32 It ought> to be plain to everybody in San Francisco that Is the store for the Tasty People. Plain Ways and the Plain Modern Method of giving you all the Credit you ask, like our fore- fathers used to have when they "just charged" what they wanted. We count more on our Plain good standing than others would. It's the goods we sell, not the popularity attached to the name, "Smith's." You get the popularity of trading at "Smith's" thrown in , with the low "Smith's Prices." They are the prices that make other dealers cut theirs when "Smith's" is considered. What do you think of "Smith's ?^ lw--""^l w--""^' M f?=2?»d^^T^^ Qt'AiiTEnnD and roLisiiEn Price" on these Hassocks? /: j- _ Y^t^^A '"% TT ( ? OLDEV $AX table Tapestry Brussels Cover.. UOL jS^%^s^> W^M^^^Vi^X Here is an exceptional value ma . >!" \u25a0_>» ' i^Lv^-^>^--_L- ->-=a^z~ \VM* 24-inch Top Table. The pat- Velvet, Axmmster and QC r j^^^^^^KT^ WM tern is new, con- Co -> c Body Brussels Cover .. OOt j^t^^^^t^ ,. gp struction best §2.35 $1 a Week:! l^^^^BfS The Dresser for the housekeeper's favorite 'M^SsjsJsg^^^^ir*" On the lel>t we show our latest Range 'N^^'^^^r^-'' W $ arrival. _ A plain Dresser, but The Art Imperial §^^H§Hi^^^l| ro^l^lfloiS^oA^nishTti ! w-v • ti inches wide. Genuine French ~—~ m ~~~ mm^^ mm ~ mm^ m^~ . "Smith's Price". t*/*t * / * +*»KJV \jTArj\ v ?4»>'^ jI \u25a0 f AH Brass Bed irftPlFjf^^' lft 77 If - llll' \u25a0 value." Smith's Oi 7^ fl HlvA R / • /j£ n This five- i ' P rice «9^4.13 J Klfini v JgS^^-^r^ \ edged glass, Y^(t^^^ I '§ % fc* j A^^^r^~^jf^7/ Hs^&k l s££ h ' [{ \ {nTT't^ Til "^^fi The Bocter $495 SSgggli; I Price" for t^^TJ H ftZ! I(i J- . \ % Solid gold™ oak ' JX i i fVic, it ' • J-MsS^ " —beautiful pattern. ' '} (> A AA C= cL«Jri''P Reany valued at P^^ $ 8-90 g» ru ~ ' if wmmmi^mmammmmmmmmmmoam "" ———^—— —————— — — . \v e furnish $2.25 Couch Cover $1.10 \ f^« s &~is£±£r S s^^ -^ more Roomin^ pretty Oriental itripes; 60 inches j?f & }{*%+. '£ % i^j^^^^atr-^xrr^^^;^^. Houses than any FREE DELIVERY: IN OAKLAND, Smith's Prices" ALAMEDA AND BERKELEY ~^^= - J^HL——^» 0 • \u25a0 ' ; \u25a0 . A. B. SMITH CO. 700—714 VAN NESS AVENUE, COR.. TURK STREET GIRL ECNS AWAT AXD WEDS PETAL.UMA, March 8. — Miss Myrtle Baker, the daughter of a well to do rancher of this vicinity, quietly slipped away to flan Joee this week and was married to J. J. Coerdoza, a contractor of Mountain View. Owing to the girl's youth the parents were unwilling, but since the marriage all has been for given. "SHE BREEDS A RACE OF;HUSTLERS WITH A. LONGvRAKE; WHEN THEY REACH FOR ANYTHING IT COMES/ UKE DAVY CROeRET^^ q SHE HAS - REACHED OUT FOR q HERE ARE SOME CHANCES for you to q FRANCHISE ON SIXTH STREET SOLD. "Keep POPULATION, and a total of 1200 bring in something for yourself. your: eyes "on thus Street and you twill isee values jump in the building permits t last year was what the q $1000 IMMEDIATE PROFIT— 4O-foot IoU ' near fumre. We have a corner at Sixth and Bancroft, 150 long rake brought in. ' on Ashby Avenue, right in the heart of the busi- ft. on Sixth by %; ft on Bancroft,. on wm'ch we can show q SHE HAS REACHED OUT .ness district; 100 ; feet from Shattuck Avenue; 100 V^ youan immediate profit of $1500; and $1750 will swing.it. FACTORIES, and 30 orUhem have come. feet> fronv. transfer point when .car line, is built q APARTMENT HOUSE SlTE— Only one block from qSHE HAS REACHED OUT for many down Ashby Avenue. Price reduced $500 to Shattuck Avenue, where property is held^at $500 per front things, and the rake has always captured effect quick sale. One-half cash will swing it. foot— the S. W. corner of Fulton and Ghanning, fronting ]~. them. q ADDISON STREET NEAR MILVIA—Busi- 110 feet on Charming and 100 feet on Fulton. ' Business is qAND NOW SHE IS REACHING ness district, isn't it? Well,: here's ; .a lot at $20 -creeping up Charming Way, arid an apartment house with OUT with a longer rake than ever. per foot less ; : tKan its value itoday.^ Property just stores^ below would ; m^e/a\ fine} myes^eh^^-Otfp^te/ cor- q "KEEP YOUR EYES ON BERKE- back of it on University :\u25a0: Avenue selling at three ncr sold yesterday for $160 per foot. Doesn.t this look LEY" this next year and you will \ see the times as much; and we can deliver this 25-foot cheap at $13,00(1? 1 long rake bring, in more factories more lot at $120 1 per foot. :' ;/, ; , q> A GREAT IN VESTMENT-^A 3-storybrick block east building permits, more class"A bui dings, q CENTER STREET NEAR MI LVIA- First- . sid^of^DwightvVVayVonly r 100 ft east of Shattuck Avemie g more hotels, car lines, local railroads, class business property, $25 per foot lesslthan ad-, THe:building; which is quite \u25a0\u25a0new; cannot beduplicated to' and everything that makes for a big city. joiningproperty has sqldfor- Itis a greatbargain dayv for less ithari $20;000: Lot 50 ft wide, worth $300 n^r qBE ONE OF THE HUSTLERS— Get , at $500^/ Jiere is your chance"to "RAKE^ in foot Leased at $180 per mo. till July Ist; after that^2oo hold of the rake. , a large profit _v _ per mo. We have it for sale at $10,000 under today's value. BERKELEY. BRANCH OFFICE, 202 CALIFORNIA ST.> GROUND FLOOR JUDGE'S ACCUSER LEVANTS TONOPAH. Nev., March S. — Gideon Stevens, the zsan who was thought to have Induced Anna Rlchter to sign an affidavit- charging 'Judge Brlssell of this camp with a serious offense, can not be located and it is thought he has quit town. Stevens was an Industrial Worker of the World agitator and very active In the operations of that body. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1907. PEORIA GRAFTERS INDICTED PEORIA, IIL, March B.— The grand Jury today ' returned . Indictments against ex-Sheriff Daniel Potter, Dep uties W. E. Peter, Robert Conkey and Sherman Hunt "and City Clerk Robert Joosnek Joos. Joos is charged with embezzlement of city funds and the others are charged with having mis used county funds. . BATTLE OF ALIENISTS TO ENLIVEN THAW TRIAL Jerome Consults Six New Experts for the State's ?i Rebuttal NO LUNACY INQUIRY District Attorney Will Strive to Show White's Slayer "Was Sane NEW YORK. March 9.— "With the real work of the prosecution still ahead of him District Attorney Jerome spent many busy. hours today prepar ing for the . State's gcase in rebuttal, which iwill begin Monday morning with the resumption of the trial of Harry X.: Thaw before Justice Fitxgerald. Most of the day the District Attorney was closeted with nine alienists, six new experts having been summoned into consultation with Drs. McDonald and Mabon. Jerome declined to dis cuss, the identity of the new members to his force of allenlste. Their advent, it was said, was to assist the District Attorney In preparing his hypothetical questions which he will put to the ex perts when they go upon the witness stand. * It was currently reported today that Jerome had determined to push the case to a conclusion' and not to ask for a lunacy commission. All the members of th» District Attorney's staff are sanguine that their chief will be able to throw sufficient doubt upon Evelyn Thaw's story to" at least tend to discredit her in the eyes of the Jury, and they further declare that Jerome hopes, to have preponderance of expert testimony, on! his side of the case — testimony ' showing -that Thaw acted as a sane man when he shot Stanford White and had continued to act as a sane person ever since. The case from today's developments promises to resolve itself at last into a battle of experts, and this means that there is absolutely no way of predicting when the end will come. ' The trial en Monday will enter its eighth week and the unexpected must occur in order to bring' about its con clusion before April 1. v Harry K. Thaw gave out -a statement : today in denial of the reports spread abroad to the effect that his sister,' the Countess of Yarmouth, had determined that there should be a separation of Harry and his wife. He declares he loves his wife more than ever, and that his- sister made no such statement as was credited to her. "Perfect harmony exists between my wife and myself and my sister, as,.in deed, between all members of my fam ily. Such a thing as a separation," said Thaw today, "has never been and will "never be considered by me or any of my relatives. The Countess of Yar mouth is very friendly with Mrs. Thaw and holds her in the highest esteem." Much Interest attaches to the form of hypothetical questions which the District Attorney will ask his experts. • Delmas seemed to Include every fact connected with the case in his hypo thetical question, and the defense alienists gave it as their opinion that Thaw not only was insane when, he killed Stanford White, but for two months thereafter. If .the alienists for the State can take" these same facts and .reach a . diametrically opposite opinion the Jury will have- to take its choice and : place its own construction upon the value/of testimony. LOS ANGELES LIMITED TRAINS ARE ANNULLED Passage of 2-Ceiit Fare Law in Nebraska Is Met by Curtail - ment of Service OMAHA, Neb.; March 9. — Pursuant to the prophecy made by Vice President Mohler of the Union,'- Pacific some time ago that the expense's of the passenger department of that road would; be~ cut because of the 2 -cent fare law which has Just been placed in effect In this State, the famous Los Angeles Limited trains, running between Chicago and Los Angeles,; were today announced: as being annulled, beginning with: next Monday, March 11. The Los Angeles limited trains, east and west, were the fastest and finest trains in the over land "railway system. - BATTLESHIP CO3IMISSIOOTED NORFOLK, Va., March s— The United States battleship .* Minnesota, a Bister ship to the battleship .Vermont and on* of the latest additions to the navy, was placed In: commission here today with Captain John \u25a0 Hubbard commanding. - , - some slightly Im- yff \u25a0 *- '^t*^r^ fine for children' 3 perfect but hardly \u25a0 J^^^^^^-TTSTr^t^jr (•pttJZ*? r ~f3S2^ and ladies" dress- . / ATTRACTIVE SALB f" Dainty Lingerie Waists Each day the beautiful sheer Lingerie Tv r l?^§i3\ Waists are arriving in greater numbers, and our \^ . "assortment is far the best ever shown in San Francisco^ For tomorrow we place on sale for (^^^^^^^j>^-^^. the time 300 brand new Waists at the following f^M^^^^M I* DalntrSllkFlnlih I Fine Per* ion I fJigß&f »'///TS^r \u25a0M:so§2flM :50 §2fl $ 2- 50 &!H3 WCMW beaatifully trim- ** trimmed with Va- fP\ks&&^s§ w«,«s mcd. floublo thread EAC H lenciennes lace B I \K®ee^flT Wortll -Valenclenntsa lace w ., fh and pretty yoke /|"i\TO^ - * lD.sUP° lnt medallions; 2>5.3U lions and lace: , worth $6.50. regular value »3.50 ! . ' '*-Vt^i:-i : \V; . ... .. . . ___^ __ M^^ M 300 Best Quality Silk Petticoats on Special Sale BEaiININIIVO MONDAY $6.so— Silk Petticoats, worths9.oo. $5.95 Silk Petticoats, worth $7.50. Just in tliae for tomorrow selling; made of best The finest line ever shown, ana every on« worth quality Taffeta 811k. silk dust ruffle, full flare, in all the t7 KOi made of best quality Taffeta Silk, extra wide, fafieVoo^"' in^ udln S Wack and white.. Regular all " new colorlnr ' 8 and black and white. * On Sale Tomorrow, $6.50 each. On Sale Tomorrow at $5.95. 4500 Yards of New Silk Foulards at 50c a Yard; Worth 75c For the first time tomorrow we place on sale a new shipment of all silk twilled Foulards, 23 inches wide, a rich lustrous quality in navy and black grounds with all different size dots EH A and ring dots. Regular value 75c a yard. Special tomorrow vVU Our Black Silk Sale to Be Continued for This Week .Black silks are so popular now for whole suits, jackets and linings that we shall continue our Special Sale this week. .;'<:; 98c, Worth $1.25 a Yard. 36-inch Black Taffeta Silk, .8. 8 - I =chh, g h,u., ro u.bUc k sn> t T. ff «.: i «=.,;„. - $1-15 a Yard, Regular Value $1.50 ing silk; good value at |1.25. Special, a QQ. A fine rustling: quality: pure dye; fine finish; worth yard wOU $1.50; on sale* f1.15 a yard. / oc __ , _ .. . nrt 36-inch Black Taffeta Silk, : 85c a Yard, Worth $1.00 $1.38 a Yard, Regular Value $2.00 36-inch Black Taffeta Silk, a good wearing quality Extra good quality *«-inch Taffeta: excellent for which cannot be duplicated again at this price; QC« dreea and Jacket wear; fine finish; worth $2.00; Cl QQ on sale, a yard OOC on sale ."..... vliOO New Fancy Dress Silks and Pongees Our selections of fancy Dress Silks in figured checks and stripes are now most complete in an endless variety and prices right. At $1.00 a Yard ; Leaders in Pongee Silks 50 pieces fine quality checked and figured Taffeta 39C A YARD— AH Silk Pongee, worth 60c. Silka in all the spring colorings, including black and KAg A YARD — AU Silk Pongee. 2 J-lnch. worth 75c white, for shirtwaist suit* and jumper dresses; extra «- A . YABD-A 6-lnch all Silk Pongee, extra quality, good quality. • . . 030 worth $1.00. Mortgage Notice lufSEll^w ffoPHxOB lUJgcoinx,™ ASSESSOR'S OFFICE, No Crockery €m *&— Nev«- Sold in Bulk. , :{L}'~n<*m win "— t *• ...t «rt tiu. >ttA AAwQSW~* >PX 1 9 *£\A nnA *>. I Tear, all pemotu Interested la mori- l^S^^SSSi 22^ ' 2 | , r«S« not held by Banlui. Bnildlag «nd l^i « .ii iimihll «^ Pound Tin* Onrv • ' Loaß AjJodatlOM " ad llke mstitntion. L<^ a^w^ V — — — — * ore March 30 and report amount dv« *&®WWMMJ # F"°^ er & Co. u/ACHiwrTniM nnnrc T^rrr,,,* M r-rr^^ j^^ WASHINGTON DODGE, RECLAMATION SERVICE: CHANGE • WASHINGTON, March 9.— Frederick H.' .Newell, chief engineer In charge of the reclamation • service, \ ..was today appointed director of that service to succeed Charles D. Walcott, who has been appointed secretary of the Smith sonian Institution. Washington Star: The people whom Tom Lawson started out to chastise continue to prosper in a most Irritating and unaccountable manner.