Newspaper Page Text
Bull D0g..... OS\ WMm Humboldt 09 10 ....... 03 04 Man Little Joe 05 -.06 Oo!d Wertge.. 15 17 Man MCo Nev 16 17 Gmnny G II.:' — 23 Man Mammoth — 15 Hindrtcraft 14 15 Man Monarch.. 07 08 Little Grey... 45 M Man Red Top. 05 00 >i«n Belmont. 02 (tt Man Standard. 03 (ft Man Bl Iloree — m Man Vlr GM. — <W Visn Broncho. 17. 18 Man Wolf tone. .' 2O — Man Buffalo., oa II Mustang Man.. 2'? 27 Man Carson.. — 09 Mustang Annex 02 0.1 Man Central.. 03 W Mustang Ex... 10 11 M on Con* _ ps Original Man.. 28 29 Man Con Ex.. — HI Pine Nnt 24 25 Man ToTchu... 10 11 Serler Hmphry 12 13) Man Orescent. 12 13 Stray Dog 51 54 Man Cowboy.. 10 12 Thanksgiving. . 12 — Mnn Dexter... 00 62 Whale 10 12 Man Gold Nog — OSiYellow Horse.. OS 10 Other District* Alice of Won 23 241 Nevada Copper — 2.00 Onten Goidfld — 50!Nev Hills Lx.. — tO Clifford M Co. — OS N n Florcncf. — j.*» r.Hjrl*' 1 !! Ncßt. ?S SO Nev Wonder.. 30 81 Tvw Hailftono 14 — X Star Wonder 25' ifl I'airTw nr.p!«>. — JK> Plttsb S Peak. l.fiO F«lrvw Rd Mt — S5 Ramsey Wondr — 30 Flm C, ltd G 13 \u25a0 Hlßed Wing — 32 « Reod M Co. 12 — 1 Reese Riv Gold 16 — <5»lfl«»a S Peak — 19iRex Wonder... — 10 Ooia.vke Reef. 13 HJRound Mt 1.00 Ida MiDe* 20 — Bound Mt Fx. 27 30 Itl» M^e Aimx - - O.'lßuby Wonder. '. 33 35 Interstate ...1.50 — (SII Pk Maj-flwr^SO — Johnnie Cons. IS 19|7 Troughs Cleg — '14 Kwicb GM Co — t>2. Wndrlnd MCo 20 — REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Goorge C. Pardee to Georpe C. Pardee. lot on NE comer of Mission and Fifteenth streets, N XO by E 110; $10. John H. Dawson and wife to James L. Broyer ct al.. lot on W line of Fair Oaks street, R5 N or Twenty-fifth, X 00. W 125, S 25, E 25. S 25. E 100; ?10. Ix>uls Westerlund to Amanda Westerlund. lot «n E line of California street, 158 E of Coso, S q by E 140; $10. k .::sn'.st Harenburg to Anna Harenburg, lot on £E corner of Greenwich end Pierce streets, E 137:6 by S 87:6: gift. Minnie H. Young et al. to Charles L. Has fcp'.l. lot on E line of Ashbury street, 60 S of Waller. S 25 by E 106:3; $10. Standard Realty and Development Company to Western Pacific Railway Company, lot. on E line of Maryland street. 50 S of Twenty-fifth. S 73 by E 100; $10. Jntn Hunt and wife to Edward S<rliofipld. lot : on- N line of Twenty-eighth street. 203:7 W of Diamond. W 60 by N 114; $10. Jonathan Anderson and wife to John J. and Anna Holtermann, lot on S line of Twenty pf-oond street, 2CO E of Oastro. E 25 by S 114; | $10. Julia McCarthy to Frederick F. Sehoettler ana wife, lot on N line of Seventeenth strwt, 61:9 W of Albion avenue, W 30 by N 115: $10. Henry S. Brlflpe and wife to Amelia Benninp. lot on E line of Twentieth avenue, 146 N of California, N 26 by E 120; $10. Amelia and E. S. Benalng to Seely E. Ellis, came; $10. John HlnkPl and wife to Minnie L. Hall, lot on N line of Point Lobos avenoe. 105:11 W of Twpnty-fifth avenue, W 25 by S 100; $10. Henry Fabrlque and wife to M. Theodore Rflnke, lot on NE corner of Eddy and Brodericfc ureets. E 32:6 by N 100; $10. >tfarie C Koberg to I^uis*" H. Campan. lot on E line of Fifth avenue. 225 N of A street, N 25 by E 120; $10. . Thomas M. Holt and wife to John F. Me- Gowan. lot S6. block 4. Holly Park: $10. Henry Burner to Jacob Olsen, lot on W line ct Noe street, M W of Clipper, S 30 by W 80; $10. William H. Turk. and wife to Gloeeppe Man rino, lot on N line of Sacramento street. 192:6 E of Baker, E 25 by N 127:P; $10. Harry G. Barkley to Hand Gulllxon. lot on BW line of Lacgton street, 225 XW of FoUom, NW 23 by SW 75: $10. AlfroJ A. Baxter and wife to J. W. Wright A: Sons' Investment Company, lot on S line of I'oint Ijnbos atvntie, 36 W of Thirty-ninth, W a SIW W OU, S 23, E 12<>. N 25, W 36, N 10ft: Jin. Nat Raphael and wife to William Harrelson et al.. lot on W line cf Vermont street, 162:6 E of Fifteenth. S 107:<5 by W loO:JJ10. i Tj!)"o!n Fittell and vrife to B. C. Blopr. lot \u25a0W Mack 55. Rels Tract; $10. » J rum»ey Smith to Cassie E. Tarrant, half of lot oil E line of Seventeenth avenue, 100 S of Point I.ohos, S 25 by t 120; $10. Nan-v E. Cooper to Frederick W. Loeschen kohl. tot <"i SW line of Rerlin street, 100 SE of ru~- . gE 50 by SW 120: $10. •...*? I:-j**ntbal to Edward Beck, lot on SB v«<-ser of. I'->jght and Ashbury streets, E 75 fey s 3&o. f-/v JJoI<-t;? »»d Martin Tiedemann to Mary Kt,.re?.. M <>a S line of Hayes street. 83:3 W » of Cerlr:.; j..enne. W 25 by S 100: $10. •FVacfc '..Its and wife to Frank Marlnl. lot • s r\V Use vt Mission street. 30 SW of Kings ; ten arcaae, S'.V 27, W 86:6, NE 23:11, E 88:11; Minerva C. Miller to Andrew Deneri, lot on ' W line of Powell etreet, 57:6 S of Washington, • S 20 by W 60: $10. Gardner E. Beach and wife 'to Patrick H. Winterwm. lot on S line of H street. 30 E of Fifteenth a venae, E 30, S 76 ."9, SW 30 by 79:10; $10. i H. W. Uaosen to Olga F. Hacsen. lot on E ' line of Mission Ktreet, 132:11 S of Twelfth. ' S 44.5 U. SE 137 :f1, X S2:4H. XW 135:6: gift- Henry Lando and wife to William A. Hermle. lot on SW corner of Pape and Devlsadcro ttreets. S 32 »>jr W 1O0; $30. Edward .To frincs and wife to Thomas Ganl ford. let on E line of Tenth avenue. 235 N of J street, X SOViv E J2O: $10.- . Hermann L*Vwmann to Jobasno Lackmann. lot on E line ot Calif ornla avenue. 70 N . of Ortland etreet, X 40 by E 113, and two other pieces;- $1. Francis Isaac to Lizzie Lobree, lot on E line of Fifth etreet. SSO S of Point Lobos avenue, S 60 hr E 120: $10. CUra V. Filch to Virginia Fitch, lot on S Ki^S;^ 3W of M <>^o-ry. Herbert E. Law and wife to Lonira Spala trine. lot on E line of Pierce street. 125 N of Lombard, X 25 by E 110; $10. Christ and Anna Stader to Silvegtro Scatena, lot £8. block 4, Mission and Thirtieth Streets Extension Homestead Union; $10. Same to A. Eaffo. lot 29, block 4. same: $10. American Sugar Refining Company to Insular Improvement Company, lot on XE comer of Bpttery and I'nlon streets. X l. r .5. E 50. X 120 E -C^. S 2<»5. W 125. S 70. W 150. and seven «\u25a0\u25a0£:- pieces; $10. - •' .^Tiialthasar Huth and Wife to Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Association, - iot •on E - Hue of Stockton street. 103:1 >4 S of Greenwich. S , 54:4i4 by E 100: $10. . Mtrcsrct 'J. Biicsoll to Ann Keefe, lot on E. \u0084Mne of. York strret, KiO S of .Twenty-fourth, S Henry Breand and wife in Emma A. Gardner. . lot on S line of . Fifteenth street. • IGS W of Dolores. W 25.6, SE 3S, SE 33. E 22, X 71; $10. John Gardner to Anna A.. Gardner, same;' slo. Richard H. Browne and. wife to Michael P. , Kristovjch. lot on S line of Clipper street. 230 . E of Castro. E £5 by S 114;' $10. Austin Moore et aL to-Ray T. Skellicg et aL ' I lots 329 and 331, rift map Xo. 3: $10. | Elizabeth Fitzgerald to Albert Ducker, lot on • E line of Twenty -sixth avenue. 265 S of A street N 46:8. E 233:»«. SE 46:5, W 23«:6; $10. ; L. Kusera to Jobs ; Wiren, lot on E line of \u25a0 Twelfth avenue, N. of Point Lohoe, X 50 by E i 120: $10. •. a \u25a0 • • , Casper Zwierlein *nd wife to J. n. L. Harms. , lot on ,£W line of Masonic avenoe, 60 SE of -Piedmont. SE 25 fey SW 100; $10 I Elizabeth I\ Dwffey to Adolf Hftikelmann and wife, lot on NB corner of Lily avenue and Bachanun street. X 42 by E 37:6; $10. Walter S. Bassett and wife to Charles W. King, lot on XE line of Laidley street, 575 SE of Harper. SE U5 l>r NE 100; $10. John B. Carson to <"atlierii)e C Caraon. lot on S line of Geary street, 286 W of Steiner. W 22 by S 82:6; $10. Thomas W4W 4 Elvers et'al. to Alice A. Bler wirth. lot !»/ block A. Glen Park Terrace; $10. Charl«s McCarthy to Jobann F. : Wagner, lot on N -line J)t Sacramento street, 57:6 E of Cherry, E 60 by X 100; $10. -. Catherine T. Bunnell to A. B. Grossman, lot on NE corner of California street South (or Deeth) *nd Third avenue, N 79:11* E 108. S \u25a090. W 104; $10. 1 Margaret A. Elliott to Mary J. McGovera, : lot on E line of Polk street, 60 N of \u25a0 Lom bard, N 27:6 by E 68:S; $10. Bnfldtnar «'«tniract» A] & H. M. EnpUnder with H. I. Kyle — : Plumbing, irasfittlng and sewering for a four ; ctory and basement brick building on 'NE line •of Tort street. E^ 65;9, X »o, W. 30, N 2 6. I W \u25a0aS-.Q.'S 02:6: $7750. \u25a0 Eame . wilh J. .G. Sutton Company — Steam \u25a0 beating for seme on same; $17CO. Annie Smith with W. L. Graff — To erect a one-story frame eottaire on E line of Capp etreet. 125 S of Seventeenth. S 25 by E 122:6; i $1582. / W S, Eoeenthal with Clark & Sterneman— To four -story frame building on XE corner •Vf Twenty-slith avenue and Lake street; $7300. H. & H. E. Law wltti J. Llewellyn Company — Tinting, painting, panernanginjf, wood finish for Fairmont Hotel, on block bounded by Sacra mento, \u25a0\u25a0 Powell, California and Mason* streets sl9,«oo.- \u25a0 ' -* Clara Barton Hospital with J. A. .HIU— To SEND FOR MY Market Letter If you_read_my market letter of last week, and followed my advice on: St. lives, .you should ' have ; made money. ! You don't have to take ray word '• for It. but goto any one who is receivlnjr my private advices for - the past few : months and see if I haven't, been right -in my predictions of the, market.. My next market letter _wlll - contain some more iacts. To gret'lt; your name will have to pc on lhe;maillngr list. "I you the factß as best I know, them> and .these facts I secured through; my Gold- field office and by personal visits to the Nevada . Camps. . 'fend ,your name and address for [my. •prOrate market letter.s* It : costs you r liClhing.: \u25a0 . A. J. MODRE ltnonm 29 & 30, Baron. Block,' . - oaklaSd;cai^ RULING MAY RUIN OLIVE INDUSTRY State, .Growers l Aroused b} r Decision to : Admit Ripe Product Free " of Duty APPEAL TO PERKINS nelievinjj that the olive Industry of <he State Is doomed If ihe recent J dei clsion of the general appraisers of New York, by which the ripe olives of - for eien countries, are v' admitted .. free of <1 v t j-. Is • not ' reversed, j representatives of the .large producers of - California met yesterday afternoon at the • head qnarters of the State Board of Trade to map out a campulgn to combat the rullnir. .. ' ' The first inkling of they move"- of 'the Federal officers reached the growers through a letter received recently by- Colonel Briggs of the Board of Trade from Senator Perkins, In which the gravity of the situation, was set forth. A telegram was Immediately dispatched by the delegates yesterday to inquire for further particulars before any defi nite step Is taken. From the communication of Senator Perkins it appeared that the question had been before the appraisers for some time, the ruling was only made after months of deliberation. The tar iffs on olives have been construed to admit ripe ollves^n ' barrels . free of charge. The green and'.drled olives are all liable to duty. In/accord with the provisions regulating '. customs as ' set down by Congress in 1890, ., duty.*' is charged on ripe, dried and green olives in bottles, but in regulating, the im portation In barrels the, word "ripe" is omitted. The decision was based on this technicality. . . . - The olives from Greece and Italy, If shipped to this country, will be con verted into oil which will effectually drive the local product from the field and destroy the industry. Senator Per kins was also requested to use his in fluence to have the decision repealed, g The producers' represented yesterday were: American Olive Company- of Los Angeles, Roeding Olive Company." of Fresno, Ehmann Olive Company of Oro ville, Sacramento Olive Company-; of Sacramento, Fair Oaks Olive - Company of Fair Oaks. Ackerman/' & : Tuffley Company of San Diego, Los Angeles Olive Growers' Association, Maywood Olive Company of Corning and: the J. C Kubias Company of Redlands. PROMOTION BUREAU IN . BAST IS BOOMING STATE Weather Bulletins ''lnteresting: and In- creased Demand for Literature Is Result of Their Posting; Recently the thermometer in New York registered near zero for several days in succession,, while the bulletins at the Eastern Bureau of the Califor nia Promotion Committee, were regis tering . the seductive" temperatures oc curring concurrently at Eureka,;. San Francisco and San Diego." , The California Club of,. Washington, D. C, extended an Invitation to'&lr. Brown of the Eastern bureau to lecture in that city on Janua?*y 25. It was necessary to decline this invitation^' ow ing to previous lecture engagements. On the occasion; of the California lec ture on January 15 in New -York the audience hall of the Museum of Natural History was crowded to the doors.' Mr. Brown's itinerary for the late, winter and spring is rapidly : filling up, some of the Impending '; dates Including"- the Borough pf the^ Bronx, ; New < York, ; Mt. Vernon, New York, Long Island- City,' Woodhaven, L. 1., and five intervening engagements. . '-.\u25a0"-"-' '.-'-.'.'- -.".-/.;.;%\u25a0' The increased demand for California literature is coincident .with a. f gratify-^ Ing ' co-operation"-" withy the', promotion work which is making itself 'felt from many sources. Included, this de mand are many Inquiries- for maps- of the State { made "by prospective - visitors who seek to identify the areas In which they are particularly interested.. Owing to the great activity of the mining in terests there is an increased ;\u25a0 call for literature on the mineralized areas of the State. . ' Among the Californians who called at the Eastern bureau during. the week were Eugene Wilhoit, H. H. Griffiths and Richard Lauxen of Stockton; H.; A. Butler, a mining man "of Alameda;\Lew B. Harris of San Diego; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Moore and Frank Al Holt, all of Oakland; Morris M. Cook "of Los Angeles; Mrs." M.* S.- Eisner, "Miss Helen and Master Milton Eisner of San Fran cisco. Cards are out , for the annual banquet of the California .Club,' to be given at the St.' Regis on the evening of February 9, at which Colvlnß. Brown of the Eastern bureau. of the California Promotion Committee is to deliver an address. * FARMERS ARE BENEFITED g BY BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Protects >Indo Atralnni Ita Proposed Ilisronilnr:: iw '\u25a0'. by the \u25a0 House ', Committee on Agriculture \u25a0. Farmers in every section of the country are declaring emphatically ag-alnstvthe action of^the^Houee. com-:! mittee on- agriculture In striking^from the agricultural appropriation bill the provision for •'the-' maintenance of ,' the Government biological survey. William Dutcher,* president "of the Audubon Association at New {York, saye the appropriation of} somewhat, over $50,000 for 'the work-costs every twenty persons in \u25a0 the United . States only 1 cent' a year, and every farmer of .this '! country saves many, dollars a year jin the benefit which Its Investi gations afford. : ~ -; v " \'k'^ . Though ; its name : may sound ' some what scientific, »the : biological survey. Is regarded by authorities on agricul ture as one .of the "greatest: practical aids to the actual everyday of the farmer, v It - tells him;. what birds and mammals work- harm -to* his Jcrops by years of the niost '.'exact' and^com prehensive of the/rstom- ; achs of every ppecies of \u25a0wild- life about, his acres.^lt teaches , him •whlchSbirds destrop , the pests- that .v. v hamper'^ his product. It - forewarns; him of the* 4 in sidious -inroads; of rodents, .insects arid other forces; that /strike at: the r root of-his production..' - } - Most remarkable of all the functions of the . survey is : that of determining for: the\ farmer 'Just what crops ;- he can grow, with success in new and-un tried 'regions.:.- If,'; for > example;T it/.is. known; that .on a" mountainside ; r in Southern California a <-; particular crop can be raised, and known also ' that <on some. mountainside : In : /- Nevada T^'or Utah the same! birds and . mammals and : plants ; are V found 'as in the t Cali fornia spot; l it.' Ts ; absolutely. "\u25a0' certain that the crop of the, Califorßla^jnoun-" talnside Iwlll- doj.wellj also?:on*7the mountainside.' of - the "other, locality. -\u0084 erect building: : 'on \u25a0' Post -. street/. '137:6 W-'of Franklia, W &5 by NM37;6; $sC>l2. . \u25a0 ; Frank : Fischer .with >\u25a0 Hejary j Peters-^-To ' erect a two-story .'.frame bulldlnp on S line of Jackson street,; 137:9 >W- of Learenworth, B 25 by 8 137:0: $7765.. -:--.:-\u25a0 \u25a0 .'.- r\u25a0" ."-• \u25a0 . \u25a0'",-.: >..*>.. ..• J.'Nicol' with J.L. Maynard— -To'mecta tw« 'stOTy' frame a residence ; at ". 9 1 Seymour . avenue s2os3/ " \u25a0--;-\u25a0 -:-\u25a0-: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-:.\u25a0/- -•,-;. ;.-..\u25a0 :,-..\u25a0.'. • - J. . Blanchet Jr. ; with j William Bruce— To build a r four story ! and . bawmenfi brick t building 'on> E line • of "Third : street, - 55 S !. of : Harrison, 25 . by 77: C; f 16,800. - \u25a0 . :;::\u25a0>< L^;: „:,".;.:\u25a0:• .;.-. .\u25a0\u25a0:/\u25a0\u25a0 . Samuel \u25a0 Dusenbury •\u25a0 with \u25a0:'\u25a0• Daniel *V. O'Day— For grading ' lot ; on ; N i line ' of i Geary s street,-, 103 : i v Eof LeaTenworth.',34:4%;iSlsso.V,- .-/.', . '. Bridjrer s Dougherty Branch— To 'build one. and- a half story frame* building on X line of Minna " street, > 180 , S ; of , Fourteenth/,; S > 25 1 by > E so; $2300. \u25a0 • . '\u25a0••;c.^-:^:v \u25a0 .THE{:SAN7 : ;|FRANGiSCpJt'^^ 5, . 1907. KILLED BY A FALL FROM WINDOW Mrs.'. Charles Schroner of '374 ; Fifth street, -whileV attempting to ; pull gether " the, outside v shutters/; of her third-story window tj last 'evening.Vlost her * balances and-' plunged;, head',, down ward :.: to * the ?: receiving > in ju ries which. resulted in her.death a few hours " later. > .-'\u25a0 - ' *. - . • When -the: woman fell bystanders rushed to r her assistance.'li She 'was)im mediately.!; taken S to' the. Central Erner' gency Hospital.-j where ;it> was discov ered _ that i her j skull r had', been- fractured and "several bones , broken. | Mrs." Schro 7 ncr did mot regain consciousness. She was 33 years ; 01d.. "'..'-'"*":.':' ' ~'r- \u25a0''•'\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0 ' MARRIAG^LICENSES The following ; marriage, licenses Iwere /issued in this city; February "4: • .V' ''.\u25a0"" Percival W. Raggett," 20/ 401 Bratll ' aye.", and Nettle M. *. »IcClo»key, : 20,. 2010 , Lombard^ St. i ' Maurice Pennamacoor, : 23, "and ''Alice vMen- doza, 19, both of Oakland. * . -; «»'\u25a0"•- ' John H. Gildea, 21 ; '67 i Lloyd st<f and- Mary I. -Avery;-- 18.-69 Lloyd st. -i -.-<-,-,.'. Nelson Mitchell, : 44, and -'Mary. J.'.Klrk,' 43, both of 229 Paris st. . \u0084..,'/- .; /•» Joseph ; R. Vioget, 23, : 719 ; First " aye./ and Nellie E. O'Connor, 18, 1401 Baker st. Pietro Marianl, 24, and I Barberina . Marcheschi," 22, both of "115 Clark st/- •.. .. . -; • ,' .John Kueich,- 28, St.; Helena,- and - Katie Cor- slglla, 21, . 438 * Chestnut 'St. . \u25a0 Jeremiah- Mahoney/ 21, 1016 . Folsom st., and Mary Hurley, 18/ 3 Sunny, court.' \u25a0\u25a0 -•Elmer K. Stewart." 25, r- 23l Shotwell st., and Marjon MorehoHse.K 24, 739 -Capp «t. -'• : • Joseph -'- F. Floyd, - 28; i 77 .< Walter st. , and Elizabeth D.RUey, 18, ,10 Walter st. _ _ William J.. Owens, 20, 1711 .Webster st.,' and Elizabeth' Krollof rath,", 20. 1709 Webster st. _ Anton Greget/ 29, ( and , Irene Lettls, 23, 1308% Joseph Yolo, 31, and Palmira Dadami, 22,\both of Suleun.. \u25a0*.:,. \u0084>..- . , >, -: ; Giovanni! Boreili, 2G, 1207 Edinburgh st., i and Luigla Flrenzl. \u25a0 23; 31 Alvarado st. Karl A. Rosenblad, 33, G Howard st.; and Ma- tilda U.\ Edwards, * 21. Portland. :•* •-' Horace : G. Levy, 23. 45 Whitney st., and Beulah B. Dalton/ 18, 2272 Howard st. -. Joseph R., Allsclts/ 35.- and Alice M; Durant, 30. both of 23C . Elsie St. ' > ' ••-:. Baselio - S. . Fazxl, I 21, 1 3SOI Twenty-third St., and Teresa Oneto, 18, 288 Union st. : \u25a0 ' William E. 'Bird, 24, 965 Sanchez St., and Jennie J.: Stewart, • 24, 1150 Treat: aye. •< Guido del | Blanco, 21, \ Guernevllle, and Mad- dalena Novembrl, 19, Forestvllle. - : '\u25a0*'- ' Raymond W. Hanlm, 21, 1500 Fulton St., and Theresa A. Morris," 18, 503 Hugo St.. - John.F. McVey,' • 21* 029 Hayes: St., and Ellen M. ' Powell, 21/4301 Eighteenth Bt. ; • JohnH. Mnller. 22; 112 San Carlos aye., and Gretchen Dorr, 19, 1424 Sanchez st.^ " \u25a0 Vincent' E/ Wilson, : 20, ;• 150 -West -* aye.', and Mabel Xewhouse, \ 20; 512 Birch ay«. -\u25a0.\u25a0.'• Gustave Llndenstadt; 2S; 2570 Post , st.; . and Maud A. Conwell, 19. 2562 Twenty-third st. ' : Henry W. Vette. n 40, 1421 . Shotwell St.",' and Carrie Z. Senn, SO, 1526 Nineteenth aye. Carl F. Walde, '26, and- Stella 8., Stark; 26, both of 462 Eleventh aye. .„\u25a0 '• ' OAKLAND, Feb. 4.~~ .The following marriage licenses were issued in ' this city : today: - :;-, •- * ' . George Walter : Simpson, 28, and - Annie -C. Wiedemann, 22. both of.-Oakland. : Edmund J. Kingsland, 27, : San Francisco, and E/ Louise- Ferree, 25, Alameda. : - . -\u25a0 \u25a0 . Gnstave Scbelb, 26, and Bessie Keller, 21, both of San Francisco. \u25a0 ~ • ; - Frank Ketzler/- 40, and - Pauline V. I Frederick, 30, A both of Sansallto/ \u25a0 • \u25a0 - . > , John L. Watts, 36. Oakland, and , Nad la M." -Selva,. 23, Sacramento. s -. \u25a0 : : - Ernest- O. iKlbbe,'- 33. San Francisco, and Nellie E. Parks, 31; Frultvale. • - ' BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mail ; will not be inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication offices and be , indorsed with the * name .and resldenae of persons ' author- ized to *. have .the same _ published. ', Notices re- ! stricted simply to the announcement of the event are published once In this column free of charge. BIRTHS / BLATTNER— In this ,* city, to the wife of : . Joseph- ;F.';Blattner,; a "• daughter. .... •;.-\u25a0 .4 DAVIS— In' this: city. 1 February 7 3, 1907, to the : wl/e of .Milton M/Davis/a'son.-/. ; - .:..,- ( . DDFF— In this city, February. 4, N 1907, to the wife of A. G/ Duff," a son. ./-.:\u25a0 ' . - ' \u25a0 /-' HICHBORN—In~ Santa" Clafa; ; - Cal:. iannary 30; • 1007/ to the . wife of Franklin Hichbora, twin •daughters. ••; : .' ',\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0" ;. ' '/ ;; deaths , ; Abrams/ Marcns ... . 82" Hornunfe, Ellmbeth.. 77- Becker. Wendelln ... 57 Johnson, • Harry :../40 Bond, Thos/ J ./-S'.Larkin.: Ethel L.V.../ 7 Bo.rbun, John ..;'.. 71 Llndrob/- Maria -;:.. 50' Charles, "\u25a0 Chas. F/./. 36 • I^ove,* Burr ". ..;;..'. — Davis, William V.rr «9 5 Mankey. Charles ... 60 Deltney, Capt. P.M/54 Maze. Charles F. . . /S» Diehl. Frederick W.TJil^McNaughton, James. 82 Donnelly, E. J. . . ";*. 47 Miller, Mrs. Jane... 76 Duff (Infant* . .: . . r— . Muhl, ' Frlt3 F. H.... 30 \u25a0 Evans, Geo. H. .... 40/Noonan, Mary,.. ....78 Fay/Eugene ./..... 2 Sldener, Roste A.... 27 Gately; Eliiabeth E. 70 Smith, Mary ./. .... 86 Gibbon's, David . . ... 77 Swanson/ Anna ' L.;..' 30 Hemme. Minerva -E.. — ; Webster,' Byron H... 60 v Holt, Wm. Ai :.;:"/ 52 Williamson, Eliza-. Hopklnson,' F. P.... 14,- / beth 'F. ...... ...'42 ':'. ABRAMS — In this city, February 3, IPo7.' Mar"-' , ens - Abranis,; beloved ' husband of "the- late" Bertha Abrams, and father of Mrs. j Max Levy an.d Sam 'Abrams, a native of Exln,' Germany, agod 82 years... \u25a0 . : \u25a0 *,- -. . Friends \u25a0 and acquaintances : are respectfully invited to attend thnfuneralr services, to take .', place :today (Tuesday), February ,; s."-. at." 10 . o'clock a. m., at his., late residence, -1822 Snt- r ter : street. ; Interment - Salem '\u25a0 • Cemetery, X by .' train -leaving \u25a0; Third ;-. and •> Townsend \u25a0 streets at 11:30 "a. m; •'. ./ t.' '..'\u25a0-•", BECKER — In thin city".' February* 4, '1807/ Wen- : delln Becker,'- dearly :. beloved . husband'of Cath- » arlnel Becker, and beloved . father :' of 1 John j Becker; Sister Wendellns Becker; Antonia, Jose- phine, .Helena.- Catharine ..and 'Anna" Becker, a native. of ;Hessen-NaBBauj Germany,"^ aged 57 "years 1 4 months; and:. 19.: day*. \u25a0; .*-. -.:.... .. BOND— In* this c!ty;~; February ; 3, ' 1807, : . Thomas J. (Lester) Bond,- "beloved son '-•o&'.'Ja'mes \u25a0 T." and Maud \u25a0 Bond, v and : beloved '.brother .' of Clarence . Bond, v a : native •_ of . San '•* Francisco, Cal..; aged '3 years and 5 months.' > -,~ • • .'-Friends, and acquaintances , are respectfully . Invited to attend j the, ' funeral' today • (Tues- day)/ at 9:30 a. i m:; from the residence of. his \u25a0 • grandparents, > 905 - Railroad .avenue South. In- .-'. terment Holy r Cross S Cemetery. \u25a0 . ..'.> BOYHAN— In. this city,? February " ; 3, :: -'lOO7/ John •• Boyhan,' - dearly - beloved s husband \u25a0of ' the /late '-' Mary - Boyhan, .» and -. loving * father,! of : Joseph ,v, v W. \u25a0 .- Boyhan. Mrs. ;M. > J.- Gorman , and • the - late Mrs/. J } C. ' Daly/ a native 'of - Comity ,'\u25a0;\u25a0 Westmeath,' Ireland, aged 71 -years 10 months \u25a0 and- 27 .days/ \u25a0-'.\u25a0-•: -:'\u25a0\u25a0•".-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0•;. '.:...':' •-• .\u25a0-.'.-. •-'\u25a0 ,;\u25a0> 'ly ; Friendßr and' acquaintances are "respectfully 5 invited to r attend^ the today '(Tues- . ' day ),": at 8:30 ' a; m.'; •; from , his ; late ; residence,' '.' '.: 3735 Twentieth ' street/" near j Guerrero," thence ,'. to \u25a0 St. -'James > Church, a where * a requiem . high 1 mass for the j. repose i of. bis < soul * will \ be.' e*le- ': . brated/': commencing "at i 9 > o'cloclr.T, Interment ..;.prlvate, n '.Holy -, Cross i Cemetery.^; v; :•' . CHARLES— Near > Dunnigan, c' Cal., "> February - 3,' •:"; 1907,'-- Charles F.I Charles,; beloved > husband of \u25a0 .. Margaret .s Charles,^-: beloved * father.-: of , Hazel ;•-. Charles, » and : -\u25a0' beloved - brother <of Mrs.*/ j;- p. :.: Gray/ Mrs. C/R.' Robinson and Richard, ' Harry, • ; Herbert' and> Fannie -Charles, a native -of yjan ,-- Francisco;: Cal.'i •- aged : 38 • years : 11 :- months and .13 days; 1 ; "\u25a0'-.. -..'.". v"Vi : '"-" ; -:-C"-->~i; \u25a0•"\u25a0\u25a0V^'.t '.•-%~*-»-i.-;-.*.-f' -> -. - Friends -are « respectfuly :; Invltod : [to : attend \u25a0 the funeral services : tomorrow I (Wednesday), at •'. 2:30 -p. m., '.at .his ' late ..393" t Sac- ramento ; street. ; Cremation, at Odd Fellows' ; : ''.Cemetery. ,' . \u25a0 ; ..•V:"'-".'-'--/ •;-.-..- '..'.'•\u25a0.'-.- '--* 1 ' '.. l -"" ; '"' 1 Members of ~ San .-.Francisco.- Tent No. 1 18; ;\u25a0"- Knights of the'' Maccabees. of the .World: t You ' are requested <• to « attend - the k funeral r of t. Sir - * Knisht ? Charles ' T; 8 Charles * tomorrow *< (Wed' nesilay), \u25a0 February T 6. <* at " 2 :3o ' p.'; m.TK from bis \u25a0 late ' residence/. 3037 ' Sacramento ; street.% ', '. - -C; 0.-MUNSON.t- Commander. \u25a0\u25a0'.-: D . ; B ; RICHARDS, .' Recordj- Keeper/;- /\u25a0 ; DA VIS^-In : this . city, • February - 3... 1907/ at. St. -,-\u25a0 Luke's ; Hospital. -.\ William. . Davis, ; ,aged:,69 \u25a0 years and -,7 months.';-;:; :"-i- • i •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;.\u25a0 - :--r- \u25a0: . \u25a0••• • ; '.':\u25a0: * The"- funeral v services <wIU' Be "held -today" '\u25a0 • (Tuesday);,VFebruaryr 5. ! .- at '.- p. • m.; : In' ?: Westminster, Presbyterian; Church; Please omit >\u25a0'?, flowers/;-; lntennent' Petaluma/j:;; ":,^/ -•?. ;v; ( r . DELANET— In" this city/, February iiy 1907, Cap- f."', tain 1 ; P.* j M: : Delaney,* a native of lCountyi-KIl-' ' r - kenny;? lreland,; aged 54 • years/: '.:',-?;'•;\u25a0 ,v>- ? : ••/;• \u25a0•A.-v.-j Friends Send * acquaintances ; are *• respectfully C invitedi to attends' the-' funeral 'todays (Tues- •• day);' at S 8:30^ o'clock,';! from -the? parlors ~ of ;- the Henry; J.. Gallagher Undertaking, Company ' -' "1314; Webster street, \u25a0 between EIUs: and O'Far- : ' > rell, -*• thence «to St. vAgnes i Church/., where ;,' a 1 • solemn - requiem :• mass » f or „ the vj repose :* of .i his ? " soul -\u25a0' wilU: be /celebrated/,-" commencing -J - at ; . 9 : '* o'clock. :'*•: Interment'/Uoly^CrossfCemetery'-'by . 1 1 :40 1 train '; from - Twen ty-flf th . and > Vaien'cia /streets. \u25a0 .-.-. * \u25a0\u25a0:.;\u25a0 > , •: l - . DIKHL^-ln Oakland/; Cal./ii February • 4/' 1907, s > Frederick -,W; • Dlehl;'l beloved j, son -ot f Frederick -:/ and- Lena *. Dlehl,*^ and .-brother ? of c Leslies and f • tWIIUam '$ Dlehl.i a \ native * 0f,,. Oakland,-^. Cal.r '..;.; aged = 1 ? year i 11 « months; and ', 3 ; days. v < : •' } •>• ' Friends i and '\u25a0 acquaintances i are j respectfully <' invited; to 'attend 1 the; funeral; services Htomor-' p ' rowj* (Wednesday),'.-: February. 6, tat 2 :30 , o'clock :\u25a0 *> p;. m:;Taf, the residence of : James Taylor;' north- .*\u25a0' east * corner; of i Fifteenth ? and - Jefferson \ streets. 6 DONNELLY— In* the* City find * Countyli Hospital * .v February 4,'E 1907,"s Edward ? J.i Donnelly;,- a'\u25a0 na- '.'.-. ' ;DUFF^ln|thisicKy/s February¥4Ml9o7, ( 4 infant .';\u25a0 } son \ of .; A ':': G.; and Bessie *I»nff,* a native of : San : EVANS— Iir this city. . February 4, 1007;;Geon?e •-.' nenry •'•: Evans.'i'- beloved "» husband .' of ' Birdie -.: Evans, : -' and " father -of - Georße - and * Beatrice : : Evans, a\u25a0: native 'of Hull,-; England/:. aged ,' 4o ;\u25a0 ",' years. ;;.*'."'\u25a0':.-:• -:;f :-.'V :-. .\u25a0-'\u25a0'*- V '\u25a0\u25a0.••-/ '\u25a0_-'\u25a0 '-.'\u25a0 ':},%'\u25a0[•" ','.; Notleeof funeral 'hereafter. ?\u25a0 v.;^ , , .. , : / FAY— ln j'thla^clty.V February". 4. IPO7. ""Enzene' Fay, .beloved eon of Thomas and;Exigenle Fay, brother sof - Edwin "Fay,! a<\u25a0 natives of San :'; Francisco, Cal.,,' aged 2 years ;i month and ,17 ,-\u25a0•'. dayß.'C,:-.-;-'-;? /-. '. '\u25a0. ' .--.." ';\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0- -'\u25a0',:\u25a0'•\u25a0'\u25a0' •\u25a0' ; : "'' ---,-, .;.'-/. \u25a0*" GATELY— ln. thin city, February 3,' 1907/ Eliz- 1 - beth -E.,- beloved- wife -of 'the >\u25a0 late \ Patrick /Gately, and .' loving • .mother., of ,:Mrs.i J.rS.'-Le- \u25a0 : '/;morlte.*a native of -Ireland,' ;; aged jJOi years..'!.? HBQ Frienda and t acquaintances S are 'respectfully ,• Invited to v attend / the J funeral ." today : , (Tues- I day)/: at ; 9:30 : a.> m.,' : from 1 ber* late I residence.' \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0: 1 50 i Hartford '"street, .-- thence i to ; the i Church , of ./ : the;'. Most \u25a0' Holy :l ßedeemer, --i where ; bM requiem '\u25a0 '\u25a0' mass ; for ' the repose of :\u25a0 her, soul ' will \u25a0be cele- /.bratedtat.lO a. '.m.'.' Interment -: - Holy ; Cross ?'j Cemetery/.- ;',; ', : *- ; . \~\\l •".". ""•!.- '..-.•\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.\u25a0••*-\u25a0 '\u25a0•, : ' \u25a0' •-.'\u25a0 GIBBOXS-^-In Sonora,' Juolumnp • . County, '.'\u25a0 Cai..* 'p. February , 3, < 1907. . David ' Gibbons, . father-, of \u25a0 •'• Mrs. >l John H. . Shine. Mrs. V Dore i and ; ,May, '*% Thomas "and .William - Gibbons. r. and"-, grand-: \u25a0f'-i father « of John, : Frankie; \u25a0 Nellie. \u25a0 and the i l«te :"\u25a0 Charles * Shine ': and , Mrs. ' ' AHc* .; Llbbey; : a : : na- \u25a0' j tiye of , : County \ Mayo, I Ireland."' aged . 77i years."- HEMME-— In j Berkeley, Cal/, ; . February 131 3, '-\ 1907,' IMlnerva E. • Hemme,. wldow^ of the, late August' \u25a0 \u25a0Hemme...". ; \u25a0 .- \u25a0 :. ;: *-.. ::-•'•''*;. s '.\u25a0,"//'\u25a0 "" : .. • - - The t fnneral will take place today ; (Tues- day), February fl. at 2 • o'clock/ - from the residence, 2242 College avenue."' lntennent prl-, .'."\u25a0 vate.- .; - : 7 ;" .-'.-;;- \u25a0' : ' Vr.' -.'."..'- r HOLT — In the City and '; : County . Hospital,* ;-. February ' 3, 1907, William' A/ Holt, ' a : native ; - ; of ;. New ' Hampshire, . aged 52 [ years. • ' \u25a0•, ; ' • HOPKINSON— February 4, '"• \ 1907. i Frederick » Philip, younge,st and beloved son of Alfred and S ' Catherine Hopklnson, : and ;5; 5 brother '"\u25a0. of > Alice X Hopklnson,' a native fof j San ( Francisco.'i Cal./ .- aged : 14- years \5 \ months ) and \u25a0- 11 days. '^ \u25a0 : - - • r'; •- , Friends . and : acquaintances % are :\u25a0 respectfully Invited, to attend the funeral :\u25a0 tomorrow (Wed- . 'nesday),^at 10 a. m.', from', the residence: of Ills , parents/ 310 Montcalm ~ street, % thence ' to : St. Peter's Church for services at' lo:3o a. m. HORNUNG— In Berkeley,*: Cal.V February 3; 1907,' -' \u25a0.': at '- her i late residence, « : 3032 I College j avenue, Elizabeth Hornung; widow . of; the : late - Frank C. Hornung, mother of Mrs.". Arthur : D. Cod- ' Ington.'and grandmother \u25a0 of -Mrs.? Clarence- AL V . Tantmn,'. atnatlve of England, ; aged,' 77 years. 5 ' Frtends and -. acquaintances * are | respectfully ; invited 1 to attend the funeral services tomor- . row.. (Wednesday). February : 6, at ; 2 - o'clock \u25a0 p/w.; at her late residence. Interment • Moun- - tain View ; Cemetery. " -^ ,- - - . ': : \u25a0>: ; ;=•;."; JOHNSON— In this city; February 4, 1907, Harry ,' Johnson, I dearly- beloved "husband of ; . Annie .';> Johnson; a native of Sweden, aged '40 years 1 month and 2 days. ' ';.;\u25a0. \u25a0 •\u25a0..','.: LARKIN— In this city," February 3," 1907. Ethel .Loretta, dearly beloved daughter., of Wlllium. H. and- Mary Larkin; ' and . loving \ sister L' of -Mabel and the late Alice Gertrude Larkln, n : native* of > San Francisco/. Cal./ aged .7;years 1' month and 13 days., ". . : . -n- .\u25a0 ;\u25a0 \u25a0.\u25a0 ' Friends ' and . acquaintances , are respectfully Invited to attend the \u25a0* funeral/ today : . (Tues- : : day), : at 10:30 a. . m/. from the ' residence lof her parents, 849 Bryant, .• street; 'between I Sixth -and » Seventh. Interment • Holy »Cross Cemetery, by 11:30 a. m. train from Third and Townsend streets. \u0084 : \u25a0/, .. . ';-. LlXDROB— ln "'.this eit.v. Maria iLindrbb;;' beloved v' wife , of the .late John Llndrob, -.- and :-. beloved M mother of Mrs. A. Mau nnd Sarah and Lucy Llndrob, and the, late ; Lorenz : Llndrob. , a na"- tlve of t Hamburg, Germany, | aged <50 j years ' and' 28 days. %' : '—••-.' \u25a0\u0084 : - : /\u25a0\u25a0 . Friends . and acquaintances- are "respectfully ..Invited, to- attend the funeral tomorrow \u25a0 (Wed- nesday), February fi, at -I. p. .the \u25a0parlors of 11. K. -Suhr &" Co.. 2919 Mission street, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery;, by electric /funeral car. from Thirtieth > street and \ San .Jose avenue. ' ' . '\u25a0 :/.;"- '\u25a0 LOVE— In' this city. February 4, . 1907, ' Burr ,'ljove.' beloved husband of Belle Love, father of \u25a0 Frank, Emmet and Edward : Love/ and brother .of- G . A . ' Ix>ve, : a native .of - New t York. ( A 1 member of Escelslor Lodge ,. No. < 166, F.": and ' A. M. .- V - --'.-.-.>\u25a0--;;: ' -\u25a0::;,-' <\u25a0-\u0084 - Notice 'ot . funeral hereafter. , \u25a0 Remains « at the. funeral parlors of Bunker & Lunt,: 2666 . Mission street, between Twenty-second .'and Twenty-tlilrd (Mission Masonic, Temple); .-." MANKEY-^-In this city,*' February : S,: 1907; .Charles Mankey, brother of William J.- Man- 5 key of Windsor, Conn., and • Elizabeth Mankey • of Cornwall, .England; a native of; Cornwall, . -England;, aged 66 years. ./.. .:.'.',• ;,.,•'„*'; • ' ; Friends , and acquaintances are., respectfully - invited to attend the funeral • tomorrow j (Wed- • nesday), at :. 1 :30 o'clock f n. « m./ \u25a0 from 1 the parlors of Halsted A- Co., 924 Flllmore street. * Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery/: by ,elec- tric car from . Thirtieth street : and ; San Jose avenue. - . ;- ..::"-.-% ' •;'.'. = : :-. '.'vi'^' MAZE— In Emeryville. Cal.. Febrnary. 2, '". 1907, ' Charles \u25a0 F. Maze, beloved ; brother:, of -C. P. \ and Joseph W. Maze, Mrs. -Mary.: M.frFllnn, • . Mrs. Virginia Selvey and Mrs.": Mallnda Jacks, . a native of Virginia, aged 39 years. ,; :, ; ; , I ': Friends and acquaintances •; are ' respectfully : NA PATH TO EITGRV' PLOT - • - 1300 Golden Gate aye.', 'Cer. I'll I more. Telephone West 6940."-. . ' CYmiSS;,WRIGHT, ! "• \u25a0\u25a0:., GEO.'H.CLAnii', v '\u25a0 -. r-f- : A ;:'\u25a0\u25a0 A. P. BOOTH. HAnoi.bii. Wright. -' ) mGRAY&CO. UNDERTAKERS . 219S GEARY- ST./: COR/ DEVISADERO/ .. , j Telephone. : West 4707. IHAIGHT-STi FLORAL CO. ;',-. ' '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0/ \ N.PETERSOX, ;\u25a0' i;f \u25a0[- \u25a0\u25a0.:''. \u25a0 Formerly.. -with John 11. Slevera & Co. ; : CUT . FLOWERS .'AND ? : DESIGNS. | R 324 FIIiIiMORE^ST.;- SfEAR Halsht/ j l.":\- ",'r:";:'Phone FelliBs3l.> \u25a0 -_ - 1 \u25a0\u25a0".\u25a0-_. ;C\ McBREARTY ii&CMcCORMICK .-.'FUNERAL DIRECrORS. .. ; i- 915 VALENCIA. --VST.. --XEAR '"-* 20TH -Formerly of McFadden. Mcßrenrty & Green. : .- . Telephone Market 97. H. J; GallagherUndertafcing Co; 1314 : WEBSTER Bt./' bet> Elils'&OTarrell. Tel." West 3025. DANIEL P. DONOVAN, Pres. , & ? Manager; JOHN DOUGHERTY, Vice Pres.'. ; WOODUWX CEMETERVX '-X :."\u25a0%• San Mateo Co. t« \u25a0 \;';*.t' Finest and .Best • Equipped Receiving Vault . and .- . \u25a0:'-.' ;. Chapel. ;' : . ;:.•..;. ,_ '.-;\u25a0 (Masonic Cemetery 'Association)'' ,-'!"// . .::,;. Office 115^' OJFarrell St/; ;?^ ; ;theodoß;Dierksc:& co. '/'.'• ;.' ':.',.'- Undertak_eri«,-v •.',-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .'./ 900 Devlnadero ': St.; v Cor. ; Me All!*teiV />''.^'^Telephonel,\VeWt>'4Bo4.' /;'j--^V :'\u25a0 — UJVDERTAKERS— '•=:-•\u25a0 1719 EDDY -STREET, : 'Near Scott Phbie AV^«t:2C45" : • UNITED UNDERTAKERS- ";}/ : '/' . FUNERAL; DIRECTORS " : .', _'j-- -\;~ 260S Howard "st./; nr. 22d.)Prhone .Market 276. California Un^^^l^ng J ; 2210 STEIN ER STREET Between Sacramento and Clay. .I^hone West 1321/ ' • '-\u25a0 r."L- : - .'UNDERTAKERS /,-""..;/ v ; : - > '\u25a0'-'\u25a0\u25a0 Are Now: Permanently i Located at. . .•; 2649 MARKET " ST.; 1 bet. i? 16th 'and ' 17th; ;..-.;.;-\u25a0/-•;- Tel." 1 - Market \ls4//':./;.;? ; ; :>--./;:;: > --. /; :; . .' . Funeral Dlrectori* and - Embalmera. : ' Private JRcsldeneef Accbnimodatlons.'*; .' : ' Office', SW.^. corner; 25th \u25a0 and ': Guerrero : ets. '1 -A -:": "'U' ',:\u25a0'- - .^j.; 'PhonefMarketV3s. -\u25a0 . . i I y:> <}.-; SELLINGER^aS*?feH: ; 3METZLEa^B%| I METZLEB'SJINDEBTAKING COMPANY' |"?l»B2'FolsomlSt.*^Bet.'il4thTa"nd'lsth? r ''' ;-,-V.V^w>PHOXE?MARKETaCB. ! "i'-.- ; - &*:<\u25a0 \u25a0-.-.\u25a0\u25a0 -' -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-' .£ ..--\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-..\u25a0»: - \u25a0\u25a0.-:\u25a0.\u25a0:.-.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0:,.\u25a0" ,-:\u25a0::-..-\u25a0 v. :••..-. \u25a0-... ..- JAS. McOINN \u0084: - v L y^ Fjonaerly'; at 214^Eddy, Street/ \u25a0 . Funeral \ DlrectorTanU • Embalmer,' 1 Fultbnfst.^ between SFU Impre j and ) Webster. jTel. 1 ?. Park ; 1369. H. F.MAASSC^ JSS^S^iiS Undertakers \u25a0 and iEmbalmer&^g^^^SS 1335 J. Gate i ave. l^ between % Flllmore! and fflDllWill|Btnjnfr' g *'' l "''' i " fr "* f " "" :i '*-~ • .•''. invited .to attend ; the'funeral ' tomorrow (Wed- r nesday) ; i February 6/. at 2 • o'clock I p." m.;~- from ;'?'1154;-Saritati Fe "\u25a0' avenue. * Interment t'Monntaln /*View« Cemetery.. 1 \u25a0;<:'.•:\u25a0/ -.*..- s <]\u25a0.:(-:': '-. 'y. :."- McNAUQHTON— In this elty.^ Febniary; 3;" 1907, . . J a mes- ; McNangh ton,*' beloved '• husband .. of - the :4*-{: 4*-{ latel Charlotte \u25a0 McNaughton,':' a ; native of * Nova \u25a0 ' Scotia.t aged. 82 ; years 10 months and ; 24 days: . Friends ; and % acquaintances -j are i respectfully • invited > to - attend ;;. the ,i funeral? •: services >> to-. •\u25a0 i day/ (Tuesday)/' at '2 ; ; o'clock J- p/; 1 m-T " at -\u25a0 the . ;residence. of Mrs. A.- Smith; 791* Buena s Vlsta • avenue." » lnterment- Mount v Olivet / Cemetery; ::yby.: the "3:3o: train 'from the .Valencia-street ... _ station. -;f .:. •'-%:•/. .'\u25a0?:•' ; : . -~ ..\u25a0, -.. ; ; .' \u25a0 '\u25a0-', .. MILLER— In : this city. Fehruary; 3/1907,r Mrs." 'ij Jane - Miller, . beloved .: mother : of ' Mrs. - M.: F. ;; £ Rellly,*; Mrs. i E. ; J. \u25a0\u25a0? Lnhman and , Charles E . *::Mlller/«a; native: of Liverpool, England, aged ,76 *Vj years ; 2 ! months and 22 days. ' . f- ..» V-"s <*_ "r. ~" '"» - -i. Friends ' and acquaintances . are . respectfully ;; Invited to \u25a0 attend the \u25a0 funeral > tomorrow , (Wed- . ; nesday); '- at .': 9 ; o'clock »\u25a0 a. ? m..'t, from r the .resl- -/ dence^of her daughter.! Mrs/ M. F.*' Rellly. 1905 ;-•* DpTlsadero * street, 4 thence \u25a0'\u25a0. to :i St; : Dominic's \u25a0'/'. Church,^ where ' a :; solemn ; requiem .; high I mass V"; : for the repose -"of her;-: sonl r wilK be celebrated; ' commencing ; at . 9:30 < o'clock/;. lntennent Holy "Cross Cemetery/ by electric fnneral carjeaving .':;'' Thirtieth- street --and Jose -avenue . at ;V^ll:30. o'clock -a:- m/-;V: v /--' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 MUHL-^ln'thls'elty,^ February -4, 1907," Frit 2 • F. I H. : Muhl/. beloved , husband of.. Emma Mnhl, . : devoted ' father of Freda \u25a0 Muhl, brother of Mrs. .;Sohst,TAdolph Muhl, William Henry and Mrs. •,<Keogh,' r and son of August and Dora Muhl, a \u25a0 r -i native of : Elmsnorn; ; Germany, ': aged , 39 . years 3 months and 9 days. -A member of Bartenders' - Union,; Local No.'i 41*. ft ' . ' /_•; 7 -. Vv-i 1 - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0[ : . -. Friends : and ; acquaintances * are, respectfully \u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0 invited to'attend the, funeral ; tomorrow \u25a0 (Wed- . nesday), .at 2'-p. ' m./- from!:; the \u25a0; parlors I' of ::H.jF. Suhr& Co./ 2919 Mission street, near ;• •-\u25a0; Twenty-fifth.' Interment -I :' ; O . O. F . , Cemetery/ NOONAN— In i this" dry,: February ! 2,1 1907, v ; Mary Noonan, beloved sister of Mrs. Catherine: Burke. r and aunt of George Burke, a native, of County \u25a0'.- Galway; Ireland, aged 76 years. ./•».'-•?.•\u25a0\u25a0...• - y v~/- The; funeral i.wlll ; take >'• place -today . (Tnes- '.'\u25a0. day), "February 5,? at" 10:30 ' a- in.V- fronj;the .: ' parlors - of ; H . • ' F . \u25a0; Suhr *& " Co.". - 2919 , Mission \u25a0 street, : between .Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth; ;\u25a0;••\u25a0 thence to \u25a0 St.-; Peter's Church : for ; services . at "*. ll'a»"im; Interment Holy Cross Cemetery,,by ' \u25a0; 11 :30 '-train ,- from - and Valencia \u25a0<-. streets.- >\u25a0 . -\u25a0 \u0084.*-.;'-::. '.-\u25a0.'.:. \u25a0',-.-.\u25a0: ' ;.'.':h. SIDENER— In this "city/ February 2. 1907, Rosle .-'A.-. Sldener, dearly beloved wife of Clarence B. . . ; Sldener, I' beloved mother . of . Hillary _ Sldener, - daughter of P; J. and the late Mary Smith; •Bister of. Mrs. -H; 8/ Smith and Harry, J.,.W11- ' . 11am •\u25a0 Iv *.. and \u25a0 Jeanette '. Smlth,^ and niece -of Mrs. -- Esta Kelly/, a native of i San 5 Franelsco, -Cal., aged 27 years 3 months. and 6 days. . '";.'•\u25a0 1 - Friends i and acquaintances are : respectfully ',? Invited to ... attend the v funeral today - (Tues-' a day); : at ; 3 :80 \u25a0>. o'clock -a. f m., %', from .: the \u0084 resi- dence :of her father, 923 North Point street, ; - between ; Polk and Larkln, • thence to St. Brlg- ;; ; id's • Church, .. Van Ness , avenue 1 and Broadway; / where; a requiem high' mass for the repose of her soul: will, be celebrated. • commencing at 9 o'clock; a; m/; • Interment • Holy Cross Ceme- ;-itery. : .:-^;>- / \u0084-: ' -./ . :;,->><: -"'.';.;}.- ; -/^'-':' :: SMITH— In this . city, February S, \u25a0 1907, Mary Smith, beJoved ' wife of the late Peter Smith, \u25a0;. beloved | mother of Mrs; J; W. Haley of Los V Banos/; Mrs. . W. " H. Roache - and the ' late ;: George |J/ Smith, and j grandmother of Claire .and ; Dorothea "v Roache and George Haley, a /native of the parish of Fern," County Wexford; --Ireland,* aged 86 years 9 months and 1 day. \; \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0. Friends , and : acquaintances are ', respectfully I \u25a0 invited to attend < the funeral '.tomorrow (Wed- , nesday), at 9 o'clock a. T m..; from -her • late '\u25a0\u25a0* residence;. 1731 Twelfth avenue . South;;, thence * ;,to All r Hallows Church,- where a j requiem . high ; ; mass for. the, repose of her sour will be cele- •' brated^ commencing; at * 9:30 \u25a0 o'clock < a.^ m. . \ Interment : Holy ; Cross : Cemetery/ by : electric i funeral j car, from - Thirtieth ; street and San ? ;Joee avenue. .Please, omit flowers.: .' - :••' SWANSON— In this city, ' February 2, 1907, Anna ."..L.; V beloved wife' of' Noah ', Swanson. Moving . . mother '\u25a0; of \u25a0 Ester . Swanson,*. and • \u25a0 sister ; -: of Mathilda Erlckson, a native of Sweden, : aged /..' 30 . years ' 4 r months and 14 days. ' --\u25a0 - . '• . -. - \u25a0 • ',?*< Friends are . respectfully ' Invited \u25a0to ' attend the: funeral < services :. today r(Tuesdav), at 1 .o'clock p.' m., at the chaperof Craig, Coeh ran &'. Co., \u25a0 1169 Valencia street/" near, Twenty- yr third. -Interment- Mount 1 Olivet Cemetery; by \u25a0I train j from ? Valencia : : and \u25a0 Twenty-fifth street's \u25a0>" station. -.\u25a0.-. '\u25a0;\u25a0„.;;:.. •--..'.'.-'- .'\u25a0'^\u25a0:. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ..•;\u25a0 X ,'-', '-' WEBSTER— ln' Alamieda/ Cal.r February 2, 1907, v" 1 . Byron H.?. Webster, - dearly beloved husband |of -Mrs.- M.: A/ Webster; a native of -Vermont, \u25a0 t aged -60 years., , : ,'v; c^':'-., •\u25a0- -:v. : \u25a0•\u25a0""'.., .' \u25a0 WIIXIAMSON— In this city,; February 4.' 1907, Ellrabeth F./ beloved wife of William C. WH- ' liamson of Antioch, Cal., a native of Canada; \u25a0 aged ; 42 ? years.; - - : / CARD OF THANKS 1 :| To ; our '.\u25a0 many - friends : and • .'acquaintances we \ extend .' our, heartfelt i thanks \u25a0 for the ; kind- ness,'..' sympathy. ; and v floral offerings ' extended to Jus \u25a0 in \u25a0 our , recent : bereavement 1 in } the loss of a loving ; son I and brottier/ Milton A/ Oden. v-:' .: MR. and MRS. ALEXANDER ODEN, "'-- . .EDGAR G.. ODEN. ; •;-: FRANK VAYR .17 years at 105 Sixth Street Now. at 51 2 McAllister Telephone Market 309 1 , '.'" '"" ' ' \u25a0"'••— : -""•-• "-^ ".--\u25a0r.-r '-.^\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.>- I GEO.W. LUNT.v HENRY C. BUNKER. f , : BUNKER &tBJiT, : ; -,- - *•' F U,N ER A L DI RBCT ORS V Mlaslon Masonic Temple, , 2666 Mission Street ;f'" \u0084 \u25a0;, Phone : Market ' 2620. . < ; :-\: : .FUNERAL DIRECTOR^. - NE.. cor. Sixteenth- and Guerrero stsT ' ;' Formerly, of McFadden,: Mcßrearty & Green;- . , '\u25a0'.\u25a0 -,-.; '\u25a0:.":; ; "Telephone^ Special ; 1567, ... \u25a0 ; ; ~ \u25a0 VAIiENTE^MARINI & c 6. UNDERTAKERS S44S MISSION STREET, »af Thirtieth. \u25a0 Tel.' Special '282. : '' : y:; :'.' •OCEAM'TTRAVEIi^' '_'•_\u25a0 ',':'\u25a0 ;/'; /' \u25a0 - : .' ! •\u25a0\u25a0 '' - . ' : AMERICAN LINE ' ' ' - ; ' ' ,"? -, Plymonth— Cherbourjc— Sonthampton New • York ..:... Feb.' 91 Philadelphia .. .Mar. - 2 St. '/Louis. v;.V. Feb.' 23| New-, York...*:. .Mar. 16 .'.-..'Philadelphia — <Queenstown — Liverpool Noordland \u25a0/.".'\u25a0 \u25a0 . Feb. - 9f Haverford r.:. .-. . Mar."-' 9 Merlon ;. ..'....''.Feb. 23| Noordland i-//. : .Mar 16 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE NEW YORK— LONDON DIRECT/ - :-i .Mesaba ./.:.'.-. .Feb. 16! Minneapolis /..-.Mar'- 9 Mlnnetonka; : .: J .Feb/23|Mlnnehaha :.../.Mar 23 f HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE ' v NEW YORK. ROTTERDAM, via BOULOGNE '--;; Sailings \u25a0- Wednesdays; as .' per ; Sailing .'List. •> : Potsdam, \u25a0 Feb. ; 0. 10am Noonlam, ;• Ma^ • 6 10am Stat'nd'm; Fb. 20, 10am Potsdam, ; Mar/ 13 s ama m Ryndam, , Feb. 27;-' sam N. Am'dam, Mr. 20, 10am \u25a0 ' Bf.'-C*-*.' ' ; : RED STAR : LINE • .' -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0< • ,I.= '.; NEW YORK— ANTWERP— PARIS. : KrOonland /./. ;Feb/;' 6[ Finland \u0084 . . . ?-..'* Febl Westernland c. . .'.Feb. 13!Zeeland \u25a0:.:: .... .Mar r2r 2 WHITE STAR LINE " ' •-"\u25a0 >; . NEW YORK-rQUEENSTOWN— LIVERPOOL. ' Teutonic .'\u25a0\u25a0. .'. ...Feb." 6 i Oceanic *;..'.-.• \v»\\ "97 Baltic';/..;, .r. Feb. 13 Teutonic %.-/... M-r ,1 : Majestic »/..'.-:". Feb.' 20 Baltic -."r.\-.~.- Mar IT PLYMOUTH— CHERBOURG— SOUTHAMPTOV •Adriatic.-...:.M ay 22,: l'pm; June 19. Juir 17 Teutonic . '.". . ; . May 29.. 10 am; June ' 26 ,' JuJ v ' 24 0ceanic... .....V. .June 5; 2 pm; July 3, Jnlv 31 . Majestic .:'../.*. June . 12, 1 10 \u25a0 am ; Jnlys 10/ Aug v - 7 .'. if New, «: 25,000 V.Tons » if. has gi Elevator Gymnawlum, Tnrklwh Batha and Banil . * BOSTON— QCEENSTOWN— LIVERPOOI/" • Cymric : '. .". .'.?. /.TJ ; /. Feb.™ 21 ,1 Mar.', Bo, ; Apr :25: 25 A^^ :• 'i-.< > I: FROM v NEW YORK. - Cedric. ..:..."...::/. ...Feb. : 16/, 8:30 am.|21,000 Celtic/.". /."/; ."'. '. V*. r. /.r: : . March : 2, 5 7-am. I TONS Cretic; ::/.... :. March 30," noon; May 9; June 20 r ; • , ' .;; \u25a0\u25a0'.'•\u25a0; FROM J BOSTON.^ \u25a0-•*. • .: /- ;*";c" Canoplc/. ... .'. .' '.':"• . . .". • Feb.?. 23, 7 am ; ? Apri l; 10 Republic. /./;/.';\u25a0/..*."\u25a0; . . ;T r. .'.".: March 1 16," noon G.N/;KOEPPEL/ Passenger Agent Pacific Coast. t./ \u25a0-,:'\u25a0: ','.--"f 207; Monadnock* Building. .>-.•=.-\u25a0; '..,\u25a0. liiiiiii SYDNEY."^AUCKLAND, SAMOA, HONOLULU— - - S. S."i Sierra: salls?2 •p.^m.'.'i Feb." ;7."> Chrtst- \u25a0\u25a0-: church a ( International ) Exhibition) 7 and i return, /- first, •>; isecond, ; '\u25a0'\u25a0-*-: • .-^ ;?, \u25a0- HONOLULU only--S.:S. 'Alameda sails 11 a. M.i ISS Feb.* 16, • 1907. >'" Round .t rip, first class,* $125/ - - TAHITI, , SOUTH •> SEAS— 9.~* 8. ; Marlposa sails if. - at : 11 aa. -\u25a0 m.'; \u25a0• March ? 10. V f First ; class, round i'.: : .trip,fsl2s/---;-':'r:,."-;.- J V'\. -..\u25a0 : ;,.--..i: : - . : .. \u25a0 .;. ;' ;r/ J.*' : D. ' SPRECKELS i&". BROS." CO., >' \u25a0 ' ','\u25a0 k <. ;- 58 'Clay.J Street," San 1 Francisco. . S '- .; . : .; Passenger.j Department;;. 673 j Market ; st. • ';w "; I Phone i'lTemnbrary , 1331.''; ; ' Ic-:- vKOSMO^4itili>?B § 1 S.'.S. '.'Ama"sls,"is 6000 1 tons* 1 :' Captain "iKagei- macher.-S sailing '\u25a0; February ;; 26 ,, from n San * Fran- cisco^ for a Hamburg, a via- ; Mazatlan, - San Q Bias, 1 Manianillo.i Sallna fcCnw/2 San s Jose 3 de « Guate- mala,^ Aca jutla.%' La | Libertad;* La I Unioo.tJ Punta 'Arenas; *' C. -it R: ; '- Pay ta/v: Callao/-- Mollendo;*! the principal: ports of ChUe,^ and "London;? For rates and I passengeri accommodations I applyl to | Lendal M.^. Qrayrj manager,*; pier.; 19,'. San , Franclsco.^>^»" COHPAGNIE 6ENEHAIE TiANSATUNTIQDE it ; '^DIRECT LINE TO HAVBE->ARIS.-/i. i'/Satlin^ [every?, Thursday ,"5 instead ; of at 5 10 i a.> m.'~. from \u25a0 Pier ; 42, i North 5 Rlver,^ foot of 1 Morton 11 1 1 1 1 1 ij illP»'*if IJWIOMII^ 11^!)! Hlfflpi g» First class \u25a0 to , HavreTi $70 ' and upward."s Second class -to £ Havre,'*! $45 > and); upward.-?*. GENERAL * AGENCY I FOR fe UNITED | STATES £ AND | CAN- AD A,"* 22 p. Broadway M (Hudson | Building) fl New York. -|J As Fl FUG AZl, :fi manager 5 Pacific r Coaat," 630 * Montgomery | street ' I San 5 Francisco. >l Tickets \u25a0old; by jaU I Railroad; Ticket : AUCTION SiLjS WO-HORSES-100 - By order of B. F. HUNSAKER of BrTgham City, Utah. :.--..'—. WE WILL SELL ->7" lOO^Head Joif vfligh : Class ; Work Horses well • broken, - heavy-boned, young stock, ' weigh- ing .from 1200 to -1600- pound*. - . f , .1. \u25a0:.- Sale c Takes. Place . JT hursday, 7th at 11 aT m.. at J.^ B.^ HORAX'S "SALES YARDS, cor. ". 10th and . Bryant ; sta.;"-.' San": Francisco. • , Horsea at ' yards \u25a0 for - inspection' Tuesday. . V, W. * H. HORD. Auctioneer, " ':T.-.\u25a0.'-.;": T . -.\u25a0.'-.;" • \u25a0 \u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 : ' \u25a0_ : - <;- \u25a0 704 • Market . st. *TV— «~ ' - :"*rvi^ ; .-'; \u25a0 > "fIN— m -2®;.v-\.v'-..-^?.-'-" \u25a0".' SS! 106 HORSES AT AUCTION At ; Crows t- landing ;on the Ben ; . Crow Ranch , ' Seventy -four head 'of celdlngs from four to •lx years 'old/ sired by Shire and - Norman stal- lions, weighing from 1100 to 1 1400 : pounds. All. have s been handled. -. • Also ' 32 -.mares In foal -by Imported Shire and . Norman - stallions. • weighing from 1200' to 1400 pounds. - /Contractors : looking .> for good, blocky waron and ' scraper . horses/ .farmers 10- want of good, heavy . work and brood . mares, don't fall to at- tend this sale; -dealers, here is an opportunity to get salable animals. \u25a0 \u25a0\u0084 > , \u25a0" , ~. \u25a0 - Sale takes > place 'at the •' Ben \u25a0 Crow Ranch, .three miles - east of Crows Landing.- v:: Saturday, February 9tb, 1907, at 1 P. 8!. 1 Trains \u25a0 arriving from ; the . north. ! and , south reach ; Crows.. Landing In time. for the sale. Hotel accommodations at Newman or Crows Landing.^ Bnaes will meet both- train*. --\u25a0•--\u25a0 [.\u25a0- OCEAKT TEAYEL ; v*fl^*^/ Steamers ' Leave Broadway n\E3Ln For LOS \m^^^ANGBLBS, SANDIBGO, SANTA BARBARA SANTA ROSA.. /.'../.. Every 'Sunday. 10 a. m. STATE OF, CAL :../;.. Every .Thursday, 10 a. m. for SBATTLB,TA COMA VICTORIA, BC VANCOUVER, a C Puget Sound & Alaskan Ports SPOKANE. ".«. /. . . . . . .Feb.' 16," Mar. 3. 11 a. m. UMATILLA.... Feb. 6..21. Mar. 8. 11 a. m. CITY OF. PCEBLA Feb. 11. 26, Mar. 13. 11 a.m. . And Every Fifth . Day ' Thereafter. For EUREKA (Humboldt Bay) P0M0NA ..... Feb.' 7. 13. 19. : 25. 1 :30 p. m. CITY of TOPEKA Feb. 9. 15. 21," 27. 1 :30 p. m. CORONA... /.:..; Feb. 3. 11, 17, 23. 1:30 p. m. FdrGUAYMAS,MAZATLAN, LA PAZ, ENSENADA,SAN JOSE DEL CABO; ALTATA CURACAO. . /. . . ... . . . . ...... . Feb. », 10 a. m. - Low rates^-Inclndlng Bertlj and Meals. Rights reserved .-' to Change this Schedule. / TICKET OFFICES: San Francisco. 3 Market st. and Broadway Wharf. Telephone Temporary 492. -L- Oakland .:.\u2666.... »68 Broadway San Francisco Freight Office. Broadway Wharf. C. P. DUNANN. O. P. A.. .- San Francisco. Twin Screw Passenger Service ' PLYMOUTH^CHERBbuRCr-^HAMBURG Pennsylvania. ./..Feb. 9[*Kals. A. Viet. . .Mar. 9 •Amerika.. . . .; .Feb/ 16 Deutschland. . . . .Mar. 18 Graf -Waldersee. Feb. 23 Pretoria... /....; Mar ltf 8atav1a. ..... ...Mar, , 2|Amerika. ..... . .Mar. 21 •The Amerika and Kalserla Aijeuste Victoria of 25.000 tons each, cross the 'Atlantic In about 6% days. rfOST LIVERS AFLOAT. "• MEDrTERRAJTEAX SERVICE TO GIBRALTAR. -NAPLES AND GENOA. •M01tke. :....... Jan/ 29!»Hamburg....;. Feb. 19 •Deutschland . . /. Feb. r ; 4|R0man1c. ....... March 9 - 'Has [ Grillroom/ - Gymnasium; etc. ! 33»/j<sb REDUCTION ON EUROPEAN ;•„ -v < -.;.. R;R. TICKETS , s : \u25a0;-.• = 1;/ Travel 1 Bureau ; R. ' j" R. Tickets, hotel accomo- dations and ; general \u25a0Information- about foreign travel. Travelers" Checks, good all over the world. Ham burg-American^ Line 908 Market St., San Fraathco.: Toyo Kiseii Kaisha . -*\u25a0-\u25a0•\u25a0- (Oriental Steamship Co.) <t "Have Opened. Their General", Office at 217-221 Brannan $U, Sin Francisco 8. S. i "America Mam," \u25a0 Wednesday, February 13, 1007. . -«;; . • -8. S. "Nippon Mara," Wednesday, March 13, - S. S.' '.'Hong. Kong. Maru," Wednesday, April Steamers will leave ; wharf, corner First and Brannan streets, 1 p. m., for Yokohama and Ilongkong, calltng at Honolulu,'* Kobe (Hloeo), Nagasaki, and Shanghai, and connecting at Hong- kong with steamers . for ' Manila, >. India, etc. .No cargo received on board on' day of sailing. Round trip tickets at reduced rates, t 1 For freight and passage apply at office, corner First and Brannan streets. -, -•-\u25a0*• . V , >. W. H/AVERY.- . - \u25a0.. t- -/Assistant General Manager. : '-'-:- RAILWAY TRAVEL \u0084 " ' Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co; ;"'-\u25a0'.. l;l ;f '-: 'VIA TSAUSALITO FEBRY For SnuHallto. .Mill Valley, San Rafael t v "WEEK DAYS AND SUNDAYS— 7. »7:45. 8:23. •9:15, 9:50/ 11 a.* m.'; Jt2:2o. \u25a0 »1:45, *3: 13, 4:33, 3:15.;5:50, 6:30/ 7:15, 9:00.-10:15," U:33 p. m. > , : ."Runs '-to San 'Quentin. - : ;.* .-*--, \u25a0 ";' ' '7:45 a, tn/, daily, for. Cazadero -and 'way ita- tlons. .-.;*-. \u25a0-\u25a0:-..::-..-, \u25a0'-.:\u25a0 - :: -- ,v.. • -\~ ? . 3:15 p.* m. , Saturdays . only, . for . Cazadero and way stations. .-' ,-:-:.,: . /' .•--:•:' y 5 :15 p. * m; . dally, ' except - Satordays .'and '• San- days/ for Point Reyes and way, stations.'. From S. F. for Tibufon.' Belvedere and San Rafael— Week Days — 7:40/9:15. ••11:00 a; m. . 12:35, n 3:30."- 5:10, * 6:30 p. m. i • Sundays^ — 7:40. .; 9:15, l ?*ll:00 a... in.; : 12:35, 5 8:30.-6:10, 6:30, -. ;.p.^m.:-.**11:35:p/ n».* Thursdays only. , "' From ', San • Rafael , for : S . : F. — Week : Buys— B : l3 ' 7:40. 7:55/9:25, 11:15 a."m.; 12:50. 3:40. 5:O0. ' : 5:20 .p..m. Sundays— tf:ls. '7:40. '.7:35, 9-25 -a.;m.;*8:40, 5:00. ;5:20,» 6:30. p/m. '\u25a0-•- From Tlburon for S.F.— Week. Days— 6:43, Ssl7, '.'" 3:55,', 11:38 a.m.; ! l:10,4:05,-5:43 p.m. \u25a0 Sun- : ? days^-6-45,* 8:17, 9:33, 11:33 a. m.; 1:10, 4:05 \u25a0_:-: 5:45/ 6:55 p. m.. /' ; ..' . •*,-. -.-' ' -.'_-' * a Leave S. F.- I <-\u25a0\u25a0?. •\u25a0•\u25a0-• I Arrive S. F.'-'. 1 DESTINATION |--' ' , \u25a0Wk dyslSnnd's I - ' Sand's [Wk dys -7:40 al 7:40 al : . ... - .-., l~8:l?.a| A:l7 - £ ..V.:V. 1:9:13 al .- ; . . .\u25a0 10:25 a 10:23 a \u25a0•\u25a0 3:30 pi 3:30 p[ . V- Ignacio. 5:20 p 6:20 d i's:lo pj 5:10 pV ---.-- '. .7:30 p ;... •; .-' ,7:40 aj./....-.| ;.;\u25a0\u25a0.- ... .-,- ... j B:l7*aT 1 ; . '.'.. '. .*. . -7 :40 ; a > -.\u25a0\u25a0' > Nova to. >. •. v 1 0 :25 .a 10 :25 a •3:30 p 9:15 a /Petaluma.:: 6:20 p 6:20 p v 5:10 p 3:30 p '• Santa Rosa/r :7:30 p ..rr. . -''.;.".'•'\u25a0• 5:10 P ' ' -\u25a0'- -\u25a0' --^'.>-- ..--.-. .; ;;\u25a0;- ; " ; 7:40 at....... r- • - .:' . 110:25 a|lo:2s~i ./.;.*;.- 7:40 a ' /Fulton. •• 6:20 p 6:20 d _3:30 p 3:30 p : - :..'-.: ..'-. .*~;.\".-.[t. ..... -r- \u25a0 <• • -^Windsor. .- r ~ r ~ ~ \u25a0: ..'.-, ,- . •' Healdsburg.%;' &.'\u25a0:. r l _\u25a0-, : 7:40: a 7:40 a - : 'Lytton.v- : » 10:25 a 10:23 a 3:30 p 3:30 p .; r .6:20 p 6:20 o .'-- .--\u25a0•:.;\u25a0:\u25a0 and. Clove rdale. \u25a0-•-- ' '\u25a0:«.- :'-.r-- i7:40 al 7:40 al , \.-Hopland -.;; 110:25 a|l&:2r» a '3:30 p 3--top • and U kiah. ' ; 6 :2o_£ _6j2j) _p ;• 7:40 a 7:40 a j-*-^*^~ \u25a0- t- •-\u25a0110:25 a loiS a p 3:30 p-• guernevllle.'' \u25a0: 6:2<> pj 6:20 p "7:40 a). 7:40 a .-rj-*--.- '- J-SjlTTal' B:l7"i 5 : 10 p ;.'.'...". T""8onoma/ '- ; 6:20 d ; 6:20 d : r.~:r?.. .5:10 p '\u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0 Glen -Ellen. -'\u25a0'."- h\'f\V_ r.~; ... f. 7:40 a 7:40 a ;^_ •-;,,•-,.*,-. 10:23 a 10:23~a , 3:30 p 3:30 p .\u25a0\u25a0Sebastopol. -".;\u25a0 . C:2O p 6:20 v TS.IO p 8:10/ p '\u25a0"v^^-" 3 --.- -•\u25a0"\u25a0"-\u25a0"\u25a0 f.-:tr.-;. :;::.-..• :...- -.;. ~rrr~~ ,wnuu-.and I ... --:•-, \\ — — « 7:40 a .7:40 a •.Sherwood, -^j 6:20 p 6:20 p j :\u25a0;• •Tlburon only.',- ~d'?.v -". -"-•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"';'-.. . . ' i J;' \u25a0\u25a0 ' > i ' -;'"i \u25a0*-;' STAGE CONNECTIONS.".- ' x " v - C *" i " Btage« connect at OREENBRAE for San Qnen- '«n;'at SANTA" ROSA for White Sulphur Springs and Mark . West : Springs ; at FULTON for Burkes Sanatorium : i at : LYTTON "f or 1 ; Ey tton | Springs : *a t GEYSERVILLE for Skaggs Springs: at CLOVER- DALE « for r the s Geysers. > Boon yille,\-Philp/j!; Elk and ' \u25a0' Greenwood ; - at A HOPLAND ,v. for •; Duncan Springs/;- Highland * Springs, .j Kelseyville.'itNew Carlsbad , Sprinirs, \u25a0\u25a0 Soda J Bay. ; Lakeport, I Bartlett Springs; at .UKIAH ifoTiVichy ' Springs. ) Saratoga Springs, i Blue i Lakes, •\u25a0 Laurel .< Dell ', Lake. . Witter Sprlngs,tUpper Lake. Porno,'' Potter Valley, •< John Day's,* Llerley's. *, Hullvllle,^ Orr's a Hot 8 Springs \u25a0 Handley ,l Half- Way I House, i Hopkins, | Comptche Mendocino City,* Fort Bragg., Westport and Usal-' af.WILLITS' for Hearst and Sawyers;; ;at SHER- WOOD , for i Fort ? Bragg, t^aytooville. VWestport, Covelo, 5 Cnmmlngs,'^ Bell's , Sprlngs/i Harris; , Hub- bard,^ Fruitland. *, Dyervllle,'* Garberville,' • Pepper- wood, Camp 5/ Scotia and, Eureka;-/^.- .. . ?".: \u25a0^V.-J-GENERALVOFFICE:- , JAMESt FLOOD fBCILDING.-J SAN FRANCISCO «StBBgaSK««( JAS-TAGLER. , General Manager. w ; RAILWAY TRAVEL '\u25a0" ' j^&tTT*^- - ' Truu tcav* ud an \u25a0/^ZS^Bn' San Franciscc V^^S^W I From Februaky 3. 1007 TERRY DEPOT Foot of Marfcet Street LeaTe —VIA OAKLAND PIER— Xnir * ' 7.Ma Richmond. Benicia. Sacramento, >. \u25a0\u25a0' Suisun and Way SUtions I.*H 7.00 a Elmira.VacavilSi?. Winters. Rura- 1 sey . " " 7.4J» 7,»«a DavU. Woodland. , MaryTrtlle, - Chlco. Red Bluff— OTOville-— T.4J» 7^9* Elmhurst. -Newark; Centerville. * . . Joae.' Los Gatos. Wright _ 5.43» 7.45 a Vallejo. sap». Cal is coir*. s»nu Rosa, Martlne*. San Ramon :»-2J» 7.44» ; N l l e». Pleasanton. Lirennore. - \u25a0 Tracy. Lathrop. Stockton— ..„ US9 «.««a Shasta Express-^CV 1 » Davli.) ' WUHaau. Willows. Red Bluffy L Ashland. PorUnnd and East_ • 2S# 8.20« Martinez. Antioch, Bjron;Tr»CT.- Stockton. Newman. Los Banos. Menddta. LA.naonA.--ll*nford.- 4-M^ Visalia. Porterrilia : «.4*p S 39* " Port Costa. Lathrop. Merced."Mo- desto, Fresno. Hanford. \U \u25a0 \u25a0 ' salia. Tulare. Bakersfleld .J. 4.41» «.40a "Siles. .San Ja». U»ennor». Stockton CMllton). Valley Sprinr. lone, Sacramento* 4.M* 8.48 a Sonora. Tnolumne and A n»els._ «-••» »-W« Atlantic Express — Ogden *33* 9.00 a Reno, Tonopah. GoWfleld 4J3p 9.40 a .Richmond. Port Costa. Martinez. and W»t Stations ; •.<•» 1 0 29 m Vallejo. Mare Island. Napa . 1 I.ZSa 10.29 a New Orleans Expr»ws— Baker*- j field. Los Angeles, Deming, El . Paso. New Orleans r I»M» 10J0a Port Costa. Martinez. Byron. Tracy. Lathrop. Stockton, - Merced. . Raymond, Fresno. (Jos hen Junction. Hanford, Lemoore. Visalla. Tulare. 7.85» 11.00 a The Overland Limited— Omaha. Thicajro. Denver. Kansas City 7.23» ' 11.40 a Niles and Way Stations.._.^_™ 2.4J» 2.« a» Newark. Agnew, San Joae ..,._ 72*<* 3.0#» Benicia. .Wioterv Sacramento, Woodland, Knights Landing. \u25a0 Marysvllle and OroTllle H.4fa 3.21» ' Port Costa. Martinez. Byx>n. Tracy. Modesto. Merced. ' Fresno .._..„ :.._ ~- — . \ &M 9 3 M* . Via Ti baron. West Napa. St. . , Helena. Calistog* - \%Xb* 3.«» ' Portland Express. (Tla DaTls>, Williams. Willows. Red Bluff. Ashland. Portland and East MS* J. 40» Niles and Way Stations 7.4»» «.90j> Vallejo. Martinez. 6an Ramon. Napa. Calistoga. Santa Rosa_ (.OS* 4.00p ' Niles. Tracy. Stockton Lodi ...._ »J«» «.2«p Elmhnrst. Newark Centenrille »" t«.48» • \u25a0 Agnew. Pan Jose. :__._• tlfctta 4.40p Hayward. Niles. Inrrngton. San *S3U Jose. Livennore...^'. tH.4>» " 5.00j The Owl limited— Newman. Los »c Banos. Meudota. Fresno. Tu- lare. Bakersfteld. Los Angeles «.«• 5.29» Hayward. Niles and San Jose 7.08» S.ZOo Vallejo. Port Costa. Benicla. Sui. - snn. Sacramento ._.„„.._: U.2S* «.««» China aud Japan Fast Mail— O^den, Omaha. Chicago Martinez. Stockton. Sacra- mento. Reno, Sparks. ._ . 12.4*» 6.29» Hay ward. Niles and San Jose *.48a 7.«t» Tonopab Pass.— Port Costa. B©- nk'ia. Suisun.'Elmlra. DUon. ./ Davis. Sacramento. Truckw Ha7i»n, Fallon, Tonopah, Ooldneid and*Keeler. 7.Ma 7.00* Vallejo. Besecia aud W»y Sta- ' tlons, Sunday only.™ lL2ta • &20p Oregon Exprw — Sacramento. Marysville. Redding. Port- laud. Poiret Sound and X'»«. 1.43 a ; 9.00* Fast Mail— O gde n. Omaha. Chi- \u25a0 cago,— Pueblo, Kansas City. ' r 9.Mp .Hunters Trafn7 'Saturday" only". Newark. San Jose and way stations - . . • tS.23* • COAST LINE • \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 '.'\u25a0;--- *»"(Third and Townsend Streets) ClOa Valencia St.. San Jose and Way Stations .. ._ :..„. *J0» 7.00 a Valencia St. Redwood, Jose. Morzanhill. Gllroy. Pajaro. Watsonville. Santa Cruz — Laa- rel— Boulder Creek, Sallna3 Pel Monte. Monterey. Pacinc" 1.96 a Shore 'L'nTljiiiSted— San~'io»e! Salinas, Pajo Robles Hot *• Springs. San Luis Obispo, * Santa Barbara. Los Angeles 9J9» B.WI • Del Monte. Monterey. Pacific (Jrove • \u0084 ' j.i 1 9JOf S.OOa Watsonville. Santa Cruz. Laurel. .". Boulder Creek._: _. 9J9» 8.3»« The Coaster— San Jose, Sallnaa. Paso Robles Hot, Springs. Santa Margarita. San Lull Obiipo, Guadahipe. . Santa ffiffiEK Barbara. San Buenaventura, Ozuard. Burbank. Los Angeles 11.45» 8.30 a Gllroy. Holllster. Tres Plnos. Pa. jaro. Watson ville. Santa Cruz. * * Castro ville. Del Monte. Pacifla Grove. Surf. Lompoc... . 11.43* 9.05 a Valencia SL. South Sau Fran- Visco.- Palo Alto." San Jo*e 7.48p 10.30 a Valencia St^ Burllngame. San Mateo. Redwood. Palo. Alto. San Jo3e.__^__.:._; IM* 11.39 a Valencia St. San Jose and Way " Stations..-^:. 4.15» 2.009 Valencia St. San Jose and Way Stations : . ". ' ' "*. ' . " .' US* 3.00p' Del Monte Express — Valencia St.. San Jose. Gilroy, Wateon- \u25bcille.'Santa Cruz. Del Monte. Monterey. Pacinc Grove „_ 12.15* 3.M» Hollister. Tres Pinos :..„ . 5.40, 3.159 New Orleans Express— El Paso, : San Antonio. Houston. New . Orleans and Ea5t..™.;.:...-.-..;.. WIS» 3.15» San. .lose. Salinas, Paso Robles • Hot Springs. Santa Barbara. Los Angg1e5™.:....... . . \u0084..,_....^' 9.11 a. 3.15p Watsonville.' Santa Cruz. Del Monte. Monterey. Pacific \u25a0 -\u25a0 - Gr0ve. ...:.. _-..^ . ... 11.43* 3.30? Valencia St; >-<v th San Fran- cisco. San Jose, Hoi- '•lister. Tres Pinos.:.._.. ./ IJ.iS. 4.309 Valencia St.. San Jose and Way} tS.M. Stations.... '. > i9.IS» {S.OOp Valencia St.. Burllngame. San \u25a0 -Jt Mateo. Palo Alto. -Pan Jose, ' Lf>s Gatos. „ t9.BS« " SJOy Valencia St. San Jose and Way _\u25a0--'- Station* ...„....! .-„' 18.2O» tf.OOp Valencia St.. Burlinarnme. Put • \u25a0 : Mateo. Bcresford/; Belmont. San ; Car!o.i. Rednood. Fair Oaks. Meiilo Park. Palo Alto, . - San Jose : . „.; 7.40« S.3ob '.Valencia St.. Sun Jow» and Way Stations ..\u25a0....._:..........: (JSa S.OOp. Sunset Express— San Jose. Sali- : nai. Pa*o Robles Hot Springs. San Luis , Ol.Jspo. Santa Bar- bara. Los A ll xeles. Deming. El \u25a0 Paso. New Orleans ..„.„..„' '10.15 a ,- S.OQp Golden ?tate Limited Sleeper- El Paso. Kansas rity. St. Louis. V Chicago....... :......;„...... tO.lSa §.00»- Pajaro, ...Watson ville. Cap! tola, Santa Cna, Castroville. Del Monte. iVcific Grove :.„. 11.45* I.15» ; Valencia St.. Ocean View. Palo : t Alto. San Jose .„„... . __„.... 9.4U tl.00» - Sacramento River Steamers tl.OO» 4.00J Tuesdays from Howard St. Wharf No. 2/ "3. S." B r e a k w a t c r." Manhfield/ Coquille. " Myrtle .-\u25a0 \u25a0 , rolnt. - Ore..™. ™_ .„. , t».00» .Union ; Transfer^ i Company agents coweci - bagsrago and \u25a0 checks on trains of Southern ' 1 1 Pacinc and deliver baggage to residence. They are authorized to check baggags direct from .rwiliMW. '--- '-.-.:• '-\u25a0 -, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0/\u25a0 . -:- \u25a0 . OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY "-•> (Foot of Market Street) - . i. 7.00. 8X0. 9.00. 10.C0. 11.00 a. m. 12.00. 1X0. 2.00. 3 00. 4.00. 5.00. fI.QO. 8.00. 9.00 9. m. X tor Morning/ , ' P for Afternooa . • tSunday excepted. "tSonday only. UXIQX ; .TRA>sPBk COMPAXY agents collect \u25a0 bagrsraße and checks on trains of- Southern Pacific and deliver bag- gage to residence. They are authorized to checks baggage .direct' from resi- dence." Telephone '^Temporary 194a.~ MT. JAMALPAIS RAILWAY :. .Via ' Sausallto Ferry, " Foot of . Market at. \u0084 Lv. San Fran. ' ' V» -^^^a^ Lv. Tamalpal* ;Wk daylSandaj flß^^^^ Sunday Wk daj ! S 9:50 Al 8:25 A 'R^^W 10: W A »:1O A 1:45 !\u25a0 |9:BH'A-- \SO^ ' 1:05 P 1:03 P lll:0O At IUM^ 2:30 P 4:30 P Sat'darl 1:45 Pf . y^- •.-.' 4^o P Sat'dar 4,:35 P{ 3:15 pf '-" ,.-' . T .'.:\u25a0: '-'. r) 8:48 Pj 8.30 j* \u25a0 ; On Lpßffl HolMaya Ttauis Bun on Sunday Tlm«/ ' TICKET \u25a0 OFFICE AT SACSALITO \u25a0FERRY, y ' — ' *— wmm mlm^ mmmm ** "* " "* ***^ — — T^ mm '^ »^^j^» c BAY ? ANP IXTERURBAX ROTITES .j.: MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD ; - VALLEJOVand NAPA : ; ' XAPA VALLEY ' ROUTE t = . MonticeUo S. S." Co. and Xapa : VaUey ; Electric R.* R. Co. Close connections. %:"'-Kci'6 — ROITXD TRIPS DAII,Y— « ' . . ! Boataleave"Jiaii:FTanclßco 7:00.i*8:45 a. m^ 12:30 noon." 3:15/ «:O«X':.»8:3O p.- m. » San '" Francisco landing ; and • office, Clay^atrcet Wharf, : North ; End t Ferry : building. ; Market-stre«< ;.Ferry.*;* l Meals:afla carte..- ; - \u25a0 '.•-.. •'\u25a0\u25a0' Phone Temporary 406. : ..\u25a0\u25a0-' 'Lands 1 Navy Yard direct. Weekly Gall, $1 per Year 15