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EDITED BY R. A. SMYTH TRYOUT BOUTS FULL OF ACTION Bing of the Olympic Club Is the Scene of Some Sensational v Glove Work ST. LOUIS BOYS ARRIVE Jive Cracks Who Sport Mis souri Club's Colors Are Beady for the Milling Last night wa» tryout night at the Olympic Club for the championship boxing tournament and those lucky tKougft to be in the house saw more fights In the hour and a half than they will ever see again. The bouts were only a round long and some of them did not even go the limit, but that one round generally contained more fea tures than an ordinary twenty-round zsixup. The going: commenced at 8 o'clock sharp. As soon as one pair would get through hammering another couple was substituted and so the fun thus took the form of a continuous perform ance. There were no delays and no squabbling. It was fight, fight, and if 'they did not go they were thrown out of the ring. The tryout horses were "Rough House" Billy McDonald, Lew Powell, "Willie Johnson, Jack McLaughlln, R. Stone and Toung Emmlck. All these young men have a fair knowledge of the game and little sympathy for one who aspires to be great with the mitts, »o the reception some of the aspirants received would not have been indorsed by the convention of women's clubs. More than 100 boxers in all climbed Into the ring during the evening. Of this number . thirty-seven fell by the wayside. When a man made good with Referee De Witt Van Court and the judges he was given a card. The other fellow was not even told to £O. He eimply made the fastest sort of a get away out of the ring and asked no questions. Same of the boys took their defeat to heart and it was pitiful to see them graze with a look of earnestness and jealousy upon Van Court when he Flipped -out the card at the other end of the ring. As no large brigade of unknown heavy-weights was present there was no tryout in this class, the welter divi- Bion being the limit- A new heavy weight in the person of John Boothby made his appearance. He handles hlm eelf Ifke a man who Is there and he may be a factor in the tournament. Following is a list of those dropped from the entry list last night: 105-pound class — John Buckley, John .Roach, Don Warren. Jack Quinn. Jack McKenzie. Jack Dolan, W. Austin. Wil liam May; 115-pound class — John Pur cell. Ed Steele. John Barber, Harry Borden. Grove Burke, Dan Sweeney, George IJarles": 125-pound class — Otto Xohler. J. Keene. Jack Richardson. \u0084B. I- Dukeshire, Mike Kennedy, Dick Hag- Rerty. Al McGrath. J. Sullivan. J. Tay lor; 135-pound class — J. Dolan, Al Paz lok. William Kirschner. Ed Ryan. Mike Mackay. Barney Hoffman, George Mitchell. William O'Neill, Jack Murphy; 145-pound class — L. Johns; 158-pound class — Dan Lynchner, Frank Collins. .• Five of the boxers who will sport the colors of the Misourl Athletic Club ar rived last night from St. Louis. They ere Bob Gresham. 105 pounds; Maurice Shyder. 115 pounds; Oliver L. Kirk, 125 pound."; Joe Lydon. 135 pounds, and Greschk-e, 145 pounds. The boys are un der the wings of Boxing Instructor Tommy. Sullivan and his assistant, Billy Truman. They were met at the depot by the Olympic Club committee — J. J. Glcason, Max Rosenfeld and Louis J^eyy — and taken to the home of the winged "O." These boys are the best of their class in Missouri and look like a bunch that can swing the mitts a bit. They are all !n good shspe. making it a practice to fret off -the train many times a day and run for a few miles. They will start xrork today at the Olympic Club. WILL. RECOGNIZE SIX CLUHS. Police Committee Limits Permit* for • Exhibitions to Three a Month. The Supervisors' police committee de cided to recognize six amateur clubs yesterday in the granting of permits for boxing- exhibitions. They ar« the Occidental, California, Hawthorne. Manhattan, Central and Sunset olnba. Tho number of exhibitions will b» lim ited to three In each month. The first three clubs named will have the April <lates and the last three the May dates. Thereafter the three clubs will rotate monthly In the giving of exhibitions. Should any of the clubs withdraw some other club, such as the Kxcelsior Club, >y.hich is a member of the Pacific Ath /••nic Association, will be given the dates of the club that withdraws.*" WOMEN OOLFERS READY " >- FOR HANDICAP TOURSAMEXT Coronado Country Club Links Will De the Scene of an Interesting: ,*. • Competition. SAN DIEGO. March 30.— Play will be commenced tomorrow in the women's - handicap srolf tournament to be held on the Coronado Links under the auspices of the Coronado Country Club. Much .• Interest is being shown In the result of.the tournament. The entry list in 1 . 'dudes come of the beet known players ' \ In Southern California. This tournament was to have been commenced last Monday afternoon, but on accc nt of the heavy rains It had '. to be postponed. The links are re ported as being in fine condition and it is expected some great playing will ' be witnessed. . . ". . This- evening the drawings of the . ' qualifying round were held at the Hotel dfel Coronado and resulted as follows: •" Mrs. F- W. Steams and Mrs. Alex • neynolfls. Mrs. Fred Jackson and Mrs. James Gardner. Miss Bauer and Mrs. * Herbert Munn, Miss Stockton and Mrs. Thomas. > . Fight Dates Are Announced. . IX)S ANGELES. March 30. — Manager McCarcy announced today the date for the Nelson-Herrera mill, fixing Friday nijrht. May 11, as the time. It is prob ablr the Brltt-Hermann affair will be hefd May 9. McCarey changed the date from May S, as he did not want to con llict with the Shriners' parade. Attell to Join the Benedicts. • Monte Attell, who has gained some ' prominence as a boxer and as the brother of Abe Attell, will Join the t ranks of the married men "tomorrow k night. His, bride will be Miss Annie who Is 19 years of age. The * trroom is 20. Rabbi Levy .will perform ' tlie ceremony. ARCHITECTS MEET.— Tbe^ Architect »' Am mtdaxton lield a banquet end bnElneet meeting at tht St. Francis la«t evening. GLOVES FLY FAST IN OLYMPIC CLUB RING DR. GARDNER TAKES HIS LEAVE MERELY GALLOPS FOR THE KISBER HANDICAP James A. Murray a Big Surprise in First Race. Critical Delights His Backers by Win ning. FRED E. MULHOLLAND As a prelude to his departure with the Schreiber stable for Memphis, Dr. Gardner, the crack three-year-old, ran away with the Kisber handicap at Oak land track yesterday to pay car fare and porters' fees on the way down South. The Doctor, assigned 116 pounds, conceded sixteen pounds to such a good mare a"s Princess Titanla and galloped in through the muddy going ahead of her. Sir Edward, a lightweight, ran third. Tocolaw opened at 4, went to 11 and while not beaten forty-four lengths, finished last. Public choices, after a few mishaps, took the last three numbers on the card. The attendance was good. With scarcely more than 530 wagered on his chances James A. Murray, a 20 : to 1 chance with Teddy Robinson up, led from start to flnlsU in the introduc , tory sprint. Rector, the heavily played 13 to 20 choice, finished second. Gal vanic ran third. In previous races the winner had shown a disinclination to run five-eighths of a mile. May L X. the mount of Graham and second choice in the rinsr. was the only one to get away in the two-year-old scramble. The Ossary lllly won run ning away from Kamsack and Ramiro, the latter a 100 to 1 shot. Tanana. the favorite, and Utica, an extensively backed one, never had a chance. Ten commonplace platers started in the mile selling fixture. The winner turned up in Bird of Passage, which, well ridden by J. J. Walsh, came home the easiest sort of a winner over Easy Street and Blackthorn. Standard, the favorite, held a prominent position to the stretch and then faded away. Tommy Sandy's stock took a rise when, with the leg up on the favorite Lord Nelson, he beat Rice, astride of Hedgethorn, a neck for the fifth event. The latter looked to be winning, but Rice could not keep him fro*m swerving in and the decision went to the first choice. Moncie Moble. a 20 to 1 shot, took show honors. Fortunately for Jake Holtman, Criti cal won the concluding mile purse number after getting none the best of a somewhat tagged start. The brown gelding ruled an even money chance. Gradually wearing down the leaders he defeated St. George Jr. with a bit to spare. Boloman ran third. XOTES OF* THE TRACK. This is cut-in day at Oakland for the bookmakers. Teddy Robinson piloted two winners. Twelve horses, the pick of the Schreiber string, were shipped to Mem phis last evening. Dr. Gardner is ex pected to win the Derby at the South ern meeting. The betting would indicate that Toco law had one of his . legs sawed . off. The big chestnut horse looked all right In the paddock. Entry blanks for the Seattle stakes, fourteen in all. are out. They close on Saturday, April 21. -The management emphasizes the fact that the ring will be an open one. This Is the greatest advertisement the meeting could have. Foxlinl! Beats MatnMa. HOT SPRINGS. Ark.. March 30.— Oaklawn racing results: First racp. six furlong* — Viperlne won. King Wild second. Dusky third. Time. 1:17 3-5. . Second race, three and a half furlongs — Miss Martha won, Mendicus second. Dr. Root third. Time, :44*i. Third race, five and a half furlongs — Foxhall won. Mafalda second. J. TV. O'Xeil third. Time. 1:10 3-5. Fourth race, one and a quarter miles — Dolin <3a' won. George Vivian second, Los Angeleno third. Time, 2:12. Fifth race, one mile — Toung Salter won, -Ca dillac second. Odd Ella third. Time. 1:46 3-5. Sixth race, seven furlongs — Stumptown won. The Borgian second, Amberita third. Time, 1 :32. Steeplechase for Ancetlcs, Sliver. LIVERPOOL. March 30. — The Grand Xatlonal steeplechase of 2750 sover eigns, a handicap for five-year-olds and upward, about four miles and S5O yards, was run today at the Liverpool spring meeting and was won by Prince llatz feldt's Ascetics Silver. Red Lad was second and Aunt May was third. Twen ty-three horses started. BIRGUnS MAKI\G RECORD FOR EXTERIXG SALOOXS Two More I.iqnor Places Visited and One of the Intruders Is Arrested in the Act. An unusually large number of sa loons have been visited by burglars during March, scarcely a day having passed without reports being sent to the police. About five o'clock yesterday morning- Policeman J. S. Cook saw the side door of Luke Marisch's saloon at 224 Third street open. He and Police man Hinrichs Investigated and found that three nlckel-In-the-slot machines had been broken open and the contents, about $10, stolen. It Is suposed that the burglar had hidden himself In the sa loon before it was closed on Thursday night. : . Alexander Myhre entered the. saloon of Brown & Knudson, 212 East street, late Thursday night and was seen by Policeman A. L. Marten,, who placed him under arrest on a charge of burg lary. He had taken $2 from the cash register and had stolen two pint bottles of llciuor. He admitted that he had also broken into the saloon about a week ago and had stolen several bottles of beer and a gold ring." He turned the ring over to the policeman and it was booked as evidence against him. CALIFORNIA CONGRESSMEN . FAVOR RECLAMATION PLANS Director Walcott ; of the Geolos;lral Sur vey Sends Letter Quotlngr Their ' Sentiments on Question. The River Improvement and Drain age Association has received assurances that C. E. Grunsky, Congressman Mc- Lachlan, Congressman Hayes, Con gressman McKinlay, Congressman Need ham, : Congressman Gillett and Senator George C. Perkins entertain favorably the resolutions recently, adopted, re garding reclamation California lands by the River; Improvement' and . Drain age* Association, the California" Miners'. Association, the Sacramento Valley De velopment Association and. the Anti- Debris Association of California.: The sentiments of the gentlemen named were quoted in. a letter^ addressed by Director Walcott of ; the United: States Geological Survey to Rufus P. Jennings.' THEiSANr^ The Call's Racing Form Chart OAKLAND — Friday, March 30. Weather rainy. Track sloppy, f E. C, HOPPER. Presiding Judg«. . '' ' '- J. J. HOLTMAN. Starter. ,- "'^ O4BS. FIRST RACE— Futurity course; selling; four-year-olds and up; valuVto nrst,;f32s.' \^ Indexl Horse and Owner. ._, Wtßt. %. %.'." %. ; StrJ Fin.; I ;jockey:~. ;Op.-,ia. 9468 J. A. Murray, 4 (DA. Ross). U6 S ...' 1 h 1 IVil 3, 1 2^ Robinson .: -"10 " ;20.; 20. 9455 Rector, 5 (Magrane & Co.) 120 6 ... '4 % 3 %.2 n 22H Graham \u0084: :8-4J 13-20. 8454 Galvanic. 4 (Fawcett & C 0.).. 117 4* ... 2 2V42 8J43.H 3 n- M. \L#nch.. ,:' 4,^-2 9012 Master. 6 (A. W. Ream)... . . . 120 2"...' 8 n 4 4\4 2%4 4 . j Fountain >.'. \u0084: 1 0 -,12 9258 Bob McLeUn, 6 (H. Remua).. 120 10 ... 0 1 8 I' 6 2- 64, Dugan- .... '' 10 .30 898S Miss Raphael,' 4 (White) . . . . . 118 6 ... 5 5%5 2 6 3 0 h Rice .... ..; / ; ;30 >iso^ 8373 Virginia Boy, 5 (Turner & Co.) 120 1 ... 7*2V46 V 4 7 8 71 : T. -Stewart. .•••\u25a03o 75 9442 Brown Tatsy, 5 (I. Morehouse) 120 8 ... 61W1-8 2 \S IVi Hobart'..; . jV>\ c© . 8788 Circua, 6 (R. Gutter). ..1.;.. 123 9 . . . 10 ,10 10 \u25a0 ' 0% " Minder. . .:. <i^l<V>\ 0087 Black Joe, 4 (Maple Stable).. 116 7 ... 8 1 \u25a094/0 1 10' R- Davis.:. 301 100 Time— :24 % , :50%, • 1 -.14. -At poet ' M \u25a0 minute. Off : at 2 :03 V£. . . Murray,' . place," 7 ; ! show, v l3-3. | Rector, place. 1-3; show. out. Galvanic, show, 7-10 • "Winner, eh. g.Jbyißubicon-Plum . era. Trained by 0.-Wentworth. Scratched — De Grammont, Dotage.-? Start' good: "Won all out. Balance driving. Highest price— Rector 4-5, Galvanic 5. Master 13.^ McL«an 40. * "Winner could not run five'and a half furlongs previous to this race, f Rector j late, in; get ting up. Calvanic no excuse. ; Master-quit. Circus may improve with'; racing. v^--' *... 9456. SECOND RACE-r-Three and a half furlongs; purse; two-y'ear-olds ßvalue to first, ; $325: ; Indexl Horse and Owner. Wt St. %?;-, %. %.v Str: Fin. J Jockey. .[; Op. : : Cl. , 0458 May L, N,(D. A. R05a);....'.. 100 l: .^. .:..\u25a0 1,1%1 2%1 5 •*• Graham' W. 8-5;. 18-5 . »447: Kamsack (Klrkfteld Stable)... 114 4; ...• ... 2% 2 IH2 Hi Buchnnan . 7-2 .19-2; 9419; Ramiro. (E. J. 8a11win) .."..:.- 100 5 ....... ... 6 1 3n 3 3 n W. Kellyi.. ; .20 V--100 BerUe A (P. Wilkerson). ...:. 100 7 ... ... 3 1%4 I^4 % T. Clark:.: vlO." 8 9474 Tanana"(Nome Stable)...'.'...". 114 9 ..•. ... .7%6 H 5n Robinson; .. .5-2 5-2; H347 Utica (Antrim Stable).... :...:il05) 8 "... ... 9 1 7 2 B IVi Hobart;:... ,\- 0 « 9467' Monden (W. P. Fine).. ...... .|114 2 4V, 5 2 71H B. Powell.. • 10 20 Goldena tG. H0w50n) ..'...::.. J107 3 ... ... -8192-82 Fountain" .'. > .10 ; 40 0447 Ocean Shore (A. F. Elliott). '.(ll4 6 ... ... 648 1 9 3 Rice' .'.'Jr. .. \u0084 6 -;12 9389 Bona (Smith & C 0;).. .. \u25a0 .. .. .|lO7 10 . \u25a0 . ., !. . . 10 10 -10 Burghart'.. \u25a0COy-100 Time— :24>4. :42^4. At post % minute. Oft at 2:2<J%. At post V* minute*.'-"- May,* place, 8-5; show, 4-5. Kamsack, place, 2; show. •4- K. " Ramiro, show.l 2. Winner.b. -t. by,O« sary-Plumera. Trained by G.- Wentworth Scratched— Pescadera, Halton. ...'Start: poor. '.. Won easily. Balance driving hard. Hlgheet price — May 4. -Kamsack: 11-2, .Goldena. 60. - Oirean Shore 13. • Winner off sailing; others flat", footed. Kamsack ran »sgood. race. \ So did Ramiro. Bertle'A is a clever filly and will bear watching. Tananano chance with start. Utica, qff poorly, showed plenty, of. speed. Ocean Shore a bad actor.V. ;._ . '.- .'-,' \u25a0' 0487. THIRD RACE— One mile; 'selling; four-year-olds^ and up; value to first, ?430. V Indexl Horse and Owner. - Wt St. %. ;%. «4.- Str." Fin. | Jockeyyl /Op.'. ; Cl. 94"i ißird of Passage, 4 (Del Monte) 107 8 1 n 1 %'l 2%1 4 1 3, J. J.' Walsh ;;.-;4MI-2 9463 jEasy Street, a (R0we11).\ . . .. 102 9 90' 9 6 736 2 2 1 Sandy. V.:. . •\u25a0 5> ...6 ; j 9471 Blackthorn, a -(Remus C 0.)... 110 7 827 2^4 n4H 3 % Wright V.".'.. V 5 "6 8534 Elba, 4 (P. Sheridan)... ...... 105 5 4 h 41^5 2H3 Vi 4 3& Robinson '. . 7.-12 9420 Jolly Witch. 4 (E.i Stewart)... 105 4 7 h '5 n 6 % 0 1 52w. I Rice "..".".-. .15 '30 9455 Standard, 5 (J. N.Mounce).. 107 8 3%31 2 1%2 n 62^i 'Fountain .. :T: T 3. ? 7-2 9353 Mountebank, a (McCarthy)... 107 2 6n 8. n" BVa 8 2 7Vj Buchanan ". . 8 9-2 9463 Florence Fonso, 5 (Davles Co.) 105 10 10 .10 10 '' , 9 2 8 2 . I W..' Smith.'. 15-- "20: 9057. Auto Hood,-4 (Fleur de Lds). 110 3." 5 2^6 h 94 10 9 8 Otis ..'.'.-.'.'. -10 12 W. P. Palmer, 5 (Walker).. . IC3 1 2 1^2%, 3 \u25a0%\u25a0 7 |Derouen:... 15 20" Time— :2sH. :50^. 1:17%. 1:45V4." "At post: 2 minutes : Off at 2:54U- Pajreage, place, 6-2; show, 7-5." Street, place, 5-2; show, 6-6. Blackthorn, show, 6-5. Winner, b..g.' by Scor T pion-Belle Richards. - Trained by W. (^ahlll. • ". Scratched— Sacredus. Leash, . Phaon; Polo-, nlous. . Estella J. Start good. Won easily/ Balance driving. . Highest price— Bird ,of ; Passage 6, Elba 15, Mountebank 10, Auto Hood 20. Winner received a ' first-class ride, i Eaey Street, off poorly, was pounds the best. Going not heavy enough "Tor -Blackthorn. ; Elba no excuse. Standard quit. Mountebank no account. 'W. P. Palmer < ran well for J half a mile. \u25a0/ ., \u25a0 - . \u0084.:..\u25a0\u25a0- , . ...">••'.•--\u25a0 .\u25a0: '~' ; - -.'r- • A:-^^,y- : . \ O4SS. FOURTH RACE— 6H furlongs; the Kisber handicap;- 3-year-olds "and'upj first, ,$450. Indexl . Horse and Owner. lWt|FSt. % . W- %." Str. Fin. I Jockey.: |- ? Qp.' ci. : (0434)1Dr. Gardner, 3 (Schreib-r) 116f*5 ... '1 hi 2 1 2&t'2H Dugan > ...: 3^5 2-5 (9459) Princess Titanla. a (Mlllln);. 108 1 ... 2 3^2 I^2 3 2 4 Graham" ... \u25a0 7 17-2. 0459 Sir Edward, 3 (Van Gordon).. 101.4 .*.'.. 3'h 3 3^3 2.3 ns Rlc e ...%..: ;;•;; ;• ; 8 .13: 9434 Toupee 5 (W Gabriel) ..102 3 ... 4,4' 4 3 4 IVj4 h . (Robinson i .'. \u25a0{, 15^ 15 (9442) Tocolaw, 5 (J. Madison) 122 2 ... 5 5 5 . 5 .* ;|T...Clark. \u25a0 . : ..;; 4 " 11 Time — :23% :48. 1:15, 1:21 H. At post Vi minute. Off- at 3:19%/ i Gardher, ;i place, 1-6; \u25a0' \u25a0 show, out. Princess ' placa, 6-5r show. '. 1-3: " Edward, - b|jow,— 9- lO.''^.Winner,- V. - c.-"by " Bannockburn-Uarda. " Trained by H. R.\ Brandt. ScratchfeoS-Hector. /I Start good. .Won in • a gallop. Second easily. -Thlrd-.drlvlng..- .Hlghest-.prlce— rToupeei2o, _Toco:aw. .12.. Dr. Gardner the class. Going -too stiff for Princess Titanla. \u25a0 Sir Edward dtd his best.. •: Toupee ran a fair race. Tocolaw was a ghastly joke in the betting and his 'showing was Inexplicable. , - «480. FIFTH RACE— Six furlongs; selling^ 3-year-olds; value to first. $325. 1 Indexl Horse and' Owner. 1 iflj IWt!St.«H ! . tf. % %. Str.«Fln. t Jocker.i.j ,Op. . Cl.^ 9456 ILord Neleon (H. E. Row«ll):.| 99 1' ... 1 2^i;2 1 I'l n Sandy. {..~. \u25a0••', ;.2 '8-5 9450 Hedgethorn (T. H. Ryan). ... .|lO4 3 ... 413 n 2-2.2 6 .Rice f...."..j .2 -13-5' 'Moncie Mobla (Newman)...... 04 2' ... 3 1542:1(43:^3 h ..*. . -s8 •; 20 9456 Cock Sure (Club Stable)... .. .]lo7| 6 610 5 % 4 %-4 1% T. Clark.-.. \u25a0 "5 ; 20 (92C5)iAbe Meyer (Manhattan Stable) 1041 5 ... 5 H56,10 5 2.53 „ Graham ..„ 3 8 .... ;Betsey (M. B." Arterberry) • . • ; • 99| 4 ... 2 Va'M Vi'C 8 « 10: R. Davis..: jV 7 9-2 9478 St. Volma (Applegate & Co.:. ICS 7- ... 8 y,7 24 1 7.o?V|&obinson .. V2O CO. 1H27 jSalnada (B. Schreiber). ...... 94 8 ... 72 '8 8 8 ':|Schade ...: .50 100 Time — :24H. :*9, 1:15*4. At post 1% minutes. Off at 3:4GVJ." Nelson, place, 3-5; shoW, 1-3. Hedgethorn, place, 11-10; show, 1-2. Moble, show, 5-2. Winner, eh. g. by St. Carlo-Good Hope. Trained by H. E. Rowell. Scratched — Grasscuttcr. Ebel Thatcher, Tavora, Main. Start good. Won all driving. Highest price — Hedgethorn 3. Sandy on winner lost no ground and won after meeting with repeated interference last one hundred yards. • Hedge- j thorn would have ecored if Rice had not let him swerve. Moncie Moble Is fast. Abe Meyer was short. Betsey ran out through the Ptretch. St. Volma will Improve. 0400. SIXTH RACE^ — Mile; purse; three-year-olds and upward; value to first, $400. Indexl Horse and Owner. * IWtlSt. %. . «'. %. Str. Fln.l Jock»y. I Op. cT (9475) ' Critical, 4 (Case & Stemler). .|lO7 3 5 4 n ( 4 32n.1 i£ Robinson .. ~ 1 1 947<» |SL George Jr., 5 (McLe.ughlin)|ll4 4 1h.2%22 3h 24 Minder .... 4 23-5 9478 Boloman 3 (D. S. Fountain). .| 98 2-2»J :{ 5 3 \(, 4 4 J ly, Graham ... 5 4 (047S)|Wrenne.'3 (Weber & Co.) 104 1 4 1(45 5 5 4n T. Clark... 5-7 9477 |Wee Lass, 3 (Hall & M.)...| 94 53 4 1 2^l 4 1 2^.5 Preston ... .0 15-2 Time— :2sU. 49%, 1:16. 1:43%. At post 2^ minutes. Off at 4:15. Critical, place. 2-5; *=how, out. George, place, 7-5; show, 1-2. Boloman, enow, 2-5., Winner, br. g. by Plaudit-" Coraza. Trained by J. E. Caae. Start bad. Won all driving. Highest price — Critical tt-5, St. Georse 5, Wrenne 8, Wee Lass 8. Critical, away very poorly, gradually woredown the leaders. St. George, slow to get away, did his beat. Boloman . ridden in the poorest going Wrenne possibly does not like the mud. Wee Lara quit. . - >^ AVALXUT GROVE DAIRY "Vr ; MUST OBEY ORDIXANCE Health Ofllcer Notifies Concern to Comp ly 3lore. Particularly - With 'Sanitary Requirement n. . Health Officer Ragan recently directed the food inspectors to make an exami natidn of- the Walnut Grove Dairy in Oakland, which sells milk in this city under a certificate granted by the County Medical Society and also un der a permit issued by the local Health Board. The inspectors reported that the dairy, which is owned by Burroghs Bros., has sixty-five . cows, some of which are in a poor condition, six of them having inflamed udders. While the barns and milkroom' are in good condition, the Inspectors found that the water trough from which the cows get their water is in a very filthy condition. It was also ascertained that the udders of sixteen cows were washed in the same pail of water. , Ragan at once ordered notification sent to the firm named to-put its water trough In clean condition and to com ply more particularly with the provi sions of the ordinance prescribing sanitary rules for the handling of milk. The issuance of a certificate by the County Medical Society is not regarded as official in view of the fact that the dairymen submit samples of milk taken from the best portion; of their 'supply. Ragan understands that a fee 0f, 520 is exacted from the dairymen for the cer tificates. Apparently no examination or inspection of the dairy premises is made by the officers of the society. PRODIGAL SOX IN HANDS OF HARD . MONEY, LENDERS Thomas Chlcuoioln Pledges .His "Whole Estate for Small of Forty- Five Dollars. C. H. Morrell, a money lender, with offices in the Examiner building, yester day assigned to R. C. Brown, one of his clerks, all his Interest in the .estate of Thomas J. Chlchozola: Chlchozola Is one of the sons- of Capitalist Antonio " Chlchozola, : proml-" nent in the Latin colony," who died. a' little over two weeks ago,, leaving-, an estate valued at a million . dollars. \u25a0 •In the will Thomas J. Chlchozola' is; prac tically disinherited, being - left ' only an allowance of $100 per" month. V s : "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0.::'. I '\u25a0 The interest ' in' Thomas ; Chlchozola's estate transferred by Morrell : yesterday, consists of a general power.'of attorney given him by Chlchozola as security- for a ' loan •of $45 made ; in : October, 1904. This power of ''attorney^ is -of ; most sweeping character. The loan calls. for thepayment of 10 per cent interest per month. \u25a0 .;. " ; ;i ' '/\u25a0"• Fails to File Another i Petition. .The . Supreme Court yesterday^ denied without comment] 1 the .voluminous v pe tltlon of -Attorney" George jD." Collins for a writ r of - habeas f corpus.'.; The ; re markable fact . that the", overwed lawyer did not; Immediately •fileTa^new.docu-, merit of similar, nature .was 'a cause; for. profound wonder \ among the 'court; at taches. . \ J; AO LIFE PRESERVERS .STAXD - CONDEMNED OS ENCINAL NiiliervlMliic In«|iector BrniiinKbani Xo tlfleii Pnhllc to Disrcgrard Published Story That Had Xo Foundation. Several days ago an evening paper of this city published a sensational story to tho effect that the United States local inspectors had condemned some tule life preservers used on the 3teamer "Encinal.. There was; no foun dation for the story. S The report, how ever, reached Washington, and United States Supervising Inspector Berniing ham yesterday received a telegram from the Secretary of! the Department of Commerce and Labor requesting him i to sond to tho department at once all the lire preservers condemned. Captain Bermlngham sent a reply to the effect that no life preservers had been con demned and that i the report 7 was an error. In order v to ; remove \ the . exist ing inisapprehension.j.Captain Berming ham yesterday issued the' following notice: ; To Whcm , it May Concern: ' \1 hereby .certify that there was not one'ot the 200S tule life preservers on -board the ferry steamer at her . annual inspection on the 19th., 20th' and.22d instants that failed" to pasa a thorough in«pection in everj' particular the article published in the Evening Bulletin of this city. on;the-20th Instant,' and which was copied in the Seattle .Times; on the 2lst instant; to\the contrary notwithstanding.' ResDectlullv JOHN BERMINGHAM Supervising Inspector, First District. * Elks Elect Officers. There was an unusually exciting meeting; last-night of -the members. or San Francisco .Lodge of. the Protective Order of Elks, it, being the -.annual election for officers. < The occasion was made decidedly '-"- interesting \u25a0 from the fact that , Herman Kohn, -who- has-been the secretary -for; many years, had .two candidates in opposition ' to him.". Kohn, ; however, : won/ -two to one.' ~ The'fol lowing: is" the resultof ! the;election;iE. C. Clark, past exalted ruler; Thomas W ; Hickey, exalted i ruler; W. ; M. Abbott/ esteemed ; leading \ knight; H:- C.*' Wilber, esteemed loyal \u25a0 knight ; ' c. .":* L. ~. Beck" esteemed .lecturing knight; G E.i Hunt; treasurer; r Herman" Kohn, secretary j' P. \ Broder, tiler ; ; G? C McGregor,^ trus tee; lE. C.' Clark,' representative 'to the Grand Lodge;; J.' S. Partridge, alternate representative.; , \ Auto, Runs Into Hydrant! ; ;- An " driven . at;, a : reckless speed ' crashed >. ; into 'a - hydrant near Golden . Gate ;f avenue '* and Market yesterday vmornlng/H The-occupants. " a' man who. gave ; his name , as J. . j,*;Mur phy, .and'avwoman^were^hurledito'the pavement and' severely, shaken' up."; The chauffeur;- i Willia"myKelley,; : leaped "out of 'the ? machine ',' just .;. before^ the crash came; and, escaped, uninjured." f\ The ' 'occu pants'^ were [ morelor ''less'iundef* theiin-' fluenice Vof : liquor.^ Murphy iwas treated at the : % Central ':}. Emergency. Hospital^ .The i wo'mahi was ; removed '; to 'fa? private sanltarluhi."''' This chauffeurj declared Tat thelhospitallthat the machine belonged to .-the 'Auto : Li very >?,This •? Is denied'atUhe office ;of. the company • FrOM OF HORSES AT OAKLAND. FRED E. MULHOLLAND — .'. First ;race--Orchnn, Harbor, . M njor ; Tenny; v : .Second ; y/race — - Shady I*ad, - • Dnrld Boland, Anvil. '.' y^ _"*._ Third': race — Gossiper, Bob • Ragon, Ralbert. ' . Fourth; #race4-Blagar, " Stover ; , entry, \u25a0 Tony Fau»t. . / . / r : Fifth , race i— Critical, Be knlgrhted, Soufrere./ Sixth .race-^Yada, Lily Gold .":, ing:. Graceful." ' ' HANDICAP THE FEATURE EVENT ; The ; Gebhard Handicap, the richest two- j year-old 'prize f of.' the ;\u25a0 season, will ,be "de- , elded, at: Oakland ; this afternoon, 'it has attracted a 1a 1 large field and should prove ahighly exciting -contest. The, day's en tries: : ;; '\u25a0\u25a0_. . \u25a0\u25a0 .' ' ; , /First race — One and a "quarter miles, four 'yean-oldu and up, 'selling.' ' \u25a0' - '-' 0407 Major Tenny (Green) 107 9404 Leila Hill - (Belmont) .102 (0457)Orchan (Stover) .110 (9470)LanBdo<wn • (Fitzgerald) 107 0408 Royal Red (Touhey), ...........104 , WG4 'Harlxr (Ellerd) ...............:.. . . ,105 ; 9464 Morjjente (McNeil) . . ••••_••• •• • • • - 102 . ' Second •\u25a0 race— Seven > furlongs, four-year-olds and. up", selling. ..„..'• '.. < -V - .. .'• J W77 David Boland (Fountain) ......:...... 103 (94«a)Cardinal Sartj (Blaalngame) :.... 07 .8451 Peggy O'Neal(McNell) ........v. 98 9471 Golden Sunrise (Jones & Lu5k) ....... 1«0 \u25a0 9180 Yellowstone (Brophy) .105 9420 Mr. Farnum (McCafterty) .\ ... 97 " 9448 Anvil (Murray) .'.........•.."....:.... .100 9402 Matt Hogan- (Magrane) V...V..102 . 9471 Lucrece (Coffey) V. . 92. 9452 Brlarthorpe (McGettrick &'Crysler)...lo.'{ 9275 'Warte Nlchte (Oakland Stable) ...... 95 '0458 Shady Lad (Fullum) 102 -Third race — Five furlongs, three-year-olds and ' up, jmrse. - C 472 Ralbert. (McCafterty) . ; .104 9334 Gosslper (Touhey) ....... 102 9C69 Masedo (Rosedale Farm) ......11l 0360 Head Dance (Lakewood Stable) 107 "9472 -Judge , (Ramsey) ....... ..11l . 9450 I'm Joe (Yanke)':.' ;.;... »5 Young ' Pilgrim (Sage) ....11l 9296 Bob Ragon (Summers) ...'.......: 107 v ....*Akbar (Strauss) »5 . Fourth ' race.— Five furlongs: Gebhard handi cap ; f2500 , added ; two- year-olds. \u25a00458 Valeureuse (Randall) 104 9372 Elmdale (Coffey) '.... ! .....104 (9474)P!mklm (Stover) .......V. 108 (945S)Xatlve Son (Stover) ...: 118 0458 Saxonta (MiUln) .... 107 9458 Tony Faust (Schreiber) 110 f 9474"Tankee Jim" (Ross) : . . ". .104 (94«2)D0c Craig (Yanke) .:. IC3 0479 ' Queen "Alleene (Ross) ~. .v. ........; ...W 9455 Woolma (Applegnte & Cotton) ...109 9458 Mabel Hollander (Stover) ..,111 9458 El Tovar (Grifrtn) 105 (9439)81agg (L*e & Son) 117' Fifth race^-Onei arid; a* quarter miles^Usbou handicap; three-yesx-olds * and' up. . '\u25a0> •"-^\u25a0- X*< 9476 Soufrere (Sierra' Nevada" Stable)?. .-... 112 i 9482 Preservator (Randall) .:'. ..*.......... ..101 9482 Ed • Sheridan- (Davtes) '. . . .'..... . . .'. .'. ..* 99 (»476)Roycrof t (Dos« . &'. Heifer5) . . ....... .. ,. 100 i 0476 \u25a0 Bekhlgnted : O*e &; 8on) . .'. . "r .". .r. i. . . 100 (9490)Crltical; (Case & Stemler)... ..;.•..'.. ..103 Sixth race — One mile; purse;' three-year-olds and up.*' -\u25a0'\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' '- ,''\u25a0*\u25a0•\u25a0; 9440 Dixie. Lad (Parker) ......... : .Y. .108 948" Gateway (Burnett) 100 (9472) Graceful (Menlo Stable) .....;107 (9484) Blue '.Eyes' , (Sheridan) '.f. .T. . .\u25a0;.-. . .'. ..107 9478 Elevation ' (Fullum) ...' 94 9400 Yada (Cahlll) .;...:..:......... :...^IOS 9475 Red' Light > ( McCafsrty) . ; :107 (9435) Li1y Goldlng (McKenzie) . . .' 103 •Apprentice ; allowance;-" \u25a0 " ', ; j POLICE BOARD AGAIN DISCUSSES GAMBLING Commissioner s I Clerk \Buys Pools in a Saloon arid Cigar Store. Theold quarrel regarding the gam bling situation in this city was renewed in a mild manner before 1 the Board of Police Commissioners last evening vi The equal division, of the board on the sub ject was 'preserved," although, President Poheim did not indorse: the views 1 of ' Commissioner - O'Grady .quite \ so . em phatically "as Tat : previous meetings. Commissioners Drinkhouse and: Reagan were both positive \ that poolselllng should be stamped out in "the city and the' handbook' makers should •be . ar-' rested and " charged • with.- - vagrancy. Commissioner O'Grady j argued- that it •would-be .impossible 1 to ; get a -.'convic tion on such a charge : and the , president of the board suggested that something be; done Immediately by the Chief of Police to relieve the situation. \ At the close of the transaction of routine business before theiboard Com missioner Drinkhouse made a statement that one' of his clerks,; at his request, ; had : purchased. pools: on horse races at two .saloons and one cigar store. Com missioner O'Grady immediately sug gested as remedy, that the clerk appear before:...-; a ,. magistrate. and., charge the sellers of the pools with having; vio lated an ordinance against gambling One of the places ; mentioned is at the" corner -of Pacific and Stockton streets- and Commissioner Drinkhouse advanced as his idea that the ' officers on i the . beat* should be charged with ; dereliction of duty. The question of handbooks came : up \u25a0 and some- emphatic, language .was used regarding the r possibility of arresting and. charging men who take sidewalk bets with , vagrancy. Reagan Fald that the officers t on the various beats' should .be acquainted with the men. engaged in ithis ; practice and as \ fast 'as ; they wore 'discovered -it; should, become the duty of ,the ) policemen to- take, them to jail and- ctiargreithem with vagrancy.; Comf missloner, O'Grady' lnsisted that the men be charged' with a violation of the pool selling, ordinance and made -a clear i statement ; "regarding the -limits of , : the vagrancy 1 law. .Thus it stood two 'to two ":. on? the matter, of what, should be ; done i and /finally ; the Chief of Police was- instructed to issue, orders' to f his men that all gambling of this order! .must cease; and .thatrhandbook men as well as poolrooms', and V poker, resorts must go out 'of, business. v-\ '--' *The following J> restaurant-keepers, "who 'have, sold 'liquor -'without meals, were "deprived : .of^ their "liquor ileenses: '-'. AbradorichTi" Bonn/. 1 1210^4 Polk; Demetrio Amestasio, " 682 1 Hayes; -, Sabadln *& ' Giavinovic. 1241 ' Polk: "Anton gplletak, 504 Larkin: Vasilns Saris. ? 1186 McAllister: r John * Vroltfh, 1735 Fill more;'^M.i 1^; : MUeoxick. 1390 > Turk: - Jacob Sambrailo. ~ Post j and.. Fillmore: Berggren- & Hebug/4 2318 : Flllmor* : . George I V. Kovacerlco. 220 Vt '\u25a0 Leavenworth : k Bias \u25a0& . Mitropulor, % 1910 Ftllmbre ; '• Antone Kovacevlch, 504 Turk; John Svilocicl, ; 1402 .Eddy. • i- - - Native I Sons' Delegates. )'-, Bay; City .Parlor, - Native, Bons -of i the Golden iWest.i has thel following "as ! delegates, to; the; next; session of the Grand Parlor: of , the order:' Henry, G.VwV Dinkelsplel,:4' Louis Thomas Hamlltonsand -RobertiNordman. * James Rolph^ Jr., j F.jG.'iNorman and G. W. Mlerdlerks 'I have been -elected to re^re-' seht"'Hesperian~ Parlor "in ': the grand body.-; ;. :-: SOUTHERN MEN PROVE SPEEDY Members \u25a0 of Ail-Star Team Lead Out the Stanford Sprinters at a Meet BREAK A TRACK RECORD Nash Is the Only One to Establish New Mark Un der Unfavorable Conditions STANFORD UNIVERSITY, March 30.— With a slow and sodden track\under foot thefleet runners of the all-star southern team, composed of the best performers of Pomona College, *. Occidental j College and the University , of - Southern . Califor nia, defeated the Stanford varsity today by the margin of 6: points. They made 64 points to 58 for^ the. cardinal. The re sult of the field day waa T ln, the balance until the conclusion' of the exciting relay race, rin which the '/visitors' * won . out , by two inches after an unintentional foul" In the last lap. \ The referee gave the race to the. actual .winners.;. ..: ;_V i : , •_ - \u25a0'.; t The star -performance of .the day was the two-mile race.'in which Nash, a Stan ford I runner, 1 ' beat the college record of 10:27}5 . by covering the weary stretch* In 10:27. Bird of Occidental" College ' In th© sprints and Hage'rman In the hurdles and broad "jump were \ the. big - point-takers from the' south: The results" in .[detail: • 100-yard' dash— Won by Bird (Occidental) : Cope (Stanford).- second; Vanderroort (Stan ford), third. Time. :104-5. : Mile run— Wen by Chapln ( Occidental) ;> Lor beer... (Pomona); second; Miller (Stanford), third. -Time,4 :44. W \u25a0 . .\u25a0 120-yard hurdles — Won . by Hagerman (Occi dental); Dreltkreutz (U. 3. C). second; Ball (Stanford), third. \u0084T ime, :16 4-3. 440-yard dash — Won by Bird (Occidental); llussey (Stanford)., second; Davis (Stanford), .third. .'Time. : 52 2-5. , ' Two-mile run — Won by: Nash (Stanford); Hemrod C Pomona), 'second; Roth (Occidental), third. Time. 10:27... 220-yard low hurdle" — Won .by Macfarland (Stanford); Horton (Stanford), second; Hager man (Occidental) and Spurgeon (i'omona), dead heat for third. Time, :27 2-5. • 220-yard dash — Won by Bird (Occidental); McNeil (Stanford), second: Macfarland (Stan ford).-third.'Time^ -.23 2-5. • . 880-yard run — Won by Brown (Pomona); Sevcry '(Stanford) and Shearer (Stanford), tie for second. Tune. 2:02 2-5. Mile relay — Won by Southern team. Time, 3:36 2-5. : High jump — Won by Munger (Pomona); Thomas (Pomona), second: Mugler (Stanford), third. Height. 5 feet f> Inches. Pole vault — Won by Kocher and Lanagan of Stanford: Comstock (U. S. C). third. Height. 10 feet 6 inches. . . ; Broad Jump-*- Won by Hagerman (Oc cidental); .Vandervoort (Stanford), second; Thomas (Pomona), third. Distance, 21 feet S inches. . Hammer throw — Won by W. E. Crawford (Stanford): Mooney- (Pomona),* second: D. P. Crawford (Stanford), third. Distance. 149 feet. ; Shotput— Wen " by Horton (Stanford) ; W. E. Crawford (Ptanford), necond ; D. P. Crawford (Stanford), third. Distance, 40 feet 3% inches. BERKELEY; MEX' ARE HOPEFUL. Expect Freshmen to Defeat 'Stanford by \u25a0!'.•\u25a0•.\u25a0 \u25a0:.". "•';/-. -"a"] Safe *Marßiii. 4 ''~.. '", i: BERKELEY*i'March :: ao:— The Inter- tomor row' afternoon" will draw 'a great crowd to the Berkeley "oval, the event being 1 the first of Us kind in the history of intercollegiate : contests. ; Stanford will semi up her .most .promising and clever freshmen to go' against the cream of the '09- division .at the University of California. These youngsters, keen for sport and anxious to distinguish them selves, .may be expected to provide some rare entertainment for lovers of clean, high clase athletics. The blue and gold will be represented by forty-eight men. Stanford will not have so many.- An expert who sums up the chances of the two teams' has pro vided the college sportsmen with the following summary of the outlook: 'In' summing up the : points which, will be made California phoulii take first and third in the mile;- In the 100. first and third, making a total of six. points, .while Stanford will get three. ' Stanton -in the 220 is good for five points, and the cardinal . will ' probably make four; Cowlts and Dozier will get at teast eleven points in the high and low hurdles, leav ing seven for Stanford; Rawles Fhould capture the quarter, but the blue and gold'representa tives will gtt the- other. four- points. .California has a good > chance of making ' eight points in the two mile, and probably will do the same in the' half; there should be little difficulty in taking .two places in the; high • Jump; the car dinals count on : eight , points -in the .broad, "while California will g(t' but one; the pole vault should arid eight points to. the blue. and gold score ; ' the men from ; down the bay ex pect fourteen pqlnts in the weights, and Cali fornia will probably have to be content with four. Five points in the relay ; will -end the scoring for the California babies. , The final score, barring ; accidents, will be - in ' the vi cinity of li.s to 54. with California on the long end. " --"' % . ' _ - RETAIL tIROCERS PREPARE FOR THEIR ANNUAL PICNIC Committees Are Working Hard to Make Outinß (lie Mont SncceMsful Af fair of Its Kind. The' Retail. Grocers are already be- Kinning to arrange for their annual pic nic- The affair wiir be held at : Schuet zen Park on May 9. At the last meet ing of the Retail Grocers the various committees that will have charge of the picnic were appointed. The following will, act as chairmen of the different committees: - On finance'" and ibowllnff, H. Methmann; on reception. J. T. 'Hurley; on games. J. P. Mc- Guire: on ladies' guesatng contest. J. C. Owens; on shooting contest. J. K. Van Ars dale; on. wheel of \u25a0 fortune, J. M. Sullivan; on dance and music, T.H. Corcoran; on members' and clerks' drawing. William Ring; on tickets. H. Rawe: or. prlxes/ C. F. Sus«. ' The list of g-ames'wlll; i>e consider ably shorter,.thls year than last. Only twelve.races. will be run.- Big crowds are expected, and 7000 railroad tickets have been ordered. [ * CALIFORNIANS ARE INVITED TO VISIT THE NORTH Herbert . Cnthbert Will Today Invite Governor Pardee to Join Comiaer elnl Bodies on Tow. Herbert Cuthbert, secretary of the Tourists'. Association of Victoria, B. C. who .was a member, of Governor Mead's party from the State; of Washington that ' lately, visited San Francisco, has taken preliminary, steps - toward hav ing" the commercial bodies of California pay a;visit to his city,- Including a tour of ; Washington. . ; -V-' Cuthbert arrived . -In San :Franclsco from. Los Angeles yesterday and tells of the hospitable treatment accorded Gov ernor ", Mead and his : party "at \u25a0 every point they, visited In this State. To day.CCuthb'ert will • call upon Governor Pardee at Sacramento to, .lnvite him to joln'the .commercial bodies of this city should i the] invitation .be^accepted. The Chamber of Commerce: of Los An geles has already signified : Its Intention of "'accepting -.the i Invitation ;and * upon the\return; of .Cuthbert ;to ; Victoria an official v invitation; from .the^Mayor and citizens -will {be? extended ; to Calif ornla. -'- 1 RUN OVER \u25a0 BY : A : BUOOT.— J. : Georglus,": a Japanese," was run ; over and knocked . down by a buggy 'driven iby IP."* Bernascour " yesterday and £ gustalned •: severe - Injuries . about ' the « bead and ' face.' ; ; He was ; treated \u25a0' at', the , Emergency Hospital \u25ba by* l Dr.- Glover."-; ;.The ; drlrar ' wa» ar rested \u25a0 and : charged ; with battery. BERKELEY WINS FROM MISSION Basket-Ball Championship of Academic Athletic League Captured by Suburbanites CONTEST IS EXCITING I Home Team Strives Hard for /Victory, but Opponents Are Much the Stronger Berkeley High School defeated the rep resentatives of the Mission High School last, night In the gymnasium- of the Young Men's Hebrew. Association for the basket-ball championship of the \u25a0 Aca demic Athletic League. The score was 12-6. Although the score was not "close the game .was exciting and well contested. The. players from across the 'bay. were much larger than the home boy a and this helped, them materially In winning. The Missions proved scientific players and ; kept the - ball a greater portion of the game in" their opponents*. territory. v They were unlucky when they threw the ball for the basket.'. Time, arter* time they missed the mark by a close margin. On the other hand Berkeley had the luck in the first half, as every time they tried for a goal," from any distance, the ball seemed to find its way into the basket. 'They played nearly ten minutes before a score. was made. Johnson of Berkeley, who \u25a0"- played * a particularly good ' game, threw the sphere Into the basket. At the end of 'the first half Berkeley had nine points to four for the Mission lads. The home, champs appeared a little nervous at times. They ' had more than fifteen chances for free throws, but were out. of form at this kind, of play, making but few points by their opponents' er rors. ; \ : •'. ,\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0 ." ' \ / .. In - the last half the Missions played hard \u25a0' to overcome' their opponents' lead, but the suburbanites were too strong and husky and managed to hold ttTe lead they earned in the' first half. The • teams « were as • follows— Berkeley : Hopf, forward; Ahlgren, guard; Hardy, guard: Morrin, guard; Reed, center; Johrson. forward. -• Mission: Batkin, for ward; Strong, forward; Dean, guard; Bellis. guard; Downing, center; Carroll, guard. "COMIILVATIOX ME>" ARE • ORDERED OUT OX STRIKE Labor Council Says They .Mast Quit Their I*o»1s Oat of Sympathy for the Stablemen. At a session of the Labor Council last night the "combination men" — those who work with the'stablemen and hack men—were ordered out on < strike" ."In sympathy with the alrikin? stablemen. This move was made only after a lons session, "in which many heated argu- . ments ensued. Th* stablemen now think they can win with the assistance of the "combination men." The "combination men" belong to both the hackmen's and the stablemen's unions, and according: to the by-laws of their International body they are prohibited from going out on a sympa thetic strike unless ordered to do ao by the Labor Council. The council announced that the boy cott had been raised from the "Waffte Kitchen at 1007 Market street. Horton Says Fraud Was Committed. Auditor Horton yesterday said that a money lending firm -had committed a forgery by making changes in an as signment of salary demands made to the firm by Edward Rellly. a deputy ln the Assessor's office. Reilly some time ago made an assignment of his demands while he was employed In the Tax Collector's office and the firm filled in an item in the assignment so as to make it appear that the assignment covered the assignment of the salary received by Rellly under his present po sition. The firm wanted Horton to re turn the 'assignment, but he refused to do so. , Horton said that a fraud had been committed, • but declined to give any particulars as. to the transaction. FIRST CORPS CADETS REVIEWED.— The First Corps Cadets. California Light Infantry, passed in review before Adjutant General Lauck last night at tne First Regiment Ar mory. The boys presented a snappy appear ance In their blue blcusea and white canvas trousers. They were In command of Captain J. Warren. Preceding their appearance the Second Battalion of the First Regiment went through a spirited drill In command of Major H. G. Mathewson. _ . CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER.— At the Coroner's Inquest yesterday on the body of Herman . Bunge, steward on the steamer Itauri. the Jury brought In a \u25bcerdict that August Eckers. also a steward on the steamer, should 'be held responsible for Bun see' s death. Later Eckers waa booked at th» City Prison on a charge of manslaughter. He and Buns had each purchased a revolver on Tuesday night and while Eckers was loading his weapon It was discharged and the bullet struck Bunge. killing him ; instantly.' Men Cured ' - "We hava a quick and absolutely certain Syttem of treating the cases w« ondertake ' which poslttTely Insures us the Cure ta less than half the time called far by the meth- ods used in ordinary P n ctlce. Wi treat toe private and - Chronic diseases of • Men Only and have had a quarter of a century experience in .this special practice. All cases of Weakness. Vartcocele. Contracted Disorders. - Blood Diseases. Skin, Bladder < and Kidney Trouble* with all . reflex lymptoms and complications, for the mod- •at I— Of J7.50. Of .which ws *ak Not One Cent Until Cured Call at once ' for . Free • Consultation and \u25a0 xdvics When you have our method* «x- ' plained, and hare Jnvestlga ted our equip- ment and office facilities, you will b« abl* : <to "realize why we caa handle su-;h a targ» practlct at ' so llttls \u25a0 cost to the individual patient. • * DRTAVLOR &jGO. 1040 Market St.. Bet. Bth nad ft*. 7