Newspaper Page Text
14 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL SUMMARY OF THE:- MARKETS Wall-street stocks dull. Call Money; 2% @sH ; per cent. Q)tton a few points higher. Leading Copper stocks lower. • Silver and Exchange not materially, changed'^ Local Securities neglected and mining stocks weaker. Cash Wheat firm butiquiet. Cash Barley -weaker. Increased receipts of Oats- and Hay. Beans quiet. Bran and other .' Feedstuff s'. show no change. Another general advance in Beef^ Mutton and ' Pork. >v Hams and Cottolene marked up.. . / Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables weak. Poultry and Game show If ew variations. Fresh extra Butter lower. Cheese unchanged. Fine selected Eggs still scarce. Others, in moderate. supply. BASTBRX MARKETS »tt York Sloney Slarlcet NEW YORK. Feb. 4.— Money on call. easy. -% @3*i per rent; ruling rate, 2% per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at 2% per cent- Time loans, easy; sixty-day bills, 5 per cent; ninety -day bills, 5% per cent; six months, 0% Prime mercantile par*r. 5%@6% per cent. Sterling exchange, firmer, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.M75<g4.54M) for demand, snd »t $4.5055@4.80<5.-i for /Jxty-dsr bills. _ - Posted rates, $4.81% ©4.52 and $4.b5%@4.58. Commprrial bills, $4.5u%Q4.80%. Bar silver. 69c. Mexican dollars. 53% c. Government bonds, steady; railroad \u25a0 bonds, ir regular. Xew York Stock Slarket NEW TORK. Feb. 4.— There was a marked contraction in the volume of stocks today and the feverish tone of the recent market was largely eliminated. Fluctuations became narrow and tbe movement was increasingly sluggish. De ductions suggested by the conditions are. a sub sidence of the pressure of liquidation of a forced kind, a disposition to support prices and protect the market from excessive declines on the part of the powerful banking interests, the intimida tion of tbe bears in consequence and the cessation of their fierce raiding tactics against values. A . demand was forthcoming when prices dipped, Dut It was totally withdrawn when prices advanced "st all. There was * slightly firmer tone to call ' loans early in the day. but rates receded later. Additional gold was secured in London for New I'ork sccooat, but the New York demand did »ot make any euch sweeping acquisition ss has been dreaded by the London market. Ine Baak of England continues to secure gold and its po sition is growing very strong. The ability or the bank to make its 6 per cent rate effective In the market has been dependent on fiscal op erations of the English and Japanese Govern- , tnents, which took money irom tbe market and placed it in the bank deposits. It is probable, therefore, that a further movement of gold from Jxradon to New York will proceed without eerioa* nnsettlement of foreign money markets. Foreign banking authorities agree thafa lrage redaction of floating Indebtedness by New lork to them has been effected since the turn of the ' rear Tbe continued advantage of the -position enjoyed by New York in the International ex changes is interpreted as significant of further obligations to this country on commercial ac count. It is expected that the foreign attitude toward any demand for gold, will be altered with the growth of the perception that the gold movement does uot represent a heavy extension of credits to American bankers. Railroad traffic reports contained reference to the difficulties from etorm blockades, but offered nothing to enow a cessation of traffic offerings, net earo " lor* for December further reported showing the peaeril tendency of operating expenses t» over ' take the growth of gross earnings and bo to im pair the net return. The 6luggish movements in ••the ceneral market were largely In sympathy with wider movements to a few 6peclal 6tocks. The easy closing was affected by the weakening ° Bonds were irregular. Total sales (par value), H.4«5,000. L'nlted States bonds were enchanged on call. Xew York Stock List \ - ' B. F. Button & Co.. 490 California street, wembers of the New York Stock Exchange tarnish the following list of bead and stock tjlfs yestcrdsr: ! ' 6a!c-».| STOCKS. | High". 1 Low. t Bld.l AskT ] Adams Express 290 1300 2OU,Ailis-Chaliners ... 14% 14% 14 15 f - Do pfd 36% 37% ' . 44.-JOO Amafc Copper.... 111% 110% 110% »0?i '200 Amer Bt«* Sugar 16»i 18% IS% 19 Do pfd 83 fa. Amer Can Co 4r« \u25a0 $ •„ Do pfd 51% 62% 600 Am Car & Fdy Co 42% 42 42 42% 2<V> Do ptd ...102 101 *4 101 H 103 .. 100 Amer Cotton uU. 23« i 29»» 29% 30 j Do pfd *9 »2% |Ai»er Kxpress 235 240 ;. iAmer Gmss TCo ....* 6% i \u25a0 Am Bide i Lthr 5% 6 Do pfd 26% 25% \u25a0 Amer Ice Sees *3 86 Amer Linseed.... . a ..... 17 1« Uo pfd T 32 S7 400 Amer Lo.Hjmotive. 70% 70 70?4 70% Do pfd. 110 112 21.«J00 Am Smlt &Rf Co 141*4)139% 141 141^ 400: Do pfd |113%|112»4 118%|114 I.L-OOiAmer Sugar 130% 130 130 130% .......! IH> ptd .....129 133 SKKMAmer Steel Fndrs 9% 9 9 »% L-OO Do !>fd 42-b 42% 42% 43% - jAm Tel &. I>l Co l-"8 130 # iAmer Tob pfd 95% 98 lOO.Amer Wooien 30% 30% 30% 31 I Do pfd ift»% 100% 10.4m«,Anarouda 27-'% JSG'-z 270% Jil ', SOOiAtlan Coast Line. 119% 119 119 119% IS^OOIA. T &.S F....100«* 09^100 100% l.ono; Do pfd. 95% »8% 98% »9 ; l,7Oo|Balt &; Ohio ll£sg 114% 114% 115 I Do pfd.. T. 82 94 8,600,8 R T 72H 71% 71 71T» ..: (Brooklyn Cn Oas 108 120 » iCa C&,I&. C<> I i h>) b» ....... [Canada Southern 63% 64 rS.POO^Caniidian Pacific. 180 176% 178% 17» l.M)0 ( O i 0 49% 4SH «% 46% *.""2o6Jc *: g'H '."'.'.'.'. "ifi% i*i 15% 16 J Do A pfd 70% 71 1001 Do B pfd 22\i 22% 2*_* 23 ; f Do debs 78% 79% S.OOOjC &• N W .. 165% 162% 162 163 . l.O0n;C & N W Rt».. M% 15 15% 16% 31,000: C. M & St P 146?, "5% 145% 145% ... { Do pfd 161 162 SOOiCcntral Leather.. 55% 35% 35% 35% I Do pfd 100 100% ...... .jCblcago Terminal .......... 1t 12 \u0084.....) Do pfd £2 '25 SOOjChi L'n Traction.. 5% 5% 5 5% 1 Do pfd 16 16% .......|C, C, CtSt L. ....J S4 86 a,7oojCok> F A: 1 47% 46% 46% 4(>% jColum U C & 1 24% 34% 200jColo So 83% 53% 33% 33% I Do Ist pfd 65% 66% \u25a0 .j Do 2d |»fd j..... 65% 56% OOCt Consolidated Gas. 133 132** 132% 133% 4«0 Corn I'roducts ... '52% 22'» 214 !"_'% f*.*>; Do- pfd I 88% 65 8-6% 57% l^O.Del & Hud50n.. 1209% 209% 20%% 210 . ;D L & W 495 500 300; D&. R G I 35% 35% 35% 36 " Do pfd 79 81 -. [Detroit Un By 77% 79 {Diamond Match 122 122% £00| Distilling Secur.. 71 70% 70% 71 ' .jDuluth S S & A. 16% 18% j Do pfd 37 40 20.100iEri« 345, 33% 33% 33% 200| Do Ist pfd 70 69% 69% 69% » 300j Do 2d pid 59% 59% 69U 60 I00;Fed M& S pfd. 92% 92% 92 : 9$ 3Ofi;Gen Electric 157% 157% 157 159 . 7W;Ot Northern pfd. 166% 164% 164% 166 « 4,5*10,01 Nor Ore 74 73% 73% 74 - iGranby Mln Co.. 131 131# Greene Cons Cop 30% 31- Havana Tob Co 12% 13 1 Do pfd 20 28, i...-. ...lH«cking Valley 126- Do pfd ............ 87% 89% I. Illinois Central. . ..... . . . ; . 157 . 160 1.100 Interboro Metro. 34% 33% 34 34U tKX> Do pfd .....'. 71 70<£ 71 73- Jlnter Marine 9 io^ Do pfd ...: 26% 27 9fX',lnter Paper 15% 15 15% 16 i Do pfd ;.... 79% SO W!lnt<T Pow^r .... 47% 47% 47 45% SfOilmer Prnnp, ..... 33% 33% 33% 34 .......| Do pfd ...... ..... .;... 73 80 jlowa Central-.'... ...-. '24% 25U Do pfd ...... ..... ..... 45 4« ....... JKaniiwa & Mich. 63 \u25a0 .- • jKC FtS & M pfd ..... ..... 77 so" iK C Southera ..*. ..'... ..... 27 2S | Do pfd ;. ....: ..... sr SR«/ iLEtW.. 27 81 kiirr.:.. Do pfd .....; 66 7« T :..]Leblsb- Vslley :>...' ..... 70' 71 i ...... .JL0ng Island ..... ....'. ;...-. 60^' 70 1.900' L & N...; ...... 133% 132% 132% 133 ..jMsefcty :;:. ..... .71-" 72 ... ;Do.pM ...... ...:. ..... 65% 69% ...:...]ManbatUn ..... 142% 143 4Met St Rr *....-..:.... 105 1C«« 4f»o Mexican Central.- 22% 22% 22% 22 V, -300SMinn 4- Rt 1a.... 55% 55 54 57? '.:.....| >Do Ist pfd.... .:v.. .V.'\ 67,' 90 fiOO MStP& SS M. 107% 10fi% 108 10S% 5001 Do -pfd ...;... 140 13%% 139% 140V4 l,4f>o]Mo.Kan& Tex.% 36% 35% 35% 35% I Do pfd ..' . ..... :•:-.;. 65% 69 1,800 Mo Pacific ;..;.-. 86% 85% 85% SS% ' KC.tfitt.'. ..... ..... 136 13R < l.©OoNatLead -;.:...*. 6fe% 66% 68 66H T>o pfd:...... ..... ::.i. 101% 102% 1 ....... N B R of M. pfd. ;-...'. .*...-. 54% 65% »X»Nat Biscuit S2 81% 81% S2. Do pfd .....'.'., .:....\u25a0.... 117 - 117*4 ...V... Nev Cons' Cop... .~;.. ..'..."17U 17% ....... N J Ontrai:..... ..... ..... 213 218 I 60TVN V Air Brake... 134% 134 133 135 5,000 N V Central..'.*.: 126 124% 124% 125% '. NT C tc St 1*.".. ..... ..... 55 60 ;. i«•...-.".i «•...-.". Do Ist pfd...'.. ••'.:;. ...... 110 '' i2e ....... Do 2d pfd....". :r.t. r..~-. 81 i s 6" ! N T X H AH... .r.V. .'.-::: 183- 184% SOON V Ont & W.;. 44 43% 45% 43% <d.\nrf & West;... '86% 85% ;86 86. ....... -Do pfd :...... ../-. r.^.. 80 • 87.' 4Oo'North Amer...... 82- 81% Sl' 82 ' 4,looJNorth Pacific .... 163% 152 - 162% 152% .. Omaha.. ..... 157 165 . Pacific Coast 115- 125 ....... Do Ist pfd... '...-: 98.106 Do 2d pfd -. 112 , 120 \u25a0 400 Pacific Mail . 33« i 32% 32% 33% 54,400 Perm R R C 0.... 130% iaS% 127y 4 12!) Vi: . 100 People's Gas 95% 05% 95- 95% Plttsburff C0a1... ..... ..... 15% 16 ... Do pfd ........ ..... .:... 56% 57% P C C & St L..': ..... ..... 73% 77 Do pfd 100 . 108 Pressed Steel Car ...r. ..... 47% |4SVi .:..... Do pfd ...;... ..... ..... 98% 100 ...:... Pullman Car Co.. ..... ..... 170-172 , 700 Ey Steel S C 0... 51 60% CO% 51 ... Do-pfd .................. -97 97% 135.000 Reading 120% 119% 119% 119?4 100 Do Ist pfd 89% 59% 89 90 300 I*> pfd 91 90% 90: 92 i, .JtOOßep S & 1....... 34% 34 33% 34 ; "n,OiK» Do pfd ....... 96 95% 96 96% 2,200 Rock Island Co.. 25% 25>t 25% 23% Do pfd-'...... i>9 59% 500SSS&ICO eS% 6S 68% 69% Do pfd.. :.100 103- St L &S F Ist p 64% 60% ...'.... Do.2d pfd..'... ...; 42% 42% St L S W... 23 24 Do pfd ... 53% 66 23,. r »00 South Pacific .... 92% 91% 92- 92% ...:... Do pfd ... ..... ..... 117# 117% 2.700 South R*Uway .. 26% 25% 25? i 25% Do pfd ..... 84% So - Tesn Coal t 1r0n..... .....150 155 Tex P L T C 0... :...-. ..... 79% 85 300 Texas Pac. 32% 32 32 32% .......[Third Are ....... ..... ..... 117% 118% |Tol Ry & TCo.. ...V. ..... 2C% 27 300 Tol St L & W.. 30% 30% 30% 30% 200 Do pfd ........ 62 51% 51% 52% Twin City R T : 102% 104 Union B& P Sim 7% .*. Do pfd ..... 57- 58 Be,4oo|Cnion Pacific ...1171% 170% 170% 170 % uo pfd '.. 87 91% United Copper • 71 71% United Rs of S F 54 08 400 Do pfd '....64% 64 W 65 Do-4s ...... ..... S2 U S Cast It Pipe 45% 47 I Do pfd ...-: 86 89 V S Express 106 115 U S Realty & C 0..... ..... 80% S3 U S Red & Kf Co ..... ...:.- 26 30 Do pfd 61 65 1,400 C S Rubber.... 49% 48 . 48% 49% Do Ist pfd :.... 105 107 Do 24 pfd... 72 75 55,000 D S Steel Cor... 44% 43% 48% 41 5,200 Do pfd ...1.... 105% 105% 100% 105% SOOVa-Car Ch Co.. SS% 33 32% 33% f Do pfd ..i..... 104% 105% \u25a0200!Wabash .' .... 16% 16% 16% 16% 100 Do pfd ........ 52% 32% 32 32% Wells Fargo Ex. . ".;'... 275 305 ... Western Cnlon:. 82% 83 Westloghouse ... ..... ..... 145% 150 W A; L E 12% 13 Do Ist pfd- .......... 31U 32 Do 2d pfd ......:.: ..... 17% 19% 100 Wisconsin Central 22% 22% 22% 23 £00| Do pfd 46 4.51t 45% 46% 617.800 toUl shares, Bold. .. Xew York Bonds U S ref 2s reg..105 Japan 6s. 2d -ser.9S% Do coupon ....105 Do 4s cert...... 84% Do Ss reg 102% Do 4%s cert..;. > 93% Do coupon ....102% Do 2d series.... 00% Do old 4s reg. lol L &. N unified 4s. 100% Do coupon .... 101 Man con- gold .48.101 \u25a0 Do oew 4s reg. 129 Mcx Central is... S5 Do coupon 129 Do Ist inc.... 22% Amer Too 4s .... 76% Mica & St L 4s. 94 Do 6s ........109% M, X & Texas 4s. 88 > Arch pen 48 ....101% Do 2ds ; ........ 84% Do Edj 4s 90% NR of Mcx con 4s 86% Atlantic C L 4s. 9SU N Y- C.gen 3%5.. 93% Bait & Ohio 45..101% N J C gen 55....126 Do 3%s .......'95% Nor Pacific 4s. ...101% Brooklyn RT c4s BS% Do 3s ......... .72% Central of Ga 55.109% Nor & W.• con . 4s. \u25a0 98% Do Ist inc.... 90-. O S Mne rfdg 4s. 94% Do 2d inc.... 76 Pa conT-3%s - .....96% Do. 3d 1nc.... 64 ... Readlng-gen 45... e~% Ches &. Ohio 4%5.104% S L & I'M con 55.113% Chi 4 Alton 3%5. 73%iSt h & SF fg 4s. 82' \ C, B & Q a«w 4s. 69%|St L S W con 4s. 77 C, R 1 ie Pac 4s. 71% Seaboard A L-4s. SO% Do col 55. .... . 86% So Pacific 45. .... S3 . C.C.C & SLgn 45.101H Do Ist 4s. cert.. 94 V. Colo Ind ss. sr A: 70 So Railway 55. ... 112% Colo Midland 4«.. 72% Tex &. Pac lste. .118 - Colo & So 45... 91 Tol. St L & W-4s. 81% Cuba 5s ...V 103% Union Pacific 45.. 101% Den & Rio G 4s. 97% U S Steel 2d 55.. 95% Dlst Securities ss. 87. Wsbash-lsts .....113% Erie prior liem 4s. 97% Do deb 8...... 91 Do pen 4s ... . 86»s, Westefn Md 45... 81 Hock \al 4»i5...104ii W & L Erie 45... S3 Japan 6s : 99%|Wis Central 45... 88 Xew York Mining Stocks Adams Con ..... 15!Llttle Chief ..... ~08 Alice ............ s.7s!Ontario fi.oo Breece 25(0phlr . .....:. 2.50 lir-JUs Con ...... •;• I'otosl 17 Com Tunnel .... 44|SaTage .....80 Con Va Mln Co..' '.wiSlerra NeT ...... 55 Horn SilTer ..... 1 . 73 1 Small - Hopes . . . . : .35 Iron Silver ...... 3. POjStandard ......... 2.90 LeadTlUe Con. ... 07| : Boston Stocks and Bonds ' Money — " AUouez . ...... 65 •• Call loan* 5©7 Am&l Copper :.. 1.110%1 .110% Time loans ... .6fe6 Atlantic . .. .V. .'..".. 16 • Bonds — IBingham ......... 30% Atcbisou 4s ..... S»»% Butte Coalition .'•\u25a03s Do adj 4e .... 90 | Calumet &. Aril.. 183 . Mcx Central 45.. 84% l Calumet & Hecla.9so ' Railroads— . (Centennial ...'.: . . 43 - , AtchUon ...... . .100 (Copper \u25a0 Range - . . .; 93% Do pfd ......... 89%lDaly West ....;...* 18% Boston & Albany. 232 Franklin 25 : Boston Eler ....149% Granby ....... .~ .131 Fitchburg pfd ... 132 \ Greene : Con . . . . . . 30% Mcx Central .... 22% Isle R/vrale ...... 30%- N Y. N H & H.. 183% Mass Mining .... 8% Union Pacific ...170%|Michigan .......... 21 ' Miscellaneous — \u25a0 \u25a0 Mohawk '.'.......:; 91 % Amer Arge Chem.22 Mont Coal & Coke. 1% Do pfd ........ 91 Nevada 17 Amer.Pneu Tube. 12% North Butte. -V. ..Mil . \u25a0•- Amer Sugar ....130 Old , Dominio n....; 63% Do pfd ......:. 130 Osceola; ..........166 Amer Tel & Tel.r2B Parrot ....32 Amer Woolen ... 80% Quincy. .134% Do pfd;.:. ...r. 99% Shannon v 22% Dom Iron & SteeL 20. Tamarack ....::.. 150 Ed Elect 11ium.. 227.' Trinity .......:.;. 38;.; Mass Electric ... 19% United Copper \u25a0-.'.. IV' Do pfd .......V69%|U S. Mining...... 62% Mass Gas ....... 64%1U S Oil \u25a0.....:.;.• 11% United Fruit ....106% Utah" ............ .71% U S 5tee1......r. 43% Victoria .......... 8; > Do pfd ..;..... 105% Wlnona ... ...12: Mmmg — -' Wolrertn*. . ..;... .188 \u25a0';\u25a0 Adrentnre ....... 6% THE COPPER STOCKS BOSTON," Feb. 4.^-Th« market today, was the duJleEt for a long time, there being no'notice able activity. Centennial = opened ;. strong, ;•\u25a0 but sagged all day. Quincy. directors meet for.divi dend \u25a0 action . tomorrow and ~- dealers \u25a0 understand the dividends wil be $4 and. possibly. $4.50. ,v; , There seems. to have b«en quite a short ' inter-* 'est in Copper Range below 90, whJcb was anx ious \u25a0to get \u25a0 under eor«r ' Thursday > and S Friday,' forcing the pries above 05 in - the early; trading. The. Lake deal stocks were all. stronger and, the consolidation theory Is hard . to down : with \u25a0\u25a0 tb« traders,- who believe : that every • little i advance means a: renewal of negotiations.- \u25a0 The'; advance in Quincy is due mor«. to. talk of large; dividend increases than ! anything else, '.• The r New \u0084 York market ha* a very sick look, • and traders- think it ' will work \u25a0 lower and drag the Boston ' market with it, to some extent. - .1 ; , r \u0084 ,: ... Paine: says: "1- hear* Calumet- and-- Arizona will pay. $5 next dividend." '.- .*' :- r •?.---.-•"\u25a0"? . ' Oalumet. Mich.,' wires: Calumet ; and 'Ariaona' and S. and P. output for ; January,' 1 1991 • tonf ; output'for Franklin in January, 308 tons, - and • for Wiflona 105^ tons, r ;.•:-\u25a0.:-',.>- •\u25a0 \u25a0 _ . . , London : Closing : Stocks :. ; ' Con* money - . .86 13-16 M,' X ' & \u25a0 Texas* ; : / 37%' Do acct .....87'1-16 N c Y;Ontral. .... .129% Anaconda ........ 14- Norfolk & West.r.iß7% AtehiiKJn ........103% ~ Do » pfd /;;:;.-.- •?•\u25a0 88 1-« Do pfd ..103 Ont-&-We»tern.-tT45r- Balt A-.0h1c... 118% Pennsylvania •::..;. 67% Can. Pacific .....185% Rund .Mines '.:..;v-7i2i Cbes &. 0hi0...... 51- Reading* ;. T ' ' - '62%' Chl r Great --West. : 16% So '\u25a0 Railway . ... 27%- ChL Mil : & ; St \u25a0 P. 151 . 5 Do ) pfd '.; :r. : TB9 *. De Beers v .'. . 27% So \u25a0\u25a0 Pacific \u25a0--:. ; V.*v .1 95 Ui Den & r Rio G. . . . 37% Union - Pacific ;V: .176% Do pfd : 83 :•: Do u pfd •...:.'.... 95 Erie ............. 35% D SjSteel. \u25a0.:•.\u25a0-; rf45% Do Isfpfd..;r.v73 - - Do.pfd :r. :r..:insii Do 2d pfd.V.v.. 62% Wabasb «-...-.;.; 17 111 - : Central '.;.V.^ 163 -; VDo pfd- ... ...".' -.,34 . LouUv'& Na»b..".137^ Spanish >\u25a0 ..'.. .r.^95 ' Bar silver— Steady ; i 81 15-16 d, per ounce -', Money— 3%@4. per, cent.;; .. \u25a0- , :,- The rate of discount In * the open ; market ; for short bills •is 4%@4% *' per i cent r and ; for - three months' bills 4 11-16@4%-: per. cent. "' v. ;v; ", Condition of the r.Treasiiry"-, • WASHINGTON." Feb.* 4.— Today's statement of the treasury balances in the general. funds shows: Available cash I balance, : 1250.544,559; ' gold I coin' and = buUion, $100,200,868;; gold $43, . • Xew York .; Cotton*; I Market V ' "; S NEW .: YORK. 1 \u25a0 Feb. : 4.~The ';: local /. market opened \ active, ', about ; nnchanged,\ with : the i trad ing, largely ' around t the \ cany > prices.^ -News i was ponemllr bnlHob. .Tbe gables; were -strong 'and the ~ demand • lor I- the t actual £ cotton ft was very active;,-^ Tbe time, has ; come ? when 1 the ti crop | of twelve million to , thirteen ', million * bales ; of ; cot THE •\u25a0SAN/:.,-.FRANC-Iseo .CALL, .TUESDAY^ FEBRUARY, ,5, .1907; ton "will • be" no "more \u25a0 a" burden \on - T the : market than a nine-million or. ten-million; bales crop wag a' few-rears ago. t *\u25a0- . :T - ,;- : •-!>> \u25a0<?;*«:.\u25a0.--".- ..,' \u0084 i Prices ' are-falling • off* now. .with ; one- thirteenth of ; the crop s left to-be marketed,'^ largely \u25a0 because of s the t adverse : sentimental influence r j of ; : the policy \u25a0 that ' is j being | pursued Iby i those I who * are pushing the' antispeculation bills ( ln ;the. Southern States. -,--"." ' --•• \u25a0->.;. ;.;--- I -:-V*v v-x-.* }\u25a0/.; '.'".-. v \u25a0-' Liverpool cotton ) sales, ",. 10.000 . bales. •>*. \u25a0 :.; . \u25a0> : Options— : cOpen. High. '\u25a0:\u25a0': Low.', 4 Clos •?:\u25a0 March v.-.i:'..:.*..'9.13c - 9.27 c "9. 050 \u25a0 ,9.25 c April 9.27 c 9.80 c "».^7c 9.320 May ... .... 9.27 c' ' 9.42 c'• 9.26c \u25a0-, 9.40 c June ' '.V. :'.'.'." '.'.-9. Z5c "9.35 c ,'9;35c; '9.41 c July \u25a0..;....::.;. 9.4oc' ' 9.55 c 9.39e 9.52 c August ... ....%. 9.R3c :/* 9.53 c 0.53 c, 9:51 c Soptembcr ~. .. . . \u0084'9.57 c .9.57 c." 9.47c,-9;57c October -!.:....... 9.65 - 9.80 c -9.07c '\u2666;' 9.78c December ; .:'.:'.'.'.' O.'Se -\u25a0\u25a0. 9.90c" --9:75c- \u25a0' 9.88 c January .... : : . . .10.00c 10.00 c 10.00 c 10.00 c " Jfew York Ctrato'siid Produce; ; 1 = NEW '.TORK.-'r Feb.*4.'— FLOOß--Receiptß, i 29. : 200 . barrels;'/ exports,; 2000. ,i. Market .firm : and ""WHEAT— Receipts, , 42.000 bushels. .A Spot; easy. No. 2 red. . 82c elevator and 83?ic rV, o.; b.' afloat; No.: 1. Northern Duluth..,9l%c^f . o. ,b. afloat : • No." 2 hard \ winter;* E6%c i i.\o.\ b.\ afloat. -;, Bulls :ln. 5 wheat- were ?: much i less, i confident! of their position \ to<iar. and •" prices broke ; %c -. per bushel.' \ The ; selling * motives \ Included \u25a0; a % good snowfall over ' winter L wheat > States,! easy* cables and bearish weekly reports. :'• May closed at • S4c and : July i ß4c. ' '.:\u25a0 *~- : : -' \u25a0 -' . ' . :. HOP&-Steady. \u25a0 ; '-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 •?-. /''.: ----- "" \u25a0' ' ,';-V/. -Jl HlDES— Steady. V " ', .- . . WOOLr-Steady. PETROLEUM — Steady.- "•- ,', \u25a0 »- \u25a0• - •'. . . SUGAR-^-Steady. refining. 231 -32c;? cen trifugal, 96 test, , 3 15-3?;; \ molasses . sugar, 2 23-32e:Vr Refined, steady.: : ' \u25a0 " ; COFFEE— Futures .'cloned > steady.^ net?^un 5 points higher. :',' Total sales were re ported: of 24,250 bags, : Including: "^February; 5.50 c; March,. 5.55@5.60e: i May,^s.7oc; ;' July, S.S5c; ; September, 5.90@6.00c; December,-: 6.10 c; January,, 6.15@6.20c. » Spot, steady ; i No. <7^ Rio, 7c; Santos, \u25a0'\u25a0 No." 4,- Bo.'- Mild, 'steady; Cordova. 95i12%c. > The world's ', visible ' supply increased 755.311 ' bags ; for ; the month of January, : and on February 1 • was : 15.133,293 . bags. -\ .. -•' BUTTER-^-Market \u25a0 Bteady. j/. Western factory, 17 U<g.21c; -Western 'imitation creamery,' extras, 24&25 C. ' - - ; .'.:\u25a0" •\u25a0" .-"...\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0, -,-_\u25a0 — EGGS— Market flrrn.'^ Western firsts, .25%^ c; seconds, 24@25c. •' . .\u25a0 \u25a0 j ; • ..-.:.- -•_,\u25a0-'.•-.; DRIED FRUITS . EVAPORATED : APPLES— The market / holds steady. , Original holders * are ; rather ;, firm •-? in their views, 1 . but ; some stock ) is offering a shade under the outside \u25a0 prices : m : the: local -spot mar ket. Fancy . are . quoted \u25a0 at ' 9c,'.' choice at . B% @ S%c. and. prime at B@B%c.'-*-.» ~ : /' : ':,-\u25a0.;, . : PRUNES — Quiet : for • the time being . and - quo tations are ; unchanged, ' with California ; frulf ranging from 3©sc, according to grade,' and Ore gon 60s-to 30s. at 6%@9c.- \u25a0\u25a0> : \u25a0\u25a0:. V APRICOTS — Quiet and unchanged/, with choice quoted at - 18c, extra, choice at 18%@19c, > and fancy at 19@20e. '\u25a0: ; • : - .; -. . -\u25a0 -:\u25a0_.-\u25a0 . PEACHES— Are ;in light demand ". and ' prices firm. Choice' are . quoted 'at ll@l2%c,~\ extra choice at 12% @13% c, and fancy at 12% @14c.' • | RAlSlNS— Unchanged. • Loose muscatel - are quoted- at 7% @9c, seeded ' raisins - at 7%@10c, and: London layers at; $1.35@1.45.' ;.. . .ir ' Xew.: York' Metal" Market { NEW- TORK,' Feb.: 4. — The London' tin- market was higher spot closing -at "-£193 and : fu tures :at =£192 ss. - Locally -the market '.was steady, - with \u25a0: spot \u25a0 quoted 'at ; $42.30@42.55, or about 30 points higher average. \u25a0 .\u25a0.;.-::-••.-.... \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_ Copper was higher in the London market also, with spot quoted: at £107.; 10s, and- futures :at £108 7s 6d. r/. The New York : market : continued steady, - but - held , very firm ;. owing ;to i the * small available ' supply. - Lake • was -. quoted \u25a0'• at- $25 @ 25.25. electrolytic at $24.75@25.t and casting at '?24.23@24.75. ' \u25a0--\u25a0.-:, \u25a0 : - .'\u25a0.-'; v: - \u25a0-:\u25a0 >.;\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' Lead was 2s 6d lower in London at £19 i 18s 9d, but was firmer with quotations ranging from $6@6.30, according to delivery.. Spelter was quoted at £26 10s in London, but was higher locally at $6.75@6.85. -.-. . * -. . -. . \u25a0 ;.\u25a0 ' Iron was lower -in • the English < market, with standard foundry quoted at 56s Id ; and ; Cleve land warrants at 56s 10% d- Locally the market was unchanged. '-'".:' Visible Grain Supply NEW TORK, Feb. 4.— The visible supply of grain Saturday. , February 2, •as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange." was \u25a0\u25a0 as- follows': • '.'. Wlieat. 44.652,000 bushels; - increase, \u25a0 121,000. Corn, 7,314,000 • bushels: . increase;. 113,000. Oats, 11.84«,000 bushels; decrease, 185,000. : , . Rye,- 1.709,000 bushels; decrease^ 9000. . Barley. 2,642,000 bushels; decrease, 66,000. CHICAGO BOARD sOF • TRADE • Future Grain " and Provisions CHICAGO, Feb. '-. 4;— Numerous • reports ; * from the Southwest asserting that | the growing wheat has an ample covering of snow : were « the : chief reason for . a , prevailing bearish | f eeUng - today • in the wheat \u25a0 pit. Other.- factors j contributing '\u25a0 to the '.weakness : were ; an f increase in , the world's shipments of about 1,000,000 bushels above what had been \ expected, •.: an - Increase ? of v . 1,808,000 bushels in • the amount ' of * breadstuffs ; on \u25a0 ocean passage and 1 continued small I'receipts-in1 ' receipts -in <tbe Northwest. Tbe selling was \u25a0 quite | general I dur ing the first hour. -but later the offerings became much - • less. The principal .-;*.- support ;' came from commission . houses. - * The ;; market closed weak, with -prices close to the lowest point. May opened . unchanged toa 1 shade higher ., at 1 78% <& 78% c, sold :. off - to -• 77% c;. and closed at 77% @78c,.a loss of: %@%c. \u25a0»,.'.>;.-? ..., > . Corn • opened : at ; a , slight .'advance on covering by ; . shorts, \ but -almost, immediately weakened because of general selling .by . receiving houses, which reported " a - material Increase in country offerings.,; "\u25a0 .'-'.\u25a0 .., .:\u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0 . .\u25a0\u25a0 .. . •- . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . Despite the large supplies .in prospect '• the market was, well: supported' on: alii declines ißer.i Ber . eral leading buUs buying actively.. This started lively covering.: by : shorts. : which - 4 resulted in ; a sharp advance; . The close w was firm. •'* May opened \u25a0ay shade, to .%@% CVC V higher , at • 46%4 46% c, sold off : to i 46% , and % then • advanced to 46% c. The close was up'%c at 46%(546%c. ' Because of a = scarcity of offerings, trading in oats was ; dull . : \u25a0 Buying . by . pit \u25a0 traders > and a leading bull held : the market, .v May opened un changed at 39% c. advanced , to: 39% c - aid closed %%%c up at 39%@39%c. -\u0084---.-. ;--. •: - - - Tbe • provisions 1 market .was " buoyant, every thing jin the ' list ' selling at top • prices for \u25a0 the session, small receipts of, live hogs, resulting in a z 10@15c advance at ! the stockyards, stimulat ing, the- demand «\u25a0 for '.provisions.,-'- At Uhe : close May pork was up 20c. lard \u25a0 was ' 5c higher- and ribs were 2%c higher. . . -\u25a0 The • leading futures ranged as follows: Al^ M r r '- ; Open. High. Low.-- Close. »vneat — . " .'- - \u25a0 . .- . . \u25a0. -\u0084 \u25a0 May ...1....... -.: 75% 7K% 77% '\u25a07R - : July ...::.......- 78%. ,75% . \u25a0: 7774 . \u25a0;%\u25a0 - September .....,* 78 78 77% 7751 Corn— . -• ; 7 *. February ...... 43 43 (43 43 May- "46% 46% 4".% 4f1% July -..:....... 46 46% 45% -46% SeptembfT ..... 46% 46%; . [46 .; .\ -46% February ...... 37% 37% 37% 37% May.. '..:.. 39%. 83% 3»' 39U Ju1y...::..:.:. 36% »<?% 36" 3r,2 September ..... 32% 33 32% 32% Mess Pork,, per bbl— «', ;? :* Mav t ... •..-.. ..:-:it.SO" 17.82 Vs 17.50 «i 7.60 July ... ....17.95 17.95 -17.72% 17 75: I>ard. per 100 lbs— /S J '%'? May ......;... -.10. 07%M0. 12%'. 9. 07% 10.00AJ Ju1y; :.".....:.. '.10. 07% 10. 17% 5 10. 02%; 10. 02% September .',\u25a0:.. :.10. 27% 10.30 '10.15- 10.17U Short Ribs, per- 100 \u25a0 lbs— >\u25a0 \u25a0 .'. , - - ' May ........;.; 9.80 i V 9.85 - * 9.70 : - 9 70 v ' July ........;v. 8.87% '9.85 .- '9.77% "9.80^ Casb Grain and Provisions - . . ' CHICAGO. Feb. . 4.— Caih quotations were -.'as' follows::.- Flonr,' " steady: -No. -.. 2 . xprlng - wheat * .No. 5.'. 72(&52e; -No. i 2 : red. » 73% @74*ic' No. 2 corn, 43c ; No. : 2 yellow.*-: 43 % ©44c; t Not? 2 oat?. . 3Sc:»No. '\u25a0: 2. waite.- 39%@39%0; NO.S3 whlte.V 37@385»c; \i No. . 2 *\u25a0 rye. 62% c ;» fair ; to choice •malting barley, 53@58c;^No.- lvflaxseed $1.16^: No.^l Northwestern.- $1.23%;-prlme tim othy seed, $4.60@4.55 ; : clover, - contract ' grades," $13.80: short ribs sides Goose), $9.50(559.75: mess pork> per bbl, - $13.75; : lard, per 1 100 lbs,' $9.85; 6hort >. clear ; :\u25a0; sides \u25a0"< (boxed), - - $9.62%<g;9.87W • whisky, basis of high'wines, $1.29. ' v^ Articles— •. \u25a0 ,-• Receipts.' Shipments: Flour, -barrels ......^.....-31.100' ' \u25a0\u25a037,200 Wheat.-: trashel«-,.:.'..%-:r.~r 47,000": ;; \u25a0 63.300 Corn, ?. busheU . . .~ .'.V. .V. ..651,000 fe i 1-.1 217.300 OaU, * bushelg ;..... 7... .. .237.900 . " 169.500 Rye. bushels STTr.-rrrrrrr.'] 10,000 :- - 4.200 Barley, bushels; .......;:.. -63.800 V -,35,100 Batter, Cheese and ;' Ecks ' " ; • On,- the Prod ace Exchange :> today j the butter market v was t steady. ; » Creameries,*? 21@31%c; dairies.- 20@28c; eggs,; strong ?at t mark, t cases Included, - 23@25c; firsts,^ 26c: • prime firsts," 27c; extras.; 2Bc; cheese,* steady,^ 13<a lflc* ; <\u25a0» -. ELGIN, v 111., i Feb. .? 4.— BCTTER— Firm -and unchanged today : at 32c." Total output - for the week,4 40,700 pounds.' \u25a0; . :' ... . - . \u25a0 .•\u25a0 ;.-\u25a0; •. Eastern i Livestock, Market \u25a0\u25a0CHICAGO.' • Feb:V4.'-^CATTLE— Receipts A 19.-000;A 19. 000; 5 market *. strong ;to i steady ; I beeves, :: $4 © 7 : cows -and feeders." $2.50@4.70 ; calves, > $5.25©7.75. S-^-^Hi X : HOGS — Receipts:? 38,000 : s market,"; 10c : higher; mix<?d ?. and ?; butchers,'? $6.80@7.05 ; •* good < heavy. $7@7.02%: '/ rough - heavy/.. $6.80@6.90:1ight,' $6.^C!?7.02% : pigs. : $6.10@6.85; % b«1k.i57@7.05. \u25a0•--'SHEEP— Receipts.'- 28.000: :", steady; -' Phpep. $3.25@5. 75: .1amb5, t54.85@7.- ; /:; V "\u25a0 -..;, ',_ \u25a0-. ;l>oa; Aneeles^Marhets . ' LOS • ANG ELE S.i Feb. " 4.— Egg* broke ' aca ln at the i Produce i Exchange s this I morn ing.'V local ranch (candled) % dropping ? 6c { and i northern < ranch S (can dled) v 4c. * This '.\u25a0 makes ?ithe t third s day s straight that egg | prices have , dropped.?? It ' is : sa Id \by epg men % that • the » bottom \u25a0 ha* b«cn : reached • for - the present, p In ». San ? Francisco i Satin dav •> eggs * were quoted at> 41c and at . that I price I those [which ' oth erwise '\u25a0 would | be | used | locally i will i be | sent | north f That is • why ia * reaction \in E the : Los f Angeles ima r ket %1b \u25a0: predicted. ".This ; happens sin s the . face of the ; report i that « large | shipments |of I Eastern Hunf butter i and I cheese I have I been < received ' here * liinos Saturday. .;,:,:, \u25a0 --;..:v-v. v ; *>3&no&3GEg>Bsßfflpi&Wß&. « It ». is i thought ; tha t « the i bottom *of ; the i butter market f also \u25a0 ha* '; been j reached.*^ It •is > Belling tso readily .; at 1 80 c )an t increase tln .price » may ; b« made'soon.v.- i ?; i. '•\u25a0--">"'•. i ; v -•\u25a0•,\u25a0-'»•.,»-.. v ; .-; \u25a0; •;-..,' :,~ i ::_ Potatoes are firm.;-.- Sweet potatoes are growing scarce. .: . -\u25a0- K\\: \u25a0 \u25a0»-•: \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 '. "-•-.\u25a0;«:--\u25a0•.--;\u25a0».\u25a0;:-.-: \u25a0 -.\u25a0--•.-..-.. i i Heavy » nhipments . of; halibut arid *\u25a0 lobsters . con tinue :tor be received:?- All other kinds iof \u25a0 fish ! are scarce I and j wan t cd. \u0084 Even $ rockcod I has a good demand.'. with' a' poor supply .':.'•\u25a0.• s^Ssts^j!*^.**?;,., if: Poultry," from :< the 5 East i- is is depended s upon i al most : entirely to I supply, Los r Angeles. na Most : of : It comes I from | the ~ : Middle f. West,'s the * cold 3 storage article • being | shipped I from | Missouri | and ' Kansas 't M Produce i? receipts: a* Eggs, » 440r cases; tebutter: 20.236 1 pounds ; B potatoes, 3612 1 sacks ; :?eheese;i none; onions, 969 < sacks;; beans, none: sweet do tatoes," none. • \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• '?•\u25a0\u25a0: .-\u25a0- -:••\u25a0\u25a0 .-, -.' -; •\u25a0-.- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0--.*.» \u25a0\u25a0\u0084-\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0 ; EGGS-^-Lopar ranch candled." 30c;.': northern ranch;, candled. ',29e/. \u25a0- - \u25a0 , y-i .' , ;; -.-\u25a0\u25a0 :; BUTTER—VaIIey ' creamery.-;a mery.- ; f anry, i 80c ; \ coast . creamery, t fancy.- 80c ; r coast ; dairy, ; choice, %10® »oo.;t cooking,-. 22@24c *': * ' - , *V* : \u25a0:.":";''.'?. t ? CHEESE— Nor^ern' : f resh',l l7c ; northern.l stor- i age. v: 16c ; :Anchor,"- large; \u25a0- 16o; -- Anchor. ?. Yonng America.-s 18c; * Anchor, "hand;' 19c; I Eastern f sin '«:les,.-17@18c:iEastern twins. -17c;! Eastern Ched dars,^ 16@16%c ; s Eastern \u25a0 Longborn.' 18@18%c; Kartern s Daisy. viße; Swlss.7, imported. ' 2S@29c; Swlßs.v domestic.^ 20c ;) Llmburger, -; 18c. !• * ,: > .-r--^ \u25a0 - POULTRY— Buying prices.l live weight,', per . lb : Lightweight; : 14c; roung ' roosters.Jr 16c: H fryers, 16c ; I broilers,*i 18c ; I old S roosters; \u25a0 8c ; <turkeys,- : old toms, % 1 6c ; i young i toms, 17c ; ?, hen-: turkeys, - 15c ; geese;, 12c; ' ducks,' 12c; | squabs, $2- a dozen. 4Sell ing > prices. -V dressed. * per lb: t Hens.',; 19c; S young roosters, , j - 20c ; A f rrers \u25a0 20c ;il broilers, r 22c ; B old roosters, .12c ; , turkeys i 23c : > old • toms, 1 20 c; \u25a0 young toms.'i 22c ; ;-hen Uurkeys, , 20c ; i geese, J 18c ; i ducks, 18c; s squabs.'* $3 a dozen. v >>\u0084*\u25a0 '\u25a0'-• •-\u25a0' \u25a0'. \u25a0:";' '•-•'\u25a0 .::' \u25a0'^•^'\u25a0- ';-.. --.'POTATOES— Per \u25a0\u25a0 cwt : * Idaho*. Rural*,-- $1.85® i:9o: i Colorado^ $1.85@1.90; Salinas.', $2.25@2.50; H l^Mand;) $2 ; \u25a0 Oregon. $2 ; • Early Rose, a Eastern. $2@2.50; r- Wisconsin $1.90@2: Minnesota,v:sl.9o @2: s sweet r potatoes,? yellow,' ;" A •:; "„. - i '; - ONIONS-^-Yellow > Danvore. - I northern, "Wsl.7a; Australian ?. brown," northprn.r $1.75; b garlic; " 6c; Chiles— Evaporated; • 13@13%c; = sun-dried;.; 13® 13% c; r ground;,* 12% c: Mexican, ; bulk. ;12%@13c: m BEANS— Per cwt • ''* Plnk,-» No.' 1; :$2.60; Llma." No.'= l,vss;f!LadyiWashington, N0.^1,;- $2.90@3; ditto, . small white' No « 1. > $3.25@3.35:> blackeye, $4.50@5; Garvanzas, :s4.£; lentils;, 9@loc pcr 'pound:' ; \u25a0 - - -'-.: ."--.-.\u25a0 \u25a0.\u25a0•\u25a0*' :,\u25a0•..'••.\u25a0. » - HONEY-r-Per^' lb : 'Comb, water s white,*.' 16c; light f amber,'l4c;* comb; white. 15@16c;"extract ed, water' white, 60-Ib:cans;>7%@Sc;.' extracted, while, ; 60-lb cans, . 7%c; v light : amljer,- 7c. • . -- • •^MISCELLANEOUS 3IARKETS \u25a0''- ./' \u25a0. ,'" ;' Foreign .'Futures - -\u25a0• -' . LIVERPOOL ' .March. May.'l -: July. Opening .:."... ..... 6 6%<>\u25a0\u25a0 6 5%. 6 2% Closing _\u25a0.;;..;- ;~. \u25a0-~.-;. 66 -64% -6 2 . \u25a0--.'" -.' .''/.-• PARISH:."-: ':;.:;!.:.. ',Wheat— . • Feb. , May-Aug.' Opening- •..."....; \u25a0 ' \u0084.; 23 45 "•" • 1Z 40- Closing '.........-. . 23 50 s . 23 40 ;'< -\u25a0-Flour — \u25a0 - . .-\u25a0 . . - Opening .....'. ' '.'.'.; ..29 95' 30 45-' Closing/;..-.:..-;r;r..:....... 30 00 45 - . . Turpentine i and Rosin ~Market:'] •'.. ; ?":SAVANNAH," Ga., Feb. .!4.—TURPENTINE-^- Ffrm, 17%c^ Sales 117; receipts 199, shipments .187.^:\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-•.\u25a0-\u25a0;-.\u25a0•\u25a0•-\u25a0; -. :\u25a0 ..-.:\u25a0 ---\u25a0 \u25a0.-.'\u25a0 ." „.; ROSIN —Firm;»uales*- ISIO,. receipts; 1D92;: ship ments 391,-stock 70 402 ' \u25a0\u25a0> \u25a0 ..•.--.;-»':. . Quote: :. F. -B. C.' $3.95: D. $4; E, • $4.05; .F," $4.07%; G. $4.10;. H, $4.20: I, $4.35; X, $5; M, ?5.25; N, $6;. WG; $6.25;'WW, '$6.50. •'-•',;, -.-;\u25a0 Northern j Wheat : PORTLAND.'-' Ore.. - I"«b.' 4.—WHEAT—CIub, 6Sc;bluestem, 70c; red. 6Qc: valley, 67c." ••"\u25a0--• WASHINGTON - - ' . TACOMA. k . Wash., '• Feb.. 4.—WHEAT—Un changed.' ' Bluestem;: 70c.: \ club, 6Sc; red, 66c. ' s.' v; Northern Business ... , • SEATTLE," Feb.- 4/-^-C1ear1ng5,',51,372,044; bal ances. $217,551.- :. -'-L- \u25a0-' ; .-.--- PORTLAND,;-Feb.' 4.—Clearings, $1,418,115; balances." $138,040. ':.'.' v . • TACOMA.-:-.: Feb. 4.—Clearings, $536,710;: bal ances, $37,742. :::» ..*..' , n-; , • SPOKANE.'.Feb'. < 4.— Clearings, $754,003;; bal ances, $132,587: > :" '.\u25a0;'' ;•.-.•\u25a0•,...\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0 "".' v?;_-*• Pi ' LOCAL, MARKETS Exchange:and BnlUon Sterling: Exchange,;;sixty days:.. — @4.62% Sterling:" Exchange, ft sight: •:••••. .\^. 04.86% Sterling -, Exchange,' cab1e5....... • • r-—.r-—. ©4.87% New, York Exchange; 5ight........ — % iX;' New York;;Exchange,;'telegraphic. \u25a0— @ 20 . Silver,"»per bounce.'.'. .'.".. '\u0084.....'.'•\u25a0 '69 (f& "\u25a0 — \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Mexican .Dollars. . n0mina1........ 52V4© \u25a0\u25a0 —. .:.-- - v, ;-s INTERNATIONAL j New^Tork;on Paris.".™. • • • ,- NewiTork on Mexico.... .:.;..........••.* 200% Paris on L0nd0n........r..~..'.....•.•••'• .25.24 Paris; on Berlin ......;...........:,.".. • • .20.52% §v, TVneat and Other Grains ..: : WHEAT—The "world's shipments .last \ week were-as follows.^ln'quarters: Russian, .240.000; Danublan,r; 104,000; "Argentine.' 200,000; Indian, 55,000:' Australian, 50.000. A wire from' Chicago yesterday said: .; V - : •"'\u25a0' :'\u25a0'"\u25a0\u25a0"'. -" '\u25a0-\u25a0^_ <' -: "The wheat market was quite a surprise to the bears.r:The best posted authorities abroad-have claimed: for some time that the Russian j exports would show a large falling off for the balance of the crop i year.y I .think they will; be ' forced \to come to this-country for part of our. wheat. ' The i cash s grain " opened the. week; flnn, with business quiet. .:•--:, . .. '\u25a0 \u25a0 r t'- '\u25a0'. .'.-.-\u25a0',\u25a0\u25a0:.-- :CASH' WHEAT."".- , \u25a0-•.--:.-'-'-^-'-.:•.:.: California i Club, - $1.27%® 1.32%:, do milling; $1.32%; * California .White Australian.; $1.37%<3 1.42%; slower-grade? ' of 'California/ $i:i0@1.25; Northern :Club.-$1.27%@1.30;— Northern Blue «tem;\: $1.37%@1.42%;.. Northern Red, ' $1.25@ .'"- \u25a0 " '\u25a0'. "\u25a0 '; * FUTURES N; > <-''\u25a0' .: r 10 -to 11:30 a. \u25a0m. Session . May—sl.32 sßkedr - .-' ' •- ,'.: December—sl.B3% \u25a0 bid* - : > '-'\u25a0 \u25a0 BARLEY—The \u2666 feeling was weaker s yesterday and.51.13%-: was shout tbe top of,the;market for Feed;"though' some holders still-adberedjto" last week's asking price of $1.15.' '.Trading was light. | Good to choice Feed," spot; $1i12%@1:13%; com mon >to:fair; $1*31.10-per,ctl; • seed lots bring as high as $1.20; * Brewing and Shipping., $1.17%® L2oi per '\u25a0 ctl; j Che-raller. $1.15@1.20. for; poor^to common and \u25a0 $1.25@1.55 asked * for • choice.V:^-. '-, ; ,T. ->-i. --- -.>•_ FUTURES -.-,V-!<-:v---.-\u25a0.--;•/ '. ;._..:.-. 10-to;-11:30- a. • m.'- Session:'•---'-r-^-.t May^-sl.l7%bid. *^ •"- > :^*' '- ' . OATS —Receiptsiwere liberal* yesterday, being 8455 ctls," including 4507 from Washington." There was nothing'new to report in!the market^.-' :\u25a0--;! Good :j to-; choice* Red ;;for z feed,';' $i:40@1.55; common to fair.; $1.50@1.37%; Red.-4for- seed; $1.50® 1.65; White.-$1.42%@1.65; Black, $1.50 @2.25: Gray, $I.42%^l^o>r»er cental;.* -\u25a0;,. -.-"\u25a0•; --. -t CORN—AII prices •\u25a0 stand; as i preTlously ;quoted. The • market, \u25a0 though' dull," is - rather," firm,'. than otherwise. - " v .'?-.\u25a0;- \u25a0.'\u25a0.•" \u0084'...-\u25a0 ..-: - '\u25a0\u25a0;'". ' '\u25a0- -'\u25a0-. California, small i round . yellow, , $1.55: ; large v'ellow,,; - $1.27%@1.80; T white; " $1.25(^1.30; Western State, sacked—Yellow, t.$1.27%@1.30; White, <"$1.27%@1.82%; *\u25a0 mixed.; $1.25@1.27%; White Egyptian, $1.25;-Brown Egyptian.^sl.l2Vi 'SM.IS: \u25a0-•\u25a0..•-,...-I.' '..-'.-\u25a0:"\u25a0:\u25a0:\u25a0 :\u25a0 -"',-•''-..\u25a0-\u25a0 '*-* '^\u25a0^J'^ss^^f RYE—Is quiet andinominal at $1.37%@1.42% per ctl for, California and $1'.35@1.40 for j Utah. \u25a0.: BUCKWHEAT—S2@2: 25j per ctl. \, . \u25a0 Flour and Farinaceous Goods .. : FLOUR—CalifornlaY. Family ;',Extras; 1 $4.SO@ 5.10, net without discount; Bakers'; Extras, $4.40 @4.60; Superfine,~s3.2s@3.6o; Oregon and Wash liyfton. $3.50@4 per bbl. «*\u25a0*;\u25a0•----\u25a0- ; ' FARINACEOUS;. GOODS-^-Prices \in i packages, net cash,* no discount," are*«Sifollows:; ' Graham Flour/ $2.90 per \IOO lbs; i Rye • Flour. • $3.40;; Rye Meal,' $3.20; Rice ' Flour/. $7.20; tc Corn .; Meal, $2.60; I extra cream's do.r $3.40 ;• Oat • Meal;; $4.10; Oat Groats, ' $4.30: *.H0m1ny.v53.40@3.60; Buck wheat Flour; $4; Cracked Wheat, i $3.40; Farina. $4.10;' Whole Wheat. Flour," $3.10;. Rolled Oats, bbls ; $6@7^5, : In * sacks tr $5.50@6.75; :-\u25a0 Rolled Wheat, bbls $4.30, iin | sacks' $3.80; • Pearl Barley,' $5.40; Split Peas, boxes, $5; Green Peas,' $5 per 100 pounds. ;., '-. - '" -^\u25a0.-.\u25a0:.' v ';\u25a0;, Hay .and'.-.Fe*d«tnffs;.?. -Receipts of Hay were iheaTy; yesterday,, being 1603 tons,. Including^ 82 > cars. - There was i-rery little market;'as usual on wet days,"-and the situ ation remained I practically I unchanged, .with (quo tatlons weak. A Puget Sound steamer came iln with i three; lines • of. Feed and > Shorts j far below the recent average.» .. .- ; - -.: \, -: •- -" : BRAN—S2O@22 per ton.i .^ . - . i MIDDLINGS—S27@3O per ton.'. •" SHORTS—S2O@22.SO per ton. FEEDSTUFFS—RoIIed i Barley, $24@25; Mixed Feed; $23@25; Oilcake I Meal.'i nominal; v Cocoanut Cake or. Meal at mills." $25.50 in 10 and $28 in 5 ton I lots; -Jobbing. $26.50; k Corn I Meal,"; $30@31; Cracked Corn, I $31 ©32; I Broom I Corn < Feed, k 90c per ctl; 'Alfalfa Meal, carload lots. $20.50; job bing, $21.60 per ton; Mealfalfa,;;tJobbing, $21.50. \.>- -•;:- .* :'.- # ir,-.-f.,v:.:^- .-.v- ;•-..\u25a0.-..,;..:..,.. ..\u25a0 . HAY—Choice Wheat, \ $19@22.50 per ton: good Wheat,"" $17.50@15.60; i other I grades » Wheat, • $14 @16: Wheat and Oat," $15(320; • Tans Oat, • $12® 18; Wild Oat. $10@ 14; f Common f Hay,-; $10® 12: Alfalfa,'-slo® 12; Stock, $10@12 per ton. y • ": BTRAW—6O@BOc per,bale. .:.;: • J ':' ,'.\u25a0." Beaniirand^Seedsi *. . \u25a0 -,': All:''sorts ! of, Beans' % remain ,' as I before'"- quoted/ with a quiet market. ; .--. -i,; ;.- , ' BEANB-^Per ctl: a Bayos,-$2.25®2.40; « Pea, $3®3.25; small White,! $2.75®2.95; large White, $2.25@2.45; Pink. $1.90@2.20; Red, $2.6002.75; Llmas. $4.25(84.35; -' Red Kidneys. 1 $3.35®3.75; Blackeyes, t $4.50®4.60; < Butter, nominal fat $3.75 @4;; Cranberry B«ans;is3@3.2s.': \u25a0' \u25a0 \u25a0'r r . 'i.; • SEEDS-^Brown - Mustard,'* $4.25@4.50; i. Yellow Mustard, •> nominal;";; Flaxseed. • $3; i Canary,*S 4% ® 4%c;rAlfalfa, / 13c; "\u25a0\u25a0 Rape; l@3%c; jTlmothy. 5® 6%c;; Hemp,-Semper •lb;r.Millet.^3%c; t Broom Corn Seed; $ISS!2O per,ton."" ~Z~-''~' \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0>"\u25a0"\u25a0•'\u25a0'• \u25a0"-^\u25a0\u25a0...~. *-. DRIED PEAS—Niles,*: nominal:' - Green V Peas, $2.50@2.75;per ctl.\ . \u25a0' • -' " - -' - * Potatoes.. Onions and \ Vegetables ~ : V-.. There were fnlly; ten i cars of •' Potatoes In \ from Oregon and.the East yesterday,";besides;the usual ! orer-Sunday. \u25a0: arrivals a from pi the « rirer £ d Istricts.' j The > market," having I previously been i quite. {bare;! remained very.firm;despite,the Increased,receipts, and * firmer prices ruled for all' descriptions, | some fine i Oregon • Burbanks i even H commanding Is I sub stantial premium In '\u25a0 small I lots. »< The: receipts I in cluded : some Garnet! Chiles.** which l were j held I for. seed' purposes ]at I $1J40@1501 per I cental.** Onions were : offering i in«rather .Jlmited'_ quantities :\u25a0> and prices :\u25a0 were; easily i maintained.*;:-" r;'^ '] '"'\u25a0 s\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0. ':.::.\u25a0 m Receipts jof vegetables a from fall] sections | con-, tinned • very;. light ? and ? cleaned %up \u25a0; promptly,'= a s usual; at firm:prices;--v ' a "..:\u25a0*\u25a0'\u25a0 r; ":'-.:::-\u25a0'-\u25a0•:.'-\u25a0•*-• \u25a0--'.• >'\u25a0', POTATOES— Per i ctl :>>\u25a0\u25a0 River '.White,'i $1.60® 1.75; • Oregon Burbanks; $1.85@2.10; - Early s Rose, $I.6s;;Eastern" Burbanks, $l:70®i:85; • Sweet fPo- r tatoes,'s3.'ir"". - \u25a0 • ;r; -;A-;:?n-v^*;-!Jr''.:1;:':-' . ;:\u25a0 ONIONS—YeIIow; per ctl;:sl@l.2s.t^ -; ;^ -^-VEGETABLES—Rhubarb."; 4@6c i perj lb;; Green Peas,T 12%® 15c I per, lb; j String i Beans.-fc——^ per 1b; t Wax s Beans,»-".- .*, per »lb: % Tomatoes, \ re packed.-! $1.50® 21 per 'crate r Hothouse Cucumbers^ $I@2 », peri^f dosen-1 Cream I Squash,'^ 65® 75c 6 per box; | Summer Sqnash> —— per. box: \ Gskic.'? 2 % <g: 4c" peri lb ;r Celery,"'. 25® 40c t per |dosen; • Cabbags, $1.50 sper i ctl;; Caullnower.'&wOef per J dozen; rots,t $1.25 ,per^sack; \Turnips.**sl.2s\Turnips.**sl.2s«per sack;! Green Peppers,"6oloc;per lib; Marrowfat Squash, $15@201 per I ton-i Hnbbard gao,^ $30@40;?Mu8h' rooms. :is@4oc.per. lb.-. . _ ,' ... -Poultry and Game ' "iTwo I cars {of Western J Ponltryj came in; to one firm' yesterday,*( but •' only,' one' was \u25a0 placed: on sale, the i other t being ? held v over for today's h market. There were no new arrivals from domestic points, 1 but I there | was I plenty I of | carried-over.: stock \ offer ing, "• for : which .there >m \u25a0• 1 ittle'or no demand. \u25a0La rgej Chickens' were 1 veryi weak I and | prices! had J a % downward a tendency.m Game % otM gooi * quality, was in 'fair request' at steady; to Una rates. . . j N POULTRY— Per : dozen: £ • Hens, \u25a0 ,: $8(37.50 -v for large and $3@5.50 for small ; .old-Roosters.' $4@5c young Roosters/i $6@7; 1 Fryers,! $5@6: 1 Broiler*. *3.50@5; > Pigeons, > |1Q1:25; ! Sqnabs,! $2.50@2.75;> 'P o tteks,f$6@8 for.yonng and $o@6 for old; Geese, $2@2.50 per palr.v. ," ,, .. j^T. a -^ , i r •-.; ! -< TDRKBYS— Per; lb:i- Dressed,'; lS@22e; - lire; nominal.. ; -v._-, \u25a0* .,\u25a0\u25a0;..,". j.v \u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0 -"\u25a0.. .-.\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0:•\u25a0• •\u25a0 - v '-£ GAME— Per ' dozen: \u25a0'-': Mallard '-' Dneks. i $6Q7; CanTasbacks,': $5@7; « Sprig.". . $5.50@6.50; $ Tealr r?'^ : ' D »<*s.y.$4;- Widgeon-- $3;? small r^» 3> «/if 5O i^ BUck \u25a0 Jack *. T $2.50-33 ; I Gray G i < **-;* 4 @ 4 -50;i White Geese; $1.75@2.50: .Brant/ large and $2.50 for. email:- Honkers.-s $6 w!i^. Hare * '\u25a0 * 2 @2.25; ! Cottontail Rabbits, $2.50; Pigeons,-. $1.25. •>';\u25a0-'- •-•'•\u25a0\u25a0-;\u25a0" : " ! 7 . ; - Butter, ~ Cheese 'and F«tg« h As ;: on ? Saturday.f the v'sltuation I Jn SEggsTwas \u25a0 o ™«.'JJ la t iconfuslnarto . both | shippers I and ; receiv ?JL i Callfornla t selected - were '. very | scarce * and largely -nominal j at i the ' previously i quoted - rate, wftHe -.the \u25a0 other r grades - were,': merely " steady, ; there being enough of : the • latter; to - meet \u25a0 all ; re quirements.'*. The ; topi quotation! of ~ 41c. . by 'no means 'represents \u25a0 the ' value , otj. general « offerings or fine, fresh s stock. v 't*As ' mentioned \u25a0, frequently of late -strictly | fine | selected I Eggs form I but j an i ln signlBcant \ percentage i of ? the - arrivals; according to .-Exchanges grading.' >r r Most> of 'the a fine,. Eggs now 'arriving ' grade ; as I extras,^ and | the quotation for \u25a0. that . grade « is \ really ;. the i top ! price * for i cur rent -,< receipts,* as - the « receiTers t are 'obliged ltd candle ; each i case f and J take * out the undersized, soiled , and » washed | Eggs | before I they I can I sell mem on the Exchange as selected: •. It takes sev eral;' cases. ? as *\u25a0 the s Eggs ? are * now -i arriving, ; to make .up ; one : case < of ; top . quality^ \u25a0--,':;. r - s \u25a0 The ; only ; change f in j But ter t was 3 a : decline of lc j per ) pound : In i fresh * extras, v The : market - was firmer i at j the ; new : price 1 than 'on •.' Saturday ' and the supply of fine table goods was none too plen tiful. : A \u25a0 feature of i the . market was ; the arrival or, a consignment of. 2500 pounds , of. store ; Butter • from Nebraska. :~ This : was parked ' in sugar \u25a0 bar rels .and; the s receivers, were offering it to bakers at 23c : per. pound. y . , ; T - ; - ; \u25a0 . , \u25a0 :\u25a0. . -,- \u25a0--% \u25a0\u25a0 he^ W8H - nothing new, to" report in ! Cheese. * 1 on l the Exchange 20^8368 of fresh extra-But ter were sold,; 10 selllngsat 40%c andlO at 40c. j-Receipts :' were ; 20,500 lbs I- Butter,- 3S00 lbs Cheese . and : 309 cases : Eggs. ; \u25a0\u25a0. . ";.. ".' . ;~i . \u25a0 - • -> \u25a0\u25a0-.:.\u25a0 V The -following \u25a0 were , the official quotations'- as established , by v the: sales. i bids and offers on-the flo °i" 2£ithe; Dairy Exchange. .*: ~ , : *v B UTTER— Fresh ' creamery extras," 39<? per lb, steady; y do -t firsts. 36c. t . steady ; -•.. seconds. •; 30c steady : , packing . stock;; firm at 23c for No. j 1 and 21c : foiv No. -2x' Eastern - extras, 32c; . firm; I do nrsts. 2Sc, firm. Storage goods— California extras, 32c.- firm:. firsts., 31c. 8rm; seconds. 25c. firm; No. 1 •\u25a0:\u25a0 packlne '• stock, : 22%c. ft firm : v Eastern j> ladles, flrm at • 22V4c * for : extras and ; 22c • fori firsts, i-r CHEESE— Fancy^ California ; ; new ; flats. • 17c per Ib." steady ; , firsts, r 13c. ; steady : • new Young Americas, fancy, T,- 15c. • steady ; • firsts. . • -.-, 13Hc, !I e , *•'\u25a0 Storage goods — Fancy i California \u25a0\u25a0 flats, 13He;- steady; 13c,» steady; fancy Eastern," 16%c, firm; : fancy. Western, '-'\u25a0 13Vac, steady: -.; . -. •• ,;; •.. . .... \u25a0. .\u25a0•,-- A..^. .--\u25a0 r> . < -y- EGGS— California \u25a0 - fresh ';-' selected. 41c < per dozen,: steady:- extras. ;36^4c. steady; firsts, 34c, steady; seconds, nominal; Eastern fresh selected, S5c, - steady. \u25a0 .,...- . \u25a0; \ \u25a0;\u25a0 -_- r , -...-\u25a0 . ,.-. •.;De<^dnou»m»a.CItru»i Frnltn _ , The ? market » for : fresh * fruits * opened the ? week with | trade I still of small ] and ; unsatisfactory pro portions, i Retail , storekeepers '\u25a0 were still limiting their operations: to ;the fflling of small orders for ordinary . routine' . wants,; and - the only buyers who manifested any " interest " In .the '' market .were peddlers, .• who . were . looking - for- cheap > Oranges and Bananas. In • the ; Apple ; line * the ; best New ton ? Pippins • were i lower, ; as ; the '-. prev ions high prices - for i the \ best ; selections = checked • the . de mand considerably;- '*- . . : _ v ...;....; : •\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 -. - APPLES — $1(3)1.75 per; box :for Newtown Pip pins," $2@2.25 | for; Spitzenbergs, • $1@2 for other red varieties, and $1.10@ 1.40 for Bellflowers. ;. - , „- PEARS— Winter- Nellls, $2 sper .box; cooking varifties,i$l.5O per.Sox r--> : V- \u25a0;•\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0'*\u25a0 :--- ' ' FRUITS— Per ; box: Xavel Oranges, f?fr^ , for \u25a0" fancy> ' ?1 • 5 <>@1.75 1 for choice and 51® 1.50 for: standards; :Seedlings, s $I@1.25- Tan gerines, halves; *$1.25;.; quarters, -75c@l; . lem ons, |2^0@3;for fancy.-5$1.75@2.25- for choice and -, $1 @1.50 ? for % standard ; - Grape - Fruit, $3@ 3.50 : for. seedless andV$2@2.50 for common: Limes,. nominal. ;^= ' -T • . TROPICAL •:• FRUITS— Bananas, ; $1@2 \u25a0 per bunch I for ; Hawaiian | and \u25a0 $1. 75@2. 50 for Central American; Pineapples, 53@5 per dozen. Dried Fruits. 'Xnta.Batslna and Honey £;' FRUITS— -Apricots,'-- 1 16@20c si per lb; Evap orated Apples, spot. % 6% @8>4c; Peaches, 10® 13c; :. Pears, 9@12%c; Prunes, 4-slze - basis. 3c; large : sizes, ' 4@5c. \u25a0 - \u25a0•. - \u25a0'\u25a0 -.". - - \u25a0 \u25a0 : :; .: ••\u25a0•-; . RAISINS— Seeded.'- 8%@10c: .' Loose I Muscatels, 7%c, ; 7%c I and • 8c for " 2. . S and 4 crown respect ively; Seedless Sultanas,: ,7@7Hc; .Thompson Seedless;- 7%c ,t for >. unbleached ; | London I Layers, 3-crown,; $1.85:.' London-. Layers. 2-crown, ; $1.75; Clusters,-.. $3.50 . for ' Imperial, ' $3 for ' Dehesa • and $2.C0 for. fancy. \u25a0:':.: . \u25a0,i->i..\ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: -\u25a0---. NUTS— Almonds," : Nonpareils. .* 17%@18»4c: I XL. 16%@18c;,Ne Plus. Ultra. 16@17c; Drakes, 13%@14c; Languedocs,- • 13%@14c;\ hardshell, 9@10c. , \u25a0\u25a0: Walnuts, Jobbing \u25a0 . prices — Soft shell, 15@16c for No. l.andl2@13c for : No: 2; , lUlian Che6tnnts. S@10c perlb. -^-" ' \u25a0• ' \u25a0 -; .-. >- HONEY— 16® 17c .; per • lb ' for \u25a0 bright ? comb and 13@15c for: amber; 'do,? extracted; 6^@7^c for water white and 5^(3 6c for. amber. _ ' ;.*C: '\u25a0'. .^'- '•-.:.. ; -. PtovIbIom : '";. I - j ' \u25a0Z Hams \u25a0 have • advanced v and fare • strong. Other cured meats .' are \u25a0 unchanged. \u25a0 . Cottolene Is lie hlghtr:, -:\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0:..-\u25a0: \u25a0-.-.-.\u25a0.-'\u25a0.•\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-:\u25a0,----\u25a0, '. ,-'. . ' -CURED MEATS— Bacon, - 14 %c > per -lb for heavy, pi 14 %c for • light i medium, j 16c : for \u25a0 light, 16%c ; for -; extra '\u25a0 light ' and ' 20@21c • for i sugar cured; Dry Salt • Sides. j 13%c; Bellies, 14c; ' East ern I sugar-cured Hams, \u25a0 16%@17c; r? California Hams, ,16Hc;. Mess Beef. : $9 pcrbbl; extra Mess; $9.00; I Family. v $10; ! Prime I Mess I Pork,~*$tt5.5O; extra clear, $23; Mess, $19; \u25a0 Pig Pork. $26- Pigs' - Feet. - $5 ; r Smoked Beef, \u25a0 We per lb, - v LARD— Tlerce« : quoted '. a t 9^c f for ,= California compound,; 9%c \u25a0 for -\u25a0 Eastern compound ! and - 12c t or .-. pure ; i half -barrels;; pure,.' 12^4c; 1 10-lb tins 12%c:5-lb tln8,\.12%c; 3-lb , tins, ; 13c. -" - \ COTTOLENE— One . , half -barrel, -.; 10?4c; • * three balf-barrels.'C- 10%c; :\u25a0\u25a0- one '.".tierce." _;10Hc; '\u25a0*- two tierces, ilO%c:^ five: tierces, ilOiic;.-- .\u25a0 o -\u25a0• : ' '. -' -'~~~. r ~~'"l.;' •\u25a0.•-.- \u25a0 . Hides, - Tallow, :.; Wool : and \u25a0 Hops , HIDES-^-Cnlls •; and \u25a0-, brands ' T sell \u25a0 about Y- @lc under • quotations. <• Heavy v Salted \u25a0 Steers, \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 12c; Hides, ; 12% @13c for : heavy, « 12V4 @13c for light; Stags, ? 8Hc;-< Salted - Kip, -*13Hc; - Salted Veal, 15%c: Salted: Calf.. 15Hc; dry Hides, -23c; dry Kip,- 22c ; < dry ' Calf, . 25c ; Sheepsk ins, . Shearlings, 20@50c " each ; r short ; Wool; - 50@70« f each ; \u25a0 me dium, ,.70@90c; ' long * Wool;>? $l@1.50; Horse Hides; salt, $3@3.25 for. large and $2.73 for me dium, $2.25 for small : and 50c '. for j Colts: - Horse Hldes,> dry,* $2(32.25 . for •- large • and ; $1 .50® 1. 75 for. medium, $1.25 for. small i and 1 50c for I Colts. Deerskins — Dry; Mexican;- 32%@35c; ; dry salted Mex lean," 35 @37%c • s dry 1 Central • American, . 35 @ 8714c. : Goatskins— Prime Angoras, \u25a0- 75c; - extra large ; do, $1.25; . large, 50c; medium, S5c; - small, -\u25a0"- TALLOW^-No.' 1 rendered,' 5c; No. 2,' 4@4Hc ; Grease, 2@3c. •:.\u25a0•. '.„ ;\u25a0 ; :: \u25a0 ..- .- '\u25a0. , . . WOOL— Fall \u25a0 clip: t-i San Joaqola . and ' Southern, ,7@9c; ' fall I Lambs.- 8@llc; S Humboldt and Men doclno,"; 14 @ 15c ; I Middle | County.' 9 (Si lie ; North ern,*; free, ; 12@1SMc; ? Nevada,) I7@l8c per lb for sprlng.^;;-V---- : '.ocr«..-.,-.jr..- \u25a0; ,-,\u25a0.,-,;.---\u25a0 ? -• . -.-\u25a0 -\u25a0 . HOPS— Calif ornias r and Washlngtons, ; 10@12e per : lb to : growers ; ; Oregons, ; 12® 14c. '-'-'-'.'- > ', ; : :'^ Meat;: Market;;',- 'f-.lfi \u25a0'' - 'Another ; ~. advance i occurred \u25a0 yesterday." Dressed ; Mutton. * Lamb i and s Hogs i were hlgheV. In I livestock; | Steers | rose to S%c and I Lambs - to 7c.'; Live : Hogs * advanced I to' 8c,r and 5 the grading as to weight \u25a0 was , changed. >; The , advance is said to < be * due i to • the : scarcity i of i cars I and * the ? wet weather; and , muddy 1 country I roads,'t which * check the transportation of livestock to shipping points. These I advanced I prices | are s not I expected i to I last very i long, / for> when <tthe '•\u25a0 roads * get * dryer J tin* stock ? will . probably, come - ; in more • freely; ' which will. weaken the market. "' » *r -- \u25a0 - \u25a0 • \u25a0?\u25a0.-;-. ':-!'. •\u25a0•- - : -- -DRESSED" MEATS :• • v BEEF— 6H @7%c - per • lb i for * Steers and 6@ C%c : for; Cows. \u25a0*.-\u25a0,-\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0:... : \u25a0- . ,---. krVEAL— «%@10c for large and 9%@10%c for small.*--."" \u25a0\u25a0;;-«\u25a0 .-•-'?.\u25a0 v. \u25a0.\u25a0.;-'-\u25a0 •••\u25a0/.\u25a0 ..-•-.-- . \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0• MUTTON — Il%@13c , for Wethers ' and \ 11 @ 12 C for'^Ewea.' -v. - .' . >•.",\u25a0'« :'\u25a0<\u25a0 -.\u25a0\u25a0 :.-\u25a0'- LAMB — 13c per * lb j for Yearl ings . and : 13c : for "DRESSED" 1 HOGS— il@124c '\u25a0per lb. \u25a0 ' ' ., -.LIVESTOCK. MARKET. . ' '- \u25a0 The ; following \u25a0 quota tlonn' are * for good,' sound livestock.'; delivered in San; Francisco,- less 50 per cent shrinkage i for : Cattle: ? < . • " r :,» CATTLE— Steers, S 8@8%c r, per -' lb > for \u25a0 No.'a 1 , and * 7% @7%c 4 tot \u25a0;,- No. 9 2',$ Cows s and .1 Heifers, 6@6%c; *No, 2 Cows,; 5%c; 1 thin ) Cows.f 414 @5e. O CALVES— 5@5MiC per , lb for light. 4%@3ci for medium and i 3H ®*c \u25a0\u25a0 for | heavy 1 (gross i weight):' \u25a0a SHEEP — Wethers, '6@7c per lb; Ewes,' 5%(ffi6c i (gross', weight ).-."<-?- v :; r ,."\u25a0;:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •: ; vv-™,-« i - LAMBS— 6%@7c'per lb. ; , ;.^'., : \u25a0..\u25a0-,; u. v : \u25a0•-' 'vT^; HOGS— 100 -. to 1 200 1 lbs; "i % @8c , per; lb; iirrer 200 lbs,'i7%@7He;!Boars 50 per cent.: Stags ;30<a 40 ; per 1 cent and I Sows 1 10@20 - per cent off I from above i quotations. ;•/, -; •\u25a0• -.--• , .- '"'.'>\u25a0•..\u25a0':-.\u25a0'••. v General "Merchandlae ~ s -~ BAGS— San> QuenOn 'Bags;- 7%c: ' Grain Ba™s *\u25a0 June-July,"; 8% @8%c; -Wool, Bags,- 28Hc : for 3-lb and : 43c \ toe \u25a0. 4-lbA 1 , - 1 :-' - 1 i-r:', : 'fS>-';- "''" '•-': ; * ••* • -'- '\u25a0"'> tCOAIA- Wellington,? $12 per.ton; New?Welling ton,•!$12;fBeaver Hill,'! $10; Coos Bay,- $10; »Rich-" mond,' $12; Cumberland, | $14 1 in I bulk ; and • $16.25 in sacks ; | Cannel," 1 $12 1 per .ton ; iWelsh 'Anthracite," $15; Coke; $15 1 per . ton > In bulk and $17 in sacks ; Rocky; Mountain;; nominal.V ; AV V-J >*r- "r '\u25a0' \u25a0• • • m OIL— Quotations I arej for . barrels.- for cases ; add 5c."|¥. Llnseed.l 54c I per I gallon 3 for^ boiled | and • 52c • for raw;! Castor Oil. in cases/No.'l.iTScrBakers 1 AA; cases.- $1.28@ 1.30; ; Lucol. . 50c 1 for boiled and 4Sc j for I raw; j China i Nut.l cases, i S5@90c | per gal lon ; . Cocoanut Oil.! In "barrels.*; 58c f for : Ceylon ' and 55c . for Australian ; extra' bleached . winter 1 Sperm Oil> 65c ;; natural, winter ; Sperm i Oil^i 65c; \u25a0 natural Whale Oil;* 65c; / extrai winter strained Lard ! Oil; 85c; " No...; XI Lard 5 Oil.i 68c; i Pure! Neatsf oot * Oil; 75c; 5 No:i 1% Neatsfoot '>OU, ri 57%c; s Herring i Oll; 40c; Salmon Oil, 35c; -•boiled Fish Oil,; 35c; Paint \u25a0' < COAL'; Oli,i GASOLINE, > ETC.— Water white Coal Oil. from tank wagons, -lOflgiic: s special do; 12Hc; s Pearl a Oil.*^ in * cases, 1 * 17c ; Astral, ;rj, 17c; Star.'i 17c; \ Extra I Star;t 20c ; ? Elaine.^ 26c ; iEoeene. 19« ; 5 Stove t Gasoline, - In | bulk. vt 17%c; * in t. eases; 24e;J, No/Jl 5 * Engine 'SDistlllate,^ Iron » barrels | «.r drums;j8c:ENo.?2 do,?j6Hc;£cases."6%cjmore;, Benzine,; in . bulk, , 12 y,e ; Un cases, 19c; 1 86-degree Ganollne.' in bulk,;30c;an ;eases.- 36e.. '..Usv- * m TURPENTINE— 93c 4 per i gallon 1 in >\u25a0 cases ': and 87c in I drums 1 and > Iron I barrels.x ! 5S^«f&*!«^i«3? j^ tm RED ; AND .WHITE LEAD— Red • Lead, 8@SV>c per ; lb; White s Lead, S(g8%c according to quan tity. - ". . • ' , M SUGAR— The 9 Western '*•; Sugar •', Refining V Com pany' quotes | as i follows; terms I net t cash : ;' Cubes" A^t Crashed J and ) Wne t Crushed: \u25a0 4.80c : j Powdered: 4.65c ;, Candy « Granulated;; 4.65c : iFine : Fruit « and Coarse Granulated, 4.55c: ' Beet I Graniilate-1 1 (110- Ib i bags Z only) ;4 4.35c ; % Conf ectiotM^'j. Ars 4.55c ; • Magnolia i'i.t 4.15c : 1 Extra » C,^ 1 1.06c; | Golden \ C."" 3.95c ; K D/>- 3.85c : »~ H. a k. <i K.*«i Crystil j5 Dominoes/ 7.55c : I.Tablets,i haif-bbls^ 5.05c ;> boxes.'i 5.30c I per lb. if Barrels 1 and ' 50-lb i, bags ;. 10c, * half -bbls $ 25c and ; boxes \u25a0 50c more I per 100 . lbs for all grades. No 1 order . taken • for , less ; than , 75 parrels or its tquivaleat. y^-i-r, • \u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0 -"\u25a0.:\u25a0-• •i-y; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:- -t^ : y_ -'r ;\u25a0\u25a0 x,-n«Z*f^i^msresJ':i.- \u25a0 ,' }:>-;i\S.'. <\? -.\u25a0:'\u25a0: ' t .'- ;-'-V. •\u25a0 ~*. -.Ct Reieelpts~S of J Prodnce". • FOR \u25a0 48: HOURS . ENDING I FEB."; 4, i 10. A. rM. Flour. Vqr ' sks. £.U; 10.540 Ta«ow,: Tetlsit..". *,'<\u25a0 22 Wbeat, • ctls V;;.' 6.110 Hides,. No ' V..... 1.752 Barley,-ctls £..:.;5.R70 Pelts, 'No.< :.'::.. 2.430 Oats,, ctls' .'..:;. 2.19S Lime.-bbls ...... 673 Bran/;-sks "...•..;\u25a0 t 200 Sugsr.'JTctlsJr'ir.":. 1.600 Middlines,'. sks ;. * '515 Brandy. 1; gals; -.V.V 3.150 Potatoes.'- 5k5"..:.'2.«60 Wine, gals: 7:.-..:.33.000 Onions," i sks \u25a0 :.'...! 300 Lumber,-. M w ft::.. 215 Hay.*J,tons^.°;..-.-.:i.6O3!Apples,-bxs C.-.T.. 200 1 Hops,' j.bales.\u25a0."....'• 20iOranges; «bxs- :..:\u25a0\u25a0. 400 'Feed, -ska ....... .7701 QuicksilTer.;, fisks. 62 Leather/ rolls ... ' 150[. -. - ;. \u25a0 • j^i-;- •;:-. -\u25a0/\u25a0\u25a0. WASHINGTON^ Flour,* qr . sks.':% .9,972| Feed."; sks ....: .*.'. 1.000 Oats,-cUs ..;-.:.:4.&o7iShorts, .sks ..;..- 'SSO Potatoes, .sks \u25a0/..' 250J .\u25a0 . . THE : STOCK r MARKET Local(Seciirltles Xeslcoted \u25a0 and Mlnlnc £?J- r.J-'^.tockii; Generally; Weaker.- _ \u0084, "'.,-' Continued. dullness \ prerails, on -. the) Stock j and Bond i Exchange, ± and \u25a0 yesterday.:. was .no excep tion.;* Tbe i only change. worthy of -comment was an 'i adrance in 1 Associated «Oil - from " $46.75 to $47.25. V Sales of i bonds were $32,000. "•• The Edi son, Light: and" Power 6* per 'cent bonds were ex couponi of.'$1.50.' and.Giant,Powder was *x dlTl dend •of 50c. \ This exchange will probably, r» surne] its r former. 1 two sessions"per - day^when" its new: quarters in the* Merchants' | Exchange; baild ing are completed, 1 .which will be about March I.' !-i.The -j Comstock *. mining . shares 1 were 1 generally lower -'\u25a0 under / light - trading,^ as will be . seen. Julia S Consolidated: leried - an':, assessment of. 3c. delinquent i March : 11. M The : Southern Neradas were also weak,. and most of the prominent ones were j either unchanged <or lower. Goldfleld, Con solidated - Mines) was an exception, \ advanclas to $9.2 J. but closing at $8.87% bid. ' " .-\u25a0 "Kern Hirer OU was ex'awidend of 10c yester day. -:-."': --.-;\u2666.- \u25a0\u25a0 ; STOCK' AND BOND . EXCHANGE '\u0084 •' 4— 10:30 «. m. '-. "\u25a0 UN ITED STATES ; BONDS ••'..•\u25a0'\u25a0 Bid. Aek.l . -/ . Bid. Ask. 4s-qr-conp.. — . Us qr cp wv. ,—, — 4s *qr reg... — - % — •_ |3s.'qr coup... — ... _} MISCELLANEOUS BONDS ' Ala AW. OS..— — Ok TiCo/es. — I 16« Asso Oil .'.ss.. — 89' Do 5s 108 Bar, CPC 'SB.IO2 '. — Ok T Con ss. — \u25a0 108 CaJ-.-O G ss. — — : O:.W gtd ss. 92% 96 Cal G &.E g ' Oceanic S ss. 66*4 72U <«t-5s SS \u25a0— : Om-C«ble'6s. — 119% Cal-st C :55.105. •''—-* Pac Glm 4s. 92 95 C C Wat. ss. 101% 102% P E Ry 35.; — lOOti Do g mgss — 98 V4 Pac LAP ss/— - 100 l* I . l^- 6 - 1 - ± 120 P-& C H 68.101% — F,& C H «8.108 — , P.& O R 85.105 — Geary-st'."ss.. 40 — Powell-st 65..111% — H JC&S 5%5.l — —V Sac EG&R58.104 — Do 5s . . . ; 104 \u25a0 104% SF, & SJVSs .120 — ?£? \u25a0? - T «»•" —.' — . SF.O. & 5J55.109%110% L'Tahoe-K5r.101 .102 SJ&SCR 4%s 94% — ? LA- Elec ss. — 100% Sierra \R 65.. — 114% LAG &E158.100 —-SPof A6s * L^A.Ry 55.'.117%118 (1909> ' . .. .103%103% LALgtd 55.104y t 105% U9loi ....104U — LAP lcm 55.109H — S-P^ofC 6s LAP. Cal sb. 110% (1912) ....112% — Mkt-st-0' : 68.H0%112, SPC.lcg 66.119%121 '' Do ; lcm ss. — 112 s S P B• R 68.135 MV& MtTss.loo — SV W g mg4s — 93 \u25a0 NR of ,C 3s. — 120% Stkn G&E 6s. — 105 VP.G'R 58.102 . — - U G&E 55.102 i i= N C Ry 55. . —-j 113 UR of SF, 4s. — " 82% N C P C 55.101 101% Val'Co P 5«. — 103% O _i GL&H sa. 108 ; : — V WATER STOCKS Contra Costa — . 61 . IS ».V Wat Co. 23 — Marin.Co .. — " : 62 : .| GAS AND ELECTRIC Cent L& P. 1 2% Martel Power — — . Mut E L ctfs. 9 9% Pac L C 0.;.. — 80 .Do ex -ctfs —:; 13% Sikh. G; & E. — — INSURANCE Fireman's : Fend ....:.. .7 . .'. :\u25a0 ........ 170 ' 150 V, BANK STOCKS Am?NU- Bk. ; — : — *\u25a0• |Lon. ; Ps& All3B — Anglo-Cal \u25a0'... 85-" 90/|Mer Trust ..230 — Bank of Ca1.363 • — "' Mercb Ex .. 60 — Cal Safe'Dp.l29% — , 8 F : National. ' — — First , NatnL.29s 315 ;' -: . SAVINGS-BANKS Ger S'& L.3000 — Say & L So. .100 — Hum S 8k. 2100 .—''•'. Sec'Sav 8k..390 425* Mutual SaT.. 90 92% Union T- C 0.2815 — --, SF. 5av,U.617% — .; . v. >'\u25a0 STREET RAILROADS ' California .".143 —- I Presidio" ..... — 25 Geary ...... — ; Sl^l - . POWDER Giant : Consolidated \ C0.\. .... ......... 84% '"'--\u25a0 \u25a0*\u25a0»'-•''' *'\u25a0 '' SUGAR -- Hawaiian CI 81% 82% Onoinea S C. — 38 HonokaaS C 11% — \u25a0 Paauhau S a 16. 17% Hutch S P C.15% — Union. S Co.. — 50 Kilauea S C. — 3- Do pool ... — V"SOS Makaweli C.— 32% \u25a0 ; ...•\u25a0, • MISCELLANEOUS Alaska P A. 46% 48 » Oceanic S Co.' — 5 Asso OU 'Co. 47 -47% Pac AaxT.A •1 . — Cal ,FC^A.IO4 \u25a0\u0084'— -. PaciC 80rax.152% — Cal Wine A. 86% 87- Pac S Tel Co. 105 "— MV&^MtTm. 95 — - . . , ' ;-- : '-)--\u25a0 : : '* sales,,* Morning - Session .... .\u25a0..\u25a0 Board—- -\u25a0>-. \u25a0 \u25a0 ." - . '- , 5 Associated " Oil '•'\u0084 :.. . ."."... . .. . V 47.25 . - .15 Bank of; California, ca5h...... 363.50 \u25a0 ? \u25a0;„•'".. 25 Honokaa Sugar Co : . ."*. '.'. '. V. ??: r." 1 1 . 25 " •60 Spring Water C 0 .....:.-. 23.00 " ,SI,OOO Cal Gas 4;EIGSH,C,T 55... 89.00 $5,000 Los Angeles Ry-55........;...117.75 : $6,000 United . R * R' of ii S >.P ; 45. .. : ... . : 82.00 \u25a0 $1,000 S F. Oak & San Jose 3.1. ca5h.. 110. 50 110.000 S F.Oak & San Joee 55.: -.110.50 V . . - », Street — ,\u25a0.-- . .\u25a0•."•,,-\u25a0•.\u25a0 $6,0W Los Angeles Ry85;.....;.. 117.75 - :$l,OOO: $1,000 Spring ; Val Wat' gen mtge, 4s.. 93.00 ; $2,000 United R'R ; of,S;r:4». v .\:.. 82.00 ; Unlisted ISecurttle. V MISCELLANEOUS BO>O)3 " : ' i: • Bid. Ask. '\u25a0'- - : " Bid. Ask. Bay •: CPC 65.104% — , SF A:NP \u25a0 5«.109% Cal NW.Rss.lll 112 Stand El 55.. — 92% Ok T. Con 6s. — 102% Do gtd ss. — ' 95- SFDrydk' sß.ll2. — Sun Tel 55... 104* 110 SF G&E4%s 94 95 r • - -fy \u25a0\u25a0 ; MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS t - Ala', Sng>Col: — -18" Hono nw p001. 23 27% Cal- Cot/Jills 90 .—. — }'\u25a0 N Cal ' P Co. — '28 CaI ! T T&.T.I7S — Orpheum ; Co.. 1« — . Chutes Co .. — 4 Pac C Cas Co. 150 175 CypiLSlmp. 2% s:' S F-Drydock 60 ' — ". Dpt vPw pf d. — 104 J' SFi * SJ - Coal — "20 Hono P Co.. .22 28 Truck. Elect.. .19% — \u25a0Do old p001. 20 — ;.• \u25a0 :c. . California ] Stock* and Oil Exchange 1 ' ',-\u25a0 . '•\u25a0[- -.. - - Bid. Ask. -\u25a0. - ' \u25a0 Bid. Ask. Apollo .:.....: 10 Mon.of Aria..- 16 — Asso Oil 5ttc.47.25 ; — Occid of W Va — • 05 Chi \u25a0 Crude, old 35 - — Oil . \u25a0 City \u25a0*\u25a0 Pet. •72 "ß 10 Peerless t ....'..3.23 -:-;" — Claremont, ..., / — *.' 75 Piedmont '-.'... 10 — Four ,-,v. ; .'.'. ,~. "•— - 23 Plttsburg : ..:. . *— 05 Fu1t0n....... 1. 00 2.0";S F & — Home '-.-. ...V. ;21; 21 27|Sterllng :i.60 2.00 Independence . 15 : ' — Superior * ; : .'. ; : 10 \u25a0 ' — Junction . . ... 14 . — Twenty-eight. . 7.00 — Kern, .new .v -10' — Wabashi ..:.:. — 45 Kern :R1Ter.:6.75 10.00 West Shore .v.2.00 ,— Linda " Vista .* . 10 • — WolTerine \u25a0 . ..'.; -40 — McKittrick • . . -20 ;,—; ,— - --\u25a0,;'>.\u25a0'. \u25a0\u25a0: \u25a0. '\u25a0 _.-.- '.sales' .\u25a0 500 OU City. - . i .....; . . ./.......... f. . . . .69 1000 Monarch ;.. ....:.....................; .1$ : . \u25a0. ; Mining Stock» • SAN ' FRANCISCO STOCK 1- EXCH ANGB ? ;C Following were. the sales^ on the San Francisco Stock' and Exchange Board; yesterday: s^?jf£ r: "v' \u25a0•-\u25a0 i':;COMST©CKS , ; " ' ;. : -..^ ,'\u25a0-"* ,'-.•-. "Regular : Morning 'Session: \u25a0 200 Belcher ..;.. S~ 10<l£Cr6wnT- Point.. 27 100 Caledonia; ..." 54 800 Gould. * Cur. ' 32 1000 Con r Imperial : 02 400 : Sierra "\u25a0 Ner .; . ..' 56 - 200 Con *Va M : Co. 1 , 92 100 Union Con ; . . ;41 .200 Crown; Point.: 26 ;, r, ' .-\u25a0': '\u25a0 " . \u25a0';' Inf ormal \u25a0\u25a0 Session ' . ' \u25a050 Belcher * ".'-'. . .". 371 200 ; Crown Point. . 27 iIOO Belcher ..... 36|'5<TO Mexican ..... 91 200 Caledonia ... *53 500 ' Mexican : .... 90 )500 ConiVa MCo. '90 100 Ophir . ...:r.:.2.55 £300, Crown « Point:. 28 , \u25a0 ' CLOSING 'QUOTATIONS \u25a0 i'^Bld.Ask.l v \u25a0;-•\u25a0- . ' Bld.A«k: Alpha — ' 16; Justic* • .."; .•;";". < 05 07 Alta -, ...... . . 05 Lady -Wash - . . '08 — Andes -\u0084 . :. . .. 15 17 Mexican ?-'. .';- . r90r 90 92 Belcher ..... 35 3S New York Con* — 07 Best"&:Belch.l:3o. i:4s Occidental ... 47 — Bruns.C*,Va;-. .04 — Ophlr ....;r.. 2.50 2.55 Brnns \u25a0 ' Sarage. "v 03 \~ Orerman ;;\u25a0 . \u25a0 '.. : 19/21 Bullion . ....'.;> 25 \u25a0 . — Potosl ' . r. . .; . M 6 . 19 Caledonia ..; 53 .-55 Rich: Eureka.. slsO •• — Challenge ;.. 20 L2sSavageL 2sSavage .:..:'.. 90 95 Chollar '.*. :~. . 7* 13 •1C Scorpion . ;7. . 08 11 Confidence ..M. 00' 1:10 Seg • Belcher ir.""^— 7^ll Con Imperial. 1 01 v \u25a002 Sierra Ncr r. ..' 55 JW Con'*Va:M Co. - 90 . . 91 Sllrer Hill .'..^ 60 "65 Crown r Point..* '27 s.s Standard *. C0n.. 3. 00 ' — Exchequer -"; ;. :45 , \u25a0 — St * Louis \u25a0::.". — OS Gould r Cur. -32 - : >3S Union Coa^. ..' 41 42 Hale •-. & i Norc. , 80 . 00 Utah • ".: 7. .'. ... 05 --"• 07 Kentuck ..'...— 14 Yellow Jacket. '96 1.00 Julia ;. .... :.\ . — .12 \u25a0.;_!. ~\'j~ ; :. '.: . -V,S,t6nOPAH rANp-GOLDFIELD^ STOCKS - ;', ; "j • Regular : Session— 9:30 .^to" 12:30 *-' ;,' 200 "Adams V? . *; ?\ . : 25 JOOO" Man"-' Broncho A 16 500 Adams """.". . \u25a0 23 W*) Man - Broncho.."'* 17 5000 'Apri^ Fool 3 Bx."> 05 ICOO Man Buffalo .*.'; " 10 1000 "Atlanta \u25a0-:.'.::; &« 1000 Man ; Crescent. 13 slOOfAtlantari :'-.::. \ 9011000 Man ' Dexter .; 63 1000, Atlan " kfc Pac.^i 051 , 500 ' Man ; Dexter"': . 64 :500.BigiBlfrg.-,»5 ; 06!5<:'<X> Man } Humboldt ''' OS l«0O ! Blk 'Ants.- b3O V l3 1 500 Man ' Llttlo Joe '06 1000 \u25a0 Bine * Bell '. . : f : 27 1000 Man ', Red « Top.~ " 06 500 ! Blue - Bell ; . ; 28 2000 Man i Standard.- *04 2000 Bine Bull .- . : '. '- 50 1000. Mayflower - Con 55 3000 i Bonanza » Ex ; : 12 2000 MacNamara " '. . '63 2000 ' Bonnie -:Clar«S; 37 500 s Mid Pawnee.. V 11 >50O;Bonnle.,Clare. *36 2000'Milltown Fr,ss s O7 1000 ; Bullfrog '. Mm. '; 36 ' 500 Mohawk ! Junior .*? 10 1000 Btte ? Goldfleld 12 1300 Montana '•'.*: \V. 4I OO ; : 500 Cent 8 Eureka.-. '* 75 2000 Mon : PltU . Ex. - 24 500; Columbia 5. 1:15{ 500 Mon* Pitts' Ex..i 25 15O0 ; Colnm^MC:s5.1tl0jl0O0,Montgomy Mt. 40 2000!CoWMt.Ts5.1".07%11000.MtgiSho E.slO - 22 2000 ;Bf g " 40(3000 ' Mustang *> Am,;''! 02 2000 Cracker -, Jack . #20 lOOO" Mustang } Ex . . 10 s 300 : Cracker 1 Jack ~i 19 4000 Mustang : Man. 27 1000 ,DaUy^,*rrt: .-.2:80 3CX> Mustang. Man. ;29 2500 Dmdfld £. Trngl. V 64 1 500 , Nevada ; 80y i . . ? ; 21 1000;FalrTW«Hail.V.:i5 2000 Xerj Cons Stck- 18 5 200 Florence £T.-r;.3 1 00 2500 i Ncr 1 . : Wonder .*. -31 2000 Flor : G »Ri Kng *• 14 ,100 1 N < Star »,Wondr \u25a0> 26 10OO;Gold*Anchpr..»40 4000 Oakland.-.v;.*.- 27 *100. Gold « Anchor;. -41 1000 Oakland .'.... 26 >e>OQ GldvC«niM.S;S7% 1500 Ohio Ton. T^slO ' ; 21 300.0 Goldyketßeef.i-14 IOOO'Oro ... rr -.:..; 51 1000 Grandma .; . ; 28i7000 Oro^m..V.'.':;fsga 900 Grandma , .... "29 2000 Pennsylv»nia . . 04 100 - - Do.*" s ' 10.'.. -31 3i"» Perm ' Blf rg . . « , 4i>oo Great -Bend.l. 12% 1000 Pine. Xut .... 24 200 Great: 8end.'..1.15 1000 Potlatcb ...... •»• 1000 Grt- Bend Anx 26 100 Red ; Hills .... 31 2000 Grt; Bend Anx 25 SOOO Red -Top^Es.. « 1000 Grt'Bend Ex. 37 2000 Do,-b 90.... 44 250 Grnw, B Oxide .50 500 Red Wing ... 34 4000 Hlndocraft .. 15 30«X> Reese Rlt Gld 18 ;500 Jack'Pot-....1.50 ,500 Sandstorm^ ... J» 500 Jim -.1.20 250 Syl 1 Humphrey. IS 6000 Johnnie C»--bIS 19 2300 Silver Pick ..1 .45 1500 JnmboiEx-...2.60!2000 St'lves ....1.1.J* 2500 ,Do,\s 5..2.62U1 100 Stray Don ••• » 2000 Jumbo \u25a0 Ex..2.62H1100«> Tecopa Con .--l-J" 1000 Do. b 30:.. 2.65J2000 Thanksgiving.." 12 100 Jumbo -Ex *\u25a0;;. 2.65 1000 Tramp C0n..1..2^ 6500 Kawich '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Gold. 02! 3000 Valley View . . 25 1600 Lone Star-.... SBIIOOO Vernal ....... I* 5000 Lone Star :.. 35 30f>0 Yankee Girl .. '13 3000 Lou ~ Dillon .: 25 3000 Yel Horse Ex. 2O 13,000 M' Belmont. 03[ .- ,' . V. Informal Session— l2:3o to 2 b. m. 3000 Adam V:.'..!. 23 2000Goldyke" Reef.. 13 1000 Adams. 1 b 60.:" 24 1500 Grandma 31 3000 Adams ...... 22f 500 Grandma ..... 33 400 AUce'of Won. 25-1000 Do. b3O 30 500 Amethyst ... 60|4000 Granny G M. 23 1000 Apr Fool Ex. 0512000 Great Bend -l-JS " 500 Atlanta, b 80. 90 lijOO Grt Bend Ex. 3* 1500 AUanta . . . ... 8^ 500 Jack Pot .... 1 . 50 1500 Atlan &" Pac. 0313000 Jim Butler . .1.20 3000 Arcadia ....... lOf 500 Jumbo Ex ..2.«2£, 1000 Bluck Ants-;. 13 1000 Jumbo Ex '.."..2^60 1000 Blkß Bonanz ' 12j 50»)- Do. s 10. .2.5.^, 2000 BIS B Bonanz 13|lS,0tX> Llge Harris.. 05. 100i> Blk ' Butte Ex . 14 2000 Lee Bonanza . . 2O '500 Black Rock .. 11 18.00<> Lone Star .. 35 1000 Black Rock . . 10 2300 Lone Star . ... 3» • 500' Blue . Bell ... 2S 2500 Lone Star ... 3» 1000 Blue BeU ... 27 3000 Lncky Star ... 11 IJ.OCO Blue Bull .. 51|2000 Lucky Stir ... l 1000 Blue Bull ... 50j 500 Lynx Creek . :1. «0 5000 Bonnie- Clare. 38! 500 Do. » 5. ....1.70 9000 Bonnie Clare. 36J5000 Kendall ...... 54 7000 Do, b 30.'.. 3S> 500 Kendall ...... 33 5000 Bonnie Clare. 37} 500 Kendall Ex .. 08 500 Bonnie Clare. 39 10,000 Man Dexter.. 63 3000 *Do. b 60... 39U000 Man Dexter .. «2 500 Booth, ibe 0.1.0- 1000 Man Dexter .. W 10(10 Boston' Ton . . 18JS00O Man Humboldt Ojj 1000 Brooklyn .... ©6t 3Cm) 3lan Uttle Joe ««' 2000 Bullion HUr:. 60 4000 Man SUv .Pick 10 1000 Blfg Daisy: .. 4S 2000 Mayflower Con 55 500 Blf rg Nat Bk 551 2000 Mayne 1| 2000 Birr* f Nat Bk 54)1500 Milltown - F»e. 08 5000 Colnmbta ...1.12m3000 Milltown Frac. 07 300 Colum 31t.:1.07% 5000 Do.- b- 6O OS 1500 Columbia Mt. 1.10 1000 Milltown M, s« -« ;800 Columbia Mt.1.05'1500 Mohawk Ex .. 25 5iX» Do. s 5. .1.07%|1500 Mon . Pitts : Ex. 24 5000 Colom M • E,ss 08 1000 -slon Pitts Ex. 23 100 Com Fract!on.6.3o{ 100 Montana 3.95 400 Cora Frac. .6. 12% [2000 Mont - Bullfrog. 13 300 Com Frac J8. 23)2000 Mtg Sbos Ex. "22 10«X> Comnwlth. •s 5 32»700O Mustang Anx. 03 2000 Confidence Bfg 40|2000 MusUng Man. 2* 7CO Conqueror .... 28; 1000 Ncr San, s 5 30 3000 Cracker Jack . 19 j 1500 North SUr . . ;' \u25a040 1500 Cracker Jack. 2015000 N Star Wondr 26 100 Daisy, b 30. .2.90 500 Nusget .....;. 13 200 Daisy ....;:. 2. 80 4000 Old Sol Blfrg. 20 200 Daisy, b \u25a0 90. .2.90 4700 Orlg ' Bullfrog. 23 1000 Daisy -.-..'. .2.77%!2000 Orig BuUfrog. 24 1000 Da Isy, b 30. . 2. 80t 1000 Oro ....... . . . 52 1500 Daisy 2.75 2000 Oro, b 90...".. 56 1000 Daisy Anx :.- 20 3000 Oro ...... 54 2000 Daisy ( Ex . . . KM 000 Pitts S Pk.1.571<» 2000 Dmdfld TrngL »4|2000 Ramsey Wondr 29 8500 Dmdfld TrngL 63 10.000 Red Top Ex 42 3000 Dominion .... - 29i14.500 Red Top Ex 43 2000 Do. b 90... 21 1000 -Do. b9O 44 10>")0 Empire .:...". 18)2000 Ruby Wonder. 34 200 Gold 8ar..:.. 1.40f1500 Sandstorm . ... 76 1200 Gold Crown .. 1613000 . Do, b 90. ... 80 1000 Gold Crown .. l$ ! 5000 Do.;b x 60.... 80 3000 Gold Quartx.. 37 30V0 Sandstorm Ex. 10 1000 Gold Quarti 39 2800 Silver Pick . .1 .45 1000 Gold Quarts.'. 40 6300 SUver P1ck..1.42\i 700 Gld Con M... 8. 75 2700 Do.s 30 1.40 500 Gld. Con M.8. 87% 1000 Stray -Doc ... 53 400 Do, b 60.».12% 4100 St Ives ...... 1.20 50 Gld Con M.v.9.00 1500 Toa Gold West 12 1000* Do. b 60... 9.23 500 Tramp Con ..1.70 3500 Gld Kewanos.l. 73 1000 Vernal .. 24 200 Gld Kewanos.l.7o 600 Vernal ....... 25 3500 Gld Kewanos.l.Bo<looo Walker Lake.. 10 100 Gld M ' Ner. .1.2013000 Yankee Girl . . 13 8000 G -Trotter,b3o 26(1000 Yellow Rose.. 13 CLOSING QUOTATIONS .; CALIFORNIA Btd.Ask. SBVj Bid. Ask. Argonaut .... — 4.80 Furn Crk Ex.. — .70 Bos Gwtr Cop — 18 Gwtr Bl Oxide s^[ Bronswick ... — 75 Keane Wonder.' — 63~ Banker Hi 11 ..1.75 2.00 NeT Hercules.. — 68 Cen Kureks... 70 74 ' Tonopsh District Belmont .....5.12 8.23 Midway .....12.00 2.10 Boston. Toa... — IS Mlzpah Ex.... — V 40 California.".. — 21 Montana .. .4.00 — Cashboy ..... 12 15 Mont Mdwy x — 13 Esperanzs- ... 02 03 Mon Pittsb ii 25 -~ Golden Anchor 38 40 N V Ton On. — 1© Golden Crown. 10 IS North Star 40 41 Gold Mountain 05 07 Ohio Tonopal* . 21 23 Gold Mtn Con 01 02 Paymaster .... 02 03 Great ' Western 04 05 Red Rock Ex. 03 04 Gypsy. Qn Con 25 30 Rescue Cons... — 21 Home ....... — 13 Tonopah Ex... —5.25 Indiana \u25a0 Ton. . 02 03 Ton Gold West 12 — lowa Tonopah 06 — Ton Silver & G 03 — Jim '•Butler... l.l7 1.22 Ton. of »t.. — 19.00 Little T0n.... — 3.00 West End..... 1.60 1.70 MacNamara ..63 65 GoldfleU District Adams ...... 22 23 Grandma ..... 2<* 30 A10ha.....:.. 14 —Great Bend... 1.12 1.15 Atlanta f.:.... 83 90 Great Bend An 25 26 Baltimore Gfld — ~ 07 Grt Bend Con. — 15 Band ;....:... — 40 Gr«at Bend, Ex 38 3» Black Ants... 12 13 Hlbernla «V. . . '1»\u25a0 21 8.8 Bonanza.. 12 IS Highland ./... — ' 13 Blk. Butte Ex. - 14 15 Jumbo - ..71... 3.75 4.(H> Black R0ck.. .10 . U Jumbo Ex I 2.57 2.«2 Blue 8e11..... 27 2S KendaU.. 53 54 Blue 8u11..... 81 52 Kendall Ex... 07 OS Brooklyn .*... 06 OT Kewana Ex. . . 47 4S Butte-Goldfld. 12 13 Laguna 1.40 C O D....... :—: — 1.30 Lone Star...".. 35 3« Columbia ... .1 .10 1 .15 Loutu t DUlon. . . . ' 26 27 Columbia Mta.1.05 1.07 Mayne ....... 17 IS Colum Mtn Ex 07 09 MdngC Pawnee 11 ,12 Com Fractlon.6.l2 6.25 Milltown MCo 41 44 Conqueror-.... 28. --29 Mohawk Ex... 29 31 Cracker Jack. 19 20 Mohawk Junior 09 '10 Daisy '....:. .2.70 2.77 Nevada 80y... 20 21 Daisy Annex.. — 20 Nevada GoidSd — 70 Daisy Ex.. ... 08 10 Ncr Western.. — 04 Dfld B B Con. 51 65 Oro .v v. 53 S5 Dtamndfid Tri 64 66 Panyaa ..:... — 10 Dixie ........ 15 18 Pennsylvania.. 04 03 Empire-....'.. 18 20 Potlateh 87 75 Esmeralda"..; 28 — Red Hi 115..... SI •"' "3» Fawn .. .r... — 15 Red Lion 14 Florence-'..... —^S.OO Red T0p..... .3.75 Az\^ Frances-Mhwk 82 85 Red Top Ex. . 43 - Frisco ;:....:• 25 Sandstorm .... 76 78 Gold Bar Gf1d.1.05 1.10 Sandstorm' Ex. 10 U. Gold Bar Frae 19 — SDver Pick... .1.45 147 Gfld Bun Dog IS \u25a0\u25a0'— Snr«r Pick Ex 15 IT Gfld C Mines.B.B7 9.00 Spearhead Gold — 1.10 GUlfld Fissure -07 St 1ve5.......1.17 1 20 Goldfld Herald 05 \u25a0 —St Ives Letsia* 15 Gfld Mof N. 1.23 1.40 Stib X3*Z.Z7~r. 04 OS Goldfld NStar •— 15 Treasnre •«... IS Gfld Red King' — 20 Verde -........- 02 04 Gold : Flat..;. "— 18 Vernal ...«^.. 24' 25 Gold HlU..;*.V— 05 Waverly ..^.. — 25 , Gfld L Strike. : — 15 Wonder * ...... Oft 07 Gfld ! Kewanos.l.Bo 1.85 Yellow Ross... 13 15 Ofld i Bonvenir. — .14 Yellow : Tlzar.. \u25a0 — 17 Goldfld , Union . , OB \u0084 06{ - , • . -Bollftoc District - Alliance "...;'.• — 20 GoMM Blfrg.. W Amethyst...... 68 60 Golden Sceptrs — • 4* Big Bnllfroj.., 0« 07 Gold Mtn Gfld. 08 10 Bone Mt' Gold 10 — Hap .Hooligan. " n Bonnie Clare. SS 39 Llge Harris... 05 09 Blfrg Annex. . 03 . 05 Little - Bullfrog 04 06 Blfrg Banner J. 00 1.05 Mayflower Coa 53 55 Bullfrog ' Comb ": — 11 Mayflower Ex. — 10 Bullfrog icons. \u25a0 — 05 Maryland ..... 03 Blfrsr. Daisy.! .45 4S Montana Blfrg 13 14 : Bullfrosr.Ex.:. — '14 Mt Hill Minos — 00 Blfrg , Belmont — "16 Montgomrr Mt. 3J> A\ Blfrg'Jumper. — OS Mont-Sbosh Ex .21 2S Blfrg vM ldas.. 5O 60 Nugget 11 13 Blfrg MCo N 3« 37 North Shoshone . — 17 Bfg MM&W :. 38 — Original Birr*. 23 "4 Blfrg Natl Bk 55 .67 Orig G Bar Ex — > 30 Blfrg NStar. — 15 Pennsylr Blfrg — 12 Blfrg Sunset.". -15 16 Ptute ;.\ ...-..' lrt Blfrg Victor.'; —\ SO Rhyollte Twast 03 P« Blfrg ' Winner. 15 .20 San - Francisco . < — 15 China-Nev .. .' — 10 Shoshone- ..... " ts% Cnfldnce- Blfrg 40 — Shotth Natl B* 06 07 Croesus \u25a0."...\u25a0"..\u25a0 — 20 Stetnwav \u25a0...-..\u25a0 24 27 Den Blfrg An. .— , 30 Tramp Cons. ..1.70 1.75 G01d58ar....:1.30 i; 35 Trmldad .".... — .50 Gold Bar. An. — 12 VaUey View... «« Gold" Bar < Ex.; 09 13 Velvet ...:... W 10 Gold Cen>r.r. •'— 25 Yankee GW. . . 12 13 Gold Dollar.'; \u25a010 —f ".' .l \\u25a0' Manhattan « District f April Fool Ex' <HVH V 06t Man H Grade. I<s . Atlan ' A ' Pac: ; 1 . 05 > J Ort | Man 1 Iranbo*. .23 -""— We Own and Offer SEASONED RAILROAD BONDS {Secured 'by. railroad properties which have demonstrated a continued earn- ing over a -period "of. years N sufficient tto pay. all operating ex- penses, dividends on stock, a«hd leave: •a* substantial •'surplus.'". \ ', Yieldirigr 7t rom z\ to - 4 % . per" cent. Send for * Circular "A." — N. W. HALSEY ®> CO. 413 Montgomery ; St., S. F. \u25a0New\Tofk.> Philadelphia-. 'Chicago J. G. WILSON Stocks' and Bonds Uembcr Stock and Bond ' Exchaji«%. 4ss Oslfc (ornia st' ; ' Pnon* Temporal? all. \u25a0 MIRRiSINNis San Francisco*: References^ LO^Ov*