Newspaper Page Text
10 LIP OF BALKY HORSE IS TORN OFF BY TWO MEN Employes of an Oil Works 'vV Torture Animal and Are Arrested FLESH CUT BY ROPE Crippled Mule Brought to Court Is Mute Witness Against Buckman In trying to make a balky, horse pull a load. L. Bach. a foreman employed Jzy the Arctic Oil "Works, and John Clayton, a driver for the same cor poration, tore oft the upper lip of the boree on the company's dock yesterday. The men were arrested on a charge of cruelty to animals and "will be ar raigned in the Police Court today. Bash and Clayton were arrested by Policemen P. McXamera, Frank Cassin and Gus Winzler. According to the ofaeers. the horse balked on the wharf. To make the horse start Bash and Clay ton fastened a rope about its neck, made a noose over the upper lip and attached the end to a wagon drawn by two horses. The team was started and the rope tightened about the neck and Up of the balky horse. The latter ani mal's stubbornness was not easily con quered and though the noose bit cruelly Into the flesh about the mouth it did not budge. The rope cut deeper, lacerat ing the flesh, and blood flowed freely and then the cord tightened under the strain and the lip was severed. A. C. Buckman, an official of the San Francisco Paving Company, offered an ingenious excuse in Judge "Welter's court yesterday when he was arraigned for cruelty to animals on a charge pre ferred by Secretary McCurrie of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty !o Animals. McCurrie testified that a oiippled mule had been driven by C. E. Bowman, a driver of the company. Buckman, through his attorneys, plead ed exemption from the cruelty charge on the ground that he was too busy a man to have to appear in court when an animal belon^'ng to him was abused. Judge seller refused to countenance Buckman's argument and ordered him to appear for trial next Tuesday. Bow man, the driver, has not yet been ar rested, and it is thought he has left the city. The crippled mule was brought to the courthouse in an ambulance to be a mute witness against Buckman. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Julius Eisenbaeh to David Hamburger, lot on N coiner of Sixth and Clery btreets, XE 137:6 Acdrew B. Knox and wife to Dennis D. Casey ;tu(J wife, lot on NE corner of Liberty and Do lores streets. X 76:6 by E 75; 510. Cijar.utte Haviside to J. Hsviside. lot on E lint- of Fair Oaks street, 110 Bl of Twenty-flflh, Si 'JX> by E 325. and one other piece; gift. Andrew Wuelton and wife to Joseph B. Vls zanl, lot on SE line of Vienna street, 50 SW of India aremi», SW 25 by SE 100; $10. Jojin «.". BriekeTl to William T. Alien, lot on E line of Twenty-seventh avenue, 175 N* of Lake Ktiwt. N si by X 11-'O; $10. Cliarles Sutlir-riand aDd wife to John Dam- DMgrec, lot on \Y line of Anderson street, 23 by 70, !ot Holliday map A; $10. T. B. Potter Realty Company To Franz Ton Pi'iirowski. lot 3, bik 10, lot 12, block 7, Reis Tract; £rant. Albert F. Roberts to Minnie Roberts, lot on E lin»- of Fair Oaks street. 158 X of Twenty fourth. S 25 bgr E 10S:3; $10. Jaia-js 11. Lyons and wife to Lawrence Mc- Crserj; lot on XW corner of Sutter and Powell streets, W 25 by N S0:6; $10. Anthony O. Rossi and wife to Mary F. Macom »>cr, lot on W line of Jones 6treet, 82:6 N of Jackson. X SO by W S7:C: $5000. Joseph A. Bins to Helen Bias et al.. lot on X line of Eagle street, CO E of Capp, E 30 by N 99: *ift. Fred H. Hilliert to Hnjro Sehennert, lot on ICE corner of Thirteenth avenue and L street. £ 120. N S«s:li:i. W 12«:3. S 102:11; $ . James F. Lawler to Lee R. Strattoa and wife, lot on SE <-orner of Nineteenth and Sancbex streets. E 105 br S S7;tsl<L L*e R: Strsur.o :;r..l Trlfe to A. G. Gllson, lot on S lip? of Ninefppnrh street, 52:6 E of Sanchei. E 32:6 by S 57: ?10. GranviHe li. and Philippine C. GUman to D. S. Dorn. lot f.n N iine of Turk street, 192-6 W of Jones. W :'.2:8 l<y X 137 :C: $10. Mar.r a. .Tor.ns to Ida E. Heaoock. lot on E line of Ninth s>tre«t. 12." S of J, S 25 by E l°o- James Wrean to Elizabeth Wrenn. lot on \V line of Sixth avenue, 255 N of D street. \ 25 by W 120; Fiff. GuMo J. Musto and wife to Henry J. and' A'.ds Sartori. lot on E line of Van Ness avenue S3:B S of Grf-en street, S 3:10 by E 6S: $ip. Sol Getz & Sons to Gwendolen Newell, lot on W line of Forty-fourth avenue, 175 S of U street. S 75 by W 120; $10. Josffina B. de Yelas et al. to C. J. Heylor lot on E Hue of Central avenue, 100 X of Fell street. N 25 hy E 106:3: $10 Carles J. Heyler to Maria Monferran, eaoc; cl* 1 . Pierre G«a<»ston and wife to Ferdinand Koe nfc. lot on Commercial street, 10f> X of Pa cific and 149:10 E of Dcpont, E 20:5»i by X 37:6; $10. Theresa Warneke to Agnps Nelson, lot on S line of Jersey street, 220 E of Douglass. E fo l»y S 114;' gift. Sparrow Smith and wife to Howard S. Smith lot on S line of Pacific- avenue, 35 TV of Wal rut. W !50 by S 100; $10. Sarah M. Lyle to -James R. Kelly, ]ot on X line of Jackson street, 46 E of Taylor, and one other piece; $10. If.nale E. Kelly to James R. Kelly, lot on Margaret E. Stafford to Mary E. Connor lot <n W line of Howard street, 135 X of Fifteenth X 25 by TV ST>: jjift. E. Melville TVynne to same, lot on W line of Howard street. 110 X of Fifteenth, X 25 by TV 85; $10. William M. de TVolf and wife to Helene L habit, lot od TV line of Fifth avenue 150 X of Clement street. N 25 by W 120; $10 Sol <iexz & Sonf to 'William 'Ritchie and wjfe. lot on W line of Thirty-fourth street. J75 X of Point Lobos avenue, N 23 by W Solomon Get* and wife to TVMianj Ritchie and wife, same; $10. Vinccnio Briizolara to Trnhelm H. end Jul'a Gollne, lot on TV line of Vincent street. 97-6 S of Union. S 20 by W 68:9; $10 Homestead Realty Company to Sam and rtewka Beckerman, lot on NW line Sllliman street. C 5:10 XE of Dartmouth. SE 33 4 W to point 109:1 NW from Silliman street ' SW* to Boict of bejrinnine. portion of block 53 Union [omestead Association; $10. ' Homestead Realty Company to Barrr Ste'n l^rjr, lot on XW line of Silliman street, '33 n-Qn -Q XF of Dartmouth. XE 33:4, NW to point 1034 NW of Silliman street. SW to point opposite 'berfn nlng. theace to betinaing. Union Homestead \o Johaa B. Reite and wife to Otto Methmaan, lots 13 and 14, block 40, Reis Tract* $10 Marparet P. Gatsn to Maggie Gardner loti SI ted 32. block 23. Rei» Tract; $10. William G. Klos end wife to Para V W Bentcn. lot on SE line of London street 175 NE of Persia avenue, XE 25 by SE 100; $10 Charles G. Ames to Annie S. Fretwell "lot on N line of Green street, 57:6 E of Fillmore E 54 by N 137:6; $10. "' t Geoijre and Genoa Wall to Robert A. Vance, lot on E line of Wlllard street, 100 N of Fulton! X 25 by E 120; $10. Gertrude, wife of D. D. Harklnson, to D !Vr»naM Harkinson, lot on E line of Sixth ave mie. IS4 X of Lake street. X 25. E 128-4 S 25. W 128, and one otber piece: $10. " Margaret J. Wood to Henry Colombat lot on TV line of Fourth avenw, 100 S of Clement street. S 25 by W 100; $10. wiement Emma T. and Harry L. Pollard to Augusta wife of Diedrich Scbween. lot on E line of Ninth r.ventie. 212:3 S of Point Loboc, S 25 by E 120; $10. * Georpe J. Kingston et al. to Leopold Cantilena, lot on E line of Tenth avenue, 260 S of I strfect' S 25 by E 120: $10. »^eet, Gecrpe H. Scheper to Julius R. Smith, lot on •W line of First avenue, 150 X of B street \* i 5 by W 120; ?1«. ' * * Anna D. Roller 'Joost) to Lena M. Hansen lot on X line of Twenty-first street. 150 W of noujrlass. SW £3, XW 104:9, SE 23:3%, SE Benjsmin and Mamie TSrocsky to Morris Green bcrjr. W line lot 14, block 6. distant 50 S of Gavt»n. S 25. E 100. XW 25. W 99; $10. Charles X. Searle to August Booth, lot on XE line of Twenty-first arenae South, 275 XW of 3 street. XW 25 by XE 100: SlO. , Julia A. and Joseph T. Roberts to Charle» G. and Danna E. Bodin. lot on E line of Schwerin •street. 572:4 S cf £unnyda!e avenue, S 25 by E Casper and Sophie Zwierlein .to Mabel A. Boody. lot oa SW line of Masonic avenue, 100 SE of Piedmont, SE 25 by Sl7 100: $10. Charles G. Armes to Annie S. FretwelL lota 22 f.nd 23. block 37. lot 26. block 2S. lot 11, block 30. lots 10, 22 and 23, block 45, Sunny side; $10.: - V . Building: Contract* F. E. Sippel with United Contractors — To erect a on«»-st<jry frame cottage at 2~b Harriet street,' lfKi XW i'if Brrcnt; $ISCO. «osc;>b L-i.-.-.udi.-EiU'ia wKTj John O. Cook — To erect' a six -story and basement reinforced con- 1 crete building at NW corner of Mission and I First streets, W 60 by N 55; $67,500. John S. and Louise Leutenegger with Holm & Son, Murray Brothers — All work, except plumb- Ing, painting, composition roofing, shades and gas fixtures, for three-story and basement frame buUding (flats) at SW corner of Hyde and Jack «on streets, S 37:6 by W 87:6; $11,978. ' James Hogan w^th Hopkins & McLeod— AU work, except foundations, painting, windows (two flats), on S line of Bernard street, 91:6 W of Taylor. W 23 by 60; $3260. - Charles Strehl f, with Citizens' Construction Company— To erect a three-story and basement brick building on E line of Kearny street, 62:6 X of Post, N 20 by E 60: $16,500. Leslie A. Weber with W. J. Stone and Frank D. Shea (Stone & Shea) — To erect a one-story and basement frame buUding on E line of Thirty fifth 225 N of Point Lobos, B 120 by N Robert Dalrfel Sr. with Ralston Iron Works- Repair and replace structural steel work for a six-story building on NW line of Mission street. 312 NE of Second, 70 along Mission, NW 100. SW 17, XW 87:6, SW 67, SE 87:6, NE 14, SB 100; $2740. H. Steffens with X. A. Trnbeck— To erect a two-story frame building on E line of Larkln street, 82:6 N of Jackson, 26x187:6; $6350. Mrs. L. M. Gros with F. W. Kern — To erect a two-etory frame building on NE line of Main street 206:3 XW of Howard, NW-68:9 by NE 137:6; $20,650. . Leopold and Rose Mollatti with Frank J. Haver — To erect a. one-story frame bungalow on NE line of Holly street, 89 XE of Oresoeat; East Street Improvement Company with Martin Peterson. Decker Electric Company, Otis Elevator Company, Spencer Plumbing Company — To erect a six-story brick bnilding on V. line of Kant street 137:6 S of Mission, S 45:10 by W 137:6; $17,620. MEETING NOTICK3 CALIFORNIA Chapter Xo. 5, R. A. M. •» — Special meeting THIS (SATUR- A\ DAY) EVENING. February 16. at "X/rc&f 7:30 o'clock, in King Solomon's Hall. /Vy\ M. M. degree-.- / \ FRAXKLIX H. DAY, Sec, 833 FiUmore st FIDELITY Lodge No. 120, F. and A. , a M.— Special meeting THIS (SATUR- £\ DAY) AFTERNOON, at 1 o'clock. VoV" Second degree. Fellowcraft Ma6ons /V3r\ cordially Invited. By order of the ' \ W. M. FREDERICK BARRY, Secretary. MISSION Lodge No.- 169, F. and A. • M. — Special meeting THIS (SATUR- Jr%. DAY) EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. V^^" First degree. /Vy\ FRANK W. SMITH. Secretary. / \u25bc \ RICHMOND Lodge No. 375, F. and A. « M., SW. comer 4th aye. and Clement 9 Afa. st— First degree THIS (SATUR- 'vfx^' DAY) EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. /V^X H. FOURNESS, Secretary. ' \ TO officers and members, Mas-sa , ter Mariners' Association — W. On and after THURSDAY, i February 21, the regular j tjajJrfc^gjsi^ weekly meeting will be held J^SiJjL^felth^ fit the Marine Engineers" :* a^^w&B>> Hall. 45 Steuart st. near 'iBS*»*^ \u25a0">— ' Market By order of the ~ president L. TRAUNG. Rec. Sec. MARIXE Engineers' Beneficial Association Xo. 35 —^Members are notified to attend a recep- tion and high pressure smoker to be given in honor of Representatives to National Conven- tion Wm. J. Brady Jr. and Thomas Bulger, SATURDAY EVENING, February 16, at Ma- * rine Engineers' Hall. 45 Steuart st. A good time is expected and a large attendance re- quested. Specialties by talented members. The Only Elsasser will be present By order of COMMITTEE. AXXUAL MEETIXG PAAUHAU SUGAR PLAX- TATIOX COMPAXY — The annual meeting of the stockholders of the PAAUHAU SUGAR PLAXTATIOX COMPAXY will be held on SATURDAY, March 2. 1907. at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m., at the office of the com- pany. 2023 California St.. San Francisco. Cal., for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other .business as may come before the meetiug. Transfer books will close on Wednesday. February 20, 1907. at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m. f By order of the president. H. W. THOMAS, Secretary. ANNUAL meeting Honolulu Plantation Com- pany — The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Honolulu Plantation Company will •be held WEDNESDAY. February 27. 1007. at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m., at the office of the company, 142 Steuart St.. San Fran- cisco. California, for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of ench other business as may come before the meeting. Transfer books will close on Saturday, Feb- ruary 16, 1007. at the hour o€ 3 o'clock p. m. By order of the president. W. J. MATSOX. Secretary. NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE XORTHWESTERX PACIFIC RAIL- ROAD COMPAXY. A special metting of the stockholders of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company will b? held at the office of the company. In room 1043 in the James Flood Building, at S7O Mar- ket street, in the city and county of San Fran- cisco, in the State of California, the same be- ing the principal place of business of said cor- noraticn, and being the bnUdlng where : the Board of Directors of said corporation usually meet, on the 12th day of March, 1907, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, to consider and act upon the proposition to create a bonded indebt- edness of said corporation, to the amount In the aggregate of thirty-five mlUlon dollars ($35,000,000) In gold coin of the United States (a portion of which Is to be used in retiring existing bended indebtedness), and to Increase the bonded indebtedness of said corporation up to the amount in the aggregate, of thirty- five million dollars ($35,000,000) in gold coin of the United States, and to secure the said proposed bonded indebtedness by a mortgage or deed of trust upon the railroads, franchises and property of the company now owned or hereafter acquired, and the Income thereof, or ench part thereof as may be prescribed in the mortgage or deed of trust; and to determine the form and terms of said bonds and mort- gage or deed of trnst, and to authorize the Board of Directors t\ take all such action as they may deem necessary or expedient in the premises. Dated the 9th day of January, 1907. By order of the Board of Directors. —J. L. WILLCUTT. Secretary of the Northwestern Pacific RaUroad Company. E. E. CALVIN, WILLIAM F. HERRIN, WILLIAM HOOD, N. T. SMITH. \u25a0 a", h. pa'yson. K. p. PILLSBURx , EDWARD CHAMBERS, _, W. A. IiISSJiLL, Directors of Said Northwestern Pacific Rail- road Company. ANNUAL MEETIXG KILAUEA SUGAR PLAN- TATION COMPANY— The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Eilauea Sugar Plan- tation Company wUI be held on TUESDAY. February 26, 1907. at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m., at the office of the company. 2023 California st, San Francisco, Cal., for the purpose of electing directors for tUe ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. Transfer books will close on SATURDAY, February IC, 1907. at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m. By order of the President. H. W. THOMAS. Secretary. ONLY LOCAL MANUFACTURERS, B. PASQUALE CO.. 1100 WEBSTER. COE. TURK, PHOXE WEST 493. ARMY, NAVY. SOCIETY, GOODS, REGALIAS. FLAGS. BANNERS, UNIFORMS. HALLS TO LET FOR rent — New hall, central location, near junction of Valencia and Market sts. Apply 82 Brady st HALL to rent for society meetings. Wed., Friday or Saturday: reasonable. 2520 Howard st. ATTORNEYS ADVICE free — Divorce costs $12; quick and quiet; bankruptcy, damage, attachments and probate matters a specialty; no fees in ad- vance. 2128 Fillmore st, near Sacramento, room 1; open evenings, i DIVORCE— Costs $12; quick, quiet; advice free; no charge unless successful; opens evenings. 1323 Page st, near Central aye. HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law. W. T Hess Notary Public. 2053 Sutter st, near Fillmore street. LYONS. TIMOTHY J. (late Chronicle building). Law offices, 51 Geary st (F. H. Woods.Trusth W. A. S. NICHOLSON, attorney, 1476 Eddy, nr. . Fillmore; land titles established, probated, etc. ROBERT W. KING, attorney at law (formerly Examiner bldg.), 1639 FiUmore st. near Post. H. A- Krouse.l3oo G. G. aye.. cor. Fillmroe; all cases; adv. free. Eve, 7:30-8:30; tel. West 5132. MARTIN STEVENS, attorney at law. 1033 Golden Gate aye.. bet Lagnna and Buchanan. sts. , F. J. CASTELHUN. attorney at law. 1343 Golden Gate aye.v bet FiUmore and Steiner sts. BEXJAMIX HEALEY, attorney. 120S Golden Gate aye.. near FiUmore; phone West 5125.', CHAS. F. HANLOX. 'attorney. 1752 Bush st. corner Octavia : phone West 1560. PUBLIC^ STENOGRAPHERS MARION WALCOTT. pub. stenog.; multigraph work specialty. 1908 Hatter st, tel. West C2lB. PATENTS MEDIXA World Patent Agency; agents In Washington and foreign capitals;- patents, trademarks, patent law. FRANK I. MEDINA manager, 567 Eddy st; tel. Franklin 1460. ' CARLOS P. GRIFFIX, patents, late examiner P-« S^, p « tent ' Office. 500 FUlmore st, soon 410, CaU bldg. PATENTS guaranteed; protect; your Idea; guide- boo> frefe E. •'rooms.n, box 40, Wash., D. C. FRAXCIS M. WEIGHT, formerly examiner ; U. S. Patent Office. 025-927 MonadnoeV buildlna. THE SAN FRANCISCO v GALU- SATURDAY^ FEBRUARY 16, 190* PENSIONS PEXSIofa Attorney B. A. BULLIS, 1541 Btelner Bt; past commander Thomas Post Q- A. R. \u25a0 PENSIONS, extra pay, etc. Write L. M. SHEM- WOOD, 2751 Filbert st. San Francisco. .- • PHYSICIANS : ! ANNOUNCEMENT— DR. SCHIEMAN, 1620 Post st, formerly Van Ness aye., positively cures rheumatism, sciatica, kidney and bladder trouble, diseases of heart, nervous system. Our offices equipped with latest sclen. appliances j DB. WONChHIM, 'HEEB DOCTOR. Permanently Located 1268 OTarrell st, bet Gocgh and Octavia. ~~ BEE MAIN CHY, Chinese Tea and Herb Sanitarium. - 855 7th at, Oakland. A— Announcement— Dß. F. C. KECK returned from the East and resumed his practice. 999 Steiner st, cor. McAUlßter. Hours 2-4 p. m. DR. E. O. JELLINEK, Delbert Block. Van Ness and O'Farrell; phone Franklin 1465. . Kesi- dence Majestic Annex; phone West 1520. . ' . DR E F. WEST, formerly < of 611 A' Leaven- worth st., 1» now. at 1115 McAllister. Phone Park 722. ' H. A. HESS. M. D. (Pacific Hospital Surgeoa) — Office hours, 1 to 8 and 0 to 7:30. 749 Hayes. TeL Market 2428. , DR. SAMUEL W. MEANS has resumed practice, Delbert bik., cor. Van : Ness and O'FarreU. DR. HAMILTON O. BOWIE, physician and sur- geon. 2102 Market, cor. 14th. Tel^yarket 2204. DE. JOSEPH ABDENYI, physician, surgeon, diseases of women and men. 936 McAllister. X-RAY AND STATIC TREATMEXTS. DR. A. .' S. TUCHLER. 702 Van Ness aye.; hrs. 1-3, 7-8. DE. JOHX M. WILLIAMSON, formerly 21 Powell, now at 924 Geary; hours 2 to 4 p. in. DR. JAMES OSBORXB, formerly Clay st, re- sumed practice. 1178 Eddy. Tel. West 782 C. ALBERT J. ATKINS, M. D., rectal diseases, 1609 FrankUn st. nr. Pine; hours 1 to 4 p. in. DB. J. M. McDOXALD, office SSB Octavia st; j phone Special 2054; res, phone West 2186. DR. O. J. SCHMELZ removed to 317 Scott St., bet Page and Oak; telephone Park 491. L. O. COX.^M. D., 2100 Devisadero st, formerly 406 Sntter; electric treatments given. .. DR. CHILDS, formerly at 118 Grant aye., now at 2038 Sntter st; teirWest 1168. CARRIE YETTER, M. D., 3598 18th st, now 3308 16th st., corner Church. DR. J. E. ARTIGUES, 2947 FUlmore st, corner Union; hours 2 to 4 p. m. DR. OWEX BUCKLAXD— Eye. ear] nose. throat. 18S0 Snttcr st. ; 1 to 4. DR. W. H. GRISWOLD, 694 Edy st, corner Franklin ; hours 10 to 4. CHEAPEST and best In America, The Weekly Call. $1 per year. - \u25a0 DENTISTy. DBS. C. W. DECKER, T. H. MORRIS, L. T. CRANE. SURGEON DENTISTS, ISI6 Sutter st, above Van Ness. Rooms 1-2-8-4-5-9-10. PAINLESS Dentistry — Old established, honest, reliable; reasonable prices, perfect work; free consultation. VAN VROOM, 1501 Fillmore st. corner o'Farrel'. DE.-W. "A. .MEYER, form. Callaghan building, now 2156 Market st, near Church and 14th; Fillmore-st. cars. BARTLETT. DR. U. GRANT— Extracting -peclal- lst; gas given. 2103 Fillmore tst. ; NW. cor. Cal. DR. L. A. WALSH, 872 McAllister, 'nr. Lajuna. Platinum fillings, 50c: crowns, $5; plates, $7. DR. J. F. TWIST, dentist, formerly Academy of Science bldg.. at 1470 Eddy st. nr. Fillmore. HUCK, DR. H. C, dentist; formerly 324 Mont- goraery aye, now at 522 Devisadero, nr. Hayps DRS. STICKEL & TAYLOR. Dentists, formerly 1004 Market, now at 1806 Geary, nr. Fillmore. PAINLESS Dentistry: set of teeth. $5; crowns, $3; bridgework. $5; filling. 50c; all guaran- teed. DR. BROWN. Market. !4tu and Church. DR. P. KEMP VAX ER, deutist, formerly 1029W, Market St., now at 504 Devisadero, near Fell. HILL, DR. LUDLUM, 1443 Market st. now at 4.32 Webster st, near Oak: gas given. DR. J. J. LEEK (formerly 1120 Market), now $24 Valencia st. bet. 19th and 20tb. DR. KNOX. dentist, 1615 FiUmore st; all work first-class: prices low. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kinds' of dental work. 515 Fillmoif ft., near Oak. \u25a0 \u25a0 AUTOaiOBILS's $1450—1906 FrankUn - model G; newly painted and Jn fine : shape. ' ; ._ \u25a0 \u25a0 $2000 — 1306 1 Franklin model D ; paint hardly j scratched ; In elegant . condition ; a bargain at the price. • "\u25a0• ; $1050—1905 White Steamer; just put In Al condition ; newly painted; top lights,, gen- erator, etc; a good buy. *$S50 — Maxwell runabout; $150 In extras; la fine condition. $500—1006 OldsmobUe runabout; Al condition; "a snap. THE E. B. TAYLOR MOTOE CAR CO., * 800-302 Telegraph aye., Oakland. Phone Oakland 5301. A RELIABLE RAMBLER. For sale, a 1906 model, 16 h. p.; seats 5; has always had professional careful handling; complete equipment including lamps, \u25a0 bom, etc.; price $730/ To investigate address MR. FAIRCHILD, 642 Folsom Bt, San Francisco. AUCTION' sale— Public notice hereby given that a French Panhard in good running condition will be sold for cash to the. highest bidder on Saturday, the 23d Inst., at 2 p. m.. to pay for storage, repairs and- supplies.- FRANK O. RENSTROM CO.. 424-446 Stanyan Bt. RESERVE space for your, car in the Mission Garage, 611 Valencia st. bet. 17th and. I.Bth; most completely equipped garage in town. D'ARCY, SCOTT & CO.. Props.. 524 G. G. aye. 20 b. p. Locomobile and complete equipment; nearly new; excellent business and . touring vehicle. MobUe . Carriage Co., Golden Gat« eve., near Gough st REXSTROM GARAGE, 424-434 Stanyan ; phone Park 476. AutomobUes bought, sold, repaired; supplies; touring cars for hire at all hours. RUNABOUT— To be raffled Feb. 28 at 1159 East 14th st, Oakland; first-class condition; new tires; 4 chances 50 cents. AUTOMOBILE repairing; storage battery charg- lng, repairing. I. L. De JONGH. 446 Fulton. EELIANCE AUTOMOBILE CO.. 547 Fulton st; garaging and renting; repairing of aU kinds., CHEAPEST and best In America. The Weekly - CaU. $1 per year. ARCHITECTS A RESPONSIBLE position desired by a practical mechanical and electrical engineer with long experience; highest city references. Box 171, Call office. '/.... '.-.-. McDOUGALL BROS., architects, 721 Devisadero st., bet. Fnlton and Grove." Phone West 5592. A JAPANESE designer and building contractor. N. HIRANO. IP2I Sntter st* ARCHITECTS^ AND; BUILDERS GOING to buUd? Write SPARLING, the BuUder. Plans furnished. 639 Waller st ... AJDOPTION • ; DR. EMILIE FUNKE'S maternity vUla; Infants adopted; strictly private. 1416 i Bth st.Ala- meda. Cal. \u25a0 : ..--.. - ,_ BAR AND STORE FIXTURES C^HICAGcrffixTURE CO. ; ~baT"fix7ur<?s alwayT carried iff* stock; bank, store,- office fixtures; better, cheaper, than anywhere; . tel. - Market 2i96; all kinds of Jobbing done. 379 Fulton st OFFICE and store fixtures, cabinet work and Jobbing; estimates given. G. MARCIIAL 283 Austin aye., bet Bush . and Pine sts. CALIFORNIA' Home Industry, 214 Bth Bt— Bar and store fixtures, showcases always . on hand. J. MARTENSON makes office, store and bar flx- tures, 213 13th st., bet : Mission and Howard. WESTERN . FIXTURE CO.,* store, office and bar fixtures, cabinet, carpenter work". | 608 Turk. FOR store, office or bar fixtures see McCALM & BARNARD, 2027, Ellis , st.. above Devlsadero. S. FRIEDMAN. 2106 { Bush st. carpenter; - bar, store and office fixtures; repairing;* Jobbing.. -;; UNION FIXTURE CO.. 386 , Golden •' Gate ' aye.; near Larkln— Bank, - store, of flee, bar flxtnres. , RELIABLE STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURE CO.. 1811 Market: phone Market . 2748. GOLDEN WEST WOOD WORKING CO.. \u25a0 '-\u25a0•\u25a0 -: '.\u25a0\u25a0.. ..\u25a0'\u25a0-. 236-238 -14 th; St. \u25a0 ; LEFFINGWELL, carpenter; general Jobbing. 95 '-Dnboee aye. . \u0084,\u25a0..... r v CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS : CARPENTER \u25a0 and builder; store - and '• office flt- tlnga; plans furnished. V . HANSEX, • 1214 -Turk. PAINTING, tinting, puperhanging; '; best" work; reas. HUNTER, 1577 O'Farrell. \Tel. West 6667. PETERSON & ELLIOTT, 648 Hayes; r-; phone Page lon. '.Carpenters' builders.' repairs, alterations. CONCRETE brick, plastering: German contractor; ? chimney repairs, sldewalks.F. Szoke, 1113 Tnrk. CARL SPROGIS, - carpenter.'? contractor.* cabinet work. ., Tel West 4624. -1284 A, Eddy, st. _'; : _- :_'{:'; BITSINESS' CHANCES -y. '.-.\u25a0 > ' FORsale-^-Coffee saloon and oyster-house: 'doing from, soo to $100 a day business; rent $50 per ..month; in a new brick buUding in burned^dis- trict; seats 40 people; In a splendid location: - don't miss- this bargain; seUing on account of having two places. CaU and sea owner, j 223 > Montgomery avenue. . -\u25a0 - ' ' ADMINISTRATOR'S sale ot a good bakery business at Marvsville, Cal.. the property of .the late F. J Clinger:- wIU be sold at public auction on Monday, Feb. 27, 1907, atthe prem- ises, corner 4th and D sts., MarysvUle. Oal. J. P. ARNOLD administrator of the estate of F. J.^ Clinger. " TWO ; fully equipped baker shops; 3 and 4 wag- ons running daily horses, harness and wagons; doing $5000 or $6000 worth of business j a month ; baking 8 or 9 barrels daily. - Yon can take both of these, Mr. Baker, for $3500. : REDWOOD CITY REALTY COMPANY. HALF interest in a" business for sale, for a few hundred dollars* small payment down, balance you can pay out of the business; there is no trouble: to make $23 or $30 a day; you need no experience; yon have to help manage the business. .470:7 th st, Oakland, Cal. BARBEE shop In -suburb; established 8 years; with extensive trade: In best locality; $15 per month rent and 8 years' lease ;,f or sale; price $300.- Inquire at i 154 Folsom it., Ideal Bes- taurant. - FOE sale — Machine shop, fully equipped, . gaa engine, • drills lathes, ehaper, milling ma- chine, belting and pulleys. Apply Room 245, Monadnock building, San Francisco. ; GROCERY and liquor department In Shenson New Market, 1133 Market st. for a term of . years at reasonable rate; excellent opportunity for right party. ' \u25a0"- -..\u25a0 -. -: -.\u25a0'\u25a0". FOR sale — Grocery store In Western Addition; good location; receipts $65 dally; lease: wUI bear investigation. Address box 55, CaU. $1500 — Grocery store, good location, in Ala- meda, fixtures, etc.. good investment. Box 2513 Call- office, Oakland. SOY SANG LUNG & CO.. Golden West Broom Factory, 723-25 Clay st ; now open fwr^busl- i ness. WELL-ESTABLISHED weekly paper; sold acct owner's ill health. Box 6052. Call. Oakland. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE C. E. HIXKLEY. PHONE WESTI9II. • 1204 Golden Gate aye. l near Webster st. CLEAR TITLES. EASY TERMS. APARTMENT-HOUSE, 56 rooms, 17 baths; near Van Ness aye. ; rent $7.15 per room; clears $900 monthly: elegantly furnished; price rea- sonable. HINKLEY. . ' . \u25a0 SPECIAL— 10 rooms 1 , newlr and nicely furnished; rent $40; lease; price $1100. HINKLEY. PROFITABLE — 18 rooms: sunny corner; 1 floor; . men roomers; clear* $125: substantially 1 fur- nished; worth investigation. HIXKLEY, 1204 Golden Gate nvc. AND MANY OTHERS. \u25a0 l PARTNERS . WANTED WANTED — One or • more partners, help develop mine, 3% mUes west of Tonopah, Xev., close to shipping mines ; $5000 development work done on nine full claims; liberal terms. THOS. PATTERSON. 346 Main St.. San Diego. : PARTNER wanted In plumbing business; must, have $1000 cash; in good locality. Box 40, CaU office. \u25a0'-- \u25a0 * \u25a0\u25a0 . CLAIRVOYANTS THE White Mystic of India. ORMONDE, formerly 10 years on Market st; a clairvoyant with power; genuine, reliable, conscientious; past, present, future; business advice, ' love, marriage, divorce; removes evil influences, tells your full name; born in the Orient with the power of any 10 mediunid: readings $1. 1310 Devlsadero, bet Ellis and ' O'Farrell. MISS M. WILLE. the famous crystal seeress, lo- cated at 1505 Geary st.. bet Laguna and Bu- chnnnn; one who la well known and one who is competent to read your life; she reveals the past, Kives correct forecast of the future and will ptve valuable advice concerning all mat- «|ers of business; readings dally, 10 a. m. and Ti p. m. ; phone West 74SS. MME. PORTER, clairvoyant medium, tells past, present and future; born with double veil and second sight; cards read clalrvoyantly; ladies, 50c; gents. $1; palmistry and clairvoyant sit- tings, full Ufe reading. $1.50; open Sunday; walk in, top floor. 1533 O'Farrell st, near Steiner. MME. KRONBNBHRG. clairvoyant card reader, palmist; when others fall try me: readings 25c. 440 Brazil aye.. San Mateo or Ingleeide cars. MMX. LA CLAIR. psyejile palmist and card reader; questions answered. 1202 G. Gate. MADAM SCHAEFFER. clairvoyant card reader, water seer. 803 Laguna st. near McAllister. MME. MARSEAU, clairvoyant, card reader. Ho- tel Bel monf room 8, 16th and F0150m. ... MME. DE ' VAN 7 clairvoyant, palmist, card rpn.lrr.- 1107 Golden Gate aye. \u25a0 : . •_ : iV; ; . '- ; -'.' / SPIRITUALISM : ' ?. ; : •"\u25a0."\u25a0'" MME. MAXWELL, test : Mon.. ' Wed.. S p. m. , !>>c; couvThc. mess, read's dally. 323 A Church. MRS. SEAL, spiritual medium; readings daily. \u25a0S6 McAllister st.; circle Thursday. 8 p. m. U MRS. LEIB, astrological medium; call and be convinced. ISOB Ellis st. - PALMISTRY > MME. LE LAND,' astrologist; adviser; horoscopes mi yritter^ 716 Golden Gate eve., room 2. • CHIROPODISTS HARRIS H. KATZ, chiropodist; expert mas- sager; electric apparatus. 1163 Golden Gate. DR. JAS. BROWN, expert chiropodist, at Empo- rium.^ an Xeas and Post; formerly 6 Geary. -__- CASH REGISTER »- CASH registers, 521 sizes, of all prices, for aU kinds of business, on liberal terms. Xational Cash Register Co., 1253 Golden Gate aye. 1 CORSET JUKERS MME. BAUMARD. corset \u25a0 maker, moved from 2156 Sutter to 1659 Sutter. MRS; M. HALL— Corsets made to ! order; $3.50 \u25a0i. "\u25a0 1 ?.;i..M12n l i y.f.lf P. cl^ *t. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--' - \u25a0 CIGARS HORN Sz . CO.. wholesale tobacco and cigars; Cubanola and El Sldelo cigars. IS Sacramento St.. opp. the ferries. \u25a0 \u25a0• . ...'._\u25a0__• GUNSMITHS . W. H. PRICE, 15 years with Clnbrough & Golcher; gun 'stocks a specialty.. 9 East »t, opp. Tiburon ferry. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES .TAPAXESE .EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Male and female; best scooks, waiters, por- tors, general housework, ; second -'-work and kitchen help, < office help,- etc.,/ in the city. Phone West 4634. H..K. PDA. 1721- Post at. A WELL-KNOWN- reliable Japanese-Chinese emp. office, guarantees best help of: all kinds on short " notice, with care and dispatch. O. HASUMI, prop., 1513 Geary st, near Laguna; tel. West 5688.. ; V. M : . AA— OLDEST. largeßt Japanese-Chinese Employ- ment Office; reliable help promptly.- GEO SA- KAUYK, 156S Post nr. Laguna; tel. West 5612., A— RELIABLE Chinese-Japanese crap. office. : A. HORI, \u25a0 prop., furnishes - best help, \u25a0 with, care and dispatch. -. ' 174S Sutter st. tel. West 2803. AX original Japanese and Chinese Em p. Office — Guarantees first-class help of all kinds. . GEO. MATSUO, 2140 Fillmore st. ;' phone : West 339. STAR employment office furnishes Japanese and Chinese help with care. . Tel. West: 167. :W. KADOTA, 1067 Post st, near Buchanan.-, i A. WOMAN wants washing by the day or sweep- i ing : and housecleanlng. . Address .box 62, Call. H. W. HONG. Chinese employment office, room 48, 819% Webster st.V Oakland: teU Vernon 241; CHI NESE and - Japanese employment office, 362 St.: tel. Oak 3101: B. HALL. Oakland. CaL J JAPAXESE-CHINESE Emp. Office. Phone West . 1731: ' T. TAMURAS. ; 1612 Lagnna st. : • . CHEAPEST and best in America, The Weekly Call. . Taper year.' :• r ' ';-v \u25a0:- : . EMPLOYMENT WANTED— FemaIe | WAITRESS wants position,', small. boarding-house \u25a0or hotel or restaurant; can cook; city or conn- , try. .. Address Waitress, 720.7 th st .: EXPERIENCED girl wants situation ' to do gen- .'.' eral housework aDd cooking In- a small family; :-. wages $25.y Box ; 697." Call office.. '- -\u25a0 \u25a0• .'. "..- : : \u0084 A | FIRST-CLASS": dressmaker j| would ; like " a < few ?more engagements by-the day : : does good work; ;c - references. ,.;, Box 693. Call office. >:.;-- \u25a0\u25a0*:; .:,;- YOUNG" woman i wishes .".. housework- or ; office " , cleaning . by the day. ;; Apply 3706 19th 'st : 5 i CHEAPEST and J best 1 in : America, The Weekly ;\u25a0. Call. Si . per year." - - \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -; ' "» '---- \u25a0 EMPLOYMENT .WANTED— MaIe V- ! WAXTED by experienced man' and. wife.^a place ; -to run cook °- house >; In« mining * camphor >con- °y\ tractors' work; - or. 1 will 'i board j the \u25a0 men \u25a0 by ; the > . week •or 'month.- -Address ' Lucy : Haberman/. 4S ~* East. Bt.;' San Francisco, v -.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.;.•.> , :: . . \u25a0-.-. • ..:; -.;., BAKER — First-class v all-round < bread ' and .cake *** baker and - confectioner ; wants' situation: city jor couutry. ; ~'A:t 8., room ; 59; 955^ ; Washing- •£ tou^Ht..: Oakland. - r--.c --; ."-\u25a0'/• \u25a0;"\u25a0--. .\u25a0'.'''.- . ; \u25a0 v, POSITION as; foreman on 'a* good bulldinif where ' plana v. are -'- prepared : ; 'wooden "\u25a0 structure '. pre- s;\u25a0 forroil; $5.50 per 'day. - A. W. : WHITESIDE, \u25a0 '160CA Turk at. ; , J ;\u25a0:•"•-..--".; \u25a0:•"•-..--". J. '.:.' -..Si*- \u25a0\u25a0; I YOUXG Japanese I boy i wishes position" as : school-. 1 v. boy; or* storeboy 3 and t janit-or:S*r?eak!»».KnsHsh' , well. ; Address box C'9i, : Cr.ll," I«Jsl' ".FHlaiure'st" BMPiLOYMENT; WAITED— MaIe— Con. A YOUNG : man, ; 30, f studying electricity ; wants employment inlthatUne;. wUUn«?and capable of devoting •portion of time to office- work If desired. Address H. ; B. H., 4140 20th st CIVIL engineer, 3 years' experience, highly recommended, desires position >in city, either office or ontslde work. Box 61. CaU office.; WAXTED— Young man with several years' ex- perience would like position as chauffeur. *Ad« dresa box 49, CaU office. PAPER-HANGER and painter; first-class me- chanic wants .work; satisfaction guaranteed. Box 14, CaU office. " \u25a0'\u25a0?\u25a0 WANTED— By man \of 50, active and * wUUng. easy work of any kind; smaU \u25a0alary- -S37r Bacramento st/ IXTELLIGENT Japanese wishes to do any work for half day. .Box 2312, CaU office, Oakland. WATCHMAN— A reliable man desires - position; first class city references. Box 28. CaU office. ELDERLY man . will do . light woft for board and. lodging. Box 60, CaU office. BLACKSMITH . wants position on ranch. Ad- r dress E. M.. 1086 Valencia. - HELP WANTEP-^-Female ' "•'/ . . ; --.\u25a0\u25a0•; ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - ;: ' WANTED— -Young women to learn telephone op- erating; paid , while , learning; salary increased . after first two weeks and farther increased after work becomes efficient Daily luncheon furnished free, ' and rest rooms, with matron In attendance. Permanent- positions; good chances for ad- vancement Apply .2019 Steiner st PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE AND TELE- GEAPH CO. ,- \u25a0 ' ——" - \u25a0 A SEAMSTRESS and chambermaid, small fam- ily, $30; -2 waitresses for commercial hotel In Nevada, $30, fare paid; 2 waitresses for com- mercial hotel- in Itfonterey, $30, fare paid; 4 cooks for private families, $50; a laundress for 2 in family, $30; a. nurse for an Infant, $35; a nurse for half-grown child, $40;. a nurse for twins, $35, references: a German cook for German family, $40 ; 30 housework girls for city and country. $35, $30, $23. MISS PLUN- KETT, 1892 Sutter st. near Webster. SEWING-MACHINE OPERATORS ON SHIRTS: GOOD PAY; CLEAN, STEADY WOEK; NEW FACTORY; WELL HEATED AND VEN- TILATED; IXEXPERIEXCED TAUGHT AND PAID WHTLE LEAEXING. LEVI STRAUSS & CO., VALENCIA. BETWEEN 13TH AND 14TH. APPLY ME. HIXSHAW. OUR NEW FACTORY BUILDING. WHICH IS THOROUGHLY LIGHTED. S VENTILATED AND HEATED. IS NOW READY FOE- OC- CUPANCY: EXPERIENCED AND INEX- PERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERA- TORS WANTED ON OVERALLS; GOOD PAY; STEADY WORK; PAID WHILE LEARNING. LEVI STRAUSS & CO., VALENCIA." BET. 13TH AND 14TH. APPLY TO MR. DAVIS. WANTED — Experienced stenographers and type- writer \u25a0 operators. ! Apply to general manager. NATHAN-DOHRMANN CO.', 1520-1550 Van Ness aye. - — ALSO Wanted — Hlsh-grade, experienced office «n- , ployes for bookkeeping and office work. 'AA — A girl who has a good and rapid hand for writing to take care of stock books. Apply I. MAGNIN & CO., ccr. Bush and Van Ness aye. Inquire Mr. J. Magnin, between 8 and 10 o'clock. WAXTED — Brirtt yonng ladles for clerical po- sitions. Apply to general manager, NATHAN- DOHRMANN CO., 1520-1550 Van Ness aye. WANTED — In large furniture store, a girl for dusting. Apply In writing, - stating references. Steady work for proper parties. Address box 4008. Call, 818 -Van Ness. BRIGHT young girls, 16 to 18 years old. wanted for various positions in knitting and finishing rooms; good pay. Apply GANTNER & MAT- TERX CO.. 607 Grove st WANTED — Experienced stenographers and type- writer operators. Apply to General Manager, NATHAN-DOHRMANN Co., 1520-1550 Van Ness aye. A GOOD seamstress and chambermaid wanted in a small family; reference required. Apply 2016, Pacific aye., between 9 and 12. WANTED — Capable copyist: excellent opportun- ity for advancement. Call - room 402, Kohl bldg., California and Montgomery. WAXTED^-A girl* to do housework and plain cooking In a new house; good wages to right party. 2327 Van Xess aye. A -YOUNG woman to assist, light housework and plain cooking; good- wages; good steady hqme. \u25a0:• 1110 Devisadero St.; j near ' Turk. .': v A' YOUXG girlgcaduateof -grammar school for 'office work in wholesale house; experience not necessary. : Box 47. Call ; office. ' . .: . - YOUNG lady to assist In ' office work ; some .*x- •; perlence In bookkeeping. Address in own hand, box 43. Call office. MADEIRA MILLINERY SCHOOL: private classes; hats trimmed; remodeling * specialty. 972 Eddy. st;*. ; . \u0084 MANICURING and hair dresser wanted, salary $55 per month. Apply Snpt's office. The Emporium. . . WAXTED— Teacher for district school. Address BOYNTOX, First National Bank building, Berkeley. « ARTISTIC trimmer in our millinery department. Apply S. N. WOOD & CO., Fillmore and Ellis streets. . v , ; MRS. MCCARTHY'S Employment Office— Help of all kinds. Tel Park 216. 575 Halght st. WOMAX wanted to clean, for Saturdays. Ap- ply 634 San Bruno aye/; bet. 18th and 19th sts. WANTED — Girl with references for second girl. Apply 2504 Scottst, bet. 11 and 1 o'clock. WAXTED — Young lady, some experience In bill- ing In wholesale house. Box 46, Call office. •\u25a0 EXPERIENCED salesladies for millinery dept Apply Supt's office. The . Emporium. . GLOVE makers on driving gloves. FARRAXT GLOVE MFG. CO., 3600 Mission st. WANTED — Buttonhole maker on custom coats ; work by the piece. 3370 16th st^ > MAKERS for millinery dept., long season. Ap- ply Supt's office. The Emporium. FIRST-CLASS trimmer for millinery dept. Apply Supt's .office, The Emporium. WANTED— GirI to take care of baby; sleep at home. 1116, McAllister st. \u25a0 \u0084 WOMAN cook wanted, coffee parlor, 944 LagTtna st.: call early. \u25a0 •-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -. BARBERS 'AND -SUPPLIES \u25a0» BARKER CHAIRS ' BARKER VIBRATORS . BARKER HAIR DRYERS - The • Barker patent . Philadelphia barber ehalf has no equal In beauty of design, having new features that the public appreciate and pat- ronize, its users proving it a big money getter. BARKER'S GOODS ARE MONEY-MAKERS. Barker sells direct upon easiest of terms. , BARKER SAVES YOtJ MONEY., t Barker's plants are the largest In the world. ' JAMES BARKER. 1370 Sutter St.. near Van Ness aye. Mr. Drake, Mgr. A. WISE TIP.TO BARBERS:'' ' : '\u25a0 Before buying furniture or supplies, call at STOLTZ'S, 1835 Fillmore st, ' or at warehouse. -2211 Bush st. ; where you can be best suited, as ' we carry ,, the ' largest stock . and the best ;.-v sortment ; on ; the coast. ' '— :. --.-^ .V. . ; WANTED— Steady barber at Palo - Alto; $13 ' guarantee ; mo . Sunday i work ; must be flrst- v class.- Write or phone R. F. SHINN. ,219 Unl- > versity aye, Palo Alto. v... ; TWO barbers wanted for Saturday; good wages: v - steady . Job \u25a0 for right * party ; short . hours. - 9 \u25a0 : - California , st,-, near.. Market. .--•\u25a0 .; THREE barbers for Saturday; $5 and percentage. . ' Sunset - Barber Shop, Mission and 16th sts., J. "vBERNHARD, proprietor. - • BEAUTIFULLY finished barber shop at entrance - :. to • new \u25a0 Hotel Hamlin," Eddy and Leavenworth sts. " : Apply to manager. ;\u25a0."..-•? \u25a0 . TWO barbers -for, Saturday and Sunday at 715 f~. Turk Bt. ; * $7 . and : percentage.' Sunset Barber : % Shop Xo. 2. - - --'. ' ::} -\u25a0 . . - . . BARBER i from '11 today : till- Sunday noon; $6: • steady \u25a0 6hort-hour Job next \ week. ;2d -- and ?'\u25a0 Folsom sts. .';." \u25a0 . .' ?.'.: .'"-.. -.- .t- .WAXTED— Barber f : for S Saturday ; and Sunday ':,.:• on 1 665 ; Gough | stY bet ; McAllister and Fnlton. BARBER wanted ; j steady ; ' Saturday, and j Sunday; -..wages. 7s per cent -1401*. 15th st, near Folsom. FIRST-CLASS barber for Monday, and bootblack. "r 1935 ; Sutter; st, 1 aronndi corner \u25a0: from ; FiUmore.' TWO ! . barbers '' wanted; \ V Saturday and Sunday • and •:- 1 '\u25a0 steady. 352^ ; 12th \ st ,i Oakland. NEW I bootblack I stand - for I barber shop for sale j 1418 Haight'st., : near.: Ma3onic are, j-^r y r BARBER -' wanted 1; for " Saturday - and Sunday ; i ; wages j73 ; per j cent-j 931: Folsom , st. V ; --j --.. -. GOOD barber i night, Saturday night il,i 1 , ,and Sunday steady. r : 1314 Castro st '-.--. BARBER --- wanted '\u25a0-• for .' Saturday - and Snaday ;-P:tW.iDIERKSEN. 591 Hayes st- v - ; GOOD; barber, wanted for Saturday and Sunday 7 1 3260 • Adeline st;; South Berkeley. : WANTED-^Good barber ror \u25a0 Saturdays and Sun- !? days;; wages; s7." 11 Howard st. FOR C rent— Barber-shop.* •-; > lnquire Henderson's ir *saloon;v 24th i and -.Bartlett: sts.;: r » : TWO barbers \ wanted.': first % class, 7 , for r Saturday antl Sunday," at 417. Broadway. \u25a0 ; BARBERS AND SUPPLIES — Continued WANTED— Barber - with 2 -years' experience j ; ' good ~ pay. to begla with: -for the couatry. Address K. S.Rnff, Fort Bragg. Cal.. box 19. BARBER, first class, wanted Saturday. Sunday and steady: high wages. CaU early, 1413 Halght st, near Masonic aye. .- • \u25a0 BARBER wanted for Saturday; 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.; $4.50. 1195 Post st A FIRST-CLASS barber: noae other need apply. 1649 Market st., Oakland. - WANTED — A barber for Saturday. Apply J. MEYER, 3007 Mission, st . -. BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday. Cor- ner Eddy and Laguna sts. GOOD-PAYING barber shop for sale. Alcatrai and Telegraph, Oakland. BARBER for Saturday and Sunday; $7 and per- centage. 208% East st. BARBER wanted — For Saturday; wages $4. 1154 Folsom st.. comer Sth. FIRST-CLASS barber wanted; steady Job. 17S0 7th sty West Oakland. ' . TWO" A "No. 1 barbers" wanted at RUGE ft GAST'&.B. Eddy at WANTED— A first-class barber; good guarantee. 418 San Pablo aye. •^ A GOOD barber for Saturday and Sunday; wages $8. 1704 Hayes st WAXTED — A first-class barber; guarantee $20. 418 San Pablo a-ye. BARBER for Saturday; wages $5.30. 2073 Mls- sion, corner 17th. - FIRST CLASS barber for Saturday and Sunday. ; 2503 Folsom st. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 723 Franklia st. near Turk. BARBER wanted Saturday noon and Sunday. 1515 Church st \u25a0__ BOOTBLACK for barber shop. 1777 Geary st, near FiUmore. ":'•,."/ WANTED— Barber Saturday and Sunday. 411 Devlsadero st. GOOD barber wanted Saturday and Sunday. 2052 25th st. GOOD barber wanted for Saturday and Sunday. • 108 East st BARBER Saturday. $3.50. The,' Pride, 2195 Market st BARBER for Saturday afternoon wanted. 644 Market st. BARBER wanted. Call at 1111 23d aye.. East Oakland. BARBER for Saturday;-$5; from 12 to 5. 1557 15th st BOOTBLACK wanted at 649 Lyon St., near Mc- Allister. . \u25a0 BARBER for Saturday at 2814 16th st, near Folsom. HELP WANTED— MnIe AT COSTIGAX & CO.'S Employment Office^ San Francisco office. Phone Market 2099. 4 and 6 FeU st. opposite 10th and Market. Oakland Office Located 6th and Washington sts. Phone Oakland 2553. Ludlow Today — Ludlow. lc mUe rate— South— lc mile rate. Then Free Fare on to the work— To Tonopah. That's all— ss.lo— That's all — $5.10. Xew Job — Just Starting — Go Today. 510 MUe»— South— slo Stiles. 75 teamsters, scrapers and wagons, $2.50 day. 150 laborats, camp laborers, watchmen, $2.25. Team gang • foreman. $3.50. Lndlow. Ship Today— Remember— Go Today. Ship Today — Ship Today. ARIZOXA— Ic Mile— ARIZONA— le MUe. 50 teamsters. $2.50; 50 laborers, $2.25. $5.10 Fare — $5.10 — That's AU. le Mile Rate— lc Mile Rate. Close to TOXOPAH. Nev.— Close to TONOPAH. 50 teamsters, $2.50; 50 laborers, $-.25. Coppersmiths, machinists, bollermakers. Teamsters, wagons aud scraper*. $-.50. to $3. Laborers, city. 8 and 9 hours. $2.50 to $2.75. Laborers, city and country. $2.25 to $2.50. 4 section foremen. Arizona, free fare. $2.70. 4 extra gang foremen, coast division. $90. . 4 extra gang foremen, north. $90. 2 section foremen, Bak»rsfield. Tucson. $2.70. Wagon woodworker, city, run bandsaw, $4. Remember, Arizona Today. $5.10. Free Fare — Free Fare. For the Great Santa Fe Railroad. Tunnel work — Tunnel work. Go Today — Free Fare— Long Job. 25 tunnelmen and tlmbermen. $3.50 day. 40 inside labored. Santa Fe work, $2.23. . Board and room with company; steady. Look — Free Fare — Look. : Eemember Merced Today. Merced Today — Y. V. E. R. — Merced. Ii« borers, $67.50; laborers. $67.50. Drillers. $73: drillers, $7a Teamsters, $75; teamsters. $73. - Teamsters; fare 10c: co. board: $2.50 day. 4 waiters, 8. P. dining dept.: $40 fd. 6 - men for factory . work, city : $2.23 day. 25 teamsters, wagons; Oakland ; $2.30. Look— Work— <nty — Park. 10 laborers, work around city park ; $2.25 day. Eemember — We ship today to Nevada, - Ari- zona, Tonopah, Los Angeles, Bakersfield, Gold- field.. 4 carpenters, concrete forms, city. $90. \u25a0 20 laborers, city, mix concrete. $75 month. 3 teamsters, work round polo field, $2.25 day. 12 laborers, factory, near city. $2.25 day. Tents furnl3h«l. etc. ,^"^ 300. Greeks, board yourself. $2.25 day. 1 Interpreter, same job. $75 month. General blacksmith, close, shoe, sharpen tools. $3.30: cook, city, $50 antl fd. ; camp waiters, $30 and fd. ; 10 men for Reno, Nev., Monday; regular wages. . \u25a0 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO.. 608 Clay st. Phone Temporary 1310, S. F., CaL Our lodging-house open all night; rooms, 33c, beds 25c per night. Reading-room, etc. Orchard hands, $1 day and fd. Woodchoppers ; 16-lnch oak wood; tools fur- nished; $2 cord. Man and wife, waiter and waitress, $50 mo. fd. Extra boy. club. $20 month and fd. • Plumbers and helpets. going wages. 2 machinists, country, 43c hour. x Teamsters, near city. $2.50 day. Drillers, rockmen, headermen, -powdermen. ma- chine men. $3.50 to $2.50 day. Laborers, city, $2.50 day. v -V MEN and boys wanted' to learn plumbing, plas- tering, bricklaying, electrical trades: free cata- logue: positions secured. COYNE TRADE SCHOOLS, New York and 230-240 Sth st. S. F. INVENTORS— Patents obtained in all conn tries; attorneys in Washington and foreign capitals; special department for sal* of patents. Sonn- tag's Patent Agency. 1122 Market, opp. 7th. I MADE Sst>,©oo in 5 years, mall order business; began with $3; any one can do the work spare time at home; send for free booklet; teUs how to get started. Mgr, box 370, Lockport, X. Y. SIXGLE rooms 25 cts. a alght $1.50 to $2.50 week. St. Georgp, Sth and Howard sts. A SECOXD coachman, city place, *40, room and __ board; a man to open oysters, $40, board, no room: 3 second bntlers for small families. $4O MISS PLUNKETT, 1892 Sntter, nr. Webster. WANTED — Bright young man under 23 to start \u25a0 in bank; good opportunities for advancement; local references essential; give them In appli- cation. Answer box 54. CaU office. WANTED — Men to work In warehouse. Apply mornings, between 8 and 9 o'clock, to general manager NATHAN-DOHRMANN CO.. IS^O- 1550 Van Ness aye. IMMEDIATELY — Young men to qualify for railway mail clerks' examination on April 9 See me today, 10 to 3, 7to 8. J. H. CALVIV" 616 Van Ness aye. MAN to run gasoline launch. $40 room and board. Address L. CardareUa, P. O. box S6. Black Diamond. CaL \u25a0 WANTED— 9OO men to fill beds at 13c ocr night at the Phoenix, 828 Howard st.. be- tween 4th and sth. FIRST-CLASS taUor wanted to work Inside- ' fl cady I wortt: *o°d pay. Apply to H. COHEN, b2SH Devlsadero st . SELL lota in new subdivision; good proposition* quick sales; $100 to $200 weekly. Call room ACCOBDIOX player. $40, room and board- Address L. CardareUa, P. O. box 66, Black Diamond, Cal. > \u25a0 EXPERIENCED and trained nurse wUI care for , nervous fit chronic case.. Box 606, CaU office, LABOR debts collected anywhere; suits and at- tachments. . Knox. 2352 Pine st, nr. FiUmore. DENTIST wanted — &ood operator and mechanical .: man. HALE DEXTAL CO.. 1603% FUlmore st. SAILORS and ordinaries for all parts of world, \u25a0 : at Herman's Shipping Agency. 45 Steoart st. WAXTED — 100 men fill new, clean rooms, 35c. 50c night 550 Jessie st. off 6th. nr. Market A GOOD day porter: wages $50 per monta and ; room. Golden Eagle Hotel. .253 3d st. LINOTYPE . machine operator. ' Job man wanted; steady position. Address box 52. CaU. WAXTED— A wet pleanor. Presidio , Heights Dye Works. 3933 Sacramento st. BOY wanted in ; wholesale house. CAELSOX OUBEIEE CO., 408 Polk st. . WANTED^ — Two good bedmakers. 63 Sacramento .--: st; $10 a week. .-.-\u25a0 - WANTED-^3OO to men to occupy single rooms in The Glendale, 1013 Folsom nr. Oth; 23c and ,' 35c per night; $1.50 and $2 a week. . ; . .; CHOEEMAN. fruit ranch, near city; understands :care horses;, general -work. -Apply C." K. . BONESTELL, 1100 O'FarreU st WAXTED-^-Thlrty-flve men at Central Theater Saturday: night at ,7 o'clock for ,?A!da." > VEGETABLE man at 624 20th st, near Union .. Iron . Works. ; . .WANTED— Stableman; $45 and room.- 1351 Fol- SUUI St. HELP WAXTED—Male— Coirttnaed MURRAY & READT_ Leading Employment aSd Labor A«enti HEADQUARTERS!. WHITE PALACE HOTEL BCILDIXO. 11th and Market sts.. Saa Francisco. Phones Special 656 and 637. BRAXCH OFFICES. 6th and FrankUn sts.. Oakland. Phone Oakland 7361. 127-129 Sotrth Los Angeles St.. Los Anjele*. WAXTED TODAY. 8573 MEN For different parts of Arizona. New Mexico, Washington, Oresron. Utah. Nevada, California, FREE FARE. TO THE NORTH— FEES- FREE FARE. TO THE SOUTH— FREE. OREGON. FREE FARE. \u25a0BORDERS OF OREGON, SISKIYOU AND SHASTA. DRILLERS NORTH— S7S. MERCED— FRESNO— BAKERSyiELD DISTRICTS. O. S. R. R.— FREE FARE. X. V. R. R.— FREE FARE. W. P. R. B. DON'T FORGET. 350 BEDS AT HOME. COME TO SAN FRANCISCO m •• TO SLEEP. MURRAY & READY have opened their first lodging-house with 350 beds. 10th and Market sts., San Francisco, and the price Is only 25c per night. Located at 10th and Market sts.. 3. F. READ THESE CAREFULLY. LATE SPECIALS. " XEW JOBS. 12 teamsters, 2-horse wagon, fare 20c. J2JO day. 15 laborers, no experience needed. $2.50 day. 2 blacksmiths, camp work. $3.30 day. FREE FARE. 3 blacksmiths, r. r. work, free fare. $73 fd. , , OTHERS. _..« Janitor, hotel. $60 and rd.; stableman, raigMfi- fare $1. $3ft and fd.: porter, candy store, $6oT - young men for amusement place. $14 we*k;.. cnureman, private place, $30; choremaa. Insti- tution. $30 and fd.; 3 deckhands, dredger. $23 and $45 and fd. - SOME MORE. B carpenters, company *ork, fare paid. $105 \ 3 machinists, company, city; 2 coopers; elec- trical lineman. $3.50; electrician for motor work fare paid, $00; 14 boUer-makers, mine co., $3.57 day. HOTEL COOK- / paid, $30 and fd. . FOR AN INSTITUTION. Cook and wife, see boaa here. $75 and fd. Laundry maa, $70 and fd.; Janitor, $30 aad fd. „ , . . FACTORY. 20 factory hands, fare 2Oc. $75. i« , v FACTORY WORK. 10 laborers, factory, fare 15c. $67.50 to $73. _ X LAUXDRY. weVk "' Countr7 lann *ry. 'are returned, fIS »SSed. a |i3 d i 1 5 k bntOr - COtmtrT laUadrT - *"• TIMBER FELLERS. 10 lumber fellers, lumber co., free far*. $60 fd. „ , OTHERS. b *3°°, n Porter, $50; butcher, wagon work. $45 and found; butcher, shop work. $5o and found. Call and read our buUetla boarda for thou- sands of other Jobs MURRAY & EEADT. otn „ 11th and Market st*.. S, T. Sl9 Franklin, cor. 6th and FrankUn, Oaklaad. LATE ORDERS. MACHIXISTS. FREE FARE. » machinists, sawmill co., see boss here, $105, 3 machinists, mine company, $3.75 day. Camp blacksmith, fare 15c, $3.73 day. Xight watchman, hotel, city. $30 aad fonad. Camp cook, fare 15c. $f.n aad found. 10 laborers, free fare. $75. MURRAY & READY. 11th and Market «ta.» S. *.; 6th and Franklin sts., Oakland. — __ . WAXTED. An experienced physician to take position a* superintendent of a hospital la Saa Fraaelseo. Address box 61. Call ufikv. stating age, refer- ences and salary expected. WANTED — Yoraijr men to work In stock rooms and learn the crockery business. Apply to gen- era! manager. X ATHAN-DOHRMAXX CO.. 1520-1550 Van Xesa aye. ALSO Wanted^ — Errand boys. Apply to general ' manager. XATHAX-DOHRMAXN CO., 1320- 1330 Van Ness aye. ASSISTANT bookkeeper: state r/~e. .last mnptoy- inent. how long employed, how 5 long idle. Box 48. CaU office. WAXTED — Tonnsr man t^ work la stock rood and learn the crocker*, baniaess. Apply to general manager. NATHAX-DOHRAIANN CO.. 1220-1330 Van Ness aye. WANTED^ — Gardener who understands care of horse, cow and chickens; handy witn toolsi miat be sober, willing and reliable: references remjired. Oakland aye.. corner Falrvlew; leave Oakland-aye. car at Snnnyslde. walk across bridge and 2 blocks up Oakland aye. GOOD boys wanted: $1.30 day: must be 14 y*S>i of age or over. 1327 Bush st V FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. If you want help of any kind, mala op female, telephone J. C. Westenbnrsr. snpt. o£ the Whosoever Will Re«cue Mission and New Merit Home Free Emplovmeat Bureau, 363 9ti» st Telephone Oakland 8203. AT ONCE — Bright young men to prepare for ex- amination for custom-house positions; excellent salary; Ufe positions; no previous experience necessary; must be over 20 years old. 8«e ME. OLIVER. 724 Market St., opp. Call buUdtes. today. 2 to 6 p. m. ANDRE'S Office. 857 Franklin st. Oaklaad: 544 Franklin st. San Francisco — A couple fop smaU family near by. wtfe must be good cook. $S5 a month: also bedmakers. kitchea hands, assistant bakers, waiter, barkeepers, etc. WANTED^ — In large furniture store. 2 men t<yr porterinsr. sweeping and dnstlng; also a girl for dusting: apply In writing, statins refer- ences; steady work for proper parties. Box 4007. CaU office, 813 Vaa Ness aye. MEN and boyv plumbing and bricklaying trada • pays $5 to $3 per day; we teach yon by prac- tical instruction In 3 months; position guar- anteed: free catalogue. Coyae Trada School. 4973 Eastoa aye.. St. Louia. Mo. TAILORS WAXTED. Only first class apply; steady work: fre« shop room ; highest wages paid. McMAHON, KEYEIt & STIEOELEK BEOS., 592 Via N«m. 17U O'FarreU. MEN waated to learn the barber trad* la % weeks: special Inducement* to those entering now; situations guaranteed. For particular* call or address MOLEB COIXEGS, S-10-XS FeU st. . WANTED^ — Yonm? maa over 18 years old for tel- ephone and clerical work at night; $30 per month. Apply Santa Fe office. Spear, and Har- rison sts. MEN and women to learn the barber trade; you earn from $7 to $9 per week while learning; catalogue free. Molers CoUege, 3 FeU it. BRIGHT boy with business school education toy large office; good chance for advancement ; sal- ary $33 per month. Box 201, CaU office. SHOWCARD writer: must be first class; salary $100 per month; hoars S to 5:30 p. m. ; give v previous position. Box 659, CaU office. V WANTED — For large furniture store, bright, hi- ' telligent office . boy: wages $30 month. Box 4006. CaU office. SIS Van Neas aye. WAXTED— Statistical clerk for fire Insurance > office. Answer la own handwriting, zi-riaf references, box 5&. Can office. _ A BRIGHT yonnjr maa. good at figures; one wfco writes a good hand; for office work. Addlt Snpt's office, the Emporium. Z BEDMAKEE. experienced: night beUboy and porter, combination. White Palace HoteL 11th and Market sts. ™7^ A BRIGHT boy to learn office work: zood chance for advancement Apply Supt'» office. the r.mporiura. , WANTED — Night clerk, who can furnish refer- eaces; moat be experienced. 733 Harrison st. WAXTED— A competent foreman tor lumber / yard. Address box 72. Berkeley. CaL WANTED— SOO men to eat our celebrated 13c" meaL 14 -11 th st. White Palace?^ SHOES repaired whUe yon wait Cut R»t«" Shoe Repairing Co.. 13 »th St.. ne*r Mortw* _^ AGENTS WAXTEb * WAXTEO— Good salesmen to represent us la* choice territories; highest commission pal™ cash advanced for expenses; everythlne fnr! JrANY, Salem. Oregon. /T^ window letters; experience unnecessary f«'Jtj s£r for sample and particulars. Sunnly i3r 1222 Metropolitan bids.. MlaneasolK wffizyss&£w ffizys5&£ as.