Newspaper Page Text
Rome's mighty monuments outside of Italy are the subjects of; an instructive article, illustrated in colors, in The Sunday Call VOLUME CL— NO. 67. Western Pacific Wins in Oakland Water Front Suit Thaw's Family Makes Tremendous Sacrifice of Pride to Sam Him TREASURER ENDS LIFE; VAULT IS SEALED Tragic Suicide of Custodian of Contra Costa County's Funds Pending Inquiry FRIENDS DECLARE ACCOUNTS STRAIGHT G. A. Wiley Sends Bullet Through Heart and There Is Rumor of' feg Shortage SPECIAL DISPATCn T6 THE CALL. MARTINEZ,: Feb. 4.— Whil^ a spe cial patrolman stood - guard over the sealed • - vaults ": of ' j the" • Gounty ! Treasury l.this Cmorning. Countyy Treasurer j'Qecrge: hi Wilty in his home, a", few blocks from the Court House, sent a bullet ."through ,*ris heart. The patrolman was there j& Wiley's own request, \u25a0 f or a , few days ago -it -was rumored that, there was a shortage in the Treasurer's accounts, whereupon Wiley had ' the vaults sealed and the man stationed; at their doors until the District At- \ torney and the chairman of the j County Board of Supervisors could count the cash. Bffl Wiley was under $100,000 bonds, j His .friends, however, scout the -idea of a shortage and the secret -that .the vault contains will not be told until after the funeral of Wiley; this out of deference to the dead official's family. The tragedy took.p.ace at 8 o'clock in the morning while .Wiley's" family were waiting for him at the breakfast table. Mrs. Wiley was about to go to her husband's room to call him when she heard the pistol shot, followed by a low groan. Mrs. Wiley summoned her children and went into the room and there found the prostrate form of. her husband across the bed. A revolver was clutched in his hand. Medical aid was sum moned, but the physician could do no good, for, he declared, Wiley's deatb had followed a few seconds after the shooting, as the bullet pierced his chest, grazed the heart and entered=the stom ach. When Mrs. Wiley entered the .room she heard her husband feebly re- W peat "It was only an accident." These i were his last words. ACCIDENT THEORY- UXFOUXDED The theory of - an accident. -, was •; at first credited by Drs. Rattan and Breen naman, but an examination showed that Wiley had unbuttoned the night shirt; which he wore and placed the muzzle of the revolver close to his breast. The weapon was an automatic , Colt's and could not have been discharged I without releasing the safety l«°v«».r. . Wiley was . regarded as a man : of ; honor and his friends, in Contra* Costa" County were legion.' "He was not a man ; of extravagant habits, -and while there Is much faith placed "in , him by his j friends they think the strange circum- v stances In connection with the , suicide," which may aiter^all, be mere, colnci-j dences, are worthy of speedy . examina-' tion that all Idle rumors maybe set ? at rest. Several days^ago Wiley/wentto-Dis^ JWct Attorney ,H. \u25a0 C ; Al varado,. and re <^fßted a.*t ew days f _ grraeel In' filing his accounts, preparatory to :, the , monthly counting" of cash in the treasury. * Thinking that the Tn»'asufer>might^ be j Contio ued «a : Page .4,': Column ; 6. J The San Francisco Call. INDEX OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S NEWS TODAY TELEPHONE TEMPORARY!] S«fr*; TUESDAY, -FEBRUARY -5,^1907 WEATHER CONDITIONS '- YESTERDAT-^Cloudy ; ? trace ;of ; rain; ; mait n:um temperature, -56; 'mtnlmnm~ temper ature, 54." -."\u25a0 ;•;., . FORECAST- rOR'.TODAY-^Cloody.VnMettled weather. . with ; rala; brisk Bontharty * wind. "P." 11 EDITORIAL ; Senator LeaTltt : and the looters. Fnf 8 Tlie lawlessness of the. Santa . \u25a0Fe .': Rail road. Faf« t World politics und ; appropriations. Paje'B The only, martyrs we 'haye'ln California are those who stay out of lichool ' rather than Ibe vaccinated. : "';> : Pac«"B LEGISLATURE 'Poll of Senate. Ehows that direct -primary amendment wIH ; carry. . Page 1 Curtin. Introduces .. joint * resolution opposing action , of President In permitting delay In \u25a0 issu ance . of mining claim patents. / .'Page 2 Bill \u25a0by Sanford - prohibits " acceptance of : cam paign donations by corporations and other, indus trial associations.. " Pajo 2 Mutual plan ' of insurance . is : discussed before members of Senat » committee. \ T Pa*e 2 CITY . Western Pacific given f arorable \ deoislon ;' In dispute with Southern Pacific over 'right' of way to deep water on east side of bay. v Page 1 Police have a clew to. the Identity "of "the forger of -"Toot Toot" checks,, who' is J beliefed to have been connected formerly with* the" Toot Toot Publishing - Company. ' Pajre 16 United • States Attorney v Bristol ' \u25a0 of .- " : Oregon comlnp to San" Francisco \u25a0to enlist - Heney's - aid In forcing Senator Fulton to withdraw oppocition. to his appointment." - . • Pa^e 16 Big frauds in , California mineral lands,- ' ln rolvlni? men of wealth, unearthed' by State fand Federal officials- Pa^ e l 6 In drunken frensy Charles L..iAhlborn. a teamster, kills -his r wife and - seriously « injures himself in the presence of; their ~| five-year-old son- *t ' ...[ , Pa*e 16 Supreme ' Court .":' revokes ; . temporarily X-- recent ruling affecting "the' McEnerney.' act;' and' thus , makes valid ; several - hundred .;\u25a0 cases . filed \u25a0( for restoration, of title. . . :• Page. 7 Assets of , California 1 - banks grow-. $5,653,32T from August 15 "to "December 31 'and 'deposits Increase ?12.212,771.", ' \u25a0 . . .'""^Pa»e,7 Patrolman who bad ; studied • law defends < him-" self before ]: Police .Commission and :ls;,found guilty and fined* 100..-' . .., Page 7 'Olive Industryjof ' State ; is' threatened j bj\ ric-w ' customs ruling.of Federal authorities" /.. Page' 15 ; SupeWisors.^nold^ up* spur-track "permit Vuntij ! Santa .. Fe '\u25a0 Company ; ' pays >' for I removing 'J Spear-" •treet ; rails. ."•;\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0;..:. " ';-'< Pago 9 ;_ Supervisors^for; fourth time u lnvite ; Wdsyfor ! pureha"se*of municipal street and "sewer bonds. y P. 9 . Supervisors :,wlll » ieliy tranchisef: for ; streetcar ' line to connect Devisadero. street^'and " Mission ": district. \u0084 ..'., Page 11 SUBURBAN V I .Four, young; children of 'Hiram' G. - Eddy, bereft of father and mother. within ten days. - . Page 10 Alameda. Supervisors clash \u25a0 Over.\the * questi of outside practice *by >. Dr-1 Clarke of the i County^ Infirmary. ;\u25a0 ; -- - - " v ,Page;io '• Division of profits from s?lp of i valuable- block In Oakland causes a .dispute. .- _ . . r"Page 10 George F. Gould accuses. assoclates^.lu> drug company of - embezzlement \u25a0 of ; f übds. '-£ Page '[ 10 Sudden death of ' Mrs.' Mamie' Brenner \u25a0 of; Oa kland * apparently - due to poison.; . Page 10 COAST Mysterious sificide .-. of .; County -i Treasurer ;*; * of Contra Costa '.County,' who .killed himself fon eve' of examination .. of J accounts, '- which >\u25a0 friends t be lieve are •? absolutely - straight. Page 111 1 Coming ; citrus ] fair,"; at r ; Cloverdal* "\u25a0 to ibe .'.the finest . held'^ln '.seventeen' years.'./ ' Page.7 Citrus growers : will Estate -grievances 'against railroads : before ; Interstate ;, Commerce ' Commis sion. Page 11 Bridges washed away * and railroad .traffic blocked by washouts in' Mcndocino ' County. P. 2 DOMESTIC ' Harry. K.i Thaw a? victim of heredltary;lnsan ity Tand epilepsy,, says. defense. ',''!..'. '.\u25a0 .(;' Page 1 \u25a0"Bellboy" J- in '.*- Beaumont (Texas) ,C« hotel proves to be a, young. woman. : Page 2 WASHINGTON. I: Members -of 1 ; California delegation say Japan holds key . In ' school \u25a0dispute. 1 " T-;;- Page' I 1 Senate judiciary • commlUee » reports * favorably bill . - providing additional *", Federal "'-'Judge 'z ? for California. . };V, ;- >Page 2 Senate committee begins - investiga rlon ', of ; riot of. negro troops, at- Browns vine. .' Page 2 SPORTS - .Four favorites at Emeryville fail to run "Into the money.": ... ',rage] 6 Solano County capitalist '\u25a0 plans \u25a0' the '• creation [of a vast i game preserve on ' the ; marsh lands near Cygnus station.. _ Page" 6 R. F.' 'Carman, millionaire; tnrfman of New York. . buys", the \u25a0. entire - string of ", twenty- four horses raced *> by / J.',' JS Walsh at r Ascot. , Page 6 * Dr.", Harban ". wlns'^ gold i medal \ for \u25a0 the a best score' In ; the: qualifying, round : for the'golf cham pionship at Corona do.;;. ;-";.: Page 7 \u25a0 Bill ' that ! will : stop > borseraclng . and ' poolroom betting In Arkansas ais I passed -by "the;' State Senate : at ; Little vßockJ^ :'.|Page'.7 LABOR : Labor; nnlons.' of -'Marln: County- form i a .labor, council - and will ; affiliate with the American Federation' of Labor." . - Page^S MARINE British ships wtitlieburn and Madagascar, race for seven days In" midocean 'during 'voyage j from 2HININ G ;- .-\u25a0....\u25a0,. • Goldfield , Consolidated Mines - sbHres ; and those of Combination Fraction make mining stock mar ket.lnteresting.\"; .. 4--'4 '-' .-\u25a0_ -'; -:\ ' ;"T;.Page__9 THE CALI|| BRANCH -OFFIG^; Subscriptions arid Advertise-; ;ments;wfll'lbeYreceived:in : San^ Fran cisco' at following Joffices: * <\u25a0 1651-i FILLMORE £ STREET Open > until*; 10 o'clock 'every * night/! '"; SIs'I.VAN'JxESS^AyEXCE!^ .'Parent's* Stationery," Store." : - SIXTEENTH AND iVMARKET;.STS. <= ; Jackson's S Branch": - : . : •' 533 HAIGHTIa STREET " \u25a0 , -Christian's^ Branch,- .. -^"•\u25a0--. i - iuMW ?_VALENCI A'j STREET .-'. / Rothschild's j Branch.^/ 1531 CHURCHI STREET . • -' Gedrge.Prewltt'Bsßranch" •3200 FILLMORE STREET •\u25a0\u25a0« 2 -Woodward's": Branch/. CLEAR ROAD FOR THE PRIMARY MEASURE sorfe ' of ATheir/; Gwn^ Not ; Opposing: at: This • Session POLL SHOWS VOTES ENOUGHVtO CiRRY Amendment \u25a0 r to Be Galled : TomoiTow, ;Wnen Nearly. • : Every;Seat VFilled George A. Van Smith CALL ' HEADQUARTERS, I 1007, EIGHTH STREET. SACRAMEXTO,;Feb:-4.— Un- I less 'some unforseen'power;strong I enough-! to." make, rneri " repuiiiate I their • personal as well as^ party pledges / can \u25a0be brought,'. to bear •witKim_ forty-eigHt'ihours ~l the^Sen ate; will^pass the, Held-Wright direct primary 'constitutional amendment.- ; ; That s there will be I any attempt tb; exercise : any > such I pernicious lpower r .is snoV .to".be | feared. TheVpeople; of- California ; | are'to'be^given ;an;opp6rtunity Xtb I direct ;;fqrmally;;that;;the ; next Legislature^, l'enacticonipVehensiye and.adequate'directvprimary laws' by the ; adoption --of. a . - constitu tional amendment ma king it possible for. the Legislature- to enacts such ''law's! \u25a0^Anrincompiete^poli-.oii-i-the';' Senate shows no; definite !to the : Held-Wright .amendment" as • repoftC'l I by., the ; Senate ; committee ' ; - on .elections | and; election-laws.'. The- same -incom j P l ®, l ®-- poll .shows', "thirty 1 - two'", votes .'. 'for I the;airiendment. ;. The' "required ;two | thirdsis but twenty-seven, votes. Sen j ator \u25a0 Belsbaw, who •; fathered ; the Com r monwealth" Club amendment,, says that h . e ,. l^. ni . in S ; to^ support-:- the r "ifeld- Wright; ".amendment.^ 1 *Bclshaw- wants a . d .'. r 9 ct ; P rim ary i law.'. '\u25a0 He was .'one *of [the original 'suppofters*'of the propV j'sitiori.. r ; \u25a0\u25a0 »•':•. \u25a0}\u25a0}' -- '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'*\u25a0'. :>: >- '•' '\u25a0 -\u25a0'\u0084."\u25a0•,-. COMES JUP TOMORROW . ! I As '\u25a0. to the . effect /of *' the' Held- Wrigh L a , m .? ndl ? len . t ' he differed, 'and certainly ™}}^ t h ?3 e^ t^ "with; the ..;: lawyers .who supported that ';;-.} measured \u25a0'; ' ISenator Leav-itt also differed .w|tii : the'; ifigai^au thorities, but i not: to/the; same ierigth, n ° r , ; as }° aI l t|j c " P a . r^ulars" in which Senator. Belshaw failed (to "agree. 'The adoption . of '-, the proviso 'saving - -' tlie present primary-law in' the event" a sub sequent?* Legislature fails to; enact, a direct primary, .law, satisfied \u25a0 Leavilt, and .he says • there 1 ' will 'be - no? figlit .on^the; measure. To 'the; legal; men proviso means nothing, in that it adds nothing, either in fact \u25a0\u25a0• or \u25a0 in law, \u25a0 to the amendment as : : if passed the As sembly. It ; simply i expresses in u words what; the amendment .provided -in law. The amendment -would .have ; passed the Senate Hhis" morning 'had Senator Wright been present. .. It '- Js.probabli; that the San. Di^ego Senator.. will ; prefer to; wait n until 'Wednesday /morningl when virtually', the "entire Senate will answe^the>oli^an > -*and, have, an op portunity.' of : going on- .record :on "the platform pledge of "the" parties. Qujte. regardless of their \u25a0reasons, the railroad interests arej-not' fighting the submission "of theY amendment. . This need not be taken "to : mean that these Interests favor direct \ primary' ',; iegisla tion.'^lt may: mean; thatithey.- believe it the' better." part' of ,wisdbm ; not to oppose the "amendment. 'Two; ye"ars : is along time. : It , is not^ incumbent upon, t*he m to ; fight l or, advocate a • direct primary 'law ;.'at^ this' session, •at'is^bafely';possi ble 'that* they; are '.willlng\to} permit 'the people" to ' divert themselves ; : a f bit'; by. .voting: on,-* a-j proposUlon .-?whlch>"means nothing ; Huntli^a\laV?,*pa^sed^iTn*der?the^ provisions "of • the ' amende?; sectTon f • is" written •; onl the 'statute-book's*.'? J That -is a matter^ to T be r disposed • of «by : an'bther tomorrow? , " - ' .- '".-'* A' \ \u25a0: "cOALnfG^FEUp^OROWS- : ; -*'^ -The < Fresno-Kings: Coun^^^feion of the -. fi gh t . ha s. taken - t he ; cent er j 6t 'I t he stage "andrwith"Ja T , flourish-easily 'dis counting, the^noisev made Jby'anyiother >mw; '*<- -;-^ \u25a0'\u25a0;- \u25a0\u25a0' t,- "\u25a0]\u25a0 -;\u25a0;•-"* 'i •\u25a0-'';," -><«->r^ pendlnggleg-lslatlon.; t Virtually every, i S^natorgMSWA's^embli^mah '-. has '\u25a0' been* f orced' to Uakeanf interest" in this scrap, :»»\u25a0 jinn »* \u25a0\u25a0fiii iinwr>ii ; ' iiiiiiiiiiii \u25a0!#"! hi i j.._Tl' and not , a few ; of i them'^toUhelr..' disgust: 3^ie t measures^S2^^^^^^^^^^^e? f use*s! t o^Vote \ tor ,theTsegf*e*gationfof: '(££ CoaHnga!district,isithreatened|witb4the adverseivote^of*the lMcGuire-Mlller3fac tion,-while,ion the , othe); hana, -anyileg- I^HigwiiSBS^IMEBSSSI^ JAPAN HOLDS KEY IN THE SCHOOL DISPUTE •Member of California ) Dele gation'•\u25a0- Says Fran cisco Is •Npt i ; a , ;Factof EXCLUSION:, TREATY /., DEi^ros^ONJioMife Officials :Fear jMoreV Will : Be. Asked. Than ; Can, Be Granted «" hhr"y r " Government Ira E. Bennett ' •WASHINGTON^Feb/--4:---fhe question whether pending rJifferences be tween the ;United States fand \u25a0Japan-; can be settled by treaty anil \u25a0 legislation dur ing the brief time remaining ; of * this ses sion ;of j. Congress wasl widelytdiscussed at the Capitol today. *:It is -admitted on all sides » that \u25a0i f Congress ; adjourns with the - Japanese question urisettled.V there may, be startling developments^astKe re sult of Japanese ' immigralwp i toj Hawaii and the Pacific Coast. The ; announcer, meht from San' Francisco that the^ school authorities .were _ willing f tor admit anese/ children \ to -the '.. public; schools - , if it, could' be- shown \ that a' treaty, could be ; ratified' excluding : Japanese - laborers does not "appears to ; have "changed the situation.'., The 'California ; delegation has-been certain;from;the!first;that the Sari Francisco 'authorities would recede. ! Their real 'anxiety w is as to 'the' atti tude of.VJapaiv and.'not- as to the atti tude, of Sari i Francisco. \u25a0"' Opinions' are ! divided [among: 'legislators* as ; to', the probability: of» a- prompt and, satisfac tory .adjustment; 1 of | pending: questions. One of "the most -influential . members 'of the Caiif6rnia*delegatibri;said:- ' PRESipENTjDOUBTFui, - "The ' Presiden t.'in. his, talk with. -us* did not;go^^^^^^w|asßure;US that a;, treaty^ had" be en -negotiated; f He '.'Sn'x variably i qualified slits remarks; by. say ing- he -thought! h'eicould .-reach' Jan! agree ment .with /Japan. 7 Hn , tu r ned to| Sec^ Irata^jßo^^^^^^^^H^^^ttilg but ; Mr.«Ro^^^^^S|^rnoVV"conserva tive.'^ -Mr.' ''iCootlmeTeiyTsiiid he hoped a' treaty.- could--, be .arranged..- .WeC are »Mith» M.m.^CT" |»»ii»iJß*lM'2 | i«y']w"> * innannnii ' mfli anxious.ioficourse.'.toihave an exclusion treaty and anTact^arrying.itUnto^effect? ButVweiproposeitolbeL'sure^ofr'thisfbe^ fore iwe 'back : ;down*onaheischool tlon.. The.m ere: drafting offil treaty, ,willf not do; ' We"^seenitoo»;many ;j^gtlgß|£aTF|^tWpray^^durl^Hhls adrnTiifstration -to take ; ari yy t hh i "gftf^ ij^^m^^^^^^^^^oub^lT^^ge through!;! '-\u25a0^fhe^treat^'aloneTwoSldfac? compllshnlittle good. /An. act. of Con »gfess'Hv-ould|be;i necessary in , order. 1 to linsure thes exclusion ijOf^the^ Japanese »-\u25a0--, -I- .rrfSSnataaaK»s©BSS»aMit«>«iMsS«J»^ msmaanM >i«ito«d p^ a^cotaiwg^ H^RRY M .TH^ v \u25a0 the charge^against^J^'iSon};tKev;^pifflH ; Vtfiat; -wHcn^ He srwt ? Stafford i\^te tojclea^ sible— -a victim >of I hereditary- insanity >\u25a0 and ;" epilepsy. Taint of Forbears Flows in Veins E/pilepsy, Says I^efense NEW YORK; ; ;Feb^4.-^Harryj K. Thaw's /defenses ih his * trial . for the killing \ of '} Stanford^White\ is -j based^on : ; ar plea of 4 hereditary '* insanity and epilepsy.- The fdefense was' announced^ against ' him. ~ . '.' :-l : "' .... "'. . " „"' . ;"• ' •\u25a0 -"V v .'; r > /, <; '\u25a0- • ' On the hope , of saying's ; son* and ; brbther* from !a: felon's death his mother, sisters l and* brothers:; have 'consented ' to . one *of \ the ; most ; . sacrifices <of pride -that persons of wealth and. rank i could ' be" called'uponjto maker They will endeavor ' to \ prove -that on rboth -i sides }. his" ancestry}: has I been .branded with the awful -'taint of ; insanity and , that^HaVry^ tThawJiiasj teem the; victim of -\u25a0 a"; paranoiac* s '-, delusion "\u25a0< and his unbalanced/ mind * believed he 7 was acting asithe?mstrument;of;diymef.^oyidence.c,y i . >\u0084/;\u25a0-;: ,;,;•• i .. :a-'> •\u25a0\u25a0•• •/. --.... •To that-end^bothlThaw's- motherlands wife. Evelyn :NPsbit Thaw.rvvi IT take, the witness stand. \u25a0 The' - devoted % mother; --imw— \u25a0mi'Tiinmim -^Pr |l. fl ni '*' "M . i — \u25a0 — -\u25a0\u25a0' however;amucJ^^B|UJnmy^twrlng^her and! histpryJfan'd^Mr^/'bl ea son; v* In his opening* address- today.i.promised-that Evelyn^Nesbiti.ThawiWouldtelU the' jury story « of. her, \u25a0?gfgggi^^flgato^K^^^|sg? and 8 wUn^S^tn^Me^tgjnyojying^ her % r eja* feon^witlSstanford^ White- -"-.;; «-.:.._; ;;, \u25a0iSwSwbh^mßb}iSrßt!-witxess';'--*: .^Ssbelc^i'Sifiofthe^Btarid'rtonidrrow? ;^~aM!Bt^ l i»liau>w"# W «M. 1 w* > '»'fW-» t '~' ;\u25a0\u25a0 : -, --- « iThelplan^of idefendant'sicounseliwhen! courtfadjourned ; today.', was to-oalU as ithelrlflritlwltneiilThomasjMcCalebLof i w- i-4lii utultl iij 1 rrn i «*1 1 - n~~' — «iTj — lili "II hi 'California Tand^^^lt^MTOm^hjlCaf* . J^lartin^tox detail >-inci*incicienio **.^' vine \y6rnen J as*\visiras men are making for •tunestin Nevada's lively gold camps. A * good story about /these women appears in The Sunday Call which, the -Thaw party and« the ' Stanford {White r part>S were ?;at-J neigh borin g> ta ;bies.'^i"A'> deposition^- mad <?'.,: by -Truv tun B~eaie ? bearing" ori^Uhe^' same V incidents niay, also i be In, evidence".'' It is then ; intended* to ; follow>.thts' testi "mon^bS' * that .of \u25a0 EyeFy^TtowJßWH ' Delmas took a" prominentlSixtl today 4Psthejcrpss{Q.\amlnatipnJof ;He^cr6s"s^-^ahiined£tHe^wltness|Coh*en White, vbutjbroughtj out j-nothihg':n©w. .The * California^ lawyer * studied the*-"dia 'g^fJun^repVate^dly )anjd /.twice /apologized \u25a0for^nojtj^i^iejiUrel^ffa^ .topoVraphyiofj the proofs garden. :/"; i'Aw'hile Ithe i; was".' mimicking ,fhawj s * moyamen ts " T ha w^ d i sp 1 a y ed In [tense\lnterest"' and^sVme emotion. [ Red spots j mounted j to ;H'i3'high'.'ch«>oki bones C*ktta«cd |«J ram*WßJ7Cobumm'i* PRICE- EIVEvCENTS. GOULD GAINS ACCESS TO THE BAY Harbor Freed From . Large Grip of ; Judge Morrow Reversed In Jilde)Lands Dispute Victory Believed to Be Far Reaching in Effect All Railroads May. Build fo Deep Water ; .Gould gave Harriman a telling thrust with the keen rapier yes terday, the steel being . sharpjy applied by the United States Cir cuit Court of Appeals. Circuit Judge Morrow's decision favor :ing- the; Southern Pacific Com 'panyjxii'Jts effort to prevent the .Western - 'Pacific - Railroad " from building a terminal pier ; parallel ing the ; north 4 , training wall of \u25a0 the Alameda \\ estuary- was overruled and; a sweeping,; uncompromising opinion given that "the Gould line has a right: to continue with the work s ; that it began last spring toward « gaining an 'outlet in the *bay. of- San Francisco. The in junction against the ' Western' Pacific • obtained through the Lmited States . Circuit Court was ordered dissolved. The opinion favoring the Gould system was written by- Judge" W. B. Gilbert of Oregon and concurred in by Judge E. M. Ross of Los Angeles and United States District Judge Charles E. Wolverton "of " "Washington. Judge Morrow, was not present when the decision was handed down; : Under charter from the city of Oak land, granted In February. -1908, the Western Pacific was given right of way, to, the Oakland .water front and to lay tracks and maintain terminal de pots and warehouses, sjips and freight sheds at the end -of a trestle or '-"fill" to be constructed from the ' West line of the.O akland front to a point In tha bay at -the pierhead line established by the United States Government. This would bring the proposed' Western Pa cific pier to a point 'directly opposite the pier line of the Alameda mole, and the < trestle or ; fill would run "several hundred yards north of and parallel with the training wall of 'the approach to" San Leandro Creek. GOULD I>f. POSSES9IOX * When* the .Western Pacific was laying tracks on the /north ; side and adjacent to the- north i jetty or training wall of the;. estuary last spring . the . Southern Pacific' Company suit in equity in - the ; \u25a0 United A States court rto enjoin perpetually the Western 'Pacific f rom ' going on i wlth_ the work. Judge Mor rowi decided- that, the Southern. Pacific Company |h*ad> a-. valid claim to the'dls- \u25a0 puted ;strlp'.an'd granted ; a temporary restraining ...order,, ''"The strip. '•. which is an approach- to. the proposed -trestle oif filled .ground -terminal, of *t\ie Westerri Pacific: in .thejbay. of San* Francisco. 1* " partly on. land , filled in" by.- the dredgers that"'. scoured -the eatuary approaches. Armed m<?n were for a*while s empioye<l to^protectfthe Western Pacific's alleged rights in -thq' premises.; \u25a0"*Th'e i decision * yesterday^ shows that Judge ->lorrow - not only carrleil; the Southern .'Pacific's titleiout to the bulk^ head line,' over",^the; grafts^of-1833* and 1853 -to - the T'cUyof Oakland, but -to a polntithat "dld'not^ exist in- law or^suri vey.' Thejdecislon of 'the Court of Ap peals^now carries thV' lines not only . back to the: original lines -of the dls-, • /Sledfterritory. but .practically to the sSoro^ine of " Qakfarid. .The State be- cStta^flmlras^fColiuaji 1