OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, April 10, 1907, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1907-04-10/ed-1/seq-1/

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You can tell Eastern friends in the best
possible way just what San Francisco
has accomplished' in a year by sending
them -j>. jr.
The Sunday Call
VOLUME CL— NO. 131.*
Armed Citizens on
Guard in Stanis
laus Town
Two Suspects in
Jail May Be Hanged
Other Incendiaries
Being. Hunted
. Down
Busy Day Is Spent
in Fighting Flames
STOCKTON, April 9.— Five
attempts were made to fire the
town of Oakdale.'in Stanislaus
County, between 2 o'clock this
morning and 7 o'clock tonight, j
and following. the arrest of two
of the suspected incendiaries the
business men of # the town organ
ized a vigilance committee and
are patrolling ; the streets with
rifles. Great excitement prevails
tonight, atfd there is talk of a raid on
the jail and lynching the men in cus
The first fire was discovered shortly
fitter ' 2 o'clock this morning in the
bicycle repair shop of Schlow Broth
ers. The .building was gutted before
the flames were under control. At 2
o'clock this afternoon fire was discov- |
ered in the same blocic, which is in
the. heart of the town: This time the
flames broke out in. the annex of the
Commercial lodging-house. The annex
was destroyed, but the main building
was caved.
Fires in rapid succession followed in
th« immediate neighborhood, between
5 and « o'clock, and a general con-,
flagration was averted only by th«
alertness of th^ firemen, whose sus-_
plclons had been aroused to the evi
dent plan of incendiarism. .
While the firemen were fighting the
fires the police got busy and made
two arrests. The prisoners are hang
ers-on about town end are said to hava
implicated by confession five other
men, \u25a0whom the police are now hunting
for. : \u25a0>
The armed patrol of business men
is exercising every precaution and the
town is practically under martial law^
I!very one on the street. is challenged,
snd volunteer fire corps of house
holders are kept in readiness through
out the town.
Oakdale will do; little sleeping to
night. Talk of the lynching of -the
men under arrest was becoming more
general toward midnight, ; and the
authorities were planning to move
them at the> first, Indication of attack
on the jail. V
Six years ago a Mexican was lynched
in Oakdale. for the same offense as. the
two men under arre,st are accused of.
John Growe, a Boy, Saves
B Arthur :: Wiard- From
the Torrent
nENO, April- 9.— John Crowe, 17
years old,* jumped .." into .' the .Carson
River and « saved the ' life of Arthur
VTiard of- Brunswick.' wlard had given
up stxnggl ing when .prove grasped his
hair and pulled him; out. j
Crowe has saved : Beven lives from
the river in ;the v iaet four years, and
two • years I ago was*, given a 1;;a 1 ;; niedaJ
by citizens; of * Carsom; for hie \u25a0 courage.
A* month ago -the boy's -father, owner
of the L<one-.Star -mine, came home
crazed with'driak and itried to klll;the,
family with a: shotgun." ; The -drunken
man was about to .shoot the mother
when John r drcwi a* pistol -'and ° killed " his
father. The authorities- approved his
act and he never fta^;becn' arrested. ,
The San Francisco Call.
TESTERDAT— Partly cloudy; maximum tem
perature, C 6; minimum \u25a0 temperature, : 52. ;
FORECAST FOE TODAY— Cloudy ; brisk
northwest winds. \u25a0 Page 11
The big policeman* mnltif arions «c«t- j
ities. • : V*st *
Mayer Schmltx and the slot machines. . Page 8
Traction relations -nitii the public. Page 8
Supervisor Lonerg&n's "-arithmetical con
ecience. .' Page 8
Former manager of Empire Constroction Com
pany says it did not put up money to bribe Su
perrisors for Home Telephone Company. Pare I*l
Attorney Ach grows abusive in court aud only
Judge Ducne's forbearance sares him from con- !
tempt commitment. - Page 1
Grand Jury - inquires why slot machines" In
w-nlcn Mayor had interest were exempted from j
license tar.. ' . ; :^;Pagel-
Removal of Keane may create complication,!
as approval of successor's bonds rests with
Mayor. ' Page 1
Primary election cannot be held In Ohio this
fall and Taft and Foraker will battle for orcan
lzation. Page 3
Two men bring suits against tbelr /sisters for
money and land. » , Page 16
, Louis V. Eytlnge, boastful criminal of literary
tendpncles. waives extradition to Arizona, where
he must answer murder - charge. . V Page 3
Decision of Judge Seawell may call into ques
tion realty deals entered into after fire. Page 5
Man accused or murder. fs : trying to Inrolr«
another as perpetrator of the crime. Page i 6
. Teachers' relief committee, \u25a0 in response fto
Dr. Mahoney's charges. maVes report as to ex
penditure of -111,000 fund sent here /from Xew
York.- - - j /, Pige 9
University Regents decide to begin construc
tion of $573,000 library building. : .F. Fa * c 9 \u25a0
""'Clayton J. McKenzie commits suicide in park
by drinking laudanum. Page 16
Rev. I^ouls J. Sawyer has _ woman wno ! rajS
*be Is engaged to him ; arrested \u25a0on charge '£'ft\
insanity.*"- - ~ " . -.-^ Page. 16
E. J. Zlmtner fatally injnred in - colllsloa of,
car with hack and ' Mrs. Wellington Grepg badly
hurt. Page 16
. . Remains ,ot : mastodon are found , nea r : . Half*
moon Bay? .- : ; \u25a0\u0084'.: Page 10
j'~ "Seeing the elephant'! is popular attraction on
rampus at" State University. .-* ; Page' 10
» Father McNally, after \u25a0 twenty-seven - years'
continuous service in California, Is to visit rela
tives in Ireland. ;-.\ \ Page 10
Mayor-elect E. X. , Taylor; of ; Alamedt ".says
that city will ' be managed as a business cor
poration. , . . - . Page ID
Starving peons at Point RlcbmoDd charcc
Eanta Fe Railroad with violation of contract
labor law. . . . : Page 10
Fmma S.Hardj of. Martinez contests will of
husband whom she deserted in ISSO. Page 10
'Town of Oakdale under patrol, of rijdla~nci»
committee •as result of " seven ; attempts to
flre it. Page i
Attorney Delmas pleads unwritten law in'con
cludlnk • argument of .Thaw defense. Pages" 1-8
l t William - Jennings Brj-sn explain* his revised'
policy, Involving Joint Federal and State own«r-'
ehlp of railroads. ; Page' 4
"Binger Hermann testifies that he apquir?d
30,000 acres ; of public . lands in ' Orepon ;• while
receiver of public money at Boseburg. Page" 3
.Northern " Facific rises Us lumber embarco*
and. other roads may follow suit. '-Page 4
Big fire at: the Philadelphia navy yard.' P. 4
Manair»»r Billy Xnlan'Flpns boiPrs for_ thr'e
international matches' in England.* -Page. 7
Yesterday's baseball scores: ', San Francisco 2.
Portland : 0:-Los, Angeles. 4,- Oakland 2. " Page 7
..Cloudllgbt (.wins;- the "'Narcissus handicap at
Emeryville: in fast timr. Page 7
' Speedway * arid -stadium In Golden Gate Park
to assume "sighhy. appearance. Page 11
Fisb" Commissioners /are on the lookout ." for
poachers on the tront streams. .Page 11
Tomsjy Burns agrees -to fight \u25a0 Bill ; Squires,
the Australian.' before \ Coffrntb'B "elbb. '.'\u25a0 . • Page; 7
' Stanford seniors win ; the; interrlass track mi»<?t
in 'contests -marked by' some splendid pprfcrm
ance*. ' P«g« U
Retail Clerks' L'nJou No. 410 ; will distribute
lOO^KW cards ' throughout ; the city ~ln referen?*
to early closing. '-Page 9
MAriiXE- .\u25a0---\u25a0 '. .:;',;. ,
Prominent Japanese will attend .sailing .of
liner Hongkong Marii. on , which Mikado's , Con
ful General " to this port : Is going . home. •P. 1 1
MI.VIXG -v /
\u25a0 Status' of matters .. at Gofdflold being, an
rhange<i, r prices of mining share* i remain practi
cally- stationary. • Page, 15
SOCIAI-. ' ,-* • * \u0084 v •
.Marriage of Miss .Anita'- Harvey and (Oscar
Cooper postponed on"account i of .bride's 'Illness >. In
New York. \ . : /Page [B
Subscriptions and Advertise-
ments will be received in San
Francisco at following offices:
Open /until; 10 'o'clock' every.; night.
: : 'sis-vax-neX^ avemie! .
, \u25a0 Parent's Stationery Store. "
'•'," Jackson'sjßranch. T . ;
Christian's 1 Branch.-
8005 16TH 'ST., ; COR; MISSIO.V
International; Stationery Storen
George Prewitt's Branch.
"Woodward's Branch:^ >
sft&^RMcisco, Wednesday, april 10,1967?
I Delmas -; Declares r
Insanity ; Was Mariifesta
" tion of Manhood v
Styles Defendant's Af^
flictioa ''Dementia ; h
' Americana"
District 'Attorney Charges
Californiari :^ Witli^ Going
> Beyond Evidence .
. NEW YORK. April :?;~ln an
eloquent 1 appeal both to • the ; written
and the unwritten law, DelprnV M.
Delmas this afternoon committed
Harry K. Thaw's fate to; the jury.
The California - attorney concluded • his
five hours' summing ; up- jpeech declar
ing ; his - client* was :<: < justified f in . killing
Stanford White. x, ur
Tomorrow morning at 11 : 30
o'clock District 1 Attorney Jerome will
! make..his. appeal in belialf.l.of ?the
Justice Fitzgerald pfob^
ably will then charge the jury.and .by
tomorrow evening at the latest the
famous . case , will "pass to the' delibera
tion of; the : twelve men n:ho-'have^so
carefully attended its uncertain course
for "weeks past.:- '.•'\u25a0• ; . '
\u25a0\u25a0' Jerome; expects to speak for three r 6r
four hours. Justice Fitzgerald would
not say today .whether, he, would . ornot
charge the jury directly/after the Dis^
trict Attorney's ; remark?,\ but the- gen
eral, impression -is jth'at he will do so.
"With the exception of ; the moments
when ho was reading from .testimony
Delmas" speech today was one of sus-^
; tamed oratorical . effort ./, He threw
I about the form v of ,••\u25a0 Harry Thaw the
cloak of. chivalrous knighthood.
•TN'hy," he shouted, "should- we, who
admire the chivalry -of the" knights* of
the' middle ages, i who went aboiitl re
; dressing wrong? and rescuing irnaidons
;.in :^d is tress",:- Withhold our sympathy
from ahis brave man? "'•. -V
- Bitterly the attorney assailed Stan-^
ford White.. He, declared "White "sought
to play with Evelyn N'esbit so long as
her ! beauty remained and thei^ would
have- throvrn <h*r "away- viike 'a, dirty
rag, ;to float' down life's j sewers to a
grave in "the. potter's \fl«ld.'V ; ; ':'/" . .
_ Agafn he .'said: '"'••Harry'; Thaw • had
snatched 1 the girl from the old '"lecher
who saw, in her.but.a .toy; to? gratify 'a
moment's lust andvto be ; cast' aside' to
go her way down the path "of fallen"
women." : . . \u25a0 .\u25a0;.-. - •"• • '\u25a0 >.X. X
;^X\th- dramatic emphasis Delmas cried
out^that "when Harrys '".Thaw 1 behVld
Sta nford White -on /the Madison-Square
roof . garden the^stofyV of -his . wife's
wrongs overcame 'him. \t He \u25a0'pictured .in
an .instant, as: a dyingman-: niay' pic
ture, his past ; life—all \u25a0 tha t VStinford
.White had Aone,. the ...ruin \u25a0: he Vh'ad
wrought-— and _he*. : struck; /struck*' as the
tigress strikes ! in defense of ;heri young;
struck for thVihomeV struck foV. Ariier-'
ican .women'; 1 struck; for humanity— and
Stan ford ; W^jiltef el U ':';"'<'' \\'-' % ' ".'
. '- "Geritipmen;V".the; advoca-teC went on,
Harry Thaw believed 'he was the in
f?trument; of Providence, v who will say
he" was 'mistaken ?'.',:\u25a0 • * ,-'- »^\ \.j
Delmas -discussed -but briefly ( the ; tes
timony of : the expert' witnesses; declar
ing that whatever.: weight -Inight^attach
to their utteranc^f s\was on; the % side*of
the defendant ;; He' deciaredJthe'Mirdeh;
of proof as to Thaw's sanftv at^ -the! time
of the homicide' rested with "i the 'prose?
ctition," which ;' had. "failed to\ make tout
its cape.' ; '-..'t ,"\u25a0'•. :^'l. \u25a0•\u25a0.\u25a0•''.'\u25a0'.-•.'.• • \u25a0"• '
- , In \u25a0_; dlfcussing^Thaw'B /mental .state
Delmas came -at last\to- the- "unwritteiv.
law."' »' He declared ' th^e,; experts'*, had
been _ at \u25a0a: loss \u25a0\u25a0to' clas'sifyf the^formjof
"insanity ; from \whlch""Vrn*ajwvjiuffVrod]
\u25a0 , :.'I .;wllir suggest, \u25a0; its name.V^^Ser
clared. "VI "would callt'itr./derneritia
\u25a0.' '*. — \u25a0*-• ', : :\u25a0\u25a0 ' *y.'M||^<HW— —^»«|W^y'WUßi«*a~»Cg
Americana.', .It ris a'specles of , 'insanity,
which has .been recognized ;ln,' ; every,
State. "ofrthis'Unlon.^^nfiitth^^Bpecies
of . insanity^which''makes*the, American;
'man) believe thlß|hpm^.fhlsTw'if«;and" his
daugh t ers a re. ,_ saorf d , \ and; whosoever
stains '\u25a0:
i:%TwlceMuring; his- closing perlodsjDefr
Yesterday's Happehinss in Graft Case's
1 .- A ttorneys^Henry . Ach and ; Hiram Johnson again :
exchange . sharp words during: the progress ' of
'' the trial of Abe Ruef.\- • \.
2. Four. morei'talesmen undergo examination in the ~<
h French' restaurant extortion ; case • before Judge
:.; * Dunne.^- : \ X ' " \u25a0 . . ••\u25a0"; ••'..; -\,
3.-. F. F. Graves of the Empire. Construction lC6p-- :
; pany tells ' Grand Jury, he has -no : knoivledgejof'
bribery.-, ' , . 't. - ; ;
Maeliihes \u25a0 in Whicfi
Not" Taxed '\u25a0
! The G rand Jury*; haslbegun ? an u invest - \
i tigation ;• into;. the "charge that; favored
'nli i i ii MMlj" \w* Ti' i *\u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 . ' \u25a0-* ~* *;<.* '
owners of slot machines : did not^pay
| the^licerise .required by ,la w. George"
[lector's office, was. \u2666summoned to ,'the
I e'xcttsedWwith s'the^understaridingitSat
I he ; would < return ; later. ; r red Hilbert^
|[j^^^^^^^^f^^^^rah'am "- \u25a0 arid v": Ned
ilSSij^^^^^^^^^^Jre a: a lso % s um- j
I 'mon ed, *; in i the : belief ithatl theyiwouidTD^e I
I able -toj throw 'some: light r on' thelsitua-"
(ion. ' J . '/•
sM^o^fwas*; sent around ; by; the » Mayor
j to|thOße?saloonsjand^cigar, stores^which
\ ormality^'of
d ioS?*i^^^^^^i?s^ hinesTuauf
'aiiylfounifl insclgai^Btor^nw^r®tr^uir^J
to*payj»lo gouarte^^|4o!aTyear^A^
cordlnglto s thel testimony! of , MattflSr?
4. Judge North of ; Riverside, attorney for Home Tel
ephone Company, to be an important witness in
graft inquiry. !
s.,.Schmitz may ' block; appointment of Keane's sue-/
cessor, by refusing: to approve bond o/.nen»ap
/\u25a0..•'.' pointee; ,:•
<5.' ., Failure of the orvners of slot machines Jo pay . ike
. \u25a0 \u25a0.. -'"regular . license is to be investigated by 'the
» Grand Jury.' zy * : '
Two Phases of Graft
Mayor Likely : to -Refuse
'Approv^;?of ASuc
• lessor's Bond
: i
I \u25a0'?,• Serious complications will, probably
I erisue : over the^* removal"* of 'George B.
! Kcane as clerk, of 'th*» Board^of Super.-;
j .ylsorST" :\u25a0•:. which * action , vras - vetoed by'
Mayor Sohmi tz, a nd ' the board may ' find
I itself) without"- a chief .clerk >if rth'e^
j breach f between -Schmitz.' and 'the ;Su^
! pervisors. is not healed— and* it- is far
!tfro^iikeiyHhat:it;wilUbe> " •
t^^Trurnor,) was , current; yesterda y \u25a0, that
not; be ioyer :
meeting \u25a0 be
s£S£2f[t w« Supervisors '". who were ; said
g^g^U|Mjirdlgto|him .would remain
?Sv3Ss&ro'm Ct h e • " me. c t ilig^^w^veTt mo c
fitlie^eto!^OTloßSlleißSßth"an;'the r ' charter
requires to override 4thetilayor!ajj,ve-'
lined !^^dj^^
i ??iy«
Graves of the Home
Company Questioned
says\Bribe Coin v Didn't
Come Ouiaf Empire
- . F. F. \u25a0 Graves. . formerly manager .of
the Construction Company- was
the-only witness .who; grave testimony
yesterday. •- afternoon * before : the \u25a0 Grand
Ju pv i <Jrar esj. is ; one of ; the important
stockholders in the^Home Telephone
Company ' and i has-been- closely asso
ciated^with JAbram K.>Detwiier. The
Empire Construction Company, an orf r
shoot', of \ the. Home ; Company, had the I
v contract«to>onstruct;the'new telephone I
system -In • San ' Graves was I
placediin'charge of the work. Hetook j
charge"? in^May, but resigned 'his posi
tioniln October^ Graves] denied f knowl
.^gge^fjthe. bribery of the Supervisors
ibut^i^ltestlniony wa3 of Importance,
ii n •' so ; far \ as 1 - ' 1 1 T' showed \u25a0 that 'i to T : his I
:|lSwfwie'dge'.;the bribe boodle had not
come out of 'the \u25a0 treasury of the Empire |
Construction. Company. •\u25a0 I
ClThe Grand Jury had intended , to coiv- I
tinue Hhe" Investrgation Into, the 'slot
machine; traffic and had ; been I
"summoned 5 in jtheipersonVof ; Detective
.-5 s Continued ,\ ©n Pace .2, Column 3
"Forgetlt" number — the splendid anni
versary edition, filled with interesting
features. You cannot afford to miss this
the Sunday Call
Shouts in Anger at Trial
Judge and Prosecutor
Forbearance of the Bench
Saves Him From
Prison Penance i
Names of Two More Tenta
tive Jurors Added to
the List
These Men May Sit on
Jury in Ruef Case
VEMRE3rE> »eleet«d for the
Rpef Jory. "abject to peremp
tory challenge!
J. 11. Duntbrell, fruit merchant,
2343 California street.'
William D. Knlsht*. cashier, XI
, Paraassn* avenue.
Abraham Horkw aid. West Dtsln
fectlns Coapany, 2151 Post
utreet." '_\u25a0
"\u25a0 Ellj»^ r»i {h "TT. Johnson, ajroeer,' 2o6l
Bu«h street. , -
. Oonslas $. -Watson, real * estate,
- - f " 3710 scott ittreet.
James Otis, Otis McAllister A Co*
2231 Broadway.
-'; Seamon : Varabasra. produce mer
chant, 957 Scott street
F. H. Coon, 2003 Bush street, not
on assessment roll. \u25a0"" —
T. F. J. Kast, 701 HaVes street. ?
Max Gans., 2297 : Franklin street.
Theodore Cohn. 2-MO Clay street.
Henry Ach escaped going ta
jail yesterday only because Judge
Dunne was lenient and merely ad
ministered a stinging admonition
I when every one in the courtroom
expected Ach to be committed for
contempt. i
Persisting in dragging his allu
[sions to the Citizens' Alliance into
| his question? to jurors, after he
'had been told to refrain from this
I line of examination. Ach became
{abusive and declared that lie
"knew the Citizens' Alliance had
contributed to the prosecution.
"The Citizens* Alliance never
corAributed one-quarter of one
cent," exclaimed Johnson, "and
\u25a0he ; knows it. Let him* give the i
name^of his mysterious^inform
ant." *'"'
"I don't propose, to give counsel
the name of my informant/ re
torted Ach; /
\u25a0 -• v .\u25a0\u25a0".\u25a0 , \u25a0 - \u25a0 t
"You know you dare not give
the <name," was the reply.
"It's : none of .your business.'*
answered Ach in ; arnger. :'; Both '
counsel were, oh their feet, arid
the court admonished Ach:
"It would have been a much
more ; manly and honorable* thing
for you to have giveri the court .<
the name of the :' informant^you
say you know than to have asked
a; question that was impertinent,'*
said the court.
-•'I don't need any instructions
from th is court or from any one
else on "manliness,; or what I con-,
sider my duty," shouted I\chl ;, x*7T
"You will take * your seat, Mr.
Ach." the judge said, and twice
he repeated the admonition, while
the attorney still continued .". his
angry abuse of Judge, and coun
sel. At the moment when every
one' in the courtroom expected ,tha
T udge to order : hi m to jail he sub
Jf "Now, Mr. , Ach." the : Tmtea
\u25a0sajdjgaftwj order had becalfSS

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