Newspaper Page Text
12 FAIRMONT HOTEL'S CHIMNEY AFIRE ;A -large crowd climbed Telegraph hill last night supposing that the Fair mont Hotel was again on fire. At 7:30 o'clock an alarm was turned In from box 23 In front of that hostelry, but •when engine 3 from Pine and Lar kin streets arrived, it was found that the blaze, which lighted up the whole sky. came from a chimney in which the soot was or. fire and that no damage was being done. This is the third alarm which has been turned in from this iox since the April fire and each time the crew of engine 3, after the hard run up the hill, has put out the fire with small loss. MEETING NOTICES A. and A. S. R. of Free Masonry — 4_£ ' Ren Francisco Lodge of Perfection Ysf No. 1, fourteenth degree FRIIDAY. _a February S. 1907, at S p. m.. King ff\ Solomon's Tempi*. 1739 Fillmore /5*A et. HENRY ASCROFT. /«*/!& Secretary. './J^%\\ 2220 Point Lobos aye. y*C___J'V CALIFORNIA Commandery *o. 1. K. T. *__*• —Stated assembly THIS (FRIDAY* P»j EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. Albert Pike UM Memorial Temple. 1559 Geary st. Order of the tempi*. All fraters cordially Invited. PHINEAS F. FERGUSON. Commander. WILLIAM R. JOST. Recorder. LA PARFAITE Union Lodge No. 17. jl F. &; A. M.— Called meeting at King A\ Solomon's TernpJe, 1739 Fillmore st.. yWy THIS <FRIDAY> EVENING. Febru- /V/\ arj- 8, 1907. at S o'clock. First de- ' \u25bc \ gree. By order of the W. M. P. ST. JULLIEN. Secretary. MISSION Lodge No. 169. F. & A. M. fl Officers and members are hereby noti- ff\ fled to attend the funeral of our late VnV brother. HARVEY C. SOMERS. from /Vsr\ the hall of ttis lodge. FRIDAY. Feb. ' \u25bc X 8. at 10:30 a. m. By order of the W. M. FRANK W. SMITH. Secy. AMITY Lodge No. 370. F. _ A. M.. • flr ' Mission Masonic Temple — Special ff\ meeting THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING >/&_* at 7:30 o'clock. Third degree. /V^\ ARCHER B. CLAEK. Secretary. ' \u25bc \ JEWEL Lodce No. 374, F. and A. M. « Stated meeting TODAY (FRIDAY) at ff\ 1 :30 p. m. *^r(£w R. C. JOHNSON, /\3A S Secretary. ' \u25bc \ TEMPLAR P.ebekah Uwlee No. 19, 4g%sn2**s, 100 F.— Will '.!\u25a0\u25a0'.': its. rr^-nlsr St&JgFS;*- meeting on SATURDAY EVEN- ING, February 9. at Polito Hall. No 3265 16th ft. A nut social, for members of the order only. On SATURDAY, February 116. there will be a heart social. Members come and bring your friends. APOLLO Lodge No. 123. I. O. O. .^g-'.'?^ T.— Firft decree THIS (FRI- ->-6^~2s_e DAY> NIGHT. Veterans- Hall. • 431 Dubore aye.. 6 o'clock sharp. "j*™*^. All eligible cordially invited. R. 11. OEMENT. N. G. W. F. NORCROSS,. Recording Secretary. GKAND LODGE I. O. O. F.. of tbe State of California— The Gracd Lodge. I. O. O. F., of the State of California, at the s*f* . . annual sewion held June 5-9. 1906. adopted the following resolution: Resolved, That neither the Grand Lodge, nor any lodge under its Jurisdiction, v. or will b* responsible, pecuniarily or otherwise, for any business corporation or association that uses the name of the order. H. D. RICHARDSON. Grand Secretary. EUREKA Lodge No. 9, K. of P., <£& 3265 16th st.. meets THIS (FRI- *7_|T| DAY EVENING. Will confer Knight rank (long form) on seven «»~:£_ / >£X. esquires. Our Pythian duty requires "*<s<ls& all members to be present Visit- * ing brothers always welcom*. STEVE O'CONNOR. C. C. GEORGE H. BRODERSON. X of R. _ S. MISSION Chapter No. 153. Order of Eastern Star — Officer* and members are hereby notified to attend tb«> funeral of our late brother, HARVEY CURTIS SOMERS, TODAY (FRI- DAY* at 11 o'clock, from Mission Masonic Temple. 2C68 Mission Bt. By order of the W. M. JOSEPHINE C. BACKUS. Secretary. THE annual meeting of the Scottish Rite Tem- ple Association of San Francisco will be held on TUESDAY. February 12, 1907. at 8 o'clock p. m.. at 1230 Geary st, San Francisco, CaL By order of the president. JAMES A. WILSON, Secretary. AMERICAN Shipmasters' Association of the Pa- clflc Coast— There will be a meeting of Im- portance to members at Engineers' Hall, 45 Steuart st. THIS EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. ALEX BERGMAN. Secretary. CEMENT Workers, notice — Smoker will be held at Dolores Hall. 16th and Dolores sts., SAT- URDAY EVENING. February 9. NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC BAIL- ROAD COMPANY. A special meeting of the stockholders of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company will be held at the office of the company, in room 1043 la the James Flood Building, at S7O Mar- ket 6treet In the city and county of San Fran- cisco. In the State of California, the same be- ing the principal place of business of said cor- I noration. and being the building where the Beard of Directors of said corporation usually meet, on the 12th day of March, 1907, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, to consider and act upon th* proposition to create a bonded Indebt- edness of said corporation, to the amount In the aggregate of thirty-five million dollars <$55.000.000> is gold coin of tie United States (a portion of which is to be used in retiring existing bonded indebtedness), and to Increase the bonded Indebtedness of said corporation up to the amount, in the aggregate, of thirty- five million dollars ($S5.000.000) In gold coin of the United States, and to secure the said proposed bonded Indebtedness by a mortgage or deed of trust upon the railroads, franchises «nd property of the company now owned or % fcereafter acquired, and the income thereof, or rueb part thereof as may be prescribed In the mortgage or deed of trust: and to determine tbe form and terms of said bonds and mort- p»ce or deed of trust and to authorize the Board of Directors to take all such action as they may deem, necessary or expedient In the premises. Dated the Bth day of January. 1907. By order of the Board of Directors. J. L. WILLCUTT. Secretary of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad O>mp«ny. E. E. CALVIN. WILLIAM F. HERRIIt, WILLIAM HOOD. N. T. SMITH. P. F. DUNNE. A. H. PAYSON. T.. S. PILLSBURY. EDWARD CHAMBERS. W. A. BISSELL, Directors of said Northwestern Pacific Rail- road Company. ONLY LOCAL MANUFACTURERS. B. PASQUALE CO.. 1100 WEBSTER. COB, TURK. PHONE WEST 498. ARMY. NAVY. SOCIETY GOODS. BEGAUAS. FLAGS. BANNERS. "•= 'A BADGKS. CAPS, UNIFORMS. . . CHEAPEST and best la America. The Weekly CalL |1 per year. »- \u25a0 _sj . ATTORNEYS ; ADVICE free— Divorce costs $12; quick and quiet; bankruptcy, damage, attachments and probate Batten a specialty; no fees In ad- vance. 2128 FlUmore st, near Sacramento room 1; open evenings. j DIVORCE— Ooets $12; quick, quiet; advice free^ 1323 Page »U near Central aye. HABBIS _ HESS, attorneys at law. W.. T. Hess" ! Notary Public. 2053 Sutter st. near Fillmore ROBERT W. KING, attorney at law (formerly Examiner bldg.). 1639 Fillmore st. near Post .- ADVICE free: divorce laws; collections, estates* C. W. COLE. 1720 FlUmore. nr. Sutter. rm. 4. ! H. A, Krouse. 1300 Q. G. aye.. cor. Fillmore: all cases; adv. free. Eve. 7:30-8:30; teL West 5132. • W. A. S. NICHOLSON, attorney. 1476 Eddy, nr. Fillmore: land titles established, probated, etc! MARTIN STEVENS, attorney at law. 1033 Golden Gate aye., bet Laguna and Buchanan sts. V. J. CASTELHCN. attorney at law, 1343 Golden Gate aye., bet Fillmore and Steiner sts. BENJAMIN HEALEyI attorney, 1208 Golden (Gate eve., near. Fillmore: phone West 5125. CHAS. F. HANLON. attorney. 1752 Bush Bt., corner ~ Octavla; pbone West 1560. \u0084 . \u25a0 PUBLIC .STENOGRAPHERS MARION WALCOTT, pub. stenog.: multipraph work gpeclalty. 1808 Butter St.. TeL Wwt 6218. PATENTS _EDINA World Patent Agency; agents ta Washington aad foreign capitals; patents, trademarks, patent law. FRANK P. MEDINA, manager. 667 Eddy st; teL' Franklin 1460. PATENTS guaranteed: protect your idea; gulde- boofc free. E. E. Vrooman. box 40, < Wash. D. C. i FRANCIS M. WBIGHT. formerly examiner U. , S. Patent Office. 825-927 Monadnock building. 1 CAB_OS. P. GKlFFlN— Patents: late examiner ta O_U?atest .Office; . UL-Pase 6021. -COO -Flllmors I PENSIONS , '\u25a0-'\u25a0 PENSION attorney iE. A. BULLIS, 1541 Stelner et ; past commander Thomas * Post ! G. A."5 R, ' PENSIONS, extra pay. etcl Write L. M. SHER- WOOD. 2751 Filbert st.. San Franclaco. _ p HysicIAXS •. -.. _ DR. WONG HIM. UERB DOCTOR. Permam-ntly Located 125S O'Farrell t-t.. bet. Gough and Octavla. A— Announcement— DE. F. C. KECK returned from the East and resumed his practice. 998 Eteiner St.. cor. McAllister. Hours 2-4 p. in. SEE MAIN CHY. Chinese Tea and Herb Sanitarium. 355 7th tst. Oakland. - DR. SAMUEL W. MEANS has resumed pra?- tice. DWbert block, corner Van Ness aye. and I O'Farrell st. DR. V. F. WEST, formerly of 511 A Leaven- wortb St., is now at 1115 McAllister. Phone Park 722. _f H. A. HESS. M. D. (Pacific Hospital Surgeon)— Office hours, 1 to 3 and 6to 7:30. 743 Hayes. ' Tel Market 2428. \u25a0 - . DR. HAMILTON C. BOWIE, physician and sur- geon. 2102 Market, cor. 14th. Tel. Market 2204. DR. JOSEPH ARDENYI, physician, surceoo. diseases of women and men. 936 McAllister. ADVICE free; divorce lav.-g; collections; estates. C. W. COLE, 1720 Fillmore, nr. Sutter. rm. 4. DR. E. O. JELLINEK. Delbert block. Van Ness and O'FarreU. Hours 1:30-4; tel. West 1520. X-RAY AND STATIC TREATMENTS. DR. A. S. TUCHLER. 702 Van Ness aye.; hrs. 1-3. 7-8. DR. JOHN M. WILLIAMSON, formerly 21 Powell, now at 924 Geary; hours 2 to 4 p. in. DR. JAMES OSBORNE. formerly Clay st. re- sumed practice. 1178 Eddy. Tel. West 7526. ALBERT J. ATKINS. M. D., rectal diseases. 1609 Franklin at., nr. Pine; hours 1 to 4 p. m. DR. J. M. McDONALD, office 888 Octavla st; phone Special 2084 ; res. phone West 2156. DR. C. J. SCHMELZ removed to 317 Scott stj bet. Page and Oak; telephone Park 491. L. C. COX. M. D.. 2100 Devlsadero st. formerly 406 Sutter; electric treatments given. DR. CHILDS. formerly &t 118 Grant aye., now at 2038 Sntter st; tel. West 1168. CARRIE YETTER. M. D.. 3598 18th st, now' 3398 16th st, corner Church. DR. J. E. ARTIGUES, 2947 Fillmore st, corner Union : hours 2 to 4 p. in. DR. OWEN BUCKLAND— Eye, ear. nose, throat. 13S0 Sutter st; 1 to 4. DR. W. H. GRISWOLD, 594 Eddy st, corner Franklin: hours 10 to 4. - . - DENTISTS DRS. C. W. DECKER, T. H. MORRIS, L. T. CRANZ, SURGEON DENTISTS, 1316 Sutter st, above Van Ness. Rooms 1-2-3-4-5-9-10. PAINLESS Dentistry: eet of teeth. $5; crowns, $3; bridge work. $5; fillings, 50c; all guaran- teed. DR. BROWN. Market. 14th and Church. DR. U. GRANT BARTLETT. extracting special- ist; fas given. 2103 Fillmore; hours 9 to 5. DR. J. F. TWIST, denOot formerly Academy of Sciences bldg., at 1476 "Eddy st nr. Fillmore. HCCK, DR. H. C. dentist; formerly 324 Mont- gomery aye.. now at 522 Devleadero, nr. Hayes DRS. STICKEL & TAYLOR. Dentists, formerly 1004 Market now at 1606 Geary, mt. Fillmore DR. L. A. WALSH, 872 McAllister, nr. Laguna. Platinum fillings. COc; crowns, $5; plates, $7. DR. F. KEMP VAN EE. dentist, formerly 1029^ Market et.. now at 504 Devisadero, near Fell. HILL. DR. LUDLUM. 1443 Market St., now at 432 Webster st. near Oak; gas given. PAINLESS Dentistry— Old established.' honest, reliable; reasonable prices, perfect work: free consultation. VAN VBOOM, 1501 FUlmore st, comer O'Farrell. DR. J. J. LEEK (formerly 1126 Market), now 524 Valencia St., bet 19th and 20th. DR. W. A. MEYER of Callaghan building, now 2456 Market et. : Flllmore-st. cars. DR. KNOX. dentist, 1615 Fillmore st; all work first-class; prices low. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kinds of dental work. 515 Fillmore st.. near Oak. AUTOMOBILES $1450 — 1906 Franklin model G; newly painted and in fine shape. $2000—1906 Franklin model D; paint hardly scratched: In elegant condition; a bargain at the price. $1050—1905 White Steamer; lust put In Al condition; newly painted; top lights, gen- erator, etc: a good buy. $850— Maswell runabout; $150 la extras; In fine condition. J5O0 — 1906 Oldsmoblle runabout; Al condition; a snap. THE E. B. TAYLOR MOTOR CAR CO.. 300-302 Telegraph aye.. Oakland. Phone Oakland 6901. RESERVE space for your car In the Mission Garage, 611 Valencia Bt. bet 17th and 18th; most completely equipped garage In town. D'ARCY. SCOTT & CO., Props.. 524 G. G. aye. RENSTROM GARAGE. 424-434 Stanyan ; phone Park 476. Automobiles bought sold, repaired; supplies; touring cars for hire at aU hours. FOR sale — 12-H.P. auto, detachable tonneau, in Al condition, with tools, lamps and extra tubes. C5l 32d St.. Oakland. CASINGS and tubes repaired; all work guaran- teed. Cal. Auto Vulcanizing Co., 1113>4 G. G. AUTOMOBILE repairing; storage battery charg- lng. repairing. I. L. De JONGH. 446 Fulton. RELIANCE AUTOMOBILE CO.. 547 Fulton St.; garaging and renting: repairing of all kinds. CHEAPEST and best in America, The Weekly Call. $1 per year. CLAIRVOYANTS GOc— AN HONEST PROPOSITION— SOc. CARL A. CABLE, New York's celebrated, clairvoyant palmist- and spirit medium, is per- manently located here. His honesty, test of time and 3 years of continuous practice in San Francisco have proved beyond doubt that Mr. Cable is .1 bo leader of his profession. . As proof of his wonderful power to all who come pre- pared for readings this week he will tell your full name, occupation and the object of your visit absolutely free of charge. His advice, pertaining to love, law, business, mills, es- tates, buying or selling property, speculation. Investments, marriage, divorce, etc., is un- equaled. He reunites the separated, causes opeedy and happy marriage with the one you love, gives truthful revelation of all love affairs, troubles, marriages, restores lost af- fections; settles . lovers' quarrels, tells you when and whom you wiU . marry, how to win the man or woman you love, make your hus- band or wife true to you, overcome all your enemies. - and make a person at a distance think of you. removes evil influences — in fact, everything. Mr. Cable' 6 advice in much sought for on past and future Investments, for which be has no equal. He charges not one penny for such advice until the investment has paid • handsome profit >\u25a0-' la this not fair and hon- est? Great reduction this week. Mr. Cable, as a matter of advertisement this week will give his special reading for 50 cents; satis- faction absolutely guaranteed or no fee accept- *\u25a0&. Everything strictly sacred and confiden- tial. His residence is arranged so you meet do strangers. Don't mistake name and number. C. A. Cable, 1705 Gough st.. between Cali- fornia and Pine, two blocks from Van Ness aye. Hours, 9a. m. to 11:30 a. m. daily and Buuday. • • \u25a0 • j.y --. PROF. EOLAND LA CLAIH -\u25a0 \u25a0 - PERMANENTLY 1202 A GOLDEN GATE AYE. Gifted clairvoyant, psychic, - palmist, magnetic life readings; you will be con- vinced by. my wonderful powers 'to read your life like an open book; when In doubt or trouble I win help you; advice about specula- tion, business, marriage " and the ; future. Friends write or caU. -• ' ' THE White Mystic of India. - •'- . -..- ~~~ ' ORMONDE, formerly 10 years on . Market st ; a clairvoyant with power; genuine, reliable, conscientious; past, present" future; business advice, love, marriage, divorce, removes evil influences, tells, your full name; born In the Orient with the power of . any - 10 , mediums; readings $1. 1310 Devlsadero, bet Ellis and O'FarreU. . ; MISS M. WILLE, the famous crystal seeress, lo- cated at 1505 Geary st, bet Laguna and Bu- chanan; one who Is well known and one who is competent to read your life; she reveals the part gives correct forecast of the future and will give . valuable advice concerning all mat- ters of business: readings daily, 10 a. \u25a0m. and C p. m.; phone West 7488. , . MISS ZEMDAR, young, gifted clalr. and palmist; - a wonderful prophetess ; names ; - ladles, . 60c ; gents. $1; hrs. 10 to 9. 1260 Ellis, near" Laguna MME. KRONENBERG, clairvoyant card reader, palmist; when others fall try me; readings 25c. 440 Brazil aye.. San Mateo or Ingles Ida cars. MME. MARSEAU. card reader; : ladles. 50c.; gents. $1. Hotel Belmont, cor.'Bth and Folsom. MRS. BROWN, clairvoyant and \u25a0- card reader; moved to 1813 FUlmore st. formerly 67 6thßt MADAM SCHAEFPEB, , clairvoyant card reader, water seer. 603 Lagnna st. near: McAllister. MME. DE VAN. " clairvoyant, ' ' palmist, , card reader. -1107 Golden Gate aye. - - --'-\u25a0••«•. .-::_:- .'\u25a0---' spiritualism • ' V:^ MRS. SEAL, spiritual medium ; readings dally. 788 McAUlster st; circle Thursday. 8 p. m. - MME. SERO, now located at ' 1021 Valencia St., near 21st Friends call; * readings dally \u25a0 \ .'.;'\u25a0\u25a0 v-- ; --- -" PALMIiSTR-ry •/-•- ' \u25a0'.-'"!-^-v.'- ; :: : MME. LE LAND.astrologlst; adviser; horoscopes - written. 716 Golden Gate.ava.'. room ;_*.>-*.:. MATE. DAVIDSON, formerly 610 Post. . now . a>t. 235*4 O_t«t,..beWoctavi_ . :- \u25a0 . <;.;- fHE ; -SAN v CALL, FRIDAY, "FEBRUARY \u25a08; 1907. BUSINESS, CHANCES . CAPITALISTS WANTED. V J ' Manufacturing , sites with ; capitalists wanted to lay out our. town and manufacture .the fol- lowing: poods. : Will employ 15,000 help: % , ' Corporation No. I—Saddlery,1 — Saddlery, hardware, etc.: " •'• Corporation No. 2— Stove = foundry,-, brass and Iron beds. \u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0:. . : . -•\u25a0 i^S^S£*«' Corporation * No. 3— Cotton ' and Vroolen . mills. • ' Corporation No.- 4— Plow works'., • AH to be , patent . goods. . . • AH 'wishing the above manufacturing business address L. CARE, San Luis Qbispo. up to the : 10th. after that \u25a0 MICHAEL DOWD, Tacoma, \u25a0Wash.i . '"\u25a0.'.- -,-•;.., -,'."\u25a0\u25a0'••;''/\u25a0.'\u25a0;..' .-.'<\u25a0•'.-\u25a0 "v '\u25a0•'\u25a0-.- FOR SALE OR BENT. - S. H. " Bradley ; Carriage -.Works, at Marys- ville. Oal . ; larg-e carriage ';, repository, ' ; with fqlly equipped blacksmith -and woodworking shops in connection; with full stock and new. work in course of construction; lot 160x80, 'on ! beßt cross-town street in city.' Address J. E. ] EBERT. attorney . > for ~ •administrator, office \u25a0 Rills Block. Marysville. 'Cal. ; - PARTIES , desirous of going into the . mlllwork business in' San Francisco ' can ! buy :, the con- trolling interest in one \u25a0 of the . most | complete j mills In the city,- with a large number of con- tracts \u25a0on - hand, r It will -require: $17,500.* Every opportunity will be gi yen- for ,a;ful I. in- vestigation ,of the business to parties proving their ability to handle the proposition. Box 3, Call. ,- : ' >, -V> ?5 ;. \u25a0-\u25a0:. r.- ;'-.>'-V-.:' ''T'^ < ?-. ADMINISTRATOR'S sale of , a good . bakery buslneee at Marj-Rville, Cal.,' the property- of the late F. J. Clinjrer; wIU be- sold at public auction on Monday, Feb. 27, 1907, at the prem- sises, corner 4th and D sts., Marysvllle, Cal. J. P. ARNOLD, administrator of the estate of F. J. Cllnger. , \u25a0 :- ... PARTNER wanted for general agency" for Cali- fornia for accident and health Insurance com- pany: partnership will also include big list of established accounts in general insurance; splendid prospect for the general agency ; too ', much to handle alone; pood party can get in cheap. Box 191, Call office. -: . ' ' ':\u25a0'":\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 FOR sale — Paper \ route, cigar and stationery stand. Paper route consists of San Francisco and other dailies. Good location and building; lease for three years. Good growing business. For particulars write. or call on CARPENTER & DE LA MATER. Modesto. Cal.. Box 262. TWO fully equipped baker shops; 3 and 4 wag- ! ons running daily; horses, harness and wagons; doing $5000 or $6000 worth of business a month: baking 8 or 0 barrels daily. You can take both of these. Mr. Baker, for $3500. -' REDWOOD CITY REALTY COMPANY.; EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for man or man and wife with $500 to $1000. to engage in strictly first-class business: one with some slight knowledge of music preferred: investigation invited; references exchanged. Box 2295, Call, Oakland. \u25a0 - \u25a0„ •\u25a0\u25a0:'\u25a0\u25a0 TO MANUFACTURERS— A good opportunity is offered to party that will take hold of a new invention in hay presses: liberal terms offered. Call or write N. SVENDSEN. 655 6th St., Oakland. . \u25a0 "' ' A RETIRED real estate agent has complete ont- fit of country and city maps, block book, blanks, catalogues, etc. : worth ten times amount asked. Inquire 24 Sanchez st,,l to 4 p. m. FOR sale — Well paying saloon and good grocery; owner died, sale through Probate Court to close estate. Apply at grocery, corner Hayes st and Central aye.. any afternoon. : \u25a0'_\u25a0' BLACKSMITH and horseshoeing 6hop for sale in St. Helena: good reasons for selling; cheap if taken immediately. Particulars write box 400, Bt. Helena. Cal. DRUGSTORE for sale in Kennet, Shasta Co., Cal.; good reasons for selling; fine location for doctor; will sell at invoice. Box 67, Kennet, Cal. ...-.- GOOD butcher-shop for sale, with good outside trade; good reason for selling: Call at 27 Noe -St., bet. 12 and 1 o'clock. FOR sale at a sacrifice — A Bulletin route In best part of city, or will lease to a responsi- ble party. 21 Park Hill aye. FOR sain — A long-established wholesale produce business: owner will stay with parties till sat- lsfled. 183-185 Valencia st FOR sale — Grocery and bar; no competition: old age and sickness. A. COLIER, 21st and Douglass sts. SOY SANG LUNG & CO., Golden West Broom Factory, 723-25 Clay st; now open for busi- ness. : WELL-FSTABLISHED weekly paper: sold acct owner's ill health. Box G952. Call. Oakland. FOR sale — Good bakery with nice wagon- trade; price reasonable, but cash. . Box 601, Call, j $18,500 for half-Interest In a - restaurant doing well. Address box 103,' Call office. BUILDING and saloon fixtures for sale cheap. Apply 522 Broadway. FOR sale — 2 shares Marconi Wireless, $100 each if taken now. Box 189. Call. \u25a0 LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE C. E. HINKLEY. PHONE WEST 1911 1204 Golden Gate are., near Webster Bt. ' CLEAR TITLES. ; EASY TERMS. APARTMENT-HOUSE, 56 rooms, 17 baths; near Van Ness aye.; rent $7.15: per room; : clears $900 monthly; elegantly ' furnished; price rea- sonable. HINKLEY. \u25a0.' SPECIAL — 10 rooms, newly and nicely furnished; rent $40; lease; price $1100. HINKLEY. WORKINGMEN'S house; 17 rooms; clears $150; rent $30; price $800. ; HINKLEY. PROFITABLE — 18 rooms; sunny corner;. 1 floor; men roomers; clears $125: substantially fur- nished; worth investigation. HINKLEY, 1204 Golden Gate aye. AND MANY OTHERS. ' ADOPTION WANTED — To adopt a healthy baby girl, from time of birth to 2 months; good home. Address box 581, Call, .Fillmore: st. . DR. EMILIE FUNKE'S maternity villa: Infants adopted; strictly private. 1416 Bth st, Ala- meda. Cal. ' \u25a0' - -. - - ' % ARCHITECTS CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT. Mechanical and electrical engineer seeks the su- perintendency of • work. Specifications -and plans examined and • the faithful execution of work seen to in owner's behalf. . Regular in- spection \u25a0 and reports. Drawings.- specifica- tions and estimates. . Box 171, Call. McDOUGALL BROS., architects. 721 Devteadero St.: hft. Fulton and Grove.- Phone Went 5592.- j BAR FIXTURES CHICAGO FIXTURE CO.; bar fixtures always carried in stock; ' bank, store, office fixtures ; better, cheaper, than -anywhere; tel. '"Market- 249C: all kinds of Jobbing done. 379 Fulton at. WESTERN FIXTURE CO., store, office and bar fixtures, cabinet, carpenter work. 608 Turk. FOR store, office or bar fixtures see McCALM _ BARNARD, 2027 -Ellis st, above Devlsadero. J. MARTENSON makes office, store and bar flx- r. tures. 218 13th st, bet. Mission and Howard. S. FRIEDMAN, : 2106 Bush st, carpenter; *bar, store and office fixtures; repairing; jobbing. UNION Fixture C 0. .-386 Golden Gate aye.. near Larkln — Bank, store,' office, bar,, fixtures.' \u25a0;. RELIABLE STORE AND OFFICE FIXTUBH CO.. 1811 Market; phone Marfcet 2748. GOLDEN WEST WOOD WORKINQ CO., 230-238 14th st : LEFFINGWELL, carpenter; general Jobbing. 05 Dnboee aye. - . CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS ': N. HlRANO— General .' contractor and builder. architect, gardening. Moved to 1821 Butter tt. CARPENTER and builders store and office flt- tlngs; plans furnished. ' HANSEN,^ 1214 \ Turk. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanglng; best work; Teas. HUNTER, 1877 O'Farrell; tel. West 6667. PETERSON _ ELLIOTT, 648 Hayes. Phone Page . 1577. Carpenters, builders, repairs, alterations. CONCRETE brick plastering; German contractor; chimney repairs, sidewalks. ; F. Bzoke. 1113 Turk. CARL SPROGIS.' carpenter, contractor, cabinet work. Tel. West 4624.' 12S4A Eddy - st. . -.' \u25a0 ':\u25a0} EDUCATIONAL . ' , A — THE Lyceum,"* 2590 j Pine st.,' cor.: Scott; an excellent preparatory school for the university, :'. law and medical colleges. Here you can save \u25a0 time and money and still get a preparation superior to that given by ; other schools. MATHEMATICS — Private evening class for men 1 ; ./arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, \u25a0 Calculus; 3 -nights per week; $5 per month. 2000 Sntter st, corner, Fillmore.- , PROFIT. A. ROBINSON gives individual lnstr. ' " in " bookkeeing, > penmanship, English, math.. etc. ; day or c v. ; low, rates. ? 290 : Page st. ..;= SPANISH, English, - ; shorthand; quick, practical • s methods ; s translation. \u25a0 PROF. /ALFONSO. 1131 ; O'FarreU -st : ../.-\u25a0 -\u25a0-.- %:\u25a0• :: , : .-.. ,-:. r- v - .-.;-; . :^.v> : -- WANTED— Grade and ' district \u25a0 school • teachers. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY, Studio BuildSgi .... Berkeley. *-.;-;\u25a0--:, z< -.' \u25a0:. \u25a0: .',..\u25a0-\u25a0 ;?./_: " : --^ T~'., A— OALDWELL College of .Oratory and Acting; -temporary office 060 Fell st Call 8 to 9 p. m. GUITAR, mandolin, -piano,': singing; I new classes '--: forming; 8 lessons $3. 892 Halght. c. Devlsadero. HEALD'S Engineering School * 295 1 Locust aye., cor.- Franklin st. ; \u25a0 all ; branches; 1 days and-; eve. HEALD'S - Business > College, 1451^ Franklin I st, .B.i F.. and Bacon blk.. Oakland; day, and eve. SAN FRANCISCO - Business College ' now \u25a0 located J . 733 ; Fillmore, near i Hayes ; - day ; and ; evening. MADAME \u25a0 \u25a0 INKZ r* FABBRI. : voice culture :*\u25a0 for \u25a0-\u0084; opera - and concert, n 1172 • Kills st'^r - \u25a0 ,: = ALL"' court ' reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh ..'. Bnslness ' College,' 464 j Devisadero . St. % ;.;^. • . MFRRTLL-MILLEB '\u25a0 College, f. pleasantly located at J.TO; FOlmo-.-*_| • iaT'tid | «re__».\ . { ,. r EDUCATIONAL— Continued :. . ENGINEERING-^-Civil.t elec.,* ) minJf " mech.", \ sur- v ey,> assay;: cyanide; day, eve. ; , est. ; 1864. -Van * der Nalllen School, 5100 Teleg. ; aye.,' Oakland. , ART,' penmanship, encrosslng, Espina. METRO- ; \u25a0 POLITAN (CaL) ' BUSINESS' C0L., \ 925 Golden Gate; i day. \u25a0 eve. ; ' stenog.; positions secured. THE v BERLITZ t SCHOOL OF • LANGUAGES— -\u25a0'*\u25a0; 2531 Washington St., 1 near , Fillmore. '. ;\u25a0 •-: ;;-•\u25a0 \u25a0- \u25a0 SHORTHAND taught thoroughly by ' mail. : MISS \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0M."; G. BARRETT. 214 2d aye. .\u25a0-"'\u25a0:: .'-, MISS POTTER. \u25a0 Teacher of , Elocution ; after- _lnoons. \u25a0 1H62 Post st. -'-' - \u25a0 ' i_______' EMPLOYMENT OFFICES JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT .. AGENCY. -. Male/and female: \u25a0" best cooks, waiters, por- .': ters, general housework, sccoud -work and . kitchen help. J office help, etc.. In • the . city. ! Phone West 4G34. H. K. PDA. 1721 Post st. , A WELL-KNOWN, reliable Japanese-Chinese -f- emp. office, ' guarantees best help •of all kinds I on short notice, with care and dispatch. \u25a0:'-.- O. 4 HASUMI, prop ; 1513 Geary st, uear Laguna; .', tel. '\u25a0;. West f 5688. ;\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0.- .. ' : -' \u25a0 '--'\u25a0-- - \ \u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0 AA— OLDEST, ' largest \u25a0 Japanese-Chinese Employ- , ment Office: reliable help promptly. GEO. SA- \u25a0'.'.. KAUYB,-.1.-)QS Post nr. Laguna; tel. West 5Q12. A— RELIABLE Chinese-Japanese emp. office. - A: ". HORI. prop., , furnishes best help, with care '•'• \u25a0 and dispatch. ;, 1748 Sntter st.,: tel. West 2503. AN original Japanese and Chinese Emp. Office — - Guarantees first-class help of all kinds. : GEO. MATSUO, 2140 FUlmore st ; phone West 339. STAR Employment office furnishes Japanese and Chinese" help ' with care. Tel. West , 107. tW. v KADOTA; 1667 \u25a0 Post - st. , near - Buchanan. CHINESE' and' Japanese employment office, '362 sth St.; tel. Oak 3101. B. HALL. ! Oakland. Cal. H. - W. HONG, Chinese cooks ; hotel or family. Room 48. 819^, Webster it, Oakland. , - JAPANESE-CHINESE Emp. Office. Phone West 1731. T. TAMURAS. 1612 Laguna st. - \u25a0'EMPLOYMEX'T ; WAXTED— Fnna/e ; A COMPETENT cook wishes a place in ~* Ger- \u25a0 man or \u25a0 American „ family ; thoroughly under- . stands '\u25a0 her business; 3 j years' - reference from I her last place-; \ wages $35 to $40. Please call at 544 Fell; st; no postals. A MIDDLE-AGED, respectable woman wishes a \u25a0 position , in a private American family as a good American cook ; . Is fond of : children I and will -do some washing; moderate wages. 20P Columbia Square. \u25a0: ' . \u25a0 '' ' \u25a0 "' '- COMPETENT young lady bookkeeper, also under- stands \u25a0: stenography and typewriting, desires permanent position. Address N. M.' 8., 1023 Klrkham st. Oakland. Cal. DRESSMAKER, ladies' tailoring, cloaks, jack- ets, suits, up-to-date styles; engagements $2.50 per day, fare. MISS BARSS, 1209: Ocean . -Beach boulevard. POSITION wanted by a competent woman as housekeeper in an 'apartment or rooming bouse; references. Box 568. Call office. 1651 Fillmore. SITUATION ; wanted by girl; first class cook; 6peaks German and English; wages $35 or $40.- Address : RUEBLING, 1407 Castro st WANTED — Situation: first-class German cook .and helper; do any style of cooking and pastry, .wants place. Box 192. Call. DRESSMAKER— Artistic, stylish and rapid; will go out Address Dressmaker, box 612. Call office, 1651 Fillmore st. . A' LADY want s position as manicurist In barber shop. Box 531 Call. 1651 Fillmore Bt. PLACE as cook and general housework, Ad- dress 365 Bank St., San Francisco. '} GERMAN girl -wants position; general house- work. Call 501 A Broderlck st * . EMPLOYMENT WANTED— MaIe WANTED — Position in prominent attorney's of- . flee as clerk - on ; briefs, references and cita- tions; reference, Judge Geo. M. Smith, Cos- mos Club. .J. P. O'FERRALL. care Thos. G. McGulre _ Co., real estate, 3212 16th st. JAPANESE couple, - with references, excellent private family cook, any style cooking; wife little housework and waitress, wish positions; city or country; i wages $16 a week. J. M., 1843 Buchanan st . . YOUNG man, 21, desires position in country, en- abling him to be out and about considerable of the time; bookkeeper of experience with rec- ommendations of highest character. Box 195, Call office. \u25a0 - : -, - . - : - AN- elderly' man, \ competent and thoroughly ac- quainted : in ' city, would like some congenial employment to occupy his time; salary no ob- Ject. Address, box 604. Call. 1651 FUlmore st. SUPERINTENDENT or foreman, practical - ex- perience in reinforced concrete, desires position with large . contractor in building line. Box 176. Call office.' -. N ...'-' JAPANESE— Good v couple wish place ; man to cook, wife ito wait on table ; la city or - near country. NISHI, 1212 Point Lobos aye.; tel. ..Pacific 952. \u0084;'-.'.. ;-,. ,y r -, - ,:./•-,:\u25a0.,,. JAPANESE v couple :, want . position; man : good cooking, - wife houseworker; \u25a0 small family; \u25a0 city or ; country. . Address E. R. - YAMANE, 1671 \u25a0 ; .'Post. St. --'\u25a0- -r' \u25a0: •\u25a0-:' -.- -. \u25a0-;'\u25a0 '- ---...'.\u25a0 \u25a0'.\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0" ':- SITUATION wanted' as man 'about private place by single, responsible, : middle-aged Swiss; ref- erences. Box 561, Call office. 1651 Fillmore st JAPANESE boy wants position as schoolboy or at light housework >in - private family. Address i FRANK NAKA. 2493 Bnsh st Tel. West 4010. BASS and tuba player (BB) would locate in or . about San Francisco; February 7 iValleJo, 8 and 9 Oakland. M. A. McADAMS, West's Minstrels. MAN ! wants position:' as I operating room 1 man; is also first-class nurse; sir years' hospital ex- perience; best references. Box 186,. Ca11. KITCHEN MAN, 30, industrious and efficjent, wishes steady position; day. or night; call. .JOHN MILLER, 1630 Dolores st. ; POSITION as lady's Hairdresser, . wlgmaker and halrworker: steady employment by good man. \H. G.. 1204 Valencia st. . , COLLECTOR of ability desires a few more- cli- ents; very best of references ' and bond. . Box IS3. Call office. : - ; \u0084 -..-'-: ADVERTISING man who can show results wishes position; also capable office , man. Box 610, :Call office. • . v. > -V. : CARPENTER, nonunion, 25 * years' experience, must . have work; - reasonable price. Box . 594, -Call office. -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .;,•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : '\u25a0 - \u0084 -.... \u25a0 FIREMAN wants position; can tend to pumps '.and engine and do ordinary repairs. Box 115, " Calliofflce. v. AN experienced carpenter helper would like to «rork in downtown-district; Call at 619 Jack- on st. '..... i. -' .'..-: • , •?. .', \u25a0' RELIABLE paper hanger wants work.' ; . Address Vi. O. H., 1351 Webster Bt \u25a0,-; Phone West 5255. A — SITUATION wanted as assistant bookkeeper; references. Box \u25a0 598, ' Call of flee. -- : -. AS butler: age 33; j good references. ' .*• D. - M.; ,1418 Ellis St., box —.Call. 602 Fillmore st SITUATION by a first-class meat i cutter. - Ad- dre3B ' RUEBLING, 1407; Castro st. \u25a0\u25a0-.- : A GENERAL blacksmith and shoer wants a job in the city. Box 177. Call office. '\u25a0 ; ,'.-- HELP WANTED — Female OUR NEW FACTORY BUILDING. WHICH IS THOROUGHLY . LIGHTED. ' VENTILATED AND HEATED, 'IS NOW READY FOR OC- \u25a0 CUPANCY; EXPERIENCED AND INEX- PERIENCED SEWING • MACHINE ; OPERA- TORS WANTED ON OVERALLS; GOOD PAY; \u25a0 STEADY WORK; PAID WHILE LEARNING. LEVI STRAUSS _ -CO., • VALENCIA. BET. ISTH AND 14TH. APPLY TO MR. DAVIS. \u25a0 SEWINO MACHINB OPERATORS Olf SHIRTS: -, GOOD PAY; CLEAN." STEADY WORK; NEW : FACTORY; WELL HEATED AND VEN- TILATED; INEXPERIENCED TADGHT AND PAID WHILE LEARNING. LEVI = STRAUSS & CO.'. VALENCIA. BETWEEN . 13TH "AND 14TH. APPLY ME. • HINSHAW. ; .' WANTED — Two expert stenographers in office of ;.;\u25a0-•; .;\u25a0-• large construction i company ; must be accurate, j \u25a0 rapid and come well recommended; . steady em- ( ' ployment and good • opportunity \u25a0 for competent : persons. Address box 506, ••Call office. : AT : GREENEBAUM, \u25a0 WEUi . _ > MICHELS; ' 19th . ' and Bryant sts., operators on negligee and golf shirts ; - experienced girls taught and $4.50 > per week guaranteed while '\u25a0 teara_g.';;; v ;y;v".V-:-'? : : .: > WANTED— WeII-educated \ young s stenographer; *I : also l typist: - experience not necessary; - perma- \u25a0": nent opportunity, for : advaiwement • Box 85, Call of fice. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0A.'.r-.;-: \u0084,- ;,--:\u25a0.\u25a0." :i '\u25a0..\u25a0."\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0•.'-. WANTED — Experienced stenographers sand type- , • wrlted operators.'. - Apply ' to \u25a0 General Manager, • NATHAN-DOHRMANN CO., 1520-1550 '. : y an :-::NeSB aye..; . ..;•; \u25a0'\u0084:-\u25a0\u25a0.:' : . ' ."^\'-'J.- r -. •\u25a0;'.-.;\u25a0 -'"f~:"-.V- 1 . ; .">." YOUNG lady typist; must be neat and accurate; ;:' knowledge of shorthand not necessary. Address, stating salary,- box 131," Call ' office. \u25a0\u25a0 ?. . \u25a0'». > \u25a0'\u25a0; l -•> BRIGHT young girl in large office to file letters, \u25a0' etc. ;, salary $30 per month; state age, schooling '\u0084 and references..: Box 1.; Call office.;-' . - -.:.• '-, MADEIRA ' ' MILLINERXr j> SCHOOL; c~. private «. .'\u25a0 classes : ha ts trimmed ; remodeling a • specialty. '•;"•' 072 - Eddy: st >. - '\u25a0'.-... v; :'- : '. -V. '?\u25a0'' \ r <. y'.---\-: \u25a0''. jW ANTED— Teacher for district . «chooL' \u25a0 BOYNTON, First \u25a0 National ' Bank - building. Berkeley. :'--; y^.r ;\u25a0}. '\u25a0)\u25a0'-.'\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 "\u25a0: '\u25a0\u25a0'?.;.'\u25a0\u25a0.• '-.' SALESLADIES ; wanted— For "valentine «'depart- - ment.-. , Apply? superintendent's ; office," the Em- ;\u25a0;. porium.; ;, -^ :;-.f. ',. \u25a0\u25a0~~ r j : .-. 1 ,. \u25a0 \u25a0;- 1 ..".1;.. :, :..- \u25a0:.-. -.-' MRS. '\u25a0\u25a0 MCCARTHY'S j Employment Office:— Help '\u25a0-\u25a0: of ; all > kinds. >\u0084TeL; Park j 216.v 575 \u25a0 Halght - st OPBRATOBS i wanted Xon " waist*. «l CABL '-• SHI-' v; REX _ CO.',' 634 Franklin st.'. ; near j MeAll later.* WANTED^-Young lady to learn ; monogram '. letter- \u25a0 '.\u25a0 head ? stamping. j,j DUN0AN.1 1427,; Fillmore : sf GlRL, wanted to do light "nouse work ; and 'for. lit- I .. tie girl. - ; 1530 ; Green st", 1 upper :flat.y \u25a0*;.-'-. y:'-\:'-> WOMAN or girl to assist to:»_a_ rsstausant 1400 Cattto ut\- v-Tv^l---;' ->-v',V.. ' \u25a0 : '^.-' : : .: HE LP, WANTED— FemaI e— Contlnaed ] \ "'-.' "-\u25a0 ' - - • ••\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'. \u25a0 WANTED— -Young women ' to .learn telephone op- " crating: .paid while learning;? salary Increased \u25a0 after .first "two .'weeks': and - further Increased after work becomes efficient.^ \u25a0 -\u25a0 i-j" .' : " Daily s luncheon .> furnished ' free, and rest rooms.; with matron in attendance. \u25a0 ' >;i "%. Permanent - positions; \u25a0: good ; chances \u25a0 for ad- .vancecient Apply 2019 Stelner st . PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE AND TELE- A— Salesladies ; wanted ; for Geo. Haas . & Sons' jrandy stores: bright young ladies who are per- '\u25a0; manently located and • seeking steady posi- tions: -no experience necessary; $8 a- week to ..; begin/ and chance j for advancement: ; see Mr. Haas at this office at 2:30 p.m . today. MRS. M. E. ; DAY. 526 : Hrde et.. near Geary. WANTED— Young - women \u25a0 stenographers, . High School- and*- business college graduates. Busi- ness experience unnecessary. Good salary at oitce. Excellent future. . Address Box 5, Call '.office, v : \u25a0 ' '.•--' . . \u25a0 ' -\u25a0 . ..';.- \u25a0• ; •-. /.. ; -\u25a0' - " ~~" -;.. -..^'--- WANTED — Bright younr ladies for clerical po- sitions. Apply to general manager. NATHAN- DOHRMANN CO., 1520-1550 Van Ness aye. ENTRY - clerks— Having a fair : knowledge of bookkeeping.. Apply after 9 o'clock in the morning. ,S. N. WOOD & CO., Fillmore and :Ellis sts. A— EXPERIENCED salesladies for waist lepart- ment. ; Apply : superintendent's office, the Em- porium. :. ...-'-. WANTED— Saleslady at -Cloverdale ; Fair; good wages; steady employment Address box 2297, Call of flee. . Oakland. ' / EXPERIENCED cashier— Apply after 9 o'clock in the morning. S. N. WOOD _ CO., Fillmore ' and Ellis sts. '»??&g9si«9i WANTED — Ironers and mangle hands at the National Laundry. 3344 ISth st A NEAT girl for light second work. Call 3009 Sacramento St.. near Broderlck. WANTED— 2 girls t0 ... wait on table In restau- rant. 1217 Devlsadero st WANTED— GirI for housework and cooking; $25. ...740 Castro st.:.' \ . WANTED — A girl for general housework. Apply 2125 Pine Bt. > * BARBERS AND SUPPLIES TAKE NOTICE. Office of JAMES BARKER, < 1370 Sutter St.. San Francisco, Cal. . All users or venders of so called vibrators ' or massage machines infringing upon the patents of the James Barker Vibrator are liable for dam- ages and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.. This applies also to the use of any of the parts, shafts, sheaths and applicators, or a combination of them,. used upon any outfit or ma- chine. . JAMES BARKER. v< , By L. M. DRAKE, Manager. - j\ \u25a0 ;\u25a0\u25a0'-'< - — — . BARKER CHAIRS . BARKER VIBRATORS BARKER HAIR DRYERS The Barker patent Philadelphia barber chair has no equal in beauty of design, having new features : that the public appreciate and pat- ronize, its users proving it a big money getter. BARKER'S GOODS ARE MONEY-MAKERS. Barker pells direct upon easiest of terms. \u25a0 BARKER SAVES YOU MONEY. Barker's plants are the largest, in the world. 1 JAMES BARKER. \u25a0 1370 Sutter st. near Van Ness aye. Mr. Drake, Mgr." A WISE TIP TO BARBERS: ~~~~~" Before buying furniture or supplies, call at STOLTZ'S, 1835 Fillmore st, or at warehouse. 2EII Bush st.. where you can be best suited, as we .carry the largest stock and the best as- sortment on the coast. SITUATION wanted by an experienced barber in first-class barber shop in San Francisco only ; I have run a shop of my own for \u25a013 years in one place; I have sold out; state the wages and hours. T. W. KELLER. P. O. box 228, Elk Grove. Cal. . ' ' . TO lease — Best location for barber shop: store will : accommodate 6 chairs: large bathhouse connecting: cheap rent if taken. at once.' In- formation at 724 Lagnna st, near McAllister. A COMPLETE outfit for a two-chair barber shop; everything new: $100 If sold in 2 days. Box COO Call, 1651 Fillmore st - BARBER 'for, Saturday and' Sunday. Sunset Barber % Shop, :715 1 Turk :. st ; JOHN . BERN- "'• HARD, ; Prop. / --• .\u25a0;,'-;-. .\u25a0• ;:'"?• ;•' FOR rent — Barber shop. cor. 14th and Mission.' . . Headquarters of bakers' and carpenters' unions. WANTED — Good barber for Saturday and Sun- day at 256 Noe st. near. Market: wages $8. TWO barbers wanted steady. 644 Market st BARBER wanted evenings and Saturday and Sunday. "Ashby Station, South Berkeley. WANTED — Two barbers Saturday and Sunday; good wages. E. LUCE. 443 Broadway. . , . . BARBER wanted — First -class: ' Sat. or steady. Laffy Shaving Parlors, 1460 Bush st "A. \u25a0;-.-• BARBER wanted — For : Saturday and, -Sunday. 1734 Alcatraz aye., : South Berkeley. - . ' BARBER wanted; wages 75 per cent; steady work.' : 1401 15th st.,,near Folsom. ' . \u25a0.-- BARBER— For Saturday and Sunday. 665 Gough st. bet ; McAllister and Fulton. _ WANTED— Good barber: steady; good wages. 1460 7th st. West Oakland. FIRST-CLASS location . for barber shop : and batbs. : Inquire 178 East st. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0'.*.'.\u25a0 ; i WANTED — First-class porter for barber shop. ,1148 Buchanan,' near Turk. -'-.. WANTED — Barber.^ ,for Saturday and Sunday. 422 , Folsom st, near Ist. ; < ..- :' \u25a0 \u25a0 BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday at 607 • Broadway, \u25a0 Oakland. \u25a0 •: WANTED — 5 barbers for Saturday. Hotel West barber-shop / - 158 , 3d st -' :". - ' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0.- WANTED — First class barber Saturday and Sun- day. .2503 Folsom st ' V" ; - \u25a0 ;»; >' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0' \u25a0 WANTED— Good barber. Apply to J. L. FINE, 479.9 th St., Oakland. ••.-'.-. - .. • BARBER — For Saturday; ; wages $5.50. 2073 Mission St., cor. 17th. : ' ' BARBER i wanted for Saturday, : wages $4. I 1154 . Folsom st, cor. Bth. r - . - FIRST-CLASvS bootblack wanted at 591 Hayes. P. ', W. DERKSEN. ,— BARBER— Saturday ; and Sunday; . $8. MAZE, 2111 Market. St.- \u25a0 , • BARBER wanted — Evening Saturday, and Sunday. 1563 ; Church st. ; :-;,:; \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-.- .- , .. -„.; WANTED — Barber for Saturday and Sunday. 411 - :.:- Devisadero <\u25a0 st ;;\u25a0-.' -^'r v ! : ?:\u25a0.\u25a0•\u25a0 •-.-'.•.••\u25a0 ., -\u25a0- -' \u25a0 r BARBER wanted right away. 1162% 7th «t. West Oakland. V. - \u25a0•-\u25a0•-'\u25a0•\u25a0-\u25a0. - . :\u25a0 : \u25a0 ' .:- -. GOOD barber ' wanted— Steady. - - 2208 . Bush st, near * Fillmore.; ; ;>; >. \u25a0; . - , , ; :. ; , BARBER wanted— Steady. Saa Leandro, Cal- r, 115 Davis at." :• ,'-\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0-..-":\u25a0- \u25a0-:'.•\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0- . .-..-.\u25a0• . WANTED— Barber, for. Saturday or study. 236 -':\u25a0. East St. \u0084- \u25a0.-:\u25a0 . . ;>,...,..:, :...-.;,. _:.,;..- %,;/, t . : STEADY barber. Baltimore Baths, 1121 Geary street. -,-\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0: \u25a0-,--,.-\u25a0 ----::.' .. \u25a0 \u0084 \u25a0 -, v; ' HELP. WANTED— MaIe ; WANTED^ — Young man to work In ' stock ' room ' and - learn ' the .: crockery \u25a0;\u25a0 business. - - Apply to general manager, NATHAN-DOHRMANN CO., 1520-1550 Van Ness aye.-;, ..- FREE EMPLOYMENT* BUREAU. \u25a0 If you • want \u25a0 help ' of •; any t kind,^ male '' or »'• female, - telephone •" J< -O. Westenburg, ' supt l ' of -: the Whosoever Will Rescue Mission and New - Merit Home Free Employment Bureau,' 368 9th . sti Telephone Oakland 8203. -;\u25a0:' .•._.«\u25a0;"; -.-.-". " . ' I MADE $50,000 la five years in, the mail order \u25a0 : ' business ; - began with $5 ; any - one can do the : . work ; in - spare > time . at . home ; .< send ' for free ' \u25a0 booklet; tells how -to get 5 started. Manager, .box 57Q.tLockport,'iN. yT:. >';:-: .. - WANTED-— Young .". : man,", accurate -, and rapid /: clerk ; opportunity to ,-, learn i all \u25a0 details lof ;;,;' manufacturing '. business; - remuneration - accord* :.-', ing to efficiency. Apply at office, 54 Natoma .Li st.,: In 1 morning. \u25a0„*;,' -\u0084-r-;v/ > w-,r-:.>v: '\u25a0>--;:\u25a0•,;.• ;v> :: -;- ASSISTANT, bookkeeper: state age, previous ex- - * perience V and '< referencew. ' Apply -by '\u25a0\u25a0:• letter 'h only, i HARRON, ;, KICKAOBD ; _ McCONE. : 436 :-;; Market' st-V.: \u25a0;;./; v. .".";:; :' ''-,:.' -, " .;:\u25a0 '\u25a0 -: : .;• ,WANTEIV-nr»t-cla_i : ; furniture packer with . - references; steady job for. right party. ,. Beklns : 'Van - and >. Storage ; Company, ; 1018 ?. Broadway, ;\u25a0 Oakland. "S.r'v; 1 "- -\u0084; ; ' .;-: !..-.-.-.-\u25a0 .-.-, ; . ; . ':.;'\u25a0 : "'; >.•'::\u25a0\u25a0•: WANTKO — For I a large | out-of-town I department ... store, a first-class man to take charge of a lace .and embroidery department Apply, box 7, CalL WANTED— Of flee - boy - about - 18 i yean ; old ; $3 . V Apply ME. I WHITTHN* TOMPSON, . Starwtt "; • Company,' 2058 \ Sutter «t.fe:u 'k . - J .< rv'ir WANTED at once— -Three first-class cement fin- ishers for. flat .work; .Inside Job.': Aronson bulld- ;'• Ing, sBd - and j Mission sts. -;S-;--V , : :.- ; V•: \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -;\u25a0 , i , WANTED-^-100 i men ; fill ! new, « clean , rooms/ 35c7 ; : sOc : night.::, sso Jessie st,i Off 6th. nr. Market." WANTEiD— Oysterm aa »*» and s,'f; ps__yma_ ". -at doe^tf* CriU. 0836 KUls «t. - HELP- WANTED— MaIe— -Continued > V"> 15 * SPECIAL NOTICE m . . MURRAY _ READY ig. Employment and Labor Agents : - Have Now Made Their Headquarters at their. San Francisco Office, Located In . '..White Palace Hotel Building. .: 11th and Market sts.. S. F. Branch Offices at 6th i and Franklin sts.. Oakland. 127-120 South Los Angeles st. 1" Los Angeles. Phones: S. F. office— Market 656. —Market 637. V Oakland office — Oakland T361. ' - - ' \u25a0 \u25a0-.- .' -\u25a0-\u25a0 i 7325. ' Los Angeles office — Home and Sunset phones. TODAY WE WANT 9573 Men. v For different parts of Arizona. New Mexico. Washington. Oregon, Idaho. Nevada. Utah and California. FREE FARE . TO THE NORTH— FREE. FREE FARE TO THE SOUTH— FREE OREGON. FREE FARE BORDERS OF OREGON. • SISKIYOU AND SHASTA DRILLERS NORTH— S7S. MERCED— FRESNO— BAKERSFIELD DISTRICTS. * O. S. R. , R.— FREE FARE. Y. V. R. R.— FREE FARE. W. P. R. B.— RIPARIA AND LEWISTON. 10 WOODCHOPPERS, R. B, WORK— FREE FARE — Tools and provisions furnished. 1000 laborers, teamsters, drillers, rockmen. trackmen, etc.. NORTH AND SOUTH— FREE FARE. MURRAY & READY. 11th and Market sts., S. F.; 819 Franklin, cor. 6th and Franklin. Oakland. • , TO THE GOLD COPPER SILVER MINES COAL .10 machine miners, good company, south, $97.50. 6 hand miners, gold quartz, $3 day. 10 laborers, gold mine, hofel accommoda- tions, no experience needed. $67.50. 20 men to learn mining, run cars, sort ore and make themselves generally useful, part fare paid. $60. 8 powdermen, different jobs, $3 to $3.50 day. Quarry Foreman 8 Italian drillers, quarry, $75; 30 laborers, quarry. $75. 150 drillers, different places. $2.50 to $3 day. FREIGHT TEAMSTERS FREE FARE. 10 freight teamsters, wagon work; free fare; $45 to $50 and fd. DON'T FORGET 350 BEDS AT HOME. COME TO SAN FRANCISCO "* • TO SLEEP MURRAY & READY have opened their first lodging-house with 350 beds. 10th and Market sts., San ' Francisco, and the price Is only 25c per night We are going to do something else for you. * • '\u25a0 Located at 10th and Market sts., S. F. MECHANICAL HELP 4 millwrights, country, factory, $12#. 2 machinists, same place. Stove molders; man torus box" nailing ma- chine, $3 day. CARPENTERS. 10 carpenters, city job, at once. 8 pattern-makers. Iron works, top' wages. $4. Coremakers, $4 day; 5 casting chippers, S. F., $3 day. ' BLACKSMITHS. : ',?? HELPERS. 3 ' blacksmiths, country, machine shop, $3.75 day.' ; , . 3 machinists, country factory, fare paid, $105. 2 blacksmiths, dry, $4 day; 5 helpers, $2.50 to $3, day. : 5 structural Ironworkers, $5 ! day ; ' foreman structural Ironworker, city, $6 day; locomotive - machinist, south, free fare. $3.75 day; 3 cement millers, fare paid, $90. . 1 Free Fare Arizona. 3 coppersmiths for Arizona, free fare, good wages. FREE FARE. FOREMEN. 3 rock foremen, Oregon, $90; 2 rock foremen. W. P. R. R,, $105; secMoa foreman. $90; 2 extra gang foremen. $90; foreman gardener. Oakland. $3.50 a day; structural Ironwork foreman. MURRAY _ READY. 11th and Market sts. S. F. and 6th and Franklin sta.. Oakland. FARMS AND DAIRIES. BHEEP HERDERS. 3 sheep herders, Placer Co., $30 and fd. 109 farmhands, ranch teamsters, orchards, vineyards, etc.. $25. $30. $35 and $40 and fd. - 26 milkers, different parts, $35 and $45 aad fd. Dairyman, south, good Job. $50 and fd. 17 choremen, private places and ranches, $20 to $40 and fd. STABLEMEN. 16 hostlers, buggy washers, harness cleaners. city and country. $73 to $90. $40 to $43 and f d LABORERS — TEAMSTERS ;\u25a0'- ;CITY AND COUNTRY. il? n }*$ oe V?' <JMC«w>t jobs, city and country. $2.25 to $3 day. .-.\u25a0-\u25a0.-.•-.. .-.-.•-: -.--:- -.. ,170 teamsters, wagon and scraper workC'elty and country, $2.50 to $3.50 day. , / OTHERS. Grocery, clerk. Oakland, $15 week; porter, ho- tel, city, $55; runner, hotel. $30 and found; city milk wagon driver. $30 and found; deliv- ery wagon driver, city, $3" day; 4 boys for factory, $9 week. .MEN AND, WIVES. Man and wife, country institution, $40 and found; cook and wife, country hotel, fare paid, $S5 and found; Janitor and wife, apartment- , house, city, $65 and fd. HOTEL HELP. COOKS — WAITERS. BUTCHERS. . Butcher, shop work, city, $18 wk.» . IG'cooks. restaurants, hotels and camps. $43 to $S0 and found. . . 8 waiters, city and country. 21 dishwashers, hotels, camps, etc.. $25 to $40 and found. 3 sausage makers, 2 butchers, cake bakers, bread baker, 3 bakers' helpers. 4 porters, 2 bedmakers, etc., etc. • OTHER ORDERS Coming iv our office every minute of the day DONT FORGET. . Our headquarters are located 'In the White Palace Hotel \u25a0 building. . lltb and Market sts.. S. F. Market-st cars pass the door. BRANCH OFFICES: 6th and Franklin sts. . Oakland. 127-129 South Los Angeles st. Los Angeles. . MURRAY _ READY. \u25a0 AGAIN " V' >;=.;:.,;\u25a0*. DON'T FORGET That at the White Palace Hotel there are 500 rooms; 2 doors from our office. > MURRAY, A READY. 11th and Market sts.. S. F. ; 6th and Franklin sts.,' Oakland. LABEL or ', sketch designer < wanted; % a man or woman to work by the day 'for one or two months; possibly a permanent position; must be able to make drawings for cuts for labels and cartons. Box 2296, Call office. Oakland. WANTED — Competent \u25a0 man .. for geenral w.ork about private place; small garden; two horses; must thoroughly understand care of garden and horses; state age,' ability, wages and, refer* ences. \u25a0 Box 2295, Call office, Oakland./ ARTIST, for advertising office; must be sole to draw women's. and men's fashions; permanent .position and -' excellent opportunity for ad- vancement; state salary ' and what experience. Address box 538. Fillmore-st office. - - : MEN and boys, plumbing and . bricklaying trade pays $5 to $3 per day; we teach you by prac- \u25a0 tlcal ! instruction In 8 - months; position guar- anteed: fre* catalogue. Coyne Trade School, : 4975 Easton aye.. St .Louis.* Mo. , ARTIST, for advertising office; -must be able to "draw women's and men's fashions; permanent position and excellent opportunity, for advance- . ment;' state salary and. what experience. Ad- dress box 638, . Call office. - : MEN wanted \u25a0to - learn the barber trade la 3 ' weeks; special Inducements to those entering now; situations guaranteed. For particulars call or ' address MOLES • COLLEGE, « 8-10-12 \u25a0 Fell st. \u25a0 , ,' .-V .-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '\u0084- •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u0084\u25a0\u25a0: INVENTORS — Patents obtained in all countries; - attorneys In Washington • and foreign capitals; special department for sale of patents.' - Sonn- • tag's Patent Agency, 1122 ' Market opp. : 7th.' MEN and boys .wanted to learn ' plumbing, plas- tering, bricklaying. - electrical trades; free cata- logue; positions secured; tuition $50. - COYNE TRADE SCHOOLS,' New York and S. F. TWO good reliable messengers wanted; age 15 to \u25a0" 18 years; wages $30. Ap ply to W."J. HARDY. . . 4th and King, Southern Pacific Local Freight Office. "- ' :.- .'..-.,. *\u25a0 '' .-*•-.-, -'\u25a0 / j ' SINGLE ; rooms 25 : cts. a night, $1.50 >to $2.50 - week. St George, Bth and Howard sts. EXPERIENCED men's bat salesman; must un- derstand shaping and blocking; 'state experi- . - ence, i references and' salary- expected. Ad- -.f. dress box '\u25a0 526, \u25a0 Call . office. - • , PORTER — Must be \u25a0: capable and experienced ?\u25a0; man,' and must have -highest references. Apply 8. -j N. < WOOD ._' CO.. Fillmore and Ellis s.ts. WANTED— ©OO men to fill beda at 15c per - eight at the Phoenix, 828 Howard St., be- tween 4 tb" and sth.^ ;- ; \u25a0 :•: • : >; '.\u25a0 T ;-r ... y r , -\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 WANTED— Boy « to learn bookbinding: \u25a0 also an .:-'. errand -« boy. DPTON-WILLIAMS • COMPANY, ;.'ll2 HayesstV .•;«.-;-' f-\ -,- \u25a0;\u25a0:/ . ;; \u25a0 \u25a0-. A YOUNG man with experience to drive a gro- : , eery wage— - Apply SMITH-LYDEN . CO.; 213 •: \u25a0 Drumm ; st :> . - ... '.- ' "j ••\u25a0 -. . - \u0084 SCHOOL \ boys -to carry '\u25a0 morning '\u25a0 paper: : no >. Sun- day work. Dally , Pacific BuUder, ,1323 Mls- '-. •".\u25a0\u25a0-.'.">;'\u25a0; -- ;-•• i l ; i -^> --.v; .• •_-„.£\u25a0 ERRAND boys— Good boys, $6 per week. Apply •;, B.*N. \u25a0 WOOD:_: CO.; \u25a0 KUmore and . Ellis , sts. LABOR I debt* collected anywhere ; ialts and at> >.-. tachments. Knox. 2352 ' Pine \u25a0 st. \u25a0 nr. : Fillmore.' WANTED^-Flrst-class ' liquor and | wiae ( salesman r? . for city, and \u25a0 country; 1 references.' Box 94. - CalL* SAILORS and ordinaries 1 for, all parts of ; world. - "at ; Herman's : Shipping Agency. 45 Stenart i st. WAKT__^-__» -_f bartender. -Ml:: Biyant «t. t HELP \u25a0^KXSn^-^iA*^^^^^^ AT COSTIGAN _ CO.'S Employment Office- jt ' San Francisco Office. Phone _1I ark ct f 2W«- 4 and 6 Fell st. opposite 10th and Market. Oakland Office Located t^ a^ 6ta and Washington sts. Phone Oakland 2633. ', NEVADA TODAY— NEVADA _TODAY. Half Fare— s4 Fare— Half F?f c-_e -_ HAVEN OR RENO OR BOCA. $4 Fare. Ship Todaj— Call Early— Boss Here. 20 freight teamsters, steady Job, *_.w- •Slcsle haiirt miners. S3. ,_«•?•»*. Machine miners. $3.73; machine helpers, Ju.^a. Muckers and laborers. $2.30 to $3. Remember. Nevada half- fare; $4. that s a_. Free Fare— South— Free Fare. MERCED. FRESNO. BAKEKSFIELD DIS- TRICTS. Ship Today— Ship Today. Teamsters, laborers, drillers. $67.00 to $123. North— To the Oregon Line— Nortb. 25 section laborers. Italians preferred. ?i.s>u. .'\u25a0 25 laborers, drillers, teamsters. $2.25 up. Ludlow Today— Ludlow. lc mile rate — South — le mile rate. Then Free Fare on to the work — Free Far*. That's all— ss.lo— That's all— ss.lo. New \u25a0 Job — Just starting — Go today. 510 miles— Soutb— slo miles. 75 teamsters, scrapers and wagons. $ 2 - 3O J?*J- 150 laborers, camp laborer*, watchmen, $—- o. Team gang . foreman, $3.50. Ludlow. Ship today— Go with stock and outat. Ship today — Ship today. ARIZONA— le mile— ARIZONA— le mils. 50 teamsters, $2.50. 50 laborers. $2-25. lc mile rate— lc mile «''•„_.- Close to TONOPAH. NEV. — Close to TONOPAH. 50 teamsters, $2.30. 60 laborers. $2.25. Coppersmith. $3.50: machinist. $3.55: boiler- maker. $3.55. Teamsters, wagons snd scrapers. $2.50 to $3. Laborers, city. 8 and 9 hours. $2.50 to $2.70. Laborers, city and country. $2.25 to $2.50. . v 4 section foremen. Arizona, free fare. $2.70. 4 extra gang foremen, coast division. $90. 4 extra gansj foremen, north. $90. 2 section foremen. Bakersfleld. Tucson. $2.70. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO.. 60S Clay st Phone Temporary 1310, 3. F.. CaU Our lodging-honse open aU night: rooms 33e. beds 25c per night Reading-room, etc Man and wife, camp cook and helper. $73 dm. and found. Plumbers and helpers, going wagssv. 2 carpenters. R. R. work. $3.50 day. 2 carpenters, bridge. $3.25 day. 2 machinists, country. 43c hoar. Teamsters, near city. $2.50 day. Drillers, rockmen, headermen. powdenaen. aja- ehine men. $3.50 to $2.50 day. Laborers, city. $2.50 day. ' WANTED — For a large out-of-town department store, an assistant superintendent; only prac- tical men need apply; state age. salary expect- ed and where last employed: a permanent posi- tion, with Increasing possibilities for ta« right man. Box 73. Call office. AT ONCE, bright young men to prepare for examination for postal clerks, railway mall clerks and customs Inspectors. Big demand for qualified men. Good salaries. See MR. OLIVER, 124 Market st. odd. Call bldg.. today. 2 to 8 p. m. - ALERT messenger boys (2). Apply M. FRIED- MAN - CO., O'Farrell at Polk, y AN old-established real estate firm has aa »t- ceedingly good openintr for aa experienced sub- division man; property to be subdivided ta San Mateo Comity, this side of Burltagame. BTx 611. Call offle. IMMEDIATELY— Young men to qualify tor railway mall clerks* examination on April 9. See me today. 10 to 5, T to 3. J. H. CALVIN. 616 Van Ness aye. WANTED — A handy man about a grocery busi- I ness; German or American preferred. 501 Saa •? Bruno aye., between 17th and ISth. Mariposa. THREE men to deliver circulars, papers, bills, etc.; no office fee. MURRAY A READY. 11th I and Market sts.. White Palace hotel bldg. WANTED-l-SOO to men to"occupy stnrfe rooms in The Glendale. 1015 Folaom nr. 6th; 23c and 35c per night; $1.50 and $2 a week. YOUNG man about 13 years old wanted by con- struction firm for office work: must know how to run typewriter. Box 2. Call office. WANTED— Two able-bodied' men for lumber camp; fair paid; no fee. Address box 377. Calt office. FUlmore st WANTED — Experienced trainman 1 for small road; must have clearances. Address box 576. Call office. Fillmore st SELL lots In new subdivision: good proposition; quick sales; $100 to $200 weekly. Call room 17. 2195 Bush st WANTED— Copper plate printer: piece wort. Apply bos 603. Call office. 1651 Fillmore st f WANTED^ — Experienced . city salesman, apply SWIFT:- CO.. sta and .Towasend sts. WANTED^ — A colored boy to run erv.r.d*. Call- --. fornla Hat Company. 1420 Howarfr~ it. — WANTED — 500 men •to - eat our ' celebrated 15c meal. :14 11th St. White Palace. FIP.ST-CLAS3 general blacksmith wanted lmm«- diately. Apply at 494 Waller st ERRAND boy wanted. Apply CHARLES LYONS. London-Tailor. 731 Van Ness aye. CASH boys— ss per week. Apply a JJ. WOOD & CO.. Fillmore aad Ellis sts. WANTED — First-clasa bootblack; $14 per week 1488 Fulton st WANTED— 2 wagon blacksmith helpers. 534 Bryant st FIVE men wanted; good wages. 1531 Busb street. SHOES repaired while yon wait Cut Rat*. Shoo Repairing Co.. 13 Bth st. near Market. AGENTS WANTED "* LADY solicitor wanted, city business; good sal- ary. Apply 470 7ta st- Oakland. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED — Responsible man who caa giv# refsr- 'ence from people previously worked for. To such a man we* pay salary and expenses to represent us la this and adjolnlnis territory- Experience Is not necessary. Write with EXPERIENCED solicitors throughout the State--' article invaluable to every home; no troohl* to sell. Write or call, 1339 Post st between 4 and 6 o clock. . , SOLICITORS WANTED ~ WE want Uve wire real estate solicitors: liberal S°™ m H? lon - Apply to.E. S. FYFE A CO.. _3343 Mission st -, . i FURNITURE FOR SALS AA— t Stock Taking Sale. Every thinsr Must Be Sold! » Big Cut la Prices. $18.00 Chiffoniers, solid oak. cut to $14.00 : $35.00 Bureaus, cut to 26.50 $26.00 Dressers, cut to. .'...'.'............ '19.00 $ 4.50 Iron Beds, cut to.. .........; 2.75 $18.00 Morris Chairs, cut to 12.00 Weathered^ Oak Dining Chairs from $2.00 up ' $15.73 Dinln* Tables, cut to 9.30 FILLMORE FURNITURE HOUSE. » 2115 FUlmoro st AT CAV._*AGH'S. 625 McAllister st. 5 doors from Franklin st— Yon will hay* your money . cheerfully returned or . any piece exchanged if yon are not satisfied. This Is the policy w« have Inaugurated and we will continue It as long as we are la business. Wnen we can no longer be fair, we will quit. Iroa beds. $1.93: fine large rockers. $2.50; chairs. 70c; 9x13 rugs. $4.50: stoves. $10 up; tapestry carpet. 50c yard. On hand, large quantity of Axmla- ster and tapestry rugs, folding beds, etc: oil , cloth. 20c. TO prove the efficacy of this ad. will jrive a cash discount of 10 per cent to every pur- chaser of anything in our store by preseatinz this ad. to the salesman. IXL Furniture Co 605-«07. McAllister st. near Franklm. ' FURNITURE. "TZ FURNITURE. At New York -prices, can be bousrht at the only . N.-Y. Furniture House, on- Fillmore st bet Sacramento and Clay. : ' AT NEWMAN'S. 2200-2212 Mlssioa. cor. I3__! Largest - stock of furniture, carpets, stoves. etc.. to select from; low prices; easy paym' tst FI|HER A BERNSTEIN CO.. new. seeond-haad furniture, stoves.' ranges; goods bought sold exchanged. 3312-3310 Mission st. near 29th. WINDOW shades. aU sizes, colors: folding bed repairs: upholstery. TOWEY. 25T Church st. JUST » like flndmc furniture — Removal sale now on at Home Fnr. Co.. 267 Church st. nr. Mkt. J r H i V 22 LET ' «30-661-663 14t * st.. near Market and Church— Furniture, good and cheap. FURNITURES, beddtnar: all new; low nrlcea." Corner; 11th and Franklin sts.. Oaklaadl ; \u25a0 A; «>^^a.\g_ffy *»\u25a0"«? «* \ OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SATJB } **tS^^l&'iJFY?* **'«****«**\u25a0: h. i -xi.HMXHAAS. tlth »t. rerner stnro. Onklanrt. • \ : ; PAMBOoVuRNTTURE 1 . ! (UJfDEE the Bamboo Tree) Tables chalxa. __ ' reaus. HAYASHL 21004 ' Sut£?^g^, *%? -.-.».--\u25a0'" FURNITURE POLIS HERS ~ i L. A. iIor»H Ccl. 1441. _U_; p__ a vw>^_^y j