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50 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS New York stocks dull and without leature. f ( Cotton " higher. Better feeling in the copper stocks. Silver and exchange not materially changed. Mining stocks close the week generally firm. Wheat, barley and oats close the week firm. Corn dull. I Feedstuffs easier under large arrivals from the north. Hay firm and unchanged. Some shipping demand for beans. General decline in dressed beef, mutton, veal and lamb. Potatoes quiet, with supplies ample. Onions firm. Poultry and game well cleaned up and steady. Butter steady to firm. Eggs and cheese lower. Oranges dull and weak. Other fruits active and firm. Dried fruits, nuts and raisins unchanged. THE COFFEE TRADE Current Conditions and the Present and Prospective Supply * The New York circular of Henry NordUnger A Co. says: "Our last report was dated the 15th nltlmo. The receipts st Rio and Santos continue to be running on an unusually large scale for this time of the year. "Tbe opinion Is now general that the Rio nnd Santos crop will reach tbe enormous figure of 18,000.000 bags. If not more. "Speculators who based their faith earlier in tbe year on the valorization scheme and on the powers behind it have nearly all sold out. On tho other bend, we find the concentration of l.ijrb grades old crop Brazil coffee In the hands of the most powerful interests In the trade going on steadily and without interruption. "As a result of this concentration of the spot supply, we find the quotations on the coffee exchange for nearby deliveries ruling at higher prices than those for distant deliveries — Quite the reverse of what we have witnessed in tnacy rears past. "Coffee cold within the last two months for shipment from Brazil described as good roasters has in many cases proven disappointing to the importers, and coffee sold without description has uKistly turned out worse than anything seen here during the last decade, as far as roasting merits are concerned. In some instances roasts showed more than 50 per cent Quakers, a bean without any merit whatever. THE OUTLOOK FOB NEXT YEAR 'There have been rumors circulating of late that the purchases of the governments of Sao Paulo, Rio and Minas will soon come to a. halt, ou the ground that the moneys which nave been lwrrowed heretofore are about used up, and that no further loans (which were contem plated) were placed. These rumors have come up off and on during the last four months. They were never denied by the Brazilian governments by word of mouth or cable, but the strongest denial tbesc rumors could possibly have met with were a quiet continuation of purchases b.r the governments. The same state of affairs probably exists at present. We believe that the government is amply provided with funds, said htving already purchased in the neighbor hood of 5,000.000 bags, most of which Is financed for qciie a long period, we do not believe,' now that we are nesring the end of the crop, that the plan of carrying the surplus of the pro duction will be changed in the least. Our previously expressed opinion that the ultimate outcome of these government purchases will rrsult in disaster remains unshaken. We believe tho best solution to. be a aale of all coffees acquired and owned by the Brarilian govern ments to a syndicate of bankers and merchants. This could, of course, only be brought about xt a Kreat sarrln<-e. and will probably not be tuougbt of until the governments are convinced of the i;ttpr uselet>sness of their pollcr. Wf do not expect snch an event to occur for a long time. "Should the next crop, that is the 1907-190S rrv;) of Rio and Santos, which is variously esti mated from 8.250.000 to 13,000,000 bags, prove to b«? nearer the latter figure, then the govern ment would have a difficult task on its hands la supporting values; because a crop of that extent, with the present antagonistic feeling all over the world, would more than sufnee for trade requirements, and would necessitate the purchase of at least 2.000,000 or 3,000,000 bags more coffee for account of the government, in order to allow the marketing of the re mainder of the crop at a reasonable prict. "Our own information, however, differs from thßt which is generally accepted. The lilrht»st ••Miniate we have is C.250.000 bags for the next j Santos crop, and 3.500,000 to 4.000.1 KM bags I for tb? next Rio crop. Tiwse estir.iE.tes do not, | it is true, inrlude any possible carry ovt ;\u25a0 from The prc*eut bumper crop, but inasmuch as it wm« to us that about 14.000.0j0 bags Santos, and about 4.*Ki0.000 bags Itio \u25a0will reach shlp ; I'lng ports during the current rrop year (which ilguros ar* the inuxliaunj quantities reported to \u25a0 us by reliable correßj>ond«ntß to have been |irv^uc*d> we do uot believe that any material •juantity nt coffee wIU be carried In tbe in terior of Brazil Into the next crop season." WeeUlj- Caak Clearings Local bank Hearlugr ta*t week were $47,976 - 022. against f17.045.8T! for the same week last ; year. That was the week of the great fire and It 6 elearit:;;* embraced only two days hence no comparison can l»e maue. BASTOR.V MARKETS Xew York Money Market NEW YpBK. April 20.-Money on call, nomi : nal; time loans, firmer: 60 days. 3%@4 per cent; . «n> days, 414 per cent; 6 months, 5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, x t,\^ per cent Sterling «xchange, firm, with actual business »n bankers' Mils at *4.5550(g4.8555 for demand and et «.5290i24.53 for 60 day bills. Posted rates, $4.83^ and J4.56%. Commercial bills, ft.825»«|4.82»i Bar silver. €5%c . Mexican dollars, 50% c. . Government and railroad bonds, steady. »w York Stock List K. F. Button & Co.. «« Calirornt* street. ; members ot the New York stock exchange, fnr-. : ci«h the following list «t bond aad stock sales . Testerday: • _S**««.l STOCKS. IHlgh.jLow.lßld.l jut. • {^ m * 88 280 300 Allls-Chalmers \\u t2-v ' Do pfd 30 32 . 12,000 Amslg Copper... 94 «2% 03% M Amer Beet Sugar ie 17 '". •'• Do pfd.... g3 700 Auior-Csa Co 6% 6% *6*" 6U, ••""• °° P fd "-••- 56U 57P4 300 Amer Car &F Co 38^ 36Vi 30% 36? , ,Do PM , 95^100 • ....... Amer Cotton Oil B<u? 31 I- Do pfd....- £*\u25a0 gi I ; Amer Dist Teleg " 25 40 1 ....... Amer Ex .. 200 «v>n Amer Grass T Co .' ' rtz ~«i 4 Amer Hide & L 4 tl s'* t Do pfd 2«V "1 2OO'Anw»r Ir* s^enr. 73 7 2 i/ 71 i 7~v fAmer Linseed ... ..... ..... u % ji ....... 1 U9 ptd \u0084.., 2S S5 100! Amer Locomotive C 363 * 63 63H I•• I Do pfd.. ...... . . 104 no • *2S .Do pfa... 108 108 108 lOSt! 200 Am«r Styar .... 123% 122% 122& m« • ••••••• DO pxa. . ...... .i. 122 15ft' +\u25a0 Amer 6te«l Fds .' « Kit 1..... ..;. do pfd ::*.::: 35 d , Amer T& T Co.. ..... .... 12 5 125 '\u25a0 Amer Tob pfd wu m ••••'. 29^ SO Do pfd 06Vi 97 Canada Southern " 601* 61 OOO'Canadlan Pacific. 176^ 175** 175% 175% . ....... V * Ji. Iftli. 17 j ....... do pfd .;;:; ]&* h ... .n?- o i2:a"i::::: .»* 1 ;»» 800 Do pfd B 18% 18*" IRI4 itn " ' j Do debs- TtM, <-rii : 6.100 C & N:W. ...... 154W 152** IS4*I is 4 . 300 CM& St P 133% ISS % m Va }g« '...... ".1 DO p1d.... - irn . \u0084, 5 SOO Central leather.. 28% : *:\ %k -ku. JCbleaso Terminal ..... ... 5. «J? |.......{ Do pfd........ ........;. !3 iJ|J? 1 2f»o Chicaco Cn Tra»- .:...%.. . " inu i 7* a 200JC CC& St 1,.;. 71 71 7OU nix ....TS. Do pfd....;.. mc if» 400]C030 Fn«l &,Iron 35 v 35. 34U 35 . .....;. Col Hock O & I. ..... ..... 2814 26ai \u25a0 " 300 Colo Southern .. 27 26% *>6% 27 ....... Do Ist pfd.... \u0084, Cgu, 60 ... Do 2d< pfd.... ;v..; ...... 46% 48 '....... Con Gas ..181 133 ....... Com Products .'. ..... ..... 1914 «oi4 . ....*. Do pfd..-...:.. .......... 78 - 792 SOOpel & Hudson... ISS 184% 184 lm .. I »L4W ;...: ..... ...J!474> 475 ........ D^ B.G ................ 28% 30 Dopfd .-. 74 76 Detroit; Cb Ey. .....'.....; 75 80 Diamond Match. ..... . 123% 124* ........ Diet Securities.. ..'.'.. ..... 66% 70 Duluth S S 4; A. ..^". ...;. ;12% 14 .' •• Do pfd ....... .-.». ...„ 23% 26 400 Eri- 23% 23% 23% 23% Do Ist' pfd.... .-......:.. -64< 54% 100 Do 2d Pfd.... 36% 36% 36 Z'U. 100 Fed M & Sm pfd .85 . 85^ 84% $5% 300 General Electric. 147 147', 146 < 147 BSgggr. Gran Con \u25a0 MS&P .\.:. .wt*. 125% 126 l.«M> Great ''Nor, Ore... 64 60% 62% : 63% 4,400 Gt Xorthem pfd. 135% 133* 135% 136 .". Havana Tob Co.. ..... ;.... 12; 14 ' * Do pfd...5.V. ....'. ..... .20= 23 Hocklnsr Valley. . ..... ...:. 80 S6 ....... Do pfd ..,". 82; 88 .......(Illinois, \u25a0. Central.-. ..'..; ..... 148 145 30olnterboro Met-.'. 25* 251 24% 25% 100 Dopfd- 59 5» 55% GO • Int Marine- ..... ...'....'.,. \u25a0> 7U 9 ••; Do pfd ............ ..v.: 23! '24iA' J \u0084' SOU) Int- Paper... ..-.". 14 r 13% 14 ' 14lJ !•'• I Do pfd 74 76 . New . York Stock List Con^nned r Sales ) • Stocks |Hlgh| Low) Bid | Ask. Int Power 43 49 1,600 Int Pump ...... 25?4 26% 28 29% ....... Do pfd ..-. ....: 77 78 200 lowa Central ... 18% 18% 18% 19. ....... Do pfd 36V. 37 ....... XC FtS & M pfd 78' SO X C Southern 24% 25 Do pfd :.... 49% COV4 ....'... l Knlck -Ice 40 73 LE&W 22 27 Do pfd 05 70* Lehlgh Valley 65% 66 Long Island 50 60 200 L & N 117 117 117 US jMackay 68 ' 70 Do pfd i 68 69 200 Manhattan .....137 137 136 139 lOOiMet St Ry . 95 95 94 100 (Mcx Central .....| 21U 21% 300 Minn & St L.... 49% 43- 4S 49% ....... Do Ist pfd. ..... 82 So M, SP & S S.M 105 107* Do pfd -.. ...... 130 140 200 Mo, Kan & Tex: 36% 36% 36% 36% ....... Do pfd 65 65% Missouri Pacific. 74% 74% .......Nash C&St L. 123 130 1.600 National Lead... 61% 60 60% 61% Do pfd 95% 99 NRRofMexpfd 52 64 100 National Biscuit.. 76% 76% 76% 77 Do pfd 113 114% Nev Cons-Copper ....... 13 14 1,500 Newhouse Copper. 20 19% 19% 19% N J Central 185 195 ... N V Air Brake ..... 115 117 100 N V Central 118% 118% 117% 118% N V, C & SL 41% N 42 Do Ist pfd... 110 120 Do 2d pfd 77 78 XY,N H& H 173 176 N Y. Ont & W.. 37% 38% Norfolk & West 74% 75% Do pfd 75 85 ....... North American. 72 74 . 6,500 Northern Pacific. 134% 130% 134 134% Omaha IS6 140- Do pfd ... 150 180' I Pacific Coast 95% 97% Do Ist pfd 95 103 .Do 2d pfd 88 105 300 Pacific Mail 28% 28 28% 29% 3,000 Perm RR Co 124% 124 124% 124% 600 People's Gas 92% 92% 92% 92% P C C & St L.. 70 72% Do pfd 94 100 Pittsburg Coal 12 13 ....... Do pfd 52 55 Pressed Steel Car 35% 36 200 Do pfd 93% 93 92% 93% Pullman Car Co 167 171 2001 Ry Steel Spngs Co 43% 43% 43% 44 I Do pfd 90 93 17.300 Reading 107 105% 106% 107 Do Ist pfd 86 Do 2d pfd r. ..... 85 200 Republic S &. 1.. 25% 28% 28% 25% I -Do pfd "84% 85 200 Rock Island Co.. 21% 21% 21% 21% Do pfd 48% 50 , Sloss S S & ICo 53% 54 I Do pfd 100 5 SL & SF Ist pfd 62 . 67 ' I Do 2d pfd 34 36 St L & S W 21 22 I Do pfd -•- ..... 53% 53% S.SOOlSouthern Pacific.. 52% 82 £2% 82% Do pfd 115 117 lOOiSouttern Ry ... 21% 21% 21% 21% j Do pfd ..... 64% CO Standard Oil .....51tf 520 : Teun Ooal & Iron „ . . . ..... 145 146 1 Tex. I'ac. L- T Co .?..'...... 71 78 : Tex Pac ..:... 28 29 i Third Aye 108 115 -.. Toledo It & T Co 20% 28% St L & W 23% 2U 400 Do pfd ....... 54% 54% 54 % 5414 .Twin City R T 95 97 Un Bag & Paper 5% 6% Do pfd 53 56 25,200 Union Pacific ... 137% 130 137% 137% Do pfd fc6 87 United Copper 61% 62 U R R of S P 35 37 .; Do pfd 57 CO Do 48 ..... 76 U S C I Pipe ..... 36% 37% Do pfd 80 85 U S Express 1 .". 95 \u25a0 105 U S R & Cons : ..'... 72 75 U S E i il Co 17 19 Do pfd ..'. ...... 52 54 :. U S Rub Ist pfd ..... .../. 101 103 ....'... Do 2d pfd .... ..... ..... 71% 73 7.700 U S Steel Cor..- 37% 36% 37% 37% 3,000 Do pfd ........ 100% 100 100% 100% Utah Copper .<.. 28% 30 ....... Va-Car Chem Co. ...... 27 28% ....... Do pfd 103 107 • Va C I & C Co.. 70 75 400 Wabaeh 14% 14% 14 14% Do pfd .. 25% 25% Wells Fergo Ex 230 300 ..: IWestern Union .. 82% 83% 1 Westlnghouse ... ..... . 144% 148 100 W & L E 12% 12% 12 13% ....... Do Ist pfd 25 ....... Do 2d pfd 15 17 Wisconsin Cent. 18 19% ;.. Do pfd C 942 125,000 — Total shares bold. ' Skew York Bonds "\u25a0 V S-ref 2s coup. 104 I Japan 4s cert.. ..83% Do 3s reg. 102% Do 4%s cert.... 90% Do coupon ....103% Do 2d series.... 92 Do old 4s 1. & N unified 45.. 100% Do coupon ....101% Man con gold 45.; fIS% Do new 4s reg. 129% Mcx Central 45... 87 Do coupon 131% Do Ist 1nc...:.. 22 Amer Tob 4s 73 M. X & Texas 4s. 97% Do 6» ......;. 105% -Do>2ds .... 83% Atcb gen 4s .... 95% NR of Mcx con 4s 82 Do adj 4s .... 95 NY C gen-3%5.. fl3%' Atlantic C L 4s. 95% N J C gen 55.:.. 123% Bslt & Ohio 45.'. 100 Nor Pacific 45:. . .101% Do 3%s 92% Do 3s ......... 81% Brooklyn RT c4s 85 Nor.i.W con 4s. 97% Central of Ga ss. 108% O S Line rfdg 4s. 92% Do Ist mc 85 Pa cony 3%s :... 95% Do 2d 1nc.... 75 Reading gen '45... 97 Do 3d inc. . . 62 S.LiIM con 55.109% Ches & Ohio 4%5.102 ; St L & S F fg 4s 80% Chi &; Alton 3%5. 70" St L S W con 4g. 76 C, B & Q new 45..1»5% Seaboard A L 4s. 74 C, R I & Pac 4s. 72% 80 Pacific 45. ... . BS% Do col 55.. 55% Do. lst 4s cert.. 93% C.C.C * SLgn 48.100 So Railway ss. ...111% Colo Ind ss, sr A. 64 Tex & Pac 1et5.. 115% Colo Midland 45.. 68 ! Tol. St La W 4s. 80% Cuba 5s ........ 102^1 Union Pacific 4s. .101% Den it Rio O 4s. 94 US Steel 2d Cs. . 99 Dlst Securities ss. 83% Wabash . lsts .... .112 j Erie prior Uen 4a.' 96 Do deb 8...... 60 . Do gen 4s ....•Bl% Western Md 45... 85 Hock Val 4%5...104%|W & L Erie 45... SI Japan 6s 97%lwis Central 45... 87 Japan 6s, 2d ser. 97% | '- XewVork Mlnlnar Stocks . Adams Con ..... 101 Little > Chief . . . . . < 06 Alice . . . . ... ..... 5.001 Ontario .......... 5.00 Breece .......... 2010 n hlr ...:......:. 2.50 Brans Con ...... 40lPotosI ........;.. 11 Com Tunnel \u25a0.... 34jSavage ......:...." 95 Con:Va Mln Co.. 1.051 Sierra Nevada ... 01 Horn Silver ..... .l.oOlSmall Hopes ...... 35 Iron Silver .....I 3. 001 Standard ......... 2.50 LeadvUle Con .:. ,05| ' , Boston Stocks and \ Bonds \u25a0 Money — : Mining— - -. Call, loans .. ..2%«55'. Adventure ....... 3% Time loans ... ..5@6. Allouez .......'... 52 Bonds— . Amal- Copper ..... 93% Atchlson 4s .....»?% Ariz Commercial.. 24% Do*adJ 4s .... P5 : Atlantic ..:..;... 13 Mcx Central 45.. 82 Binjrliam .........' 17% Railroads— r Butte Coalition .. 26' Atchison ........ S>3% Calumet & Hecla.B4o : Do pfd :. 85% Genteiinial ..:...: 30 : Boston & Albany .23s • Copper - Range ... 80 . ; Boston, & Maine.. 162 Daly - West ' ....*.. 1(5% Boston ; Elev .... 142 Franklin ..';". ... : . 16% ! Fitchbnrg pfd ...131, Granby ..:... ....130 ] Mcx Central .... 27% 1 Inle - Rovale .... r. 17% I NY. X H &:H.. 77% Mass ! Mining 6%: Union Pacific <.-'.~.l3G%lM!cblgau'- : .-. :..... .14% i Miscellaneous— iMoaawk .... .. 78%! Amer Pneu Tube. 7% Mont Coal & Coke.? 2% Amer Sugar ..-..123. iNevadat... ...... .13 Do pfd 125 i North ; ButteV. ; .T?iBoSSI Amer Tel. & s Tel. 123- 1 Old Dominion :...;53% Amer- Woolen ... 29%IOsceola .....134- Dopfd •-.-. . . 9«?4 iParrot .'.:.:.; 21% Ed - Elect Ilium. .207%]Qnlnc.r . . .'. . . . . r. .117 - Muss. Electric ...16 IShannon .....;.. ".."17% > Do pfd ........ 59- (Tamarack .r.....'.106 Mass Gas .". . . .'. . 61 liVinity . ........ .V 20% United Fruit .;.: 111% v S Mining :.v:... 53% Un 'Shoe'Mach... 64 iv S Oil .......... 10 Do pfd .... :: ;. 27%11Ttah ;; ; . . ... . . .- .... 62% U S 5tee1........ 37%|VletorU- .-.;.;.. .-.. J >7% Do ptd . ...... .100 v lWinona :....:-.;... 8 * r \u25a0-.-:; I Wolvortne ..;..*\u25a0..\u25a0-. .v.150 \u25a0, THE COPPER ' STOCKS ; .: I _ BOSTON. AprU ; 20.— Dullness /"still prevails,' but the feeling is better. ' Copper ' sold ' today ; at 25% c and the demand. will be strong by May-1. Davis Daly was the feature of >tbe curb. 5 clo'slnß over. 17.. Calumet and Hecla>ls being picked up by, people ; of . lnfluence, rr London Closins Stocks - Cons J money ..85 11-161 LouigvV& % Nash .120 - Do for acct.:Bs-13-l« M. X & Texa5..:..37% Anaconda ..;....'., 12% N T| Y. Central. .%:.; 122 -< Atchison ........196% Norfolk & West;.: J77% \' Do pfd - . . . . ; . . .. ft 9 y :Do s pfd .-. V ; ..-; JB6 ™ Bait k 0hi0.;.... 100% Ont; 4> Western:. r- 39 Gsn Pacific ; . 180% Pennsylvania .... ;. \u25a0 04 % THE SANFRAKCISCO CAILr, STJISTPAY, AFEIL 21, 1907. Ches A-0hi0.r... 42% Rand . Mines- ..... 6% i Chi Great West.; 13% Reading ....:....: 54% ! Chi, MJI & St P. 187% So Railway .-.'...*. 21% ; De Beers . . ; ... . . 26% \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 Do :\u25a0 pfd ? .";r.Trrrj67«^ Den & Rio G....- 29% So a Pacific ~. . ;..r. 85% Do pfd ..:....". 77% Union Pacific -....140% Erie ». .--.'.;. ...... 24U Do pfd ...'.. ..:'91 Do Ist pfd. . . . . 56 U S Steel. . .V.'. . :'\u25a0\u25a0 38% Do 2d pfd . . . . . . 89 :Do pfd - .~:vr:Ho39B Grand " Trunk . ..." 31 % Wabaah • ... :..'.'... : . 15 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0; IU Central . . . .-. .150 Do pfd .,. . ...:.. 26% Bar silver— Quiet; 86 3-16 d; per ounce. ; Money — 1%@2 per. cent. \u25a0:%'.-' - The rate of discount In -, the open < market for \u25a0 short bills lis '3% • per. cent > and •. for . three months' ' bllU 3^4 @3%' : per .j cent, j i Condition .ot .the; Treaanry _ ' WASHINGTON, April ': 20.— Today's * statement In the general . fund < of ,. the . treasury shows : ; , \u25a0 Available cash 'balance,' $252,425,572; gold coin and bullion, $106,773,141; gold cerUflcates, $38, 825,300. : . :/. .-\u25a0 : -.. ;. '.\u25a0:; '' ', ' \u25a0 Slovenient -' of Specie. - NEW. YORK, 'April \u25a0 20.^ — Total , Imports of spe cie at the> port; of New York .for,.: the ; week ending today were $7,907 In silver and $147,086 SOW.' \u25a0\u25a0',"\u25a0<*: .:;;.^:,;.- V - ~-' ': .- - ,--' ,:''V~""i^ Total exports 'of specie ; from ! the port of I New York : for the week ending ; today were $691,660 In silver and $3,000 gold. — r- Kew .York ;. Cotton Market . •/ , NEW YORK, April ' 20.-^-Hutton's wire says: "The cotton : market \u25a0 opened steady,"- about nn \u25a0 changed, with trading . fairly 'active, y The ; chief news was reports of cold weather ! for the night and over the southwest. " The weekly figures are considered - bullish as vto spinners',^takings, i the latter being 285,000 bales, as against 735,000 same day last, year. ' While •: the market looks strong, it . takes steady -, buying ; to keep •; it up and tbe short interest is small. >:'.\u25a0'",: - "The ; abnormally cold weather .* in \u25a0 the ' cotton J)elt for . the last three : weeks and - the :.' drought in Texas has given the new crop such, a backset that the crop is bound to be a late one and the outlook for the new crop | is ; anything | but favor able. As \u25a0 a big crop will .. be • necessary \ next neason, this greater ( uncertainty \u25a0 attending ' the Texas crop " is placing ; the ! market In ; the hand of \u25a0 the bull ; interests and it Is likely ! to , give : us a broader market for some time ; to- come.' 1 ' -Option — .Open. ' High. > Low. Close. April ........ '9.SOc May .....: 9.SOc 9.89 c 9.31 c 9. SOc June -.........;. . ......... 9.B<>c July 9.84 c 9.SOc 9.83 c 9. 57 c Aujrust ..V;.9.S3c— 9.89 c ,9.85 c O.SSc September, 9.54 c 9.BSc 9.84 c 9.87 c October . ....10.04c , 10.09 c 10.04 c 10.07 c November ..... ...'. .... .... 10.10 c December .......10.15c 10.17 c 10.15 c "10.15 c January 10 .30 c . 10 . 32 c !• 10. 28 c 10 . 30 c New York Grain and Produce . NEW YORK. April 20.— Flour— Receipts, 12. 000 barrels; exports, ' 16.000; steady but dull. Mlnesota patents, $4.10@4.45; ; winter ' straights," $3.35@4.45; Minnesota bakers, $8.35@3.70:» win ter extras, $2.80@3; -winter ; patents, $3.CO@ 3.85; winter low grades, $2.70@2.90. ••.\u25a0\u25a0" Wheat — Receipts, 30,000 bushels; exports.'4l, 700; spot, firm: No. 2 red, 84c elevator;" No. 2 red, 85e f. o. b. afloat: No.' l northern Duluth, 93-74 c opening navigation f. o.'b. afloat; No.- 2 hard winter, 85?4c opening navigation f. o." b. afloat. . .- '. \u25a0 :\u25a0-\u25a0 On dry, cold weather all , through the I winter •wheat belt, complaints of widespread green bug damage In Kansas and heavy covering of shorts, wheat was stronger today, closing ?%@ %c net hlsrher. May, 88%@57%e, closed, S7c; July, 87%@SS^ic, closed SS^ic; September, S9@S9%c, closed 89 %c. . Hops— Steady; state, common to choice, \u25a0 1906 crop, 15@17c; 1905.*4%©6 c; Pacific coast, 1906, 8@llc; 1905, 6@Sc. " - Hides— Steady; Central America, 24Tic; Bo gota, 2594 c. \u25a0Wool — Steady; domestic fleece, 35@39c.' Petroleum — Steady; refined, New York, $8.20* Philadelphia and Baltimore, $8.15; do in bulk, '4. *0. . \u25a0 . \u25a0 " \u25a0 ..'-\u25a0. -\u25a0-..-- ...-'.". Sugar— Raw, firm; fair refining, 3.26 c; cen-" trlfugal, 96 test, 3.76 c; molasses sugar, 3.04 c; refined, steady; No. 6, 4.40 c; No. 7, 4.35 c; No. 8 4.30 c; No. 9. 4.25 c; No. 10, 4.15 c; No. 11. 4.10 c; No. 12, 4.05 c; No. 13, 4c; No. 14. 3.05 c; con feetigners 1 A. 4.COc; mold A, 5.15 c; cutloaf, 5.50 c; crushed, 5.50 c; powdered, 4.00 c; gran ulated, 4.80 c; cubes, 5.05 c. Coffee — Futures ' closed steady, net unchanged to 10 points- higher; 6ales were reported of 56 000 bass, including May, 5.70Q5.75c; E.Jane, 5.50@ o.COc; September, 5.40@5.45c; December,- 5.40^i 5.45 c;* March. 5.45 @5.50c ;- spot, steady;' No. 7 Rio, 6%c; Santos No. 4, 7%c; mlld.-dull; Cor dova, 9 @ 12% c. Butter — Stroßg; renovated, commou to extra, 17&2Sc. - , Eggs — Weak; firsts, 16V- ©l7c; seconds, 16c. DRIED FRUITS ' Evaporated apples — The market \u25a0 Is steady and some export Inquiry reported, although at prices somewhat under sellers' views. Fancy are quoted at Be. choice 7c, prime Oy a <3,tj%c, poor to fair ,s%(gCc. . ' \u25a0 Pnmes— Are quiet, with California fruit rang i lug from 3%c to 12% c and Oregon from \u25a0 5U,c I to 10c. .N. N . Apricots— Are nominally unchanged, with cliok-e quoted at 17%(g18c, extra choice lS^ftil ' IDo. fancy lOgliOc. - \u25a0 ' • 72Ki * ] Peaches— Are dull and unchanged, with choice I quoted at •11©11% c. extra choice 12@12'Ic i fancy. 12Vi«-413i.-, extra faaoy',l3(%lsc, ' Raisins— Are steady, with - luoee ' muscatels A'ew York Metal Market NEW YORK, April 20.— The market for metals was unchanged in the absence of cables, with quotations more or less nominal. \u25a0 .. Spot. tin was quoted at 40.45@40.75c. s- Copper continues more or less unchanged with l^-K^i^ at 23-25@25.25c;': electrolytic \t 23.i5@24.7w:; casting at 22.50@23.50c. Lead was dull at 6@6.10c. • Spelter. 6.C5^.75c. '- Iron was quiet and unchanged. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Kntnre Grain and Provision!* *\u25a0 CHICAGO, April \u25a0 20.— Wheat was : strong . all day. Reports of frosts In the winter. wheat belt caused a somewhat excited opening, prices up about i %c. • ; There were -. no i rains rof coast quence reported : in Kansas, where the need of moisture is becoming ;. more urgent, and this helped to stimulate the demand; for wheat. -One ! report placed the damage to : the Kansas crop by i dry weather and green bugs at 25 to 50 per cent Commission houses and; shorts were, the principal buyers, while selling. was chiefly by longs. The ' market closed strong. %c " higher. July opened %(rt.%c- higher at S0%@81; advanced to; SI Vie and closed at Sic ,: May ranged .between aud 78% c and closed at 78% c. *. , -... 5 r The corn market - was strong ; all day. . ; The strength of wheat and. oats. was. the main bull ish factor, although .an improved « demand, due to a reduction In . lake >. freight rates, .was an important influence. The , market closed > strong, %<S'4c up. July opened % lie higher at 48Q4S^c, advanced to 48% c - and' closed 'at 4S%C. ; -. \u25a0• : \u25a0-V . .„,.;>.:-;.; /*•:.;\u25a0\u25a0•; — .-Freezing temperatures in <the west and* south west brought out : an urgent ; demand -for oats. July opened %c to %c higher at' 40% @41c, advanced to 41 %c and closed %cu p at 41% - -\u25a0••-\u25a0• ••Trading in provisions \u25a0 was • almost ( at '< a stand still. July pork closed 5@7%c \u25a0 lower, lard was a Rhade higher : and * ribs - were: also up-<- a shade to : sc. ,— -;'\u25a0'. -:- . \u25a0 The leading futures ranged as follows: •: Articles Open. : High. - Low. Close. --"Wheat— \u25a0 .- - \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 : ~\--- -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:.\u25a0 < -'\u25a0-r:- v ..v May •••• 78% 7S% t . 75%-"' 78% July .......... .81 81^4." - SO% . "81 September ..... 82% . S3 ' 'fj2?s '\u25a0' S2T4 December ....-; 84% 84% 84% -84% Corn— \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 •-...\u25a0-.\u25a0.'\u25a0'\u25a0:- May. .......... 47%. '• 48 - - v 47%' ; - <'4S k July 48V4 -45% '..\u25a048% " 48% September ..... 48% ; , 48% ;.,;48% 45% • i Oats— "' \u25a0 "\u25a0.../-\u25a0 - . \u25a0 ,-\u25a0 -\u25a0 « % -- : :-, : •.- .- ;-. May .....;.... .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;4&% : ;:,. 44% - -:43%1 44% July. ; 41 41« 8 : 40% ' 41% September ..... 35% 36 "35% 35% * Mess pork, per bbl. — '\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '.'. ' '*'•.-;•••». May,. ...... 15.82% 15187% 15.72% 15.72% July ....... 16.00 ,16.00- 15.87% 15.87% •-.\u25a0\u25a0 Lard, per 100 - lbs— . Vt :\u25a0 -- - \u25a0 May. ...... 8.67% 8.65-8.62% 8.65 July ....... 8.77% , 8.77% 8.75 s 8.75 September -. 8.00 , 8.92% -8.90 8.90 1 Short , ribs, per 100 * lbs. — May ....... .... .....:.,.: 8.47% July .V 8.65 8.67% '-'\u25a0\u25a0 8.65 M 8.«7% September . 8.77% .8.77% -8.75 8.75 \ Caslr' Grain and j Provisions ;.: CHICAGO, i April i 20.— Cash \u25a0> quotations wer« as follows: Flour— Quiet 6 and y steady; . winter patents, $3. 10@3.40; straights, $2.90(33; springs, $3.40@3.60; straights, $3@3.30; bakers, $2@2.80;»N0.? 2 spring -wheat, 81@84%c; No.'3, 74@81c; b No. 2 red,-77%@75%c;*:N0.r2- corn,' 41%@41%c; No. 2, \u25a0-. yellow,^ 4Sc; : No. 2^ oats, 43% c- No. 2 white. 44%c;5 N0. 5 3 white, 41 % 43%c;,N0. 2 rye,- 6Sc;- fair'. to >- choice 'malting barley, " 69@71%c ; Ho. 1 1 ,flax , seed. ',$1:11;- No. > 1 [ northwestern,. $1.18; .-primeuimothy? seed, -$4.25;' clover, contract grades," $14.50; % short : ribs,^ sides (loose), $5.30@8.40; mess pork per bbl.,' $15.87% Ql6; \u25a0\u25a0' shorts > clear : • sides \u25a0:•* (boxed) , v ss.s2% @ 8.87% ; whisky basis of, high wines,' $1729. ;:\u25a0 -^ • — . . Receipts.; Shipments? Flour.' barrels ; ; . . ; 2C,f»00 * - 1" 700 Wheat.. bnshcls ..;.....: 43.500 '•: Bo!mX) Corn, -bushels -/..;.'...». ;;..; 332,600 459,000 Oats, bushels .. rvr. r. . : . .-..'*\u25a0; 366.0 CM ): : 300,100 . Rye,- bushels' . ."..v.;r: ..-..;"' 0,000 • '-';'\u25a0 '\u25a0:-''. 2 "00 Barley,' bushels . ...... ;./\u25a0;.: 52,100, ''. 13,100 Huttcr/; Cheese. and; Efffrii , CHICAGO, .'April ;; 20.— 0n \, the ~ produce % ex- . change > today - the \u25a0; butt«-r .' market f. was : stead y creameries, 25@32c; j 22<jjC2)c; '; egcV steady ; : at ' mark,'. "oases \u25a0\u25a0 included, M5%c ; ." firsts ' 16c; pruiie fifths, - llf; cheese,' strong, 14@15c.;-. ;.' . Eastern NXlveatockj Market :."\u25a0 CHICAGO* ApriI 20.— Cattle-f ßeceipts',-, 15 000 *\u25a0 Steady. Beeves. s s4. Bs@6.Cs;; cows., $1.75@4 SO 1 heifers, ., $2.65(3.">.40: calves, y $4.50@6: good to prime steers,rss.6s@6.6s:;poorto medium, $4 23 @s.3o; istockers: and feeders,! s2.9o@s.lo \u25a0.-\u25a0-•'• . «\u25a0• Hogs— Receipts, 12.000." . ? Market :'-. 5c - higher LlKlit and • mixed..- $6.45@6.70; \u25a0« heavr,>. $6 30<a 6.67%; \u25a0, r0u5h,>56.30@6.45: '-pigs.^ ?0.10&6.65- : good, to: choices heavy. < $6. C5@6.C7 %".>>-: \u25a0< r - -,-\u25a0-•] Sheep— Receipts,-.- 3000. : Market steady.* . Na tives,;: $4.50@6.80; ; westerns. ;$4.50@6.80;i year- 8 Hnps, $7@7.75; - lambs, \u25a0 $6.50@5.50; ? ; western,' $6.5008.60." '\u25a0-. :-:•'-'.;-: s.j > ;Z - k Xi;- c"--.^-.i / '\u25a0;, )Los: Aneeles"* Market* '\u25a0\u25a0:' ...\u25a0': S . . LOS 1 ANGELES, j April * 20.— The ./usual t end week I activity..; marked , the | produce | market I today:, The •; potato s market s attracted » the * most c atten-' tion.'sir Receipts s of .* eastern '% stock i have | piled sup for.' several I days j and « prices I are I declining.*- OtTer ings were: made, todnytOn'aibaHißiof $1.70 to ithe retail|trade;i for,-? MinnesoUi.'jfancyjS stock.' j'^The' easifr* market/ is % teniporary i only ? nnd iln j a"i fftw, days 'prices' will advance, and before: the 'season ends "fancy /eastern stock will command _* $2.60. At v: least s that Rls s what «, the : brffcers ? iay. '*X% '•. ••' Bermuda ~> onions, t which ," represent \u25a0\u25a0 th« .putt or the I stocks ( here I are | weaker, | having > declined _to $2.50. "i; Cabbage H continues = cheap Jn " light s de mand *a t i 65c a sack. - Peas are offered .- at Artichokes T are *a \u25a0- drug 'on the '\u25a0- market \u25a0 -i The strawberry : market : Is unchanged, and; steady. Receipts > of . raspberries have Increased, but . the demand 8 prevents ;a £ decline. > "-i ', \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0 \u25a0 . ' v. :•\u25a0-.. The ? egg > market tis '\u25a0> steady at prices . which have been In effect for two weeks. Nothing has developed '\u25a0 that ' would Indicate V « change - in either \u25a0 direction. «', Butter : receipts have \ been es pecially : large for 5 the - three \u25a0: days '•\u25a0 and I Immense quantities ;, of "coast - and ?- valley stock • are going . Into - cold ! storage.'- The"; market Is ; steady.^ V;> Receipts of flsh are about upto ; the demand. -.*\u25a0- Produce \u25a0- recejpts — Eggs,- 880.v cases 20,380 : pounds; - cheese. 3584 . pounds; .•potatoes, 3607 • sacks ; f onions, 17721 772 sacks : beans, - 341 sacks. ; Following ij are ± Jobbing • prices : ," - ' •/ ' \u25a0 : : 'Eggs — Local ! ranch, candled, 21c. s Butter-^Creamery • \u25a0 extras, 47% c; creamery firsts," 4sc ;; dairy,"- *20c. •; .'% Cheese-^-Northern fresh, 17c; northern storage, 16c; : ' anchor,"; large.-i 18c; anchor, > Young ; America,, 19c ; I anchor, • hand, j 20c ; eastern E singles, • 17@19c ; eastern' twins, ». 19c; s eastern : Cheddars, 16@16VSc; eastern 'lionghorn.' 21c; ; -eastern" Dai»y,"J: ; 2oc; swiss. imported, 82c; • swiss , domestic, •.. 22c; llm burger,: lßc. ; \u25a0:,.: ' ... - «r/i -.- Potatoes i (a : ctl.)— Eastern early : rose, , $2.25@ ; 2.50; Idaho, $2; ; Colorado. $2; Wieconsln, i s 2; Minnesota.' $2; new stock, s@6c; sweet potatoes, 'yellow;^ ss.'v.-,.. .«;,\u25a0\u25a0.;\u25a0-:>.;-,. ..\u25a0;.:•\u25a0\u25a0:-;...\u25a0 'i -"•.•.-. : v: \u25a0'---\u25a0>£ - Onions— Nevada,' • $4; : garlic, 7%@loc:^chni«, evaporated, ": 13@13%c; sundried. 13@13%c; ground, 12%c; 'Mexican, bulk, 12%@13c. -;-;;, Beans j(a ctl.)— Pink t No. 1 1. $3 ; '•\u25a0 Lima • No. 1, $4.75@5; I Lady Washington No. 1. $3 ; do small white : No.'Clr? $3.50; \u25a0 black eye. $5.50@6.50; Gar-, vanzas,';;lentlls,:i2%@lsc lb. . ; \ i Poultry* (buying ; prices, live weight a lb.)— Broilers,:. 1% -to 2 pounds, 24c;' fryers,,. 2% to 2?i ; pounds, i 22c; . roasters, i3s or more % pounds, 18c: "stags, ! 9c; .hens,'-16c; old roosters. \ 8c;: turkeys, j heavy, s 17c ; 5 turkeys, light, \u25a0 14c ; <* uelt Sj 16c: geese, ,12c; . squabs • and : pigeons, $1.50® 1.75 a dozen. \u0084-" ( .-_-\u25a0 ; ; .' . Selling prices, \u25a0 frozen dressed : eastern • stock ; (peri lb.)— Hens, lC@l7c : - young roosters. 19% c; fryers, ;• 19c; broilers, 26c; turkeys, old toms, 21% c; yoiinj? Toms; 23c; hens, .22% c; . geese, 17c:-ducks. .lßcr, \u25a0'•""\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-• < *!\u25a0" ' '. Honey ':' (per : lb.)— Comb : ' water white, ,1 • : lb. frames, 10c; ; light amber, 14c; comb- white, 15@lt>c; extracted water white. :60 , lb. cans, 7% @Sc:-; extracted;, white, 60 lb. cans, 7%c; • light amber, 60 . lb. cans, 7c. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS Jfavnl Stores, -Turpentine and Rosin - SAVANNAH.v April V 20.— Tiirpentine, \u25a0' firm, 6.87% c; sales, ;185; receipts,:; 3S; shipments, 68.' Rosin, firm; f sales",« 875: receipts, 1,317; ship ments, 15.455: stock. 23,508. Quotations: A B C, 4.30 c; D, 4.40 c; F.. 4.55 c; F.4.C0c:G,4.C5c; H. 4.75 c; 1.. 4.95c; »k, 4.95 c;. M, 5.45 c; -N, 4.60 c; WG, 5.70 c; W W, 5.75@0.80c.^^^^ Foreisrn Fntores \u25a0' ' ' : LIVEUPOOIi ' "- Wheat— May.. July. Opening 6 s<Si \u25a0 6 W Closing; ........;............... 65% • 6 ,3% :' : . ; - : ''.^PARIS •• - \u25a0 - '\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ;s. Wheat— - April. July- Aug. Opening V.......... ........ 22 SO- 23 20 Closing 22 80 23 20/. ' Flour— . Opening. ...... .:..;.*....... 29 70 30 45 . Closing ..... ..........,'29 70 30 45 - St. Lomls .Wool 3larket > v ST. LOUIS. April 20.-— Wool, steady; medium grades combing and : clothing. 22@26c; light fine, 20®21c; heavy fine, 16@17c; 'tub washed, 29 @37c. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0{. --.\u25a0; •- \u25a0-: ; \u25a0; ' \u25a0 Xorthern Wheat Market ".'/\u25a0--.• ' WASHINGTON 7,' '.'•\u25a0.: TACOMA. April 20. — Market steady. Blue stem, 77@78c; club, 75(di7(ic: red, 73@74c. • ' OREGON ; \u25a0 PORTLAND, „ April 20. — Market unchanged. Club, 75c; bluestem, 77c; red, 74c; valley, 72c. - 'Xorthern Business; PORTLAND. April ; 20.— Clearings, $500,669 ; balances. $50,357. -^ - . ' . .' , TACOMA.' ApriI 20.— Clearings, $607,946; bal ances. $43, 25 G. ;-- SEATTLE. April 20. — Clearings, $1,575,057; balances,. 5332.255. •• • SPOKANE. April 20.— Clearings, $907,427; balances,' s2o9,396. ; : .\ LOCAL MARKETS .Exchange and Bullion .':,-. Sterl lng T exchange, .sixty days.... .— @4.R3 * Sterling: exchange,: 8ight. ........ . — - @4.86 - Sterling ; exchange.' j cables. ".f- ©4.87 :\u25a0 Now \u25a0 York . exchange, v 5ight ....... -. <£S .. 02% N>w : York exchange, 'telegraphic \u25a0 — <\u25a0 SUrer, ! per .' 0unce . ; :' . . . . ... .....'..' 65% <Q ."— > Mexican dollars, \u25a0 nominal .......". — - <JS — " , CONTINENTAL , New York on Paris.... .........V.. SISSJ New .York on Mexico .........;.'........ 200% Paris on London.-..:..... ........25.20 ;\u25a0• Berlin on : L0nd0n. . . . ......... 77; .. ... . .20.47% i \u0084 • \u0084, 'Wheat and Ot Ji er Grains , • •""' ! Wheat— Chicago was %c higher, ! but there. was no corresponding i advance here.;. The : market closed the week very firm.' however. . • - %'~ . ': CASH. WHEAT : •• *. California club.' $1*.35@1:45: do milling. $l.42%@l.4s;' California '-white 'Australian,': $1.45 I @1.55; lower gradesv of 'California," $1.12%@ ' 1.32%: northern club, $1.35@1.42%; 1 northern bluestem, $I.47%@l.s2% ; ' northern : red, $1.35© 1.37% per cental. . \u25a0 • - r'UTUKES :10 to 11:30 a. m.' Session ' (*'\u25a0 • May— sl.?,o% bid.. '. .:-\u25a0\u25a0-'. i V ; ; .Barley — Tho only sale reported yesterday . was of fair No. 1 feed at 51.22%.' Receipts - ; wens light and the market was devoid oLrfeatnre. •\u25a0.: . CASHBAIiLKY/^ i . • - \u25a0'\u0084'\u25a0 Good to choice" feed. - spot^Sl.22%@l'.23?i: common to fair, $1.15@1.20 j^r ctl; brewing and shipping, $1.25@1.27%- pejrctl; chevalier, $1.20 @1.40 per ctl. \u25a0.••>:.'\u25a0•.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'•jr -.'•-• • ' •... \u25a0 10 t</ 11:81) -; -a. zm.i Session •--:\u25a0":.: -i \u25a0': Qpett: -.-t \u25a0 High. Low. .: Close. May ....... :Sijn% $1.22 : $1.21% J 51.22 -. December. .Nay&lcs; $1.22% bid; 51.23U asketl. ;Oats— Veryrfirm at the high ; prices, with • -the demand steady and stocks" light. . < '; . • Good : ' choice red,~ $1.6055]. 75; 'common to fair. $1.50@1.55; white. $1.55@1.75; black, $l.r>o@2: gray, 'sl.7o asked.'./' •."\u25a0'\u25a0 . - i -.-:-, Corn— There is : nothing \u25a0 new '. in ; this '- market, tradesbeing very dull , and : prices : showing .little fluctuation., .-.. . .- \u25a0.;: .'.-.-'. . -, ..-...' : - California small round yellow,' $1.55; large yel low,: $1.27%@1.32% ; ' white, 7 $1.27%@1.32% ; western state sacked vellow, ' sl.2s@ 1.35; -white, $1.25<3t1.35 ; ! mixed. $1.25@1.30; white Kgyptlan. $1.25@1.30; brown -Egyptian," $1.10@1'.20 per ; \u25a0=\u2666!. >-'. Rye— si;4o@l.r.O per : ctl a for, California'* and $1.35@1.40 for Utah." * : : '><: - Buckwheat — Nominal— none offering.^.; .. Flour and Farinaceous Goods t .^ ; ; The flour '\u25a0: market * continues }. to . exhibit i great strength . and * the demand from v all quarters Is gOOd. '. '^ V\u25a0 \u25a0; .\u25a0\u25a0".\u25a0'--".„.•. -v.r^; .:.''"\u25a0.,\u25a0 \u0084 .-'\u25a0-:•:\u25a0 ' \u25a0 ; Flour— California family \u25a0\u25a0 extras, : $4.80@5.40 net. w; without discount; • bakers' v: extras, $4.SO@ 5.05; \u25a0 superfine, $3.70@3.90; Oregon and Wash ingtonriper bb1,54.25@4.50 for family and $3.65 @3.95 for.cut off. •---.- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 /.'. ' ->-;-:<; v^--,--- -•-..\u25a0.. I -„ Farinaceous - Goods— Prices - Ink packages, 'net cash, no discount, are as follows: '• Graham flour,' $2.J>o»per, 100, lbs : rye 'flour, "C 53.40 \~ rye meal, $3.20; . rice ] flour,-, $7.20; i corn \u25a0 meal, , $2.50; * extra cream '•\u25a0 do, ; $3.40 ;; oat » meal, $4.10 ; - oat "- groatsr $4.30;. hominy, $3.40@3.60; buckwheat flour,! $4; cracked wheat, $3.40; farina," s4.lo; whole wheat flour, $3.10; rolled oats,' bblß,*jp6@7.2s; Inisacks, $f>.."0@6.75:: rolled wheat,, bbls,'* $4.30; In sacks. $3.80; pearl barley,* ss.4o; f splitpeas. boxes, $Q; green peas, $5 per 100 lbs. " \u25a0'! ' - : l .•\u25a0\u25a0-._;\u25a0\u25a0 Hay and Feedstuff* ';: • • '\u25a0, The > feed : market : was ' : easier yesterday,' owing \ to I large , arrivals of : 6303 1 sks |of I bran; 1 1875 sks of t shorts • and . 9450 sks •of • feed ; from the \u25a0 north. Most of this will be offered on the market th)f week, sas \u25a0 little : if i any iof* It i was X sold ? prior \to J arrivaL - ,'; It 6 - effect' oil . prices remains ;to :be : seen. ! There I is ! now no . shortage lof f eedstuffs, 4 -' and |us those t northern \u25a0 mills \u25a0 which s have ; recently ,; been closed if down I are i now s. running | again I there | will probably ?be ? plenty -of • supplies , on • the ; market from; now on. .. .-- ... . -: ,^ \u25a0f The ; receipts ' of 720 tons ; of hay included ;SC cars. "The • situation . remained * Just ras \ before stated.. '\u25a0; \u25a0/,; . ... ; \u0084-. .-:• \. ..... .... ..; \u0084 . t .. r . Bran— s22(s)23 per ton.;- " \u25a0 "• ' •; : Middlings— s27(23o per ton. .^Shorts— s22. so@ per ton. ; :^Feedstuffs— Rol led > barley, -... $27@27.80; ., mixed : feed, - $24@25 ; s' oilcake meal, -. nominal ; ' cocoanut 'cake ori meal" at mills,' s26 in: 10 and $26.00 in's ton j lots;: ; : Jobhln?. ;; 527;^- co m \u25a0 ' meal. \u25a0? :s3o@3l; cracked J corn,% $31 @32 ; bromn I corn | feed, 1 90c@si per ctl: -alfalfa meal, ; carload- lots," $20.50;^Job bing,' $21.50 i per ton: mealfalfa, $20.50;' jobbing, $21.50. ...;.-.--,-.'.,;^ •;.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:. \u0084\u25a0:..\u25a0.\u25a0,,\u25a0-..,.--- rt-;?:?r:.:- \u25a0'*•&:•;.)\u25a0\u25a0 "-\u25a0 . .'\u25a0•\u25a0 Hay— Choice wheat, $24i&25 ; per \u25a0 ton; v pood \u25a0 wheat,! $18@23; -other? grades e " wheat. :"sl6@l7;; : wheat and oat,isls@23; tame oat, $14@20;wlid oat, | $9.50@15.50; I alfalfa,' $5.50(512; stock, $ii@ ,12' per ton. , .: i-.<. '., \u0084.-..^-,- ;'•\u25a0-- \u25a0--:<\u25a0\u25a0 ' .- I 5 ">\u25a0» Straw— Co(g9oc» per bale. ' ' '\u25a0. f '\u25a0'\u25a0- \u25a0':\u25a0•\u25a0:.. •...-,... ..» \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0'•''\u25a0••:\u25a0•' , , ] . " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;*: ..'i.T. ..-"•\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0; Beans and, , Seeds .\u25a0_ \u25a0 i-iji'i^.' " tTlicre? is r'nowj'a ; shipping , demand ; for ; straislit ca rs ; ot i pink ; , and \ lartre : white? beans, : . and \ these descriptiong Tares firm* in? consequence/ J Otherwise ;there ; Is j nothing new , in ; this • market.-' .-•'.- •?':: •-;:;' : '^Beans, uper. ctl)— E.iyos. *t-'.(t5(@2.53;, pea, ?S.sO ; \ small white,' s2.Bs@3; r i large \u25a0 white, ' •@2.70;- pink,.* $2.4ofti2.Co;tS red, lim«B,^'sl.lo@4.2O; c red.>kidneys, . $3.50@3.75; blackeyes.'- $3 ; butter, , notninal ; cranberry beans, ; $3.50@3.75.r . \u25a0'. .-\u25a0:,;. , ; ;.. \u25a0 \u25a0• . \u0084-..; - •:\u25a0\u25a0-.• \u25a0-;;:.:-.;\u25a0 ". \u25a0'":--: -':« Seeds-r-Brown k muatardi ' 3@S*fc; : .; yellow *•' d l nominal ; j naxseed.i'su <83%c ; \ conury,'! 4% 4%c ;• alfalfa.",l4% % 15c ;1 rape, < 1 <g3 %c ; s timothy . nominal ; '•\u25a0 hemp, sc ; millet, * 3 %c « per * lb ; * broom corn - seed,T $IS@2O per ? ton. h " \u25a0:? ;: '/ \u25a0: : "j* \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0 Dried 4 Peas — N lies, nominal ; "green ' peas, ' $2.50 @2.75 : per ctl. J '; .. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0-. v \u25a0.-.',. \u25a0"\u25a0,':\u25a0::\u25a0 \u25a0-' -'A -4 Potatoes, Onions nnd Veuetables : : '\u25a0 Pota toes 3 had fa « very ! quieti closing i and ', prices f or 4 ordinary } offerings 1 were i barely; steady ,t as, *hi iviewi of i;thel fact.^ that I the ; was j liberally, supplied % with t carried |over '\u25a0 stock,^ buyers % were holding off I and 5 awaiting > developments.'^ Supplies , of |- table i goods ( consisted ¥ largely | of I common j to I choice I table S goods:** there a being a comparatively,: ! : little ; high * grade | stock Onions,->tov>," ; . were dull,! but 5 firm tat 4 the * revised v quo itations.'.thei supplyi being | lim ited . - i 4 There t was ; a s brisk s Satttrday ,' demand t for ! vege . tables, 1 ? asparagus : and s peas t particularly sbe ing jia sharp I request | and ? slightly * higher, 5 ? alUmusrh s^e-; ceipts s continued M liberal 'w Common i rhubarb J coii ;unued^wtak;"';; wMU- •.lorße-.VtiK-k- from;: Sin; Jnse reuieined \u25a0 steady at * the oal -(jaiHatiDiis.! Wax beans ; from Coachella - brought ' 20c a pound and summer ;; squash | from I the I same , region * sold lat $3.50<54.5t>* per., box > as > to « size.' The ; canners were » in \ the .; market ) for . peas and i took quite a quantity lat prices ; ranging I from $1.25 1 per sa;k to 2c per 1 pound \u25a0 as Ito quality." » A straight car load \u25a0\u25a0 of. tomatoes came In from Florida - but was not marketed, ; having arrived too late vf Potatoes * (per s ctl)— River ;? whites. J $1.75@2; Oregon Burbauks,^ $1.65@2.25 : eastern ' Burbank^, $1.50@1.75; new;potatoes.3%<a4%c*pertlb. , Onions— Yellow, j $3@3.50 ; per ctl ; \u25a0 green. 60@ 76c per box.*- :' ;. -. . . .:" ... • e 7,_- VegeUbles^Asparagus, - 12 %@ 13c; per lb for extra. 9@llc for,: Nc». • 1 ; and v7@Bc ; for ! No. 2: rhubarb,; 50c©$l» per j box for * bay , and ' $1@1.25 for San Jose; green peas; 2% @3%c per lb; toma toes, Mexican, $1.25@1.75 per box; hothouse «m cumbers, $1@1.60 per dozen for small and $2.50 for large; | garlic, 2%@4c per. lb: celery. $2.50@5 per crate;: cabbage.- $1.50 per ctl; cauliflower, $1 per dozen; carrots, $1 per sack; turnips, $1.25 @ 11.60, per sack., .-- .-: -;: .; . .-, , \u25a0 : 1. * \u0084 -. .V; ,>^' Poultry : and Game ' ;, There 1 was ; practically , no : market for poultry, only a few scattering coops coming. to hand, and prices: for all: descriptions '.were largely nominal. A general feeling of firmness prevailed and indi cations were favorable fo» a steady to firm.mar ket i for : the J coming : week. "; Hare and rabbits were offering In '\u25a0 a limited : way and met with prompt sale at the old quotations when sound. - Poultry (per dozen)— -Hens, $7@9 for large and |o@6 for small; old roosters, $5@6; young roost ters, $7.50@9; fryers, $7@B; broUers, $5.50@6.50 for large and $3.50@4.50 > for small; pigeons, $l@1.50; ; squabs.\ $2@2.50; ducks, $7@S for young and $5@6 for old; geese, $2@2.50 per pair. 1 , Game— Hare, y52@2.25 for large and $1.23<a 1.50 for young; cottontail rabbits,. . ; Butter, Cheese*; and Eggs . Orders ( for. , butter 'continued ;to arrive freely from ; outside points • and " the market \u25a0 ruled ' firm with stock suitable for shipment ; that Is, stock put up in 2 pound squares, . cleaning up rapidly. Some large receivers of lightweight or 1% pound squares,'; which, ; by j the I way.t are not wanted |at distant < points,;-: were Tather 1 weak I In I their views and quite a surplus of such stock had to be held over. ; as buying \u25a0on local account was * extremely flight. .-;\u25a0/'.;-\u25a0?•••.\u25a0•\u25a0;•. \u25a0-;\u25a0-.. ;>\u25a0•-- . _- r - ./\u25a0-..: ;•-, "\u25a0\u25a0 T The egg market has undergone quite a change withln ; the . last few : days. Owhig to the high prices j brought | about by > the action of small | re ceivers ; forcing the market up on storage specu lators, some of the latter have: ceased buying in the country, and ; the " receipts are 1 more evenly distributed than > heretofore. As a .result . the buying ' element has become . less conspicuous on the exchange . and the price r of ; eftras 1 1s down nearer to a- normal basis.' \u25a0:» The under grades are weak, -with supplies accumulating, as they do longer - have ? . the* ; keeping - qua ft ties * which < they possessed ; while the ; weather • was ' cool, : and \u25a0 *he demand for them has fallen off considerably. -Ex tras and seconds -were -off \u25a0 yesterday and firsts declined lc. per dozen. . - \u25a0Xis Cheese s continued ; to decline, ' new.- flats being %c and lc lower for fancy and firsts respectively. The market ruled weak at the decline, the supply being far In excess of requirements. ;.\u25a0 Sales on the exchange were as follows: .Butter^ — 30 cases of extra at 24c. . Eggs— lo cases of extras at 21% c, 50 at 21e and 10 cases of seconds at 17% c. \u25a0• * Cheese— 2s new fancy flats at 12% c and 25 ot 12c.-.- - \u25a0\u25a0:'- - -\u25a0 -,: \u25a0 - \u25a0 . -- -..-\u25a0 .. - - Receipts were ; 40,200 lbs butter, 6,800 lbs cheese and 2,253 cases eggs. \u25a0 \u25a0 - *- ; The following ' are the official quotations as \u25a0established by sales, bids 1 and offers on the floor of the dairy exchange: . - , V - Butter — Fresh creamery " extras.' 24c per lbi firm ; do ; firsts, ' 23 %c, \u25a0 firm ; seconds, 22 %c. firm ; thirds, nominal;, packing stock. 10c. steady. - Cheese — Fancy California new • flats, \ 12c per lb, , firm; firsts, lie, -firm; new young Americas, fancy,, 14% c, firm; firsts, 13% c ,; firm; eastern storage, 'fancy, 18c, firm. v : ' - . . Eggs— California fresh extras,- 21c per doa, firm; \u25a0 firsts, 20c, • steady; seconds, 17% c, firm; thirds, 16c, firm.-. ::; v ;-. - . \u25a0V. Deciduous and Citrus Fruits There ' was jan ;• active . market for fresh ' fruits during ' the early f morning hours, strawberries, bananas and lemons being In urgent demand, and firm prices ruled • for all , three- articles."' The re ceipts of strawberries consisted of 116 crates from . Los . Angeles • and -'- 30 : packages of chest i goods from nearby districts. AH of the berries' were In good shape and . were quickly closed out, crated stock .: as \ usual finding . the most favor with buyers. A carload of bananas came in from New Orleans.* the first for about two weeks, and the ripe portion of the fruit was quickly plaenl at high-, figures. .Lemons : were ; closely, cleaned up, at the close, and most handlers, were expect ing a higher range of prices for the coming week. 1 Oranges : were . dull " and weak, with stocks >of large | fruit at the - stores unwieldy, and several cars ;\u25a0 were . still standing on . the railroad tracks unloaded. \u25a0 : ' .: - . \u25a0 Strawberries • — Longworths, $1 .25(5! 1 .50 »K>r drawer; * Watstonvllle, . 50@65c per drawer: • Los Angeles," ; $2@2.50 , for single and $3.50@5 for double crates. \u25a0 ; Apples — ?1.R0@2 per box. \u25a0:\u25a0 Citrus t Frnlts — Per 'box: Navel oranges, * $2?J 3 for small and" ?1@1.75 for large sizes*!"seed lings. $l@2; : tßngerines,' $1.25; lemons. -lU.fiO.'-'* for fancy, $3@4 for choice and $2@2.50 for standards: ' crape fruit. ., $2.75@3.25 • for seedlesa and $1.20@1.50 for common: limes. $C@7. , \u25a0 TroDical Fruits— Bananas. | $1.25@2 ; per bunch for.; Hawaiian nnd $3©4 for Central American; pineapples, nominal. , . • . Dried 'Frnlts,' Raisins. PTnts. Honey Is nothlnsj new in this "market, trade be ing dull at the familiar prices. -. - Raisins — Seeded, 'B<f?ioy : c: loose muscatels. Be. B%c and B%c for 2. 3 and 4 crown, respectively; seedless " snltanas.~: 7% <37%c; Thompson's . seed less. 7%@7%c for -unbleached; : London layers, nominal; cluster?, nominal. . V-tNuts — Almonds, nonpareils,' ". 17%<a513c: I X L. 10%@lSc; ne plus ultra. . 16@lSc: Drakes, 13%@14c: Langnedoes, 13%@14c: hardshell, ft® 10c. Walnuts, jobbing , price*— Softsliell, 15@16c for' and 12@13cfor No. 2;.itullan chest nuts, s@Sc. per: 1b.,. • ' ' Honey — Amber :\u25a0 comb, i' 12(gl5c; ; dark, OSilllc; extracted.- water white, .nominal; dark, OlgCV^c; candied, 6c per lb. , - • Provisions 5 IThe week closed without any. further variation in i quotations. -,.. " --'. --. ..-.' Cured : meats— Bacon, . 15Vlc per lb for heavy, Ifti'tc for light medliun, 16% c for light, 17@ 17V'.c^ for 1 extra 1 light, and I 20@21e j for sn^nr cured;'dry salted, sides.' 14c: bellies; 14?4@i5c: eastern ' sugar-cured « hams. '. 17@17%c; : California hams,' l6%c: mess beef.- $9 per bbl; extra mess. $».OO; family. $1Q; prime mess pork, $23.50; ex tra* clear, $26; mess. ; $25* pig pork,. $28; pigs' feet, $5; smoked beef, 14c per lb.": r •Lard— Tierces -quoted at 9%@loUe for Cali fornia \u25a0\u25a0 compound. .; 9% @10^ic ; for , eastern - com pound and \u25a0 12@13c .: for pure; half-barrels, pure. 12Vi@13«4c;-50-lb.tins, 12%@ir!%c: 10-lb tins. 12";i@13%c; 5-lb tins, 12%@13T a c; 3-lb tlas, I3«ii4c. ; . •.'"\u25a0-'v ',»\u25a0', ~\-. ..\u25a0•:.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,.\u25a0\u25a0•" .- '-\u25a0' \u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0 Cottolene— One \u25a0 half-barrel, lf>94c; .three half barrels,' 10% c; one tierce, 10% c; two tierces, 10% c; five. tierces, MOVic Hides, TaUow, Wool and Hops \u25a0 Hides— Culls and ; brands i sell about :%<glc un der quotations. S Heavy salted steers.^llc; medi um ''\u25a0 lie; • light, lie; - cow \u25a0• hides, lie ?for >. heavy, lie for light; stags B%c: salted kip.. lie;. salted veal, 14c; . salted calf. ; 15c: % dry '•- hides, 22c: dry kip. r 2oc ; ? dry .? calf,: 24c • sheepskins, ? shearlings; 20@5Qc each; short wool. 50@90c each;, mediuui. $1 Q 1 .23 ; ; long ' wool, $I .so<f| 2 : w horsehides. sal t. $3@3.50 for \u25a0 large . and \u25a0'» $2.50@3 for '\u25a0; medium ; $1 50@2 ' for ss email and ' 50c@51.20 for colts; horsehides. > dry. ?2@3 for .large and $1.25@2 for medium; S 50c@51.25 for; small • and 25@50c for colts; deerskins — Dry Mexican, 40@41c: dry salt ed Mexican.',- 35@37%c : dry Central American. 40@41c; soatsklus — Prime • aneroras, 75c; extra large do,': $1.50; ; large, ; 50c; : medium, . 35c; small. 25c. -\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0 >'' -:\u25a0:--'::\u25a0 \\' * - '"•\u25a0.,.: .. ' - ' \u25a0'. •". Tallow— No. : 1 ' rendered, . 5@5%c; No. -2, V 4% @sc;. grease. :2@3%c.' 1 * . , ' --T Wool — Spring \u25a0 clip: \u25a0 Northern bright, 19@21c; San Joaquln, 15@17c for free and 12@14c for de fective, m Fall ] clip: * San | Joaquln | and j southern. 6@Bc; fall v lambs, .7® 10c: v Humboldt and ' Men docino,'" 13@14c:> middle , country, 8@10c: : north ern ' free, 11@12%c; Nevada, 15@16c per , lb far spring. '•.:-'-\u25a0".'\u25a0'-:\u25a0'•.' • '\u25a0"• :"-.-•- V ..;J \u25a0• \u25a0•\u25a0*\u25a0' •' '«-.-. 1.". ,'.- . - - - Hops-^-Choice, 12c; . prime, ' 10%@llc; common. B@loc;per 1b. .:... - • " ;.; ; .'. -^ ..;'..- L Meat Market ... This market Is ' becoming /extremely:, weak and prices may do some lively tumbling from now on. At any rate,- frequent declines may be looked for. according to the opinions I expressed by. the large handlers * In'; tliis ? markets as -. arrivals -will . prob ably " Increase > materially - from . now s on.** ;\u25a0 Dressed beef/ veal,";,; mutton Sand % lamb? have again de clined,'\u25a0'. as a will ; be " seen," and - hogs ' will , probably follow the others down tomorrow. \ \u25a0 -;v. :;..DRE^D MfiATS, --. - \u25a0 Slaughterers' : rates^to : dealers : are • as follows: \u25a0*- 1 Beef— B@S%c . per . lb^ for steers < and : 7@Sc for COWS. \u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0 --*-\u25a0 •.';'-\u25a0-'". "\u25a0'l'''' --'- -~ " -- -' . ,* - \u25a0\u25a0 . V ea j_7%@9efor large, and S@9c.for small. .1? Mutton— lo% @ll%c for- wethers, 10@llc lor ? Lamb^-Sprlng, : 12% @13%c per lb. ..•Dressed Hops— l2 St 13c. per. lb. ~ ,-;.;,.-•,•: 1 LIVESTOCK ,i MARKET ' The - following J quotations { are < for ' good, sound livestock,"?, delivered *in San > Francisco, less « 50 per cent shrinkage for cattle: %" f:~ Cattle^-Steers, • No. f l; -9@9%c; second quality B@9c, ' third quality..7@Bc ; cows and beif era. 1 7@ 7%c « for » No. =?1, -* second i quality 6%ffg7c, • third quality • 5%@6c; ; bulls -, and stags. "> 3@4%c. •-•-.: ; ?. ; Calves— s% @Cc t per >lb t for/ light, s 5@5%c for medium- and 4@4%c for heavy,; (gross: weight). '£\u25a0\u25a0 Sheep— Wethers." 6%@7c : per . lb;i ewes, : s»4(g| 6%c> (gross l weight); :.:..%-,' ,. Lambs— Springs 7@7%c per lb. i.^Hogs— 100 . to 4 2CO, lbs, SJ4@Bftc ' per \u25a0 lb; - over 200;lbs,'v7@7?4c;iboars 50 per. cent,' stags 30@40 per • cent; ••= and - sows v lofti2o . per.: cent /off -. from above quotations. ".'\u25a0:\u25a0-,. i> . - ; ' ' : \u25a0''\u25a0; ;' \u25a0\u25a0•; General Merchandise - BagSr— San J Quentln. . 7%c; v grain bags, June- July, ;B%@9«:;wool' bags, -42%@47%e. \u25a0 ! r; \u25a0 Coal-^-Wellington. 1 . $12 1 per * tou ; \ New .Welling ton.'" $12 ; ! - Beaver Hill. 1 $10 ; : Coos \u25a0\u25a0 bay, \u25a0 $10; Rich mond. 1 $12 ; s Cumberland, - $14 . iv bulk --"and : $10.25 in I sacks; I Welsh? anthracite. $15; | coke," 5 . $16 1 per 1 ton '\u25a0- In 'bulk I and ' $18 ; In sacks; .-Bocky 1 mountain." nominal. i'*-: ; r- Si'i -^ .. I >='... > .*'''r : -"J" : - ; ; -'"-r '\u25a0 ; .\u25a0>-=>.-.; frt Oil — Quotations are :-. for I barrels: ' , Unseed. '. 54c perj gallon ; for] belled { sjid J 52c . for j raw." cases fie more;? castor - oil,*- In -cases, 1 ' 2i0.~* 1;" 75c; J Bakers' AA,? cases,l f1.28ig1.30; ; lucol, : 50c , for * boiled and 48ct forjraw; ! China : nut.leases. : Ss@9oc ;per ; gal lon ; t cocoanut ; oil ; in \ barrels,! 58c \ for ' Ceylon^ and 55c ] for .'Australian ; ! extra '\u25a0\u25a0 bleached ; win ter sperra 011,1 65 c;*; * natural < winter! sperm ! ollft 65c: 1 natural whale 5 oil, i 55c ; j extra s, winter I strained 1 lard % oil $ 85c ;' No.'; V- lard | oil,\6Bc; 1 pure i neatsfoot oU."j7sc; iNo. fit neatsfoot i oil , 1 57% c; J herring , oll.'f 40c V sal mon 0i1" 35c: boiled fish oil,' Ssc; paint oil,"- 35c." *?^ WH Coal ! 011,1 Gasollne.-t etc. — Water iwhlte I coal I oil s from si tank A wagons,' j 10@llc} $ special i. do.'s 12%e • ; Pearl \ oiL"| in '\u25a0 cases. > 17e ; " Astral,** 17c i\ Star, > 17c • extra? Star.l 2ilc :!Klsin».t 20<u »Kocene.J lflp; • store giue< distillate,*: irou barrels or uiuuis.'Sc; Xo. 'Z do, 6%c; cases," B%e • more; benzine. In bulk 12% c. In cases 19c; 86 degree gasoline, in buli ' 30c. in cases 36c. -,;"\u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0'.\u25a0 \u25a0- -'-",.\u25a0 \u25a0 < \u25a0 ,\u25a0-^ -\ ;£\ Turpentine— 92c per gallon in cases and Ss%c in 'drums andilron barrels. ";'•\u25a0 "*\u25a0 - \u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0. i Rosin (per 280 lbs gross>— F. $7.05: H. $7.40:, 1, $7.40;M,_58.45; WG,' »8.75.: . '- » Red and -. White Lead — Red lead. S% @9c per lb; white lead, T S<3S%c. according to quantity : Sugar— The Western sugar refining company quotes 'as follows, terms net cash : Cubes A, crushed ! and : fine crushed,- sc; powdered, 4.85:; candy granulated, 4.55 c; fine, frnit and coarse granulated.*" 4.75 c; beet granulated (100-lb bajra only), 4.65 c ;: confectioners' A, 4.75 c; - magnolia ! K.- 4.35 c;. extra Cr 4.25 c; golden C, 4.15 c; D, 4.05 c; H and E crystal dominoes, S.lse; tablets. half bbls, s.2sc ;, boxes, 5.50 c per lb. Barrels and 50 lb : bags, t- 10c ; half bbls 25c and boxes 50c more per 100 lbs for all grades. \u25a0 * No order taken for less than .75 barrels or Its equivalent. ' - ' Receipts of Produce FOR SATURDAY. APRIL 20 Flour, qr sks. . . . 792 Pelts. - bdls i ...... C3O , Wheat, ctla .;.. 283 Hides. No ...... 888 Barley, ctls .... 2^77 Leather, roll* ... 301 Oats, ctls '."..... \-\BOO Bran, ska- ...... 200 TaUow, ctl»".:.. 25 Potatoes, sks ..;. TOO i Livestock, head.. 370 Onions, sks ..... BSO j Oranges, bxs ... 600 Hay. tons ...... 720 Lumber, M ft... 165 Wool, bales ..... 4C4 I Wine, gals . . . . .30,400 Corn meal, ctls. . 500 ! Lime, bbls_j..... 1.085 Beans, sks ....... 448 OREGON Flour, qr 5k5. . . .19,5191 Potatoes, sks .... TS Bran, sks ...... 6,3031 Onions, sks . . . ; v 14 Shorts, sks .....1.8751 WASHINGTON Flour, qr sks. .". . 9,1481 Feed, sks ...... 0.450 Oata. ctls ...... - 846 1 Potatoes. < ska .... 323 WESTERN STATES ; Corn" meal, ctls ..."...... i 500 THE STOCK MARKET Mining „ Stocks " Close' the Week Firm. ' Local Securities Still Dull The week closed firm as far as* mining stocks ; were concerned, ' though * the volume of business was ;• not large. * The firmness and •\u25a0 increased business in I the Comstocks Is not explained, but tbe strength \u25a0, In the southern Nevadas U said to be . due to the receipt of buying orders from people .. who \u25a0 believe '- that the Goidneld labor trouble will soon be settled. At any rate, there . . were more - buying than ; selling orders on \u25a0 the market yesterday. * There was nothing new in local securities. Most of the transactions, were In bonds, while shares 'were neglected. There were no fluc tuations worthy, of note..' illll Valley and Mount Tamalpals railway 5 per cent bonds were \u25a0 ex-coupon of $2.50. Oil stocks ex-dividend yesterday: -Union, 75c: United Petroleum, $1.35. The Sunset Monarch assessment of 10c was delinquent. "*•. STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE . SATUBDAY, AprU 20—10:30 a. m. UNITED STATES BONDS Bid. Ask.l Bid. Ask. 4s qr,coup.. — — |4s qr cp new.l 23 129>4 4s;qr reg.;.— — |3sqrcoup... — — 1 MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Ala AW ss.— .— Oak Tran Ss. — 108 Asso .Oil ss. — 87 Do Con ss. — 108 Bay CPC.Ss. — 102 Ok Trac Css — 101% Cat C G ss. — 105 O W gtd ss. — 98 Cal G&E jV Oceanic S 55.23 — ! m & ct'ss — 85 Om Cable 6s. — — i Cal-st C ss. — 108 Pac Glm 4s. — 82% Cal Wine 5s — 98 p E Ry 55.. 106 10711 C C Wat ss. — 103% Pac L&P ss. — 100% Do g mgss — 98% Pac T&T 53. — * 104 Ed L&P 6s. — 120 \u25a0 P & C H 6s. — 104 F& 0 H 6s. — 110 P4 O E 6a. — 112 Geary-st 55.. 50 — Powell-st 65.. — "107% H C& S ss. — 102% Sae- EG&RSs. — 105 - Hon X T 65.108 SF. & SJVSs. — 115 L Tahoe R5» — , — SF.O & SJ5s. — L A:Elec 55.100 — Do 2d mgss — 105 LAG & : Elss — 100 SJ& SCR 4%s — 91 LA By ss. .112 , — Sierra B 65.. — 113 LAL gtd 03. — 103% S P of A 6s LAP lem ss. — — (1909) .... — LAP-Cal ss. — " 106 (1010) ....104 — Mkt-st C 6s. — 111% S P of C 6s Do lem ss. — — (1912) ...'lO9 — MV& MtTss. — — |SPC 1 eg 55.119%121 NR of C ss.— 115 [SP B R 6s. 124 130 N P a R'55.101»4102% SPBR Ist r4s 93% 94^4 N C JRy 55. ; — — ISV W g mg4s — -80% NC P C.58. — 102%'Stkn G&E 65.100 — N El Co ss. — : 97% UG & EJi — 104 0 GL&H ss. — 100% UB of SF 4s. 7314 — Oak Tran 6s. — "-11G%| Val- Co P ss. — ICG ,-WATER STOCKS Contra Costa — C 2 IS V Wat Co. 21% 21% Marln Co .. — 62 (, -•. \u25a0_,'.'.- GAS AND ELECTRIC Martel 'Powr~— — |Pac L'Co — SO Mut E L ctfs 4% — lStkn G & E. 50 — Do ex ctfs 12? g — J . . ; INSURANCE Fireman's Fund -'..... 135 170 BANK STOCKS Am Ntl Bk. — 130 Lon,' P & A.131 133 Anglo-Cal .. • — 8S Mer Trust ..215 — Bank of Ca1.361% — Mercfc Ex \. €5 — Cal Safe Dp.125%130 S1" National. — — , First Natnl.. — 310 . : » \u25a0 SAVINGS BANKS. j Ger S & L. — 3150 |Say & L 50.'.120 — ! Hum S 8k.2100 [Sec Say 15k.. — 373 Mutual Say.. — j Union T Co. — 3250 S F Say U. 623% — I STREET RAILROADS California ... — - 142% ! Presidio ..... — 25 Ueary ....... — 50 | POWDEB Giant Consolidated Co ..81 — - SUGAR • Hawaiian C. 82 84 Onomea S C. 35% — Honokaa S C 10% llii I'aauhau S C. 14U 14% Hntch SPC 15% 16 Union S Co.. 42% 45 Kilauea SC. 1 , 2% Do pool ... — 45 Makawell C.2y% 31 MISCELLANEOUS Alaska PA. 43% — [Oceanic S Co. — — Asso Oil Co. 42 . 42% Pae Aux P A IU — " Cal ; F C A..103% '—\u25a0'\u25a0 Pac C U0rax.152% — C«l Wine A. 83 84 Vac S Tel Co. 05-, — MV& MtTm. :— 110 J . -.' - Morning Session : : 5 Paauhab S P Co.. ...T.. 14.37% 85 Paauuau S' P' Co. .14.^5 \u25a0! $7,000 S 1' R = Rlst refdg 4s.'. .V 94.00 $11,000 CnitedlKß of S F 4s ....75.25 ; • ' \u25a0 Street— \u25a0 "\u25a0 -MOO Mutual Elect (ex ctfs) 13.00 i ?2JXK) North Pacific, Coast. ss '..:.... ;102. 00 $1,000 S V R R Ist refdg 45........: 84.00 Unlisted Securities MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Bay CPC 65..— 103 " SF & NP 5s — 1C3% Cal NW Rss.lo7*illO " S P Coastß4s — 100 -.. Marin W .-. 5a — NlosN 105 Stand El 55.. — . »2^ Rls I .WksSs — - 100 Do gtd ss.- 95 SF. Drydk 55.107%112 Sutter-st Rus — 105 SFJG&E,4%s— £-, 94^i ."' MISCELLANEOCS STOCKS Ala Sug/Co. —;- 22% N Cal P Co. 27 27il Cal Cot Mils — -95 Orpheum Co.. 15 Cal TI4 T — 250 Pac C Cas Co. 150 175 Chutes Co .; — 3% Pae G&B pfd 56 60 Cvr> L Imp. "2% 5 S F Drydoek. 60 — Dft'Pw pfd. — 87% SF &. SJ Coal — 20" Hono P Co... — 25 SCrni PCm 67% Do old pi. 20 .— Truck Elect.. — IS' . 'Do new pi. — 25 SALErf Morning Session Board — -iWSBtBBBSSS 10 N. Cal Power ....27.25 \u25a0 / Street — $10,000 Cal Northwestern Ry 5s 108. 00 ' California - Stock . and Oil Exchange \u25a0- :\u25a0- •':'\u25a0 Bld.Ask.l - Bld.Ask. Caribou . 8.50 Mon of Aria. . 11 15 Chi Crude,new .09 — Peerless -.» AUJfcA 3 '. 75 — Fulton ..:... 1100 1.50 Piedmont 13~ 15 Home "..:.":'..*. 25 —Superior ...... 10 \u25a0 — McKlttrlck ; . ; 20 — \ West | Shora .~ — _ OFFICIAL SALES Piedmont ......<... .14 1000 Monarch .17 * v^-. - Mining: " Stocks . SAX FBAXCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE ' ; Following - were* ; th« - sales 'on the San Fran cisco stock . and > exchange board yesterday: - " {COMSTOCKS ;t J Regular ' Morning Session ;\u25a0 , 200 r Andes .....:.: 201 ; 200 Crown Point.'. 33 : 500 Belcher ... . . 00 400 Opbir ....... .2.60 ; 100 Challenge ... 33 400 Union Con ... 59 200 Confidence \u25a0 . ..1.15(1000 Utah . .. ...... '. 06 J \u25a0 400 Confidence: ...1.10) 100 Yellow Jacket. 1.05 i 1 500. C0n Va M.C0.1.15[. 100 .Yellow Jackat.l.lo '\u25a0',-' Informal Session ': '. 500 Best &'BelchlliOO| 300 Sierra, Nev ... :65 '500 Confidence- .:.I.lo| 100 Union. Con ... 60 CLOSINGIQUOTATIONS \u25a0 % Bld.Ask. I - Bid. Ask. Alpha ....... 13 : 14i Justice ....... . 03 .-05 Alta : . ... . .-.\u25a0 04 — Lady Wash .. oi\ — Andes ....... 20 21 Mexican ...V.1. 00 1.05 Belcher . .... 60 61 N Gould &C.\u25a0 25 — Best & Belch. 1.40 1.50 Occidental .:.' 43=— Bullion ...... 30 34 Ophir ..; 2.W» 2.05 Caledonia . : . 43 . \u25a0 481 Overman . . ... 17 ,19 Challenge \u25a0 V . . 33 : 341 l»»t^I : .'; . . . . V 12 15 Chollar, ....'..- IS 19|Rlch Eureka. — Confidence -...1:10 1.13 Savage, ?...... 97 98 Con "Imperial.- 02 i C3i Scorpion .. ;T. .10 ' — Con ?N= York. ,04 — [Reg Belcher .. 10 : — Con Va" M Co. 1 . 15 1 .20 Sierra - Nev ... 64 A 66 Crown .Point.. -33 V 35 Silver HUl l '. ; . i 55 - — Exchequer * ... :—: — SO Standard C0n..2.75 2.90 Gould i Cur. -41 42 St • Louis ..... — .08 Halei&.Norc. 90 03 Union Con V*. :;\u25a0 60 ' 61 Kentuck :.... .10 — Utah V...;.::. 05 ,06 Julia. ........ 14 — Yellow ' Jacket. 1:10 1.20 TONOPAH ! AND, GOLDFIELD STOCK* C ; ,^ Regular ;Session^-8:30^ to; 12:30 " 4000 Adams ' :;f... 20 200 Jumbo Ex.:.: 2. 30 2000 Amethyst ... 44 1200 Jumbo Ex v ..2.47^i 1000 Apr i Fool i Ex. 03 ; 125 Jumping 1 Jack . 15 Ksoo*Argonaut ...'.5.00 1500 -Kenda11...... 45 9COO Atlanta «.-:.-.. 77 7000 Kendall ' Ex :.. 05 500 Atlan & 'Pac._ 03 1000 Lone Star; .... - 34 2dCo'Bluck'Ants;.'.- 11 200 Lone Star .... SI 3 500 -Blue; Bell"- 1 "28 1500 Lone ' Star .... S3 5000 Blue Bell :v. .' 29 500 Lou DHlon : : .' .1« 4000 Blue I Bull !,TT.' :- 51 j 1000 Lynx . Creek r? . 1 .25 2500 ; Bdnnle', Clare. ; 44 f100t) Man '•„ Belmont..' : 02 ioOOl^Bonnle ; ; Clare." '45(4000, Man G .Crater 23 .1000 : Kooth,-; s 10.V TnjoOO*} M Humboldt.sS ' 08 ; 100 Booth . : :r: . . SOj 1000 Man Whale ;.'." : 10 500 Blfg Daisy .. 'S! 500 Man Whale .. 01 1000 Bnl&rojr Mm. 26| 200 MacNamara /..It *i 1000 Bullfro? Mln. 27 4000 Mayflower Con 4* i 1000 Blfrs Nat hi 38 1500 Mayne ....... U ! 1000 Blfrg Victor..^ IS 200 Midway ..;... 1.64 ; 2000 Blfrst - 16 6000 Milltown rrac 0a 1000 California ... 13)3000 Do. b 10.... C 9 1 StOCash Boy ... 1212000 Mineral Hill.. Ci \ 500 Cash Boy ... 11 4000 Mohawk Aas.. W i 4000 Colombia Mt.1.00 100 Mohwk C Leas -iC ' 300 Com Frac. 4.87% 500 Mohwk C Leas S3 ! 100 Com Fractlan.4.oo 200 Do, a 5..... 40 iIOOO Comns Nation 161 200 Do, » 10..;. 43 5000 Coning Xatlon 17i2000 Mohawk Junior 03 3000 Conqueror ... 221 500 Montana . 3.«« | 8000 Cracker Jack. ~ 29(l00O Mal&t Bullfros. C 8 j 14.000 Do. s IQU.. 2»1 1000 Mont Mid Ex. 11 SCO Daisy ...... .2.30(10.500 Monts Mt... 23 15.000 Dm B Bt C, 42 5000 Muatang ..'.... 2S 2000 Dm B Btte C. 41 200 Mustans . C . . 30 11,500 »md TrKl.<- 31 1000 Mustang Ex*.\ U 7100 Dmdfld Trngl. 50 500 Ncr Goltoelei. 38 5000 Dixie ....... 12J3000 Do. b 10.:.. 39 500 Dixie .-.«.... 13f 200 Xcv HUU 4.25 5000 Dominion .^.. 05| 500 North Star ... 33 2SW> Katie's Nest. 3013000 N Star Wondr 12 7000 Empire .. :u(300O Ohio Ton .... 03 I ISOO Florence 5.001 500 Orlg Bulirro;. 13 : 20,000 Florence Ex 3511CC0 Paymaster ..; C 3 3000 Do. b 30... 36f11.500 Red HUls .. 52 300 Gold Bar . .1.12%1, 200 Red Hills .... '51 2000 Gold Bar 1.13f5000 Red Hills .... .53 ICO Gold Anchor.. 3817000 Red Top Ex.. 51 3400 Gold Anchor.. 37|5f)00 Do, b 30.... 53 3000 G Crown, s 5 1411500 Red Wlagr ... 23 1000 Gold Sceptre. 211 500 Rescue Coa .". 13 1000 Gold Mt \u0084.:. 05 130U Sandstorm ... 30 ICOO Gld Con M... 8.25 1500 Sandstorm ... t>l 2300 G Kewanos.l.47% 2000 Sandstorm Ex. JO 33.000 Gld Union.. 01 330 Syl Humphrey. OS 1000 Grandma . 25 1500 SUver Pick '..l.3o 1000 Granny G M. 23 1000 Silver Pick Ex 10 1000 Do, b 30... -24 15i)0 St Ives ..1.70 1500 Great 8end.1.12% 1000 Thanksgiving.. 53 2000 Grt Bend Ex. 2S| 1100 West End ...lI3Q 1000 H Hooligan.. <jsn,«,u Wonder Cob ..30 3000 Hibernia .... 13 50<iO Yankee Boy .. 13 IC6O Do, b 30... 14J2200 Yankee Girl .. 10 3f« Hlbemta 11U500 YeUow Horse.. 03 ouO Homestake X.1. 25! jyo Yellow Tlaer.. 19 3500 Jim Butler ..1.25[ Informal Session— l2:3o to 2 p. m. 1000 Alice of Won. 12! 3000 Jumbo Ex ; '.. .. 2.5« 3000 AUanta 77 1 6000 Jumbo Ex '.. 2.47^ 100 Atlanta . 79J 1000 Do. blO 2.50 1000 Beatty Mt M. 1111000 Jum Ex Lea*. 09 SOOO Blk B Bonana 13J1000 Do. b3O 10 6000 Blk Butte Ex 1511000 Do, b 00.... It 1000 Blk Butte Ex 14 2000 Lone Star .... ,T3 2000 Blue Bell ... 29 4500 Lone Star:".... 34 8000 Bine Bell ... 30 1000 Lucky Star . . 21 4000 Blue Bull ... 51(4000 Man Monarch. 03 3000 Bonanza Ex.. 17 100 Midway \u0084..1.62Vj 1000 Bonnie Clara. 45)5000 MUltown Frac OS 1000 Blfrs Nat Bk 3512000 Mlndral Hill.. 08 7000 Clinton Coppr 52 2000 Mohwtc C Leas 40 200 Com Fractlon.4.9o 1000 Mohwk C Leas 41 1500 Com Fractlon.s.oo!2oCO Mohwk C Lea» 43 18,000 Com Nation ie| 1000 Mohawk Ex . . 23 2000 Commonwealth .4018000 Mohawk Junior OS 4000 Cracker Jack. 30 1000 Mon Pitts Ex. 19 2100 Daisy .....2.27% 8000 Mustau Ex,bOO 13 700 Daisy .2.30 SOOO Oro 43 5000 Dm B Btte C. 42 6000 Red Hills .... 54 6COO Dm B Btte C % 43 3000 Red Hill* .... 53 15U0 Dmdfld Trngl. 51 1500 Red Hllit .... '3 12.000 Dmd TrngL 62 3000 Red Hllla .*8 4000 Dom Gldfld .. 05 8000 Red Top Ex.. 31 4500 Florence Ex. . 35 3000 Red Top Ex. . CO 7500 Florence Ex.. 36 500 Sandstorm ... 81 100 Gold Bar ..1.12% 12,000 Do, b 60.... S3 2000 Gold Crown .. 1352000 St Itct 1.67H 8700 Gld Con M...8.23 500 Tramp Con ..1.10 500 Gld Kewanoa. 1. 45 ICOO Yellow Kose.. 1-1 1100 Great Bend. 1.12% CLOSING QUOTATIONS CALIFORNIA Bld.Ask.l BitJ.Aji. Argonaut 4.80 — Furn Creek Ex 15 — Bunker H1H..2;50 — Gwtr BI Oxide — 50 Cen Eureka... 01 08 Grnwtr Clinton 50 — Crackerjl: GH 32. — Keane Wonder — 73 NEVADA ; . , Tonopah Dlatrict Belmont . 4.60 4.701 MacNamarm ..43 SO Boston Ton... 12 —{Midway ..... J..55 1.65 California ... 15 20iMizpah Ex.... 40 *49 Cashboy 11 12 Montana 3. 60 3.70 Cedric Ton... — 23 Mont Mdwy Ex 12 13 Esperanza ... 01 (C Mon Plttsb Ex 17 19 Eureka Ton... — 10 Nevada Alpine — 1.50 Golden Anchor 36 38 Xorta Star 3S 40 Gulden Crown 14 •15 Ohio Tonopah. 04 05 ! Sold Mountain 04 *>6 Paymaster ... 02 03 ( Gold Mtn Con — 03 Red Rort Ex. 02 03 I Great Western 03 ft 4 Rescue Cons... 1» SO I Gypsy Qn Con * — 23 Tonopah Ex... 3. 73 3.55 j Home 09 TO Ton Gold West — 13 Indiana Ton.. .02 03 Ton Home Con — 03 Jim Butler... 1.25 1.27 Ton Silver i G 03 — Jim Butler Ex — 10 Ton of Nev. . — 19.50 Little T0n.... — 2.sojWest End 1.27 l."X» ! Goldfiejd" District ! Adams 10 20|Grani!mt 24 -28 Aloha — J2lGrwi- S^nd.. .1.12 1.15 Atlanta 76 7S( Great Beud An •2O 'n Baltimore Gfld — ft> Urt iJcnu Con. — li> Band — H)\ «K-»-a» tS^ivl Ks 23 — Blaik Ants... 11 12JHiben.ti <X 1U B B Bonanza. 11 12|Jtuubo 4.00 — Bli Buttc Ex. 14 loff;i!ub» Ex^,...2.42 2.17 BlaeS Roci... as tWiJum Ex L& M — \u25a0 J 0:». iis.ueiteu :» Kavaaa-.isrh Gn»l — 13 Blue 8u11..... 51 52lKpcdall 44 -15. i Blue Quartz.. 2» \u25a0:>)[ Xfii.'all Kx... «>4 03 Brooklyn . 04 i"i,Ke«jm IZx... — 40 Batte (SoMrtd. 00 lOJLajjuna UU3 1.75 Bocth '. .. 79 — |> Stsr 33 .>5 Bueaa Vista. 10 12jLou DiUu.... l«i 1« COD -So — Lucky SweUt-.. — .'UI ICOUJUL — 07|Mayne ....... 14 13 Columbia 74 - -t.May Queen 'ZS .'» Columbia Mtn 9S l.«JOjMdngl Pawnee Wi Itt Colnm.Jlta Ex 07 - to-ii Mllltown MCo 4a -»l Com Fraction.4.or> S.OOjMUltown I'rac. fW '« Commonwealth" 5S 40|Moliawk An... •Ut 'KJ Coming Nation 16 iv.MUit Con Leas 4Z 44 Conqueror ... .21 2:*. Mohawk Ex. .. -23 24 Cracker Jack. 29 3OiMoaaws Krac. ,-XO Daisy 2.25 2.271 Siohawk Junior 07 08 Daisy Ex Otf 07iMoose Goldfld. — 11 Desert Qne?n. — ir.iXeTada 80y... 18 17 Desert Ctrief.. .. — - <kSj.\evad.> Goldflil 37 3* Dild-B B Con. -42 JtlNev Western.. — 03 Dtid Florence. — 19iOr» .44 48 Dntl Triangle. 50 51|OricrIxuil Velvet '— -\u25a0\u25a0•S5 Dixie 12 »S;01d Gold Mlnej — 07 Dominion ..... 04 ».s|Palaee Goldfld. ~, 14 Empire ...... 20 21 j Pennsylvania.. «2 ft. Esmeralda ... 23 2at^otlatch ..... 60 SO > {Exploitation... — Hi 115..... 55 5«- Florence .... .4.05 S.OOiKed Li0n...:.. 13 Florence Ex.. 30 3.S!Rt*l Top 4.0K 4.1« Fr3nces-M1ii;..1.20 I.3Oißed Top Ex.. st> 51 Frisco ....... — 201 Red Top Frac. 10 11 G«id Bxr GQd. 98 I;W< Ruby G M Co. — 10 Gold Bnr Frac — 14 Sandstorm .... 81 S3 :Gfi<i Bull Do? 05 — Sandstorm Ex.* — 10 ; Hfld C Mines. S. l2 8.37 Sndstnn WEx — 08 Coldfld Comb. 28 2f> Silver Pick... .1.30 1.33 Gldfld Eureka — 32! SUver Pick Ex 09 10 GSd Fairview — t": Simcierone ... 27- -^ Gldfld. Fissure 06 OR! Spearhead Gold 60 — Gfld G Bar Ex — Frac — 40 Goldad Herald .— ' 05|St 1ve5.. .....1.67 1.70 Gfld Mof N..1.52 l.ftOjSt Ivea Leas.. .11 12 Goidad-M^Ja. — 07! San Dog 03 04 Goldfld N Star 06 — tTrea3ure 12 — GfUl Portland. ."2 341 Verde 02 04 Gotd hill 02 — IVernal 24 25 GBdKewanos 1.47 1.501 Wonder 04 OS GCil Sovere'sfO 13 ir.JTeHow Rose... 13 t4 OMSdChjnctj .—. — 25i Yellow Tiger.. 21 — Goldfld Union. 01 ©21 Yellow T0p.... — 08 Bullfrog District Alliance 10 — Homestake Ex. — 18 AmarscsaGM 02 "— Jermain Blfrg. 05 — Amethyst .... 43 43 Llge Harris... 04 05 B*attT MM Co 09 Jl Little Bullfrog 02 03 Blsc Bullfroß.. 03 04 Mayflower An. — " 20 B>uz Mt Gold — 09| Mayflower Con. 39 40 Bonnie Clare. 43 48iMaryland ' — " 03 Blfrjr Annex.. — OT.lMldnljjht ..... — 1O Blfrg Banner. — 6O| Montana Blfrg. 08 *CT 1 FREE MAP' f H 'We have secured a limited number at 3 ' the latent maps of the marvelous WON- H DER DISTRICT, which we are offsrinj El for free distribution to those who aai for | them. 'Toa can set them as Ion? as they Hi last, which win be for. only a few days. • E| The \u25a0 maps . show - the properties of tb« Eg actlre companies of the district and Is H made from official surreys. ,\u25a0 I SPECIAL [ fj One week from Unlay pnblle announce-.. H - aent will be made of the sale of the first B allotment of, treasury stock of the -RICH I m GULCH WONDER MINING COMPANY. ' Sm have " secured . the exclusive »!rency jKj for the sale of tafs stock ' la ' California jKr and all those who desire to learn full | H particnlars to adTance should writs ta- j|l mediately.' The stock will be hoaTlly I h oversnbscrlb<*d In a day from the date of ? fcj the announcement and those who get the a information early . will profit materially. £ I OFFICERS ffl Tlje officers of. the company ar» well jfl known ; to s California and Nevada people el and are sufficient assurance of the mor- M its of the compnny : to Justify us in the m b«lief that California tieople will desire M to 'get In on one ' of ; Wonder's best com- H p«nies. \u25a0 v <^HMMlnHHß^>' H. . T. ;* F. j Dunaway. . rice • president «nd g| general manager of Nevada and \u25a0 CaHfor- Sj n!a and Oregon railway, president; Hon. jl \u25a0. John ; Sparks. : srovernor of ; Nevada, first j i»Tice ; president; • Hon. \u25a0C' S. Webb, attor- 4 '% ney sreneral -ot California, second tlco \ I president; ;D. R. Boyd. for 25 1 years . I *> treasurer -of " Wsshoaj- County. • Jferada, n treasurer:" Edmnnd R. Dodge, president - II :' of the ; Sierra - valley . railroad • company. j| s^nenil counsel of the Nevada. California | ', and < Oregon ? railroad, president ~ of the || r< Nevada : trust -company.- secretary .'\u25a0 .?-. \u25a0"/;, % m "send for free map of wonder fl ? AND * FULL OF THE H: rich; gulch. I W.C.Cox&Co.lnc. I 244 Monadnock Bldg. 1 I y * .',\u25a0•'-\u25a0. " BAN: FRANCISCO." . f H ' FREE MARKET LETTER SENT ON £. S REQUEST.' ; a ' . - _:..v- \u25a0;-.\u25a0\u25a0