Newspaper Page Text
4 Unite States Circuit Court of Appeals Gives Decision in Favor of Gould Oakland's Water Front Freed From Rule of the S. P. Continued Prom Page 1, Column T comes possessor of the lands beyond the shore line, and as no title can be given by the State,. and as such rights as the Wrsterh Pacific has acquired in the disputed area were secured by right ' of occupation, the Gould people cannot j be ousted, and they have the situation within their grasp. In overruling Judge Morrow the Court of Appeals says in its decision: We hare here, then, the decision of the Su preme Court of CaUforaii. deliberately expressed DR. PIERCES REMEDIES — Woman's Trials. The bitter trail in & woman's life is to foe childless. Who can tell how hard the struggle may have been ere she learnt to resign herself to her lonely lot? Theab- »ence of this link to bind marital life tceether, the absence of this one pledge to mutual &£ection is a common disap- pointment. Many unfortunate couples beoome estranged thereby. Even if they 4o not drift apart, one may read the whole' extent of their disappointment in the eyes of such a childless couple when they rest on the children of others. To th«n the . largest family does not seem too nuioerous. In many cases of barrenness or child- lessness the obstacle to child-bearing is easily removed by the cure of weakness on the part of the woman. Dr. Pierces Fa- vorite Prescription has been the means of restoring health and f rnltfulness to many a barren woman, to the great joy of the household. In other, but rare cases, the •obstruction to the bearing of children has been found to be of a surgical character, bat easily removable by painless operative treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Sur- rical Institute. Buffalo. K. V., over which Dr. Pierce of the "Favorite Prescription" fame presides. In all cases where chil- dren are deftfred and are absent, an effort should be madA to nod out the real cause, • eince it is generally so easily removed by proper treatment. In all the various weaknesses, displaee- xnentA, prolapsus, inflammation and de- billtfttlng, catarrhal drains and in all cases of nervousness and debility, Dr. Pierce'i Favorite Prescription is the most \u25a0 efSdeat remedy that can possibly be used. It has to its credit hundreds of thousands of cures— more in fact than any other remedy put up for sale through druggists, especially for woman's use. The ingredi- | ents ofwhich the "Favorite Prescription ". ; is composed have received the most positive endorsement from the leading medical writers on Moteria Medico, of all 1 the several schools of practice. All the ini^redients are printed *n plain Englith on the wrapper enclosing the bottle, so that any woman making use of this famons medicine may know exactly what she is taking. Dr. Pierce takes his pa- tients into his full confidence, which he can afford to do as the formula after which the "Favorite Prescription " is made will bear the most careful exam- ination. . --\u25a0 . • . - \u25a0 Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets are the best and safest !axati%-e for women.: "C\ Tl% Ocularinm £% \ M Perfect •# :/ _W^i^. Fitting :/ '\u25a0- I.W^T-''--. » £*I{ISV>%-- \u25a0"• \u25a0 1 »->-\u25a0 4^- ••-* 1309 van ness Avenue. BctwMß Bub ud Sattar Stxwata. PADTRfci Genuine \u25a0 Must ' Bea r;. '; UAKIfcKS Fac-Simile Signature * ' lap /&z~*g^€ ta™_jREFUSE-SUBSTITUTE«. in carefully chc*»n phrase, that "ship channel," as the term Ix used in defining the boundaries of: the town, is ordinary low-water mark; that the boundary follows the line of low * tide along the south shore of San' Antonio Creefc :by t the low tide of the bay on the headland south of the mouth of the creek. \u25a0: • • • • The lands in controTersy In the present suit lie entirely within the limits of the grant to the town as it is thus Judicially determined by the court. j But the United States Circuit Court found in the decision of the Supreme Court of California" \u25a0 meaning widely variant from this, and reached the conclusion that the line of low _ tide, which the opinion in that case \u25a0 declared \u25a0\u25a0 was , the lino of 'ship channel/ did not moan the line of low tide on the bay front, * but another line lying \u25a0waterward of low tide, the line of the limit. of convenient navigation from the bay; a line along the outer \u25a0 edge ; of a certain bar lying ; about n. mile -off the mouth of San Antonio Creek, a line which Ir now -approximately . marked by | the United States bulkhead -line. .This conclusion was reached upon a consideration of certain ex pressions which are used in the opinion of Chief Justice Beatty, one of which is the I sentence, '•Ship's channel comprises \u25a0 the waters left free to navigation." In this the court : bolow found support for the theory that Chief Justice Beatty meant by the line of. low, tide the line at: which: convenient \u25a0 navigation was • interrupted at' any stage of the tide. *\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0• Nothing could be clearer? we think, than that the opinion directly and en tirely rejects the theory of navigability 'as #he test of the position of the line of low tide. In the case of the San Francisco beach and water lot act there was a \u25a0 definitely marked . line, a bulkhead line 'between land : and water. That was • found to be the = line . of "ships'' channel" within the meaning of. that act.' But. along, the' water front of the town of Oakland at the time, of its incorporation there was no 'such line. 'The only fixed and definite line was the line of low tide., This wasv.the -line :which= the Supreme Court of California adopted," and • when the -Chief ; Justice - said. • "ahlps' . channel ' comprif es ; the waters •. left - free to . navijratfon.'V- he '• did \u25a0.' not mean waters I free S from obstruction . to . naviga tlon. but all . the ' waters of the bay proceeding landward to the line of demarkation fron tin? land. We find no warrant for hold ing > that's ny other line was intended. Ther* ' was no other line.'.'* • * '\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:. • \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0,'•\u25a0>-'/-.\u25a0 :\' _ BROADLY IXTEBPHETED • • •i We cannot ' « find in; the " casual ,'\u25a0 and perhaps inadvertent expression of. the opinion an intention to modify' the whole purport of the de cision; elsewhere .so clearly and s precisely 4 ex pressed . In . words carefully « chosen, \and '. to I de- '\u25a0 clare that it does . not mean : what its clear, im port intends, but something entirely at variance therewith. * *. • T^9ASsi£*'K»iligSfoj*BHSfci£^.*. J s The' Southern Pacific Company, has not:'ac : .quired the Tight to wharf out. under the, general i statute; of California providing ..for .the - exercise ; of that' right,' and its • right 'to', do bo must de pend apon the construction of its title through Carpentier -under the grant \ made •' to \u25a0: him . from the town*< of Oakland and \u25a0 the subsequent act of t the Legislature affirming ; the • same.'. . • : • • It \u25a0 would . «^m i that ( the expression |of j the right to erect such wharves and buildings on the lands granted wan.set* forth,-, not /for; the. purpose 1 of enlarging the prior grant,', but for the purpose of so restricting the i right • to ,' construct buildings and .wharves thereon: that (navigation should 4 not be obstnfcted.- I .* -„•\u25a0-'• To, nay .that the ordi nance •of * 1653 ' changed ? the 't grant •of -an" exclu sive privilege • which i was limited l to vthirty-s'even years into an exclusive privilege In ' perpetuity; is to nay, : that the. latter iordmance ratified' only, a portion -of; tlie .-former,' - and °tbnt -It vastly - en larged - the.- prior grant by,, nullifying : the ; limita tion *s^to t 'rhe;dnration;of;"the_ privilege. \-, # .' ' 1/ "'..__.' ' : T\DVER%BrPoVsES«qX -; - |« ' . The appellee; contends that : at ' and before the commencement of the \u25a0 suit it n»s \u25a0 in the \u25a0 actual,* open, notorious, 9 adverse . and ' exclusive ; possession of the strip of ; land which' is here In controversy. It- claims : under i a deed - of; October 31, ' A 892,: and > one of January;B.il9o3.^ •\u25a0 It ; conveys"; all »of the real " » property, owned « byj- the - Oakland % Water Front Company. *:- m J\*. It.- Is ; evident « that , this latter; deed could give • no : color: of land j westward or j south ward ! of * the- line >of In c land \u25a0 \u25a0 actually owned'- by »' the \u25a0• Oakland \< Water Front: Company: -While » the » Southern i Pacific Company . does - not -. contend }. that -It .was lin 'I the actual \u25a0 physical . occupancy !~ of "j these f- lands,^ It urges | that ' the^ lands ?so 'described • In » these j con veyances > were.; Inclosed, ; and " that ; therebyithe Southern \ Pacific I Company haJ possession of the tract: In .dispute at the time when the Western I'aciflc ; committed the | acts | which | are complained of in the ' bill. •• The contention ilsi ls < that ; the i land was Inclosed on the - south iby the I north \ training ..trail,*, on . the ; north p by j the s Oakland | mole^Y on | the I west by : the; upland \ and < the Peralta -street f slip,', both ' of - which ,were* held ? and 2 occupied <j by *,the ' appellee, -And; on;- the; eaat' byithe' watera'of ?the tiay. '•*;•;•? 'We % find *?: no> ground S for /holding that ' the • Oakland * mole } is fan ! inclosing i wall Jor stroctnTe.* ;• 1 1 i would \ convey " no i such I idea |to> an observer/. , -Th^ \u25a0 north ~\> training I wall *of < the 5 San Antonio estuary j was ' made ; by,* the \ United 1 States Government < for itbej purpose: of ilmprovingsnavi-" gation rln \ the ' estuary. *-It i was <nbt ; intended 3as an j inclosing < walU' t and > there } is I nothing ; to : show ; that it was erer used or claimed as such. ••• Xbere : being no ; laclosure - uui uo ' physical oc< THEgSAN^IyRANCISCO^'CALU '. TUESDAY,- '-.FEBRUARY > 5, 1907.- ..'£• cupatfon . of the premises, ; It ) must be . held ; th»t the Southern ; Pacific . Company , wag . not In - the possession.'. •\u25a0 * ;.• .'.., '\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0 .^fi^-wJEsSsS^H' 1 .!..".!......' • Upon the issues and the evidence and the. law applicable . thereto. It is our - judgment that, the court below " was In \u25a0'•.. error in ordering \u25a0 the :: In junction : pendento lite |In ' favor I of -the.: appellee. The decree Is reversed i and ' the v cause . Is i re-: manded . for further, proceedings not Inconsistent with the foregoing opinion. \u25a0• • ' The , decision . la said ; not only to bare ' established :_ the ' right : of i'way - of .; the. Western^ Pacific,*; but; It 'threatens ; the-, claims of the Southern Pacific to, land* all „ nloutr the Oakland ; water front. .'' \ . . >In answer^tb N thislphaseibf -;the* srul-;5 rul-; :' Ings John E.Foulds," counsel;": for the i Southern^Pacific Company," sald:*v" ,"lt : must be remembered that the* issue- In-. court concerned .merely the matter of v a\, preliminary t- Injunction. This being denied the case will now: come to trial on; its merits. .There '\u25a0 will supposedly; be new . matter introduced along: with that} .which went into I the 4 record |in | the case just cided." - .\u25a0"-'v.-' ;_ ' v;' - - " . •'.- £ -.'\u25a0-• . \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' . . . IXJUXCTIOX BY MORROW 'After hearing. , arguments- on .both sides ; and/ pending, ';the;. trial .of.: the matter, : Judge; Morrow', granted fa . tem porary restraining order .which blocked work and altered^niany, of -the plans that . the : construction ; of the Western i Pacific ;~; ~ had started , or were about to- put'.? lnto execution. V Judge Morrow's opinion. wasiin effect that r the disputed territory waslwithin the.prop erty rights of the SouthernJPaqific Com pany under grants acquired! by it. when the .Oakland ..water." front Teases: were decided in i the corporation's :favor."The Morrow, decision rested i upon the • tide water .and .low-water marks/": as f ap plied ,to boundaries involved -'.water front, disputes,* and practically '"\u25a0 gave Ho the Southern. Pacific Company, right 'to, claim? everything j in /sight .along/, the Oakland water front,. : provided ; that lit saw. fit^to j"fllllin"_; to = deep '\u25a0}. water. ' V ;" ;The victory for. :Gould t . gave -the Southern Pacific- Company \>a'f surprise, and;.-. .immediately^:-' the -^decision '\u0084was placed .under, the 'most -careful scrutiny and : preparation '.'was i- made J tositake the case '\u25a0 to^ the j United .', States : Sunreme Court '.on' ; appeal. "-/The /'; appeal.: must comejin'theiform of a ''w'ritfof certlorarl and' extraordinarily; good* reasons must be given -before the; high tribunallwould grant , the '.';\u25a0 petition; ',ijS However, *J the Southern Pacific -must make "a- "desperate flghtto retairiits hold on. rights to, 1 the waters , of ; . the ; bay within; the • pierhead lines and make, play^for; delay ,t as ;the Western Pacific, Avoald^wlth* promises of clear running .to} its* terminal,* be "able to press^ its i lines ftoXcompletlon, within a comparatively short, time.- ; . Chief "Counsel; W.'VJ;'; Bartnett of , the Western -.: Pacific * had '; not .digested the decision, which ; ; 14,000 -.words, ,la8t ; : evening,^ nor.?,wlll ?; lie's be >' able f to \u25a0 give a* clear- definition" of its meaning until "\u25a0• he-has I studied -the r document fin all of J its phases, "i;. He is \u25a0 of ; the opinion; given 1 : after \u25a0; a; hastyi'glancei at Ide- ! clslon,' that it j-will] permit j the road to conic; into '? Oakland without further delay.- "'"...-:•.' v - * '•""•. '\u25a0' : . \u25a0 \u25a0/ ; • . : COUXSKIi DAVIS' 'VIEWS v \u0084 William- R; : Davis : of counsel for Oak land in: .the"* water! front .litigation said:' ' "The vdecision % appears ;» to ; mean ithat the' State of iCaHfornia'canltakej charge of^the^ entire^ frontage ;: to rdeep^water ' outside i of'- the > bulkhead; line;'; or what : • is : the same { practically,';* low-tide "~ line." • It . means jthat l thelentire ; harbor,.! "front-' i age ; of { Oakland^and 4 Berkeley^'outiidrt' 5 \ bfilow. tide^llne'can^be^utllized'byiany : railroad,i^thatr^the fright ttoi'ibuild. i wharves. to. deep. water,] is? in r the; people ; and • not "exclusively . resting'Canywhere ' else."'' \u25a0*"".'-'•\u25a0'. '\u25a0'..'\u25a0 : ;':>V- T :" -\u25a0.-•\u25a0- J:" : 7. ;/:-•-'- >H^BbRJy6RtTHETPEOPLK r*jH. ;A.:PoVeli^6f 1 the special water, front counsel : said r ,>.; '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- v * . ' 1 * "TherJ decision^ affirms i the /'.doctrine that private* Interests^haveiexclu^ i stye -rights- 6utsideJlthei.line. of Jbrdl-" ' naryjlow tide. v j:itiis"of jthe^tmostfim" ; portance ; to| the! people Vdf iOakland^and to the entirelState." , . :i Mayors Frank ; 4. K:^ MottVof *\u25a0 Oakland,' ! .who < has ,» bephl no J less | prominent fin "his ; fight vforXOaklancl's^waterJfront'i than- i former .{Governor^ Pa'rdee,'; said': " ' '\u25a0 \u25a0", "This ?decißion^means;.,so^ far aslmy' ? (layman's ! .nilnd|can|yieV,|it;HhatiOak^ land^will jl not?be|ajohe-railr6ad f |townf ! i I:consider;the;declsionjtobeToheiof ithe I mostMmportantlthatfcould|besrendered \ asßaffectingSthefniaterialW.welfarel'of 1 Oakland:^lt|fgivesl'any^a"nd^allSrail-" S roads lthatldeslreltblcomelhereranlbut^ ' let } to deep : water and 5 it ; br«ak«Tdown J ' Diagram ShoWs the 1 "Water \u25a0 territory and Adjacent > Land •on the ' Oakland ' City. Front Over Which the Dispute Between the Railroad* Arose. Pardee Says It Is; Ca Great Victory for :. < the People Feb. y 4.— -In the opinion of/ former. Governor George ] C. ';• Pardee, who I has I fallowed • the Western Pacific- Southern Pacific ": legal Vbattle ./closely, the decision of . the United States, Cir cuit j- Court I of -Appeals - gives the/, right,: for. : ; which : she -has., long fought." The; city," he thinks, has 'the' right to .open up the way. to ; ; deep water: ',; He said :-\u25a0'. ,T- : \:V "The decision Is an important one." a very important one for the city 'of Oak land,,;coming = at.a time when evefyih-' terest'of ithe^municipality is .'expanding and;the of ; the.^ water _ front Is v being realized. : The decision means that the/right to wharf out; in Oakland that .was 'granted by the State to Car pentier/; in 1852 .for thirty-seven. years arid V' by." Carpentier'- transferred"! 'to "; the Southern Pacific Company, has expired, and,, that' the right to. wharf ,out> and grant frights; {o. wharf out lias reverted to , the Jcityibfv Oakland..; It"; means 'that the city bf-^Oakland, and not the; South .em';- Pacific, Company,- .control ' the water. front,"of- Oakland."', v \ ... ••-•.•tV.^ - ; ;, {, ;"This; matter of making the .\u25a0most* of our . splendid I harbor] f abilities \ls*.to fmy mindrone'iqf tniost," lrnportaint';con cerns jof; the. city; of vat^present "and -_,the \u25a0 decision; of ftliej United | States Circuit';' Court -JTof -/Appeals £ 'clears 'the situation' extensively^ and-: should fmake It iVnuch! easier "for;the; city, henceforth to control 'and: regulate its; water front: ; '."This decision is also'of. great: ii- s portance- to San Francisco^" as ; it : meajis that* railroads- wiliybe^able. to get through Oakland to deep water on their way to: San /Francisco, and the .west line of 'Oakland^ asjihas been demon-; strated, \ is -; the ; easiest*/ way; by/^which a 1a 1 transcontinental j road "'can;- get 'into San .; Francisco.' '/.-The ?• decision affects the entire State; and becomes one of the most- important, ever rendered. in Cali fornia." ---^':v; '>;:;.'';'/\u25a0*'. "\u25a0'\u25a0::\u25a0:. i FREIGHT, TRALV^PI.UNGES 1 THROUGH BURXIXG BRIDGE Cam Dentroj-ed 'and ; Engine AY recked, '\u0084' .'/"'but Crew Jump* to Safety ;;... V- ;'.;.-:; '. ;.- : ; \u0084.:'.? 'l n -\u25a0 Time-: -. : : OMAHA, .Nebl, ''Feb." -4.4-The icnginV and- five cars of ?>..* freight train , Nol 4 5, v ,; westbound, : | went ; through a burning bridge just as : the train was approaching Edgemont, T S. ; D., Sunday, afternoon.; f. The 'cars tents were] totally-destroyed- and": the engine" badly.".wrecked,' ; but - none of -the crew, was injured.: ' ,\ %• .-:', V ./; ' , ' : ; .The, engineer 'iand -' fireman jumped and saved .'themselves.: " all barriers t to"> such 'outlets 'that'; might have. ;existed'.herei;: ..."".." , : : \u25a0 '\u25a0 ' :'\u25a0 • ; : "The 1, people i of -i Oakland. / 1- -. bel ieve, are /in sympathy," with;*: the. \u25a0"©fforts; of the; Western* Pacific', to. find -proper; ter minal facilities here." \u25a0 -" ; y ; ; * AVAATS A HARBOR l . BOARD » ' OAKLAND, ,': Fen. ' -.,'; i.-TCo'u'ncilman Burns' introduced : ; a ' resolution V. in;: the' Cityj Council jtonight' to lurge; the; \u25a0Leg"-?; islature '•/ to X create ;i a ! Board /off) State' Harbor. Commissioherß^withXvJufisdic-] tlon : over). Oakland * harbor .tx Bu rns said that ; the declsionfof \ the;* Western \ Pa-J clfic-Southern^Pacinc i suit I today /> gave the [ State control; of j thfs\Oaklandtwater front;; and , he' desired iiinmediate} action by .; the - Liegislature'.T SBurns'J resolution ' .was »' referred kto '". th*e| committee \ 6t { the *whole| r'with :, th e '.'requests that ' r. former. Governor : :Pardee^be \requestcd: to;«at-; tend : the hearingi next;. Monday t night.'": '*; "There is 'great \u25a0 comfort ,:\u25a0 In '- tea. '"and coffee— good tea'and'coffee^^-Schllling's. Best. -'; :.\u25a0.•\u25a0 :-f>^--. -^•\u25a0\u25a0•v.:'*X.^ '\u25a0• v/.'^V"' ~ v-j----.t ; \u25a0 . — — ' " • ." -:" ""^j;".Vt : .,; \u25a0 EAPP : OT/T ' ; ON V. BAllr— Vßllly '^i Rapp, f who shot V and <& probably f; fatally* .wounded fA Claude Heartaell,' i"i • cools; » In fa i quarrel " oyer .' a i. woman habitue ", of I the ,\ Barbary ,s* Coast A early ri Sunday morning, v. was v instructed '* yegterdaj-j>, to * appear, before the Police l Court j f or^ arraignment ton | Feb-" ruary^ 0. V- He ' was , released )' ou J $250 \ cash ), ball; v >i; lea oatistaction IJ&* SEVEN FLAVORS Tic-L^ &\u25a0 ''d Golden Gate Japan ; ", *•_ », . dAJolgrtc? M Golden Gate English Breakfast $Mtfdfflu& % a * e Ceylon \( t 'MA m Golden Gate ;\u25a0 Fancy Blend \u25a0sm. SBSfraW ri Golden Gate Gunpowder m Golden Gate.Black^djGreen WOMAN CLEARS UP MURDER MYSTERY '. U Grant . Mldrileton. a brdmaker by oroupatlon, now recovering in the Bush street ..| prison h t ram ";\u25a0 a " tyro dayu' . de^ buuch, - the police feel confident , that they; have the fiendish murderer of i Cland Young, the young Englishman who -was .beaten to death In the Ferry 1 ': House In East street ' laat Saturday morning;.-'.'' T .. ' ; •_'\u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0"'-•\u25a0',\u25a0•'-\u25a0.'' *."\u25a0'.- - * Middleton was '• arrested f yesterday morning^on^lnformatlon supplied by, a woman calling herself Mamie G. Davis, a lodger'ln the building where the crime was Fred . Gentosa is still being^held because it is believed : that he knew about *the*crime.i' \ : , . Svi - .The^- Davis woman; told , the following story \u25a0 to r the Xpolicev yesterday: v,I -'.was- eatinsr \u25a0In - th« " restaurant \u25a0\u25a0 beneath ' the rooming-house late Friday night.',; Middleton and Gentosa came In. ;> 1 ; knew them . both, bnt they were not ' friends of ; mine. ' - Middleton had . plenty of; money.-.,' His Wages as bodmaker^ln the house were|B,per week and I wonrlered' where lip got the change. He had some gold pieces.- Middleton boughtjlots of; drinks.!.. This was about 2 o'clock In -: ther morning,:..^ .1 v - : a.-.; , ,-\u25a0 \u25a0, \u25a0.-'.-\u25a0, \u25a0'.\u25a0<\u25a0 -When \u25a0 I > said i- that •. 1 ,jWas going ; my? room Middleton --got *; deathly; pale. --The 3 room "was next ;" to *' 31, •In s. which f* the /- murder T ; was * com mitted. %'.' He^ urged >me to . stay,' but : l f refuswU When .' I had -closed Imy 'door j behind me * Middle tou was- in the hall, -paclni? up 'and down. >' I thought- 1 *• heard ja < noise as <of j some one \u25a0 choking \u25a0in *; the '*. next \ room. • , : 141 4 listened.^; IThe - sounds were , yery j- plain;- The .-, window - opening : on <ths : hall from 31 was open and the green 'curtain was drawn. The room was dark. : , r - '-.--. .V ..The : Bound lof the gasping ; nearly sickened me and I asked: Middleton : s what Mt: was. »v He c said i thatr ho i "gnessed : some one < was '-\u25a0 sick ,' from * too much ; booze. " : % He ." kept on : urging , me . to ; return to . the • restaurant and bate another drink. ' whlcli I • did. -• i It.;. was > about 5 . o'clock -i that . morning when =I' went- tb -.bed. •.'\u25a0";.:\u25a0 \u25a0 -~_.-. . • ,'.. I : left .Middleton and Gentooa In : the restaurant and ;' hare ' not - seen > them % since, i" It -' was ; ; late Saturday; afternoon >, when I.heardTof the' tragedy and . then • 1 shu t \u25a0. myself , in ; my room, : frightened. Hesse,' if ound Middleton dead: drunk . in v his % ''.room • i • Saturday. .morning/ v ;;.Theidoor.».was ;\u25a0 locked 'Vaod Middleton -had theNpass key. V: Gentosa' could^.notido'any work in i the rooms until ; key ', was f recovered, j so - Hesse climbed through the V transom, securing the keyV and discharged ' Middleton. 'The bedrnaker ? reeled out "of 'the - housed v V .N'- Middleton secured s :a- ro6m : at'the.Tre-{ morit ' V Hovise ; and O.there hhe - jwas - later taken: in to* custody^ yesterday 'morning .by *; Detectives s McGowan .;, and * Bralgr 'The" jcircumstaritial;.}; evidence of ./the woman: Is y sustained;; by the discovery of, . bloodstained illneni; in <the"i room that .had' f \Vech"^6ccupled*? 4 by vMiddletonf^i A* collar j fingermarked red, a^handkerchiefy,wlth "sinister, crlm-^ son j spots'and;other^artfcles*'of; wearing : apparel^ give \u25a0 grewsome (evidence of : the tragedy,, enacted ' in* 7 robm ' 31 \ when :<^laud Young[met i his[death.l^TheseipleceSiOf evidence" ar^i in jthe 5 handsfof ' the' police "and •an .analysis .willy be ' made [to : , make sure- whether) the spots' are i blood stains 6r-not.":L>- .'.- ?K^\:^';' "; v v \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0^^:-: ?> -"'-v ;..:' : .;*V^:<' . \u25a0 Proprietor ; _ He'ssQ.'stlll : maintains - his" confidence;; in'i Gen tbsa;\whor he ;de~clares is I a good iboy.'-T^He \u25a0 admitted i yesterday,' thatl Gentosa'*; and i Middleton;- had .been "constant J companions j-f.. for f-f -s v over.-. 'two months:^ He;: stated i. that • •/ on :%' Friday nlght'Middletoh" was accused lby"a x gueßt of ; picking itipichangefout; of /as $20 f gold piece '^which;'. was i"v given*, the;; clerk -/.to pay;a^small;bill.'f \u25a0: '. ':, . ,': : Middleton -was '\u25a0'. arrested ''\u25a0 at , t he • Tre- ' J montljHquse'jionp. Third .^street - and '\u25a0was '"accompanied'^ at jthe V time |by^a | Greek. 1 .whoJ;saidKthat'>Middletori;';hadt;volun teeredH6ihelp?him li?a'1 i ?a'! > stranger,^ Ing af;room.'siThe-Greek;,wassallowe;da f ;room.'siThe- Greek ;,wassallowe;d to 2 go Vaf ter| having ; closelyii quesf tioned."!/ The : detectives ]did 'not* take his nairie.V'..*: ':','. v : v ; "''-:'• \u25a0'••"v"; •\u25a0 '•"-\u25a0" " ''\u25a0}'' "v..'*.f'.;*l,i *£ THei statements qt Mamie Davis supply, the' motive 1 f or| thet crime.'/ She declares !that*? Middleton V.waa ' i."broke": j ! early ": i n theTevenihg.^Ji Early ; inT the morningi he hadr'gbldr^L;-^?;.'' I .':,^ 7 ;f-*'; : - ; '^--'\'. '• '-. v r 'i \ Mamie « Davis-/, figured, 'Jabout' \u25a0 two I months Sago,-;* In v a scrape 'in Oakland.*^; She^ had*aTquarrel ; ; with ; Ar-* 4 thur^Mayers,^a :i plumber, Y^who,'" it i.was "claimed, - : shot^ her.",7 She % 'sustained , : a f slightSflMhVwoundJin^thejlef tfarrn. , ';^: % Off Sale of o JMteii^s Suits and Overcoats The Greatest Money -Saving Sale Ever Held This morning we plac e on sale all of our Men's Suits and Overcoats in^ winter weights .and broken lines. Our object is, to clear puj/aton^ ? the Spring goods arrive. The former price J cutsjiio figure in ttiisygf eat sale, as they % must go quickly. Not la 'winter garment ; will be carried over. Come early. 4 CIpACWMfS RELIABIjE 5 ! !| "r-'.Jr- v-; MARKET 6 JONES STS.. : ENDS HIS LIFE A Continued = From • Page 1, Column 1 behind in his statements, Alvarado made'nq objection and the delay was granted. \u25a0" ? . Another unusual act on :Wiley's part was , his purchase two days ago of - the .weapon ?\u25a0 with :.which he ended ' his ~ life this morning. -;... ,v \u25a0;. . County officials' hesitate about; talk ing of the tragic suicide. Alvarado de clared his belief that •, there l was no shortage. So did other' friends of the dead Treasurer. ; Wiley, was accounted a l"good ; fellow" and one who always tried ;>to keep, up his own end, though not extravagant., . J Aftera conference this afternoon the decision was reached to Keep'the vaults closed Tuntil, after. Wiley's funeral, the time: of which has not been nxed. This move will, therefore, postpone the ex amination of the books, ' . accounts and coin* for several days., The representa tives of the " surety . company which furnished the Treasurer's bond have ad vised Justice Charles Hayden that they will .i not "come to " Martinez tomorrow, as^at first arranged, in deference ,to the wishes of .Wiley's 'friends. If there must : be a revelation th"y desire it withheld until after ,the tuneral ser vices. . ; Wiley's deputy, E. E. Webster, said today: "• • ' . . ; - j"I know absolutely nothing that might, vthrow /"any; light upon, .the af fairs of. the, office* In this situation. The ,' vaults 'are' sealed and { will be opened •" inf.the « presence; of •\u25a0 the ' proper offlcialstand ,the' representatives of -the sjjrety; company." ,;. V '\u25a0\u25a0'% Sheriff ri.Vealef^has;" placed -a "day '\u25a0\u25a0 and night Vguard "at V.the vaults. A j rumor currents this 'afternoonithat la., shortage $20,000 exists in .the^cdunty,, funds Is sebuted^bV \Wlley|s . friends , and tby ; the bfflclals^*.*r They" do '•not' deny, 'ho-wever, 1 thatUhe; condition 'of affairs gives rise tpj alarming suspicions. ,-~ ."•.TMrB.*SWHey;, ;., is prostrated and has declined to Y: make any statement con cerning her husband's case. . :"• .XfJudson . C. , Brusie, manager of Ithe Metropolitan ; Surety . Company,, said last night ;that his company; was on Wiley's bond ' for {$100,000; having 'assumed the risk since the flrstof: the year, previous to .which, time the United States Fidelity and"; Surety had been on the bond \ f or i four; years/ '; ' /"So-far ; as • we? know his affairs are in *' splendid shape/'isaid Brusie. " "His books were examined before we bonded TH E F? IRSf SPIKE ' The first Bpike was driven Satur- I be saved. Then, too, electric trains day, February 2/ in the new Chicago- Twill not have to stop, for water or " New York Electric Air Line Railroad. | . coal, in addition to which" the use of Did? x :you : : read, ; : ,s - '-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0'' " ;.-\u25a0•\u25a0- electricity will what. ,the San .;.*•>. .- ; \u25a0•: \u25a0\u25a0- • ;>« enable them to Francisco jJxam- . . ,|JCUi I YORk A"NH' 1 make a hlghar Iner \ said about "JlI-wVvI "V/rvIV HIIU rate of gpe^ Vif; in . — .f^Unf \r.Ck Tffc '.•Di: than can be ; (Monday).. issue? ktil-LAU.UsI U.-DC made by loco- jlt'was ,on.,the ; _ ,-. g .-— '.-li __ motives, though * eTr'a pTe^y < | IOHQI/RS AF^RT , •their.' own cor- - , ;•; • > -^ — n. ; j , v iew of the other K^u^: -^ httT, 'f£&s "- Great Cili^:. thl?!he^i?LJnl m«™ V' \u25a0 ' \u25a0'\u25a0 ;•'..\u25a0;\u25a0, A 4.--. wiU be able ,to ISP to^ S^^^S^^i: I( w^ '.NewAYork lin ten ; £>* RTE^ <loa.>. JWbCßßty.r^-*. jUBtj U8t a 5 mn c n ' hours : .by the ,« T>{ Trlc»/-pteMlitTit *>t ,th« «oastraouen < safety as the V Ch lcago ,- — "• New - Jompiwy. «rov« \u25a0 thi 4J& "»plk» "in «• "W Vanderbllt and • ; York- : : Electric , i_~v -, 4h« \u25a0rh!/.-* n -»ii^--vnr'i. DiPenn «yl»a'. .VAir^Linei'Bail-:; &** °';^ P'^i*^- *£\ *^ nia -. ayatems are jroadA'Thereare ?\u25a0 »rt«s*»r.,llnvr%aro«a-^»y«rtt»y a* doing today In Apeople who; look V.; |lift.»plk9*'i»;a»4rJvenJtJ\t, crowd ket« 18 hours. flupon-^that state- r.. : iheer; after ch*ef""fi>r*'A«* dew •ntet- i How to Lea r a arT or -if they '*» P u *« wh »s h ** I n<»* tK ™** to * |T « »»* Every Detail r" admit 4that-, such *"• hout . . ««rylf • betweoa *ChJcar> ' •*«» >. S^lX^lf *£**«* a; things mayrbe yy K«w:Torlv- but: wmeori^ictlcwcag© ' JJad vpi^Jre^them^t. t^^^^f-' < T us send you iaelves T i: a" strain ;r. JuA Jndl*a».wttl» v tlirongbf «l««ptsc r »> the literature, i scooting along at i-. c«r iirjlca to Cincinnati. Columtiujfc o ,j books, maps, fa ;? speed :Uh a t \* i^Tttfn; wrieveliad vnf otlur :<iure» n,V x-«^- " Ai V LJn t aSl^^eve^t * B^-^^wL^ ;*.„:<„ g^ST" obBSuS body,' on board. -V the^atrvltne^lMt ; S«pt«in|>»r^h« work- —'. to yourself. You r^AsV matter of ja fciai^eea-pushetf rapldir'aAd President ,pj wUI read about s;f act ithere, ls/'e jfniM- »ay»'thW.A«d wttl »«"\u25a0 la :'<%!««» the worWi™^"'- fsjjaa^sss?!? ***&**«* »-*>^- m-.^ ?. 2%sj r fisair- >,all in" operating '. «Ute«n "?»"«•. ?f .«5-poand i st««l raU» y fact., every ina- 'a 10-hour :sched-c. v «• o«t the' sttfand,'-. alto- U«» aaff'-maajr _^>P 1 P rl;an t fact "ule v -under;'" -the 7" mll*« h*v«. been ;tr*&46i\ The. br*Mh - "Ti aoout-the Chl- : { conditions*.^ that h trtcfci through I* ; l»ort*, -; conhecMa« SS B^?*^ . York 'will* prevail tonfr, thi» «Hy' with the m*ln Un»;u» w«u- la^ Electric Air Line thisroad>ln thefe • vn«*r.w»y, \u25a0•veral ttlocks Detng^rac* j|i. l11I!l 11I !? 1 u / 1 H .first I place, -if- itft iici«y% complete*. ,' r '"i 5 ;~ \u25a0 T, v - W-SH»««- r. Infor> - is practical foii-*' y-The \u25a0 Chicago-New- Tor* «lectWo tin* *SS"™ coupon ? the wNew;.* j YorkVj £.' ynJque. -In : that^th,*: mon«y ,'^ar the "5 ',, t e Io , w and mall . Central and^ke?" enterprise U.;abt:;cgmlnK-tromWiJr 2 ." l ° „•' \u25a0' • - |Shore^ rpadasto J d B%rMt; or^th\ ;^ la r fl,»ajvci««Jpf.the ft : THE s©W TH - ?SSf,rt- thi 1 '! I ,*?' country; hut. 1 ls;b«tng7jtbniUaedV the « SVESTERX SB. '\u25a0 lAne wiil"be able *r aoop»e.*tnor*'thw»:ten-thouiana .tocJ^ * CURniES CO4T to ODeTatein 13vv7y ho^er. ; being i onVthe f^bookr.-01 . the ; Pl B c.rA«« t . fh°ou?s e gwithfn^V con^aa^ ,';= Kb :}.oon -^^n^pen, ', : S, w 1 other -f advantage^ " - w " rk tf w "l *• »\u25a0"*!* »*p-. York. Electric Ithanithe ; shorter . lfy^ *nd 1. expected' to >• ».Air Li n c Rail- ; distance, we have" ' bliilt . tato ; Chicago by jfrpfmbe* ' %jf . road.i 19ff to 202 '\u25a0\ to ~2i travel. 1 . '--. Our. ;i «;".,'' , i. . \u25a0,'\u25a0'.-'.. '• ' Delbert : Bloc k 'line*; -'230 : ,;. Jii;.- n tl '. -» • 943,Van'Nes8 ay- ' ! miles s horte r- ; Tin ."IUI TfV'v . enue. San Fran- i than the. Vander-- *T*43;"Jll| I Cisco, -or 'to 515 Vbim system.' But. "I^X to 'slB Central ilnt a addition" * to- . ' i ', ' ' \u25a0 Bank . Bnildlnjr £that,::; f the.' *Alr;; - Oakland. L il ne- \u25a0 will be \u25a0" PHNVVOH ' . «mi « n « material . 8. < F. . Examiner, Monday, Feb. 4 (rront Page). al««gj Aot t^*d Sfu^ve^l^ndiwllU^nave) no. grade, \u25a0\u25a0:..: A .... y ; "??! ma " today - rcrossings.Tel ther •;highway7or,' rail- j > ''ir^T^ZTTZ^^^!!T i ~~'~~~~ i ~~~~'% * Itv will- not! run ', through; any i \u25a0! : -.»>T. ORM ATIOX COUPO.N. $ largre'r'cl Uei, JTarid 1 hence- trains -win' • .:•\u25a0>• Please send me complete lit- I- |not^havetosslowdown!as;they]muBt^ " iT^mr^if .°^ tt • a "3 p ' ob HgaUon 1:1. fdO|whenTrunnißg;through r citles;ilke] $1 fofTthree month i? r *? rßai ?«ii : South.Vßend. Buffalo..' : iSripUwS^iSSe S?w. •-'M .* Rochester/.' Syracuse j and; -' Albany. 1 ,'\u25a0;'" •\u25a0 >r* * '"r \u25a0 \u25a0^4£lm addition;* theYAir^Llne.twiUjnoti J : S*?IS/!- •^'VV **•**•••••••••..^r*- nbeSrequirediundertelectrlcal;. opera-. ,-: <*.»,«„,-_ ii -i v ' 1 Itionitof change: engines,^ as ,they;must v > t- • P.n^« - \ T *••••;••••• • . % . .V. . . ll f-dofoniaisteamfoperated road, r -and>ln. - * i?*-»i ?*-» -v *„ 'Tv^' I. * that < respect time -will "'TT^^^^^^^^^^^rTTrr^^^mmJ'. CAPTAIN HALL NOT A KIDNAPER SAX DIEGO, Feb. 4.— Captain A. "W. Hall, about whom a stir almost Inter national ;mi scope was made "because of the charge Mhat he had kidnaped Dora Bennls, daughter of Marco Bennis. pro prietor of an 'Italian hotel in this city. has returned to\San Diego and declares his intention to prosecute his tradiicers. He is going .to hoa, Angeles -to prefer charges against mr. and ilrs.Howerton and ," Captain . John Leslie* alleging piracy;-, -- \u0084« S v -~. It . has developed\ that Mlss B *?nni9 went with the part>\ of her own free 'will, therefore a # chaWe of kidnaping could not be successtfully " prosecuted against Hall. After thVyrleit here the Bennis- girl joined with v *h.e others to. get rid of Hall and did so by afc^roonUX him on the coast of. Lower CaJUVS»C»^<. after" which .they* made off. with tn<n\ schooner Itover, which he claims to^ ! own. . MURDERS WIFE AND TWO CHILDREN OTTAWA, Kan.. Feb. 4. — The bodies of.; Mrs. 'j Frank Smeck and her two chil dren, fa, boy aged 7 and a girl aged 3. were "found- with thei~ :tnr^-""* ' - the home of Mrs. Smeck at Centropolla, twelve miles . nortnwesi- vi " .. J .* ,. The* body, [of the mother "was"; in btd while those- of : the children were upon the floor. SMMMjftjHfap . - TOPEKAi . " Kanl. , Fe]L 4;-^-Frank Smeck, vVthe husband of f -the woman killed ;and\ that father of* the "children. r was'.;arreste«l ; at Centro polls n tonight, charjsedlwjthithe murder; of his family. He claims 'he 'can prove^ an -aHbt. % He showed .'; no emotion when shown • the mutilated bodies of his family. V. ; his office, and he 'was) highly recom mended .to, us by, the citizens generally. /'£As^ to *"th«> manner of his. death I know little except what I have* seen In the papers. and what our agent. Mr. Hayden. reports. He 13 of the opinion that death was accidental. There is no visible reason for suicide. Wiley !had considerable property and there \i^ a policy of $7500 on his life. The"ci*p»v funds \ln his possession, I understSJfd. were kept in a vault in. the Treasurer' 3 office in the Courthouse." •