48 CITY REAL ESTATB G. IL UMBSEN &. CO., - V 20 Montsomery street. Real Estate Agents end Auctioneers. $45,000 — Van Ness-sve. corner: choice business property; new lmprovemenu under lease at $2400 per annum; 40x109; owner anx- loos to sell: make an offer. $£^000 — Post-st business comer, close to Van Krss; permanent and substantial Improve- ment; 3-Ktory and basetueut building, con- sisting of corner store and 5 fiats; hsnd- eome Income; full depth lot 37:0 front. j 524,000— McAlllster-st. corner; eiogantly im- proved; 5 large handsome flats; renting low for $IS3 pcx mouth; must be 6een to be appreciated; lot 37:0x100. SMS9 522,000 — High-class neighborhood,. Broadway and Pierce St.; very stylish and modern resi- dence of 12 rooms and 2 baths; superior appointments; eu&nv key lot; 40x137:6. C 531 $£0,000 — Handsome residence on Pacific aye., nr. Scott; marine view; Improvements consist of 12 rooms and 3 Uln>; one -h; lf cash, balance on mortsajje; 2^x127. • 3526 520,000 — Jackson st. close to Devisadero; large holding, consisting of 2 2-etcry bouses and cntt≥ Improvements in quod order; part of ground vacant and can easily be lta- ' prove*: e9:1K137:G. ?IG.!K>0 — Pultua rt. Inside of Flllmore, northwest huflnes* corner, consisting of 2 stores and 5 flats; rent $121; large lot 37:tixS7:6, with an additional L. 3C4:> $15,500 — Corner near Derlsaflero and O'Farrcll; 60x76; cottage and flats; rents $101; this desirable lot has large frontage. '.VS'.'l $12,000 — Fillmore st, not far from California; substantial rvsidenrc; good appearance; being very 6ult;ib!e for a professional man; v rooms and L.ttL; all in good order and renting for $100 per month. 35CU $12,000— Oth 6t. near Brannan; Urge, level lot; 25x100 to Harriett st; 2 frontages; (Ino investment. 2Mt} $11,500 — Fell «t., dose to Devieadero; 3 fine g fiats; modern asd up-to-date; C-C-S rooms and bath earn; renting Fteudily for $142.50 per mouth; lot 20x100. 3404 000 — Page et.. near Golden Gate Park; 3 modern fiats; fine condition and up-to- date; 5 mums and bath each; rents $103 t per Dcntli ; north side of street; 25x100. 351S $10,S00 — Artery Heights; 3 fine new flats; 5 rooms and batti r*ch; renting easily for $102 jx!r moutli; larse, fcunny lot, over 25 fwt tront. G477 $10,000 — Close to Dabore Park; elegant residence . of 7 rooms and bath, reception hall, fur- nace, beamed ceilings and paneled dining- room; euuny lot, £5xSO; terms can l>e ar- ranged. f7,V>o— Spendld neighborhood. 12th aye. and Clement St.; modern residence of 8 rooms cud br.th, handsomely nnisbed; nice lot, 25x120; adjoining lot can be purchased . for $2000. $5,500 — Close to 19th and Mission at*.; business holding, consisting of store with rooms in rear and flat above; B rooms and bath; in first-class condition and renting easily for '\u25a0: 'I' $*J0 per month. 3457 $4,000—2 good flats in the Mission; 4-5 rooms , , • and bath each; renting for $39 per month; mortgage $1200 can remain; sunny lot. 3070 $3,500 — Ortav?a-rt. residence;, Improvements In rood condition; making a nice home: rent- ing now for $30 pms, bath laundry and attic; 10-ft. basement; 25x134. 3507 $3,soo— Close to 3d and Harrison 6ts.; good lot in right location; £ss£o. 3544 $3,000 — Close to ICth and Valencia Bts.; flne rentli^ neighborhood and right size lot for 6 raall fists, 30x115. 2997 $2,650 — 6encbez-st cottage; 4 rooms and bath; v, lot 25x100; can be purchased on terms; • ' well wotUi investigating. $2.600 — Elizabeth eu. near Castro; cottage of 4 rooms and bath; occupied by owner and in perfect condition; mortgage of $500 can ; • remain: 25:fix116. 3399 $1,500 — Cheap building lot close to Jor.es and Pacific sts.; extra flne renting neighbor- hood; very cheap. 3575 For further particulars of the above and for the R*bl Estite Record, containing a list of properties for sale in parts of the city, ap- ply to G. n. CMBSEN & CO., 20 Montgomery st. BONIFIELD. JF.FFKESS * RYAN, REAL F.STATE BROKERS, 49 POST ST. FOR SALE. $110.000— North Beach Belt line factory site; about 60.000 square feet; shipping fa- cilities unexcelled; cheap. . $Go,oo0 — Lar#e apartment house in fine location; built in 14 separate fiats -of from 5 to 3 rooms each; total rent $700 per month; building new; south of Hals-fat; big lot. $50,000 — 50 leet un Ellis Bt, close in. $.'i2,500 — Monteomerr-sve. corner, containing '; . \u0084 over 16,0fi0 square feet; this piece will par ou valuation of $100,000 if improved with $-t0.<»OO buildtos. $2^,000 — Bent $390 per month; Broderiek St., near Pott; new building on 50-foot lot: flats. (5 rooms each, and 2 finished basements. 500 — ttent $i.'G2.riO per mo.; 6 apartment flats. Jiret - completed; all rented - with- out leases. 000 — Corner of S frontages in one of the bUf.lCi-t districts of North Beach; 63x57:8. $15,000 — Rent 5112.50 per mo.; Dtvisadero, near Grove: 3 modern flats. $13,600— Iiout $145 per ma; 3 flats of 6 rooms and hath each oa Frederick t>t, near Aslibury. $13,500 — Rf-nt ?I^H per mo.; 3 new 6-room "Bats on Post, near Broderick: mortgage $6000. $12,500 — Larc»> corner on Broadway, in the busi- ness part of North Beach: good buy. $l".000 — 75-foot Russian nill residence lot; only $IRO per foot. SS.OO0 — Marine view lot of 27:6x114: Clay st, near Leavenworth: 6uperb view. 55.00Q — Vallcjo st., east of Van Ness; 25x137:«J. $4.700— N0b Hill lot. 1 block from Fairmont Hotel; magnificent view; lot is nearly 30 foot front $2,7T«f«— 31-foot lot on small* 6treet In China- town; improved will bring large income; must be aold. r. *•.-"» FOR LEASa . fVreral butldinjrs and separate -stores and lofts to tbe heart of the future strapping dis- trict; also fina locations for wholesale firms fioutii of Market; several hotels and office buildings. BONIFIELD, JF.FFRESS & RTAN, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 49 POST ST. R. 8. BROWNE it CO., 45 Geary et. f 16,500— Flats on Fulton et, close to \u25a0Fillmore; rent $173, will soon be $200, under »e- cured lease; bargain, as owner is leaving city. $11,000 — Choice corner lot near 2d and Folsom et». ; this cannot be duplicated. $8,500 — 8-rr>om residence, vicinity Eddy aad Stelrier; rents low at $60; Al ronditlon. $£7,500 — Large business holding on 3d St., near e?oirard: 3d st. has a great future; elze C9x275 ft., makex this a good buy. $12.500 — Modern residence of 9 rooms and 2 baths; Pierce Bt.. near Vallejo; rent $90 " . per month; attractive and "in excellent condition; large lot. $16,500 — 8 attractive ehingle flats, on large lot, SO ft. frontage: room for more fiats; good part of Western Addition. $2!.000-— Chinatown holding; 2-story and base- ment brick building; rent $ICS per month, secured lease: mortgage $COOO. $15,000 — Prominent Mission corner: business prop- erty and flats; modern flats; store under secured lease; rents $150. $14.000 — Income producer; rents $183; 14th Bt. clone to Market; mortgage of $6000 can remain: -one of the best Investments oa the market today. TO LEASE — 3-story, steel and brick building on a prominent corner of 9th st; look into this, as the rent is very reasonable; par- ticulars at office* WATSON REALTY COMPANY REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE- S3OO,OOO— MARKET-ST. corner. 80x175; the fur ture civic center of San Francisco. \u25a0 $I£S.OOO— CORNER POLK ST.. near Sottor. 80 xl 20: new improvemeuts paying $1000 per month. $25,000— BCSH ST.. near Taylor. 64i137:«; fin* hot?! elte. $36,000— FRANKLIN ST: corner Olive aye.; now the center of activity. JACKSON near Baker, 57:6x125; make HOUSES. ' HOUSES. HOUSES. SPECIAL— 6 NEW. 5 room houses; bath, pantry, gas and electric fixtures; Just completed: on California st. near ICtU five.; terms $1000 ca»h, balance to suit purchaser. VALLEJO NEAR HEVISADERO; ma- rine view rosidencr; 10 rooms; -servants' rooms; new and tuodern; grounds GOx 137:6: make offer. ' • Slo.soo— Green st.. near Fillmore; 0-room boure and furniture; modern in every respect; marine view: 37x137:6.. $7.OOO— CALIFORNIA near Ist aye.; 3 flats, 3, 4, 5 thorns; pays *1(iO per month. Property for sale or lease In, all parts of the city. ... WATSON REALTY COMPANY 122 Fern aye., near Polk st. Next Door to Citizens' National Bank. • Ph^ne Franklin 020. LIPMAN & HIRSCHLEO 19S0 SETTER ST. LIPMAN 4 HIRRCHLER....I9SO HITTER ST. Phoae West 1073. Near Fillmore. Branch Office open daily, also Sundays. ...749 H St.. Tiear Wth are. Pho la size; Jn»t the place for business and apartment-bouse; will double In value. - . JISO0 — Big snaps; SO-ft. park frontal rs on H st, . between 14th and 15th ayes. (Utumintzed). $750— Great bargains In building }oU; 23x120; Sutro ear line; oa installments. V~- ssoo0 — Good business corner on 3d aye. and Cali- fornia st. <*on*lsting of store and cottage. $U2so— Cozy cottage on Clement-st. :car line; beautiful- modern home, with grand marine view; 5 rooms and batli. " ' LIPMAN & HIRSCULER V9«o SUTTER ST. FOR sale — C flats;- Green 'Ft., near Octaviaj'ma- rloe view. - Inquire 322 Front st CITY REAIi ESTATB-~Coiitlaqea. . C. P. McLKOD COMPANY. Inc., 2587-88 Mission st., nr. 22d. Phone Market 2588. REAL ESTATE. SIQS OF THE RENTING INSURANCE RED SHIELD." COLLECTING. ! LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. We have a large number of cheap lots from $200 to $750 in locations where the values are rising rapidly? Now Is the time to build «nd reap the benefit of the increase in value. Be sure to obtain our list. • $500 ra. — 25xC0 ea.; 8 nice lots on north line of 25th, nr. Homestead; these are 'easily worth the money. • (IO4CS) $CiO— 2sxlll; a NE. corner on 25th st (1012) $700 — 25xi NE. corner on 26th st; this is cheap. (104GS) *525— 33x100; on Bemls st, uv Mateo. (100 C) $950— 1C0X120; NW. corner in the University Mound Tract * \ (1057) $1250—25x120; east line of Chenery, nr. Randall, in Fairmont Tract. (1045) $2100—28x100; on Alabama Bt, nr. 20th; right in the warm belt. (974) $2100—100x114: «n 2Sth st, nr. Douglas; divide them up and sell as single lots and m&ke a turn.- . (9625) $2UM»— 2O:6xlOO; SW. cornM on 23d "st; botli streets bltumloizcd; gas and sewer in street; rapidly improving neighborhood. (1042) $3C50— 23x100; Guerrero, nr. 15tf1.; this Is fine property. (10225) j2C.r/i — (J0x125; NE. corner on 25th st; terms on this. (10465) $2550—8 lots, 25x100 ea., on north line of 26ta aye.. nr. P «t., South S. F. ; things are booin- lng ovef here. - "; £ (1025) $17,000 — 15x122:6: east line of Mission st, nr. isuii; a fine, large lot on the "Market st." of the Mission; will be worth $20,000 in c months; tbe city about to repave Missiou st. without cost to property-owners; couie^iut and look at this and submit us an offer. (1U51) COTTAGES. COTTAGES. COTTAGES. Do you know that th.c Mission is recognized as the best district of San Francisco to live in: it has the best climate and prices are not Pxorbltanti we hate a very large number of desirable cottages on our lists, many of which can be bought 'on the intsallraent plan; we have them at all prices and feel sure we can interest you; be sure to see what we have got before buying \u25a0 . ,\u25a0 \u25a0 * \j : $3230 — 5-rm. cottage and b. on Diamond st, nr. Elizabeth; lot i» 20x100; brick foundation; cement walks;' graded street; large rooms and large basement ' ' (1054) $3000 — 5-rm. cottage and basement on Cbencry St.. nr. Castro; brick and cement foundation: street graded; cars pass the door; has all modern conveniences; mortgage of $1200 pay- able at $25 per mo. can stand. (1052) $3000 — 5-rm. cottage on Buena Vista ave.,"-nr. Engenia; 3 blocks to. cars; everything modern and up-to-date; one-half cash. - " (1034) $3650 — 6-rm. cot tape on 28th Rt.'nr. Dolores; 1 block to cars; street bltumlnlxed; everything in good condition; has driveway and good- sized barn; lot 25x114. \u25a0 (1053) $4000 — Alvarado st, nr. Hoffman ;'B-rm. cottage; just built 1 all modern and np*to-date. (1030) $4250 — 7-rnT cottage on Alvarado St., nr. Castro; in fine condition; lot 23x114. - (1040) $GOO0 — 7-rm. - cottage ; brand new: concrete foundation; street graded: lot 25x106:6; 1 block to cars; this is a fine proposition. (1056) $2050— *-nn. cottage on College aye.; X block from Mission; is worth $1000; 25xf10; this Is a snap for some one. (DO) FLATS. FLATS. FLATS. $5200 — 2 flats on Army st, nr. Mission; 6-4 rms.; rents $65 per mo.; everything modern and up to date. - -.-,=\u25a0•" (8S!>) $Sooo— Hill st, nr. Valencia; 2 flats, 4-6 rms. . ea.; street bltnmlnized; cement walks; brick foundation; everything modern and up to date; Vt block to Valencia-st cars; rents $sO. (984 Si $5500— 2 flats on Castro st, nr. 20th; 7 and 0 rms. ; rents now $73 mo.; lot 25x100; : these are brand new; $.ttOO mortgage can be as- tuined; these are the finest pair of fiats on Castro st (10595) $575O — 1 flats on 25th st, nr. Castro; iy 3 yrs. old; rents $S7.W); 1 block to 24th-st. cars; large lot, 30x114; everything modern and up to date; rents should easily be $100. (9365) $Sf*>0 — 2 flats, 5-4 rms. and 5-rm. cottage on Fair Oaks st, nr. 23d; lot is 30x130; rents now $80 mo.; this Is a fine proposition. (93SS) $900<> — i flats on Capp st, nr. 24th; 2 of 4 mm. and 2 of 3 tins.; rents now $90; easily bring S110; lot 33x115: these are cheap. fI)SSS) $9500 — 3 flat* on San Carlos aye.. nr. ISth* 5 rms. each; Just built; rents $127 per mo.; Vi block to cars; everything finished in- mod- ern and np-to-date style; figure -the per- centage yourself. (10435) $ll..'»0O — 2 flatt» . and store oa 24th st, nr. Guerrero: everything modern and up-to-date; r.-nts $101; this Is worth investigating. (1028) $23.500 — 2 stores nnd 6 flats Just completed; 4 rms. la ea. flat; stores are leased for 3 yrs. at $40 and $30 mo.;, 10t' 30x125; - rent $330 1 rwr mo.; *i block to cars; this -Is on 17th St., nr. Mission; pays 10& per- cent on Invest- ment. (105S) C. P. McLEOD COMPANY. Inc., - 2GS7-SB Mission s l, nr. 22d. * Phone Market 2588. OSCAR UKYMAN & BROTHER 2350 Pine at. Lots 213 feet deep; $500 each; perfectly level, and only 2 blocks from Mlnslon-st. car line Take MlE*lon-st. cars to 6-mlle house; walk 2 blocks east Spring Valley; water piped., s LOTS IN THE RICHMOND DISTRICT- . $10 monthly. " LOTS IN THB SUNSET .7 DISTRICT .. . .~f.".' slo monthly."- . LOTS ATOCEANSIDH Branch Office, 4Sth aye. and H st;-*' POINT LOBOS HEIGHTS ' Only 12 lots left In . this magnificent marine view block. Streets on official grade. Gas and water mains laid. .Take Sutter-st cars to 41st aad Point . Lobos ares. Agent on . the grounds. EXCELSIOR HOMESTEAD LOTS $375 each; ready to build on. Take Misslon-st. cars to Brazil aye. ; walk, east to Moscow st LOTS $300 AND UPWARD '" " \u25a0 If you are looking for a cheap building lot on payments of $3 to $10 monthly, call at our branch office. 2574 San Bruno aye. Our agent, L. WEINSTBIN, will show- you around. Take car* at 26th and Misclon sts. ; .<:.-<-..• $650 LOTS NEAR THE OCEAN BOULEVARD Graded \u25a0 and rpady to -build on, between 46th and 47th ayes., R and S sts. '\u25a0\u25a0 $10 monthly payments. •".;.*•"•' ' 4-room-and-bath cottage. $25 \u25a0'\u25a0 monthly ; now being built. Take Mlsslon-st cars up 22d et, ride to Hoffman aye.; walk 14. block to Eliza- beth st and 1 block along Elizabeth to View avenue. . - . ". • ;;„ .... No. 1719 9th aye.. Sunset district; 4-room cottage; new and modern; easy terms. LOTS NEAR BAKERS BEACH : Grand marine view lots on 25th aye.. between \u25a0Lake aud -West Clay sts.; 30-foot frontages. .MLSSION-ST. LOTS Lots fronting i Mission st, ' between SOth and ; 31st sts.: street bituminlzed; gas . and \ water i mains laid; secure a -lot on this busy- street: cars and stores at your door; $100 cash" and $15 monthly secures one. OSCAB HEYMAN & BROTHER, 2350 Pine st CLARENCE COLMAN. \u25a0"\u25a0 •\u25a0' - .. 1199 Post St . Phone Franklin 1025. FOR SALE— UKIM PROVED. $15,000—18:6x60; lot le«a, than 100 feet from busiest part of Montgomery Et ; - can you \eat this from an Investment standpoint? $45,000—82:6x120: near Sutter and M*son sts. r $33,000 — 50x120; (southeast comer, near Market ! and Van Ness; three frontages; elegant site for an apartment-house. $15,000 — 50x80: Valencia St., near Market. $*, 600—25x100; Bush St., near Taylor. $iTO.OO0 — 85x80; Fine corner on 19th st. $8,000—51x75; southwest corner on Guerrero. $12,000 — 50x90; north side of Folsom st, down- town. \u25a0 ' .. „. .". :.„..,. r •--\u25a0"_\u25a0"-«;. $30,000 — 40x57:6; .near 4th and Howard. FOR SALE— IMPROVED. $5,500— 3 flats of 4, 5 and 6 rooms; built less than 2 months; la Mission; lot 26x114; in- come $98 p«r month; flne location. \u25a0• •\u25a0-. \u25a0 \u25a0-'• $22,000-r-Elejfant . apartment-house in . ; Mission. 1 ''near Mission and 22d; finished less than 3 mimtlic; contains « 5-room ' modern • flats and cement basement; large lot, ; 33x125; lante mortgage can be. obtained; Income $243 per month. -•••••>•-•\u25a0-\u25a0•... $0,000 — 4" flats in Potrero; lot 50x100; income \ $so: • '- - *•.\u25a0:-\u25a0>>-,, \u25a0-, .-. :.-- CLARENCE COLMAN. 1199 Post St. - \u25a0 -.-\u25a0\u25a0- Phone Franklin 1025. GET a home : now; near new. 19th-st7 ear line; - $50 cash, $10 monthly; between L and M sts.; ready to build on; lot on 17th, 18th," 20th and -21st ayes. ; only, a few: left ' \u25a0 \u25a0 .' McEWEN BROS.. 475 Pino St. $1600 — Lot near nI ; Bt. , : 14th r ave. j . ready to • build on; near new H-st. "' carhouse. '..- : - McEWEN BROS.. 475 Pjne st. $5 :2^ iyoT [ CITY, REAL ESTA'TB—^Centinned. ;* " BALDWIN '& HOWELL, 1602 FILLMORE ST. BALDWIN- & HOWELL. • ICW! FILLMORE ST. BALDWIN & HOWELL. ICD2 FILLMOBE ". ST.' Members of the S. F. Real Estate Board. DOWNTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. DOWNTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. $106,000— Elegant corner on Bush nt.~. Close to . new city courts; Ideal location for apart- ment house and stores; would get sun on about 200 feet frontage. («04 Af $85,000— Fine corner, close to seawall; 60-vara ' lot, 137:te137:6; '' spur : track ; excellent site for manufacturing concern. (62 A) $40,000-^Fine northeast corner on Bush " st., . close to Grant aye.. Home Telephone C« and new c^onrt building; lot 00x70. '. $2S, ooo— Fine northeast corner on Howard st, not far from. 14th; 230 feet street front-- age; ideal manjifacturing site. (Cl 4 A) $25,000— SNAP— Sunny side of Ellis str' close io Larkin; lot 35x137:8; flne holding for \u25a0 apartment house. (200 A) $22,300-^Fine holding 'on Clay St. near Dupont; i.:':- 55:9 feet -frontage: . Chinatown; '\u25a0 this would yield a handsome return If im- proved with brick building. $7,soo— Excellent holding; 27:6x137:6, with larpe Jog of 40x00 to rear street;, over 6100 square feet; just the thing for apartment bouse; - California, \u25a0 near Leavenworth. . ' t(474A). $40,000 — Dandy corner on Sutter St., not far from DeTisadero; 2 stores and 5 flits of 7 rooms and bath each; rents $350 for term of years; fine buy in all respects. | $27,500— Rents JJ3240 per year; an elegant little apartment house of 7 apartments; 5 'rooms and bath rent for $40 per month, so you can judge the rents are low; this include* gas, etc.; lot 30x130; . fronting beautiful city park. ,- . >" $15,500^ — One of tbe best investments offered for sale: rents $1400 per year on secured ' g le.-iise: all leased save one flat; building of 2 stores. and 2.flats;.Haight st, near Masonic aye. t, $10,000 — Rents $105 per month; good' building of store and 2 flats; stable In rear, Lyou st, close to Grove; good Income Invest- ment $6,000 — Rents $58 per month; frame building of 2 stores, with rooms in rear and good \u25a0 large hall above; Fillmore, near Green- SPECIAL!!! SPECIAL! U * $8,000 — Cash Is all you need to purchase this $14,000 property, paying $IS3 per month; would pay $120 NET per month on $S000; $0000 bank mortgage can remain; lot 25x150; good \u25a0 little apartment house .-. • : on 14th st. not far from Duboce Park: . f» apartments: THIS PAYS • 18~ -PER CENT NET ON EQUITY 1! •. $6,500 — Two flats of 6 room* and bath each on Fell st, close to Webster; offered to - :'i close an estate: if improved at_small outlay would pay fine interest and would make a good turn. $2,500 — Good lot on Lombard, near Laguna; 25x137:6. $18,000 — Rents $2400 per year; 6 new. 4-room and bath flats; on Oak st, near Fill- more. $9,000 — Dandy little "apartments, containing 4, 5 and C rooms; rents $110; Golden Gate aye., near Ist aye.: $2,750 — Fine northeast . corner 'on Lombard St.; Just the thing for flats and store; — 27:6x100. $1,200 — Nice lot on sunny side. of Pierce at, north of Lombard. . $2,ooo— Lot "25x50; on Kate at..' near Bryant; rented for $15 per month; 5 years' lease. $4,500 — 75 feet on Lombard, near Broderick; sunny side; 75x137:6. - BALDWIN & HOWELL, 1692 FILLMORB ST. BALDWIN & HOWICLL, ICO2 FILLMORE ST. * PRESIDIO TERRACE. - PRESIDIO TERRACH. PRESIDIO TERRACE. San Francisco's" only residence park. Absolute protection afforded. No stables, liandries, flats, stores or business structures permitted. \ ' • Sun and • light guaranteed by building re- strictions. f-'V: • . '.i „ Sewers, side sewers to lot lines, gas and water mains, electric and telephone all in. bltumlnized streets,- granite curbs.' artificial stone sidewalks, grass plots, trees and flowers . in front of every lot. v y ' V -. •\u25a0 , \u25a0-.\u25a0'.\u25a0 Every indncement to home builders. •- ;-. Electric lights burn ail night and every night In Presidio Terrace. •!: v^^'/i-^'-*^ - . Special watchman. I-otn 50 feet frontage, $0000. Terms to Suit. Minimum cost of houses, $7000. "That fine residence park oa Ist aye." SEND FOR NEW DESCRIPTIVE FOLDER. BALDWIN & HOWELL, 1692 FDLLMORE ST.' BALDWIN & HOWELL. 1692 FILLMORE ST. * ~ SPECIAL! . SPECIAL! $8750 — Two new flats 0f, 6 rooms and bath each| modern and up to date; large 'basement; rents $95 per month;. -built since the fire; sth ave.,. Sunset; fine district BALDWIN &< HOWELL, 1692 FILLMORE ST. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 1692 FILLMORE ST. -'-•-. .. . \u2666 _",' "^ ' . YON BUEIN REAL ESTATE CU. 03 GEARY ST. > . . . REAL ESTATE INSUItANCE. RENTING. $20,000- i -O'Farrell St., nr. Van Ness are.; build- ing leased- to one of tie largest corpora- tions in Sau Fraucbico - for $2,400 per year; absolutely safe investment, paying large rate of interest -- ... $IC,OOO->-Van Ness aye.. nr.. Green; elegant Site \u25a0 for sanitarium or apartment house; lot 47xiS5 ft. \u25a0 \u25a0 v $16,000 — California,, near Webster: . 2 modern flatH of 7 and 9 rooma and bath, renting for $123 per month. . $13,500— Double frontage pn- Oalc 5t., ... near Laguna; 5 flats, bringing in $136 per mo. $12,500 — Cor. of .Castro st.-; rents $125; could be Increased to $150; 4 houses;.- store and \u25a0 fiat- \u25a0\u25a0 " \u25a0 \u25a0• \u25a0 •• '\u25a0\u25a0• '• -- ' \u25a0 * $12,500 — Cor. 24th and- Capp Bts., 50x65 feet; I improvements renting for $SO. $10,000 — Over -55 feet \ frontage; Cherry, _ near Washington, > .with modern house - of 7 rooms and bath." . $10,000— Well-built 9-room house with finished basement, " opposite A lta Plaza; must be sold on account of owner leaving city. $Brso8 r 5oo — lE ' ine Bt -« near Scott; cottage of 6 rooms and bath." :• • \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0: $7,ooo— Clement st;,. near Bth aye.; best part "of Richmond business section; building can be easily turned Into stores. ' * $7,000— 4 modern flats in Park district; present • renta $72 per -month.- • $C,OO0 — 2 ' G-room . flats ' on \u25a0• Laguna st, near \u25a0 Greenwich; rents $57:60. \u25a0 ' : . $s,6oo— Jackson, . near -Hyde;- 27^x137:6; offer 1 - - . ; wanted. -i^ '".. '. ."..\u25a0 : - - -' ; \u25a0 $4,500 — 29:0x127:8;- Jackson Bt, near Maple; \u25a0 one of the most dcsliable residence local- ities In :• San- Francisco;.- cheapest : buy in the vicinity.,. \u25a0•\u25a0''•'.'->*'.' $4,500 — Rausch st.,\ near Folsom; 2 cottages of 4 rooms and bath each; renting for $47.00 per month. v •--.-\u25a0»-• • , -.-;\u25a0 $4,100 — Lyon/st., near' California; 27:7%x100; old improvements; a- snap. $4tooo—^Leavenworth,4 t 0oo —^Leavenworth, near "Pine;-' choicest home site in this. vlcfnlty. ,$3,500 — 57:6-fubt:. corner on Lake, st. and 20th ' avenue.' . '\u25a0-\u25a0'.. ' ."•"'..\u25a0. \u25a0 .". -y' \u25a0 $3,800 — 30x120;:6th aye., near B st; new, ar- tistically constructed' ; bungalow; ; must be seen to be appreciated, v - . $2,250 — Elegant building lot bet." Lake st and • < Presidio wall; 25x120 feet'- ' ' \u25a0"'\u25a0', $16,500— Three magnificent flats; palaces of park .-district; see those if you want the best. :• - - $12,000— A. beautiful residence; 10 modern rooms; i "' select location. \u25a0\u25a0»*"\u25a0 ..~ *' '. : • : . v '< $12,50(^— Four modern flats, with \u25a0 44-foot front- ! - age; 0 and 6 large "rooms; bank 'mortgage of ?50O0; have you the balance? A ".-<: . $8250— Artistically . built \u25a0> house; ; 8 . large - sunny rooms: corner; 50x101; bargain.' \u25a0~tt3t§ftsg&*4, $9500 — Three \ substantial \u25a0\u25a0 flats, v , two years . old ; \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0&, 5 and 6 rooms; sunny; a good buy.-- * \ $8500 — Beautiful i home;; 1 .-•: rooms -end banquet- buy this and be happy. - .; . $9500 — Two corner; flats, 40-foot -<«sntage; grand - view; mortga«e of $5000; good: jucome.y."---.-"., : $0500 — New -. house; f6 a sunny ; rooms,' "hardwood ' •\u25a0-' floors, auto drive ; > rapidly . building . location. * $8650 — Apartment-house, 4.ap artments, J : near Park; -one ; year old; ; large; lot;.- good income; "\u25a0(ret busy.'"'.; \u25a0\u25a0'=".\u25a0 !.'; " -- : - \u25a0. ', -,-- : ---' %,'"'': .'\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0* \u25a0 1 -- : ./ : ! $CHOO— Swell ' home, • 10 , rooms, on sunny side of ; Stanyan Bt. ; this is asacrifice, 4 don't miss lt.'.ii $CisO — Two fiats,"; two years old; sands 'and 6 rooms;'' ; good location and hard -to find at tbts price. \u25a0;-. \u25a0\u25a0: $5700 — Pleasant* home • three ;. years i \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 old;, cannot duplicate in city." -\u0084--/ •-- - $S7OO- ; -FOur ; pretty 1 Romeos,-- one I year '. Old ; r this 1 * Is nH, right, .paying you $100 per. month. \u25a0•;.,' . -.\u25a0-. tot — I 'fit. aud -2d- aye., SSuiiset; must be 'sold; -\u25a0\u25a0: $2000; worth • $2500. - - ..... ' J '-, :•\u25a0'\u25a0• .; ;. : Lots; don't wait; lots.' ''Make money; stop wear- • ing yourself out looking. for. property; see me; ! do It now. ' . . -' . ! : TERMS ON ALL ABOVE PROPERTY. - 1410 HAIOHT ST. .:.;;: -..-.-'> -..;,- FOR 7*. sale— Brand ." new it cottage, *> containing *s"4 ;.: largeisunny; roomfei'-hlghvbaseincnt -and cattle,' .which can, be made into rooms; all mulern Ira - . • provements ; ,\u25a0 must ?. be r seen to y be ; appreciated.' : -Edlnburg st., near India'ave.; take Misslon-st. "; cars to . Silver ; ave.V-' walk : 3 ' blocks east ; \ owner on premlnes. 5. ' ! "\u25a0-•\u25a0." ':' : B." B.- Lee ->\u25a0'- *••"-• v\u25a0\u25a0 '-• •'-\u25a0 ' "'.- ' *"':" ' : <3. T. Hurley. " LEE-HURLEY, tc CO., -' ' • 1256 McAllister, near fillmore. $41,500— Northeast corner in 'the -Western' Addi- tion; large "lot; splendid, mew,: 3-story building, consisting of 18 flats of 4 rooms and bath each; thoroughly up to date and elejrant throughout; rented extremely low at $5844 per annum ; pays 14 per cent, and ,_,- ' is safe income property; no t inflated rents. $35,000— SpJeud id corner on McAllister st.,- close In; lot 37:Cxl00: elegant, up-to-date build- ing of 6 flats of 6 and 7 rooms and bath each, rented very low at $255 per month. $30,000— corner on Market «t.; lot 43x114; splen- did Improvements; store, flats aad resi- dence; rent $180 per moath. ' ,i, \u0084 $30,000— Offer wanted; NE. corner on O'Farrell st. ( : east of Fillmore; lot 81 ft. \u25a0frontage. Improved with -modern building "of 40 rooms; rent $290 per month. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- - ...:.-\u25a0 : $16,000— Fulton st; splendid, new building of 6 flats of 4 rooms and bath each, renting at $220 per month, '"v - '»-'.*• \u25a0'* \u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0 ""\u25a0\u25a0 ; $15,000 — Dolores st, near 17th; - lot 50x115; 4 flats of 5 rooms and bath. each; old rent $10O"per month. : ;r; r \u25a0 , $16,000— Business corner In the Mission; 4 stores • and , 3 flats ; 10-year secured - lease to one tenatit at $175 per month; lot 83x55.: \ $14,000 — Haight-st. lot, 00x100, Improved .with 8 \u25a0-\u25a0 stores renting at $120 per month, v $15,000 — Offer wanted; Oak St., near Buchanan: lot 27:0x120 to rear street, 2 frontages; 6 . . flats of 4, 0 and 7 rooms and bath each, \u25a0 \u25a0-» rented low at $130 per month. $13,000 — Near Waller , and Belvedere \u25a0 sts. ; lot 50x120;. 3 modern,, up-to-date • flats -of 6 rooms and bath each, aud a moddern cot- ", . . tage of 7 rooms and bath, with fine drive- way and s stable In 'rear; rented low,, at $117.50 per month. •'\u25a0\u25a0 . $12,500— 0ne block from Fillmore St.; good busl- \u25a0•'- ; ness corner; lot 30x52:6; modern building of 2 flats, easily raised and store pnt un- : : der.' • - '\u25a0 ' '\u25a0:\u25a0 ' ;-• •\u25a0•- •- \u25a0 -"' $12,500 — Near Halght and Baker sts. ; lot 27 :8 x 120; .elegant, up-to-date > residence 'of 11 rooms and bath, containing all the : latest modern Improvements; - basement finished for dancing-room; bargain. $12,000 — Good business corner on Sacramento St.; ' lot 27:6x77:0; substantial building, store, flats and stable; rent $100 per month) no ' leases. $12,000 — Hayes st.; lot 25x112:6, store and dwell- ing; rent $115 per moijtli.' $12.000— Haljrht 'st., near Sfeiner; lot 25x100; 3 good flats of 6. C^and 7 rooms and bath each, rented low at $100 per month. - $10,500— Oak- St., east of Devisadero; lot 25x 137:6; 3 good, substantial flats of 6, 6 and 7 rooms and bath each; rent $120 "per • month. - $9,500 — Near 28th and Mission sts.; lot 122x136, partially improved with hotel of 40 rooms, leased for 5 years at $90 per^month. $9,500 — Sacramento st, near Devisadero; lot 27x 105; 4 flats of 4 rooms and bath each; rent $95 per month; bargain. $9,ooo— Carl st; lot 25x100; 8 modern flats of 6 - rooms and bath each; rent $90 per month. $8,500 — McAllister St., near Devisadero; lot' 2sx 137:6; flat of 4 rooms and bath, and 2 floors of 7 rooms and bath; rent $80 per month. $8,000 — Near Devisadero and Oak sts.; lot 25x • 137:6; substantial building of store and fiat of (J rooms and- bath; rent $75 per -" • month.' \u25a0 • . $7,500— 16 th st, near Sanchez: 10t' 25x109:7; substantial building of 3 flats of 4. 5 and / 6* rooms \ and bath, each; rent $S5 per month. ' .- • .- . -"'\u25a0\u25a0- so,so0 — Grove St., north line, east of Buchanan; lot 25x68:9; substantial building of 2 flats of 5 and 6 rooms and bath each; old rent • $55 per month; bank mortgage of $2900 v ' *an remain. $6,000 — Greenwich St., near Broderick; lot 29: 0 x - - - 120; 3 flats of 4, 5 and 6 rooms and bath • each; rent $65 per month. ... RESIDENCES AND COTTAGES. $11,000— Near Eddy and Scott sts.; lot 50x93; 2 3-story, high-basement houses of 7 rooms and bath each; rent $100 per month.' ' • '\u25a0 $8,000 — Union, et, near Flllmore; lot 25x137:8i modern residence of 7 rooms and bath, beam ceilings and hardwood floors. . $B,23o— Scott St., near Duboce Park; lot 23x110; modern residence of 11 rooms and bath. . $7,soo— Swell residence on Broderick st, near Fulton; !• rooms and bath, . heated .with furnace; all -latest modern Improvements; bargain. \u25a0 - - . . \u25a0 $7,500 — Washington st., near Broderick; lot 25x 127:6; .modern residence of 8 rooms and bath< bank mortgage of $3500 can remain. '$5,250 — Leased for 3 years \at $30 per month; Scott st' near Ellis; lot 25x90; 2 cot- tages of 5 rooms and bath each. ~V.;% \u25a0 ' $3,750 — Must be.. sold; offer wanted; near Mar- ket and. 16th sts.; substantial cottage of 7. ' rooms and bath and high basement.. % $2,7so— Near ISth- and Danvers sts. ; lot 25x100: new and very pretty cottage of 4 rooms and bath with high basement,' containing all ' the latest " modem Improvements; • bank mortgage of $1600 can be had. • $2,600 — $350 cash and $25. per month; near 18th- . St. cars; lot 26x90; new cottage of 5 rooms • and bath. • '• .. - - ' VACANT LOTS. $27,500— Spear St., near Howard; lot 45:10x137:6; bank mortgage of $17,000 can remain. $25,000— Corner on Howard St., 97:0x115, 3 front- ages. -, -\u0084 . . " ' $5,500 — Washington st. , eaut >of Spruce ; 27 :6 x .'. 53,750-^Clay st; near Taylor, 27:6x68; this Is a . snap; Just "the right size for f 6 4 room '• flats: 1 block from Fairmont Hotel.':/ « \u25a0:, $3,7 Co —Grove st., near Devisadero; 30x137:6. , $7,ooo— McAllister St.. near Fillmore; 27x110. • $3,750— 13 th st, neir Folsom; 33x80. .-'-;- z '< $3,ooo— Hayea st, near Clayton; 25x137:8. * $2,7so— Clementina st.; east of Oth; --25x75. $2,350— 18th St., near Noe;. 23x75. :• -. $I,7oo— Golden Gate aye., near Central; 25x100. Sl.3oO— Hnncock St., near Sanchez; 25x114. ' $1,300— 17 th aye., near Clement; 25x120. $700 — 47th aye., near L St.; 23x120; snap. $1,500 — Prccita aye., near Folsom; 25x75. & CO., . , 1253 MCALLISTER ST., NEAR FItLMORE. SUAINWALD, BUCKBEE & CO., REAL ESTATE i AGENTS, 136 C SUTTER ST., NEAR VAN' NESS AYE. - Downtown Office, Room 207, Kohl Bldg.' $100,000 — Golden • Gate : aye. corner near -Van Ness: large - lot with 8 frontages; lot . 65x1--'O ft. . •\u25a0•.- s7s,ooo— Brick building, rented to I. tenant; long :. . lease; will -pay about 10 per cent net oa price at which property is offered. \u25a0 • $43,000 — NW. corner - on Fell st.;. hotel building - - - of about 30 rooms; : leased for 5 years at -• 5200 per. mo. ; lot 56:3x100 ft includes : vacant .10t ... adjoining, 25x106 feet, on which an annex* could be built. ••".\u25a0•;; $30,000 — Gough-et. residence;. 2-story, attic and basement; first floor: - parlor, library, din- ing-room, servants', dining-room, butler's pantry, -storeroom; decorated in oil; hand- \u25a0; \u0084 some • fixtures; second floor: 5 -bedrooms ' and bath; hot water heating plant; key lot: every ' room light and sunny; attic: 6 finished : bedrooms and bath. $20,000 — Post St.; near Gough ; 2 elegant flats, . 7-n rooms and bath each; rents $110; can be raised; lot 31:3x08:9 feet; flats in first clai ft; In first-class condition. \u25a0 « „ $13,500— Waller St., near Webster;. 3 flats,' C-6-7 rooms and • bath 1 each; rents $120 ' per month, can be raised ; lot 30x120 feet ; ' 2 frontages; ttu 1 portion of - lot, 30547, - is not 1 built . on. This faces on rear street and 4 flats could be \u25a0 erected thereon.v . \u25a0•. $13,000 — Musonic-a ve. . residence of •10 rooms and bath ; \u25a0 lot , 40x100 ft ; house In first-class condition. . .. -\u25a0 '-'•-. \u25a0 : v .~'--" ' -» $13,000 — Gough st., : near Geary ; ; modern 2-story \u25a0 --. residence, \u25a0 10 rooms and bath; large finish- . . , >d basement: ; lot. .2. 27 :Cxllo - f t ; rent* $100; leased for 3 years. ; r. - . $12,500 — Ne w.s modern- 2-story. English basement . residence . near > Duboce Park of 8 rooma / \u25a0'« and ', bath ; i hardwood floors, open fireplaces. '. etc. ;^ interior \u25a0 finished: In curly -redwood; grand view sof > city and bay ; lot 25x110 ft; key lot.' '.-'. -• -'\u25a0 - '.•-.- \u25a0 : \u25a0' 1 . : $10,000— Valencia st, near 22d; 8-story house of 7 rooms and bath;; business neighborhood; would'pay handsome Income if raised and stores built underplot 25x75; feet: $7,ooo— Seventh- aye. ; 2-story ;. modern \u25a0 residence '\u25a0 - 'of .7. rooms and bath; in perfect condition; every * room ' light .? and : sunny; ; : lot •: 23x120 • f t. ; will \u25a0 sell completely furnished > f or $7500. ; - "^esa^^at^^affigQaaMßia. $6,250 — Second aye., near "At st. ; .' modem • resi- , \u0084 dence 'Of 10 rooms >and bath; street work 1 all done; ! bouse ; about : 1 \ year ' old ; lin I per- fect condition ;'\u25a0 all rooms light' and: sunny , and - well ; arranged ; lot \u25a0: 25x120 \u25a0 ft. ; one- - half block from car lines. -.;\u25a0\u25a0-. -\u25a0 SHAINWALD.*BUCKBEB*& C 0.,. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. '. ' 1366 SUTTER ST., -NEAR VAN NESS AYE. ~ ' . Downtown ' office,';: Room - 207 > Kohl t Bldg. : : $4500— Corner • lot," 50x100; I Dolores ] and ' Clipper; j .-v make > your. own, tenns;:or exchange. "..;\u25a0 ' : \u25a0" : i Three ' modern ' cottages, • 4 ', to ' 10 rooms and - bath, /cheap; ' near • the : wholesale .: district • and \u25a0;.- 10th'st.^\u25a0^ \u25a0\u25a0; -V. -.:\u25a0'-' '::.: - : \u25a0: .": : \u25a0 \u25a0 ' $800— Large lot,. small house; Mission. ..;- '..\u25a0,-- '.\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0-- Four ' lots. \u25a0 with new, > modern : cottage *of : 6 "rooms and bath; 2 blocks from , Mission - st. ;; a , bargain. -. -.- - \u25a0 ' "\u25a0 $800 Lot on Kansas : St.; ; near :10th.'.--' $250— Lots in Mission; easy pay.; $7.50 mo." •EHM, 710 San - ; Bruno aye., bet. \u25a0 10th ' and 20th. A Nice, Comfortable Home and Investment. '"' $12,500— Fine,. -larse/ sunny ; corner, 30x110; choice part of rWestern Addition, with : well | built, 2-story * house,'? 0 * r<»ms '1 and ; bath.f bay-windows, gas : and \u25a0 electric !*s#sice,^ mahogany : mantels ; }in- cludes ; carpets/ 8 curtains,":! fixtures 'and \u25a0; 2 i ranges; good as ne w ; • room lon I rear lot for another bouse. x c- ROTHERMEL j&^CO^i2o9lj &^ CO^i 2091 ;; at. - .,- FOR - sale-^-2 i nice 'pottages";4 l rooms i and? bath;! -" with S up-to-date 'arrangements; ; acetylene 1 gas, ''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 patent "folding beds ;s near xtlie; new boulevard: " "* also y some % good r buildlnj? ,-j lots ?, cheap. 1 .• ' 500 „ Ralston \u25a0£ st^^LakevlewV^lngleslde. -\u25a0\u25a0"'.-..- HOMESITE J BARGAIN/ from i owner ; it Park t Pan- ' : handle r> district; :2 2 car * lines; a marina - view; •-$1000 per lot this week only.' Box 245, Call.; ! -'- / CITY REAL ESTATE — Coatlnned. :' "\ MISSION hbJUL ESTATE. '"\u25a0- - v \u25a0 T\'.~? : ;.'-: ' \u25a0D, COFFIN & C 0. - ,-2528 Mission st.,^near 220. v ; $-,250 — South 'line Army < st," near Noe; 2 cot- ; .' tages of 4 and 6 rooms and bath; lot 25x 114 ; better see t these; both for this one prlca- \u25a0 --\u25a0 ' , \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 .-.--. . . „ 92,500— North line Valley st, near Sanehesj cot- \u25a0 tage of 4 rooms aad bath: - 7-foot base- 1 >.^ „ " ment; block from cars; lot 25x114. $2,600 — North line Rlohland aye., 2 blocks from . ,-\u25a0•"..-. Mission-st. ; cars; • cottage o( 3 rooms and bath; new and modern; lot 50x100. ' '. $3,000 — North line Valley st, near Castro;, cot- V- tage of 5 rooms and bath: lot 60x100. . $3,ooo— Moultrl«-st. cottage of 4 rooms and bath, wlth4 lots, 100x70;. stabl* aad 2 stalls la rearf $1500 mortgage at 6ft per \u25a0 cent "\u25a0"-?\u25a0•\u25a0..-•--.<\u25a0\u25a0 .; ..-.-., $3,400 — East line Caenery : st., near Roanoke: \u25a0cottage of 5 rooms and bath, on car' line; \u25a0• modern and up-to-date; lot 23:6x100. $3,, oo— South line Kansas st, near 24th; 2 Cats of 4 and 5 ; rooms and bath,' modern ' im- provements; $1000 ' mortgage at -,oft --per cent; lot 25x100; block from the cars. $3,9oo— West line 20th aye. Sunset, near H st; cottage of 4 rooms and bath; modern im- ----- • provements; lot 25x120. :- $4,150 — South line 28ta St. near Diamond;' cot- \u25a0'- \u25a0 . stage ' tage -of 6 rooms and bath ; 0-foot base- ment;.' lot 2Sxll4;'sl3oo mortgage at-* - per *ent - - - ' • \u25a0 - $4,6oo— Corner Coso aye. - and Lundy lane; * 2 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0./ -. flats of -4 rooms and ; bath each; modern lmprotements; near cars;- lot 30x70. $4,650— East line Church st. near £9th; 2 new and modern stores, with Income of $50 per • month; lot 40x80; $2000 remains. $s,ooo— north line 21st st., near Castro; cottage ." \u25a0 ••-:\u25a0 of 6 rooms and bath: all new and modern; • fine view: lot 25x114. $6,2so— West line Shot well St., near 20th; fine • . -house of 7 -rooms and bath; all newly \u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0- \u25a0 renovated; lot 23x122:6.' $6,750 — North line Army st, near Church: 2 flats of 5 rooms and -bath each; mudern ;;";--•; ;";--• ; improrements; lot 28:6x114. $6,800 — Chenery i st. , : running through -to Pal- . raft; 3 flats of 3 and 4 and 5 rooms and bath on l Chenery st and cottage Of 4 : rooms and bath -on Palmer st ; Income $75; lot 27x100 feet $7,ooo— South . line 23d st, near Castro; 3 flats of 5-6-7 rooms and bath ; all modern lm- ; .- \u25a0 provemtnts; rents $105 - per month; - lot 23x114 feet • $if7si f 750 — North line 24th st, near Guerrero; 2 - .flats of 5 rooms and bath each; all mod- ern Improvements; near 2 car lines; lot „ , wwi 86x '* ) ; $1500 mortgage at 6 per cent $9,000 — West line Shotwell St. near 22d; 2 cot- tage* of 6 and 6 rooms and bath; all modern . improvements and In fine condl- ; tlon; lot 57:6x122:6. $9,000 — South line 29th st, near Mission; 2 flata of 6 and 6 rooms and bath ; 8-foot base- • ment; rents $75; -all. modern Improve- ments; lot 25x135. $!>,ooo— East line of Harrison st., near 24tn; 2 \u25a0..\u25a0-;: new fiats of 5 and 6 rooms aad bath; all modern improvements; good basement; in- ",.,.-.• come fan per month; everything - first \u0084- class; lot 25x100. $9,ooo— North line 21st St., near Folsom; 4 fiats • 0f. 4 and 5 rooms and bath; modern "lm- ..j provements; lot 25x100; Income $115. . • $9,500^ — North line Preclta, near Folsom ; 4 fiats ' of 4 and s.rooms. rooms and bath; modern; lot 65x123. $10,000 — East line Howard st. near 24th; rte- ... gant house of 0 Sue rooms and bath; large finished basement; lot 25x122:6. \u25a0 * - $15,000 — Northeast corner. 24th and Guerrero; 8. flats of 6 rooms and bath each; all mod- ern Improvements; splendid location; lot 64x75. $15,000— East line Howard st, near 24th; 3 flats of C rooms and bath each; large income; modern Improvements; lot 25x122:6. $26,000 — Southeast corner 26th st and San Jose - aye. ; . 2 fine flats of 5 rooms and bath each,* and lorely home of 10 rooms and bath; modern improvements; lot 40x120. LOTS— LOTS— LOTS." $400— Montealm st, near California aye.: 20x70. . " $450-"-Soutb line Harkins st, near Beta. Reis Tract; 25x100. --, > $500 — West line Castro st," 76:8 south of 2sth; 25x100; $150 cash, $10 per month. $600— West line Allison st, 145 feet from ' - Mission st \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 'C-- - - - ' I $SoO— North line" Alvarado st., 130 feet west of Castro; 25x114; $50 down, $10 per month at 6ft per cent ."• § $760— North line Alvarado st, 175 ft west of \ • sth: 28x75. $3,500 — Southeast corner 27th and Guerrero sts.: 50x91:4. " $6,ooo— Southeast corner 16th and Dehon sts.: 30x75. $8,700— -West line- 'Guerrero st, 237:8 south of :; ~ 16th; 33:6x105. • • $7,6oo— Southeast line Stevenson St., 125 feet • west of 7th; 25x75. LOTS— SPECIAL— LOTS— BPECIAI*~LOT3. We sell a block of flne lots today: $50 down, $10 per month,'- with Interest at 6ft per cent; within 2 k blocks of 2 car lines; today they go for sure. >\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0' "\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ... ' We sold tbe adjoining block In ten days; get next to this; take 22d and Mission st cars to 24th and Diamond sts.; automobile will take you to the ground.- • •• - •-:'.\u25a0 • D. COFFIN & CO.. 2528 MISSION BT.; NEAR 22P. . , HARRIGAN ' WEIDENMULLER & ROSENSTIRX, Inc. . 845 MONTGOMERY ST. FOR BALE. $58,000--9ntter. it,' near Flllmore; 8 fiats of 7-8 ' rooms each; lot 60x137:6; rent $480; this ;;\u25a0' property can easily, bring in $650 per mo. $47,500 — Presidio aye., SW. corner Sacramento :. - -st. ; Btorc and flat"; grand business corner; rent $347.50; lot 75x81. $32,500 — Presidio ' Heights residence; NW. corner Jackson andjjon B ts.; lot S4:4ftxl27:BVi: house modern In all respects; grand view; if you are looking . for a home this is a \ sacrifice. ' ' : $26,000 — Valencia st. NW. corner of Liberty st.; .4 etoree; rent $206.80 per mo.; lot 40x110. $21,000- : -PrCBldio - Heights - residence; . Devisadero. near Pacific aye. ;; 18 rooms- and 2 baths; marine. view; strictly modern. $18,000 — Buchanan st. between Pacific and Jack- son sts.; lot 65x105; lot Is suitable for - \u25a0 residence. or apartment-house. $15,000— Howard st. NW. corner 24th; stores and 'flats; rents $125 per month; lot 30x100. $14,000— Jackson St., "corner Baker; residence of 10 rooms and bath,' with garage, including . furniture 5 lot 27:8x100.' ...\u25a0-.- '" ._/. V. - . _'* m^^^^^ -•."-.. / ". " $7,500-^-Landers St., near Market: residence of 6 ' , rooms and bath; lot 25x125; a nice home. $5,000 — California St., near Broderick; fine resi- \u25a0-dence.lot; 27:6x132:8.; . •?rr£ : : HARRIQAN, ' '\u25a0- WEIDENMULLKR & ROSENSTIRN. Ino 345 MONTGOMERY ST., ' Phone Temporary 1531. SOL'GETZ & SONS. ; Real Estate Dealers. . 607 Devisadero St., near Hayes. > We are : grading ,*to . "official grade. three of the choicest blocks in' "Sunset and Oceanside " fronting Park and car line. •\u25a0 — ; ' Please NOTE - This. :^ We \u25a0 especially inTlte "comparison ' with other ."South; of the Park" -tracts, .as to prices,* loca- tions ; and .terms; . ' . . .- . -j. , v ' j '..' $750 to $1250— Matchless lots, graded ready to ; build \u2666 on, - unobstructed -view of s Park '\u25a0\u25a0 and ocean, ; with cars | NOW" running past oor prop- erty.-,: Call today and .select first- choice. >-"~ . - $850 sto $1500— Near and t fronting ocean and boulevard; ~- all. .easy j:terras. : . $rj50.".t0: $700-^-Richmond Heights lots, unex- celled ! view of ocean. Park : and • Spreckels Lake. ' branch -office '' cor. ;H: st and 47th l aye. ;\u25a0 open" dally and. Sundays. --•-"••• . . J " > $250 * to .. $4riO-^-I^vel ;. '.'Excelsior Homestead" j and ''Ocean -View" lots ; \u25a0 gas, - water \u25a0 and ' near cars. '$5 monthly. .' i . ,- •B^to'6 room cottages oh easy terms. . . SOL ; GETZ & SONS,-,' ,' , , 507 Devisadcro st;' near, Hayes. JV -^- PRICES reduced for, quick sales; Jump In. % ' Lot. - '\u25a0\u25a0 block ; from 30th and Noe ; 32 . front 85 Wf* -r deep ;\u25a0• 1300 ;J; J $150 r down; ' 810 a month -rSOxlOO; $000;;$l75'down,i|lO-a;month "80x140;; $500:. $200 1 down.; slo: a mojth. . .:. JAMES ! MORSE," 1121 i Guerrero st".. nr. . 23d. . BUSINESS ; corner iou - Greenwich 1 St.; : consisting '\u25a0 of . store ' and ; flati abore : and * space in rear " for 2 J flats. ; Owner, 923 37th ' et., Oakland. - . CXTT REAL ESTATB--Cq»ttnaed. : ISO CHURCH ST.:,- NEAR MARKET. BRANCH OFFICE .'* D. COFFIN A CO.. -.' Phone Market 1695. *'P*pSSE£&et FLATS. .> \u25a0 $ 5,250— 2 very pretty flats ©a Eureka, st.. 1 : block from ears; 4 and 5 rooms aad bata 'each: lot 23x80. HERE IS A HOME WITH AN INCOME BESIDES. . $6,000— 26 th st: bay-window flats of B and 8 • rooms and bath; larga lot. MAKE A UEASONABLH - OFFER AND ,TAKE THESE. ; , £ $6,500 — A .Western Addition home at a small price. House of 8 rooms and bath: lot 25x110; rents $S0 per month. QUICK ACTIO.VHERE. 17,500—2 lovely new Cats ef 8 and 6 rooms and bath, with' every cotrrenieace; mar* ble start*; cement foundation; larse sun- ny rooms; lot 23x114; house la good condition. $8,000— 2 modern flats of 6 and 0 rooms,' with all conveniences; the lower story unfin- ished, will make a good* flat of 5 roums, ;_, \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 aa the building was constructed/ with this object in view. Thla is oa Hayes st. near Park Panhandle, where values are steadily enhancing. $9,100 — SB. corner of Jersey and Diamond at*.; 2 flats of 6 rooms each; lot 30x02. IF * YOU WANT 80METHING VERY FLNK, SEB THIS. $15,500 — Oa Carl st:; 8 fiats of 6, 6 aad 0 rooms; these are elegant; in the rear of the lot there is a new 4-room bungalow; rents $160 per month; lot * 25x137:6; $10,000 mortgage can 'remain. $30,000— A business proposition: rents for $4730 per year. The bank will loaa half pur- : chase price. ASK TO SEB THESE GRAND STORES AND FLATS. $8,750—2 swell flats 00 Castro, bet iota and 20th its., with 6 and 6 rooms and bath each; new and modern; lot 25x114. $17,500 — 8 4^room apartments on the east line of Cole St.; lot 27:6x100; income $230 per month. These flata are new and have all modern Improvements; mortgage of $400u can remain. , \u25a0 • $17,500—6 modern flata of 4 rooms and bath, on Dolores st., overlooking the Mission Park; Mot 80:6x95; rented low at $203 * per month. •':-\u25a0»\u25a0\u25a0.. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. $1,000 cash will buy you a very pretty cottage of 8 rooms and bath on Merritt st, near Denver, 200 feet from ldth-st ear line; balance of $2300 can be paid same ' as rent : v $4,ooo— Hin- st. near Castro: well-built house of 6 rooms and bath; beautiful surround- .** .^P' s"«nd view of the city: lot 25x114. $4,100—5 rooma and bath on 20th st, near Bryant: lot 20x114; street work all done. SEE THIS.' $4,250 — 6-room cottage oa Treat aye., opposite Garfleld Park; high basement: lot 23x 112:8. through to an alley; Vi block from 8 car lines. This Is a home neighbor- \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 hood. . $5,000 — 2-story house of 8 rooms on Diamond St. near ISth-st car line; lot 24x125. $5,250 — A beautiful home of 6 rooms and bath, with every possible convenience. This • Is on a beautiful block and grand view of city. SEE THIS. IT'S A SNAP. This is oa Liberty; lot 25x100. $5,250 — 20th st, near Castro; well-built house of 6 rooms and bath; flne home; beautiful surroundings; grand view of the city; lot 29x114. SEE THIS. $6,000—11 rooms and bath on B st. bet 12th and 13th area. : 1 year old; lot 25x100; mortgage $3250; can be bought oa month- ly payments of $44.50. 18,750— 5-room pretty cottage, with lot 60x79; corner oa 18th-st car line, near Castro. $7,soo— Waller st. bet' Stelser and Flllmore sts. ; beautiful cottage of - A rooms and - bath, with every possible convenience; lot 25x72. . , • CHEAP LOTS FOB HOMES. We -have only 13 lots left to sell at prices rang- ing from $200 to $325 for corners. Taey ' . are all ready to build upon and axe nicely eitnated Just off Cortland aye., about 3 block* from MisPlon-st. car line. Notice ' the easy terms — $50 cash and balance $10 monthly. \u25a0_ \u25a0 $I,ooo— East line of Noe St., near 21st ; 25x105. Note extra frontage. $1,200 each — Two lots oa the east line of 19th aye., north Park, near Point Lobos aye.; 25x100 each; sewered' and graded: ready to build on; $400 cash, balance $10 per month. $I,soo— West Mne of 18th aye. (Sunset), t>«t. L and J sts., 25x120. $2,loo— Cheap lot, ready to build oa. went line of Lapldge. j 170 feet south of 18th st., 25xS0. --,--., .....'- , $2,000 — Lot 40x125, on 30th st., close to Noe; this i* ready to build on. $3,000 — South line of Waller, near Devfeadero; flne for fiats; lot 40x110. $3,000 — Lot south line Clementina st., 227 feet west of 4th. 24xS0. MAKE US AN OV- Ffcß'ON THIS. $3,600 — Southwest corner of Fair Oaks and 25a sts.. 30x100. See this for 12 flats. $5,000 — North line of 17th st., near Dolores: 34:6x125; an excellent opportunity if : you want to locate In this vicinity. $650— -Lot on Lower Terrace, bead of 17th st: this locality is growing rapidly; flne view; , fize 23x100; terms if desired. , $500 — Lot for a home on Corbett aye., oppo- site 23d st; ready for bunding; size 26:6 x 127; terms, $100 down, balance $10 per -month. $3,000 — Corner lot on Dolores st., floss to Mis- sion High' School and ISth-st. car line, overlooking the Mission Park; consider size and price for a 12- flat proposition: tbe sbe Is 50x110 and the price ia only $5000. $3,ooo— West line of Devisadero, bet Duboce and 14th st.; this is one of tbe choicest locations In Saa Francisco, surrounded by beautiful homes; look for the yellow sign. then come and make us aa offer; size 26x90. . $10,000 — Southeast corner of 17 th and Dearborn, near Valencia;* ready to build oa; size Six 100. ' $3,ooo— Lot oa the west line of Guerrero st, north of 16th; SO feet frontage, 114 feet deep through to aa alley; thia Is situated oa •aa excellent location for an income property. ' BRANCH OFFICE D. COFFIN & CO., ISO CHtJRCH ST., NEAR MARKET. Phone Market 1695. OPES SUNDAYS FROM 8:30 TO 12. -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 WILLIAMS A SURRYUNB, Real Estate. 1209 Sutter St ' Telephone Fran Vl in 2085. $6250— 8ig bargain la Mission, close to Va- lencia and 23d sts; 2-story -bay window residence of 8 rooms and bath; high base- ment; this building could b« converted Into 3 flats at a small outlay and would rent easily at $100 per month; lot 27x100 ft; mortgage of $3000 can be arranged If desired; look this up at once. $3500 — Close to Valencia and 23d sts.; cottage of 5 rooms and lot 89x100 ft. 1 mortgage of $1500 eaa be had if desired. $5900— Bargain 7 near the park;* close to Page and Clayton sts. ; substantial C-story, resi- dence \u25a0of 7 rooms and bath; rents aow at $33 per. month; can be iacreased easily to. $50. $6500— Big bargain; McAllister sts extra large t lot, 43:9x137:6 ft; beautiful site oa which to erect apartment flats;' builders, look - this up; improvements consist of a cot- tage of 5 rooms, leaving a portion of the lot entirely vacant, on which could be erected further improvements. $9000— In the wholesale district, close to Jack- son and Front sts.: Improvements noml- • nal, but rented for $100 per month: under lease; this ia an, exceptional offering tor this district. \ $4630-»-Bargaln • lot close to Larkln aad Wash- ington sts.; key lot; 37:6x68:9 ft; par- ticularly desirable for 0 flats. , $1630— Close to Howard and 18th tts.; lot 25x75 ft; a snap. WILLIAMS A SURRYHNE, 1209 Sntter at. ~~ '. INVESTMENT BARGAIN. $18,500— One o£ the best business corners ia the Mission: substantial new improvements arranged in store and 3 flat*; rented for a total of $175 per month; lot 25x100 ft; this property is for sale but for a short time only; get . further particulars at once. . , \u25a0 / WILLIAMS & SURRYHXE. 1209 Sotter st ' ". • . - - G. A. BEAN & CO., " . 4501 Mission st $4o,oCo— lncome $460 per month; leased for 5 years; C elegant flata of a and 0 rooms each with all modern improvements; lot 55x137:6; a first class Investment; located on Post st. east of Flllmore. $17,500 — Lumber mill complete, together with 800 acres of choke timber land, 60 per cent redwood. 30 per cent flr. 10 per ceat sugar pine: located In Meadocino County. $2,650 — Good cottage of 4 rooms aad bath.- with all modern conveniences: only, 2 blocks from cars;. % cash ; balance easy pay- ments. ' • . $2,350 — New cottasce of 4 rooms, bath, station- ary tubs, toilet. . etc. ; about M cash and the balance like rent. $1,350 — Partly completed 4-room cottage^ $300 '' - cash; balance like rent. $230— And up for choice lots in Excelsior Homestead. • - $125 — And up for , choice lots tn .University Homestead. \u25a0 >' Desirable lots at low prices and on easy terms our specialty. ' - G. A.OBEAN fc CO. -'"\u25a0 4501 MISSION ST. V BERRY, METZLER & PHILLIP, lac. - 215 ' Monadnock Building. . -«, - Temporary 1312.- s37,soo— Hai*ht*st business property, near FUI- - more St.; 3 stores and 6 flats; lot 50-foot front; rent $350 per month. $22.000 — Mission st. business property, near 23d; \u25a0-, 60-foot: front; $5000 can 'be made on thla property in a few months; rents $225 per - month. ' ' $17,500 — Choice corner on Church st, close ;to \u25a0 •-•\u25a0 Market; "8" 8 modern •" flats; \u25a0- $193.50 p<»r moßth; large lor. This is a good buy; .- . mortgage of $7000 can remain. $30,000 — Choice corner in the Potrero, near 10th ~ and \u25a0 South - sts. : • 3 " frontages with spur 'track. i- Lot 209x123.- $26.000 — lta . itr; . near rolsom; lot 40 foot front. * This :1s r- snap. \ :' •$A3*.sOo— Howard st. near 3d; large lot 3 AND '4; room cottages; $200 cashand $17 per "-montn; ready for occupancy; -Arkansas strbet. 24th and 25th. - .. : CITY RKAL ESTATE— Coßttoned^, BPEOK * CO.. SPECK b CO..' * 84 OBAST ST., SPECK it CO.! * 54 GEAUT ST. TELEPIIOJrn TEMPORARY IB4X BARGAINS VX BCaNED DISTaitTC $80.000— Poet st. comer, vicinity «C Taylor it.: lot 80x60; 3 frontages; aa ' exceptional bargala. , . $45,000 — Jones tC corner, near Ceary st; lot •50x90. $13,000— Flfta St.. near Folsom: lot 40x80; 3 frontages; mortgage of $7000 eaa remain. #11,000— Souta Una of Howard st.. east of 9th; ioxiO; mortgage of $SOOO can remain. IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTT. $42,600— Fultoa st. corner, vicinity of 6th urn,, fronting oa Goldeu Gate Part; 120x192: one-srory frame Improvements under se- cured lease for 5 year* at $3100 per an- num; pays 7 1-3 per ceat net J3X.500— Brannan st corner, near Third; lot 33 r 100; 3 frontages; one-story and basement frame warehouse, with balcony and elec- tric elevator; leased for 5 years at $3000 per annum. $22.500— EU!s st., near Van Neas aye.; Ist SMx 120: 2 frontasea: nndar »«aso for 2 years at $150/" rx \u25a0»au=i^ ' . $20. (V«— Calif omJ.i St., near Broderick; 2 modern flata of 8 aad 9 rooms each; rent $3460 per annum. STATS. $20,000— Calif ornta st. near Broderick: 2 modern crn flata of 7 room* each, wlta flalsbad basement and attle^lot 42:6x132; prweeot rents $3420 per anaum: mortgage Q*JEP /n can remain: will pay 25 per cent *•***\u25a0 ao amount invested; thla property wouMLfeat under normal conditions for $2400 pe>aa« num. and ia one of the choicest lareat* meats la the market today. $14.000— Central aye.. near MeAWirter: 8 O«4- era Cats, almost new; leased to ono ten* ' ant at $1220 per annum; lot 25x100; mort- gage of $5000 eaa remain; pay* ll per cent $11,000— Waller st. near Fllltnor-: lot MilM! S flata; rent $1260 per annum. • $9,000 — Castro st. aear Duboce tva,; 1 s*» flats of 8 rooma each; reat $1000 pc» aa* nmn* / ; sPECiAiii SPECIAL! " iS*9 $10,000— Aa elegant residence of 10 loom* la best part of Mlsaloa warta belt; very larva lot; lot alone worth $5000. and the hou»« could not b« built today for $10.GOOt tai» la a bargain. $8250 — Fourta aye., aear C st.; new ft-foom we- Idenee. l to be completed April 1; Wt 25x 120; easy terms If desired. $3000—0 St., near «tk tw.; lot 28x109. aad \u2666\u25a0 room cottage; rented for $30 per moata; pays 22 par ceat CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTBL $4,Tso— California st. eoroer. TldnitTjf *Utmlt lot 32:7x37:6; mortgage of $2000 eaa re- main. BBflfijS * * / — — $3,2oo— Duncaa st. near Noe; lot 80xll4j win snbdlvide if desired. $2,soo— CUytoa St.. near Broderick: lot 23x100; a very choice lot la a fine neighborhood. $2.oso— Second aTe., near Clement; lot 23x320. $900— Merrftt'st.. near Daavers; lot 23:9x72:S feet. i TO LEASE* , HOTELS AND KOOMINQ HOUSES. J Fine corner, 2 Wo«t» from TJiilon Sqnare; 8 froatages, 164 rooms, all out- side rooms; buildiac now la course of . construction. One block from Van Nese and Market; 80 rooms; almost ready for occupancy. Eddy st, near Mason; 90 rooms; 50 Eddy st. near Leavenworth; 60 rooms. Geary st., m the Immediate Ttclnity of Bt. Francis Hotel; brick building contain- ing 60 rooms. Sixth st. corner. Ttclnity of Howard; 215 rooms; hot and cold water. O'Farrell st. vicinity ef FrankUn; 50 rooms; almost ready for occupancy. , \u25a0 , California st corner, vicinity of Larkln: 97 rooms; 30 baths; cafe on the ground floor; ready la 60 days. Tnird st, near Folsom; 100 rooms; ready in SO days. Ninth st, near Howard: 60 rooma. SPECK A CO.. 54 GEARY ST. TELEPHONE TEMPORARY 1642. HOOKER, & LENT 51 Geary Street $55,000 — Choicest business corner on valeacla St. bet. Market aad 224; over 15,000 square feet of ground. $18,000— 2 . flats oa Pacific Heights of 7 rooms and hath each; 2 years old; flne and op to date la every .respect r flalahed Tery artistically; hardware all solid Vaas; fine marine view that cannot be shut off; built for owner for a home; lot 34x105. $14,000— Rents $133"* per month; modern apart- ment-house; 1 year old; two blocks from Market st; mortgage of $6000 can re- main; will pay over IS per cent net. $12,500 — Vicinity of Mission aad 2i.it sts. l 4 flata of 5 aad tt rooms; large, lot;, reata $125 per month. A $11,000— Near Market and 13th sts.: 8 fllri la good condition; also fine stable: lso&aa a frontage of 43 feet; reata $109. 13.000 — Lot north line Green near Scott; Has marine view; size of lot 53x127. $3,000 — >>-ro«cn residence; furalahed; T yean old; elegant condition; 25x137:6; Carl st. near Stanyan. $6.250 — Panhandle residence of T rooma; ia good condition. $8.000 — Snap; cottage of 8 rooms and bata; oa lsih st, near Castro; -easy terras. $3,000 — Tremont-ave (Ashburr Heights) resi- dence. 11 rooms sad bata; marine view; aa offer of $5500 net will take this. $5,500 — Noe st ; new residence of d rooms snd bath; flne basement; rooms all light and sunny. $4.500 — Lot 50x120; oa 6ta aTe., near Presidio wall; a bargain. $3,000 — Polk st, near Union; street wori all- done; 27:8 feet front. $3,soo— iFliaert st, near Vaa Ifesa ave.| atreet work all done: 30x137:0. Polk -at. corner; 87:0x55; ail oa Poli-st. car line and all for sale cheap. $2,500— L0t on Laagton st.. aear Howard: Size 25xso. $1,600 each— 2 lots on J st., bet. 7th aad Bta ayes.; size 27x100. BALDWIN /k HOWFT.T. 161*2 FILLMOKE ST. CHOICE LOCATIONS. Close to Union Square; S-atorr aad baseaeat building; stores and lofts; excellent l7 lighted; over 6000 square feet oa atore floor: lofts would sublet for rent asked for entire bulldlns. Mission, near Second, running thronzh to Mtana: 4-story and basement building; $850 per moata. Market st. Inside of oth; 50 feet frontage to rear street; very desirable for furniture busi- ness; Will build to suit tenant Hotel on Bth St.. close to Western Pacific sad other railroad centers; 53 rooms, baths, dlnlag- rooms aad two stoves; ready April 1. 1007. Hotel and stores, close to Flood building; CO rooms, baths, flne baaemeat; by sublettlnc portions rooms will not cost over $10. Warehouses oa spur track, close ' to 4ta aad Townaend; rent about 3^ cent* per foot; 3000 to 14.000 square feet la each building; ele- vator, etc. Warehouse or maaufactnrins sites, corner 20th . and Harrison sts; building fronting two . streeU; 20.000 square feet at -very reasonable) rent; also large' corner adjoining, fronting three streets; spur track privilege already ar- ranged. - - Call at our office for farther particulars of, the above and many others we have to offer. ' EXTRA SPECIAL. ONLY $7900. MORTGAGE $5000. Two elesant flats. 5 and 8 rooma, baths, large basement, automobile entrance; marble .steps aad vestibule; One marine view that eaa never be \u25a0 obstructed; surrounded by choice dwellings; leased for $100 per month; - thew Cat* are Just being fin Inked and are worth "$9000; situated on the nurta line of McAllister at., fadns the Park. For partlctsjhra apply tv THOMPSON & KII-PATRICK. Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, ... , No. 7 -7 th st. cor, of Market $23,750 — Mlsalon business property, 5 stores aad 3 flats; rents $316; 50x104; taTestlgate at ouce. \u25a0 $13,000 — The best buy on Mlssloa street today; . a" store, a flat aad a house; rents $lti0; near 24th; V 3 frontages; , make offer. $11,750 — 0 swell new flats near 22d st; rente $130; can easily get $150.' $9,250- — t-new flats aear 24th at.; snap. $3,500 — House of S rooms; Buchanan and Sut- ter; rents $95; high basement. $4.ooo— Handsome W\ A. cottage-, of 3 rooms. $SoO— Lot 2axlCo; 19th aye.; terms; snap. $3,300—11 lot J in unset ; make offer.* ; GEO. W. H. PATTERSON. 1917 Sntter St. FINE 2-utory dwelling. 8 room* anctrW'ta; also 2 room* in basement; unfinished- A..c: goud residence neighborhood; one block frt!,i Castru- st cars; 'lot 24x100: worth $7000; If-aold at once will take $5600; terms, cash $.;r>oo. mortgage $2o. Apply on premises. 4105 20Ui st; no agents.: FLAT of 5 rooms for *ale. 7SO 7th aye., KidK mor.l; see parties from 1 to 4.