Newspaper Page Text
Shipping News and Gossip of the Water Front Liner Newport Is Carrying Ammunition for the Government of Salvador \u2666-?h«? h « Pacific Mall liner Newport. Cap tain Russell, which sailed at noon yes terday Tor Panama and way ports, ear ned in her cargo. 600. cases of ainmuni uon for Salvador. Nearly every Pan ama liner carries fighting material for £"* c * the Central American republic!). This particular shipment will arrive probably too late to assist Salvador in «er present little war. . as before the I\e*rport reaches Acajutla the belliKer «nu may have all laid down to the WaEhinrton'B peacemaker's "bigr stick," which is now represented near the eeat of trouble by the cruiser Chicago. " The Newport's passengers included: C. E. Ball and wife. Miss Hattle F. Gower, A. D. ElwelL R. M. Plunkett, E. Torres. F. A. Agar and wife. A. W. Scott and wife and Mrs. A. Scott. Want Clock Hands Palated Black •Nobody appreciates the restoration of the clock in the ferry tower more than the people on board the vessels lying Jn the harbor, from nearly all parts of which at least one of the bl? white faces Is visible. While duly thankful their appreciation would be fuller if the Harbor Commissioners make one little change, one email sacrifice of beauty in the interest of the clock's greater usefulness. The hafids of the restored timepiece are fceav'ily gilded and to the man on Mar : ket «treet the coat of precious metal \is a pleasing addition to the beauty of the tower. To the man on the bridge of a vessel anchored off Meiggs wharf .or. in Mission Bay, however, the coat of "gold is a mask of invisibility and In certain light the hands cannot be seen, even with the aid of a glass. The mariners suggest that on the three clock . faces visible from the bay the hands be • painted black and then the time of day could be read from wherever the clock could be seen. Laborer Dadly Hurt John Gray, a laborer, was seriously Injured yesterday while assisting in the wrecking of a building on Steven fon street, between First and Second. A wall was being pulled down and as the structure fell Gray hecame en tSngled with the "tackle, which Jerked him off his feet. He fell on his head and sustained a fractured skull. He •wa« taken to the Harbor Hospital and later transferred to the Central Emer gency Hospital. Gray's home is at WatsonviUe. Water Front Votes The British ship Wayfarer, Captain • Tupman. cleared yesterday for New 1 castle, Australia. ( The Standard Oil Company's steamer Tuscarora, Captain Hollinshead, cleared yesterday for Madras. India, with a cargo of oil. Army Transports The Bumside Is at Seattle. The Buford Is in port. Out of commission. The Crook is In port. Out of commission. The Dix left Nagasaki February 12. The Klrkpatrick Is at Newport News, Va. The Logan sailed February 5 for Manila. The Ingalle Is at Newport News, Va. The Sheridan Is In port. Out of commission. The Sherman, homeward bound, arrived Feb ruary 20 st Nagasaki. The Thomas Is in port and will oall March 5 for Manila. The Warren Is In port being fitted to go Into commission. The Overdue List JBrltlah bark Ormsary, out 164 days from Ca leta .Colosa, for Antwerp, 40 per cent. Geroan bark Vigilant, ont 111 days from La grant, for the channel,' 12 per cent. Russian schooner Cyrus, out 72 days from Port ef Spain, for Seattle. 10 per cent. , British ship Hawtbornbank, out 116 days from Caleta Buena. for Bilbao, 5 per cent. - British bark Berwickshire, out 150 days from Oorlnto, for Falmouth, 10 per cent. French ship Helena Blum, out 167 days from Port Gamble, for Newport. 5 per cent. XEWS OF THE OCEAX Tonnage Enßajrementa The Japanese steamer Sblbetoro Maru Is char tered for wheat and \u25a0 flour from Portland or Pnget Sotmd to Kobe st $3. and the British ship Senator is engaged for lumber from Puget Sound to Valparaiso at 52s 6d. The former was chartered -prior to arrival. Petroleum for India The British tank steamer Tusearora waa cleared yesterday for Madras, India, with 2,394. 000 rallone \u25a0of refined petroleum, valued at $33,566. consigned to the port of destination aad to Calcutta. \u0084 Export* bf the TJmatllla The steamer TJmatllla. whlcn sailed on Thurs day for Victoria, Uas cargo consigned to various British Columbian ports valued at $12,239, and including the following: 70.51S lbs dried fruit, 650 lbs raisins. 464 pkgs fre*h fruits. 134 pkgs vegetables, 8600 lbs beans; 406 cs eggs. 178 lbs cheese. 600 lbs table meals. 63 oa canned fruit, 4266 lbs chocolate, 1J44 Ib« coffee, 11 cs honey, 466 lbs dried fish. BCS lbs and 1 cs paste, 1003 gals and 4 cs wine, 3 c* whisky, 230 lbs black lead. 1500 ft hard wood. 8 <« and 8 bbls oil, 18 bales "burlap, 3 pkga machinery, 73 pkgs paper, 16 cs drugs, 8 cyls gras, 512 lbs tobacco, 10.010 lbs sulphur, 100 tins matches. 20 rolls roofing, 50 cs soap. The steamer also bad 34 drum* powder, valued at $346. en route to New Zealand, and 2250 lbs codfish and 2272 lbs bops, valued at $589, for Australia. Merchandise for Hawaii The steamer Uilonlan sailed on Friday for Honolulu via Hilo with carjo valued at $107,302. The following were the principal shipments: 120 bbls .flour, 34 ctl* wheat, 610 ctls barley, 43 ctls.corn. 2407 bales bay. 6169 lbs middlings. 2045 It* mill feed, C 668 lbs bran, 4165 lbs beans.. 750 lbs salt. 957 eg canned roods.- 100 pkgs fresb fruits, 150 pk?s potatoes. 36 bbls and £Q cs salmon. 11 cs baking powder,- 2570 lbs and 71 cs bread. 7 cs cheese. 5 cs coffee, 740 :b* chocolate. 18 pkjrs vegetables, 63 pkgs gro ceries and provisions, 50 bdls and 30 bx* codfish, 12 bxs dried fruit. 30 pkps prepared fish. 29 cs lard, 1560 lbs and 4 cs paste, 775 gals and 1 cs »rlne. 27 pkgs agricultural implements, 60 crta, biercle*. 14 cs soap. 5 coils rope, 9000 ft hard wood, 226 bdls ehooks, 1000 lbs sheet brass, 3 cs arms and ammunition. 21K0 lbs brass goods, 230 pcs and 8 bdls castings, 368 pkgs machinery. 108 pc* and 9 bd's eteel, 5 bdls brooms, 10 tons coal 11 pkgs electrical Roods. 49 pkgs rubber goods. 200 bdls metal laths. 12 rolls leather, 11 crts bricks. 82 cs boots and shoes. ICS pkgs dry cooda. 41 cs bats, 50 cs cigarettes. 3 cs cigars, *OSO lbs and 72 pkfs tobacco. 42 cs stationery, 3S Pk&* paints. 11 pkffs drugs. S bbls and 2 cs oils. 200 steel rails. 44 pkgs railroad material. The BhlP Falls of Clyde sailed for Hilo on Friday with 2000 ctls barley. 5000 lbs middlings, 60 crta potatoes. 828.490 lbs fertilizer. 62 pkfrs saddlery, 5 pkgs Umpware, 1 roll felt, 50 cs njiollne. 4760 lbs coal and 1 cs automobile parts, SEed at $21.337. P^ SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ARRIVED Friday, February 22. Stmr Brooklyn. Renricksen. 28 hours from Scbr^ Boderlck Dho, Anderson, 12 hours from Monterey, la tow of tug Relief. Monterey, «. Saturday. February 23. rj S stmr Saturn, Newell, 38 hours from San D Stmr Chehalis, Kettle«on, 31 hours from San Btmr Booth Bay, Sorenson, 40 boon from San P *sSir Coo* B *y» Nlcolaon,' 74 hours from San F^tmr <sasco. Ablln, 27 hours from Eureka. fitmr San Mateo, Bartlett, 35 bourn from San P^Sir, areenwood, Fageratrom, 36 hours from E gjj{'' Santa Crux, Zeh, . 8 - hour* ftcom Santa Cl Btn»r Coaster. Hlgglns, 3 ' days from Grays ii H Etmr Tamalpala, Anderson; 87 boure from San Pe stmr Jtarstfield, Dettmera, 48 boura from San F gtmr Cascade, Baamussen, 65 hours from Pomona, Swanwn, 20 l boun from En "goar Qnlnault, Streani, 88 houra frenn Grays \° atmr' S«th Fort, Ifelsoa. 13 boon from Mon *Stmr Point Arena, Foeen, 16 hours from Al- W Swer achr Rita Newtnan, Mortenson, 30 days Saturday, February. 23. : " Star Santa Rosa, Gielow, San Diego aad way „ S tmr Buclrman, Wood, Seattle; Alaska Pacific P o**0 ** \u2666 C ' w P° rt « Russell, Ancon &' way ports; St« l n r d«rd m 5 o n^o BCaPOnit H*^- 1 '- M » dr » 8 ' Br ship Wayfarer, Tupman, NeweasUe, N. S. W.: Meyer, Wilson L Co. w » *La Rochejaquelln, Durand, Tacoma; r. Henry. . : . BAILBD j Saturday, February 23." ' Btmr South Bay, So^enson. Eureka. - btmr Newport, Russell, Ancon, etc. Stmr Ariro, Hansen, Eureka. Stmr Kvlcbak. Peterson, Grays Harbor. Btmr Buckman, Wood, Seattle. Stmr Navarro, Hoffman, Crescent City. Stmr North Fork. Nelson, Eureka. Stmr Tamalpais, Anderson, Grays narbor. Stmr Chehalis, Kettleson, Grays Harbor. Stmr Prentiss, Schllllnsky, Eureka. Stmr Arcats. Reed, Eureka. Br strar Oapac, Norrls, Tacoma. Ocr stmr Sals. Bartels. Seattle and Tacoma. Bchr Forest Home, Anderson. Puget Sound. t>cbr A. B. Johnson, Johnson, Astoria. Schr Monterey. Berg. Monterey, in tow of tug Belief. Power schr Sotoyome, Petersen, Eureka. Br stmr Hazel Dollar, Bruce. Port Townsend. DOMESTIC PORTS COOS BAY— Arrived Feb 23— Stmr M. F. Plant, hence Feb 21. Arrived Feb 23— Brig Harriet G and schr Com peer. h«mce Feb 12. TATOOSH— Passed Inward Feb 23— Schr Annie M. Campbell, from San Diego, for Puget Sound; Br ftmr Condor, from Eureka, for Seattle. Passed In Feb 23— Schr Mahukona. from San Pedro, for Port Townsend; bktn J. M. Griffith, from San Pedro, for Port Townsend. Passed Inward Feb 23— Schr David Evans, from San Pedro, for Everett. Passed outward Feb. 23— Bktn S. N. Cattle, from Taeoraa. for San Francisco. Passed in Feb 23— Stmr Umatilla, hence Feb 21, for Seattle. Passed out Feb 23— Schr Annie E. Smale. from Port Uadlock, for San Pedro; schr Ma. weema. from Tacoma. for San Diepo: schr Min aoro. from Bollinjrham. for San Pedro; Nor bark Koemos, from Port BlaVeley. for South America; schr Salem, from Olympla. for San Pedro; stmr. Srobably Pleiades, from Tacoma, for China and a pan. SF.ATTLE— SaiIed Feb 22— Stmr Geo. Loomls, for San Francisco. Arrived Feb 23— Bark Guy C. Goss, hence Feb 6. \u25a0 — - PORT ANGELES— Arrived Feb 23— Bark Star af England, hence Feb 6. SKAGWAY— SaiIed Feb 22— Stmr Cottage City, for Seattle. ABERDEEN— Arrived Feb 22— Stmr Santa Barbara, hence Feb 19; stmr CentraUa. hence Feb 18; schr J. A. Campbell, from Port Los Anjreles. PORT HARFORD— Arrived Feb 22— Stmr Ar gyll, with Barge Santa Paula In tow, bence TACOMA— Arrived Feb 22— Sehr W. H. Smith, from Redondo. Sailed 'Feb 22— Br stmr Vermont, for Port Plrie. Arrived F>b 23 — Stmr Montara, from Seattle. To sal! Feb 24 — Stmr Montara, for Seattle. JUNEAU— Arrived Feb 23r-Stmr Bertha.' from Seattle. .- SOUTH BEND— Arrived Feb 23— echr Cecelia Sudden, from San Pedro.* • - Arrived Feb 23 — Stmr Daisy Freeman, hence Feb 20. POINT LOBOS— Passed north Feb 23— Stmr Pasadena, from San Pedro, for Eureka. POINT REYES— Passed Feb 23— Stmr Coaster, from; Grays Harbor, for San. Francisco.; with power schr Rita Newman in tow, from Bandon. Passed south Feb 23 — Stmr Greenwood, from Eureka, for San Francisco. \u25a0\u25a0• KORT BRAGG— Sailed Feb 23— Stmr Bruns wick, for San Francisco. PORT TOWNSEND— Arrived Feb 23— Bktn John Smith, from San Pedro; schr Minnie A. Calne. from San Diego. REDONDO— Arrived Feb 22 — Stmr Aurelia, from Astoria. Sailed Feb 23— Stmr Aurelia. for San Pedro. Arrived Feb 23 — Schr Eldorado, from Everett. ASTORlA— Arrived Feb 23— Stmr F. A. Kil tourn, bence Feb 18, via Eureka and Coos Bay; stmr Cbas. Nelson, bence Feb 20. Arrived Feb 23 — Stmr Co6ta Rica, hence Feb 21. Arrived Feb 23 — Stmr Roanoke, hence Feb 21, via Eureka. Arrived Feb 23— Schr Marconi, hence Feb 8. CLEONE — Sailed Feb 23 — Stmr Whltesboro, for San Francisco. NOYO— Sailed Feb 23— Stmr Arctic, for San Francisco. - " HOQUI AX— SaiIed Feb 22— Br stmr Duneric, for Santa Rosalia; star Fulton, for San Fran cisco; stmr Nushagak, for San Francisco; schr J. M. Weatherwax. for San Francisco. Sailed Feb 23 — Stmr Acme, for San Fran- CiECO. . Arrived Feb 22 — Bktn John Palmer, from San Pedro: stmr Norwood, hence Feb 19. Arrived Feb 23 — Stmr Hornet, hence Feb 19; star Hoquiam, bence Feb 19; etmr Newburg, hence Feb 20. SAN PEDRO — Arrived Feb 23 — Stmr Signal, from Eureka. Sailed Feb 22 — Stmr James S. Hlgglns, for San Francisco; etmr J. B. Stetson, for San Fran cisco EUREKA — Arrived 23— Stmr Dnlmak. hence Feb 21; «chr Ida McKay, hence Feb 13; stmr Corona, hence 22. Sailed Feb 23 — Stmr Geo. W. Elder, for San Francisco. . - Arrived Feb 23 — Schr Jessie Minor, hence Feb 11. Sailed Feb 23— Stmr Ravalll. for San Fran cisco; stmr Gualala, for San Francisco. RAYMOND— Arrived Feb 23— Schr Cecelia Sudden, from Ban Pedro. TELEGRAPHIC POINT LOBOS. Feb 23, 10 p. m— Weather clear, wind northwest; velocity 10 miles per hour. . . EASTERN PORTS NEW YORK — Arrived Feb 22^ — Stmr Panama, from Colon. Balled Feb 22 — Br stmr Kirby Bank, for Cal lao. FOREIGN PORTS CALLAO — Sailed Feb 21 — Ger stmr Abessinia, for San Francisco. . BEACHY HEAD — Passed Feb 21— Fr bark Gael, bence Oct 6. for Lelth. HAMBURG — Arrived Feb 20— Ger stmr As- Buan, hence Sept 25. -> PORTLAND, England — Arrived Feb 22— Br stmr Bellerophon. from Tacoma.- SYDNEY — Arrived prior Feb 22 — Stmr Ven tura, hence Jan 19. PUNTA ARENAS— SaiIed Feb 18— Ger stmr Serapls, for Hamburg. VICTORIA— Arrived Feb 23— Jap stmr Ivo Maru, from Hongkong. < , Sailed Feb 23— Jap stmr Kukul Mara, for Yo koham, etc. , Sailed Feb 23— Fr stmr Amiral' Exelmans, for San Francisco. . . Arrived Feb 23 — Br stmr Duneric, from Ho qulam. VANCOUVER— Arrived Feb 23— Br ship Earl of Dunmore, bence Feb 7. OCEAN STEAMERS NEW YORK — Sailed Feb 23 — fitmr St. Lonls, for Southampton; stmr Koenig Albert, for Na ples and Genoa; stmr Campania, for Liverpool; stmr Graf Waldersee, for Hamburg. Arrived Feb 23 — Stmr Philadelphia from Southampton and Cherbourg. ROTTERDAM— SaiIed Feb 2— Stmr Potsdam, for New York. • HAVRE — Sailed Feb 23 — Stmr La Bretagne, for New York. GLASGOW — Sailed Feb 23 — Stmr Columbia, for New York. LONDON — Arrived Feb 23 — Stmr Belleropbon. from Tacoma, via Yokohama, Shanghai, Manila and Portland. HAMBURG — Arrived Feb 22^ — Stmr Pennsylva nia, from New York. LIVERPOOL — Arrived Feb 23 — Stmr' Noord land, from Philadelphia. .... Sailed Feb 23 — Stmr Lucanla, for New York. ANTWERP — Sailed Feb 23 — Stmr Kroonland, for New York. . NAPLES — Sailed Feb 23 — Stmr Dentschland, for New York. ' QCEENBTOWN — Arrived Feb 23 — Stmr Car mania, from New York. Memoranda O 8 Weather Bureau at i Point Reyes reports stmr Coaster, with power, schr Rita Newman in tow, passed Feb 23, at 12 m. - Rita Newman was previously reported disabled and is long overdue from Coqullle River. Per ttmr Coaster — Feb 23, 7:30 a. m., 25 miles NW of Pojnt Beyea. spoke power echr Klta Newman, with machinery disabled. Sup plied bhn with provisions and towed him to port. Per power schr Rita Newman— Sailed from Co qnille River Jan 24. and on 25th machinery be came disabled off Cape Blanco.' Had strong S and SE winds ' and drifted sto • Columbia River. Vessel too deeply laden, so - had to . throw 1 over board about 60 M . f eet lumber. Was taken In tow by Btmr Coaster , on - Feb . 23. 25 miles NW of Point Reyes, and towed to port. ';\u25a0\u25a0,-• : : COPENHAGEN. Feb 23— Nor ship , Tlmaru, from Flushing, was totally wrecked ;on west coast of Jutland. Crew, numbering .eighteen were drowned. :- \u25a0' --. \u25a0 . ~^ \u25a0> . HOOKy OF .HOLLAND. , Feb . 23--Three re maining eurvlvlors -. of wreck -of steamer Berlin were rescued this morning. This makes 'a total of fifteen saved out of 145 on board. READY TO FACE CHARGE . CX)LUMBUS. Ohio,, Feb. -23.— M. F. Bramley,' president of the Cleveland and Trinidad Paving Company, /charged with having bribed .Fred Leid,- director of public * services of : Columbus, arrived here today and surrendered. vßall bonds of- $6000 were furnished and Bramley was released. ', •'.* ".'\u25a0' .-' :'\u25a0- / -•> \u25a0->-, SOUTHERN FINANCIER DIES NEW ORLEANS, - . Feb. : 23.— George Whitney, one of the. best ; known: finan ciers In the South, died at his home here •to 3ay 'of ' apoplexy : yrr?"":"^^ -\u25a0- - THE SAiy ; FRANCIS(X> CALL, ' :^t^'^-: : fm^Jji^iY:\ 24; 1907' Weather Report United States Department of Agriculture, San Francisco, OaL, February ; 23,' 1907. : \u25a0 Past 1' Seasonal ' Nor- • - Btatlons — -' * : 24 hours- to date »' mal Eureka ...0.02 29.63 30.20 Red Bluff.. 0.03 18.61 .19.16 Sacramento ......... 0.00 16.53. • 13.07 San Francisco Tr.. 16.17 17.12 San Jose 0.00 . 13.98 ..... Fresno 6.12 7.71 6.53 San Luis 0b15p0. ..'... 0.04" 17.59 " 15^7 Los Angeles.. 0.00 13.74, 11.88 San Diego...*. Tr. - 8.55 7.*0 STATIONS. S '\u25a0 H ? •£ '%v • I • * . >? 2' ; 2 b" S» . a \u25a0 H . \u25a0 7 \u25a0-•' Baker .80.20 64 \u25a0 30 S Clear .00 Boise ....30.28 54 ... SE., Clear .00 Eureka '. .:. . . . .30.18 '64 46 j S : Pf.Cldy .00 Flagstaff .....30.04 46 32 »NW Clear .02 Fresno 30.28 64 50 NW Clear .00 Independence .80.18 CO 34 E Clear .00 Kallspell .....30.16 50 34 SW, Cloudy .00 Los Ange1e5... 30. 22 64,50 SW Clear .00 Modena ..: 30.18 ;48>'*I-E Pt.Cldy Tr. Mt. Tamalpala. 3o.o3 51 40 SW Clear .00 North Head.... 30.00 :CO 42 SE Rain .08 Pocatello 80.24 48 S8 SW • Cloudy .00 Pt. Reyes Lt.. 30.26 68 i .. NW Clear .00 Portland 30.08 64 44 E Cloudy Tr. Phoenix 30.08 70 50 8W Clear .00 Reno 30.22 60 32 W Clear .00 Red 81uff..... 80. 28 60 82 » Cloudy Rosebnrg 30.10 62 40 8 Pt.Cldy .00 Sacramento ...30.30 58 48 8 - Clear .00 Salt Lake 80.24 60 40 NW PtXldy Tr, San Diego 30.20 62 52 NW Clear Tr. San Francisco.. 3o. 3o 58 50 W Clear .00 San Jose 30.28 64 52 NW Clear' .00 S. L. 0b15p0... 30. 28 64 46 W Clear .00 S. E. Farallon.Bo.33 51 . . SW Clear .00 Seattle 30.10 48 88 NW Cloudy Tr. Spokane 30.22 50 38 8 Cloudy .00 •Summit . 48 24 SW Clear .00 Tatoosh 29.98 4S 40 E RaUf " .50 Tonopah 30.28 4« 34 W Clear .00 Walla Wa11a.. 30. 18 60 42 N Pt.Cldy .00 Wlnnemucca ..30.24 56 4o SW Pt.Cldy .00 Yuma 30.10 74 62 N Clear .00 •Snow on ground 83 inches. SYNOPSIS The pressure has fallen rapidly during the day north of Cape Mendocino and cloudy weather, with brisk to high southeast winds, prevails along the Oregon and Washington coast. Rain has fallen from Portland northward. Fair weather prevails over the southern half of the Pacific Slope. Conditions are favorable for cloudy weather with showers In extreme North ern California Sunday and generally cloudy weather in other portions of tie State. FORECAST For San Francisco and vicinity — Partly cloudy Sunday, becoming threatening by nlgbt; light Bonthwent wind. For the Sacramento Valley— Cloudy Sunday, with showers in northern portion; light south wind. For the San Joaquin Valley— Partly cloudy Sunday: light southwest wind. For Los Anpeles and vtclnlty — Partly cloudy Sunday; light west wind. G. H. WILLSON, Local Forecaster. Movements or Steamers ' : v TO ARRIVE Steamer ' From | Due Mamlalay.... .. Crescent CJty iFeb. 24 G. W. Elder Portland & Way Ports. Feb. 24 Sea Foam Mendoctno & Pt. Arena Feb. 24 Breakwater.... .Coos Bay : Feb. 24 Elizabeth River Feb 25 Hermonthis Hamburg & Way Ports Feb. 25 Mongolia China & Japan Feb. 25 Cbeballs Santa Barbara Feb. 25 State Cal S. Diego & Way Ports. Feb. 25 Amasls. Seattle Feb. 25 Eureka Seattle Feb. 25 Tordenskjold.. .. Nanaimo Feb. 25 M. F. Plant..... Coos Bay -. Fob. 26 Argp. Humboldt Feb. 26 Watson '...Seattle & Tacoma Feb. 26 Corona Humboldt Feb. 26 Acme Grays Harbor Feb. 26 Sonoma Sydney & Way Ports.. Feb. 26 Costa Rica Portland & Astoria.... Feb. 27 Nevadan Honolulu & Kahulul.. . Feb. 27 City Topeka... Puget Sound Ports Feb. 27 Delhi Seattle Feb. 27 Am. Exelmans.. Seattle Feb. 27 Jim Butler Portland & Astoria Feb. 27 Centralta Grays Harbor Feb. 28 Santa Rosa. S. Diego & Way Ports. Feb. 2S Porno Pt. Arena & Albion Feb. 28 Norwood Grays Harbor Feb. 28 Chas. Nelson... Portland & Astoria.... Feb. 28 Arizonan Sallna Crus Mar. 1 Pomona Humboldt .. Mar. 1 Enterprise Hilo & Honolulu Mar. 1 F. Kilburn Portland & Way Ports. Mar. 1 Newburg Grays Harbor Mar. 2 Mariposa Tahiti Mar. 2 Bessie Dollar. .. Kobe & Yokohama...:. Mar. 2 Coronado Grays Harbor .......'. Mar 2 Curaca0........ Mexican Ports Mar. 3 Palsy Mitchell. . Wlllapa Harbor Mar. 8 y TO SAIL \u25a0 Steamer Destination | Sails | Pier February 24 ]~" j Northland.... Astoria 4 Portland 5 pm Pier 2 G. W. Elder. . . Los Angeles Ports spm Pier 13 Santa Kosa... San Diego & Way. 10 am Pier 11 February . 25 Chehalis Grays Harbor .... .... Columbia Astoria & Portland 11 am Pier 24 Pomona Humboldt .... 1:80 p Pier 9 : - February -26 ... City Pnebla. . . Puget Sound Ports 11 am Pier 9 Coos Bay San Pedro & Way 9 am Pier 11 Breakwater. . . Coos Bay 4pm Pier 8 February 27 Elizabeth Coqullle River Sea Foam Point Arena 4 pm Pier 2 February 28 M. F. Plant. . . Coos Bay .... 4pm Pier 11 Corona Humboldt 1:30 p Pier 9 Centralia. Los Angeles Ports. 10 am Pier 10 Norwood Los Angeles Ports. Ar co.... Hnmboldt ....«',.. 5 pm Pier 10 State Cal San Diego & Way. 10 am Pier 11 China........ China & Japan.... 1 pm PJer 40 Sonoma Sydney & Way Pts 2 pm PJer 7 Amasis Hamburg & Way.. 12 m Pier 19 . March 2 \u25a0 Porno .: Pt Arena A Albion 6 pm Pier 2 Costa Rica. . . . Astoria & Portland 11 am Pier 24 San Jose N. V., via Ancon.. 12 m Pier 40 Watson Seattle fc Tacoma. 1:30 p Pier 20 Jim Butler. . . Grays Harbor .... '. . . . ... March 8 ' "-. '•' - Santa Row. . . San Diego & Way. 10 am Pier 11 City Topeka. . Pngei Sound Ports 11 am Pier 9 TO SAIL FROM SEATTLE '\u25a0-:\u25a0;\u25a0• Steamer Destination | Date Santa Clara.... Valdez & Seward IFeb. 24 Jefferson Skagway & Way Ports. Feb. 27 Saratoga Valdes & Seward.. Mar. 1 Cottage City Skagway & Way Ports. Mar. 8 Son and Tide United States Coast and Geodetic Survey— Time and Heights of Tides at Fort Point. For City front (Mlgglon-street wharf) add 25 minutes. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24 T~ Sunrises 6-49 Sun sets !s:B7 < Time Time Time Tlmel Feb Ft Ft Ft 1 Ft •\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0: L-W H W L W H W| 24.. 2:23 3.2 8:28 5.2 3:27 0.0 10:45 T? 25.. 3:12 8.0 9:10 8.2 4:02—0.2 11:17 4 9 26.. 3:56 2.R .9:55 5.3 4:89 —0.2 11:45 6*o 27.. 4:30 2.6 10:39 5.4 5:14—0.1. H W L W H W L W "\u25a0" 28.. 0:10 ' 6.1 5:20 2.2 11:19 8.4 5:49 01 Mar :-- \u25a0 \u25a0 v . --. t .-. \u25a0\u25a0 1.. 0:37 8.2 6:04 1.8 12:04 6.3 6:30 04 2.. 1:05 5.2 6:48 1.5 12:46 : 5.0 7:08 o!o U. S. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE A branch of the United States Hydrorraphlc Office, located at the Merchants' Exchange; is maintained in San Francisco for the benefit of mariners, without regard to nationality and free of expense. Navigators are cordially Invited to visit the office, where complete sets |of charts and sailing directions of the world are kept at hand, 1 for comparison and reference,- and the latest information can always be obtained regard ing lights, dangers to navigation and all matters of Interest to ocean commerce. The time ball service has been suspended pending the recon struction of the tower of the Ferry bnlldlnr. . J. O. BURNETT. Lieutenant U. 8. N., In Charge. financial and Commercial Continued from Pasre 81 Condition of/ «he Trensnry WASHINGTON, Feb.- 23.— Today's statement of the- treasury balances in- the general 1 • f und shows: Available cash' balance, ; $250 669 287* gold coin and bullion, $110,224,159; cold certifi cates. $44,145,000. , \u25a0; . \u25a0\u25a0,-..\u25a0\u25a0 :,_.,..: ,_.,.. 4 Movement of Specie ; . • < '- NEW YORK, Feb". 23.— The Imports of specie at this port for the week ending today amounted to $458,028 in gold and $32,0151n silver. " • The exports were $131,500 gold and $1,105 114 silrer. .' : :^. \u25a0,'-/' \u25a0'" <'\ '.'- ' . London Closing Stocks Cons i money: . . .66 13-16|m, X & Texai. . 43« Do for acct.... 8«T» NY Central.;... [l 33 Anac0nda: ........- 15% Norfolk & West. .. 88V£ A tchison -.;........ 105% Do pfd ........ 88 » Do pfd ........ 103 Ont -A. Western . . .45% Bait 4 Ohio H514 Pennsylvania ..... 67 Oan Pacific .....100% Rand ? Mines ....; 6% Ohes& Ohio 1 :..*.; 53 Reading .......... eiiJ Chi Great West.. "l6^ So'Raflway .....V27H ChL Mil & St P. 151 Do pfd ....... 89^ De Beers .... .'.".' .29^ So ' Pacific . . . . ; .. 95154 Den & Rio G . . . V3B Vi Union ? Pacific - ... 177 « —Do pfd ..'..;.... 83 'Do pfd.......; os 7*7 * Erie i. . . V. .\. T. : . . 56% U-\u25a0 S i 5tee1. : . . ; . . . 46U ;Do \u25a0 Ist .pf d. . .' . . 72% Do pfd : .' . . : . . . 108 \u25a0\u25a0 - Do 2d pfd...... C 3 * Wabash :'.;.-. .....-; 17 \u25a0,' HI Central r .";V*. . 165 ' '. Do pfd .-.;.; .-. . 3214* Louis v \u25a0>&' N,4sb.;. 137,. :_' :, • > ~V '\u25a0'• Bar silver— Steady; 31 15-16 d per ounce. • Money— 4%@s'percent. . - . . • The \u25a0 rate of- discount \u25a0 In the < open market for . 3Vew^ York Grain: and-Produce I NEW ;TORK, Feb. * 28.—FLOUR—Receipts, 24,900 barrels; exports, < 15,a00 : barrels; \u25a0 sales, 2500, packages. Market^-dujl: and- unchanged. Minnesota patents, J4.10Q4.40; \u25a0 winter straights, ?3.40@4.45;: Mlnnesota • bakers, ? $3.35®3.70; ? win ter extraß, *a.60@8; winter patenta; 13.60^3.85; winter 'low grades, |2.70@2.90.- - . , WHEAT—Becelpte, 47,000 1 bushels; exports, 55.845. Sales, 1,500.000. futures.; Spot firm; No. 2 red, 82^4c elevator; No. 2red, 83% c f.o. b. afloat; No. -1 Northern Duluth, 02% c •f. o.' b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 86% cf. o. b. afloat. On bullish foreign news, ; and.. especially *. from \u25a0 the Continent, wheat, was strong and higher today, closing at the top and H®%c above Thursday. May closed 85?»c; July," 84% c; September. 83% c.' HOPS—Quiet; State common to choice.-1906 crop, 18@23c; .1905 crop,\ 6c all; Pacific Coast 1&06 crop, 12@15c; 1005 crop, 10@13c. ' - 1 HU)EB—Steady. Gttlveston,:2o to 25 pounds. 20c; California, 20 to 25 pounds, 21c; Texas dry, 24 to SO pounds, 19c. :V. - . :-»» "."\u25a0'• • V WOOL—Steady; domestic fleece, 85ffl|39c.' ; PETROLEUM—Steady; reflned : New York, $7.75; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 17.70: do in bulk, f.4.45. • SUGAR—Holiday. COFFEE—Futures closed 'firm at a net ad vance of 13® 15 points. Sales were reported of 103,250 bagß, including: February, 6.60<ffi5.75c; Atorch, 6.65@5.76c; May, 5.75@6,80c; July, 6.85 <U5.90c; September, 6.05@6c; December, 0.05® 6.10 c; January, 6.15 c. Spot, flrm; No. 7 Bio, 7c; Santos; No. 4, •8c;, mild coffee, quiet; . Cordova, DRIED FRUITS EVAPORATED APPLES-^Are offering freely and prices are easy. Fancy/ 894c;,choice. 814(3 Oc; prime,- 7%©7% C . • - -\u25a0-\u25a0 . PRUNES—Are flrm, with California fruit ranging from 3%c to 15c for 100 ato 20s. Oregon prunes, 70s to 20s, sV&@loc. •. \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 , \u25a0 APRICOTS—Are firm; choice,. 18c; extra choice, :lS%@l9c; fancy, 19@20c. ;-\u25a0: PEACHES—Quiet, but are said to be attract ing an increased Inquiry. Choice, . 114i12%c; extra choice, 12}4@13^c; fancy, 1254@14c; ex tra fancy, 13@loc. \u25a0 . s RAISINS—Firm. Loose .Mnseatels, 7%@9c; seed, 7i;4@10%c; London layers, $1.36131.45. New York Metal Market NEW YORK, Feb. 23.—Holiday conditions pre vailed In the metal markets and quotations were little better than nominal. Tin was Quoted at $41.80(841.93. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0>:\u25a0 Copper continued firm, with lake quoted at $25@25.25, electrolytic at $24.75@25 and casting at $24.25@24.75. : \u25a0 . , Lead was steady at |6fi?e.3O. Spelter was quoted at $6.80@6.90. Iron was steady at recent prices. Naval Stores, Turpentine and Rosin SAVANNAH? Ga., Feb. 23.—TURPENTINE— Steady, 7194 c Sales, 40 casks; receipts, 247; shipments, 492. ROSIN—Firm. Sales, 254; receipts, 5070; shipments, 1,350; stock, 69,163. Quotations: A. B, C. D, B, $4.05: F. 54.03@4.10;. G, $4.05® $4.12%; H. $4.35; I, $4.f0; K755.35; M, $5.6cf; N, $0.10; WG, $6.40; WW, $6.65. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Future Grain and ' Pro-rlslons CHICAGO,' Feb. 23. —The wheat market was strong from opening to close today. Commission houses and shorts were eager buyers throughout the day and offerings were insufficient to meet the "demand. The result was that the : May option advanced almost a cent and, the July delivery was %c higher. The primary cause of the strength was an advance of %d to %d at Liverpool. ' The closing was strong, with prices almost at the highest point. May opened %c to %c higher at 7"% cto 77%@77? Be, sold to «7%@77sic and advanced to \u25a0 78V4C, closing %<S%e net higher at, 78@78i$c. The corn market was active \u25a0 and strong all day. The choice of the: influence for higher prices was a sharp advance at Liverpool* The close was \u25a0 strong. May closed at 47 %c, an advance of %@%c for the day. j Oats shared in the general strength and prices advanced to the high I point of the crop. May closed %@T4c higher at 42@42Hc Provisions were quiet and steady, a 5-cent advance In the price of live hogs being a sustaining influence. At the close r May pork was up <>4c, lard and ribs were up 2V4c each. . The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles— Open. .-High. 1 Low. Close. Wheat — May 77% 78% - 77% 78U July 78% 78% :. 78% 78% September 78%, 78% . -77% 78% M«y •••••• 47% 47% 47% 47% July 47 •\u25a0:-.• 47% 48% 47% September 47% 47^ -47% 47% MaT •••••• «% 42% s 41%. 42% £»ly •• 87% 87% • 87% 37? Se? f tPmb *f • 83% 33% 33% Mess Pork, per bbl — May 16.70 16.72% 16.70 16.77% July ...:.16.80 16.90 16.80 16.87% Lard, per 100 lbs — May... 9.75 0.80 9.75 9.80 July ........... 0.75 9.82% 9.75 "9.82% September . . 9.87% 9.92% 9.87% 9.92% Short Ribs, per 100 lbs— . ?. ».w^» May 9.27% 9.37% 9.27% 9.30 July . 9.85 9.40 9.85 9.40 Cash Grain and Provfalons . CHICAGO, Feb. < 23.—Caah quotations were as' follows: Flour, steady;,winter patents, $3.20@, 3.60; straights. $3@3.25; spring patents, $3.505" 3.60; straights. $3.10@3.50; bakers', $2.10@2.15; i No. 2 spring wheat, 80QS4c; No. 8, 72<§83c; No. 2 red, 74@74%c; No. 2 corn. 44c; No. 2 yellow, 44% c; No. 2 oats, 40% c; No. 2 white, 42*4® 43% c; No. 3 white, 44@42%c; No. 2 rye, 05%c fair to choice malting barley, 60@62%c No 1 flaxseed, $1.17%; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.24%; prime timothy seed, $4.55; -clover, contract grades. $13.70; short ribs sides (loose), $9@9.25 ?!5f 8 ,w porJs; per barre1 ' .$16.75@16.80; lard, per 100 lbs, $9.65; short clear sides (boxed), $9.25Q 9.60; whisky, basis of high wines, $1.29. _, Art!c'eß— Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 55,500 53,600 Wheat, bushels..... 48,000 34,300 Corn, bushels ........... 89,400 632,700 Oats, bushels.... .V.:... 433.500 476,100 Rye, bushels..... 6.000 7 200 Barley, bushels 108,500 21|300 Butter, Cheene and Kcss CHICAGO. Feb. 23 —On the Produce Exchange today the butter market was steady: creameries 22@32%c; dairies. 20@30c. Eggs, flm; \{ mark, cases Included. 24%@26%c; firsts, 27c prime firsts, 28c. Cheese, steady, 14@i6>4c. ' Lob Anselea Markets LOS ANGELES, Feb. 23.—As receipts of but ter were not equal to the demand at 60c the Produce' Exchange this morning raised the price of fancy valley- creamery stock 5 cents, so the official quotation now is 65c. The prices on other grades \u25a0 were hot changed. Eggs are arriving in good but not super abundant supply and the demand Is large. Quo tations were not changed this morning. Local ranch candled stock Is 4 cents higher than It was one year ago, when it was 18c. at which figure it remained for about ten i days. Receipts of potatoes are very large,- those posted at the - Exchange being 13,914 sacks Beans are arriving in large lots, 6139 sacks being the amount of official receipts. - ' Tomatoes from Florida, Mexico and Cuba are coming in : more . freely . now and : meet ready sales. Asparagus Is dally \u25a0 becoming more plenti ful. No change la noted in other vegetables. Business was very • heavy today. . Receipts at the Produce Exchange were: Eggs 1171 cases; 'butter, 28.047 pounds; cheese, 2502 pounds; potatoes, 13,914 sacks; onions, 764 sacks' beans, 6139 sacks; sweet potatoes none.- ' EGGS —Local ranch, . candled, 22c; northern ranch, candled, 21c. , y ' BUTTER —Valley creamery, fancy, 65c- coast creamery, fancy, 67% c- coast creamery, choice 52% c; cooking. 22@24c. /' * CHEESE—Northern,' fresh, ' 17c; ' northern, storage, 16c; Anchor, large, 18c; Anchor, Young America, 19c; Anchor hand, 18c; Eastern singles 17@U>c: Eastern Twins, 17c; Eastern" Cheddars 16@10%c; Eastern Long Horn, • 20c; \u25a0 Eastern Daisy, 18c; Swiss Imported,. 28@29c; Swiss do mestic, 20c; Limburger,' 18c. : \u25a0• POTATOES, per. ctl.—-Idaho rurals,, $2: Colo rado,-; $2.10; Salinas, $2.60; Highland $2 25- Oregon, $2.25; Early Rose, Eastern, $2.25<M2 50- Wisconsin, $2.10; Minnesota, $2.10;. sweet pota toes, yellow, $4. ,''- - •\u25a0 . . - • ONIONS —Yellow Danvers, Northern, $1.75- Australian brown, northern, $1.23® 1.50; garlic 6c; chills,; evaporated. 12%@13%c,-' sun dried 18<S13%c; ground,- 12% c; Mexican bulk, '12%@ 13C.-' .: ' •.', "-'•.-' '.'''\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0 -- \u0084-:\u25a0 \u25a0:,.-\u25a0.. .. BEANS, per ctl.— Pink; No. 1, $2.75- Lima No. 1, $5 ; Lady ' Washinjrton, 1 No. 1, 1 $2.7503: do small white. No. 1. $3.26@3.40; black eye $4.50@5; Garvanzas, $4.25@4.50; lentils,, 12 %@ 15c a Ib. * r . \u25a0 . '\u25a0, . , VEGETABLES— Bunch goods, dc*.: Beeta 40@50c; carrots, . 40@50e; parsley, -"25c • radishes. 25@300; spinach, 25@30c; : tur nips, 40@50c; .. leeks, - 35c; onions, rreen 20@25c; lettuce, 40@50c; peas, B®7c a pound ; I cabbage, sack, 40@50c ; cauliflower, 65Q 75c; celery, 40c; horseradish, 10Ql2c. Box goods: : Cucumbers, No.' l, $2<g2.25; No.; 2 $125 dozen. ; Miscellaneous,., a .lb.: Chills, green 10@12c; Hubbard squash, 8c; rhubarb, $1 50 box : fresh asparagus, 25®35c a lb.; cultivated mushrooms, 60c: lb. ; Brussels sprouts, B@9c lb' Globe artichokes, . .$1.50 dor. ; - '. ID> : - HONEY, per lb. — Comb, water white 16c \u25a0 light amber, 14c;";comb,~ white, . ls@2oc;' ex tracted water.' white, 60-lb, cans. 7%@Bc-ex tracted white, 60-lb. cans, 7%c; light amber '7c St s Loulsj ; Wool \u25a0 Market ST. LOUIS,' Feb.- 23— WOOL— Steady. : : Me^ dlum - grades, \u25a0: combing/and • clothlnc ! 23Q2Sc* light fine, .20@23c; . heavy fine, l6@18c; tub washed, -80@38c.-i' • •;\u25a0 X 1X 1 Tiorthcn Wheat Market 1 OREGON^- ;--\u25a0---'\u25a0 \--""\ PORTLAND,,- Feb.'- 23.— WHEAT—Clubi . 69c bluestem, 71c ; • red, \u25a0\u25a0 69c : valley, 67c. - *.-.<\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0{-. •-.\u25a0-•- -WASHINGTON, . - / T ACOM A. -. ; Feb. 23.— WHEAT — Unchanged Bluestem, '7lc; "club,; 69c; ; red,; 67c. -; ' MARRIAGE|LIGENSES i .The - following . marriage .licenses j, were lssaed In this "city February - 23: \u25a0!;";.-< N.^-'-v '.\u25a0';"• '.' Herbert . J.** Samuels, ''- 26,; Oakland, l and Helen Kurlandzlk, 1 , 18 post,". 124 ;FlUmorest.-"-- -, \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0> Abraham L.'i Finley. "• 21,': 463 Twenty. fifth aye. and <Edna=:E.iTay!or,: 21,-: San* Bernardino.' '-. -Harry E. . Newlon,* 22; Pacific . Grove, i and > Bes-' sic C.r Rtibert.^ 19, -i 4328 s Twentieth * st. \u25a0 - \u25a0 Rowland I H. ; Ashton.\ 23.v 163 Chenery ; st., and Edna »•- Wetzel. ' 18, " 351^ Thirtieth v st. , \u25a0-;\u25a0-..; \u25a0 -..- ,- :\u25a0 - Agottlao \u25a0 BomaaL- S^l^S^ Army *, 'gt* ' aad CaroUsa .Leactvoitfif KM Fark; ir^ k':_LZlrtJ I William Bateman Jr., 23. 2215 Howard at., and Alma Fleischer, 20. 3925 Eighteenth it. Louis H. Relcbmann. .. 28, . and Viola -M. Car- ter, 27, both of 1060 Golden Gate aye. : Eugene Kuebler. : 40, and " Dells. . Coyne, 87, both. of Sacramento. . \u25a0 Oscar Tletze, 84, and Emma Blen, 18, both of 2091 Ellis st. - Mark Portal, 29, 1314 Grove st., and Ellsa •Allard, 25, 1225 Octavlast. Will lam ' Mark. 25. 1512 Twentieth st., aad Catherine Stevenson, 20, 1514 Twentieth st. OAKLAND, Feb. 23. — The following marriage \u25a0 licenses were Issued | today: Richard E. Davenport. 23, and Mary Medelros, 23, both of Oakland. Cbarles Hayward, 82, and Jennie Beno, 35, both of Benlda. ' . * - Wesley L. Melgs, 42, and Mabel E. Gelger, 88. both of Oakland. Joseph 11. Brock, 47. and Mabel O. Schmidt, 30, both of Oakland. Alfred Bettencourt, 26, and Mary Limas, 21, both of Oakland. Fnnk J. Querillo, 26. and LlUlan F. Whalen. 21,' both of San Francisco. ' v ii Marvin W. H. Ward. 27, Berkeley, and Emma A. Peckham.t 24. . Alameda. Cbarles Koehler, 23. and Elisabeth Elkert, IS, both of San Francisco. Fred Muller. 23, and Evangellne Bobie, 18, both of Newark. BIRTHS. MARRIAGES, DEATHS Blrtb, marriage and death notices sent by mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed In at either of the publication offices and be Indorsed with the name and residence of penons author- lted to have the same published. Notices re- stricted simply to the announcement of the event are published once in this column free of charge. BIRTHS BARRINGTON — In Oakland, Cal., February 22, 1907, to the wife of George C. Barrlngton, a • son. . . .., \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . BRANCH— In this dty. February 11, 1907, to the wife of George H. Branch, a son. BRATT— In this dty, February 12. 1907. to the wife of Robert D. Bratt, a son. HOLMES— In this dty. February L/ 1907, to the wife of J. M. Holmes,' U. 8. N..' a daughter. SINDAUER— In this dty, February 21, 1907, to the wife of Ernest B. Sindauer, a •on, TOBIN— In Berkeley, Cal., February 18, 1907, . to the wife of Michael J. Tobin, a daughter. WILLIAMS— In this city, February 16, 1907, to the wife of John F. Williams . (f onnerlj Llwie Nillesen), a daughter. MARRIAGES LUDERS— SCHWORMSTEDE— In this d^r. Feb- ruary 17, - 1907, by the Rev. Paul Branke. .Henry Luden and Bertha Schwonnstede, both of San Francisco. NELSON— SOHJELDERUP— In this city, Febru- ary. 17. 1907. by the Rev. O. Groensberg, Benjamin Nelson and Magda Bchjelderup. \u25a0 DEATHS Ames, Benjamin F.. 72 Owens, Thoe. P..... 40 Baumann. Ludwig... 28 Parker. Henry .50 Cameron (infant) ' Pearson, Samuel..... 58 Crossman, George... 66 'Prince, Frank R 45 Curror, Alice J — Sharpe. Joseph H . . 32 Cuyler, R. W. 5....63 Shepard, Cordelia M. — Dohse, Chas. E 75 Simpson, Dledrick.. 52 Gollan, J0hn. ... . . . . 70 Smltten.Allce St. J.. — Gray, Mary A .. 76 Stewart, F. H — Jaffee. Max 63 Stieber, Henry .... 41 Judson, Thos. R 62 Suckow, Wm. 0.... 78 Kelleher. Mary . 1 Sullivan, Grace ' 8... - 2 Kennedy, Mary 65 Trueworthy. Ella M. 28 Klrby .' Susie A: .....— Welch (Infant) \u0084 Luecke," Ellse W.... 60 Wilder, Emma H.... 78 Magrltz, A. F..... . 72 Young, Dr. Edmund. 79 Marmlerl, Rocco 51 U. A. O. D. (memo-. Mclnerney, Cecelia.. 2 rial) '- - McKlnnon. Jas.J.... 64 Lorents (Card -of Mullally. Delia . 23 Thanks) - - Nash, John A. ...... 78 Nienstadt (Card of . Olanle. F. X 76 Thanks) Oswald, David 1.... 7 AMES— In this city, February 21, 1907> Benja- min F., dearly beloved husband of Mary Ames, '\u25a0\u25a0 and loving father of Charles E., B. Frank, Alfred and Eunice O. Ames, Mn. Charles H. ' Young, Mn. Arthur Stevens, Mn. James D. Gilbert, and .the. late Mn. Susie Stevens, a native of Machlas, Maine, aged 72 years 4 I months and 13 days. (Machlas, Me., papen please copy.) ' : - : >' '-\u25a0 . \u25a0 . The ; funeral services will Ibe held today (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p.m.. at his late resi- dence, 122 De Long avenue, near Frederick street. . Interment private. BAUMANN— In this city. February 22. 1907. Ludwlg Banmann, beloved son of Anton and the \u25a0 late Christina Baumann. brother of Leopold and Ludrina Baumann. , and nephew of Casper - Baumann. a native of Wassen, ' Canton Url, Switzerland, aged 26 years. A member of the Milken' Protective Union No. 8861. v \u25a0 \u25a0- .: - • \u25a0 - . . .'- Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited , to attend i the funenl Tuesday. Febru- t ary 26, at Ip. m.. from . the parlon of H. F. ', Suhr, & Co.,- 2919 Mission street, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-Birth, thence to St. . Anthony's Church, Army and Folsom streets, for services at 1:30 p. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, by electric funeral car from Thirtieth and Mission streets.. CAMERON— In this city, \u25a0 February 22, 1907, Lloyd Cameron, beloved son of Robert D. and Ruth M. Cameron,: and brother of Bert L. and Mildred V.: Cameron, a native of San Fran- \u25a0 Cisco, \u25a0 Cal., : aged 10 months and 27 days. • The funeral, will take place today (Sun- day), at 9 a. in., from the residence of the parents., 2015 Golden. Gate avenue, tbence \u25a0 to Odd Fellows* Cemetery for cremation at 9:30 o'clock. '1 \ CROSSMAN— In thia city. February 22, 1907 George Crossman, beloved husband of Isabel Crossman, loving father of Margaret D. Sin- clair and John S. Sinclair, a native of Bris- tol, England, aged 56 years. A member of Farnsworth Lodge No. 93,. I. O. O. F.; Gold- en Gate Lodge No. 8, K. of P., and Court Inter Nos No. 18, F. of A. • Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today (Sunday), at 12:30 o'clock \u25a0 p. m., at the chapel of N. Gray 4. C0., 2196 Geary street, corner of Devlsadero. Inter- ment Mount Olivet Cemetery, by . electric : funeral car from Thirtieth . street and San Jose avenue. .,; . \u25a0-_ CURROR — In Fort : Williams, Can., en route, September" 14, 1906, Alice Josephine Curror. daughter -of Minna G. Chapman and the late Frank M. Chapman, and beloved sister of Mrs. E.. Saunden and Mrs. Emma N. Ful- ton, a native of Sacramento, Cal. CUYLER — In this dty, * February 20, 1907, Richard W. S. Ouyler, beloved husband of Fuanetta Cuyler, father ! of L. W. Cuyler, and brother, of Stephen G. and James B. Cuyler, and ; Mn. R. A. Bower, a native of Chicago, 111., aged 63 yean and 23 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services today (Sunday), at 3 p. m., at the parlon of Halsted & Co., 924 Fillmore street. Remains will be ; shipped to Chicago, , 111., for Interment. DOHSE— In this city, February 22. 1907. .' at. his late residence, ' 818 Dolores street, 1 : between .;\u25a0"• Twenty-first and Twenty-second, Charles E. . ' Dohse, dearly beloved husband of , Elisabeth - Dohse,' a native of Germany, aged 75 yean. A member -of St. Peter's D. R. X.; Under- : stuetzungs .Verein. and Gentlemen's Sodality of St. Ignatius Church. ; \u25a0 ".-• Friends and \u25a0 acquaintances are respectfully \u25a0 Invited .to attend the funeral tomorrow (Mon- day), . at - St. Boniface's Church, Golden Gate • avenue, between Jones and Lea ven worth streets, where a requiem high mass for the re- • pose of his soul will be celebrated, commenc- ing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross • 'Cemetery,: by electric funeral car from .Thlr- :' : tleth street and San Jose avenue. GOLLAN— In this dty, : February 21," 1907, John . Gollan, - beloved husband of the late Anna •S. \u25a0 Gollan, a native of Scotland, aged \u25a0 70 \u25a0 yean : and .14 days. ;• ,: ' Friends . and acquaintances are respectfully V Invited to attend tho funeral today (Sun- day), at 2 \u25a0 o'clock p. I va., from the mor- \u25a0 tuary" chapel of • the Golden" Gate Undertak- ing Company, 2475 Mission street, near Twen- ' _, ty-flnt. . Interment Cypress Lawn . Cemetery. - GRAY— In : Berkeley, CaK, February ' 16, 1907, ' : Mary A. Gray, ; beloved mother of Mrs. W. B. ' Godfred, George T., William : H. and Robert ' C . McLean of San Francisco, and James L. McLean of Honolulu, a native of England, aged 76 yean 6 months and 1 day. . . . Friends are \ respectfully invited to \u25a0, attend ; the,' funeral -services today -(Sunday), at 8 p. to., at the chapel of N. Gray 4 Co., 2196 \u25a0 Geary -; street, corner of : Devlsadero. Remains \u25a0; will be shipped to Honolulu for Interment. JAFFE— In this ; dty,^ February -21, 1907, Max Jaffe, a natlre of Posen, Germany, aged \u25a0';. C 3 years. -\u25a0 - \u25a0 .'. -:\u25a0-' V- '\u25a0\u25a0 • \u25a0 " : \u25a0\u25a0 • - . .'\u25a0 r * Friends - : and acquaintances are respectfully ; Invited Ito attend * the funeral - today 1 (Sun- '\u25a0' day), at 10 o'clock, -. from : the parlors of A. W' '•\u25a0; Martin & Co.. 1868 Geary street. Interment \u25a0 1.: 0..0.. F. Cemetery. -. JUDSON— In" V this ; city, . February' 22, 1907, - ; Thomas f R. " Judson,' beloved \u25a0 husband of the 1 late Mary E. Judson, and father of Clarence E., Frank W., Robert E., Harry H., Anita >\u25a0 and Florence Judson, \u25a0 Mn. J. - H. -\u25a0 Davies and V Mn. • Byron McDonald, a native of Syracuse N. V.; aged 62 yean. - \u25a0 \u25a0:- Friends ' and • acquaintances ; are respectfully : Invited -. to .' attend • the - funeral - today (Sun- day), February 24, at 2 o'clock p. m., from ; his late residence, 811 ' Alvarado I etreet. Inter- ment ;» Cypress - Lawn . Cemetery,- by \u25a0- electric funeral ,L., L . car . from ; corner >of ; Thirtieth street •~and San Jose avenue at 2:30 p. m. • KELLEHER-^ln this I city.'s February 1, 23, : : 1907 Mary, dearly ; beloved . daughter of =. Dan and Johanna : Kelleher, a native of San Francisco Cal., aged ; 1" year 8 months ; and 8 days. • .. - - Friends and acquaintances are respectfully •\u25a0: invited \> : to * attend ; the ; funeral today fSun- - day).* at 11 o'clock a.<m., f from the residence \u25a0:y of : her parents, 652 Willow < avenue, near ' Bu- T.^chanan street. . Interment Holy; Cross Ceme- \u25a0;" : tery. .. ";.,^.'-;-.;, , . '\u25a0'.._., '\u25a0' \u25a0 .• : " KENNEDY — In - this < dty; 5 February 722,";7 22," ; 1907, \u25a0 Mary,'; dearly beloved wife of Joseph Kennedy, -Viand loving . mother of Edward P; and Annie M. "/; Kennedy .and \u25a0\u25a0. Mn."-; J.:-\u25a0J .:-\u25a0 V: \u25a0 Kirby; a , native T of \ ; Tipperary, > Ireland, \u25a0 aged -;- 65 , yean. (Sacra- mento papers please copy.) -.^JS^ • , " i O Htmmi,' dear,", you are sleeping , > : Beneath? the ! willow » tree. ~.- : . < \u25a0 1 ; . Tour children ' dear for \u25a0 you are weepiar. I liiLl .^nd long wg weep fey the* : !r*^*i .. Friends -and ' acquaintances' are respectfully \u25a0 Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Mon- day), at 9 a. m.. from her late residence. 219 Liberty street, tbence to St. James Church. where a reaulem hlrb mass for the repose of her soul will be celebrated, commenclns at 9:30 a. m. Interment Uoly Cross Cemetery. KIRBY— In Tonopah. Nev.. February 21. 1007. Susie A. Klrby. daujthter of J. C. Klrby of Madrone. and sister of Mrs. O. L. Ro*an, Mrs. M. J. Bartell, Nell Klrby, P. H. Kirby, T. J. Klrby and John Klrby. LCEOKE— In this dry, February 28. 190 T. at her late residence. 1259 Hayes street. EUse W. Luecke, a native of Hanover, Ger- many, aged CO years. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services Tuesday, February 26. at 2 o'clock p. m., at the chapel at Odd Fellows' Crematorium. MAORlTZ— Entered Into rest, in this city. Feb- ruary 22, 1907, A. F. MaKritt. beloved hus- \u25a0 band of M. Marrltz. and dearly honored father of Rose M. Helnrlchs. a native of Stettin. Germany, aged 72 years. A member of Burns Lodge No. 63, A. O. V. W. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Wednesday, February 27. at 10:30 a. m., from, his late residence. 729 A San Joie. avenue, between Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth streets. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by electric . funeral car from ' Thirtieth street and Ban Jose avenue. MARMIERI— In Berkeley, Cal., February 23. 1907, Rocco Marmlerl, beloved husband of Thelolmema Marmierl, father of Frank Mar- Dierl and Camell Oudona. and brother of Thelolmema Arderl. a native of Italy, aced fil years and 6 months. McINERNEY— In this dty. February 23. 1907. Cecelia L., dearly beloved daughter of Michael and Delia Mclnerney, and beloved sister of John, Katie. Theresa, James and Eileen Mc- - Inerney, and the late Hannah and Mary Mc- lnerney, a native of San Francisco, Cal., aged . 2 years 8 months and 5 days. Friends and acquaintances are respeotfully Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Mon- day), at 1 p. m., from the residence of her parents. 2752- Twenty-second street,-- corner of Florida. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. McKINNON— In this dty, February 23. 1907. James J. McKlnnon, dearly beloved husband of Adela R. McKlnnon, and father of Leo J. and Donald F. McKlnnon, a native of Prince Edward Island, aged 64 years 2 months and 21 dtT »- Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Tuesday, Febru- ary 28, at 9 o'clock a. m., from the residence of his nephew, D. B. Maedonald, 1144 Guer- rero street, thence to Mission Dolores Church. ' where a requiem high mass for the repose of his soul will be celebrated, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Ceme- ; tery, by . electric funeral car from San Jose avenue and Thirtieth street. MULLALLY— In this dty, February 22, 1907. Delia, loving and beloved wife of James A. Mullally, loving daughter of Mrs. Edward Healy, and loving sister of Mrs. A. Relchs- rath, Michael Fay and Mn. George Cooper, a i native of County Oalway, Ireland, aged 23 - years. " Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to. attend the funeral today (Sun- day), at 12:80 o'clock p. m.. from the chapel I of Craig, Cochran & Co., 1169 Valenda street, near Twenty- third. : thence to Bt. Peter's Church, Alabama street, near Twenty-fourth, for - services, commencing at 1 p. m. Inter- ment Holy - Cross Cemetery. A requiem high mass for the repose of the soul of the late Delia Mullally, will be celebrated Monday. February 23, at 9:45 a. m.. at St. Peter's Church. Friends are cordially Invited to attend. NABH— In Oakland, Cal.. February 23.' 1907. John A. Nash, belored brother of Mrs. M. L. Burns and Mrs. M. L. Brown, a native of Maine, aged 7S years 5 months and 7 day*. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the - funeral services Tues- \u25a0 day, \u25a0 February 26, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at his late residence. 1220 Castro street, Oakland. Interment private. OLANIE— In Oakland. CaL, February 22. 1907, . F. X. Olanle. dearly beloved father of J. F. ! Olanie, C. Olanle, Mrs. T. Lewi* of Wash- ington and Mrs. J. Rogers, a native of France, aged 76 years 6 months and 22 days. Friends and acquaintance* are respectfully Invited .to attend the funeral services today (Sunday), February 24, at 2 o'clock p. m.. at Ernest A. Wollitz's funeral parlors, 1413 Webster street, between Nineteenth and Twen- tieth, Oakland. Interment Mountain View Cem- etery. . 1 •OSWALD— In thia dty, February 22. 1907. Da- 1 vid I. Oswald, beloved son of I. D. and the late Harriet Oswald, a native of California, aged 7 years 1 month and 4 days.' Funeral private. OWENS— »In this dty, February 20. 1907. Thomas P. Owens, dearly beloved husband of Annie E. Owens, devoted father of John W.. Robert T.. Charles R.. Florence M. and the late Rose L. Owens, loving son of Mrs. Rose Jones, brother of John, James. Joseph and 1 Robert Owens. Mrs. P. Kenney and Mrs. Thomas Francis, son-in-law of Mrs. Bessie McClellan, \u25a0 and brother-in-law of . John Urifnn, a native of San Francisco, CaL, aged 40 years 7 months and 24 days. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:.*.\u25a0*\u25a0"\u25a0 Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend- the funeral today (Sun- day). February .24, at 10 o'clock a. m.. from his late residence, 3053 Polk street between Bay and North Point, tbenee to Third and Townsend streets for train at 11:30 a. m. sharp. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. PARKER — In this city, \ February 22 1907 Henry Parker, beloved husband of Mn. H Parker of Melbourne, Aus., a native of Eng- land, aged 50 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today (Sun- day), at 2 o'clock p. m.. at the parlon of Halsted & Co.. 924 Fillmore street. Inter- ment Mount Olivet Cemetery, by train leav- ing Twenty-fifth and Valenda streets at 3:40 o'clock. ". -:-.:-.: PEARSON— In the City and County Hospital. February 23, 1907. Samuel Pearson, a native of Sweden, aged 58 yean. PRINCE— In this city, February 22. 1907. Frank R. Prince, beloved husband of the late Flor- ence Prince, loving father of Frank B. Prince Jr., and brother of Mn. L. P. Goldstone. Mn Henry A. Fisher, Daut 8,, Joseph R.. Tessle It. and Edward R. Prince, a native of Cali- fornia, aged 45 yean 11 months and 16 days. (Calaveraa County, Cal.. papen please copy.) Notice \u25a0of funeral hereafter. Remains at the new funeral chapel of Charles H. J. Tru- man. 1909 Mission street, between Fifteenth ana Sixteenth. - SHARPE— In this dry, February 22, 1907, Jo- seph Harold Sharpe, beloved son of Joseph and Sarah Sharpe, a native of Leeds, Eng- land." aged 32 »ears. A member of • the San Francisco Bricklayers' Union No. 7. V The funeral will take place today (Sunday) at 1 p. m., from the parlon of McAvoy O'Hara & Co., 2649 Market street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth, thence to tho chapel of Odd Fellows' Cemetery for services at 1:30 o'clock.' Cremation at Odd Fellows' Cemetery, city. ; ; \u25a0 Members of the San Francisco Bricklayers' Union No. 7 are hereby notified to attend the - funeral of our late brother, Joseph H. Sharpe, from the parlon of McAvoy. O'Hara & Co., 2649 Market street, ' between Six- teenth and Seventeenth,' today (Sunday) at 12:80 o'clock. By order J. P. DUFFY, President. P. 0. HAMILL, Secretary. - SHEPARD — In Berkeley, . Cal., \u25a0 February 23 190T, Cordelia M., • wife ef the late John L. N. Shephard, and beloved mother of \u25a0 Mn. Charles H.* Craven, Mn. Charles P. Eells. Mn. Mark B. Kerr - and Madeline, Louise and Evelyn Shephard. Services will be held tomorrow - (Monday) afternoon, February 25. at 2:30 o*dock. at her late home, 2703 Dwlght way, Berke- ley. Interment private. . • SIMPSON— In this city. February 22, 1907. Dledrlck Simpson, beloved- .husband of the late Caroline \u25a0. Simpson, .and beloved -father I of Llllle D. , Arthur O. and John S. - Simp- son, a native of Nes, Norway, . aged 52 yean 5 months and 21 days. ~ . Friends, acquaintances anil members of the Tailors' - Union and Golden Gate Camp No. 64. Woodmen of the World, are respectfully Invited to . attend the ' funeral services to- morrow (Monday), at 11 o'clock a. m., from his late residence. 25 Silver street, near Second. Interment Greenlawn Cemetery, by funeral car from Thirtieth street and San Jose avenue.' • < . . SMITTEN— In this dty, February 23. 1907. at her late residence, 145 Beulah street. Alice .St. John, beloved wife of. C. H. Smitten, and mother of Lillian Gertrude Smitten, Mn. Perclval O. Lannon.-Mn. Georre F. Lyon. and Jessica Bt. John and Kenneth Holmes Smitten a native of Brooklyn. N. Y. (Brooklyn. N. V., and Grass I Valley. Cal., papen pleaae copy.) Notice of funeral . hereafter. STEWART— In this dty, February 21, 1907, . F. H. Stewart." . Friends, acquaintances and members of • Carpenten' Union. Local No. 483. are re- | spectfully Invited to attend the funeral today (Sunday), at 10:15 o'clock a. ..m.. from the parlor* of Halsted & Co., 924 Fillmore street. Interment Greenlawn Cemetery, by 11:40 train 'from. Twenty-fifth and Valenda streets. STIEBER — In Goldfleld, Nev., February 23 : 1907. Henry Stieber, dearly beloved husband of Sophie Stieber, devoted father of Jose- phine c Stieber. and beloved nephew of Dan . Stieber, ' a ; native of Bavaria, Germany, aged •* , 41 \u25a0 yean. ' I SUCKOW— In this dty. February 23. 1907. Wil- liam :• Otto , Suckow, . dearly beloved father of - ; Louise. '\u25a0 Margaret and William Suckow. a na- . tive of Germany, aged 78 yean 3 months and 12 days. ; - . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Notice of funeral hereafter. BDLLIVAN— In this city. February 23. ' 1907. r Grace Bernlce • Sullivan, beloved daughter of Eugene J. and; Adeline Sullivan, and sister of Alma, Walter,' Florence, Muriel, Isabel and Prescott Sullivan, a native of San : Francisco .- Cal., aged 2 yean and 8 months. , ; Funeral and Interment private. TRUEWORTHY— In this dty, February 23, 1907. Ella Marie, beloved ' wife of George* F. True^ worthy, v a native of California, aged 2S yean ! and 23 days. .- ., Notice. of funeral hereafter.^ Remains at the mortuary chapel of the Golden Gate Cnder- V taking \u25a0-. Company, 2475 Mission- street, near .;. Twenty-first.^ ... . % '\u25a0 ; WELCH— In" this city, February 23, 1907 Mary r;;M.»Welcn, r dearly beloved daughter of Charles i- \u25a0 v and • Catherine Welch, and \u25a0" beloved sister of - Alma -and the ilate Grace i Welch. \u25a0 a native of " : San ' Fnndsco, : Cal.; . aged - 9 months and 8 _ days. j WILDES— In BTUttralc'Cal..- February 23." 1907," y. Emma Howa, btlqrtd wife of tho late Sam- wl WCder. and mother of W. L. and A. B. glider of Grand Eaplda, Minn., a native of Dlxmont. Maine, aged .5 years. T< 2P NO T- Ia Frultvale. CaJ.. February 23. 190 T. Dr. Edmund Yoo2*. dearly beloved husband of j Ealnor Younr. aad father of Austin. Seward • and Justice Younar. Mrs. Nellie Y. Eason and i Mrs. M. A. Murphy, a native et Jerusalem. Yates County. N. V., aged 79 years 1 monta and 10 days. c. a. a d. In memory of the departed brothers and st«- . ters the United Ancient Order of Drolls wtll hold Its annual memorial services at Sheritb Israel Synagogue, northeast corner of Web- ster and California streets, . today (Sunday). February 24, 1907. at 2 p. m. Relative*, friends and the public are invited. ' CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank onr many friends for the sympathy shown In the loss of our dear hus- band and father, and for the lovely floral offer- ings. MBS. J. H. LORENTZ and Family. CARD OF THANKS We herewith dexlr* to thank our friends and acquaintances for the beautlfnl flora! of- ferlns* and the kindness and sympathy ex- tended us during cur late bereavement. MRS. DIEDRICH NIENSTADT and Family. CTRTJS S. WRIGHT. GEO. IX. CLARK, A. P. BOOTH, HAROLD L. WRIGHT. N. GRAY & CO. TWDERTAKERS 2198 GEARY BT.. COR. DEYI3ADBH.O. - ' "\u25a0 Telephone West 470 T. v^-' I FRANK VAYR 17 years at 105 Sixth Street ..FLORIST.. Now at 512 McAllister Telephone Market 3091 JULIUS S. GODEAC Undertaker aad Embalm er 2123 nnsh St., Ttevr Fillmore, Formerly at 305 Montgomery Are. and 810 Van Neaa Aye. Finest private ' residence seeommodattoßm. Lady attendant. Carriage* and ambulance* to hire. Tel. West 2689. r , J. C. O'Connor & Co. Funeral Directors Now permanently located at oar new establishment. 770 TURK ST., between Van »«t Aye. and Franklin St. Lady attendant. Tel. Franklin 1911- Jt> V PORTER & WHITE i Funeral Directors and Bnbalmers** 1331 GOLDKV GATE AYE. (Formerly 445 Goldea Gate av-O Private residence accommodations witnont ex- tra charge. Trained lady attendants. Persoaat . serrlcea under all condition*. Pbooa West 770. McBREARTY & McCORMICK FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 015 VALENCIA ST.. NEAR 20TK ' Formerly of McFadden. Meßraarty A Oreea. Telephone Market 07. H. J. Gallagher Undertaking Co. 1314 WEBSTER st.. bet. Ellis & O'FarreU. Tel. West 8925. DANIEL P. DONOVAN. Free, & Manager: JOHN DOCGHEBTY. Vice Prea. WOODLA\I*X CEMETERY San Mateo Co. Finest and Beat Equipped Receiving Tanlt aad \u25a0 Chap«L ; . - (Masonic Cemetery Association) Office 1154 O'Farrell St. ] THEODOR DIERKS & CO. Undertaker*. - 000 DevUadrro St n Cor MeAlllcteT. *V- ; ~- Telephone West 4504. P. F. GREEN <Sb CO. , \u25a0 FTJNEBJLL DIRECTORS. \u25a0 NE. cor. Sixteenth and Guerrero st*. - Formerly of McFadden. Meßrearty <k Oreea.. Telephone Special 1367. VALENTE, MARINI & CO. UNDERTAKERS 8448 MISSION STREET. Near Thirtieth. Tel. Market 283. I CRAIO, COCHRAN & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1169 Valencia St., near 23d St. Telephone Market 131. MONAHAN «& CO. Funeral Directors and Embataner*. Private Residence Accommodations. Office SW. corner 25th and Guerrero stm. Phone Market S3. D. I. KENNY & CO. — UNDERTAKERS— . : 1710 EDDY STREET, Near Scott. Phone Weit 2ft43 . UNITED UNDERTAKERS, FTJNERAIi DIRECTORS. 2603 Howard st.. nr. 22d. Phone Market 271. California Undertaking Co. 2210 STEINER STREET Between Sacramento and day. Phone West 1321. I UJ.O. W. LCNT. HENRY C. BCNKEkT™ BUNKER A LU>T, FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ml.iilon Masonic Temple, 26015 M feslon Street, Phone Market 2620. McAVOY, O'HARA & CO. UNDERTAKERS Are Now Permanently Located at 2819 MARKET ST.. bet. 16th and 17th. O Tel. Market 154. TELEPHONE PARK 12. SAMUEL McFADDEN & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 1070 Haight St.. Near Baker. Take Halght-Street Cars. CAREW & ENGUSH ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1618 GEAR V STREET, Between Buchanan and Webater. Phone West 2604. 22nd STREET FLORIST FUNERAL WORK A SPECIALTY. Country Orders Promptly Attended to. Good Work — Lowest Price. Phone Market 662. 3230 22D ST. PHONE MARKET 132. Oantner Bros. UNDERTAKERS AND EMD.ILMEBS, 3460 SIXTEENTH STREET, Between Church and Sanchez. H, F. SUHR & CO. Undertakers and Embalmers LADY ATTENDANT. 2919 31t»»lon Street, near 25th Telephone Market 38. I G. P. PRECHTEL G. W» KEELDB.: ' I ' Vice Pres. and Mgr. .. President. I GOLDEN GATE UNDERTAKING CO. 24T5-2453 MISSION ST. Phone Market 2590. | Cypress Lawn Cemetery I OFFICE 1380 SUTTER ST., Near Van " Neaa Aye. Rooms B. and 8. . Phone gjajMlß 1539 43