OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, January 17, 1907, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1907-01-17/ed-1/seq-14/

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Wall'strcct stocks, Coppers and Cotton all lower.
Local stock markets rather easier and featureless.
Call Money, 2^@4 per cent. Silver and Exchange unchanged.
Local grafn market quiet and devoid of feature.
Hay firm and in demand. Fccdstuffs showing more tone.
Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables in light receipt and firm.
Poultry and Game strong under small arrivals.
Butter" and Eggs both lc higher.' Cheese unchanged.
Fresh Fruits dull and featureless. Cranberries very cheap.
Cattle, Sheep and Hogs unchanged.
N^w York Financial .\ote«
NEW YORK. Jan. 16.— Amulsamatod dividcnl
meeting tomorrow. Twenty-fmir-ecnt nipp.-r
tn-ans earning* of over $50,000.0W a year to
Amalgamated Copfwr. C>od demand for ptoc'.s
in the loan crowd, particularly Atcliison ami
Canadian Pacific. I>ondon settlement ronclua^s
today. Advancing tendency of rxchanfe in<ll
cates |«i6Pii,.iltv of gold exports on rMal.ltsh
roent of money here twin* Bank of F.nfland
rate. I-oiidon will not lose further P"M «•'
>outh America and pri««p«-<-ts * or re«liictinn 01
bank rates are <-onj>equcntly impr«v«-d. fbcre
is a rum'tr on the n»nr or a possible it-sue or
nrw Amalgamated stock.
The- Trrntiurr »n«» the Honey Market
The New York circular of J. S. Bacbe &. Co.
"The money situation dominated tlie necurity
market tb!s week, as it ua* fo- cuanv weeks previ
ously, and the business ot i ;-c; -c <^>untrr leana still
upon the Treasury as tbe most important volun
tary fuctnr in case of need. Consequently what
the Secretary will <>r wal not do is still dis
•^usmkJ with a* ranch interest as ever, and It !s
relied upon that the funds which, deposited dur
int tbp autumn, were listed for vithdniwnl
sonn after the first nf tne vi>»r. will not be to
«vernrawn if the business of ihe country seems
to be inconvenienced, when the time arrives.
In fact, tbe Secretary has already postponed
tbe first $12,000,000 withdrawal for two «"*<*£\u25a0
the time of return from January -0
and February 1 to February 1 and Tcbrusry 15,
••There are evidences tb«t money will be at least
wisier i">on. although there Is no promise of an
abundant supply. Grouncs for on < ~oura*ement
\u25a0re found in the weekly pratcraents of foreign
hanks, both England and France Rhow-inir lm-
I>orfant increases in gold holding snd decrcat-es
in loans. Still more fwouraginc 1» tbe *rate
tnert of the Bank of Gernmny. which eshlbtted
Improvement for the first Time lr.tely. *bown by
«n Increase in pold of fourteen millions and
a loan decrease of over forty millions. This re
fortifying tendency, which Is due at tbis season
"B the part of fon»ipk Enancfsl Institutions.
(rive* promise of return noon to normal condi
tions abroad, and if, as Is expected, our own
\u25ba Iroation follows, 1t will be possible to look
awvr thp tec^irity Held cncloudcd by the long
"\u25a0ontlnued and abnormal money stringency.
"That tbore jg plenty of inrp^ttnent mon«*y
1s »videnc»d by the c^ferity *Hrb which th»
fhort term note* of railroads and utility com
panies are absorbed If the rate is made nt
tractive enough. Thes* companies bave been
putting out note* in *ome volume lately. *nd
mt furb arfractive rate* a* from 5 to 6 prr
cent. This has. of course, kept the bond mar
ket at low rbb."
»vr York Money Market
NEW YORK. Jan. 36. — MoneY on call, easy.
S"g4 per cent: ruling t«te. 3s; p^ r rent; closing
rod. 2% pej cent: offered at 3 per cent.
Time loans easy; 00 and 60 deys and r'.x
months. 6 per cent.
Prime mercantile paper. «*??\u2666;% per cent.
Sterling exchange firm, with actual business
in hankerr* hills at $4>515'a4.K520 for demand,
•cd at $4.5105<g4.mfl for 60-dsy hills.
P«sted rates. J4.SI %<a4 *2 and $4.£5%<g4.56.
Commercial bills. $4.80%.
Bar silver. 6SVic.
Mexican dollars. 52% c.
Bonds, governments, steady; railroad bonds.
New York $tock Market
%TW YORK. Jan. 16.— There wa« heavy
I'onidatlon of securities upon the stork market
t«vJay. due to the constant extension of the
demand for new capital by the railroad com
panies. The most conspicuous phase of the
•abject which was developed today was the
seeming intimation that the providing for nerrs
*ary might bring about a check to
tbe disbursement of profits to etorkholders In
the case of s«me companies. This suggestion
proved especially Influential to speculative senti
ment toward tbe low-prtced railroad stocks.
Tbe first effect of this element In the situation
was most arute np«n the Morgan group of
stocks. Tbe sonthern Railway storks hroke
violently and the preferred stock especially
seemed to lack any bids for offerings pressed
to sale.
Erie was the earlier utock to show close
ftnpatoy with the slump In Southern Railway
the rest of the market being disposed for a time
to ignore tbe movement. The first spread of
the mowßirat wa« to other low-priced (ttocke
which niigtit be supposed to have RimlJar diffi
culty In raising capital. Tbe growing weak
ness r>t the market wag doe very generally to
the consideration of the same topic from differ
ent point* of view. Tbe strength which baa
been Fhown recently in copper Ftocks upon the
talk of \u25a0 merger of important Michigan prop
erties gave way to isudden weakness 1n Amal
gamated <"opper. when the suggestion found ut-
Teranre that a new Issue of that stock might
be Involved in the cupponed mercer. The vul
nerable *-onditinn of the market Invited aggres
sive action by the beara end they operated with
great boldness on a large scale. Tbis wns mani
fest in the rumorn which circulated and which
rrore denied, and also 1n the extent of the de
mand to rover shorts at time* when the liqui
dation spent 1t« force. The forces of replenish
ment of money supplies continued to operate and
the rsll money market showed positive ease at
4 per cent and below, funds are reported to be
Cowing to New York from tbe Interior in large
volnme. and nubtreasury operations have yielded
to the hank this week $7,109,000. Discounts in
London yielded again and the impression was
*tr*-nirtliened that the Bank of England's dis
r-ount rate- will he lowered tomorrow. The con
tinuation of the loan caused stork* to sell at the
lowest of the day In the final half hour, but
the demand from uncovered shorts caused a sub
stantial rally which was held to tbe closing.
Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par va!u*.
53.045.000. United States bonds were unchanged
on call.
IVevr Yorlc Stock I-mt
E. F. Hntton * Co., 430 California afreet,
members of the New York Stock Exchange,
furnish tbe following list of bond and stock
tales yesterday:
SaV«.| STOCKS. inigh.lLow.l Eld. l Ask.
!A<lams Express .! 1 1290 1300
.•VOOiAlllf Chalmers... | I lft^l 16
IS0.300! Do pfd I 40%! S»U.| SfKfcl 39%
lAroal Copper ...illS*i!ll&*!ll6 I *|llS>4
< [Amor Beet Swjr..! I 21% l 22%
I Do pfd I 85
Amer On 0....1 5% 5T4
*.-i Do pfd I M 54»4
2.SOO'Am Car & F Co! 44«il 43% «< 44*4
• ... I Do pfd 1 1 |IOH£ 101*4
400: Am Cotton Oil .. 30% I 30U.1 3ft!fc 31
• I Do pfd f IKS PI
' (Atne.r Ex !24« 246
Am Crass TC« *li *%
Am Hide fc L.... « «%
i- Do pfd 2fc% 2»%
..Atner Tee Secur K5 K7
Amer Linseed 17 1R
Do pfd 35% 40
»oo Am 1/votnotlve .. 73% 73 73 4 73*4
200 Do pfd 111% 111 110% 111
Amer Malt 3'« 4
Do pfd 1 25 26
1R.200 A Smelt & E C 0.1151%, 149% 150 IWHJ
l.M»0 Do pfd 1117*1115% 115% 115%
1.500 Amer Super !134 !133%|133 (133%
Do pfd j 129 132
jooJAmer Steel F 10% 10% 1014 10%
300 Do pfd 45% 45 45 46
Unier Tel & T Col 13* 13C
(Amer Tob pfd ..1 J>7 »S
l.Soo;Amer Woolen .. 34% 33% 33% 34
400J Do pfd 101 100 100%!l01%
in.t*oo|Anaconda |254% 277 !278%i2K0
l.lOOj Atlentic C Llne..|l2S% 127%|12S 130
U3.500 A T & Santa Ke..jlO7* 10T.>4 !105%|105-4
100 no pfd iioo^t ioosiioo% !ioo«
C.ftOOßelt «-\u25a0 OWo ...I1I»H 11S^,!119' lltn^
200 Do pfd 03%, 83Vi M 93%
9.30018 B T 81% 79%| K0 SO'I
j Brooklyn T7 Gas 107 11R
n.OOO Canadian Tac .. 101 isf-K. IW*. lftO'A
5.K001C & O 53% 5P4 62*4 52%
.IOOJC tc A 2«% 26\J 2tt 27
300 Do pfd ?•& 65% 65 65%
400 C fcO W 17% 16% I«'4 IT
.1 Do A pfd 71 7Z
400] Do B pfd 24% 24^4 24^ 24%
Do deb* 78 60
14.800 CA: N W I!>2>{ 1R7% IKS 189
45.400 C MiStP 156% 153 153% ir.3%
„ C M & fit P pfd .163 165
400 Cen Leather ... 35% 35% 35% 36
300 Do pfd 100 100%
Chicago Ter » 12
- Do pfd 22 28
......Chi Cn Trac- 5 > 514
Do pfd J«t lRJfc
0 C C ti St I- RS^ S3
H.OOOICoIo Fuel & 1... 56 S3 54 54 U
700iColum UC & 1.. =7 25% 25% 26
&00 ; Colo Southern... 3£% 35% 37 ?.S
\u0084.....| Do Ist pfd fi« 69
J Do 2d pfd 56 57,
(Consolidated Gaa 137% 138
- SOOIConi Product* .. 24% 23% 23H 23%
J.OOO Do pfd 67 S5 84% 85
1.400 Dei & Hudson. . . 219 215% 21« 217
D.L & W 475 525
GQOD&RG 39% SO 39 39%
....... Do pfd 81 52%
....... Detroit Un Er ..... 80 85
.......Diamond Match.. f 123 123%
e,2oolDistiUißK Recur.. r 73 Tl% 72>4 72%
Duluth S S & A.I IS% I»i4
4.100 Do pfd 36 35 35% 3»
7<».6ooErle 42*4 38% O»% At*
1.000 Do Ist pfd I 74% 74 74 74%
700 Do 2d pfd 65 163% «4 64%
100 Fed M& S pfd.. »4% »*% M fts
2,4«oiG<^ieral Eiec..... 156% 155% 155% 756%
200 Ceo Elec Bl£hts. ll'.il 11 11 11%
New York Stork List Continued
I\9oo Great N pfd 152%i178%U7K'!;1179
iGrccce Cons Cop 30*4
COlH<;rt North Ore.. 82 So%| 8O'» SI
lUavana Tob Co I j 9% IOU
Po j.fd 115 a
in B Oafltn 102 112
iHockins; V»llcy..l 1 12«
1001 I>o pfd P2% J»2% 91 \i »3
Illinois Central..! l«i 169' i
3.4oo' lntcrboro Met...l 36V> Sjlij tS\i MU
1 Do pfd I ". ]73 73%
[Inter Marine 1 »% 10
1 1 Do pfd 1 29% 30%
«OOlntor Tsper 18 17% 17% 18
a Do pfd ! SOU, M
Inter Power ...' T>o% r«S>
lnt.-r Pump j 39 4Oii
I Do pfd 79V- S"%
300 lowa Central ...j 27% 27 25 'J7
I Do pfd 1 . . . .' 4i» .Vt
'Kanawa & Mich.' 6.T 6S
|XC FtS t M pM 7» KO%
2OO'K C Southern... 29« i 29% 2t» 29%
200| Do pfd 60^1 60» 4 «o% fil
!Kci<-k*»rho<-k Ice I ««', «W
!L E & W 2*4 22%
I Do pfd 70« i RO
ILehipb Valley 7ft% 7»
llxjub If land 62 68
2.600; l t N !H3 142 142H 142%
I Marker j 72 73
I Do pfd I j «S>t^ 72
4OoiManhattan '143 1142 142 143
IMet St Ry I 105% 106 ~
300:Mexlcan Ontral. 26^1 25»il 25", 26%
IMinn A St I 1 ..... I 57 5S
I Do Ist pfd I I S7 »4
300] M St P&S S M 131% 130UU30 131
{ Do pfd 1156 163
3.700 Mo Kan & Texas 40i; 39 39% Rosi
l.OOfi! Do" pfd 71% 71ti 70^, 70*4
5.000 Mo Pacific 89 SG% P7% M
!N»^h Chat &St L 140 145
I.7oo;N«tional Lead.. l 73% 70%| 7li' 72
I Do pfd !..„*!..„. 1021.; 103
NRR of Mcx pfdl j 67 K»
2,200! National Biscuit. Ss*i MH *4H W»
Do pfd 117 lIIR
Nevada Con Cop llfl»4l2O
N J Central I2IS 220
L2OOIV T Air Brake.. 137 13S JIS3 137
12.«OOlN V Central 131 a: 1 29 u 13014 130%
100!N TC4- St L.... 61% 61%i61 r.2
I Do Ist pfd 1110 120
200, Do 2d pfd.... 56% M IK6 PO
IN V N H & Hart UP9% 190%
2.600'N T Ont & W.. 45* i 43 45^ 45^
I.loo. Norfolk & West.. Ss\ 89% f-i>U «M>
I Do pfd I BS>4 90^4
400! North American.. SSV« S7*i RK%
4.6CK)' Northern Pacific. 160 157% ISRSj 159
1,100. N0r Pac Richis. 20^ IS^I 20 20%
JOmaha | |165 175
(Pacific Coast ! 1115 125
Do Ist pfd. ...1..' 100 108
I Do 2d pfd I 1120 124
2.400; P«c!flc Mall | 39*; 3S I 3S 38«
4.loo|P*nn RR Co JI36U 134»ii135% 135%
3.000 People's Gas | &6\ S« I Wl4 &6V
200 ! Plttsburjr C0a1... 16% 16M 16VJ 16%
IP C C & St L ...--I 77% BUS
Do pfd 100 10R *
2.500 Pressed Steel Car 55% 83% 154 54>4
Do pfd ?>S% P9%
«O0 Pullman Car Co.. 175' 1174 174 175
600'Ry Steel Spr Co.. 54%|54 M 55
I Do pfd 9S*4 P!>
lfl3.2Oc!Re«dlnK 136 131% 133% 133 U
I Do Ist pfd I PS RS»U
200 Do 2d pfd 92 PO 190 P4
2.500 1 Republic S & 1.. 39% 35%! S3 33%
40Oj Do pfd 99 ff*!3i PR% 9S«
22.000 Bock I^BDd Co.. 2SK\ 2<5%i 27% n\l
700| Da pfd filU 60 60U 61
1.400 Slow SE& I Co 74% l 73%! 74 74%
Do pfd 1 1102 10S "
100' St L4SF l»t pfdl 69% «9%t «9 70
100 l Do 2d pfd 46 46 I 45% 46%
SOO!St L «r S W.... 24\4 23%! 24 I 24%
1.0001 Do pfd 59 f.S RK SSUj
ei.'fiO'So Pacific J»6 »4li| »4»il 94%
4Ofi| Do pfd lIS 117«*III7%I11S
91.300!5n Railway '\u25a0 31% 2KUI 29Hl 29U
2.«00| Do pfd 91 85 Ss>4 l Rs»i
V IStandanl Oil 530 540
iTenn Coal & Iron |15« 160%
|Tex Pac L T Co.| | K2% S5
6Oo,Texaa Pacific r 35U 34% l 34% 35
IThird A«. ..1121 12s
ITpI Ry * T Co.) I 26% 2R
ITol. St L & W..| I 3114J 3314
I Do pfd I Rim r.2U
20/VTwln City B T. 107U 107 t106541107%
!Un Bac & Paper. 1 7y,| s
I Do pfd *>o fli
U3,4oo'rnion Pacific ISI% 178% 179^ 179%
, I Do pfd |92 fl3'
I 'T'nlted Copper...! | 72?; 73 U
l.ono'cn R4s of R F..1 60 \59 156 5S
1.2001 Do pfd 170 f.R ci fiR
I Do At J I R2 82%
COOIU XC I Pipe.... l 49 !4R 47* i 48%
I Do pfd f 88 I 87% 5714 «»'
ITT R Express j j Hl5 120
ITT S Rlty * Cons! j 83% «7
iU R R<l * Rfp Co| I 126 2R
I Do pfd 1 1 64U 6R
1.5001 C S Rubber 50% 60*4 r.OVi 5°%
! Do Ist pfd im' 1107
... I Do 2d pfd 75 1 79
93,R00;rj S Steel Cor... 49*.;! 4RU 4RU 4S I «,
4.9001 Do pfd |10fii,i 1105% 10.M4 106
2.700'Va-Cer Chem Co.! 37 I 35%1 35H1 35«;
! Do pfd I I !lor,uiioßu
2.2Wi!Va. C I t C Co.| Sd t M^i K5 | M
l.OOO^Wahash | 18 | 17%| 17«1 1R
l.SOO! IV, pfd 3*s 1 3T. I 34%! SS
IWella Farpo -2^5 1305
1 on ! Western I'nlon... R3%i R3%l 53%1 84
fWVWestinghouße ... 143% 149 i14R"!153
»O0;W & L E 14%! 14^41 14U1 IS
300 Do Ist r>f<J 33 I 32% 1 33 53%
I Do 2d pfd j 20 21
IWlsconsin Cen I 24i£ 25
I Do pfd j 4SVi 49%
1,278,000 shares total sales.'
»w York Dond«
U S n»f 2s rejr. .104% jJ»r. B n 6s. 2d ser. Q*V t
I>o coupon l<M«il Do 4* cert M>4
Do 3« reg 102 Do 4Ui cert m%
Do roupon 103 Do 2d series... 3A%
Do old 4* rejf.lOO^i r, & N unified 48.1001;
Do coupon 100»4!Mgn con jrold 45.. 100^4
Do new 4s reg.l2SiA!Mex Central 45... R."i%
Do coupon 129% l Do IrP Inc 27
Atner Tobacco 4*. 78 (Minn & St \, 4s. 94
Do 6c 110U M. X & Texas 4s. »7>£
Atrh pen 4s 102 I Do 2ds ... R7«i
Do adj 4s 82U^lNK of Mcx con 4s 87
Atlantic C L 4s. ORi^jV \,V, pen 3%*.. P3U
Bait & Ohio 4b..lolViln j c ren fm 12rt "
Do 3H" «2**lNnr Piiriflc 4s ...102
Brooklyn RT c 4s ftOvt.l Do 3s 73%
Central of Ga Ss.UOVb'Nor & W con 4*. 03
Do l«t Ine W Ins Usr rfds 4*. »4>.;
Do 2d Inc 77VJIPa cony 3%s »«%
Do 3d mc 06 [Reading cen 45... 87T4
Ches & Ohio 4«45.in4%!« L & I M con Ss.llSS*
Chi & Alton ZVi*. 77 Ist L & S T fg in. S2tt
C. B & Q new 4«. fifi^lst L S W con 4s. 73W
C. R I 4 P«c 4s. 79 [Seaboard A L 4s. R2
Do col 5s HOVjISo Pacific 4s fi«>«
C.C.C Ar Rl/gn 4».101Vi Do l«t 4s cert.. 94%
Colo Ind s*. nr A 75 So Hallway Ks 113
Colo Midland 45.. 7.1 Tex & Pan lists.. U7V4
Colo & Bo 4s 94 IToJ. St L A W 4a. Rl'4
Cuba 5a 1 02 H Union Pacific 45. .101%
Den & Rio G 4«. 97U f S Steel 2<l 65.. J>SU
Dl*t Securities 5s P«H Wnbash lsts ... .113
Erie prior lien 4s. B*^4 Do deb B 75
Do pen 4s 87 Western Md 45... 81%
Hock Val 4%«...104H1 v & T , Erie 45... 87
Japan €s 98%lWis Central 45... 83
\>n York Mining Stocks
Adams Con 201 Uttle Chief 05
AHce 6.251 Ontario 7.00
Breece ROJOphlr 2.85
Bruns Con * 70 Potosl 22
Com Tunnel 37 Savage »o
Con Ta Mln Co.. 1.10 Sierra Nev 70
Horn Stlrer 1. 80 Small Hopes 40
Iron Silver 4. 2M Standard 3.05
Leadville Con ... 05|
Condition of the Treasury
WASHINGTON. Jan. 16. — Today's statement
of the treasury balances in the p-eneral fund
snows: Available cash balance. $242,040,015;
pold coin and bullion. (1CQ. 703,506; cold certifi
cates, H7.040.V70.
'Xeir York Cotton Market
NEW YORK. Jan. 16.— The cotton market
opened barely steady at 6 to 8 points decline
on disappointing cables. There was heavy sell
ing from this side by a local flrm who are very
bearish In their views. There is • good demand
for epota at right prices. Tbe Liverpool sales
were the largest of the season, but all of thla
is being ignored just now.
Option. Open. High. Low. Close.
January 9. 24 c 9.24 c fl.OKc » 12c
February 9.l*c " ».l*c 9.18 c 9.18 c
March 9.3& C 9.40 c JJ.2.V; fl.2Sc
April 9.47 c P. 47c 9.38 c fl.S7c
May 9.53 c 9.55 c 8.40 c 9.44 c
June 9.48 c
July 8.62 c 9.64 c 9.44 c 9.52 c
Augiwt ...; f1.45e
October 9.C2c 9.54 c 9.50 c 8.44 c
»vr York Grata and Produce
NEW YORK. Jan. 16.— FLOUR— RecelpU,
2400 barrels; exporu, 30,000; market dull bat
WHEAT— Receipts. 77,000; spot, flrm: No. 2
red. 79>^c elevator: No. 2 red. 80i4e f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, 89% c f.No. b.
afloat; No. 2 hard winter, £4%c f. 'o. b. afloat.
The wheat market was Irregular aeala today,
but closed \ic fib+re tbe previoua night. May,
S2 1-16@82 7-1 6 c, closed 82 % c; July, fel»i@
62% c closed 82c. • '
HOPS— Steady.
HlDES— Steady.
WOOL— Quiet.
EUGAB — Bavr, quiet. Fair refining, 3c; cen-
**\u25a0 \u25a0 ... . . • \u25a0
trifugal. 06 test, 3%c; molasses sugar, 2%c; rc
t!i'<l. Bieariy.
COFFEE— The market for coffee futures closed
steady, net 5 points lower to 5 points hiplier.
Sales. 54.000 bags, including January. 5.05®
5.1.V: February. 5.10 c: March. 5.10Ca3.-sc: May.
5.30(9 5.35c: July. 5.45C? 5.50c September, 5.50
<fj.-i.6w: December, 5.75(^'3.50c.
Spot coffee closed at an advance. No. 7 Rio,
6%e: No. 4 Santos, 7?£c; mild, steady; Cordova,
EVAPORATED APPLES— Prime are offered for
January delivery at about B»ic. Fancy are
quoted at 9&9tfc; choice, B%®S%c; prime.
PRUNES— Are In fair demand, quotations
ranging from 3c to 9c for California fruit; Ore
gon. 60s to 40s are quoted at 7<&.Sc.
APRlCOTS— Unchanged: choice, 16c; extra
choice. 17«t16c; fancy. 18&20 C.
PEACHES— Are in qnlet demand: choice, 12c;
extra choice, 12% c, fancy. 13c.
RAISINS— Are about the most active thins
on the list for the time being, with seeded
raisins In llfrtit supply. Ixtoso muscatels are
quoted at 7%<stS%c; seeded raisins, i«J,lOc:
London layers, $1.45©. 1.55.
TVen- York Metal Market
NEW YORK. Jan. 16. — There was an advance
of 5s in the London tin market, with spot clofi
lru: at £189 and futures at £190. Locally me
market was firmer at $41.25ig41.30.
Copper was lower In I/radon, spot closing at
£108 and futures at £108 12s 6d. Locally the
market was firm and um-hanced. Lake, 5-4.0U
<fi21.75; electrolytic. ?24.25©24.50; casting,
$24*5.24.25. ' - " , .
!>>Bd uurhan^ed «t f6.10Q6.25 locally and at
£IJ> 17s 6d In London.
Spelter was unchanged at £27 2s 6d In Lon
don and remained quiet at $0.65^6-75 locally.
Iron wa« fcijrber in the Enjrlisb market, with
standard foundry quoted at 60s nnd Cleveland
warrants at 60s 9d. Ix>cally the market was «
little firmer. No. 1 foundry northern. J25.75W
i«. 25: No. 2 do. [email protected]; No. 1 foundry
(southern, [email protected]; No. 2 do, $25@26.
Future Grain and Provision*
CHICAGO. J«n. 16.— The wheat market open
ed a trifl;» easier because of lower cables and
favorable weather In the winter wheat territory.
Small receipts at Minneapolis* and Duluth partly
offset tlie>.e Influences, aud later, when the price,
of oats advanced lc. the sentiment In the wheat
pIL-fcccame hu'.llKh. Prices, however, only
showed moderate change. The aarket clos<vl
steady. May opened unchanged to a shade
lower at 76@76iic. wild between 7'i*4c nnd .b'gC
and closed a shad* higher at 76H®"'*'V4<'.
Wet weather caused firmness in the corn mar
ket. Local receipts were less than half of the
estimated amount; the market closed firm. May
open.-d unchanged to %c higher at 43 T i<344e.
so!d up to 44U<g44»*c and closed *ie higher at
The market for oats was strong and active.
Leading ht:lls nought heavily of May and July
and this demand induced free covering by Fhort c.
May opened a shade to H r higher at 3«Vs'3
37«-«c. advanced to 37*8 C and closed Vi&%c up
at 37% c. . J* <i
The provisions market opened firm because or
an advance in thp price of live hogs, but the
market soon weakened on free selling by packers.
At tbe rinse May pork was down 10c; lard was
off 5e and ribs were 7%e lower.
Ea«<rrn Llvemtoek Market
CHICAGO. Jan. 16.— CATTLE— Receipts.
22 000- steady to strong. Beeves. $4.1.">6j7; cows
and heifers, "[email protected]."«: stockers and feeders,
$25004.60: calves. ?6r<JS^r..
H(KsS— Receipts. T. 3.000: stronc to 5s higher.
Mixed and butchers*. [email protected]: jrood heavy.
$6 ft"l(fi«.67%: rouph heavy. $f!.30@6 40: Ilcht.
[email protected]: pigs. $5.S n 'SE6.r.O : bulk. $<5.5056.60.
SHEEP— Re<-eipts. 20.000: market Bteady.
Sheep, $3.60(g:5.75: lambE. $4.75©7.80.
Lou Anseles Mnrkrln
LOS ANGELES. Jan. 16.— Tbe produce mar
ket showed a slight weakening in tone this
morning. Bunch goods* and cauliflower were, prin
cipally affected. Prices on hcrch goods ranging
from 30 rents to 40 rents and cauliflower from
40 to 60 cents, against 40 cents, flrm. yester
day for tbe former and 60 to 75 cents for cauli
Tomatoes are about gone and the quality Is
Inferior. A number of boxes of hothouse cucum
bers came 1n and were offered at $1.25 a dozen.
Receipts of flsh were smaller than yesterday,
and those received were mostly of the smaller
kind, black trout and rockcod. Game is still
very scarce.
There was little doing on the exchange this
morning, sales being confined to three sacks of
white sweet potatoes and. two cases of fancy
valley creamery butter. '
According to a prominent butter dealer there
fs J OO.OOO pounds less butter in storage than
at this time last year.
Tbe butter market is still short on fresh but
ter, and the price on valley creamery stiffened
5 cents a pound, the selling price being 75
There were bnt 2457 cases of eggs In storage,
as compared with over 6000 cases January 1.
So it is apparent that the prediction that an
advance Is inevitable was well founded.
Produce receipts — Eggs. IM cases; bntter.
22.100 pounds: potatoes, 10S5 sacks; cheese,
12.012 pounds.
Following are the Jobbing prices:
EOGH — Loral ranch, candled. 33c; local case
count. 30@33c; northern ranch, candled, 30c;
selected storage. °s@2Sc.
BUTTER— T/val creamery. 70/> : valley cream
ery fanev. 7.V-; coast creamery., fancy. «5@
67%e; coast dairy, choice, 62%<g65c; cooking.
CHEKPE Northern fresh. 17c: anchor, large.
16c- anchor. Youne America. 18c: anchor, band,
l»c- Eastern singles. 17@19e; Eastern twins,
17c; Eastern rheddars. 16«216%c: Eastern long
hom. 16®lS%r; Eastern dairy. ISc: Swiss, im
ported. 2Sig2!»c: Swiss, domestic, 20c; limbur
ger. l<=c: brick cream, 20c.
POULTRY— Buying prires (live weight, a
pound" : Hens, light weight 14c; yonng
roosters. 14c; fryers. 16c: hroilers. 18c; roosters,
Re- turkeys. 17e; old torn*. 16c: young toms,
17c; ben 'turkeys. 15c; geese. 12c; ducks, 12c;
wjuabs. $2 a dozen.
Selling prices (dressed, a poundi— Hens. 19c;
young roosters. 20c; fryers, 2Oc; broilers. 22c;
old roosters, 12c; turkeys. 23c; old toms, 20c;
young toms. 22c; hen turkeys. 20c; geese, 18c;
ducks l**-: squabs. $3 a down.
POTATOES (a cwt)— ldaho rurals. $1.55: Col
orado $1.R5; Salinas. $1 .OOQ2; Highland, $1.85
<a*»- eweet potatoes, yellow, [email protected]; white,
$2.10f12.r.f1;, Watsonvllle, [email protected]; Nevada.
$2: Oregon, »2. t
ONIONS— YeIIow Dnnvers. $1.25; northern,
$1 2. r >- garlic. Or; chills, green. 3Hr; evaporated,
13@ 13% c: sun dried. 13@13%c; ground, 12% c;
Mexican, bulk. 12%@13e.
BEANS <a cwli— Pink No. 1. $2.«0<g3; No.
2 $1.30; Lima No. 1. $5: Lady Washington
No 1 52 f*ofif3; do irnall white. No. 1, $3.60®
3.75- hlark eye. $3.75@4; Garvanzas, $4.25®
4.50: lentils. n<Sloc lb.
HONEY (a pound)— Comb, water white. 16c:
light amber. 14c; comb, white, 14c; extracted
water white, 60-pound canß. 7%<£S«:- extracted,
white, CO-pound cans. 6%@7c; light amber, 6@
Foreign Future*
tVbeat — March. ; May. July.
Opening 63\ 6 3 5 11T4
Closing « -*» 6 3 5 11%
Wheat — ! Jan. May-Ang.
Opening 23 20 23 30
Closing 23 23 23 20
Flour —
Opening 20 30 30 20
Closing A. 29 30 30 20
London Wool Snlen
LONDON. Jan. 16. — The offerings at the wool
auction sales today amounted to 13.322 bales.
Scoured merinos and good broken greasles were
in sellers' favor. Cosrse crossbred* maintained
the opening advance of R per cent. American
and home buyers competed for fine greasies, the
former taking a quantity of Victorian at Is 4d.
St. I.oiilm Wool Market
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 16.— Market steady. Medium
grades combing and clothing. 23&25%e: light
fine. 20@23c; heavy, fine. 16@18c; tub washed,
Northern Bu*ine««
SEATTLE. Jan. 16.— Clearings, $1,311,590; bal
ances. $150.059.
SPOKANE. Jan. 16.— Clearings, $1,020,049;
balances. $125,600.
TACOMA. Jan. 16. — Clearings, $812,565; bal
ances. $65,336.
PORTLAND. Jan. 16. — Clearings; $1,119,007;
balances, $224,017^
Xorthern Wheat Market
PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 16.— WHEAT— Club.
06<gC7e: bluestem, 68@09c; red, 64665 c; val
TACOMA. Jan. 16.— WHEAT— Unchanged.
Blueetem, 6Sc; <;lub. 66c: red. 64c.
Exchange and Bullion
Domestic and Sterling Exchange advanced. Sil
ver declined %c.
Sterling Exchange, rlsty «lsjr«.... — ©4-SIV4
Sterling Exchange, sleht — @4.55»i
Sterling Exchange, cables — 04.80%
New York Exchange, sight : — ©-,10
New York Exchange, telegraphic — ' & ' 15
Sllrer. per ounce .-.. «B*4«4 —
Mexican Dollar*. .. 54%@ 65
New York on Paris.... 520
New York on Mexico 200
Paris on London ..."............. .25.21^
Paris on Berlin 20.50
Wheat and Other Grain*
j . WHEAT — Liverpool \ futures were lower. Chi
cago wit . unchanged. In this market futures
were firm, and the cash grain was slso reported
very steady,, with quotations unchanged. .---•••
California Club. $1.22%@1.25: do, milling,
$1.27^;- California White Australian. $1.22V4@
1.87%: lower grades of California, $1.10^:1.20;
Northern Club, $1.27%@1.30; Northern Blue
stem. 11.35^1.40; Northern Bed,' $I.2*J'sQt
1.27%. \u25a0
\u25a0 10 to 11:30 a. m. Session.
May— sl.2»H.
>. BARLEY — Tbe situation shows no change
whatever. A : sale of 3000 \u25a0 sks • choice Feed ' at
$1.15 was made on/Change yesterday. . Receipts
were moderate. . .-.-\u25a0• ,\u25a0 .\u25a0:,-..: ..\u25a0-.:.
Good, to choice Feed. 5p0t. \u25a051.12%@1.15: com
mon to fair, [email protected] per ctl; eeed lots bring v
high as $1.20; f Brewing and shipping. $1.17%@
1.20. per ttl; Chevalier. [email protected] for. poor to
common and $1.25&1.35. a5ked for choice. \u0084
•10 to 11:30- a. m.- Session.
-May— sl.l7%. - ,- \u25a0
OATS— There have'been several ar^vals : fron^
the. north during the past few days, but not suf
ficient to produce ' any effect on the market.
Quotations and conditions remain unchanged.-
Good to choice red -for feed..- [email protected];
common . to fair." $1 3001-37% ; Red. for . seed,
$1.50<g1.G5; White. >1.42%@1.65; Black, $1.50
©2.25; Gray, $1.42%@1.50 per cental.
CORN— Previous . conditions are reported, with
a dull and nominal market.' -~
Small ! Round -Yellow $1.53 asked; California.
Inrge Yellow, . $1.25(81 30; White, [email protected];
Western, State, -..: sacked Yellow, $1.25<g1.30;
White, $1.27@1. 32% -mixed. [email protected]%;
White. Egyptian, $1.25; Brown Egyptian, $1.12%
@1.15. \u25a0 .- • * •\u25a0....
RYE— California, $i.42%@1.45 per ctl; Utah,
$1.35(ffi1.40 per ctl -
BUCKWHEAT— [email protected] per cU.
Flour and Farinaceous GoodK
FLOUR— California Family Extras. $4.SO@
5.10, usual terms; Bakers' Extras, [email protected];
Superfine, $3.25@3 60' Oregon and Washington,
$3.r.oftt4 per barrel. -
FARINACEOUS GOODS— Prices Im packages
are as follows: Graham Flour, $2.25 per 100
lbs; Rye Flour, $3 75- Rye Meal, $3.50; Rice
Klour, $8; Corn* Meal $2.75; extra cream do,
$3.70; Oat Meal. $4 [email protected]: Oat Groats, $4.75;
Hominy. $3.75@4: Buckwheat Flour, $4.50®
4.75; Cracked Wheat $3.75: Farina. $4.50;
Whole Wheat Flour $3.50; Rolled Oats, bbls,
$7@«; in sacks. $6.50(5)7.50; Rolled Wheat, bbls,
$4.60; in sacks. $4.10; Pearl Barley. $6; Split
Peas, boxes, $5.50; Green Peas, $3.50 per 100
Hay and Feedstuff*
The market for Feedstuff* showed firmer symp
toms yesterday, due to a reported advance of 50c
per ton In Bran up north and the general talk of
the great setback received by the new green
feed, owins to the recent freezing weather.
Prices showed no advance, however.
The receipts. of 750 tons of Hay Included 50
cars. These car receipts have been increasing
steadily of late, bnt are still behind. The mar
ket continues active and very firm. The circular
of Somers &, Co. says:
"There has been "some lessening in Hay ar
rivals during the week just ended, the total
showing 3150 tons, in comparison with 3550. f0r
the preceding week. Hay has been offered quite
freely at all shipping points, but the embargo
placed at several stations has not yet been re
moved, wltli the consequence that some of the
principal warehouse people are complaining bit
terly. There Is still a great accumulation In
the Oakland yards, and It will probably take a
week or more to relieve the congested condition
there. Tbe situation Is far from being satisfac
tory, for. although we manage to supply our
trade, yet we cannot always give them the quan
tity or variety that they want.
"The only Interesting feature of the 'week is
tbe inquiry that has developed from both Port
land and Puyct Sound points. Like ourselves,
they seem to be having the greatest difficulty In
marketing supplies from Eastern Oregon and
Eastern Washington, si) are turning to us to Fee
what we can do for them. In spite of our high
market, some little Tiny Is about to move north,
although we think that, unless our market low
ers, trade will be limited In this connection.
"We noti> a continuance In demand for choice
Wheat Hay. which is holding up very strong.
Alfalfa la showing some strength also, although
a, few days of plentiful receipts would > ease the
market. Other Mnes continue unchanged."
BRAN — $20.50<fi22.50 per ton.
MIDDLINGS — 527030 per ton.
SHORTS — $20<g22.50 .per ton.
FEEDSTUFFS — Rolled Barley, $23.50(325;
Mixed Feed. $23@25; Oilcake Meal in 5-ton lots,
$40.50; Jobbing, $41 per ton; Cocoannt Cake or
Meal fit mills. $24 in 10 and $24.50 In 5 ton
lots: Jobbing. $25; Corn Meal. $30©31; Cracked
Corn. $31 ©32-: Broom Corn Feed, 90c per ctl:
Alfalfa Meal, carload lots. $20.30: JoM>lng, $21
person; Mealfalfa. $20.50: lohblng. $21.
HAY— Choice Wheat, $lf>@23 per ton: good
Wheat. [email protected]; other grades Wheat. $14
©16: Wheat and Oat. $15^20; Tame Oat. $12®
18: Wild Oat. $10@14; Common Hay. $0@10;
Alfalfa. $9@12: Stock. SR@lO. per ton.
STRAW — 6O@Soc per bale.
Bean* anJ Seed*
The descriptions under thin head remain a«
before quoted. The market Is of a midwinter
character, being quiet and featureless.
BEANS— Per ctl: Bsyos. [email protected]: Pea. $3Q
3.25: small White. [email protected]: large White. $2
<52.50; Pink; [email protected]: Red, $2.50tf12.R5:
I.imas, [email protected]; Red Kidneys. $3.50(33.90;
Blackeyes, [email protected]; Batter, nominal at $3.50
SEEDS — Brown Mustard. $4.2504.50: Yellow
Mustard, nominal ; Flaxseed. $3; Canary. 4%(!5
4%c; Alfalfa. 13e: Rape. 1<33%c: Timothy. 5@
5%e; Hemp. 5c per lb; Millet, 3%c; Broom Corn
Seed. SIS@2O per ton.
DRIED PEAS— N lies, nominal; Gr«en Peas,
[email protected] per ctl. .
. Potatoes. Onlonsi and Vecetablen -
As. mentioned frequently of late, the receipts
of Potatoes are running very light, because of
the shortage of cars and the extreme cold
weather In tbe, growing districts, and tbe mar
ket rules very strong all around, .with prices of
fancy table goods pointing upward. The lower
grades, too, are very strong at the : moment, but
no advance is expected In them, as the competi
tion of Eastern stQck,, which can be sold at com ;
paratlvely low rates.. Is expected to hold prlcea
down. Onions,' like Potatoes, are in light supply
and very firm. " ' \u0084.\u25a0•\u25a0•
Receipts of green . vegetables from the southern
part of the Rtate continued very light and the
limited supplies were quickly closed out at high
prices. . »,
POTATOES— Per -etl: River White, $1.25®
1.55: Oregon Burbanks/ $1.25<31.75; Early Rose.
$1.50:- Eastern Burbanks, $1.50; Sweet Potatoes,
ONIONS— YeIIow, per ctl.. $1(3t.20.
VEGETABLES— Green Peas. lOiglSc 'per In;
String Beans. per lh: Wax Beans.
per lb: Tomatoes, $1.75(53:2.25 per -crate: Hot
house Cucumbers. $1*31.25 ' per dozen; Cream
Squash, 405J60C per box; Summer Sqiiash. $1.50
(fU.7i> per box: Garlic. 2% <34c per lb: Celery,
P.s@loc ncr dozen; Cabbage. $1 per ctl: Cauli
flower. 75c per dozen: Carrots. $1 per sack: Tur
nips. $1 per aack; Green Peppers, 12%@25c per
Ib; Marrowfat and Hnbbard Sauash, $15@20 per
ton; Mushrooms, 25©35 c per lb. . \u25a0
Poultry anil Came
With tbe reeeints still running very light and
the demand readily absorbing all of the offer-
Ings, the market for live Poultry ruled very
strong and the recently advanced quotations were
maintained without difficulty. Dressed Turkeys
were weak. The receipts - were Increased to 35
cases, and as the demand was nothing extra re
ceivers promptly dropped their asking prices.
Changes in Game were slight, the market being
Mther slenderly supplied with everything except
Hare, and prices were generally flrm. •
POULTRY— Per "dozen: Hens. $(?®8.50 for
large and Saf-ie for small; old Roosters. $4fi53:
young Roosters. $6fiiS.so; Fryers. $5(36; Broil
ers. $3.50*35: Pigeons. 51Q1.25: Squabs. $2.50;
Ducks, $6*B R for youne and $5@6 for old;
Geese. »2.SOQs per nalr.
TURKEYS— Per lb: Dressed. 20@23c; live,
GAME— Per doien: Mallard DucVs. J6<STSO;
Canvasbacks, $4.50@7: fprhr. $5(36; Teal.
$4; Gray Ducks. • $4.-V); . Wldreon. $3.. r tO(S?
A; Small Ducks. $2.50: Black Jacks. $3: Gray
Geese, $4(^4.50: White Geese. $1.75(^2.50;
Brant, [email protected] for large and $2.50(?i3 for small;
Honkers, [email protected]; Hare, $2; Cottontail Rab
bits, $3.
Butter. Cheeiie nnd' Kcs»
The coM and stormy weather Is holding back
supplies of Bntter and Eggs In the country, and
as a result this market Is slenderly supplied
with both, strictly fancy table Butter particu
larly being in scant supply. A number of han
dlers were badly in need of both Butter and
Esgs yesterday and In their efforts to secure sup
plies they bid the market , up on' both. All
grades of fresh California Butter were marked
up lc per pound, and : there was a similar ad
vance In Eggs. The. advance In Batter .was not
unexpected, but the shortage of Eggs came as a
surprise 1 ) to • the trade, ' and 1 those dealers who
comprised the strong selling interest . during tbe
last few days were as-anxious to buy as they
had been to sell.' The. new quotations ; were
freely offered ,on 'Change, but there were no
sellers. Cheese was neglected on the Exchange
and the quotations wereaecordlngly y unchanged.
Receipts were 28.900 lbs Butter, 10,400 lbs
Cheese and 573 cases Egpi. fl
The following were the official quotations as
established by tbe sales, bids and offers on the
floor of the Dairy Exchange:
BUTTER — Fresh creamery extras, 30c per lb.
flrm ; do firsts, 35c, ; firm : seconds, . 27c. : firm :
packing stock, firm at-21%c for No. 1 and 21c
for No. 2; Eastern extras, 30c. firm: do firsts,
2Rc, firm; Eastern ladle extras. 21*4 c, • flrm.
Storage goods — California extras, 30c, - firm:
firsts, 27% c. firm: seconds. 25c. firm: No. \u25a0 1
packing stock, 20% c ,' flrm ; ' Eastern extras, 29c,
firm; Eastern ladles, firm at 21 %C for extras
and 21»ic for first*. *
CHEESE— Fancy California, new flats, -13?4c
per lb. flrm; firsts, 12c' weak: new. Young Amer
icas, fancy, 15c, steady: firsts, ,14c. : weak: East
ern, fancy, 17c, firm ; Western. \u25a0 fancy. 15c, flrm.
Storage- goods — Fancy • California - flats. 13% c,
weak; do firsts. 13c. weak;; fancy Eastern, 16% c,
firm: fancy Western, 13% c/ flrm. \u25a0
EGGS — California fresh selected. 34% c per
doz. firm: extras. 33%c,'flrm; firsts," 32%c, firm;
seconds, 30c, firm; v. Sp
Deciduous and Cltnm Fruit*
Yesterday's markets : for fresh ffnlts presented
no new or striking features. - The same old hum
drum conditions > prevailed \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 all : over •; tbe street,
there being \u25a0 no : new ' arrivals ; of any \u25a0 consequence
and trade in all lines being confined to tbe nar
rowest possible. • limits. 1^ In -the absence " of busi
ness quotations for the' leading descriptions, were
undisturbed. ." Cranberries ;\u25a0 " were .\u25a0 marked \u25a0> down
again ; and the new., prices ;' named were , largely
nominal, as most dealers, were .willing to sell at
almost any. price in order i to clean up, ' . r ;.\
CRANBERRIES— Eastern. $5@7 per bbl.' -
.APPLES — Fancy * $ 1. 35 it 1.00 per box foriNew
town Pippins, $1.75(32.25 for SplUenbergß,- $1.25
(31.50 for other red .varieties and $1i§i1.25 for
Bcnflowersiroomnjon' to choice, :50c® $1 per box.
PEARS-*Wlnter • Nellis. ; $2(!?2.25 V per box;
other varieties. :slQl.sO. per -.box. •. \u25a0
CITRUS FRUITS— Pcr -box: • Navel. Oranges/
$2.50Q3 ; for .fancy, $1.75(32^.5 for. choice, and
[email protected]. for. standards; \u25a0 - Seedlings. [email protected];
Tangerines, halves,*' $1.23;- quarters, 50c<S$l;
Lemons. $2.50(g3 for ' fancy. $1 .50@2 for \u25a0 choice
and [email protected] for -standard; Grape Fruit," s3@
3.50 for seedless and [email protected] for common; Limes, i
$3.t>o((/j4. '" B bri9kaVißMHßßflßflHW'^V''''^EH6feßt
TROPICAL , FRUITS^-Bananas;:.''.sl@2 'per ;
bunch for Hawaiian and |2@3 for Central . Amer
ican ; Pineapplfs, $.I@s . per , dozen. ;.
Dried Fruits. Xuul Ralilnsanri Honey
FRUlTS^Aprlcots.?'. 15(gl8c \u25a0 per - Ib; ;, Evap-'
crated "Apples, lapot,:' 6^QSVac; Peaches, -10(2
13c: Peara,- 9@12%c: Prunes, 4-size basis, ,3®
3*i c : \u25a0 large sizes. - 4 @sc. \u25a0• < " :**^S^^S3®BSW
- RAISINS — Seeded. B% figlOc ; , Loose Muscatels.
7c. 7%c 'and 8c for" 2,. 3 and •4 . crown ' respect
ively; Seedless Sultanas. \u25a0 7c; Thompson Seedless.
7%c for unbleached; \u25a0 London Layers, \u25a0 3-crotvn
SI.SS; London Layers, 2-crown,. $1.75: Clusters,
$3. 50 for Imperial, $3 for Dehesa and 52.50 for
fancy. . \u25a0 . : \u25a0
NL^TS— Almonds. Nonpareils. 17*4 @lS%c; I
X L;>iC%@lSc; Ne Plus Ultra, 16(fJ17c: Drakes,
13%*314% c: Languedocs. 13%(aiic: hardshell,
OQlOc. Walnuts, jobbing prices — Soft shell.
15@16c for No. 1 and 12@ 13c for No. 2: hard
shell 14c for No. 1 and lie for No. 2; Italian
Chestnuts. S@loc per lb. •-'
\u25a0 HONEY — 16@17c per lb for bright comb and
13@15c for amber: do. extracted. 6%©7% c for
water white and 5%@6c for amber.
'\u25a0': "-'\u25a0 '•\u25a0• '\u25a0*.. Provisions
CORED MEATS— Bacon. 14 %c per lb for
heavy, 14% c for Usht medium. 16c for light,
10% c for extra light and 20@21c for sugar
cured; Dry Salt Sides, 13% c: Bellies. 14c: East
ern sugar-cured Hams. \u25a0 16%@16%c; California
Hams, 16c: Mess Beef. $9 per bbl: extra Mess,
$9.50; Family. $10: Prime Mess Pork, $16.50;
extra clear, $23: Mess. $19; Pig Pork, $26;
Pigs' Feet. $5: Smoked Beef, 14c per lb.
LARD — Tierces • quoted at 9c for. California
compound. 9%c for Eastern compound and 11 %c
for pure: lialf-barrels, pure. 12c: 12-lb tins,
12% c: 5-lb tins. 12% c: 3-lb tins. 12?4c.
COTTOLENE— One half-barrel. 10% c: three,
baif-barrel?. 10% c; one tierce, 10% c: two
tierces, 10% c; five tierces, 10c.
. Tilde*. Tallovr, AVool am? llopn
HIDES— CuIIs and brands fell about %®lc
under quotations. Heavy Salted Steers, 12c:
medium. 12%@13c; light. 12MjQ13e: Cow
Hides, 12%@13e for heavy, 12V>@13c for light;
Stags, B%c; Salted Kip. 13V-c: Salted Veal.
15% c: Salted Calf, 15% c: dry' Hides. 23c: dry
Kip. 22c; dry Calf. 25c: Sheepskins. Shearlings,
20SJ50c each: short Wool, 50Cdi70.? each: me
dium. 70ffJ00c: long Wool. [email protected]: Horse
Hides, salt. $3(33.25 f O r lanre and $2.75 for
medium. 52.25 for small and 50c for Colts:
Horse Hides, dry. $2(52.25 for laree and $1.50
©1.75 for medium. $1.2» for small and 50c for
Colts.. Deerskins — Dry Mexican. 32%@35e: dry
salted Mexican, 35@37%c: dry Central Amer
ican. 35@37%c. Goatskins — Prime Angoras, 75c;
extra large do, $1.25; large, 50c: medium. 35c:
small. 25c. • • \.
i TALLOW— No. I rendered, sc; No. 2, 4@4%c;
Grease. 2<g3e.
WOOL — Fall clip — San Joaquln and Southern.
7<ijBc: fall Lambs. 8%(313c: Northern do. 13@
15c; Humboldt and Mendocino. 13@14c: Middie
Connty, s@loc; Northern. ll(fJ14c; Nevada, 15@
lSc per lb for spring »nd ll@Hc for fall.
HOPS— California, IOQHc: Oreson and Wash
lngtcn, 10@14c per lb for IDO6.
Meat Market
BEEF— €%@7%c per lb for Steers and 6@6%c
for Cows.
VEAL— 9%@lOc for large and 9@loc for
MUTTON— IO@IIc for Wethers and 9%@
10% c for Ewes. • \
LAMB— lO@l2c per lb for yearlings and 15c
for Spring.
DRESSED nOGS— lo®ll%c per lb.
The following quotations are for good, sound
livestock, delivered in San Francisco, less 50
per cent shrinkage for Cattle: I
CATTLF — Steers, 7%<gBc per lb for No. 1 and
7@7%c for No. 5: Cows and Heifers, 6c; No.
2 Cows. 5(g5%c; thin Cows, 4%@5c.
CALVES— 5c per lb for light. 4%c for me
dium and 3>Ac for heavy (gross weight). .
SHEEP — Wethers. 6%@Sc per lb; Ewes. 5@
5%c feross weight).
LASIBS— «(g6%c per lb.
HOGS— loo to ISO lbs. 7%c per lb; over 180
lbs. 6*4@7ViC; Boars 50 per cent, Stags 30@40
per cent and Sows 10@20 per cent off from
above quotations.
General 3lerchandlse
BAGS — San Quentln Bags for the enrrent year.
~%r; Grain Bags. June-Jnly. B%(SST4c: Wool
Bags. 28% c for 3-Ib and 43c for 4-lb.
COAL — Wellington, $12 per ton: New Welling
ton. $12: Bearer Hill, S10: Coos Bur, $10; Rich
mond. $12: Cumberland. $14 in bulk and $16.25
in sacks; Cnnnel, $12 per ton: Welsh Anthracite.
$15; Cote. $15 psr ton in bulk and $17 In sacks;
Rocky Mountain, nomlnaf.
OIL — Quotations are. for barrels, for cases
add 5.\ Linseed, 54c per gallon for boiled, and
52c for raw; Castor Oil. in cases. No. 1. 75c;
Bakers' AA. cases, $1.28(31.30: Lncol. 50c for
boiled and 4Sc for raw: China Nut. cases. 85(3
90c ~er p-"on: Cocoanut Oil. in barrels. 58c for
Ceylon and 55c for Australian; extra bleiehed
winter Spejm OH. 65c; natural winter Sperm
OH. 65e; natural Whale OH, 55c: extra winter
strained Lard Oil. S.V; No. 1 Lard Oil. I r,<?c;
Pnrfi N«-atsfoot Oil, 75c: No. 1 Neatsfoot Oil.
r.7%c: Herring Oil. 40c: Salmon OH. 35c; boiled
Fish Oil. 35c; Paint 0i1. ,35c..
Coal Oil. from tank wagons. lOffJlle: special do.
12% c; Pearl Oil. In cases. 17c: Astral. 17c;
Star. 17c: Extra Star, 2oc: F.lalne. 26c: Eocene.
I9c: Stove Gasoline, In bulk.' 17% c; In cases.
24c: No. 1 Engine Distillate, Iron barrels or
drums. 8c: No. 2 do. 6%c; cases. 6%c more:
Benzine, in bulk. 12% c: In cases, l!)c; 86-degree
Gasoline, in bulk, 30<?; In cases, 36<?.
TURPENTINE — 93c per gallon in cases and
87c in drums and iron barrels.
per lb; White Lead, B@B%c, according to quan
SDGAR — The Western Sugar Refining Com
pany quotes as follow*, terms net cash: Cubes
A. Crushed and Fine Crushed. 4.80 c; Powdered.
4.65 c: Candy Granulated. 4.65 c; Fine Fruit and
Coarse Granulated. 4.55 c:. Beet Granulated (110
lb bags only). 4.35 c: Confectioners' A. 4.55 c;
Magnolia A. 4.15 c: Extra C. 4.05 c: Oolden C.
3.95 c: D. 3.55 c; H. & E. Crystal Dominoes,
7.55 c: Tablets, half-bhls. 5.05 c: boxes. 5.30 c per
lb. Barrels and 50-lb bags. 10c; half-bbls 25c
and box»>s 500 more i»r 100 lbs for all grades.
No order taken for less than 75 barrels or its
equivalent. "
Receipt* of Produce.
Flour, qr eks.... 2.0501 Hay. tons 756
Wheat, ctls .... l,27o|Hops, bales 37
Barley, ctls .... 4.2351 Rolled Barley, sks 4,975
Oats, ctls 2,oBo| Leather, rolls .... 50
Corn, ctls ...... «2lHldes, No 477
Tallow, crta .... 227 Pelts, Ml* ...... 75
Sugar, ctls ..... 4,725 Lime, bbls 408
Bran, sks 73O|Brandy, jrals .... 200
Middlings, sks .. I.oo3! Wine, gals 47.700
Potatoes, sks ... 2,34oi Lumber. M ft 120
Onions, nks 751 Livestock, head... 800
Shorts, sks 125|
Flour, qr Fks../. I.o2o|Oats, ctls ...... 1,990
Minlne Mockn.Ratbrr Weak and Local
. Securities Hot In Active Demnnd
There was • less : doing on the Stock and Bond
Exchange yesterday. Sales of 'bonds were -only
$30,000. while transfers of stocks were light.
The sugars continued steady, with fair sales
of Honokaa. The Telephone stock sold at
$102.25 to $103.
In mining stocks the Oomstocks were qnlet
and not materially chonsed. Fluctuations in tb«
Southern Nevada*, with a few exceptions, were
not sharp, but the list as a whole was Inclined
to easiness, selling orders preponderating. C The
usual: long list, of sales was run up. and th»
market showed no dlminutipn in \ activity or
public Interest.
The Grape Vine Canyon Mining Company of
Tuolumne\ County has levied an assessment of
2%c, delinquent February IS.
WEDNESDAY. Jan. 16—10:30 ». in.
*":£ :\u25a0:'.- Bid. Ask. " Bid. Ask.
4s qr coup.. — .— ' 4s qr cp new.129%131%
4s qr reg... — — 3s qr coup... — —
Ala A W ss.'— — Ok T Co 65. 115 —
Asso Oil ss. PO 02U Do 5s \u0084...10S — -
Bay CPC 65.102 ; — Ok T Con ss; — 10S
Cal C G 5». — — O W.-gtd ss/ 92% 96
Cal G& E g Oceanic S ss. 60 —
m & ct 5« S7'4 — Om Cable 6s. — 120'
Cal-st C 55. 105 — Pae G Im 4e. — 95
C O Wat 55. 101 103 ' P E Ry 55..109« i —
Do g mgss 96% 07% Pac L&P'ss. — 100
Ed LAP 6s. — - ;,— P & G H 65.101% —
F& O H 68.108 — P & O R- 68.105 ' —
Geary-st 55.. 40 — Powell-st 65..111% — 1
H C&S 5%5. — — , Sac EG&RSs.IO4 —
Do 5s 104 H— SF & SJVSs. II9^II9%
Hon-R T 65.107%105% SF.O & SJ5s. — HO^i
L Taboe R55.101 102 •, &T& SCR 4%s 94% —
LA Elec ss. — 100% Sierra R 65.. 112 —
LAG & E158.100 — S'P of A 6s
L ARy 55..11714H8U (1903), 102%10314
LAL gtd ss. 104% 105% (1910) ....— 105*
LAP lem 58.109 ; — S P of C 6s
LAP Cal ss. — 110V4 (1912) ....112% —
Mkt-st C 6s.HO — , "ipo 1 eg 58.119 —
Do lcm 58.1111* —- S p B R 65.134 —
MV& MtTSs.lOO — SV W g mg4s — ,94 .
NR of O 55.119% — Stkn G&E 6s — 105
NPC;R 58.102 IOT% U G & E ss. — 103%
NC Ry 55..— 113 UR of SF 4s. 82% 52%
NCP C 55.101 — . Val Co. P ss.— 103
OGL&H 58.108 — '
Contra Costa 60 — IMarlu Co ... — 62
§Do ctfs .. 59% — |S V Wat Co. 24% 25
Cent L & P. 1 2% Martel Power—' —
Mut-E L ctfs 0% 9% Pac l> Co 80% —
\u25a0 Do ex ctfs 13 13% Stkn G&E. — —
Fireman's Fund .....'. .:.'..... ..'....150 170
bank; stocks \u25a0
Am NtTßk.l3o — \rx>n;P, & A.l3S' 141
Anglo-Car :: 87% 85 . Mer Trust ..228^230
Bank of Ca1.862 3G5 IMe'rch Ex ..60 - —
Cal Safe iDp.l29% — - IS • F National. — . —
First Nabl.. — 315* |
Ger S& L.2950 — ".' Say & L So.. 100 —
Hum S-8k. 2100 — SecSav 8k:.390 -425
Mutual Say.. »O — \u25a0 Union T Co. — —
S F Say U. 617% — I .
California '..141 -148" [Presidio : — 23
Geary' ..••"•• ~ 31UI ,
Giant Consolidated Co ......... . . ... 85tf 86 '
SUGAR : (\_
Hawaiian C. '. 81 < , 81% Onomea "'. S C. 37^i ; .*!* i
Honokaa S:OUOT» : 11 • Paauhau S C.;i6%i16%
Hutch^S^P C 15U 15% Union "S" Co.'.:— -50
Kllauea S'C. ?,- Do pool ...' -50
Makawell- C: : 31% 33% •
\u0084/7' V; : it' -MISCELLANEOUS \
Aliska «P/ A.:47%' — V lOceanic S'Co. — — •
j • -.-.:, ; . :\u25a0. '; <*\u25a0'
Asso Oil Co. 45 — Pac Aux'.F A 1 2
Cal P.C A..103 105 Pac C Borax.ls2^ —
Cal Wine A. 81 84 Pac S Tel C 0.102% —
MV& MtTm. — 110
Morning Session
Board— '
20 Associated Oil 45 -?2,,
760 Honokaa Sugar Co 10 -Si %
10 Hutchinson S P Co ls *~
10 Mercantile Trust Co 230 "°9
10 Pacific States Tel & Tel Co 103.00
5 Pacific States Tel & Tel Co 102.50
15 Pacific States Tel & Tel C0. ...102. »5
2O Spring Valley Water Co 24.8.%
~- 100 Spring Valley Water Co ISt'S
$1,000 Northern Ry of Cal 5s IJO.OO
55.000 Pacific Electric Ry 5s 109 -X;
$3,000 S F & S J Valley 5s n9 -r5
$3,000 S P Arizona (1000) 103.00
SS.OOO Cal Gas & El G M & C T sg. «10 97.75
$2,000 Cal Gas & EI G M & C T Cs s i"i^
$1,000 C C Water gen mtge 5s 9 i-^?
S6.tHlO Markct-st Ist con 5s
$1,000 Paciflc Light & Power 5s 99.00
Unlisted - Securities
Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask.
Bar CPC'Ks.IO4% — SF & NP 55.109* i —
Cil NW Rss.Hl 112 Stand El 53.. — 92%
Ok T Con ss. — 105 Do gtd ss. — 95
SF Drydk 55.112 •— Sun Tel 55... 104 110
SF G&E 4Vis — ' 07
Ala Sue- Co. — 18 jHono nw pool— 27
Cal Cot Mils 90 — IN Cal Power. 27% 25%
Cal TI & T. 150 190 lOrphemn Co.. 16 —
Chutes Co .. — 4 Pac C Cas C 0.150 1.5
Cvp L Imp. 2% 5 S F Drydock 60 —
Dpt Pw pfd. 80 — SF &SJ Coal — 20
Do com ..100 105% i Truck Elect.. 19% 21
Hono P Co. . — 26%
. California Stock and Oil Exchanjre
Bid.AsX.l Bid. Ask.
Asso Oil 5t.45.50 40. CO! Oil City Pet. 53 60
Caribou . 6.50 — Flttsbcrs — C 5
Chi Crude.new OS 09 vVegt Shore ..2.00 —
Kern, new . . 10 — Wolverine .... 40 50
1000 Chicago Crude, new .09
Mining: .Stocks)
Following were tbe sales on the San Francisco
Stock and Exchange Board yesterday:
Regular Morning Session
300 Andes 20 100 Potosl 23
400 Caledonia ... 61 100 Sr-orplon OS
400 Con Va M C 0.1.10 500 Sierra Nev ... 6R
500 Crown Point.. 28 100 Silver Hill ... 64
500 Crown Point.. SO 200 Union Con ... 51
400 Gould & Cur. 36 1000 Utah 06
300 Overman 23 *
Informal Session
900 Andes 20 0.00 Mexican 1.05
100 Belcher 70 100 Ophir 2.95
100 Challenge ... 61 200 Ophlr 3.00
400 Con Va M C 0.1.10 1000 Potosl 23
' 100 Crown Point.. 28 800 Seg Belcher .. 12
500 Gould & Car. 35|1000 Utah ' 05
Bld.Ask. Bid.Ask.
Alpha' 16 18 Kentuck — 14
Alta 05 —Julia — 15
Andes 20 21Justlee .55,77
Belcher «7 69 Mexican 1.00 1.05
Best & 8e1ch.1.40 1.50 New York Con 06 —
Brans C Va.. 04 —Occidental ... 47 —
Brans Savage. 03 —Ophir 2.95 3.00
Bullion 30 SSlOverman 23 24
Caledonia ... 60 62 Potosl 23 24
Challenge ... 26 — Savage PO 95
Clwllar 20 — Scorpion 08 09
Confidence ... — I.3oiSeg Belcher .. 11 13
Con Imperial. 02 03iSlerra Ncr ... 68 6»
Con Va M C 0.1.00 l.lOlSllver Hill ... 64 65
Crown Point.. 2S 30 Standard C0n..2.90 —
Rich Eureka..s.sO —St Louis ..... 0d —
Exchequer ... 63 70|rnlon Con ... 50 52
Gould & Cur. 35 • 37jUtah 05 06
Hale & Norc. 90 —[Yellow Jacket. 1.10 1.15
Regular Se'ssion— 9 :3o to 12:30
5000 Adams 23 2000 Keane Wonder 65
1000 Adams, s 10. . 23 1500 Kendall 64
j-.O Adams 2412000 Kendall Ex .. oft
500 Alobn 1412000 Lone Star .... 89
3000 Alice of Won. 25|9900 Lone Ptar .... 40
2000 Amethyst ... 6111000 Lone Star .... 41
2000 Apr Fool 'Et . 05(2000 Lone Star, a 5 3»
3000 Atlan & Pac. 07 KOO Lon Dillon ... 2»
,<X)O Atlanta 92 500 Po. blO 30
3000 Big Bullfrog. OSinoon Lou Dillon ... 28
500 Black Ants .. IR|2OOO Man Broncho. . 19
2500* Black Ants .. 1513000 Man Broncho.. 18
500 Blk B Bonana 1411000 Do, 1 5 18
1000 Do. b 30... 1415000 Man Buffalo .. 11
3000 Blk Bntte Ex 15 1000 Man Central.. 04
6000 Black Rock .. 12 1000 Man Comb ... 14
20C0 Do, b 80... IS 100 Man Cons ...1.00
500 Black Spar .. 15 500 Man Con Ex.. 24
4600 Blue Bell ... 25 srtOO Man Cowboy.. 12
100 Blue Bell ... 24 1000 Man Dexter .. 81
3500 Bine Bull ... 56| 2000 Man Dexter-... 82
1000 Do. s 10... 5415000 Man Dexter .. 8O
250 Blue Bull ...» s tl 1500 Man Frisco .. 35
2000 Blue Quarts... 3515000 M High Grade 1«
2700 Booth ... 1.0511000 Man Jnmbo .. 05
500 Bonnie Clare. 3513000 Man Little Joe. 06
5000 Boston Ton .. 17 3500 Man M of Ncr 20
600 Bullfrog Anx. 05,3000 Man M of Ncr 19
2000 Blfrg Com .. 1211000 Man Red Top. 06
3000 Blfg Daisy .. 46! 1000 Man Bed Top. O5
500 Blfg Daisy .. 45|7000 Man Standard. 05
1000 Bullfrog Ex.. 20 1000 Man Virginia. OS
1000 Bullfrog Ex.. 22 5500 Mayne 20
1000 Bullfrog Ex.. 24|1000 MacNamara .. 63
1500 Bullfrog Mm. 4215000 Mid Pawnee... 14
1000 Po. b 90... 451 900 Midway 2.20
500 Bullfrog Mln, 43! 500 Milltnwn M Co 49
500 Blfrg Nat Bk 6013000 Milltown M Co 50
1000 Blfrg Nat Bk s*l 50 Mohawk 17.50
1000 Blfrg Sunset. 2714000 Mohawk Ex .. 25
500 Btte Goldfleld 1414000 Mohawk Junior OS
200 Cash Boy ... 13 13.500 Mohawk Jr.. 09
2000 C O D 1.2512000 Mon Pitts Ex. 20
1000 Columbia \Mt. 1.2018000 Mont Mid Ex. 19
1000 Do. b 90.1.37% 1000 Mont Bullfrog. 15
3000 CoJum Mt Ex 10 1000 Montgomy Mt. 47
1500 Do. s 10... 10 1000 Mont pomy Mt. 48
1000 Com Frac. .5.87% 1000 Mtg Shos Ex. 24
3000 Comet O4;.":0O0 Mtg Shos Ex. 25
1000 Comet 0311000 Mustang Man.. 17
•VOO Conqueror ... 321 200 Nevada Boy . . 26
2000 Cracker Jack. 2212000 Nevada Boy .. 24
4000 Cracker Jack. 21 1 250 Nevada Boy .. 25
i<'o(\ Den B An, s5 31150C0 Nevada Con .. 15
6000 Palsy Ex ... ,10)3000 Nev Goldfleld. 55
4600 Dm B Btte C. 601 100 Nev Hills 3.50
100 Dm B Btte- C. 53 2500 North Star ... 40
2000' Pm B Btte C. 61 1500 North Star ... 3»
21 500 Pmd Trngl. 70 1000 Po. b 5 39
1700 Dmdfld Trngl. 71 2500 N Star Wondr 32
1000 Do b 10... 71 1000 Ohio Ton .... 19
500 Dixie 1711000 Old Sol 20
2000 Empire ...... 20 8000 Orlg Bullfrog. 23
5000 F.asle> Nest.. 25 400 Oro 55
1000 Esmeralda ... 89 1000 Oro 53
5000 Esperanza ... 02MOO Oro 54
7000 Federal ..... 16| 1000 Oro 52
100 Florence, a 5.3.7511000 Oro i 51
1500 Flor Ex, s 5 2711000 Paymaster ... 03
500 Frisco 1515000 Pennsylvania.. 06
500 Frisco I*l7ooo Perm Blfrg -.-. 12
2400 Gold Bar I.MI'OOO Pine Nut 28
100"GoId Bar 1.6012000 Pitts S Peak. .1.75
1000 Gold Bar ....1.5011100 Pitts S Peak.. l.Bo
2000 Gold Anchor.. 4011000 Red Hills .... 35
1000 Gold Crown .. 2011000 Red Hills .... 84
1000 Gldfld Com .. 43 1000 Red Lion 15
600 Gld Con M.. .9.2517000 Red Rock Ex. 04
500 Old Con M.9.37%!1500 Red Top Ex.. 39
°ft Gld Con M... 9. 50)4500 Red Top Ex.. 3S
400 Do. b 10.. '.8.2511000 Po. b9O 40
10 000 G Gldß Ex 2*l 500 Reese River .. 25
1000 Gldfld Herald. Ofil 1000 Rescue Con ..21
500 Cld M Nev.. 1.751 100 Round Mt l.Of
500 Gld Portlnd.sS 36|t000 Round Mt Ex. Sli
8000 Gld SdChsnce 27(5000 Ruby Wonder. 8?
1000 Goldyke Reef. 15| 100 Sandstorm ... 77
3000 Gold Wedge.. 191 500 Sandstorm Ex. 11
1000 Gold Wedge.. 20! "o Do. » 3 II
500 Grandma .... 2S|lOOO Spearhesd G1d.1.5('
1000 Grandma, slO 26i 1500 Silver Pick ..1.55
•«in Grandma .... 27 1000 Silver Pick Ex 20
8500 Great Bend.l.S2Vi 1000 Silver Pick Ei 21
800 Great 8end.. .1.30 1000 Silver Pick Xx 22
500 Grt Bend Anx 30 1000 Silver Pick Ex 23 I
1000 Do. s 5 2S 500 Stray Dog ... 50
500 Grt Bend Ex. 37 500 Stray Dog ... 4S
7000 Grt Bend Ex. 39 500 Steinway 35
200 Grt Bend Ex. 40 2000 St Ives 9»
3000 Po, b 60... 40 100 St Ives 97
1000 Do. b 60». .. 41 1000 Ton Home Con 03;
i nrt Bend Ex. 3* 1000 Ton Home Con 02
1000 Hlbernla 22 1000 Tramp C.SIO.I.BTH
4000 Homestake 1.27% 3000 Treasure 16
1000 Do, ib 60. 1.37^ 1000 Velvet 11
14 000 Ind Ton . .. 03 3000 Vernal 25
5)00 Jim Butler ..1.30 300 West End ...1.80
2500 Do. b 15. 1.32^ 6000 Yellow Rose.. 1«
500 J Butler Ex. 15 1500 Yellow Rose.. 17 \u25a0
R5OO Jumbo Ex ...1.85)1500 Yellow Horse.. 11
1000 Jumbo Ex . . .1.9012000 .Yellotr Tiger.. 18
1000 Do, b 60. ..1.95| \u25a0
Informal Session — 12:30 to 2 p. m.
1000 Adams 2415000 Grt Bend Er. 37
1500 Adams 23!2000 Do. b 30. ... 37
1000 Apr Fool Ex. 05 4000 Gft Bend Ex. 36
3000 Atlanta ..... 91 6300 Homstk. b30.1.37%
3000 Atlanta ..... 90 5000 Ind Ton 04
3000 Atlanta 89 5000 Do. b9O 05
3000 Atlanta 8S 5000 Interstate 09
1000 Atlanta 90 1000 Jack Pot 1.75
*>000 Blk B Bonans 14 .1000 J Butlr Ex,b3o 16
1000 Blk Butte Ex lf> ISCO Jumbo Ex ..1.57%
1500 Blk Bntte Ex 15 3000 Jumbo Ex ....1.85
1000 Black Uock ... 12 1000 Jumbo Ex ..I.S2H
2000 Blue 'Bell ... 25 1000 Do. b6O 1.90
1000 Blue Bell ... 26 1000 Kendall Ex. . . 09
5000 Blue Bull. b3O 5« 10.000 Lige Harris. 07
5000 Blue Bull ... 55 4000 Lige Harris ;. OR
2000 Blue Bull ... 57 6000 Lone Star 40
800 Blue Bull ... 54 '0.000 Lone Star .. 33
1000 Bonnie Clare. 33 1000 Man - Belmont.. 05
1000 Do, b 30... 37 200 Man Dexter .. 81
1000 Booth 9S! o Man Dexter .. 80
1000 Booth ..I.OOjIOOO Mammoth 20
1000 Brooklyn ..r. OSJ2OOO Man United.slO 15
8000 Brooklyn .... 0712000 Mayflower Con fi."s
:.• •> Blfrg Banner.l. 10 2000 Mayflower Con «7
500 Blfrg Nat Bk 57 500 MaeNamara . . 63
250 Bunker Hill.. 1.70 100 Midway 2.25
\u25a0 500 Columbia .... 99 1000 ' Midway ..2.20
1000 Columbia •'.... 95 3000 Mohawk Junior 09
1000 Col Mt Ex;b3o 11 2500 Do, bSO 10
500 ColMt Ex.bOO 12 400 Montana 3.95
500 Com- Fractton.s.7s 10<X) Mtg. Shoa Ex. 24
1000 Cracker Jack. 20 1000 Mon Pitts: Ex. 19
"00 Palsy . .......2.90 1500 Mon Pitts Ex. 18
1000 Daisy 2.85 uhjO Nevada Boy .. 23
Daisy .'.'. .'.2.77*4 16,000 Mustang Man 20
1000 Daisy .Ex ... 10 vtxi Mustane Man. 19
1000 Daisy Ex ..: 11 1000 North Star ... 40
2300 Dm B Btte 0. 59 3DOO Oro \u25a0 .' :... 50
5.W0 Dm f B Btte C. 57 1000 Oris Bullfrog. -23
4000 Dm B : Btte C. 56 3000 Panyan ...... 10
3000 Dmdfld - Trnffl. ' Cfi 500 Pitts S Peak.. l.Bo
3000 Dradfld Trnjrl. 65 300 Pitts ( S PLI.B2H
21.500 Dmd Trngl. ;«8 250f) Rescue ; Con .. 20
2000 Do.vb 60... \u25a0 70 3000 Rescue Con . . 19
1000 Dmdfld TrngL 65112000 Red Top Ex. . 3»
1000 Dixie- ......: "17)2000 Red ; Top' Ex.V 38
1000 £agle*s \u25a0 Nest.. 25 500 Eed Wing \u25a0 . .% 30
»>» Gold Anchor.. 41 f 100 Sandstorm ... 7R
5000 Gldfld Com .. •» KW*: 1 . 1*"1 *" pvV 145
2000 Gld Con M. ..9.2512000 Si ver P.ck --l-^
nooo G Gld Bar Ex 2«!lS00 Silver Pick Ex
10.0 CO Gld Fissure. 17 toflO st Ives »«
2000 Gld N Star.. 25| ,VH> St Ives •••••- "
1000 Old N Star.. 22i2000 Tramp Con ..l.fG
3000 Gld 3d Chance 27 CfX> Tramp Con ..I.n>
6000 Gold Wedge.. 19 3000 Valley View .. *S
1000 Gold Reef.bSO 1«! 500 \ elvet *-
100 Great Bend. ..1.35i 1000 .•- --• - -»
2000 Great 8end.1.32^" 2HO V^est End ••• I -J£J
100 Great 8end. . .1.4012000 Wonder ...... "»
1000 Do. b 10...1.53!i000 Tel Horse J.x l»
2000 Grt B«>nd Anx SO! 1000 Yellow " Tiger. «
0300 Grt Bend Ex. 3512000 Do. b9O 0
-V » Bid.Ask.l Bld.Ask.
Wild Goose... —1.75!
Argonaut .... — 4. 50 Grnwtr B Jack — 5O
Bos Gwtr Cop — 10 (Jwtr P- O^idc — »»
Brunswick ... 65 SO Gwtr Mohawk — •?'
Bnnker Hill.. W — Keane Wonder «" w
Cen Eureka... 75 85 Lightner M C0.1.-J —
Excel Mt C«p.1.40 1.45 Nev Hercules.. &-. —
Purn Crk Co. — 5.50 Red B"y \u25a0- —
Furn Crk Kx. — 1.10 S Eureka MCo — «»
Gwtr Paj Cop — 30J
Tonopab District
Belmont 5.37 —[Midway Ex... 30 —
Belmont Ex.. — WjMizpah Ex — *>
B.«ton Ten... 17 lSjMoutann .. . .. 3.9^ 4.<0
Urelir's JB Ex -'5 — Mont Mdwy Ex 1« "
California ... 22 231 Mon Pittsb Ex IS 20
Cashboy 13 14 N V Ton Con. — «
Ksperanza ... 02 aT, North Star.... .»» \u25a0'•'
Eureka Ton... — OfijOhlo Tonopuh.. 15 i^
Golden Anchor 40 41|Oui<» Ton Ex.. — J-
Golden Crown. 20 21 Paymaster ... J« «
Golden Gate.. Ift — i He.l Roofc Ex. 04 —
\u25a0Gold Mountain 07 08 1 Rescue Cons... 1|» -'J
Gold Mtn Con — 04 TouopaU Ex --- 5 -i!* 7Z
Great Western o.'. 0»; Ton Home Con 0- tV.
Home 16 — Tonopab Lode, ia
Indiana Ton., a-. 04 Ton Silver & G 03 —
Jim Butler... 1.30 1.32 Ton of N>».. .-±™
Jim Butler Ex 15 — West Knd...--1.77 1.80
Llttl- Ton _ 3.00 West Tonopan. — 2J
MaeNamara.. «3 — West Ton Ex.. — 13 \u25a0
Goldfield DUtrict
Adams 23 24'Gld 3d Chance 2« 27
Aloha 14 — Ooldfld Union.r 23 —
Atlanta 91 92 Grandma - fi " 3
Band — 50 Great 8end... 1.32 —
Black Ants... 13 JH Great Bend An 29 30
B B Bonanza. 13 14| Great Bend E>c 35 3fl
Blk Butte Ex. 15 161Hibernla 22 23
Black Rock... 11 121Hiffhlaad 10 —
Blue Bell 25 26|Jumbo 4.12 —
Blur flull Hi — Jumbo Ex 1.83 1. 90
Blue Quartz.. 30 —Kendall 62 J3
Brooklyn 07 OR Kendall Ex... 10 11
Butte Goldfld. 14 15 Kewana Ex... 85 - 4.»
Booth 1.02 I.osiLaguna — 1-85
CO D — I.2o!Lone Star 40 41
ColumbU .... 95 l.OoiLou Di110n.... 23 2f>
Columb Mtn.. 1.25 — ILucky 80y5... — 20
Colum Mt Ex 0!> ml Mayne 19 20
Com Fractlon.s.?7 e.OOfMay Queen 32 —
Commonwealtli 30 — I May Queen Ex 14 15
Conqueror .... 31 32!Mdngt Pawnee 13 14
Cracker Jack. 20 221 Milltown MCo 4S 50
Daisy 2.90 3.001 Mohawk 17.50 —
Daisy Annex.. — 211Mohawfe Junior 08 09
Daisy Ex 09 lOlMohawfc Ft... 24 25
Dfld B B Con. 57 BfllMoose Goldfld. — 18
Dixie 16 l7|N>vada 80y... 22 24
Empire IJ> 20 Nevada Goldfld 55 —
Esmeralda ... 37 SS Nev Western . . — Oft'
Exploitation.. 26 — Nnrtb Gt Bend — 12
Federal 16 17 Oro 50 52
Fawn 10 — Palace Goldfld. — 16
Florence 3.62 4.oo|Panvan 10 11
Florence Ex.. 27 — (Pennsylvania.. 03 06
Frances-Mhwk — 93|Poflat<-ti 70 —
Frisco ....... 18 — !Red Hills 34 33
Gold Bar Gfld — I.OSIRcd Lion 15 1«
Gold Bar Frac — 20IR»d Top — 4. 53
Gold Dust — 07| Red Top Ex.. 3S 3!>
Gfld Belftiont. — 50|Sandstorm 75 7«5
Odd Bull Dog IS —(Sandstorm Ex. 11 12
a Con M1ne5..9.12 9.2*.|Si!ver Pick 1i52 1.55 \u25a0
Goldfld Comb. — 3.11 Silver Pick Ex 22 23
Gfl,l Falrvlew. — 12|Simmeron«> ... — *0
CMfld Fissure — OPlSpearhd Gold.. 1.45 —
Gfld G Bar Ex 27 2SlSpearhd Frac. — 83
GMfld Herald. — 05|St Ives Jtt 95
Gfld M Co N. 1.70. 70 1.731 Snn Dog 04 05
Goldfld Meda.. 10 UlSiinnyside — 16
Goldfld N Star — 25JTreasure 15 16
Gfld Portland. 35 3R| Verde ...• 02 03
Gold Flat 20 — | Vernal 24 25
Gfld L Strike. — 141 Wonder 07 08
Gfld Kewano».l.Ss — ITellow Rose... 1« 17
Goldfld Rand. 05 —(Yellow Tiger.. IT 13
Bullfrog District S
Alliance 13 — IHomestke C0n.1.30 1.35
Amargoßa G M 04 — IHomestake Ex — 21
Amethyst 62 — |Lige Harris... o*s 07
Baltimore ... — 04! Little Bullfrog 04 —
Big Bullfrog.. 05 O»- Little Geors<«.. — 05
Black Spar... 14 I.'.! Mayflower An. .—. — 22
Bons Mt Gold — 201 Mayflower Con «5 VA
Bonnie Clar<». 34 3.">!Mavflow«>r Ex. — 20
Blfrg Annex.. 00 07L\laryland OS —
Blfrg Banner.l. os l.lOjMMnteht — 21
Bullfrog Cumb 11 12! Montana Blfrg 1.% —
Bullfrog Cona. — 07JMt Hill Mine* OS _
Blfrtr Daisy.. 45 46!Montgomry Mt 4". 4fi /
Bullfrog Ex... 20 — iMont-Shns'h Ex 2.1 I*V
Bfg Gold Kine 40 — JNew Orleans.. 09 in
Bfg Gold Reef 15 —Nugget — 15
Blfrg Jumper. — 10'Xorth Shoshon* — 1!>
Blfrg Midas.. — . «siOhlo Bnllfro^.. — P«
Blfrg MCo N 42 43| Original Blfnr. 22 23
Blfrg Natl Bit 57 sfl! Orig G Bar Ex — 10
Blfrg N Star> 13 141PpnnsylT Blfrg in n
Blfrg Sunsot.. 17 l»!P!ute 10 —
Blfrg Victor.. 34 3«!Rbyol!te. Twnst — 08
China-Nev ... 11 15|San Francisco. 15 —
Croesus 18 20IShoshone — OS
Den Blfrg An. 31 — IShos-Bfnr Gold — 07
Den Rush Ex. 12 — IShosh Natl Bk — 1«
Diamond Bfrjr 10 — ISkookmn Blfre — 23
Gold B»r 1.50 l.B2iSteinway 34 S3
G Bar Anchor 10 — ITratnp Cons. ..1.85 1.57
Gold Bar Anx — 40| Trinidad ...;. — 50
Gold Bar Ex. — 121 Valley View... — 2"
G Bar On Ex 12 — Velvet 10 11
Gold Dollar.. 12 — Ventura — M
Goldfld Blfrg. — 07 Wolverine — OS
Golden Sceptre 5S 60ITankee 80y.... 14
Gold Mtn Gfld OS —I Yankee Girl... 13 16*
Hap Hooligan — 14|
Manhattan District
April Fool Er 04 05! Man Jumbo... M —
Atlan & Pac. 07. 081 Man MCo Nev IS 1!)
Bull Dor o*s — [Man Mammoth 15 18
Comet 03 04|Man Mayflower BO —
Double Eagle. 11 — Man Mohawk.. '14
Gold Wedge.. 19 20 Man Mondy Ex — n»
Granny G M. 26 27 Man Monitor. . f>«
nindocraft ... 21 — Man OrientaL. 14 13
Indian Camp. PO — Man . Oreann. . . — 21
Jumping Jack. 35 — I Man Red Top. 05 0«
Little Orey... — ROIMan Rnss — 10
Man Atlas — 15|Man Standard. 04 OS
Man Belmont. P4 05|Man Syndicate. — 07
Man Belle OS 12 Man Verde 05 —
Man Biz Four 11 —I Man Vfr OM. — 07
Man Broncho. 18 18 Man Wolftone. 35
Man Buffalo.. — 11 Mineral Hill.. — 04
Man Carson.. — lOJMnstantr Man.. 19 20
Man Central.. 0.1 O4| Mustang Annex 04
Man Cons P." 97!Mcstang Ex 17 IS
Man Con Ex.. 25 — (Nemo Man — 14
Man Comb.... 14 lSlOriginal Man.. SO -33
Man Crescent. 14 151 Pine Nut 27 2S
Man Cowboy.. 11 121 Ralston Valley — 14
Man Dtamond. — 07 Rocky Hill Id
Man DVxter. . 7J» 80 Seller Ilmphry 13 14
Man Frisco... 2R 2S Stray Do? 48 an
Man Gold Gate 20 — ITaqnima Coppr 10 12
Flr«t Mortgage and Collateral Trust
5 Per Cent Sinking: Fund 30-
Tear Gold Bond*. 1037.
Sunnrrlptlon Price 1021& and Interest
Full particulars on application
N. W. HALSEY (3b CO.
413 Montgomery St., S. P.
New York Philadelphia Chicago
Stocks and Bonds
Member Stock and Bond Excbaasab . 433 OanV
fornla at. Phone Tataporarr SIS.
NOTICE Inviting proposals for sale and re-
demption of bonds of Paclflc Gaa and E&trte
Company— Notice U hereby eiven tha t in
formlty to the alnking fund* provUloa,' of l«
general and collateral trust mortgage bearin"
date January 2. 1906. and pursuant to *£££
lution of Its board of directors T acloot£»^£l

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