Newspaper Page Text
CITY REAL ESTATE * C XtK t U hoSplo.v & KuAriici^r- REAL ESTATE. S- E. Cor. Market and Tth sts. 8, IV EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. *AN XESS, CLOSE TO MARKET. _ 80x109. \u25a0 "' ONLY *1200 PER FRONT FOOT. _\u0084 . UNDER SHORT LEASE. ..^ mis is^the beet opportunity In this city to s-SS* £*** money. This property is worth n^L 19 ? front foot; for. special reasons Is tZf^Jf*'-,*** abo T' prlc * for t"« d*y only; for particulars apply to * THOMPSON ft KILPATRICK. 7 7th st. cor. Market EDWARD M. LONG, =32 Liberty .U^ff ff jkSKF* f£e^-r^S^d rt 2 - ffi^&SS SP $1750— Very great bargain; comer suitable for «££^£!f? 1 near ISth Douglas sts. $2250— Corner. 27x75. suitable for small fiats- located near car line of West 22d etT^ b^-3 &S^3*^.J2s.?*^«s!£f-- Xrv* o "4^'*s," 4^'* 5 , FOR HOME BUILDERS. T~ r^natUty Building and Loan AssoclaUoa. Empire BuUdlng and Loan AEsociatioa Mechanics BnUdlng and Loan Association. California Mutual Savings Fund L. ft B Offices— 2o3l Baker st Phone West 3835 WILLIAM B. LUTZ. SecreUry. lI E; 5 °Sl^ HeP 5 "f,* 1 lMt: 8 »>«»ntlfnl flatoi «i Page st. near Masonic aye.; 7. 7 and 6 rooms; lot 25x137:6; price, location and flats 1410 Halghtst 1 ' 111 DOt *** °° "" market loa *- $25,000— Golden Gate aye.. north side, near P^-^t.; lot 33:9x137:6; worth at least STANTON. O'BEIEN ft CO.. 126 HAVES ST. KANAI ft YOKOZAWA REAL ESTATE 00. wants owners to build houses, stores and ho- tels right away for their tenants; Dnpont st. the old Japanese town. 1907 Bush st.. city. PARKEIDE — Big bargains on line railroad, $450 and up; easy payments; only a few left. A. U. MAXFIELD. 45 Geary st. 2 to 4 p. m. Call or write. . LARGE lot. Clay st, nr. Montgomery; 2 front- ages; ready for rebuilding: for sale or to lease; easy terns; will subdivide. Owner, 1777 Page st. $1200 — Cory home of 4 rooms on Folsom st, 30- fr. frontage; barn and driveway: $300 cash. $12 per month. E. S. FYFE ft CO.. 83*3 Mission st 10 ACRES finest land In Alameda County for LESS than price of a SAND LOT. Rich Val- ley Land Co.. Market and Sutter sts. . FOR SALE. Six or nine flats, 7 and 8 rooms. 2 frontages; Ellis st., near Franklla. Call at 1027 Ellis st; no agents. 'OR *a.'e — S-roota cottage; modern; reasonable. Inquire Jeweler. 624 Valencia st. nr. 16th. 700 — LOT 22x120; part cash; 13th aye.. Bear X st; ready to build on. Box 910. Call office, !>R sale — t-room furnished fiat Call 8 to 10 m. m.. 8 to 10 p. m.. 801 Frederick st W FRriTVALE REAL ESTATE Jl sale — S-room boose, furnished. 5909 Boole- fmrd and Prospect aye., la Frnitrale. For amrtlculars ace owner. No airenta. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE CALIFORNIA land $1 acre, balance entire pur- chase $1 week for each 5 acres; bo taxes; no Irterest; B-acre tracts; level, rich, clear; ready to plow; under Irrigation; perpetual water right; Immediate possession given; particulars. maps, photographs for 2c stamp. Steviason Colony, room 26, 703 Van Ness aye., San Francisco. ALFALFA. FRUIT. VINES. Garden Soil — Sacramento Valley. Big canal now ready; cheapest water In State; $35 to $75 an acre; one-sixth cash, bal- an<^ ea*T terms. C M. WOOSTER CO., 16t$6 O'Farrell et. OVER $1900 per annum income property tn a manufacturing town close to San Francisco, by rail or water; caa be Increased with addi- tional Improvements; for $18,000; part can re- I main on tar*T*Mrage at 8 per cent Address box -. 162. Call otlice. • - " RICH, level Und near Oakland; 10 acres cost lees thaa a i%and lot; terms to suit; get pur circular. RICH VALLEY LAND CO.. Market aad Satter sta. TOO much land; will sell 1 acre in San Rafael for $500. TILEMAN. 1014 7th aye.. Oaklaad. CONTRA Costa County real estate for sale, Scad for list D. J. WEST. Marttnea, Cal. HOMES in the country: send for catalogae. 0. M. WOOSTER CO.. 1666 O'Farrell st BURLINGAME REAL ESTATE » BURLING AMB GROVE LOTS, te 60x120. Prices $550 and up. $10 per month and small payment down. Price includes sewer and water pipe, mae- t-iainlsed streets, cement sidewalks and shade 1 cottages bow building aad for sale oa X' 7 terms. - Take San Mateo Electric Cars at Bth aad Merket sts. rrery 12 minutes. STOP AT BUR- LINGAME GROVE STATION. Clrcolaxi aad descriptive matter on request BURLING AME GROVE CO.. , 818 Monsdnock Bldg. Tel. Temporary 105 S. Prices will be raised after January 81. 190 T. $?_450 — A bungalow In Burllnpame. three blocks from street car and R. R. station; cetaeat walk and macadam streets; a five-room house with bath; exterior red shingles, with heavy beamed gables and eaves; inside paneled walls, with beamed celling; It is Just nearing com- pletion and a thorough laspectioa of the eon- strartloa is Invited; not In real estate mea's hands, so yon caa save the commission; a c.sick aale Is desired. Address M. D., MCI- brae. San Mateo County, Cal. ' . i.fOE pertlculars concerning Burllngame lota ccc "SfiNST G. GEARY, room 224. pelbert block. *#*~fr OTarrell st and Van Ness aye. BEJt^jgSLEr REAL ESTATE PACIIfKI COAST LAND CO.. Phone BerfceleyH»l2. 2111 Dwight way- (2ooo buys two rettdcaces on Chsnnlng way and > sth rt.; this Ifiagood buy aad is worth $3250; come sjKTWee us about this. (2OO) t!750 -Three-room cottmge: why pay rent when th!« small sum wlifebny cottage, aave rent end *ell in one ©r\two years for much more than porchaM price? Tnli U a good West Berkeley buy. %\u25a0 T ,_A (2 ? c) $3000— Five-room cottage, naar Key Route .sta- tion: this will grow Into good money soon. Terms on this. I :\u25a0 J2?*> $2000— 5-room house te West Berkeley; $1000 cash: balance to salt; this Is like finding $300 to buy this; come, in and see about It. ' \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'-•-\u25a0\u25a0. (204) $1500 cash— B rooms la West Berkeley y tnls property will grow * Into money fast ea West Berkeley Is sure to advance "P^gj PACIFIC COAST LAND CO.. \u25a0 . - - Phone Berkeley 3012. 2111 Pwight way. PACIFIC COAST LAITO OOMPAtfT. 2111 DWTOHT WAY. fiEND FOR OUR WEEKLY- BULLCTnTAKp KEEP POSTED IN BERKELEY- PROPERTIES. k MILL VALLEY REAL ESTATE THE SWITZERLAND OF* AJfE ? ICA v*.»,, Large, sightly lots/ wooded; bay and njoaataln new;* sireet-s being grsded and Mwend; bnlMlßf r«trSrtion: 5 minutes to •^""uKVmi!? CO U-rer: price $450 up. - »• ®. PABKEE.. * CO. L. T. PARKER. Agent, Mill Valley. THE choicest property la Mill f* lt7 l} e 7jFpp m i easy payments. For particulars ccc B"PP * , JAlpfei 1511, near o'FurtO. fir, rt»Bctew I^__^ |j J ll . 1MM — — BALADA BEACH REAL ESTATE/ 6ALADA BEACH. 8 Biiles south of CUffJHouse; first town on Ocean Shore B. *^^£?£? * ride; low fares; B^cadaaiUed BtreeU. wat<f • sew^ra. eldewalks. ahaae^crees. •"••„. « I g^3 1 teed la contracts; lots^ $250 _. and^^fg^ monthly paymenta. Take boa at Co*™* J?** cays and P Taursdays free traasportatioa with* ,pCBA» » "iJeas LAND Co.. Countryman, building. Van >eas eve, and Ellis st. - - .^______^—^——i ''- TO LEA«E'- ; T " •\u25a0\u25a0'-'- KTnRiS TO LET AND LEA6E. Sclt House, Market st^ near Jones. Wm* Apply at.Goldea Gate \u25a0 .V 10 ". Ma "Set Hooae; Market *\u0084 near. Jones. . \ : • DON. »06 Broadway. Oakland.^ - - \u25a0\u25a0-- \u25a0-> OAKLAHP, REAL ESTATE i .: " . . 1 ... 1 \u25a0\u25a0». 1 11 1 HERE 18 THB BEST BT7X IN OAKLAND. Olt TELEGRAPH ATB.;^ • ° N '^StJ? °JnS WEBT CORNER OF 23D gl£ ONB BLOCK FROM KBY ROUTE. - J57.000. - ;;\u25a0;, -; t " 'OO 1 - 1 f"" * V THIS WILL BRING 565.000 IN SO DAYS. CROWN ft LEWIS. lac, ,««- «-« E 5 Al ' ESTATE BROKERS. 105« BROADWAY. PHONE OAKLAND 4400. — D. F. BUKWEY., •123 Uth St. Jutrt East of Breedway. SXCLCSTVB OPTIOKB ONLY PHONE, OAKLAND 3403. BA r N P £ Bl £ ATK - THW BU>B Oy WTH- . Lot ,89x164 deep, with store, cottage aad barn; It la being sold far leas than $200 a foot. When you consider the depth of thia lot and the froatage. yon will see this Is aa exceptloa- slly low price for this class of property. These ??. er^. 1 *U wt;w * B*"B *" to be had on the arenae ta this district at anything like this price. The mooa TWT te * on *"*" T*UlT * U1 nrice ' S4TH, BET. GROVE AND SAX PABLO. \u25a0 Lot 60x100; oa the sunny side of the street, with good lsrprovemeata. We have secured a three-day option pa .this property, and are in a position to handle it at a price that 'ls very low. Thia Is a very desirable let, large enough and so located that It can be used for business purposes, flats or two cottages. Total price oaly $6260.. . , • WASHINGTON ST. Lot 75x75; aew frame improvements; tader a cash-bonded leaa*. at 9&00 per month net Man holding lease pays insurance, i* Rental can be nearly doubled as soon aa present lease ex- pires. Total price, $42,600; $20,000 caa remain on loan. Quick action - will be aeoescary to secure this desirable property. APARTMENT HOUSE CLOSE IN GOOD DISTRIOIF^ Lot 85x120: divided into 8 and 4 room apart- ments, bringing in a good rental. First-class buy at $£000. Part eaah. *# A BUSINESS CORNER ON UTH ST. 70x100; good frame Improvements; bringing a fairly good income at present; bo leases. With small Improvements could be made to pay 12 per cent » This is very desirable, well- located comer. Price has been reduced for a quick sale. A large loan caa be negotiated on it We eaa deliver this mm>erty at $40,000. SEE THIS D. \u25a0 F.' MINIfBY. 422 UTH ST. JUST EAST OF BROADWAY. Phone, Oakland 9403. BUSINESS PROPERTIES A SPECLALTT, . '-• ADSTUTfI L3T $14,800— Just completed and lease* for a king term at a rental " pradnciag IB - per cent on the Urreatment; lot 86:6x100, with the finest, most complete, - best conirtructed Oriental buQdi&g in Oaklaad, containing 27 rooms and 2 large stores, . built regard- less of cost; plate glass show window*; first-class plumbing: - property - adjomlag just «old for 945.000; the location guar- antees the best tenants and large Income; the building is constructed so It caa be remodeled Into warehouse of factory: this Is the beet bargain we have ever listed; - we have only tea days' contract; owner Is East and baa urgent need of ready eaah. (KSBS) $10.000— A small box Bear 16th and Clay sts.; \u25a0 ; about 80 feet front; two-story . induing; rapidly 1 growing '. la value; get . In bow. 18,600— Cloae-io haata of 11 roam*, with large let 46Hx100 oa th* north tide of 10th St., near Castro; only fire minutes' walk to business center; everything la noted la this locality, where properties are ad- vancing rapidly in varee. See es about this before It Is sold. <1227) 400 per front foot only; : mast, be sold this week or price will be advanced; 65x100 feet, at northeast corner * Baa J Pablo aye. aad Sycamore st. ; nothing In near vicinity oa the avenue aa low la price; buy bow, \u25a0' get a bargain aad make turn for profit (S5B) GEO. W. AUSTIN, 1018 Broadway. $9000 DOWN ' BALANCE INTEBBST ONLY .'ON OAKLAND HEIGHTS. WOI bey a fine racxJera, up ta date borne with foar bedrooms, large parlors, reception bell, dining-room, marry, etc. Lot la 60x126. Most sightly location that could be secured. Look at this If you want a nice hone la the very best aeighhoraood. .- , '-' ' \u25a0---:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'' JAM S. NAXBXXTB,: \u25a0\u25a0• '." r IOM tfaahlagtaa rt T Bacon Aieade. ;BUTER« / '-- Waat Telegraph avenue corners? , The beautiful broad street between the Uni- versity aad i the * heart : of Oakland ; all paved- We have thesn. Come and see us. Exclusive contracts.'- -;\u25a0•.<." •\u25a0'.*'-* >'?'"'*- v ~'. \u25a0-•\u25a0,'.\u25a0:.•>.;.,•\u25a0\u25a0 Northwest corner 00 Telegraph; ; 80x100. 9 Soctbeast corner on Telegraph; 60x100. Northeast corner on. Telegraph; 100x180.- Northeast corner on Telegraph; 85x100. t; ~ '- Northeast corner ! ob'; Telegraph; : 50x100.' \u25a0f. : - . Southeast ! coraer oa Telegraph: 65x140. - ; - xiso ' elegant ' corner. • close in. In East Oak- land, 100x140; $50 per foot m. l: '-wtHxa.-- -\u25a0 \u25a0 .;\u25a0\u25a0. -^ 182 X Broadway, Oaklaßd. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Oppotrto PottOCaoa. XSOO Cash.' $10 > monthly: 6-room cottage; base- ment roughly < baUt:. 2 .; chicken-houses; ; city \u25a0 wl?er • -r?ry v large lot, * 180x200. or 12 lots 28x100 all fenced '. In together \u25a0 and f> covered with 1 fun-bearing - frait^ treej, .; *PPl«f. -Plume, peari. berries, etc; pttee > for ; all,^Wo*.^v ' v t3% cash, W\u25a0 \u25a0 moathly; •*_• new;-- tract. * Jaat eDeaed: ' lota 80x180: city water; | Bear schools J'SaVelii" beantltoi.^ \u25a0«I*tty property; , price I^^ for circular. 4M Oth at., near Br^dway.^O^kU"^ H. Z. JONES. **i Owner. ieooo— Eaat t Oaklaad ; barf^ : -1 nae i house. _1O .v.-r-'i*'. REAL EBT^TB 5 TO^ KXCHAWGB ?-'; w i'titv .A 1 crrmNO,\«laadTaad mlnteg attor- - M iSi?Btttt PSwUßdi a ..•PMUUr: ITS*" Valdea '-\u25a0st. Oakland^v^jJ^^^^^,^^^^,,^^^.' '\u25a0 "'\u25a0'' CASH /BBGlß'ratiii. .'; .\u25a0 -\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ' " rlin leristera. 621«1»«<; «f "Jl prteta, -for ab S^wlDm.* ©B^Ubtral tenaa.-?- Natloaal \u25a0 \u25a0•' ; t'TOM*-'HxTxriußi ?':zt- y ;:^. \u25a0-V-; .V : : CO!«TRACtVw6rK \u25a0i ! : -- t \u25a0T "\u25a0• -rniiSTROM, cob tractor ;; aad 1 builder ; i plans A Vnd^StSaSi tvrnißb* »<otta^a|fe|x<g '.'\u25a0'\u25a0 .'""' : . ', ;'-'.... ':-"\u25a0'':: '''''-{'J. '\u25a0:/;;O'\ \u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0 ,'"'.'\u25a0>' '„\u25a0 '••." S f HEr SANf; FR&NCISCO ;# CALL;^ FRIDAY^FEBRUARY;:^. 1907. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' '"; LOST I AND FOUND .\u25a0..;'..- .r LOST—A passbook with the '• Hlbernla ' Savings \u25a0 and 1 Loan Society *of " San Francisco, -. in ' the name of JOHN T. MULLIGAN, No.- 308-1093. \u25a0The finder will please : return . to bank. . Unless same is returned within five i days a new, book will be Issued to the applicant. ;.; ,'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 <V,l:r--- LOST— A paasbook ' with the \ Hibernla ' Savings -\u25a0 aad Loan Society of San Francisco In the name Of CLAEINDA NELSON,- No. « 301-928. »;. The finder will please return to bank. .Unless same Is returned within \u25a0 five - days a \u25a0 new book ; will be Issued to the applicant.-* *':•. i.'--' U";V .'•--' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"•'\u25a0': $10 reward— Lost — White ;bull terrier, \u25a0 year 1 old: nearly s full grown; answers to name "Nixie,*. : . email dark spot's oa ear; disappeared Wednes- day. 2424 Pacific ave.;teLWeat 133. ; ;: ; (. LOST — Pearl necklace,'-- with . a diamond clasp, between * Unitarian \u25a0- Church, r Golden 1 Pheasant or Laurel and .. Washington st ; Return , 3481 •;-.- Washington \u25a0 at and receive ; reward. ,.,., \u25a0" LOST — Will the lady that found the: mink muff oa the Oakland ferry-boat Saturday last kindly ' return, same to 3210 16th St.? $20 reward; bo Questions ' asked. l:~--- -\u25a0; \u0084..\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0 '..\u25a0.-'\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0,\u25a0.\u25a0,-;\u25a0.*.\u25a0 \u25a0" '_',"\u25a0 LOST— Brown and white Blenheim epanleV Van Ncsa aye., between Geary st ' and ' Golden Gate are. ; reward. '., 2555 Webster. st, nr.- Broadway. LOST— Sunday afternoon, I engraved gold bracelet, •:. With ruby, diamond and sapphire. Liberal re- ward If returned to 1948 Post st. ' LOST— A team of bay and brown horses attached . to sand wagon at Mission . and ' Spear sts. \u25a0• Re- turn to 169 Preclta aye. \u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0-• r >\u25a0 ; * : *. ' LOST — Golden brown, Irish- setter : dog:'; license I No. 1899. Reward, 3654 16th st,' near Castro. LOST— Collie bitch. Saturday; four : white , feet, white neck. : . 8751 24th st. ; , reward. \u0084:-. ; LOST — Gold bracelet, with name on. -Please re- turn to 1434 Kentucky st; reward. \u0084 : . . FOUND— 2-year-old colt .. 421 9th st. FELIX GROSS. -\u25a0\u25a0?---- \u25a0' ; .\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0.;.,. -'. \u25a0\u25a0-,-" --.. .-'.- ;.-'; CHIROPODISTS HARHIB H. KATZ— Chiropodist; expert mas- " eager; electric apparatus. 11 1!3 Golden Gate. ' DR. JAS. BROWN, expert chiropodist, at | Empo- rium, Van Ness and Post; formerly 6 Geary. V, SX CORSET MAKERS v rr v > MME.* BAUMARD, '-'corset-maker,' moved" from 2186 Butter to 1659 Sutter. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'•\u25a0 . '-\u25a0.:.. __/ r _/ '_\u25a0_ ' \u25a0-; MEDICAL *\u25a0 .''\u25a0"'"\u25a0\u25a0: ' \u25a0 DR. SYLVESTER'S Office. BIT 23d st (nr Telegraph aye.), Oakland, Cal. Leading Specialist for Women. ' Ladles — If you are suffering from any ail- ment peculiar to your sex, worried about your * condition and need help; consult - this •\u25a0 famous specialist; . because he is truly .' the only regu- larly graduated physician specialist for women ' advertising, having (19) • years of ;\u25a0' success — WITHOUT ONE FAILURE— he gives relief— AT ONCE— without drugs, operations or need- - ~ leu detention from your occupation, with origi- nal— PAlNLESS— HAßMLESS— methods. With high prof essional standing , and 'qualifications recognized by the* highest medical authority, with office well appointed and strictly private, he Is the— SAFEST— AND— SUREST— man .to consult when you seek help. Consultation and advice -absolutely, free.. -i Private . sanitarium when necessary. Fees moderate. Hours .* 9 a. m. to 9 p. ta. Open Sundays. Telephone Oakland 7901. DR. SYLVESTER'S Office, ',- \u25a0':: BIT 83d St., near Telegraph aye., Oakland/ Cal. DR. G. W. O'DONNELL— LadIes, all who are sick or In trouble, consult * this ; specialist ; on : female complaints \u25a0 ;; positively ' corrected ; the unfortunate helped; the most '\u25a0 difficult \u25a0 cases . 1 treated; every case • taken; Immediate ' relief: bo poisoning drugs; low fee; my^ methods will cure all cases of. irregularity; consult me; save time and money; advice free; hours, 9 a. m. to 4, 8:80 to 8:80. 1212 Turk st v v \r-r. ! :\-j-~. A— MRS. DR; WYETH, reliable ladies' special- ist for all female Irregularities; Instant relief guaranteed: 80 years', experience; office hours, 10 to 5. 1726 Steiner St., near Sutter. , MRS. M. A. PICKRUM, 2842 Buchanan st, near Green : ladles \u25a0 taken in ; confinement; . best ! of medical attention and care. ;•'. . \u25a0'\u25a0'."\u25a0-_ . .:.' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 :' DR. WEST & CO., 1035 Golden Gate aye.— Old specialist for women. Hours; 1-3 and .7-8 p. tn. DR. C. C. O'Donnell; renowned female specialist, 910 A Devlsadero, bet McAllister and G.G. aye. MRS.- DR. KOHL, specialist.^irregularitles; hrs. 10 to 5. 1726 Steiner, bet Sntter and Post. DR.' ROSEN, 2905 Folsom st, cor. 26th— Ladles; /thousands recommend him; relief or no fee. DR. and MRS. DA VIES' -. method of I treatment -834 Valencia St.. between 19th and 20th. . MISCELLAKEOUS fiFOR ; - SALE -1 L AAA— CASH : registers.' A "NATIONAL".: cash : register is, a valuable asset in your business. ' , We make over . 521 styles ' and ' sizes , and sell oa easy • payments. We have • the largest . stock \u25a0 of other. makes in the city at half price.' Don't \u25a0 '. pay; two prices." Come and see us. The ; Na- tional Cash Register Co., 1283 Golden Gate aye. ELEGANT .'-\u25a0•\u25a0. '\u0084 - " .•'.-.:\u25a0. V: .. '." ". '. "\u25a0 -. ~~ : -- 6- ft. -enameled bathtub. #-. -7 20x30 W. B. smk. ; '. , \u0084 80-galloß' boiUr. Patent * water closet. : •• \u25a0•""-' '\u25a0- ',\u25a0';-' Combination $36.50. 1964; POST STREET- CASH REGISTERS, \u25a0 Hallwoods and . Nationals, 'all styles ; don't pay the prices asked by some \u25a0 . concerns ; we will sell you the I same I registers second -hand, good aa new, \u25a0 for .half \u25a0 the price ; " small, monthly: payments. -Pacific Coast Cash Register Co., 16 City Hall square. \u0084 v WE have for sale or rent motors and pnmps of all slsea; contractors, see us. -' FARNSWORTH ELBCTRIOAL WORKS. 603 Howard , st • Fac- tory, phone . Market 2587. . Office - phone Tem- porary 84*.*- \u25a0';;.'\u25a0-.-"•.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0 -y.-.t-. -.\-\; \u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0 .-.;.";'/ HALL WOOD cash registers; total adders; $25 to $90; also Nationals. CASH REGISTER EX- CHANGE, 11SS Market; et.. Central ; Theater y-bnUdlng. '- -.; -.'\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.."\u25a0 . .'\u25a0- "\u25a0\u25a0 -.;.,.\u25a0, <. 25 h. : p. 1 motor, ; alternating current ; outfit com- - plete; used only- a few* months;. In perfect running < order.' . 760 i McAllister, near Octavia. PLUMBERS', son pipe, fittings, lead boilers, met- ' als. \u25a0 builders' .* wall - anchors, , floor plates, cash weights; half price.' NE. cor. Fulton and Gough." SAND \u25a0 for ' sale ; delivered to any part iof city. For further information call on C. . OLSEN; 15 i- Oak Grove aye., bet- 6th and 6th, off Harrison. BARS, cigar stands, grocery and window display fixtures, etc..' at short notice; showcases; desks.' I MEEK, 1161' Mission st, bet. , 7th , and Bth: LAUNCHES, new and slightly used. Cal. Launch Works, > Pac. Coast agents , for . Peninsular 1 mo- tor. Blandlng- ave.; Park'- st',' Alameda. FOR sale— Stein way I square piano | and i Domestic .machine, $75 and $12; both in good order. '..Ap- ply 1858 "- Webster st, Oakland.' '. ? . \u25a0 , : - PIANO — Cash cert. - for $67.50 for sale cheap. : Apply R. THOMPSON. 411 Shrader, tomorrow / between 9 and 1:30. i; r , *.' .-. ;v ;-., SCALES, <: tracks, coffee mills, * money drawers. Jas. Qeddes Sc Co.. 431-83 Larkin; tel Em. 623 WALLPAPER sc, paint $1, j cheesecloth, building - and roofing, papers at Merlgan's. 1447 Ellis st. BAR fixtures. AIKEN & KING, agents of Chas. ; Passow A Semi. 1273 Mission;; tel. Special 1173 TENTS. CANVAS WORK; WAGON 5 COVERS AND ; AWNINGS at F. : THOM'S, 1209 . MlS- _* BION BT. PHONE MARKET 2194. \u25a0 ; •;..; FOR sale— Soda . fountains, showcases; bank and office fixtures, marble work; call and see them. \u25a0_' . -. WHITCOMB. ;. 827 Market st. ; B. ; F. '\u25a0-.•,- ; -- : . -; EDISON Moving Picture Machines and Stereopti- - cons; « bargains. QEO.< BRECK.^ SS2 ; Grove st. GASOLINE < launches ' of all , kinds on hand, for ; sale — Orowley's • boathonse, Vallejo-st. \u25a0 wharf. O. E. i RUSSELL, plumbers' i supplies, 1 builders', - wall ; anchors, - machinery.' 260 Linden aye. , . =r j ALL kinds of trees I and 'plants; send for price , list OEM r NURBERY. *- Los Gates. ; Cal.^- ;>. ? , FOB aale,' cheap, solid mahogany: cigar store flx- "-'turos. -.-- Inquire 104 m Valencia st.--:;. ;\u25a0-'. .\u25a0.•. \u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0. "\u25a0 KING'S ' OLD ?BOOK> STORE. "891 Golden Gate .*> ; aye.,' near > Octavia. j Books , • bought. V- - '.1 -\u0084-. .- \u25a0 1 BARNES : lathe, i with counter-shaft, \u25a0 No. ? 18, * new; at: a 1 discount" t at 131',5th st. ,* -.: SAFES— The Hermann Safe Co., 126 Folsom St.; -agents Macneale'& Urban 'safes. 1 - --*.:' . ..,*\u25a0 .':-. >\u25a0 TWO \ motor-cycles," 2 % -horsepower ; ? 1906 ; ; model ; v.Thor engines. Farnsworth t Electrical Works, - 603. Howard . st ; ' phone . Temporary , 848.','* ; . ; ; ; \u25a0, BOOKS -and S libraries '\u25a0 bought 3 for 1 cash .* - '•'» THB ? HOLMES CO.V 402 Van. Ness aye: ;r;^r r; ; -,;..- CASH " paid f for/ diamonds,^ O'NElLL A \ EBER " -A 1744 Flllmore st^t below i Sntter.-^: ' v"-, vr.r^-r-yc ~V--*;fcy WUSICAL'IINSTRUMENTS : *.-f. g,'^: A FEW , bargains : for i this i wees : i 1 '•; Schlelp $65, Fischer s s96,% SUrck s sl ls/R Shermer ; $125, . • 1 "' . Davis tft Son ' $140, Singer ; $155 ; \u25a0 all \u25a0 nprlclits; and several other standard makes; Decker Bros.' > $65, Chlckering - $90,*s etc. ; % would , like ito - close ; this out \u25a0 quickly to : make room » for new > stock ; 'terms, a, renu .*. $2 up, \u25a0 Installments $4 --.: up. \u25a0-,;" HEINE i PIANO , CO.. 1 1341 ( Golden s Gate f aye;, , 1466 j 8n8h at." and \u25a0 469-471 j2othj 20th v sf, iOaklandr! DON'T j take ' any j chances when buying \u25a0a ! pUno ; ! ;we \u25a0' guarantee -, absolute a satlsf action 4la * every \u25a0K ease. .-* : BENJ. v CURTAZ u ft s* SON,^ 1615 'Van IS Ness ava;' I '-Establtahed{lBs6.-^/'J.-/ -''-'\u25a0:--;\u25a0\u25a0-.":'•'\u25a0\u25a0: A' FISCHER,'* mahogany case." slightly, used," $22T>. v Bowers & Son. 529 McAllister, near Van Ness. PIANOS I told loa % $5v5 v moathly ».* payments ; J rents/ :; v $3.60. : JOB. SCHMITZ ift S.CO.. i 480 Devlßadero.- 80 H ME R; .' Byron X Mauiy pianos.' CeciUan 1 piano >^ players.-»; BYRON g M AUZY.I 1165 j O| Farrelf; st.r B '- BANJO ' strings. » 2sc ; I full \ line « latest i records .^ \u25a0 C\ C. i KEENE'S ! music ; «tore,t 1325, FUlmorej st.l ; HORNUNG , 1654 1 Eddy s t. , near Fillmore ; \u25a0 ' great ;,^ variety, second-hand sUndard-mai-ejplanOß.^Vi;,,- f..i--;A*; ; -;'. \u25a0;;\u25a0- *; ; .-"i \u25a0.\u25a0;,\u25a0.'\u25a0;\u25a0— — *"—...;—'\u25a0,. I BARGAIN, la ' piano. >, Call 'at ; 828 V Webster, st. t^; i STATHAM fft iCO.^ pUaoe.i 24 5 Hill ? stTl formerly ; U0 HoAiUMtm» *Ui fa^tt mgtinn, i r*llr*MMrrr*sflni i-wsi. \u25a0 mtra I * 1 * - - * 1* ' .*\u25a0\u25a0"; -. ' '. \u25a0*—~'-*t~~.>'- , i MUSICAL IXSTRUSIENTS^-Conti-aued \ HJ7O. JOHNSON,: violin! maker 'and > repairer .of ; all -'; string *-. instruments. - 1228 . Fillmore st; block.lroom 26. \u25a0;..'.:/' -y^^, AN upright piano; good tone,* $72. ; 1466 Bosh st RENT a ' good : piano : for is 3 *; per, month : from 7 -SCOTT CURTAZ, \S6O Hayes ; rt. "•"*.' -i '\u25a0; ; -,?-,; '-'<.- . A\u25a0> FISCfaER , upright, good ; as new, '- $96. \u25a0 1841 . \u25a0'\u25a0 Golden : Gate : ave.'i. . ' \^li__ii_i_^l; ;\u25a0'''•\u25a0*\u25a0"\u25a0 " \u25a0- rv'-Jr v'-JV ,;' '--v^'money^to'loan^v .;;,;\u25a0- v-: V 'A' A \u25a0 AVA: A' A A. A'' A' A' A'A' A< A ''A'; A 'A' A ; A PORTLAND \u25a0 JEWELRY i CO. :: ; ••7 Don't be misled, -.our;; former^ patrons are <\u25a0::. hereby notified ; that the 1 PORTLAND 1 JEW- ELRY; CO., formerly, of 25 Stockton st.;*ls in ' no: way ; connected with, any; loan .of flee' now established : in Stockton st, , having v disposed \u25a00(1 onr ; loans s and • pledging i department t to >, the ; Gem Jewelry Company, (Inc.) of 906 Market st.',* \u25a0 above < Powell. : ' \u25a0"\u25a0 •We s saf ely i recommend s that : - firm as a reliable place !. to t borrow ' money \u25a0oa V* diamonds and >\u25a0 valuables; V cheapest t Interest.' -\u25a0. Pledges .\u25a0 kept ' one year. \u25a0":'. - ; ' ; fPORTLAND JEWELRY CO. v : : { AAAA— Any ;: salaried i employe" 5 or, *_ wage-earner can 'get from us, Just on his note— v-t,.':v -t,.': ;•;.*•..;., 1 ' '.;,; ... \u25a0 :-\u25a0 Monthly.- Semi-Mo/- Wkly ; $50.00— Return to u5.. 513. 05 $6.65 ; $30.00— Return to us.. 8.00 ; 4.00 :\u25a0' 2.00 $16.00— Return to us. . 4.00 \u25a0 :..-\u25a0 2.00 1.00 any other sum' ln proportion. .', • \u25a0 THE STAR LOAN ft INV. CO.,' -; 7 . '. THE CITY LOAN CO., THE CRESCENT LOAN'CO. .. \u25a0 ,* 904-905 Mutual Savings Bank ' Building. ' "~~ EVER NEED MONEY? ' \u25a0'\u25a0= . WANT IT IN A HURRY? WANT IT PRIVATELY ? 1 . ' .-, c ;% KNOW WHERE TO GET ITT '"HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY ,"- ' 70, 509 Golden Gate aye., rat Polk St. , .will loan you sums of $10 to $200 on furniture,' \u25a0 pianos, horaes; vehicles (without \u25a0% removal). '. i Write or . Call. \u25a0 8 Macdonough ; bldg., Oakland. MONEY . loaned salaried " people ' and others upon -. .... their own ' names ' without ' security ; .': cheapest ',- rates,' . easiest payments ; offices |in-. 63 | prin- cipal cities; save yourself money, by , getting -our. terms first TOLMAN, 787 Market, r. 137. iFormerly 553 Parrott building. :-;'-*',,.'W.--'' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ; : , D. D. DRAKE, . " 7 Franklin Realty Bldg.. Cor. Golden' G. ft Polk, 301 St. Paul Bldg., 'Oakland. • ; Salary loans made quickly .' and •; privately to I steady employes: lowest rates; easy;terms.tftj"ffi - -HERMAN MURPHY,: -\u25a0 ' — —Junction '• of Market . and . Sutter • Streeto ' " " First and second mortgageß, estates, legacies, etc. LOAN ' on furniture, pianos or security "of : - any - kind; -to poor people we I make loans : free of charge. ILLINOIS TRUST CO.; ; 1516 Eddy. * BORROW money on diamonds and valuables; 2 per cent interest GEM JEWELRY; CO., 906 .'- Market St., near Powell,* and 17 East st. ' \u25a0'. \ ALL persons ' having pledges before the . fire | with j G. Aronson call 2438 Sacramento Bt; pay: in- : terest or goods ; will be sold. at auction. . \u25a0 \u25a0..-. THE original Uncle Bill (William Schmala) per- ; manently located at 1162; Post st ;.'-. J \u0084 LOANS on salaries. S. F. Discount Agency. 753 \u25a0 . ;Oak st.. near Flllmore, formerly Phelan bldg. ON furniture and pianos In 1 use ;- no commission. • V. TREMAIN. 726 Buchanan \u25a0 st, : near , Hayes; ADVANCES on diamonds as usual; Baldwin Jew- elry Co., permanent office 1261 , Van Ness aye. MORELL—^Cash . loaned to salaried ' men ' on note without icdoreer. 922 Monadnock ' building. '\u25a0 .-, GOLDEN GATE Loan Office, formerly 10 6th - \u25a0 sf, now 960 Pierce st. ; redeem pledges. : \u25a0\u25a0, MONEY I . Golden Gate Aye. ; Loan , Office,' ';'\u25a0 LOANED.) /\u25a0'\u25a0 '.-. . 1276 Golden Gate aye. ; .-'. E. S. BONELLI, 1800 cor.; Pierce; lowest -interest; no commission: confidential. .. ; ,- ; REDEEM pledges left at ;10 6th '• st . at -860 Pierce st. near McAllister. '"\u25a0- -\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0=" \u25a0;/;-'\u25a0. .' MONEY/ WANTED ; - .* WANTED — Loan of ' $2500 from } private I party : Al • security, , Berkeley i, property; _will ' pay good rate interest. Box 4.' Call office. • - - MIXES AND MINING GREENWATER and TONOPAH Stocks. 1 \u25a0 \u25a0-. Nevada . Greenwater Copper. . . . . .X. . . . .'. at BOc Greenwater Black Oxide Copper at market. ; -~ •: Tonopah Standard ..........:......... .at 30c Tonopah Empire ........ .:.iV. .'.*.*;•'. *".".".". at 20c Good companies. Good properties. '.;= Good buys. M. H. CRITCHER,. 7S BUTTER ST..*;; ; SAN FRANCISCO.. ASSAYING BOc; gold, rich ;Ore,Vete.;Xbonght. ..Pioneer Assay Company. 131 Bth at, near Mint. ASSAYING and all branches of mining taught at ;V' ; : ;V'V'-/^;:'i r MATRIMONIAL' -, ~- ," '\u25a0['-/ BUSINESS . man,* S3, wants ; to v , meet \u25a0\u25a0 lady, about ..*-• same 'age, fwith? some; moans;--! object * matri- \u25a0<mony. \u25a0 Box ;187,V Call ibfflce.' \u25a0\u25a0--<>'\u25a0- ./ - : • MESSENGER SERVICE '.'; :".' ; ' f;';' HASTY messenger j service ; ( phone ' Market : 2748 ; special- messengers; low ; rates.; -1811 Market. HORSES^ HARNESS AND WAGONS "*•;: ;; — — - — -rr. :•!•\u25a0-:• — ~— - — j— : — rr — -\u25a0 A i CHEAP , h business | buggy> la I too j dear jat { any price; 1 buy, a hand-made Klelber buggy and you ! 'get your \u25a0 moneys worth; "we have all kinds of delivery: wagons; mill wagons, * all kinds of ex- ' :• press t wagons * and . cut-down » furniture wagons . alwn.TS on hand at a reasonable price at KLEIBER'S; 1504-8 Folsom '\u25a0 st. , . , ;_ FOR ' sale— l l gray, house/, weight . 1500 pounds, 1 9 : years old: true worker; suitable for country or , farm work. : * Acme - Lumber , SUbles, : Martposa :! and York .sts. ' ";-; \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0?-., '-[;\u25a0• -- : ;-' ;'•\u25a0\u25a0:„:* -:\u25a0\u25a0 ** ." "/.-:>\u25a0-}.'..<' FOR sale— A good small dray. business,. 4 horses, 2 ' double, ,' 1 J single * wagon ; y drays 1 1 or '- mf g. " . firms; will sell for $1000; a snap. 1039 Noe ; .street.' : .- -?i- k.V \u25a0 ; -'.: i 'f'^.^V-:-.:^ 1 :- ' ' .; '' ""•\u25a0 SIX \u25a0 set \u25a0 single V and ; 4 set . double -' second ' hand \u25a0 wagon* harness > in good \u25a0 condition," also 20 col- lars, for ; sale at 519 Gough \u25a0 sf; Tel. Market *;\u25a0 2690.'.;,: ;- v.-::.*':;'^'"'-yv .-::.*':;'^ '"'-y- '-y* •\u25a0-••';-- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'.; +\u25a0\u25a0/ ]^yir. NEW > and J 2d-hand buggies < sold : £ repairing 3 and rubber tires. \u25a0 KjSNNEY MFG. CO.; 531 Valencia. LASTUFK A BROS.', '- hlch-grade I harness, ! saddles. Write for catalog. ;q659; q659 Market. Tel. Mkt. 2975. LOST— Diamond locket; monogram F.o.':K.*' i ße- \u25a0 ;•'.* turn to 903 ; Sanches. st., ; near 22d; reward. •;;\u25a0;--\u25a0" J.-; O'Kane I Co. for •\u25a0harness, "robes, I blankets j and* \u0084 whips. ;\ 628 ; Golden ;- Gate > aye. ; • dog . oollnrs. ii> HARNESS, ' collars; ,; whips; f saddles, ". blankets; . robes. ?,;j,W.*' DAVIS ; ft SON.'f 2020 Howard * st. ?\u25a0 ; $200 top express wagon. "4 and 6 year old horses. , at *20th : aye. ,'S between" J; and :K.,-; ,: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. _; •\u25a0\u25a0c,- . TEAM draft horses;, s and 6 years; weight 3400. \u25a0-T: 240 N.\ Ist, St.; San, Jose. :wi '\u25a0\u0084":.. '.^ ..-<..\u25a0 .-- -*' FOR sale — Horse and' buggy.'": Call 22 Byington, .'; between^s! and ,7;p;*m. .1 ;'.;';> •-:!-.\u25a0 -;.v,? ; .. v.- ; - ELEGANT trap,'; almost new; cheap; need' room." * 1P64 Post st. •\u25a0-••\u25a0.-: '-.'.-'-- '\u25a0 -. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0..-:"\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 : ; A. ; STORAGE sAND|MOyiNO^VANS.!--.'':' BE X I N'Si V A N A N D 8T O RAG E 00. :<$ s ;,* \u25a0 FIRE 1 PROOF WAREHOUSE. *» * >-. r ' 18th and Mission BU.'t? }'.:-~:z Tel. ; Market 18. >';. WILSON . BROS.'; CO.,- Inc. — Moving • and storage.' * . Oor. 14th and Sanchez sts.; • 1 block : from ' Mar- : "'ket ; and i Flllmore-st.":' cars. •; Phone < Park 271. 7 f s TRANSFER ? JONES 4 C 0.," Inc.— .Bagjrage, H stor- ,\ age, \u25a0. >\u25a0 moving. v <t Phone '"*- Franklin v 1602.' .- Emer- gency 89. 1139 and 1143 Geary st. ;.,-; y :\u25a0 ADVANCE * Storage 1 Oo.^-Storage, 1 packing,! moT. .ylng^shlpplng.-sOEO.^WALCOM C 0..", 637, Turk?' PACIFIC ' Storage t and |; Furniture i Moving '. Com' J* pany.'-' 232o l Flllmore i st; " Phone '\u25a0 West - 1 2628.^i . . v'": \u25a0\u25a0 ' •: CARPET ; CLEANING ".„'.\u25a0; -v' ,:'\u25a0•:, ALL carpets 'and j rugs'cleaneff^on the : floor with- .: :? out -; removal 3by A the 1' 8 . :c F .*?, Compressed /Air •fcl Cleaning Co. ; v, office 8 and'; shop.K loth ;; st.i' and •\u25a0".; San '< Bruno *\u25a0 aye. » Phone s Market '.j 2672. ' " ALL - ready i for . business.^ Pioneer 1 Carpet 5 Clean- \u25a0 '' ing \u25a0, Works ; f temporary;' office 911 s Golden <• Gate' \u0084:\u25a0\u25a0 aye. ; \u25a0 phone t Park j 591.t J.i SPAULDIXG jft \u25a0 CO. MITCHELL'S old ft establlghed jj carpet 1 cleaning >.T-:works;a. T -:works;a office * 3689 ? 18th s st.r : corner .-'Dolores. \u25a0..:, Phone k Market i 1402.'': ,;W::.^ r l:, . ; '-:- w; V; 1 ; V v :\j^:. Al I cleaning \ and i laying/^ Western j Carpet I Clean- ""i ing .Wbrks.i 1809 Harrison Bt. ; [ tel.i Special 1240. 1 A, W.'WHELDEN; CO.— Cleaning; and ilaylng; \u25a0 - , office i and .works 1 240 j O; Oeary.l Phone i West i 93. Watts — Reliable carpet cleaning; alteration,*, reno-"; if vatlng,} laying." 587» Waller, st. ; ' phone . Park ' 569 ! CARPETS cleaned;;4c yd ; | lald;i sc.*; GISSLO W'S ?: \u25a0\u25a0}. C.n C.I CO-V i 3808 \u25a0 22d ; st. ; « phone , Market S 2289. CONKLIN- ; BROS.',: Carpet •= Cleaning i Works,'«l3l9 ':,X Scott 5 Btfi near 6 O'Farrell ; t, phone I.West g 5601.1 ADVANCE ' Carpet Cleanlns Co.— Advanced ! meth- ' >\u25a0\u25a0 ods/GEO. a WALCOM f^ 637 .s. Turk t st. A \u25a0*\u25a0*« :^[c^DYEINGfANP' CLEANING^ :^~ SEND your I dry I cleaning jto i the ; Presidio ' Heigh ts ?'iDye*Works and be forever.satisfled. iCall^We"St \u25a0'i 453 'if or '\u25a0 wagon, t Office i 393J.-33 "Sacramento * st. I%_ - . \u25a0 V' '-. '.y." WINDO WaisHADES '^ -: : '\u25a0'. [: \u25a0• ' I- -"V COLLINS : ft | FARRELL-^-Wlndowf shades.'? mat- >\u25a0 tress-maktng, \u25a0%\u25a0 carpet-cleaning. 483- ; Ivy ;• aye. . •> I TcUf Park? 1375;;:,. >V a;"" •.\u25a0';; I :'.-. ":-J \u25a0i.;- i -?-<,;\\::-i ADVANCE I window ? shade factory; w Orders : filled 1 \u25a0 at short j noUee/iGEO.*,WALCOLM;. ,637 Turk st 5 WINDOWS shades 9 made wand fj repalred.^,9 J/4? V.'- S* HOTTER.-*! 681 * Eddy.-J; Phone» Franklin 11247.-*sj!.| ,; ;-; :: ; : :;-\u25a0 > : r \u25a0 j opticians _ _ ' GEOyc.'SKEMP.llatelof 12002? Market" now i, r at .t*J 459 Flllmore; jpersonal attention ;\ open evenings."* H.**^ B.V ADELSON.-I optical S speclalistiSr Junction ' Market, ' Church '•\u25a0 and 14th _'_ts. . *; upstalra.T&aKww ' STE A^iWubleaTS^iree'WaHEsril Fw'nchtrraMea?i i ; % »«WiMUet mi: D+* -MU JSM*i ptHae WWW W VK -, : ._.; '\u25a0:.' ; ',"' : - ' : \u25a0 .•'.*. PERSONALS. •' .*. PERSONALS >\;'~^. : . \u25a0' - _,-•' INFORMATION I wanted of : the "will or 'executor :f of the late ' M.I BUCKLEY.- who Is supposed to V: have, died about 1902. :r Was formerly from aear \u25a0j Macroom,^t. County;; Cork, '"i Ireland,^-* and * was \u25a0known to have spent 30 years In the gold fields ?,'; of- California. * ''Any information v of ; the above • will - be i thankfully ;< received -by A. ' LYNCH, .'.•:• Builders'; Exchange, i 226 Oak ; st.^ S. F. : \u25a0• *.- -.'\u25a0\u25a0 '. INFORMATION is -.wanted ! by ! her relatives ias \u25a0•*-. to the place of residence or address of KATIE ; .. RANK, . •- who i left 'i Donlphan t County ,'» Kansas, \u25a0 :. about t 7-;.- years -s ago, \u25a0\u25a0 or : information ;as \u25a0 to ; whether she be living or. dead. 'Address RYAN -, & RYAN, • attorneys, ; Troy, . Kansas, or. XOW- :; LIN r&FASSETT. ; attorneys,' 925 Golden. Gate V aye., j. San ; Francisco, - Cal. ; . : \u25a0 \u0084\u25a0 \u25a0; v A.' : FERN ANDES: located at 527 . Broadway, of - the t firm •: of URIBE ift *\u25a0 FERNANDES, > wishes v; to inform r the \u25a0 public that he : has purchased B the . Interest \u25a0of * 8.? URIBE.-; and ; wishes aU creditors to present their bills at once. - : - _l^" v ?' '•' "\u25a0 -.-.'\u25a0'.\u25a0-:""- -\u25a0:. -. A.^FERNANDES. '- ; : ; ; \u25a0'• -\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0' *\u25a0 BUSIXESS'IPERSOXALS '\u25a0'•\u25a0"'- "';•': '? A—; .;' ' D£ E.rE\' McLEAN, ' : V--' ! 1 I ;: Hair Specialist, ; ..-,:. Formerly Call Building; . I '.- . Is still : manufacturing her celebrated < hair and y skin preparation ( at . 504 ' Broderick - st , '- under \u25a0 the : name : of the E." E. : McLEAN MANUFAC- - TURING i CO. rfi The « demand la '. greater ' than ever 'for. her Golden; Seal; Hair Tonic (for oily .hair). Dandelion Dandruff Cure,' Hazellne Hair MTonic (for thin,' dry, and brittle hair.) : . ,- * - «\u25a0 - ,- Hair Grower Pomade — Eczema ointment - ' ' :".. Cures Ecsema;: ltching Skin, Pimples; etc.; -. > Chilean Hair : Restorer (for • restoring . hair . to : -Its original - color). -: '. ; • . . -.\u25a0,,' ..:-. ; \u25a0 Hazellne • Cold Cream (without a : peer :' as a ,skin food).' -:. . •. r. ,' /\u25a0 ; Medicated Face * Powder and numerous other • preparations.' "-\u25a0•-•.-. : ' . \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0;.- Free diagnosis Monday and Friday bet 2 -: and ' 4 p. \u25a0 m. -\u25a0, Tel. > West .7574. v \u25a0-, ' " • : AAA— Dress 5 suits, tuxedos, • tweeds' and Prince ; Alberts for rent I for all - occasions; >21 years ;- ; at ', Palace Hotel : and '21 r Stockton st, ; now ' at ; 60 Markets Phone ;. Tem. ; 2866; Entrance Port- , \u25a0-: land; Jewelry \u25a0; Com pany.'. : ."*:\u25a0; ' ; / ''.'.;'--:.\u25a0' : DR. J..H. SHIRLEY & SON. CANCER SPE- i " CIALISTS— 2O - years' . : successful \ practice In Sacramento; 1 now • permanently - located at 633 Fell sty. San Francisco; -for references address ' your friends \u25a0in Sacramento. ; Send : for circular. RAG carpets j wove jto I order and ' for. sale ; also 1 •.*.-\u25a0• cbenlle-wove ruga, silk portieres; handsome flaff rags made from your old carpetst send for clr- >. cnlars. GEO. MATTHEWS, -.709 Sth st. Oakl'd. WIGS, toupees, front pieces, that fit; purest hair r ;Used; hair dressing, . : shampooing, > dyeing, etc. G.- LEDERER, 2271 1 California St.; near Web- - ster.' formerly: at 123 Stockton; estab. ' 1866. •\u25a0 MME. j PICKRUM, = 2842 Buchanan st, nr. Green. ; grows hair on bald heads in 7 treatments: no , : cure; . no pay; t restores : gray hair .to . natural .''.'. color; ;cnres pimples; face and skin diseases. \u25a0\u25a0 MRS. ; NEWMAN & SIMS, facial , massage, scalp ; treatment, .shampooing, > halrdresslng. . . Fanny ;\u25a0- Briggs Carr. Co. goods . and tratment; ladles' .; : and ; gents' . manicuring."- •>' 1411 -; Post st. SPECIAL mercantile • lunch. 25 cents; the - best - ever. , : NATIONAL CAFE AND: GRILL.-* 918- :w: w 920 Q'Farrell; '\u25a0 French \u25a0 dinners 4 to 8 p. m., 50c. CHRISTMAS t glove . order. - i DANICHEFF,' for- merly Phelan bldg;- and 121- Grant aye., bow 1611 . O'Farrell. C. LIMOUSIN, proprietor. < GOLDSTEIN'S hair- /goods, wigs. ; toupees. .' switches - and satisfactory - work -> at : lowest;, prices. \u25a0;- 819 .Van , Ness aye. SUNSET barber shop and • baths,'.- formerly 625 : ' Market ' St.. 715 Turk \u25a0 st., . now open for busl- 1 ,' neas. JOHN .; BERNARD, . proprietor. $100 \u25a0on j deposit • for | you If your * hair cannot be restored; abundance of natural hair. C. E. 11. :;T. CO.,; 73o, Hayes st,; . : J. HAUPTLI GUERIN CO., Fashion Hair Store; - electric face, scalp , treatment.*;-; 890 Van Ness. MAGNETIC massage — MRS. HOLSHOUSER, \u25a0";-•\u25a0 1720 Flllmore st . offices 9 and : 10. third floor. SHOE 1 repairing by machinery. Gallagher Bros. Branch l; 473 Halghtst.;. branch ,2. 3272 22d. FOR pianos see MRS. A. A. - GOSBEE, with Kohler & Chase. l 329 Sutter.. Tel. Franklin 2143. LADY ' and gentleman wishing to j marry call or \u25a0 ; address \u25a0 MRB. WALTER, 1711 ' Geary st HING Cheong ft Co., mlliUry ana navy Uflors, ; located |at 564 i San | Pablo ave.,i Oakland. -: - -. 'PLUMBERS notice, contract ' duly \u25a0 : signed \u25a0 14 ,Camp st^.W. 0/ CLIFFORD, licensed.- K..FENANDER, ladles'. Ullor; 1768 Bush st; -formerly with. Danziger. 622 Sutter, st. ;* HELEN A. BOND, graduate nurse; massage - a - 1 specialty. ; . Residence - - 543 . . Oak ',- st. •- ' \u25a0-- y - GORDAN THB TAILOR |Is now doing business. 1082 Ellis, a block from Van Ness. MISS i B. v* E. - JULIAN.' ' tost opened - manicnrln-; V parlor; j ladies, \u25a0 25c. ~y 660 ; Hayes st. - - ; ; , •\u25a0. MME. ; GREY, t electrical treatments • for i nervous Is ;> diseases, |1746« Geary.\ ".•}.-\J" : >r. 1 :^'~'^-:', , ; ""; PROF.' MISS VIOLET,' chiropodist and : massage v 1211 McAllister st. 1 " •' <v- .: .. .-\u25a0?,.- ,-\u25a0 /typewriters supplies - : ALEXANDER ft CO., '':^typewriters ;' l all . makes . rented. Including i Smith Premier; J. desks, ' chairs, .- etc. : « ask for r prices *. partly,- used mi- % chines.' ALEXANDER, 1820 Flllmore st ; if 4 phone -West 6288.'*^ .; ' . ; • . STEARNS' -Visible , Typewriter, the only visible with decimal tabulator; . also 2d-nand, all V : makes: * rentals ; and repairs. The.Typewrito- . ,. rium,l724 Fllhnore at., '. ; - •:\u25a0' 1..,.-.: . THE TYPEWRITER. EXCHANGE is now at -1011- Golden Gate aye., with a fall stock of all kinds of typewriters at regular, prices; rentals • ;and supplies. •.' \u0084%•, r-:i s , <-V-.-':l' : .£ .-'.-. *-',-; $25- ; -THE \u25a0 only \u25a0 first-class : typewriter ,it.a low %\u25a0! price. "•:.-; PosUl Typewriter; 2876 24th ' st , 8. . F. PACIFIC ' Typewriter Coi— Sun Visible, - $40 and "-:'\u25a0\u25a0 $75. "-»'\u25a0 BE. corner Flllmore ! and . Bnah,t 2d floor; . ; V. - ," \u25a0\u25a0 TYPEWRITERS ; WALTER A. SCOTT; 1811 Fillmore st and 523 . T Market : Phone West 2093." y ' \u25a0-\u25a0'* v /'\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '^'ii J >~- : : sewincT MACHiyES -'v;'- - DOMESTIC-^Best,^ cheapest:^ all kinds rented. -, ' repaired, " exchanged: - needles * and * supplies- for > all makes. \u25a0 J. W. Evans, agent, 1658 O'Far- v'rell. st; near; Fillmore; 'phone .West 8601.*.". .. SINGER and Wheeler ft Wilson family and tall- • ' orlng,! sold only: by the Singer Sewing Machine \u25a0>'. Co. -.'A.',, O.i BROWN,-, selling i agent, 851- Mc- -7 ; Alllster st. ;\u25a0", Repairing done. . ;,;••._:. .:;;*; •\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0. NATlONAL ,* Automatic, '". White, '•Standard; other -•:' makes, ' rented, . repaired, \ etc. \u25a0' I.* • S. • COHEN'S >£, SONS.^ : Phone -West ' 5761. ,5 1616 i O'Farrell \u25a0 st. WILLCOX & GIBBS Sewing Machine Company; H located at*, 724 'Turk ; st; \u25a0\u25a0. near -Van • Ness • aye, ; v f manufacturers of . the genuine ' Automatic. .I* -. * . ; SPECIAL ' on Singers, White, *, Dom.V New Home, '-.'1 new/tdrop heads,' $19.50; rented," repaired." 8268 '; . 22d*T?t.:" bet. Mission and Valencia. \u25a0 : -i- •" •i : • j i- :-*. :: ' p :^Rimp^B ;craCT^ ; v^^' SINGLE $12, ; doubfe . $15; . Dr. : Plerce's Electric Truss ; : only cure known." Call, , addreaa , W. J. \u25a0J. PIERCE. \u25a0 1417 Chestnut st.:* Alameda. ' t;'.*\V' : V,cV:.:'^TRUSSES^ ''\u25a0-.: ;''-.•;' : V' '. ANNOUNCEMENT—^^'-S-ri.," \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0- .'\u25a0'•\u25a0:':\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \ i \u25a0 WM. i HATTEROTH'S • SURGICAL' HOUSE, - 1632-34 j Flllmore | st.;*J bet*f Geary > and I O'Farrell. f| Trusses, "\u25a0 supporters, . elastic | stockings, \u25a0' surgical and ) hospital < supplies.' V Formerly : 224 \u25a0 Sntter st. ••-\u25a0•'*-; -\u25a0'\u25a0- .-i." MRS/- M. C: WILLIAMS, ; :'^ * .*i.'-l. j Formerly with Wm.' Hatteroth — Trusses, support- | \u25a0J ers;s eiast | hoslerv.* eto 476 Page,; nr. -Webster.' WALTERS Ift CO.; \ surgical I instruments,^ hospital equipments, trusses and elaatie hosiery.". ' v.- "-, •" 'l6OB (Steiner ; st, near. Geary. /:.-. ( SPECIALISTS :in ' truss i fittings. 7 CLARK-OAN- •' 'DION COMPANY, -1220 Golden Gate aye. J .- \u25a0%? PAINTING;, AJfb J PAPERHAXGIXG '\u25a0\u25a0& UNITED ; PAINTING , CO.;Vcontract i work; ; paint- " -ing," paperhanglng, decorating. • tinting; ; satis- M faction : guaranteed; 5 964 s McAllister ; st •; t\u25a0 r ; S ! PAINTING; ; paperhanging I and I glazing, | reason- M able '\u25a0 prices, .' satisfaction ': guaranteed, Aat i 2873 ;; r * J /*iSAßEL,-;decorator.v:: ; i<vi ,;. SHANNON,;;! palnter.'H now;* at * 1306% / Buchanan vyg st. : j good > work * guaranteed.'^ ' j ! ..»j^ ::'\u25a0 ;-, \u25a0c, - .J.:'] .i'-jr^-'fjETYELEifis-;''^,;'?"'' .'\u25a0-"•- F;** LT^ COOK— Jewelry,*' clocks, silverware,;: sta" M tlonery J and i notions ; s formerly I of 1 1712 : Market • \u25a0 ;". nt.;»i now ; ; . permanently £ located 2at \u0084\u25a0 839 j Golden |;> Gate \ a ve.*,if opposite T Jefferson j square: r-:>\ ''_\u25a0 \u25a0' "\u25a0 ( STEIN'MANN.'v Jeweler.^ 524 J, Valencia;: cor. 1 16 t h; X£ repairing and society emblems; mfg a specialty. M.'i FINEGOLD;> first-class ,' diamond i setter, "i Jew- /i eler; ; established { 10 j years, j 222 ;: Elm ? aye. \u25a0\u25a0£ ;>; \u25a0*A.^ Jj.% OTT,'« formerly i 121 ii Geary - st.,'*;; how > 1063 ,&? O' Farrell-rrJeweler i: and diamond -; setter, t ..- -' a . \u25a0 A'J master^ mechanic— TOM i ßUßNS. "The '-Watch %<!* Expert,";'. 1429j Ellisl st;,l near ,- Buchanan. „"-.}- \± CHEAPEST i and t. best > in I'America,*": The j, Weekly '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 H - Call;- $1* P^r._ye^r J Jf_ : j I _^_ : __^_2l--— l2^_zih!^2i.- ' >j , RoVFlNOv'^rr-1V,:.-'; . -;'_" '; ROOFS ••- REPAIRED $ PROMPTLY— Proous ff Pre- r-s, servatlve * paint i guaranteed. <;. WOLFF j ft DO-" v: LAN/i 145 a i Broderick ; st. LEAK Vi roof s-^Repairlng;? painting.' elastic *- pre- if? pared iroofing.'c Century » Paint ' Roofing : Co;,'. 231 :<;\u25a0 Oak ' St. -.?\u25a0\u25a0'.. - :.:-; ':sr;^.r \u25a0\u25a0:J !^\i';^ .; \u25a0, ,;..;,;;;\u25a0 ;;-, ;J ;:^fji|HEMORRHOIDS;"-.:;^j:-::g:; j M AN Y ; men and women" in city < a ud \u25a0 vicinity have r'been cured of piles." fistula; etc.' (some of 30 to g-?40 * yearsVi standing) ,"«t to g stay.^ cured $ without : r& knife,'! danger or hindrance from'- business.'; Call £j investigated THOSrjjr; KISNER,* M.^D.y; 2091 •a' Flllmore \u25a0 st. v^v-^w^st«*«««^^kifriHCT-a^feari>it > VIOL&Tj Laundry, 1 s Jus t \ opened ; % flrst-clasa \ work! -. m 101 0 reasonable | prices : • telephone g. 7942. '^t 1581 \ ; OFFICES 'AND, STORES TO ; LET ? A v NICE ' store ." on ' Howard : st . near 9th ; large ' -basement; *as a whole or separate. ' - I '•• '\u25a0 Ntee*> gunny : offices jtn new '; brick building. _ ';. 42-44 v Eddy • st. . near -- Market. JOSEPH •*' STRAUS.-. 1912 Flllmore st. :;--,' STORES , to \ let,* with living rooms: a • rented "i .lodging-house of ;:;. 85- rooms ' upstairs. -"Apply 1 ' on- premises.:' 6th and .Bryant , sts. 1,". BEAUTIFULLY finished . barber" shop at en- trance to new not el Flamlln. Eddy and Leaven- ; .- worth-. Bts." y Apply to manager. v .-.-,* ' .' . .'• FILLMORE, ; 122S— Large, " sunny \ front offices; ; running water: janitor . services. , SULLIVAN, REA ft KEHRLEIN. . '-*' PART of a store to let." suitable* for manicurist :*i or hairdresser. '.-\u25a0 Call t\ 1230 McAllister. TWO -' office or ' desk - rooms ,to \u25a0 let cheap. 643 : Turk st.".*;.V- .. ." ".;-.:\u25a0.., > - "' : \u25a0 -." *.-;:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 HOTELS AND APARTMENT* HOUSES HOTEL CONGRESS. t Cor. \u25a0 Flllmore and Ellis. * ' -•':'\u25a0 Take Eddy or Ellis st cars. \u25a0 \u25a0' '\u25a0\u25a0-.' I • ,' '•; European plan. ,' Rooms single or en suite.* with bath. :\u25a0•:\u25a0 \u0084'\u25a0 All modern conveniences. /..*•-: .. B. F. DOWNS. "Manager. A A— HOTEL HAMLIN.. . " EDDY AND LEA VEXWORTH STREETS. . / First-class permanent downtown hotel. , ' . Elegant steam-heated suites and 'single rooms, with. bath and. private phones. • , \u0084. Large, well-lighted sample. rooms. . ..-'Private .exchange \u25a0: Franklin; 428.-"- ' - HOTEL MONARCH. -*-•*\u25a0 " COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST. ; " RATES NOT CHEAP. NOT HIGH. ; Moderate: all rooms with .' bath.'.' steam heat, telephone, - hot water. .722 ' Golden - Gate aye., near Franklin sf . \u25a0 HOTHL NORDEN. 753 Howard bet 8d and 4th; water sand steam heat in every, room; \u25a0 '. elevator eerviee; rooms 50c,' 75c. $1 per nizht CHRISTEXSEX ft SHAW. Props. A ftrst-cUss grill and cafe in connection. - ST. GEORGE. STH AND ' HOWARD STS. . 600 WELL VENTILATED SINGLE ROOMS. 85c. 50c AND 75c PER NIGHT. ' $2.00 AND $2.50 PER WEEK. ,- STANDARD HOTEL ~~~ Corner 6TH AND FOLSOM STS. 400 : rooms, hot j water; restaurant, barber • shop: . baths. A home for. mechanics and | laborers. - HOTEL ' BELVEDERE — First-class accommoda- tions;: 80 minutes from San Francisco: reduced .rates since the fire. MRS. A. T. MOORB. pro- ; : prietor and manager. ' 1 . NEWLY furnished: j free baths: Hotel Fillmore. 1714 O'Farrell: rooms day. week." month ;rnn- . nlng water. M. H. WILSON. Tel. West 6439. HOTEL CRYSTAL, SE. corner of McAllister and i: Franklin — 75 newly furnished rooms; for gea- : tlemen : only :' modern conveniences. . HOTEL REGAL — Now open: elegantly .furnished :> , 50c and up per day; 75 feet from SE. cor. 3d ' : and Folsom. .: B. 1 BAIOR. \u25a0 Prop. THE GROVE — Sunny furnished rooms, single and :v en suite; modern. \u25a0 Northwest corner Gough ; and Grove sts. . • \u25a0 » . r HOTEL METROPOLE. SW.\ corner G. G. aye. and Buchanan st.: European; $1 per day up. CARMEL HOTEL. 1859 Post st.'. near Flllmore; hot and cold water; tourist trade solicited. • ELKHORN House. 183 Valencia: rooms neatly furnished: .1 - block from Market HOTEL AUDUBON,' 928 Ellis st— First-clasa; . rates $1 per <say • un. . ; ." '":' " ''"APARTMENTS'; WANTED WANTED— Furnished apartment of two to four rooms and bath for two to three months; state terms. - Address box 507. Call ' office. / HOUSES TO LET— Furnished ' HANDSOMELY. fnrnl!>hed residence of 9 rooms: • , vicinity of McAllister and - Baker sts.: rent • . $135. ; For '• particulars -and permit to Inspect ;' apply at 370« Citty st. near Spruce. HOUSES WANTED FURNACE-HEATED 8 or 9 room house la Oak- land. Berkeley or 'Alameda. In good neigh hor- 1 hood, convenient to school. . Box \u25a0 1491. Call office. 1651 Fttlmore st. -\u0084.+>- - . HOUSES AND FLATS WANTED ; A ; furnished flat or house," modern and reasonable _ price: no arent Box 540 Call. Flllmore -st -...^;. '\u25a0'\u25a0 ..,'. FLATS TO LET NEW 5-room flat. 2 blocks from Van Neas aye.. - * rent , $37.50. : 9-room .flat on .. McAllister, ,' une block from Flllmore. sunny rooms. - . Apply THE HARRY J. MOO RF/ FURNITURE COM- \u25a0 -.. " '- ' '-: - PANY. ,'. . - \u25a0 '\u25a0 : \u25a0.'-•\u25a0-\u25a0 .:-..-'-'.;. '.735-747. Eddy -at: •-:-.-:' -\u0084+-,;*, FOR rent— 3 . modern flats. 5.' 6 7 rooms each: .•s3o. $35." A. SCHILLMULLER,' J st. between > 46th and 47th ayes , .;, .» c.-r GEARY. 1850, - near Ffllmore — Beautiful sunny * 8 rooms 'and: bath; references required.- - FLAT to let. -4 rooms and bath; rent $40.; 1207 : Guerrero. - : \u25a0: -\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 - . \u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0*\u25a0•\u25a0 *. > - - .- - } FLATS ; FOR ', S ALE— -Farnlsbed ' FURNISHED flat,v 8 1 beautiful I furnished rooms, - all rented ; - rent . reasonable. 30 < Steiner st ; "'into 4:\--,"--v ..:•..,,..--, -:-.v ...-'/;: " \u25a0 NEW nicely furnished flat cheap: low rent. '--.. lease: central: mnst sell. Inq. -1149 .McAllister COTTAGES TO I,ET ' S-ROOM - bungalow ~ just I* finlsbed : water, gas. \u25a0 1265 45th avp.: bet H and I sts. : \u25a0 [\ ;'\u25a0.!. COTTAGES FOR SALE COTTAGE for sale ; 4 rooms, . bathroom ; hot and - cold, water; ; gas; -; large; basement;: lot * 25x114 : > ft. ; - cement • sidewalk ; *• all street ;\u25a0,. work done. \u25a0 Apply * 836 2Dth ' st; bet. , Church and Sanchea. A COTTAGE, furnished complete; | Mission Park. Box 665. Cair office. '1651 Flllmore st. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPINC NICELY 1 furnished,; rooms ' for '^Iljrht' hbusekeep- ing; reasonable. Apply 2329 Sacramento, 'v opposite :; Cooper ,. Medical • College. \u0084 : ' . *V ' WANTED — Completely furnished ' housekeeping - ' apartments ; by , husband . and wife: state price ;' and number of rooms. "Box 6, Call office. « . GEARY, 1709— Sunny, furnished rooms. $20 per ;:. month;; also other, rooms; day,' week or month. OCTAVIA, 1311, ; near ; Geary — Sunny front room, \u25a0 bay -window, v alcove, i- running .; water. ' c' , UNION, ' 2267, h near t Fillmore— Newly furnished ':-• housekeeping rooms; -no ; children. .' ;-v VAN -- NESS aye./. 2521—435 ; . 3 < fine : unf urnlshijd "^ ROOMS TO LET— Fnrn'd . and Un fnrn'd FILLMORE,; 663. r cor! •; Hayes^-Beautlful sunny i' front - room ; nicely . furnished ; ; closet; .: running ,;' water; , reasonable, f .-.; "» .; ;\u25a0.••".\u25a0 HALF . of large.- sunny . basement room, furnished ; or unfurnished; reasonable to single man. Box c * 613^ Call -office: \u25a0-;.;. ..,r,-.v \u25a0:•>• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0-:-•; ', -:, OCTA VI A,'*; 2515, 3 near • Broadway — Sunny • rooms; ' < running water; - convenient to .- pleasant board- ing places. \u25a0-"--\u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0--:*,\u25a0 V.".'" ; ' \u25a0 THE ST. '1 IVES, cor. 4 Eddy and Larkin — Beauti- folly furnished, sunny rooms; hot' cold water; ': electricity; hotel service; heat; everything new. TWO . unfurnished >*\u25a0 rooms z tor) rent; „ rent * to be : • taken \u25a0 out in ; a little * housework each day,. In- stead of cash. J "Address box 185,'. Ca11.",- FLORIDA,* *i 1140 — 2 1 front.-;: sunny v rooms. '; upper ; flat, • suitable 'j for,; 1 housekeeping; ' unfurnlshc!Kl, \u25a0\u25a0;' with.; use : of: kitchen.'.; \u25a0-:,: i> ~- -. ; TWENTY-SEVENTH. 136— Sunny ". front room. • \u25a0 suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen ; ; bath \u25a0 and home ;i;. comforts.' r ; - ".y".. .-.'..;' \u25a0\u25a0.'.' ;.^' '.":;'.\u25a0.,»\u25a0 .'.-.\u25a0.-,-• . ' WEBSTER, 261, corner Page— Large front room : ;- . block from . Haigbt,' Fillmore ; • gentlemen; ref er- ;.v~-.'; .v~-.'- •:- :-„ •- :; -"\u25a0>-\u25a0;\u25a0; -_ •-. \u25a0 : ! •;_ _\u25a0\u25a0 -^ CLARA,*" 166,^' near Oth— Two ' unfurnished * rooms a : to ; let. \u25a0..-.*, '-:.':-.',>: .-•,.-'. -k>.- ' -.\u25a0\u25a0, " \u25a0.:,\u25a0 .-\u25a0 - '. ." \u25a0;\u25a0;\u25a0 COLE, 410— Large, sunny front room for 2, with .'tor; without board; near Oak-st" car ' line. .'.»\u25a0-.-•\u25a0- GOLDEN : GATE 'aye;, ,' 1031 A— Nicelj furnished ; : i front parlor,'; suitable 'for. 2or 3 persons. ;:*: : i ,; GROVE,* 1554 — For ; rent, % furnished 1 room, with Yd : '\u25a0 large j closet; \ suitable s ; for^ gentleman.', \J^i : ;; r i.T i hotels McAllister.^ 1412-1414 McAllister ; st ; ; i Elegant rooms; I :; tourists .a* specialty/ ;,-»\u25a0-'\u25a0-.\u25a0; i LIBEBTY.*" 529,1 bet j Noe and Castro— Nice sunny ; \u25a0 ji furnished i room i to let V^£SZ'.~%;j~--c : :'''* +<- *-;';> 1 1 MEREDITH. ! i 737 .1 McAllister > st— Elegantly , fur- •;; LishedsroomB;.;also»translentV, ••\u25a0*:-.: , • ' MCALLISTER, - 1831— Nicely ;• furnished : room -in 3i private ; family ; J rent \u25a0 reasonable.' ". \u25a0 *-*- ..•;."• . y 1 NICEXY i furnished ; sunny \u25a0 room • for two , gent le- 1 1. . mcn:'/Apply 1 1688 " Ellis.;' - \u0084.-";• ;.' ., - - ._- . . I OAK," ' 20— Sunny ; front j alcove ' suite, * also • sunny pv~; single room." ":-v:^l .).V*-/ v «-:s.;*-. :-;_-.\u25a0 --v ?-,,- i PIERCE, : ; 408— Large new ' furnished - room for 1 j •;torj.2;per3ons;:renttsls.;; ?- . .. , I BTOCKTON If HOUSE— Furnished , '*\u25a0 up V. to ' da te ; ! ,!",; reasonable ? rent*,; i 2oo .Oak . nt. M ,z cor. ; Oongh.'. ' t . i TWEXTY-SEVENTH ;-;st.',-S 211— Three > furnished 1 2| rooms | f or j gentlemea ; * $6 : and ] $B. * s : ; ';r , : . , • ; 12TH \u25a0 AYE.," 1311;=: Sunset— Furnished front room. ;» ; r ; l block from car;'phone..bath:,rMit $10 month. I.VANi NESS .'ave.'t 619;. near; Q.I Gate sTe.'— Hotel \u25a0\u25a0ati Van ' Ness :. European' plan :> rates >l;per day.^7-*i \u25a0.%\u25a0;. -"si '.RObMSiAXDI BOARD ' " BOARD ' and Troom : excellent : accommodations ' for : h 6 J gentlemen > orl 3 i married t couples 5 In | exclusive H private 3 board Ing- house, ; S allTconvenlences ;>- ma- ! ROOMS AXD BOARD— Coatlnaed \u25a0 $35 — Room and board for gentlemea: large sunn) bay-window^ room. - having, a marine •= view \ dressing-room r connected; suitable for 2; pri- vate family; . references . requiied. 1519 M* sonic ave.usa?BBBSaVBQRa|BsBBMK9BtfWIMs*IBC PACIFIC ' aye.,* 2717— Elegant furnished room*. 1 " with . best of . table board : ' fine view ; - pleasant surroundings; can accommodate - five couples ol gentlemea ;. prices reasonable. - , TWO refined young ladies can have room ant board with home privileges moderately. 1311 Maaonte avgi - - - - . . ROOMS WASTED WANTED^ — 3 or 4 room ' sunny apartment; fur- .nlshed or unfnrnisbed; state location and rat* per month. Box 113. Call office. .YOUNG man desires single room la private fam- ily: - please 4 state terms and conveniences. Box 540.. Call office. • ..'.-' FURS CHARLES BERWIN. manufacturing furrier, tor- merly of 110 Kearny. St. now at 1330 Van Ncsa aye.. above Satter st G. BARE, furrier, formerly Laehman ft Co.. now 1515 Bosh St.. cor. Van Ncsa ave^ upstairs. B. KANTNER. manufacturing farrier, forraerl** 122 Stockton St.. -now 2000 Sntter. room* 1-2. \u25a0GASSNER. the furrier, formerly 110 Kearny st, now 1524 Bush st. adjoining I. Magnln ft Co. LOFSTAD ft EVANS (Inc.) furriers, now locate* at 1652 California St.. below Van Nea» aye. DRESSMAKING PIONEER DRESS PLELATING CO.. Hagerrr A Wills. 910 McAllister St., near Lag-una— Sun- burst and accordion skirts to order; fcnifi». } side pleating and pinking; buttons covered; . work done while yon wait; also a full line oi linings and trimmings. . • " . ACCORDION,' knife and sunburst pleating, but- tonholes and buttons made at Stewart's Ltnlna and Notion Store. 1213 Post st. near Van Nest aye. ; formerly of Taylor st. MCDOWELL'S Dressmaking and Millinery School, 1215 Post st, near Van Ness. Branch 1011 Washington at. Oakland: pattern*! cut to order. SUNBURST, accordion, knlfe-plenting. buttons, buttonholes: lining, notions: mall orders sotit*- ited. STEELE'S. 1420 Post: phone West 6428. MRS. ADDIE STONE, experienced dressmaker, tailor. US Countryman bldg.. Van Ncsa ft EIHa, A. C. BROWN, embroiderer: dealams made an< embroidery on suits. 351 McAllister st LE MODELE School of Dressmaking: pattern! cut to measure. 1515 Bush at. room 9. MISS M. H. SNYDER. evening gowns; tel. Went SKIP. 1542 Wotmter st DRISSSMAKIXG AXD MILLIXERY * - THE HINOT. Japanese ladies* tailoring and millinery storo. IBIOH Geary st. 3. F. MILLIXERY BEEHIVE hats half-price. 549 and 551 McAlli» ter st. (formerly 91 6th st). ANNA ATKINSON, artistic millinery. < 711 Fill more st near Have*. LADIES' TAILORS LADIES. Tou can have yonr suits made of th* best ma- terial for $25; this apecial to advertise us; be- fore you «et your suit come see v* and decidi accordingly. K. BEDRO3. 1531 Sutter st LOUIS LINDSTBUM. ladles' tailoring; formerlj Donoboe bldg., now 1304 Post near Franklin. \u25a0 \ FIXAXCIAL COMPANIES INCORPORATED, any State: et> pert legal service; STOCK. and BOND lsmwt placed: advice ffee. WM. L. STALKY ft CO., Dolbert Building. Van Ne»w wml O'Farrell. . INVESTMENTS :. ' : AS fiscal agents for the Goldfield Northern Mm ' Ing Company, we are now offering to the put> . He a small allotment 'of treasury stock U> P»! for the development work, which has alread] been commenced, and la now. belne .rapid 1} - pushed forward: at the \u25a0 extremely low prict Of 15c . per share. • . v - . - . , Do yon remember that. 15 months) ago* dm- luk the month of November." 1905. "Mohawk* was listed and was selling on the San -Fran cisco Stock : Exchange -at from 15c to 20c pel snare? Look at Its present v»1«p. DO NOT MISS THIS. CHANCEI Make yonr reservations by wire or Dhone. ACT QUICKLY and. ACT NOW. INGRAM sCHAPMAX ft :CO.. Investment Brokers.' \u25a0' .*; • Phone Market 3144. '-..•- • -. ....- HAXD-PAiyTED CHIXA DORN'S Ceramic Supply Store. 759-761 McAllis) ter 11 1:. largest oa Pacific Coast: devoted es cluslve^r to. white china and, supplies. ; SA.MISH'S China painted to order: lessons; m* terials: white chma. 1378 Sutter st. : Tel Franklin 2127. J . -I -.\u25a0-..' ; -/*-','\u25a0 DETECTIVES ;-__'-. r.'-^;" , McCARTnY'S Detective Asmcy— Civil and crhr* inal work attended to with secrecy aad dt» pateh :* mlsslns; perwnsi located;'. le«al papen . served, commonlcatlons . strictly - confideatiati . lecal and commercial . references. " " 1228 > FOl more st; \u25a0 cor.- Eddy.* ' Phone West 3Q7S THOMAS M'CARTHY. Principal. SANITARIUMS ' •I"~~ AT DR. JUILLY*S" SANITARIUM, conflnemenl with 10 days-c are. $30 to $60. 2804 Howard; phone Special 171. Training school for nnrees. . ' MRS. DR. WEGEXER. California Confinement Home. 2012 Folsom St.. nr. 16th: separate rootni for patients: best care: very treasonable terra* PRINTING UPTON ft.W ILLIAMS CO.:'prtnteTs. bookbtiwi ers.' manufscturinz stationen.'. 112 Hayes st. near Van Ness aye. ' * \ , * \u25a0. . \u25a0 • • . EDWARD KNOWI.ES CO.. nrinters. stationer, eneravers. 214 Hyde st. Phone FTankttn'ftTS I DESIGNERS MAY MOTT-SMrrH CUNNINOFTAM. maker ' oj ' hund-wrmrrht leT^lrr. . 1R22 Pine st. \u25a0 ' ' : DAY AND - CONTRACT WORK COTTAOKS built from $.<CO up. W. MOLRR ' carpenter- and bnlJder. 12*« MrAlHwter «t. , PHOTO~SITPpILiES CHRISTMAS cameras at 25 per eeat discount. , FINK ART CO.. 1814 FUlmore st. electric", supplies THE Yosemlte Gas Flttln* Co.^.-ris. arc lamps *\u25a0•\u25a0 combination fixtures. » 243s Mission st •'. . . 'INVALID. CHAIRS* SOLD. : rented. 5 exchanged: • manafacturer ' EamM '- tricycle chair. 21 OS Market at.. Tel.- Fell 8011 TRUNKS N. i Y." TRUNK CO.. best and cheapest trunk- *' and -leather roods In eitv. SOB Van Ness ay»» SURCICAL' INSTRUMENTS ~" • A.' BERBERT ft BRO.. ~~ " Trnwes and ' Appliances. . ' 823 Golden Oate : in • \u25a0 \.V-;:\\' ; C.v:;V'tnWBRELLAS.;;.'. : UMBRELLAS f sold ; ' : general repairing and re-con - erlnrc. California Umbrella Works. 1118 G— rv. PLASTER' pECORATIONS " "* THIlb. BINXER^" '\u25a0 *"~ 453-4Zt 14TH . ST. TEL. MARKET 1914. . - YREGILbixG PICTURE FRAMES E. ; B.\ COURVOISIER. , art dealer ', sad frrwne- - maker..' 162S Bush st. near Franklin. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0-. •\u25a0- " R. G." WENZEL. watchmaker; " Weasel's watcai man's clocks. 1918 A Golden Gata aye. , ;pr6posalsi 1 -WffWffw NOTICE is hereby *iven that sealed bids will t>« - received ' at • 213 > California Hall. University oi , California.' ' Berkeley, on or before 5 p. .n» ', February ! 12, JOO7. \u25a0 for buildings to b« ereotH for a pathological laboratory at Whlttier. CalS*. 'fornta, as per plans and specifieatioaa on flu at said office in California Hall and wltl Mr. , J . * H.* Ramsey. •at .Whittier, No bids wll - : be 1 considered unless accompanied by a cert J . fled check or bond in favor of the undersigned ' 3 "-• equal to 10 . per \u25a0 cent of the - bid. t with «ufa clent sureties, conditioned that If the bid. l* :' accepted ; the ! bidder . will - cater Into a ; coatract ' faithfully to - perform : the obligations j- la aa ,' ' cordance \u25a0 with said bid . tnd \u25a0 with . said plant -, and specifications. Theiv'srl»t.:to. reject, ani .and -all -bids -Is hereby reserved. THE .'BO-'- •GEXTS^of-t he: University of - California. -. \u25a0.- i* DIVIDEND NOTICES^J- ; DIVIDEND* NOTICE— The "< Giant v Powder * Com . pany. Consolidated. Giant S tat lon. Calif orals. " A dividend, .Vo. 97, of fifty cents (SOc)^ pet . . ' . share on : the t issued . capital ; stock ' of , the-, com <\u25a0 - '. pany < baa . been declared. ' payable February -it- 1907." v. Transfer tteoka 0 will close February •4| '. '\u25a0 - 1007." at noon. will f be mailed.- 1 -*\u25a0 .-\u25a0'.. . C. C. QUI.VX. Seeretory- *^ y „.''... ' . - .LEGAL^NOTICES PARTNERSHIP, of, J.,C. ; FITSCHEX and 'V 13