission of New Mexico, saying that the revela tions concerning polygamy made in the Smoot case have been so startling that the National Government will take con trol of the question of polygamy in the States as well as in the Terri tories. McComas also spoke of the revela tions before the committee, and ex pressed the opinion that in view of them "far more effective strictures than are now in force against poly gamy are necessary." He opposed separate statehood for New Mexico. Platt of Connecticut said there was no doubt about the power of Congress to restrict polygamy, "an institution which is," he said, "so inimical to our future." AMENDMENT CARRIED. The vote on the amendment for the separate admission of New Mexico was then 'taken and it was carried, 42 to 40. It was evident from the outset that the vote would be close, and the progress was followed with deep interest. Fol lowing Is the vote in detail: Ayes— Alger, Bacon.Bailey.Bard.Bate, Berry, Blackburn, Carmack, Clark of Montana, Clay, Cockrell, Culberson, Daniel, Dubois, Elkins, Foraker, Foster Continued on Pace 2, Column 4. SAN FRANCISCO. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY S, 1905. STEAMSHIP FOUNDERS IS A GALE Crowded Lifeboat Fails to Reach Shore. Captain, Four Passengers and Many ol the Crew Perish. Loss of the Dcmara During a Blinding Snow Storm Off the Nova i co i ian Coast. HALIFAX. N. S.. Feb. 7. -During a raging and bunding snowsonn which has swept the Nova Scotia <'oast for the t\venty-f"Ur hours the ocean steamship Dapiara of the Furnessia line struck on the rocks at Mushuodo boit. thirty miles east of Halifax, early to-day and is believed to have foun <Werl with the loss of many lives. The first officer of th^ ship. with eighteen of the crew, escaped in one of the life boats and landed at Pleas ant Point after a terrifir struggle with wind and sea. Captain Gorst, mas ter of the Pamara, four passengers and the rest of the crew left the ves sel in another life hoat. They have not been heard of since and it is feared that they have perished. The occupants of the boat which reached shore were utterly exhausted and many of tnem were badly frost bitten. They had n harrowing experi ence, battling in the darkness for hours in the open boats with tempestuous seas on a treacherous coast with tho thermometer registering 10 degrees be low zero and an Arctic blizzard raging. They landed on shore some time during the day and reached the telegraph of fice at Mushu'odoboit harbor to-night, whence they wired the first news of the disaster to the agents of the Fur nessfa line at Halifax, to which port the Damars was bound. The survivors say that the steam ship struck at about 2 o'clock thi^ morning, when the blizzard was so thick that it was impossible to see a ship's length ahead, on what proved to be Mushuodoboit ledge, five miles from the main land. An immense hole, through which the sea poured in torrents, was smashed in the bow of the steamship. The shock of the impact awakened every one on board and huge breakers swept the vessel fore and aft. Life boats im mediately were ordered over the side and all hands left the ship. It is believed that the steamship foundered quickly and small hope is entertained by the survivors of th>? wreck that the captain and other oc cupantF of the missing life boat could have successfully withstood the ex treme rigor of the weather prevailing on this coast for the many hours which have passed. Tugs were dispatched from this har bor to-nigh I to search for the boa?; and to locate the hull of the Damara. The Damara left Liverpool on Jan uary 24 for Halifax, by way of St. Johns, N. F., and left St. Johns for thit- port last Saturday. The names of the survivors could not be learned to-night, but it is known that all of the crew were shipped in England. The Damara was a schooner- rigged steamship of 1146 tons net. She was owned by C. Furness, Withy & Co. of Glasgow and was built in 1885 by A. Stephens & Sons at Glasgow. Her principal dimensions were: Length, 275 feet; breadth, S5 feet, and depth, 23 feet. FRUIT BOAT FAST ASHORE. Passengers Removed From the Steam ship Admiral Sampson. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 7. — The United Fruit Company's steamship Admiral Sampson from Port Antonio for Philadelphia, which was carried I ashore by the ice yesterday on the lower end of Pea Patch Island, is still hard aground. Her passengers, eighteen in number, were taken off to-day. The Admiral Sampson lies almost high and dry at low water. Thirty thousand bunches of bananas were thrown overboard to-day in an effort to lighten the vessel, but all ef forts to float her were futile. In endeavoring to aid the tugs in pulling her off the Admiral Sampson's steering gear became disabled and she I is practically helpless. For more than fifteen hours to-day ■ the entrance to the harbor of this city i was blocked by the huge ice pack < which on the ebb tide swept down the : Delaware River until it reached the I Horse Shoe at Gloucester, where it I lodged and extended from shore to ! shore. With the aid of the city ice bc>3ts several heavy liners succeeded ir forcing a passage through the Ice jmti and reached their docks late in 1 the day. MISS GLADYS MILLS MAY MARRY A FRENCH PRINCE j Rumor Connects Her Name With Secretary of the Embassy of France. ! French embassy, will sail to-morrow for Europe on a two months' leave of absence. There are rumors in soci ety to the effect that he has been ac cepted as a suitor for the hand of Miss Gladys Mills, hn whom he has been very attentive since last summer at Newport, and that his trip abroad is for the purpose of making the nec essary arrangements in view of the contemplated alliance. The consent of the French Minister of Foreign Af fairs and the King of Spain must be obtained, for the Prince, besides being a French diplomat, is a Spanish grandee. "SICK MAN" INCURS IRE OF FRANCE Sultan Abdul Hamid Receives an Ul timatum. . Instant Satisfaction of Out standing Claims Is Demanded, Crisis Precipitated by Sublime Porters Decision to Borrow Money From * German Financiers LONDON. Feb. R.— The Daily Tele* graph's correspondent at Constan tinople reports that owing to the Sul tan's decision t<> borrow money from a German group of financiers for the re arming of the Turkish artillery, Con stans, the French Kmbassador, has de liverer! an ultimatum demanding the ii stant satisfaction of the various out standing French claims, failing which h«- will leave to-day (Wednesday) to consult his Government. Th» German conditions of the loan, the correspondent says, were that all guns ■should be ordered from Germany. A French syndicate has been compet ing for the loan. MILLIONS WON UPON THE TURF liieslsite Left by "Plunger" ■ Smith. Special Dispatch to The Call. PITTSBURG. Pa.. Feb. 7.— George E. Smith CPlttsburg Phil") left no will. This statement was made by his broth er, William Smith, after the funeral on Sunday. The news was a surprise to the "plunger's" friends. It is estimated that Smith's estate will aggregate not less than $1,000,000. while it is probable that he amassed at least $2,000,000. The plunger main tained his residence in New York, as he had lived there for the last . six iron re * GUNBOAT LOST OFF HATTERAS The Newport Injured by the Storm and Not Heard From for Several Days Past WASHINGTON. Feb. 7.— The Navy Department to-day received a telegram from the captain of a Boston fruit steamship stating; that he passed the gunboat Newport on February 3 about seventy miles southeast of Cape Hat teras proceeding under ssil, with her propeller gone. Nothing has been heard from the Newport since, but it is supposed she Is on her way back to Norfolk for repairs and has been de layed on account of the heavy winds. She was en route to San* Juan. Com mander A. Mertz is in command of the Newport. NORFOLK, Va.. Feb. 7.— The naval tug Wahneta was to-day dispatched to tow the disabled gunboat Newport in. The Wahneta returned to-night and re ported that the Newport could not be located in a radius of seventy-five miles from the capes and to-morrow the gunboat Hornet will go to sea In search of the vessel. CAUFOR3VIAN VANQUISHED IX PIE-EATING CONTEST John Wilson looses Hundred-Dollar Wager by a Score of six teen to Ten. NEW YORK, Feb. 7. — John Wilson, late of California and now an operator in Wall Street, prides himself on his ability to eat, and pies are his special ty. "You seem to be pretty good in the pit- line," said John F. Maher, clerk of the, department of charities, casual ly to the frian from the coast, "but I'll bet you $100 that I can eat more pies than you." The money was covered. At his eighth pie, with Maher four to the good, the leader hit a cherry pie full of pits and, braving appendi c'.tis, he swallowed the pits and made up for the temporary setback. Wilson dropped out on a prune pie. A few pies further on he acknowledged de feat, the score standing: Maher, 16; , Wilson, 10. . TESTIMONY OF WOMAN CONTRADICTS WEBER'S Witness Says She Saw Youth on Night of. Tragedy. STRANGE CONDUCT OF DEFENDANT AT HOTEL HOLDS UP "BAD MAN" TO SCORN DeDTeriteDal>s"Bat" Masterson a Four- Fhisber. Special Dispatch to The Call. DENVER. Colo., Feb. 7.— Captain James L. Smith, a "gun fighter" who has spent sixty-seven years on the plains and can pick off pennies at fifty yards even now with his well-notched six-shooter, says that "Bat" Master son, who has been appointed a Deputy United States Marshal for the South ern District of New York, is a four flusher. Here are some things Captain Smith says: "I want to go on record as saying that Masterson is a four-flusher and romancer. He makes his living, by re lating yarns which have no foundation in fact. He likes to leave the impres sion that he has killed a score of men. I know of only one man who fell a vic tim to his shooting ability, and 'Bat* potted him from behind a woodpile. I told him to leave Denver because he was circulating false stories about me and he went. I did not intend to shoot him— only kick him out of town. 'Bat* is such an opera bouffe hero that I can't refrain from exposing him. Why, he doesn't even know how to handle a revolver. Whenever he ma nipulates firearms he is a positive menace to the innocent bystanders. "When "Bat" was in Tombstone, Ariz., the boys had much fun with him." Captain Smith continued. "It was a pretty wild town and 'Bat' was indis creet enough to tell a few stories about what he had done In Dodge City. The boys decided to try him out and one night they made him jump out of the window of a gambling-house. H^ didn't come back for revenge, either." Local sports tell of an encounter be tween "Bat" Masterson and "Reddy" Gallagher, athletic instructor of the Denver Athletic <'lub. "Reddy" is not strong with a "gun." but he can .han dle his fists, and he undertook to punch "Bat's" head off. The latter is said to have wept before the irate pugilist could be appeased. It is claimed to be a fact that Mas terson left Denver after spending an entire day dodging Smith. Captain Smith is engaged in running down cat tle thieves for big cattle companies. Ontario Cabinet Resigns. TORONTO, Ontario, Feb. 7. — Pre mier G. W. Ross and the members of the OntaVio Cabinet resigned this af ternoon. To-night Lieutenant Gover nor Clark called on J. P. Whitney, the Conservative leader, to form a new Ministry. The personnel will be an nounced to-morrow. •THE THEATERS. ALCAZAR— "Are Tou a Mason CALIFORNIA— • The Mummy and th« ; Humming: Bird." . ...">' COLUMBIA— "The Dictator." . CENTRAL — "A Fight for Milliona." CIIUTES-^Vaudevllle.; ' FlSCHEß'S— Vaudeville. • GRAXIV- "Mother Goose." Matlae* to-day. . . ■ - ■ - L.Y.HIC HALL — Dolmetsch Concert. ORPHEUM- Vaudeville. Mattne* to . • day. ■ ' !r . " * . TIVOt.[ r lia cpera. (STATE OFFICIAL WHO IS PROSECUTING ADOLPH WEBER FOR THE MTTR DER OF HIS MOTHER AT AUBURN AND AN OFFICIAL OF PLACER COUN TY WHO TESTIFIED IN THE CASE. MISS WOOD WILL AGAIN SUE PLATT New York Senator Accused of Breach ol Promise. Special Dispatch to The Call. RICHMOND. Va., Feb. 7. — A legal frm here has been employed by Miss Mac C. Wood to bring action against United States Senator Thomas C. P!att of New York, alleging breach of promise. Several prominent New York men and Government officials are said to be involved. Their names have not been divulged. Miss Mac Wood left Omaha, where she was a lawyer, for Washington, to become a clerk in the money order division of the postoffice. She is 37 years old and extremely attractive. When Senator Platt married Mrs. Lillian Janeway. Miss Wood threaten ed to make trouble, and a $25,000 damage suit against the Senator for breach of promise was instituted in her name. Later, Senator Platt de clared that the suit had been settled, while Miss Wood in an interview de nied knowledge of the suit. CHARMING SAX DIEGO GIRL WEDS ARMY I.IEITENAXT Charles Kdward Trrry Lull Leads Miss Fredereka Earle to the Altar. SAN DIEGO, Feb. 7.— Lieutenant Charles Edward Terry Lull, I", s. A ., and Miss Fredereka Earle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Earle. were united in marriage here to-day by Rev. Charles L. Barnes. . Miss Earle's only attendant was little Miss Caro line Wood. Lieutenant Lull's b««t man was Captain Ernest D. Scott, commanding officer at Fort Rose era ns. • PRICE FIVE CENTS. Murdered Mother's Gotfiing Shown in Court, > Sight of Garments has No Effect on Prisoner. Special Dispatch to The Call. AUBURN*. Feb. 7.— The testimony in tthe case of Adolph Weber, accused "f the murder of his mother. Mary \V was very strong to-day for the aj cution. Miss May Clark was the star witness. Her testimony flatly con tradicted the testimony given by Adolph Weber before the Coroner's jury at the inquest on his mother's re mains. At that time Weber stated that he had left his home about 6 o'clock and had gone In a roundabout way over the hill in front of the college, down College street to the court house, and from that point to the town proper. Miss Clark In her testimony to-day stated positively that he had p her house going down town sh after 6:30 o'clock, going toward the town on the direct road from his home. An attempt was made to stiH.^ her testimony by the defense, but Mint Clark only grew more emphatic. The first witness called this morning was Dr. R. F. Rooney, who told of his examination of the bodies of th« murdered Webers on the night of the tragedy. During the course of his «* animation Dr. Rooney said: "Late on the evening of the tragedy I was called to the home, of Adrian Wills to dress the wounds upon th« hand of Adolph Weber. The cuts on his hand were not made by glass but had evidently been inflicted by some sharp instrument. While I waa dress ing his hand Adolph. said to me, I wanted to stay at the flr», but Frank Dependener carried me away. I want to go there now. When I start out to do a thing, doctor", I generally do it. I want to find out about nay mother. I know my mother is dead. I know they are all dead." "The wound on Weber's hand wai jagged in appearance. " SHOWS BILLET'S COI'RSE. Dr. Rooney then went on to a practical example how Julius Weber was shot. He asked Attorney Hamil ton to step to the witness chair and by using the attorney as a mode! pointed our thp ttWM "f the bullet which end ed the life <>f Julias Weber. The bullet ■ the heart and took a straight downward course. Dr. T. M. Todd was the next witness. He substantiated in every detail the testimony of Dr. Rooney. Dr. Todd was sharply cross-examined by Attor ney Johnson. Dr. Todd admitted that though he had been a practicing physi cian for more than f>rty years, on the night he examined the body of Mary er he found but one bullet hole. Johnson also drew from Tbdd the fact that the second bullet hole was not found until the next day. when the Coroner discovered it as he was dress ing the body for burial. While Dr. Todd was on the stand the undergarments of Mary Weber. ataine<j Continued on Pace 2, Column 4.