Newspaper Page Text
14 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS Kew York stocks higher. Cotton slightly ' advanced. > Coppers firm, with the leaders sharply higher. Silver fractionally lower. Exchange unchanged. Active placement of funds in local bonds. Wheat tending upward in Europe on the Russian situation. Barley, Oats and Corn devoid of striking features. Hay and Feedstuffs as previously quoted. Lower prices accepted 'for Honey. -- - Provisions, live and dressed Meats unchanged. Potatoes still advancing under/ light supplies. Onions, firm. Game in better condition and firmer. - Poultry rather weak. Eggs 5c lower. Butter 2j/ 2 @Ac lower. Cheese J^c lower. Fresh Fruit dull and in liberal supply. V EASTERN* MARKETS New York Money Slsrket NEW 'YORK. Feb. 7.— Money on call easier, 2»4<g3 por cent; ruling rate, 2% per cent closing bid, 2% P« cen<: offered at 2% per cent. Time loans active; sixty -day bills, 4% ©5 per cent; ninety days and six months, 5% per Prime mercantile paper, 5%@6»4 per/cent. Sterling exchange firmer, with actual business In bankers' bills at J4.54C5*a:4.5470 for demand end at 54.50C0&4.5065 for sixty-day bills. Posted rates. S4.SI and $4.85%. Commercial bills. $4.80%. Bar silver. 68% c. Mexican dollars, 52"-4 c- Government beads tieady, railroad bonds firm. New York Stock Market NEW YORK. Feb. 7.— A hesitating and ir regular advance broadened out in the final hour of today's stock market into a more animated and comprehensive rise than Las, occurred at any time einee the decisive downward tendency of prices set in. The Inspiration for the moment Js larpeJj" in rumors of Washintgon origin of a new development there that would relieve the corporation world from the sense of hostility on tfce part of the administration of the Govern ment. Cp to that lime there were long periods of lethargy in the trading and the same lack of follow-up to the movement that has left the market without definite tendencies for Beveral days. There was an absence of the weakness in individual etocts which has been an unsettling fcCuence in recent markets, even when the gen eral tendency wa» upward, and this was In favor of the market. A temporary setback in Missouri Pacific after the first recovery was the only ex ception of importance. There was ' no clear re flation in the day's market of any important de velopments in the condition of affairs. Senti ment was favorably affected by the advices from tb« winter wheat regions of an ample snow cov ering to insure the safety \of that crop. The trfcest market was affected at the same time by the promises of extra foreign requirements for wheat from Russian and Argentine shortages. The Southwestern railroads were most Imme diately affected by tte outlook. Assertions of an intended increase in the dividend on Atchison and Southern Pacific which have been often heard, were also used with tffect. especially in the rase of Atchison. .Southern Pacific was slug gish and did not respond, even to the later rise in Cnion Pacific upon the President'^ return to his office after a period of illness. Erie was a conspicuous feature of the strength, the move ment 6howisg evidence of being under the same auspices as former large operations in Readlc?. Prospects for the proposed increases In freight rates, which are being canvassed In the railroad world, gave a subject for continued discussion. This 6erred to counteract to Home extent the showing of decreases in net earnings of railroads by reason of increased operating cost, which has n»w become a general tendency. The traffic managers' plan for freight is looked to as a pos sible means of increase in the earnings, and at the same time adding to the efficiency of the present supply of equipment. The intention of railroad companies to retrench their plans for any future projects of improvement is now gen erally accepted as a- fixed determination. The reduction of the pressure for new capital is ex pected to result, but also a subsidence of a part of the demand for materials and for labor Is to be accepted as an Inevitable consequence. The question of how far this process of readjust ment may carry the reaction in industrial activ ity is now believed to account for the recent ac tion of the 6tock market, where operations were reflected of persons informed of the determina tion of railroad authorities to curtail their im provement plans. The feature of the day in the money market was the free offerings of funds on time. Foreign exchange was firmer,' although the strong position reported by the Bank of England and the Bank of France showed the strength of the foreign financial position. In spite of the retention of the 5 per cent discount rate by the Bank of England. - While the late rise in stocks broadened out to some extent, it was still largely special li?d In the early favorites. The rinsing was strong at the best. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value, $2, ©SG.OOO. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Xew York Stock Mst . /i v,; E. F. Button & Co., 490 California' street, rsrmbcrs of the New York Stock Exchange. rorsish the following list of bead and stock sales yesterday: Ea'.CT.I STOCKS. IHigh.|Low.| Bid. l AskT I Adams Express.. 290 300 1,000 Allis-Chalmcrs .. 15% 15 13 ISK SOOj Do pfd 39 37»i 38V4 39% 85,200 Amalg Copper .. 113% 111% 113% 1134 Am Beet Snffar 19 20 \ Do pfd 82% Am Can Co 6% s?i ....... Do pfd 53% 64 2,200 Am Car & F Co. 43 42% 42% 43 100 Do pfd 102 102 102 102% 100 Am Cotton 0i1... 30 30 30 ; 30% Do pfd 68 92% Am Ex 230 240 '. Am Grass T Co. 6% 7% '. Am Hide & L 5% 6% Do pfd 26 28 100 Am Ice Secur. .. 84 S4 S3 86 Am Linseed 17 18 ».. Do pfd 32 35 2,400' Am Locomotive.. 73 71% 72% 73 Do pfd ..i 110% 112 : . Am Malt 3»i 3% ... Do pfd 23.4 24 12,100 Am S A: X Co.. 144% 142% 148% 144 600 Do pfd 115% 115. 115 115% 1,000 Am Sugar 132 131% 131% 132 400 Do pfd 12»% 129% 129% 133 200 Am Steel F 9% 9 9% 9% Do pfd 44% 45, Am TtT Co 128 130 700 Am Tob pfd 96 95% 85% 96% 200 Am Woolen 32 32 31% 32»4 Do pfd 98% 100 55.800 Anaconda 254% 2J6 284 254% «00! Atlantic C L ... 121 120% 121 122 49,000 AT& R F 104% 101 T, 104% W4V t 100 Do pfd 99 98% 98% 98% 2*500 Bait & Ohio 116% 115% 116% 116% ....V.. Do pfd 93 »4 4,300 B B T 74% 73% 74% 74% fc ...... Brooklyn Un Gas. ...110 120 Canada Southern 63% 64%j B,Soo'Canadian Pacific. 182% 180% IR2U 182% »00 C & O CO% 49% CO% 50% C 4; A 22 24 Do pfd ..... 60 67 600 C G W 16% 16 18% 16% Po pfd A. C 9% 70 ....... Do pfd B 23 23% * Do debs 78% SO S.OOOC &N W 167- 164% 167 16» 23.000 CM& St P 148% 147 148% 148% i 1.000 Do pfd 165 164% 164 165 1.100 Central Leather. . 37 85% 56% 37 - » Do pfd ...101 101% '.. jChl Terminal -9 13% I Do pfd 22 25 - 200[Chi Cn Traction. 6V. 6V, 5 sty :.} Do pfd I ..... 16% 17% 600 COC &St L... SS R6% 87 88% 6.O00jCo!o Fuel & Iron 49« 48% 4S*i 48% JM1CHC41...... 24% 24% 24% 25* I.IOOJCoIo Southern... 25% 84% S5 55% Do l»t pfd... 67% 68 400 Do 2d pfd R5% 54% 63 55% 100 Consolidated Gas. 134 l?-i 153% 134U 400] Corn Products... 23% 2SU 23% 23% Do pfd $6 87 Soo,Del & Hudson... 210 2OST4 209% 211% \u266600 DL & W ._ 500 498 495 505 900 D& E G... 37% 36% 87 37% Do pfd..... 79% 82 „: Detroit Un Ry... 78% 7f» . ;.. Diamond Match.. ..... .' 121% 122% €.700 Distilling Becur.. 76 75% 75% 75% 200DSS* A....... ISU 18 18 18%* ....... Do pfd.....;.... : SI . 86. IS.SOOErie .....;. 36 34% 35% 36 BOQ Do Ist pfd..... 70« 70 70 70\i 200 Do 24 pfd. V... 61% 60% 61 61% 400 Fed M & Spfd... 95 94% »4% ©6 600 General Electric. IS9 1.',5% 159% 189% 3.100 Gt Northern pfd.. 165% 163% 165% 165H 8,900 Grt North Ore.. 77% 76 76% 76^ _ Greene Cons Cop. 31% 31% 1,800 GCM S & P.... 145% 140 Us" 160 \u25a0;». Havana T6b Co.. ..... ..... 12% 13* ..~7... Do, pfd :-:..-. 20, 28 „ H 8;C1afi1n...... 102 U2 I^6oo Do pfd ....... 72 71U .72 , 72% Hocklßff Valley;. ..... . 105 ..... »«..;. Do pfd .V... ..... 67% 93% •„.....- Illinois Central. . ..:.% . IK?>J 159 I^2oo Interboro Metr©;< 55% 35 35% 55% ....... Interact! " Marine ; C 10 ....... Do.-pfd. .................. 26% 27 1.900 InternaU Paper.: 16% 16 16% 16« .. Do pfd.;:-.... ..... I-..-'. £0 , SO% I&ternat! Power.'. ..-.-. ;.-.. 47 - 62 - 800 Interna-U Pump.. 35 34% 34% 85% ....... Do pfd:.....-. :.'-.•• ..... 75- 80 600 lowa Central..;. 25% 25^ 24% 25 Do v pfd... 44% 45% „ Kanawha A Mich ."..:. ..... 63 ;.r.'. ... XC Ft S& M pfd ---"- .--V; H so ' 3.300K C Southern.... 2S-S 2«% 28^ 25% 600 Do pfd........ 61% 59^ 59% 60% .. .... L E AW.....;: \u25a0«.. ..... 27 . 31 ..... Do pfd....."... ..... ...".. ,66 78,. ...... Lehigh Valley... '- -.-".. 71% .73-. ....... Lock Island --•• 60 70 1,900L.£ N.. ........ 134% 133% 184% 134% ...... JMackay ..... ..... 71% ....... • D» » pfd. :...". w ..;.; .::.: «9. «»?i 200 Manhattan ...... 143% 143H 143% 144;^ ....... MetropoljtnStßyi.. ...".-:.. 104 HO:-' l.StWMextcan Central. 2*% 24.' 24% -24% \u0084 Mien A- Si 1.,....:... •-;- *>} is i 1.... ..1 Do let pfd. ...i. ..?;.:... £7 **0: 1^0O,M St V& S S M|U3 |110 113 114 New York Stock List ;Contlnued 300! Do pfd ... 147 146 147% 148 25.900 Mo Kan & Tex. . . 39*5 S8 39% 30*4 1,100 Do pfd 71 70 70^ 71H, U.IOOIMtt Pac .... S5 S3*i 84% 85»-i tNash C& St L... ..,. 136 140 fiOONa Lead 70^ 70 70 70« ... Do pfd 10174 1021^ 200 Na RRof M pf d 56^4 56 56 ,56% SOO Na Biscuit S3^ S3- S3 S3H Do pfd ..>..:-....-. 117 117^ Nev Cons Cop... ..... ..... 17 17»j . .. N J Cent ...... 205 212 2,000 N V Air Brake.. 13814 137^ ISB I 140 7.000 N V Cent .. 127% 126^4 127% 128 N V C & St L 50 CO Do Ist pfd ..... 110 120 : Do 2d pfd SI S6V N T N H & H 182*4 IS4l£ 400 N V Ont & W... 44^4 44, 44h '44V 1,000 Nor i- Westn ... 87 56% S6U S6^s | Do pfd ... ..... ..... S2*s 84% 800 North Am S3 82 S3 83ii 5,600 N Pac 154% 152^ 154 154% Omaha 159- 165 ....... Do pfd 160 ISO Pac Coast .. ..... ..... 116 124 Do Ist pfd .......... 98 106 ... Do 2d pfd ..... 112- 120 1,300 Pac Mall ....... 36*4 34 36i; 56&4 39,9001 Perm R R C 0... 131% 129% 131% 132 600 People's Gas ...'97 96% 96? iU7 PCCtStL... 73 SO Do pfd JOO 105% ........ Pittrtrarg Coal Isy, IB \u25a0 700 Do pfd ... 57% 56% 56% 58 1,400 Pressed Steel Car 50% 49 SOU 50& Do pfd '.: 97 99 ..'. Pullman Car Co. 168 170 ....... Ry Steel Sp Co.. ..... . 52% 53 Do pfd 67 99 230,100 Reading 121% 121 K 124% 124& 400 ,Do Ist pfd 90. 90 S9 90 Do 2d pfd .... ..... ..... 90 92 1,900 Republic g & 1.. 35% 34% 35% 36; 100 Do pfd 99 99 98?g "99 2,900 Rock Isl Co .... 26W 26 26% 2654 500 -Do pfd 60" 55% 60% 61 700S1OSS S S & I Co 71 69 71 72 Do pfd 103 103 ....... S L & S F Ist pf 66 69 700 Do 2d pfd 43% 42 43% 44 300 St L 4: S W 23% 23 23% 25 200 Do pfd : 58 58 57% 60 22,200 Southern Pac 94 93% 93% 94 L S i*2S?%I BM ....... ..... ..... 117% 117% 7,000 So Ry 27% 28% 26% 27 1,100 Do. pfd ....... 85 VI 65 . 86% 67. 1.000 Tens O & I -154% 150 153 156 tTex Pac L T Co ..:. SO 85 300{Texas Pacific 33% 33 S3 33% Third Aye ...118 120 ... Tol Ry & T Co. 26% 27 200Tol. St L &. W.. 31% 31% 81V 81% 600^ Do pfd 32% 51% 51^ 52% Twin City R T 103% 106 , Un Bag & Paper 7 7% ... Do pfd 57 60 56,700 Union Paclic... 174 172% 173% 173% 400 Do pfd 91% 91% 91 T92T 92 United Copper 71% '72% Un Rds of S F ...57 59 , Do pfd .......] I j67 169 Do 45...... .'; ..... ..;.. 82% 200 U S Cast Iron P. 47^i 47 46 47. • Do pfd ....... .......... 86 88 , .U 8 Express.... ..'..108 115' U S Rlty & Com 80% 83 U S Rn & Rf Co 25 30 Do pfd 63 65 2.000 U S Rubber .< 51% 51 7 61U* 51% 300 Do Ist pfd.... 106% 106% 106% 106% 800 Do 2d pfd.... 76% 76' 76 77 52.200 U S Steel C0r.... 45*4 44% 45% 45% 10,400 Do pfd 105*2 104% 105 V. 105K 400Va-Car Chem Co. 34 33 33^134 .......| Do pfd.... 105 ' 106 ....... \a CIA C Co.. S6 90 Wabash :........ ..... ..... 16% 16% 900 Do pfd ... 33Vi 33M 33 '3314 • - Wells Farpo Ex. ..... ..'.TT"275 1305' 300 Western Union.. 82% 82% S2UI 83% •'• Westlnghouse ... ..... ..... 150. T151% • • W & LE.. ...... ..... ..... 12% 12% 60Q; Do. let pfd.... 32 30 31 33 ...! Do 2d pfd 18 19% Wisconsin Cen.. T 22% 23% 600J Do pfd 46 45%T 46 ' f 46% 600.500 total shares sold. Xeir York Bonds U S ref 2s reg.los I Japan 65,. 2d ser. 98% Do coupon, ....105 Do 4s , cert. . . . 84% Do 8s reg...... 102U Do 4%s cert 95% Do coupon 102V4 Do 2d series.... 90% Do old 4s Lt N unified 45. 100. Do coupon .... 101 Man - con gold - 4s. 100 ' Do new 4s reg.l29 Mcx Central 45. . . 85% Do coupon ....129 Do Ist inc.... 24- Amer Tob 4« .... 75% Minn & St L 4s. 92% Do 6s ..110% M.X & Texaa 45." 98: Atchgen 4s .....101% Do 2ds .:....... 84% Do adj 4s . 91% KS of Mcx con 4s 86% -AUantic C L 4s. 98% NT C gen 8%5.. 93% Bali & Ohio 45.. 101% N J C gen 65T...126 Do 3%s ....... 93Vi Nor Pacific 45. ... 1»»1 % Brooklyn RT c4s 89% \u25a0\u25a0 Do 3s .. .. 72% Central of Ga 55.110 Nor & W con 4s. 88 \u25a0 Do Ist inc.... 90 OS Line rfdg 4s. 83% Do 2d 1nc..... 76 Pa cony 3%5.... 96% Do 3d lnc .\ 66 Reading pen .45... 97% Ches & Ohio 4%5.104i S L & I M con ss. 113% Chi & Alton 3%«. 73% 15t L& S F f g 4s. 81% C, B & Q new 4s. 95% St L S W>con 4a. 77 C. It 'l & Pac 4s. 75 .1 Seaboard A L 4a.! 80% Do col 5«. 90 So Pacific 45..... 89% C.C.C & SLgn 45.101% Do Ist 4s cert.. 95^ Colo Ind ss. bt A7O . So Railway sa. .112% Colo Midland 45.. 72% Tex i Pac lsts.,llß Colo & So 45.... 91 Tol, St Lfc W 4s. 81% Cuba 5s ..: 103% Union Pacific, 45.. 101% Den & Rio G 4s. 96% US Steel 2d Bs.. 99- Dist Securities, 6s. 89 Wabasb lsts ...' 113% Erie prior lien 4s. 97% - Do deb^ 8...... 71 „ Do gen 1 4« .... 81% Western Md 45.'.. 81% Hock Val 4%i...104%|W i L Erie 4»... 87% Japan 6s 7... 98%|Wls Central 4»... i SS% .'.Xew York : Mining; Stocks" : Adams Con 15 Little Chief' ..... 05 Alice ..5.87% Ontario ..........'6.50 Breece. 25 Ophlr ...... .."...; 2.25 Brnn» Con .. 50 Potosl ....... 14 Ooniv Tunnel .... 43 Savage 1 ...'...... . . 80 Con Va Mia Co.'. 80 Sierra Nev . . ... . :45 Horn Silver ..... 1.70 Small. Hopes '..;.. Iron Silver ...... 4.00 Standafd^...*.'.... . 2.90 Leadvllle Con .*.. 05 . \u25a0 Bom ton Stocks and Bonds \u25a0 Money—., */>* "* >, lAllouez .......'... 67 Call loans ...-.4%/ge lAmalI Amal Copper ... ; 113"- Time 10an5...5%«t«% Atlantic .....'.;..:' 16% Bonds— Blngnam;. ..:..'. .".181% Atchlson 4s ..... 99% Butte Coalition '..-BS-- Do adj 4s ....- 90% Calumet &,- Arie.: 193 Mcx Central 4a. ; 84% Calumet & : Hecla.9so , Railroads— - Centennial: ....... .44' Atchison \u0084 104 Copper - Range i . . . 95 \u25a0 ', Do pfd ........ 95% Daly West ....... 15 j Boston & Main*. 160 Franklin ....;..;. 29' Boston Elev '.. ..150' Granby ;: ..-.'•-", 148 : - \u25a0 Fitehbnrz pfd ...133 r Greene Con ......> 31% Mcx Central .... 24% Isle Royale '..r.VSI \u25a0-\u0084 N Y. N H & H. .153 Mass Mining ..:.. B%' L nion Pacific ; ... 173 % Michigan '. . . \u25a0'. .{.-;. 22 ij Miscellaneous — \u25a0\u25a0 , Mohawk,. ....;i \u25a0. 93% Amer Arge Cbem. 24 Mont Coal & Coke. ! >l% Amer Pneu Tube. 12% Nevada ....;;:...- 17*. Ainer Sugar; :... 131% North. Butte .....115% Do pfd ..::. :.:129« Old Dominion .....57% Amer Tel :• & TeLl2B% Osceola ..:....„•. 166 Amer Woolen ... 32 Parrot ,;...'....r:. 83% Do pfd .... :*.-. .100 4. Quincy ;.'. :r. ..... . :145 \u25a0 < Dom Iron & SteeX 22 ; Shannon .....•..:.. 27% Ed- Elect- nium.. 227. Tamarack Mass ... 19 Trinity ....'.... ;;r.f 36; Do pfd ..:..... 6» ; United Copper;.;.- 71% Mass Gas ....... 64% US> Mining '..... «>^ United, Fruit .....106% US Oil ....'...V. 11% Un Shoe Mach ... 63 UUh ? . . '. ...... .;. . •: 73 '. .- Do pfd ....... .28= victoria -:.-.:rr.;vr» 8 « U- S Steel. . .-..*. .'. 45% Wlnona « . .T. . . ... :' 12% Do \u25a0pfdi.-.;.V..".105U Wolverine . ..*..-.. -.192 - c s : Mmmg — \u25a0 \u25a0•. \u25a0_\u25a0' \u25a0..\u25a0-- ;t. v li. \u25a0, - \u25a0:-\u25a0-\u25a0 - Adventure ........ .3% . • > .... ' _ ;',. r, .-:.' London Clowlns' Stocks - - ;\u25a0» \u25a0 ; Cons money -i. 86 15-16 M.VK'fc Texas7iV:'B9% Do acct \u0084;.-.57 3-16 N*Y Central:. .::;lßO% Anaconda ... ... : . 14% Norfolk & ; West. r.\ 88% Atchlson . .. .V. . .106 \u25a0Do pfd ~~ : : :...'.. .788 --« Do pfd . :. v. . ;.108 : Ont i & Western.'.*.- 45% Bait k 0hi0...... 119% Pennsylvania .....67% Can : Paciflc ,'.-.. v.186% Rand 'Mines : .;.;. 7. . Cb« *4k 0hi0..... 5114 Readin)?^ > .....r.V.t63^ , Chi Great West:.il6« So -Rail way •;-....";- 27% Chi, '\u25a0 Mil & St P . 153 - : Do h pfd iVKHstTI S9 wr De 8eer5 ...... V..27H So '-:";...-.. 96»i Den, & Rio G....= 57% Union ; Pacific, ;.. -.178% Do pfd ... ;.-. . .» 53 . . \- Do l pfd r . : . .*..-"; 95 r*, Erie v . .r.-Trrrrrrr.-) 36 -. v" s i steel. .\u25a0.-•.•.-.•. .^46% Do 18f:pfd;;..V;72% .-v-Dot pfd-V.T. r..M0f1% • • Do 2d pfd...... 62- Wabash ...'... ....17^ : Ui;Central ..'..•.; 164' ; ' Dof pfdTVrr:..v."34r \u25a0 LonisT & ; Nash r.,l3B- Spanish >\u25a0 45 f :...... "95% \u25a0\u25a0: Bar silver-^Steady; ?31 v 9-16d2per: ounce." '> ; Money— 3% @4> percent. -/ -:>^ ,::.;-•; - - ; The rate of .discount = In-, the i open > market '-/or J.,°, rt "V** ** 4% per cent and for.threee months' bills "; 4% @4- 11-16 -per? cent. . , ' v • - Condition ; ©f ? the /Treanury • WASHNGTON.'i Feb;',7.~Today's ! statement .Tf the treasury balances in 'the general 'fund shows: Available cash - balance. ':- $250.665,373 ; » gold '<\u25a0 coin and bu11i0n, ; 5101,763,007; gold • certificates,- $44,- New \u25a0 York Cotton Market NEW/ \ORK; Febr.7. k — i=poti Cotton : rood;;fri tures firm: mMdlings;il. loc, iip?ten;points; Sales estimated '. 14.<>*vt; ; "Receipts 1 11 ,00<;t < bales, '-?10,700 Americtn; : Fnture*! opened ,* steadr.'.- 2c to'^Sc THEg SAN,, ;FRANCISGO^ GALL. FRIDAY, i FEBRUARY ;8: higher. .A * further.; improvement *In 'i is expected \in \u25a0• the * near v future.%but*itoi,maintain prices, ."on" a-- higher*, level fc it? -will *be .'necessary that a good demand arise. for the^low grades.' -%\u25a0! >\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Options — "."<< •' : *"- Open.;: High;*,Low.".Close." February ........ I ..'......>.;...')""..::. t9.31c March .:....'.::...;.".' 9.45 c;: 9.47c;• 9.39 c: 9.39 c April .....;... ".: : .'.\u25a0?.\u25a0 ?r.".:*\u25a0;\u25a0;\u25a0:.'. '.\r-0.47c May•"..........T.:v;.r-9.60c' 9.fi2c : 9.56c.'9.56c June ................59.64c' 9.64 c :•. ».«4<s-V 9.61 c. Jn!y\u25a0\u25a0::;::..~.~..:.-.:..."9.72c, 9.74 c ' 9.67 c .9.67 c Augnst. .... .*........'. 9.73 c - 9,71 c 9.66 c-: 9.65 c September ..'.........' 9.74 c'• 9.74 c'\u25a0 9.66c79.65c October - ....V:..V.'.;*.:9.91c:. 9.93c \u25a0;9.85c'"9.85c December •\u25a0 . .\...:...:" 9.99 c 10.01 c;< 9.92 c * 9.92 c January ... ...... 10.07 c' 10.12 c 10.07 c |_10.06 c New YorkGralßaiia* Produce \u25a0>\u25a0_' \u25a0'. NEW. YORK," FebJ 17.—FLOUR— Receipts, 11, 200 barrels;, exports. 11.700. , Dull but .firm. Minnesota, pa tents.; $4.10@4.40., ' . -:- ; i WHEAT—Receipts, ~ 12,000 > bushels; v exports," 92.400. : Spot strong. : N0.:2 red, 83% c. elevator: No. 2 red. 65% cf. o. b." sfloat;; No. 2, Northern Dulnth. 93%c,f.'0. ,b.afloat;.N« a.2 hard winter; 88% ctr o.i b.", afloat.' -:-:'j-:- -:- \u25a0 - Wi'-vr: [\u0084--;vj •- Up -to \u25a0 midday ? wheat- was ••\u0084irregular.l at times showing: positive ' strength' and -at * others \u25a0 moder ate weakness under realizing. -;. Later a sustained, advance , took,- place \u25a0.*and = the;: market; closed %@%e nethlgher." The; Northwest and foreign news: remained j bullish.^ but;, winter , wheat-con ditions were: favorable. ,; Commission h9uses - and professionals were i good -buyers on all declines. May - closed 85% c,; July/closed Ssc. \u25a0'PETROLEUM—Steady.';. - *;:-'V-' ":: \u25a0 : SUGAR —Raw, ' 6tea«y; fair. refining,, 2 31-32 c; centrifugal,~> 96 '\u0084 test, 13 7-16 c;:' molasses J sugar; 2 23-32 c; refined, steady.}'- •. : . COFFEE-^-Futures (closed • steady," at' a ' net j ad vance of/5 points..- Sales were reported of 44.250 bags,.;including March, 5.40<g5.65c: May;-5.70@ 5.60 c; July; s.Ssc;' September.; 5.95@6c;' Decem ber, 6.10@6.15c. Spot, steady; - No. s 7-Rio;: 7c; No. "4 Santos, JSc;', mild,, steady;- Cordova, 9@ .BUTTER —Steady," unchanged. \u25a0EGGS —Firm, unchanged. - " - -_* "\u25a0\u25a0 - "; • DRIED iFRUITS.Ii.; '-'';""i:V \u25a0 - -\u25a0 --" -\u25a0• . EVAPORATED APPLES—The market Is;quiet : at - unchanged prices.' - Fancy. are \u25a0 quoted^' at 9c, ; choice .6%@8%c, .prime B@B%c. .--'-.' '\u25a0 :,; . : PRUNES —Are barely, 6teady <In : spot* and .it if> reported that some sizes are being offered in a small • way -at slight concessions. :: Quotations range - from \ 3c\ to:9c' according to- grade, • for California fruit;*with Oregon prunes quoted;at 5%@9c for 70s to 30s.\ ,•\u25a0\u25a0.-•.:- • :-\u25a0' - APRICOTS—:Are unchanged, with choice'quot ed at ISc, extra choice lS%(g; 19c,.' fancy 19@20e. :, PEACHES —Are quiet but steady,;with choice ! quoted at - Il<gl2%c; extra choice . 1214@13%c, fancy' 12% <§il4c, s extra; fancy 13@15c.:-, •..: . RAISINS —Are unchanged,: with loose musca tels quoted at 7%@9c, seeded raisins 7V4@loc; London layers $1.35^.1-45. .„.";< \u25a0:\u25a0' :\u25a0 ..• New York/ Metal Market . ' • NEW " YORK; Feb.. 7.—There, was' a \u25a0 sharp";de cline in the London ";tin.: market.: with-spot quoted at £191 12s 6d and futures at £191 2s 6df Locally the market was easy in sympathy/with I the decline abroad,.spot $42.25@42.40. Copper was 17s fid lower in London,' with: spot closing at tlOß'losand futures at £107-15s.'- Lo cally tbe market was qnlet. ' with lake quoted at $25^25.25, electrolytic- at . $24.75@25 and casting' at $24.25<g24.75: S . "? '-: /\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0". \ \u25a0 Lead was lower in London at £19 10s,.but was. unchanged in New York at $6@6.30, accordlng( to the time of. delivery.:"" -. • *\u25a0} Spelter vras.Unchanged'at £25 17s 6d in Lon don and quiet at, $6.75@6.55 \in \u25a0 the New York market. . \u25a0."•'.• - ' : : '-- - : r \u25a0 - .-.. Iron was lower ""In -. the English" market, with Standard foundry. closlag at 55s 6d and' Clev eland .. warrants lat 56s 3d. . Locally; the market was unchanged. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE: Fntnre Grain "and Provisions , .: \u25a0\u25a0 CHICAGO.' Feb. 7.—At the* opening \ of, the wheat market prices were I somewhat easier be cause of the comparative weakness at Liverpool in face of; the decided strength, shown here yes terday \u0084 Before | the end" of the - first, hour; how ever, tbe -weakness was dispelled by liberal pur chases by commission - houses, and throughout the remainder of. the day the market was strong. Export'news was the main source of strength, although substantial - advances \u25a0at Berlin,. Paris and Antwerp were \u25a0 minor Influences. ( One report from an export house at Duluth stated.that .the foreign situation- is; the: strongest for-several years. These, reports -were partially, confirmed, and announcement -was g made \u25a0 that \u25a0 forty boat loads of I wheat. had been j taken .in < New • York for export."The, market"; closed ' strong;-with May %c higher. May opened %@%e lower at 79@79%c, sold". at 78%@79c, and advanced to SO%e, closing, at 80% c. • , \u25a0 ' The corn; market. was \u25a0 firm early , in", the day In sympathy; with oats,", but later the. tone - be came I weak becanse' of realizing iby some of the larger holders." May opened a shade; to %@%c lower, at*. 47%@47%c. advanced -to '47%c,V' and sold off. to 47c, closing net unchanged" at-47% «?47%c. " \u25a0\u25a0•:•\u25a0\u25a0""\u25a0.,;\u25a0'•.\u25a0.,-'...-. --,':.-• 4 Llgiit receipts and an »excellent demand - by shippers caused \u25a0 a.a '. further, advance In the price of oats. -The. feature Vof o the--trading was the buying of the May (and July - options by | one of the i largest • holders now .in the market, | causing active covering by * shorts, and there '.was heavy profit-taking on the advance.>.. The market closed firm, net -.%c higher, ?at 41c, - after selllnt- st 40%<g40%c.:;, .:-^":'V-M,;\u25a0;...-..;;:- ,-'; /-^K-".-. - Provisions were weak < because ; of » a = 10c' de cline in the price of live hogs.' c ; Trading was not large. At the close \u25a0 May pork ; was off .-15 c , '; lard and ribs -.were 10c 10wer.,..- " . \u25a0\u25a0 - - The leading "future* • ranged; as' follows: Articles. ,; '. Open.^ High. Low. Close. - -Wheat—\u25a0-.-'>" ':'\u25a0"•\u25a0.-.\u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0' \u25a0-\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•/ - May 79% 80^ 78%' . SOH July- ...... \u25a0-' :78?4:78?4 -\u25a0- '-.7994 r-" 78% 79% September 77*8 : "8V« 78% \u25a0" 79»i Corn— . • '. - . February., 44% -. ,44^J . /.44tf"' 44>4 May ....... :47% , 47K . 47. "'47% July - :..:;\u25a0 46%f:-:4~A 46% 47 September :.... . 47% : 47% 47^ 4714 • Oats— \u25a0 '.-. -: .'. ', r \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 :-'.;...; \u25a0- •- \u0084 February ...... M% ,33 '38% 39 May, ........'...„ 40% 41fi .40% 41 Ju1y;.;:.;...... .37% 3s>^ 37%- 37% September - ..... . 33V4 33% - 3314 \u25a0 33% Mess pork, per bbl -V-..- * ' ' May 17.72% 17.80 16.67% 17.13' Jnly •;.';..-:'-;.:V':i7.80, 17.82%" 17.80 17.82% Lard, per 100 lbs — \u25a0 i.^-s^!, May ;.. 9.97% 10.00 ": 9.95 9.07% Jnly .....;..... 10.02% 10.02% 10.00 10.02% September .....10.15- -10.15 ' 10.15% 10.15 Short ribs, per 100 lbs— V- . t May ...........9.70 9.70 9.65 -9.6714 July ........... .9.75, ,9.77% 9.75 . 9.75' Canh Grata and Provisions •'; CHICAGO. Feb.". 7.-^-C*h - ouotations; were • as follows: I Flour, firm. S Nw. 2. spring wheat,. 81 @ 85c; No. 3,'74(g54c; No. 2red, 75@76%c;N0. 2 i corn,» 44@44%c; \u25a0 N0.:.2. yellow. 44% c. ; No. - 2 0at8,:39c; N0.;3 whlte,"39@4l%c. . No. 2 rye, 62% c.. Fair: to choice j malting i barley.", 54@59c. No. :-\u25a0 1 -„\u25a0 flaxseed. ;SI.IS; -.^o. ; 1 Northwestern. $1.25; prime timothy seed,';;'cloyer, contract • grades/: $13.50. Short ribs, - sides (loose). V- $9.37%@9.62%; short' clear : sides (boxed), $9.5Qg9.75.r Mess pork, per bbl. $17.53. Lard, - per, 100 ' lbs,. $9.77 %. Whisky, basis of hlghwines, $1.29. • \u0084. \u25a0:. . :, - \u0084 ArOcles— - •. .. Ilec'elpts Shipments Flour; barrels. i 5,500 : . 39,100 Wheat, bushels.'. .;-.;'.\u25a0.-.-r;-.-;'23,000 - '28 600 Corn, bu5he15....v...........292.300 527]000 Oats, bu5he15.'........;...;.129,000 * -v~'F 263,200 Rye. \u25a0. bushels...:.. ;-.-;.- < 5,000 ' 27,00 a Barley, bu5he15.;.....:.".... 47,700 - «1» i 23,000 "." '-„ Butter,- Cheese and \u25a0 Ee«T";\' :?: CHICAGO, • Feb. 7.—0n • the 4Produce Exchange today the butter market was firm. /. Creameries 21@31%c; - dairies, : 20@20c. - ; Eggs, \u25a0 steady - at mark.' cases included. 24@27c;.firsts. 29c; prime firsts, 30c; extras, 81c.;, Cheese steady/ 13@16c. EASTERN LIVESTOCK MARKETS -.•': ' - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Chtcajto -- v i '\u25a0 '. \u25a0 '\u25a0' .-1 \u25a0'\u25a0 *';"--: \u25a0 xfC?IFA, G m > \u25a0 feb-'. 7-^Cattle— Receipts ! 8000. Market dull.,' 8eere5,757.10(a7.25: •- stockers and feeders.'; calres, $607.75." s . ->v ?. \u25a0 HOGSr-BecelpU a 83,000. ." Market 510 c i lower." Mixed 1 and | butchers'; \u25a0 $6.70@7.05; 1 good I bearr SHEEP—Receipts i 15.000. \u25a0 Market - steady. Sheep $3.50@5.7<5:-lambs,- $4.85@6.75. '^ • ,",.'.",!Kan»a«': City;:;-,-.- \.' 7r:vV c«EAN? AS CITT-"^ ***< 7.--CATTLEXReceIpts 8000. Market; Bteady.'v Native > steers. :; $4.25® 6.60; native cows and heifers,' $2.2s@s.Ss;:stoct ers and feeders; $3.25@4.80: calves, $3.50@7 50 "tZ^Gbi «v \u25a0t?er? > ''^•"Ofge;.western".fed.cows," »: HOGS—Receipts "* 11.000." ;-; Market. 5' to 10c lower. /;Heavy. = $6.95@7.02%: • packers," $6.90® 7; pigs and 1ight5,'55.75^6.92%: '?':- -^ :• SHEEP—Receipts 6000. . Market steady^ Mut- S??a2xH«®?: :lamb8»::lamb8»: $7@7.6o;} range , wethers, $0.30@6.60;. fed ewes,, $4.50@5.50. \u25a0 ... .<.-;:. :\u25a0•\u25a0".' •''.- '". : •:.*:.'\u25a0'"; '-\u25a0\u25a0'.-•' ;.\u25a0''»" - . J .-.\u25a0 -••;•; • OMAHAri Feb::i,7.'-^CATTI-E-ißeceipts -3500. Market slow 1 to'loc:lower:f-.Westorn:steers.*' $3 25 ©5.25; * cows | and Vheifers;~i $2.25(§|4.25:; canners' fS@35 > stockers tand 5-feeders,p's2.Bo@s;: calves, $3@6.50."-\u25a0''- \u25a0:-\u25a0.--;\u25a0.'.-r-h j.:,>, \u25a0,':-;> \u25a0 .\u25a0.'•:.%\u25a0:\u25a0., \u25a0.:'a. -. ...» -\u25a0< HOGS-^-Reeeipts \u25a0 9000.-; • Market BiffilOc^ lower Heavy,.-. $fi.52%@6.87%i *0.5b@6.85f light,-. $6.75<§;6.82%; - pigs; $5.70@0.70. r' •5-- *\u25a0'*•• SHEEP—Receipt* i 8500.i.w Market \u25a0-. steady a to easier. Tearlinsre,' $5.75@6.25;;wetber«.-$5.25(a 5.75; ewes,^s4Tao@s.lo;'.: lambs;*;$6.50@6.70.v.-'-: . - v I •\u25a0"," Los AggeleH Markets ; , ',?. LOS/ANGELES,'? Feb.* 7.—Egglprices" susta thed another I bad fracture I this | mom jng; f. lowering; the. price lof i both • local t and 1 Northern: 5c i each.'t wh lch makes •.the ;\u25a0 official \u25ba' quotations > 22c f and: 21c s re speetlTely.viThls: is cansed ;by, apparent assurance of' good \u25a0 weather, and: increasing. receipts.";*, HButter;also-dropped jtoday;;pricesibelng cnt all along J the l.llne \u25a0 on s an • average j of j s<\ 5SS>Tbe 5 price of 5 local I creamery.?, which; recently,; has ?not \ been quoted at;the;Exchange.-^was: fixed att7sc;'l.Valley at: 75c,*:Coast;at.70c and'choice Coast at 65@70e \u25a0 jCooking \ butter., remains f unchanged • at? 22@24c.'v > j Potatoes j are;; arriving *\u25a0 in .^ small •.\u25a0* quantities: Small j shipments: of sweet' potatoes," the: price \u25a0of which •>. was"; raised \u25a0} from i $3.60 '$ to r $4, % were '£ re ceived. ,' \u25a0:\u25a0''-::* • "%>:\u25a0' ;i*?;":,;*;^*-':V'^-*;i*?;":,;*;^*-':V'^-*'r:-^--: •V Halibut ; is « abundant sas i usnal.>"s A : few : Sacra mento I River i salmon * are t In. \u25a0> Large * lobsters < are In - abundant \u25a0', supply;? but ' the ? smaller * and 'i more , edible 3 sizes j are » in ? good c demand:"^ Games and poultry i" are ", unchanged. "ir-^t'V:: ; : , f.. .' » .- \u25a0.•;.;r^-<-:. .'\u25a0 Produce i receipts: •» Eggs,' 447 s 'cases; < butter.flS '• 772 if pounds; is potatoes, r> Ss7;i sacks; -y cheese,^ 44 pounds; .: onions, s, none ; i beans, 435 g sacks; • sweet potatoes, ~ 82 ; sacks. v s \u25a0 "^> . . ; ; Following ;. are j jobbing , prices : «;; EGGS-r-Local f ranch.jf candled, ; 22c; f Northern ranch."; candledr 21c.%^-^S^^dK^s^§isßeßH -JZ BOTTER-^ LocaUt creamery*; fancy,*j7.'>c:Wallev crpameryA fa nc.r A7sc : i coast creamery,'; fancy ,l.7oc: coasts dsirr.f cbnt<"e.l<ss<g7oc;i<v>okiuß.t 22 «&24c '^ ,"..=" CHEESE— Northern f resU. 17c : t KortUern • stor-' »g<*."? 1 6c ;;' anchor, lan??."' .16<-: -."anchor. jy Young American 1 Sc: - : anchors hand.' 19c : Eastern \u25a0 singles/ 17f^i9ft ;-' Eastern- twins, i 17c: \u25a0> Eastern \u25a0'Cheddars, l f >'&l6^ac; ? Eastern 'longborn.-COet-Eastern dairy; 18c; * Swiss. -:., imported,' 2S@29c; Swiss, - domestic, "Oc:r]imbnrzer.-lSc. .: < \u25a0- .'. •\u25a0-.<• '£<.\u25a0-?\u25a0'\u25a0'- ' '-\u25a0'?' '\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0 Buying prices.. live weight per lb.: Hens. 14c; young roosters,"' 16c;^fryers..16c;;broil ers,* ISc ; old roosters,'; 8c ; turkeys; <' old terns,"; 16c ; young jtoms, ; 17c;^heni turkeys, i 16c; >geese,vl2c; ducks.l, 12c ;> squabs.', ?2' a dozen.;sSeUlng>prices, drrased,' per ;-lb: Hens,'vl9c; ; young, roosters,} 20c; f rjws," 20c; I broilers,* 22c ; ; old \u25a0 roosters,'* 12c ; (tur keys,'* 23c ; I old toms, 1 . 20 c; young \u25a0 toms, ; 23c ; \u25a0 hen turkeys, ; 20c ; ' geese, - ISc ; ducks, 18c ; \u25a0 squabs; ; $3 a- dozen.- : : !>? \u25a0 --:\u25a0*:-.\u25a0*\u25a0 -;._'\u25a0\u25a0'} :..;i-""V:- \u25a0'•"; '"'— v: '.*\u25a0 '-,*\u25a0"'\u25a0* ~ \u25a0 POTATOES-^-(Per cwt.l: 4'< Idaho ; rural. $2; Colorado.' s2: iSalinas,";i 5a1ina5," 52. 25@2.50; Highland, \u25a0 $2; .Oregon,s2; Early Rose. Easterns $2@2.r>o;sWis consin.; $2; . Minnesota,' $2. "-* Sweet -.. potatoes, yel low;;^.;;' ..>-.,-».'. '.. -/>"\u25a0 •_.-\u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0„.:: -,;\u25a0;. v>.'- : , \ONIONS^-Yell6w Danyprs.- Northern, • $1.75; Australian N brown.- Northern. $I.7s: ;f garlic," 6c; chilis, y eTaporated." 13@13iic; - sun-dried, • 13@ 13^c; r ground. «12J4c: Mexican, bulk; 12»4@13c. • BEANS— (Per cwt.): "Pink N0.;1,>52.75; Lima No. \u25a0 1 ;•\u25a0 $5 ; -- Lady -' Washington ' No.-" 1 , $2. 75@ 3 ; do small; white. -No. : 1. -$3.25'g3.40: -Blackeye. $4.50<i?5; Gairanzas,' $4.25@4.50; : Lenti15,, 9(@10c a poaDd.^Ki^- -.. \u25a0 \u25a0 - --' '\u25a0'- .•"\u25a0.•i.\v \u25a0\u25a0- • \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0/' HONEY— (Per '; lb ) : ; ; Comb, water-white, • 16c ; light r --amber.' 14c :". comb, white, i :ls@l6c; ex tracted, i water- white, 60-lb cans. HT^fgSc: : ex tracted white; 60-lb." cans,* 7%c; light amber/ 7c. ) MARKERS Xnval Stores— Turpentine rand -Rosin SAVANNAH, r- Feb. ' '.-^Turpentine.', steady; 77% c:> rosin,, firm;: stock.' $4.60. -Quote: ABC, $4@4.05;(D,'54.05; F, $4.10@4.15: E. $4.15; G. $4.15@4.20: :H.: H. • $4.40(94.45: .\u25a0 T.~ - $4.50; •' X, \u0084$5; M," $5.25; N,--Se;,WG, $6.25; WW,' s«.4o.>. -'-, -.'v^ foreign ;. Futures {'J-£ ' - . J \\. LIVERPOOL ' : '\u25a0' Wheat—' \u25a0\u25a0 .'\u25a0•\u25a0" : -' ' March. .-.May.'". July. Opening .............. 6T% 66% \u25a0 -;6 3% Closing-;.-.-;-.;;.". •"\u25a0... ..,6 7- . 66% ;6 3% 'Vv-V"i. ;;"" ' \u25a0':\u25a0:- ' PARIS . - .- ' --'. ; - '• •'•Wheat — • ' ; Feb. •'--• - Mar.-Aug. Opening- .;......;......"."..... 23 45 -- "- -'.2345 Closing : ; I". ....... ..." ".'. 23 45 . "' v -23 45 >>\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0" Flour--" \u25a0"'\u25a0-•> .-•\u25a0 ••,'•. ' \u25a0-\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0" \u25a0•' ' \u25a0 '\u25a0' '-: ' 0pening..;...... 29.95 29 60. Closing-/:...;........;........ 29 95 - -29 60* . Sale of Sheepskins .: . • LONDON,", Feb'. 7.— A sale .of sheepskins was held -In I Mmcmg .' Lane today.- 1 The ,- attendance was-large'and' bidding, was' animated. - A' feature of r :the sale was the revival of the 'demand for fine .- and \u25a0\u25a0 coarse full :• wooled < cross-breds, v which realized -extreme rates. \u25a0 Combing advanced 5 per » cent < and • clothing : ruled steady -at ? former prices.' \u25a0':-' \u25a0;-:' -. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'.". . St. JLonls Wool Slarket : .ST.' LOUIS..-' -Feb. ' 7.— Steady: -:medium grades combing •-\u25a0 and clothing. c 24@28%c; light flne.--20@23c;' heavy, fine. 16@lSc; tub-washed, 30@3»c. \u25a0 ; - " \u25a0 _, \u25a0 -- ;\u25a0 , : : \u25a0•, . " .Northern Business \, PORTLAND. Feb. 7.— Clearings, $784,273; 1 bal ances; $113,581. .*\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 '.' \u25a0 ' "v' -. . \u25a0 \u25a0-> •\u25a0 - " \u25a0 * TACOMA. -Feb. f 7.— Clearings, $619,544; bal ances $59,063.'^/ \u25a0 -.'»\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0.', ' - '\u25a0- \u25a0• - \u25a0 : . SEATTLE. Feb, 7.— Clearings, $I,lo2,o6l; bal- ; ances; $136,755. - " : • .-. y SPOKANE,-Feb. 7.— Clearings, ?779,730; bal ances,'sl27,2oo. -,\u25a0-.\u25a0 ,;; -;..a^.^ '', LOCAL MARKETS Exchange and Bullion Sterling Exchange, • 5ight. ..........— @4.56% Sterling Exchange, sight... — @4.56% Sterling Exchange, cables : . . ... — @4.57% New. York" Exchange, 5ight. ...... . . :— @ i 15 New York; Exchange, telegraphic". .'-'— ' (St • 20-- - Silver, per ounce ...... ..... .......' 68%@ -— Mexican -Dollai-s," n0mina1. .......'. 52%© ','--] f " INTERNATIONAL. New.: York,, on Paris : — New York. on Mexic0.. ............1....'.. ' 200% Paris on London ' . . ....... '.'..'. ....." ... . .25.24 - Paris on Berlin .". ... % ....... ............20.52 Wheat I and Other ' Grains WHEAT-^ls ' strong In \u25a0 all • quarters.. : Foreign futures •> are ' higher, and In : England .. buyers t are purchasing on- 1 the advance. - Chicago rose , %c, and in, this . market December rose lc. Thecash grain * continued firm; with i some - parties - hereto fore', weak reporting a fractional advance.^ ,':' 1 ;The Chlca|o Record-Herald says : "Speculators In- the Chicago wheat pit were caught . napping, the" Russians famine, like . the old-time predic tions ; of \u25a0'\u25a0 European , war, hiving \u25a0 been used " of often ~-- that 2 It , had ~ been worn , threadbare ,. and lost ::, its s power. \u25a0• to 1 electrify...... Close \u25a0; interests. however, -have : been watching . the Russian . ex ports of wheat | and - have been | amazed lat their long : continuance, . .although .on L a ' diminishing scale. \u25a0;. Th« explanation of ; this -'ls -that- the famine i districts are In the - central and > north ern " districts,"? while - the districts producing / the best r, crops \u25a0- are • adjacent ,to the 7 Black \u25a0 ' Sea ports, i the : latter • being . In very poor communica tion ) with * the i former except •\u25a0. by \u25a0 river . ; transpor tation, available onl.v in the summer months. ; r"-. -The s Price r Current says: -.-'\u25a0\u25a0".' ."Growing , , winter wheat H plant *\u25a0 protected \u25a0 with ' : : snow j covering. goodr> conditions ..being v maintained. V ." Interior offerings \ of 5 grain free. .; Colder ; winter; weather Increasing K. consumption -- : of • i feeding p material. Country' grain i elevators accumulating supplies." ••:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0' "*v^--^ i .CASH -WHEAT' • .-:\u25a0- v .\u25a0\u25a0/ 'A California^ Club, - $1.27%@1.32% ; , do milling; $1.3244; California White Australian.' sl.37|,!.@ 1.42% ; . lower I grades lof i California, | $1.10@1.25; Northern Club. £ $i:27%@1.30: i h Northern \u25a0 Blue «tem,' $I.37% @l.42%;s Northern; Red, $L2s@ \u25a0-.;)". ' :.' - ': \u25a0*;' .;:\u25a0;.'\u25a0- futures '> \u25a0: . f . . 10ito^ll:B0 a.«. m. ;' Sessloji • " :May—No sales; $1.32% : bid. vV^ '\u25a0 •'. • ' ' ' : Open. . " High.' Jt/m: .. '\u25a0'. ' Close. December ... 1 .36% 1 .36% /\ .36% 1 .36% - BARLET— The •\u25a0 easy : f eelin^cont inues, with a qalet market and quotations/Is before. Receipts are light. -v-V- «, • , r :^>/T- :•: -.'.-^.i^ -••:..-.--.-• \u0084 Good : to .choice Nfeed,^pot.> $1.12%@1.13->i: common to fair, . $l@l.ipr per ctl:. seed -lots bring as high as $1.20; -Brewing and Shipping, $1.15© 1.20 per ctl;ChevalVfr.- $l:15@1.20-for poor to common and $1.25@f.35 asked for choice. \u25a0 -\u25a0'-•\u25a0>.; \u25a0\u25a0^FUTURES -•-\u25a0.:•-./- . : \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-. . ' 10 *p^:3o a.'^m.'. Session' — - ','\u25a0 ~'t \u25a0",\u25a0" tapen.'J'' High. ' • Low. Close. May ........ \u25a0,J/l 7 x 1.17 - 1.17; •->', 1.17 December .'..1. 03% >,: 1.03% 1.03% - 1.03*1 - OATS — Trading was .very fair yesterday, with quotations flrm.v \u25a0- 5 :".'\u25a0— • \u25a0<*\u25a0—'.*?. : . ., - : ; .Good to choice Red for feed, 1 $1.40@1.63; com mon to fair. $l-30@1.37Vi:- Red, k for seed, $1.50 @1.65; White. $1.42%«ai.65; Black, $1.50@2.25; Gray. $1.42%@1.50;per. ctl.^:: .: - CORN— lnactive . and -' unchanged, ,-. with . quota tions more or \u25a0 less nominal. ' i-- S •: . : ~ • .. ' California • small -; round ryeJlow. $1.55; -'• large yellow, . $1.27@1.30: : white,*. sl.23ol.3o;*- West ern State, sacked— Yellow, $L27%@1.30; -White, $1.27%@1.32% : mixed, - $1.25@1.27% ; . * White Egyptian. $1.25: Bron-n I Egyptian, $1. 12% (S) 1.15. . ;RYE— sl.37%@l.42%\per .-ctl- for California and $1.35@1.40 for Utah. :.'..- . BUCKWHEAT— S2@2.2S per cU. Flour and : Farinaceous Good* - FLODR--Californlaiii Family U Extras, -s $4.80(g 5.10. net without discount; Bakers' Extras, $4.40 @4.60; Superfine," $3.25gi3.60;' 0reg0n and Wash ington. $3.50@4 : per bbl. * •"/ ' V -; , • - -. \u25a0'.-; i% FARINACEOUS ? GOODS-^-Prlces - in :" packages, net .- cash, ) no discount,', are las I follows : Graham FlouLt $2.90 per = 100 lbs ; I Rye Flour, I $3.40 ; \u25a0 Ry e MeaT, s3.2o ; Rice Flour,'' s7.2o ; t Corn Meal, $2.50 ; ' extra | cream f do. * $3.40; > Oat i Meal, / $4.10; JO Oat Groats; $4.30;.- Hominy, $3.40@3.60; Buckwheat Flour, $4: Cracked; Wheat, \ s3. 4o; Farina; $4.10; Whole Wheat I Flour". $3.10 1 Rolled ". Oats, . bbls $6 @7.25, In sacks $d.">0@6. 73;, Rolled Wheat, bbU $4.30, in sacks ;SS.SO;: Pearl Barley, $5.40; r Split Peas, boxes, $3; Green. Peas, $5 per 100 lbs.- :: Hay i and f Feedstuffs -'\u25a0•\u25a0 The ' Hay Exchanare ; yesterday.^ passed i resolu tions of regret for., the t passing 1 away •of Harrey C. ' Somers. \u25a0'•\u25a0." ';...;-: •:>.'-'• ::\u25a0\u25a0-'*. -,- \ .- . •'»'• -r:. :.-: 1. : jv Receipts or Hay' xrere flight, being f 286 tons. Including 11 cars. The market showed no change worthy, of. note:^ r^s?r^- : :.\~^- T-"< "• \u25a0\u25a0 z -.- There was ! a large arrlTal : of 6798 slew of Bran from Washlngton; y said >, to ' be ; unsold. I The mar^ ket ' for Feeds tuffs t showed • no ' new features. wr>? BRAN— $20@22 'per ton. \u0084r. \u25a0 MIDDMNOS— $27@3Operton. . - ! ' BHORTB-^|20@22:60 4per?ton. , \u25a0:< > \ -*? ' H PEEDSTUFF&— Boiled ' Barley.*; $24«J25-* Mixed Peed;? *23@25; I Oilcake Meal,-; nominafTVCocoanut Cake or, Meal at , mills. , $25:50 In 10 and $ 26 in -5 ton 1. lots; ; jobbing.;: ; v> Corn :\u25a0 Meal;- $30@3 1 ; Cracked ; Corn.' $31@32 ; i Broom i Com '\u25a0» Feed, : »0c per ' ctl ; 'Alfalfa \ Meal/ carload \ lots;-- $20.50; ? Job bing. $21.50. per ton; : Mealf alf a, :; ; Jobbing, $21.50.. ' ;:'-.' ",)•\u25a0\u25a0%.• \u25a0-~. 1 % -. r ' :-'.\u25a0'•-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0.' \u25a0-\u25a0•\u25a0 i »v HAY— Choice' Wheat;: $19@22.50 per ton; ; good wheat;; $17.50@18.60 ; ? other 5 grades Wheat. - $14 @16: Wheat and Oat.:sis@2o;;Tame-Oat; $12® 18:* Wild. Oat, ! slo@l4; >. Common ? Hay, • $10@12; Alfalfa. $9@ 13^0; Stock.' $10@12 per ton. '.\u25a0\u25a0:-'SSTRAW. \u25a0\u25a0: 'SSTRAW— 60@80c per;- bale. r \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0> "> \u25a0: \ '•.- \u25a0" .- \u25a0. !,-"-. Bean* ? and j Seed* /,.'.. y -•..\u25a0'" t Sellftrs ;of :\u25a0\u25a0 Beans -ic6ntinne»to';, report (a fli'm market, with > no new features; to 1 report, fu:;- •.-« --.--.'• Per * ctl:;^Bayos,-.vs'- > .23@2.40:' Pea, $3@3.25; small ,Wn1te.r52.75@2.95;i large -White. $2.23@2.45;.P1nk..51.90@2.20;*Red. ! «2.50^2.75; Llmas, j $4.25@4.35 ; i Red | Kidneys. $3.35@3.75 ; Blackeyesr $4.50©4.60; '- Butter, nominal lat $3.75 ,@4; Cranberry "Beans, :^53@3.25.5 ; \u25a0' .-.-\u25a0;•: , : -\u25a0\u25a0 ,-,vc f \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 SEEDS — Brown i Mnstard.i $4:25@4.50; | Yellow Mustard," nominal: i-Flaxseed. -: $S; Canary. ,4%@ 4% c ; 'Alfalfa,^, 13c ;1 Rape,"; 1 @3%d ; ( Timothy. "i 5@ 6%c; J Hemp. Vsci per*. lb; ? Millet.!- 3%c;sßroom Corn Seed, $18@20 . person.;- \v \u25a0?;"-.; - : -\u0084 * " : DRIED PEAS— iNHes;i" nominal; Green v Pets,' $2-50^2 75 per ctLy ' t* Potatoes/* Onions V m4 >.- Vefl;etables'..rL. S'. : !i : '.With v.the £ demand S unnsually 7 : large '.^ and % th# ; shortage ; of ± cars i and % dilatory & deliveries ;of < the 1 railroad -companies? curtailing *the; receipts.^' the | , Potato f market r remains 'very; strong.'i with ; prices steadily <\u25a0£ advancing. W- Oregon and ~ River v goods were « both S yesterday^ and "• the . limited supplies ',: were % quickly .1 snapped * np* at J the *. Im proved ;: rates.*ss Aside s from ® what? came 'Jn }, from : thei rlver.s district* II there swere |no m e w£ arrivals of a any * consequence, "S and -I there * was i practical ly ; nothing | remaining i In I first I hands 2 at t the 5 close.*': Onions • and ; Sweetsl were* unchanged,"! both ,' being reported* steady}; to '\u25a0 flnn.'^Cr. .' , ' ia| Mushrooms i and I Peas i were | more ! plentiful f and lower, > the H: latter j? being \u25a0\u25a0' mostly S rain-damaged " and? hard *to s sell. 'ss Everything i else « on '; the : list was iin : limited ; supply ? and '\u25a0• flrm.V: ~ ';. •-;«\u25a0:# -'j.: ,%\u25a0 , laf POTATOES— Per j ctl: ** River s-White.^ $1.70® 1.?3;t Oregon | Burbanks.'i $1.85@2.15;? Early jj Rose/ $K65;: Eastern $1170@i:85:', SweetjPo tatof>s,-?2.75@3.- \u25a0;.\u25a0"." .-:.\u25a0-\u25a0 "; "» .">" - "'." '. ~:* XONlONS— Yellow; 'per .'H, $1@1.25.. -' -'• ' -»VEGETABLES^-Rhubarb,i4@sc;per;ib;sGreen' Peas.-; s@loc I per '} lb ; •£ String S Beans, * _ _-- t per lb :iWax * Beans;% „'! per ; lb ; ITomatoesH Los' Anseles;,* $1@1 .50 § per | ofcte: M«lean.T/$1'.50 persg box ; &« Hothouse V Cucnmbers.'BS $1 @2 gj per dozen ; | Squash?! 65 @75<\5 peri box: j Summer. ' Sf)ua«h;r-=^i.-peribox:!!Garllc.-ta%@4c3perSlb:! .C«lery,-|2s(a4ocf per^dosen;| Cabbage, 3 $1.20®1150 per ctl ; : Cauliflower,'. 65@75c ' per dozen: ; Carrots," $1.25 per sack;: Turnips, $1.75@2 per s3ck;;Green Peppers, 6@loc per: lb;TMarrowfat Squash, -sls@ 20 1 per ..ton:-, Hubbard < Squash, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 $30©40; - Mush rooms, r s@2oc: per lb. •: ' ' - ::":"~": :":"~" '-' ".'.-.Poultry and Game \u25a0? ,:. '",-•\u25a0•; , y '-'\u25a0. Receipts fc of S Game s came'-', to f hand ;in \u25a0' much better -, 6hape. ••, than ;; on <. Wednesday. •\u25a0' and ~ prices for ."sound Offerings? of. all descriptions' recovered," going 'i back Ho about where • they were before thp;: sharp;, decline; of;: the -preceding day. A small percentage of ithe receipts still showed the effects ;. of ; the \u25a0- warm » weather,;? however,'* being more ors less "sour, -and -only-- sound brought , the ; quotations.. Live Poultry was quiet and i rather weak i than i otherwise. „as the -wants of * buyers -were , pretty i well/ supplied ; with , the 1 iberal | offerings jof r Western; that • came , to - hand early : in ). the \u25a0 week. *? Arrivals" of ; dressed Turkeys were c unusually i large, r approximating i6O ; cases, but the stock sold off well, at satisfactory prices. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0,) POULTRY— Per l dozen: Hens. „ $6@7.50 P t or large and $5<g;5.50 for small; old Roosfers, $4@5; young ;\u25a0: Roosters.* $5.50@7.50; \u25a0 Fryers. $3@G: Broilers. $3.50@5: -Pigeons, -sl/5i.25:- Squabs. $2.50@3 ; | Ducks. *6<gS for \u25a0- young and $5@6 -for old: Geese. $2.50@3 per pair. ' --^ - i> " -TURKEYS— Per lb: \u25a0 Dressed,-. 18@22e; live, nominal..: i ..' *• • " -.1 \u25a0'\u25a0',: \u25a0 GAME— Per dozen: Mallard Ducks. $6@7.50: Canvasback,!s5 (37.50: Sprig, $5@8:.Tea1.52.50(g 3 ; .?\u25a0 Gray -.Ducks. < $3.50@4 : ,- Widgeon; ( 52.50(g3 : small 'Ducks,' J2(g2.50: Black 'JTacks.- «2@2.50: Gray Geeser $4(§4.50: White Geese. • $1.75@2.50 ; Brant, \u25a0 |3@3.60 ? for large i and $2.50 . for ; small ; Honkers,- $6@7.50: r Hare,- $2@2.25: , Cottontail Rabbits, $2.75@3; Wild Pigeons, $1.25. -^ : : Batter, Cheese and Eggs , ; V > 'Quotations for j all i three descriptions of . Dairy Produce ! showed \u25a0 considerable revision yesterday, generally .:. in .; the 1 direction \u25a0of - lower \u25a0 prices. --The continuance of the warm and the favor able j prospects" for/increased "production | caused -a" general | feeling of ; easiness | and I buyers were out numbered.'by the session; of the -Ex chatfSe, - where . , the > attendance - was ' unusually large. - : -, Selected Eggs , were Be , per dozen . lower and . all . grades of • fresh creamery, Bntter dropped, the ; decline 'being 4c: per .pound In. extras;-- 2%c in - firsts ; and :3c• In seconds : and \ thirds. New fancy flat Cheese * was -%c lower, - while \u25a0\u25a0. Young Americas % were ;\u25a0\u25a0 slightly, higher, -there being I a temporary ; shortage ; of .that /description.:'; Bids and c offerings \u25a0 were : numerous ;on \u25a0 'Change. ' but there was only one. transact lon recorded, a'lotof 10 - cases |of - fresh * extra . Batter j changing j hangs at 34cper pounds ' •\u25a0.--•.:'\u25a0 \u25a0 . \., :\u25a0 . "At the request -of several members of the trade the directors '- of .the J Dairy. Exchange * are con sidering : a ; proposition .to * make ; tho : rules re garding \u25a0 grading ' and delivery ; of \u25a0 selected Eggs less t; stringent. .4 It ;. is r not - proposed :to change the : grading. J but \u25a0 the petitioners ask that sellers be : given - more latitude in making deliveries, . and that the allowance for washed, soiled and under sized Eggs to, the- case be Increased. *v '. --. " were \ 28,300 lbs \u25a0, Butter.XOOOO \u25a0 ; lbs Cheese and 150S cases -Eggs. -.."::: -\u25a0••• \u25a0. ;••. The - following were the. official quotations as established by: the sales;, bids and offers on the floor of. the Dairy Kxchange: -", \u25a0- . - : BUTTERA-J>esh Creamery, extras,.34c .per lb, weak; -do ,- firsts. , 02% c, u weak: , seconds, 30c. weak: . thirds. i25c.J weak: * packing - stock. 1 firm at 23c for.No.'l and'2lc for -No. 2: Eastern ex tras." 32c.' firm;', do firsts; ,28c. firm.:; Storage goods— -California -extras,;: S2c,- firm; firsts, - 31c, firm; seconds.- 25c, firm::' No. :i v packing 'stock. 22%e; s flrm: ! Eastern ladles, firm at 22% c"for extras and 23c for firsts.- ' i\ " • . • . CHEESE— Fancy , California new • fiats, 16c per \u25a0, lb, ;.•-. weak; . firsts. - 13c, \u25a0 weak ; new Young Am«rleaß.', fancy, . 15% c<• firm: - firsts; v 13% c, firm.; \u25a0;• Storage / goods — Fancy". California "' Cats, 13% c. ' steady; do 'firsts,:.. 13c. steady; fancy Eastern, :'l6%c,' firm; fancy ..- Western. 13% c, steady. '. -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 : -' . \u25a0 ; - • \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \ :.\ ; EGGS— California fresh selected, " 31c per dozen; 'weak: .extras. 28% c weak; firsts, "2?c; weak; seconds,'- 27c;, weak. Dccldaoas and Citrus Fruits , "The fruit market has not as yet shown any im provement as a result of | the warm weather, ' but dealers t are "= confidently , expecting a I marked I re vival: of .trading within aif ew days,: provided the pleasant waather continues. \u0084 Bus Iness in all lines was ; of ' ; the - usual \u25a0\u25a0 small proportions ' yesterday, and with .stocks f liberal j prices - were g generally weak and. Unchanged. : v. .-\u25a0'.- j : '-- . ."* -,- \u25a0 "APPLES— SI(ai. 75 1 per \ box for * Newtown Pip pins;-. $2@2.23 ?for Spitzenbergs, | $I@2 l for other red varieties, and $1.10(31.40 for BeUflowers.' 1 "i , : PEARS — Winter \u25a0 Nellis, $2 . per box; cooking varieties." per box. ' '• : - -, . 1 CITRUS FRUITS— Per \u25a0 box: Navel Oranges, $2@2.50 :f or 'fancy,: $1.50@1. 75 for 'choice and $l<ai.sO for standards; Seedlings, $1@1.25; Tan gerines. -halves, $1.25; -quarters, 75c@$l; Lem ons, $2.50@3' for;-' fancy, $2@2.25 for choice 'and * $1.25(^1.75 • for standard; Grape '\u25a0 Fruit. - s3@ 3.50 \ for seedless and $2@2.50 • for common; Limes," $B. per case.'. » :'. \u0084 ..TROPICAL,. FRUlTS— Bananas/ $I@2 ' per bunch i for 1 Hawaiian \u25a0 and I $1.75^2.50 for Central American; Pineapples, $3@5 per dozen. . " Dried Pnilts, XntKj Ralnlnn, Honey - Sellers I axe - accepting lower prices for Honey," as will be seen. Otherwise there Is nothing new under this head. ; '•\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0?•:\u25a0 - -. . .- . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: . . :\u25a0 : ..*:. FRUlTS— Apricots. '-\u25a0' 16@20c per lb; Evap orated-Apples, spot,' 6%@8%c: Peaches.' 10@ 13c;< Pears." 9@12%c;-. Prunes. 4-slze basis, 3c; large sizes. 4®sc. . J T -'\u25a0 , •. \u25a0 ~;- N --.,•\u25a0\u25a0'•\u25a0 - RAISINS— Seeded,/ B%@loc:' Loose Muscatels; 7%e,:_7%c and, Bc for 2,:?, and 4 crown . respect ively;, , Seedless 'Sultanas, :«.7@7%c;' -Thompson Seedless;-.' 7%c \u25a0 for f unbleached; \u25a0*. London /Layers, 8-crown, \u25a0 $1.85; London -Layers, \ 2-crown;;sl.7s; Clusters, $3.50 '. for > Imperial," $3 ; for ' Dehesa ° and $2.50 for fancy.- , : -,'.--'" \u25a0• - ; - •-\u25a0--•\u25a0•-. t, NUTS — Almonds. 5 - Nonpareils, 5 17%@15%c; I XL. 16%@18c; Ne Plus Ultra.- 16@17c: Drakes, 13V>@14c; * Languedocs, \u25a0 .13%@14c;» hardshell, 9@loc. , Walnuts; "Jobbing price^ — Softshell, 15@16c*for NoiS 1 and 12@13c for No. 2; lUlian Chestnuts. S@loc per lb. ? \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0',\u25a0•-"• .--.v- ';\u25a0'•,-. \u25a0\u25a0"- *:-• nONEY— l6@l6%c,per lb for bright comb and 12(ffil4c for amber; water white extracted," nom inal—none here; amber extracted, 5% @7c per lb. Provisions \u25a0'•' Steady to firm prices are reportedfor all prod ucts, with supplies .about balancing, the demand. -CURED MEATS— Bacon. : 14 %c per . lb - for heavy,; 14% c - for - light ' medium. 16c - for ' light, 16% c for \u25a0 extra -. light • and * 20@21c - for j sugar cured; t Dry \u25a0 Salted , Sides.T. 13% c: * Bellies. - 14c; Eastern sugar-cured' Hams. 16%@17c;' California Hams,;l6%c; Mess Beef,' s9 per. bbl; extra Mess, $9.50; 1, FamUy, ' $10; ' Prime i Mess Pork, $16.50; extra j clear, $23 ; Mess, $19 ; Pig Pork, r. $26 ; Pigs' - Feet. $5; \u25a0 Smoked : Beef, 14c per lb. \u25a0\u25a0' r . "--? .-,";. LARD —^Tierces - quoted at 9%c | for I California compound, - 9 ?ic : for \u25a0 Eastern ; compound < and 12c for ; pure; * half-barrels, ' pure. • 12 V«c: 10-lb tins, 12% c; 5-lb tins, 12% c; 3-lb tins, 13c. ' \u25a0 ; * \COTTOLENE-^One-half ; barrel, 10% c; three half-barrels, .; 10% c; • one tierce, r . 10% c; two tierces,; lO9»c;t five; tierces, .10i4c. r " Hides, TalloTT, "Wool and Hops .5 HIDES-^Cnlls \u25a0 a'ndr brands - sell about %@lc under g quotations. - •- Heavy \u25a0\u25a0: Salted - Steers, -. 12c; Hides, ; 12% @13c 1 for, heavy, 12% @13c for | light; Stags. ;B%c; -Salted 'Klp,>l3%c; Salted iVeal. 15% c; s dry - Calf, ;• 15% c;, dry Hides, \u25a0 23c; ' dry Kip, '22c; dry. Calf, ?2se: Sheepskins, .Shearlings.^ 20@50c -' each :--\u25a0. short ,Wool,^ 50@70c - each: ?me dlum; \u25a0 70@90c; '"long > Wool, •; $1@1.60:>- Horse Hides, V salt; . $3@3.25 for larr- - and $2.75 for medium, «. $2.28 ,- for • small and . BOc V for • Colts: Horse Hides, 5 dry; $2@2.25 for large and< 1.75 . for medinm, \ $1.25 ; for small i and &0c I for Colts. r = Deerskins— Dry « Mexican, ' 32%@3sc; : dry, salted Mexlcan,\ 55@37%c; "\u25a0 dry r Central t Ameri can; 35@37%c. -' Goatskins— Prime Angoras; 75c: extra" large j do," $1.25; large," 60c; medium;' 35c; small.'- 25e. < f *-- . '.- . \u25a0 \u25a0"-'-- -..--" • \, ..- ; TALLOW— No} 1 .rendered," sc; N0." 2, 4@4%c; Grease, ' \u25a02@3c.\^-. l "-V-l'- \u25a0"'-' \u25a0 -\u25a0-'-\u25a0'. . -?:\; \u25a0 '- WOOL — Fall clip: ' " San Joaquln and * Southern, 7@9c; I fall Lambs, : B@Uc; 1 Humboldt and Men docino, 14@15c: Middle County,' 94211 c; .North ern, ;free,yl2@l3%c; Nevada, 17 <g 18c - per Mb for 'spring.- \u25a0-\u25a0 -./ -\u25a0 , \u25a0 ' •-. \u25a0-'-, •.-.-. \u25a0\u25a0. •.- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 ' > \u25a0>-.;) HOPS— Choice, ' 12% c; prime," ; 10%@llc"; I com mon, 10c : per. lb. V. "\u25a0 - ' - - ' Meat .: Market There was » no farther . change " In prices : yester day, v though •:\u25a0: the >« sunny.' .weather and - : drying north wind may create some changes shortly. ... .DRESSED MEATS. *'• ' :-- --- - ' • BEEF-^«B4@7% e per lb for Steers and 6@6%c for Cows. ."\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0 . --. -..;\u25a0 > i^ 5 ' • ,^i ,' §g TT^MSBniS&Bi&kiJt v /VEALt-B%@loc for large, and '9V"@lo%c for small: -V 1 ".-.,; -- .\u25a0'.:;\u25a0- "!-. -^ \u25a0 . • a \u25a0 MUTTON— II% @13c for Wethers and ' 11 @12c • ' LAMB— I3c per lb for iXearllngsVand 'l^for . > DRESSED HOGS— lliai2%c per lb. Iv --;> "-\u25a0•i".'^ LIVESTOCK, MARKET.;,/ --• ; y/.py -'^The ; following* quotations are ; for good, sound livestock,, delivered, in 'San: Francisco, less 50 per cent shrinkage for ; Cattle: V'c - '\u25a0-.» -"-. \- -•=-.% --; .1 '. CATTLE-Steers. i B@B%c is per ilb for \u25a0 No. ? 1 and 7% @7%c : fori No.\ 2 ; < Cows and Heifers, 6@ 6Uc; -No. 2 Cows." s%c;i thin Cows. 4Vi@sc.t- >? CALVES-^-5@5%c ! per lb j for light,- 4% @sc" for medinm I and • 3%@4<.v for heavy ' (gross weight).^ ? •'SHEEP— Wethers," 6@7c per lb; Ewes/5%@6e (großs weight) :.*.-;;.-';.- :\u25a0.•\u25a0".••/ •• .\u25a0•-:;•;*\u25a0;; ; .LA? < «BS— €%@7c per lb. \u25a0-?\u25a0> ••: - '/ r^ " ' ' 2C S ' lbs '" 7%^^ ' P* l " ' lb : oTer -\u25a0wo ibs, t ji 4@,%e;4 @,%e;; Boars 5.0 per cent.; Stags 30® 40 . per i cent and \ SowbTlo@2o per . cent off from above quotations. r.- ... .-. \u25a0- -\u25a0\u25a0 . .,-? \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0- : -;.;:::;i-i;Gener«I>Merchandl»e/-.- ; '/: -\u25a0\u25a0 BAGS— San i Quentln * Baßs. ! r.7^:c; a Grain i Bags. JOne-July.i 8% @B%c ; ..Wool - Bags, s 28^c for 3-lb and 43e,for-4-lb.'M:S: j^ \u25a0*:\u25a0:,:." .-. ;#,--•,,-: »,' -.-\u25a0• > \u2666« COA ,V~ WW * Uf nn Bton':8 ton ' : $12 : per i ton ; > New >Welltng rZ™f*i\*?l rer iß iU: $10: ' Co ° 9 Bay." $10; I Rich mond.'-sl2; f.Cumberland,7sl4 iin bulk rand' Slfl 25 & vasSl:!v a SSI : ! Ci??el;Tsl2C i?? el;T s l 2 p * r tm ' < Welßh Anthracite!' p^ou^n!f n olntaai?Sfe^^!'S^ X^VT^ ll^?^ 8 ; are : for; ba "*l3Ti forJcasesVadd for ra w ;, Castor Oil ,- In : ca ses.l No." 1 ;' 75c • :• Bakers' AA, cases - $l;28@1.30 ;• Lncol.i 60c - for , boiled ; and 48C I for., raw ; I China I Xutrj cases.*s 85® 90c I ncr cal lon^CocoanutOll.iin barrels.lsßctfo> Ceylon and ft<?v f PJ .'Australian: ? extraibleachedi winter. Sperm 0i1. j 65c ; natural iwinterj Sperms 011.1 65c : > natural 0i1.; 55c: « extra rwlnterstraluedf Lard Oil. Soc : -i No. \ 1 ;. La rd Oil. GSc ; Ptire j Neatsfoot : Oil. - 1«: l * :l < Neatßr °ot "\ Oil, -". 57 i^c : V Herring « Oil *JcrSalmon'OU,- l 3sc; i boUed;pisn-011,-35c:TPatot Oil, 30C,-'- f"' 1 -- ly^-'-^y.''.. ; :;; r "; * '\u25a0\u0084-\u25a0** ~>. v J.'?"-' '. <•\u25a0 -\u25a0.\u25a0/ \u25a0.-,; '-.-J^' \-~-> '.\u25a0<- il??sk f 9 IU 4 GASOLINE. * ETC.— Water s white Goal OJl^: from tank wagons;; 10® lie ; i special : <lo.' 12% crs Pearl I Oll.^ In I cases.-*- if c ; sj AsUai. 1 17 c Star. '17c ; \ Extras Star. 1 20 c :! Elaine/; 26c ; t Eocene 19c;g Stove? Gasoline/a in t bulk. r 17^c;ftin i cases, 24c ; % No W? Engihe r. Distillate.*:' iron .\u25a0 barrels" : or drums.v 8c ; f No. v 2 7 do;ft 6 ftc ; ?; cases.^ 6%c f more ;'\u25a0 Benzine,-? in | bulk,*. 12%c ; Un i cases.T 19c ; 86-deeree Gasoline. •In bulk.'i 30c ; In • cases.- 36c. •\u25a0-* -V ~ « TDBPBNTINE— 93c 2 per ? gaU<3B ; ln% cases' and 818 1 c^ in drums and* lron , barrel ß.Taßl@WßW»|EgK.V : "- : "- . :,-! KOSlN— Ranges -, from -, ?5.80 > to vsß.lov $8.10 , per bbi; according ito brand and quality.Aj!SlaHas&,ri, •\u25a0 m BED AND vWHITE . LEAD— Red \ Lead.> B@S %c perl lb;f White jLeadr^igiSi-jcfaccordingito S?, SUGA R-r.Tbe.v Western X Sugar &Rennins ' Com pa ny ,* quotes ?a s i follows.'S terms i net i cash : iCnbes A,"f CrnsheJ; and JFlneJ Crushed.'si fiSOc : 2 Powdered." £f* c 2 s&S*'i Granulated^ 4.65 c; f Final Fruit : and Coarse; Granulated; 4.55e: Beet Granulated 1 (110 lb ;bags only).--4.35c: Confectioners* A. 4.65 c; Magnolia ,A.-- 4.15cr- Extra C,* 4.06 c: Golden C. 3.95c;*D, i3.S5c;-H.. &: E. -Crystal Dominoes. , 7.55 c: Tablets, half-bbls. 5.06 c: boxes; 5.30 c per Ib.- 'C Barrels and - 50-lb baga 10c, half-bbls 23c and boxes 50c more per'loo.lbs for.all grades. No - order taken for less than 75 barrels or - its equivalent.- \u25a0 \u25a0' ;r.~ . . 'Receipts of Produce FOR.THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Flour;"qr'sks.... l6.76ol Wool, bales 3 Wheat, ctls -...-. 3.850 Leather, rolls .... 108 Barley, ctls ..... 1.100 Hides, No ."..... 1.706 Oats, ctls ....... 625 Pelts, bdls .;.... 1,170 Rolled I Barley.ctls 1,720 Lime, bbls ...... 473 Rolled Oats, ctls' 492|Brandy, gals .... 1,830 Tallow,-ctls \u25a0'...." -70 Wine, gals \u25a0'.%.'...43,150 Su«ar, r ' ctls r."...'5,720 Lumber, M^ ft.... - 440 Potatoes, sks '... 3,660 Apples, bxs ..'... . 75 Onions, tsks ...... 390 Oranges, bxs ..... 25 Hay. tons ...... 296 Quicksilver,;. llsks. 40 WASHINGTON" Flour, qr sks.... s.9lo!Potatoes, sks .... 511 Bran, sks ;......6.79S]Shorts, sks ...... 222 iTHK STOCK MARKET Sudden Investment In Bond- Due to A pproachlng " Day - • There was 1 sadden -activity In . bonds on : the Stcck and Bond Exchange yesterday., The brok ers had (a I good ] many orders |to buy,. and under their purchases and bids the-whole bond market became ; very strong. 1 - while:: some issues ad vanced \u25a0. The' demand \u25a0 was : said to be for in vestment -In nontaxable ••; securities until the forthcoming 1 tax - assessment day. Marco 4. was over.: < The. total: sales - amounted to $169,000. Stocks j sympathized with the firmness In - bonds, but * were quiet, except Spring • Valley Water, which, was-active at $22.87%. ~ •The mining- stocks were irregular and quiet as a: rule. -The- Comstocks were firmer or weaker on - Individual: account, there being ,no general tendency, either .np or , down. . The Southern Nevada? exhibited-no new. features worthy of note. The > Tonopahs . were steady and not ma terially - changed. but the Goldflelds were lower in the', majority of-cases. -"The most' activity was shown by Great Bend at 37e®5i.0r.. STOCK AJ^D BOM) EXCHANGES THURSDAY, Feb. 7—10:30 a. m. UNITED STATES BONDS ' - v. 'Bld./!il-. Bid. Ask. 4sqrcoup.. — — 4sqr cp new. — -*g 4s qr reg... —^ — 3s,qr coup...— — < MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Ala f A'W ss. — - Oak Tran 6s. 115 — Asso Oil 55." 85 - 90 Do -5s '.... — 108 Bay. CPC 55.102 106 Do Con 55.105 108 >Cal-O-G ss.— — Ok Trac C 55.101% — Cal G & E s: O W gtd ss. 92% 96 m i ct 5s 89 S 5». 60%, 72% Cal-st C ss. 105 — Ob Cable 65.H9 — Cal Wine ss. 99& 99% Pac 6.1 m 4s. 92 95 C C Wat sb.' — 103 P E By 55.. 109 109% Do g mgss 88 — Pac-LAP ss. — 100 Ed L&P- 6«. — 120 PAC H 65.101% — . F& C H 6a.10S — , P& O R &3.10S — Geary-st 55.. 40 — Powell-st 65..111% — H C&S 5%5.- — — Sac EG*R5s.lO4% — Do 5s •'....104 — SF * SJVSi».I2O 120U Hon R T 6s. — — * SF.O & 5J55.109%110% L Tahoe RSs.lOl 102 .Do 2d-agSs — — LA "Elec ss. — 100% SJA. SCR 4%s 94% — LAG &\u25a0 ElSs.loo — Sierra R 65.. — 114% LA Ry 5s:.117%118 SP'rf.A 6s ' LAL gtd 55.104%105% (1909) /... 103-103% LAR-lem 55.109% —, (1S1O» ...-.104% — LAP^CaI ss. — -110% S P of C 6s Mkt-st C 65.110% —> (1912) ....112 — - Do:lcmss. U2 : SPC 1 eg 55.11J»%121 MV&iMtTSs.IOO -*,—, — > S P B R,65.135 — NR of C 55.119K120% SV ,W g rag4s — 93 N PCR 55.102 , Stkn GAE 6s — 105 N'C.Ry 55.-;— -113 : UG & E 55.102 — NC P O 55.101%101% UR o{ SF 4s. S3 82% O GL&H'Ss.IOS 109%j Val Co P ss. — 104 ; » ' "WATERS STOCKS Contra Costa — 61 'IS V Wat Co. 22% 23 " Marin.Co... —s. «2 \ \u25a0 GAS AND ELECTRIC Cent: L& P. . 1 2% Martel Power — — Mnt EXL ctfs .9 --9% Pac,L C 0.... — 80. ;Do.ex.ctfs 13 13% Stkn G <fc E. — — INSURANCE Fireman's • Fund ' .....;......... i 175 - 240 j r v > BANK STOCKS Am Ntl 8k.130 — |Lon, P * A.13« — Anglo-Cal .. 84 87 Mer Trust ..230 — ' Bank of Ca1.363 — Merch Ex .. 60 — Cal Safe Dp.129% — S F NationaL — — First Natn1..295 315 , .SAVINGS BANKS Ger S & L.3000 — Say tc L 50..100 — Horn S B»r.210O — S«c Say 8k..390 425 Mutual Say..-90 92% Union T C 0.2800.2800 3250 S F Say U. 620 635 . . f STREET RAILROADS California. -.142 .- — . iPresidio ..... — 25 Geary ......— 31%| - : . POWDER Giant ConsoUdated C 0............... $4 W .SUGAR V- Hawailan-O. 81%'83J [Onomea- S C. — 88 Honokaa S C 10% — | Paauhau. S C.'-16 16% Hutch S PC 15%; 15% Union S Co.. — '50% Kllauea SC. — .3- Do poolr.r."— 80% MakaweU:C. 32 .—" :~ - }."'. V• ' - i. MISCELLANEOUS Alaska P A.-46 — Oceanic S Co. — . 5 Asso OU C0.^45~ —' Pac Aux FA : r — Cal-'F^. C"A,104 — : Pac'C 80rax.152% i Cal Wine A.^86% 87, Pac S Tel Co. — ,108% MV& MtTm. 85 —, / >\, ..;; \u25a0'>' sales;.;.-. \u25a0- Morning:. Session \u25a0' , Board — ". " ' ' 40 Alaska Packers'," Association....- 4«.OO ,'*\ vs,Makawelivs,Makaweli Sugar Co .....*. 32.00 \u25a0 50 Paauhau S-P •Co 16.00 ; 345 Spring Valley-Water C 0....."..% 22.87% $2,000 Cal Gas & El G M A C T 55.. 88.50 $1,000 Cal Wine Association 5s 1)9.50 $8,000 Contra Costa Water 5s 102.50 52.000 Omnibus Cable 6s •.......'.....119.00 $1,000 Pacific Electric •Ry C 5........100.25 $1.000 8 FA S J VaUey 5s .120.00 $13,000 SP. Arirona <1910> 1jD4.50 $18,000 United R R of S F 45........783.00 •\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0:- ' .: ,- ..-- \u25a0 " 15 Cal Safe Deposit A Trust.... 129.50. 35 California Wine Association.... 86.50 $2,ooo"Contra . Costa; Water 55.V...... 102.50 $6,000 LosAng Pacific of Car55...;..110.00' $34,000 Los. AngfPac Ist con 5s 109.50 $15,000 Northern- Oal Power' &s.-,.".... J0V.50 $46,000 Pacific Electric Ry 55.".........109.00 " $20,000 United; R' B ,of S, F 45........ 82.00 =s. Unlisted Securities MISCELLANEOUS BONDS \u25a0 - ; Bid.;Ask'. ; .. . Bid. Ask." Bay CPC 68.104% — SF.AiNP ss. 109% — Cal NW Rss.Hl . 112;-. Stand El 55.. — 92% SF Drydk ss. 112- ,—, — = Do.gtd. ss.— 95' SFj GAE 4%s 94 -:95 |Sun Tel 5«.. .104 110.V MISCELLANEOUB STOCKS. Ala.SngiCo. —•'^18 Hono old pool 20 —, Cal Cot Mils 90 ' — Hono nw pool 23 27% CalT IA T. 175 — N Cal P Co. 27 23 Chutes Co.: — 4 Orpheum Co.. 18 — . CypvL Imp.: 2% . 5 Pac C Cas C 0.150 175 Dpt-Pw pfd; 85 95 S F Drydock 60 — D 0,c0m...102 4.;__-;; SF ASJ Coal — 20 Eono'P Co.. 22 .28 Truck :Elect.. 19 20 sales ,: 1 > Morning Session \u25a0r '-*".:"- Street ,'\u25a0\u25a0 .•: ;;-.. - ; $2,000 People's Water Co 65... .'^.. 73.00 Calif ornia S took, and "Oil Exchange Bld.Ask: ",-"\u25a0'. v Bld.Ask. Asso OirSt.47:oO 47.50JM0n of Ariz'.; 19 — Chr-Crude; old *33 . —Monte-Cristo.; - .80 Chi' 08 *^-~ OU. City - Pet .69 Claremont ..." 50 75 Peerless \u25a0.'....".3.50 ,'— \u25a0 CoaUnga: Pac.\ —< 75 Piedmont - .v.. -\u25a0\u25a0 12 — Home. ....... .20- —SPA McKlttul.sO — Imperials... 15.75 --— Sovereign .... — 25 Junction.Tr... '14 "- *— Sterling ..."..a.«O S.OO Kern,j'new ..• 10; .—. — Snpertor ..... 00 13 Linda-Vista..- 12 —1 West Shore \u0084^.25 .: — McKlttrick •;.; ; 20;- >-H \u25a0'\u25a0" •":: '\u25a0'- \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0• '.""•' SALES 300 Monarch ' 50 300Sterlins \u25a0•.......;.........,..-.."**j^Jq .;.-: SAN * FRANOISCO JSTOCK; EXCHANGE - Following were the sales on the San Francisco Stock-and Exchange; Board yesterday:? COMSTOCKS ' ' * Regular '• Morning'[ Session *\u25a0 600; Andes ...;... 161 300 Hale A Nor*. 85 t 6CO Belcher; .-..." 35 1000 Julia -';.. ;10 200 Best; A 8e1ch.1".30 450 Ophir - :v;;.\. .2.35 1000 Bullion '•.-.-..\u25a0.'". 2S ,100 Potosi .;..... 17 200 Caledonia :.:. 50 900 Sierra "Nev ... 57 , 200 Con VaiMCo.' 89 100 Union Con ;.. Vr 800 Cc# YaM C 0.'90.'90 :200 Union' Con'-'..-; —f2 ,'SOO Cro»*-n -.Point.. ;30 '200 Yellow; Jacket. 90 *ij. '._:'.'.' Informal.'Session7- • "COO' Belcher ..... '35 500 Con Va M Co. 91 \u25a0- 800 Caledonia\u25a0*.7." 49 200 Mexican^ "."..r. -»»Q, \u25a0\u25a0200 Caledonia ...,,47 ;2t>o Potosi , v.;;w.S 18 ' 100 Challenge " :..- 25 -400 Sierra:Nev... 62 200 Challenge- .:." 2« • 600 Union ! Con ... 52 1000 Con Imperial.- 03 400 Union Con?.""..' 51 ;UooiConVVa<M;Co.:;9o -« : : ?'.; CLOSING! QUOTATIONS;; Bid.Ask. I : " '• Bld.Ask. Alpha ..:.:..,— ;-,-16[ Justice:- ..05 - 07 Altai5......:.. — 05 Lady "Wash -.. 07' — Andes>.:;.:.. 16 17lMexican '«;.'.'..*.- 90 ;,92 Belcher ;..'.. ,35 .36}New*York;On — 07 BestrA^Belch.l.2s 1:30 Occidental .".. -47 — Bruns'Cr.Va:. 04. .:_— Ophh*,; :. ;.2.35 2.40 Bruns} Savage; '03•- f— Overman•<•'. .TVpITMIO Bullion ".-.:...; 2S - =29 Potosi *.;:.r..- 17-18 Caledonia\<.:.: 47 \u25a0;: 4S Rich}; -,« — Challenge X ':.";\u25a0 \u25a0 :24:24! ': 25 Savager'.".r.t.."-"75 SO Chollar r.'.vr."' 13 '15 Scorpion \u25a0•«..;.. 07 "10 Confitlencej-.;.;'•\u25a0'\u25a0 — 1.10 Seg;Belcher ".;\u25a0 07, OS Con* Imperial.' 02 -03 Sierra Nev.:.. sn .32 ConlVaiM Co. ;J»O;J»O 91 Silver;Hill<-;.:* .60 * — CrownE-Point.'/' 29 :30 StandardvOoa..3.oo — Exchequer^...v's3 — St; Louis ;'.V.:7/ at \u25a008 Gould; A :Cur.*\2sf*:3o Cnlcn Cowr'.TZ' rslrsl 52 Hale. A ; Norc. • ?3 V": 85 UUh...-."...: i".;, 03 .04 Kentuck:'.r>.;'~— ' "14|YeUow. Jacket. 85 90 Ju1ia.;..../. — , i»!, .: ':l&s§B&3Bi ; \u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0. TONOPAH :AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS ' \- ; Regular VSession-f-g-SOj to '; 12:30 .'," 1000 Adams ".'.. .*.'.'-!211 1000 Man Dexter".. 53 1500 > Amethyst 5114000 M .Hlgh^Grade v 17 3500"Atlanta ...::•'s2 2000 Man.Little Joe ,06 1000 Atlanta J '.....'" SI >500 Man 'Standards:o3 1300'Belmontf-"r:'.5.62% 6?oo:Mayflower"ICon *5l 7,"»00 Blkß-B*>nanz v-12 2000 Mayne :.'....-..17 -.1000-Bluer Bell"':'.:•\u25a0 2f. «100 MacNamara .'. 03 l(>fni-f>'-Do,' a 10:.It;25 500 Midway .."..2.02% lCM»OBli!r Ball >... : 4^f :,W»: " '30..V.2.00 =;500fBlueBuU ... 46j 500' :Do,-'s-10.;;.2.0O IS^ 90 43^ Montana ; ::: 3g "100 & &.: • » ,300 Mont^omy - Mt. , 4O»iO Bullfro? Mm. 37 1000 Mt? Sltos EX- j£ 2000 Do b 60... 40 8500 Mnstanj.- An*- _\u25a0"*-; 1000 BlfrsXat.B* 32 1500 Mastaos Ex .• 1 100 Blfrg Nat Bk W 1000 Mustang M. *5 2| IWiO Blfrg N Star. 14 2000 Ne-r Con* Stc s /^ «1O Blfrl Victor.. 29 1000 Norti Star ... 3| 1000 Blfrl Victor., 2555000 Oakland ..... 500 CO D ...... 1. 00 5000 Orlff Man » 1500 Columbia Mt.1.05 900 Oro .......... M 500- Do. b 30.1.07% 10.000 Paymaster .. 03 1000 Colum Mt. .1 .02% 500 Pennsylvania. . O> 1000 Colom Mt Ex. OS 4000 Perm. Blfrg •- JjV 2300 Com Friction.s.oo| Pine Xut .24 2000 Confidence Btg 40. 500 Pitts S ".1.5-% 2CI? Daisy ...... .2.55 200 Red Hllla .... 30 600>» Daisy Ex ... OSJ7OOO Erf Top Ex.. JO 1000 Daisy Ex ... <»! 100 Bed Top Ex. . 42 2500 Dmdfld Trngl. 56 1000 Red Top Frae. 11 3000 DmdSd Trngl. 55 500 Red Win? ... 3g ICOO Dixie '15 4600 Rescue Con . . ». \u25a0 1000 Gold Anchor.. 40J2000 Kuby^ Wonder. 3 2000 Gold Crown .. 16 2000 Sandstorm Ex. JO lOO'Gld C Mn.b©0.9.00 500 Sandstorm Ex. II 1000 Goldfleld Mta.l.2s' «» Svl Hnmphrey. 12 5000 Goldleld Rand 04 1500 Silver Pick -.1 4O 1000 Gold Wedge . . I7[ 100 Do. a 10. --\u25a0*•*» 200 Great 8end.:. 1.05 200 Silver Picfc Ex 14 5000 Great Bend^l.o2% 500 Skooknm Blfr? -- 500 Hibernia .... 19 1000 Steinway -^ 2000 Ida Mines ... 23 4000 St Ires l.» 1000 Jack Pot ....1.60 1000 Stray Do* « 3500 Jim Butler .. 1 . 131 1000 Stray Dog ... So 7000 Johnnie Cons. 18 8000 Stray Do* -• • • ** 1000 Jumbo Ex:. 2. 47% 500 Sun Dog 03 2000 Kendall Ex.. ©« 1000 Tecapo Can .-J-°5 2000 Llge Harria... 05 200 Tramp. Con ; -1t«? 4000 Loo DiUon -.. 25 500 Do, 5 60..1.«2H 1000 Lon Dillon ..-24 1000 Do. • 10--J-5i2 100<) Man Belmoat. =-,03 2000 Tramp Con. .!-•»* "^ 1000 Man Bl Horse OS 4000 Ventura --V># .soo Man Cons ... 85 191 West End ...iT"^ SSPO Man Cowboy. 10 1000 Yellow Horse.. C 9 1000 Man Crescent. 13 1000 Tallow Rose.. 14 4000 Man Dexter.. 62 3000 Wonder^ w Informal Sesaloa — 12:30 to J p. rau 5000 Adams ...... 2O» 1000 Kendall Ex .. CJ 5000 Alice of Won. 20 1000 Llge Harria .. 05 4000 Alice of Won. 21 8000 Lone Star .... 33 13.500 Atlanta ... 81 5200 Lone Star .... » 500 Atlanta ....."' 82 1000 Lone Star .... 33 1000 Atlan * Pac 06 500 Lou Dillon ... 25 2000 Black Ants .. 13 1000 Lncky Star .. W 9500 Blk Btte Ex. 14 2000 Li»ky Star .. JJ 1500 Black Rock ..11 500 Man Broncho.. 19 ICOO Bine BeU :.. 25 2000 Maa Crescent. 13 3100 Bine Bull ... 43 1000 Man Crescent. -14 1000 Do, 9 10... G2iSOOO Man Crescent. 13 5000 Bonaasa Ex.. 12:13,500 Man Dexter. 51 2000 Booth 87 4300 Man Dexter .. 52 500 Booth 86 3000 M High Grade 20 1000 Bonnie Clare. 43 3000 M High Grade. 13 2000 Bonnie dare. 44 4000 Man Hamboldt 00 1000 Bullfrog " Mtn. 3711500 Man Jumbo .. 03 2000 Do. b 60... 89 6000 Man Mof X*r 14 1000 Do. b 30. . . 3S| 1000 Man Mof »"» 13 2000 Blfrg Victor.. 29 2000 Man M of Her 1« : 400 Colnmbia Mt.1.00 6000 Mayflower Caa 51 ICJO Colum-Mt Et. 07 MOO Do. t> 60.... 33 8500 Com Fraction.s.oo 2000 May Queen .. 25 2300 Com Frae. .5.12% 1000 MacXamar* .. 63 2500 Daisy 2.50) 200 MacNamar* .. 64 5500 Daisy Anx .. 19 2500 Midway , 2.00 4000 Do. b 30... 20 1500 Mohawk Ex .. 27 2000 Dm B Btte C. 49 200 Mobawk Ex .. 28 6000 Dmdfld TrngL 56 5000' Mohawk Ex .. 28 2000 Do, b 90... 60 800 Mohawk Junior 10 5000 Do. b 60... 60 1000 Mont Mid Ex. W 300 Dmdfld Tragi. 69 2500 Mont<t>my Mt. 37 300 Dixie >..;.... 13 2000 Mtg Shos Ex. 24 2000/ Eagle's N»st.. 80 4300 Mtg Shea Ex. 23 2000 Do, b 90... 33 ICOO Musia-its Mao. 26 1300 Gold Bar ..1.27% 2000 Nevada Boy .. 21 1300 Gold Anchor.. : 3» 1000 North Star ... 3» 2000 G Bar Frc.blO 2016000 X Star Wondr 23 2000 Gold Center.. 24 4000 N Star Wondr 23 2000 Gold Center.. 285000 Ortg Bullfrog. 23 2973 Gld, Con M.8. 62% 3000 Po. 6 60.... 23 8950 Gld Con M...8.60 10.000 Paymaster.. 03 " 300 Do, a 10.8.37% 1000 Pitta S Peak.. 1.50 75 Gld Con M...8.75 2000 Potlatch, b 30. 80 500 Gld Kewuoa.l.7s 3000 Potlatch SO 200 Gld Kffwasoa.l.7o 1000 Potlatcb —... ~* 2000 Gold Mt .07 2000 Red Hills .^.*«* 25W Great 8end.1.02% 4000 Re<i Top Ex.-^f* 5400 Great Bend.-^l.OOl 100 Red Top Ex./W<£» 2300 Great Bend... 9811000 Red Top Frae Jl 2000 Great Bend... 9713300 Rescue Con .. 20 1000 Great Bend.,. »6 2000 Rd M B Jaekt 20 1300 Do. b 80.. .1.03 2000 Do. b 30.... 21 2000 Great Bend* .. 99 2000 Silver Pick . . .1.41 2500 Do, b a 0.1.02% 6000 Sllvar Pick Ex 14 600 G Bend C, blO 16 500 Spearhead Frc 43 1000 Hlbernla .... 17 1000 Spearhead Gld.l.o»> 4500 Hlberala .... 16 3000 Steinway . 20 2000 Hlndocraft .. 16 3000 St Ives ......1.13 2000 Homestake Ex 20 1060 St Ives 1.10 1000 Jim 8ut1er.1.17% 3000 St Ives 1.C4 7500 John Con. -b8 19 2500 Toano Frisco. . 18 6000 Jumbo Ex ..2.3015000 Ton Gold West 13 1000 -Do, b 10...2.302300 Tramp C0n. .1.57% 2000 Jumbo Ex.. 2.47%l 1000 Treasure ..... 17 100 Kendall SOIIOOO Yellow Horse..- 09 6000 Kendall Ex.. Oft 4000 Yel Hrs E.b3O 21 6000 Do, b 90... 0613000 Yel Hrs E,b«o 23 CLOSING QUOTATIONS - CALIFORNIA P.M. JUS.! Bld.Ask. . Argonaut ....4.70 — 'IFurn Crk Ex.. — 70 Bo«t Gra . Cop 14 — Grnw Bl Oxide — 32 Brunswick r. :.. — Co|Keane Wonder — «9 Bunker H01.. 2.00 — {Xcv Hercules. — '\u25a0\u25a0"« -'* Cent Eureka.. 70 73| Bed "^ Boy ;... 33 — Belmont-.....5.50 s.62!Mldwa|= > \u25a0..-'."..2.00 2.05 t Boston Ton ".". 17 18! Midway Ex ..' — - 35 S Brgf 1 JB Ex IS Mlipai Ex '... — .37 ! California ... 18 — Montana .....3.95 4.00 Cash Boy ... 11 13 Mont Mid Ex. — 15 Esperanza ... 02 03 Mon Pitts Ex. 23 2K Gold ' Anchor.. .X» 40 N T Ton* Con. 03 10 Gold Crown .". 15 10 North Star ... 38 ,' S9 Gold Mt .... C 607 Ohio Ton .. 20 * 22 Gold Mt Con. 02 — Paymaster ... 02 • 03 Great Westrn. 04 03 Red Rock Ex. 03 04 Gjpsy Queen. — 27 Rescue Con ..19 20 H0mer....... — 14 Toa Exten ...5.00 — s ' Ind Ton 02 03: Ton Gold West 13 *"— ." • lowa Ton ... 06 — [Ton Home Con 02 04 Jim Butler ..1.13 1.17 Ton Sly & Gld 03 — J Butler Ex. — 10 Ton of Nev. 17.00 18.00 Little Toa .. — 8.00 West End ...1.53 1.60 MacNamara.. 62 64 West Ton ... — 23 Goldfleld District Adams 20 221 Grandma ?^3 Aloha- ...'.;.. 12 — Great Bend ' . .*" ffj^f 00 Atlanta,- ..'.„ 80 811 Grt Bend Anx. ~fJzS Baltimore Gld — 10! Grt Bend Con. — lfl Band ........ — 40 Grt Bend Ex. 34 33 Black Ants .. 12 14 Hibernta 15 IT Blkß Bonanx 12 13JHlghland 03 ,— j Blk Butte Ex 14 15lJumbo ... — 3.50 Black Rock ... 10 lljJnmbo Ex 2.43 2.30 Blue Bell;... 24 2«tKendaJl 5t Bin* Bull ... 49 47 Kendall Ex .. 03 <«( Blue Quarts.. — 40|Kcwaas. Ex ..'\u25a0* — 30 Brooklyn .... 05' C6;Laguna' ......1.45 1.50 Btte Goldfleld 11 12' Lone Star .... 32 34 Boots ....... 86 87! Lou Dillon ... 24 .23 C O D.......1.00 — iMayne ....... 18 IT Columbia..... 93 '—May Queen.. 27 30 \u25a0 Columbia .Mt.1.00 1.05 Mid Pawc«e... 11 — . Colum. Mt Ex. 08 09 Mill town MCo 49 — Com riraction.s.oo 3.l2!MUltown BTac. — Wl Commonwealta 30 33|M0hawk...... — ITJO • Conqueror ... 24 23lMobawk Anx.. — 1 IIJF Cracker Jack.. IS 2O[Mohawk-Ex .. 2^.28 Daisy -:. ..2.45 2.30 Mohawk Junior m C& 10 Daisy Anx .. 1» — Nevada. Boy .-« 20 21 Palsy Ex .... 07 09 Nev Goldnaid. 54 — Desert Queen. — 10 Nev ' Western.. — 03 Dm B Btte C. % 49 51 Nor GrVßend. — 10 Dmdfld Trnjl. 56 57 Oro ..J 62 34 Dixie .;..... 13 13 Orle .Velvet. .. 20 - — Dominion .... — 10 PaMce Gldfld. 16 — Empire ...... 15 ' 2Olr»nyan . .. — 10" Esnseralda ... 2S 32 (Pennsylvania.. 08. 04 Federal ....." 15 . lTiPocahontas ... — 13 Fawn ....... — lOjPotlatch ..... 84 — Florence . . . . . — 5 .25! Red Hills 2S 31 Florence Ex.. 27 '- -^ Red Lion .... > — 1*» Frances Mak. STi \ — R»d Top ....3.60 4.00 Frisco-......-./ uy /. 20 Red Top Ex.. 40 41 . NOTICE K- Notice is .hereby given that all persons purchasing certificates from 102 to 200, inclusive, of the capital ;stock'Vof ; the .Candelaria Gold Minurg of Manhat-" tan, 'Nev.,_do so at; their own risk, \u25a0 the . ! same r neyer , having- been duly: issued by the company, and wil!^ not be transferred on the books of the company,; but will be canceled on presentation, as said certificates were ', lost, - . Any one offering said certificates .fqri sale -.will be guilty of uttering 1 "forged ; paper and ; will be - "prose- cuted - accordingly. Any informa- tion leading* to the": recovery will be liberally rewarded.! ;- Secretary Candelaria Gold Jiniflg Company % C. WILSON Stocks and Bondsy \u25a0', U ember Stock aad ' Bond Kxebaaz^ *3» *£*\u25a0% ' tends rt.\: PtMoa Ttvtootnis sli. : MURRAY JNNES .CONSULTING -MINING"; ENGINEER ~ ' 218 j Koh 1 BulldiDir ": .4 Formerly - Tice president ArlK»n* CouD«r Col, *ndi*A.«* S.VJI B. a. Co. - \u25a0 *^ 1 ***