Newspaper Page Text
800 Crown- Point.. 34 1500 Scorpion .... 10 200 Crown Polat.. 35 200 Sierra Net 70 400 Exchequer ... 55 200 Sierra NeT .'.. 66 500 Hale & Norc. 65 500 Union Coa . 63 2(K) Hale & Norc, 66 200 Uaton Ooa ... 63 SS^tt&jß 10 ° Y<Uow J-etau - 90 CLOSUJQ QUOTATIONS Bld.Ask.l \ Bi<LAsk Alpha 14 Injustice 05 07 Alta — OSjLady Waah ..05 — Andes 19 20; Mexican 90 82 lielcber 47 4S N Gould &C. 18 — Best & 8e1ch.1.30 — New I'ork Coa 07 Bruas C Va.. 04 — Accidental ... 47 l-.runs Garage. OS — |Ophlr 2.55 2.60 Bullion 31 35;Overmaa 18 19 Caledonia ... 50 58!Potosl 18 20 Challenge ... 26 27 1 Bleb. Eureka. .6.50 Chollar 14 16 Savage 03 84 Confidence ... — l.Gs;Scorpion 10 11 Con UcperlaL 02 03 Sec Belcbcr .. 08 10 Con Va M Go. S3 84! Sierra NeT ... 65 66 Crown Point.. S3 34,Silrer Hill ... 60 65 Exchequer ... 52 56, Standard C0n.. 3. 00 — Gould A Cur. 83 34 St Louis 08 Hale 4 Norc. &5 90; Union 000 C 263 Kentock — 12, Utah 06 07 •iu!l» 10 —| Yellow Jacket. 85 00 TONOPAH AM) GOLDFIELD STOCKS Regular Session— B :S0 to 12:50 600 Adam* 22 3000 Jum Ex Leas. 25 MO Alice of Won. 20J4000 Kendall Ex .. 06 1000 Alice of Woa. 111,1300 Uge Harris 06 1000 Amethyst ... 51J1509 Little Grey ". 45 1000 Amethyst ... 52 1 500 Lou DUlon ' 22 3000 Apr Fool Ex. 04:2500 Lou DUloa '." 21 1000 Atlanta 842000 Lone Star ... 35 2000 Atlanta, b 10. 85 6000 Man Beliaont. OS ni°on i°o Atlanta 85[ .100 Man Cowboy.. OS 3000 Blk B Bonan* 12] 200 Man Cowboy 10 13,000 Blk Bte Kx. 13!60oO Man Crescent. 11 «?™ r» Do - • 5 1312000 Man HumboWt 12 2000 Blue Bell ... 27,1000 Mlnaa Pedrazz 88 1000 Blue Bull ... 48; 3000 Man Shoaebar. 07 7c>o Bonnie Clare. 47(3500 Mayflower Ooa 52 > V i9S. SOOS 001 * 92 ;15OO Mac Namara .. 01 f -600 Boston Ton .. 181 100 Mmhawk, 8 2.17.00 luO Bullfrog Ex.. - lIjSOOO Motawk Oon.. 56 1000 Bullfrog Mm. 3311000 Mohawk Ex .. 33 1000 Blfrg N Star. 13 2000 Mohawk Frac. 25 2CK.O Btte Goldneld 101 600 Mon Pitta Ex. 27 4000 Do, a 10../ ill 300 Montana 8.80 1 £K> Columbia 1.05! 200 Montana ...3.77H 1000 Columbia Mt. 1.05:2500 Mont Bullfrog. 11 4000 Oolum M E,«5 08 1000 Montgomy Mt. 37 1500 Ooa Fract10a.5.75;5000 Mustang Anx. 03 1000 Daisy, s 10.3.12%11000 Mustang Ex . . 13 2500 Daisy Ex ... 03; 3500 Mustang Man. 27 1000 Daisy Ex ... 08,1500 Nev Boy 20 liKK) Den Blfg Anx 29 1 100 Nev Boy 19 5000 Dmdfld Tragl. 625400Q NeT Wonder.. 80 1500 Eagle's Nest.. 25,1000 Do, b30.... 81 500 E Com Wond. 20 1500 North Star ... 3S 1000 Empire 15| 100 Ohio Ton 18 1000 Fatrrw S Kng 52 1000 Old Gold Mines 05 500 Gold Bar 1.25. 1000 Old Gold Mines 06 s!*> Gold Bar . .1.27*»i1450 Orig Bullfrog. 22 6000 Gold Anchor.. 40 1000 Orig Man 25 500 Gold Crowii .. 16,1400 Paymaster ... 02 1000 Gold Sceptre. 43 4000 Perm Blfrg .. 11 500 Gold Sceptre. 44|iO(w Pine Nut 25 1000 G Br G1d.530.1.00;i500 Do. b6O 27 250 Old Oon M...9.00i 400 Pine Nut 24 400 Do. s 30...9.0W! 800 Pitts S Peak.. 1.50 2000 Gldfld Joshua. 25) 100 Pitts S Pk. 1.524 1300 Gld Kew&nos. 1.75! 1000 Bed Hills 23 500 Do, b 80. 1.77 Hi 1 COW Red Top Ex.. 44 1000 Gld Queen M. 3'): Si**} Brd Top Ex.. 48 1000 Guldyke Reef. 13 1000 Do, sSO 43 1000 Do, b 30. .. 34 r.i'o Bed Top Frac. 11 2UOO Grandma 30 200 Kescue Coa . . 22 50 Great Bend.. .1.15! 100 Bed Top 4.00 2000 Great Bend. 1. 12!^: 5500 Ruby Wonder. 32 1000 Grt Bend Ex. 3«:5000 Sandstorm Ex. 10 1000 Do. b 80. .. 38 1000 7 Troughs Cleg 13 250 H Hooligan.. 10J1500 Syl Humphrey. 10 HKX> H Hooligan., llj 500 Shoshn Nat Bk 06 1000 Hlbernia 18 2000 St Irea 1.30 1000 Hlndocraft .. 171 500 Tecopa Con ...l.<>s 400 Home 10! 100 Ton Exten ...4.50 IMH) Homestake X.1.401 500 Tramp C0n.. 1.57*4 1500 Ind Ton 02;l<*X> Yankee Girl .. 18 1200 Jack Pot LjwiOOO Yellow Horse.. 09 500 J Bctler Ex. 10] 100 Yellow Tiger.. 13 Informal Session — 12:30 to 2 p. in. 3000 Arcadia lOiMOO Lone Star SO 3000 Atlanta S>'JI.«O Lou Dillon ... 21 1500 Atlanta isf. 500 Lou DUlon ... 20 moo Baltimore ... 06 2000 Lucky Star .. 20 * 4000 Blk B Bonan* 1311000 Lucky Star .. 22 B 2000 Black Bock .. 10] 700 Man Buffalo .. 08 " 4000 Blue Bell ... 277000 Man Dexter .. 85 5000 Bine Bell ... 26' 7000 Man Dexter .. 30 55<»0 Blue Bull ... 4911500 M High Grade 19 25H0 Do. b 60... 51 7000 Mayflower Con 51 1500 Blue Bull ... 48 4000 Mayflower Con 52 500 Booth 93 4000 MacNamara .. 60 .-.ih< Booth »2 5«0 Midway 2.05 10(>0 Brooklyn 04 500 Midway 2.02^ 2500 Blfg Nat Bk. 62 1000 Mohawk Anx.. 09 3000 Btte Goldfleld 10.SOO0 Mohawk Anx.. 10 2000 Columbia Mt.1.05;6000 Mohawk Anx.. 11 2000 Colum Mt..1.02M,i 4<K> Mohawk Am.. 12 1000 Conqueror ... 22l 156 Montana 8.75 22<X) Com Fr*ction,s.7sll2(K» Montana ...5.82V4 15fiO Coin Frac. .5. 62^2500 Montana 3. 65 3000 Daisy, b 60. .3.25,1000 ilohawk Ex . . 30 1100 Daisy 3.17H! &00 Mont Mid Ex. 15 SIOO Daisy 3. 15 8000 Mont Pitts Ex. 27 •900 Daley Anx .. 1912000 Mon Pitts Ex. 26 WOO Do. b 30... 2<V 400 Do. slO 29 1000 Dm B Btte C. 50; 1000 Montgomy Mt. 37 1000 Dm B Btte C. 51! 1000 Mtg Shos Ex. 22 1000 Dmdfld Trngl. ft}' 3soo Mustang Anx. 03 3000 Dmtiad TrngL 622000 NeT Goldfield. C 9 2000 Dixie 1411000 NeT Goldneld. 70 3000 Esperanza ... 02:4000 NeT Hill Ex. 50 1000 Fairrw E Bck S7I 500 NeT Hill Ex. 51 1000 Fairrw a Bck 3812000 Old Sol Blfrg. 3* 2000 Fairr»r B Rck 408000 Old Sol Blfrg. 1!» 1000 Falrrw 3 Kng 52J2000 Old Sol Blfr*. 20 1000 Gold Ba? ..1.274! 600 Orig Blfrg .. 21 8000 Gold Bar ..1.22 »* 6000 Oro 51 1000 Gold Bar Frac 20 2000 Oro 48 3000 Do, b 80... 19 4000 Paymaster ... 03 1000 G Br G1d.830.1.00 1000 Pine Nut. b 60 25 ' 1000 Gold Center.. 22 2000 Pine Nat 25 2000 G Gld Bar Ex 2S;i000 Pln« Nut 24 3300 Gld Con M...9.00!l000 Bed Hills 28 500 Do. s 50... 9. 00 i 11.000 Bed Top Ex 44 650 Gld Con M.9.12 M.16500 Bed Top Ex.. 43 1000 GldUd Fissure 06 4000 Syl Humphrey. 10 600 Gld Kewanos. l.7s6ooo Silver Pick..l.42Mi 1000 Gld Souvenir. 15! 500 SUtct Pick ..1.40 1000 Gld 8d Chance 2211000 St Ires 1.30 12.500 Grt Bend.l.l2^l looo Sun Dor t>4 1500 Great Bend.. .1.10 1000 Toano Frisco.. 19 1500 Great Bend. ..1.15 2<X»o Ton Lode 17 31XK) Hladocraft .. IS; 800 Ton of NeT.17.00 500 Homestake 1.42U1 &Xi Tramp Con ..1.55 200 JJm Butler . .11*0:2000 Tramp C0n. .1.67% 1000 Do, b 60.1.12^i! 500 Do, b3O 1.65 , 40CO Johnnie Cons. 18 4000 Verde 04 V V|() Do, b 10... 19' 1000 Walker Lake.. 10 f :«« Jem El L,b3o 2G, 1000 Wonder 06 iOOO Jum Ex L,bCO 2715000 Yel Horse Ex. 21 4.VK) KendaU 50 2000 Do, b3O 22 1000 Kendall Ex... 05! 1000 YeUow Bose.. IS ?r*oo? r *oo Kendall Ex... OGIIOOO Yellow Tiper.. 16 CLOSING QUOTATIONS CALIFORNIA • Bid. ask. Bid. A«k. Airouaut 4.70 — Death Valley.. 03 — Bos Gwtr Cop — 10 Gwtr Pay Cop — 25 Brunswick ... 50 65 Gwfr Bl Oxuie — 60 On Eureka... 74 75 j S Eureka MCo 05 — NEVADA Tonopah District Belmont 6.37 • — | Midway Ex... — 40 Boston Ton... 18 IS.Mizpah Ex — 37 California ... 15 18|Montan« 3.60 3. 32 Cashboy 10 12 Mont Mdwy Ex — 17 Esperacza ... 02 03 Mon Plttsb Ex 26 27 F.ureka Ton... — OS Nevada Alpine — 1.25 Golden Anchor 40 41 1 N T Ton Con. — 10 Golden Crown. 16 17| North Star.. 1 .. 87 40 Gold Mountain 05 07jOhio Tonopah.. 18 19 Gold Mtn Con 01 — |PaTm«Fter 02 03 3re.»t Wertern '04 05] R*d Rock Ex. 02 03 Gypsy <in Con — 23 I Rescue Cons... 20 22 Home 10 13 Tonopah Ex. . .4.50 4.90 Indiana Ton.. 02 03 Ton Gold West — 12 lowa Tonopah — OS Ton Home Con 02 — - Jim 8ut1er... 1.07 1.10 Ton Silver & Q — 14 Jin Butler Ex — 10 Ton of NeT.. — 16.75 Little Ton — 2.75 West End 1.65 — MacNamara •• W 61 West Tonopah. — 25 Midway- 2.02 2.05 West Ton Ex. 13 — Goldneld District Adams 21 221 Goldid Union.. — 08 Aloha — 15|Grandma ..... 26 30 Atlanta 84 65j Great Bend. ..1.12 1.15 Baltimore Gfld — 09 Great Beal An 23 25 Black Ant*... 12 IS| Grt Bend Con. — 13 B B Bonanza. 12 13 j Great Bend Ex 35 86 The Death Valley Chuck- Walla says: "God made the seashore for the idler and the fisherman ; God made the desert for those who have the grit — \u25a0 And the man who likes it broiling And takes his part o' toiling \ Is classified as thoroughbred — he's the one who makes the hit." '^ ;-'; -' "God makes the diamond for the ballroom and the limelight ; God gave his free gold to lend the gem a tone — >* 1 But the man who finds the treasure Has a damn sight keener pleasure In his desert plain and starlight, than the man who wears I'say: "BUY HIN DOCRAFT around 16 cents. WHY: The company is in good ore now; they have let a FIVE HUNDRED FOOT CONTRACT - to Wheaton & Co. to be completed as quickly as men can do the work, which will make this the deepest mine in the district Watch the results." . W. J. ARKELL, Manhattan, Nev. 1 f£? U i te vExu Ex - 13 " Hibernla ..... 17 18 Bk i??!*- m 10 Highland OS 10 £}"c" c gel 27 28 Jumbo 4.00 — «S a «"""— 48 « Jumbo Ex.., ..2.47 — ni^vi QuarU " — 30 Jumbo Ex Leas 25 — 2™"3J? • • •». OS 05 Kendall ...... BO 52 S°"£ Goldfld. 10 12 Kendall Ex...« 05 06 f^n »2 93 Kewana Ex. . . 40 .46 S°D ; 1.05 1.20 Laguna — 1.75 Xw U V.VL- 1 - 02 1 - 05 Lone \u25a0 Star 84 86 9® I ," nbl .a Mt0.1.02 1.05 Lou Di110n.... 21 . 23 Colum Mtn Ex 08 09 Mayne 17 18 Com Fraetion.s.62 6.75 May Queen.... '— 80 Commonwealth — 89 Mdngt Pawnee 10 11 r??2k erOr •••.• 22 25 Mllltown MCo 43 45 Cracker Jack. 17 20 Mllltown Frac. 05 07 ">£* .• 3.10 3.15 Mohawk 17.00 . — Daisy Annex. . 19 20 Mohawk An. .. 03 09 n T . E^ 0S 09 Mohawk Ex. .. 29 30 T^fn S n^ en - — ° 7 Mohawk Junior 09 10 n&PJZ/Ql — 8° Mohawk Frac. — 25 Dlamndfld Trl 62 83 Nevada 80y. . . 19 20 £ U1 « • 14 15 Nevada Goldfld 68 70 v2?. 11J^ a •••• M — Nev Western.. — 08 B-ddle Goldfld. — 08 Oro 48 49 Empire 14 15 Original Velvet — 18 Esmeralda ... 26 — Old Gold Mines «5 — **deral — 15 Palace Goldfld. 15 — ** wn — 08 Panyan — 10 Florence 2.75 — Pennsylvania.. 03 05 Florence Ex.. 27 — Potlatch — 83 Fnmees-Mhwk 90 05 Red Hills 23 29 £ ri s«L 15 18 Red L10n.....V 14 — God Bar Gfld.l.oo — Red Top 8.60 — Gold Bar Frac 19 20 Red Top Ex.. 45 — Gfid Belmont. 65 — Red Top Frac. 10 11 Gfld C Mlnes.B.B7 9.00 Sandstorm .... 78 75 Ooldnd Comb. 28 — Sandstorm Ex. 09 10 Gldlld Fissure. 0« 08 Silver Pick 1.12 1.45 G H*p Hunch 10 — Silver Pick Ex JO IS Ooldfld Herald 03 08 SpenrhetJ Gold 1 .00 Gfld Mof X. 1.40 1.55 Spearhd Frac. 35 40 Goldfld Meda.. 07 09 St Ives 1.30 1.32 Goldfld N Star — 15 St Ives Leasing — 15 Gfld Portland. — 35 ! Sun Dog 04' 03 Gfld Red King — 20 Sunnyside .... — 08 Gold Flat — 20 Treasure — 19 Gold Hill 01 —Verde 03 04 Goldfld Joshua — 25 Vernal 22 23 Gfld L Strike. — 15 W^verly — 22 Gfld Kewano».l.7o 1.73 Wonder 00 07 Goldfld Rand. 05 — Yellow Hm.. 15 16 Gfld Souvenir. — 14 Yellow Tiger.. 15 — Gld Sovereign. 15 — | Bullfrog District Alliance 10 12 Homesrk K1ng.1.85 1.40 Amargosa G M 05 — Homestake Ex. — 20, Amethyst Cl C 2 Lice Harris... 05 06 Beatty MM Co — 10 Little Bullfrog 04 05 Big Bullfrog..' 05 06 Mayflower An. — 13 Black Spar. . . — 10 Mayflower Con. 61 52 Boni Mt Gold — 10 Mayflower Ex. — 12 Bonnie Clare.. 45 46 Maryland — 04 Blfrg Annex.. 04 05 Midnight — 20 Blfrg Banner. — 80 Montana Blfrg. 10 11 Bullfrog Comb — 11 Mt Hill Mima — * 10 Bullfrog Cons. — 06 Montjromry Mt. 86 37 Blfrg Daisy. . S3 40 Mont-Shosh Ex 22 24 Bullfrog Ex. . . 12 — Nugget — 11 Blfrg Belmont — 15 Ohio Blfnr 10 — Bfg Gold R**f — 30 Old Sol Blfrg. — 20 Blfrg Jumper. — 07 Original Blfrg. 21 22 Blfrg Midas.. 50 — Orlg G Bar Ex — 10 Blfrg MCo N 35 36 Pennsvlv Blfrg — 11 Blfrg Natl Bk 62 54 Red Bird — 04 Blfrg N Star. 12 13 Rhyolite Twnst 03 05 Blfrg Sunset.. 14 16 Shoshone — 07 Blfrg Victor.. 20 26 Sliosh Natl Bk — 06 Blfrg Winner. 15 — Skookum Blfrg — 23 ChinarNev ... — 08 Stelnway — 25 Croesus — CO Tramp C0n5.. .1.55 1.57 Den Blfrg An. 28 29 Tecopa C0n.... — 1.10 Den Rush Ex. — 10 Valley View... — 18 Gold Bar 1.22 1.25 Velvet 12 — Gold Bar Anx 12 — Ventura .. 15 — Gold Bar Ex. 03 — Wolverine — 04 Gold Center... — 20 Yankee 80y.... — 20 Golden Sceptre 42 43 Yankee Girl... 13 14 Hap Hooligan. 10 — Manhattan District April Fool Ex 04 05 !'an Jackson.. 10 17 Atlan & Vac. 05 06 Man Jumbo... — 05 Bonanza Ex... 10 12 Man Little Joe 05 06 Bull Dog 04 05 Man MCo Nev 15 17 Comet 02 03 Man Mammoth — 15 Double Eagle.. — 04 Man Mohawk. . 09 *13 Gold Wedge.. IB 17IMan Monarch.. 07 09 Granny G If. — 231 Man Monitor. . 04 — Hlndoeraft .. 17 — !Man Oreana... — 19 Indian Camp. 54 Bs!Man Plute 11 — Jumping Jack. — 311 Man Red Top. — 06 Little Grey... 45 46 Man Russ — 08 Man Astoria.. — 20 Man Sedan.,.. — 05 Man Atlas — 09 Man So Mints. 04 05 Man Belmont. 02 03 Man United... 15 — Man Big Four. 08 13 Man Verde 04 — Man Bl Horsa — 11 Man Vlr G M. — 0« Man Broncho. 16 17 Man Wisconsin — 11 Man Buffalo.. — 10 Man Wolftone. 25 — Man.Cndelaria 08 —Mineral mil.. — 06 Man Carson.. — 09 Mustang Man.. 27 28 Man Central.. 02 03 Mustang An... 02 03 Man Cons — 90 Mustang Ex... — 15 Man Con Ex. . — 18 Nemo Man — 17 Man Comb — 12 Original Man. . 25 2« Man Crescent. 11 12 Pine Nut 24 25 Man Cowboy.. 07 08 Seyler Hmphry 10 11 Man Dexter. . . 30 S3 Stray Dog 48 50 Man Frisco. . . — 26 Taquima Coppr — 12 Man Gold Gate 20 — Thanksgiving. . 10 13 Man Gold King 02 04 United Man... 15 — Man Gold Nug — OS Whale 09 10 Man H Grade. 17 — Yellow Horse.. 08 09 Man Ivanhoe.. 25 — Yel Horse Ex. 18 — Man Humboldt 11 — Other Districts Alice of Won. 18 20 Lee Bonanza.. 15 — Arcadia — 25 Mountn Cedar. 17' — Centen Goldfld — 60 Nev Con Stock — ' 15 Cyrus Noble.. — 17 Nevada Hills. .3.75 3.85 Clifford M Co. — ' 03 Nev Hills Ex. — 50 E Com Wonder — 20 X H Florence. 13 — Fly Gibraltar. — 25 Nev Tule Gold — 48 Cop — 20 Nevada Wonder -80 "-•— *..!klp's Nest. 25 27 N Star Wondar — 24 Fairvw Aztec. — 30 Pittsb S Peak.l.6o 1.52 Fvw Hailstone — : • 14 Ramsey Wonder — . 29 Fairrw Eagle. — 85 Red Wing — 33 Falrvw Rd Mt — 33 Reese Riv Gold 16 — Frvw R Rock — 36! RR Gold Stand. — 10 Frvw S King. 51 62 Rocco Homestk — 08 Flor G Red X 20 — I Round Mt 97 1.00 Globe Johnnie 40 — Rnd Mt Alpine — 15 Goldyke Reef. 13 14 Round Mt Ex. 25 — Gold Quartz.. 34 85 Rift Blue Jkt 20 — Ida Mines — 24 Ruby Wonder. 32 83 Ida Mac Annex — 05 Sil Peak MCo — 10 Interstate ... — 05 Sil Pk Mayflwr 50 — Jack Pot 1.50 — 7 Trouehs Cleg — 15 Johnnie Cons. — 18 Toano- Frisco. .. — 15 Kwich GM Co 02 — Vulture — 80 Kawicb Keyst 02 — Walker L Hla 10 — Kwch MCo N 01 — | Wndrlnd MCo 20 — : • ."Northern Wheat Market OREGOV PORTLAND. Feb. 15.— WHEAT— Club. 69c; blueatem. 71@72c; valley, 70c: red, 67@68c. WASHINGTON TACOMA. Feb. 15. — WHEAT — Unchanged. Bluestem. 71c; club. 69c; red, 67c. NEW THEATER BUILDING WILL COST $103,000 Application was made to Board of Works by T. H. B. Varney and J. Gr? en yesterday for a permit to erect a two story class A theater building 1 in Va lencia street, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth, at a cost of $103,000. Other applications for building per mits were filed by the following: M. and C. Detnlng, Jackson street and Mont gomery avenue, $57,200; Sampson Tarns, Mar ket street, near Second. $39,200; Marie S. Bal lard. First avenue, near Lake, $26,030; R. E. Bothln. Pacific street, near Battery, $12,000; Pockwite A Schnutenhaus, Valencia street, near Seventeenth, $29,000; C. E. Came, Harrison street, near Hitch. $24,000; H. E. Bothln, Howard street, near East, $16,000. ROBBED OF DIAMOND RlNG— lgnaUous Mc- Hcgh of 710 Baker street reported to the police yeeterday that a burglar had stolen a $175 ring from his borne. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALI^/ SATURDAY, S FEBRUARY ' 16, 1907, CORPORATION PREPARING TO CEASE RELIEF WORK Advisability of Closing the Emergency Department Is Considered Members of the Relief Corporation are preparing to bring their work to an end at as early, a date as possible, and at Its meeting yesterday the execu tive committee called for a report from the committee of rehabilitation on' the advisability of permanently dosing the department of special relief. The senti ment expressed at. the meeting was to the effect that It was time to discon tinue emergency relief and allow other charitable institutions; to take charge of that branch of the work. The Relief Corporation has not used up half of (be money contributed for the refugees of San^Francisco, and thus it will be a considerable time before it can go completely out of existence. Much of the remaining money, which amounts to almost $3,000,000, will be used to encourage the rebuilding of , the city, and a large part of it will be turned over to various charitable bodies. Since the relief work began In San Francisco there has been expended but little more than $2,000,000 of the fund raised for that purpose. It is the opin ion of the members of the Relief Cor poration that all of must be spent for the aid of those who suffered in the San FranoiEOO earthquake and fire, for it was donated for that pur pose. The emergency relief department, which is to go out of existence, is un der the direction of Dr. Gunn. By, the beginning of March it is planned to make a considerable reduction in the number of office employes. COMMISSIONERS FAVOR RAISING FIREMEN'S PAY The Fire Commission decided yester day to recommend to the Supervisors that a charter amendment be submitted to the voters for a schedule of "In creased salaries for^ members of the Fire Department. A delegation Vjf fire men appeared before the commission and the schedule was adopted' after additional Increases were recommended for the chief engineer and his assist ants and the battalion chiefs. The new schedule provides for the follow ing monthly salaries: *• Chief engineer, $416; first assistant, $300; second assistant, $250; battalion chiefs, $225; captains oi companies, $155; lieutenants, $142.50; hosemen, truckmen, first year's service, $100; for second year, $110; for third year, $120; superintendent of engines, $200; clerk and commissary, $150; draymen, $100; stablemen, $100; watchmen, $100, and superintendent of horses, $150; engi neers, $140. Another amendment was adopted providing for amending the charter so that | a fireman may be pensioned on half salary at the age of 65 years, or after 25 years of consecutive service in the department, instead of waiting un til 65 years of age, as at present. The Commissioners will request the Supervisors to transfer a city lot In Francisco, street, near Stockton, to the department to be used as a site for a corporation yard and repair shop. MARRIAGE LICENSES \u25a0 - \u25a0 '*?". \u25a0 . — — -,\ .. - "\u25a0 \u25a0•-,; \u25a0 The following marriage ' licenses were lssaed in this city February 15: George V. Dabovich, 29, 141R O'FarreU St.. and Naste T. Mitrovich, 19, 1317 Grove st. William E. Clark, 48. and Nettle E. Deglow 39. both of San Francisco. . Jonathan E. Gardiner, 33. . Watsonville, and Charlotte Sanderson. 30, 2310 Washington st. Louis Johnson, 25. and Alma E. Selahn 23 both of 2375 Bush st. OAKLAND, Feb. 15.— The following marriage licenses were Issued today: Clyde C. McAfee, 30, and Josephine Das- nieres, 29, both of San Francisco. J. C. Rhodes, 18, and Theresa Sequeria. 18. both of Oakland. Thomas B. Mcßae, 33, and Laura M. Howard 83, both of Oakland. • . Fred W. FUher, 27, Berkeley, and Ida Hum- mel, 21, Oakland. * James B. Logan, 21, and Florence Boyd, 19, both of San Francisco. Richard yon Weller, 26, and Anna I>. Juelfs, S2, both of San Francisco. Harry L. Miller, 24, Stockton, and Jessie M. Blade. 23, Hayward. , . Walter C. Alvarez, 23, San Francisco, and Harriet S.* Smythe, 22, Berkeley. Edward Johnson, 25, and HHlevi O. W. John- son. 25, both of Oakland. - - Harley E. Hoorler, 22, and Mabel Tyler, 23, both of San Francisco. . BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mall will not be inserted. They must be handed In at either of the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons author- lted to have the same published. Notices re- stricted simply to the announcement of the event are published once in this column free of charge. BIRTHS BATT — In this City, February 14, IPO7, to the wife of Saul C. Batt, a daughter.. CLARK— -In this city, November 24, 1906 to the wife of Edward J. Clark (nee Kennedy), a son. MARCUSE— In this city, February 15, 1007, . to the wife of Seymour C. Marcuse, a son. NASH— In this city. February 12, 1007, to the wife of C. M. Nash (nee Paul), a son. ROSS— In this city, February 7, 1907, to the wife of Daniel L. s Ross, a daughter. MARRIAGES * ~ DONNELLY— BEDFORD— In this city, Febru- ary 12, 1907, by the Rev. Robert J. Kenna ff. J., William P. Donnelly of Cbico and Mary E. Bedford of Anderson. (Chico, Cal., papers please copy.) • . HALLETT— RICHARDS— In this city, Febru- ary 14, 1907, by the Rev. I. C. Meserve D. D., Eugene Maurice Hallett and Isabelle Martha Richards, both of Nevada City. Cal. — DEATHS i "~~~~ Anderson, Nance..... 80 McGHI, Catherine.... 72 Batt (infant) McNamara (Infant) Blankensteln, H. N. 63 , McSherry, Mariana.; 21 Clark, Elizabeth P.. .79 Meehan, William.... 38 Cooper, Teresa (mass) ... Ofelth, Alice N......" 1 Coyne, Frank 62 Paul, Samuel F....73 Doherty, Jos. C. ..... IS Rlchter, Ernest 0... 46 Fee, Ellen M.... ... 33 Spauldlng, N. H. - 70 Fitzpatrick, Annie... 53 Stewart (infant) Foley, Bridget...... — Tamplin, Charles... 63 Franklin, Jos. J 14 Tarleton, Esther..., l Howley, Sister Mary Wagner, Elsa .... :20 (Sister of Mercy).. 82 Walker, Mary S. . .62 Johnson, Geo. X. ... 27 Walsh, Elizabeth . io Leavitt, Walter T.. 60 Wrobloff, Caroline..! 60 MacCormack.vJ. J.... B5 -Young Men's Insti- McCormick, John. . .48 tnte (mass) ANDERSON— In Suisun, l Cal.,' February 12 . 100", • Nance Anderson, beloved mother of Mrs. 3. Jorgensen, Peter Monk and the -late Mrs. P. Lund of Napa. Cal., a native of Den- mark, aged SO ; years. - - . : ;-'-^-, _\u25a0\u25a0- * Friends and acquaintances i are respectfully Invited ' to attend .- the funeral • tomorrow (Sun- day), February i 17, at 1 :30 .p. m., i from the .; mortuary chapel of the Golden Gate - Under- taking Company, 2476 Mission n street, near Twenty-first. Interment Cypress • Lawn Ceme- tery, by . electric funeral car from corner of Thirtieth street and San Jose avenue at 2 o'clock p. m. i ' ' , _ BATT— In. this city, ' February 15, 1907, infant » ' daughter '\u25a0_ of Saul , and ) Rose : Batt. \u25a0 BLANKENSTEIN— In "this city, February . 14, 1907, Henry N.' Blankenstein, beloved husband of Julia Blankensteln, . and father -of Milton H.' Blankenstein, a native of New.* York, aged \63 years 7; months and 27; days. -\u25a0 • !\u25a0-.-.' Friends are \u25a0_ respectfully . Invited to attend the funeral services -tomorrow V (Sunday), at 2 .p. m.,: at; the chapel' of N." Gray & Co., 2196 Geary ' street. ' corner : of ' Devlsadero. ; Frlenns can i view the " remains , at ! the parlors >at Jj . Gray& Co- . until time of funeral. Interment „ private. C . \u25a0. t. • : \u0084;..'.,,.. \u25a0\u25a0 CLARK— In this city, February: 15, 1007, Ellm- beth . P. \u25a0 Clark, beloved ; wife of - Alfred i Clark, and mother ; of , Mrs: W.*-, H. -, Wilson * and Mrs. : H. J. - Nlcolson, -a . native . of New • York,' ' aged 70 fears 1' month . and 10 • days. - ' i * - f " :' \u25a0\u25a0 • - \u25a0 : --*-;\u25a0\u25a0;/ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0':;..-.: f \ -^'v./ COOPER — A month's mind mass • for . the re- pose of ' the soul of Teresa ... Cooper \u25a0 will be celebrated today (Saturday), v at ;>. St. Vln- ' cent de - Paul's Chnrch, • Stelner xand ".Green streets.. Friends I and acquaintances are *• In- vited. \u25a0 .\u25a0; / \u25a0 \u25a0 - - •:.\u25a0 .-•;-.-.:. -.- ;•;*„'•>:• COYNE — Entered • into rest,- February "14 . 1907 . Frank ; Coyne, beloved husband : of • the ' late Elizabeth Coyne, brother of Mrs. , Michael De- vltt.of Connecticut, and cousin of Annie Ryan- hart, a native of County,; KUkenny, Ireland agred 62 years. \u25a0 : rv v . ; ,,,., " : \u25a0 Friends and acquaintances ! are respectf oily Invited to attend the funeral 'tomorrow ' (Sun- day), at 11 a. m.. from the funeral parlors .of Samuel McFadden \u25a0&' Co., - 1070 ' Haiffht street, thence to St. Joseph's • Church for services at 12 o'clock. Interment Holy . Cross Cemetery. A requiem mass for \u25a0 the re- ' pose of his soul will be • celebrated *at St Joseph's Church Monday \u25a0 morning at 9 o'clock' Friends are ; invited. '• .r, ." f • ' DOHERTY— In San Luis Oblspb, Cal February 14, 1007. Joseph C. \Doherty, dearly beloved son of John and. the late Mary Doherty and brother of Thomas Doherty, Mrs. B. Thomas Mrs. Agnes Cunningham, Mrs. Birdie Hesse and the late John 'Doherty; a native of Vic- toria, B. C. aged 18 years and 2 months Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains'" at the funeral parlors of J. G. O'Connor & Co 770 Turk street. -,_ : , ,-' '' FEE— In Oakland. Cal., February 15 1907 El- len M., beloved wife of John' f' Fee ' and loving mother -of William P., John -F* • Jr a James E., Thomas H. and ? Mary E. Fee' anil the late Annie L. Fee, a -native of the parish of Ballinyary, County Tipperary Ire- land, aged S3 years and 15 days. , Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral \u25a0 tomorrow (Sun- day), February 17, at 2 p. m from the un- dertaking parlors of ' Beaudry & McAvoy ' 873 Washington street, Oakland, thence to' St Anthony's „ Church, where services will be held. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery A re- . qulem high mass for the repose . of her soul will be celebrated Monday, February. 18. ... FITZPATRICK-4n this V city, February -14 1907, Annie, beloved wife of Daniel Fitzpat- rick, loving annt of ! Lillie - and Annie San- ders, and sister of the late Mary Sanders a native of County Louth,- Ireland, aged 53 years. . Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Sun- day), at 12 o'clock xn.,- from the. parlors of Carew & English. 1618 Geary street, thence to St. Michael's Church, Ocean View, for Benrices. commencing at 1:30 o'clock Inter- ment Holy Cross Cemetery. FOLEY— In this city, ! Febrnary 15, 1907, Bridget, dearly beloved sister of Michael Foley the late Mrs. T: Misglll and Mrs. D. RUey', a native of Ireland. . ... . Notice of funeral hereafter. . FRANKLIN — In San Jose, Cal., February 15. 1907, Joseph J., beloved son of Abo and Teresa Franklin, and brother of Harry and Milton Franklin, a native of San Francisco, . Cal., aged 14 years 5 months and 5 \u25a0 days. . Friends are respectfully invited -to attpnd the funeral tomorrow (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the W. li. Woodrow Undertaking Company's parlors, 117 South First street, San Jose. Interment Home of Peace Cemetery, San Jose. HOWLEY— In this city. February 14, 1907. Sis- ter Mary Howley (Sister of Mercy), a native of Ireland, aged 82 years. The funeral will, take place today (Sat- urday),, at the termination of a requiem mass for the repose of her soul,: which will be cele- brated at 9 a. m in the chapel of St. Cath- erine's Home, Potrero avenue and Twenty- \u25a0 second street. Holy Cross Cemetery. JOHNSON— In ( this city, Febrnary 15, 1907, George Kid Johnson, dearly . beloved . husband of \u25a0 Mamie Johnson, ' father ; of Davle and George Johnson, son of Mrs. C. Halverson. brother of Jnmes Johnson, and stepbrother of Rosie Halverson, a native of San Francisco, Cal., aged 27 years 10 months and 21 days' A member of Golden Gate Aerie No. 61, F. *o! E., and of Court Columbia, F. O. A. Rematns at the .funeral \u25a0 parlors of 'P F Green; & Co., northeast , corner of Sixteenth and Guerrero streets. - . . > LEAVITT — In this city, February 15, 1007. Wal- ter T. Leavitt, beloved husband of Kate M. Lcavitt. a native of Hlngham, Mass, aged 60 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. ! Remains at the parlors of the Henry J. Gallagher Under- taking Company,- 1314 Webster street, between Ellis and O'Farrell. \u25a0/ MacCORMACK— In Martinez, Cal., February 13 lf>o7, John J. beloved* husband of Charlotte MacCormack, and father of Al- len J. and Flora MacCormack and Mrs. Grover Dawson, .& native of Prince Edward Island, aged 65 years. MeCORMICK— In this city. February 15, 1007, John McCormlck, beloved brother of James MeCormlck, a native of County Sligo, Ireland, agpd 48 years. : :. • , Notice of funeral hereafter.- Remains at the parlors of Samuel McFadden & Co., 1070 Haight street, near ' Baker. McGILL— In this city, February 15, lf>o7, Cath- erine, beloved wife of the s late Joseph \u25a0 Mc- j Gill, ; and loving mother : of- Sarah, Joseph, George, Thomas, Mary and the . late Howard McG.ill,- a native of Ireland, : aged/ 72 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. — Remains -at ... th«; parlors of the United -Undertakers, 200S ._» Howard street/, near Twenty-second.', \u25a0\u25a0 ;, McNAMARA— In- U>i» \u25a0 ctty. :FeJ*uaryMs, .' 1007. atlthe r«»sldence of her parents, .1334 "Alabama street. Claire Elvira,' Infant daughter of James and Nellie MeNamara. and twin .sister- of Gertrude McNamars, a native of San Fran- cisco, Cal., aged 1 month. and 5 days. '..-: McSHERRY— .In Alameda; Cal.', February 18, 1907. Mariana, beloved." wife Jof .John Me- Sherry, daughter of A. J.. and' the late Mary Bettencourt, and sorter of George. Joe, John, . Mary. Delphenia and Isabella Bettencourt, n native of Alameda, Cal., "aged 21 years 9 months and 10 days. ' • •<• • . Friends and acquaintances are respectfully inylted. to attend the funeral services Mon- day), February 18, at 9 o'clock a. m., at St. Joseph's Church, Alameda, \u25a0 where a requiem high mass for the repose of: her soul' will be celebrated. Interment St. Mtory's Cemetery.' .MEEHAN — In Oakland, Cal., February 14, 1907, William Meehan, beloved - husband of Annie Meehan, father of, James, Mary Ellen. Eliza- beth and Cecilia Meehan, and brother of 'Michael and Patrick . Meehan, a native of Ireland, aged 88 years. .:. , Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Monday, Feb- ruary 18, at 8:30 o'clock a. in., at his late residence, 1364 Twelfth street, Oakland, thence to St. Patrick's Church, West Oakland, where a requiem high mass for the repose of his soul will be celebrated, commencing at 8 o'clock. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. OFELTH— In this city, February 14, 1907, Alice N., dearly beloved daughter of, Nels and Caroline Ofelth. and loving slstor of Lillle. Ebbasnd Mabel Ofelth, a native of San Francisco, Cal., aged 1 year and 26 days. PAUI/— ln Berkeley, Cal.,. February 15, 1907. Samuel F. : Paul, father of Frank and Albert Paul and Mrs.. Clara Morgan, a native of Missouri, aged 73 years 10 months and 8 days. (Nevada papers please copy.) •'_ \ , Services private. Interment at Ely, Nev. RICHTER— In Oakland, Cal.', 'February 15, 1907, . Ernest C. Ricbter, dearly beloved son of Au- gust Richter, and -lovlnir brother of Adolpn, William and Bernard Richter, a native . of Texas, nged 46 yeafs and 11 months.- .v.; Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services tomor- row (Sunday), February 17,' at 2 o'clock p". m.; at his brother's residence. 364 East Twelfth street, East Oakland. Interment Mountain View Cemetery.- ; " SPAULDING— In this city, February 15,/ 1907, Nathaniel H. Spauldlnfr, beloved husband of Marion S. Spauldlng, and father of- H. S. \u25a0 Spaulding, .a - nativiß of.. Vermont, . aged 70 years. \u25a0 >. STEWART— In, this city, February 15, 1907. at the residence of his parents, .223 Sanche* street, John M. Stewart, dearly beloved and only son of John and Christina Stewart, and beloved brother of Edna E. Stewart, a native of San Francisco, Cal., aged 25 days. \u25a0 \u25a0• \u25a0--, TAiIPLIN— In this city, . February 14, 1907. Charles Tamplln... beloved husband of Annie Tamplta, and father of , Charles, William and the late Martha Tamplin and Mrs. E. Beach, a native of Newport,' Monmouthshire, England, aged 63 years 1-month and 11 days. Friends and acqualntanses. are respectfully Invited to attend - the funeral : tomorrow (Sun- day), at 10 - o'clock a. m* from the funeral parlors of the H. F. Maass Company, 1335 \u25a0 Golden. Gate ; avenue. ' Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery., \ TARLETON— February 12, 1807.. Esther -Tar- leton, dearly beloved daughter of , Minnie Tarleton 'and the late John Tarleton, sister • of., Frank, - Eva. i Augusta and Elizabeth Tarle- ton, and grandchild of August • and Elizabeth Kruger, a native ot San Francisco, Cal., aged .1 \u25a0 year and : 7 ; months. : .". .; . : ' , Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to.attend the funeral today (Sat- urday),- at l:o'clock p. 'm., from the, parlors of Valente. Marlni & Co., 844S Mission street, between Thirtieth street | and Cortland avenue, .thence to - funeral - electric ' car at corner of Thirtieth street and San , Jose avenue. Inter- V ment- Greenlawn Cemetery. '.'- - . WAGNER— In Nome, Alaska, February 2, 1907 Elsa Wagner, daughter of the* late Adolph and Kate Wagner, Sister of Ernest Wagner, and " nle<jp ' of Mrs. \u25a0; William •: Kleaver, Mrs. George tWalker, ; Mrs. ."-' Julius ;; Lutgen, : Mrs : Da vld Davidson and Chris, George, John and Louis C Falkensteln, 'J. aged - years and i 9 V months. •' \u25a0% \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0":';\u25a0 -.- \u25a0; :y ";:- \u25a0\u25a0 ;. •\u25a0- . \u25a0: \u0084"\u25a0;.\u25a0 WALKER— In this - city, •. February 14, 1007, Mary. S.,' beloved, wife of D. J. Walker, and "mother of Mrs. 1 Josephine ' Walker Kent, D. J 'f, Jr., 1 F. : D.;"; lone M. . and Earl- C. ; Walker, aged : 62 , years. - (Boston and » Chicago -\u25a0 papers , please ;copy.)- :\u25a0 \u25a0.' VC> ii - \u25a0 • '.\u25a0'\u25a0<\u25a0:\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ;"i \u25a0:-,-. -i> *:*.\u25a0\u25a0 Friepds and : acquaintances are .- respectfully \u25a0 invited to attend : the '\u25a0 funeral tomorrow -. (Sun- •> day), --'.at-- 12 o'clock, from the Advent \u25a0tian "Church,- Church' /street, , near *:Twenty- , ninth. : : Interment .' Cypress . Lawn : Cemetery. _v WALSH— In -thiß city. Febrtjiryl3,> 1907, Eliza^ beth Ester, < beloved ' daughter of . Mary . and Timothy Walsh, . and - loving » sister . of , Mary, r Andrew ; and - the ! late John -< Walsh; ia \u25a0 native I ot- San a Francisco.;: Cal., : aged 10 : years ,10 "months and 10 : days. \u25a0 \u25a0-\u0084. .. • ,-.- \u25a0-. •; :.:\u25a0-.' ,;•'.\u25a0•., . Friends , and . acquaintances^ are.- respectfully •Invited -attend ;. the ; funerals today \u25a0•-\u25a0 (Sat- ' urday),? at* 9:lsl o'clock" from the par- \u25a0 lors \u25a0 of \u25a0•\u25a0 D.' l. ; Kenny . & Co..- 1719 Eddy street. 9; near ; Scott, , , thence -% to - ; Holy . Cross Church for services, ' commencing at o:3o. o'clock a: m: Interment Holy/ Cross ; Cemetery. >;.;• ;\u25a0;. ~ WROBIOFF— In"'; Petaluma, \ Cal.i February 1907, \u25a0 Caroline, \ beloved • wife;, of •\u25a0 Henry > Wro* Woff, X deioted : mother \ oX ;: Henry \, WroWofl ' a* J • Mrs .r A.' Burmelster, and sister of Henry , Eggerling, a native \u25a0of Bremerroerde. Ger- • many, agpd 60 years 8 months and 4 days. ' . v , Friends , and : acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today (Sat- urday), at 12:30 p. m., from the parlors * of H. F.:Snhr& Co., 2919 Mission street. , near Twenty-fifth. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, : by electric funeral car from Thir- tieth and Mission streets, j . ' YOCNG MEN'S ! INSTITUTE. :> To the officers and members of the Young • Men's Institute — The annual mass of, requiem for the deceased members of the Young Men's Institute I will be celebrated at St. Mary's Cathedral Friday, February 22, ! at 10 a. m. ' Friends and . relatives are • respectfully Invited to attend. ;;"-<\u25a0 \u25a0BOARD OF MANAGEMENT, Y. M. I. • P. J. HAG AN, President. A. J. SULLIVAN. Secretary. PORTER&WHITE Fiinerai Direciprs and Emtialniers ;:. '\u25a0; /-' 1531 CJOLDEN GATE AYE. ,f V (Formerly 445 Golden \ Gate aye. ) \u25a0 Private residence accommodations withont ex- tra charge. Trained lady attendants. Personal serviced under all conditfns. Phone West 770. J. C. O'Connor & Go. Funeral Directors Now permanently located at our new establishment. 770 TURK ST., between Van Ness -v. Aye. and > Franklin St. Lady attendant. Tel. Franklin 1911. - McBREARTY & McCORMICK \u25a0 FUNERAL DIRECIOnS. 915 VALENCIA ST.. NEAR 20TH \u25a0 Formerly of McFadden. Mcßrearty & Green. Telephone Market 97. , H.J. Gallagher Undertaking Co. 1314 WEBSTER St.. bet. Ellis & O'Farrell. Tel. West 3025. DANIEL P. DONOVAN, Pres. & Manager ;f JOHN DOUGHERTY. Vice Preg. WOODLAWS CEMETERY San Mateo Co. Finest and Best Equipped Receiving Vault and - ChapeL (Masonic Cemetery Association) Office 1154 O'FarreU St. THEODOR DIERKS & CO. . Undertakers, 800 Devinadero St., Cor. McAllister. \u25a0: y Telephone West 4804. P. F. GREEN .(Bb CO. . FUNERAL DIRECTORS. NE. cor. Sixteenth and Guerrero sts. Formerly of McFadden, Mcßrearty & Green. Telephone Special 1C67. VALENTE, MARINI & CO. UNDERTAKERS 3448 MIS: 'ON' STREET, Near Thirtieth. Tel. Market 282. SHIBEIiEY-MAX.V CO., Inc. THE LEADING FLORISTS Will Open SATURDAY, Feb. 16, at 1203. 5UT- 1 -> TF.R ST. Phdne Franklin 2094. " - Frank Shibeley, Pres. . Alex Mann Jr., See. 22nd STREET FLORIST WORK A SPECIALTY. "Country Orders Promptly Attended to. - : Good Work — Lowest Price. Phone Market 662. - 3230 22D ST. H. jiSl SUHR i& CO. Undertakers and Emhalmen LADY ATTENDANT. ' 2019 Mission Street, near 25th Telephone Market 08.; G. P. PRECHTEL G. W. KEELER. . Vice Pres. and Mgr. President. GOLDEN GATE UNDERTAKING CO. 2475-2483 MISSION ST. Phone Market 2590. Cypress Lawn Cemetery OFFICE 13S0 SUTTER ST., v • \u25a0' Near .Van \u25a0 Ness Aye. Rooms 5 and It. Phone Franklin ISM PHONE, MARKET 132. , . Qantner Bros. UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, 3460 SIXTEENTH STREET, ' Between Church and . Sanchez. I CRAIG, COCHRAN & CO. • ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 1160 Valencia St., near 23d St. Telephone Market 151. TELEPHONE PARK 12. SAMUEL McFADDEN & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 1070 Hatght St., Near Baker. Take Halght-Street Cars. CAREW & ENGLISH FUXERAL. DIRECTORS 1618 GEARY STREET, Between Buchanan and Webster. ' Phone West 2004. OCEAX, TRAVEL AMERICAN LINE Plymouth — CherbnarR — Southampton St. Louis....... Feb. 231 New York Mar. 16 Philadelphia.. . .Mar. 2| St. Louis Mar. 23 Philadelphia — Queenstown — Liverpool Merlon .....Feb. 2n|Xoordland... ....Mar. 16 Haverford Mar. O|Frlesland... . ...Mar. 23 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE NEW. YORK— LONDON DIRECT. \ - Mlnnetonka..".. .Feb.- 23lMlnnehaha. .. . ..Mar. 23 Minneapolis Max. . 9|Mesaba 30 . ' HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE NEW YORK. ROTTERDAM, via BOULOGNE. ;\u25a0< Sailings Wednesdays as per Sailing List. , Stat'nd'm, Fb. 20. 10am Potsdam, Mar. 13, sam Ryndam, Feb. 27, sam N.Am'dam, Mr. 20. 10am Noordam, Mar.-8. lOaml Stat'nd'm, Mr. 27, 10am RED STAR LINE NEW YORK— ANTWERPr-PARIS. Finland. . . . . . . .Feb. 20] Kr00n1and. ...... Mar. 9 Zee1and. ...... . .Mar. 2| Vaderland. ..... .Mar. 16 WHITE STAR LIKE • NEW YORK— QOEENSTOWN— LIVERPOOL. Majestic. ..... ::Feb. \u25a0 20!8a1t1c. ......... .Mar. 13 Oceanic. ....... .Feb. 27|MaJe5tic. ........ Mar. 20 Teutonic . . .... .Mar. 6|Cedr1c. . . . . . . .: . .Mar. 22 PLYMOUTH— CHERBOORG — SOUTHAMPTON. •Adriatic. ......May 22, 1 pm; June 19,~Ju!y 17 Teutonic... ::... May 29, 10 am: June 26, July 24 0ceanic....'. ...V.-. June 5, 2 pm; July 3. July 31 Majestic... .....June 12, 10 am; July 10, Aug. 7 \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0: *Xew, ;-;;\u25a0 25,000- Ton»"j has Elevator, Gymnnalani, Turkish ' Bath's and Dand. - BOSTON— QUEENSTOWN— LIVERPOOL. Cymric........ ....'...Feb. 21. Mar.. 30, Apr. 25 t™, MEDITERRANEAN AZ^ ES FROM -NEW YORK. • Celtic. ..:... '.March 2.' 7 -am— 2l,ooo TONS Cret1c... ...... ..March 30, noon; May 9, June 20 FROM BOSTON.. ; Can0nic*. .. . .'. . . . . . .... .Feb. 23, 7 am; April 10 Republic. \u25a0'. ;....'.J...'. .."..;..; ... .March 16, noon G.N. KOEPPEL. Passentrer Agent Pacific Coast, , ' . 207 Mouadnock " Building. ; ffcnnburg-Jkmerican. Twin Screw Passenger Service PLYMOUTH— CHERBOURG— HAMBURG. Graf Waldersee.Feb. 23 Pretoria.. ..;... Mar. 16 Batavla. ."• .". : . . .Mar. 2 Amerika. ....... .Mar. 21 •Kaiser.; A. -Vie. Mar. 9 Patricia: ..Mar.' 23 DeutschlandT. . .Mar/ 16 Pennsylvania - . . .Mar." 30 •The Amerika and KaUerin Auguite Victoria, of 25,000 tons each, 'cross the Atlan- tic in about 8% Days. ; , * MOST.' PERFECT : LINERS 'AFLOAT. ' .' MEDITERRANEAN V SERVICE TO GIBRALTAR, NAPLES AND GENOA; Romanic. . .v. . .March; 9l *M01tke. . . .... . .April 23 •Hamburg:.. ".March 26|*Hamburg. :...'.. .May 7 ; -*Has Grillroom, Gymnasium, etc. \ 33V3*5b REDUCTION ON EUROPEAN RAILROAD TICKETS "• Travel' Bureau- 8,~.R.. Tickets,': hotel : accommo- dations ; and • general •\u25a0 information j about \ foreign travel. ,- Travelers' Checks, good all over the world. Ham burg^Xm ericaii { Line 90S Market' St., San Francisco. COMPAGNIE GENERALE ; TRANSATLANTIQUE '."'* DIRECT LINE TO: HAVRE- PARIS.; : \u25a0'if- Sailing every '• Thursday." Instead ='of : Saturday, at 10 : a. m., ' from * Pier , 42^ North ' River, : foot of Morton street.. '^^'-.\u25a0\u25a0y^'H^'^/':' '">.'. •:. ':.-" " '.'First, class -to Havre,*=s7o and: upward; -second class .'. to-Havre,»s4s' and. upward.- GENERAL AGENCY , FOR - UNITED i STATES - AND CAN- ADA;-. 23 *i Broadway v. (Hudson =, Building)^ New -York. \J. *F.-; FUGAZI,' manager • Pacific - Obast, 630 - Montgomery; street, : San '\u25a0>. Franeiaco. ; " Tickets sold by all Railroad ' Ticket 'Agents. AUCTION SALES PUBLIC AUCTION 4000 4000 4000 Tents Tents Tents SAN FRANCISCO REIIEF AND RED CROSS . FUNDS, A CORPORATION • Will Sell at Public Auction On Thursday, February 21, 1907 AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M., At \Varehouse No. 1, on the main drive, Golden Gate Park, Opposite tbe Conservatory. The Sale Will Comprise: 1642 CONICAL TENTS 2436 COMMON WALL TENTS 55 HOSPITAL TENTS ' - I 46 STORAGE TENTS ! 110 COMMERCIAL TENTS I 90 SHELTER TENTS i 53 TENT FLIES i 1219 TRANSPORT^ COTS. The attention of all, proprietors of smnmer resorts, contractors, dealers and the public in general. Is called to thla sale. Tents will be sold in lot* to suit all pnrchaserm. LAURENCE VINCENT, Anctioneer. iaß \u25a0-£© £& AT AUCTION NEXT MONDAY. Feb. 13. at HERMAN AND VALENCIA. BETWEEN 12th and 13th.- I will sell 70 HEAD OF HORSES. 20 GOOD DRIV- ERS, 11 HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSES. 'JO LARGE, CHEAP BROOD MARES, also a lot of good, cheap stock belonging to other people. If you need horses don't mi«s this sale. 11 a.m. sharp. WILLIAM CLOUGH, Auctioneer. OCEAX TRATEb Steamers leave Broadway /^r —^?\ Wharves U%S3Un For LOS VkT^ ANGELES, SAN DIEGO, SANTA BARBARA SANTA ROSA ...Every Snnday. 10a.m. STATE OF CAL Every Thursday: 10 a. m. for SEA TTLE, TA COMA . VICTORIA, B. C. VANCOUVER, R C. Puget Sound & Alaskan Ports SPOKANE T.....Feb. 16. Mar. 3. 11 a.m. UMATILLA Feb. 21, Mar. 8.11 a.m. CITY. OF PUEBLA ...Feb. 28. Mar. 13. U a.- m. ' And Every Fifth Day Thereafter. | For E UREKA (Humboldt Bay) POMONA Feb. 13. 19. 23. 1 :S0 p. m. CORONA Feb. 16. 22. 2S. 1 :30 p. m. And Every Third Day Thereafter. ForGUA YMAS, MAZATLAN, LA PAZ, ENSENADA,SAN JOSE 9 DEL CABO, ALTATA CURACAO Mar. T. 10 a.m. Low ratos — Including Serth and Meals. Right reserved to Change thU Schedule. TICKET OFFICES: San Francisco, 3 Market st. and Broadway , Wharf. Telephone Temporary 402. Oakland 9€S Broadwar San Francisco Freight Office, Broadway WharL C. D. DUNANN, G. P. A., San Francisco. Toyo Kisen Kaisha • (Oriental Steamship Co.) Have Opened Their General Office at Room 240, James Flood Building v S. S. ' '-"Nlppon'iMarn," Wednseday, March 13. 1007. S. S. "Hong Kong Mam." Wednesday. April 10, .1907. - S. S. "America Mara." Friday. May 3, 1907. Steamers will leave wharf, corner First and Brannan streets, 1 p. m.. for Yokohama ami Hongkong, calling at Honolulu, Kobe <Hiogo). Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connecting at Hong- kong with steamers for Manila, India, etc. No cargo received on board on day of sailing. Round trip tickets at reduced rates. For freight and passage apply at office, corner First and Brannan streets. W. H. AVERT. Assistant General Manager. OCEANIC S. S. CO. HONOLULU only— S. S. Alameda sails 11 a. m. Feb. 16, 1907. Round trip, first claan, 4125. SYDNEY, AUCKLAND, SAMOA. HONOLULU— S. S. Sonoma sails 2 p. m. Feb. 28. Christ- church (International Exhibition) and return, first $298.30: second, 1225.00. TAHITI, SOUTH SEAS— S. S. Marlposa satis at 11 a. m. March 10. First class round trip, $123. • J. D. SPRECKELS A DROS. CO., SS Clay Street, San FrnncNco. Passenger Department. 673 Market st. Phone "Temporary 1231.™ \u25a0'"/;.V RAILWAY TRAVEL Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co. VIA ISATJSAI.ITO KERRY For SnuijilKo, .Mill Valley, San Rafaeli WEEK DAYS AND SUNDAYS— 7. •7:45. 8:23. •9:15, 9:50, 11 a. m.. 12:20. *1:45. *3:15, 4:35, 5:15. 5:50. 6:80, 7:15, 9:00, 10:15, 11:85 p. m. •Runs to San Quenttn. 7:45 a. m. daily, for Caxadero and way sta. tlons. ' . 3:15 p. m.. Saturdays only, for Cazadero and way stations. - 5:15 p. m. dally, except Saturdays and Sun- days, for Point Reyes and way stations. From S. F. for Tiburon. Belvedere .and San Rafael — Week Days— 7:4o. 9:15, ••11:00 a m. 12:33, 3:30, 5:10. 6:50 p. m. Sundays — 7:40. 9:15. ••11:00 a. m.; 12:35, 3:30, 5:10. 6:30. p. m.; ••11:35 p. m. Thursdays only. From San Rafael for S. F. — Week Days — 6:15 7:40, 7:65. 9:25, 11:15 a. m.; 12:50, 3:40, 500 5:20 p. m. Sundays— 6:ls. 7:40, 7:55, 9:25 a. m.: 3:40, 5:00. 5:20. 6:30 p. m. From Tiburon for S. F. — Week Days — 6:45 8-17 9:55, 11:30 k; m.; 1:10, 4:05. 5:45 p. m.' days*-6:45, 8:17, 9:53, 11:35 a. m.; 1:10, 4:05 5:45, 6:55 p. m. Leave S. F. I ' '. I , Arrive 9. F.~ i DESTINATION , Wk dytlSund's ' - Snnd's |Wk dys 7:40 ai 7:40 a BTT? al ft:lt a ....... I 9:15 as 10:25 a 10:25 a 3:30 pi 8:30 pt Ignacio. 6:20 p 6:20 n 5:10 p) 5:10 pj 7:30 p...„..\u25a0p ...„..\u25a0 7:40 tl ~ ~T~ '. "TsTffa TTT7~"a .. . 7:40 a Novato. 10:25 a 10:25 a 8:S0 p 9:15 a Petalama. 8:20 p 6-20 p 6:10 p 3:80 p Santa Rosa. 7:30 p . ....... 5:10 y '\u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0- ...:::;. 7:40 a ........ 15T25 a 10:2S"I 7:40 a Fulton. 6:20 p 6-20 d 8:30 p 3:30 p _ » \u25a0 .".V...|..... " «-,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 • Windsor. ' ' Healdsburg. 7:40 a 7:40 a - Lytton. 10:25 a 10:25 a 3:30 p 3:30 p Geyservllle. 6:20 p 6:20 p - \u25a0• and Clovenlale. 7:40 a! 7:40 at Hopiand . 10:2 i aII6:M I 3:SO p 3:30 p v and Uklah. " 6:20 p 6:20 p 't:4Q al 7:40 a - 110:15~iJT6125 a 8:30 p 3:30 p Goernevli>. | 6:20 p 6:20 d "7:46 al t:4d I ~~ 5:10 p Soaoma. :• 6:20 p 6:20 d ....... saO_E Gl»n Ellen. . ..:... "7:46 a 7:40 a • 1f0125 a IoTSTI 3:30 p 3:30 -p Sebastopol. • (J:2O p 6:20 v 6:10 p .YIP P I .'. T~V Willlu and ' ~ 7:40 a 7:40 a , Sherwood. 6:20 *p 6:20 p ••Tlbaron only. ' STAGE CONNECTIONS. Stapes connect at GRSENBRAE for San Qnen- tin; at SANTA ROSA for White Sulphur Springs and Mark West Sprlnirs: at FULTON for Burke'a Sanatorium: at LYTTON for Lytton Springs- at GEYSERVILLE for Sksjrgs Sprlnjrs; at CLOVEU- DALE for the Geysers. Boonville, Pailo. Elk and Greenwood; at HOPLAND \u0084 for • . Duncan Springs. Highland Springs. Kelseyvllle. New CarlubJMf Springs, Soda Bay. Lakeport, . Bartlett \u25a0Springs; at UKIAH : for Vichy Springs. Saratoga Springs, : Blue . Lakes, Laurel Dell Lake. Witter Springs. Upper Lake, Porno, Potter Valley. John Day"», Lierley's, Hnllvllle, Orr's 'Hot : Sprinzs. Handley. \u25a0'. Half -Way House, Hopkins. Comptche' Mendocino City. Fort Bragg. . Westport and Usal : "at WILLITS for Hearst and Sawyers; at SHER. WOOD i for Fort, Bragr. - Laytonville. Westport. Covelo, Qummings. Bell's Springs, Harris. Hob- bard, Fruitland. DyervlUe, \u25a0 GarbervUle. Pepper- wood, Camp 5, Scotia and Eureka. GENERAL OFFICE: - JAMES FLOOD . BUILDING," SAN FRANCISCO : JAS. AGLER. General Manager K. X. BY AN. Gen. PaAsenjer aad Freight Act. RAILWAY TRAVEL • . * _ , : ... j£&P%3 > \l ,Tr«»B» have »o« «• \u25a0•• l^sSsßin' an Prancisco y^S-^^g-V J, From February S. 1007 TERRY DEPOT Foot of Market Street Leave —VIA OAKLAND PIER— Arrtrw 7.00 a Richmond. Benicia. Sacramento, Stiisun and Way Stations lAS* • 7.00 a Emira. Vacavill c. Winters. Rum. sey : ~. T.4l* 7.00» Davis. Woodland. Marysvlllo. ' Chlco. Red Bhiff-Oroville ?.43» 7JO» Elmhnrst. Newark. Centervillo. San Jose. Los Gatos. Wright ._ 5.48» 7.40 m Vallejo. Napa. Calistoga. Santa Rosa. Martinez. San Ramon.... &2Sa 7.40» Niles. Heasanton. Urermore. Tracy. Lathrop. Stockton *jSp B.ooa Shasta Express— (Via Davis.) Williams. Willows. Red Bluff. Ashland. Portland and Eiut._ •^Sp 8JJ0» Martinez. Antioch. Byron. Tracy, Stock ton. Newman. Los Banos. Mendota. Armona. Kanford, 4M* Visalia. PortervUle 4.4* t2om Port Costa. Lathrop. Merced. Mcv desto, Fresno. Ilanford. Vi- salia. Tulare. Bakersfleld 4.43* 8.48» Niles. San Joso. Ll vermorw, •,•.'--. - Stockton CMllton). Valler Spring, lone, Sacramento. 4.08» 5.45» Sonora. Tnolmnne and A njel»._ 4Mp ».00« Atlantic Express — Ogden 4JB» J.OOa Reno. Tonopah. Golitflelb! 4J3» 9.*9t Richmond. Port Costa. Martine*. and Way Stations o.4** 10.20 i Vallejo. Mare Island. Napa lU3a 10.20* N«w Orleans Expresa— Bakery field.. Los Angeles. Demlne. El Paso, New Orleans. IM* 10.20 a Port Costa. Martinez. Byron. Tracy. Lathrop. Stockton. Merced. Raymond. Fresno. - . . Goshen Junction. Eanford. Lemoora. Visalia. Tulare. T.M» 11.00« The Overland Limited— Omaha. Chicago. Denver. Kansas Ciqr 7 JW» 11.40 a Nilesand Way Stations 2.48» 2.«0» Newark. Agnew, San Jose _ 7-23» 3.00» Benicia. Winters. Sacramonttx Woodland. Knights Landing. Jlarysville and OroTille. ~ 1i.41» 3.29» Port Costa. Martinez. Bjuon, Tracy. Modesto. Merced. _ 3Mp Via^lb^'n~West"'NiparSfc Helena. Callstota » MA J. 40» Portland Express, (via Davis). . William*. Willows., Red Bluff. Ashland. Portland and East ».«• \u25a03.40» -Niles and Way Stations. 7.4»» 4.00p Vallejo. Martinez. San Ramon. • Napa. Calistoga. Santa Rosa.- i.«Bpi .«8p 4.00» Niles. Tracy. Stockton L0di ...... 1».25« 4.20p Elmhnrst Newark Centervillel tB.4*« Agnew. San Jose. • tlO.4«« 4.40r Hayward. Nilea. Irtington. San tlJia Jose. Llvermore tlx.4Ba S.OOp The Owl Limited— Newman, Los Banos. Mendota. Fresno, Tu- lare. Bakersfleld. Loa Angeles S.4te SJO» Hayward. Niles and San Jose. — T.lta 5.20» Vallejo. Port Costa. Benicia. Bui- sun. Sacramento — HJm 6.00» China and Japan Fast Mall— Ogden. Omaha. Chicago....—— MarUnez. Stockton. Sacra- mento. Reno. &parks. — :—.: — . 12.45» «.20p Hayward. Ntles and San Jose — ».48« 7.00p Tonopah Pass.— Port Costa, Be- nicia. Suisun. Elmira»pixon, ]>avis. SacramentCK Truckea • . Hazen. Fullon. Tonopah. Goldfield and Keeler_::_.i...... 7.11 a 7.00p Vallejo. B*necia and Way Sta- tions. Sunday only 11.25* SJZOp Orpgon Express— Sacramento. Mwysviile. Redding. Port, land. Pnget Sound and East. •.48a ».00p Fast Mail— Ogden. Omaha. Chi- cago.— Pueblo. Kansas City. St. Lonia. , \u25a0— P-48» COAST LINE t *W(Third and Townsend Streets) ClOa Valencia St., San Jose and Way Stations . ; %Jm 7.00« Valencia St. Redwood. San Jose. Morganhlll. Gilroy. Pajaro, Watsonvllle. Santa Cruz— Lau- rel— Boulder Creek. Salinas Monte. Monterey. Pacific Grove .:.._^._ S. 4* t.OOa Shore Line Limited— San Jose, Salinas. Paso Robles Hot Springs. San Luis Oblspo. Santa Barbara. Los * Angeles *J<V 8.00« Del Monte. Monterey. Pacific Urove _ _ ' »-*<¥ B.ooa Watsonville. Santa Cruz. Laurel. Boulder Creek \u25a0 9Mp 8J0« The Coaster— .San Jose, Salinas. Paso Robles Hot Springs. Santa Margarita. San Lul» Oblspo. Guadalupe, Santa •- - Barbara. San Buenaventura, Oxnard, Burbanlt. Los Angeles 11.45* 8.30 a Gilroy. Holllster. Tres Pinos. Pa- jaro. Watsonvilla. Santa Crnz. Castrovllle. Del Monte. Pacifle . X Grove. Surf. Lonipoc — . . 11.45* J. 05« Valencia St.. South San Fran- ; <rlsco, Palo Alto. San Jos« 7.49» .!OJOa Valencia St.. Burlingamo, Ban ' «. MaU>o. Redwood. Palo Alto. • San Jose. ; IB* 11.30 a Valencia St.. San Jose and Way Stations ~ 4.15* 2.00p Valencia St. San Jose and Way Stations — BJS« 3.00p Dvl Monte Kxpress — Valencia St.. San Jose. Gilroy. Watson- ville. Santa Cruz. Del Monte. Monterey. Pacific Grove 12.1S 3.00» Hollister. Tres Pinos. 5.4»# 3.lSp New Orleans Express— El Paso. San Antonio. Houston. Ne-w Orleans and East IOIS* 3.159 San Jose. Salinas. Paso Robles Hot Springs. Santa Barbara, Los Angeles ~. *.1U 3.15» Watsonville. Santa Cruz. Del Monte. Monterey. Pacific Grove *~ 11.43» 3.30? Valencia St. San Fran- cisco. San Jose. Gilroy. Hoi- lister. Tres Pinos 1 IJ.3S« 4.30j» Valencia St.. San Jose and Way J tB.OQa Stations : \u0084\ t5.13» tS.OOp Valencia St.. Burlingarae, San Mateo. Palo Alto. San Jose. Los Gatos ; tt.Ma SJOp Valencia St.. Ban Jose and Way Stations 1189 a tCOOp Valencia St. Burlingame. San Mateo. Beresford. Belmont, X San Carlos. Redwood, Fair Oaks. Menlo Park. Palo Alto. San Jose 7.4f1* «.30» Valencia St.. San Jose and Way Stations * Ufa S.OOp Sunset Express — San Jose. Sali- nas. Paso Robles Hot Springs, San Luis ObUpo. Santa Bar- bara. Los Angeles. Darning. El Paso. New Orleans 1 9.13 a B.oop Golden State limited Sle« pur- El Paso. Kansas City. St. Louis. . Chicago z: I».lS* S.OOp Pajaro. Watsonville. Capitol*. Santa Cruz. Castrovllle, Del Monte. Pacific Grove H.43> 8.15* Valencia St, Ocean View. Palo Alto. San Jose lit* H.OO? Sacramento River Steamen.__ tJ.OOp 4.00p Tuesdays from Howard St Wharf N0. 2. "S.B. Breakwater." Marshfield, CoQuille. MyrtlA Point Ore :i.00» Union Tnaslec Compaoy agents coUaet b«<- gaga «nd chacks on tralas of Bootli*n Pactaa ; and deliver baggaM to naUaDca. Ta»y ar« acthorized to co*ci bazzaga «tnct tan na> dene*. Talepoona Temporary 1948. OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY (Foot of Market Street) . 7.C0. B.CO, 9X0. 10X0. 11X0 a. m. ; 12.00. 1X0. 2.00. 3.00. 4X0. 3.00. 6.00. 8.00. t.OO p. m. A for Morning. P for Afternoon tSunday excepted. tSunday only. MI. TAMALPAIS RUIWAY Via Bansallto Jerry. Foot 'or Mukat at. Lv. San Fran, j — ~ ' ' Lv. Tamalpala. Wk diylSundsy fi££&m& Snndayjwj daj 9:50 A) 8:25 A 'B^^^ 10:*0 Af 9:10 A 1:43 Pf 9:30 A 1:08 Pf 1:03 P fll:0OAf \R£3r 2:30 P 4:30 P Bafaayj 1:43 P '^& • 4:3OP|Saf«»ay 4:33 Pf 3:15 P T^ | 6:43 P] 9^o P Ob Legal Holidays Train* Bun on Sunday Time. TICKET OFFICE AT aACSAUTO TBEBT. BAY AJTP IXTBatPRBAN ROCTBS r MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD VALLEJO and NAPA NAPA VALUE V ROUTB MonUcello S. 3. Co. aoU Napa Valley Usctrlo R. R. Co. Close connection*. 6—ROUXI>6 — ROUX1> TRIPS DAIIT-4 Boat* leave Sao Francisco 7:00. *tt:ii a. m, 12:30 noon. 3:13. «:00. »3:30 pw in. Ban Fraaclaco )^"'^ng and oflee. Clay ihtit Wharf. North End Ferry boildlaf , Marfc»t \u25a0tce«t Terry. Meals a la earia. Pbone Tenipocary 400. \u2666Lang* Nary Yard direct. THE WEBtLY CALL $1 per Year. 13