OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, June 05, 1905, Image 13

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1905-06-05/ed-1/seq-13/

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• \u25a0 - AIIRIVED.
\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 Sunday. June 4.
V B Ilrttshlp No. 83, Troot,- 119 days from
Xew Tertc via La Paz 9 days and 8 hours.
iUllcf aaip-No. 76. Troot. .119 -team; from
3 newspaper? correspondents Care
complaining* of f.theTdlsgustingrly,-* unclean
treatmenti of /bread . on ' Its way : from the
baker, tolthe' consumer.^ - -r . ' • ; :t .; \ \u25a0
The amount: of money advanced to. lrish
tenants : f or^sthe jpurchase *of .'. their J lands
uriderl- 1 the ;-3 ; arioaa i-'acts i Tof ., Parliament
passed • slntef iSSC.f Is,^ according; to • a 5 par
llarnentary* paper/i Ji^5 ,866,015. '
'} TO: ARRIVE. '.- .:'^^^@BB9k
". Steamer : -;. \u25a0..-'rT.'.i '-?, .*!*°? a iiL:L ; ; •.•"l*l Due.'v
Ean Juan... i KewiTdrkf viaVAneoh.. June' 5
Elizabeth:.... Coqulllei ßiver .-;..*.;:.". June '5,
Bea' Foam ::". n Mendoclno & ' Pt.T Arena June 5
Cooeßay..".. Newport '& Way Ports. June 5
6 Monica.... Grays ; Harbor. ,/ ; ; : .:.-, June B
F - Leggett. . . Portland . & * Astoria...... June \u25a0< 6
Centralia..r.". BaniPedro .:.... ".-..rrr. June 5
Breakwater... Coos -8ay;. ...".:..;\u25a0;."'.'.. June 5
Corona; . : . .v;* Humboldt : •'•'.'. '.'.'. ..:".'. ... June i. s
Norwood.*".'-.'.' San-" Pedro Vv:TT/.~.*;r:; June 5
Ftatf of Cal.. San Diego & .Way. Ports June ; 5
City Pueblar.. Pugeti!Sound'PorU.*.,x June/S'
'Aurella: . . • r. . Portland « A % Astoria. . T. June :\u25a0 8 •
Homer .';\u25a0.'. ."^ Grays \ Harbor, ;"•*• ••'•r: I June 16
laqua . . . .7. . I Seattle 7.*: :.' . . ;;. \u25a0 ; :':.. .'. jjune 'a ;
Mrs. w Jnck*» pay/ Falls) Dead;' In Rt«
.:. \-'\ taarant ia.tbe. Alaska , Mlnlna: {.
\u25a0 " - : :."_-; \u25a0'" .'-;"'- - Tavni: : ':\- I .: ."'••• \u25a0
v .TACOMA, Juno 4.-^-Mrs. /'Jack",; Day
fell deadrln taipawßori:re»taurantt aipawBori:re»taurant yes-*
terday.^' She Swasy 34 years <old.-vltvls
believed her, death was'caused by heart
'disease.'." .^'.- 1 'J:.: . • ""-' > ";> -'
The log naft. which Is coming to this port
In tow of t»« steamer Frances H. Leggett. has
b^en sighted ten miles north of Cape Mendo-
Tlie disabled steamer Robert Dollar was
•iightf d June 2at anchor In the Santa Barbara
Th«* steain'ship China,- "from the Orient. Is
duft thie mcrnlnft*. , •'
C Burck * longshoreman, who lives at 1
Simpson place, fell Into the bay • yesterday
from Howard street wharf No. 1. He struck a
boating feeder In his fall and was afterward
treated at the Harbor Hospital for numerous
laceration* and bruises. He may have sus
tafned Internal Injuries
Water Front Xotes.
Blovementa .of Steamer*.
; . TACOMA; June 4.— The 'Alaska Auto'mo-:
bile Tr ansportation. "j Company; was •; incor
porated yesterdayjat Olympla with a i cap*"
ital sitockV of ' $500.00? Iby "; DrfrAlexaruler
\u25a0 Desbtoi C. ; Bailey i and fAf; E: Boyd.-They
arp » having , \ made % sevefai .1 ninety/^ hori'e-'
power j autos \u25a0 costing \ $7000 < each :> for jopera
tion } between? Nome s «nd s Solomoa'tCity',* h
dtetancatof i thirty-twof-mlles.'^The
will i; be V: 15. ->lThey expect ' to *. car ry.i more
than i 100 1 passengers ' daily.V Each automo
bile A will r carry,, twenty i persons/. It j. is ; in-i
tended; to : establißhiother \u25a0, routes." ' \u25a0'-">
-•;; T.\ B/.Wallace- of iTacoma, f Jacob iFurthi
iie»teriTunier, ! vß.}E."Calne and; others Jbf
Seattle and \Yakima- have incorporated the
Yaklma ,s' Sugar?. Company,^ with * $1,400,000
capital; t6 : bulld and \ operate a sugar \u25a0 ta.C'
tory atfNorthlYakima.. r v ;;; / . ,'
Special Dispatch , to .The' Cmlt
The barks fet. J*naw and St. Katherlne ar
rl\rd ycsitrday irora Honolulu. Each made
tlierua In twenty-two days. They were both
lacini with; eus«r. TTif St. ,JamM brought
41 €3S teet and the Et. Katherine, 30, 551 bags.
>u?or Boats Arrive.
Sun r!t«s ......•..'....;.;........ ......i..4:4S
Sun sets •.*.*:. . : . . ... ......:. .. : . ... .*. •'•*. . . .7:29
Moon ectw .............'.....: ..9:30 p. in.
a i.^_ 1 Ft. f f Ft. f--— Ft.— [Ft:
o.'JL:A\j : JH-WI \u25a0 ..-\u25a0'" )L W |H W :
S 6:45— 0.5 2:15 4.6 6:421* 8.2 :....|...V.
H W - Li W '\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 H W . 1, W ;. -
0 0:17 5.5 7:31 —0.4 2:59 4.7 7:36 3.2
7 1:05 "6.3 8:19-^-0.2 3:43 '4.8 8:40 3.2
3 2:02 5.0 0:09 0.1 4:30 ..; 4.9 -9:51
©' 3:11 . 4.6 10:02 -0.5 5:15 5.1 11:04 2.5
10 4:53 '4.3 11:00 ;' 0.0 0:01 ; 8.3 ....". ...;.
11 1.0:12 1.9 6:02 '. 4.1 12:04 1.3 6:4S 5.5
• NOTE— In the , above ; exposition lof 'the • tides
the early, morning, tides are given '.I. In Uhe ; left
hand" column " and i the : successive 'tides " of ' the
day In ''the order of occurrenco as to time: the
fourth tlm« column \u25a0 elves the \u25a0 last ' tide of ; the
dajvexcept'wnen there are but three ; tides, as
sometimes occure;:XThe l heights given \u25a0 are iln
addition to the soundings of the United Stat<-s
Coaet Survey Charts,- except when a minus Psf\
\u25a0 elgn precedes the height,^ and | then * the . number
\ c iven Is subtracted ; frcm : . the • depth • given by
, the charts- .The plan* of reference Is the mean
I of \u25a0 the ' lower - low: \u25a0waters. •
; TACOMA, : June * 4— Dawsoh '. is . excited
over, a report -. received . yesterday,., from
Ottawa \ that *. former Governor :.Congrdon
has h been : appointed , at rneniber; and \ legal
adviser, of the Yukon* Council,; giving i him
the federalpatronage in : Yukoh Terrltorj'.
Congdon iwas 'defeated ' .:• last -pecember
.when • he r , ran ; for '.Parliament." v' A y fierce
political flght : is , expected \lf the" Govern
ment jbacks I him i again, ias \u25a0•\u25a0 the Ottawa
telegrams would Indicate. Vv^^SHBBGB
Special Dispatch to The Call.
Northern Capitalists, Form
Traiisportation Company
• /.< With Large Capital.
Rumored: Appointment of
Former GoTernor Stirs
Citizens of North.
; TACOMA/;^ June 4.-^ A '_> barbed wire
fence 'saved tho life of Engineer .Tif
fany; of the ; I "Was'.^ngton .Irrigation
Company 1 at Sunnyslde Friday night.
A" waterspout lrT Sulphur, Creek Canyon
caused a • break iln the Sunn yside /Irri
gation Z canal: * In : attempting to iump
across r ! the ; break Tiffany fell . Into , the
water . and -Iwas ; rapidly \u25a0 carried ; dowh
stream. \u25a0 Z He" .would . have drowned : had
not a v barbed ;,wlre v fenced caught : his
head. . Companions soon . rescued "i him,
The :: waterspout caused - the ; canal 'to
overflow, damaging; much land, v
Catches Engineer Who Was
Being Carried to Death
by Flood.
Ecevlal Pispatcn to The Call.
Xew York, via La Paz 9 days and 8 hours.
Stmr Brunswick, Johnson, 13 hoars from
Stmr Sarita Monica, Olsen. C 7 hours from
Grays Harbor: bound south; put In to land
rC J>mr E Jas S Hlggins, Higglns. 14 hours from
Fort Braeg; bound to Redondo; put mHo land
4lcatraz. Fagerlund, 50 hours from San
C Stmr Arctic, N«*lson. 23 hours from Eureka.
Stmr Rainier. Haiwcn. 72 hours from Bel-
Whitney, 4 hours from' HaU-
n s°trnr Sea* Foam. Miller, 13 hours from Men
tfoclno, via Point Arena 8 hours. . ' . _ .
Ger stmr Itauri, Knudsen. 3 days from Port
Hadlock: put la to finish loading. .
Bark St James, Parker, 22 days from Hono-
Bark St Katherine. Eaundcrt, 22 days from
Elctn Coronado. Potter. 17 «ays from Hono
"schr Eva BJomstrom. 3 days from Eureka.
Schr Besle K. Stark, 15 hours from San.Vi-
C *Schr L De < f ender. Helllngsen, 17% . days from
Pl s\hr Mary C. Campbell. . 8 , hours from Bo-
e fchr Jf ewark. Johnson, 12 hours.' from Stew
art," Point. SAIL £ D> --'; |
- Sunday, Jane 4. .
Stmr Santa RoEa, Alexander, San Diego.
Stmr Maggie. Whitney. Half moon Bay.
Stxr.r Jas 8 Hl?glns. - Higglns. San Pedro.
Sunr Santa Monica. Olsen. • Redondo.
Stmr Queen. Cousins, Victoria,' etc. .
Stmr Pomona. Swacson, Eureka. - . _•.
Schr Andy Mahoney, Nygrcn, Mukllteo. :
POINT LOBOS, June 4. 10 p m — Weather
clear', wind NW; velocity 22 mllea per hour.
POINT LOBOS — Passed June i, 7 a m— Stmr
Newburg:, from Santa Barbara for Grays
Harbor. ' \u25a0
PORT HARFORD-^-Sal)ed June 4— Stmr
Coos Bay. for San Francisco.
Sailed . June 4— Stmr Bonlta,- for Ban Pedro.
SAN PEDRO— Arrived June 3— Stmr Samoa,
hence June 1; schr Nokomls, from.Baliard.r-
Sailed June 3— Stmr Norwood, for San Fran
cisco; echr Volunteer, for Coos ; Bay; stmr
Shasta, for San Francisco;,. etmr r CentraHa,
for Ean Franci*co. , "
TATOOSH — Passed : In \u25a0 Jnne * 4— Stmr Mel
ville Dollar, hence . May 31 for St Michael and
Nome. '\u25a0• ' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0''. \u25a0 ' -\u25a0 . ,-"\u25a0-'-\u25a0 .'\u25a0'
Passed In -June 4— rßr'stmr Comeric. hence
June 1 for Port Townsend. . ; . ':
Passed cut : June 4 — Bark Carrollton, from
Coracx for Dutch Harbor. _~ - . \u0084, '-'\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0^'v
VENTURA — Arrived June 3^— Barge : 93. _In
tow of stmr Atlas, -.hence June 2. -v - . . :
Oregon, for Nome; stmr Al Ki. for Skagway.
SEATTLE— SaiIed June - 3 ' midalght-^Stmr
Arrived June 4— Fr bark Turgot, from Ant
\u25a0 Arrived June 4— Stmr Jefferson, from. Skag
way. . \u25a0 > • " * • » •'.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.- \ '.'.- \u25a0-
Sailed June 4— Stmr. Olyrapla, foriNbma."^:* .
- TACOMA — Sailed June 4 — Brt stmr Knight
Errant, for Japan. . .
ASTORIA— SaiIed \ June 4— Stmr » Redondo,
for San Francisco: stmr Aurella,' for San Fran
cisco; stmr Roanoke, for Ban * Francisco. .3;.-i>
Arrived June 4— Bktn Tarn O" Shan ter. hence
May 16; stmr Alliance. ; from Coos Bay. .
-. REDONDO — Arrrived June 4— Btmr *." Geo
Locmls. hence June 4. , \u25a0."•,..--.
Sailed \u25a0; June 4— Stmr Geo . Lcomls, for . Sas
Francisco.. ; . '*.'.• . "-"*\u25a0"!' •'" " " V*""""-'V *""""
' PORT TOWNSEND— "Arrived Juh** 4-^-Ger
Per strar. Santa Monica— June . 2, 10 p m, 20
miles north of St George reef, saw stmr Fran
cla H Leggett, .with log raf t. In tow, t bound
from Aetoria for San' Francisco." -. , v
Per bktn Ccronado—June «!;>5OO miles west,
of San Francisco, 6aw a four-masted bald
headed Bchooner,. probably the Defender, bound
from Honolpu for San Francisco. \u25a0 -\u25a0 ._
. Per stmr Alcatraz — June •2.- In • Santa Bar
bara ; Channel, saw <.- stmr Robert.. Dollar
anchored. I ..';.. ; '\u25a0'.
Per stmr Rainier— June 8, 10 p . m,; 10 miles
south of Cane ! Mendoclno, passed Btmr Francis
H Leggett. wlUUlog raft: ln Uow. from Astoria
for San Francisco. , C :
Sun, Moon ' and Tide.
United 1 States ' Coast -,'and ? Geodetic ' Survey-
Time, and Height of High and Low Waters
ot Fort Point, entrance to San-, Francisco
Bay. Publlfrhed by official authority of the
\u25a0 Superintendent. - . ' - • \u0084* -1 \u25a0.
' NOTE^ — The high and low. 5 waters occur -at
the . city-. front- (Mission-street wharf) about 25
minutes later than at Fort Point; th« height
of t'.de is the same at both places. . . -s&fsftS
Lightship No. 76 was the flagship of the
little eqaadrcn and the cafe arrival here of
bcth vessels Is due to the careful navigation of
("sptain Robert Qulnton, the commander of
No. 7«. Before the vessels aailed Captain
C'liston was ordered by the Treasury De
partment to lay th« courses for both boat* and
:o ieaa tfc« way around the continent.
No. " S3 is in command of EX M. Trott, who"
think* he was slighted because 'the people of
San Francisco did not turn out and give him
* wesccrsfc. lie expected at least, he said, to
Bud the Golden Gate illuminated ev«n If there
wfcs «iot a "welcome" sign stretchM . from po«t
to po*t. . Ke in from Main*, but declares that
this 1^ .the coMeist- port he ever entered and.
just «s soon as he can he !s going back to
hi* •\u25a0dewr. Eart" boaie. where hi will Sad the
ariTerlation he nueses in San Francisco.'
Th« lightships, after passing quarantine, pro
cfde-d to Goat leland, where they will be made
rtafiy for s*rric«. \u25a0
They left Ntw Tork February 14 In a snow
fti.rnj and "February 21 -dropped anchor In -the
l:arbcr of 6an Juan. Porto Klco. They called
at the Bar^adoes. Bahia. Montevideo, ' Pusta
Arenas*. Ccronvl; Callao and I'irhlilnque. which
jjjii th-*y left May 25. They encountered con
• i.:»rs'jV ice in Smyth's Channel, Straits of
On May £9. Andrew Hansen. a seaman on
I/gtitshtn No. -76. tried to cut off his head dur
ing a fit* »t. insanity. He Inflicted several
cevcre wounds on his neclc Second Mate Nich
olas Lawrence; with "an ordinary • needle and
linen thread, sewed up the gashes. The sur
trery was crude, but lt-vcrved and to-day Han
sen \u25a0"Brill bft trassferred to the Marine Hospital.
A sailor on the otter lightship manifested
tigns cf Insanity and was placed under -re
•iraint. - - - . - •
Liicl.tshlp No. 70 was balJt at Staten Island
and So. S3 at Camden. N. J. Several Pacific
Coast yai<3« bid for th» contract, but lost the
work ' because th«-y were not the lowest bld
6(-t. letting the contract to the lowest bid
fier. ticwe^"*r. without taking into consideration
tit«" iTuture location of the lightships, proved
B pretty poor bargain from a business point
<:{ \lew. The Urhtshlps were completed to
I*iicle Sam's satisfaction, delivered at Xew
Vortt "an<J there paid- for. To bring them to
jhl# coast, it has cost the Gov«rnment mor«
than $30,000. a sum (rreater by* a comfortable
frrtun*; tlian tht difference between the bids
. ' r the Pacific <vttt and Atlantic ship yard*.
In tfce .future, lightships for sendee ca the
Paciflc will **i built on the Pacific Coast. '
Ligbtfhipt No. 8.1 and No. 70. v.hich left
New York mor» than three months ago, arrived
h«re ear!y yesterday morning and within a
f*»w weeks wUI be ready fcr the service for
which -they were built. No. S3 will be «ta
tlcaed at £!uht'e reef. No. 7fi will be a re
lief boat and will take th* place of any light
ship in this district which for any reason U
temporarily taken off her station. The news
that these ve«£cls zre here will be welcome
to mfartiifcrs who have long been agitating
Just tbis addition to the coazt aid* to naviga
tion. .
S»w Utrhtahlps in Port.
,:>^ '. I ja.'jf & -I
- i == »os» o s
STATIONS.- 21= *% ==§ 5- \u25a0£
\u25a0 ; \u25a0>;\u25a0-\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0 : ?l* I ?\u25a0 ?.' g
Baker :^.».9«'-i2 50 N Rain .32
Careon 29. »fl 54 3S S Pt.Cldy .01
Eur«>ka ..:... 30.18 «2 50 NW Cloudy T.
Frcwio 80.00 78 50 NW Clea* .00
R E. Farallon.SO.lo T. 7 54 NW near .00
Flatrttaff 29.74 6S 38 W Clear .00
Independence .29. M 74 50 X Clear .00
Los Angeles.. 29. ©« 72 54 SW Clear .00
Mt Tamalpals.3o.ll M 44 NW Clear .CO
North Head.. SO. OS 52 50 W Rain .46
Phoenix- .29.74 9<> «2 W Clear .00
Point Reyes.. SO. o4 S3 40 NTV' Clear "* .00
PocatPllo ....20.84 74 40 SW Cloudy .06
Portland 30.04 flO 52 SW Rain -OS
Red 8iuff....30.00 72 54 SE Pt.Cldy .«
Ro*«bunf 30.10 5S- ,V>" W Cloudy .Ofl ,
Sacramento ..50. 04 72 48 - NW Clear \u25a0 .pi) .
Salt* Lake 29.80 7<l *.: NW acudy .00
Ban Francieco.3o.lo 62 02 W Gear .0*
S. L. 0b1ap0.,30.08 68 42 W * Clear .«V)
Can Dleso 28.94' 6(1 54 NW r Clear .00'
Feattla ..."0.02 62' 50 W Cloudy .30
! Spckane 29.90 60 46 W Clouoy .04
; Tatoosh .. 80.04 52 48 S Cloudy .50
I Walla Wa11a. 23.9S 5« 50 S Rain .03
Wlnnemucca. .23. &4 58 88 SW Cloudy .12'
Yuma 20.76 90 66 W Clear, .00
Cloudy weathfr prevails over the northern
portion of the Parlflc Slope and fair I over the
southern pprtlon. Light rain has fallen from
the northern end of the Sacramento Valley
northward and eastward to the Rocky Moun
tairs. PSGKi":' '• '.'
Thunderstorms axe reported at Kaliepel and
Pocatcllo, and high winds from Utah and
Northern Arizona.
The temperature lias fallen from 8 to 28
dejrees over the plateaa and Rocky Mountain
region. In the Interior of California the tem
j.e'retures ar« from 4 to 17 degrees below the
Forecart made at San Francisco for thirty
hours, ending midnight. June 5:
San Frandßco and vicinity— Fair Monday: ,
warmer: fresh northwest wind*. \u25a0 :
Los Angelea and vicinity — Fair Monday:
lipht west winds.
Sacramento Valley— Fair Monday; warmer;
Upht northwest winds. . " "
gan Joaguln Valley — Fair, warmer Monday:
fresh northwest winds.
Coast— Fair, warmer Monday; lifint north
west w'.nd*. - ... .
Nevada — Fair, warmer Monday. .
G. H. WILLSON. Local Forecastejv-
TACOMA, June 4,— Dispatches fr6m
Norhfe say the winter work on the great
cinnabar mine- discovered last summer
proves the; existence of a deposit of
startling magnitude. O"he ledge, which
is cut by , thoKuskokwln River, la miles
in extent. An:expert declares that the
deposit is big: and rich enough to fur^
nl»h the world's 'supply* of quicksilver.
The property is \u25a0; located."- 300 miles
above the" mouthof the Kuskokwin. It
Is '- owned '.'•by/ 1 Duncan. McDonnell and
other miners. Last rail they bonded
the i claim "to John B. Burton of Wis
consin and others. ; Burton developed
the iGogebic iron ' < range on Lake ' Su
perior and is now developing Bering
Sea tin deposits. "'•;"
Special Dispatch to The Call.
• " . : , : '; ,r '. \u25a0 'TO SAIL./ * ','"'•'"'
Steamer. \u25a0' | ; ' Destination.'. 'I SalU.I- Pl«r. -
" " •- - j ~* •' ' ~"~|- \u25a0 .
• : - 1 \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0 June "5. I • - I . "
C. Nel«on...- Seattle * Tacoma. l S pm Pier 20
Sequoia..'. ..'W!llapa'H»rbor.:..]l2 m Pier i."v
S. Barbara.. Seattle^& Olympia:| 4 pm Pier 2
b. Monica... Lo* AngelesTorts,|lo am Pier 2
b. Rosa.:.'.. San' Diego & Way. DamPier'Xl
J. Htggln«. . Lo? Angelea Pcrta. 10 am Pier 2
Queen...... Puget Sound Ports. 11 ajn Pier 9
. . . Portland ; & Way. . 12 . m Pier - 5
C«ntralla: . . Grays Harbor ..... 2 pm Pier 10
Norwood.. 1 .. Seattle direct ..... 4pm Pier .2
'' ' : Jnne-8. V ; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0.' .\u25a0:.;-.'.\u25a0
Peru........ N.Y. vJa Ancon... 12 m Pier 40
Ellxabeth... L'oqutlle Hlver.,.. . 6pm Pier afl
Itauri.. ...:-' Hamburg, & Way. 12 m Pier 19
Et. Paul...: Astoria & Portland|ll am Pier 24
H«dondo..'." ; Los' Angeles : Forts. i& pm Pitr 2
\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0: - : - : - \u25a0-'\u25a0':%" \u25a0?-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0{\u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0June:-,7."> : '- ]>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0 '\u25a0r--'^-'-
Roanoke. . . . Lo» . Angeles Portsf. 5 pm Pier 5
Breakwater. Coos Bay. direct.:.) 3 pm Pier 8
Corona. . : . . .j Humboldt . . .... . . . H :3O p Pier 9
Coos Bay... [ Newport&Way Pt».| 9 am Pter 11
Arctic , Humboldt .....A.. 10 am Pier- 3
Bea Foam... point Arena,-.. :.,. 4 pm Pier 3
Mongolia... .China & Japan .... 1 pm Pi«r 40
Curacao.:... Mexican Poru .... 10 am Pier 11
\u25a0:,:-.:.\u25a0 ; j \u25a0•' Jwne-8. . \u25a0 '\u25a0; \u25a0 i -:,/
South Bay:. Los Angeles Ports ......{Pier —
K0mer . ... . . - Huattle ' direct . . .... i: r... . IPltr Sfi!
Arg0........ Eel River/ Ports... 16 pm!P.«r 2
State of Car San -Diego & Way. 0 am|Pier 11 :
Rainier....- Seattle <* lilnghm. 4 pns|Pi«r lv
-':-"- ::- -\u0084';•« Jnne-:o.'w.i>; "-- '\u25a0\u25a0:- ->--
Aurella.... . Astoria & Portland. 2pm Pier 27
Nome-City. Seattle & Tacoma.. ....;. Pier —
City Puebla. Puget ' Sound Ports U am Pier 0
'" \u0084:'\u25a0:\u25a0-:\u25a0-' \u25a0 June '• 10. : : : i -->"\u25a0-, ; x.-l'/'
M. V. Plant. Coos Bay; .....'.".: 4 pm PJ« 11
Pt. Arena... Point Arena .:...": 4 pm Pier -2
P0m0,; ..... Pt. Arena & Albion 0 pm Pier; 2
San Juan...jx. V. ' via Ancon;. 12 . mjpier 40*
G. Dollar... Grays Harbor..;... .4 pmipier 10
":\u25a0 .' . VN •- June 11. :. '• '|-.-iy. : \u25a0.\u25a0:• -
50n0ma..... Sydney &,Way Pts| 10 am Pier -7
80n1ta.V.... San Pedro & Way.| 9 am Pier 11
N. F0rk..... Humboldt ::..-. ::r: 16 pm Pier 20
Columbia..". Astoria & P°rtland|ll am Pier 24
F.Kllburn Astoria ' *'Portlandi.:. ... Pier ..
/. \u25a0 ;.-.;;; i -.i-.-.'V- Jtinesia'"- : - .- ?•<•'\u25a0-\u25a0 :•:';
Alaskan.... Hono. & Kahulul.. 3 pm Pier 23
\u25a0"r' ' ' i •''/\u25a0 ]' - Jnne-14. .., '-. -.':.» \u0084. v ...
tJmatlUa..:. Puget Sound Ports. 11 am Pier 0
: ;" •-"\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0': .*•: '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0< i June 15. . ' '"'\u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 :\u25a0" '. \u25a0'/:\u25a0'
G.Lindauer.) Gray*; Harbor .... 4 pm Pier 10
'';V - ; V;.'a- .; FROM; BRA.TTLB.;, : ', ;/,'.,:'-."•
Steamer.; jv.:.. | Bails. ;
Cottage Cl ty .': Bkagway, &' Way Porta. I June 8
Edith......... Nome & St. Michael... (June' »
City Seattle;: . Ekagrway .• & :Way. Ports June ** 7
Dolphin;...:.. Skagway *: Way Ports June 10
Portland..;.;. Cooka Inlet *. Way.... June 10
Lyra.'.;.:;;.V Nome &:Sf Michael..; June 10
Jefferson.;..;. Skagway A.TVay.PorU.J June 16
Kama Clara.: Valde« & Seward. ::.:.[ June 15
Eureka . ". . : . . ; Nome & St; • Michael. . : | June 15
Santa Ana .'. . . Sewarq & -Way, Pta ..... {June 16
Nonia Claims Contain Qnick
\u25a0 silver "Enough to Supply :
the World.
~m eMaekablykich
Redondo. „. , . ., Portland & Astoria. . .'. (June \u25a0- 6
G. Dollar i Grays Harbor ......... June 6
Nebraskan...-. licnoluiu.A Kahulul. '.. June C
China:.....", t China & J«pan. ....;... Jun« 6
Arg0.. ....... Eel River Ports ..:.... June' 7
Roanoke. . . - . • Portland & Way Ports. June 7
City Sydney.. New -York \u25a0\u25a0 via. Ancon. . Jun« 7
P0m0na...... Humboldt June 8
Sauta Kosa... Ban. Diego & Way Ports June S
P0rn0.."....... Point Arena & Albion.. June 8
Pt. Aretut". • • - Mendoclno.& Pt. Arena June 8
M. F. Plants Coos Bay &,,J>t. Orford June 8
North Fork... Humboldt ..•-..... June 8
H0n1ta. . . . .. . San. Pedro & Way Ports June 8
Columbia...^. Portland &• Astoria.'. .. Jun« 8
F. Kllburnv.~. Portland &v.Way Porte Jun» B
Centennial...-. Seattle- & Tacoma June 9
Umatllla.^... Puget. Sound; forts..... June 10
G. Llmlauer.. Gray'n 1 Uarbcr .."...... Jun« 11
5t. .Pau1. ...-. . Portland &' Astoria Junt 13
Alameda...;. Honolulu*::. X '.:.:'.. ';'..'. June 13
Newport...... New -York via Aneon. : June 14
Queen....:... Puget Sound"- TPortB .'.... June 15
Chas. Nelson. • Seattle A Tacoma ..... June 15
and Cherbourg.' ' \u25a0 ' \u25a0'"..- '.'.\u25a0'.
FIUME — Arrived June 4— Stmr t UHonia,
from New .York- via , Trieste. -
COPENHAGEN — Arrived June 4 — Etmr
United States, from New , York via Christian
sand. . - . ;.
GLASGOW — Sailed June 4 — Stmr Corinthian,
from Montreal. .-.-.-..-
CHERBOURG — Sailed June 4 — Stmr Grosser
Kurf urst. from * Bremen ' for \u25a0 New . York. '
QUEENSTGWN— SaiIed . June - 4 — Stmr Lu
cania, 'from Liverpool for New York. - .
DOVER—^Sailed Juno 4 — Stmr Patricia, from
Hamburg lor New . York via Boulogne.:
•MOVlLL.B— Arrrlved June 4 — Stmr Numld
lan.t from New . York for Glasgow and pro
SOUTHAMPTON'— Arrived June^ 4— Stmr
Philadelphia., from New 'York .via Plymouth
NEW YORK— Arrived. June 4— Stmr Blue
cher, from Hamburg. - Dover and Boulogne;
stmr Pannonia, from Trieste, Flume and Pa
lermo: Btmr Umb,rla, from Liverpool and
Queeenstown: stmr La Touralne. from Havre;
s|mr Nord" America, from Naples. ! . .
LIVERPOOL— ArrrIved June 3 — Stmr Vir
ginia, from Montreal via' Moville; stmr. Kiru
rla. from New York via Queeenstown. •
CHEMAINUS— SaiIed ' June 3— Br bark Ad
derly, for Sydney." ..-' -
HONOLULU— Arrived June 4— Bark Mohi
can, hence May 21: stmr Rcsecrans. from Mon
terey: ship Marlon Chllcott, from Monterey, In
tow ttcir Rosecrans. "-.-\u25a0_. . . \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0' . .
KAANAPALI— "Arrived" June 3 — Ship Mar.ga
Reva. from Kahulul. V.i -;
MAHUKONA— Arrived May 28— Schr. Metfca
Nelson, hence May U. and sailed June 2 f-r
San Francisco. .>.„.;.-..,....• '. ' :• •
Btmr Hathcr. henoe June 1 for Tacoma; Br
stmr Pt Helena, from Nagasaki.
Passed out June 4 — Stinr Centennial, from
Seattle. for San Francisco: schr John <5 North,
from Port Gamble for San Francisco. •
EUREKA— SaiIed June 4— Stmr Prenttss.-for
San Francisco: stmr Pasadena, for San Fran
cisco; stmr Corona, for San Francisco. • • .\u25a0\u25a0
Arrived June 4— Stmr Newsboy, hence
. COOS BAY— Sailed June 4— Stmr Break
water, for Pan Francisco.- \u25a0• • \u25a0
MENDOCIXO—^Arrived June 4— Btmr Point
Arena, hence June 3. -
HARDY CREEK— tArrived June • 4-rStmr
Marshneld. hence June 3. \u25a0 - -\u25a0•\u25a0
POINT ARENA — Arrived , June 4 — Stmr
Porno, henco June "3.' • ."'\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 j i -
MONTEREY— Arrived Jure 4—Schr.-Mon
terey, in tow of tug Relief, hence June 3. -j ;\u25a0->.•
SANTA BARBARA— SaiIed i June 4— Stmr
State of California, for San Francisco.
The San Juan brought 911 tons of
cargo and treasure valued at $68,272.
Among- the passengers were!
John B. Haxaburrcr. Hy. Alvarez, Alberto
Garcia. Albert A. Talbert. Mrs. V.\ de Rey
naud. Mis*»Lui£s Reynaad, Miss' Virginia
lieyneud. Mrs. John Pott. v-
During the San Juan's stay at Pan
ama there were ten cases of yellow
fever on the isthums and two deaths.
Oinal .employes who are leaving- are
said to outnumber the nevr arrivals.
The streets of Panama are being torn
up for the sewers Uncle Sam is going'
to iay and from one end to the other of
the isthmus things are beginning to
liven up.
When 'the San Juan Failed it was said
that the British Government would
likely take up the matter of the re
cent wounding of Jamaica negroes by
the Panama police. An investigation
is eaid to have proved the police re
sponsible for the trouble.
The Pacific Mail Steamship I Com
pany's liner San Juan, which arrived
late Saturday night from the isthmus,
brought eight cabin passengers from
Central American ports and fifty-eight
In the steerage. Among- the steerage
passengers were forty-tight Russian
immigrants, bound for Los Angeles to
Join the Slav colony recently established
in the vicinity of the southern city.
One of their number, a little girl, is
said to be suffering from trachoma, and,
with ber parents, may be refused a
landing- by the Immigration Bureau,
The Russians come from Batuni, In
Transcaucasia, where they embarked
on ' a su-amer which carried them to
Constantinopile. From there they were
taken t© Marseilles, where they took
ship for Colon. They crossed the isth
mus .and were welcomed on board the
San Juan by Captain Urry at Panama.
The , Slavs are of the peasant class,
ol*-an and healthy in appearance and
not unintelligent. The party Includes
about a score of babies and young chil
The following are the m&ximum tempera
tures frcm stations Jn California during tne
past twenty-four hours:
Eureka. ' 62 Lee Angeles "2
Saa Francisco .. ...62; Sacramento 72
Fan Luis Oblspo 66 , Independence 74
R*d Bluff .72jsan. Dieso 63
Fresno 7S i
Weather Hesort.
I2oth Meridian— Pacific Time.)
SAN FRANCISCO, June 4— 5 p. in
Unless Mate Moon organizes an expedi
tion 'with "Calif ornia Charley" as; min
ing engineer and assayer, no goldhunter
is likely to . start from" iiis part of the
world for the Moon" mine at, the bottom
of the Straits of Magellan.. . . . .fi ~
. Now comes Lijghtship No. 76. The "Cap
tain"' Moon of -the dispatch occupies the
modest position of, mate and !s not taken
very seriously -on board the lightship.
Captain Qulnton ; was ; disclaiming all
knowledge 'yesterday of ; having discov
ered'any gold during his .long voyage
' from Atlantic ,to \u25a0 Pacific when the noise
of a ioud voice filled the lightship's din
ing-ealoon ] and * overflowed * into the com
mander's quarters. ;
. "I'm - the Moon that caused the excite
ment Izt| the newspapers," bellowed the
voice," and it's all true."
Then a form In keeping, with the vocal
; effort* suddenly: appeared,:: eclipsing the
sun and darkening the cabin as his bulky
and opaque:, body came "to rest in, front
of several port holes. • \u25a0.'*\u25a0 v
\u2666"I'm the- Moon," he repeated, giving his
superior officer a . look which ,on • most
ships would Have led to the speedy, ap
pointment of a new mate. But Captain
Quinton merely smiled a tired ernlle.
Moon; acknowledged himself the author
of the letter to Baltimore and vowed that
what he saw was gold because "California
Charley" told him so. The anchor, with
its alleged coat, was dropped a
few seconds after It emerged from the
depths. When raised later there _ was
sticking to it nothing but common or sea
garden mud." "".
"California Charley," who recognized
the precious metal, is a sailor, on the
lightship. He is a- native soji of;Swe
deri:'\u25a0":\u25a0 In the lightship's 'forecastle, be
tween mouthfuls of iSea; pie, \he yes
terday -confirmed: Moon's Btory. He
was >rithin r , twenty, feet of the anchor,
he said.- and \u25a0 saw, most distinctly sev
eral: shining " particles of'; ffloutr t gold In
the v niud- tftat : was brought up' by v' the
anchor. . He knew lt^ was gold, he said,
because he once made a trip to Alaska
and he' guesses he. ought to know a thing
or two about gold. .
r* "Didn't J ' tell • you?" said Moon.
Lightship Xo. 76. the source of the mar
velous tale" of ' gold r which,^ starting: /from
Baltimore, has been -] making the' rounds
of the press of. the -."world.", arrived, yes
terday with the author on board.
substance of the dispatch was to the ef
fect that Captain Moon! of Ldghtshlp' Ncv
76, in a - letter : to .'. a . friend 'in Baltimore,"
"had reported that; while in the Straits
of Magellan the vessel had ; anchored and
the anchor, when raised, was found to be
plated with gold. The dispatch added
that , numerous expeditions were fitting
'out and soon would be , on ' the scene of
the r=asy money, harvesting the bed of the
ocean.' ; *>.' ; -' -"- '\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0 - ' \u25a0,'\u25a0'"\u25a0 ' .\u25a0 ' '
Swedisli Sailor Vows He Saw
Several Specks of Precious
• Metal on tlie Mud Hook
3late of Liglitship X 6; 76
Acknowledges Himself Au
tlior of Plat edAnchor Yarn
". ' . RAILWAY TRAVEL^'"' ' "f^ V .
Trains lemre mnd •»•«»•
(S/^^^ SAN FK.\>*CISCO.
Fxsbt Dtpot ~*
\u25a0\u25a0*Q£l\xS ; (Toot of MarSet Street.) -•
l»at«- MAIN LINg- -amwT
7JWAKimlra.VacaTme.Wlaters.BumseT . 7.43P
7.ooa ßlehmead. - Bealcla, >Sacrameato. \u25a0 \u25a0
dalsun and Way Stutloas \u0084 7ZSP
740a Vsilejo. S*pv CalUtoga. . BaaU -_
Rota. Msrtloer. San K*moir COOP
7-40A?»Ues. Pleasaaton. LUttmot*. •'•ii*"J
Trscy. Latarop, Stockton . 7-ZSP \u25a0•
B.ooAShast* Express — <Vla DaTls). .
s wnitams. Willows, tFraw>. Bed
Blnff. PortUnd. Tucoma. Seattle. , 7-49* \u25a0 ,«
8.C0aI>»v1», Woodland. Knlgats Landing.
Marys*llle. Orovllle T4BP
823 a Aatlocl, Byron, Tracy.
StocJctoa. .NewiDia, Los Baaos,
Mendots. Armona, Haaf ord, \u25a0 1 nap '"»
, Vlislla. Porterrllle 1 2 lip
BOTAPort Ceita. Lataro?, Merced. Mo- ' *-' B^ .
deito. Raymond. Kremo, Go»hea • \u25a0 ,
Juaotlon. Ha a ford, Ylaalla, '•\u25a0 -.' -
— Balcersaeld..... 4.48p :
B.4oAKlles, Saa Joip, Llrt rmorr, Stock-
ton ttMllton). Valley Sprint, v.
" . loae, Sacramento. PlaeerrUle,-
Colfas. Marjjvllle. Red 81ui1.... A.QtP
B.4SAOakda!e. Cblaese, Jamestown, \ ; "•\u2666
. Sonera. Toolnmne aad Aajels...: 4.08P •
9.CoAAU«aUcEspTeM— Ogd*n aad East. 4.23?
9.40 a Richmond, Port Cotta. Mar 1 1 ac a , - -\u25a0 • • - •
aad Way StaUons (tCoacord) .... 8-435».
10 20a Va11ej0........ 7.48P •
10.20aLo* ABg-ele»*Paa«enf e»— Port •- -.
• Costs, Martlnex. Byron. Tracy. . \u25a0 • •
Lartirop. Stockton. Uereed. . :
• Raymond. Fresno, Gosaen Jane- . ;. .
tlon. Hanford. Lemoore, Vlsalla, . \u25a0\u25a0"• ». '
: - B«lteitneld,Lo« Angelei. 7.08P ; , v .
10.20aE1 Paso, Kaasas City. St. Lonli aad _ .
11 00a Tho OTeriaad'-Ltßlted— Of dVo" . :
Omaha. Chicago. PeaTer.Kantas -. •
\u0084 - city ..* * \u25a0"• •" 8.48 p. »
11.40Al»lles. Saa Jo«e and Way Statloas. 2fftt>?. '
t1 OOpS»cramea»Brrer Steamers tli.BUPr .1
3.4opßenlds, -Winters. Sacramento, ;\u25a0 •\u25a0
Woodland. Kalshts Laadla*. '.-'.^
MarysrUle and Oro»m» ..:....•..-\u25a0 10-48a v ",
S.4opHsyward, Sllea, aad Way StaUons . 748p
4.oQpVsllejo. .Martlaei. Ban Baajon. • . ;
, .-. Napa. CaiJaWJEa." Saata Rosa...';. \u25a0» 9.28 a •
44J0BXllea, Tracy. Stockton, L0d1......\. TO 2|a l f
44flpHayward. Kilea, IrTiaßtOß. Baa» J9*&* \
Jote, Ll-rennore J t11.48A- .
S.OOPTho Owl Limited— Senrman. Los \u25a0 . ;» -
Banos, Mendot*,' Fre«no, Tolare, * ••> »"
. Bakeraneld. Los Angeles 8.48 a V
5 OOP Golden State Limited— El Paso.. - .... c-
Kanaas City, St Loals and Chicago 843 - \u25a0
tS-OTpHsTwurd, Slles sn* San J0ae........ 7.03 a .
t5-40P Vallejo, Crockett. Port Costa, Mar- \u25a0 \u25a0 •-' -
tisez. .-.*...: 1128 a
B.DQpEastera Express— Omaha. Chfcaco, —
Dcn*er, Kansas City. St. Loala, < \u25a0
Martlaez. Stockton. Sacramento, \u25a0'' \u25a0 »
Colfax, Beno, Sparks, Moatello, - . - ~ :
Ogden... 1243» ;
e.2QpnaTward, N>les and San J0«e ...... 9.43 a \u25a0 . \u25a0
t7-00P Richmond, Vallejo, Port Costa,... ...
Martlnezaml War Stations 11.23 a .
7.ooPReno tas«enstr— Port Costa. Be- r . ',".
nlcia. Satsun, Elmlra. .Otxoa. ..' ••.;
D«Tl».Sacramf ato. Bp»rlta, Tono- ' " -" ' *•-: ••;
.:\u25a0 pah. Goldfleld and Keeler 7-03 a '
8-20PPort Cotta, MMtlneSjßjron.Tracy.
- - Modesto. Merced. Fre5n0........ 12 03?
B.2CPTotemite and M*ripo»a Bl« Trees \u25a0 •
-.--'\u25a0• (Ti» lUymond-Wawona Boot*).. •>' 8.48 a
8-20P Oregon & California Expret*— Sao * ""^1
lamento. MarytTllle. Beddtatr.* • • '"\u25a0"
Portland. Puget Sonad aad East. 8.48 a '.
94J0pHayward. XUes and Saa Jote (Sna- ." '. ; •
day only) .. ;;.£.. .:........ . »11.48 - :
— coast Line (sarrnw e«g«). \u25a0..•; ;
w (foot of Market Street.)
7.4sASanta Crua Excursion (Sunday ••\u25a0' .
only) 8.16P .1
S.lsA3ewarlr. Ceatervnie. San Jose. ,
Fclton, Boulder Creek. Saats . :'..'•
Cnu and Wty suttons 65« p.
t2-ISPNewarlc. Centerrille, San Jose, .
Kew Aloaden.Lo«Gttoi, Felton, .' : . : .
Boalder Creek. Saata Croz aad \u25a0\u25a0 'i«
\u25a0 . . Prtaclpal Way SUtloaa ..: +10.55* :, .
4-15pyewsrS, Saa Jose. Lcs Gates ....-} +955* '
COAST LI N E (Broad ttaagaj.
\u25a0 jarcthird and Townaend Streets.) ,•
6.10 a Saa Joae and W.y Stations 8-30P
t74)OASan Jose and Way StaUena 6.40P
7.lsAMonterey, Santa Cruz Execrsioa - mm
(Sunday only) 10.10 i»
• 8430a Xew Almadea (Tnes^rrl..only).. 4-lOp
800a Tne Coatter-Saa Joie. Salinas, .-> \u25a0 .
Saa Ardo. Paso Boblet, Baats>
Marsarlta. Saa Lnls OW«po,
Gaadalnpe. GstloU, Santa Har- . \u25a0\u25a0
tiara. Saa Bueaavearors.Oiaard,'
Bnrbank, Los Angeles 10.33»
S-OQAOtlroy, Holllster, CastroTlll«, Del
i- ' Monte. Paclnc Or ore. Surf, ..
\u25a0 Lompoc. 10'33p
94tOASan Jose, TrsaPlnos. WatsonTllle. . . > .
' Capltofa. Santa Cruz. Paetao
Gro»e. Salinas, San Lnl» Oblspo '-\u25a0 ' . .
.:..: sad Principal Way Statlwis ...... 4.100
10-50ASan Joae and Way Stations 1.20P
1 13OA Saa Jose and Way Stations 7.30p
2-1 5 p San Joae aad Way Sutioae :. 836 a
3.OOPDeI Monte Express— Santa Clara,
. - Ssn Joae, w*taonTlHe, Santa". .
: Cm. Del Monte, Monterey .' .";
"PaelncGroTe.....— ~ 12.T5P
t34JBPLo» Gatfls, Wrlxht, Boolder Creek, -
Santa Crnz. \!a Santa Clara aad - "-\u25a0
KarrowGanse tIO4BA .
. &30P Valeacla St. South SaaFraaclscO, _.'_\u25a0 .
• \u0084 Bnrltagame.- Saa Jose, Gllroy,
HollUter.TreePinos....... 10.48 a
4.3opSsa Joae and Way Stations ..'...... t7.50A
t5 COP Santa Oars, Saa Jote. Los Gatos,
aad Principal Way Stations ;..... +9.OCA
|s.3opSanJoMandPrinclpalWaySuUona J9.40a
545p3nmet Expres*— B«d wood. San * \u25a0• . .
Jote. .GUroy. Salinas, Paso
Bohles. Saa Lais ObUpo. BanU»\ *-_• .
\u25a0 Barbara, Los Angelea,- Deming". • _- \u25a0-•\u25a0»\u25a0«
El Paso, Sew 0r1ean5 .:.."........ 9.10 A
645? El Paso, Kansas City, St. Loala,
- CSilcago . 10.3 C?
5-45>P»J»ro. Wataonvllle. CipltoU.
Saata Craz. CastronncDel > ilo.lop
Moate, Pacific GroTe » tlo*3op
tS-ISPSaa Mateo. Beresford, Brlmoct;. . ; .
Saa Csrlos. Redwood. Fair Oaks,
'->-' Menlo- Park. Palo Alto. 18.46 a -
B.3opSaa Jose sad Way 5tati0n5...... ...... 83Ba •
B.ooPPabxAltoaad.Way SuUons....*.."..; 10.T5a 3
1 1 .30p Soath S*a Fmadsto, MiUbrae, Bur-
Iln^ame. Sait Mateo. Betmant, \u25a0
-.. Saa Carlos, Redwood*. Fair Oaks. . ». -
Menlo Park and Palo Alto ....... . I&4sP-
all.3opMayfleld. Mountain View. Sunny- >\u25a0;,.,-
. - • rale. Lawrence, Saau Clara and , -. ».^
San Jo«e \ ...:..'..... t9.48p
-\u25a0. (Foot of Market St.) --. . .. -• -\u25a0
f7.tS A. m. 9.00 a.m. U.OOa.m. . :. \u0084
._ - 1.00 p.m. 3.00 P. M.S. It m. *. •
A far Morning. I P for Afteraoon. \u25a0- •"
tSnnday excepted. * JSoaday only. :- . ** «- f :. *
- aSataraay only. - BMoadaj only. "
. IStops at aU tutloas on gm»«*»~ > .-. . . ,<«^.-.. <!fc -*
Tlaoroi* Ferry. Foot of Market Street.
WEEK PATS— 7:3O. 8:CO. 9:oft 11:00 a- -nut
12:38.2:301 4:00. 3:1% s:yx.d:3o tad U;Ji)
p. m, " \u25a0 . \u25a0 - \u0084-'->--
\u25a0 Sartnrdays — Extra trip at 1:30 p, rr>. 3 »>-,->
6TJNDAT3 — 7:3 a 8:0 a 9:00. 9i20, 11:00 a.' m.t
1:20 2:30. 3:40. 3:10. 6:30. 7;23. 11^0 p..m>
WKEK DAXb— «:O3. «:30. 1:33. T:.50; «:^<V ~
. »:20. 11:13 a., to.: Vi.iO. 12;OO, 3H0." 3:QO, '
6:2t>. 5:23, 8:30" p.". m. Saturdays— Extra
trti> at 1:43 p. m." '•
SUNDAYS— «:SO,7-.33. 8:20. 9:20, 11:13 «. l m.; -
lV«. 3:40/4:60. S:CO. S:2O. 3:23. 8:20. T:3«W
7:63 P. m. tExcept Saturdays. ' •\u25a0
\u25a0 l*ar». *-l""' In Efltct /I Arrl-»« "
ganrran. I May 1. 1903. f Ban Fraa. V.
Weekl Bua- ! ,^D^Uns>, |,Bun- I Week. „
Daya. ( days. [ . I days.-f Daya^-
tool *8:iop V '-'." •iwp^lT,.
\u0084- -\u0084•-•. \u25a0\u25a0- . rr. 7:20p .\u25a0 ... .. *.\u25a0
'.:\u25a0:. \u25a0"' . 8:50 p • \u25a0•- - • \u25a0
T:SO»| 7:30 al Nap*. p2 : S2 *I 2 : iS It
4:OQp|B:lop| ' • t 8.20 p| .8:20 g
"-T SOm t.»o a -\u25a0 7:43 a 7:43 a
A:00 a B iOO I \u25a0 Kmte. 10:20 a 10:20 a
2:10 p 8:30 a PeUluaua «:29p ;:202 .
»:10p 2:30 p and , 7:20 p .:Uo#.
\u25a0 -\u25a0-yy| 5:10 p Santa Rosa. 8:50 pi . •- ;
T-30a 7*30 a ! 10:20 a 10:20 s>
8:C0a 8:0Oa Fulton. • *:20p S : HJ» '
2:30p 2:30p 8:B0p «:21>p
~ - ;\u25a0; \u25a0 Windsor. ~l =- 1 ; ' \u25a0• .. j •
T^Oa 7:30 a Healdabarfc 10:20 a 10:20*,
Ly ttoa.
2:30 p 2:30 p Oeyserrtlle. T l2o^ T:2O»' V
. r|^ Clovrdala. . \u25a0 \\u25a0' ' ' .
T-3Oa 1-30 a! HcpUnd - . 110:20 a|lO:2Oa> ]
l*O I Lip Si and fcltfah. ) 7^o p| 7;20 »
7:SOa 7:30 a| Eherwood.- 1 T. 20 pt 7:20 9t
"8:00a| 8:00a| GnerneTUle and 110:20 a|10:20»
2:30 pi 2:30 pt Camp Vacation, t 3:30 p! 6:20 p ;
8-Oda 8-OOal " '..* ' ' - 8:40 a «:4»*
S : 10t olMa- Sonoma. 6:00 p B^o a.
". B:10pl Glen Ellen. >:30p , . .. ,
TV) a 7-20 a \u25a0 10:20 a 10:20 a
2:30p 2:30p SebaatopoL 7:20p8:30p
JZIiQ P 8:10 p ' ' "^ '
. STAGES connect at Santa Roaa.^ for Walt* *
Salpnnr Sprta«3 aad, .Mark .West Springs; at
Faltoß for -Burke's Sanitartum: at Lytton for
fjtton Springs: 'at Geyserrtllo for fkaggs
Eprlnssrat Cloverdale . for \u25a0 the Geyser*. Boon*- v
vflle «>d Greenwood: at Hoplandfor Dancaa
BprtaS? HlsnlaiKl Sprtays.^KelsejnriUe. Carts- ,
bidSprinKs; Soda Bay, Lakeport and BartUtt
RnrlBCT- atTl^clah for Vlehy Sprln»s.Saratoca>
iprinls; Bine T Lakes. Laurel DeU Lake. Witter
PrrimU Upper Lake. Porno. Potter. Valley.
Johns Da yV s. LKrley-s. HuJlirtlle. Orr-a Hot
iprin^sTHal^ay House. Comptche. Hopklne.
Mendoclno Oty. Fort Bragr. Weatport^ . Usal \u25a0
at WUUts for Beaut and Sawyer: at Sherwood
for wiitport. Cahto. Corelo. LaytonvllU. Cum-
mlnsV^Biira Sprtnx*. Harris. .OUens.- Dyer. .
GarbervUle. Pepperwood. Camp's. Scotia and .
PSwrday to Monday round trip tickets atire-
.*Oßußnna«y«— Round-trip Ucketa' to all potats
beyond San Rafael at half rates. • ' \u25a0l^l.'^pagHl
- Ticket office. 630 . Market street. \u25a0 Caronlel«,\
J Gen. Manaxtr. Oen. Pass) AgU t
the OfigihalWeekly RacionalCb-.
;* JUNE 3. 1903. — '"• •\u25a0•'
No. ..' Preral No. v ; Pre'm. No." Prem.
•134.... 12.50 4357.V.. 2.50 8164 8.00
163.... 2.504725 • 2.50.8418 23.C0
170 :7.50 4»40.;.. - ti.so 2.50
-233:. 1 ..- "2.505C43. .;. 5,00 5931.... 2.50
. 30i..- 300.00 51 m.:..~ 2.50 sxeo.... \:s.co
314..., 2.50 5144 2.50 0006.... 2.50
475.... 2.5015352 2.60 9229 2.50
574....: 5.005375.... ; 2.60P237.... . .2.50
579 2.50,540 a.... 7.50 C 307 250
859.... .2.50, 5723.... 2.50 94<8 . .25 CO
034.;.. 2.5015781. ... 2.50 9493.... 2.50
1162. 124XMM), 6022.... 2.50 C5.H4,... 2.50
I 124^.... 2.50W5S 7.C0 CC57.... 5.C0
1277.... 2.506018 75.C0 »;«) 2.50
iISSJ 5.00!f(M2, . . . 2.50i(K»23 215 2
1440 2.50 t>o43 - 2.50;1CC97. . . . 2.50
! ieS2.".r. 2.50 0190."...' 2.50-10150 2.30
1706.... 2.506-J26 2.30 10364 J-50
1870 2.50J6229 2.50 10371 sw<*>
.1944 '"5.C0«ae0.... 2.50 10473...'. 2.50
12085.... 2.50i64C5:... • 2.601CWJ 7.50
2412 .2.60 6508 . 2.50;1Ce40 . 2-50
2451.... 2.50 6752...; \u25a05.00;iC7C0.... 2.50
2545..".. -2.50 6760.... 2.50,10740.... 7.^0
2647 2.50 6800..".. . 5.C0 1C029..... * 2.60
2812.;.. 2.50 7036 7.50j1C972 2.50
2954..;. 2.507054.... 2.80 1C974...". 2.50
3014.... 2.50 7225-... 7.50i11C0».... 2.50
5039.... R.CO 7374... 150.W» 11045.... :»
3178 2.50 7537;... 7.5011117.... 2.50
3453:... 2.50 7612... 7.50 1113!>.... 2.50
5513.... 2.50 7520 2.50 111S4 2.^0
3545 2.50 7726 2.50 11281 -. 2.50
3949. -„ . 2.50 7706.. . . 7. 50*1 1363 \u25a0 2.50
<»73.... 2.60 7903.... 2.50,11531.... 5-00
4156.... 7.5015C53.... 75.C0111741 2.50
20 numbers from 1152 to 1172 inclusive, beinr
\u25a0 10 nurcber* on each' side of th; first capital of
$1200—12. •\u25a0:-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0. ; \u25a0; • -
20 numbers from 201 to 311 Inclusive, being
10 numbers on each, side of the second capital,
of $3C0— 51 CO. -
20 numbers from 7364 to 7354 Inclusive, belnjr
10 numbers on each side of- the third capital
of $13C— ?l.
120 numbers >ndintr with 62. belnr the last
two figure? of the capital of $1200 — $1.
120 numbers endlnar with 01. belns; the last
two flsures of the capital of $3C0— 51. .
1»• \u25a0 \u25a0
Captain Sweeney, Formerly Employefl
nt . the "Blr Hurrah** Mine, •
* Cbmniitit ' Suicide.'
TACOMA, June 4. — A Nome telegram
says that Captain # Sweeney, formerly
employed at Mrs.. Lane's "Big Hurrah"
mine. Killed himself with a razor last
' week on the Solomon River, lie was
\u25a0 ' '". ' \u25a0'» \u25a0 \u25a0' — —
TACOMA. June 4. — Da wson will ship
$1,000,000 worth of gold dust this week.
The. first steamship from White Hors«
arrived yesterday^ The vessels en rputa
down the river are carrying two thou-
sand tons of freight..
V Ground orjr
I am specially fitted for grinding
Cutlery of all kinds. I hone and
grind Razors and Pocket Knives at
very reasonable prices. Honing. !!,'('•
My line of Cutlery is large and em-
braces all best brands of American
and European makes.
I have a specially good POCKET
KNIFE, buckhorn handle, three
blades of best razor steel, convenient
size and'shape. special at.... 51.00
..'Another style, pearl handle." three
blades- of ->best tempered . steel.
strongly riveted, refined shape and
:sixe. My price.............. .ftl. 50
I have good RAZORS: as.low
as* ...;... ... . . . : SI.OO
: 2 bars W'i l ll arris' Shaving Soap-15c
Out-of-town orders promptly filled.
F. W. PITTS, The Stationer, .
100S 31 ARKET STREET. Opp. Fifth.
sa:»- fraxcisco. - .
i visit DRi. JORDAN'S cheat
W HJr TktLsriest invenuetl Stawrailattl*
M >: lr'' W«rl4. . w«aiCß«ae» «r s«y eaatrutcd
V ajji'aJh Alr;us* poHltl¥elyc»r«J hr th« ebls«
O f* S 1 B>«eUll*t ou tie C»»«. tst. U j««r»,
\ ?CMb|L Com»Uatlra **• isd strictly printk
A ItCwHTTMtciii p»rvn»!!j or by Inter. A
W Q win W jx»«h« mrs latter j ««#e Ba2«rii»a. \u25a0
m&li I\»T -writ* ibr ß<M*,p«rLot)«rmr«r
\ jj jjf Tmla.ble bw>l tut msa.} . .
f »WU JOBS AN «% CO.. IOSIHSTkVt St. a F.
'_ _ :_: _ RAILWAY TRAVEIj. f ,
|chicago T in3days|
Other Santa Fe Tralast
R :oo: oo £ m." V Fcr Stockton. Fresno; BakersfleU. '
9 : 30 st Si J Mereea. ,\u25a0 Haafonl tad . VlssJSs- -.
7-30 a. m. I Direct connection for "losemlt*
9-30 a. m. ' Valleys and. the -Blsi .Tree* .....
~v J For Oakdale aad Poinu a Hun
0 :30 a. m. ? . Hallway. .
4:00 p. m. .". - - For •« Stockton. \u0084 .
9:30 a. m.J For Kansas City. Grand Casyoo
8:00 p.m. 1 and CnlcasTO. -. ... i -.:'..• ,-.-.
Ticket Offices— 6s3 Market st. and Ferry Depot.
\u0084 -Ban ' Francisco; also 1112 Broadway. Oak-
'\u25a0\u25a0 land. CaL; also 27 South First. Saa Jose.
(ffpl^^S] To SAN RAFAEL,
S^^^gj CAZADEROr Etc.
if^sSS^MWUuSSi V 1» Saoaallto Ferry
• • Utpart wtek Cays at.7:OU, ,7:44, »:S3, 8:10.
»:SO, ll:0U a. m.; IZ:M. 1:45, 3:15. 4:35, 8;!^
J:60, : 8:30.. 1:15, 9:00.10:15 and 11:35 p.. m.
Depart i Sunday* and holidays at 7:15. 7:43.
6 15. 8:45, 3:16. 8:45. 10:15. 10:«. U:l3. 11U5
a. m.; 12:15. J2-.43. 1:13, 1:45." 2:15, 3:45, 3:ia;
5:43. 4:15. 4:45.' 5:15. 5:«. 8:15, 8:43, 7:13
i 7:45 ,' 8:13 icr Sausalito only). »:00, .10:13,
11:35 p. m.' ; ' \^ '\u25a0- • -
For Fairfax, treek days — 7:45 «. m.^B:U
V •\u25a0• m.. *o:l* P- ni. v. Sundays and^ holidays
7-15 B:4s. 1 0:1 S. 10:15." 11:45 a. m.. 1:15 -p. m.
- : 7.40 a. m. daily— Cazadero and way sUUona
9:15 a. m. Sundays and Holiday* — Foist
Reyes, etc v i *>,
s 3:15 p. m. dally (except Sunday )--For Cai*.
dero, 'etc.'- ' - ~,j.~'"Tj-:"-~ : '
-.5:15 p- m. dallyM«cept Sunday) — For Point
Reyes. etc.TCT iri »w>'^MSHiNlii*T> ~ - \u25a0 . • - . -
S:l5 p. m. Sundays and Holidays for Caia-
Sero. -etc. \u25a0 : 1 •"" '>~«^<B|MHMnaiHsB
TICKET. OFFICE— 63O Market st.
, FERRY— TInIoo ; Dtpot. foot ; ot Mark it si
;Mt,Tamalpa»s Railway
. It. Su rnadsco 7 J : "^^^^^^ At. Sta fnadtao
tt. lUyi jnadiji mf^M^^k Sandtji ¥k. P«y»
.^.r...:._. 7:4Sa iMkSSHV ":3** *10:45 a
9:50 a 8:45 a WSS9V 1:O2p 2:55 p.
1:43p 10:15 a r^BSS^ S:3^ F 6:**?'
Satordaj 18:45iJ "^JBr ':"* 5:02r litooV*
isOnlTt 2:15p \u25a0' \u25a0 .'i-7r-' ' : 6:32r .Qaij'..
4:35p 3:4Sp I »YU GrxTitj 8:82p 11:35r ;
HCin 1 650 Market ST..(North Short Railroad) .
" VfIQ3S i aud Sausauto Ferhy, Foot Market Su X

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