Newspaper Page Text
CITY REAL ESTATE I..UJJWIN A: HOWF.LL, I«S>2 FILLMORF ST* 13 UJ> WIN A: HOWEIt 1692 FILLMORE ST* i ALDWLV A HOWELL, .1692 FILLMOUE ' ST. Meabers of the S. F. Beal Estate Board. £22Q °V£« C L th^. W* nert m San Fran- ^--5 a k^ 1 . 110 aye - ; <*«rtrally located; of tory building; 2 elegant flats of . 9 ro^s and bath; occupy, 2 opper floors; lower of 6 rooms and bath; servants* room In basement. • $B,ooo— WUlard, near Parnassus; bouse of 8 rooms and b«Ui; euble; 37:6x100. «7.soo— Snap! Honse of 11 rooms and bath; l"t 25x106; Central aye., . near - Hayes; t'iir^air! I ! I &&£&& f 10,500— 2_ elegant flats of 5 *nd 6 rooms and bath each; sunny tfde of Cart, near Sun- yen ; bisb. basem«ut, and stable. $.-?3,ooo— Bents $4Oso per year; excellent hoWln* ?^ r i UaiOre "" close to Omit., run* througli to rear street; double frontage ly T?* 0 , f **L de * p: "ores,, offices and flats, ail leased. , fr7.soo— Beats $3180 per year; absolutely the best boy on the market for either In- come or future enhancement- excellent little apartment house, faces city park* expense bill conspicuously smalL $27 ' 60 °-rB« >tB I26SS per rear; . fine, income holding, close to transfer point; lot has B0 feet frontage; stores end flats; new building, under lease. f15,500-Retit3*l44o per year; 3-* tory building on Haight st, close to Masonic; transfer point stores and flats leased for t term of years; swell buy; mortgage of $5500 tlS.MO— Bents $1300 per year, corner 30x120; Howard »t. in Mission; One business dls- wict; 50500 mortgage-can remain; stores - *nd flats under lease. $S,ooo— Fronting public park, in one of the best residence sections; 2-story house of 4 rooms and bath; nigh basement; nice garden. $7,ooo— Good residence of 8 rooms and bath, 1 block from Butter and Devisadero; $3000 __ mortgage can remain. $3,500— 51000 cash, balance on terms; fine\ ar- tistic cottage, bath, etc.. Urge base- .* dent; Army, near Dolores; 25x115. $6,500 — Fine 7-room . residence. Filbert, near Baker; modern and no to date; $2000 can remain; lot 30x137:8. . - $10,000 — New 7-room bouse, not far from Du- boce Park; lot 50 feet front; $4000 can remain. \u25a0 -. . - v . . . ' \u25a0'"\u25a0 :; - • H7,800— 8-story and basement residence of 14 rooms and 2 baths; S. W. corner of Broderick and Jackson sto.; lot 26x100; fine neishborhood. 1 . . - - $IS.OOO — Northwest corner of Broderick. not far . from Hayes; let 50x100; modern 2-story bouse of 12 rooms and bath; nice garden. J 11.000 — Benta $1320 per year; 3 elegant large flats on sunny side of ClaTton st, close to Panhandle; a fine Investment t1',500 — S large S-room flats on Bush st, dose ..,.to Steiner; rents $300; large lot almost . " 60 feet Iro-t $3,750^ — Probate sale; dandy little Investment: \u25a0 cottage- on Castro, near 26th; ideal home in- good section; fine chauce to set a cheap. piece of property; good sired lot $45,000 — 200 f*et on main ear Une street south of Market, between sth and 6th sts. 355,000 — Bents f4OO per month; lot 50 feet front ; ; building of stores ; ' leased to one tenant for a term ef years; good income , buy; Fillmore, near Sutter. $34.000 — Modern 6-room« artistic residence on sunny side of Union *t, near Devlsadero; 2 bitts; marine view. $9.000 — Bents $96 per month: . 2 new 6-room fiats, just finished, modern end np to date beam ceiling, open fireplaces, etc; lot 26x90; only H cash needed. $15,500 — Bents $1680 per year: 3 flats on Bo- ccanan st, close to O'Farrell; 6, 6 and 7 rooms and bath each; small loan of J2OOO can remain if desired; rents $40, $50 and $50; look this -up. $5,500 — Nice little home on Octavia St., near Union; new electric line on Union st now being installed ; lot 27:6x100; fine bfeuse of 6 rooms and bath; high basement gas, electricity, "etc.; stable in rear; Ideal home. $5,150 — Northwest corner of Castro and 16th ets. ; lot 46:5x120; fine sunny- corner. $7,000 — Nos. 1952-4 Bush st. between Laguna* and Buchanan sts.. 2 fiats of 6 rooms and bar*, each; lot 2S:4xU4; rents $65 per mo.'^'J2. , 16,0.10— No* \u25a0 4122-4 26th st, between Noe and Castro sts., 2- nice flats of 5 and 6 room* and bath each; lot 25:4x114; rents - $60 per month. $35fX> — No. BSO Arlington et. between Roanoke and Katie ets.. fine residence of 6 rooms and bath; gas and electric lights; ce- ment basement; lot 90x75; mortgage of $8000 can - remain. $7,000 — No. 365 Ist aye.. between Clement and California sts., fine residence of 6 rooms and bath; lot 28x120. BALDWIN A HOWELL, 1692 FILLMORE ST. BALDWIN A HOWELL. 1692 FILLMORE ST. L. EXTBA4I! SNAP!!! EXTBAIII V. - . ' $11.600— Reduced fronf $12.500!— Fine residence I on Post et. close to Laguna; good large lot 27x137:6; 9 rooms' and bath; fine condition. No less than $11,500, and at • this price a few- days only. Owner tit, 000 — Best* $210 per month! Fine little burlnem buy on . Fillmore. near transfer ; corner, north of California: stores and uppers; a dandy little proposition. '\u25a0 : r - - I '\u25a0 .BALDWIN A HOWELL, 1692 FILLSOBE ST. BALDWIN A HOWELL. 1692 FILLMOBE ST. i . '• 1 -.i " ... \u25a0 \u25a0-.-\u25a0"'\u25a0 IN PRESIDIO TEBBACE. Ban * Francisco's only residence park. A bsolut* protection afforded. No (tables, laundries, flats, stores, or business structure* permitted. • \u25a0 ; , Sun and light guaranteed by. building restrlo- tiOßS. ' Sewers, tide sewers to lot lines, - gas and water mains, electric and telephone all In: bltomlnlred streets, granite curbs, artificial 1 tone eidewalks, grass plats, tre<?» and flowers n front of every lot "very Inducement to home-builders. - . nectrfc lights barn all night and every night 11 Preeldlo Terrace. pedal watchman.. . ots 50 ft. frontage |6000. "erms to suit - - Vi«<™n™ coet of houses, $7000. \u25a0 — — — \u25a0-\u25a0- _____ \u25a0 ."\u25a0• - - — \u25a0 " Send for new Particulars ' of • BALDWIN A HOWELL, 1692 FILLMORE ST. ; BALDWIN A HO WELL, 1692 FILLMORE j ST. .' . ... : — — ' -' \u25a0'-' - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 1. ' ' f 16. 000 — 3 flats, each: 5 r. and bath; gas- and el.; basement; rents $125 monthly; on -. Stelner rt. 1 block from Fillmore. ' - : :: " 1 ,s2soo— Lot, 25x100, on Filbert st, near . Leareoworth; fine marine > view. -„ :'-'•\u25a0' ' Property at all prices for sale In all . parts • of the city. We have a large demand for flats to rent and also to bur and sell property. For full- particulars apply to . *\u25a0 - . .-. G. DOLCIBELLO. . '\u25a0' 1183 . Montgomery aye., near Bay it. LOANS ; FOB HOME BUILDERS. ~~: Fldelttr Building and Loan Association. , Empire Bnlldlng and Loan Association.': -.- ' Mechanics' Building. and Loan Association. California Mutual Savings Fund *, L. \Ai B. -AMOciatlon. -^«^B_p«»qßP M 'i^aE**'A4&y_fe - Offices— 2o3l Baker st Phone West 3335. J WILLIAM E. LUTZ. Secretary.,. ,$25,000 — Golden Gate aye.. north side. : near [ Polk st; lot 83:9x137:6; worth at least , $55.000.- . .'.. v " \u25a0 [STANTON, O'BBIEN A C 0. ,. 126 HAVES ST. i KANAI A YOKOZA WA • BEAL ESTATB " CO. ; . wants owners to build booses, . stores . and ' bo- i.' tels right, a way, for their .tenants;. Dupont st," • the old . Japanese " town. 1907; Buth: it;, city. PAEKSIDE — Bfg bargains on . line railroad, $4M) : , and up; easy payments; • only '-, a : few • left v v A. D. M AXFIELD. 45 Geary et/i 2 to , A m. Call or write>,. ;i; ;;\u25a0 '. . £b ACRES finest land *in Alamrda County for - LESS than price of a SAND LOT. ; Bleb : Val- ley Land Co., Market and' Sutter. st«.r ...\u25a0: : ' |$7«>— LOT 25x120; part ca»h;. 13th aye., near X j. st; ready to bolid on. ; Box, 010. ; Call of flee. ;t; t 1(835 — (-room boose, sew;.' easy , payments.*":-: 1408 i* \u25a0; 17th aye. South; owner.-; \u25a0•:'\u25a0\u25a0 , •;'.• :.;; -\u25a0} $8>65a TT a N rk T 1 , 4 |°*»c o«12 rooms, near \u25a0-••\u25a0 «?«*-' l ot 27x137 :6;: good' Investment and . - steady Income; liberal terms. 1410 Haight 817.500— Here Is j a magnificent corner,. 50x106 :3/ fl.' > J \ Ji. ' to " park : "\u25a0 three '\u25a0 beautiful 6-room *?J£ ' three .more on adjoining «i reet. and. 4 on key lot of 34 fee*, front- ing on other street; lots are worth $10.- _____^c^ t^ >^^ ) °f^. marke^^ * "^"SoSrs 4 roomB \u25a0**•• rcau ; ' ioo = si2,soo— Four flats. 5 and 6^ rooms ;T rents $120; $7 sOof!v^ a -° nlc aTe ' *** Une;. try- itl *' ' ' r S om on . Park HiU \u25a0 aye:, • TL t() ' S - Broderick; good>view; 10l •\u25a0 » ouxi>s; make oger. , 1410 Haight- , ;> - f2>Ss °n^*'* n H f^ 7 - room house - • near. ; park; owner leaving city ; must : be sold ; mort- C«ge of $3500 can remain; will rent for $60 per month. 1410 Haight • , • 4 . $6,500r-Here is. a. beauty; new house, 6 sunny . rooms; modern, throughout; electric lights i "I* , eas; large., open -fireplace, clinker - b _"ck front; key., lot and drive for auto; . $2^oots all you need. ,1410 . Haight V \u25a0 $6,600— Substantial house. "10 , large v rooms; sa , nnT «We of Btanyan and Frederick sts.; - win pay \u25a0 yon to see , this. y- 1410 ; Haight $4,250— Would . you like an -. artiaticaUy : built ''• -bouse, 7 rooms on 50-foot corner lot near i park? Mortgage •of $4000 can remain. :: 1410 Haight. -\u25a0\u25a0: . '\u25a0: \u25a0 . •-;..•.\u25a0!;-.?• $4,500 — Give this to your girl for a valentine : two fine flats, corner, with 40-foot front- age; Masonic car to door; mortgage of $5000; 12 rooms and sun when. lt shines. 1410 Haight." '\u25a0 v $21,000— Three of the . finest \u25a0 flats in the city; Fell and Flllmore sts. If you want gilt- edged property, see these ! 1410 Haight $s,2so— Three substantial fiats. 22d St.. lot ' 25x114; ' present rents $52; : Castro cars pass the door after. March 1; mortgage of . $3000 can remain. . 1410 Haight \ FOB sale — t-room furnished flat Call 8 to 10 a. m^ 8 to 10 p. m.. 301 Frederick st. CHEAPEST and best in America, The Weekly. Call. $1 per year. -i- • -. - OAKLAND :- REAL ESTATE. . AUSTIN'S LIST. . ;/ p $55,000 — One of our best : business buys; on 14th 6t, near Clay, adjoining C. J. HEESE- MAN'S proposed building, opposite TAFT - A PENNOYEB'S large business block and close to H. C. * CAP WELL'S new pur- chase on the corner of 14th and Clay. sts. ; this is in the heart of " the new retail district where property is rapidly, ad- vancing In value; lot "50x100, with store and buildings.. (1691) $57,500 — For this week - only; elegant two-tsory building, with - large concrete basement; on a prominent business corner 2 blocks from . 10th and Broadway, containing* 3 large 6tores and living rooms down- stairs: 15 modern rooms upstairs and.bak- \u25a0 .cry in basement; I owns Its own water plant «and stable; can be leased for $300 per month; ; can . borrow half the money from bank: non-resident owner; here is a chance to. take the bakery" at a sacri- fice. (3610) $6,250 — Pair of IStb-st. fiats of 5 and 6 rooms, on the sunny side of the street and only 5 minutes' -walk from the City Hall; built ei^ht months ago and rents for $65: could easily get more; property is ad- vancing, more 'rapidly her*, than in any ' other part of town. (2064) .$2,500 profit in. sixty days on an Investment of $22,500, and more if you hold it longer. We are offering for a short ' time only a corner within one block of the magnlfl-* cent building now being erected by George W. McNear on San Pablo avenue. The property consists of a corner \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 72:6x100 , feet, with 5 flats all in excelelnt condi- tion and paying $165 per month. .This is \u25a0 right in the path of development and is the best buy on the market today. At ex- piration of our contract It will not be -for sale. ... (2415) GEO. W. AUSTIN, \u25a0 . 1018 Broadway. $4000 — Lovely cottage: five rooms; fine lot; Ssx 105; 56th et, near Key Boute station and elec- tric street cars. W. M.. BRANDON. 906 Broad- way. . . $5500 — Handsome modern house, 7 rooms, batlt; large entrance room; 1 block from Broadway; finest neighborohod in Oakland; lot 36x100. A bargain. W. M. BRANDON, 906 Broadway. $675 — Lot 33x100; east of "Idora"; immediate: account of departure. J. P. H., 1946 Bussell ••St., .'Berkeley. • '-- -\ \u25a0' \u25a0 " ' ". \u25a0 - ; " -. r:----r.\ $6000 — East Oakland bargain;' fine house,. 10 rooms; beautifully - located; -large . lot See owner at 506 East 23d st. .' \u25a0 ".-\u25a0 COPNTRY,' REAL .ESTATE - SUBURBAN HOMES— 2 acres near r dcpot; . Red- wood City; $750; $100 cash, $15 per month; 1 acre $450; $50 ' cash, $10 'per month. 'C. M. WOOSTEB CO.. 1666 O'Farrell st " . $1500 — 7.Vi acres, adjoining, railroad station; all In grapes ; good prwpect for . crop" .next year ; $300 cash. $18.96 per month. C. M.- WOOSTEB CO., 1666 O'Farrell st. V : ' " ' ; - ; ' CALIFORNIA- land $1 acre, ; balance entire par- chase $1 week for, each 5 acres; no taxes; no Interest; 5-acre tracts; level; rich, clear; ready to plow: under" irrigation; perpetual water right; immediate possession given; particulars: maps, photographs for 2c -stamp. ,'Stevlnson Colony, room 26, 703 Van Ness 'aye., San Francisco. . . \u25a0_.; ... ' . \u25a0 •; \u25a0;-; '.=.\u25a0\u25a0': : OVER $1900 per annum Income property in a manufacturing town close to San- Francisco, by rsll or water; • can be increased • with addi- tional improvements; for, $18,000; part can re- main on mortgage at 8 per cent Address box 162. Call office. ' • . ',' ->'\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. . FOR country- Investments. • farms. ' stock ranches, ' - fruit and - poultry . ranches. ] alfalfa and , timber landi>. \u25a0 call or • eend \u25a0 for onr • descriptive list ! ROTHEBMEL A , CO.. 2091 Flllmore st RICH, level land near Oakland; 10 acres cost less than- a sand lot; terms to suit;, get. our clrcniar. BICH VALLEY LAND . CO., \- Market - and Sutter sta. - . . ,^ TOO much land; will sell 1 acre in San Rafael ; for $500.^ TILEMAN. 1014 7th ave.y Oakland. HOMES In- the country; send'f^r catalogue. O. M. WOOSTER CO.. 1666 'O'Farrell st. -----'-' REAL ESTATE WANTED-^COUNTRY. TWO: to 5 acres' in or near Fair Oaks or 'Menlo Park; give- price.- location, description, etc.;. no njrents. Box 562. • Call \u25a0 office. . - \u25a0 ' BERKELEY REAL ESTATE /-'"\u25a0_ McLAUGHLIN-DRIGGS^CO:, Inc. WHERE MONEY MAKES MONEY. •Invest, in West-Berkeley, where there has bee-n more money made in- the last year for the amount - invested than in any other part of California.. \u25a0 - \u25a0 '• ". -- THERE IS A REASON FOB' THIS. \u25a0 WHYT : . ".< .:\u25a0:\u25a0:. - ;-. : - \u25a0 " .- - -#> . Because It has a great future. w.f.:' Because the most ' Conservative, most careful - and most astute business men in the West are ' Investing . their -'money .; by. thfe .thousands lln : . West Berkeley \u25a0' every - day. t> Men . who I have traveled, men of affairs; men-, who do things, can see a great future in West Berkeley. :\u25a0 Most of. the people haven't realized- the pos* '\u25a0\u25a0 sibllltles of our magnlfleent harbor. The > fa- 1 cilitles for shipping. the ; spleqdld: opening. for manufacturing • enterprises — in s; short ' no - city i anywhere can boast . of; better . streets. ? better ; sanitary conditions; better fife protection, bet- ter schools or; a brighter: future \u25a0 than -» West Berkeley.*' Coupled 'with, all, this is >. the 'fact - that within one -. mile is one of -the grandest - reeldence districts In the world, along the far- famed Berkeley foothills, affording a happy medium of commerce; Industry, ' culture, edu- cation and pleasure..- .'., . . \u0084, Beal estate i men : are , our best clients; ber cause they ' know a , good - thing , when they . «cc it- \u25a0••'\u25a0•,-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0•' \u25a0 \u25a0 '•\u25a0'- '\u25a0 "\u25a0\u25a0 : "\u25a0 \u25a0 s •:;•: i?v\-.> . We have lived In .West Berkeley for years, \u25a0 grown inp with •It been Interested in Its ; wel- . fare, always '. championed , anything : that was -for its benefit . - ;: \u25a0 - \u25a0'. /- . . : -. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. ; -,; --\u25a0--'.\u25a0.\u25a0,-\u25a0\u25a0:: • '\u25a0'. We are considered • authority -on i values; In \u25a0 fact we have made good -; with '.West Berkeley properties. '-: Our clients have j made from' 2s: to •800 per cent on their investments. This seems almost incredible, but. It* is irrue.s and all -we . at.k ; is ' for ; any s prospective ; buyer to Interview ,- .those. with whom we have done business:?Si-..- - We have": a number : of j splendid investments on - University aye... San '- Pablo aye. and the water front;, close to the new > municipal wharf. . Call at.our office or write for particulars. -- \u25a0 McLAUGHLIN-DRIGGS C0.,- Inc.; \u25a0 ; BEAL ESTATE AND -INSURANCE. \u25a0 1041 UNIVEBSITYvAVE., BEBKELEY. ;•\u25a0 PACIFIC COAST LAND COMPANY, '••' " * : 2111 DWIGHT WAY... •*"- : V TEL.: BEBKELEY 2012.-. -« *\u25a0 SEND FOB OUR WEEKLY BULLETIN "AND KEEP t POSTED : IN BERKELEY PROPERTIES: CHEAPEST 5 and best in ' America, . The v Week ly •:• : CallT- $l'-'per i year: *\u25a0'-\u25a0'. - --\u25a0-' -:.-"\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0.••*\u25a0\u25a0.-.-;\u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0:;-\u25a0»..\u25a0 \u25a0 % : BURLINGAME H REAL^BSTA*TbV; ;-, $3450 — A bungalowl ln ' BurllDsame. three'; blocks - from " street f car* and -\u25a0 R."-. K. station ; J cement walk: and [ macadam, streets; a five-room) bouse , ' with: bath; > exterloriredj shingles,? with ( heavy '.beamed gables and eaves; inside paneled \u25a0 walls; with -. beamed ; ceiling ; llt> is ? Just , nearlng I com- ;•' pletlon i and ; a : thorough 1 Inspection >of j the ! con- \u25a0 ' structibn ; la . invited ; j not\ in ! real i estate ; men's ' r ,hands,T>so"you vcan ;' Bave the commisElon; a , quick . sale \u25a0 is :\u25a0 desired.^Address H. \ Dr, i Mill- i'-i brae, San . Mateo County ,\Cal;f, v ; -V \u25a0 ' s,ii; &:\u25a0"£{ r - '; FOB' particnlars I concerning j Borllnsrame ' lots see '. ? EBNST G.i GE AB X,l room ? 224.T Delbert ' block, \u2666 i comer <\u25a0 O'Farrell* st*. and <\u25a0 Van » Ness « ave.-fe* s - r, \. .\u25a0 REAL^ ESTATE ITOJEXCHANGE7v..C{ MAXEY.< A tCUTTING.'I land I and X mining'? attof-~ :- neys; State lien lands a specialty; 1 1733, Valdex st, Oakland.: ;.: \u25a0-:.,- \ : yS^ C THE SAX' FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1907. " -".i ALAMEDA ' REAL i ESTAITEU' :' - 4 \u25a0, A' HOMES -FOB] SALE. ; , .-' HOMES' FOB 'SALE.!-' i- HOMES FOB SALE, i • '-:, ;. '\u25a0 See the Alameda Land Company, /\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 \u00841418j Park* st.n Alameda. • ;.'';; ': LOTS ~\ FOB SALE. . . . V " : LOTS i iFOR' BALE. .\u25a0;."'> See the Alameda Land Company; C- ''« ; * . ;. ;: 1418 Park jßt.jAlameda;. .-; ;:• : « BABGAINSj FOB SALE. ;; r; BARGAINS ; FOB "\u25a0 SALE. • . .;- • _ BABGAINS FOR SALE.",' : See the Alameda Land Company^: ' \u25a0 ' 1418 Park- st;/ Alameda. • ... . :-V> NEW HOMES' BUILDING. -V|^^ !..- -j.-. ' - ' \u25a0 \u25a0 i'- \u25a0:-.-\u25a0;•' \u25a0'\u25a0'...\u25a0,; NEW HOMES BUILDING.- NEW HOMES .''BUILDING: See the Alameda' Land Company,' " 7 V 1418 Park st. Alameda. • '."-'^Sk •- SPECIAL' BARGAINS THIS WEEK.. • Get Our . Prices . and ' Terms. •' WE SAVE YOU MONEY, . We Save Your : Bent, • " WE SECUEE FORTOU A HOMB. . ;: "Terms Easier. Than Paying Bent- ' $3250— Wi1l purchase t' a new : 6-room bungalow : •on one of : the : best avenues ; in Alameda; .'-:".' "' surrounded*- hy T beautiful \u25a0 homes, • close to \u25a0 trains and schools. . - . , $3500— Buys a 5-room | bungalow; finished in pine; large lot: a snap. ;_ \u25a0- - MUST' BE SOLD. : , $4500 — We have received j imperative instructions • from the owner' of a fine 7-room cottage , , ; to sell immediately his \u25a0 cottage; - this ' cot- tape Is situated on "Alameda aye.' and has 7-'-'-ti lot 50x150 deep; see this property. 'JUST WHAT YOU. ABE LOOKING FOB. : $4250— Buys a beautiful 6-room ,' story and a half :. house; •\u25a0 large lot; 1 conveniently . situated; a bargain; easy terms. :\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0 tM« ... •\u25a0•.;j^Wfe $4000 — Here is a ' bargain \u25a0in an 8-room - house and lot 40x150; this property. is situated in ; 'the heart of the city, and must . be seen to be ' appreciated. .:: - .* ; \u25a0 NEW BUNGALOWS FOR SALE AT ALL PRICES. / NEW HOMES THROUGHOUT -THE -CITY. EASY TERMS. EASY- TEBMS. : : EASY TEBMS. ' \u25a0 HOUSES AND' LOTS AT ALL PBICES - \u25a0•- \u25a0-\u25a0-.\u25a0 \u25a0 AND.'---- : '". '•• ' ON TERMS TO SUIT. Hon*es Built ' Rented . and Exchanged. -a ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY, Phone Alameda 490; , 1418 Park st, Alameda. $400— Lot 33x100; $100 . cash \u25a0 and $15 per mo. ; or will build on terms.- J. H. YOUNG, .1243 Park st. Alameda. - *' '-•--" PRUITVALE REAL ESTATB. . LOTS. • : - ' , LOTS. : -\u25a0\u25a0'. -\u25a0 LOTS. • Beautiful Boulevard Park Tract. \u25a0 .. . ..: The Cream of Frultvale. ; ;',-\u25a0 :\u25a0!\u25a0'\u25a0'. •.-,•' . Elevated land; magnificent marine and land- : -. scape view; all streets macadamized; curb and stone gutters, with 5-foot - stone ; sidewalk ; water, gas < and sewered;, trees and: palms in profusion ; new electric car i line - through the \u25a0 tract" --; :.-.: ---;;-.,'\u25a0\u25a0 ;.\u25a0•\u25a0;> :"': "' '\u25a0 \u25a0 "\u25a0 All Improvements Guaranteed. '. Nothing , In Alameda County ever offered at ; such reasonable prices..- \u25a0 Corner lots at $30 per Front Foot - Inside lots $20 per front foot; building re- strictions $1500. -\u0084 '. -> \u25a0 •'. . - » - .. .Terms $100 down and $25 "• per , month .at 8 per cent Interest ; no Mongolians need apply. - For particulars call on / f .... ,'- : . -.. -,. f. 8. . S. ; . 'AUSTIN;' \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0•'.• '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'. \u25a0-''\u25a0•?\u25a0\u25a0.;* v 1101 23d are.. East Oakland. lOr Branch Office ... on the Tract Boulevard. • \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0. - ' .\u25a0-.'. Junction of. Llese aye.-.' ' x * Branch- Office Open Sundays. " \u25a0- . MILL VALLEY ? REAL ESTATE ; . \u25a0 BOYLE PABK, : < '< "-' "' MILL VALLEY. y. THE SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA. Large, sightly lots, wooded; bay and mountain view; streets being graded and, sewered;'; building restriction: 6 minutes to station; lots fto feet and larger; price $450 up. «VG. PAHKEB A CO. :L. T. PARKER, Agent, Mill -Valley. - - THE choicest property ,in- Mill Valey; low prices; r.-easy payments. ~ For particulars see SLIPP A . i JASPER,; 4511 : Fillmore - Bt.,\ near . O'Farrell, . San ' Francisco. -•• — « - : \u25a0-\u25a0 r- -\u25a0 .'\u25a0 .-..-. ,- "Salada; beach real' estate., SALADA BEACH; 8 miles south of Cliff House; g . first town : on , Ocean . Shore B: . B. ; 20 \u25a0 minutes / ride ; ; low fares : ' maeadamlEed < streets," water, '. sewers;- sidewalks, - shade - trees, - etc. ; ; guaran- teed iri contracts;; lots : $250 • and up ; ; small \u25a0 monthly payments. < Take bus at \ Col ma - Sun- days and Thursdays at. 11 a. m. Arrange for free transportation with OCEAN BHORE ; ' LAND- Co.. Countryman building; : Van - Ness \u25a0 aye i _and^Enisst^_^_ i| | i^__^^ _-\u25a0-. : '\u25a0' :;''--V . -^ TO> LEASE " r --'\ _ : _- \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-.' _ : \u25a0\u25a0 TO LEASE OR FOB SALE. ; ... 'A brick 'machine; 40,000 capacity daily; un- \u25a0 limited quantities of good clay; million of new -brick.. Apply. to DR. C. C. O"DONNELL,:9IOA Devlsadero st., between ' Golden ! Gate aye. and -:\u25a0 McAllister . St. ..>;..\u25a0 '. ;-\u25a0 '•\u25a0;'.. \u25a0": :.'\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084;-\u25a0- '-.'-- I '\u25a0•'.'\u25a0: STORES TO LET AND LEASE. :-'- Large store, s. 68 ft.;~new^brick i building. .. front- ing on , Market st;; between Taylor,. and Jones, 1 running through, with rear entrance on Golden Gate -ave.'.v Apply ?at: Golden". Gate Cloak and Suit . House. -\u25a0.. Market , St.; : near . Jones. - \u25a0 ~~lfajg*% OFFICES TO RENT AND LEASE. '.;•'.; .;; 34 \u25a0 nice large ; offices, \ new, brick .\u25a0 building; on Market •: st.,: .with ' rear :. entrance 1 on '- Golden ; Gate aye.; offices > lease /singly, or »as .a '-* whole. . Apply .at ': Golden 4 Gate - Cloak ," and ' ;" Suit House, Market st,' near. Jones.' STORE, 4 large sunny \u25a0 r. ; ; bath,; gas,'- etc. ; ' at - North Beach: fine location for any business; $65 mo. G. DOLCIBELLO; 11S3 Montgomery; ave. LOT 50x137:6:- Fulton :st^' 87:6 west from I Fill- ;:-T more ; \u25a0 will lease for . 10 years. -' W. M. ; BRAN- -- DON. 906 Broadway.: ~V- .- -:• » ,' : . \u25a0\u0084-\u25a0\u25a0 ; '.".-. •";-;,\u25a0. MEDICAL -;'-\u25a0 ->';': "'.V;., >.i;. DR. SYLVESTER'S Office. ',"-< "'\u25a0" : 517 23d st.'iCnr." Telegraph aye.); Oakland, : Cal. • Leading Specialist, for ;. Women.'. : . I^adies-^IfJ you", are from any bail- ment peculiar. to your, sex, worried 'about "your '\u25a0' condition .and ; need help, ,. consult .-.this t famous ' . specialist. " because ; be ? is ; truly ? the . only ' regu- . : larly. graduated, physician specialist for women ' advertising, *• having ,~ /19) t" years ". of success— . WITHOUT ONE FAILURE— he • gives : relief— ::\u25a0:: :\u25a0:- AT; ONCE^withoutj drugs,"; operations- or need- • less detention from your occupation," with ortgi- nel— PAlNLESS— HAßMLESS— methods, f. With :, , high 'i professional '\u25a0' standing t andvi qualifications ' recognised ; by '; the ' highest ; medical \u25a0 authority, ; vrlth office- well appointed and strictly • private, '.;, he ',. is i the— SAFEST— AND-^-SUREST— man to •\u25a0-':, Consult j when ! you seek . help. 1 Consultation I and '%•_ advice absolutely, free.;' Fees . moderate. v- Hours :^ 9 , a . . m."- to 9 : p. m. .'• Open Sundays, s Telephone , . Oakland : 7901. -,-• - ' -'h •« -- - - : ., < \u25a0 :>- , •\u25a0 DB. \u25a0 S YLVESTEB'S j Of flee, : . ' . 517 23d.5t." near Telegraph a ye.;' Oakland, ;0»J. DB." . G. ": W. j O'DONNELIP-Ladies, \u25a0' all who t are ."-: sick - or ;, in \ trouble,!; consult this t specialist on V female \u25a0 complaints : l. positively -corrected ; :' the unfortunate * helped"; \u25a0 the ; .- most X difficult < cases ~ treated; ; every | case taken; | Immediate j relief: : ; no poisoning; drugs; low-fee; my: methods 1 will .'\u25a0\u25a0cure rail cases of .; irregularity; consult me ;i save :-tlme and money; advice free; hours; 9 a. m. to ;-^4.'.5:30 to 8:30. ->1212iTnrk st.-~ / '.\u25a0•<\u25a0; :.y^ VALPEAU'S female \ pills; | best • regulating '> pills \u25a0 sold ; I price $2.50 ; by express, \ Pasteur's syringes . and -tablets; , price $5. .-- By: express 1 only; on 1 re- I 1 celpt of I price. ,- OSGOOD 1 BROTHERS, I whole- \u25a0 »- sale druggists, \u25a0 7th ; and \ Broadway; Oakland:.-,;' A— MRS.", DR/iiWYETH, 1 ; reliable « ladlesV epecial- ,• \u25a0? Ist I for : all : female J Irregularities ; ! , Instant 1 relief ?.i guaranteed : * 30 years',, experience ; 1 office hours; ', : 1 0 , to 5;-. f 1726 Stelaer ; st. , J near . Sntter. s * , - DRI' JAMES NEAL;* 1438 EIHs st;* near i Webster. ". Specailist : ln women's diseases::' Hours' 9 a. . m; \u25a0;•;\u25a0 to 9p. m. ; ' Sundays,' 9*9 * to ; 2:;;.; ,. ; , .•.;..- ;~ -. MRS.I M: A: PlCKRUM,^ 2B42 ; Buchanan' St.. near J . Green ; r ladles s taken aln i confinement; » best ' : of \u25a0 \u25a0 medical ' attention ; and ; care. ? -."- j:;: \u25a0 • ;\u25a0 :',,..; i-;\u25a0:'i -;\u25a0:' DR.; WEST/ tt'i CO:, -i 1035 <: Golden 'Gate ave^-Old i 5. specialist for; women.' *' Hours,";' 1-3 and 7-8 p:m." DR. 1 - C. - o.l o'Donneli;' renowned female -specialisV Vf 910 A Devlsadero. .bet.'i McAllister; and G.G: aye. MRS. DR.* KOHT^ specialist,': lrregularities; hrs. • ';; 10 j to ; 5.y 1726 \u25a0 Btetoerytj bef; Sntter 5, and ,' Post' DR.; ROSEN," 299S Folsom ; st* cor.l 26th— Ladles; ; thousands: recommend ; him ; i relief .1 or . no \u25a0 fee:r.-: DR. : and - M RS. \X> A VIES'J method lof i treatment. r 524 -. Valencia^ st..^ between * 19th \u25a0 and ' 20th.":^n:- -/\u25a0'•- . • \u25a0 \u25a0: -v C^M*iNE "s^xb^MixiNc'!*> y o i^ GREENWATEBIandiTONOPAH I Stocks/ sv v> VV ; Nevadai Greenwater 1 Copper.-, rf^rv.'. . "; ;; at 60c -; Greenwater Black Oxide Copper at market : :; •\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 , 1. Tonopah t Standard I-'.':.-;'?'.^ . ;\.Tr: t^r; 7.*.at"Boc '?':•.. Tonopah ; Empire fr "TiTrrr.'Tr.TTrrrT: n: at 20c .I ' Good 1 companies.'. 1 : Good I properties.^; Good \u25a0 bars • if:"- »: ' i M. i H.;CRITCHEB, -i.TS i SUTTER ST.V.Z* 1 ..-V l''- : -.r .>;..: .Ay- ;\u25a0;- - •-,. •;;::,: SAN; FRANCISCO.ff' "ASS AYING j? 50c ; * gold; 9 rich*; ore,% etc.^S bou eht ! Pioneer,' Assay Company.; 1311 Bth ' st~ ; near Min t' ASSAYING and all branches of mmmg 1 taught at ; HEALD'S school of Mines," 295 Locust 1 ay*. ;rv '";: - " : : MISCELLANEOUS }} FOR l'"s ALE; ;*; • \u25a0 AAA^CASH registers. 1 ; AJ.fNATIONAL"r; cash •'• register.' Is | a "valuable , asset In ' youri business; : V 4 We \u25a0 make f over. 521 - styles ." and ,, sizes ) and S sell | > \u25a0on : easy . payments. -We have I the ' largest • stock I •of other makes in the city at half price.i Don't , . ;'\u25a0 pay,; two » prices. ' Come ; and .' see . us. , .The ? Na- \u25a0 tlonalCash Register C 0.. '1283 Golden Qate aye.' \u25a0 ELEGANT "-}>> - - \u25a0•: : ' \u25a0". '' "' \u25a0'\u25a0 ~ :^ \u25a0"' '-V. , .?,:--^,X ;, \u25a0 :' ,- : •;C- 5- ft' enameled- bathtub. -.• . •- ,j \u25a0 . .".•.> " 2oxBo vWrE;^ sink. >;.. .'>...•• •" - : : .. : ' 30-gallon v boiler. : : v ... - 01 Patent water closet- - -..': .-:..i-};-,-^ :\u25a0:: Combination $36.50, 5 1964 j; POST; STBBET.' V CASH ? BEGISTEBS,': HaJlwoods and Nationals, -all styles; don't pay the 'prices asked :by some . 'iConcerns; . we .will; sell you the same registers l~" second-hand;: good ' as . new,"? for ; half » the . price; ! £ small > monthly s payments. x Pacific ? Coast \u25a0 Cash >:Z Register Co., 16 City :Hall square.^ . ;^--^5 COLLIE. "' male, :". 4 " months if old;, v beautifully m marked, l pedigree six > generations ; i call Sunday : 1," weekdays any " hour ;« $25 ;v snap: ,T; : wM;-;5:,i, 2361 r. Sutter.. St. -^•«i::i:=i;'v--v'.-v: ' HALL WOOD cash registers : total' adders ; $25 to a $90 ; : also : Nationals, z CAS. H BEGISTEB - EX- : CHANGE, > 1183 Market * st;t Central Theater •; : building.V; ; ;. .-.-- -.- \u25a0:\u25a0 -r-\ .-\u25a0•'->;\u25a0>: - - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : :-rj.-;-,^ J :^ . ; •;.. . :' PLUMBERS', soil pipe, flttings, ; lead boilers, met- ' . . als, - ; builders' " wall ?anchors, \u25a0 floor; plates, sash .•weights; half price., NE. cor. Fulton and Gough; SAND . for sale ; delivered %. to any part lof city. ' \u25a0 For further Information ! call ' on C. : OLSEN,"- 15 ' s Oak Grove ave.;,bet.sth and 6th. oft* Harbison; : BARS, cigar stands, grocery and window display M fixtures, etc., at short notice; showcases; desks. \u25a0 MEEK, .1161 Mission et.-, ' bet J , 7th ; and Bth. ; ; LAUNCHES, new and slightly used. Cal. Launch .: Works, Pac. Coast agents for Peninsular mo- y. tor. ißlandlng aye.V Park? st, Alameda.' yri; FOR sale— Soda fountains, showcases,: bank and 'office fixtures, marble work; call and see. them. ; WHITCOMB. 527 Market st/S-.F. ' v : , TENTS,.:, CANVAS WORK; WAGON: COVERS I .AND 'AWNINGS at F. THOM'S; 1209 MIS- L SIONST. PHONE MABKET 2194.:. . :% . SCALES. '\u25a0' trucks, coffee mills, money drawers. '\u0084_ Jas.Geddes A Co.. 431-33 Larkin;,terEm;.623 WALLPAPEB sc, paint $1, ; cheesecloth, building I '.and roofing papers at Merigan's, ,1447 -Ellis st \u25a0 BAR fixtures. AIKEN A KING, 1 ! agents of Chas. . Passow A Sons. 1273 Mission; tel. Special 1173 j EDISON Moving Picture Machines and Stereoptl- V. cons; bargains.^ GEO. BRECK r - 552 Grove at GASOLINE launches of all kinds on i hand, for , •':,' B^le — Crowley's boathouse, .-* Vallejo-st ";i wharf. G. > E." -RUSSELL, plumbers'- supplies, builders' ' . wall anchors; machinery. 260 Linden aye; 4 ' ALL kinds of trees and plants; send for price list GEM NURSERY. Los; Gates, Cal. . KING'S , OLD BOOK STOBE, - 891 Golden Gate aye., near- Octavia. Books: bought '\u25a0 \u0084":\u25a0 . , 1 . BABNES lathe, with counter-shaft. No. 13, « ' new, at j a discount) at . 131 ; sth st. \ - ..' •- SAFES— The Hermann Safe C0.; '126 Folsom St.; " -agents Macneale A Urban safes. .'*\u25a0• •.--'/,:- \u25a0• . \u25a0 / V-, MISCELLANEOUS LEVANTS 'y. .'*) TWO. motor-cycles, 2 f4 -horsepower ; ' 1906 model ; \u25a0 ;Thor engines. Farnsworth . Electrical \u25a0: Works; 603 Howard st. ; phone .Temporary^ 348. \u25a0 - BOOKS ' and libraries bought % for : cash. '"; ':'\u25a0- THE • HOLMES C 0..'402 Van Ness aye; \u25a0: ;^ 1 :. CASH paid for diamonds. \u25a0' O'NEILL"" A EBEB, 1744 Flllmore St.." below Sutter. ' '-, -'\u25a0•-> -\u25a0\u25a0- •.'-•::- MUSICAL INSTRUaiENTS A .FEW bargains for this 'week: 1 Schlelp $65, Fischer $96, Starck $115, Shermer $125, 1 Davis A Son -$140, -Singer $155; all uprisrhts, and several other standard; makes; Decker Bros. - $65, Chickering $90, etc.;twould .like, to dose \u25a0\u25a0•. this ; out quickly to make room for new stock; "\u25a0 terms, • rents $2 up. r Installments \u25a0 $4 ;." up. , - HEINE PIANO CO., 1841 - Golden { Gate aye., ; .1466 Bush st and 469-471 .. 20th <5t, . Oakland. DON'T -take any chances when. buying. a piano; " we \u25a0 guarantee absolute ! satisfaction -in every case. BENJ. CURTAZ : A-: SON, 11 ; 1615 ' Van Ness aye. Established 1856. " ;•.,.\u25a0 : H. 0. ,. JOHNSON; violin maker and repairer of . all", string Instruments. ?-.- 1228 FHlmore/st; \u25a0' " Arcade block, room 26: *X ~.'~->~-!:-J.£\'.'f;l'- .: .". '' A FISCHER, mahogany case," slightly used, $225. v. Bowers A Son, 529 McAllister, near Van Ness. PIANOS sold on tss monthly v" payments; ; : rents; $3.50.- JOS, SCHMITZ A CO.,, 43o, Devisadero. SOHMER, -Byron Mauzy .pianos. Cecillan . piano • players, g BYRON MAUZY. jll6s :. O'Farrell st, 5 BANJO strings, 25c: full Une latest records. C.C. KEENE'S music -store, 1325 Flllmore. St. HOBNUNG;! 1554 \ Eddy st.,* near Fillmore; great i ' ! variety second-hand standard-make pianos..^*.. BARGAlNln'piano.. CaU at 823, Webster st. ' ; STATHAM A CO:. '. pianos,* 24 Hill st. ,\ formerly • 110 McAllister, st. ; j expert : repairers. :' : . .\u25a0. \u25a0 r ' \u0084 RENT -a=-. good^plano'?for*sBrper; ! month ' from SCOTT CUBTAZ, ; 560 « Hayes st S 7; * -. AN upright, piano,', good tone. $72. ; ; 1466 Bush st. A? FISCHER upright, good! as new, $96.-1341 \u25a0\u25a0' Golden \u25a0 Gate aye. . --\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0: - \u25a0 . .. -\u25a0••»;\u25a0' -\u25a0 - \u25a0-.- MONEY. TO. LOAN j AA A A-^-Any ; salaried * employe or ," wage-earner .can get from us," just on his note— . :.' ii.v:>' --':.: Monthly. Semi-Mo. W'kly. • $50.00— Return to us:. sl3. 05 ,$6.65' $3.35 ' $30.00— Return : to, us:: >,8.00 • /.„ 4.ttO j; .-*j 2.00 $15.00— Return 'to us.'." 4,00 :2.00 . " 1.00 .Or any. other sura \u25a0 in proportion. \u25a0-.'-'\u25a0,•-; :, THE STAR LOAN & JNV. CO., [ ' ;i * THE CITY. LOAN CO., ; • THE CRESCENT LOAN CO. •" \u25a0 s " ' '\u25a0 . 904-905' Mutual Savings ; Bank ,. Building. : ".':',- '\u25a0-.-' -aBVER NEED MONEY? - v .WANTIT IN A HURRY? i ; :--. -WANT IT PRIVATELY? v>' \u25a0- v KNOW ' WHEBE : TO GET IT ? i- :'?i J : iJ^St^'HOUSEHOLD LOAN" COMPANY." : V " , Room ; 70, 509 Golden. Gate aye. k r st', : will loan you sums of $10 to $200 on furniture, ' ; . pianos, M horses, a vehicles" (without 1 : removal). \u25a0 . .Write ' or. call::^3 ; Macdonougb/bldgyi Oakland: MONEY -loaned salaried : people I and r others upon , : : their v own " names ,- : without \u25a0 security ; 'cheapest ' ',: rates,*:-; easiest-; payments; '/offices -in*63 : prln- .;. cipal; cities'; > save-. yourself money, by getting ! , our terms first.-. TOLM AN. 787 Market r. 137. ' ""^Formerly ,, ss3 'Parrott, building. . ; ;.; \ % 4 ' - :r V;v. -;;D:D. DRAKE. •-\u0084 •\u25a0 . \u25a0-. .-•' 7 Frankllnßealty Bldg.r Cor. Golden G. A Polk.' • •••"- 301 \ St. > Paul; Bldg.. Oakland. ;,-.. -- : . . \u25a0' ; ,: Salary < loans made > quickly and ; privately to I stpady.employesj'lowest rates;. easy, terms. •; " g -\u25a0""V .HEBMAN MURPHY V .\u25a0-—"- — — Junction "i of ' Market? and •' Sutter' Streets ~* ' First, and second mortgages, estates, legacies; etc' ' LOAN on i furniture,"'" pianos : or ' security lof f any \u25a0;• kind ; i. to '* poor - people . we ' < make loans * free 'of . charge.; 'ILLINOIS TRUST COi. 1516 Eddy." ; BORROW 1 money lon I diamonds j and \ valuables : 1 2 ;:; per cent interest'^' GEM JEWELRY CO., '906 " Market i St.. near "Powell^ and 17; East" st%v -":',• \u25a0 ALL \u25a0 persons '. having pledges before the fire .with \u25a0 . G. f Aronson \ call 1 243S \ Sacramento : st. ; ? pay j in- j '. tercat • or; goods -. will . be sold ' at auction:-..' ' .: '.^ \u25a0 \u25a0 THE orlglnal'Uncleißlir^WilliamSchmalzVper- , : : manently: located at 1162 'Post at" «: ; .' ,:•? vf- ,.; ' LOANS on salaries.'! S:; F.^ Discount Agency, ; 753 ;' Oak .< st; ; near ' Fillmore', v /ormerly.' Pbelan* bldg. ON fnrniture and pianos in , use; no] commission. ; u,V. ..TREMAIN; . 726 ; Buchanan st. ; near, Hayes.* ADVANCES on diamonds as 'usual. Baldwin Jew- m elryj Co.U permanent, office :1261 , Van | Ness \u25a0; ave.* ! MORELL^-Cash 1 loaned to \u25a0 salaried '\u25a0 men fon > note - without; icdorser. % 922 j Monadnock building. •\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;• GOLDEN - GATE | Loan I Office,* formerly .{ lo \ 6th »'\u25a0\u25a0' st.;> now 9SO Pierce 'st ; '. redeem pledges, a iA. >--: ' , t MONEY I - - Golden \ Gate J Ave. Loan Office, r: . LOANED.) . ; \u25a0'• y,<:4 1276 Golden Gate av«.y- % .;> ,^>- : ;: REDEEM t pledges s left » at ilO 6th 'st ' at ' 950 »"\u25a0\u25a0 Pierce St., f near- McAllister." ' \u25a0.\u25a0:-\u25a0\u25a0- ..;', .:' < . ; :"-M|&SSENGERi'SERVICE r -* : ~J'a '{?_% \ , HASTY i messenger j service ; I phoney Market • 2748 ; : special messengerß^^ low? rates. \u25a0\u25a0' 1811 '» Market. \u25a0 «'.-'\u25a0 "'--. •..,/*\u25a0 --' l ' / - COMPANIES 5 INCOEPOBATED/r any State •> ex "• \u25a0jk pert ilcgals service;^ STOCKS and- -BOND' issues I & placed ;• advice * f*ee: i,WM."t L^ STALEY 'A i CO.p \u25a0 : . : '\u25a0 Delbert ' Bnlldlng, ? Van ? Ness and o'Farrell. -t •.„ ' '._ \u25a0_;-^':^>^^NVESTMJBWTB^ : >'XY^'~S-: . ,^:>' : '- :don*t f speculate, v-f investi n- \u25a0. , " .The rßekcr;. Drill i Company, is? Incorporated -..';under ' the ;;iawa:i of s the- State sof 'California,: i "Lwith.k-capitalof $400,000,- divided into 200,000 'of $2.00 each-tThe Reker drill ' has '. been feexamlnedibyi mining 1 experts of } world- wide * re- ' :-y pnte 't and ' \u25a0is 1 pronounced sby 4 them ?. to t> be re the ' 5" superior J of/ any, otherjdrill lnUise'at;the- pres- .- ; ent ! moment V sWe >. are now \u25a0 selling \ the ' first al-' -;j lotment t ofi 10,000 1 shares jat $1.00 iperj share/ " *?. Now Is 5 the s time 4to n 'get » in * on,' the * ground Vii floor. '. ',£ Never f. since 4 the s palmy » days rof 3 the . j'- Comatock \u25a0 has : there been , such ]an unprecedented I >-'i boom ' in \u25a0> mining f, as \u25a0\u25a0 is J taking j place lat H the fS present" time.'>|;The j Reker drill . can |be seen! and la will be , demonstrated : dally jat i our, offices > from j .9 a.',: m.'. to 6 . p.'v m. ? \u25a0• Open - evenings, 1 7:30 ito -: 8.30. 4 • -' ' * - > •\u25a0- ''(- INGRAM.«t CHAPMAN \u25a0 ?f A c CO., >\u25a0 Sole^ Fiscal 3 X.' Agents,'; 92s > Goldyn ; Gate ; ave.y, San ; Francisco.- ', A : FEW^ shares 1 capital ' stock (for j sale { in? one", of ; M the l leading t automobile \ concerns; i big ; monthly • it- dividends^lnvesUKate.^ Box 'ls2^ Call^offlce.^ \ ' WIXDOWg-SHUUP^il^^^^ ] COLLINS lAi FABBELL^rWinoxHrJ shadei,lfm«t-~ \u25a0 ft; tress-maklag,' •carpet-clsanlng.y, ,483tlTyiav-,; Teiq Park j l&Ws-: : ' •\u25a0\u25a0'. '.:.:-: y.- ?;£&%& \ JAD VANCE ! window i shade i f actory.% Orders I filled I I mat j short aotice.l QEOAW ALCOLM,. eSTtTark : *v\ I WINDOWS shades S made andf repaired.!^ J;t3 F.I !tf HOTTEB.T 681 V Eddy/? Phone I Franklin 1124T.^f1 124T.^f ! \u25a0V-: ,>. • .'. . ... " ' . . . " ; '.::^t:y : .'' : ;iPERSOXALS ;\u25a0 * "\u25a0'\u25a0 -' --\u25a0 '\u25a0 -' INFO BMATION -"wanted of -the ; will , or executor Hof Ithe late M.'i BUCKLEY," who is supposed to -have died about 1902. '-. Was formerly from near - Macroom;t", County? ? Cork;?.jJ lreland,!* and •'. was g known .to have .spent 30 years i in • the goldfields v r s of Californla;?fAny .» lnformation ; of "the above ft: will^be % thankfully j received by A. v LYNCH; \u25a0 Builders' ; Exchange,^ 226 . Oak ' s t :; ! 3." F. • \u25a0 -a I'.^' 'i't'XBUSINBSS'p'ICRSONALSk''-;-' '\u25a0-'\u25a0'\u25a0•{• A— :\u25a0. ''-k • ;';"DB,'':E. : . E. iMcLEAN^- '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• -\u25a0' \u25a0 Hall \u25a0 Specialists ' ' : ;- / - '-. ' Formerly Call. Building, * $-, Is still \u25a0 manufacturing \u25a0 her i celebrated hair \u25a0 and H skin I preparation sat j 604 1 Broderlck st, I under S the name of . the l E. l E. McLEAN . MANUFAC- " TUBING CO. .< The i demand -is greater ..than H ever . for her Golden | Seal Hair .Tonic I (for oily 5 hair). Dandelion DandrufT \u25a0 Cure,' Hazeline Hair ;-.Tonic(for thin, dry, and brittle hair.)., :':;•\u25a0-- I ''; 'Hair Grower l . Pomade— Eczema 'ointment. \u0084': ;•;. :. Cures , Eczema; Itching Skin,. Pimples, : etc' " 6 Chilean Hair Restorer (for restoring hair to -sits original color).- >*' \u25a0' ';- \u25a0« \u25a0\u25a0 -V \u25a0 '. \u25a0, ;; \u25a0 . c..:, -• '?:. Hasellne^ Cold' Cream \u25a0 (without ' a peer as a \u25a0•;skin:food).l^:,..v. -\u25a0/ ••\u25a0 "\u25a0".'^.\.: \u25a0< :v ; ,..- ».--\u25a0? Medicated ; Face -Powder and \u25a0 numerous . other \u25a0•: preparations. !*" r \u25a0* v.. .- \u0084- .' - • • ' . . r :i» -- r i Free i diagnosis .' Monday 'and ' Frida y .bet 2 i:andi4'pw7m. ;--. Tel. .West 7574. ' V---. ...-;\u25a0 ." : AAA— Dress •' snits, i tuxedos;'.; tweeds : and « Prince .\u25a0Alberts i for i rent i fer \u25a0 all < occasions ;.'\u25a0 21 : ; years : at Palace (Hotel-, and 21 Stockton '\u25a0 St.": now ; at \u25a0--\u25a0 60 ; Market. M Phone . Tern. = 2866. \ Entrance ' Port- '.;iand ; Jewelry > Company. .-;.-- -.;\u25a0.;•,..• \u0084 DR. jJ.i:H..SHIBLEY 'A/SON; CANCEB" SPE. CIALISTS— 2O years*^successful, practice in V Sacramento; now permanently "located :at 633 S Fell st., i Saa ! Francisco ; | for references j address \u25a0\ your friends in ; Sacramento.';. Send for circular. WlGS;: toupees, front pieces.'that flt;'purest hair > used ; \u25a0 hair I dressing, I shampooing; dvelng, I etc. '0.-LEDEBEB/ 2271 California st; near Web- yster;; formerly iat 123' Stockton; ;estab. 1866." MME: PICKBUM." 2842 Buchanan st, nr. Greco." grows hair on bald: heads in- 7 "treatments;' no :\u25a0>\u25a0 cure, ,no " pay ; • j restores t gray • hair tto •: natural I color; : cures pimples;- face and \u25a0 skin diseases;-- , MBS. -NEWMAN A SIMS; facial massage, scalp j . treatment; •shampooing, *ha irdresslng. - Fanny ' - Briggs . Carr : Co. goods and : tratment ; ' ladles' '-• and . gents'. manicuring. *- 1411 , Pos t \u25a0 -,, \u25a0 \u25a0 ; SPECIAL mercantile lunch."v 25 cents; the best ' ever. -NATIONAL CAFE 'AND GBtLL, 01S- = 920 O'Farrell; v French . dinners 4toB p. m.; 50c.' CHRISTMAS glove border."*: DANICHEFF/, for- g merly Phelad bldg.- and \u25a0 121 ' Gran t" ave., ; now >;- 1611 . O'Farrell. ; ; C. LIMOUSIN, proprietor.%; > GOLDSTEIN'S • hair ;r goods, l : wigs, * ? toupees, ;;\u25a0> switches - : and .: pompadours; satisfactory*, work at ; lowest \u25a0 prices. • . 819 ; Van Ness * aye. - ' - SUNSET •\u25a0 barber \u2666 shop ' and V baths," •' formerly 625 Market St.. 715 Turk St., now open for bus 1- •? ness. J;«JOHN ; BERNARD, proprietor, --v-r. v .-" $100 on deposit for you if your hair cannot be ;-, restored; i abundance of natural hair. C. E. H. T. C0., '730 I Hayes; st >: :'..v ; . '-. ."..>" TAILORS— H. E. BAKEB "A CO.— Suits pressed, 1 50c; . open evenings. -* 962 McAllister st. TeL _ Page \u25a0 2208. i ;"-'-*„' \u25a0 ':>\u25a0• -*\..--a \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 ,•>\u25a0:;.-;:: \, : " r^\ MAGNETIC massage — MBS.". HOLSHOUSEB, . 1720 Fillmore st. • offices 9 and 1 10, third floor. J; HAUPTH GUEBIIf CO.,' Fashion Hair Store; \u25a0 ! electric face, scalp treatment." v 800, Van ; Ness.' SHOE • repairing by ' machinery. • Gallagher .' Bros. :Branch 1. 473 Haight st;"branch 2; 3272 22d. FOB pianos, see MRS. "A:; A; GOSBEE, ;with ; Kohler A Chase. 1329 Sutter. Tel. Franklin 2143. ESTES Dressmaking. Parlors, 753 : Webster st ; > phone .' Page \ 9211 ; , f0r. 5 . 0f Geary and : Taylor. LADY.- and ' gentleman \u25a0 wishing : to marry ' call or /address MRS. "WALTER," 1711 \u25a0 Geary" st \- HING - Cheong \u25a0A ' Cci* military, and ; navy tailors,' /located. at 564 San Pablo aye.', . Oakland. . -^ K. FENANDER, ; ladies', tailor. V 1768- Bush St.; formerly with: Danziger., s22 Sntter st , '\u25a0 GORDAN . THE TAILOR =Is now doing business. \u25a0V 1032 » Ellis, a \u25a0\u25a0: block . from Van ; Ness. . \u25a0 :,-: -,.;'.' ?. \u25a0 MISS B.^E. JULIAN. I just • opened" manicuring • parlor; ; ladles. 25c. ~ 660 \u25a0 Hayes st. -\u25a0 ' ------ TYPEWRITERS AJfD SUPPLIES t'." ALEXANDER ' AyA v CO., > typewriters ; all makes : rented,^: .including / -, Smith 'A Premier; - ; desks, - chairs, , etc. ; :•' ask • for \u25a0 prices, partly used ma- chines. •\u25a0:•£ ALEXANDER, ' 1820 Fillmbre st; v phone -West 6288. ./-.?. -.', -J • ; »\u25a0-,\u25a0' \'.-'- WALTER A.. SCOTT, .1811 FOlmore" st; phone - West 2093; also 523 Market St.; Columbia Vis-- \u25a0-;• . lble ; ; chairs; i ribbons,'- numberedj>aper, I carbon ; ; -expert repairs; •\u25a0 rentals, desks, $7. 50. ;,.".'\u25a0 ; '_' :•\u25a0 STEABNS',. Visible Typewriter, s, the only , visible with" decimal j tabulator; -, also 2d-hand. :all - • makes ; - rentals * and ; repairs. The : Typewrito- • rium, 1724 Flllmore st. \u25a0 ,1 i . , v , ;-.;\u25a0•' THE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE V • Is .-' now at j-1011 Golden Gate aye.; with a full stock of all kinds of • typewriters at • regular prices; rentals • fand supplies. V.-J 1 .;;.'.^ :•."\u25a0;, ., .,-..;..' \u25a0 : . \u25a0- •';. $25— THE -only first-class typewriter; at a low *: price.», Postal ? Typewriter, 2576 24th s t. . • S. , • F. 1 ' ffACIEiO i Co.— Sun -Visible, . $40 and *'\u25a0 $75.^-i- SE. corner ' Flllmore and : Bnsh. *2d floor.' .:"';\u25a0' :^- SEWIXG.'MACHIiifES .'.'\u25a0'-'>\u25a0"' SINGER v sewing £ machines; ~j Wheeler ..' A '.Wilson - sewing machines; needles; -, parts ' and supplies \u25a0 for, both.;- 1 Sold only. by Singer Bewlng Machine -."Company at following. Singer stores,'; San Fran- cisco, v Cal.'— lls6 - Market ! st, 78» ; Haight St.," , 1156 Valencia* et; 512 Clement" St.; 1431^ BusU ' st;" Bsl'' McAllister st.'.s, 2507 ; > Market '-. st.y «19 . Golden Gate ave.~f Oakland— 46s 12th st. , 1058 i > Washington - st. , '\u25a0 1141 \u25a0\u25a0 E." 14th : st. :-, Alameda — 1321>Parkst". Berkeley-^3210 Adeline, sfv \',\ DOMESTIC— Best " cheapest: .; all -kinds. :' rented, .repaired; exchanged; ' needles \u25a0 and - supplies: for - ; air makes. ;• J.* W. : Evans,; agent,;- 1658 O'Far- 1 rell st, near Fillmore ; phone West 3601." i • SINGER i- and c Wheeler v A ;% Wilson,;: family and 1 tailoring, r sold . only "by. the Singer, Sewing Ma* • chine Co. c A. C. BROWN, ; selling agent, > 351 v McAllister: st- :\u25a0' \u25a0 \u25a0 ' -: I". \u25a0'-;> \u25a0..:'\u25a0-.-. ;' - ' ; NATIONALTAutomatIc. ; - White.-, Standard,- other : ' : makes, * rented, <- repaired; etc.-'- 1." S.; COHEN'S -..-: SONS. \u25a0 Phone .West : 5761. : : -: 1616 , O'Farrell st. WILLCOX •\u25a0 A OUSBS Sewing- Machine Company, >s located ; at ;724 i.Turk ; st..~ near Van Ness aye. ; Z: manufacturers ofthe genuine ; Automatic.. -\\ SPECIAL on , Singers,", White ,. Dom.,- New Home, \u25a0-\u25a0: new* drop heads/; t rented, \u25a0- repaired. 3263 ! '.22d St.; bet." Mission and Valencia.-- ',» - . \- ;: : ' ; '\u25a0-: /;-;^ RUPTURE ? CURED j 'V,^ \u25a0' \u25a0'; SINGLE $12, double $15/; \u25a0 Dr. \u25a0 Plerce's , Electric r. Truss ; ' only ' cure : known. '-\u25a0 Call; • address *W.? J. v PIERCE,- 1417 Chestnnt st; Alameda. . ;~ '\u25a0^;'-'Vy; : _\' ".^"' 'trusses y.;-'-.::> : \u25a0' /yy' : ANNOUNCEMENT — .-'-_-.., --*..-. . '/. v" WM. '- HATTEROTH'S v SURGICAL HOUSE. 1532-34 iFlllmore. st.. bet? Geary and: O'Farrell. ; . Trusses,-: supporters, /elastic .stockings, surgical and hospital \u25a0: supplies. Formerly ;224 Sutter.. st \u25a0^V^-a'i-Pji MRS.: M. 'C Wn^LIAMS. *,j. \u25a0 ':. -- •- \u25a0- Formerly with ,Wm.~ Hatterotb —^Trusses, snpnort- _| ers," elast' hoslerr,' etc; * 476' Page. 'nr. Webster; WALTERS : A CO.l' surgical ' lnstruments." hospital '"' equipments, 'trusses and: elastic .hosiery. . \u25a0• -.." \u25a0; -... ' ;\u25a0: •.;<'\u25a0* 1608' Stelner. st'," near Qeary.x- \u25a0*>':'}£* SPECIALISTS - in - truss ?• flttings.v: CLABK-GAN- -^DION COMPANY.. I22O Golden Gate aye. • «' ?- PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINIBp UNITED PAINTING [CO., \u25a0 contract work ; paint- 's ing; . paperhanglng;-' decorating, -tinting; satls- h faction - guaranteed. <\u0084 964 ~ t McAllister.'. st - H SHANNON,, painter, "now ; at ? 1306% "Buchanan -f^ st. : g good work' guaranteed. --'\u25a0 \u25a0 ' ' \u25a0': -' Sfc..''-7 :•:'-" "-:-'. ''. F. L:l COOK-^Jewelry/rclocks.' 4 silverware^ sta'- ;". tloneryj and -notions; formerly , of 1712 \u25a0 Market 'j?- st , '£. now,» permanently.*' located ? at ; 839 \u25a0 Golden ;?Gate?avti.,iOpposlte*Jefl > erson' : square. 1;';;;1 ;';;; .": ,-;.; M.'FINEGOLD." first-class : diamond . setter.VJew- <'-i tier; i established *\u25a0 10 i years.'-. 222 -'• Elm j ave.-c-.f-Tf A. ' j L.'^ OTT, r r: formerly,; 121- Geary,' st", " now; 1063 \u25a0:•-\u25a0 O'Farrell— Jeweler j and * diamond > setter ."ii.- 5 1:2 A master , mechanic— TOM * BURNS,-.The 'Watch gj Expert,\ 1429 1 Ellis t st.';>; near , Buchanan. :;. • ".f< CHEAPEST«and:-beBt'vln^America;?The Weekly v- ; Call^sl : pef 'yggr^ll^j— l££ll^:: ; '/ ';'.'-•'*-'• - I -" ' k-'s'S.^i'J DIVIDEND; NOTICES v': : ""-"--:i \u25a0'.- 1 DIVIDEND ? NOTICE-?-rThe3 Giant z t Powder ' Com : ! >' pany,"' Consolidated^ : Giant ' Station,": California; ':'> A"; dividend;^ No.i 97, 1 '; of ? fifty ' cents ' (50c) s. per \u25a0ft share ' on * the 1 issued i capital ' ; stock ; of > the : com- is pany ; has ! been ! declared," payable j Febrnary ; 11, ''- 1907. ,'i.Tranaf erp books i will ;.; close ;' February^'4," 1. 1907,^ at noon. S' Checks will:- be 4 mailed. ' » : , .. '\u25a0-\u25a0.'i \u25a0-..\u25a0> .'\u25a0 "\u25a0\u25a0'•.-- -\u25a0-\u25a0--\u25a0 v-- C.'C/ 'QUINN.- Secretary. "-j A .<\u25a0{;\u25a0: i :\u25a0:;':;-> R . OO . FI ??9 V !'? V:'-.!'":: '- .!'" : -\u25a0/ '^iV^ ROOFS « BEPAI RED 1 PROMPTLY— Probus i Pre- S Bervative I paint f guaranteed." > iWOLFF "A < DO- ;--v LAN,> 1455; Broderlck jBt; 1 ;;,-- I *'-;^ r^' ".:< £y V.£?fi LEAKY 1 roof s4-R "Pairing, -palnting.'T elastic, pre- iT pared i rooflng.'i Century; Paint >, Roofing Co;,' 231 S? Oak 'St. -W :.:n-. ;•.'\u25a0 \u25a0*•-'.- \u25a0\u25a0V.; : ij/ii;. j? . ;,, ,:,,.. :f vv' :^?i '•'avi' HEMORRHOIDS^ ;; ; : . ;_ ,;/;\u25a0 MANY, men and women in city and vicinity have M been | cured of , piles,*! fistula ; etcvj (some of ; 30 to '$ 40 s years'!* standing ) ,*js to J stay £\u25a0 cured * without %l knifed danger. or..hlndrance from business.** Call i -i Investigate. - THOS. ' J. ; KISNER, : M; D.f; 2091 *-> Flllmore :sf \u25a0<\u25a0".-\u25a0. ifa.gfj.a>-»:,.' / . y \u25a0: ... :",,;; \u25a0^^;A;~-;::iNVALI; A; ~-;::iNVALID i 4CHAIRSi;^.,';; ; *,^-- BOLD,t. rented,'! exchanged; "manufacturer : Ea'mes y? tricycle ' chair.'" 2108 1 Market ; stnTcl;; Fell 9911f ,- f , \u25a0\u25a0. :^EET.]imfes:E';';v--? STEAM \u25a0 tables, & r coffee « oroß^K French 5 ranges. ;.g gchindler f Mfg.V Co.',^ 1411\ EUls; phone West ID. j WATCHMAKERS •' - . B. i ?O.T i WENZEL;i watchmaker';^ Weniei's ; watcA- ffiaaafiijc^odfc^lglflAlGoiden ; Gate * a v«. ; f OFFICES AND ' STORES [TO \u25a0 LET V ; \u25a0 A 'NICE* store. 'on; Howard st'.'* near* Oth; large basement; as a" whole or separate."' •'•Nice 'sunny- offices 'In' new brick • bnildlnr. •«. 42-44 "Eddy - str -.near Market ; JOSEPH ' STRAQB.^I9I2 Flllmore st. . ;: ' ; ."*. . -' \u25a0 •.\u25a0\u25a0 :*;>,; .-.-'. .;-V,MOiI.ET;,.C.: \u25a0' : .'" '- : ' ': - '.-. f' Two i elegant . sunny, » front . parlor.; suites ; ' rnn- \u25a0 ningj, water; * large ' closets; s every ;. convenience; perfect ; for • doctor ior • dentist; * rent * reasonable. 1850 Geary' »t, « near Flllmore. :. v. - * BEAUTIFULLY'; finished : barber - shop -/ at en- -\u25a0• trance to new Hotel Hamlln. Eddy axtd Leaves- * > worth ; sts.'.i Apply to manager.* .X. . FILLMORE.. I22&— Large, -. sunny , front ' offices; \u25a0;, running : water: i Janitor services. SULLIVAN, ;•; REA A KEHRLEIN.^" \ ,;^ : v v . STORES : to ! let f : with living ; rooms. Apply on if premises. 6th ; and ; Bryant sts."' . \u25a0 - : TWO t office : or * desk . rooms 'to let, • cheap.' 643 : ; Tnrk st.' ; '.' -:^^-\u0094- .\u25a0\u25a0nii'»"->.'- > .>- > - - HOTELS , AND APARTMENT : HOWES AA— HOTEL" HAMLIN. - > -I \u25a0 EDDY- AND LEAVEN WORTH . STREETS. \u25a0 ' First-class > permanent downtown hotel.*.-:' •'i Elegant steam-heated; suites and single rooms, with bath "and -private phones. \u25a0----,•-.•-• ,_ • '- 1 Large," well-lighted : sample rooms. " .'-* Private ;. exchange <\u25a0 Franklin ' 428. ..-'• -\u0084~ HOTEL -NORDEN..7SB Howards bef 3d and 4th; 'hot-cold-water and steam heat in every- room; service; rooms -50c.' 75c. $l per nlsht. J . CHRISTENSEN A SHAW. Props. A first-class Itrlll and cafe In connection. .- \u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0 --- : . '' •\u25a0 - \u25a0-•' ST. i GEORGE.- *BTH AND HOWARD STS. -600 WELL VENTILATED SINGLE ROOMS. " - . -d- 85c. 50c . AND - 75c PER NIGHT. > }/\u25a0..\u25a0:\u25a0 $2.00 and $250, per;week.: ,;>.-'- STANDARD HOTEL -; .Ti Corner 6TH AND FOLSOM STS. 400 . \u25a0 water; restaurant." barber shop; t baths. , A' borne for mechanics and . laborers. . HOTEL BELVEDERE— Pirst-class accommoda- .tlons; 30 minutes from San Francisco: reduced rates since the fire. MRS. A. T. MOORE, pro- '- prletor - and manager. . . : > - • . -'-..' . ' - ' NEWLY furnished: free baths: Hotel Flllmore. \u25a0 1714 O'Farrell: rooms day. ' week, .month ; nra* - nlng.water. M. H. WILSON. Tel. West 6433. HOTEL CRYSTAL. SE. corner of McAllister and Franklin — 75 newly furnished rooms; for gen- : . tlemen only; modern conveniences. HOTEL REGAL — Now open: elecantly furnished: •60c and np per day: 75 feet from SB. cor. 3d :i : and ; Folsom. -\u25a0\u25a0 : B. BAIOR.". Prop, ~ .•* ' .: , . r " HOTEL METRO POLE. - SW. corner. G. G. aye. . \u25a0 and Buchanan st: European;. sl- per. day up. CARMEL HOTEL. 1559 Pout st. near Flllmore; , hot and cold water: tourist trade solicited.. . HOTEL AUDUBON.' 92S EUis st— First-class; \u25a0'-•"rates Si per .day up. ' •-•• \u25a0 ' : APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED — Furnished apartment of two. to four : rooms and bath for. two to three months; state ' term 8.. Address box -507. Call office. - ':';., :y.. HOUSES TO LET— Furalahed HANDSOMELY. furnished residence 0f. 9 rooms; \u25a0; vicinity •of McAllister - and Baker sts. ; ' rent $13,"). For particulars' and permit ' to inspect apply at 8708 Clay.'st; near Spruce. FOR sale— l2-room house; all new furniture; good for business; Call at 2115 Flllmore st. ." ; BOUSES.WAXTED : ; FURNACE-HEATED "8 or 9 room honse In Oak- \u25a0 land." Berkeley* or Alameda. In' good neighbor- hood. ' convenient to, school. Box * 1491. , Call :'.: '.- office.* 1651 Ffllmore st -\u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0 - '"_•]< HOUSES AXD FIATS WANTED' A furnished flat or house," modern and reasonable .price: -no agent Box 549 Call. Fillmore-st . FLATS TO; LET / IN Richmond : District ; 4-room . flats .In swell apartment-house ;\u25a0 rent $37.50. .. APPLY = \u25a0•\u25a0-\u25a0• THE HABBY J. 'MOORH . I >. ' - — - FUBNITUBE COMPANY • • -: 735-747 EDDr STREET. -+;. : 'f NINE- ROOM flat on McAllister st. near Fill- - more ; all sunny rooms : swell location. \u25a0--;.•; -.-- ; - APPLY. - '.-.-i THE HARRY J.; MOORE FURNITURE CO. NEW' corner fiat, 2 blocks from Park; 5 rooms and bath; rent $40. •- \u25a0 - APPLY " THE. HARRY J. . MOORE > --—FURNITURE COMPANY FOR rent-^3 modern : fiats. S, - 6 7 • rooms each ; $30. $33. A. SCHILLMULLEB, J st. between •46th and "47th ayes.' FLATS of 2," 3.: 4 rooms; at North Beach. Apply •'•to G. . DOLCIBELLO. 1183 Montgomery aye. CHURCH, 1 654. ; corner. Hancock— 9- room flat to +"rent or.bnildintc to lease: furniture for sale. . FLATS FOR SALE— Furbished FURNISHED 'flat,": 8 > beautiful furnished rooms. .: all - rented ; rent reasonable. 30 Stelner st ; 11, to 4. .-• ;- \u25a0'•' .; \u25a0• \u25a0::;\u25a0-: >.'."- ;.-. < ?*\u25a0 --. NEW furnished fiat. : cheap: : low rent, .-lease; central; must sell. Ing. 1149 McAllister HAIGHT. 577— For sale. ; nicely ~ furnished flat; • rent reasonable; party. leaving city.- NEWLY- furnished ' 3-room .' apartment ' 1747 A Golden - Gate aye. ' • \ COTTAGES FOR SALE ;; COTTAGE for sale; 4 rooms, bathroom; hot and . ; cold . water ; "\u25a0 gas ; large basement ; lot 25x114 %'ft; cement sidewalk ;: all street work done- ; Apply 336 29th st,-. bet Church and Sanchei. A COTTAGE, furnished complete; Mission Park. -Box 665. > Call -office. :-1651-- Fillmore st 'rooms for ' housekeepinc- SECOND aye..*- 834, Richmond — Two sunny front : rooms for j housekeeping; ' running water; heat- -ing 'stove. - *:• ~.v-;_.. . • ;\u25a0 *'•.\u25a0 ,;•\u25a0-•,•«•; \u25a0 - FU^LMORE, ,725— Newly \u25a0 furnished light rooms .from $12 to $25; fine offices. \u0084 . \u25a0 UNION,-2 267—F urnished housekeeping rooms; no -.children... ; . ' , .. \ VAN NESS are.. 12521^-^35: '3 fine anfurnlshed 'rooms; marine vlew;'cars at door. * : \u25a0 - ROOMS TO -LET— Fnrn'd and VuafnW'd DIAMOND. \u25a0 2923. ; near Glen Park— 2 or 3- f ur- ;- nlshed \u25a0 or. unfurnished rooms; light housekeep- V - .lng.~ r . : ;-"--\u25a0;:\u25a0 .-,- :>.„:> "\u25a0;:-.:- \u25a0 \u25a0 ../:\u25a0 :":•-;» FILLMORE.' 663. ; cor. V Hayes — Beautiful . sunny : ': front , room; t. nicely ; furnished; :\u25a0 closet; ; running ~? water; - reasonable. „ :._: ._ .. . .'\u25a0..:-\u25a0 HOLLIS. 60, between : Ellis and O'Farrell, Web- :' ; : ster ' and "« Buchanan-^-Newly . furnished' rooms; '-'suitable for^l or 2 gentlemen. -- THE ST. IVES." cor. Eddy . and Larfcin— Beautl- -, fully furnished,'. sunny: rooms;. hot.' cold water; •electricity; hotel service; heat: everything n«w.' WEBSTER. 8008. cor. ! Fulton— Beautiful, sunny. : , light, airy roomsand living apartments; Phoe- ; nix Apartments. . -v.V-" : - r ;,'.'.:-" "\u25a0\u25a0- '\u25a0 -i GOLDEN; GATE aye.. -' 1031 A— Nicely " furnished • ,: front parlor/ suitable! for 2 or 3", persons. «..».;\u25a0 G ROVE.? lC54^-For rent." .\u25a0 furnished " room, with : i -large , closet: ; sultible for : gentleman.'". • • _ : .. GUBBRERO. ;1140.' near 23d— Large -sunny, for- •;;nlshedroomsuitable;for]l or 2 gentlemen. k .> \u25a0;• r HOTEL 'MCALLISTER. v 1412-l"4U' McAllister st :-~ Elegant i rooms; ± tourists a\u25a0\u25a0 specialty. - . • , MEREDITH.' 737 McAlUster>st— Elegantly fur- '.'.*nished rooms; also transient ;':; i •;. PlEßCE,t4oS— Large new < furnished room for 1 :or 2 , persons; ; rent J $13.*;,^ "-;' * ,:'•' •' .. . /' .- ' STOCKTON HOUSE-^Furnished >. up 'to date; "* reasonable 'rent.'" 200 ; Oak . st , ' cor. J Gongh. ' - : THE "ADTO— Newly furnished rooms; also tran- .Vsient'J-SGIB Golden, Gat- ave.^ ;,-t«. • '/. \u25a0 - VAN : NESS ; aye.'.: 619.1 near \u25a0 G.*' Gate ' *r*.— Hotel vVan Ness; European plan grates $l'per day..-; CHEAPEST and"; best's in' Amertca/'The' Weekly ; * Caii; ; sl'p«T year: x'--' - -c: —.- \u0084 '\u25a0; \- \u25a0 - « : V : ''\u25a0 rooms ; and Aboard : - BOARD^and ' room : ( excellent Jaecommodationa \u25a0 for . :±i 6 ' gentlemen ' or 3 . married i couples ; in • exdnsive - *\u25a0:-.: privates boarding-house; all -conveniences;' ma- 1 i- rine;-, view;;* only i,- refined > people >needs apply. : .;: 13464 1 Clay. gt.:v^rv r^..V'.'/ :.-\u25a0;:\u25a0\u25a0-..':.; , ,-,-. $35— -Room ; and ; board far. gentlemen ;. large ' sunny -.3 bay-window a room.: \u25a0 haying "\u25a0 a ~- marine J view; : dresslnsr-room connected; suitable for 2;, prl- "j >. vate j family ; "\u25a0 references : required. ' : 1 1519 ; Ma- .-'.- sonic , aTe.feaeSWSSHS'(-wßSt»Oß_S^!l3sliV'^,sr^ ! : PACIFIC * aye.; 2 2717— Elegant =• furnished • rooms. ; y* with>best.of^table.'board;iflne;vlew; pleasant "\u25a0> surroundings;-: can -accommodate five. couples of \u25a0 :.•; gentlemen; i prices: reasonable. -..:>\u25a0_..;_:.•\u25a0 \u0084-,-- % * - .--. „ ; TWO « refined i young 'ladles \ cam have -room and rr- board- with.: home; privileges moderately. 1519 \u25a0 -. Masonic .'aye. ?.:<;\u25a0! *'".?'.»* \u25a0''^•''\u25a0'-''••'•^^T-y—'-lj' : - ; CALIFOBNIA,-; 3047— At large . front } parlor, . w lth i:'; boards In .German : family. \u25a0 for. 2 gentlemen. : TABLE \u25a0 board. '\u25a0- 1622 : Bush' st 1 . :"cor. Franklin. \u25a0\u25a0 -.' . \u25a0 BOO M { and <boaid: wanted ;bjt young man," In pri- » ' \u25a0 tate ; family ; : state, terms. y 5 Box ;IS4.' Call office. •;, -V; >\u25a0-»'; ,'\u25a0'. ": : '-] RpoI«Sj^!LNTEiD ;":^.; -': ./; ; •; . -- : ,WANTED^-3 Tor i4*robm>suini "•'apartment; 6 ' fur- ?J nlshed ; or ; unfnrnisbed ; » state toca tlon and 'rats < * per i month. - 5 Box > 113,1 Call: of flct"** ; <...-'--'», i .YOCNGt man ! desires : single | room ; in ; private fam- %'i I|T : s? Please : \u25a0\u25a0' state > ; terms ".; and : convenient*. ;. ; V • : V.OST AXD FOUND- LOST— February 2. on Market st, near Fillmore. . • or . on Fillmore-st \u25a0 cars, black v leather " pocket- book, containing, Union Savings Bank of Oak- land checkbook, stock i certificates in name of W.F.A. and*note la favor of V. V. A.t als» purse v containing Jewelry. .: Return to 2322 Clay st ; very . liberal reward. LOST— A : passbook with the Hibernia Savings \u25a0 and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of JOHN T. MULLIGAN. No. . 308-1093. - The finder will-please return to bank. Unless same Is returned, within five days a .will tw; issned to the .applicant LOST— Small white toy poodle dog; answers to the name of ; Laddie;. last seen on Haight and Octavia sts. ;' chased by 2 small boys. Return to B,,r.; MORRISON. SS.nalght st; reward. LOST— Monday, between 23d ami Alabama and . 16th and Saa Brano, * piirw* containing money. Return -to J. F.DRISCOLL. Sanitary Devices Co.. 16th and 'San:' Bruno;. -reward. -\u25a0•\u25a0. LIBER.\L reward for return 1 of alliearor hand- \u25a0: satchel taken from .'Sacramento local Sunday ' afternoon at Oakland mole. LrEl STANTON, 6 East st; San Francisco.-.*^ ,--;• • • \u25a0\u25a0 LOST— On Jan. 13. white boll- terrier v left eye brindle: answers -•• t» Joe. - : Betnrn -\u25a0 to "132 Chenery st. : and receive liberal reward. " LOST — Sunday afternoon. en<raved gold bracelet. - with ruby. \u25a0 diamond , and sapphire. Liberal re- wanl if returned to 1948 Post st . . , LOST— White fox terrier, brown head, split In center white, black spot near tall. Reward If returned to 2178 Geary st LOST— Hunting dog, dark brown water spaniel; liberal reward: re turn, to E. H. FOBESTIEB. : 1510 Buchanan st . . LOST— Gold ' sunburst pin. set with pearls, dia- monds In : center. Heturn to 43T Larkia st for -reward. . \u25a0 . .-." . ... -. LOST— Collie bitch. Saturday; four white feet. i whtte neck. 2731 24th st. : reward. "\u25a0;; ;..::'• furs CHABLES BEBWIX, manufacturing furrier, for- \u25a0_ merly of 110 Kearny st. now at 1330 Vaa Ness ave.. : above Sutter st G; BARE, furrier, formerly Lachman & Co.. now \u25a0 1515 Bush st, cor. Van Ness aye., upstairs. B." KANTNER, manufacturing furrier, formerly 122 Stockton it., now 2000 Sutter. rooms 1-2. GASSNER; the furrier, formerly 110 Kearny st. now 1524 Bnsh st. adjoining I. Magnln A Co. LOFSTAD & EVANS (Inc.) furriers, now located at 1652 California St.. below Van Ness aye. DRESSMAKING PIONEER DRESS PLEATING CO . Hagerry A - Wills. 910 McAllister st. near Laguna— Sun- burst and ' accordion skirts to order; knife. . side pleating and pinking;' buttons covered: .work Cone while you wait; also a full line of linings and trimmings.,; - „< ACCORDION, knife and sunburst pleating, but- tonholes and buttons made at Stewart's Lining and Notion Store. 1213 Post st, near Van Ness .: aye.; formerly of Taylor st MCDOWELL'S Dressmailnjr and Millinery School. 1215 Post • st. near ,V»n Ness. Branch 10W Washington st. Oakland: patterns cut to order. SUNBURST, accordion, knife-pleating, buttons, buttonholes, lining, notions: mall orders soll<r- lted. STEELE'S. 1420 Post; phone West 6428. MRS. ADDIE STONE, experienced dressmaker. , tailor. 113 Countryman bldg.. Van Ness ft Ellis. LE MODELE School of Dressmaking; patterns cut to measnre. .1515 Bush st. room 9. MISS M. H.- SNTDER. evening gowns; tel. West - BfilO. - IM2 Wehster st. -- \u25a0 DRESSMAKING AXP MIILIXERT — THE HINOT ' - '""; Japanese ladles* tailoring and millinery ' store." '- > \u25a0 l«10«4 Geary st. S. F. * MILH.VERY \u25a0' ;_ \u25a0•- \u25a0 BEEHIVE hats half-price; 549 and 331 MeAlHs- _ter_st (formerly 91 6th st.>. ' LADIES' TAILORS LADIES, Yon can hay» your suits made of the best ma- \u25a0 terial for, s2s; this special to advertise ns: h<>- I - fore you get your snlt come see us and decide accordingly. K. BEDROS. 1531 Sntter at LOUIS LINDSTRUM. ladies* tailoring: formerly \u25a0 Donohoe bldg., now 1304 Post, near Franklin. ; SAXITARIUMS AT DR. JUILLY'S" SANITARIUM, conftnement with 10 days' care, $30 to $60. 2504 Howard; .phone Special 171. Training school for nnrsea. " MRS. DR. • WEGENER, California , Confinement Home. 2012 Folsom st. nr. 16thr separata rooms - __for patients: best care; very reasonabU terms.,, .-'_. .. PRirSTI.VG UPTON A- WILLIAMS CO.. printers, bookbind- ers. . manufacturing stationers. 112 Hayes st. .; near Van Nes« aye. - - - . EDWARD KNOWLE3 CO., printer", stationers. • -engravers. > 234 Hyde st. Phone rranklta 872. ; ' v ';_ .;:;\u25a0"' ': : ' ;^ LAUXDRIES VIOLET Laundry, Just opened; first-class work : at reasonable prices: telephone 7942.- 15St ' gtve ns a trill. OPTICIAXS ~ H. B.- ADELSON. optical specialist Junction Market. Church and 14th. sta.. npstalrs. > DESIGNERS MAY - MOTT-SMITH CUNNINGHAM, maker of \u25a0 hand-wrought jewelry. 1923 Pine st. \u25a0 -• : tru.vks , ' .-; y N..Y. TRUNK CO., best and cheapest trunks _^snjjjeathjer jgoods In elty. 309 Van News aye. \u25a0 - SURtICAL INSTRUMENTS ' :. . A. BERBERT A BRo!. - Tntssesand Appliances. " 623 Golden Gats »\u25bc-. ' .. UMBRELLAS UMBRELLAS . sold; general repairing and re-c«v- erlng. California Umbrella Works. 1118 Geary. PLASTER DECORATIONS^ THEO. BINNER. . 423-425 14TH ST. TEL. MARKET 1914. : REfiILPING PICTURE FRAMES E. '\u25a0' B. - COURVOISIER. \u25a0 art dealer and frame- : maker. 162S Bnsh st. near Franklin. ; '/PROPOSALS "" NOTICE TO' CEMENT DEALERS. Office* of the Board of State Harbor Commis- sioners. Union Depot 'and Ferry House, Saa Francisco, \u25a0 Cal.. January 28. 1907. ". Sealed \ proposals or bids will be received at . this office- at or prior .to 2:15 o'clock p. m.. on ; Thnrsday. '\u25a0 Febrnary - 7; 19<T7. for : famish tag ' the cement re<julred in ' the construction of Pier . J No. -wharf)/ on the water.. front of the city and county of San Francisco, la accordance with the specifications prepared there- - for , by '- the . Chief - Engineer \u25a0 of the Board, and* adopted by .the Board January 'l7, 1907. and on file In this of 3ce. to which special reference is hereby '• made. - About 1200 tons net (of 2000 ' pounds each) of cement, more or less, will be re- quired. . - ; -.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.- \u25a0 ' i . .- • . No, bid will be received unless It Is made an a : blank : form furnished from this office and la accompanied by a certified check for five (5) p«r \u25a0 cent \u25a0of the < amount of *. the bid. : payable ,to ths : order. ef, the Secretary of the Board, as a guar- antee ' on . the part of the successful bidder .that ' he will,* within six: (6). days after the acceptance of , the bid," enter into a written contract to de- liver said cement,* according to the specifications prepared therefor, and will also execute and fil« with this s Board . a " bond . la \u25a0 such sum -a* th* Board ; may ' deem adequate . with \u25a0 a sore ty com- - ' pany. to •be approved by i the \u25a0 Board of State ' Harbor \u25a0 Commissioners, and conditioned for - the faithful performance of such contract nor .win said bid be considered by this Board unless dellv- | ered to the Secretary .or. to .the ' Assistant Secre- : tary."at*th* office, of the Secretary. -at or prior to 2:15 o'clock on. Thursday. .February ,7, ,1907, : at which time and place the bids will he opened. \u25a0 :,-. Th* ' Board - reserves the - right :to reject rany -or all bids if deemed ; for ' the \u25a0 best * Interests of the State.i . >.••-.' \\ ,;-.-:.•.;\u25a0' i"— ?»-\u25a0 :z,:.: '. ' Bidders are Invited to be present at the opes- \u25a0 Ing of toe. bids. - \u25a0 > i *-_&£;• -."\u25a0=» -..- ..-\u25a0 - CHABLES H." SPEAK,- - — : J. IXiMACKENZIB, ... HENRY J. CROCKBB. ; - Board of State Harbor Commisaiooera. • "-LOTT D. NORTON.' Chief Engineer; - ;\u25a0 -- r.;r-t >--.'-•:,\u25a0-\u25a0 JOHN. M. FOT.. Secrgtary. NOTICE is hereby Riven that sealed bids will be ' , • received st -21 s" Ca ll f ornia Ha 11. Cntverslty of ' ;- California.' Berkeley ;"i on or:befor»"s-"ni : m. ; \u25a0February 12. 1907, for buildings to b« erected ; for a pathological laboratory at Whittter. CaJl- ' \u25a0 fornta, \u25a0as per : plans and ;. speeificatipas. on file . • at * said ' •fflee -; m : California - Halli and . with • ' Mr. J. H. Ramsey;rat-Whittier.^No bids. will '\u25a0 H . be l considered , unless accompaaled, by \u25a0a • esrtl- ' • ' fled check or bond- In favor of the ' uadersigned. : ' equal •to? 10 \u25a0 per • cent of .-the"-btd.'«ttti' «uffl- , .relent "sureties,^conditioned that If. 'the bid b« ' '.-\u25a0 accepted ; the bidder will enter Into a, contract ! ». faithfully to i perform » the . obligations to -ac- \ \ cordance with said \u25a0 bid I and with- : said " plans ; ', ! and specifications. The l^ght.;, to ? reject any J \u25a0"\u25a0- ' and ~i all \u25a0: bids •- U hereby \u25a0 reserved. % THE - RE- i \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0•i GENTS 'Of \u25a0 the ' University -of California. ;;;;":\u25a0 r- : : -, '-"legal notices - \u25a0\u25a0-.'._ ".- - ; i MBL.'-ANTONE DELCCCHI has sold'Vll^his'ta^ \u25a0 - terests and standing debts of the Golden Gate i I- Fruit .Market. 425 Lyons I st. -•- to ; RAGGI j . BROS-". and will not -be - responsible \u25a0 for any ; - v debts contracted -by them ' between ' December ' 10, 1906. to January 31, 1907. (3lgned)A. ' DELUCCHL. j 13