Newspaper Page Text
(Cold Bar G1d.1.02 — !Bed Top Frae. 09 11 r^old Bar Frc 19 — ISaadstorm ... — * 74 Cld Bull Dog. 20 — I Sandstorm Ex. — 10 Old Con M...8.50 B. «2, Sherman 10 11 «Idfld Fissure 06. o7iSilver Pick ..1.42 1.45 Gldfld Herald.. 06 07|RIlTer Pick Ex — 15 <;id M N>t..x.25'spearhcad Gld 00 1.00 <.;l<3Sd Meda.. 07 lOjSptarbead Frc. 35 - — Gld N Star. — > 13 St Ires .1.12 I^ls Gld Portlßnd. 30 34! St Ives Leasng —\ 15 Old Bed King — 20! Sun Dog .... 04 \O3 Oold Flat ... -— iSiTreasure 17 .18 Gold HUI O5! Verde 03 04 <.ld L Strike — 15 Vernal 21 24 Gld Kewanoa.l.7s 1.80 Waverley .... — '25 GoldSeld Rand 04 — ] Wonder 05 06 (Jld Souvenir.. — 14 Yellow Rose.. 14. 13 Gldfld Uaioa.. 05 — | Yellow Tiger.. — 17 UulUrog District Alliance — 20 Gold Sceptre.. — 44 . Amarposa ... OS —Gld Mt Gldfld 06 10 Amefbj-st ... 50 51 H Hooligan . . — 11 Beatty Mt M — 10 Hmatake Kng.1.15 1.20 Big Bullfrog. 05 m Lice Harris .. 04^ 05 BUck Spar .. _ 15 Uttle Blfrg .. 04 05 Bonan Mt Gld 10 11 {Mayflower Anx — 15 Honnie CUre. 44 45lMajflovrer Con 50 51 • Bullfrojr Ani. -04 OOjMaj-flower Ex.. — 12 nitTg Banner.l.oo I.os'Maryland 03 — 1 Blfrg Com .. — II Mont Bullfrog. 12 13 Blfrg Con ... _ OSIMt mil Mine* — Oft T.lfrg Daley .. 41 43 Montgomy Mt. 37 »J IJullfroir Ex.. — 13!Mtg Shos Ex. 21 *JS Blfrg Belmont 11 la Nugget II 13 Klfrg Jumper. — OislNor Sunshine. — 17 r.lfrg Midas.. M —Old Sol Blfrg. 10 — Bullfrog Mm. 3ti 37iOrlc Bullfrog. 23 24 Blfg M MiW SS — !Orlg G Bar Ex — 20 Blfrg Nat Bk 52 54|Penn Blfrg .. — 10 Blfrg N Star. — 14iPiute — 10 lUfrg Sunset. — 11 Bed Bird .... — -11 Blfrg Victor.. 28 30.Kh.rolite Twn. 05 (>7 Blfrg Winner. 15 — San Francisco. — 15 Chins NeT . . - — 10'ShoRhone — OS Conadnce Bfg 40 — iShoehn Nat Bk 05 <>6 Croesus — 20jSkookum Blfrg — 24 >t«?r. Blfg Aax 2S SO'steinwsy 20 22 : <m;< Bar 1.20 l.SS'Tramp Con ..1.57 1.60 4v >).i Bar Anx 10 — I Trinidad — 50 Oold Bar Ex. 12 — 1 Valley View.. — 25 <;«ld Onter.. — 25 VelTet .09 10 Gold Dollar.. 10 — I Ventura 14 — •Joldfield Bfrg — oC| Yankee Girl ..12 IS Manhattan District Apr Fool Ex. 04 05! Man Mof Ne» 14 35 A;ian & Pae. OS OA.Man Mammoili — 60 Bull Dog <a fttjM Monday Ex. — 06 Comet 03 04! Man Monarch. — OS Gold Wedge.. 17 ISiMan Monitor.. — 06 Granny G M. — 24jMan OrlentaL. — 18 Hindocraft ..15 —Man Plate .. — 10 1 Ind Camp ... — ns'Man E*d Top. 05 06 Jumping Jack. 25 30' Man Sedan ... 04 Little 'irey .. 47 s<i Man So Mm.. 08 05 Man Astoria.. — 25',Man Standard. — 05 Mea Brlmont. V 2 IWi Man United ..15 16 Man Big Four — 15 1 Man Verde ..03 —I Man Broncho. J6 l^Maa Virginia. — "06. Maa Buffalo.. — 10' Man Wolftone. 20 — Van Carson.. — 09| Mineral Hill .. — 07 Man Central.. 03 miMustang Man.. 20 27 Man Cons ... S3 ©((Mustang Anx.. 02 03 Man Con Ex. — lSjMustang Ex ..11 — Man Comb .. ;J1 laiOrig Man _.. 27 2S Man Crescent. 12 . 14 ' Pine Nut 23 24 Man Co\rboy. f» m g y i Humphrey. 10 12 Man Dexter.. 61 52! Stray Dog ... 50 54 Men Gld Gate — 2fiiT«quima Coppr — 10 . Man G Nupgt — 05;ThanksglTlng.. 0» 11! M High Grade Jrt — : Whale .'. . OS — Man Iranhoe.. 25 — | Yellow Hor*e.. 08 09 Men Hombldt OS lOYel Horse Ex. 10 — Man Lit Joe. 05 CCi other DlstrlcU Alice of Won. 20 24 ! Monitor Gold. — 18 Capital Wond — 31 (Mt Odar ... 20 — Cent Goldfield — 60' NeT Copper.*. — 2.00 Cyrus Noble.. — 15; Ner Hills . . .'. — 4.00 <l;ffor<l M Co • — «3'NeT Hills Ex. 50 Ely Jum Cop . — l«;:Nev Hills Flor — 15 Kacle 1 * Nest.. -31 32| NeT Gld DeT. — 05 Fairrw Altec.'- — 4<VNeT Wonder../— ' r :. 30 Kairvw G Bid — 20|N Star Wondr 22 2", Fairvw Hailst — 14 Palmetto — 25 Jairrw Eagle. — SKtiPllts S Peak. .1.50 1.55 Fairrw B Mt .—. — Ssißa.mse.r Woud — 90 Kairvw X Knir 40 —I Bed Wing ... — S6 Fl"r G X Kng id is |Eww RIT Gld 15 16 Slobe Johnnie. "40 —^lleeae Blt Std — 10 iVoUi R«^d M 12 'Rocco Homettk — 10 -i*jr'. S Peek. — 19! Bound Mt 1.00 — <l^-;.n Terra. — 10] Round Mt Alp 15 GoMyke Reef. 13 14 Round Mt Ex 25 — Oold Quarts.. — 30; Ruby Wonder. 31 83 Ma Mires ... 23 24 Silr P Marflwr 50 — Ida Slae Anx." — 05 ! 7 Troughs Cleg — 14 Jack Pot l.r>s l.fiO'Toano Frisco..- — 16 Johnnie Cons. 17 19! Vulture 75 (Uwirh Gold. 02 —I Walker Lake.. 10 — Kawich MCo <M — I Wonderland ..20 i.-ZRTi M Co. — Ss| HEiL ESTATE TRANSACTION'S Abraham Enef to Mary Byer, lot on E line of Bowdrin street, 100 N of Mansell, N 25 by E 120; $10. Marshall B. and Mary Rver to George F. Lj-ncn. lot on E line of Bowdoln street. 100 N of Mansell. N" 25 by E 120 and three other pi«f«»s; $I<>. William Peters to Nellie Moore, lot on W line of Broderick street. 75 S of O'Farrell, S 25 by I W 10.); $10. Margaret Come to A. C. and Josephine Hup feld. lot on W line of San Carlos street, 85 S of Nineteenth. 6 25 by W 75: $10. G. F. Gray-et- «l. to San Francisco Brick Company, lot it- block 12. Flint Tract; $10. William M. Kitchen to Theodore B. and ilary Kratzell. lot 18,»jrift map No.' 3; <10. Martin Hannoa to Sophie Swenson, lot 439, gift map No. 2;. 510. Camille de Berry to Julius C. Kittle, lot on E Jlne of Twentieth avenue, 150 S of N street, S ! 25 by E 120: $10. John Andrews et ai. to Atncdeo Msschla et al.. lot on SE comer of Mission street, 400 RW of Italy avenue, SE 83:6, SW 44:6, NW S4, NX 62:6: $10. Jarob Herman Company to M. M. J. Gilbert and wife, lot on S line of Alvarado street, 150 W of Douglass. W 25 by S 118; $10. T. B. Potter Realty Co. to Arnold CaJegarts, Jots 30 and 31. block 27. Rels Tract; grant. GtistaT Hcrshall and wife to Adolph K. Hsr stall. half of lot on S line of Eddy street. 137 .-« W of Mason. W 65 by S 137:6; $10. Mary C. Fattrell to Fritz Monk and wife, lot oa SE line of Alemanr arenue. 60 S of Harring ten ctreet, SE 92. S 25. NW 66:6, SW 25:3; $10. iTnalwiek J. Knorre to Mabel A. Knorre. lot 01"^; line of Seventh avenue, 135 N cf Fulton fu|£-. N 25 by E 120; gift . H*nry A. Dilllng to August O. H. Schmidt, lot on W line of Nineteenth avenue, 300 S of Point Lobos, S 25 by W 120; $10. Ge*!ne E. Thode to Anaa M. Angermann. lot on S line of Carl street. 129.97 E of Cole, E 25. S 115.94. W 25.014. N 11S:O8; $10. Tbomas Cbarltoa and wife to Samuel Solo mon, lot on E line of Pierce street, 110 N of Green. N 27:6 by E 103:6; $10. . Onrrler & Mitchell to Henry Helnraann. lot on E line of Twenty-fifth avenue, 150 N of Point Lobos. N 25 by E 120; $10, B, A. Berry and wife to D. F. Pemberton. lot on SW liae of Allison avenue, 125 NW of Cross aTesne. NW 25 by SW 120; $10. , Bame to Nells A. Lend and wife, lot 612, Gift Map No. 2; $10. 6a*re Watuon aaa wife to Bicbard D. Blake, lot 00 W line of Eureka street, 73 N of Nine teenth. N 24 by W 83; $10. ' Joseph A. Shaw to Ncszio Caruso et al., lots 1711 and 1712. Gift Map No. 8; $10. - Bay City Betiding and Loan Association to Andrew and Katie de Vecchlo. lot on S line of /lvarado street, 205 E of Castro, B 25 by S 114; $10. S.Doeas Company to Leopold Welnsteln, lot en W corner of Twenty-sixth evenne South and P rtreet Sontb. SW 100 by NW, 50; $10. Beal Estate and Development Corapaay. to rieanor Crotty. lot on W line of Texas street, , 25 6 of Marfposa. S 27 by W 100; grant. •Harry W. Brant and wlfe v to Louis Adelp florfer. lot on S line of Pine street, 23 E of Broderfcfc. E 21:6 by S 82; $10. Charles A. Jones and wife to Alfred Desban and wife, lots 26 and 27. block 25, Lakerlew; $1250. Sol Getx & Sons to Sarah A. Hlbblns, lot on E line of Twelfth avenue, 150 N of L street, N 25 Toy E 120: $10. Oorge Hlbblns to same, same; $10. '•• Patrick J. Fitzsimtnona et al. to Charles F. ' and Cutbertne A. Fltsslmmoos. lot on W line ef Brodprfcfc street, 50 N of Ellis, N 25 by W 100; $1». Abraham C. Freeman to Richard Kehl, lot <Jn SW line of Nineteenth avenne South, 225 SE of I street NW 75 by SW 100: $250. Osgood K. Jon«*s and wife to Mission Savlngfi Baak. lot on S line of Sixteenth 6tre«t, 87:6 E ! of Castro, E 27:6 by S 100: $10. BUILDING CONTRACTS M. Brown with Otis Elevator Company — TtuJMing on Sutter rtJwt, between Stockton and Grant avenue, for $3370. • Jacqae Kpca'.g with Arthur F. Rousseau— To «r»ct a tbree-story brick bulldlncn,' rtores and i-ikfi. on NW corner of Oommercial and Uedes rAsr etreetf.. N 59:0 by W 30;' 512,8.». Apache Company with Ahlbach & i Mayer — Plumbing and sewerage • for- a four-story brick \u25a0 rmiMlug on SE' corner of Mason and O'Farrell , ftrects. S *7:6 by E W; $8250. :,-_••- S*m<s with Otis Elevator Company—Electric eievßtor for same; $20fr5. - Atlas Realty Company with George E. John "unn and Fred L. Mammons— To erect a one ' rtory frame building on W^llne of Elsie street, 400 N of Eugenia; $1000. . .•- M. K»11(*t »rith P«*acock Biw-To erect a four-rtory building on E line of Sixth street. SO N of Natoma.-N.26 by E 75; $20,300. ; Bulldlns; Contrnctm \ I Frank estate with J. J. O'Brien— All work on • two-atory-and-basement brick store, and office r.uil<slnu on E lice of Battery street, 45:10^' of .Clay n 45:10. X 137:C,S 81:8, W 30, N 45:10. W 107:7^ : $44,707. ' - -\u25a0 i "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 _• .^ Stefano Arau with C. F. Grant— To erect two *torr-an<l-basement frame buildlns on W line of fcahnon al!ev. 77:6 S of Broderlck street,- S 30 T D. F. '• Letry witn Robert Grant & Son— To "> Sncrßmento4E:* <.-. . •, v\u25a0' :'--.'! erect a three-story frame bnfldlng on NW corner of Sacramento an* Locn*t streets, N 100' by W 37:6: $13,675. ' '^W>W*j*hrffca^ Mrs. Ann Caranangh with A. D, ; Brooking—To erect a two-«tory frame building on-S line -of . Fourteenth street, 313 -W of Valencia," S 130 by W 28: $6600. " ' Elizabeth Bosh with Schell & Heckenroth— Plumbing and electric work for a frame cottage, . basement and attic 6n W line of Howard street. l«0 S of Seventeenth. 27 by 122:6: $5100. k Emmanuella VlHemeor with Rogers 4 Bill— All vor^x^r rwo-Ktory-and-bat=ement frame building • na wico of I>arkln Ptreot. 68:91-3 S of Green \u25a0 V*W»-^ 22^ by W 95; $6*?00 G«of¥> W. Dnffleld ' withy John " Flaherty— To erect twimtorx frame 'on X line \u25a0"• of Lark In ftreet;, 97:8"4 X of Pacific, N SO by,100; $10,160. IKSITRANXE SUIT BEGUN— A *ult for $1790 . was besron ymterday byj tbe ' Lemle."' Lery Com- Jpauy-arainst tbe*Nortb GermanFlre -Inenrance •Ompany of Hamburg • for ;3isuranc<> on! a' policy 1 eorerlng property destroyed }n the April • fire. Great Bend Hammered but Stands Up Well New Owners of Daisy -Mine Said to Be Mysterious Bears in tile Market The hammer of the bears was out for Great Bend in the stock market yes terday and the knocking was. diligent and persistent. That was the story that brokers told. The same sort of a story was current the preceding; day in connection with Combination Frac tion. Some stock sellers argued that Eastern parties had purchased the Daisy and that it was natural that they should desire to acquire adjoining ground. " Manipulation was therefore alleged. ,The story had interest enough to keep the brokers talking after the transactions of the day were done.- Great Bend stood up very well under the hammering, although the blocks that were thrown Into the, market were imposing in size. They ranged any where from ,1000 to 5400 shares after the ball was fairly rolling. The stock •was forced down to 96 cents, but it did not stay there. It fought its way back to $1.02 Hf which was within 2 & points of the highest price of the day, namely $1.05. The campaign started mildly with but 200 shares selling at $1.05. Five thousand shares went at $1.02%; then 2500 more in the informal at $1.02%. By this time the hammering was ef fective. Fifty-four hundred shares went at $1; then 2500 at 9S cents; 2000 at 97 cents; 1000 shares at 96 cents. A rally followed and 1500 shares brought $los, buyer 30. Two thousand more brought 99 cents; 2500 shares $1.02%. Altogether Great Bend shares to the ex tent of 24,600 were thrown into the pit by the brokers before' the final gong was sounded. \u25a0 . Great Bend had the greater share of the day's interest, but there were other shares that 'were sold In large quan tity. Ten thousand eight hundred shares of Combination Fraction were bought. The opening was $5, or 5 •cents better than the closing of, the preceding day. Then, after sales of 10,800 shares, the price rose to $5.12%. Nineteen thousand shares of Diamond field Triangle were sold at advancing prices, ranging from 55 cents to 60 cents, the last sales being at 59 cents. Jumbo Extension sold 9000 shares. The price declined from $2.50 in the in formal session to $2.47%, which was the opening price of the day. Man hattan Dexter was fairly steady at 61 cents and 52 cents, with total sales of 23,000 shares. St. Ives dropped from $1.15 for 4000 shares to $1.10, but re covered to $1.12%. The sales of St. Ives totaled 11,000 shares. . /• There were large sales of Mayflower Consolidated, 20,500 shares in all, with prices falling from 53 cents to 51- cents. Among the stocks that gained -in price was Round Mountain" BlueJacket, which went up from 20 cents .to 21 cents, with sales of 4000 shares. Gold fleld Consolidated Mines shares had another day of seesaw. One hundred shares brought $9. The price fell to $8.62% for 2975 shares, $5.50 for an additional 6950 shares, -then 'went to $8.37% for 600 shares and the windup in the informal board was "$8.75 for 75 shares. The total sales of /Con solidated Mines were 9500 shares. ' The governing, committee of ;the San Francisco Stock Jand^ Exchange Board has taken up the subject of ing a clearing-house for; the: exchange. Experts have "submitted r plans based on the experiences of stock .boards in a number of cities. The. committee will not make . any recommendations. Im mediately,; but will debate the- subject from all points of view/ - President Ruggles, chairman of the: committee, ex-offlcio, sits with the committee in all its deliberations. OPEMXG VALUABLE MIXES Companies nt Hound Mountain Plan Extensive Operations The Tonopah Miner, says: • ' Round Mountain 1b becoming very active 'and the companies have begun their campaign of de velopment for the year 1007. Before many days shall have passed four new hoists - will be .\u25a0 in stalled in the camp and deep sinking will be the programme. A cumber of • new • promotions are being energetically pushed, : the latest . of which Is the Round Mountain Daisy Company, supported chiefly by Tonopah capital. The con sideration Involved In thig promotion Is $GO,OOO. The Bound Mountain Gojd Trail Mining Company is another new promotion : which promises well. The : holdings consist of • a group of \u25a0 claims on the east side of Round Mountain formerly owned by the Sphinx Mining Company. The Blue Jacket group has been sold for a cash consideration of $50,000, and a company is organized to develop the property. Mining men are alert In getting on the inside before spring opens, and the next thirty days will bring forth several new promotions of merit. • . Arrangements are practically completed for de veloping at depth the Round - Mountain Sand storm Gold Mining : Company's holdings, which consist of four claims situated about , three quarters of ' a mile * northeast -of • the ; valuable Falrview estate. The property >Is\u25a0 on an ' air line with the Sphinx, 1 Sunnyslde, Antelope and Falrview, claims, and from all appearances Is on the same rich • gold-bearing contact." . location work bas been followed by gnrface prospecting, and the latter is to be followed -by the sinking of a deep working shaft and the proving up of the ledge system. Work is to be resumed at ! once on the .Ante lope property. Tbls Is the mine that produced the rich slab of - gold . that made Round . Moun tain famous. It Is - the . intention to - install a gasoline hoist and sink the shaft to depth as rapidly as>. possible. '• ."\u25a0' •< i\,: ,- f . . \u25a0„. The Round Mountain Mining Company ' is • car rying on active development work: - After prov ing np the strong ; lodge at the 170 level. Superintendent McDonald started • an • incline and expects to tap \u25a0 the ledge ; at the depth of ) 250 feet within a very few days. Already talc seams have been encountered . which show: exceedingly rich pannings. The - new \u25a0 • 37-horsepower, hoist will be Installed" during the present month. The mill Is completed and will -be started op as soon as the pipe line Is finished. The Round Mountain' Extension, which 1 is ' con trolled by Loftus and Davis," the * well : known Goldfleld operators. Is one of the best mines, in the , Round Mountain District • The J> tunnel^ Is now in 150 feet, from which > point a drift . bas been ran west . aifty-five feet, following a well defined ledge assaying $100 a ton. The incline shaft on this property Ib down eighty feet, fol lowing ,m thirty-foot ledge, which Cwas - struck by former Superintendent Haielgrove. "-.. This ledge pans well, . and , Superintendent ' Sly in tends to sink deep on It. •• . :-./".•\u25a0.. - -P. J. Byrne, a ; leaser on • the Albatross . claim of the Round/ Mountain Company, has ; struck - a eeven-foot ledge which yields good assays in gold and silver and Is Improving with depth. -•••\u25a0"A. D. Meeds of : Minneapolis -is associated with . Mr. Byrne' ln this. lease. . ' ; : \u25a0; - Adjolnlns tb.e acreage of , the Round Monntain Sandstorm Company ion the • northeast vis j that owned by the < Round > Mountain - Bonanza Gold Mining Company. It carries 'the continuation of the :- same .. contact \u25a0 and ; yields r promising - gold values at surface. ;;.' / \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .<-"*' : ; .'\u25a0--..... -.<, • The contractor on • the -> Smoky - Valley 1 Round Mountain property has made good progress during the past two weeks. \u25a0 and \u25a0 the • shaft Is now, down 200 , feet, .at which . point porphyry was \u25a0 en countered. " •.;.;.\u25a0,"! \u25a0' ' \u25a0•\u25a0' making: deals at wonder Propertlesi . Acquired \u25a0 Will 1 Be, Developed at Once on Large Scale \u25a0 . GOLDFIEL,D. ; ; Feb.,. 7.-^- Another f deal at Wonder has \u25a0 been} consummated, . the property.'" corislstln*?.^ of U seven claims," three* of - which "- adjoin ".the > Spider : and Wasp' grroiip,; which i isf sacking: ore : ; for shipment. '?; NY, ER^Truett,^ Colonel iO.^ P. ; Posey/and \ a* group (of J NewiYork '{ capl^ tallsts';have; taken /ov«rj this = property^ and- formed :the" : Wonderj Witch; Mining Company.'"- , Four; of * theVclaims: adjoin the? Gold: Kins^groupV^whlch^was; re-f cently .'sold- to f San"r Francisco f men', for $155,000. "!,CMh.%'i^The ; > ;^Wjpnder"?;»^Wltch' Company* has ',been>£ financed ' 'lni;; New ( York and E.will J proceed '«' atj once -;; under the personal^: supervision? of John^B.' Peltonr, .theTcitjxnpany^sj. engineer," to} <&e velop / the j ground^ v-v^ [ .-\u25a0 C : 'Jv : -' ' •.Dlamondfleld. Jack 'Davis jand . his partner,*": Al'' X.* ;\u25a0 Wheeler/; have 'acquired the Nellie] andi Jiih- claims* adjoining, the \u25a0 Nevada \ : Wonder. j m l ne t on | theTwest and " lying between Mthat J urooerty)! and THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL% FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 8* 1907; the famous Jack Pot: The transfer entails the payment \u25a0 -'of,. a' large sum; of money r and V the .'sellers .= ; also.;, receive 100,000 .Bhares'of .^stock in ""the- company, which' will-be formed for^the Vexploita tion" of the;property.'..?Near;tliis?gr6up,' on the ..west, is •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 the" June ißugi ßug claim, where . values have "f. recently : t been en countered,, and ,* at" a short ':. distance is the', Daisy } Wonder, vanother/, property which: Jack : Davis \u25a0 has ' developed ; into ! a valuable mine. FAIRVIEW-; IS ADVANCING Great I"roKres«. : ls.= Made In" District M'lthln One ; Year DescribinK -the properties of. the Fairview district the ",- Tonopah' Miner says:.- >.1.-\ - None of the numerous new districts of. Nevada bas made more rapid strides to the stage of pro duction than . Falrview. Less than one yearago Falrview | was the home |of • one I regular, producer and dividend payer, . the Nevada r Hills, and •- of four other properties . which are : already ] sinking and driving in shipping ore— the Kalrvlew Eagle, the Golden Boulder, the Nevada Fairview and the Red Rock. Every one of: these four will shortly be found In; the market "with.r egular, consign ments, while \u25a0 the same future may reasonably be predicted . for ; such :of -,' : their , neighbors as the Aztec, Condor. Dromedary Hump, • Eagle's x Nest, Florence, Hailstone, , Hot Onion, Ida, Keystone, Lookout, Pyramid, Seymour, Sllvefslde and South. GIRL TESTIFIES TO ATTACK OF THUG . May Donovan, the . plucky , young woman,, '. summoned , assistance ito Jeweler;.H. C. 'Ahlers,, when -the 'latter was attacked in his store, 'l4(so Sutter street,. a month ago by a v gas pipe thug, was the" only -witness, called .yesterday at the arraignment ln : the Police Court of; Manuel Alonzo, who; is charged with the crime. , :' '\u25a0 \u25a0.•;\u25a0\u25a0''•. '...•; \u25a0': ' -""';.' -,: . Miss Donovan, is employed as a sten ographer in the offjee of a law "firm located In J. the same! building as - the jewelry t store: of Ahlers.v She told how she had, on going down trie stairs'lead ing from; her; placed of >' employment, heard a scuffle going; on -in . the. jewelry store.. Oh /investigating : she" saw,\the man whom she- identified asi 'Alonzo, beating J Ahlers .with a weapon: '- '.i Rush ing into the street she' callcd : for aid to two men, who 'were passing* and these two, coming, to, the assistance of the jeweler, overpowered his? assailant. The : wife and ; ; two ? children of the accused man sat in- court arid wept throughout the entire proceedings. The hearing will 'be resumid today. CO UXTT CLERK'S' OFFICE MA K ES ; GOOD: FIXAXCIAL SHOWING Report for. January .Shown' Increase of Receipt* Over ' Expenditures, De- r • ,>' ;.r"«pite Addltlonsi to Force. .. .;; - The financial \u25a0•; statement \u25a0 'of • receipts arid^expenditures of the; County Clerk's office for; the : month", of '= January, com piled; yesterday., by Clerk "H.*. I. Mulcrevy, ; shows- that theexcess of're ceipts ; over ."expenditures for; the {month was; $4674.32. v \u25a0'. The 'total:, receipts '.were $11^57. 65 --and -the ;. total -""expenditures for runningTexpenses ?6383.33.; ; • - ri-'X i~ The i running^ expenses ); were*; higher than previously; owing; to ; the "additions that' were .m ade to ; the] clerical staff of the office, 'but this ,was • offset by the added Jncome from the; filing; of i: qulet title suits under . the ; provisions T of the McEnerney act. '-.'.; .;-. " . ; ' '.' . Xi.'^ ? The receipts derived .from .the gen erar department amounted- t0 \% 5241.25, from .the- civil '$1272.10, from the probate department $1355.30, from the, marriage license department $638. froni = the Police Courts, s2ssl and from the law library fund $1109. CONFLICTING ; STORIES IX . CASE CAUSE DISMISSAL Four Japanese Contradict T One : White Man nm! Judjce Shortnll Deenn Testimony > Balanced : . ' , Theitestlmony /given? under oath/ be fore 'Police "Judge; Shortali; yesterday during :;the trial' of .'Albert. Pisani, charged i; with \u0084; a 'Japanese youth, Y. ..Watanabe, was very, conflict ing,; arid ;with;the, declaration '"It ? takes the.testiiriony.of four. Japs to offset: that given -by, one "white' man, "Judge Short- all dismissed the case.'- ;:; : . The .'Japanese /lad^accused-iPisani,. a boy of about his own age and size, .with having . hit"; him: on I the ;\u25a0 head with • a" po tato,; which J. the \, white boy :• hurled >: at him ; during.'an 'altercation. ; His accusa tions: were supported \u25a0; by..; the of four; fellow-countrymen."';- A Lwitness to ' the ~< affair.T James ; Muirs, ' said on i the stand -that' not a : single "other than : Watanabe, ;iwas "- present ~:i at'. \u25a0 the time, ; and "the; Japanese \u25a0 boy," had • struck the white -onetwlth 1 an iumbrella before the, potatoes s^were;': thrown! ' "The £trou-. ble occurred at the corner, of Geary and Laguna streets on February 1. . •\u25a0> WANTS DAMAGES v FROM :, ClTY— George Fisher & Co. filed a claim In the sum of \53497.25 with :.' the .-. Supervisors f yesterday, ;• the ' value i. of goods - destroyed .. In c his > store \u25a0at •[ 2424 „ Mission street by:a'mob "ApriMß last. \u25a0\u25a0.£\u25a0 ,'\u25a0."-, "../ : MARRIAGEpIIIGEpS, \u25a0 \u25a0 \u0084, . ' :.\u25a0 *"« — — — ' --'.'.' - \u25a0"\u25a0•,"••.\u25a0"\u25a0.'. The, following, marriage \u25a0 licenses .were. Issued In .thisdty; February '.7: l'-'.'.y. \u25a0 . '-•'\u25a0- Alfred ;L.; L. Root,.' 27, Oakland;: and Ruth :L.' Root; • 26,:7 06 Fell- street. I ' o--';'v^ .' ;.\u25a0.".,' '!•\u25a0 John \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 B. V Kent.- 32, i 138 ' Cheneryi: street, ;• and Hannah Brennan, 24, 115 Highland avenue.: . i George '\u25a0 A.x Davis. 31^ city, . and Alice -' L. • Mc- Convllle.i3o,'New,York. <: i >>'•»<, .».: "•\u25a0:.'; .'. •"": >\u25a0; Francesco; Serenelli,"-;3l, 4500' Mission? street, and Virginia ! Camorlanl," 21, I *. 4556 1 Mission : street." •\u25a0- \u25a0. William V U.-i Waddlngton, - 46, i city, .- and , Jessie Ci Smith,? 2s,*> city. V'-v--;..;:* .--i: •-••'•,'\u25a0, '•\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-. ;.--\u25a0..:\u25a0 fi Paul « Schoenfistj % , 21; \u25a0 1402 \u25a0 Sanches ; street, % and Mary P.'Lang.-lß,' 1402 Sanchez street." \u25a0•-. j- v; -I- William ; C.~ Mann,^ 25, > 1030 McAllister street,' and Mary 0.-Leland," 23,i city.. !';".';.\u25a0 \u0084; > -\u25a0.. .... i Joseph \u25a0 Trumbly, > 21,1 2 421 5 Mission '\u25a0 street," and EllaiWall," 1 18,: 219 Dooglass street.: - :--\u25a0.•>,\u25a0• ;. t Charles Andrews; 43r 2097 > Howard street, ! end Katherlne . Black, ,40,-.' 2697.5 Howard i street. > > ', =1; s"U Otto Meade. i 21, ' 408 -Waller i street, '. and Sadie Bamon,^ 18, 124 --West Park street.' V. • ,• . \u25a0; *: Patrick J 3.\ Wynn.l 37/h 3553 Twentieth jstreet, an<a : Mary M.' O'Connor,' 33,- city.- \u25a0- '. .9 ; : : " \u25a0*> v iHenry.Bocker,'. 30, "1278; Twelfth^ avenue, and Susie f Austin. 24,' 3543 Twenty-fourth street.?.- » 1 '.-. ..William i Cook.J 28,* Colma,\ and - Johanna ? Grif- horst, v ' 23,' Colma. ;;.: iA-V'"'» . ; ':-^ >', J v- -S-' J .-"\u25a0 y-- Abraham: Goldman,; 22. 2275 Geary -street," and Dora .Flnkelsteln;. 22,1 1866 Ellis street^c-.f-rV;.. - '\u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0 Lawrence <C. '• Evans, 1 30,'j 1815 'Eddy ; street, " and Maude iW;; Evans » 23, 970 ; Dolores street.V s,^ jvt -~ Michael"- White; 24, % 1031 s Sanches ; street,"^ and Hanna S.i Murphy,. 25,'r 1031! Sanches j street, i . -\u25a0, Fred ' Bnrr,' 34,^ Murray j Township,*' and Anna Lr Leal, 23,\Llvermore.'-.: -; • : , ,J", J " • \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0 .-• -. ;-* Elgore t, Mltoma,?: 28,> !! Alameda, V. and '-'.*'\u25a0 Cebara ; Tokl, UB.; 2025* Pine i street:*;- '- 'ri \u0084;•,•>\u25a0,:>• , \u0084-- iX Fred Kato, 36,"* Oakland,; and Uahlno Asari; 24' 2025 \u25a0- Pine* street.T^/ rv' t; 4^,3;; -.:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:' : ..:-s--v:?v; ! \u0084: John-; A. - Robinson; * 27, • city.'w and Annie ,' J Reando, i 22; De' Soto, Mo. *• ' : • » ,- v Milton J. Bloch," 26,*:3 012 £ Pines street,' and Josephine B. » Cohen,] 22,| 1747; Lyon ; Btreet. -:.-f: .-f '•v; OAKLAND;, Febli-7.— The^; following ? marriage licenses 1 ' were % Issued 1 today : >?\u25a0? Ernest A R.- ; New- man, 27/ > Ithaca ,"\u25a0; N.*>, Y.",™ and 1 Margaret \u25a0' R.*, Rus- sell. { 22, > Elko;| Nev. ; < Joseph I F.s Serpa.i 22,^ and May ; E,J Sil va, 17," Warm \ Springs ; I Enos \ Duarte," 25, \u25a0 Hayward, and Annie i Veldn, Dublin ; • Daniel J. j lmeara, 29, ; San 1 Francisco;; and 1 Catherine t M." Riordan,: 29,' Oakland; I Samuel I S.t Smith,* 40,1 San Francisco,".' and | Ida a M.*a Wltcble,"* 35;, Alameda ; William I F.s Burnett, \u25a0' 40,"W San *^ Franclsco.vf and Philippine . B. ;* Boyle.i 26,1 San > Mateo ; 5 Charles S: Johnson; 1 26,* Sacramento, , and ' Mina' B.i McClenny \u25a0 19,"; San » Francisco ; f John \ H.'¥ Beckmann,-: 23, t and Marlon :* Hefferman.-'a 21r* both s of f San a Francisco; George H.: Frederick,', 24/! and = Jessie 1 8.1 Nichnm.' 23,^, both ; of I Oakland ; j G llbert i CAVarneyh 27,'. and Cmrollnn Ol«en.;3a botil of. O«ll*»4. , -• BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS 'Birth,; marriage and death notices sent by mail will not be inserted.' They; must ;b«. handed ln'at i either; of the publication offices > and ibe 1 indorsed i with •. the ! name and*. residence '\u25a0 of • persons '. author- ized 'to' have * the '• same " ! published, f. Notices ~ re- st ric ted "elm ply, to the announcement of the event are' published once in- this column frfee of. charge.' ' \u25a0 ?'.•;\u25a0-. RJCH— STEVENSON— In this city. 'February 5, 1907. by'tbeßev.iG. A. Uernthal; Charles fA. ' Rich and ; Ida , L.* Stevenson," both; of t Eureka, \u25a0\u25a0.:.\u25a0: Cal. '"^.- •-..\u25a0•.-. :\u25a0-\u25a0/-:.:.". •;'\u25a0\u25a0: ' :" 'V- -\'/ : : .-': ... BCHEER— HORSTMANN— In this city, February - 6,v 1007,; by the Rev.; J. H.'- Schroeder, -. Paul I L. ,' Scheer and Minna A. ' Horstmann, both of . San ~'l Francisco. : J .•>'• K~ ;'. ';>:'•• ~ / \u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \"~ : '-'~ - \u25a0 '-'\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0.'\u25a0 ' \u25a0.. '-\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0' "'.. ': :- ; '" DEATHS --' •\u25a0. \u25a0. :/\u25a0 '\u25a0 ;;AlUngßen. \u25a0 Amelia.;!' 43 Montgomery: (mass). — Alston Frank W. . . 39 Mussieo.'John.'.-:: : ;? 50 Arluic E11en::...... 74 Nelson. William H.. 47 - crown. Barbara A . . — O'ConneU. George ... 5e \u25a0 : Burmeister.- Karl.". 3 mos Peralta, ; 3usle>.C.v: t Cartan. Frank M . : . — PoWman.'i Henry .Y.rSO Courtemarsh/ J."? 5.."39 Polklnghorn,- Lydla C 22 ;.I)avls,< Emily, L:V. . . — Roseuberg,. Charles: . — \u25a0 Doyle. i William H.V. 35 Ry an." Michael J...;>^. '":\u25a0 Farrell." 1 Tbomas. . . v 31 Rosenberg, ; Charles. . — Foley '• R0ger ...... •'•" 75 Bandona, i. Teresa : .". V6O - Hughesi Amy F.... — Schroder.^Loulg 0. . 30 Kruger, A10ph .. .'..'.' 38 Sheehan, Dan...:..-. 49 ! Macartney, Mary F.V 37 Somers, Harvey Or. ;" fiB : McCarty,-, Bertha V. 24 Young,. Mrs/ M;T.". . 63 ,{.-\u25a0 '-\u25a0','.' : — ~~_, ''\u25a0 \u25a0' ' \u25a0:- \u25a0-'\u25a0- \u25a0'"i \ ALLINGSKN— In this city, i February .; 7,' . 1907, .. Amelia Alling'sen,. beloved wife; of Gunder/Al- lingsen, a : native of , Norway, • aged ; 43; years. , ;> ALSTON— In this' city, February; sj; 1007,; Frank • -w >• Alston beloved son ot , Isaac*' Alston; and brother of G.F. Alston,, a native of Chelsea, 'Mass., aged 39 years 9 monthfr 'and : 4 ; days. \u25a0\u25a0> . \u25a0 Friends : are respectfully . Invited Hto \u25a0= attend : the "funeral services today , ;-, (Friday), at .10 ai '" m..- at the chapel \u25a0of > h .' Gray & Co., Geary street, corner of Devlsadcro. In- \u25a0 terment ? private. ' '. -.".-' .-.\u25a0.-\u25a0'--\u25a0•' ARLING— In tnls city, » Februar y' 6, Ellen, . be- loved wife of the late Isaac • S.< Arllng, .- and loving ' mother iof >_ David Arllng. \ Mrs. Sadie .? Plate and Mrs. Carrie Hun", a native of County /Kerry. Ireland, aged 74 years. ;*;.',,• ".--.„ • v : Friend* and • acaualntauces are . respectfully • invited -to \u25a0 attend the funeral j tomorrow .- (Sat- urday), at 9 a.: m., from the parlors -of "the : United • Undertakers, 2COB • I noward •; street, . thence to St. Peter's Church.' where a requiem high masa will be celebrated for the repose "of • her » soul, \ commencing at s 0:30 ?a. - mi;. Inter- ment Holy Cross Cemetery, by electric funeral s; icar from Thirtieth street and San' Jotie avenue." BROWN— Entered Into rest? inithis'^lty,' Feb- " ruary 6, 1907. Barbara Abigail." deToted;wife of Thomas' M.' Brown • and ». tender t mother , of Louis, F.. Grace M. and Kenneth ;M.* Brown. r ', Friends \u25a0 and ncquain»ances are i renpectf ully Invited to attend the funeral todny, (Friday); at 1 :30 o'clock 'p. ta.. : rrom St.* Paul's . Epis- copal Chnrch, California street," between 'Fill- more 1 and Steiner. Interment : Cypress < Lawn Cemetery, :, by, electric funeral ,. car .: leaving V Thirtieth street and San Jose < avenue \u25a0 at ' 2:43 o'clock. Bemalns at the parlors of the West- \u25a0:'": era Addition Funeral r»»fectors. }' 1724 Devlsa- : . " dero street, between , Sutter \u25a0 and \ Bush:> BURMEISTER— In this city, February; 7.'. 1907. Karl, = beloved son of Karl and Hanrietta 'Bur- melster, a native \u25a0of San . Francisco,"; aged - 3 r months and, 25 ' days. .. y , The funeral will take place ; tomorrow urday); at l'p. m.. from: the^ funeral : parlors of . Samuel Mc^adden • & Co.1 » 1070 '. Haight "street, near Baker. Interment Cypress Lawn •Cemetery. ; ".•". . '"\u25a0:'.':? . .'\u25a0"." 'j CA RTAN — In Sausallto, : February 5." 1007, Frank j ( U M. ' Cartan.»beloved husband of Nanny v A: Car-, f* tan. a native of Dublin," Ireland:.. ", :."? Funeral will be held at. the Catholic. Church ' In ' Sausalito. February •9, \u25a0 where 3a t requiem - mass will be : celebrated at 10. a.v m. Take r,»:10 boat, Sausallto Ferry..; V: COURTEMARSH— In this city, February 7, 1007, -* Joseph S.. \u25a0\u25a0 dearly \u25a0 beloved . husband:: of . Agnes \ Courtemarsh t and dearly. . beloved r father of ' Reglna' and 'Joseph Courtemareh, a native .of 1 Canada, aced 39, years. '^ -..,;.- : r. Notice .of \u25a0 funeral : hereafter. *.% Remains at the parlors of G. laccheri &: C 0.," 3032 Mission \u25a0 street, near Twenty-sixth. .-- .-,;?; DAVIS— InV the East, 31,. Emily. L., be- \u25a0 \u25a0 loved" wife of John ;' W. Davis \u25a0 of ; San- Mateo, \u25a0-.\u25a0 ! cai. ;•."..\u25a0'\u25a0 : - ."\u25a0 -' \u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - -";: \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-"\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0;,<\u25a0. \u0084 '\u25a0 Remains : to arrive nexr week; 5. No ; services. ; ; Interment ' private, new : Masonic : . DOYLE-^ln ': this city. FebruaryH s;P 1007.' Wil- f ' 11am H. Do.vle. dearly beloved»Bon of (Richard • and Mary' Doyle, and brother of -James and : Richard 'M/ Doyle, Mrs. Minnie sDlbert.l Mrs. Margaret ;McKenna, and -. the plates John and \u25a0 Joseph *-. Doyle/ : a native »of t- San ~; Francisco, '." Cal., agred. 35 years. . : \u25a0.-\u25a0 : j 1 , .» : ' Friends - and- acquaintances ': are J respectfnlly invited.' to-: attend ; the ; f uneral /; today HJ(Frl- ..\u25a0day),- at -12:30; p. m., from J the.^ parlors f of -.;" the . United . Undertakers, \ 2605 1 Howard ' street,' J near •*. Twenty-second; > thence •< to , St. « Peter'a ;.: Church V for f services; commencing. 'at I ;. p. m. .:- Interment < Holy,\ Cross - Cemetery, y- \u25a0, .;<-!\u25a0;:.• .'. FARRELL^-In^ thlaictty;" February." s,* iThpmas, ;-i beloved ; son ; of ; the late I D. ? and • Mary : :Farrell; and brother:of 'Anthony ;F«rr*H< and the • f lßte : Mrs. : James ; Lucy^ ' a" native '\u25a0 of • San ; Fran- '>'\u25a0- Cisco, : aged :. 31 j. years." (Sacramento - papers " ; pleafse'copy.).. V '.',,":\u25a0. : " . Funeral \u25a0 will \u25a0? take -place T tomorrow - (Satur- \u25a0 day); at 12:30 p.? m.',' s > from : the i parlors of^'the United Undertakers,"' 2608 ' Howard ' street,*' near ',Twenty-second,\thence to St." Paul's Church for services, •' commencing ." at . 1' p. ;\u25a0' m.- ;' Interment . :: , Holy Cross; Cemetery; '\u0084: ..';: FOLET— In" f this,. city. ' February >7.'ll9o7, 'Roger 1.. Foley, a native. of jlreland.l aged -75 years. .-. ;. HUGHES— In Oakland. /Cal.ff February 5, : 1907, , . ~ Amy. Frances,*; beloved - daughter - of :- the t late ;.*\u25a0'; Annie Sorlch,"-". stepdaughter .- of 'Anton 1 Sorlch, ' '-\u25a0 and . sister ~\ ot- Mrs.'iW. - : - H.H Taylor •; and " M : '\u25a0 \u25a0 GeorgeSorich; a;natlveiof iSanFrancisco, Cal. "i -The; funeral •; will /.take jlplacef. today : (Fri- day), at 12:30 : p.""m.V from'the residence :of ... her .. parents, 1 : 9SI ; Haight \ street. Interment . private. \u25a0 ' ' KRUGEU— In tills city, February 6, 1907, Adolph : Krnger. dearly beloved son, of August and Eliz- abeth Kruger,, and brother. of; Mrs.: Minnie Tar- leton and Mrs." Auguste Oman, a native of San ' \u25a0 Francisco, : aged 38 . years.'^i't ,- '.•':..- .;.-.-\u25a0-:?\u25a0; \u25a0'• .. -. \u25a0 ,- Friends jand \ acquaintances £ are ' respectfnlly ' invited ' to • attend '\u25a0 the \u25a0 funeral', services Sunday," 1 February ' 10,'= 1907, ' at 1 p. m.\S from , the parlors < of Valente."Marinl'& : Co., < 3448; Mission street,' gj between 'Thirtieth > street * and ,] Cortland ; ave- nue.i- Interment lGreenlawn- Cemetery; by elec- \u25a0 *: trie funeral, car from! Thirtieth street and San -'/\u25a0 Jose : avenue. \u25a0..-\u25a0.,'\u25a0..":..'. ,-, : r-.," MACARTNEY— In this city, ! February 6. Mary ;.;.." Frances, •:; beloved 'wife *', of v Harry;. Macartney," ;\u25a0'-• daughter of -Thomas and Catherine Connell, and >-) Flßter ', of--. Charles - Shay.'- and '< Mrs. ,- J. F. <\u25a0 Me- .. ;. Manus, . a.\ native iof * San ;. Francisco, aged . 37 ;;years, 4 : months and 4 < days, ,-v \u25a0< . . . . ,'; \u25a0 . ; ' •\u25a0 J Friends "< and . acquaintances \u25a0\u25a0 are '• respectfnlly 1': invited Ito attend s the^ funeral ,- this \u25a0 day,, (Fri- • ; ; : day ) ; y at S 8 :30 s, o'clock ia. * m',l from. - her J late .•' residence, \u25a0 1216 Kentucky street,' between Nlne- : ateenth and '> Twentleth; s thence » to ; St.- Teresa's \u25a0V Church;^; Nlnteenth^ and.;? 1 Tennessee •;\u25a0. Btreets. Z.r,- where a . requiem high , mass I will be . celebrated :; for •: the s 1 repose "of- herisoul.*- commencing'., at -\u0084;; 9 . o'clock : a. ; m. >\u25a0: Interment < Cross ; Ceme- \u25a0 '•". tery,' by ; electric car from .Thirtieth street and ''v" San; JoBe": avenue.' ;\u25a0-;*• •'i.%"- s '''-:^'- 1 '"-'-'' 't-j^i-:^ McCA RTY — In ' Frultvale,' Cal. :;" February .7. v 1S)O7, 'if- at \u25a0 the : home on * Palm : street,* Bertha. 1 . Viola; be- '--> lovedr wife 5 of s John^McCarty -rand-, mother^of ;'-'• Merrill . J.r McCarty.^ and > daughter iof ;Annet»a V : and '; Oscar Brown, •a : native, of r lowa, aged -24 ( -jyears:and, ; 13 days. t u;.' s'N.' i; . :,' • MONTGOMERY-^A 1 : solemn -ft requiem k: month's ,5- memory^mass wlll'be celebrated iln-St. Mary's % Cathedral; on v, Saturday, T;Ff*ruary. 9, at 10 1/ o'clock,' . for ; the , repose , of the : soul of ; the late \u25a0C Archbishop: Montgomery.^:'; .. -: _ ' ; :;:;., MUSSIEO^-Inlthis clty/i February, 6, 1907, John,'' y \u25a0 dearlyj; beloved t husband !\u25a0 of ,' Maggie / .Musaieo. : '; and •\u25a0- loving % father,?; of 8 Michael ,5 Muesleo, ~f and .•" dearly : beloved j son ; of - Michael ! and '. Rosle ? Mus- \u25a0• / sleor-- and i loving * brother *of * Mrs.^ T J. *', Walton,' j Mrs. 1 Katie Hansen.'Mrs.T Maggie Gardners Mrs. ' ; , Jennie \ Caster : and t George,^ Frank'; and i Rumeo •\u25a0i Mussleo,* a native of ;New^Tork, aged 50 years; '\ I ' month i and ' 12 day s.-^-t* 1 :..', j - •'-\u0084_r , : \u25a0 : -r- 'i^a^Bt^ /'\u25a0': Friends s and ~i acquaintances \u25a0'\u25a0> are I respectfully Invited 1 to attend : funeral • services Sunday," Feb-' -. } ruary ,i 10.\" 1907,-? at 5 1 11 o'clock - a.7 m.',> at f his m late , residence, 1 ! 1212 j Francisco •treet, : near .>. Van ->Ness avenue.";;,: Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.', NELSON— Ins this *"clty : , v ? at lhl» 3 late ?'residenee/ ,; 2421"Callforntatstreet. 4 :'WllllamiH.!NelBon,sbe- • • loved V husband : of jj Mary t P." Nelson;'j brother iof I S Augusta > Nelson,';? and s brother-in-law.s; of . s Mrs." .. S.\- B.i Crosby,^ a i native ; of * Rochester,"* N^Y.7 '\u25a0}', aged " 47,' years,? 2 : months \ and \ 16 1 days.' * (Late J . rpurser; of i,T.\C. r iWalker. );"\u25a0/. \u25a0.>\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 ... c. \u25a0 . ; £\u25a0?*\u25a0 Friends are respectfully. Invited to attend the* ' ••" funeral ? tomorrow."; (Saturday ) ; > at : 2ip. •, m.*,' 1 * at v the chapel ?\u25a0_ of * N."t Gray \u25a0• & * Co.", j 2196 ; Geary . , street,'^ corner i Devisadero.: \u25a0 Cremation f at " Odd \u25a0-.;'i Fellows'.j Cemetery .*|."js;, :^S:''.-:^f-' .\u25a0'».\u25a0'\u25a0•' ''--'.; ;': : "i-;-; O'DONNELL^-In*S thla'f clty.'v February -; 6,\ 1907,' .': George j O'Donneli,' * a native *= of >\u25a0 Ireland, ; aged : > 56 years,". 2 i months ; and 20 ; days . :: :;,',;\u25a0;• ; , ;. . ;;•? ' ' Friends - and * acquaintances * are •\u25a0 respectfully w Invited , to attend the , funeral tomorrow .: (Satur- • 5 day ) ;y at i 10:30 i a.'i m.T c from c the T parlors *of '\u25a0 j P: * F.' ;\u25a0 Green V & » Co.; i Sixteenth's and -f Guerrero .V ttreeta, s under ; the j auspices lof 1 P.- 1." B.^< 13 L.' ; Local f No. - 41. v, Interment ; Holy^ Cross Ceme- ; tery.T by £ 11 :40 a.'S m.% tratn ; from i Twenty-flf th :^.;"^ ; v. -.^\u25a0;-:_ ! .-\u25a0.>-..*\u25a0;.,.. PE RALTA^-In 1 thta'cltyn February' 5, : 1907, .Susie :\u25a0}& O.?i beloved \ wife ' of -' the <• late ' John i B.i Peralta, f,y ldoliied r* mother '* of n Addle s V.'i Peralta.Vi and ':f. sister fi of ft Mrs. '"VW.V D. a t natlva j of • ;\u25a0 Philadelphia," :? Pa.";". (San ';> Jose w papers ;\u25a0\u25a0 please \u25a0vCopy.Kv-ic /ji-'^Vi. ::' -• '\u25a0'\u25a0'-\u25a0-'-"- '"\u25a0: \u25a0' \u25a0>\u25a0 '-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>•. ,• .; : vj Funeral ' and ) Interment ; strictly, private."; , '.' POHLMAN— In ; . this r'city'; February "£*, 7 ,-\u25a0':, 1907/ ' ;: Henry Pohlmanr a' native of Germany,^ aged 80 ;.:, ) years.-V :- « iii 'i '''<^\i'<,"?^^^"^^.i^'' POLKINGHORN— In this 'city, Febrnary 5 "Im - V Lydla j O.Vs dearly,' beloved - wife } of I Thomas I D - m Polkinghorn,"i» mother T- of z Clifford a Polklnghorn, 5 daughter of Mrs."i C."> C." Perrlns.-j and I sister I of ;;fi E A W.r William \u25a0 and H.t Ar; Perrins.l a na ti ye* of , --,1 San : Francisco, Cal.; ; aged i 22 " years 1 9 . months and? 22 days. \u25a0 '; , - > ,• , *. r \nmQS& Vi'is,l Friends g and 1 acquaintances \u25a0; are ( respectfully \u25a0w- Invited -,i to 2 attend a the funeral s? today ?,:, ( Fri- Xi-i day),"^ 1 at 3 8 :15 1, ars l m;ni from the fs parlors nof <y Porter i & "b White,** 1531 % Golden a Gate S avenne * '«£ corner { of I Scott • atraet,^ thenca ' to I St.l; Peter'a '\u25a0 : , Church,"-' on '' Alabama | street, ; where *a a solemn ; >* requiem) high * mass s for 1 the i repose 1 of 1 her * soul k't will? be celebrated,! commencing \u25a0 at t & i art m.iln. •I-/; terment f, Holy a«' Cross a Cemetery, l/ Tja % electric : «' funeral ,1 car v from Thirtieth % street * cod S San Jose| avenue-lgi'-f . -"\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ,:\ t^sfssF&mgfza. I ROSENBERG— tn "tbl» rcltyMrebrnaryTT^lSoT^ ;. . Rosenberg, -; and • beloved : brother of : Mrs. • rr*d- \u25a0 ricka Lederer/ Mrs. 8. Newman," Mrs. T, < Davis. .. \u25a0< Mrs." s. Goldstein * and j Joseph, ~ Manfred ; and ';," Arthur j Rosenberg.': a native : of California. -: >^ T,^N?tieeofj funeral; hereafter.";- /; ." ; . ; *' RYAN— In', Nevada City ,' Cal. . February 5, c 1907.' ..' Michael ... J.~ ; Ryan,'' dearly :. beloved \u25a0 brother ot \u25a0•; Mrs. > Margaret ; Smith and \ John J., - PaUick ! F. > . and \u25a0 Catherine M." Ryan.f a : native rof - Ireland.' ... : - Friends -Jand -acquaintances are respectfnllr i invited -; to ; attend •'\u25a0: the v funeral ?i today; ' (Frl-. \u25a0'\u25a0 -: day) ,"; at • 8 :30 ( a" m.V- from ? the I parlors ; of ;• the \u25a0 3 United ; Undertakers.-: 2608 Howard .street, near 1. Twenty-second;t thence . to ? 8t. '• James • Church.' -•; where : a \u25a0 requiem i high : mass • for,; the ; repose of '".\ his ' soul i will be 'celebrated, . commencing . at 9 a. ;r m. i : Interment Holy - Cross Cemetery, by V ; electric : funeral car > from 1 Thirtieth : street and v' San ;.; Jose ' ayenae.';> Please > omit : flowers. ; -' . " SANDONA— In ' this city,' J February «. : 1907,^ Te-^ -y. resa; r, dearly i beloved -• wife 5 of « Francesco San- ... dona; and loving mother of Matteo, t Crano and .''•\u25a0- Fellppo :.' Sandona, : \u25a0 Mrs. \u25a0 Tereslna "Antognoll, N Mrs. . Ellena :; Unger and Mrs. ' Maria • Ortet, \ a ;":, native of VenezU. \u25a0', Italy, , aged ; 60 years and > 1 29 days.,:..-.- \u25a0= -'\u25a0-,'"- -\u25a0^\u25a0K - :-»','.': .-\u25a0 ~* -.' '"" :-': -' f .)tH Friends • and : acquaintances . are' respectfnlly M invited -to s attend \u25a0-. the ;' f uneral< today ; (Frt- •Js day),"= February B,v at 9 ' o'clock *a. ? m.l from ';= her r; late - residence. ' 1870 i McAllister street. • between * Baker ; and c Lyon,";, thence 'to \u25a0 Corpus v Cristl Chnrch. "• Groke ; , street," near \u25a0 Mission, ; \u25a0'\u25a0. where' mass for. '.the i repose ot her soul will be celebrated rat 10 ;a. m. V Interment Italian }.) Cemetery. ,'•.' '\u0084 >. :,' \u25a0' \ ;'. ".\u25a0'" \u25a0- :- \u25a0: ; •':. \u25a0 .'-. ' * '.- SCHRODER— In this, city, i February 7. 1907. r- Louis : C, beloved husband of : Llizie . Schroder, 4 and son of the late John Scteoder, and brother \u25a0of 1 Mrs, \ A.' Casementi a . native of. San Fran- C "cisco, \u25a0: aged 38 \u25a0 years,..9 : months - and ' 10 days. A • member ; ' of -\u25a0 Bricklayers' «; Union ~ No. "7 ; and Hesperian Parlor, ,: N."« S.C.}W. :\u25a0•-.-•. r, - I Friends f and acquaintances are respectfully \u25a0 invited to attend the funeral" Snnday, February . 1907, at 2 o'clock p. m..:from the mortuary /} -. chapel - of \u25a0 the ' Golden , Gate ' Undertaking 3 Co.; : - 2475 Mission street , near A Twenty-first. > f Cre- \u25a0 s matlon, V Cypress Lawn • Cemetery, i by ' electric v funeral ' car , from : corner • Thirtieth street . and San Jose avenue at 2:30 p.. m. -.(Sacramento i(. and i Eureka 1 papers please copy. ) ' : \u25a0-. ; • \. <\u25a0 . . SHEEHAN— In this "city.^ Febrnary 7, -1907. Daii ' .\u25a0 j Sheehan," a native of •\u25a0 England; aged ' 49 - years. SOMERS— In this \u25a0city." February ?6. i 1907. • Har- ; ! vey Curtis - Somers. \u25a0 beloved : husband - of \u25a0 Eliza ~ F. Somers, and father of Mrs. A. A. Fisher, . ; Frank vA: •\u25a0 and *\u25a0 Roy j C."-- Somers, > a \u25a0 native ?. of . r Danville, > Vermont. : aged ; 68 » years. :- :.: :; Friends f and - acquaintances \u25a0- are \u25a0 respectfully 7, Invited to attend the funeral > today -(Frl-. '\u25a0' day),-, at -11 'o'clock a. jb,,: 1 from, the Mission / \u25a0 Masonic '\u25a0\u25a0 Temple. 2668 Mission street, r under "the auspices of Mission Lodge No. 169, F. and A.; M. V lnterment private. Remains at the funeral parlors • of ' Bunker ft Lunt, . 2666 Mis- sion street. \u25a0 .'\u25a0 .".';. YOUNG— In Oakland; January 6, 1907,' Mrs." Ma- | ; tllda j Young; -wife lof I Felex ; Young [ and mother V, of twelve children^"' who . deeply mourn her loss, • ' a native of ; New York 5 State, aged \u25a063 years, -.6: months and -12 -days." : : -' : JULIUS S.GODEAU Undertaker asid Embalmer, 2123 Bush St., Near \ Flllmcre, Formerly at ." 305 ; Montgomery . Aye. » and ' 810 Van Ness-.Ave.- 'Finest • private >• residence accommodations. Lady attendant. . Carriages - and ambulances ito hlre.;Tel.. We5t, 2699. \u0084-r- t: * " t J. Q Q'Connoi^& fo. ; Funeral Directors Now permanently located at oar; new- . '/;;. ... ..establishment.. -, - \u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0 770 i TURK " ST.; ; bet Wees ; V«» Neil' V .;>\u25a0 ;\u25a0'. Aye.-and Franlclla St. "".". : . y Lady attendant. : Tel.* Franklin 1911. . ' - ' - -' ' •--•\u25a0 : ..*\u25a0'\u25a0>\u25a0' .-.-.. Halsted & Go* Undertakers and Embalm ers 924 FILIiMORE STREET ; = near; McAllister" - Phone Park 550.; :',..-\u25a0"• McBREARTY & McCORMICK : : FUNERAL^ DIRECI'ORS. I : ' - 915 . - VALENCIA "> ST.;t 'NEAR ; \u25a0 20TH \u25a0Formerly of McFadden.'-Mcßrearty ft Green.. -. -Vf \u25a0- -Telephone Market 97. - : li. J, Galiapr:lJn(lcrtaking;Co^ 1314 \WEBSTERi si ;;* bet. . Ellis"* O'Farrell. ?Tel. 3925." DANIEL P.. DONOVAN," Pres." & V Manager; jqjgp«';DOUGHERTY; Vice Pres. • '.\u25a0\u25a0' }-.-<\u25a0'•\u25a0 C \u25a0' '^-' San , Mateo Co.-, "\u25a0•-*. "•„ . Finest and Best * Equipped ' Receiving Vault - and ,- - . \u25a0--; 'v, •-:-.' w Chapel.;- v .\u25a0\u25a0 -.; \u25a0,-••-\u25a0 - '• \u25a0. . - . ' - (Masonic Cemetery Association) Office' 1154jO t FarreIIJSt..J ; . THEODOR DIERKS & CO. \u25a0;,]: \ -'\u25a0 .;' ' '. -\u25a0'; "'-.;' i~ ./\u25a0 Undertakers, : .'/_ »*;\u25a0} 000 '\u25a0 Derisadero St., Cor/. McAllister. i- 'i ;"/;/; Telephone Went 4804. • • \ -"•-\u25a0 ",' p;f; green (^O6. v FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ;: V :NE.'i cor." Sixteenth^ and Gnerrero '. sts. -. • \u25a0X Formerly of McFadden, Meßrearty & Green. '.': \ Telephone i Special 1567. VALENTE; UNDEBTAKEnS \u25a0:\u25a0% 8448 MiSrroir ' street, tNearJTblrtletlt. Market 282. v. HP. PETERSEN Funeral = Director and Embalmer,*' 1040, and ' 1042 Post st.,. between Pfllmore and Steiner. \u25a0 Elegant ' residence ; funeral ' parlors. Personal services un- . der all » conditions. - Phone -West 6333. 5 ' SAMUEL McFADDEN & CO. . ' 'UNDERTAKERS \u25a0;" -j.-C: •. •i. The . firm of - McFadden; • Meßrearty .- & Green having dissolved ; partnership, ' :\u25a0 all ' bills : due ' the late \u25a0 firm '\u25a0 are < payable at the parlors : of Samuel McFadden;; 4? C 0... ;: \u25a0 '-.- -:_.:''\u25a0' r } ,:./'\u25a0\u25a0' 1070 'Haight : St.,'kr.' Baker. .Tel.' Park 12 I ;r;:G.-;P.":PRECHTEL 'KEELER.^, I . ' • : ' Vice r Pres." and =t Mgr." ".^ '. -'; S President." QOLDEPT • QATE UNDERTAKINQI Co:^ \u25a0:: 2475-2483 MISSION ST.- Phone Market 2590. > PHONE' MARKET,! 132. :' Qaritner Bros. UNDERTAKERS 1^; AND 'U EMBALMERS, 3460 1 SIXTEENTH' STREET, v- ; ",'/ ; r Between Church ;. and Sanches.' ,- ..- : \u25a0 gXrew2/&"english ;;•..';- FUNERAL DIRECTORS ; V r - ~--n\£ 1618 ! GEARYi STREET,i\:> \u25a0: \u25a0 > Between - Buchanan - and Webster. . Gypiress Lawn^Cemetery • ' v; -; \u25a0 • ,: office - 1380 ', sutter;. st^- i ;-. ;' : .; ; ; '.' ;. ; -,"\u25a0'\u25a0? Near iiVan^Nessl.Ave^/v:;';^ -J:. \u25a0 Rooma : 5 ' and (fl.?^ Phone Franklin 1830 .;. \u25a0\u25a0;;\u25a0 : .; ;: ;: ' ':^ ;\u25a0';\u25a0':.; ' '\u25a0'. ibyo fen|K|isia; : " '"': (Oriental Steamship' Co.)- :. - r " j Ha ye Opened Their; General* Of flee, at '.' '. 217-221 Brannan : St£ San Francisco ;\u25a0\u25a0 S.'S.^'Ame'ricaVMaru','!- Wednesday,? February 13 '' 1907 - : '" ' \u25a0' r - ' '! - *\u25a0\u25a0-'" *' ' ' — \u25a0 A '" : \u25a0-\u25a0-*\u25a0*-• \u25a0 ' , - \u25a0 \u25a0 B. •\u25a0; S. "Nippon "s Maru," i Wednesday, . March 13, 1907.^^1..-.-,,.,." \u0084-,:-..-'. ;>y.. -• --" >-- ,--'r \u25a0•\u25a0:,': '-\u25a0 8. tS. "Hong i Kong ' Mara," X Wednesday, , April !oM9o7.\:v.::>>."i::.' ;v.;«:- i v,.',f:,-v . -, •\u25a0 «* Steamers I will : wharf, i corner; First ' and Brannan s; streets, A V? p. - m., *. for A Yokohama \u25a0> and Hongkong, , calling ' at * Honolulu, ; Kobe (Hlogo), Nagasaki 1 and ' Shanghai, and | connecting at Hong- kong 1 with I steamers > for 1 Manila, % India, * ete.'\t No cargo received^ on> board] on*. day; of sailing. Yi> "t ßound 1 trip tickets ; at i reduced ', rates. *r,; .' '•" 5- \u25a0 For. freight ' and ; passage apply at office,' corner First and Brannan streets.- ;•-.•\u25a0*•\u25a0-^ •>\u25a0 . ' . ; ; " ;~f ' \u25a0' ' f. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0; \u25a0 '\u25a0 \u25a0' \u25a0'\u25a0*':•\u25a0"\u25a0 " : -C' : - ,W. • H.'"AVERT;, : '^ : '*. :.:/.';; • ;\u25a0. ;. \u25a0 <:'_ t -. '•:. Assistant ; General : Manager. , ' \u25a0 .\u25a0:,.-,\u25a0 t-r \u25a0\u25a0:..:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'?i:*; 1 . I »';>;';.*:.',.:'v* t <''"-'M gEftli S. S. CO. HONOLULU- only-^S. S. Alameda; sails 11 a. m.; e» FebA'l6,l l9o7. '*' Round ' trip.i first class. - 1126.^* SYDN EY, AUCKLAND, SAMOA.*? HONOLULU— S. S." S. Sonoma '\u25a0 sails 52 1 p.l Feb. ' 38.^; Chrtst- S.l church (International Exhibition) " and | return, 1 U nrst,^ I3S8.B0 ; ? second, « s22B. BO.mW^.- . .. .. .-.. 5 . ,-. TAHITI, r. SOUTH X SEAS-rS:-; B.U Mariposa > sail* \u25a0 ati 11 a. ; mm March ! tSM First elaas I round trip, HIH I i26.^j^s^smsoaau/imm^-^ v \u25a0-»\u25a0,- :-v-- " J. , D.^ SPRECKELS jk i BROS. CO, : - , '.' -. 58,Cl«yJStr»et;iS««^inra»elsjc©.'^^ i V " Passenger Department. 673 ' Market st. \u25a0 . Phone Mrem >^^%|Q '}** 85 Head Utah Draft Horses TUESDAY, FEB. 12, 1907 At 1 p. m. and 8 p. ra. :* Also to \u25a0' arrive : and at .' private ' sale FIFTI HEAD* EXTRA HEAVY DRAFT HORSES from 1600 to isoo lbs. nntir^ijnn?|iir^pw'Tt'~i ' In addition we have for sale 450 head double square \u25a0\u25a0 horses,' weighing from 1000 \u25a0to 1400 lbs. In carload lots, all halter broken. Sif**a*SSg39* .A" CONTRACTOR'S OUTFIT, consisting of 8 HORSES, 5 WAGONS and 5 SETS HARNESS. ;^ E. STEWART & CO. WESTERN HORSE MARKET 297 Valencia, CbrvMh && >\u25a0\u25a0.. ' ; -•.; .'-2Si\ HORSES AT AUCTION At - Crows' Landing on the Ben Crow = Ranch .- Seventy -four . bead .of ; geldings from four to nix years old, sired by Shire and Norman stal- lions, - weighings from 1100, to 1400 pounds. All have been • bandied. - 'Also < 32 ' mares :In foal by Imported Shire and ' Norman stallions, weighing from 1200 to 1400. pounds. - . i i Contractors > looking . for good. . blocky wagon and I scraper " horses, .farmers In ; want of good, heavy * work and brood mares; don't fall to at- tend this sale T dealers, here is an opportunity to get salable animals, c . • \u25a0- Sale \u25a0 takes r place 'at the ' Ben Crow Ranch, three miles east of Crows ' Landing, h Saturday, February 9th. 1907, at 1 P. M. . . Trains \u25a0 arriving from " the north . and - south reach ; Crows ' Landing in time for the sale. Hotel i accommodations at Newman or Crows Landing. : Buses will meet both trains. auction Friday, Feb. 8, 1 1 a. m. sharp < By order. Dr. A: B. Hubbell, I will sell 1 rub- ber . tire and .black team . of mares, • weight 900 : lbs. each. - ' ' -'\u25a0 ' • By order G. Silvia. ; will sell 10 head of work stock, : and at the same ' time will f sell 25 bead of all purpose horses, buggy, < wagons . and har- ness. . - v.' - ' \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 , ..- - " '' At 565 Fourth Street,' Oakland. ' ..':.; >V;? 7 ;.\u25a0- J.^W. :MEPEIRO3.: MEPEIR03. Auctioneer. Dbii't Forget llie Big Auction Sale MONDAY. FEB. 11, AT 11 , A.^TA., " I HERMAN \u25a0• AND - VALENCIA STS.. | ; : Between 12th and 13th. • A consignment of' a lot of good, cheap WORK and DRIVING HORSES.' Sale rain or, shine. WILLIAM CLOUGH,/ Auctioneer." f. ' bQBAK.TU&VEL-''- . _,< l m^^. Steamers Leave Broadway \u25a0/^^"^"\u25a0^\u25a0Q^V * Wharves mEJlri For LOS yyf^fe' ANGEtES, SAN DIEGO, SANTA BARBARA SANTA ROSA.. ..:.... Every Sunday. 7 10 a. nu STATE OF CAL...;... Every Thursday, 10 a. m. for SEATTLESTA CQMA VICTORIA; B.C. Pugei Sound <& Alaskan Ports SPOKANE. ...M. . .'. .Feb. 16. Mar. 3. 11 a. m. CM ATILLA. :..;... Feb.! 6. 21. Mar. v B. 11 a. m. CITY. OF PUEBLA Feb. 11. \u25a0 26,^ Mar. , 13,: 11 a.m. \u25a0' , - : \u25a0 ":-i And ' Every . Fifth : Day ". Thereafter.^ : . For EUREKA (iJutnboldt Bay) POMONA/. .. .Feb. 7. 13, 19^ 25, 1:30 ' p. m. CITY of TOPEKA Feb. 9, 15, 21, 27.. 1:30 p. m. C0R0NA... .....: Feb. 5, 11, 17, 23. 1:30 p.m. ForGUAYMAS;MAZATLAN, LAPXZSENSENAbA,SAW \u25a0JOSE DEL CABO, ALTATA CURACA0. .. . . i . . ......... ..Feb. 9, 10 a. \u25a0m. !*Low rates — Including; Berth and' "Meals. Rights reserved .to Change,'thls Schedule. ' . «' TICKET v OFFICES: San Francisco, 3 ..Market *t. and -Broadway ;'-.-.' Wharf. • . Telephone 'Temporary 492. Oakland .. ..;-.......;.. .V;....'.-.06S San Francisco Freight Office, '> Broadway Wharf. .C. 'D..DUNANN. G.P. A.; San ; Francisco. - COHPAGNJE HNERALE TRANSATLMTIQDE ' , DIRECT LINE >. TO . HAVRE-PARIS. ' : Sailing ' every : Thursday, instead jof Saturday, at 10 a. - m.', from \u25a0 Pier 42, North • River, foot . of Morton street. ."- First class to Havre, '$70 and upward. Second class to . Havre, $45 and - upward.',. GENERAL AGENCY FOR - UNITED . STATES * A^TD • CAN- ADA, -22 .'\u25a0 Broadway " (Hudson Building)," New York. - : ; J.. F.'FCGAZI. .manager k Pacific Coast. 630 1 Montgomery . street.' San . Francisco." ; Tickets sold by all Railroad Ticket Ajents. ; . . .U-Z-. " RAILWAY TRAVEL Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co. VIA \u25a0 S ATJSALITO* FERRT ' . * For Sansallto, Mill- Valley, Sam Rafael i WEEK DAYS AND SUNDAYS— 7. •7:45. 8:25. •9:15, 9:60,- 11 a..: m.V 12:20.^ »1:45. »3:15, 4:35, 5:15. 6:50, 8:30,^7:15,- 9^K>.-10:15, 11:35 p. m." *Run» to S«n Quentlu. ' ' . \u25a0\u25a0 ; - 7 :45 . a.m. daily, for Caxadero " and way sta- tions.--. :. -\u25a0 ..\u25a0-,,..-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0;,.\u25a0.•.-*'-:.\u25a0 ,-\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 "8:15 p. m.,' Saturdays only, for ' Cazadero and way stations. ;: ; - - "\u25a0-;\u25a0\u25a0-;:\u25a0-. \u0084 . .'"' .• " '.;' • - ; ' 5:15 >' p. " m."- dally, \u25a0 except , Satnrdays '\u25a0- and • Sun-" days,', for Point Reyrs and way. stations. - - From \u25a0, S. F. for- Tlburon."' Belvedere' and San \u25a0 -Rafael— Wetk Days— 7:4o.' 9:ls.- ••11:00 a: m.. 12:35. 3:30. 5:10, 6:30 p. m. Sundays 7:40 • 9:15.i«11:00a.%m.; 12:35. 3:30. 5:10.;6:30* •p.- m.: ••11:35 -p.. m.'; Thursdays; only. .-• From \u25a0 San 5 Rafael i for : S. i F.-^-Week ; Days — 6:13 ,-; 7:40, i 7:55, 9:25. 11:15 a.* m.; 12:50, 3:40, 5:00. 5:20 p. '\u25a0'B, -; Sundays — 6:15. 7:40, .7:55, \u25a0 9:25 2a.;m.:3:40;,5:00,,5J»,' I 6:30"p. v m.'' From Tlburon for 5.:F.7-Week t>ay»-^6:45 8-17 i '9:55,. 11:88 a.:m.::i:10.-4:05. 5:45 p.m.'- Sun- days-^-6:45, 8:17, ,9:55, 11:35 a.m.; 1:10, 4:05 5:45,16:55; : , .' . . Leave 8. V. : I - -. -\u0084. -. , j .. Arrive S. F. - ' ' ; ' . ' " DESTINATION; —_—__i_ Wk dys|Sund*s ' - • - ' \u25a0 --' ISond'i IWkdys T:4O a 7:40 al \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0; ' \u25a0 . -. -. "O7al a :.:.•:.-. 9:15 a| :.;- 10:25 a 10:25 a 8:80 p! 8:80 pl .. Ignaclo., 6:20 p 6:20 n > 5:10 pl 6:10 Pl ', 7:30 p. . :r ,7:40 a[.......| , -• , \u25a0 \ 8:lf*t "STin ....... 7:40 a Novato. . 10:25 a 10:23 a 3:30 p 9:15 a -'\u25a0 Petalunaa. .'\u25a0 '..- '6:2o'p 6-20 d 5:10 p 8:80 p ; Santa Rosa. 7:30 p ;T...f; 5:10 p/ V 1.. .. ;..('''"•' f ,7:40 a .....::| \u25a0---. \u25a0 - 10:23l[ 10:55' i ;•.:::.-. ;7:40 a • Fnlton.. \u25a0- 6:20 p 6:20 p 3:30 p 8:80 p - \u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•••> - \u25a0'. -- . ..'. . . . . . :.' . \u25a0 "7" ~~ i- Windsor. -"" — " — r-rr ;. : . " \u25a0- Healdsbarg. \u25a0 '.:'.<.\u25a0'.' \u25a0 ! -.-' T:4O a .7:40 a J Lytton. . 10:25 a 10:25 a 8:30 p 8:30 p Geywrvllle.'f 6:20p Bi'-t) p <>^s> -- i: r:-;* : and ' Cloverilale.' \u25a0'-£:.-,-, r r ... -; . ,7:40 \u25a0J.7:40.a1-v - Copland . ll0:4S a!lO:2."4 a p 8:80 p and Ukiah. - 6:20 pj 6j2o*p al 7:40 a - ; = %\. ;\u25a0- • • 110:25 a|lo:2sTa 3:80 p 3:80 p Goeraevllla. ft 8:20 p 6:20 p \u0084 ....- ,- \u0084. . \u0084- -TafTaTTTIT-i '6:10 p .."".".I. ; 'Sonoma. , \u25a0 6:20 p -6:20 o * rrr.*. . 6:10 p : - Glen Ellen. lr.'. .^Jv; ::. ,' r.7:40 aI , TITO al .-. — • -: i :-,- ._ • 10-25 aftbTftJ" 1 * »»:80 p 8:30 p Sebastopol. o:2a p 6:20 n 5:10 p 5:10 p{,-A.'r':--''"--'-^...'->:.-r;;:.|:.-.-. . -.-.-. .t ,;.....' ; ,»- \u25a0 - , -\u25a0 -WUUU \ and .- , ~7~. ~" \u0084-- 17:40 a .7:40 a j: Sherwood. ;. 6:20 pj 6:20 p \u25a0••Tlburon only.*i .^ .;. ; ". ","-;.; • " .' '"'.'\u25a0-' CONNECTIONS. -- \u25a0-' Stage«*conn«ct at GREENBRAB for Saa Qnen- tl«;;at SANTA" ROSA^ for, Wbite Sulphur Springs and Mart i West Springs ; ; at ! FtTLTON f cr Bnrke's Baaatorlomi'at LYTTON; for. Lytton 'Springs: at GEYSSRVILLE for Skaggs Springs; at CLOVER- DALE I forithe I Geysers. -4 Boonrille, Philo, I Klk sod 5* Greenwood ; ;i at i HOPLAND y for * Duncan gprtngs. v Highland ' 4 Springs. , Kelsey vllle. . New Carlsbad Bpr ings. iSoda. Bay ' Lakeport. 3 Bartlett Springs ; ! at -UK lAH : for : Vichy Springs, , Saratoga Springs. Bine : Lakes, J Lanrel • Dell ! Lake, -.Witter BprtßrMUpp*rJL«ke,: Porno, * Potter VaU*y,' Joha Day's. ; Uerley's,^ HnllvUle, 4 Orr's i Hot - Springs,' Handler, Half-Way I House, • Hopk ln». Comptch* Mendoctno City,*, Fort I Bragg.% Westport ; and U»al : atiWlLLlTSifor Hearst land : Sawyers; Ist SHE r' WOOD k foci Fort | Bragg.*; Lay tonvllle. .Westport Corel* * Cammlngs^BeU's; Springs,'; Harrln. Hub- bard. iFrnitland, ; Dyervllle,^ Garbervllle.. Pepper- wooa,"> CMap 6, * Scotia and .Enreka. ' ; -- , inm*s{hf«MaAri6BNSßAL-S OFFICE: .: . * -.'•:-.,' ,. JAMES ' FLOOD BUILDINGS SAN 5 FRANCISCO mpHggra^- JAS. ; AGLER. Genersl- Manager* ,t R. X. BUS, Gen. «od- Fr.Uht A.t. . RAILWAY..TRAVEL.: ! '"---'/ j^tSiSD I an Francisco yvJT^^V j From Febecart 3. 1907 V&SSgX/ FERRY DEPOT '4 N^SLvVf- , '" \u25a0 . " Foot ot Market Street Leave —VIA OAKLAND PIER— XrriT» • 7.Ctta Richmond. Benicia. Sacramento. '\u25a0" Suisun and Way stations..., :, . 7.4>» 7.0O» Elmlra. Vacaville, Winters. Rum- sey :._.:.: .„ : 7.45«» 7.«0a Davis. Woodland. Marysxille, Chlco. Red Bluff— OroviUe..__> 7.48* " 7.20 a: Elmhurst. Newark. Centerville. San Jose. Los Gato*. Wright .„ 5.48» 7.40« Valleio. Napa. Cailstosra. Santa Rosa. Martinez. San Ramon.... 933 m • ' 7.4»« Nile*,: Pleasan ton.' Livermor*.' ' Tracy. Lathrop. Stocltton 7J3» , B.ooa Shasta Express— (Via Davis.* Williams. WUlows. Red Blufl, ~__. - Ashland. Portland and East— *O» S.ZO* Martiner.Antloch.Byron.Tracy. Stockton. Newman, Los Banos. Mendota. Armona. Hanford. 4.88» Visalia. Portorville „ 4.4»» %J0» Port Costa. Lathrop. Merced. Mo- desto. Fresno. Han ford. Vl- • salia. TuJare. Baiersfleld *.<*» *.*H Kiles. San Jose. Livermore. Stockton (•Milton). Valley '- Sprinjr. lone, Sacramento. 4.W» 8.49 a gonora, Tnolumneand Aniels.._ 4-M> J. 0«« Atlanttc Eipress — Ogden <^S» ».«)• Reno. Tonopah. Goldfleld-.. «S» I ».<«• Richmond. Port Costa. Martines. 1 and Way Station* •-«» 1 10.20 a Vallejo. Mare Island. Uapa lIJB* ; t»^«« Ke-\v Orleans Express— Baierv ; field. Los Angeles, Demlnsr. El Paso. New Orleans — IMf 10.20 a Port Costa. Martinez. Byron. Tracy. Lathrop. Stockton. Merced. Raymond. Freano. ' Goihtn Junction. Haniord. , Lemoore. Vlsalia. Tnlare. 7.W» - I 1.00« The Overland Limited— Omaha. Chicago. Denver. Kansas City 7.25» 11.40* Niles and Way Stations 2-43» 2.9*9 Newark. Ainew. San Josei TJt>» 3.M» Benicia. ; Winters. Sacramento. Woodland. Knights Landing, MarysTlUe and OroTille.. 1«.«3« 3JJ»» Port CosU.. Martinez. Byjon. Tracy, Modesto. Merced. Fresno .. : ; n.W» 3JH Via Tiboron. We«t Napa. St \u25a0Helena. CaUitoga : HJSa 3.40» Portland Express. 1 (via Davis), Williams. Willows. Red Blutt. Ashland. Portland and East 1.4U 3.40» Niles and Way Stations 7.48» \u25a0 4.00» Valleio. Martinez. San Ramon. Napa. Calistoga. Santa Rosa... B.M» 4.««f Niles. Tracy, Stockton Lodi W^B« 4.20p Elmhurst. Newark Centerrllle) tS.4B« Agnew. San Jose—.: > t1*.48« 4.40» Hayward. Niles, Irvlngton. San +I.2S* - Jose. Llvermore_l._... .t11.48* 5.0«» The Owl Limited— Newman. Los B&noa. Mendota. Fresno. Tv- . lare. Bakerstleld. Los Angeles t.48« S.2o* Hayward. Niles and San Jose T.Ma 5.20? Vallejo. Port Costa. Benicia. Sul- - sun, Sacramento „; :~~- • 11 -2S« C.M» China and Japan Fait Mall— \u25a0» Ogden, Omaba. Chicago :: , »N» N Martinez. Stockton. Sacra- I * men to. Reno. Sparks —^_. 12.41* 1 «.20p . Hayward. Niles and San Jose ~~ 9.45* 7.»0» Tonopah Pass.— Port CosU. Be- rticia. Elmlra. Dixon. Davis.' Sacramento, Truckea . ITazeu. Fallon. Tonopah. : GoldfieW and.Keeler 7.9U 7.M, Vallejo. B«neda and Way Sta- \u25a0 . tions. Snnday oniy 11.23 a , &2Qp Oregon Express- — SAcramento\ Marysville. Redding. Port, land. Puget Sound and East. 1.4 A» ' . I.Mp Fast Mait-O gde n. Omaha. Chi- cago.— Pueblo>Kansas Oty. SS. Loni* ....... — 12.4*» 9.W» Hunters Train. Saturday only. Newark. San Jose and »way sutions \u25a0 t3-2>» COAST LINE 1 Jta-(Third and Townsend Street*) «.l«a Valencia St.. San Jose arid Way \u25a0 Stations ... ._;» ;..._._.._^ *Jt» 7.00 a Valencia St. JSedwood. San Jose. .' Morganhill. GtlroyJ Pajaro. . Watsonville. Santa Crnz— Lan- rel— Boulder Creek, Salinas Del Monte. Monterey.. Pacific SN> Shore V LinTljmi"te*^ean".J<»e". Salinaj. Paso Robles 80l : - Scrinss, fan Lvii Obispo.; SPJ^ffi Santa Barbara. Los Angeles >J3» S.Ma Del Monte. Monterey. ; Pacific • ' '- • " \u25a0 Grove .._^..: 1...... '. r_ — :_ "- tJO» S.Na Watsonville. Santa Cruz. Laurel. - " Boulder Creefc__:.._ :_. '-.. *J*» S JOa The Coaster — Saw* Jose. Salinas. Paso Robles Hot Springs.'. Santa .Margarita. .San Luis . .; \u25a0 " Obispo.* -.Guadalupe. 'Santa:"^ Barbara. "San -Buenaventura. - Oxnard.Bnrbant. Lot Angeles '11.45» 8.30 a Gilroy. HoUister. Tres Pinoa, Pa- " jaro.Watsonvil!e. Santa Cruz.' \u25a0" Castrov ille. Dei Monte. Pacific Grove. Surf, Lornpoc^. 'J. 11.43 i» ».«Sa Valencia St.. South San Fran- * clsco. Palo Al to. San Jose_.... 7.40» lO^Oa Valencia St.; Burliugame, San • Mateo. Redwood. Palo Alto. \u0084 • San Jose..^._ ..,..' .* ,'," ' ",'". IJIBp '. UJOa Valencia SW San Jose and Way .- g*rtf on V "\u25a0\u25a0""": * "' — .' 4.15p 2.00» Valencia St., San Jose and Way Stations .' 1_ '-' ."'.',' tJSm 3.00» Del Monte Express — Valencia ; St.. Pan Jose. GUroy. Watson. . ~ villc'SanU Cnu. Del Monte, * Monterey. Pacific Grove : 12.13» 3.C9p ' Hollister. Tres Pino3...:.._u. —^ 5.49» 3.15» New Orleans Express— El Paso. San; Antonio. Houston. New ; Orleans and East :..< 1015» 3.15? San Jose. Salinas. Paso Robles Hot Spring. Santa Barbara. Los Angeles .. : '\u0084-X - ••!•• 3.lSp Watsonrille. Santa Cruz. Del Monte, Monterey. Pacitlc Grove-. : 11.45* 3.30? Valencia St.; fc'oi th San Fran- cisco." San Jose. Gilroy. Hol- ' , ' lister. Tres Pin 05...... 13_J5« 4JOp Valencia St.. San Jose and Wayj tS.OO. fS.OOp Valencia St.. Burlingame. San .;\u25a0 Mateo, Palo Alto. San Jose. '• ' S.3op -Valencia St.; San Jose and Way ' tS.OQp Valencia St.. Burlingame. San . * Mateo. Beresford,. Belmont. (Carlos, Redwood. Fair ;\u25a0. Oaks. Meulo Park.'Palo Alto. . San Jose . -:.. . ;.... 7.4«« 5.30» Valencia St.. San Jose and Way :\u25a0>"' \u25a0'\u25a0 i r Stations _;:..._. T .__'.^_.;..... .. ' *J6« 8.0O» . Sunset Expre.»s— San Jose. Salt- \u25a0 j»4s, Pnso Rohles Hot Springs. Pan ' Luis ObUpo. Santa Bar- ?"* \u25a0 ' bnra; Los Anjreles. Denting. El :' - - Paso. New Orl««an3 ..:_1:^.._..; lO.lSa S.OOp Golden State. Limited SWper-r - El Paso, Kansas CityvSt. Louis. L Chicago _:_:.._—:._ „....„.„. IO.ISa S.COp Pajaro, YVatsonville. Capitola, - Santa • Cruz. . Castroville. Del Monte. 1 Pacific Grove.....™ 11.45* I.ISp" Valencia Sf, Ocean View. Palo : Alto, San Jose .._^_ .... f.4fe tI.OC» Sacramento River Steamers.. itJtOm . 4.00 v Tuesday j from Howard St. Wharf N0.2. *'S.S. Breakwater." MarshfieM. Coquille. Myrtle U : Pnint. Ore... ......^ \u0084.„„.. tl.00» Union ; Transfer Company agenta collect ' bag- gage and checks on trains of Southern Pacific and deliver \u25a0 baggage" to - residence. • They ar« authorized to \u0084 check 2 baggage direct from resi- dence.. Telephone, Temporary 194^. OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY " ': " ; (Foot'ef Market Street) ' ' ; 7.C0. gjOO. 9.00. 10.00. ItXO a! m. . i2M. LOO. 2JO. 300. 4XO. 5.00. 8.00. iJOQ. j.OQ p. m. ' -A for Morning. , P for Afternoon tSuflday ezcepted. tSunday only.-; MIjTAiALPAIS RAILWAY , \u0084Vla; Sanaallto *' Ferry. • Foot of : Market at." "Lv. San Fran. I .^j^^-_ ; Lv. Tamalpals. Wfc davlSumlaj f**^£irS^ Snnday WS daj 9:50 A] 8:25 A HSSSISP' 10:40 A !>:10 A • 1:45 Pf S>:so A) -'-W» ; 1:05 P 1:05 P, ;.;(11:OOAJ, 2:30 P 4:001" Safday! 1:45 P '>Wr f ". \u25a0 4:30 P Sat'dar ;<4:35 P| S.-15PJ -. .:^T t .;- »[ 5:45 Pj 9.30 P On Legal ' Holidays Train*- Run on Snnday Time, i. TICKET ! OFFICE ?AT \u25a0 SACSALITO FEIIBI. BAY AXDIXTERURBAX i ROUTES '" MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD VALIiEJO and NAP A ' : 'XAPA' VALLE V : RO UTE > Montlcello 3." 3. 00.~ and TNap* Valley Electric R." R. \u25a0 Co. ** Close connections. \u25a0 '-;ft_ROI!.VD TRIPS DAILY — 6 • -Boats leave > San Francisco 7:00. •»:« a.- m, 12:30; noon. -3:15,^6:00, *8;S0 p. ~m. "-v v *_. ? San ' Franclaeo landing \u25a0 and of He*. Clay-*tre«t Wharf, \u25a0 North • End . Terry building, . Market-atreet Ferry. ,v Meala ;a . la carte. Phone Temporary ; 404. •:\u25a0: \u2666Landat Navy* Yard; direct. \u0084 -...-\u25a0 THE WEEKLY CALL 15