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IT'S CHERRY BLOSSOM TIME IN JAPAN JB'I '•HE . beauttful and. symbolic I r "cherry blossom festival"' Is I Japan's Easter. It celebrates a resurrection,' not the exiting oi a deity, a. redeemer aa 1b the cue of the great Chrlstlan'fea tival, but the rebirth of the fruits and fiow«r» after six months of death. ;: , ; But there Is religious feeling In the ceremony of the cherry ' blossom (festN ral, for It comes In April, at the same time aa the < festival of the . Hlron. and , the tiro fetes, while separate and hav ing* entirely '\u25a0_ different > significance,':; 9a%\ snore or less Identified In the' mind of \u25a0 the C weller In Nippon became ?of "'the fact that he rejoices ovrr both et the same time. It seems not an exaggeration. to say. that even In Japan, land of the ;,.!ctu resgue, there' Is nothing so bc&utlful as till*" anneal rejoicing of the^- childlike little brown men and worwn overthe return of the cherry blossom./ Daring the days that the : trees are bearing the burden of pink petals the Japanese live in tne cbierry "groves.* Continually they are, bathed ' in a fra grant snow of the blossornri. f Toting men bedeck their sweethearts with the blooms, and send! notes con taining Cupid's message :on boughs •tripped from the trees. , The swaia . "who can carry his - branch : bo carefully '< that the; petals are not shaken off 'la transit Is sure that the cods favor his enSt and that the maiden of : his choice must listen to -his surp 11 cations. The Japanese have other ** floral fes tivals, for. they are notably worshipers • of the fairest handiwork of nature. There , ar e seasons . when the glories of the wistaria, azalea, iris, lotus,, chry santhemum, orchid, peony and the leaves of autumn drew the people into the public places for diversion, but in popularity the cherry blossom outstrips them all. S• ' It is the springtime. • The balmy air, Jhas sent youthful- spirits bubbling,' and ; taade 'the old forget their woes. " . lOn every one 'of the five hundred" In habited Islands of- the Japanese archi pelago, .cherry blossoms, are- decking the trees. The^Jap is the -. most .'skilled arboriculturist. ln, the world. He can train trees and. plants: to. grow when he will and In any enape. He accomplishes wonders, with; the' cherry tree. He does 'everything with It, In fact, but make;:. it gTowv good fruit. The Japanese Is • quite unimportant, vln most cases.; tasteless and , email, but no one cares. 1^ "The v cherry tree Is.only called, on' to, furnish > the blooms : for the Japanese Eaater. Let other tt-ee»»produce: the 'food. . With -. deft' , mastery, the , Japanese > gardener shapes the A cherry. , tree * Into \u25a0-. groves that ;, hang, ovir the -, road. 1 so that-ln season^ when , the! blossoms rare out, the. people 'wallr'under* a; bower; of pink. glory. . \u25a0'\u25a0 , IChcrry Blossom Time I Nothing i could be . fresher 'and '\u25a0 more " \u25a0 onngllke than the dainty, petals 'of the lurching trees/ and . as soon' as the first snoots appear . and * the "trees \ begin to i put 'on their pin k coats/ Japan - takes : a \u25a0 holiday. . '"imMftwWSffifcQSßtiß I BBißt^S Out Iroa their homes come th« peo* ||». <>• Cny, girla, with -their tinm, t lbmtr. pATMOia. fans "and mincing fTftna. axmat Cirtr Jinrlckahas and go rnmytoa* to place to make their calls, wifpitiit •. In * the 5 train v comes % the »WBR# men- of the nation, paying assid |Wßi€fiti»eipectfta?eourt.t '*' % v 6iMh t famous < places > of. -the * cherry blossoms fas Uyeno Parltf the baiaaf Tof f, Mtjkojima.' Noge Hill, In .Yokohama, and the Cherry Banki at Koganol, are filled | wlthX the * merTymalters.-.iJoyousness " Is I la l>the w alr.^r: \The -?. t ambus r Japan es« mountebanks i show'tbelr sklll/at every ; corner s ls fa\ilttl»i theater; l all ioverlthe; public ' squares are Ithe ' famed Japanese ' : wrestlers.?^ VC- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•i'KS. V-- ''\u25a0 -'^ ."\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0.-:„•.'?" .- : - •• "i« Along i;the* ; roadways,' an.'lnch^deep .with ; the £ fallen Vpe^als,; children draw their. movable temples, a queer toy from the'pccldentalvle,wpoint/but one. which , seems [eminently; the 'proper one ' for the ; Jap -:* ."-,• '•--^''.:.- ; \u25a0 < --C;.-v c ? Sometlmesjf nV'one; long " line ? can\ be . •een'», perhaps va -hundred ,-. little ;, girls; [dressed; In " all « the ; gorgeousness'. of i the ' sllks,v pulling "on'.rdpes at tached \to * miniature , chariots - in" which are seated : little boys playing on musi caLlosteuments/^c"^'jci* -;.'-, -.;.. ' '\u25a0 ••"" .-. I 1 Then comes another if orni '. of '- proces- - •ion/ In which^thejmosf.beautljtuljyoung-" ; womaa]Tof jthe^townvls-.crbwned \wlth' cherry r- blosaoms.'i drawn w" by \u2666" retainers | covered Swith *"the *« blooms. •*? Even f* the >opes :*j by. 'which i,the* chariot^ isj drawn : are 'concealed iby sprays'of cherry, bios-. .s6ms\ : -?>>>"\u25a0 rf'i'r^-?. I '/--^.--^'! --\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0. -v^Natnre i itself; harmonize, and take mute part iv this beautlf ul^ parade • by^everylnowandUhen, sending a gentle - breeze • that ; star ts >«. * shower J of '". petals ' from' > theJtre^sialongithe'avenueiV'ii,j'i s '.j &Cherry;blosßbm"^reiplcinsr"'probably at- - talnsr.lts^perfectlon-at'theVcapital.-sTb-" kio,. and llt J. isTwortHy^ of * mentlon«that - \u25a0while .the recent successes I Jn;. warfare i and. statecraft have impressively demon stratedftoithe|worlditheiabilltylof^the v Japanese : to J meet; his Caucasian rivals ; Th© San Francisco Sunday Call en equal terms, they have not had thm, .unfortunate effect of changing hi* sfca«" , pllcity of temperament. - •- /\u25a0-'\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0 - Play Hours of the Land ;*On. the battlefield, 'in his boslneaa ox In . statecraft' h«: may b» a cold, calcu lating, keen. 'daring man, but at horn* In his holiday a ha 1j a child. ' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0= To Uyeno '. Park on Cherry Blossom Sunday ths whola population repairs. Th« avenue of cherry trses going n? from form.* a perfect arcii of -; pink .boughs, nnder .which, the p«opl« throngr^ The \u25a0 tea \u25a0 houses '\u25a0\u25a0 hive spread their : best red. blankets on th • mattsd platforms.- Under "ths- trees are cherry cplcnio parties; laughing from th« very joy \u25a0of * life -In the ©pen, with th« air scented : . and .the eye-ouarmed by the '- most '.beautiful of springtime bloorr*. :\u25a0 A.- group of young men. each oarrylng \u25a0~s a- bough -.of oherry. blossoms throws . across the shoulder, at their belts takt . bottles," which' they stop- every no-«r aad then to have filled, drink and laagh. confident' that should - the joyfnlaeja of the occasion 'make them overstey th» hounds of propriety — a rare thing tor a , Japanese— some good . " friend - win re £ member: that It Is holiday time* put ; them on; a" kuruma and send "them home.'itofreaolve that such a thias; will never happen: till, another cherry blos som time conies around again. . .^. This sakl bottle is as near ail the iJapanese.^Eaater comes to : one of the Kreat essentials of the American eels -bratlora^of ,rtli« f; holiday eggnog, and _ those w'lii' have tried both say that the j Innocent looking sakt can hiv» quita \u25a0^as palnXurJeffecta-.if.kept tilted too \u25a0 long.- , ' At ilukojlma ls'a double ar*nne of \u25a0 trees, ;. stretching .-., along the -banks of : the^SuraWa:, This is perhaps r finest "» display ;of blossoms in all • Japan/and ilukojima Is the great gath ering place of the mummers. - - In their costume,, pink and white, ;.the 'colors- of ; the T cherry .blossoms pre sdominate, and' In- performing their 1 tricks^these bfown^ skinned Kellara and \u25a0Herrmanns /delight especially In draw ling; from* tiny- receptacles . an endless procession 'of cherry-blossoms. " ' "What vrelicrious observance comes • into. the cherry blossom festival. ls the . result ; of. coincidence with the festival of -Hlgon. ; Thi9 marks the anniversary "'of.*'. the happy , day when Buddha, the .'Japanese idelty,; passed" over from the ; turmoil tof life Into the blissful forget : . fulness of .the Nirvana;' This festival -causes* religious and* secular celebra tions ? to ,;Joln" with;. most Incongruous result.- ' The wildest 9t i revels mark a time that Is supposed to be more sacred c than.'anyj which comes ' In ' the calendar ; of; Buddha.".,' : - .-'• niecca of the faithful is the great statue of; Buddha -at Kaaakura, Just outside the great seaport of Yokohama. 'This is .the Colossus of -Japanese - Idols?, ";It 13 ' fifty.- four feet In height. . made of ;bronze -and - wetshs 450 tons. The- "flat thumbnail, alone -Is large enough^ to afford a seat for ; a weary , pilgrim. - and by - means of *a * staircase t inside; one • can mount \to a tiny shrine '. In i the ' idol's > nose. .* ;> Even" into this* worship comes the Therry .\u25a0blossom. -. While at' the tea houses.^scarlet robed' slrla are serving a", tea* made of cherry ; blossoms, devout -men aad/women a>e> putting; garlands : made^ofi the -blooms at • the ' feet of the great .; I &°I3S£OBSS3gBtgBn&3BMgBQHB . It Is cherry blossom tisu la nlixioa ; as^welTsji pleasur*,- ;