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10 NEWS OF THE COUNTIES ABOUT THE BAY TROUBLES TO BE WEIGHED Employers and Employes Are to 3leet and Discuss the Grievances With a View to a Peaceful Settlement G-BAVE DOUBTS EXIST AS TO THE OUTCOME Though Courteous Letters Pass There Is Evidence : - That Contest Between Men and Company Is Due OAKLAND, March 30. — The request of the Carmen's Union for a conference with th« Oakland Traction Consolidated has been granted. A committee from the union will meet Monday morning at II with General Manager W. F. Kelly, or in event of his continued ab sence from the city, with E. A. Heron, president of the Oakland Traction Con solidated. The meeting will take place at the Syndicate building, 121 S Broad way. The Carmen's Union representatives infrißt that they purpose to ÜBe their ef forts to procure a peaceful settlement. The Traction officials do not waver in their attitude so far aa the main issue is concerned. William H. Ellison, president of the unrion. declares that the request for a conference Is in line with the latv of the union. AVhile a strike has been averted un til after the meeting, there is activity on both sides. Effort was made this morning by the union to reach W. F. Kelly of the Trac tion Company to arrange. If possible, a conference. The absence of Kelly was • reported to the union executive com mittee, so this afternon President W. H. • Ellls.on prepared a letter, which was pent by special delivery" to the Traction •Company. It asked for the conference. CONSENTS TO CONFERENCE. To that letter a reply was sent to the effect that E. A. Heron, president of the Oakland Traction Consolidated, would confer In lieu of the absentee. . As" soon as President Ellison had been informed of the reply, he said he was pleased with it. President Heron said concerning the Conference: The Oakland Traction Consolidated has never refused to tn««t lti men. For that rea •on Mr. Ellison's request tv Granted. We ehall be glad to hear what our mm have to cay to us on the present situation, as -w# have always been «;lad In th» pant to listen to our men on any occasion when they cared to come to ua. So far as the attitude of the company i» concerned toward pending subjects of pos sible discussion, it Is absolutely unchanged. Whether there \rtll be any change depends upon what the men eey to u». I repeat, we are al .waya glad to meet and talk with our men. ; CARMEN* COMMITTEE MEETS. The executive committee of the Car men's Union was in conference this morning at the headquarters, 10€8 Broad way, with President W. D. Mahon of the International Carmen's Association, and Richard Cornelius, president of the San . Francisco Carmen's Union, who represent the general executive board of ; the In ternational Association. President Elli son of the local union took part. Shortly .«fter noon the conference adjourned and there was made public a statement is eued by Ellison to the. local union, di vision No. 132, which reads: . OAKLAND, March 30. 12:30 p. m.— to the members of Division No. 192. A A. of S. and E. R. E— Brothers: In order that you may "understand exactly what your committee Is <!oln«; and what the situation is at the present .time, I Issue this statement: ' Since the close of your meeting on Thursday morning we have been working hard to secure a conference with the railway company for the purpose of laying before them your requests and securing. If possible, a satisfactory und«r \u25a0tandlnc with the company on the same. But .up to the present time we have been unable to reach any of the company's official*. But we «xc still continuing and will continue our ef forts along this line wntll we are satisfied •that no such conference can be secured. \u25a0Afid when that hour comes we will notify you. -In the meantime we would ask that you pay no attention to the many fain* rumors .that are afloat, but to continue to do your 'duty «s you have heretofore. • Your committee desires to Impress upon you the. importance of this great question and its baring to the general public, who would be directly affected by a lockout or strike And , It Is the duty of both cur organization and the company to consider the welfare of the public la this matter. And you cao rest assured that your committee Is going t 0 make every effort to secur* a peaceful adju»tm«nt and one that .\u25a0will not discommode the public if U Is in . th«ir power to do so. \u25a0Feeling assured that this policy will have ycur .approval, we ask you to continue to do ' your duty aa yon have. w". H. ELUSON, President RESIXT IX DOCBT. Until the conference is held the con £JUonB will stand unchanged. "Whether %he conference will result in a settle ment by which a strike can be averted Is a" question neither side will answer. Bo far cc the outward indications point there has been nothing done . today that would tend to ease the situation other than that time has been rained for con sideration. The Traction Company has \u25a0evidently decided to establish headquar ters for men and supplies at its big shops at Emeryville, near the Key Route power •tation. In the event of a strike. There .if no question that the company has • made arrangements to throw a. large force of new men Into Its operating de partment as soon as the road Is tied up. Though the officials for obvious reasons will not admit this It is a certainty that ordinary business prudence would dictate advance preparations for what dlplomati catly would be termed an eventuality Mn short the company is preparing to meet a t>osslble emergency, i J. P. Potter, superintendent of trans -portation of the Traction Company, re ' quested Sheriff Barnet to deputise a dozen men of the company's selection this morning. The Sheriff declined to do to on the ground that he did not think ' the occasion j required. It Is understood the men were to be employed as watch men at some of the car barns. E. M. Skalne, M. O. Saxe, I. 8.. Cum mir.p, A. W. • Henning, E. McHale. H. T. Erobeck a»d H. . Fisher have withdrawn f rcm the Carmen's Union, having been appointed Inspectors by the Traction Com pany. , ( The Carmen's Union tonight made pub lic the following reply, to President Her on's letter granting a_ conference: " OAKLAND. Cal., March 30. 1006. E. A. Heron, President Oakland Traction Cosßolldated: Dear Sir : We beg to acknowledge : receipt of your letter of March 30. replying to our communication ot even date addressed to Mr. W. •F. Kelly, general manager of the Oakland Traction Consolidated. Naturally we much re- Sret that you require delay in the holding of a conference for the amicable consideration of our proposals, but If you cannot see your way KING.'S DAUGHTERS WILL ERECT NEW HOME FOR INCURABLES. Modern Structure With Enlarged Accommodations Is designed by a; Woman and Will Be Built by Alameda Couh'ty Charitable Organization. MODERN FIREPROOF BUILDING TO BE. ERECTED BY THE ALAMEDA COUNTY KING'S DAUGHTERS' HOME FOR INCURABLES. OAKLAND, March 30.— T0 construct a modern fireproof bulldlr g to accommo date 100 patients Is the purpose of the di rectors of the Alameda County King's Daughters' Home for Incurables. Mrs. Matilda Brown, president . of the institu tion, made public today the *>lans for the projected I structure, . which have been prepared by Miss Julia Morgan, an archi tect of this city, who won high honors at Paris as an artist and architectural de signer.- The home at 3900 Broadway, ; where , ir.any. patients are cared for, is inade quate and has long lacked the proper re qulreme.nts for ...the .peculiar work that Is done by the organization. Many of the patients suffer from infirmities which render it impossible for them to be given attention In ; the hospitals. For many years • the home \u25a0 has gave the community great service by caring for those afflicted persons who cannot be taken into other institutions. The plans for the new building are based on the- most modern theories, of hospital construction. The material used will be brick, concrete and slate. The estimated cost is between , $40,000 and $50,000, including money,, which -will have to be raised to meet 'extensive" i sstreet : Im provements now under way around the home property, - ' . "\u25a0"--\u25a0 \u25a0'."' Invitations have been Issued by the di rectors to an '"Easter ' reception, which will be- given Friday. April 6,:.from 2 to 5 o'clock p. m., at the home; 'At this time the project will be fully presented to the friends of the institution. - In presenting her appeal for financial help Mrs. Brown said today: It is a well-known fact that our accommo dations are totally inadequate for our present needs and purposes, having frequently to re fuse those . who are worthy and deserving of a home In this institution. Our great need Is to provide larger and more suitable accommodations for the many who are incurably ill. often being crippled and so helpless they cannot help themselves. The home's officers and directors are: Mrs. Matilda Brown, president; Mrs. C. C. Clay, first vlc« president; Mrs. A. H. Hills, second vice president; Mrs. H. .L. Corson, recording secretary; Mrs. I. M. Van Slyke, corresponding secretary; Mrs. A. J. McKnlght, financial secretary; Mlas Jennie Coop, treas urer; Mrs. F. H. Lawton, custodian Lord's fund; Mrs. G. /A. Willard, Mr*. T. A. Wil liams, Mrs. Everett J. Brown; advisory com mittee — James A. Johnson, John H. Stevens, Charles- E. Cornell. Dr. John Fearn. > Dr. 'T. A. Williams; matron, Mrs. K. J. Simmons; physician. Dr. T. A. Williams. WORRY HASTENS DEATH. ALAMEDA, March 30.— Mrs. Theresa Webb passed away last evening at the_ family residence, 1234 Regent Htreet, after an- Illness of six weeks. She was the mother of Andrew C. Webb Jr., the champion young oarsman of the • Ala meda Boating Club, who was . recently found guilty in the Superior Court of a felonious attack upon twelve-year-old Flossie Cook, and who was later grant ed a new trial' by Judge F. B. Ogden. Her demise was hastened, it is said, by the worry and trying ordeal she un derwent during the trial of her • eon. When the' Jury returned" a' verdict of guilty in the Superior Court Mrs. Webb was present, and her utter .prostration after the result was announced was piteous. . Mrs. Webb was a native of New.Or leans and. the wife of Andrew C.Webb. She loaves, besides her husband, four children. Elizabeth C. Webb.'Lydia F. Webb, Atwell C Webb and Andrew C. Webb Jr. She had resided in this city for many years. The funeral will be held Monday. "J. DECLARES CHARGES FALSE. OAKLAND. March 30.— J. A. Harvey was brought to this city this morning from Marysvllle by Detective George Ky te to answer to a charge of petty larceny preferred by George E. Faw, an insurance agent of Oakland. Harvey, who bears an excellent reputation in Marysvllle, declares that Faw borrowed some money from him in Grass Valley, giving as security a check on the First National Bank of Oakland, j and j that, when- after repeated attempts to collect tlie-d<?bt, he came to .this' city.',, and cashed the check, Faw .swore -_ to . the complaint which caused bis arrest. \u25a0- clear to an earlier meeting- . than oa -Monday, April 2. we shall welcome a conference .then a* suggested, provided, of course, your com pany ehall not utilize the delay injuriously to affect our position. We there-fore \u25a0 accept - the time mentioned, on this reasonable condition: • That, ourselves promising- to rnake-*no move meanwhile to alter the existing status, you, on behalf of your company, aesure us that r the company wilt meanwhile make . no move to alter the existing status. We frankly say to you that we propose » thla condition because reports era In circulation to the effect that your company. Is busily hiring non-union men to take our places, and is wir ing. Its car barn and \u25a0 preparing places for the quartering of men to' be used in a lockout of our members. ' .. These reports are exciting- our men" and are causing a , general . impression that a lockout may be looked for at any hour.. Expecting your prompt and full assent to the conditions, and trusting that in the ? public : Interest and for the mutual advantage of • employers and employes all differences may -at • the < proposed conference be settled in a friendly way, we re main, respectfully yours, . ,r'. :. - -.-\u25a0 \u25a0 Division No. 192, A;- A. of S. and E.R . E, - -,W. H. ELLISON.'.- President. This reply/ was/ drafted by^ theTagree ment committee; "composed of President Ellison, J. Smart, W.* B. Hamilton, E. C. Straub; T. Sawyer and S. ,F. Connelly! President: Mahon and President Cornelius of. San Francisco took part in the com mittee meeting. . , THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY. -\u25a0 MARCH/, 31 , 1906. ALAMEDA COUNTY NEWS WORKMAN LOSES WATCH.— Oakland, March 30.— J. W. Taylor, who . lives at 2218 Peralta street, reported to the police this morn- Ing that a watch had been stolen from the pocket of his vest yesterday while he was at work. -\u25a0 \u25a0 ' . . MORRA SENT TO ASYLUM.— Oakland, March SO. — Charles Morra, who f was \u25a0 recently suspected of being ths man who shot Giacomo Canile on the Henry Borghi ranch near Hay wardß, was committed to the "State- Hospital at Stockton today. PRELIMINARY HEARING SET.— Oakland, March SO. — The preliminary examination of Al bert L. McDonald, charged by- a Coroner's Jury with the murder. of Joseph Mello, will be held ' next Tuesday morning before Justice of the Peace William R. Geary at Pleasanton. BOY REPORTED MlSSlNG.— Oakland, March 30. — Alexander Breen, a ten-year-old boy residing at 510 Sixth street, ha* been miseing for two days, and this .- morning the police were asked to locate him. . LUMBER COMPANY TO SELL OUT.— Oakland March 30. — The Bay Shore Lumber. Company has agreed to sell Its stock and yards, located at Adams wharf, to James Tyson of San Francisco for $100,000. YOUTH ADMITS CRlME.— Oakland, March, 30. — Clifford Foster thla morning expreesed a wish to- plead guilty to -tha . charge, of having forged, and passed a check' 'en John Leckus, a merchant. Judge Smith could not accept' the plea and set Foster's preliminary hearing for Tuesday. . . • • - - . B; L. COPY'S DEATH.— Alameda,-,, March: 30. — Benjamin F. Cory, a well-known contract- Ing mason, died this morning at his home, 2222 Buena Vista avenue, from apoplexy. He waa a widower, 77 years of age, and is survived by threa children. Miss Mary M. - Cory, Lincoln V. Cory and J. F. Cory. BAREFOOT MAN ARRESTED— OakIand, March 30. — W. H. Hill, who says that he lives on Langton street, between Seventh and Eighth, In San Francisco, waa arrested today near San Leandro on suspicion of being Insane.- He says that he was simply doing a penance by walking to San. Leandrb barefooted. , STUDENT GUlDES.— Berkeley, March 30.— A student guide service at the university la to be Inaugurated by Eugene Hallett, private sec retary for President Wheeler. Tourists who desire to be piloted about the campus will be able to avail themselves of the , service at nominal rates. . - '\u25a0 . DR. DUNBAR FlNED.— Oakland, March 30. J>r. W. A. M. Dunbar, a local veterinary sur geon, was fined $100 this morning by Police Judge Smith, for having -neglected to destroy a -horse afflicted with glanders, - after having been instructed to do so. by City Veterinarian Archibald. Dunbar announced that he would appeal from the decision. ' . MARRIAGE LICENSES.— OakIand, March 30. — The following marriage licenses were is sued by the the County Clerk today: Jean Vernadou, 45, and Ana Ponjonanine, 27, both of Berkeley; William A. Ahers, 21, and Evelyn L. Fraga, 15, both of Oakland: Rasmus Ben dlxsen, 28. San Francisco, and Pauluna Svend een, 25, Oakland. • . « MUSICALS AT MlLLS'.— Oakland. March 30. — A delightful organ recital and concert was given this evening at Llsser Hall. Mills College, under' the direction , of Uda Waldrop for the benefit of the new library furnishings.' Lowell Redfield, Mm. Ashley Faull, Miss Mabel Stewart. Miss Belle Sanford and '\u25a0 Miss Irene Wolcott assisted. TO SELL SIMS' HOME.— Oakland, March 30. Mrs. Alice E. Sims, -iwidow of the late Fletcher Sims of Berkeley, obtained an order of court today to allow her to sell and get rid of the establishment her late husband main tained at Buena Vista avenue and Stanford street in Alameda. where he lived a dual life under the name of Williams. YOUNG BURGLARS ARRAIGNED.— Oak- Iand, March 30. — William Graff,' Thomas Rich ards and Antone Zrowe, charged with bur glary; were arraigned this morning in Depart ment 1 of the Police Court, and Judge Smith set their preliminary hearing for . April 4. The mother of Richards was in court and wept bitterly ac «he saw her son brought before the liar. . . DENTISTS IN COURT.— Oakland, March 30. Klnsukn Ohteubo, a Japanese dentist, has gone to trial In the Police- Court on a charge of practicing his profession' ' without a license from the State Board of Dental Examine™. •• d. Hornef, charged with the same offense, will be tried April 10. W. P. Winning's case has been continued to ADril'2. \u25a0 ' , " \u25a0 STRUCK BY SWITCH ENGINE.— Oakland March 30. — George McGrath, aged; 17 year*! employed aa a mall wagon driver by the post orflce, was struck by a switch ; engine at Six teenth-street depot at 7:30 tonight, his left leg being broken In two places. His injuries were dressed at the Receiving Hospital, after which he was removed to hia home at 1411 Klrkham street. : , . . ELKS ELECT OFFICERS.— OakIand, March 30.— Oakland Lodge No. 171,- B. P. o. E.,' has elected • the following officers for the ensuing year: Exalted ruler,* J. Harrison Clay; esteemed leading, knight, - Dr, . C. L. \u25a0 Tlsdale* esteemed loyal knight, Arthur. 8.-Tarpey; es teemed lecturing knight,* Clarence .M. - Reed; secretary, J. J. Hannifin Jr. ;\u25a0 treasurer,'. W. W. Landon; tiler, F.J.; Johnson; 'trustee, .--A. C. Hodees. BURGLARS ARE ACTlVE— Oakland, March 30. — N. 8. Wirt, a San Francisco attorney, re ported to the police : today that » burglars had made five . attempts , to < enter s his • home j at . 209 Second street in : the « last few days, but had been -, frightened - away .». each .: time. . Mrs. W. Tobln reported that ' burglars ; had \u25a0 entered her room at 3791 Broadway and stolen a- purse con taining ' $50 . In gold ' and " a small amount in silver. .- \u25a0\u25a0 • ' ...'\u25a0- - ; j.->-.- : . >\u25a0\u25a0*•-..\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0••' ' '...;-- CONDEMNATION SUITS .UP.— Oakland, March ' 80.— The demurrers ; of * the Southern Pa cific \u25a0 Railway,-, in 1 condemnation ' proceedings brought ' against '\u25a0 it \u25a0: by ?\u25a0 the i Western :• Pacific Railway for a right of way ; through. Altamont Pas*, near Livermore, were overruled by Judge Ellsworth : this afternoon.'-! The trial- of the con demnation proceedings, against "Antone. Rogers of San • Leandro, brought \u25a0by \ the -Western . Pa cific for a right of way,, waa ; set for June- O. r v MEAT WAGON WRECKED.— Berkeley, March \u25a0 30. — A Y big r meat -.wagon, >\u25a0 stacked * high with dressed : beef, > mutton , and i pork, \u25a0 collided f with a : Bhattuck-avenue electric car today,/ at 'Ashby and Bhattuck avenues, and thousands of pounds of fine fresh, meat;. went flying in every direction.' The wagon '. waa ' ruined. * . The ' driv- J er, Lester Collins,', and -his team escaped* un hurt, as did;: the. car. passengers.-. . , BIG • < C"-ABLAZE.-^-Berk4ley, March 30.— The big r.'.'C" \u25a0:: on Charter ! Hill.v \u25a0', the '\u25a0\u25a0 emblem which the university freshman ; class regards as Its \u25a0 very, own ; to , protect"' and ? make f prominent" waa ablaze with ; red fire • tonight In anticipation of the ; freshman -/victory i In*, the ' intercollegiate track r5r 5 inset - with ~: Stanford -_,\ tomorrow.:; -"The freshmen >• numerals— "09V— were 1 .* lit * up, ,. and bands ; of : faithful' freshmen ' stood j guard, ' built flrea • and ; turned f colored ? powders < to \ Indicate FRANK SHORT LOSES LIFE IN THE CANAL Drowned While Trying to Eecover What He Thought -Was Body. I ALAMEDA, March 30.— While paddling out In askiff. to recover what he thought at first sight was ,the body of 12-year-old Edwin Anderson;-' who was drowned- in the tidal canal last Monday. Frank ,T. Short,' 22' years of age, today .lost "his own life in the big ditch through the cap sizing of his frail and waterlogKed craft. The floating object that Short took to be a corpse was In- reality a sack containing a litter of dead pups. Short's death in the waterway; was witnessed by F. C. Brandon and Louis Garrlck, who strove to rescue '\u25a0 the > drowning man y>y diving into the canal in response to' nls cries for help. They were unable to reach the sinking Short before he disappeared be neath the surface for the last time. The body was., recovered three hours' later. The drowning occurred about 1:15- o'clock at a point midway between the Fruitvale avenue and High street drawbridges, y; : . Short was .employed by the j National Dryanthln Company, of which ; Brandon is manager. Short and Brandon eame'to Park \u25a0 street" and* Lincoln avenue? at- noon for lunch and were returning to the com 1 pany's Plant on the north side of the tidal canal, «near Fruitvale avenue.rwhen they observed an object drifting in the great ditch a hundred and fifty yards east of the Fruitvale avenue draw.' Short remarked to Brandon that It might be the body of the Anderson boy. Short un moored a leaky skiff from beneath the bridge and paddled out into mldchanhel, Brandon and Garrick walking along: the northern bank of the canal in the mean time. When Short neared the object in the water he stood up in the skiff and in an instant the treacherous little ves sel overturned, leaving . Short struggling in the. water and trying to make his way to the north bank, of the canal. \u25a0 He was not a proficient swimmer, and, with heavy clothing and shoes .was handicapped in his battle for life. , - Short was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Short of 1902 Broadway. His parents ara. prostrated; .When : Edwin Anderson was drowned j last Monday -a few rods from where ..Short lost .his. life today. Short was quickly on ; the scene and was heard to ] remark : ; "I only wish that I had been here when that poor little chaD. fell , in.> He, would; never have drowned. I could have saved him." • , FARMERS MAY STUDY. BERKKLEY, .„. March SO.— Farmers throughout tho State may soon: study the problems of irrigation without leav ing their homes, Prof essor "W. T. Clarke and Professor Elwood Mead being now at work upon a. correspondence course; in irrigation. Professor Clarke has Just returned from a tour, of the State, and his experiences will serve to guide him in preparing matter on ir rigation that will be of most benefit to farmers who would study irrigation difficulties. Thejcourse will deal, both .with; the laws regarding irrigation and the practical difficulties. .An tion will be given at the end of tho course. . " \ , , S This course. will be similar in form to the reading course in entomology, which Professor- Clarke inaugurated and carried on with, success two years ago.' r: Recent arrivals, from the East, ignorant of Irrigation work, are ' 'ex pected to find the ; lrrigatlon course par ticularly ' valuable".':'-.- ' - WAST I1OYS ? CAPTURED. OAKLAND,' March/, 30.— -Fearing that Orral Griffin and John McAtee have run away from home :to ;become boy high waymen, Ray Griffin, a brother, of J one of ' the lads, living' at .6075 Canning street,, visited the Sheriff's oflice! and police 'authorities today and asked them to look out'for the boys.-. The -boys'left homo with a shotgun 'and :J3 In; change. They had been reading robbery- stories, 1 and i t \u25a0 Is • thought may; possibly \u25a0 have been led astray by them. their expectation of triumph .tomorrow. The blg;"CT'.was turned over to tha' freshman claas last Friday, when Charter day wav celebrated; The'ceremony took the place <of the- rush on Charter Hill, which of< old was wont to be re garded as a .fitting stunt for I Charter day * fes tivities. \u25a0";. \u0084 :..-/:.•; " .;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .'.. \u25a0 ; \u25a0.:.;?. < ..• i>- Qlßl, ADMITS GUILT.-- Oakland, ; March 30^ Lena Lancaster, who ; under the ; name ', of. Lena Sll va," was arrested in San Francisco yesterday on a: charge of stealing i a: silk skirt and some other articles : from Mrs." Anna > B«ngston, : this morning I laughed ', as ? she • pleaded , guilty ;to a charge of petty larceny in Department " 1 of the Police \u25a0 Court. She ' waa * sentenced , to a term of thirty: days in 'the -City 'Prison. . 1 RUNAWAY GIRL<\ 'FOUND— Berkeley, March > 30. — Myrtle Fonso, the - 16-year-old ? girl who -; disappeared .last ;-,Wednesdayj,.. from \u25a0 the home of '\u25a0 her ; foster/ parents,* Mr. -an d H. P.'l Nelson," in < North 5 Berkeley, • was \u25a0 found ;by Mr.- Nelson last ; rtlght at ' tho i horn« sof ar girl friend, i ; Viola tvTome.-v in / Mill >Valley. > • Miss Fonso left her, home In: a pique after -being re proved-for'some' slight offense ? and- went^ at once ' to Mill 1 Valley, remaining j there until : last nlsht. -.*-\u25a0'. ;\u25a0\u25a0--.'*-.-_: *.;'\u25a0\u25a0 r . N-;j ;\u25a0 .;,.;.\u25a0 \u25a0-'\u25a0-_ \ LICENSE ATTACHED.— OakIand, March 30. • The ; license : committee of . the City. Council I has • continued | investigation I for 1 two \u25a0 weeks ' of i the 1 Maison ; l -de ; l'Opera, I restaurant 'which $ con ducted \u25a0 rooms containing i boudoir ; accornmoda i tions. . •; The ; objectionable * features f have % been removed, but the ; liquor license , is» still .under fire.i G. /.Cuneo, la naloon-keeperi" at & 323% : Eleventh etreet, whose " license : was Jln ;*'ques tion,-" fainted • last >. night \u25a0: while '> before? the com-" mlttee. •; When he : recovered ; the \u25a0\u25a0 license * wai granted. • . \u25a0 ;.- v; : SUIT EIGHT YEAES OLD IS DISMISSED Anglo - Calif ornian Bank Loses an Action Involving Land Worth $25,000. Special Dispatch. to^The. Call. SANTA . ROSA. March 30.— Judge Em mett Seawell of the Superior Court today granted a motion to dismiss the action of the Anglo-Californian Bank brought to foreclose a mortgage against ranches near and town lots In Kenwood owned 'by Nor man W. Griswold and involving about $25,000. The action was filed April 28, 1898. Summons was issued and served, and on July 14, ; 1898, judgment was obtained by consent. This consent was withheld from the records until September 28, 1903, when it was filed. After; giving consent Gris wold moved to Honolulu, where he died in December, 1904. No further, action was taken until December 17, 1905, when credit ors and successors in interest filed the no ffce for the dismlssar of the action;. , The bank failed to take the necessary legal steps, hence the dismissal. . UNCLE SAM'S SHIPS TO VISIT MONTEREY Pacific Squadron to Take Part in Deweyl Day i Celebration.* Special Dispatch to The Call. jj MONTEREY, March 30.— The Pacific squadron of the navy will be in Monterey and take part in the Dewey day celebra tion. These warships, which number near ly a dozen, have been engaged in the reg ular spring target practice. 'in southern waters. 'President Gunzendorfer received a letter from Congressman Needham to day in which it was stated that the Navy Department had instructed the Pacific squadron will stop at Monterey on its way north. The fleet of warships will leave Long Beach on April 23 for Monterey Bay. This- will bring the vessels here for. the Dewey day celebration. The naval officers will be entertained by the citizens of Mon terey. • CONTROLLER .Vf IIVJVER IX ACTIOX AGAINST HIM BY MADERA Appellate Court Decides That County Has No Right to Money Paid State . an ' Penult!**. V SACRAMENTO. March 30.— The .ap pellate court today affirmed the Judg ment of the Superior Court of Madera County in favor of State Controller, E. P. Colganjn the suit brought against him by A. S. Honeycutt, Auditor of that county/ Honeycutt brought suit to re cover $8000, the aggregate *of seven teen semi-annual payments made by Madera County into the State Treasury from. May. 1895, , to December, .1903. These payments were, made upon the demand of Colgan, as Controller;of the State, in the form of punitive penalties collected upon > the redemption of real estate sold to the State for delinquent taxes. Colgan held that these punitive penalties should be distributed between the. State and [county in" the. same ratio that the State rate of taxation bears to the, county, rate.. ..' ; V. - ACCIDENTALLY SHOT WHILE .EXAMINING A REVOLVER Woodland Youth I* Seriously Wounded v by Storek*«per ; With a Ne*r Weapon. 3§J . , WOODLAND, i March 3 0.— Troy Barr, a young son \ of , Harrison ", Barr, lies \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 in a t hospital ; in .this city at the, point of death as the result of a gunshot wouhj^ mV the ; abdomen- accidentally .inflicted by,. Mr. . Murphy, a storekeeper \u25a0at Es-' parto.V Last night ; the . boy was' in the store .and Murphy- showed him; a new revolver. ; The' weapon was "accidentally discharged, the ball "entering young Barr's, abdomens. "Barr vwas" brought to thlsUcity- for medicals attention.. His life-Is despalrediof.: I --- ; ; > ; \u25a0 HUNDREDS OF CHICKENS BURNED IN FIRE: ON A COLUSA. RANCH Flnmes Bnr n to".; Ground* Buildings Sheltering Hens null Many \u25a0 Carrier Pigeons. > COLUSA, March i3o.'i 30.'— Tho -buildings on * the Feather j chicken '• ranch "owned by Mrs. Ida : Nesmith ; at- Princeton were destroyed by lire early; this morning. A loft containing. over 300carrler pigeons a,brooder : h6usewithl 3ol.l chickens,-in cubators^ and! brooders "and six tons of grain: were -also burned." * SELL'JOCKEV CLUB STOCK. OAKJJAND/ March' 3o!---The sale of 100 Shares of .the New California' Jockey Club l stock : belonging; to the f estate, of the; late FrankJ Mofritt *to Charles '"E/ Paxton .; at * $112 S a",' share* Twas . confirmed by^Judge Melvlnthis^inorning; -.The sale was ', made ; over: a " year; ago ; and ; the'* b id was ; raised last 'week * by ;; J. .: J. ; Lennan; who ; offered $115 a : share, but asked" to recall ? his \ bid (today, 'as ; he ; said X he ; did hot * wish 4to :buy • a '\u25a0; lawsuit.' i* as ' there .would "be : cohsiderable; difficulty -in; put ting him' in possession of: the- stock. \u25a0 >\u25a0\u25a0 M'NULTY JURY VISITS SCENE See the Lawn, in Berkeley Where Dorothy: Olsen Says She Was Cruelly Attacked WOMEN- , COKKOBOKATED View From Window Bears Out Story of Girl of the Place She Was Assaulted OAKLAND. March 30.— The jury that is to decide the guilt or Innocence of Les ter C. McNulty, accused of- assaulting Dorothy Olsen on a Berkeley lawn, vis ited the scene in a special car.thls after noon and received ocular proof in sup port of the girl's story and that of Miss Janet Forbes and her »ister-lri-law, Mrs. Edith Forbes, I whose timely .interference is alleged to have frightened McNulty away. Accompanied . by Judge Harris, j Deputy District Attorney Brown, Attorney A. L. Frick. J. F. Glover. Clerk of the Court, and J. F. W. Riley, the tetenographer, the Jury was allowed to look through the window at the Stoddard home, where Miss Forbes says she saw McNulty and Miss Olsen -on the lawn. The jury was in charge of Bailiff J. F. Scanlan, who pointed out the different points In dis pute. . ' * Both sides requested the court to have the jury view the scene, but It was a harmful proceeding for the defense. Mc- Nulty swears the girl willingly accom panied him twenty. feet from the corner to the coping en the Stuart-street side of the house. He admits that he heard Miss Forbes call out after Dorothy screamed, and says he saw her at the window. Miss Olsen says he threw her upon the lawn on the Telegraph-avenue side, and she Is corroborated by the Forbes women. DEFENDANT DISCREDITED. After examining the two sides of the lawn the Jury went to the window, where, it Is admitted. Miss Forbes stood. There it was found that the window could not be raised more than two feet, and there It was further found that one could see the point on the lawn where McNulty says he was only with the utmost diffi culty and by leaning far out of the win dow, whereas the view on the other side, where : the women say the struggle oc curred, was unobstructed. Brown will make much of this point when .the arguments begin Monday, al though It Is admitted that McNulty. could have seen the window at which , Miss Forbes stood from the Stuart-street cop ing. It was intended to take the jury on a car tonight to ascertain whether Miss Olsen could have seen McNulty's reflec tion In the car window, as she claims, but Brown and Frick have decided to take: the trip alone and settle the ques tion by stipulation. The taking of testimony drew near, the close today, when the defendant's father and brother, and several character ' wit nesses tf stifled. --There .will be other char acter witnesses called Monday morning. The prosecution will recall Conductor. A. G. Alvis in rebuttal, and it is expected that the arguments will be reached Mon day . afternoon. J. M. McNulty, the^ father, was the principal witness this morning, and he llatly •J. A. Marshall, the star witness for the defense. Marshall absolutely denied that the elder- McNulty had complained about- paying money to Dorothy Olsen. J. M. McNulty today testified * positively that he had com plained bitterly about* the girl's demands and had accused her. of being a black mailer. MARSHAL* CONTRADICTED. The elder McNulty was also positive that he 'had never told Marshall to "square" the case with the girl for $500, but, on the contrary, insisted that Miss Ol3en had repeatedly made - 'demands upon him and that it was at her request that he went to the Marshall home to ne gotiate with her. It was at her suggestion, he said, that she signed the statement that Lester Mc- Nulty was not the man who attacked her. McNulty Sr. was followed by Dr. H. J. McNulty, who was . recalled, ; but who did not throw any more light on the subject. Ke In turn was followed by the char acter witnesses, all of whom testified to the good character of Lester McNulty. They were Superior . Judge , W. J H. Waste, Superintendent of Schools f S. D. "Water man of Berkeley, Judge W. H. . H. Gen try, Postmaster George Schmidt of Berke ley, Major J. D. Morrison, F. W. Foss, H. H. Johnson, C.R. Lord, H. J. Squires H. B. Phillips, John W. Havens, C. S. Merrill, R. C. Staats, William Moran, County Recorder A. K. Grim, W. B. Woolsey, C. R. Morse. William. . Hoessli, Judge: Robert Edgar. F. W. McLean, Dt. C R. Russell and H. J. Marston. Just before court adjourned this after noon Attorney Frick suggested that the testimony of Sophie Peterson, a missing witness, given at the first trial, be read. Brown objected on the ground that only the 'testimony, given at the preliminary hearing was - admissible. Miss .. Peterson was called by the prosecution, but proved a hostile witness. 'It will ,be decided Monday whether her testimony shall be read. . — CEDAR RAPIDS. lowa. March 80.— Cedar River touched 15 feet 6 Inche* today, a foot over the . highest point previously recorded The damage, however. Is nominal. The water Is slowly receding. * - \u25a0 1 vllltdgli aflr^ Jjd&l ffl Are easily reached by the through train serv- ||rice of the Chicago, Union Pacific and I North- Western Line. Three daily trains mm firorh ' California points the most direct over the only double-track railway between the Missouri River and Ghicaga Personally Conducted Excursions i^Psyf?jj I in Pullman Tourist sleeping cars through t^f\Y\uXs^ST^ 1 to Chicago without change. Double LlggSffifij^y , berth only 57.00. Choice of routes. Free information, booklets, maps, time schedules, sleeping VfSjjTjrSj I car reservations, tickets, etc., on application. gg*»SMiif7l • Ksm3 R. R. RITCHIE, 8. F. BOOTH. ft G*aTlg«itPidaeC<iMt,a«S.-'W.R7. 1 6«T lj«t Pws'r D«pt. U. P. 1L B. C|^2ffl?rS« 617 Mirkit Stmt, W«. Hotd,' 1,. 1 lontgoowry Stn*. \| ¥^F*^F . g^| / P.a 124 6AN FRANCIBOO, GAL.; S «J'-T SUBURB NEEDS SECOND BANK Rapid Growth of Halfmoon Bay ConipelsEstablishment of Another Depository STOCK IS SUBSCRIBED Institution Will Be Styled Portuguese-American Con cern by Its Promoters Special Dispatch to Th* Call. HALFMOON BAT. March 30.— 50 rap idly has this town grown, since work be gan on the Ocean Shore Railroad that the need of another bank has been felt keen ly and capitalists have been found to satisfy the need. The bank now here Is less than one year old, but business Is great enough for two financial institu tions. The new bank will be known a 9 the Portuguese-American Bank and will be under the direction of J. R. Pereire. Stock has already been liberally sub scribed and a policy to issue shares only in small amounts to individual purchas ers will faithfully be carried out. WORK ON COSTLY. COUNTRY HOME OF DE SABLA IS BEGUX Structure to Cost fIOO.OOO la Being Erected at El Cerrlfo Park. SAN MATEO. March 30. — Work has commenced on the magnificent country home of Eugene de Sabla Jr. at El Cer rito Park. The structure will cost more than $100,000 and when finished will be, perhaps, the most Imposing home in San Mateo. The mansion will be of brick and stone and is being erected on the land purchased by De Sabla from "Walter Martin.' This site is on the land originally owned by "William Howard, who was the first of the wealthy Call fornians to make San Mateo his home. It is announced that the old and now historic Howard home will be moved to a spot adjoining the George M. Howard place and will be occupied by "W. S. Ho bart while his own splendid residence In the foothills is being constructed. It is planned to begin work on this building at once. GOES TO JAIL FOR A YEAR FOR ROBBING TOM ALES CAHI.Y Shotgun Thief. Who Contended Crime, Is Sentenced by .Maria County Judge. SAX RAFAEL. March JO.— Xiconar Gonzales. who pleaded guilty to a charge of burglary, was sentenced to day to one year in Folsom by Judge Thomas J. Lennon. He and Joseph Sandoval were charged with taking from the cabin of Mrs. Mallory on To males Bay two shotguns, one rifle and some clothing. Sandoval was tried first and was exonerated by the confession of Gonzales. KRUCKEBERG'S CONDUCT ->-.: DECIDED TO BE BRUTAL "Wife Obtain* Divorce on Ground That He Tried to Kill Her Fiendishly. . OAKLAND, March 30.— A unique charge of cruelty upon which Mrs. Bertha F. Kruckeberg was granted a divorce today was that her husband had pulled the bridle off a horse while she was sitting in the vehicle to wnlch it was attached and allowed it to run away. She says she was dragged over a large field a number of times by the maddened animal, while her husband took evident delight In his fiendish pastime.. She was finally thrown out of the vehicle and her arm and nose were broken, besides which she was painfully bruised. The defendant to the action was Ed ward W. Kruckeberg, a laundry-wagon driver. His wife stated that, while he had abused her before, his last effort nearly resulted in her death. She said the animal. was a vicious one and that her husband had been warned against him.' - - Suit for divorce was begun today by Amelia J. Stow against John W. Stow on the ground of desertion. They were married at Redwood City June 7, 1333. but after twenty years of life together have agreed to separate. UNIVERSITY FARM SITE. BERKELEY. March 30. — Tha trip to Sonoma County by the university farm site commission, which was to have been made today, was postponed be cause of the wet weather. If tha skies clear the members of the commission will examine the Wickersham site to morrow. This farm contains 1500 acres, of which 400 are said to be splendid farming land and the remainder avail able for grazing. The property, with th* improvements, la offered for $75,000. A tract containing .600 acres, which In cludes the best part of the ranch, with Improvements and water rights. Is of- \u25a0* f ered for $80,000. There are springs and irrigating ditches on the land. Rob ert Halt of Petaluma makes the offer to the State for the "Wickersham heirs, who have agreed to sell the farm to th« State. LAND FOR PARK EXTENSION.— Tt« City Attorn«y yesterday adviwd tha . Board of Supervisors to accent tha offer of James IX "Whitney to sell a lot on, Fotmaenth avenue tc» the city for $9COO as a portion of the Park and Presidio Extension, and also tha offer of Mary Ellen .Tanner, to aell another lot on Fourteenth avenue for f 4750.