Newspaper Page Text
Jack Kneiff provides for his boys. an j unusually interesting description of how ' to make a toy street- railway tomorrow in The Sunday Call VOLUME CL— NO. 64. PRESIDENT CONCEALS ALARM HE FEELS NO CLEARING OF MURKY CLOUDS Attitude of the City's Board Is • I Unyielding Wzs Summoned in '7/iferesf of Peace" Japanese Question Xonsid^fedby: 1 ; tlife GaSinet - Washijigton Government Ira E. Bennett Feb. 1 .-r AtJSie meeting of the Cabinet to day> the : Japanese question was discussed at length,: The Presi dent told his advisers that he had asked the Sari Francisco school authorities to /come to Washing ton in the interest of peace and in the hope; that the school question might be removed from; contrp- 1 veriy i without • waiting f or . a de cision by the . courb. With the Japanese reassured as to : the treat ment of her school children: on an equality with those of other coun tries residing in the United States, the President hoped that the way would be opened to a EeXtlement of other ques \u25ba tionii by treaty or otherwise: .. Wprd was received from'; Sag Franr ciscc? -that, the entire school board would leave for Washington on Sunday, but that ats. attitude on the segregation of Orientals was unyielding. " ; . . The statement by the President to the California : delegation = that . the •Ameirican-Japan?se : situation, was more *erious : than was generally imagined, «nd the impression derived from his talk; that. Japan was apparently, not \u25a0 -anxious to reach a Settlement of pend^ ing fluestions, /aroused a feeling of ap prehension among public :men. today. The. President, it was also iearned. was being actuated by. grave reasons that had not 3>.een made public. \u25a0 , . : ' ;"\u25a0•; feeling ivr exsifUed This feeling was intensified by the myst^erj' wJth which the admlnistratioa sought to envelop its plans, and by the readiness with which the CaHfornians agreed t td recede Upon the school ques tion'!in the face of the. overwhelming sentiment of their own State. Politi cians at the capital reasoned that pow erful-arguments' must have' been em ployed by' the President to induce, the! CaHfornians' to .run the; risk of political suicide by going; contrary to the senti ments of their constituents." Members of the California delegation were >: embarrassed. today by;the disclos ure of the essential features of their conference with .the President, after they had pledged themselves to remain silent. They -also received word from home that ww not comforting. One of the -California delegation ad mitted today that* the offhand adjust: ment'- of difficulties with Japan, as skillfully outlined by Secretary Root in the statement made public Wednesday night.- was not p/omlsing. Sober second thought seemed to have caused the '. Calif ernians to realize that they were aske'a to surrender their position on the school question for the hope of ob taining something that might never materialize, namely, the exclusion of Japanese laborers. . • DANGEROUS COMPLICATIOXS " When tbenews came that the Presi dent's proposition did not strike the school authorities of San Francisco 'favorably the CaHfornians admitted that the* situation seemed to become more complicated and dangerous. V "The School -Board will come, off the lk*rch all right when it sees s the Presl dent," Mid one of the CaHfornians, with an appearance of confidence. ..fThe whole. .delegation nan, done so and the School Board will follow. I won't give Continued on - Page > 4, Column 3 The San Francisco Call. INDEX OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S NEWS TODAY TELEPHOXQ TEMPORARY S6 '..•.SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1907 weather covornoxs , TESTERDAT — Rain; precipitation,;. Bo; maxi mum tempera tur*. 58; minimum temperature. 62. FORECAST • FOR Tol>AY— Showers; fresh southwest wind. '.'" ' . \u25a0 P«««1I EDITORIAIj'. President Rooserelt asks us to take a great deal .on -trnst and, apparently, he still mlscon celres the "attitude of r Calif ornlana on the Jap anese matter. • •" ; .•\u25a0 . ' Ps*« 8 " Uncle Jim Hlil rtsents regulation of rail roads. . ' . :\u25a0; " -,' C ,- ; Pace: 8 "So long -&s..the Tehoantepec" Eallroad is kept out of the hands of ! .monopoly Harrlraan is not absoTate master. • " . . P*s"» > JAPANESE ftUESTION • Washington Is conVlnced that President Roose relt is . concealing his Alarm ore* the Japanese situation, which is. Intensified by unyleldlns at tltade of San. Francisco's School Board. Pag« 1 . Schmltz^ said' to .hare been lnrlted to Wash. inston by President, scheming^ to "play star part' ln ; Japanese affair .and also to. delay graft prosecnttons. " ' : • " . Page 4 Jacob. A. Ribs says: that the East' has false Idea of attitude' of West ' toward .the • Jap anese. ' • ." •:. . - • Pa»« 4 LEGISLATURE . . . . \u25a0'. Assemblyman. Smyth -s.a'ys : mysterious stranger who. frequently ' "touched" him- for a dollar got him Into a!) the 'trouble Orer : the Burke matter. .- : . ..'. " ~ \u0084. ' Page -2 Bill under which, voting machine may be opened .for- inspection- Introduced In the .Sen ate. . ! \u25a0 ' • • " .; Paca 1 . Delay, of .State Printer In getting' bills Into type causes' forced adjournment of Senate. P. 1-2 -' Argument in -behalf of bill to enable Stanford Unlrerslty to. charge tuition fees for professional and engineering courses -made- before Assembly committee. .\u25a0\u25a0 ' : •; % .-. • . •. '\u25a0 Pag« 2 CITY •'• -\u25a0 " .' \u25a0 \u25a0'.: ' .' - Alfred Burnett, much-sought forger, is cap tured as he tries to "scalfe fence. . . - Page 1 Crew of .6hlp" arriTed..ln". port tell of thrilling rescue of - sailor In .mldbcean, V Pag« 16 . Grand Jury threatens- Chief of Police Dinah with removal unless; erjl" resorts in Western Addition are closed.' * • \u25a0'•: T- • \u25a0 :' Page 16 Syndicate owning- the . famous Blythe block at .Market street and Grant- avenue will 'erect one. of \u25a0 the- finest etore end -office buildings ' In : the West. • :: ' . • ' Page 11 Grand" Jury- bears story jof \W. S. Mattlngly's bigamous marriage from second wife and sister in-law.' \u25a0 ! . ' -. • . Pagp'B. • General. .Toledo, reTolutlonary leader; of Cen tral. America/ the, man without a country,, arrives here on political mission, y. -. ', ' - . ' -,- . ,Page 4 -. Concluding erldenee In \u25a0 toll . ease" Is taken : be fore Interstate Coramerr* Commissioner Franklin X. . Las«, ' and : hearing *: is adjourned . to meet In Santa; Barbara on Tuesday.' ' . ' Page 3 Lieutenant .Frank- U Beals, U. S. A., will be taken to the National Hospital for. the Insane at Elizabeth. N. J. ' ," . ,*Page9 Abe Rothberg - brings- sensational charges against his wife In- a suit for .Civoree. Page 9 SUBURBAN*' '\u25a0\u25a0' . . ; - Lincoln S teff et s declares '\u25a0 In address to * State University.' men Jhat graft -is destroying reprer tentative -democracy •-. in ..this > country.' Page. 6 Democratic municipal «onventlon in. Oakland promises to be enlivened- by" many contests for ;seats. ••\u25a0 . . -. \u25a0..•."' :\u25a0\u25a0-" Page 10" ': West Oakland' business men" oppose granting, of railway' franchises on Wood street. . - Page 10 cqast . ..-' : - \u25a0-. . '- >\u25a0; ' .\u25a0• ' .'- \u25a0' \u25a0•\u25a0 ;•" Landslides delay, trains -in K^rthern "California and Southern ' Oregon ... '" \u25a0•'- ; Page 6 Building of ; conduit which is to convey wate"^ from Owens River to' Los Angeles is begun. P. 5 ' Santa Rosa, contemplates celebration ' of . its rapid advance Elnce last .year's' disaster. Page S DO3IESTIG \} ' . .. v Last juror- In: Thaw case' .ls" -chosen and trial will, begin Monday morning. • . . Page 1 • Brother of \u25a0 Frank- -A. Hippie", the trust \u25a0 com-, pany wrecker, follows brother's example -of self destruction and commits suicide. . Page 4 - Commercial, reports -show unprecedented j pros perity in the United States. . Page 10 FOREIGN .. '.': •- > : '' .-; ; K ; 4 '.Count -Bo' Castellane pleads in. vain to see bis former' wife, ' "Madame' Gould.". \u25a0 Page 2 . Governor of Caracas assassinated by Intoxi cated partisans of Vice. President Gomez. P. 2 SPORTSf '• ;• •\u25a0 . •\u25a0 '\u0084- -,-•\u25a0 ' • Heavily played f arorites reward; their back ers at Ascot Park. •• Page 6 Automobile dealers want more space to exhibit cars. -' . — ; ; ' '.' ." ; • ' Page 6 -.Bogum wins fifth race at Emeryville,', iut Is disqualified .by 'judges for dumping Duke \u25a0of Orleans in the stretch. '." " Page 7 Nine high-class fillies are entered for , the California -Oaks, .which will be run today at Emeryville. . • . .' " ' Page 7 Manager' Jim CpCroth .will > promote Gans-Brltt fight If Riley should lack backing. Page 6 MARIXE • . ' Master of British ship Samoena rlctlm of seri ous accident -as vessel - is • passing In over \u25a0 the' bar. \u25a0 . 'Page 11 31IMXG . Mining stock market ~ lags and then re covers .by feason of large buying orders from abroad. Page. 16 SOCIAL. ".,". Miss Lucille Dunham to be honored , guest at elaborate affair to be : given in Oakland by Mrs. . George W. Adams. ' Page 10 Mr. and . Mrs. - Henry Clarence Breeden and Mr. and • Mrs. Harry M. Holbrook' entertain at delightful dinner parties - before the Greenwßy balL ..-\u25a0'._ -Paga 8 LABOR . .:, New. officers of_ the Labor -Council Installed, president outlining in an address what' bis policy will be. „ Page 9 PLACE YOUR WANTADS FOR THE Sunday Call THIS MQRNING Send them to Main Office '; or through Branch Of f ice« or teleplione^them. : San: erancisco; saturday^fe,bruaryl (z-Msok PRINTER'S DELAY HALTS SENATE LABORS Bills Not Being in Type for Engrossment the tipper House Forced to Adjourn McCARTNEY:STIJNG ; BY PRESS CRITICISM Withdraws His Objection able Bill and Promises Re ply' to. Those Against ' It By George A. Van Smith : CALL HEADQUIRTEES, EIGHTH STREET. . SACRAMENTO, Feb. 1. — Forced to adjourn over until Monday because .it r had no print ed bills for engrossment, the Sen ate instructed its secretary this morning to prod up - the State Diagram Showing Interior of Courtroom in Which Harry Thaw-Is Being Tried for Murder, and a Sketch of the Defendant. Printer after it had shown a dis : position to . take a slap at any body or anything interfering with the gratification of its passion for work. The tempest of protest against enforced idleness was loosened when Lieutenant Governor Porter, reading the general file, announced that something 'more than two dozen bills ' could . not [ 'be taken up- be cause they had not been returned from the engrossment-- committee. Senator Rolley iwas wise to the situation had ( been lying ln : wait, for his^oppor-| tunlty. 'He wanted to . know. why. the engrossment committee • did \u25a0; riot: keep upjwith the work arid suggested that if thY" committee .needed help, some action should be taken toward securing It. Belshaw was there with an -Inquiry, about' help . and" a plan .of action. He suggested that ' if^ . the engrossment committee • needed help, the secretary •of the . Senate be instructed to-»round up a few dozen; of the. attaches .whom he' designated: as useless: and" .turn them'over 'to .Chairman Reily. ' - ' "0 JkCARTXBY WITHDRAWS ' BILL The threatened invasion by a wing of, the loot' brigade frightened .Reily to' his feet with^a hurried that the fault was.; with; the; printer. The offer of i: help- was /politely *,; but pointedly Ignored, and a ' manner that, would /indicate ,thatv Reily.! knejv how; to' let" bad .'enough alone. \u0084:• , : Belshaw wanted I 'trouble; with-' the printer. Camlnetti ; wanted !'| to -.recall bills : from, engrossment" out -of \u25a0•* order. A compromise;' on" adjournment was -the obvious result,! and -it was iaccoraplisheS with comparatively few casual ties. The Continued fon h Page f2, Column 1 FORGER BURNETT CAPTURED ON FENCE TOP Caught by Small Boy -at Post and Steiner aslHe '-,' Flees j;From '; the" Police SEARCH CONTINIJEI) ; FOR MRS.SHATTUCK Woman Who Accompanied Bold Check-Writer Has \u25a0 '•-..-\u25a0 j -'\ . Not; Yet Been. Located Strugrjjllnif ißnoniinlously on top of a six-foot fence, with a young man hold- Ins valiantly to one leg, and thre* po licemen In hot pursuit, Albert Burnett, the man of many bad checks, tvhb taken Into \u25a0 custody inklorioualy . early', last evening-. - . The scene of the • arrest _ mi at Post and Stelnei ; «treet«, and the lad trho helped the arm of. the law: by holding to .the leg of - Burnett . was Henry ScbusKen of 92 Elliott Park. Thie arresting party, that had made a .five block run, consisted of George Mengola, — - — -— t-? •'"''.'."' ' '':'':.-'"'.''""". ": ' :*\ Sergeant Blrdsall and Deputy Sheriff Whalen. • : ';-•/ The three were standing: at the cor-, ncr of Post and Flllmore streets early yesterday \u25a0evening/,, when' they were ap proached by a stranger and informed that Burnett would- be at the Tuxedo saloon . on ; Flllmore" ; street "at about o'clock. The police were '\u25a0 there at the appointed , time, and -Whalen laid- his hand upon Burnett when he entered. Burnett fan.. For five blocks the min ions of the law. pursued the elusive check' writer, and then Whalen pulled his revolver. and fired Into the air. Bur nett mad 6 a jump for: the fence. which skirted ".-. the : sidewalk and would . have made his \u25a0 escaped ; if Schunken had • riot grasped the situation and Burnett's leg simultaneously. - There:. he was; hung up as .completely :as his own : checks, and the officers manacled -him and ; led him 't away to "the Bush-street I station. Captain. of Detectives Duke' interviewed the accused later. >. '\u25a0-..' /Detectives Madison and Reynolds started on^a j quest vfor- Mrs. Ed Shat tuck, the young, married woman who had been Burnett's : companion ever since that worthy out, a^week ago, fon a~ toiir «of : the State in "Billy", Bracket t' B automobile. . The j detectives were commissioned' also \u25a0'\u25a0 to locate >\u25a0 Ed Sutton^the Gold field man who has been a member of .the" gay -party and- a friend' of 'Burnett in the latter's auto mobile excursions .up 'and -.down the tenderloin^ and : f rorn^ San -Francisco i tp Walnut Creek an<i : San: Jose. .. j "Suttori \u25a0 was/ standing in the- Tuxedo saloon I when: Deputy J Sheriff ; ,Whaien placed Mils ,<hand : on^ Burnett's r shoulder to 'arrest him.' During the short strug gle - wfilch"; followed ; Sutton \u25a0disappeared, and. J i t i is ; beli eved. 4 notified f . Mrs.", Shat tuck < "of -the": probable, -.'capture; of their free-handed -friend.'-- ''• . >i. *> Mrs.'; Shattuck arid Sutton. were -traced STTHE last juror in the . thaw case :wds accepted and sworn in yesterday. Dis^ 1 trict Attorney Jerome intimated that the prosecution might finish Jts direct case in lessihan a day. Adjournment was taken to Monday morning. J' : \ . • yesterday , evening .to. the Seal ;Rock House at the beach, but when%h» police telephoned about 9 o'clock to^ the'pro-, prletor of that place to hold; them It was learned: that both had left. ,-; -'/.Burnett ;> admits having, signed w"- the checks,; but says* " all right", and sustains his "reputation for colossal nerve./: He appeared anxious about Mrs. Shattuck, and , asked" the police as he was 'placed in the cell .to -permit; her to visit 'him .In c ase she was ": found! •',-.. CHECK SIGNED ''TOOT TOOT" " ", ;The police are. inclined to, credit Bur nett with a ; still more audacious piece of, impudence" than the giving of a check for _' $900 to .Brackett of .the au tomobile 'company on Fell street; of an other Up : Scnlfit Brothers ,'f or $300, , and of a/draft' for $1000 to. Bank Cashier Lyons ;of Concord.* ;A stranger, in" an automobile 'stopped In front. of. the Dia mond Jewelry Company's. store Cat: 533 Van ; Ne^ss ' avenue yesterday, \u25a0 and, : after bargaining 'with Samuel- Crutcher, ; a clerkVr f or.'a • 15-cent ; collar ' button, pre sented, a check :for,slo ; in payment,-re ceiving the "change.- The stranger] de parted. $9.Bs" arid^a; collar." button* to i the good. The , check* did y not'pass < the j re ceiving teller at the bank,. who was.un acquainted with. the'signer of the paper. It was signed ;"T6ot-To*ot.'.'-:; "T6ot-To*ot.'.'-: ..".„\u25a0 \"\ The detectives think there is only, one man in the iworldwjthajierve equal rtc^ such \u25a0an exploit, and that ; he is "Albert Burnett. V s , Burnett •• denies : modestly" the authorship- of , this j "toot-toot"- check. 1 He* admits he hasibeen rather free with his'peiimanship of late/t but says -it "will allTcome out (right./ _ *>?V\ , " .BURNETT'S ' HISTORY->^ :."" >rAI Marsh .'of J the ..- Lobby ; saloon,' on Bu^hVstfeet.'inear -the;,; police "/station, was! gentfword iby >Burnett \u0084tha.t!the": lat 'tir^.WM^lhJ'Jail*ftMarßhihasj^nowntthe_ arrested [man) for* man y^ years/ and T says that^ttiis T is T not? the f first ••-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0<\u25a0 :^'-;- \u25a0'"•:. \u25a0'-;\u25a0 \u25a0-•;'....-- \u25a0 w: Loa, the Hawaiian' volcano, is in, magnificent er.uptiort. • Some 'spJ^ndid -photographs of the Java : fl6\y ap pear in. • . " ' * .. ' :'.'•• ' ;.,:'. \u25a0 i The Sunday Call : has been in trouble.. Only a' few' months ago ' - he wired :' to Marsh from Blsbee, Ariz.", to; send him $50, promising to re pay in thirty. days. Marsh did not send the /money ; and figures himself . $50 ahead. . He states . that Burnett conies of excellent people, lias a beautiful wife; and . two .children, as well as a sister, in Bisbee, and a' father who is a reputable residents.; of .Phoenix. . He does , no t , believe tthatt t Burnett's people will, render him, any' assistance, as he has proven himself .unworthy of help in the past. And still, Ed Shattuck awaits the re turn of his wife. The couple's home is at Twenty-ninth and Folsom streets, and .the," husband Us proprietor .of the cigar ; stand ". at :10 > Grove . street.* He still ,"sayß he is ready^ to forgive .the erring, woman .and would gladly -help her regain , her moral . equilibrium. \u25a0„-"I„ -"I do. not .believe,'-' ihe. says, "In the prin ciple, of ! thrusting people farther, down whcn.;;they sinned; "I. believe in helping them. up." . ',' \u25a0 . Shattuck's anxiety • to ,see ' his wife is" only ' equaled ;by ;- the desire of . the po locate her.;' They wa"nt"to make some inquiries as to Burnett's past and hl3. mfthod ;of ; collecting money on checks and drafts totalling nearly $500 that have "been , returned ~ unhonored from ascore.of banks.? BAD \u25a0 CHECKS' A { PLENTY Ylctluis ; .of /Sharper*. Report Their Losnon to the Police \u25a0^ThecasVof^'Toqt Toot", was not the: only- one? involving' bad checks to "oc cupy ;the : attention -of ;the police yes terday. - Among oth«rs were the* -fol lowing: 09HHHL9H&M -VH. Quaid., a\u25a0' theatrical "'manager at 1598;Sutter street, .reported!that : he had cashed ''a check ; for ..s2s* for. a stranger. •^rSevefan \u25a0\u25a0; Bros., 2110^. Flllmore street: notified ?;the * police * that'- they, had cashed *a>check*for\sll>;;on behalf of jW. *E.: Rogers.; VThe Ysaine" Individual cashed , a; check "calling:' for |5 »wlth Roos ; ; BrosIBB^^SSBMBBBftSHBMHBB :% Philip] Joseph 0f; 920 O'Farrelh street reported » havin g cashed .; a; check ! of: J35 for>'a\ stranger.'lwho' 1 represented* him self '"-i as : i an!* Alaskan"?; mirier.' , Fred Meyer "of 53 ;Devisaderb street also reported. that \u25a0\u25a0 he ;had:cashed a bad check ": calling V for * $30 * for 'Georgre'VWil liams.' :. . .; , ', * - ;.- U PRICE, FIV^ CENTS. FINAL JUROR IN THAW CASE IS OBTAINED Unruffled Young Man> "Who Answers " All Questions Cahnly, Last of TwelTe TKIAL IS TO START MONDAY FORENOON Jerome Intimates. Prose cution Will. Finish Di^ rect Case the First J)ay /NEW YORK^ Feb. I.—With the acceptance and swearing in of Ber nard Gerstman, the youngest man of the twelve, the jury which will try. Harry Thaw for the killing of Stan ford White was completed at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon. \u25a0 - \u25a0 ." After Gerstman had come through all the questioning, unruffled, ortho dox and sound. District Attorney :. . Jerome turned for a whispered con- ; sultation with his colleagues. At ths same time six heads were grouped . close ; together above the . counsel. -. table of the defense. They were : those of Harry Thaw and his lawyers, ;\ Delmas. ,'\u25a0 Hartrldge. Peabody. O'Reilly . • and Gleason,\~; ; ~ : ' .:\u25a0\u25a0:.''_\u25a0.\u25a0:. '..-\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0' [ \u25a0\u25a0':\u25a0 : : -.[... :.-;. For : thirty • seconds there was .per^.-. feet silence In * the courtroom, -while- : the judge aat waiting *on the .bench:, and -young Gerstman . in .; the."' witness . chair," beside him, Imperturbable as. ever, "waited the ]. word . that ;; w.'ould'. either dismiss him or commission him, a: potent factor In determining the llf» ' or death of a fellow-man. * : ;. \u25a0 \u25a0 •-. : • SIGXAXS HER APPROVAL :',;. .'. Back in the row of seats all of th«r ; defendant's relatives, except his mother. • " who was kept at homa by \u25a0 the stbrijv • were" eagerly alert. : \u25a0 The' Countes s' of •• Yarmouth .and . Mrs. Carnegie '\u25a0 had leaned far forward, each scanning- th« 4 : : of . th« waiting talesman.' •• ' .Evelyn Nesblt ThM.yr : , long. before that."' tense moment;, had telegraphed, to her • • husband ;in her. coda ""of:" smiles, "or . frowns her emphatic approval of Ge'rst-. man.: . .. • . : .\u25a0.".•.•. -'• ._;--.•. •••-" .. •• • The -young' man- was accepted . and. ' sworn.--. " : ";.i . • \u25a0..:\u25a0 '.- - '...'' '\u25a0'\u25a0]'\u25a0 . jConrt; was. then adjourned" until Man-; .* day '.morning.' at. 10:30. b'clocfc.- District Attorney Jerome •announced that he foresaw no -probability;, of..-, changes in-"' . the Jury "box; antl he- remarked slgnlfl- cantly.: that it would- .be. well- for* the.' defense/- to ffce-' prepared/ to its_ # case at. trie Monday afternoon session. . as' If. was not. unlikely .that (be pro\e- " cution might be able to open and close' ' Its 'presentation, 'of '"direct 2 testimony during the "first "day. •"•'\u25a0 This " confirmed the prediction that Garvan's opening address is brief? that the presentation- of testimony % tending to prove premeditated murder will not consume much time, unless It be consumed In protracted cross-ex amination by Thaw's counsel, and that 'the real battle will come, in all prob ability, after defendant's counsel has • opened, thus laying, bare the line of de fense and . paving the way for the ex pert * alienists and others whom ths ' State ;will introduce in rebuttal. THE JURY. COMPUSTE The Thaw jury, as completed, is as follows: , Foreman— Denting B. Smith, '55; re tired manufarturrr; married «\o. 3— George PJ Pfaff. 84; hardware! married. * .-,-"' So. 3 — Charlea M. Feeke. 45; shipping . ajjent; married. Xo. 4 — Oscar A. Pink, 4«; salesman | married. Xo. 5 — Henry C. Harney, 50; pianos | married. So. «— Harry C. Brealey. 33 « advert!*- . Ing agent; married. .Vn. 7 Malcolm S. Franer. 40; aalea- , man; tMarrled. Xo.,8-^Cn«rle» D.Sew<on, «5» retired ralrway official; married. S'o. 9— Wilbur 9. Steele, 60j manufac turer; married. >o. 1O— John S. Denee, 3S; railway freight agent ; married.* ' >'ai : 11— Joseph B.:Bolton*, 57; clerk» married. So. 13 Bernard Gerstman. 38; manu facturer; married. The selection" of the twelfth juror* came as a complete surprise at the end of a long and.tedioua'day— the eighth of 'thw.t'rial— and immediately after, this member of the .trial panel had been sworn in ' Justice' Fitzgerald adjourned Continued on Page 3, Bottom Column ; 1