Newspaper Page Text
12 Additional Classified Ads on Page 11 MEETING NOTlCES— Coßtlmied. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS'" MEETING. Notice to the stockholders of the MERCANTILE TRUST COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO Is hereby given that a meeting of the stock- holders of said company has, by resolution or the Board of Directors of said corporation, adopted November 27, 1906. been called for and will be held on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of February. 1907. at the hour of So clock In the afternoon of said day, at the office of Mid corporation, to-wlt. number 464 California street, in the city and county of San Fran- cisco. Bute of California, the same being the principal place of business of said corporation and the building wbere the Board of Directors usually meet The object of Bald meeting \u25a0wlil be to consider and vote upon the proposi- tion to Increase the capital stock 0/ the MER- CANTILE TRUST COMPANY OF SAN FRAN- CISCO from the sum of one million (1,000,000) dollars. . divided Into ten thousand (10.000> ebsres of the par value of one hundred (100) dollars each, the present amount of Its cap- ital stock to the snm of two million (2.000,- trfKi) dollar*, divided into twenty thousand <20,000) shares of the par value of one hun- dred (100) dollars each. I>ated November 27, 1906. By order of the Board of Directors. JOHN D. MeKEE. Secretary. Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco. ONLY LOCAL MANUFACTUBEBS. B. PASQUALE CO.. 1100 WEBSTER. COB. TURK. PHONE WEST 493. AI'.MY. NAVY. 6OCIETY GOODS. REGALIAS. FLAGS. BANNEBS, BADGES. CAPS. UNIFORMS. "" ATTORNEYS ADVICE free — Divorce costs $12; quick and quiet: bankruptcy, damage, attachments and probate matters a epeclslty; no fees In ad- vance. 212S Fillraore st, near Sacramento* room 1; open evenings. UIVOKCE — Costs $12; quick, quiet; advice free; ' no charge unless successful; open evenings. 1323 Page st.. near Central aye. HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law. W. T. Hess. Notary Public, 2053 Sutter et., near Flllmore street. ADVICE free: divorce laws; collections, estates; C. W. COLE. 1720 Fillmore. nr. Setter, —a. 4. H. A. Krouse. 1300 G. G. aye., cor. Flllmor*; all cases; adv. free. Eve. 7:30-6:30; tel. West 5132. W. A. S. NICHOLSON, attorney, 1476 Eddy. nr,. . Fllimore; land titles established, probated, eto. MARTIN STEVENS, attorney at law, 1033 Golden Gate aye., bet. Laguna and Bncbanan sts. y. 3. CASTELHUN, attorney at law, 1343 Golden Gate aye.. bet Flllmore and Steiner sts. ROBERT W. KING, attorney at law (formerly Examiner bldg). 1630 Flllmore st, near Post. BENJAMIN HEALEY. attorney, 1208 Go!d«n Gate aye., near Flllmore; pfaoae We«t 5125. CHAS. F. HANLON. attorney. 1782 Bash St., corner Octavla; phone Weet 1560. CHEAPEST and best In America. The .Weeklj .Call. SI a year. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS MARION WALCOTT. pub. stenog.: multlgraph work rpectalty. lftQS gutter St.. tel. WfrttjH. PATENTS MEDINA World Patent Agency; agents In Washington _nd foreign capitals; patents* tr»dem«r_s. patent law. FRANK P. MEDINA. manager. 567 Eddy st. : tel. Franklin 1460. PATENTS guaranteed; protect your Idea; guide- book free. E. E. Vrooman. box 40, Wash. D. C. FRANCIS M. WRIGHT, formerly examiner U. 5. Patent Office. 925-927. Monadnoek building. CARLOS P. GRlFFlN— Patents: late examiner In U.S.Patent Office; tel. Page 6021. 500 Flllmore PENSIONS PENSION attorney E. A. BUT.T.IS. 1541 Steiner St.: past commander Thomas Post. G. A. R. PKNSIONS. extra pey. etc Write L. M. SHER- WOOD. 2751 Filbert- st. San Francisco. PHYSICIANS DR. WONG HIM. HERB DOCTOR. Permanently Located 126S OFarrell et.. bet. Gough and Octavla. A— Announcement — DR. F. C. KECK returned from the East and resumed his practice. 999 Steiner Bt., cor. McAllister. Hours 2-4 p. m. SEE MAIN CHY. Chinese Tea and Herb Sanitarium, 355 7Ui st. Oakland. ' H. A. HESS. M. D. Hospital Surgeon)— Office hours, 1 to 3 and 6to 7:30. 749 Hays— Tel Market 2425. DR. SAMUEL W. MEANS has resumed prac- tice, D?ltx>rt block, corner Van Ness are. and O'Farrell st. DR. E. I". WEST, formerly of 511 A Leaven- wbrtli Ft., is vow at 1115 McAllister. Phone Park 71*2. DR. HAMILTON C. BOWIE, physician and sur- jreon. _1( _ Market, cor. 14th. TeL Market 2204. DR. JOSEPH ABDENYI, physician. Burgeon, diseases of womon and men. 936 McAllister. ADVICB free; divorce laws; collections; estates. C. W. COLE. 1720 Fillmore. nr. Sutter. rm. 4. DR. E. O. JELLINEK. Delbert block. Van Ness and O'Farrell. Hours 1:30-4; tel. West 1520. •X-RAY AND STATIC TBEATMENTS. DR. A. 6. TUCHLER. 702 Van Ness aye.; hrs. 1-3. 7-8. Bit! JOHN JZ WILLIAMSON, formerly 21 Powell, now at 924 Geary; hours 2 to 4 p. tn. DR. JAMES OSBORNE, formerly Oav st.. re- eumed practice. 1178 Eddy. Tel. West 7826. DRS. LAMB, 1707 O'Farrell St.. near Flllmore. Accommodations for patients. Tel. West 3553. ALBERT J. ATKINS. M. D.. rectal dlsea-es. 1609 Franklin st, nr. Pine; hours 1 to 4 p. m. DR. J. M. McDONALD, office SS& Octavla st; phone Special 2084; res. phone West 2156. DR. C. J. SCHMELZ removed to 317 Scott st, bet Page and Oak; telephone Park 491. DR. CHILDB, formerly at 118 Grant aye., now at 203S Sntter St.; tel. West 1168. CARRIE YETTER, M. D.. 8598 18th st- now 339S 16th st_ corner Church. DR. J. E. ARTIGUES. 2947 Flllmore et. corner Union ; hours 2 to 4 p. m. DR. OWEN BUCKLAND — Eye. ear, nose, th—atT 1380 Sntter rt.; 1 to 4. DR. W. H. GRISWOLD. 894 Eddy st, corner Franklin; hours 10 to 4. DENTISTS DRS. C. W. DECKER, T. H. MORRIS, L. T. CRAJVZ. ' PCRGEON DENTISTS, 1316 Satter st. above Van Ne*a. Rooms 1-2-3-4-5-9-10. ' ' PAINLESS Dentistry; set of teeth, $5: crowns, , $3; brldfework, $5; fillings, 60c; all guaran- teed. DR. BROWN, Market. 14th and Church. DR. D. GRANT BARTLETT. extracting special- ist; gas given. 2103 Flllmore; hours 9 to 6. l)B. J. F. TWIST, dentist, formerly Academy ©1 Sciences bldg.. at 1476 Eddy st nr. Flllmore. HDCK. DE. H. C. dentist; formerly 524 Mont- gomery aye., now at 522 Devisadero, nr.Hayes I)RS. STICKEL _.- TAYLOR, Dentists, formerly 1004 Market, now at ISOB Geary, nr. Flllmore DB. L. A. WALSH, 672 McAllister, nr. Laguna. Platinum fillings. 50c; crowns, $5; plates. - $7. DR. F. _p£MP VAN EE, dentist, formerly 1029% Market tt... now at 504 Devisadero, near Fell. HILL, DR. LUDLUM. 1443 Market et. now at 432 Webster st. near Oak; gas given. | PAINLESS Dentistry — Old established, honest, reliable; reasonable prices, perfect work; free consultation. VAN VROOM. 1501 Kill more st, corner O'FarrelL DR. J. J. LEEK (formerly 1126 Market), now 624 Valencia st. bet 19th and 20th. DR. W. A. MEYER of Callaghan building, now . 24y6 Market et: Flllmore-st cars. DR. KNOX. dentist 1615 Flllmore st; all work _ret-clas«; prices low. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AU kinds of dental work. CIS FUlmore- Et.. near Oak. - DETECTIVES MCCARTHY'S Detective Agency — Civil and crim- inal work attended to with secrecy and dls- - patch: mUslrur persons located: legal papers eerved. - communications strictly confidential; " legal and commercial references. 1228 Fill- • more St.. cor. Eddy. Phone West 3078. THOMAS M'-CARTHY. PrlncipaL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS CARPENTER and builder: store and office fit- tings; plans furnished. HANSEN. 1214, Turk. PAINTING, tinting, papernanging: best work; reas. HUNTER, 1577 O'Farrell; tel. West 6667. PETERSON & ELLIOTT. 648 Haye*. Phone Pag« \u25a0 1577. Carpenters, builders, repairs, alterations. CONCRETE brick plastering; German contractor; chimney repairs, sidewalks. F. Szoke, 1113 Turk. CARL SPROGIS. carpenter, contractor, cabinet work. Tel. West 4624. 12S4A Eddy Bt CORSET"/ MAKERS " UME. BAVMARO. cornet-maker,- moved from 21&U Sutter to 1059 Sutter. £g_B_H BUSINESS, CHANCES • FOB SALE. '* v " ; General merchandise - store In one of - the best agricultural districts In the State; busi- ness well built up; trade amounting to nearly $40,000 last year and can be increased; mer- chandise on hand all up to date and fresh goods, and will be sold at Inventory prices; reason for selling, owner has greater Interests which require his attention; owner president local bank and will assist purchaser every way possible; strictest Investigation solicited; will require from $8000 to $10,000 to pur- chase stock; to right party this is a great opportunity; further particulars call ;or ad- dress C. L. HOVEY, 1047 Monadnock build- ing, San Francisco. . . FOB SALE OB BENT. S. H. Bradley Carriage Works, at; Marys- vllle. CaL; large carriage repository, with fully equipped blacksmith and woodworking shops In connection; with full stock and new work In course of construction; lot 160x80, on best cross-town street In city. Address J.E. EBEBT, attorney ' for administrator, office Ellis Block. Marysv-Ue. CaL : \u25a0 ONE of the best paying tea, coffee and crock- ery stores on one of the principal streets in San Francisco; long lease and low rent; ee-i tabliebed 25 years; tor sale at Invoice o_ account of sickness; all new and salable stock ' Call or address H. G. MEHRTENS, cor, of 7th st. and Lincoln aye., Alameda. ADMINISTBATOB'S sale of a 5 good bakery business at Marysville, Cal.. the property of the late F. J. Cllnger;wlU be sold at public auction on Monday, Feb. 27, 1907, at the prem- Elses. corner 4th and D sts., Marysvllle, Cal. J. P. ABNOLD, administrator of the estate of F. J.- CUnger.- \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0•-•'---\u25a0 TWO fully equipped baker shops; 8 and 4 wag- ons running dally; horses, harness and wagons; doing $6000 or $6000 worth of business a month: baking 8 or 9 barrels dally. You can take both of these, Mr. Baker, for $3500. REDWOOD CITY REALTY COMPANY. A HALF Interest In a business for sale for $100; little down, balance you can pay out of the business; you are to help manage the business; no experience \u25a0 required,- only- to. be' honest; this business will clear $30 a day. 470 7th st, room 1. Oakland. Cal. , FOR eale — A complete planing mill with large lot In business center of Pasadena; Investment S20.000; will sell machinery separate for $8000 and lease ground: a fine opening for some. one understanding the business. Blow Planing Mill. Pasadena. Cal. ..... '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-. TO MANUFACTURERS — A good opportunity Is offered to party that will take hold of a new Invention In hay presses; liberal terms ottered. Call or write N. SVENDSEN. 655 6th *t., Oakland. - - \u25a0' CASH foe your nB l «*tate or business, no mat* , ter where located.' If you want your property sola quickly, send us description and price. STERLING REALTY CO.. Mack Bldg., Den- ver, Colo. \u25a0 ; _^ BLACKSMITH ana horseshoeing shop for sale In St. Helena; good reasons for selling; cheap If takes Immediately. Particulars write box 400, St.- Helena. Cal. _• WANTED — Steady young man, partner, with $350; old established business; 550 week and over guaranteed. Call room 5, 954 Broadway, Oakland. \u25a0 DRUGSTORE 'for sale in Ken^rt, Shasta CoT. Cal.; good reasons for sell_i_; fine location foi doctor: will sell at invoice. Box 67, Kenn«t, CaL FOR sale at a sacrifice— A Bulletin route In best part of city, or will lease to a responet ble party. 21 Park Hlll<ftve. . FOB sale— Good paying fruit vegetable and produce store, horse, wagon, etc., $300. Box 2293. Call offices Oakland. FOR sale — Grocery and bar; no competition; old age and sickness. A. COLIER, 21st and Doug- lass sts. \u25a0 ; SOY SANG LUNG Sc CO.. Golden. West Broom Factory, 723-25 Clay st; now open for busi- ness. . : i " - WELL-ESTABLISHED weekly paper: sold aect. owner's 111 health. Box 6952. Call. Oakland. TAILORING business, stock and fixtures for sale cheap; good location. Box 172, CalL FOR sale — Coffee route with a first class horse snd wacon. 539 O-k «t. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE ... ... < , — _, — — — ~ C. E. HINKLEY. PHONE WEST 1911. 1204 Golden Gate aye., near Webster st. CLEAR TITLES. EASY TERMS. APARTMENT HOUSE. 56 rooms. 17 baths; neai Van Ness aye.; rent $7.15 per room; dear« $»00 monthly ; elegantly furnished; price rea- eonable. HINKLEY. ' ..' » SPECIAL — 10 rooms. nevclv and nicely fur- pished: rent $40: lease; price $1100. Hlnkley. WORKINGMEN'S HOUSE. 17 rooms; clean $150; rent $30; price $SOO. HINKLEY. PROFITABLE — 18 rooms: sunny corner; 1 floor; men roomers; clears $125; substantially fur- • nlshed; worth investigation. HINKLEY. 12W Golden Gate aye. AND MANY OTHERS. __, CAM—RON * CO. ' Phone! Franklin 1166. Hotels, W/vuMnf Houses. Real Estate, Lease* and - Insurance. €34 Golden Gate aye., near Van Ness. Agents for Salad a Beach lots. SNAP — 20-room house newly furnished;, reni $125; 2-year lease; you can make $250 a montt on a small investment. Call 1940 Flllmore st BUSINESS WANTED $1500 to Invest In well estab. business, whole 01 half: no agent. Box 592. Call. 1651 Fillmore. AUTOMOBILES . $1450—1906 Franklin model G; newly painted and in fine chape. \u25a0 * $2000— 1»06 Franklin model D; paint hardlj scratched: In elegant condition;, a bargals at the price. . $1050—1903 White Steamer; Just put In Al condition: newly painted; top lights, gen- erator, etc.: a good buy. • 5550 — Maxwell runabout; $150 In extras; In fin« condition. J5O0 — 1000 Oldsmobile runabout; Al condition; THE *E aP 'B. TAYLOR MOTOR CAR CO., 300-302 Telegraph aye.. Oakland. Phone Oakland 5901. AUTOMOBILES for hire; second-band machine! for 6ale; storing, repairing a specialty. . Phont West 6885. Golden Gate Garage, 1788 Fell st, RENBTROM GARAGE. 424-434 Stanyan; phon« Park 476. Automobiles bought, sold, repaired coppUes; touring cars for hire at all hours. CASINGS and tubes repaired; aU work guaran teed. Cal. Auto Vulcanizing Co., 1113% G. G AUTOMOBILE repairing: storage battery cbarg Ing. repairing. I. L. De JONGH. 446 Fulton RELIANCE AUTOMOBILE CO.. 547 Fulton st. garaging and renting: repalrine of all kinds MOTORBIKE for sale; $135. W. R. GRIFFIN 6075 Canning St.- Oakland. CHEAPEST and best In America, The Weeklj \u25a0 Call. $1 per year. . ADOPTION WANTET> — To adopt a healthy baby girl, fron time of birth to 2 months; good home. Addres; box 6SI. Call. FUlmore Bt . " DR. EMILIE FUNKE'S maternity villa: lnfanti adopted: strictly private. 1416 Bth -St., Ala mrda. Cal. - • , ARCHITECTS CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT.' Mechanical and electrical engineer seeks the . su perintendency of work. Specifications anc plans examined and the faithful execution <ol work seen to In owner's behalf. Regular in ;spectlon and reports. .Drawings, speclflca uons and estimates. Box 171. Call. .. ; UcDOUGALL BROS., architects. 721 Devigsden: st; bet Fulton and Grove. Phone West 5592. CHEAPEST and best In America. The Weeklj Call, f 1 per year. . > 1 CASH REGISTER CASH teglsters'. 621 sizes, of ~ all prices, for all . kinds of business, on liberal terms. <- Nation* Cash Register Co.. 1283 Golden- Gate eve.- PHOTO SUPPLIES CHRISTMAS cameras at 25 per cent discount FINK ART CO.. 1814 FUlmore st - -.--\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0/\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 * , BAR FIXTURES CHICAGO FIXTURE CO.; bar fixtures alwayi carried In stock; bank, store. . office fixtures better, cheaper, than anywhere: t*l. Marke 2496; all kinds of Jobbing done. 379 Fulton st FOR store, office or bar fixtures see.McCALM i BARNARD. 2027 ( Ellis »_; y above Devisadero J. MARTENSON makes office/store and bar fix tures, 218 13th st," bet": Mission and -Howard S. FRIEDMAN. 2106, Bush, st, carpenter; . bar store and office fixtures ; , repairing ; . jobbing. : UNION Fixture Co., 386 Golden Gate: ave.. nea Larkln — Bank.' store, office. - bar fixtures.-: :.' : RELIABLE STORE \u25a0• AND, -OFFICE . FIXTURI CO., 1811 Market: : phone Market 2748. '"/;- GOLDEN WEST WOOD , WORKING ,-CO.,' -. '\u25a0-\u25a0-' '.-' \u25a0--- 23fi-_3S. 14th \u25a0 •-„\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 ' \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '••\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0 STOREJ FIXTURES : OFFICE and store/"_xtures,- cabinet work an Jobbing; estimates given.' G.iMARCHAL, . 28 Austin aye. r , bet ; Bush and ; Pine.' . \u25a0-, CONTRACT tWORK- SJ___j§! A . FORSTROM. -contractor i and "builder; 6 plan - and <>Kt!matea furnished "on \u25a0 cottages,' etc. • 106 Florida st.,; near .• 23d. > THE^'SAN^TOANCISCO CALL;- TUESDAY,^FEBRUARY .5, 1907. AN HONEST PROPOS-TldN. ; 0: - -OABL t Ai*- CABLE, ? New ' Xotk'* 1 celebrated clairvoyant, palmist and spirit medlnm. Is per- manently located - here, ' His v honesty, test -of time and S yean of continuous practice In San Francisco have proved beyond - all doubt that . Mr." Cable is the \u25a0 leader . of his profession. As proof, of his . wonderful power, > to all who come prepared < for : readings this week he. will tall your full name, occupation. and the object of your visit, absolutely free <X charge. : : His ad- vice - pertaining to : love, . law, - business, wills, estates, buying or selling property, speculation. In vectmen ts, - ; marriage, divorce, - etc.,' ':\u25a0 Is ' un- \u25a0 equaled. He \u25a0 reonltes - the . separated, causes 'speedy and happy . marriage with the one yon -love, gives truthful revelation of all love af- fairs, troubles, marriages/, restores • lost . affec- tions, settles lovers' quarrels,: tells : you \u25a0 when j and whom you will, marry, how to win the man or woman you love, * make your husband or wife be true to you, overcome all your enemies,* and make a person at a distance think of yon; re- moves evil. lnfluences; In fact, everything. Mr. Cable's advice Is much sought for on past and future Investments, for which be has no equal. H» charges not one penny {or such' advice until " the Investment has paid a handsome profit - Ii . .this not fair and honest? , Great reduction thli week. - i Mr. Cable, as a matter of advertise- ment ' this week, will | give his special reading for 60 cents; satisfaction absolutely, guaran- teed or no fee accepted. Everything strictly sacred and confidential. His residence is ar- ranged so you meet no strangers.' Don't mis- take name and number. « 0.- A. -CABLE, 1703 Gongh st , between California and Pine, : two blocks from Van Ness aye. Hours, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. dally and Sunday. . \u25a0 " : THE White Mystic of India. - ' - \u25a0 . ORMONDE, formerly 'lo yean on Market st; a clairvoyant with power; genuine, reliable, ; con- i Eclentlous;' past present, future; business ad- vice, love, marriage, divorce, * removes evil in- fluences. ' tells your full name; born In the Ori- . ent.with the power of any. 10 mediums; read- Ings $1.. 1310 Devisadero, bet Ellis &^'FarrelL MISS M.*. WILLS, the famous crystal seeress, lo- cated at 1605 Geary st, bet. Laguna and Bu- chanan; one who Is well known and one whe • Is competent to read your life: she reveals th« past gives correct . forecast of the future and will give valuable advice concerning . all mat- ters of business: readings dally, ,10 a. m. and 6 p. m.; phone West 7488. > MISS ZEMDAR, young, gifted clalr.and palmist; a wonderful prophetess; names; ladies, 60c; gents, $1 ; hrs. 10 to 9. 1260 Ellis, near Laguna. • MME. KRONENBERG, clairvoyant card reader, palmist; when others fall try me; readings 25c. 440 Brazil j aye. , Ban j Mateo or j Inglesids cars. MME. M ARSE AU. card reader; ladles. 60c.; - gents, $1. Hotel Belmont, cor. 6th and Folsom. \u25a0 MRS. BROWN, clairvoyant and card reader, . moved to ISI3 Fillmore at, formerly 67 6th st MADAM SOHAEFFER, clairvoyant card reader, ' water seer. 803 Lairn na st, near McAllister. \u25a0 MME. DE VAN, clairvoyant, palmist, card \ reader. 1107 Golden Gate aye._ SPIRITUALISM » MME.' VIGARS, • 1003 Buchanan st, nr. MoAllis- l ter — Sittings dally; circle every night. : MRS. SEAL, spiritual medium; readings daily. • 78g McAllister st; circle Thursday, 8 p. m. • MME. located at 1021 Valencia St., near 21st. Friends call:- readings daily. ; PALMISTRY MME. DE LAND astrologist; adviser; horoscope* I .'written. 718 Golden Gate aye., room 2. \ MME. \u25a0 DAVIDSON, formerly 510 • Post, now \u25a0al ' 23914 Oak st. below Octavla. [ CHIROPODISTS . HARRIS " H. KATZ— Chiropodist; expert mas- 1 eager; electric apparatus. . 1163 Golden Gate. . DR: JAS.'BBOWN, expert chiropodist, at Empo- . rinm, Van v»*ess and Post; formerly 6 Geary. DAY AND CONTRACT -WORK " COTTAGES built from $S5O up. W. MILLER, carpenter and builder. 1231 McAllister st. EDUCATIONAL A — THE Lyceum, 2590; Pine 6t, cor. Scott; an excellent preparatory school for the university, law and medical colleges. -Here you .can save time' and money and • still get a preparation superior to that given by other' schools. I MATHEMATICS— Private evening class for men; : arithmetic, j algebra, ' geometry, \u25a0 trigonometry, calculus; 3 nights j per i week; $5 per f. month. 2000 Sutter st, - corner Killmore. * . " - ' ; ENGINEERING — Civil, - elec., mln., meeh., sur- vey, assay, cyanide; day, eve. ; est. ISO 4. Van ! 'der Nalllen School; 5100 Teleg. aye., Oakland. 1 ART. penmanship, engrossing. Esplna. METRO- POLITAN (Cal.) BUSINESS COL., 925 Golden ; Gate; dey, eve.; stenog. ; positions secured. [ PROF. T. A. ROBINSON gives Individual instr. \u25a0 In bookkeeing, penmanship, English, : math., - etc.; day or. eve.; low rates. * 290 Page st.?.,- SPANISH,? 1 English, shorthand; " quick, 'practical methods: t translation. ? PROF. : ALFON_O, - U3l O'Farrell Bt -, *.. .\u25a0 .- i ' ' ' 1 . ' . :: — — A — CALDWELL College of Oratory and Acting; temporary office 969 Fell st Call S to 9 p. m. GUITAR, . mandolin, piano," singing; . new classei forming; 8 lessons $3. £92 Halght, cDevlsadero. : HEALD'S Engineering School, 295 Locust aye., J cor. Franklin st. ;• all .branches; day and eve. • HEALD'S Business College, 1451. Franklin st, : S. F.. and Bacon blk., Oakland; day and eve. VIOLIN, mandolin, zither and guitar lessons. 515% Hermann st. bet. Webster and Fillmore, « SAN FRANCISCO Business College now.locatec \u25a0 .733 Fillmore, near Hayes; day and: evening. MADAME INEZ FABBRI. voice culture foi opera and concert. 4.172 Ellis st I ALL court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsl: Business College, 464 Devisadero st. 1 MERRILL-MILLER College, . pleasantly located at 733 Fillmore st; day and evening. 1 THK BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANG UAGES— 2G31 Washington st , , near Flllmore. ! SHORTHAND taught thoroughly by mail. MISS M. . G. BARRETT, , 214 2d aye. ' MISS POTTER. Teacher of, Elocution; after _"2__________________________________________ '-. HAXD-PAIN.TED 1 CHINA 1 — \u25a0 — >\u25a0 — \u25a0\u25a0 — • j — ~j ! DORN'S Ceramic Supply Store. 759-761 McAllls ter st. ; largest on -Pacific Coast; devoted .ex I white china and supplies. :\u25a0,..:.-"': \u25a0,..:.-"' • SA_IISH'S China painted to order;™ lessons; ma terlals; white china. 1378 Sutter st. Tel " Franklin 2127. *. '"\u25a0 EXCHANGE. 1 WHAT have you to • exchange • for, good paylnj \u25a0 fruit, vegetable and . produce business wortl $500? Box 2293, Call office. Oakland. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES r JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.' ! « Male' and female; -best cooks,' waiters, ipor \u25a0 ters." general " housework, -' second work \u25a0'• anil kitchen help," of flee • help,? etc^ > In the city Phone West 4634. U.K. ODA, 1721 Post st. a — ' s A WELL-KNOWN, • reliable ' Japanese-Chlnes< emp. office, guarantees best help of all kind: - - on short i notice, with ' care \ and dispatch. . •" O ) lIASUMI, prop., 1513 Geary St., near Laguna • tel. West 5653.> ' ' V . . . ; . . _ A — RELIABLE Chinese-Japanese emp." office." \u25a0.-"; A lI OKI. prop., -furnishes -best help,;- with- can _' and dispatch. : 1748 Sutter at,. tel. West 2803 AA— OLDEST, largest Japanese-Chinese Employ - iment Office: reliable help promptly. GEO. SA 1 .KAUYE. 15C8 Post nr. Laguna; tel. .West 5612 . AN original Japanese and Chinese Emp. Office— . -Guarantees first-class help of all kinds. GEO • MATSUO. 2140 FlUmore st; phone .West 339 j STAR Employment office furnishes ' Japanese anc Chinese help with ; care. Tel. \u25a0 West ; 167. W - ' K ADOTA. j 1C67 , Post st . near ; Buchanan. \u25a0;'..' -\u25a0 j CHINESE and : Japanese 1 employment* office. B6: . sth st. ; tel. Oak. 3101. B. HALL, ; Oakland, Cal " H. W. HONG, \u25a0 Chinese '.cooks; " hotel -or \u25a0 family ' # Roomt4B,:Sl9V4 Webster/ St.; Oakland. •. I JAPANESK-CHINEBE Emp. Office. 1 Phone - Wes 1 - 1731. - - T. " TAMURAS.- 1612 > Lagona st. ' ; . EMPLOYMENT WANTED—FemaIc . GIRL, 16, going to 'school 'half ia^day, would Uki >. a. place, to help, a' lady stake, care of \u25a0 >-or. help attend. «tore..CalU or .address -MRS ' •'\u25a0 J. ' REHDER, Camp 13, 16th \u25a0 and . Bryant aye. - \u25a0 17 lst gt: ' -''^\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' ''-\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0'\u25a0','\u25a0\u25a0':-\u25a0\u25a0"' -/' : - :; • A FIRST-CLASS \ dressmaker . would ; like :a ; fey • more engagements by the v day; does ,'gocx 1 work ; references." Box ; 579, : Call ; office, : Fill \u25a0• i/more- st. '/\u25a0'/;\u25a0'*.\u25a0'•,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0-:•; : ':" ; --- ; \u25a0: f.ji.2 :-;'\u25a0\u25a0"'': k POSITION - wanted .by/ a ;. woman i a '• ; housekeeper lv an apartment or rooming bouse ~ :\u25a0-,.- references.* Box 568,; Ca11; 0ffice, ,165.1 s Flllmore COMPETENT, and j reliable^ young | woman | wlshe ~ '- care of Infant or , Invalid ; \u25a0 good references.". Ad '.'.. -dress. l 922 Pierce .st.T: :•".;. }..".^V i ;:*' ~ A LADY wants position as manicurist in barbe j ehop.; 'Box 531; CallAl6sl St.) , n PLACE as ; ! cook ;;\u25a0 and .' gener_l housework. .' "Ad • dress : 365 Bank, st;, San (Francisco. ',\u25a0,;-. : ~ GERMAN i girl : wants ? position ;\u25a0: general » house \u25a0 %Tork. Call 501A'Broderlck st- \u25a0\u25a0 - ----- -. , ; -' r -{\u25a0 EaiPLO YMENT >\V^NT__D^Male7. r ; ; d SOBER! reliable /man.'l 29, r .< seeks *''\u25a0 position wltl 3 ;- private : family as coachman,! care garden,' etc. - - first-class \u25a0'\u25a0 horseman ; '\u25a0• has . Eastern > experience 2 ,; «an ; care tG.-LACKTEN,- 518_ 7tl .- \et.;::oakland.l : " ; :: .'- r -'.-", •-""',;:;; -.. .^ - SUPBUINTENDENT .or -foreman-, ' practical >ex .s - perlence.ln reinforced concrete.* desires posltloi S \u25a0wl th Marge I contractor > In" bulldlne V line, 'r; Bo: EMPLOYMest | "WAJITISD— Jkiale^Com. YOUNG ', man, 21, desires position ' In country,' en- abllng him to be out and about considerable of * ' the time ; . bookkeeper . of experience >. with rec- : I ommendations -of • highest ! character.'.- Box 195, :-" Call Offlce.'r.v*;.--:'^- ;•;; -.:;>. £-\u25a0 V.v' \v' ' If ':>\u25a0' ENGINEER, who Ila I also first-class | oil fireman. stationary, I hoist or plledriver < engines. ' Ad- t dress :B. REGAN, South San Francisco, : Ban Mateo County.: •\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0-.- •>\u25a0 •::";>•-* :--: :\u25a0::'. 'J.: -X OLD builder, from ; Minneapolis, Minn..'-, wants \ • carpenter \ work ; ' fix your old 'or • build ;• your 1 new home; reasonable price. Box 660, In care -:'\u25a0\u25a0 of. The Call. »";.--.-.- \u25a0:':.-. -- •\u25a0 ; ''. \u25a0' - ! l"v -'>\u25a0-' YOUNG • man aged 25, \u25a0 speaking French, Italian, 'Spanish j and English, : desires position as ship- ping, 1 receiving clerk, or. collector. Box 157, ' Call office.,, \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0--...\u25a0.\u25a0 V \u25a0-. : --.-' JAPANESE boy wants position as schoolboy or at \u25a0; light housework' In- private family. •*- Address FRANK NAKA,, 2498 Bush st TeL . West 4010. GOOD, ; sober, : steady man -, wishes ; position to - " take care of horses, garden.' etc. ; handy with tools. Apply H. i 8., box 170. : Call office.' : RELIABLE " young man wants * work; : any > kind, ;,'\u25a0 from 11 . a. sm.- to 5 p. \u25a0 m. ; bond or references. Box 666. Call office. 1651 Flllmore st' - NEAT ' and •- honest , Japanese wants '\u25a0 position In ,store; : . any. k kind work; , speaks English vwell. > Address F. S., 1881 Pine st." '\u25a0: . YOUNG " man,-.' hard ; worker, ' handy with tools, desires position : as general utility man.' . Box 650, Call office. Fill-ore 'at. . \u25a0 .. \u25a0//-\u25a0•<-,. WATCHMAN wants position: good reference; 3 night or day; 56 years old; single. Apply box \u25a0 2292, Call office, Oakland.' \u0084 \u25a0 . v\u25a0 : / . - POSITION as lady's hairdresser, wigmaker and halrwork«r; ' steady employment by good man. 8.-.Q.. 1204 Valencia st. -\u25a0'-\u25a0-\u25a0 A GOOD Japanese wants position In restaurant,' . office or store ; not afraid of 1 work. . Box 578, Call office, Flllmore st COLLECTOR of ability desires a few . more cll- -~ents; very be6t of references and bond. Box 183, Call office. " :'. \u25a0"--\u25a0'- SITUATION wanted in wholesale, warehouse or anything where a handy, sober man Is wanted. Box 571, CalL \u25a0'\u25a0',:- ' :. .: ' : '; \u25a0\u25a0'..: ...\u25a0:.••'\u25a0•\u25a0.:. JAPANESE student, ' 18. wants position as a schoolboy. \ X. : M. KING, 2012 Pine st... care M. E. mission. ;\u25a0 \u0084.,.;>-.;:-:.,': .\u25a0; CARPENTER, \u25a0 nonunion, 25 years' experience, must have work; reasonable price.' Box 594,. Call. office, ; .. -- FIREMAN wants position: can tend to pumps and ' engine and do ordinary repairs. ;i Box 151, Call office . > \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0".:.. \u25a0 - " FIREMAN • wants- position; can tend to pumps and engine 'and do ordinary repairs. Box 115, Call- office. . . . \u25a0 •'-. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.... \u25a0 A — SITUATION wanted as assistant bookkeeper; references. Box 598, Call tit flee. A GENERAL blacksmith and shoer wants a Job In the city. . Box 177. Call office, HELP WANTED— FemaIe v WANTED— Young women to learn telephone op- erating: paid while learning; salary , increased after first "two weeks and further Increased after work becomes efficient ' ' '\u25a0 \u25a0 ' Daily luncheon -furnished free, and rest rooms, with matron in. attendance. • -, .-Permanent positions : good chances ' for ad- vancement. -- AppJv 2019 Steiner st. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE AND TELE- . i . GRAPH CO. - OUR NEW FACTORY BUILDING. WHICH IS THOROUGHLY . LIGHTED. VENTILATED AND HEATED. IS NOW READY FOR OC- CUPANCY: • EXPERIENCED AND INEX- PERIENCED . SEWING MACHINE OPERA- TORS WANTED ON OVERALLS: GOOD PAY; STEADY WORK;. PAID WHILE LEARNING. LEVI STRAUSS- & CO.. VALENCIA, BET. 13TH AND 14TH. APPLY TO MR. DAVIS. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS 'ON SHIRTS; GOOD PAY; CLEAN, STEADY WORK; NEW FACTORY; WELL HEATED AND VEN- •• TILATED: IXEXPKUIENGED TAUGHT AND PAID WHILE LEARNING. \u25a0\u25a0 LEVI STRAUSS & CO., -VALENCIA, BETWEEN 13TH AND 14TH. APPLY MR. HINSHAW. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - ' - - \u25a0 - \, EXPERIENCED salesladies. Waist Department DAVIS. SCHONWASSKR CO.. < VAN NESS "and CALIFORNIA. . " \u25a0 . \u25a0-\u25a0 -\u25a0' : ' , \u25a0 ''\u25a0'*.'. CASH. GIRLS — Permanent position. DAVIS." SCHONWASSKR CO., ' ; : , VAN NESS ) and CALIFORNIA. WANTED— Bright young ladles for clerical po- sitions. Apply to general manager, NATHAN- DOHBMANN CO.. 1520-1550 Van Ness aye. WANTED-~Two expert stenographers tn office of large construction company -.must be accurate,, rapid and come well 'recommended; steady em- j ployment and good opportunity • for I competent persons. Address box 506.-. Call, of floe. ;. LADY with some knowledge of music. as demon- M strator: excellent opportunity for right away; ""salary $800 per year and commissions; Al ref- j ' erences. Box 534, Call office. " , j WANTED — Well-educated young stenographer; also typist; experience not necessary; perma- nent, opportunity for. advancement. Box 85, Call office. . :. "' .-..::: \u25a0 ;\u25a0': WANTED — Experienced stenographers and type- ! wrlted operators. Apply to General Manager. NATHAN-DO lIRMANN , CO., 1520-1550 Van Ness aye. WANTED— Learners on straw-hat I sewing ma- chines, and wire frame makers. . McDOWELL & CO., 21st and Brush sts.. Oakland. Cal. WANTED— Woman for assistant cook at the Hebrew Orphanage. - 600 Devisadero st. : wages $20. HENRY MAUSER.' superintendent. YOUNG lady typist; must -be neat end accurate: knowledge of shorthand not necessary^ Address, stating salary, box 131," Call office. v; ; v:, - WANTED — A woman 7 of 'refinement to enter bus-" mess career; training -given; re- quired. Box 564. Call- office. -..'. • APPRENTICES for : millinery . workroom; salary while learning. Apply S.N. WOOD & CO., Fillmore and Ellis sts. \u0084 -.:• .;•\u25a0;. ' - -A .-•'\u25a0 WANTED — Nurse for Infant . and child; , refer- ences. . . Call Wednesday ' between - 9 . and 11 a. m.. 2211 Clay st. ;:~ WANTED — Salesladies ' for book \u25a0: and valentines .department. Apply superintendent's; office.' ...The Emporium. <;• •" /\u25a0./\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0 . . MADEIRA- MILLINERY . SCHOOL; /private - classes: hats trimmed a specialty. y.'972:Eddy st. • ,-<:=--\ \u25a0\u25a0:-\u25a0'-. .;•\u25a0\u25a0:.. ''-\u25a0 \u25a0" \u0084( - -'":...v WANTED— Teacher for district ' school. Address BOYNTON, First ; National: Bank building, ' Berkeley. ,j L .. ; ; .>r. -' .-yt:-'; *i> '.-;.. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ,--.'r-'^ \u25a0. MRS. MCCARTHY'S Employment Office. — Help :, of all kinds. Tel. Park 210. . 575 i Halght <st. OPKKATORS wanted on ! waists. .\u25a0 CARL' SHI- ,BEK,i CO.. 534 Franklin st.".. near McAllister. YOUNG a girl \u25a0'. to i assist :r: r In .- general housework; sleep 1 home If ; preferred.; •: 532 '\u25a0 Capp 6t. - - ' , ' . EXPERIENCED girl for delicatessen 1 store; good :•\u25a0:. pay. .2107 . Flllmore \u25a0: st; j; \u25a0: .:-,!.:;\: : : : / WOMAN to demonstrate new. toilet article. '. Call \u25a0r3978 23d st,'ntM,'Koe.".-'..-^.V;.' .:"'.:: .•\u25a0\u25a0.- WANTED — Oirl -to ? do ' general 7 house-work; no cooking. 369 Capp st.. r; ;"'-' v - NEAT- young waitress ! for coffee * parlor. \ . 944 . iLag-na st; call? early. . ' NEAT clrl; light second work. , Call \u25a0 mornings, -\u25a0 3009 : Sacramento st '; .'';^: P....' 'V V. COOK -In - small -boarding-bouse. • O'DONNELL'S, \u25a0-; SOS ; Kentucky .- st."-' : : \u25a0:\u25a0..•\u25a0 : .'.'.: '\u25a0.-:\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0: " . WANTED— Lunch waitress ' at ; Wilson's Restau- -\u25a0\u25a0 rant. 18 7th st. r r : / ' V"V ... v "'':, : :. '\u25a0- '\u25a0 WANTED — A girl : for. general housework.'* ; Apply . ; 2125 , Pina st. . ;-.-,;\u25a0.. •.-".-:"\u25a0.; \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0' \ : .^A- \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 : . GIRL ito do cooking.' Call' before « noon,?- 1810 v,: Bush st: \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 :.\u25a0.:'- •\u25a0.?;•.:. />>' -\u25a0\u25a0:..'. ".\u25a0 i'-.'CA'tk A GIRL to do cooking; call forenoon.' ' 1810 Bush '..vstreet. \u25a0 - .-\u25a0- > )- : .' :^-: \u25a0'"'\u25a0\u25a0':- .''.'\u25a0 ; - *,*." ' . BARBERS fAND? SUPPLIES '-'\u25a0'•:/\u25a0' ,'•;.. < NOTICE ; •:..-..\u25a0--\u25a0...•'\u25a0.\u25a0 .-.'.' \u25a0': \u25a0;,;- To ; my ; customers,' friends i and j the ' trade : . ' I /i. have* severed v, my r - connection i; with ;. Messrs.* I ,; Deckelman Brothers,': af ter.i ten ; years* J service.' \u25a0 I \u25a0•\u25a0 am ', pleased -. to 4 annouuee t that *I " will '". here- ;,- after represent . James \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Barker tt * of S Philadelphia for \u25a0 his .-. world- famous I Electric •' Vibrator;-; Hair. • -Dryer. Barber Chair. and. Wxtoreu.!:: Under »the management of : MR. * DRAKE, ,: 1370 Sutter ; st.;' .San. : Francisco.'^* Very-; truly -yours, -'Eugene • :Panarlo. " \u25a0. "'\u25a0\u25a0''-•'.•.,'?..-'• ; :\u25a0•. :.-..: ,:A '-'\u25a0"/.'\u25a0 '. :\u25a0 ,". AViWISE^TIP TOiBARBERS: -'i >- i. ; -;\u25a0 '-\u25a0'> Before - buying. 5 f uralture f or; supplies. " call lat '\u25a0 • STOLTZ'S, 1835 1 FUImore . st.; ' or at warehouse, ',* 2211 \u25a0' Bush" sf.;\ where 'you can be best suited,' as we carry ; the 'largest .'stock ? and 'i the "best* as- ;: ; sortment ; on \ the i coast;^\i<-i'\,~-. ---'-i-.\ r ". :.-"--\u25a0: ; -. S"NAP^-$250 > country ! barbecj shop ; for < sale, i near - city ; ill vel? . town ; /good > business : 3 must ; sell T on account sof • other s business, i-% Particulars < with •\u25a0; . CpLEMAN,,A I_37;jMcAUI9tcr.-rst.-;-?.. t .-';-;'; v ;-:-: T ''i'.: TWO-CHAIR country^ barb<-r ' shop for k wile: < only r shop ; In -: town ; %60 'miles? from j San 3 Francisco. .; Apdlt,l4l_ . Valencia st.,- \u25a0 \u25a0_V.".'^:; ' \u25a0\u25a0;•.-*. ,' .. BARBERS AND SUPPLlES— Continued ' BARKER - CHAIRS BARKER TIBRATOBS _1 I BARKBB HAIR DRYERS .« : The ;\u25a0; Barker, patent . \u25a0 Philadelphia barber r chair has no equal In beauty of design, having new features that \u25a0 the * public appreciate \u25a0 and pat- ronize, Its users proving It a. big money getter. BARKER'S GOODS ABB MONEY-MAKEBS. ; Barker \u25a0 sells direct' upon \u25a0 easiest : of \u25a0 terms. - BARKEK SAVES YOU MONEY. Barker's plants are the - largest In the world. -; ...--:. JAMES - BARKEB. 1870 Sntter St., Near Van Ness Aye. '{'\u25a0i "- -' --.'. ' .:\u25a0-:>- Mr. ; Drake,iMg-.: - . • -\u25a0 . "-.•-' "V FOB : sale — Best < 2-chalr barber shop I and loca» ' tlon in Alameda; established 15 years; retiring from business Feb. 12: last opportunity to buy. 1544 Park st. Alameda. .-\u25a0'-.- ...;' - I :.' I WANT to buy 2. or 8 chair barber shop, city or country. ? Address M. BANIS, 359 10th - (rt, Oakland.:; ; - . \u25a0:-.,--- •\u0084 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:.-. \u25a0 FIRST-CLASS barber wanted; no other need ap- • ply; $18 guaranteed. 1269 Golden Qate aye. 3-CHAIR barber-shop: must- be sold Monday; any price. OOLEMAN'S. 1237 McAllister st. , FIRST-CLASS ? barber, ; steady ; $18 guaranteed. .1942 Devisadero at... corner California. BARBER wanted at 19 and 21 Montgomery aye.; - \u25a0\u25a0" . wages $18. per ; week ; ' close 7 \u25a0 p. : m. ' ' ... > BARBER wanted; wages 75 per cent; steady work. 1401 , lßth at. near Folsom. \u25a0 FIRST-CLASS \u25a0 location for barber shop and baths. , Inquire 178 East st. BARBER wanted,' steady; good wages. 2235 Powell St.; near; Bay. \ FIRST-CLASS barber -wanted; $18 week. 205 \u25a0 Scott st., near Halght. \u25a0 : . GOOD barber wanted; steady. 2574 Folsom st, near 22d. \u25a0 - •'••.. . . \u25a0 . BARBER wanted at 1418 Haight St., near Ma-« • sonic aye. \u25a0 . . . BARBER wanted at 1418 Halght st, near Ma- -.;: sonic: ave... '- . \u25a0\u25a0 \u0084"..' -, .- ' WANTED— Barber for Saturday or steady. 236 ; :;East St.-' .- : ;r { ; : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084\u25a0 -; • .•- . BARBER wanted for steady Job, • at 1207 _ Scott St. : -•. . . , \u25a0 . \u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0 1 HELP WANTED— MaIe AT COSTIGAN A CO.'S Employment Office. San Francisco Office, Phone -Market 2099. 4 and 6 Fell st,; opposite 10th and' Market Oakland Office Located r - ,6th and Washington sts. Phone Oakland 2604. NEVADA TODAY— NEVADA TODAY, Half Fare— s4 Fare— Half Fare. HAVEN OR RENO OR BOCA, $4 Fare. Ship Today— Call Early. 20 freight teamsters, steady . Job, $2.50. ; Single hand miners. $3. ' . Machine miners, splendid, $3.75. , Muckers . and . laborers. $2.25 to $2.50. Remember, Nevada half-fare;- $4, that's alt. X - Something New— Look— Something New. Free Fare — South— Free Fare. MEBCED,. FBESNO, BAKERSFIELD D 1- 5..... ..TBICTS. . : :• .'";• Ship Today — Ship Today. Teamsters, laborers, drillers, $67.50 to $125. •; . " .. .\u25a0. \u25a0 • / - :. ;—; — .. ... . North^ — To ' the Oregon Line—^North. 25 section laborers, Italians preferred. $1.80. 25 laborers, drillers, . teamsters, $2.25 up. Ludlow - Today— Ludlow. lo mile rate — South — lc mile rate. Then -Free Fare on to 'the work — Free Fare. That's all— ss.lo— That's • all— ss.lo. j \u25a0 New Jot) — Just starting — Go .today. ' l \u25a0 • • 510 miles — South — 510 • miles. 75 teamsters, scrapers and wagons, • $2.50 day. 150 laborers, camp laborers, watchmen, $2.25. \u25a0 Ship today — Go with stock and outfit. Ship today— Ship today. ARIZONA— lc mlle--ABIZONA— Ic mile. 50 teamsters, $2.50. '50 laborers, $2.25. lc :in lie • rate— lc mile ' rate. Close to TONOPAH. NEV.— Close to TONOPAH. 50 teamsters, $2.50. 50 laborers, $2.25. :': ' Free Fare — Free Fare. ' For the Great Santa Fe Railroad. Tunnel work — Tunnel work. »•» • \ \ Go Today — Free Fare— Long Job. .25 tunnelmen and tlmbermen, : $3.50 day. . 40 Inside laborers, Santa Fe work. $2.25. Board and roomwlth company ;\u25a0 steady. : Call Early — Free Fare— Long Job. \u25a0 Look — Free Fare — Look. Needles — Arixona— Arizona — Neerlles. Coppersmith, splendid Job, south. $3.50. Machinist, ship today, loco, work, $3.85. 2 excavating, foremen, city, steady, $3.50 to $4. 10 men, distribute handbills, city. $1.50 day. . 20 men work around city park, $2.25 day. - 4 wagon teamsters, \u25a0 city and scrapers," $3 day. Look — New. Job, Just starting — Look. •20 teamsters. $2.50; 20 laborers.. $2.50. 20 laborers, .work around steamsnovel. $2.50. - - Extra gang : foreman. Hornbrook, . $90. ; 2 extra gang foremen. San Luis .Oblspo, $90.' - Extra 'gang foreman. Bakersfleld, $90 month." i . \u25a0:-,-•\u25a0\u25a0. FREE .FARE." ; ... - MERCED— FRESNO— BAKERSKIELD. \u25a0 Laborers, \u25a0 teamsters, » drillers,- $2.30 to $3.50. . \u0084 ; General blacksmith,: city,' splendid ' Job, $4 day.' Look— City -.Work— Look. .\u25a0" 50 laborers; board at home; 0 hours; $2.25 day. ' Call early on * this Job; \u25a0: work all \u25a0 summer.* - ,10'raen., cut- off piles;- ctty;»B hours; $3." }. Teamsters— Teamsters. •': . 52 wagon and. other teamsters, $2.50 to $3. 0 laborers, ditch work," 8 hours, $_.50. . Lather, city. .3 per M; cook, boat, $50 and fd. Man and wife, swell - place.' $65 and found. I 'LOOK! LOOK! ~- . . FREE FARE. ,-\u25a0-\u25a0• . Extra gang, foreman, Tucson. . Arizona, $90. 3 extra gang foremen. .Oregon Div.,* $90. 3 extra gang and section foremen, south, - $90. Fare advanced to Tonopah Junction — Fare ad- vanced over the S..P. R. R. of Reno. CO Hindoos, $2.25. a day and board. \u25a0 -' "\u25a0 .- B0 Italians or Greeks or 'Austrians. $2.25 fd.* 50 laborers, mining, milling C 0. ,: $2.25 fd. \u25a0 ' . " . . \u25a0 $ : \u0084 r . . '.I-.' \u25a0 \u25a0 . .\u25a0• ERRAND boys." 16 years or over; steady position. DAVIS. SCHONWASSER CO., VAN* NESS and CALIFORNIA. WANTED— Young man to ; work in stock room : and learn ? the . crockerr ' business. \u25a0 Apply- to : general manager,' NATHAN-DOHBMANN CO., -1520-1550 Van - Ness " aye. ' -. -\u25a0•-. . : -"--. FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. ' : : -- If \u25a0 you ,' want I help .of • any kind. . male or ; female. 1 , telephone J. ,C. Westenburg, supt." of • the Whosoever Will ' Rescue M Ission and \u25a0 New Merit Home Free Employment Bureau, 366 9th - st. Telephone Oakland. B2o3. -..\u25a0.-'-.-\u25a0 Jr ?\u25a0\u25a0>. ARTIST for advertising office; must be able to ' draw women's and men's fashions; ! permanent : position ; and r excellent , : opportunity. '; for ad- vancement; state salary and what experience. : Address box 538. Flllmore-st office. \u25a0 :'\u25a0.'\u25a0? 'A'-:? TWO good reliable messengers wanted; age 15 to 18 years; wages $30. A p ply. to W. J. HARDY, . 4th - and King, Southern \u25a0 Pacific . Local , Freight Office. - - .\u25a0\u25a0;.. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. -- -\u25a0' \u25a0-'•.\u25a0:,\u25a0 .'•:-.; \u25a0\u25a0-.- SINGLE rooms* 25 cts. a' night $1.50 to $2.50 week. - St' George, Bth and Howard sts. \u25a0 - - \u25a0 . - -\u25a0 , \u25a0 "- *- \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 - / WANTED— -Cellarman ; for -, liquor .'department ; I must ' be experienced In bottling and blend Ing. ." \u25a0 Apply \u25a0 Snperlntenden^t'a office, the Emporium. COAT.'i pants,. . vest i makers can « have »eat room In . bright 1 back < shop ; also -whole or . part room -.'. cheap. 1032 Ellis st,' near .Van. Ness aye. :y .WANTED — 300 to men 'to '\u25a0 occupy, single rooms 'tin The Glendale.' 1015 Folsoia nr. 6th; 25c and ;- 35c, per; night;, $1.50. and $2a:week. ,.;.% „*-.\u25a0:\u25a0•-.\u25a0 PORTER — Experienced, ; industrious : man : must have highest references. * t'Apply S. N/: WOOD '& CO-.l^Ulmorc and Ellis sts.. \u25a0 \u0084" ___" ;.-'; .-'- SELL lots in new subdivision; 'good' proposition; •-,:: quick sales; » $100 to ' $200 . weekly. Call room 17.-: 2195 : Bush ' st? ' : " : \u25a0\u25a0:'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \, \u25a0:.,\u25a0 , •-.-: .;. : WANTED — 900 :-. men ;-. to fill " beds at 15c : per . .;; night . at : * the . Phoenix,'; 823 :; Howard ; St., i be- L,tween 4th- and, sth.-v-^ ;'.:;-;\u25a0\u25a0-,'.,„: \u0084-, -'JV.:.- >-" WANTED— Boy '- to :\u25a0 learn ' bookbinding: also an errand boy. UPTON- WILLIAMS COMPANY, I.; 112 Hayos st.V ; y ; • \u25a0-. \u25a0\u25a0 ..'«-.' .^'v.- -A'-YOJJNG man with . experience \u25a0\u25a0 to drive a gro- . eery wagon. Apply SMITH-LYDEN ; CO.. 212 , : - : .Drumm \u25a0 »t.V.-'' : -- \u25a0\u25a0:~'-'..' 1 ;\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'.'*\u25a0: ">.'.T".--- : \ ;•' , -\u25a0: BOOKKEEPER wanted. .Apply at .Hendy Elec- trlcal \u25a0 Company, "1 Bay - and Kearny . sU. ; s ref - ',. ! erences. ,-\u25a0':..,.:\u25a0. ...--\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0 **.... \u25a0\u25a0 *..\u25a0 . .- \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-. - \u25a0\u25a0- . . — . . . WANTED— Blacksmith ; helper."? 540 Brannan \u25a0 st. LABOR . debts collected ' anywhere; \u25a0 suits ' and ' at- : \u25a0 tacbments. 7. Knox; ; 2352 j Pine ; st ;i nr. ,- Flllmore.' WANTED — First-class liquor, and wine | salesman :. : . for. city and . country;/ references.: Box 94, : Ca11. SAILORS ; and | ordinaries ; for j all j parts of .world," ' y ~ at . Herman's . Shipping i Agency. 45 .' Steuart j st. WANTED— Man as bartender., .441 Bryant st' , WANTED^-100 ; men | fill I new,'" clean I rooms. 35c. vi 50c \u25a0\u25a0 night. « 650 Jessie ; St.; > off 6th. 1 nr. Market. WANTED— Stock . clerk I for manufacturing I com- s_y party. SJ Apply ! office."; 64 Natoma, iln • morning. ; : WANTED— A good cutter; 1 must' be a tailor. fAp- '.s ply ; ! Scotch ! Plaid " i Tallors.r 1639 Flllmore ; st j , TWO : experienced ; bed ? makers. >'-- 42 -, Clay 1 stTf Ar- ;- cadeSHouse;-new;UouBe;;at:B;o'clock. ;;, ' :': WANTED— -AY colored ; boy Ito "i run J errands.' Call-" iv f ornla f Hat ; Company,"^ 1420 ,? Howard : at'--'- ; ,: -.; \u25a0 \ FIRST-CLASS | general I blacksmith .wanted I imm^ :j -: dlately;T-r Apply lat U94 :, Waller ,? 5t. "..;; " r - > ' EXPERIENCED s barkeeper ; t? steady '* man; • state ill ref erences. -y Box ' 181 ;*« Call r offlc*."u'vw.'i , : FIRST-CLASS ;I salesman i wanted.. ;.- Apply : Scotch Lf. Plaid iTailors.^l639; Flllmore st. j r; V „: .WANTED-^Goodliushelman."*,' 'Apply: Scotch Plaid vr T-ilors.*; IC39 ' Flllmore ' st. <>\u0084;- • -:'\u25a0'" ;,? ' ;t; t - . ' HELP WANTE VD—Male—Conitan** . SPECIAL NOTICE. . MURRAY _ READY. Leading Employment and Labor Agents, — Have Now Made Their / HEADQUARTERS r at their San Francisco Office. Located In .White Palace Hotel Building, .11th and Market sts., S.F. Branch Offices at 6th and Franklin sts., Oakland. - 127-129 South Los Angeles st ' Los Angeles. ' \u25a0 \u25a0 Phones — — . S. F. office— Market 656. \u25a0 .-,.---'\u25a0 —Market 657. '- Oakland office — Oakland 7361. 7325. Los Angeles office — Home and Sunset phones. TODAY WE WANT 9873 Men ' For different parts of Arizona. New Mexico, Washington, , Oregon. Idaho, Nevada, Utah and California; - FREE FARE TO THE NORTH— FREE. , FREE FARE TO THE SODTH— FREE. OREGON. > -FREE FARE. * ' BORDERS OF OBEGON. SISKIYOU AND SHASTA. . . DBILLEBS NOBTH— S7S. FREE FARE. MERCED — FBESNO — BAKERSFIELD DISTRICTS. \.li'i O. S. R. R.— FREE FARE. Y. V. R. R.— FREE FARE. W. P. R. B.— RIPABIA AND LEWISTON. 10 WOODCHOPPEBS, B. B. WORK— FREE * FARE — Tools and provisions furnished. 1000 laborers. . teamsters, drillers, rockmen. trackmen, etc.. NORTH AND SOUTH— FREE FARE. MURRAY _ READY, 11th and Market sts.. S. F.; 819 Franklin, cor. 6th and Franklin. Oakland. NOTICE. . . We have moved our Oakland office from 4GO 6th st. to corner of 6th and Franklin, one block east of- Broadway. CALL AND SEE US. DON'T FORGET. 350 BEDS AT HOME— COME TO BAN FRANCISCO TO SLEEP. MURRAY & READY have opened their first lodging-house, with 350 beds, and the price Is only 25c per night v" ~ ;\u25a0 • LATE ORDERS BY PHONE AND TELEGRAMS. -,;- - . CLERICAL. Assistant bookkeeper, ranch, fare $1. $60 and found. • Young man to assist In office, ranch, $40 and - , found. Timekeeper, large company, good Job. Storekeeper., must understand hardware, big company, fare paid, country Job, $65. Young man to do little clerical work and make himself useful, good company, good chance to work himself up. $60 to start. \u25a0 FOREMEN. FREE FARE. -. 4 rock foremen, new Job, free fare. $90. 2 section bosses, south, free fare. $90. / 3 rock foremen, W. P. R. R.. $105. FREE FARE. NEW CAMP. . - 3 blacksmiths, camps, free fare. $105. 100 drillers, $75; 200 laborers, $67.50. ALL ABOVE FREE FARE. LATE MISCELLANEOUS. 3 camp waiters, free fare. $40 and found. . 3 deck hands, dredger. $45 and found. Milk wagon driver. Oakland. $50 and found. 2 sbart-order cooks, Oakland. $15 wk. ; 3d cook, country hotel, fare paid. $40 and found; hotel runner, S. F.. $30 and found. Ranch blacksmith, fare $1. $40 and found. 2 casting chlppers, S. F., $3 day; coremaker, city Job, $4 day. BELTMAN. Beltman for a bis factory, fare paid. $105. Sheep herder, north, free fare, see boss here. a Milker, good ranch, south, free fare. $40 and found. \u25a0 • WORK IN SAN FRANCISCO. 10 laborers, warehouse work/ $3 day. 5 laborers, factory. $2.50 day; 10 laborers to help carpenters. $2.50 day; 60 laborers, 8 hour- day. $2.50; 12 teamsters, wagon work, $3 day. MURRAY & READY. 11th and Market sts.. S. F.; 6th and Franklin ats.. Oakland. I 'FREE FABE. ' Blacksmith. R., B. camp, north, $3.50 day — - FREE FARE. Coppersmith,- Arizona— FßEE FARE. 2 machinists, country. $3.50 day, fare paid. . - OTHER HELP. Blacksmith, some . shoeing. . $4 day ; 3 black- smiths, shops and manufacturing co.. $3 to $4 day r 2 - blacksmith - helpers. . $2.30 and $2.76 day ; 1 miller ,"» powder, manufacturing - co., . $80; f are ' paid. •.',* , -" .'\u25a0\u25a0;• \u25a0 Carriage \u25a0 painter." $4 day. . Patternmaker, country, $3.75 . day. \u25a0"- Lather," $3 per M. • \u25a0 . • '-\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0" Painter, Oakland. • $2.50 to $3 day. Locomotive machinist. $3.75 day. - . -; MISCELLANEOUS. ' Foreman landscape gardener. $4 day. 2' sailors for dredger, $45 and M. > Stableman, wash cans, dairy. $35 and fd. Butter-maker and milker, south. $50 and fd. Janitor, wholesale house. $2.25 day. . Choreman for mine, $50 and fd. STRUCTURAL IRONWORK. Foreman, structural Ironwork, $6 day. 'fi 5 structural Ironworkers, $5 day MARRIED HELP. " MEN AND WIVES. Farmer and wife. Napa Co.. $52 and fd. Choreman and wife, cook, for men. ranch. So- noma Co"., $50. and fd. a Choreman and wife, -ranch, $60 and fd. ; boss here. Cook and wife, country hotel. $S5 and f d. ; fare paid. Janitor and wife, hotel. $60 and fd. . Married laborers, sawmill company. $2 day. MURRAY & READY. 11th and Market st, S. F-, -819 Franklin, cor. 6th and Franklin, Oakland. TEAMSTERS. LABORERS. 25 teamsters, city and country work, $2.50 and $2.75 day. ... 75 laborers I for San Francisco, Oakland and country, $2.25 and $2.50 day. MINES. 5 laborers; good mine; hotel accommodations; $67.50. 4 miners, close by, $2.50 to $2.75 day. 25 ; farm, orchard . and vineyard hands, dairy - : men and choremen, $30 to $40 and found. . BUTCHERS.' COOKS, ETC. 4 butchers and sausage-makers,' $50 and found, $2.50 day. : Starcher and lroner. country laundry. Bread \u25a0 and cake . baker, country shop. Cook, small restaurant $45 and found. .9 cooks, hotels and restaurants. $40 to $60 and found; waiter, country hotel, south, $30 and found. * . j : Our new Oakland address, corner of 6th • and I Franklin sts.. 1 block east of Broadway. MURRAY & READY. Market and 11th sts., S. F.; 319 Franklin st, cor. 6th. Oakland. - ;\u25a0 .-. . DON'T FORGET. ' ~ . Our headquarters are located In the White Palace Hotel' building, 11th and Market sts., .' : S. -F. Market-st. cars pass * the door. BRANCH OFFICES: ' ;\u25a0 6th and Kranklln sts., Oakland. 127-129 South Los Angeles st. Los Angeles. MURRAY _ READY. WANTED^ — Young man 16 to 20 for office work; '-- large electrical mfg. . co. :\u25a0 excellent opportu- nity, for advancement to the right man; must \u25a0'; give references. -Apply In own handwriting. '\u25a0\u25a0, box 163,- Call office. - . . -:..\ MEN \u25a0' wanted to \u25a0\u25a0' learn the '. barber trade \u25a0In 8 weeks; special Inducements to those entering now; situations guaranteed. 'For particulars ; call or address MOLER . COLLEGE. 8-10-12 f.' Fell' st.-.- -y, :fi- \u25a0\u25a0. -i --/,. -' ': :><\u25a0-.,\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- t "I MADE . $50,000 In 5 years in the \u25a0 mall order .':• business; began with $5; any one can do the \u25a0 work home; send for free booklet: tells how to •;; get started. \u25a0> Manager, box 570. Lockport. N. Y." INVENTORS — Patents obtained in all countries: .' .' attorneys In > Washington and foreign • capitals; - '. special department . for sale of patents. \u25a0\u25a0 Sonn- '\u25a0\u25a0': tag's , Patent . Agency,- 1122 Market, opp. 7th. MEN 'and - boys wanted ' to learn plumbing," plas- tering, bricklaying, electrical trades: free cata- . logue : . positions secured ; • tuition $50. COYNE TRADE SCHOOLS, New York and S. F. ' EXPERIENCED 'men's hat salesman; must un- derstand shaping and blocking; state experi- ence, \u25a0 references and : salary -expected. .• Ad- dress box 526, Call office. . . WANTED — A, handy < man . about a grocery busl- ' ness: .German or American preferred. -501 Saa -\ Bruno aye.", 1 between \u25a0 17th and 18th. | Mariposa. WANTED— Young \ men,' 16 \u25a0to 13 years ' of ! age, .-. - for bundle desk. Apply Superintendent's . of- fice, the Emporium. -...-;' r. \u25a0\u25a0'-, - ' ' BELL I boy . and night I porter. < combination; $12 I a . ; week i and 1 room.-,; White Palace^ Hotel, 11th \u25a0•-.' and .. Market: sts. 1 ,-,.-;_ :'\u25a0'•-.-\u25a0; - \u25a0 . . : .. WANTED— Two. able-bodied -men l for. lumber \u0084 camp ; fair f paid : ?no i fee, '" Address box ! 977, I -Call: office. '\u25a0 Fillmore St.". ' .' \u25a0 .- .": ; WANTED — Experienced 7= trainman \u0084, for • small : road; must have clearances. Address box 576. r, Call office.; Flllmore, st :.. :- '. \u25a0 WANTED— FIrst-claes wagon blacksmith with "city: experience; steady work. 3065' 23d st, near. Folsom.,; ."\u25a0;-, j\ i:.-:.t '\u25a0: '\u25a0':\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .-. - -:. DBUG clerk wanted ; I $100 a I month; state ref- "• erences and experience." '. Address box IS2. Call. HEAD 1 wrlnjrerman to run | extractors la steam - laundry. 7G0 1 McAllister st. " Sheerin Laundry. WANTED-r-Blacksmith. 540! Brannan st PAPER -. ruler I wanted. • Levlson -, Printing i Co. i-i 1540; California ;sf;;r.,.i;_;,"vY . vf-.> : . : . : ; -' DISHWASHER wanted; good wages. Apply 20. ' --Townsend'sU - \u25a0'.. '- : \u25a0*.:\u25a0...- HELP WANTEP—M-Ie— Coattaned _ RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT «_V " "T^" ' 608 Clay st. Phone Temporary 1310, S. F., Cm_ Our .lodging-house open »»' n i^*' f^™* 3Se ' beds 25c per night.-,. Beading-room, etc. Man and wlfe^ camp cook and helper. $75 00. >V£JSS?-«* helper,, going wages. 2 carpenters. R. R- work $0. 50 day. 2 carpenters, bridge. $3.25 day. 2 machinists, country. 43c hoar. DrK:"rocfm%y ma- chine men. $3.50 to $2.i>o day. Laborers, city. $2.^> day. AT ONCE bright youns men to prepare for A exa°minTtion for Postal clerks. »_W m«U clerks and customs *^« cto "- M .. B1 % d r m « B : for qnallfled men. Good "?il c_n bUU- OUVER..- 724 Market st. opp- Call Diaj.. today. 2to6p. m. . _ /, MFX and boy*r plumbing and bricklaying trade ks4k£^mß 4975 Easton aye.. St Louis. Mo. tT >— s T f Or ad-rertlslng office: must be able to A dr?w T women's and men's fa^ions: P«£_££ position and excellent *VVVtmit^TMdn^ Sent: state salary and what experience, Ad- dre sstbox 539. Call office. YOUNG man. butcher. Sonoma Market. Clay and Webster. \u25a0 - ' ' - ___ TWO laborers wanted. Apply 7 a. m.. 760 Me- AOlster st. __ OFFICE boy for law office. ApplT 1«« W<1 >- ster st __————-———— FIVE men wanted; good wages. 1531 Bash • street. ___————————• SHOES repaired while you wait. <***_\u25a0*• Shoe RepVlring Co.. 13 Bth st. nearjla____t_ AGENTS WANTED __A LADY solicitor wanted, city business; good sal- ary. Apply 470 7th at.. Oakland. SALES MEN 'WANTED EXPERIENCED solicitors throughout the State: . article invaluable to every home; fo,^ 0001 * to sell. Write or call. 1330 Post st. between 4 and B o'clock. _!__!_____——_ SOLICITORS WANTED WANTED — Experienced drummer for merchant tailoring. 622 Golden Gate aye.. near Vaa Ness. - ' FURNITURE FOR SALE AA— Stock Taklnir Sale. Everything Must Be Sold! Big Cut la Prices. $IS.OO Chiffoniers, solid oak. cut to **1"22 $35.00 Bureaus, cut to -•"•- z 2"Xa 526.00 Dressers, cut to lj»-«> $ 4JO Iron Beds, cut to «m $18.00 Morris Chairs, cut to V»J. Weathered Oak Dining Chairs from $2.00 up $15.75 Dining Tables, cut to 9.M FILLMORE FURNITURE HOUSE. ; ;•.".,? 2115 Flllmore st ' AT CAVANAGH'S. 625 McAllister St.. 5 door* from Franklin st— You will have your money cheerfully returned or any piece exchanged \Z you are not satisfied. This Is the policy we "have inaugurated and we will continue It a* long as we art in business. When we can no l<rnger be fair, we win quit Iron beds. $1.K5: fine large rockers. $2.50;. chairs. 70c; 9x13 rugs. $4.50: stoves. $10 up: tapestry carpet. 50e yard. On hand, large quantity of Axmtn- ster and tapestry rugs, folding beds, etc.; oil - cloth.- 20c. - - - . TO prove the efficacy of this ad. will give a cash discount of 10 per cent to every pur- chaser of anything In our store by presenting this ad. to the salesman. I X L Furniture Co.. 805-607 McAllister st. near Franklm. W"' 1 FURNITURE. ~ FURNITURE. At New York prices, can be bought at the only N. Y. Furniture House, on Flllmore st. bet. Sacramento and Clay. _______ AT NEWMAN'S. 2200-2212 Mission, cor. 18tl» — Largest stock ef furniture, carpets, stoves. I etc.. to select from; low prices; easy paym'ts. FISHER & BERNSTEIN CO.. new. secondhand furniture. . stoves, ranges: goods bought, sold. exchanged. . 3312-3316 Mission St.. near 29th. > WINDOW shades, all sizes, colors: folding bed » repairs: upholstery. TOWEY. 257 Church st. JUST like finding furniture — Removal sale now on at Home Fur. Co.. 267 Church st- ar. M_t. J. H. WILEY. 653-66V6C3 14th St.. near Market and Church — Furniture, good and cheap. FURNITURE, bedding: nil new: low prices. Corner 11th and Franklin sts.. Oakland. 810 stock new and used furniture. McREA - FURNITURE CO.. 1350 A Webster st. I A. W. VANCE. 1426 Geary St.; furniture; every- . \u25a0*• thlcefor the house. \u25a0 OAKLAND FURNITURE {ffioß SALE . SPECIAL day for bargains- in furniture. IT. SCHELLHAAS. 11th St.. cornertatryo. Onlciand. BAMBOO FURNITURE (UNDER the Bamboo Tree) Tables, chairs. b_- reans. HAYASHI. 2100^ Satter st. ' BAMBOO furniture facto— \u25a0; also Japanese tanae. S. TSUSAKA. 142S Webster st. FURNITURE POLISHERS INTERIOR wood staining, antique and modern. L-'A. Morell Co.. 1441 Ellis: phone West 4395. HORSES, HARNESS AND WAGONS AAA — 25 head . of horses weighing from 800 _>• '< 1600 lbs.. $20 up; large stallion. 5 years v"T_J weight 1400 lbs., works anywhere, kind «^4U gentle. $250; 1 black trotting stallion. 9 yearal old. record of 2:08. must be sold to parties > living In country, very cheap: 10 rubber __•• buggies. 5 light wagons and top buggy, carts. - etc.. and the largest auction sale of large and small horses, all ' at your own price. Friday. | . Feb. 8, 11 a. m. Don't miss this. -565 4th St.: 1 Oakland. > t A CHEAP business buzgy Is too dear at any ' price; buy a hand-made Klelber bsggy and yon get your . moneys worth ; we have all kinds of delivery wagons: mill wagons. -all kinds ef ex- ; press wagons and cut-down furniture .wagons . always on hand at a reasonable price at KLEIBER'S, 1504-8 Folsom st. . FOR sale — 1 gray house, weight 1509 pounds. 9 years old: true worker: suitable for country or - farm work. Acme Lumber Stables, Marlpos* and York . sts. ; > FOR sale at 654 Church st— A solid brow a road horse. 16 hands high: weight 1150 lbs.: 3. years 8 months old; sire McKlnney; also harness and baggy. • \u25a0 i, I LASTUFKA BROS.; hlrls-trade harnaps. saddle*. 1 .Write for catalog. 1659 Market TerM-t 2973. ; LOST — Diamond locket: monogram F. O. K. Re- turn, to 903 Sanchez st. near 22d; reward. ' J. O'Kane Co. for harness, robes, blankets and " . whips. 528 Golden Gate aye.; dog collars. , HARNESS, collars. . whip*, saddle*. blanke-C ' ' robes. W. DAVIS A SON. 2020 Howard st j HIGH-GRADE harness: pipe collars a specialty. •' California Saddlery Co.. 51i> Gonga st TEAM draft horse*: 5 and « years; weight 3400. J 240 N. lst st. San Jose. ; FOB sale— Horse and buggy. Call 22 Bytagton. ' between 5 and 7 p. m. • A GOOD, strong one-horse spring wagon, cbean. 912 Folsom st : ELEGANT, trap, almost new. cheap; need room. ; 1064 Post st. 1 ~~~ — ™~*"*~~*~~— ~~— --1 ! STORAGE AND MOVING. VANS • _» E KINS VAN AND STORAOBCO" FIRE PROOF" WAREHOUSE. ".**"• 1 '13th and Mission sts. < Tel. Market 13. WILSON BROS. CO.. Inc.— Moving and stora_r : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_ 5o * Ivl i th _.m d s - neae » » ts " » w °ck from M«I i ; ket and Flllmore-st cars. Phone Park 271. * 1 " TRANSFER JONES CO.. Inc.— Baggage sto^ 1 "age.: moving. Phone Franklin 1602.' Emei- - gency 89. 1139 and 1143 Geary st j ADVANCE Storage Co.— Storage, packing mnr" ' lflg. shipping. GEO. WALCOM CO.! 637' T_rt. : PAttFlCjFltoraje and Furniture Moving Com" . pany. 2320 , FUlmore . st, > Phone ,Wes" 2C28 • .; . CARPET CLEANING " . i ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with . out removal by the S. F. Compressed lii • -Cleaning Co.; office and shop. ilttTst and • -San B— ao aye. Phone Market 2f172. ALL: ready for business. Pioneer Carpet Clean' • Ing Works; temporary of_<-e 911^X^0*?* \ ' aye. ; phone Park 501. J. SPACLDING '\ Co MITCHELL'S old established carpet - cleaning \ ' P^_e : 5 L^tS, 13tb «' ?~S3S2. • A. -W.",tWHELDEN CO. Cleaning <-<4 i._. ~" : o«ce and works 21W^TR O £%^™ 1 W *tt*—Bellable carpet cleaning- alteration L^Z ' laying. 587 Waller st.V pg^,"^ • N gKogg^i^^gagj ' i DYEING AND CLEANING