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NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD O. M. BOYLE The Marin County Labor Council was organized at San Rafael Sunday after r.oon. C. J. Smith, secretary of the Building Trades Council of the county, scted as temporary chairman, and' c! de Metz of Painters' Union No. S3, tem porary secretary. Addresses were made by J. Maloney, president of the Build ing Trades Council of Marin County C. W. Petry of the Oakland Boot and She* Workers' Union: Max E. Llcht, nrst vice president of the Retail Clerks' International Protective Association. and B. L. Jones, business agent of the >i--seshoers' Union of San Francisco. •3TT n* w council will apply to the American Federation of Labor for a < barter. Credentials were received from the '.-\u25a0nowlng unions and their delegates seated: Retail Clerks' — Fred Smith, Harry Adams and O. B. Gilata; Bar tenders' — J. Larney, F. Dlckman and J. v.alsh; Butchers' — A. Sands, J. Smith and O. Alison; Musicians' — a Ames, P. Zuo and E. de Metz. President Maloney .-stalled the following officers: Presl- snt, Fred Smith of the Retail Clerks' nlon; vice president, J. Smith of the Butchers' Union; secretary, A. sands of the Butchers' Union; treasurer, J, Walsh of the Bartenders' League; yrppant at arms, H. Adams of the Re tail Clerks' Union; fraternal delegate to the Building Trades Council, O. B. Gfiata. The following were appointed a committee on bylaws — J. Smith. C Ames, J. Larney and O. B. Gilata. Molders" Union No. 164 held a special r-eeting Sunday afternoon in the Labor Council Temple. J. J. Fields In the chair. The union voted favorably on holding an International convention next July in Philadelphia. Much of the time of the meeting was taken up in discussing the eight-hour day in the Iron industry. It was the consensus oi opinion that the shorter workday could be brought about without much friction. • The first meeting of the new execu tive council of the State Federation of Labor was called to order by President George A. Tracy last Sunday after noon in th* Labor Council Temple. I^-U? Anna M. Burkhardt, A. M. Thomp* £7^ and S. D. Simmons were electee d«f/rgates to the Japanese and Korean 1 Exclusion League. L. D. Blddle was appointed special organizer for San Diego for a period of two weeks. Z. W. Craig was appointed general or ganizer. Craig has been a prominent man In the labor movement of the State for a number of years, and was third' vice president of the State Federation of Labor for two years. He was also editor of a labor paper in San Pedro and a special writer for the Union Labor News of Los Angeles. Secretary-Treasurer Bowling was in structed to s<snd out to the affiliated unions the ten resolutions which were adopted by the Stockton convention, one -to ko every two weeks until they are all disposed of. L. B. Leavitt, the federation's agent in Sacramento, made a .written and verbal report of the progress of labor bills now before the Legislature. 1 The report was highly encouraging. \ . The union bookbinders of Chicago, who were in conference with the typoth etae when an agreement was made by the printing pressmen fixing Jan uary 1, 160S, as the date for establish ing the eight-hour day, have repudiated that agreement and will vote on the strike proposition to inaugurate the rhorter work day at once. Seven candidates were obligated at the last meeting of Furniture Handlers' Union No. 1, three being from Port CoFta. Twenty-five applications for re^.bership are now awaiting action. T'.^-inion will soon be in receipt of a new charter from the State Building Trades Council. Business Agent Crosby has co far recovered from his recent sickness as to be about once more. The ur.ion is assured of an eight-hour day, which goes into effect April 1 next. Wages will also be increased 50 cents a day. The committee on bylaws will make its report at the next meeting. Members must remember that when in arrears three mouths they will be suspended, and when reinstated within one month thereafter will be compelled to pay the reinstatement fee. After next meeting the initiation fee will be SIS. All those who have not made out I heir applications will be required to pay this amount, which Includes a share of stock in the Building Trades Temple. The working card rule will be en forced by all union men. The business Excellent Home Treat- ment for Consumption and Throat Troubles The camps for tuberculosis patients In the pine forests of Maine, estab- lished by the Philadelphia specialists, have demonstrated' a new and won- derf ully successful phase In the treat- ment of pulmonary diseases. The method pursued has grained almost uni- versal recognition among the medical profession. . In an interview recently by a New- York newspaper representative some information that will prove of Im- mense value to the public in general was given out ' The remarkable stimulating effect on the respiratory organs by the I',-nous atmosphere of the pine forest Was been a matter of great Interest tl< the medical world, and doctors 'in general would have long since availed themselves of the greaV cura- tive merits of the pine cap had they been able to obtain its active principle freed from the many deleterious mat- ters with which It Is associated by na- ture. This has been one of the achievements of the work in the forest ramps and he has produced what _is known to the medical fraternity as Concentrated oil of pine. If this prep- aration be used -In connection with plenty of outdoor 'exercise and the habit of taking deep, long breaths . every few minutes.' patients wiir have • all the advantages of the pine forest . ramps right at their own homes and the most effective remedy obtainable •for any case of lung trouble that .Is not too far advanced and a_cure for . any cough that is curable. The.f orrn- •ula as originally prescribed Is the fol- lowing- "One half ounce Concen- trated oil of pine; two ounces ofgly- •oerine- eight ounces of good whisky. Tt should be shaken thoroughly and '.taken la tablespoon doses every, four • h °ThV ingredient* can be . rrocured from any well-stocked preflcriptlon druggist. Care should . be taken to se- cure only the -Concentrated'!- oil of piSe w°hich Sine, put up --tor mgMclnjd v rVin half ounce vials and Inclosed In mFIs» round screwtop cases which \u25a0r'll., lt f r om heat and light. The SlffnVry bulk oil of pine \u25a0J»W<*«£ owing to the foreign matter tharit con- . tains? likewise the patent medicine_lmr Itatlons labeled: "Oil of^PJna. They lonly produceN nausea and fall in spe- i'cific results, \u25a0;-., 1 agent has also been Instructed to en force it. A meeting will be held on Friday. ln Improvement Hall, 2569 Mar ket street, for the purpose of hearing the rfeport of the committee on wages and hours. Fines will be imposed for non-attendance. Quarterly working cards must be obtained by this meet ing. :-'->-;;.': -'->-;;.'- --•. :^h-'r The announcement has been received In this city that the assessment levied by the International Typographical Union for the furtherance of the eight hour day has again been reduced- The battle is so nearly won that the 5 per cent assessment ' has been reduced to 3 per cent. Few men remained on the strike list and the union was collect ing more money than was needed. The United Typothetae has been defeated in the eight-hour contest. It is now will ing to signyan agreement with the in ternational pressmen giving them an eight-hour day after January 1. 1909. It Is very doubtful if the coming con vention of pressmen will accept such a remote date for putting the eight-hour day Into operation. A big fight on the question is certain, and should Presi dent Martin Higglns become an ob structionist he will find a battle on his hands that may relegate him to the ranks. The delegates from the Pacific Coast are up in arms ana their pres ence will be felt In tho coming con vention. John H. Brinkman. president of the "Washington (D. C.) Central Labor Union, has Just been notified that he has been elected to the office of secre tary-treasurer of the International Union of Carriage and Wagon Workers of North America, Brinkman's election to this office means that the headquar ters will be established In Washington. He Is now in Chicago to take charge of the office books. E. A. Erlckson presided at the last meeting of the Sailors' Union of the Pa cific. The secretary reported that ship ping was fair. The educational meet ings held each Wednesday evening are well attended. There will be good speakers at each meeting, and all sail ors who can should attend. The Ta coma agent stated that shipping and prospects were good and that men were scarce. The Seattle agent wrote that shipping and prospects weref good. The Port Townsend agent reported that shipping was slack. The Aberdeen agent stated that shipping was slack and that only few vessels were in port. The Portland agent wrote that ship ping was dull and prospects poor. The Eureka agent reported that shipping and prospects were good and men scarce. The San Pedro agent stated that shipping was good. The Honolulu agent wrote that shipping and pros- Encouraged by tfie success of the up holstery weavers In Philadelphia in ob taining an 11 per cent increase in pay. the Cloth and Dress Weavers'- Union of that city has decided to ask for- a 15 per cent increase. This union numbers about 12,000 men, who are employed In about fifty mills. -The cotton and woolen goods weavers, it Is expected, will also make &f demand. upon the manufacturers for a 15 per cent, in crease. Other branches of tlfe textile trade will also follow the lead of the Upholstery Weavers' Union. Ed. Anderson was In the chair at the last meeting of Marine Cooks' and Stew ards' Association of "the Pacific Coast. Secretary Steidle reported that ship ping was fair with plenty of men ashore. The Seattle agenc& was au thorized to contribute $25 to the Ta coma Building Trades Assembly, which is now on strike. The Musicians' Union of Stockton has adopted a new schedule of prices. Mu sicians having steady employment have had their salaries raised about 10 per cent. The minimum number of musi cians to be employed in a theater is fixed by the seating capacity of the house. For picni<rs and dances the old rate will prevail, with the exception that where" liquor is sold musicians will receive an advance of about 15 per cent on the regular prices. The statement of a correspondent of the Machinists' Journal that.a New England firm- manufacturers' idols for the heathens of the Far East and c sends them out duly stamped with the union label of the international Association of Machinists called forth the editorial rejoinder that "a tinion-made god is not to be sneezed at, and ought to fill a long-felt want." The District Council of Carpenters of Alameda County at a recent meeting re-elected E. Thompson business agent for the sixth time. Thompson ~is a union man of varied experience. V. He was a charter member of the first car penters' union formed in Spokane. At the time of the Coeur d'Aleno excite ment he was among the first on the ground and engaged in mining. For his union principles he served a term in the so-called "bull-pen." \ • \ • • - \. \u25a0\u25a0 Strikes that have come s - about throughout the country for ; several years' because plasterers .did the work of- bricklayers, and vice versa, have been stopped by a national, agreement between the contending parties. It provides that union plasterers who can do bricklaying can lay brick on condi tion that they pay the dues of brick layers, while the work lasts, to the bricklayers* loc\l in the place where the work is done. „. CHAXXIXG AUXILIARY At the annual meeting of the Chan ninff Auxiliary yesterday afternoon in the parish rooms of the First Uni tarian Church Mrs. E. S.: Simpson 3 was elected president, Mrs. E.- A.) Bucking ham and Mrs. B. F. Leavltt.vice-presi dents, Mrs. L. F. 'Sweetzer recording secretary. Mrs. E. Feltret business sec retary. Mrs. William Leland : corres-' ponding secretary and Mrs. W.. "E. Stadtmuller r treasurer. '.The^r annual reports of the society were presented and accepted, after which 'a 1 , luncheon was served. The assemblage .was * adr dressed by the new ' president i and t Miss Easton. . S^i BRIXGS CITY IXSURA.XCE SUIT City Attorney William t-G.V Burke, in behalf of the "j city, 1 filed - two quits ", yes terday ' aeains t -the . Alliance Assurance Company of London for 14000, insurance on buildings, which were! destroyed. by fire on the:Lincoln;School>site;6n:Mar-v ket \ street 1 iTheVsuitß : are ';: duplicates, one'bcing brought; iif the, name of! the Board of > Education I and - the -, other lln the name lof * the « city, .arid ': county, ) to prevent ; the' possibility , of jafdlsputei as to title. SuitS;for:insuranceiwere;also filed yesterday" by Dempster Bros, against the Transatlantici<Fire*lnsur ance f Company for "\u25a0- s29oo"and ; r against the Rhina and Moselle for 11000. ' *r THE SAN: : FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY ;5, GENTLE COERCION FOR SANTA FE Supervisors Refuse Spur Permit Until L Company Pays for Track Removing DUFFEY .GAINS POINT President Duffey of the Board- of Works appeared before the ; Supervisors yesterday and requested .that- noSspur track permits be granted *to { the? Santa Fe Railway Company until the corpora tion had paid the expense of tearing, up its l so-called debris tracks \ on* / Spear street, which were removed last Sunday by the Works Board. Duff ey.' asked also that the company be compelled to restore the street to j its former condi tion. : . . \u25a0 -". .-: . • ; - ";"-\u25a0"/\u25a0 -\u25a0;". '- "The Southern vPacific and Ocean Shore companies are taking up their debris tracks, but the Works Board has been put to an expense of $2000 or $3000 in removing the Spear-street ' tracks," said Duffey. "There has been a pal pable attempt to steal tt a -.'public; street, and I want this board to help us : col lect our bills for our work in prevent ing the grab." ,' ' Duffey gained his point, for action on the ordinance granting the Real Estate and Development Company a spur track permit on Wisconsin and Mississippi streets was laid over for one week, as the Santa Fe Company's road will con nect therewith. The ordinances granting spur track permits to the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Company, McDonald Lumber Company, Harbor Warehouse Company, American Radiator Company, City Street Im provement Company,; Globe Milling Company and Pacific Hardware Com pany were -finally passed. Six other spur track privileges pro posed to be granted to the Santa Fe Company for as many industrial enter prises were deferred until next Monday on account of Insufficient printing. At Supervisor Gallagher's suggestion, Duffey agreed to call a meeting of the merchants' street repair committee for tomorrow morning. Gallagher said the committee was not makfng much head way in the work of repairing streets, and he thought It was too big a propo sition for a private enterprise to cope with. Gallagher said the Supervisors would probably take' the matter in hand, even If It were necessary to curj^ tail municipal appropriations In other directions so the streets could be re paired. The ordinance granting the Southern Pacific Company a permit for a spur track along Bluxome street, between Fourth and Seventh, and also on pri vate property adjacent thereto, was passed to print. Attorney Frank Dunn opposed the granting of the permit on the ground that the company had not purchased the entire right of way on private property sought to be traversed. Dunn said that if the permit, were granted the right of the board to grant spur track privileges would be tested in the courts. Supervisors Tvelfmoe arid O'Nell argued that the privilege proposed to be granted was in the nature of a fran chise and not a permit, owing to the length of the track, but their motion for a postponement failed to pass. One of the conditions imposed is that no cars will be allowed to remain stand- Ing on the tracks between 6 a. m. and 6 p.m. BANKRUPT BY SHYLOCKS 1 Warren Evans,:, a mechanic ; of .this city, filed a petition in Insolvency yes terday. He -owes $926, , and; has; no assets.; . One "of * his : debts r y is for \u25a0\u25a0 $883 on a promissory; note-? for {, $370, f with" 10 per cent : per month' Interest In favor of ; the ' Miss " J. . AL .' Hutton Credit Company. . ' NAMES GALLAGHER ACTING MAYOR At yesterday's meeting of the Board of Supervisors Mayor Schmitz. was by resolution granted a thirty days', leave of absence, he -having left for Wash-, ington, D. C, to attend a conference with President Roosevelt on -the local Japanese school question. The same resolution appointed Sii-^ pervisor Gallagher as Acting Mayor during Schmitz's absence. The Mayor's veto of ; the ordinance granting" various ; increases in salaries to employes of the "Auditor's office was referred to the finance committee, and his- recommendations for increases in salaries of the "members of the Police and Fire Departments went to the com mittee-on charter amendments. ; The Auditor, ; it is understood, :will;": will;" file a modified request 1 ; for increases lin' the salaries of his subordinates to conform to the Mayor's suggestion for "smaller increases, than those originally peti tioned for. TEAMSTER IS ROBBED AXD BEATEX BY THUGS Mitchell Harper, of Palo Alto Has Try- tnß Experience .With Four -Vicious) Footpads Mi tchell Harper, a teamster, : em ployed at Palo Alto, reported to the po lice yesterday that he had .been the victim of robbers. - They .were 'four in number and kicked, him into insen'the corner of Duboce avenue and Valencia street.. He was robbed of $ 20 in cash and a gold watch, j The assault "and ; robbery took^place. at 3 o'clock yesterday : morning \u0084 while the victim was on his way. home.' , \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 BURXETT IS ARRAIGNED Albert Burnett, the spectacular miner from Nevada who' left a- trail of spuri ous: checks; in ; the. tenderloin, .; under went the humiliation ; of - being ,'., ar raigned in" the Police Court , yesterday. He made answer to k the charges pre ferred against him by.Schift Bros., who cashed a bogus check : for, $100' for, him; By the ? consent of counsel the s hearing of thecase was continued until Feb ruary:!!. " ; ; *. ' \u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0• COPPER . THIEVES BEWTENCED-^Six Greeks . found pullt.v ; of stealing copper, t wtre : sentenced hy | Police i Judge - Cabanias •\u25a0 yesterday \to thirty days • in' Jail .0r ... to; pay - a-, fine 'of , $90 each. •-' \u25a0H Hafl BM iH EUR \u25a0bbbbbbbl bbbbl :' ' H \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0*\u25a0 ' H bbbbm The Baking Powt^ - PURE AND HEAinTO^-- Stocks of Low Price Sold Numerously Merger Shares and Fraction \^ary Most ' The sales of Southern > Nevada - min ing shares In the San Francisco Stock and Exchange Board J yesterday.; were light; in; most instances, but there /were exceptions, : these exceptions : referring largely to the lower priced -/ stocks. Thirty-two thousand ; shares \u25a0 of ; Bonnie Clare were sold at 36 cents to 39 cents. Twenty-nine thousand .* six : hundred shares of Lone Star brought I- from 3 5 cents to 37 cents. Thirteen thousand shares of Manhattan : Belmont ~ ; were taken: at S .cents a -share. ?- Fourteen thousand shares of Blue Bull brought 50 cents . to 51 cents."*T Fifteen thou sand shares of Llga Harris; were sold at 5 cents a share. ' Other comparatively low-priced stocks that were; marketed in quite large quantities were Manhattan Dex ter, of which 12,00 shares were; sold at 60 cents and 68 cents; Mllltown Traction to r the extent of 1 3,500 shares sold at 7 cents; Red Top Extension, 35,500 shares at 42 cents to 44. cents; Oro to the" amount, of 14,000 shares, with a range of 61* to 66 cents; Mus tang Annex, 10,000 shares at 2 and 3 cents a share. V . . The stocks above the present dollar limit sold in smaller numbers, g Among these there were variations v sufficient to make the market interesting. Jum bo Extension flitted from the $2.60 mark to $2.62^ and $2.57%. Montana, with sales of 1400 shares, dropped from $4 to $3.95. Fifty-five hundred shares of Columbia that were sold varied the price from $1.12% to $1.16.; Daisy had a range of fifteen points from $2.75. t0 $2.90. Columbia Mountain, of which 6100 shares were sold, brought from $1.07% to $1.10. . "^ , v Fourteen thousand one hundred shares of Sliver Pick were sold at $1.45, $1.42% and $1.40. The sales of St. Ives were 6100 shares at $1.17% to $1.20 a share. . Goldfleld Kewanos was sold to the extent of 7200 shares and the price varied from' $1.70 to $1.80. One hundred shares of Gold field Mining, the first that, have ap peared in the market lately, were taken in at $1.20. This stock repre sents one of the properties of the Wlngfleld-Nixon merger. - \u25a0 Goldfleld Consolidated Mines stocks/ representing all the mines of the big Wingffeld-Nlxon merger, were sold to the number of 2650. -There was a chance to speculate inrthem. The prices ran as follows: $8.75, $8.87%, $9.12%, $9, $9.25. Between the lowest and highest price there was a differ ence of 50 cents a share. •_ Combination Traction shares were similarly interesting. The sales were at $6.50, $6.12% and $6.25. All these changes were effected with total sales of only 800 shares. Six thousand five hundred shares of Great Bend were sold at $1.12% to $1.15., \u0084 CHAMBER GAIXS STRENGTH GoMfield'a Commercial Body Now In- dudes Many Men Of Money GOLDFIELD, Feb. 4.— Goldfleld's Chamber of Comerce is attaining large sizel Although newly organized It has a big -membership, including the fol lowing persons and firms:" Arendt & ; Hefferman, . A. Dent Brown.' W. , 3. Brewer,. Besurck & Thompson,' F.'Bodlne,*' D. Barnes, "" Belden.v Daimpre & Van \u25a0 Dohlen, >.W. A. i Baker, ' George " Buleson, O. 'X; *, Crowhat/ H. "; T. \u25a0 Condon, C. B. Crampton, Rr t,~. Colburn, John- S. Cook / & Co., >W. S.,*Croxan.7:M. D., F. •• B. - Cosley, '"A v . \u25a0.-\u25a0 B. > Cochran, f Coffee & - Me- Gowan, M.M. Detch.W. H. Day. J. B.iDelafon taine, 11. C. Davis. .R. J. Donohue, C. . B. AGAIN ASKS BIDS FOR CITY BONDS 'i'he Board of Supervisors met yester day and set February; 25, 1907, as the date for receiving bids for the purchase of sewer bonds ; to: the value of $1,087,- 200 and street bonds amounting' to $486,000. This makes; the fourth time that such action has been taken, no bids having been received on three previous occasions. ; • The request of the Fire Commission that a lease be entered into on behalf of the ? city for a lot on Geary street near Scott as a. site for an engine house was referred to the finance com-, mlttee. *, "* -. : ' .', . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0'\u25a0"-",', ' Assessor Dodge reported that the to tal assessment of the Spring Valley Water Company for 1906 is $6,898,592, of which $1,073,170 is real' estate, $611,- SOO improvements, $3,214,122 personal property and $2,000,000 franchises. '\u25a0'-.-;;.. The ordinance! reducing from: nine-, teen to fifteen feet vthe' width of side walks in' Steuart; < Spear, Main, Beale, Fremont, First/Fifth/ Seventh, Tenth. Eleventh, Twelfth,:: Berry and 1 King streets was -finally passed. : The petition of t Oceanside property owners that a sewer be< built in Fortyf eighth avenue was referred^ to the street; committee.' "\u25a0 '.,-, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' ; i The^board tallowed .$6500 to. pay sal aries of '\u25a0. extra Iclerks? in ; the Assessor's office and $16,000^ t0 purchase a.patrol boat ; for. the ; Police ! Department. > " • The -following bills- were finally passed: \u25a0• .; .\u25a0' /- \u25a0'\u25a0" '' '\u25a0' , ' . Authorizing an expenditure of j $10, 000 to repave Sixth street.; : '.Providing $10,500to,meet a deficiency In the Police Department funds, so as to pay full salaries. to: the members there of for January ,6 1907; ' ATTACKED CRIPPLED % BROTHER %\ WITH V AX, \u25a0 BUT GOES FREE I Victim ForslTea^ Henry; Tierman . and Judge Conlan Expresses Indignn tlon Over, Turn of Case : r \u25a0 ; Henry Tierman, v who.V in '* a , drunken brawl struck his brother, ' William Tier rnan,^ a]^crlpple;^in sthe i head ;\u25a0 with lan ax ? and , fractured '\u25a0{ hl« 5 skull,; was I dis charged "yesterday 3 because the victim refused ' to I participate } in "; the prosecu tion.'ln * dismissing '} thel case Judge Conlan v expressed? &\ bitter/ regret that Justice (was4 defeated. ' ; ; " ':: /\ ; In the San Francisco , Stocfe : •* »"and Exchange Board yeater^ : day Traa enlivened hy the talc- Ins; In • of : a very large number of shares that at present \u25a0ellfor : less than . »1 : each. The higher priced ones went less numerously, bat fluctuations were «*«»* enough, to hold the Interest of. brokers. Durst,' M. : Dwyer, ; F. J. Dennis. E. . J. Dweet land, \u25a0 Elliott, Rlckard Sc •- Hlghley, LouU Elch-, berg, " Exploration Mercantile Company, B. A. Falkenberg, Tom Flynn," H. U Grlmshaw, Joe Hntehlnson, F. G. Hobbs,- W. . G. ; Hunter, Har per & Tillotson, Frank E.\ Horton, -J. "A. Heth erlngton, Adolph H. Herts, A. . E. Haaka, ' A." J. Hlnlker - & Co.: < John C. ; Hart, J. ; B. »\u25a0 Hurd. Claude : Inman, . M. H. ' Jones, ;B.i A. Jennings, Louis K. > Koontz, W. H. ; Lay, W. : J. Lynch. J. ",F." : Lunse.V" • -'•\u25a0 :\u25a0• ..\u25a0.\u25a0" •--.. .'> i- >\u25a0\u25a0;-:. J. G. Lewis, -C. W. Lary. I. T. Mlnchln, John C. . Martin, I Wells Morton, R. T. Marshall, J. J. Moore, •D. \u25a0 : W. \u25a0 Moody. -; Frank : Marino, : • 3. ' W. -ilorgan, McCormlck, Dorsey " &'& '- Co., jJ. C. Mc- Cormlck, A.- E.- McGlnnis, j J."^ Casey McDannel, Frederick Nelson, \u25a0O. Q.*- Noble, • William B. Nichols, Ole Olsen, 'E. T.H Patrick, W. K. Patrick, A. B. Puett,- L.^L. Patrick," W. B. Payne, R. O. • Pentland, H. D. Prescott, Charlts G. Itowe, L. H. . Rogers, John ; H. < Roelng, Ross &. Tucker, Fred Rosen tr auch, Kigali Brothers, I. G. RandalL W. H. , Roemler, W. K. Robin son, Benjamin Rosenthal, J. A. Selt, Scott A Amann, . Charles Sand, . Stevens 4s : Rendant, H. Stlmler, -D. F. Sullivan Company; C. •B. Strong, D. T. Sill, Forrest Swears. Louis Schloss, W. A. Stanton, . H. -E. \u25a0 Snyder, , C. Speller, ' Thompson, Morehouse & Thompson, George E. \u25a0 Truax, Rob ert L. Toplitz, J. D. Van Devort, Jim Vlcks, S. E. - Vermllyea, W. S. ; Williams, I Wood-Sulli van Company, G. V. Parti*, W. A. Baker, ' Do nald McDonald,' James - T. * Murphy r -\u25a0 S.'. Thornton Langley, Arthur F. Price, C. B. > Gentry, Harry Elm?, C. E. . Condlt, Charles Fuetsch, .W. -E. Hales, George Sprlngmyer, : W. F. \u25a0 Weiss,' Joha Ward, Charles Flnnlnger, , O. V. Robertson. * W. B. Ross, Frank Samuel, Thomas Graham, B. J. Reilly, George Buleson, J. S. Harrigan, tV."-B; : Becker,; D. O'Brien, -William Robe, J. A. Morris, W. \u25a0; E. Green, M. E: B«ed, Gus Gottschalk, Henry Omega. J. L. Kalfu*. H. W. Boyer, Thomas Kearney, Fred A." Hussman, J. H. ; Grlffln, '*. Judge I. Solomon. Dr. Paul F. Cope. D. A. Hipp, George 8. Newman, J. W. Palmer, N. B. Robinson, Charlea G. Patrick, A. F. Barnum, D. , G. Lether*. A. A. . Codd, P. Stone, C. - F. ' La timer, : R. : J. Shoemaker, J. . H. Blanchard, M. B. Benagle.. J. O'Brien, W. A. Smith, Lester Withers, Walter Chatterton, C. S. • Floyd, Alex McClain, George . McDevitt, J. M." Hanlahan, J. H. Kelser, George G. Payne, Sydney J. Dryf oos, C. K. Deneff, -M. Lee, Charles G. Nagle, J. A. Hassel, Fred Conger, Asa H. Bolden, W. T. Young, C. T. Floyd. Charles WUkes S. Morris, R. G. Withers, J. T. Mllligan, J. H. Parks. F. W. Payne, James Regale, John F. Rordama, C* C. Todhunter, W. W. Dyer, W. J. McGee, J. A. Fults, A. S. Olds, J. G. Watts, -W.W. Harvey, Arthur M. Allen, ,O. L. Robertson, W. *D. Ross, Frank Samuels, Thoma* Graham, J. S. Corrlgan, Wil liam E. Becker. MOUNTAIN OF QUARTZ Ore-Bearing Rock Stands Up to Height ' . of Three-Story House GOLDFIELD, Feb. 4.— Gurney Gor don, one of the pioneers and foremost developers of: Round Mountain, with two or three associates, has organized the Reese River GoldNMines Company for the development of a mountain of auriferous quartz in ; the south end of the. Reese River range, southwest of Austin. Ten men are working on the property .and a crosscut tunnel has been started to undercut t"he ledge at a depth of 250 feet. On the surface this ledge stands up to the height of a three-etory building. It measures sev enty feet from foot to hanging wall and outcrops for a distance of 300 feet. This vast deposit is one of the biggest of its kind in the State. Upon the com pletion of the tunnel a. mill will be built, for which, there is an abundance of '-water. / LEASERS DEVELOPING WOXDER Shipping .. Ore C- Is Sacked :. to Be : For- warded to Reduction Works " ~GOLDFIELD. Feb.; V-i-Scott Groo. a pioneer;* of ? the Wonder* district, 'who, when'; the»= first rich discoveries - were made "there,* was 'located at \u25a0 Falrvlew, has come to Goldfield with a blue print of Wonder claims in one hand and a sack of rich samples in the other. He has some locations and reports great progress- on ' a # number of properties. The snow has . disappeared and, every body in camp is busy. , Five leases are being operated on the Spider and Wasp, which are taking out shipping ore. D'Arcy "brothers, who sold the great Jack Pot group to Marvin Ish - and brother, have j bought one of the Spider and Wasp leases and are, sacking ore preparatory to' making a shipment to the reduction works. . STRIKE AT SILVER PEAK Ore In New Ground . Excites Interest of the Miners BLAIR, Feb. 4.— The recent strike in the ; Silver Peak i Range in the vicinity of this town is causing excitement. Knapp:.ahd .Dame, .two of {the owners of the new ground, have: arrived here from Tonopah to visit the scene of tfle discovery, the whereabouts of, which is stilla secret. The rock \ that is' shown as having come from the strike is won derfully rich ; and has but few; of the characteristics of the Silver Peak: ores. Knapp ; says that ; in . his "opinion the strike -is in ; a pocket of rich : ore, '. prob abljr;occurring in a ledge of good mill ing;rock/ . ' "*" .r. r dmSM 'thenewcojxtail| '$}$& A cup of boiling water, ft iE a sm^ P° r tlon of Liebig si fm ! |fl|)if Company's Extract of 1 Beef, a dash of salt jg I^^lM'M a \u25a0 delicious . beef broth i «H^^Me^r *^ at appetizing and B !jj| P^..^S'-. ; : ; fnvfeorating. v Good for fl j£* rn^soJ^ the cnilly,wet days, and fi ggp^K^* days. Keep a jar in g V^ your room. Try it when X youVe tired* Every jar of the genuine I UEBIG COHPANYS I Extract; <ptj B eel^ 1 bears this exact YJ _i^l - signature . \*£ 'K***^^'*^/ 8 : lnbluej~~- : , 'A [\u25a0 T \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\.''- . -^#B THE ' CAUFORNIA PROMOTION COMpfIITTEE ; ' (Organised 1002) '. ~ \u25a0'•\u25a0) PEOMOTIONf ' The act- of' promoting, ad- rancemeot; ENCOUUAGEMENT — Century Die- Uonary.".;'- '•—'-:'./. .\u25a0*:;\u25a0.-';"\u25a0".\u25a0 '..i^:^ x ;r- C ' \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 The ? California Promotion Committee •' has , for It* object the .- PROMOTING ; of : Calif orals v i | \u25a0 It has ' nothing i to *elL' .; ... ":_ .. - \ ',' -Its^energies are' deroted to fostering all thing* '< that : hare the ADVANCEMENT of Calif orals a* their: object. •;:; ,-> : ;r "^ - -•' \u25a0 > It ' glres : reliable Information -on > erery sabject connected with \ the .. Industrie* ; of i. California. ; \u25a0 \u0084- , ' It ; fires ENCODE AGEMENT to ! the establish- ment of new Indus tries and lnrl tea desirable Im- migration. ~ " ; : - .;.'\u25a0\u25a0; > *: -.;:•\u25a0 *A.^^pfgjsffi^gasa»^ V" It Is 'not ! an \u25a0 employment agency, \u25a0 although ', it i glres information regarding labor conditions. ' \u25a0• It ! presents the "opportunities and ; need* in all i fields of business and professional actlrity. - ; . '\u25a0 :r.i The > Committee • is ; *upported \ by , popular* sub- i scrip tlon . and •; makes ; no , charge . lor ; any : serrlce rendered.';: ;;.;,-": \u25a0\u25a0±-.'-'-V.'j^:\-y: ?i.\--;-> ••.>'..:•; --.;\u25a0< Affiliated with the Committee are one handred I and sixty commercial organization* of the State, < . with la ' membership lof | orer thirty | thousand. -, i m Meetings '" are \u25a0 held I seml-annually \u25a0" ia I different [part* of California,' where matters of State inter- ! est ' ue discnssed. F «!^Bj9^£^*£Ss9WMSHfafc**a?£i \u25a0Headquarters of the Committee are maintained I In • San j Francisco ' in > Calif ornia - BnUdlng, Union [ * vwftttBSPONDENCB UittXtß, r ~~" iii^Hm'i hOIIIh iBfiTifTTiTSSi IV ii" \u25a0 viiin miiijßj.^iim .iMihWhiu.!,,,!,.,,.,. I.i ,i \u25a0.i!,ij>w.,i!nißn II JC Of XnlSlltS B.DQ, LnllClrCD. Kind You Have KilHßy>'i n'iSiUl'nl::i'i.t?'.:l m!!^!Ti5?X t^.i.lwi7i'.i.vHi::Tlffr^ if \u25a0 J4lWfiW^ 111 111 F* ill I fy. , , _, . ' §H ill 1 1 »* J V WMnUI AYcgelaQlcmparalionlorAs- h # . *#- I Hnti tho .Stnwwrha and'Rowpl.s of ifß Pnorci T"l^Q W- t fejmotesT)3|iesBDaClrerAil- ffl XV V" ttssandSesukmtaiasßdtlier. w n x* wt\ J\ 9 r QmimtMorpWiieflorlfiaeial. m Ul j#vV YjJ non,SourStomach,Diarrhoea, 9| I Ify — Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- 11 m Enfi* fill Of ness and Loss of Sleep, m Vs/* IUI UfUl Tac Simile Signature of |3 ._, _ g . -- "\u25a0ff^W» \u25a0 l w—mmm^m*^MUSr TNI OCMTAUft ««MMrffT, NCVtMR •ITT. Dr.Lyon's PERFECT^ Tooth Powder Cleanses and' beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used -by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Convenient for tourists. PREPARED BY - y Our interest does not cease with a sale. We k re- quest our patrons to come in any time to have their glasses adjusted. HißscH & Kaiser? ; 1757 Fillmore St. Optician* \Tell your friends if you like it ; if not, tell Nyour grocer. Your grocer returns your money if jou don't like Schilling's Best. MACDONOUGH *" THEATER. f 1 CHAS. P. "HALL, Sole Proprietor and Manager. TONIGHT, TOMORROW NIGHT AND THURS- DAY NIGHT. • MATINEE WEDNESDAY. KLAW ®> ERL ANGER'S . Stupendous Production. . Introducing the Kings of Laughter, -\u25a0 McINTYRE & HEATH r In a Musical NoTelty. THE HAMTREE With the Entire New York Cast. 100 on Stage. Seats now on sale. \u25a0 THE AUDITORIUM . FRANK RITTIGSTEIN, General Manager. . , FILLMORE ST., CORNER PAGE. WEDNESDAY, FEB. «, 1907. RGLLERPOLO VALLEJO VS. SAN FRANCISCO U Admission," 20c. - Skating, 25c. SATURDAY NIGHT, FEB. 0, 1907, . (Hannoverauer Vereln Masque Ball Alls Xlght) sV'i^'Af the Panhandle . . Fell, Baker and Oak sts. Roller Skating Morning, •' Afternoon and \u25a0 Nljht. • FFLEE CONCERT Erery 'Night 'after -• the skating : close*. Grand Concert : by Bennett'* famous Band la the Ori- ental Garden* \u25a0 free. All • kinds ' of reCreahments •erred . at - popular price*. No Intoxicating liquor*. ." - .-. .-, : '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'..-• '\u25a0 - •-."- ' .-:..., .. - -\u25a0.'.'\u25a0 : .- RA ; GI ; N 5 ffijgg^^ NEW CALIFORWA i|||p> JOCKEY CLUB .\u25a0•^ Oakland Racetrack Six or more races each week day, rain or same. 'Races commence at 1:40 p." ra/*harp. v ="\u25a0;'.'", t For specUl ' trains \u25a0 stopping \u25a0 at ' the track \u25a0 take 8.5 P.~ Ferry,- foot of Market .street; leave at 12 o'clock, thereafter ' every a twenty - mlnnte* : nntll 1:40 p. m. No smoking In last two car*, which are \u25a0 reserved > for - ladle* and x their ,< escorts.' . . \u25a0 *-; Returning , trains leave i track ': after ; fifth and last ' race*. ' \u25a0 :-.-\u25a0<-\u25a0---.-.--•:. * ,/\u25a0- - THOMAS H.WILLIAM 3, PrtiideaU PBBCY; W. TEEAT,'- BwttUiy» AMERICANS!: Erery car line la the city transfer* to Ssv > Francisco's Leading Playhooar. Western States AmoMment Co.. Props. WAXTKB SANFOED, Mgr. TONIfiHT AND ALL ™ ls week. : IUHIUni MATS. SAT. AND SUN. Frank W. Healy Presents. The San Francisco Opera Company! Ia the Romantic Comic Opera. IL e PrincessChic Book by Kirke La S— r3e. Mnslc by Julia Edwards. PRICES — fI.OO, 75«. sOc, 25c. SEATS NOW SELLING AT BOX OBTICB and Kohler & Chase*. Sntter and Franklin sts. ' COLONIAL THEATER McAllister st., near Market. Phone Market 920. Martin F. Knrtzlg. Pres. and Msr. HEATED by Latest Inrention— DßT HOT AIR. TOXIGHT — ALI/THIS WEEK 25c BARGAIN MATLNEE TOMORROW ALL SEATS RESERVED. Aagustna Thomas* Most Successful Play. ALABAMA All the Farorites In the Cast. , FRANK BACON In his creat role of "Colonel Motxrly." Branca Ticket Office. Kohler & Chase's, Sot« ter and Franklin sts. EreninKs — 25c. JUV. 75c, $1. Saturday anil * Sunday Matinees — 25c and 50c. In Preparation THE H.VLFBREED CENTRAL THEATER Market ; and Eighth Sts. Phone Market TT7. LAMBARDI GRAND OPERA CO. — TOXIGHT LUCIA Harp solos — Violin and , Flute Obligator. • . Wednesday Night and Sunday Matinee. "CAR- MEN": Thursday and Sunday. "La TEA- • VIATA": Friday. "BARBEH OF SEVILLE" and 'TPAGLIACCI";. Saturday Matinee. ' "CHOPIN";- Saturday Night. "LA FORZA DEL DESTINO." NEXT WEEK-MASCAGNI'S LTRIC DRAMA, IRIS PRICES TO .SUIT AM, 50c, 7.-f, 91.C0— BEST SEAT— f IJiO Uptown Offlce— Kohler & Chase's, gutter and Franklin sts. Cp to and including Sunday Night. JIATI.\EES SATURDAY AXD SUXDAY The Great Cartoon Mnstcal Comedy. BUSTER BROWN WITH TIGE. MART JANE AND 40 OTHERS. . 20 SONG HITS 20. Popular Price*. 23c to 11.00. Beginning Next Monday Nlgfet. DUSTIX FARM'II In the Greatest All-Amerieaa Play. . "THE VIRGINIAN." Seat sale begins Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. ELLIS. STREET. «*NEAR FILLMORE. Absolutely Class '.'A" Theater Building. MATIXEE TOHAY AXD E\ERY DAT Irresistible Vaudeville! PATRICE AND CO.: HTCKEY AXD NXTSOJrs HAPPY tJACK GARDNER;. "UTTXI HEP." Small » st Performing - Elephant ia the World; MADDOX AND- MELVIN: THE LABAKAN3 aad their Dor 'TOLLY"; CH8.13 SXITH AND , TWO JOHNSONS: ORPHET7X MOTION PIC ' TXJRES AND LAST WEES AND VKQITALI. \u25a0 TIED STTCCSSS OF ALFRED KXX.CY ASQ , CO. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 •-. \u25a0 .• Prices — Erenins9,-10c, 23c, 3<V?. Tsc; box seats, ! |1. Matinees— loc. 23c and 30c. Phone West 6000. .. THEiUTBTHEATffI TOXIGHT— Ait" THE WEEK \^.MATIXEE EVERY DAY_ . EISTIRE NEW SHOW BURLESQUE AND VAUDEVILLE. First Appearance of . Sheet. Mro t hern, English » Acrobats, and J. GsiTsey . Ilronn. "The Man WHh the Clgrarette^i \ \«t Motion Pictures | Devlin and Ell- ' wood and ' Original - Gaiety - Girl* 'la > \u25a0 Burletta. "Ja«tle* Frappe." PRICES— 10c AND 25c. \u25a0 Downtown Box Office st Donlon'* Drag Ston% j Flllmore and Sntter st*. < Phone Pacific 301. CHUTES AND ZOO— Open dally from 10 a. ra. I till midnight. Admission 10c, children 3c. •.---.---\u25a0-• NEXT SATURDAY; NIGHT,- , ? OPEXIXG OP THE SKATIXG RIXK • . No Extra Chal'ge for,<Admlaslon. JOHNJDEANEI! KfOTABY PUBLIC. , Special Care Talcs* wltfc Deposition* ' ' and All Lescal Documents. ' Kortawest carat; «1 . Svttar an 4 ; Stelaer StA-eU. ". 9