Newspaper Page Text
CITY REAL ESTATE THOMAS MAGEE & SONS, Real Estate Agents. Publishers of San Francisco Real Estate Circular. 5 Montgomery st DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALE. $150,000— Mission Bt near Fourth, large lot 75x 160 to rear street; this section of Mis- sion street being rapidly built up with hi£h-clafs modern buildings; sorna of the mot.t substantial firms in the city locating in tbis section; no better con- servative investment ia the city today. ?;:!.">, fXK" — Sacramento st., looking into Market, lot 72:?x119:6. with substantial Im- provements renting for total of $SOOO a year; a prospective proposition well worth considering. |.">O,OO0 — Sansome st, near Bush: a splendid property; we can find tenants for any Improveemnt placed on the 'property. f^S.OO0 — Spear st.. near Howard; good water- lot, 45:10x137:6; substantial lmprove- munts erected on this lot by a pur- chaser should pay handsomely. DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES FOR LEASE. MueGttEGOR BUILDING — Northwest corner Pine snd Battery 6ts.. modern eigiit- story class A building containing stores and offices. ST. CLAIR BUlLDlNG— Northwest corner Cali- fornia and Drumtn sts., fine el?ut-story class A building, ready for occupancy in August. lIANSFORD BUILDING— Corner Market, Davis and California sts.. ready for occupancy not later than March ir>; bnt few of- fices in this building left; reservations being rapidly made; this but.ding will | be the first permanent building in tl^at entire 6ectlon ready for tenants by early epring. BUSINESS LOCATIONS. Phone us your requirements; we have buildings on practically every street ia the down- town section. THOMAS MAGEE & SONS, Real Estate Agents, 6 Montgomery st. $23.500 — NE. corner, 3n x no; depth of lot front- ing south; this fine-planned 3-story building contains 6 modern senny flats: pays an Inr-ome of $2(V40 a year; rents very low; could easily be raised: best renting section, near Van Ness snd Green st. ; $10,000 mortgape can remain at 6 per cent; owner in Europe and wants to sell. Apply 2415 Fillmore st MUST BB SOLD TODAY. ONLY $45,000. 125x100. lSth St., close to Howard; this is a fine. loca- tion for wholesale business or for factory site; oa!y a little over $300 per front foot. For par- ticulars apply to THOMPSON 4 KILPATRICK. 7 7th st, corner of Market. $4500 — Comer lot 50x100; Dolores and Clipper; m»ke your own terms; or exchange. Three modern cottages. 4 to 10 rooms ana bath, cheap; near the wholesale district and 19th rt. SSOO— Large l<}t, small house: Mission. Four lots, with new modern cottape of 6 rooms and bath; 2 blocks from Mission Bt; a barpaja. $kK> — Lot on Kansas, near 13th rt. $250 — Lots in Mission; easy pay.; $7.50 mo. EHM, 710 San Bruno aye., bet. 19th and 20iii. EDWARD M. LONG, REAL ESTATE BROKER, 232 Liberty st, near 20th and Dolores. Phone Market 722. Building lots a specialty. Lots. Sl5O upward, on easy terms. Send for maps »"(< particulars. LOANS FOR HOME BUILDERS. Fidelity Bnllfllng and Loan Association. Empire liullcin? and Loan Association. Mechanics' Building and Loan Association. California Mutual Savings Fund L. ft B. Association. y Offices— 2o3l Baker st Phone West 3335. WILLIAM E. LUTZ. Secretary. *25,000 — Golden Gate aye., north F'.de. near Polk st; lot 33:9x137:6; worth at least $35,000. STANTCf.'. O'BRIEN & CO.. 126 HAVES ST. KAKAI & • YOKOZAWA REAL ESTATE CO. wants owners to bcild houses, stores and ho- tels right away for their tenmte: Dupont st, the old Japanese town. 1907 Bush st. city. LOTS. BARGAINS. - LOTS. $450 to J7T.0 — Choice location; fine view; Parkside District: 03 line railroad; easy terms. H. U.. MAXFIELD. 45 Geary st. $11,500-^25x137; business property; pood build- ing: few steps from the lively Junction of Fillmore and McAllister sts. MARK LANE CO.. 1258 McAllister »t LARGE lot. Clay «t, nr. Montgomery: 2 front- eres; ready for rebuilding; for sale or to lease; easy terms; will subdivide. Owner. 1777 Page Rt $7500 — 2 grand fiats. 6-6 r. and b. ; best part of Richmond; close In; exceptional valne. STANTON. O'BRIEN 4 CO.. 126 HAVES ST. CHOICE building lots in Inßleslde -for sale: easy payments: healthy climate; no mud; take In- fVi-Mf car. get o?T at Golden State aye. WM. 1 G. WEISS. 212 Golden State aye. ! FOR sale — 6 or 9 fists; 7 and 8 piomi; 2 front- 1 apes; Ellin Ft., near Franklin: fl for $40,000, , or 9 for $60,000. Apply 1027 Ellis Ft. E. BAILEY, 2143 Market — 6-room cottaee on Corbett aye.. near Hattie: 5 rooms on 17th and Market for sale; ether bargains. CHOICE level lot. .'.0x137:6: south elde Hayes st.. west of Clayton. Address owner, 3434 R. Hope st, Los Anjreles. THREE lots: California Rt.. on the grade; rash or terms of one-third down; $1200 each. Box 695, Call office. j]4o0 — Lot on Ashbury Heights, near IMb Ft.: fine xlew; on car line. Owner. 125S Asbbnry. $700— LOT 25x120: part ca?h; 13th aye., near X rt.: ready to bnlld on. Bmt »10. Ca!i COUNTRY'HEAL ESTATE CALIFORNIA land $1 acre, balance entire pur- chase $1 week for each 5 acres: no taxes; no Interest: 5-acre tracts; level, rich, cle»r; ready to plow: ender irrigation; perpetual water right; immediate possession given; particulars, mape. photographs for 2c stamp. Stevinson Colony, room 26, 703 Van Ness aye., San Francisco. \u25a0 I' HOMES in the country: send for catalogue. 1 C M. WOOSTER CO.. 16C6 O'Farrell st ; CHEAPEST and best in America. The Weekly Call. $1 per T *» r - rRUITWALE REAL ESTATE. ; MODERN 5-room cottage: lot 83x130: High 6t; $2000; $500 down, balance $25 monthly; on Leons Heights cer line. $1250 — Lot 50x123: email shack on back; well and pump: Hi?h st. near St. Charles; $3W down, balance $15 monthly. New modern 4-room bungalow, lot 33x100; $1300; within walking distance of Melrose sta- tion: $100 down, $20 monthly. Other cottages and lots for sale. Call or ad- dress WM. H. BERTSCH, builder and owner, Hi£B at. above St. Charles. Fruitvale. FOR sale — 8-roozn house, suitable for 2 families; electric lights: furnished or unfurnished; lot 40x141: good barn. For terms see the owner et 8909 Hillside boulevard and Prospect aye.. ' Froltvale. mill valley real estate _~" "botle park^ MILL VALLET, THE SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA Lanre sightly lots, wooded; bay and mountain view streets being graded and sewered; building restriction: 5 minutes to station; lots 50 feet and Urge-- FriVe $450 cp. T. G. PARKER & CO. L*T. PARKER. Agent Mill Valley. THF choicest property in Mill Valley; low nrices easy payments. I For particulars see LIPP JASPER & CHIRARDELLI, 206 Coun- trvma'n bigg.. ?'!\u25a0*> Van Ness aT<> - REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE \mx exchange for San FTaricisco improved or i.rant 6-fiat modern building In Chicago: rents for S2CSO year; inoumbrance $12,000; 5 £S cent 5 years; price $30.000. Box 45. Call. 'uicrT &\u25a0 CI'TTINO. land and mining attor- '. Tceys: State Ueu lands a specialty. ClO 10th «t. Oakland. J_ TO LEASE STORES TO LET AND LEASE. L*rce store, 58 ft., new brick bclldln?. front- \u25a0 lne on Market St.. between Taylor and Jones, running through, with rear entrance on Golden Gate aye. Apply at Golden-Gate Cloak and Suit House. Market st.. pear Jones. -.' " . OFFICES TO BENT AND .LEASE. " I £4 nice large offices, new brick building, on " Market st., with rear entrance on Golden Gate are.; offices to lease singly or as a whole Apply «t Golden Gate Cloak and Suit House. Market Bt. near Jones. • . '. WANTED— Unimproved property In the burnt district BERKY. METZLEK & 215 Monadnock bid*. Temporary 1512. , OAKLAND REAL ESTATE OORNEK LOT BARGAINS. SMALL BUT • SNAPS. "THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE GIFT." ONLY $2650. Good 7-room house, only 3 blocks from Broad- way; rented for $30 pet month; full size lot. $2550 — Right cppoclte whole block owned by Western Pacific: pays $360; bank mortgage $1000 can remain. $4650 — Pays $75 per month; 12-room house, right ia center Chinatown; only $3000 necessary. $6600 — 2 flats on large corner, right at 22d st.. Key Route; land easily worth $10,000. \u25a0 $9750. Two stores and two flats on main business fctreet; income $1320; this will safely pay 20 per cent . $15,250. Close to Washington and 7th sts.; large lot covered by substantial buildings: secured lease, $ISOO per annum; mortgage $5500 can stand; pays 14 per cent; land alone will be worth $20,000 in four or five months. ALL .EXCLUSIVELY FOR SALE BY THE CORNER LOT CO., 918 BROADWAY. OAKLAND. AUSTIN'S LIST. $20,000— Lot 50 feet front; 11th and Clay sts. Is only one block away; this is well im- proved and pays bank Interest now; will soon be worth a whole lot more money; positively a few days are all I have on this; there Isn't another 50-foot lot in the district for the price. $10,000— 12 th and Clay, is worth $2500 a foot: this little piece Is only 2 blocks away at llth and Jefferson sts.; good frame dwell- ing; rent about $50; new stores right alongside; this will resell tor $15,500 in- side of a month; as a speculation this can't be beat. $6,7so— Large, nearly new modern flats, 5 and 6 rooms each and coal yard now doing business; fine well, tank, etc.; now rented at a nominal rent; will pay $90 per month; we have a short, exclusive author- ization to sell. (3668) GEO. W. AUSTIN, 1018 Broadway. PERCIVAL & THOMPSON. * REAL ESTATE DEALERS. 1112 BROADWAY. Phone Oakland 432. $65.000 125 acres fronting on Oakland and Hayward Boulevard, near San Leandro; high and nearly level: 35 acres of fruit trees eight years old; this tract can be cut up and sold In lots at a profit of $100,000; excellent place for homes, hospitals, hotels, old people's home. etc. For further particulars call or address PEROIVAL & THOMPSON. 3112 Broadway, Oakland, phone Oakland 4*2. Terms if desired. TERCIVAL & THOMPSON, 1 1112 BROADWAY. PHONE OAKLAND 482. THESE LOTS ARE SNAPS. SOMETHING GOOD. $1200— Fine lots with street work 'done; 60x135; near 13th aye and 26th st. $21".f) — Lot 2Sxl00: 33d st, near Telegraph aye. $4000— House of 6 rooms; lot 50x100: 33d St. near Grove. $10O0_Lot 5"x14f1. overlooking Lake Merritt. $1100— Lot 35x100. overlooking Lake Merritt. HUGH M. CAMERON. 1059 BROADWAY, OAKLAND. HOMES on monthly payments; banking Interest; •Cl build or buy you a home and loan full cost of home on your own lot. PACIFIC HOME BLDG. CO., 952 Broadway, Oakland. _ FOR SALE. ' " SEVERAL lots; different locations; cheap: easy terms. Apply Modern Shoe Company, 580 12th et. ; no brokers wanted. TWO new modern 5-room cottages ready 'to more Into; close to local trains. Herzog st, i bet. 62d and 63d, near San Pablo aye. BERKELEY REAL ESTATE 50 ACRES on the boulevard at Elmhurst — I have a contract on this tract which expires tomorrow, when the price will be advanced nearly 20 per cent; see me today. W. C. BOOTH. Mountain aye. and Boulevard, Elm- hurst; phone Vale 162. PACIFIC COAST LAND COMPANY, 2111 DWIGHT WAY. TEL. BERKELEY 2012. SEND FOR OUR WEEKLY BULLETIN AND KEEP POSTED IN . BERKELEY PROPERTIES. INCOME property — A pair of well located 6-room flats is offered for $5250 that will return the ourchase money in low rents in about 9 years. See GEO. W. MENEFEE. owner and builder, 3011 Shatruck aye.. nr. Aghby stntlon. Berkeley. SALADA BEACH REAL ESTATE SALADA BEACH. 8 miles south of Cliff House; first town on Ocean Shore R. B.; 20 minutes ride; low fares; macadamized streets, water, t ewers, sidewalks, shade trees, etc.; guaran- teed In contracts: lots $250 and up; small monthly payments. Take bus at Colma Son- days and Thursdays at 11 a. m. Arrange for free transportation with OCEAN SHORE LAND Co.. Countryman building, Vaa Ness »ye. and Ellis St. nURLINGAME REAL ESTATE CUT-OFF nearly completed, chance for good In- vestment by buying a !oj in Easton Addition on easy monthly payments. All Improvements Included. Only tract with direct bus service. Deal direct with owners. F. J. RODGERS & CO., • 1370 Sutter Et., near Van Ness aye. FOR particulars concerning Burllsgame lots see , ERNST O. GEARY, room 224. Delbert block, ' romer O'FgtTell >t. and Van Ness aye. PROPERTY WANTED. A REFUGEE wants to buy a lot close to car line on instalments. Box 41, Call. WANTED — Block of lots from owner. Sold one thousand last year. Box 42. Call. DRESSMAKING PIONEER DRESS PLEATING CO., Hagerty * Wills, 910 McAllister st, near Lacuna — Sun- burst and accordion skirts to order; knife, side pleating and pinking; buttons covered: work done while yon wait; also a full line of linings and trimialngs. ACCORDION, knife and sunburst pleating, but- tonholes and buttons made at Stewart's Lining and Notion Store, 1213 Post St., near Van Nest. aye.; formerly of Taylor -st. MrDOWELL'S Dressmaking and llllllnesy School. 1215 Post st. near Van Ness. Branch 101^ Washington Et, Oakland. Patterns cut to order. SUNBURST, accordion, knife-pleating, buttons, buttonholes, lining, notions: mail orders solic- lted. STEELE'S. 1420 Post; phone West 6423. A C. BROWN, embroiderer: designs made and embroidery on suits. 351 McAllister st LE MODELB School of Dressmaking; patterns cut to measure. 1515 Bush st, room 9. MISS M. H. SNYDER, evening gowns; teL West r.<HO. ir.42 Webster >t DRIISS MAKING AND MILLINERY THE HTNOY. Japanese ladies' tailoring and millinery store, 1610*4 Geary St.. S. F. MILLINERY BEE HIVE. 525-27 McAllister, has a full line of epring hats. LADIES' TAILORS LADIES. You can have your suits made of the best ma- terial for $25; this special to advertise us; be- fore you get your suit come see us and decide accordingly. K. BEDROS. 1581 Sutter st LOUIS LINDSTRUM, ladles' tailoring; formerly Dooohoe bldg.. now 1304 Post, near Franklin. H. BETTE. 1163 Ellis nt; spring novelties. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES ALEXANDER & CO., typewriters; all makes rented, Including Smith Premier; desks, chairs, etc. ; ask for prices partly used ma- chines. ALEXANDER, 1820 Fillmore st; phone West C2BB. > STEARNS* Visible Typewriter, the only visible with' decimal tabulator; also 2d-hand, all makes; rentals and repairs. The Type wrlto- rlum. 1724 Fillmore st. THE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE is now at 1011 Golden Gate aye.; with a full stock of all kinds of typewriters . at regular prices; rentals and supplies. . . $25 — THE only first class typewriter at . a low price. Postal Typewriter, 2576 24th st>, S. F. PACIFIC Typewriter Co.— Sun Visible, $40 and $75. SE corner Flllmore and Bush, 2d floor. WALTER A. SCOTT, 1811 Fillmore st and 523 Market: phooe West 2093. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - • .-\u25a0. -\u25a0 ; ;.._ SANITARIUMS '. '-\u25a0\u25a0•'" "\u25a0- AT DR. JUILLYS SANITARIUM, confinement with 10 days' care, $30 to $60. 2504. Howard; phone Special 171. Training school for nnrses.- LAUNDRIES VIOLET Laundry, just opened; first-class work at reasonable prices; telephone 7912. 1531 -. Post at.; give us a triaL • \u25a0 ri" • . ...'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 " \u25a0 ; . ' \u25a0 --' . ,\u25a0 . M THE SAN FRANGISGO fCALU -SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, .1907. s . EDUCATIONAL A — THE Lyceum, 2590 Pine St., cor. Scott; an • excellent preparatory school for the university, law and medical colleges. Here you can save time and money and .still get a preparation superior to that given by other schools. : MATHEMATICS — Private evening class for men; arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, en lea I us: 3 nights per week; $5 per month. 2000 Sutter st, corner Flllmore. ENGINEERING — Civil, elec, mm., mech., sur- vey, assay, cyanide; day, eve. ; est. 1864, Van der Nalllen School, 5100 Teleg. aye., Oakland. ART, penmanship,* engrossing, F. splna. METRO- POLITAN (Cal.) BUSINESS COL., 925 Golden Gate; day, eve.; stenog. ; positions secured. PROF. T. A. ROBINSON gives individual instr. °in bookkeeping, penmanship, English, math., etc. ; day and eve. ; low rates. 290 Page st. SPANISH. English, shorthand; quick, practical methods; translation. PHOF. ALFONSO, 1131 O'Farrell st. A— CALDWELL College of Oratory and Acting; temporary office 969 Fell st. Call 3t09 p. m. GUITAR, mandolin,' piano, singing; new classes forming; S lessons $3. 892 Haight, cDevlsadero. HEALD'S Kngineering School, 295 Locust aye., cor. Franklin St.; all branches; dn- and eve. HEALD'S. Business Colleje, 14C1 Franklin st. 6. FFt. t and Bacon bit.. Oakland; day and eve. SAN FRANCISCO Business College now located 733 Fillmore, near Hayes; day and evening.' MADAME INEZ FABRI. voice culture for opera and concert. 1172 Ellis st ALL court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh Business College, 464 Devlsadero at MERRILL-MILLER-. College, pleasantly located at 733 Fillmore st. ; day and evening. > \u25a0 .. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL . OF LANGUAGES^ 2531 Washington st., near Fillmore. SHORTHAND tan?ht thoroughly by mail. MISS M. G. BARRETT, 214 2d aye. SIG. G. AVEDANO. vocal teacher; pure Italian method. Studio, 701 Fulton . St. - • . MISS POTTER. Teacher of Elocution; after- noons. 1302 Post st. CHEAPEST and best in America, The Weekly CalL $1 per year. LOST AND FOUND LOST— A passbook with The Hibernla Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, In the name of MARY JOHNSON, No. 215-635. The finder will please return to bank. Unless same is returned within five days a new bo-jk will be Issued to the applicant. LOST — A passbook with the Hlberaia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco in the name of ROBERT WOODS, No. 312-675. The finder will please return to I bank. & Unless same is returned within five days a new book will be issued to the applicant. STOLEN — From Golden Gate and Buchanan, 1 small black horse, with white strip in face, 1 •white frotat foot and long mane; hitched to top business buggy, red running gear, black bed. Reward If returned to A. E. BUCKMAN, 636 Market et., room 23. $20 reward — Lost, white bull terrier; year old; nearly full grown; answers to name "Nixie"; small dark spots on ear; disappeared Wednes- day, February 6. 2424 Pacific aye.; telephone West 133. . LOST— Either on Twenty-fifth or Castro street, between Diamond and Castro-st. pharmacy and Castro and 24th sts., bunch of keys. Finder please return to drug store. LOST — Spaniel flog, small; answers to name Patsy; from 1137 Geary st. ; short legs; very fat. Finder return and receive liberal re- ward. . LOST — Purse, containing old style brooch of 13 pearls. Suitable rewara If returned to cashier Mnller & Raaa Co.. Polk st and Fern aye. LOST — A gray and white Dane dog Monday night, with collar and tag on with R. S. on. Return to 1737 Buena Vista aye ; reward. LOST — Small brown sole leather hand satchel; finder will be rewarded upon communicating with box 50, Call office. LOST — Brown far collar on Haight St., between Masonic and Cole; liberal reward. Return to 1681 Haight. LOST— Tuesday evening, gold brooch, leaf with four pearls. Write G. GRADY, 3526 24th st; reward. LOST — Black cocker spaniel. Finder return to 1217 Jones st. and receive reward. \u25a0 MEDICAL ._n _ _ m DRi SYLVESTER'S Office. v 517 284 st. (nr. Telegraph aye.). Oakland. Cal. -Leading Specialist for Women. Ladles — If you are suffering from "any ail- ment peculiar to your sex, worried about your condition and need help, consult this famous specialist, because be Is truly;- the only regu- larly graduated physician specialist for women advertising, having (19) years . of success — WITHOUT ONE FAILURE— he gives relicf — AT ONCE! — without drugs, "operations 1 or need- less detention from your occupation, with orig- inaI— PAINLESS— HARMLESS— methods: With high professional standing and qualifications recognlred by the highest medical authority, with office well appointed and strictly private, he is the SAFEST— AND— SUREST— man to consult when you seek help. Consultation and advice absolutely free. Private sanitarium when necessary. Fees moderate. Hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Open Sundays. Telephone Oakland 7901. DR. SYLVESTER'S Office. 817 23d st, near Telegraph aye.. Oakland, Cal. DR. G., W. O'DONNELL— Ladies, all who are . »ick or In trouble, consult this specialist on female complaints: \u25a0\u25a0 positively corrected; the unfortunate helped: the- most difficult cases treated; every case taken; immediate relief: no poisoning flrujrn; low fee; my methods will cure all cases of irregularity; consult me; save time and money; advice free; hours, 9 a. m. to 4. 5:30 to 8:30. 1212 Turk st. A— MRS. t)R.-WYETH. reliable ladles' speclal- lst for all female irregularities; Instant relief guaranteed: SO years' experience: office hours, 10 to 5. 1726 Steiner at, near Sutter. MRS. M,- A. PICKRUM, 2842 Buchanan st, near Green; ladles taken In confinement; best of medical attention and care. \u25a0 DR. O. C. O'Donnell, renowned female specialist, 912 Devlsadero. bet McAllister and G. G. aye. DR. WEST & CO.. 1035 Golden Gate aye.— Old specialist for women. Hours, 1-3 and 7-8 p. m. MRS. DR. KOHL, specialist, irregularities; hrs. 10 to 5. 1726 Steiner, bet. Sutter and Post. DR. ROSEN. 2995 Folsom st, cor. 26th— Ladles: thousands recommend him; relief or no fee. DR. and MRS. DA VIES' method of treatment 824 Valencia ft. between 19th and 20th. MINES AND MINING GREENWATER and TONOPAH Stocks. Nevada Greenwater Copper. at 50c Greenwater Black Oxide Copper at market \ Tonopah Standard at 30c Tonopah Empire srt 20c Good companies. Good properties. Good buys. M. H. CRITCHER, 75 SUTTER ST.. SAN FRANCISCO. ASSAYING BOc: gold, rich ore, . etc., boucht Pioneer Assay Company, 181 sth st, near Mint ASSAYING and all branches of mining taught at HEALD'S school of Mlnear 205 Locust L aye. __\u25a0 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE .^ AAA — CASH registers. A "NATIONAL" cash register is a valuable asset in your business. We make - over 521 styles and sizes and sell on easy payments. We have the largest stock of other makes In the city at half price. Don't pay two prices. Come and see us. The Na- tional Cash Register Co., 1283 Golden Gate aye. ELEGANT " ~ ' ; 5-ft. enameled bathtub. 20x30 W. B. sink. _ 80-gallon boiler. V- Patent water closet. Combination $36.50. 1964 POST STREET. CASH REGISTERS. Hallwocds and Nationals,, all styles; don't pay the prices asked. by some concerns ; we will sell you the • same registers necpnd-hand, good us new, for half the price; - small monthly payments. : Pacific Coast Cash Register. Co., loCity Hall square. - WE have for sale or rent motors and pumps of all sizes; contractors^ see us. FARNSWORTH ELECTRICAL WORKS. 603 Howard st Fac- tory phone Market 2587. ! Office I phone Tem- porary f!4B. • -, . ," ' , : '--., HALLWOOD cash registers: total udders; $25 to $M; also Nationals.* .CASH REGISTER EX- CHANGE, 1183 Market st. Central Theater r building. "*~ AA— Chicks every day, 12% c; 25 varieties of thor- oughbred eggs. Ingleslde Poultry -. Yards,. 807 1 Mount Vernon .aye., Ocean .View car.: : . RELIABLE Woodworking Company,- 219-221; Bth st. — Store and office fixtures; call once, see our new stock of bar fixtures. M. |P. JOHNSON. MOTOR. 25 b. p., alternating current; , outfit complete; used onlyra few months; ip perfect running order. : 760 McAllister, near. Octavla. PLUMBERS', soil pipe, fittings, lead boilers, met- \u25a0als, builders' wall;anchors, floor! plates,' sash weights: half price., NE cor. Fulton and Gough. BARS, cigar stands, grocery, and window display fixtures, 'etc., at short notice; -showcases; desks. MEEK. 1161 Mission st, bet. 7th and Bth. V WALLPAPER sc,- paint $1/ cheesecloth; : building -. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: and roofing papers at ; Merlgan's, 1447 -Ellis ; st SCALES,'- trucks, \u25a0 coffee t mills, money \u25a0'" drawers.' Jas. Geddes & Co.; 431-33 Larkln; tel. Em. C 23. BAR fixtures. .AIKEN & KINO, agents of Chas. * :Passow.& Sons.': 1273 Mission;, tel. Special 1173.". EDISON Moving Picture Machines and Stereoptl- : cons; bargains.--. GEO.': BRECK W 552 Grove st GASOLINE launches^ of air kinds ion -hand, for .-: sale — Crowley'a ; boathouse, ; Vallejo-st' wh arf. r : \u25a0;, G-- E. RUSSELL; , plumbers'.;: supplies, v builders' wall anchors, machinery; £60 Unties a t«. , MISCELLANEOUS-^-FOR SALE— Con. LAUNCHES, new and slightly used. Cal. Launch I Works, Pac. Coast agents for Peninsular mo- tor. Blandlng aye., , Park . stj * Alameda. FOR sale — About 20,000 cubit feet sheep manure" best fertilizer on earth; piled up three years. Address S. VILLARON, . R. i\ D. No. 5, Stockton. ' .\u25a0"' \u25a0 TENTS, CANVAS WORK, WAGON COVERS AND AWNINGS at F. THOM'S, 1209 MIS- SION ST. PHONE MARKET 2194. FOR sale — Soda fountains, showcases, bank and office fixtures, marble work; call and see them. WHITCOMB, 527 Market st, S. F. ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ALL kinils of trees and plants ; ; send for price Hat. GEM NURSERY, Lot Gatoa, QaL KING'S OLD BOOK STORE, 891 Golden Gate aye., near Octavia. Books bought. 1 BARNES lathe, with counter-shaft. No. 13, new, at a discount, at 131 6th st SAFES — The Hermann Safe C 0. ,,126 Folsom st; : agents Macneale & Urban safes. FOR sale — 7-ft liquor case; cheap. PRAHL tt SCHMIDT, 941 Folsom st. FOR sale — Furniture for 4-room flat, cheap. 3442 20th st, near Capp. SET watchmaker's tools, Including new lathe price $75. Box 57, Call. FOR sale — New Jigsaw; No. 1 Beach tilting table. 2227 Mission st. : ™ FOR sale cheap — Front and back bar fixtures - Inquire 2203 Mission st. . * aiISCELLANEOUS WANTS TWO motor-cycles, 2 VI -horsepower;' 1906 model; Thor engines. Farnsworth Electrical Works, 603 Howard st. ; phone Temporary 848. A — GROCER'S fixtures and counter wanted. Ad- dress 911 Filbert St.; J. MONDEL. - BOOKS and libraries bought for «ash. THE HOLMES CO., 402 Van Ness aye. ''..,' CASH paid for diamonds. O'NEILL & EBER, 1744 Flllmore s_ below Sutter. MONEY TO LOAN AAAAAAAA A A A A A A A A AAA . PORTLAND JEWELRY CO. * Don't be misled. . Our former patrons are hereby notified that the PORTLAND JEW- ELRY CO., formerly of 25 Stockton st, is in no way connected with any loan office now established in Stockton st, having disposed of our loans and pledging department to \u25a0 the Gem Jewenry Company . (Inc.) of 906 Market st, above Powell. We safely recommend that firm as a reliable place to borrow money on diamonds and valuables; . cheapest Interest. Pledges kept one year. PORTLAND JEWELRY CO. AAAA—^Any salaried -employe or wage-earner can get from us, Just on his note— k . v • Monthly. Semi-Mo.' W'kly. $50.00— Return to u5.. 513. 00 56.65 $3.35 $30.00 — Return to us.. 8.00 4.00 - 2.00 $15.00— Return to us. . 4.00 ,' 2.00 1.00 Or any other sum In proportion. THE STAR LOAN & INV. CO., THE CITY LOAN CO., THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., 904-905 Mutual Savings Bank Building. A— EVER NEED MONEY? WANT IT IN A HURRY? WANT IT PRIVATELY? KNOW WHERE TO GET IT? "HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY." Room 70. 509 Golden Gate, at Polk; also 3 Maedonongh bldg., Oakland, will loan you sums of $10 to $200 on furniture, pianos, horse, vehicles (without removal). Tel. "Mar- ket 8329. ; , MONEY loaned salaried people and others "upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices In 63 prin- . clpal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. 787 Market r. 137. Formerly 053 Parrott building. : D. D. DRAKE, = \u25a0 ~~~ 7 Franklin Realty Bldff.. Cor. Golden G. & Polk, 301 St. Paul Bldg.. Oakland. Salary loans made quickly and privately to steady employes; lowest rates; easy terms. ' HERMAN MURPHY \u25a0 Junction of Market and Sutter Streets First and second mortgages, estates, legacies, etc. LOAN on furniture, pianos or security of any kind; to poor people we make loans free of charge. ILLINOIS TRUST CO., 1516 Eddy. BORROW money on diamonds and valuables: 2 per cent interest. GEM JEWELRY CO.. 906 Market St., near Powell, and: 17 East st. ALL persons having pledges before the fire with G. Aronson call 2433. Sacramento st. ; pay in- terest or goods will be sold at auction. ON furniture and pianos in use; no commission. V. TREMAIN, 726 Buchanan st,' near Hayes. ADVANCES on diamonds as usual. Baldwin Jew- . elry Co., permanent office- 1261 ., Van Ness aye. MOHRELL — Cash loaned to salaried men on note 'without lndorser. 922 Monadnock building. MONEY I Golden Gate Aye. Loan Office, LOANED.! , :-1270 Golden Gate aye. .r E. S., BONELLI, . ISOO Ellis, cor Pierce; lowest \u25a0 : ; Interest; no commission: confidential. " . THE original Uncle BUI (William Schmali) per- ' manently located at IJ62 ' Post st REDEEM pledges left at 10 6th st. at 950 Pierce st, near McAllister. . CHEAPEST and best in America, The Weekly Call. $1 per year. \u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0• MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MUST sell or store 15 pianos this week; this is a chance of a lifetime; $400 pianos for $235; 2 $500 pianos for $265, while they last; we have several second-hand UPRIGHTS from $65 up; terms, rents $2 up. Installments $4 up. HEINE PIANO CO.. 1341 Golden Gate aye., 1468 Bush st. and 469-471 20th st, Oakland. DON'T tate any chances .when buying a piano; we guarantee absolute satisfaction in every case. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON. 1615 Van Ness aye. Established 1856. . H. O. JOHNSON,, violin | maker and repairer of all string lnstrumenti. 1228 Fillmore st, Arcade block, room 26. A FISCHER, mahogany case, slightly used. $225. Bowers* Son. 529 McAllister, near Van Ness. PIANOS sold on $5" monthly payments; rents, $3.50. JOS. SCHMITZ & CO.. 430 Devisadero. SOHMER,' Byron Mausy pianos. Cecllian piano players. BYRON MAUZY. 1165 O'Farrell St., 5 BANJO strings. 25c; full line latest records. C. C. KEENE'S music store, 1325 Flllmore st. BARGAIN In piano.; Call at 823 Webster st. $90 UPRIGHT — A Stelnway, In good condition. HORNUNG. 1554 Eddy St., near Flllmore. \u25a0 - \u25a0 • -- - .-\u25a0\u25a0.-.. . ; - — ; — .- - , . . \u25a0 \u25a0 i A FISHER UPRIGHT, $S5. 1466 Bush Bt. ' STATHAM & CO.. pianos. 24 Hill st. formerly .110 McAllister st: expert repairers. . AN : upright piano, almost ' new, at a sacrifice. Call or write 1359 Golden Gate aye. RENT a good piano for $3 per 'month from \ SCOTT CURT AZ,; 560 Hayes st , A DECKER BROS. ; piano, $65. 1341 Golden Gate aye. MATRIMONIAL GENTLEMAN, 35, with good business ability . and means, '''.wishes acquaintance . of young lady or widow with some means; object matri- mony; send photo and give particulars in. first letter; strictly confidential. Box 2306, Call, Oakland. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0 m . \u25a0 YOUNG man wishes to meet young, respectable working girl: has sternly Job, no bad habits; object matrimony. Box 56, Call, g YOUNG man., 22, $150 per month, wants wife; sincere. Box 2314. Call. Oakland. '.•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0->\u25a0•> o MESSENGER SERVICE HASTY messenger service; phone" Market 2748: special messengers: low -rates. 1811 -Market.t FURNITURE FOR SALE « TO prove the efficacy of this ad. will give \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 a ' cash discount of . 10 per cent to ; every >, pur- chaser of anything in our store by. presenting this ad. to the salesman. I X L Furniture Co.. ' 605-607 McAllister St.. near, Franklin. ; AT NEWMAN'S, : 2200-2212 Mission, cor. 18th— , Largest * stock of furniture, \u25a0 carpets, ' stoves, etc., tto select from; low prices; easy paym'ts. FISHER &v& v BERNSTEIN CO.,^ new. second-hand .; furniture, stoves,} ranges; goods bought sold,' exchanged. 3312-8316 Mission st, near 29th. WINDOW shades, all sizes.' colors: folding bed repairs ; upholstery. TOWEY. 257 ' Church at JUST like finding "f ornlture-^-Removal sale I now . on at Home Fur. ; Co.. \u25a0 267 Chorch st , nr. Mkt. J. n.' WILEY, 659-601-663 14th St.. near Market and Church— Furniture, - good : and cheap. ;: . FURNITURE,' bedding ; all ; new ; low , prices. Corner llth \u25a0 and ;' Franklin : sts.', . Oakland. r \u25a0 \u25a0 810 stock new and used furniture. McREA r. FURNITURE CO.. 1350 A Webster st. .-...;-.- IN fitting a house, see me; 25 per cent off. L. ISACSON, 1435 Webster st. OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE SPECIAL day- for ' bargains in furniture. 11. PCHELLHAAS: llth st.. corner store. Oakland. BAMBOO FURNITURE (UNDER ' the Bamboo Tree) Tables, chairs,' bu- , reaus. \u25a0, HAYASHI/- 2100% • Sutter st ; . : ,\u25a0 BAMBOO 1 furniture, ,3 1623 ," Geary ? sty New, lot .'^Just arrived ;l also made:" to : order. , . , ' ;: BAMBOO furniture factory ; I also Japanese tanse. r S.-TSUSAKA:' UIS\ Webster st. \u25a0 \u25a0 - -\u25a0:' \u25a0- FURNITURE i \u25a0POLISHERS V INTERIOR "wood staining, Y antique 1 and - modern. i\u25a0: it. A: Morell Co.* 1441 Ellis ; phooe : Weat 4595. PERSONALS INFORMATION Is wanted by her relatives as to the place of residence or address of KATIE RANK, • who left Doniphan \u25a0 County, Kansas.- about 7 years ago, or information as to whether she be living or dead. "Address RYAN & RYAN, attorneys, Troy. Kansas, or NOW- LIN & FASSETT. attorneys. 925 Golden Gate aye.. San Francisco. CaL , _' WANTED — For.. Del \u25a0 Monte Hotel, hairdresser and . manicurist '. Inquire S. J. GATES, 16T? Broderick st :\ ' -' \ \u25a0' ' , \u25a0 ' WANTED — To adopt baby <glrl; full surrender; good home. . Box 690. Call, 1651 Flllmore st BILLY DOYLE, please write Oregon Bound Lnmber Company. \u25a0 \u25a0 j; ____ _ ~ BUSINESS PERSONALS \u25a0 A— I DR. E. E.. McLEAN. Hair Specialist. Formerly Call Buildinjr. Is still manufacturing her celebrated hair and skin preparation at 504 Broderick st. under the name of the E. E. McLEAN MANUFAC- TURING 'CO. The demand Is greater than ever for her Golden Seal Hall Tonic (for oily hair). Dandelion Dandruff Cure. Hazellne Hair \u25a0 Tonic (for thin, dry and brittle hair). Hair Grower Pomade — Edema ointment . Cures Eczema. Itching Skin, Pimples, etc. Chilean Hair Restorer (for restoring hair to Its original color). . - - . Hazeline Cold Cream (without a peer as a skin food). \ I Medicated Face Powder and numerous other preparations. * Free diagnosis Monday and Friday bet. 2 and 4 p. m. ' Tel. West 7574. - . \u25a0 AAA— Dress suits, tuxedos, tweeds and Prince Alberts for rent* for all occasions; 21 years at Palace Hotel and 21" Stockton St., now at • 60 Market Phone Tern. 2566. Entrance Port- land Jewelry Company. " \u25a0 • DR. J. H. SHIRLEY & SON. CANCER SPE- CIALISTS— 2O years' successful practice in Sacramento; now permanently located at 690 . Fell St., San Francisco; for references address your friends in Sacramento. Send for circular. WIGS, tonpees. front pieces, that fit; purest hair nsed; hair dressing, shampooing, dye!n;j, etc. G. LEDERER. 2271 California st. near Web- ster, formerly at 123 Stockton; estab. 1868. MME. PICKRUM. 2842 Buchanan st. nr. Green, grows hair on. bald heads in 7 treatments; no cure, no pay : restores gray . hair to natural color; cures pimples, fane and skin diseases. SPKCIAL mercantile lunch. 25 cents: the best ever. \u25a0 NATIONAL CAFE AND GRILL, 918- 920 O'Farrell: French dinners 4 to 8 p.m., 50c. CHRISTMAS glove order. DANICHEFF. for- merly Phelan bide and 121 Grant aye.. now 1611 O'Farrell. C. LIMOUSIN, proprietor, i GOLDSTEIN'S hair goods, wigs toupees, switches and'pompadours; satisfactory work at lowest prices. 819 Van Ness aye. SUNSET barber-shop and baths, formerly 625 Market St.. 715 Turk st.. now open for busi- ness. JOHN: BERNARD, proprietor. MISS BRIGGS. formerly of M. J. Coughlan's, located at The Vogue. Suttsr and Franklin. • Opening announced later. $100 on deposit . for you if your hair cannot be restored; abundance of natural hair. C. E. H. T. CO.. 730 Hayes st. V J. HAUPTLI GUERIN CO.. Fashion Hair Store; electric face, scalp treatment. 890 Van Ness. MAGNETIC massage — MRS. HOLSHOUSER, 1720 Flllmore st, offices 9 and 10. third floor. SHOE repairing by machinery. Gallagher Bros. Branch 1. 473 Haight st; branch 2, 3272 22d. FOR pianos see MRS. A. A. GOSBEE. with" Kohler & Chase.. 1329 Sntter. Tel. Franklin 2143 HING CHEONG & CO.. • military and navy tail- ors. located at C 64 San Pablo aye., Oakland. LADY and gentleman wishing to marry call or address MRS. WALTER. 1711 Geary Bt. M. BREMONT. profes. masseuse: scalp, face and electrical treatment. . 1543 Ellis st. K. FENANDER, ladles' tailor. 1788 Bush st; formerly with Danziger. 522 Sntter st • HELEN A. ; BOND. \u25a0•. graduate nurse; massage a specialty. Residence 543 Oak st. - \u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 GORDAN THE TAILOR Is now doing business. 1032 Ellis, a block from Van Ness. MME. GREY, electrical treatments for nervous diseases, 1746 Geary. PROF. MISS VIOLET, chiropodist and massage. ' 1211 McAllister st. SEWING-MACHINES • DOMESTIC — Best, cheapest: all kinds rented, repaired, exchanged: needles and supplies for all makes. J. W. Evans, agent. 1658 O'Far- , ve\\ st.. near Fillmore; phone -West 3601. j .. SINGER and Wheeler & Wilson family and tail- orlng, sold only by the Singer Sewing Machine Co.. A. C. BROWN, selling agent. 331 Mc- Allister Bt. Repairing done. NATIONAL Automatic.' White. Standard, other makes, rented, i repaired.' etc. ;I. S. COHEN'S .: SONS. • Phone West 5761. 1616 O'Farrell st. WILCOX & GIBBS Sewing Machine Company, located at 724 Turk st, near; Van Ness aye.; . manufacturers of the, genuine Automatic. ' TWENTY second-hand machines to be sold at once:- all makes. 1220 Golden Gate aye., nenr Flllmore «t ' RUPTURE CURED SINGLE $12, double $15. Dr. Plerce's Electric Truss: only enre known. Call, address W. J. PIERCE. 1417 Cheitnnt st.. Alnmert.t. TRUSSES \u25a0 ANNOUNCEMENT— WM. HATTEROTH'S SURGICAL HOUSE. 1532-34 Fillmore st, bet. Geary and O'Farrell. Trusses, supporters, elastic stockings, surgical and hospital supplies. Formerly 224 Sutter st. \u25a01',;,"- MRS. M. C WILLIAMS, Formerly with. Win. Hatteroth — Trusses, support- ers, elast. hosiery, etc. 476 i'age. nr. Webster. WALTERS & CO., surgical instruments, hospital > equipment*, trusses and elastic hosiery. IGOB Steiner st. near Geary. SPECIALISTS in tmss fittings. CLARK-GAN- DION COMPANY. 1220 Golden Gate aye. V JEWELERS » F. L.'COOK — Jewelry, clocks, silverware, sta- ' tlonery and notions; formerly of 1712 Market st. now permanently located at 839 Golden Gate aye., opposite Jefferson square. STEINMANN, Jeweler.* 624 Valencia, cor. 10th; . repairing and society emblems: mfg a specialty. M. FINEGOLD. first-class diamond setter. Jew- eler; established 10 years. 222 Elm aye. A. L. OTT, formerly 121 Geary st. now 1063 O ' Fa rreH— Jeweler and diamond setter. COLLINS & FARRELL — Window shades, mat- tress-maing, carpet-cleaning.- 483 Ivy ays. Tel. Park 1375. : ADVANCE window. shade factory.' Order* filled . at short notice. GEO. WALCOLM." 637 Turk st. WINDOW shades made and repaired. J. F.I HOTTER. 6SI-Eddv. Phone Franklin 1247. HANP-PAINTEP CHINA DORN'S Ceramic Supply Store. ,759-761 McAUls- " ter st; largest on Pacific Coast; devoted ex- .. white china -and supplies. SAMISH'S China painted to order; lessons; ma- terials: white china. 1378 Sutter st. Tel. . Franklin 2127. --\u25a0 » > '"-"'\u25a0' ROOFING ; | ROOFS REPAIRED PROMPTLY— ProBus Pre- servative paint guaranteed. WOLFF, ft DO- LAN, 1455 Broderick st LEAKY roofs — Repairing, _painting, elastic pre- pared roofing. \u25a0 Century Paint Roofing Co., 231 Oak st- -•-•:,-\u25a0.-.-\u25a0\u25a0 .-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. ; OPTICIANS GEO. C. KEMP, late of 2002 Market, now at 459 Flllmore; personal attention; open evenings. H. B. - ADELSON, optical specialist. Junction : Market Cluirch'ancf 14th sts.., upstairs. •\u25a0. i. ..-\u25a0;. PHOTO SUPPLIES FINE portraiture, also sittings by 'appointment S. ; COHL, 591 ; Haight st. Tel. Page 2659. 25 PER cent off on all plate cameras. Fine Art Co.. 1 SI 4 Flllmore St. \u25a0 - , "l. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES THE.Yosemite Gas Fitting Co.. gas,. arc lamps, combination fixtures. - 2435 Mission at. ' ' ' i- ; INVALID JCHAIRS SOLD. " rented. I ;' exchanged; ~ Eaines \u25a0•.-- tricycle chair.- 210S Market »t. Tel.' Fell- 9011. ,»•;.. -."-': --.'trunks N. Y. TRUNK CO., best and cheapest "- trunks - and leather goods in city. 309 Van \u25a0\u25a0 Ness " aye. 1 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS \u25a0-...-• ' - VA^BERBERT.'fc-'BRO.;-'-:---:- ~" Trusses 'and Appliances. '623 . Golden Gat» avo. :: /PLASTER .DECORATIONS -"," '""'""" "" : :""'" ; "" \u25a0^theoV-'binneß/-- ":.\u25a0\u25a0 /\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084 ;;': " --'423-425 '14TH '\u25a0* ST. :-.V TEL. MARKET" 1914." :\u25a0\u25a0. ;-' : .:'- ; .- ; . .\u25a0- :: shemetal' ; :" ; ' : " \u25a0:\u25a0 STEAM , •\u25a0• tables, ';- coffee i- urns,';:; French - ranges. -. Scblndler Mfg. G0.., 1411 Ellis: phone .West 19. RIDDLF/ ; BRO.— Electric .: slsms," steam tables; 'hotel 1 ware 5 a specialty.- ?.O? 7th st.--\ ' . \u25a0 'H^ILIiINGFPICTUUE : FkAME3 E. VB; t COU R vbISIER, *: art I dealer' and f rame- ,Y? maker. ;• 1(323 ; Bush , it, ' near \u25a0 Franklin. - OFFICES AXD STORES TOLETT STORES to let, with living rooms; a rented , lod?lnfr-hou«e of 85 rooms npstalrs. Apply on premises, 6th and* Bryant sta. FILLMORE. 122S — Large, sunny front of flees; running water: Janitor services. SULLIVAN, REA & KEHRLKIN. \u25a0 ' \u25a0 -s-\u25a0--\u25a0=s -\u25a0--\u25a0= j STORE to let, with living-rooms If desired. 3019 Sacramento st - _ASEME.\TS TO LET LA RGB hard- finished basement and conveniences; adapted for any business. 1931% OTarrell st. BASEMENT to let. Inquire at 422 Lyon st HOTELS A\D A PARTMEYT HOUSES AA— HOTEL HAULIN. EDDT AND LSUVENWORTH STREETS. Flrst big permanent downtown hotel. Elegant steam-heated suites and single rooms, with bath and private phones. Large, well-lighted sample-rooms. Eddy-st cars direct from ferry. Prlyate exchange Franklin 428. "hotel monarch. commercial and tourist. rates not cheap. not high. Moderate: all rooms with bath, steam heat, telephone, hot water. 722 Golden Gate are., near Franklin st. . HOTEL NORDEN. 75S Heward. bet. 3d and 4th ; hot-cold water and steam heat In every room; elevator service; rooms 50c. 75c. $1 P*r nizht CHRISTENSEN & SHAW. Props. A flrst-class \u25a0 grill and cafe In connection. JTT3T OPENED. — — HOTEL ROYAL. 1739 O'FARRELL. Rooms single- or en suite, reasonable: everything new and clean; house heated: running water In every room. Phone West 4033. HOTF.L CONGRESS, cor. Flllmore and Ellla. . Rooms single or en suite, with bath. Modern conveniences. B. F. DOWNS. Manager. ST. GEORGE. BTH AND HOWARD STS. 600 WELL VENTILATED SINGLE ROOMS. 35c. 50c AND 75c PF.R NIGHT. 12.00 AND $2.50 PER WEEK. THE GRAND. 945-947 Golden Gate are.— 3 and 4 rooms, with bath, steam heat, laundry, hot water, gas and electricity: most central loca- '„ tlon opposite Jefferson Square. HOTEL BELVEDERE — First-class accommoda- tions; 30 minutes from san Francisco: reduced rates since the flre. MRS. A. T. MOORE, pro- prietor and manager. STANDARD Hotel, corner Gtb and Folsom sts.: 400 Alnele rooms, 350 and 50c per nlsrht; $2. $2.50 and $3 per week; cafe; barber shop and baths. \u25a0'\u25a0-..* THE ST. IVES. cor. Eddy and Larkln — Beauti- fully fnrnlshed, sunny rooms: hot. cold water; electricity; hotel service : heat; everything new. MECHANICS* Home, 16th St.. near Church; famished rooms for .men: electric lights In ' every room: hot and cold water baths Included. NEWLY furnished: free baths; Hotel FlUmore. 1714 O'Farrell: rooms day. week, month; ran* nlnp water. M. H. WILSON. Tel. West 6439. HOTEL REGAL — Now open: elegantly furnished: BOc and up per day; 75 feet from SE. cor. 3d and Folsom sts. B. BAIOR. Proprietor. HOTEL CRYSTAL. SE. corner of McAllister and Franklin — 75 newly furnished rooms; for gen- tlemen only: modern conveniences. THE GROVE — Sunny furnished rooms, single and en suite; modern. Northwest corner Gongb and Grove sts. . HOTEL METROPOLE. SW. corner G. G. aye. and Buchanan st. ; European: $1 per day up. CARMEL HOTEL. ISSO Post St.. near Flllmore; hot. and cold water; tourist trade solicited. ELKHORN House, 183 Valencia: rooms neatly furnished; 1 block from Market. HOTEL AUDUBON. 02S Ellis st. First class; rates $1 per day no. -"\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 HOUSES TO LET — Furnished AN elegant residence elegantly furnished; swell marine view location: 14 r.; hardwood finish; Inlaid floors: 3 elegant baths; billiard r., fur- nace. Harden: 2 yr. lease. Box 12. Call office. ARTISTICALLY furnished modern house. 6 rooms: marine view; rent $45. Inquire MRS. WINDSOR. Sansallto. HOUSES FOR SALE. ELEGANT house, 6 r. and b... near Sutro Gar- dens; grand marine view. 453 39th a»e,, Point Lotion. . I HOUSES WANTED WANTED — Unfurnished modern house or apart- \u25a0 ment of about 7 rooms for 'family of two; Western Addition. Address DR. A. L. FISH- ER. 1«24 Octavla st. HOUSES AXP FIiATS WA.VTED W-VNTED — Modern residence In the Western Ad- dition. $8000 to $25,000. BERRY. METZLER & PHILLIP. 215 Monadnock bldg. Temp. 1512. A furnished flat or house, modern and reasonable price: no agent. Box S4fl Call. ETHmnre «t. FLATS TO LET \u25a0 TWO 4-rnoni flats on California st. ißichmondi Richmond district), rent $37.50: beautiful 7-roora flat on Stelner st., 2 blocks from Flllmore. rent $75; 2 flats In Mission, rent 330; also one 4- room flat, $27.50. Apply THE HARRY J. MOORE FURNITURE COMPANY. 733-747 Eddy st. DON'T pay $10 a room to rent a flat: buy a cottage on easy terms of LINCOLN St SUTH- ERLAND. 550 Valencia, near 16th. BAKER, 743. between Golden Gate aye. and Mc- Allister st. — Nice 6-room flat for rent or lease. Apply 745 Baker st. OPPOSITE Golden Gate Park. 6 rooms, marine view. 2358 Fulton gt; privilege of buying new carpets. SURRY, 51 Glen Park. $25: flat of 4 rooms and bath, with stable. 710 San Bruno aye. FLATS FOR SALE — Furnished NEW, nicely furnished flat, cheap: low rent; lease; central; must sell. Ing. 1149 McAllister. HAIGHT. 577 — Flat for sale: five rooms: rent reasonable: leaving cltv. COTTAGES TO LET THRKE-ROOM bungalow; cas. water." Inquire 12C"> 45th aye.. between H and I »ts. • COTTAGES FOR SALE FOR sale— Cottage of 8 rooms, bath and con- servatory: lot 23x120; near Ist aye., Richmond district; $5500; part can remain on mortgage. Address box 692. . Call office. ROOMS FOR HOCSEKEEPIXf I HAVES, 972 — Housekeeping roomo, cheap, or room for 2 men. UNION, 2267, near Fillmore — Furnished rooms for housekeeping: no children. ' ROOMS TO -LET — Farn'd and Unfarn'd BAKER. 1600% — Larse sunny room; nicely fur- nished; bath; private family; suitable for 1. 2 or 3 gentlemen; fine location; reasonable. NICELY furnished room suitable for two; one single room; private family. 1 Call a. m. 1783 Turk St., near Devlsadero. THE ST. IVES. cor. Eddy and Larkln — BeantT fully furnished, sunny rooms; hot. cold water; electricity; hotel service; heat; everything new. BBODERICK, 2233— Nicely famished room, with bath, gas and electric lights. COLE, 770 — Large, newly furnished room; suit- able for. 2 gentlemen; private family. FURNISHED room, lower floor. 1311 12th aye., 1 block from car; bath, phone; rent $8. GOLDEN GATE aye.; 1031 A —Nicely furnished - front parlor, suitable for 2or 3 persons. GOLDEN . GATE aye., 1202 — Furnished rooms suitable for 1 or 2 gents. HOTEL MCALLISTER. 1412-1414 McAllister St. 'Elegant rooms; tourists a specialty. . \u25a0 MAYBELLE, 811 Van Ness aye. — Rooms,' single and en suite: also transient, . MEREDITH, 737 McAllister st— Elegaatlj fur- nished rooms; also transient MISSION, 22S2 — One single and one double room. O'FARRELL,' 1460. cor. - Buchanan— Newly twe- \u25a0 nished ' sunny rooms. PIERCE.' 3O22 — Large furnished room to let, $10 -per month. • • SCOTT, 2040, cor.' Sacramento — Sunny suite or . single room; bath. Phone West 2014. STONEMAN. 33. nr. 2Sth. off Folsom— A nice sunny room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; also house- keeping room/ . - . . \u25a0 \u25a0 SHOT WELL. 353, bet.' 17th and 18th — Nicely >.fnrnished room, suitable for two - gentlemen. STOCKTON HOUSE — Furnished up to -'date: . reasonable rent' "• 200 Oak st. , cor. Gou?h. VALENCIA.-' 849 — For rent. .' one - front and two \u25a0 ; rear rooms: newly ' furnished. - VALENCIA. 1341-rDouble- parlor, kitchen, bath, V laundry ; other rooms; k tailor bell. . VAN I NESS aye.. 619, near G. Gate aye. — Hotel - Van Ness: European plan: rates SI per day. HOO II S A.YD BOARD * TWO refined" young ladles can- have room and 1 : board with home privileges, moderately. 1319 . Masonic aye." <3Sh_93B_MI BOARD land rooms for gentlemen: all conveni- ences; strictly first class. 3464 Clay>t, ROOMS AND BOARD— Conttnned $33.00— R00m and board for gentleman; large, sunny bay window room; marine view; dress ing room connecting; suitable for two; prt \u25bcate family; references required. 1319 M*. sonic aye. JAPANESE gnntleman wants furnished room ia prlvato family, with or without board, in city. Berkeley. Oakland, or any other convenient plae*. Apply by letter to room 428. Montgom- ery block. * PACIFIC aye.. 2717— Elegant furnished room*, with best of table board: fine view: pleasant surroundings: caa accommodate five couples ol gentlemen; prices reasonable. FULTON. 1618. near Lvon— Nicely furnished sunny rooms, with excellent board; 3 connect- ing rooms, with piano, en suite or sinlcet adults; references. WANTED^ — Ibe use of 2 sunny front rooms, on or near Flllmore st., from 1 p. m. to 4 p m • , state full particulars. Box 53. Call ofgce. COLE. 449— 56 per week; suaay room, breakfast and dinner: curs. HORSES, HARNESS AND WAGONS A CnEAP business buggy is too dear at any price; buy a hand-made Kleiber buggy and jojj get y*ur moneys worth: ws hava all kinds of delivery wagons, mill wagons, all kinds of ex- press wagons and cut-down furniture, wagons KLEIBER S. ISO 4-9 FolsMm St. S. F. CARRIAGE CO-— The best and only bust, ness buggies and wagons' for ettr nse: all kinds of light delivery wagons, bnekboards, snrreys carts and harness for .country use. 3.5 Valencia st \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.•.,\u25a0.\u25a0 FOR sale — A good, small dray business: fouj norses. two double and one single wagon : drays for manufacturing firms; will sell for $1000- a snap. 1039 Noe st FOR sale— l gray house, weight 1500 pounds. 9 years old: true worker; suitable for country or farta work. Acm« Lnmber Stables. Mariposa and York sts. SIX set slngl. and 4 set double second hand wagon harness la good condition, also 20 col- «"• t°* »!• «t 319 Gough st Tel. Market 2690. FOR . K*J^? paß ** Mack borsen. Al leader*. "»«>»? **<*• « «=<! 7 year, old. Address 1521 Lmcola aye.. Alameda. CaL NEW X" n iI 2<l -^ n ' 1 b'MTgte* sold: reoafring and rubber tires. KENNEY MFG. CO.. 531 Valencia. LASTUFKA BROS.. hUh-irra<> harness, saddle*. Write for catalog. 1630 Market. Tel. Mkt. 2973. J. O'Kane Co. for harness, robes. blank»t» and whips. 523 Golden Gate nve.; dog collars STORAGE AND MOVING VANS BE KIN'S VAN AND STORAGE CO. «\u2666* .F^P- PROOF WAREHOUSE. 13th and Mission sts. Tel. Market IX WILSON BROS. CO.. lac.-Movlng and storsga.' 14 i h^ n<1 Saneh e» sts.. 1 block from Mar. ket and Flllmore st. cars. Phofla Park 271. TRANSFER JONES CO.. Inc.— Baggage, stor- sge. moving. Phone Franklin 1602. Emn> gency 89. 1139 and 1143 Geary st. ADVANCE Storage Co.— Stow ge. packing, not. Ing, shipping. GEO. WALCOM CO.. 637 Turk. PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Moving O<ig. pany. 2320 Fillmorp st. Phone Went ?ftg<*. carpet/ cleaning --\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0*\u25a0 \u25a0 , ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor wl*h- out removal by the S. F. Compressed Air Cleaning Co. Offlea and shop. 15ta st. and San Bruno aye. Phone Market 2672. ALL ready for business — Pioneer Carpet Clean- ing Works; temporary office. 911 Ooldea G»t« aye.; phone Park 591. J. 3PAULDINQ & CO. MITCHELL'S oM-e*tabllshed carpet cleaning Works: office 3«59 isth St., corner Dolore*. Phone Market 1402. Al Cleaning and Laying. Western Carpet Cl-an- lng Works. 1809 Harrison st. : teL Special 1240. A. W. WHELDEN CO. — Cleaning and laytns: offlca and works. 2400 Geary. Phone We«t 93. Watts — Reliable carpet cleaning; alteration, renn- vating. laying. B«7 Waller st. Phone Park s«f». CARPETS cleaned. 4c yd; laid. 3c. GISSLOW* C. C. CO.. 3SOB 22d st. Phone Market 2259. CONKLIN BROS.' Carpet Cleaning Work*. 1313 Scott st, near O'Farrell. Phone West 5601. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Tnrk nt. DYEING AND CLEANING SEND your dry cleaning to the Presidio Height* Dy« Works and b« forever satisfied. Call West 453 for wagon. Office- 3531-5933 Sacramento at. -^ . FURS B. KANTNER, manufacturing furrier, formerly " 122 Stockton at., now 2000 Sntter. rooms 1-2. G. 'BARE, furrier, formerly Lachman & Co., now 1515 Bush st. cor. Van Ness aye., upstairs. LOFSTAD & EVANS (Inc.). furriers, bow located at I£*2 California st.. below Van? Ness aye. Dfcj'jjbiyrivES . MCCARTHY'S Detective Agency— Civil and crim- inal work attended to with secrecy and dis- patch: missing persons located: legal papers served, communications strictly confidential; legal and commercial references. 122S fill- more at, cor. Eddy. Phone- West 3078. THmfAS MCCARTHY. Prin'-ltx!. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINQ UNITED PAINTING CO.. contract work; patat* Ing. paperhanging. decorating, tinting: satis- faction guaranteed. 964 McAllister st. PAINTING, paperhanging and glazing, reason- able prices, satisfaction guaranteed, at 2373 16th st L. SABEL. decorator. HEMORRHOIDS MANY men and women to city and vicinity bay* been cured of piles, fistula, etc. (some of 30 to 40 years' standing*, to stay cured without knife, danger of hindrance from business. Call investigate. THOS. J. KISNER. M. D., 2091 Fillmorn st. . PRINTING UPTON * WILLIAMS CO.. printers, bookbind- ers, manufacturing stationers. 112 Hayes st. near Van Ness aye. EDWARD KNOWLES CO., printers, stationer*. engraver*. 214 Hyde st. Phone Franklin f»72. J HOUSECLE.INING JAPANESE Housecleanlns Co.; e*t ISOO. FranS? Hamada. 1028 Oak St.: phone Fell 2107. DELINQUENT NOTICES — ~— ~S££fSQUENT~ NOTICEL ™ \u25a0 Jessie Gold Mining Co., having it* place of business at room 113. 339 Bush street, in th» city and county of San Francisco. State of California: Notice — There is delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment levied on the 7th day of January. 1907. th« several amounts set opposite the names of the respectiv« shareholders, as follows: No. of No. of Name— Cert. Shares. Amount. Ayres. J. W 107 3,000 $109.00 Bas'co. Mary . 9* 1.000 35.00 Congdon, C. H.... 14 1 .03'^ Congdon, C. H 120 W4 83.04 Congdon. C. H 121 944 83.04 Conffdon. C. H....122 944 83.04 Congdon. C. H 123 1.000 83.0« Congdon,. C. H 124 1.000 33.00 Donaldson. W. W. 77 300 17.50 Elster. A. L 123 17.000 393.n0 Galloway. E 23 2.500 87.50 Galloway. E 29 2.300. 87.50 Lawton. H. A.... 21 1.000 33.n0 Lawton, H. A.... 22 1.000 35.00 Lawton. H. A 23 1.000 83.00 Lawton. H. A 24 1.000 85.00 Lawton. H. A 23 1.000 35.00 Lawton, H. A 40 3.000 105.00 Lawton, H. A 57 2,000 70.00 Lawton. H. A 73 1.200 42.00 Piper. T. A ... 99 1.850 64.75 Thomas, Richard.. lo6 8.000 105.00 And tn accordance with law. and an order of the Board of Directors, mads on the 7th day of January, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will bt sold at thst office of the Company, room 115, 839 Bosh street. San Francisco. California, on the 2Sth day of February. 1907. at 2 o'clock p. m.. of said day. to pay \u25a0 delinquent assessments thereon, together with cost* of advertising and expenses of sale. • P. W. HICKOX, Secretary Pro Tern. Office: Room 115, 339 Bush street. San Fran- ct3co, California. "_-'_ INVESTM E NTS \u25a0_\u25a0_ _ BARGAIN— 2O shares Marconi Wireless stock; 800 Bldwetl Cold Motor: snap: Rubber ami Sugar Plantation stock. Financial. 4024 18th. FINANCIAL COMPANIES INCORPORATED, any State; ex- pert legal service; STOCK and BOND Issues placed; advice free. WM. L. STALEY A CO.. DHbert Building. Van Nep* and O'FarrelT. . _*_ PROPOSALS x PROPOSAL. By virtue . of a resolution adopted hy th* Board of Directors, of "the Paetie-rn'on Clnb and a vote of the members, the \u25a0 pmperty of the Club. located on. the - northeast corner of Post and Stockton sts.. Is offered for sale. Sealed bids addressed tn the MERCANTILE TRUST COMPANY OF SAX FRANCISCO will be received at any time prior to March Ist for the entire property. Ideated as folows: SO feet on -Post street. 120 feat on Stockton street. JOO feet on Stockton place. The right to reject any. or all bid* b r*. r*s«' rved. aMPvMflßs* Mark envelopes "SEALED BID FOR PA- CIFIC-UNION CLUB SITE." PACIFIC-UNION CLUB, by EDGAtt J. DB ' Ptl ?' FTMMeaC^H^_llsflßHH_BKi