Bullfror «raab — 051 Mt Hul Mtoea -i- 08
Sl< «J5 pp * r * ial North Shoshcne .' 15 ' —
RirS v'S tßkt Bk " 37 SS OrtK O Bar IJx — to
Bfrg Pedestal . — 10i Pride Gold -Mt. — CS
«UH $2****— ro JO Red 8ird...... 03 —
5155-wf tor -- ~ -isn*d.ndit — 15
Blfrs Wlanep. 17 . — Ehyolite Ttrnst 02 03
V? o **^?*^ 16 — San Francisco. — 10
I>en Blft^ An. — ISIShoB-Bfrg Gold 07 10
Den.SiKh Ex. — CWShosh Xatl Ilk — 04
IMaraond Bfcg — 35( Skoolrom Blf rg ' — 20
505 01 * Bar 1.12 1.15! Stetaway — 17,
•1» Bar Ancbor — 15lTramp C0n5... 1.10 1.15
S°l- S"' A « 05 — iTocopa C0n.... —1.00
«°,' d Bar Ex. _ 10 Tfipollte Gold. — 10
>onar - — ° 4 Valley View... — .15
Jjoldfldißlfrs. — r. 7 xvjiite Water.. — 03
Golden Sceptre 20 21 Yankee 80y... .— -.14
H«p Hooli?».n. 07 OS Yankee Girl. . . 09 11
Homsti Klng^l.22 1.23
- • Manbat lac District
April. Fool Ex 02 03", Man Jnmbo... 03 ,—
Atlan & Pac. 03 04| Man Little Joe 03. 04
»Bull Dog — 05|Man MCo Ncr 13 14
V^ met 02 03! Man Mammoth — 1.2
Double Eii£le. 01 — Man Monarch.. 07 —
Gold Wedse.. 10 )Maa Monitor.. 04 05
Oranny oM. 22 24! Man OrientaL. — 15
Htoaocraft ... 17 IPIMan Red Top. 03 04
Indian • Camp. — ISIMan Buss — 01
anaipinir Jack. — 171 Man Standard. 02 04
jLittle Grey... — <o'Man Kll Pick. — 10
.Man Bclmont. 01 02 Man Shonbar. . — 12
Man Bti? Foot — J2iMan United... 15 —
Man Bl Horse — OCIMan Verde — 07
Man Broncho. 13 lMMan Wolf tone. 05 —
Man Buffalo.. OS C7'Mlneral Hill.. OT» C 7
Man C«ntraU. 02 c<S!Mnstang Man. •23 2»
Man- C00b.... _ TOlMuEtan* An... 02 03
Man Con Ex.. — lOlMustamr Ex.:. 11 IS
Man Comb ©6 C7|Nema Man —. 12
Wan Crescent. 08 0* Original Man. 20 —
Man Cowboy.. 05 06! Pine Not. 15 —
fjm »erter.. KSeyler Hmphry 09 10
Wan Giant.... ._ OOlStray D0jt..... — 26
Man <> Crater 20 25!raqulma Coppr 05 OS
Uan OoM King 03 — ITbanksgiTlng. . 55 —
Man Gold Xt:g — lOJOnlted Man... — 10'
Incorporated Under the Laws of Maine
CAPITAL STOCK | = > sObd5 Obd 9 000
Tq^al 3,000,000 Shares— Par Value $5.00 Each
.1,650,000 Shares in the Treasury for the Purposes-tff the Company-
Par Value $8,250,000
1,350,000 Shares issued in acquiring the various properties.
200,000 Shares of the Treasury Stock Are Herewith Offered
for Public Subscription at $3iOO Per Share (Par $5.00)
The next offering of stock will be made simultaneously in New York, London and the principal Con-
tinental cities at not less than $5 per share. \ ,
This Stock Is Not Assessable
». President > I Vice President treasurer " Secretary
President Broadway Bank 'and Trust Co., Los P. 0 , 1 " 118 _f- lor Manufacturing Company, Ex-President Safety Insulated Wire and -Cable
An-i'lrs - Bridgeport. Conn. , . \u25a0 . „ _* - - \u0084....--, . .-. .
C^Ls M SIT^VOV VP' " " GEORGE E. ARMSTRONG, C ° mp * Dy ' *<"***\u25a0 g
cs££fe3J£«c 5££fe3J£« s c£S?33:: S.^im. ££^.^s*™^ ** H - B> *?"*\u25a0\u25a0"?: F f ED^ f ni TT T T » IA:v ' . /< \u25a0
t »^ ~-«, pan^ yex7 lorK , La^ Audltor w S..' War Department; former
ALVAII TROWBRIDGE, TrcH»., L. E. WARREX, Cashier National Bank of Commerce, Cleve-
Er-President American BanVers* Association, Of Warren. Warren & O'Belrne, Attorneys, land:- Ex-Treasurer New York,., Penn. & Ohio
New York. New York City. . ; B. B. Co., . Clereland, • Ohio. . - -
liAte Superintendent Arizona Copper Co.,
"ipcrlntenfiect of Arizona Amalgamated Copper Co.'s Mines at Clifton. .
Superintendent of Arizona Amalgamated Copper Col's Signal Mines! - --. Si - -. \u25a0
The Arizona Amalgamated Copper Co. has been formed to carry out an amalgamation of various'.important
copper properties aggregating approximately 4000 acres, situated in the heart of the well-known Clifton-Morenci
District of Arizona, viz.: The Leszynsky group, Bertrand Copper Co., Stevens Copper Co.; The Copper' Tlate
Co., Bonanza Group Copper Mines, Celtic Copper Mines, Keystone & Merritt group and the Corona group,
together with various other smaller holdings of known copper deposits.
The amalgamation further embraces the Signal Copper Co., a well-developed mine in Yuma County, Arizona.-
Eminent mining engineers consider this property, one of the most promising in all the Southwest.
The properties in the Clifton District comprised in the amalgamation of the present company are : inter-
spersed among and interlocked. with the properties of large producing companies, viz.:: The Arizona Copper Co.,
tThe Detroit Copper Co. (Phelps,- Dodge & Co.), The Shannon Copper Co. and others. The properties of the
Arizona Amalgamated Copper Co. possess identical geological, conditions and, wherever, developed, the same
underground showings as those of the other mines. In many cases they J immediately adjoin, and the developed
pre bodies extend into the properties of our company. - ' \.. - , ' **' \' *' , " \ \_ (
The district is compact, limited in area and well denned by extensive developments. Over 100 distinct veins
and dykes have been uncovered in the Clifton section of our property of a\varying width from:2s to" 300- feet.
The four active producing companies of the district give a total of 55,000,000 to 70,000,000 pounds annually /of
refined copper from an area of less than 3000 acres, and the estimated developed ore reserves exceed 200,000,000
tons. This district contains the, largest developed bodies of copper ore: known in the world. "* ||||§f
j The price of this stock will be advanced
! Subscriptions- close on April;^27 9 1QO7:
As compared with the production from 3000 acres, aggregating an annual average 7 of over 60,000,000 pounds
pi copper, this company acquires an area of approximately 4000 acres crf-similarly rich "\6vt deposits^!' '
The 'properties of this company are at present developed by approximately^ 20,000 \u25a0 feet of underground
workings, die extension of which is being pressed forward. Many of; the mines, of this /company are now. pro-
Uacing ores which may be converted into immediate- 'profits.' /The plans of this company/fiprovide n f6rTthei;con-
Btrudion ofrextensive mills, smelters, ore handling and local railroad: connections/ intended ; to ; be the
most . complete in the district. The branches of existing railroads now traverse the district,- but it is the intention
of the company to amplify these railroad facilities, through its own construction work. It imay. be further noted
that plans have been completed and the erection of a modern smelter on the Signal Copper : Co. x property.' will
shortly begin. . ; "..,\u25a0.\u25a0--\u25a0•,. '. / \u25a0' -y '-\u25a0;\u25a0'' ; /'\u25a0':/•.;\u25a0 " : j-.- : .'-'! -..."^
' With the mines brought to a productive, capacity .of 1000 tons of ore per day, averaging only 3 per cent of
Copper^ the following estimate is made of the profits of operation: "
With copper at 20c per pound (the market today is, 26c)... v..Vi, ...... ....w.v... .«..«,;. $12,000 r
Total cost of mining and treatment (which in- this district is' definitely established at? Pl^^^
;- $4.00 per ton of ore product, but which we -conservatively^figure at $6.00 per ton);;.. $6,000 \u25a0 ;?
/ .Profit per day .— — —^.TT.,,.,. TT .,,., .^. ..V.'f .$6.000 /-\u25a0
Equivalent to an annual orofit otK ! -^;i[j;Ji*££j :^
With Copper at 26c Per Ib. the Annual Profit Would Be $2,574,000
Equivalent to over 17 per cent annual .profit on- the total capitalization of the company.
J P^Sln^^lic T^Sta?u. D fo N Br^d ' tt, ,: -2^™^^* *^ A ?™i' I
Jflf funds derived from this sale will be devoted to the development of then
property and the acquiring* of additional producing companies; '
A complete prospectus, maps and the ; reports of the examining/engineers will be forwarded, upon request.' >
Address. all communications and make all checks payable^ to. the follbwingV.
Off=McQarvin=Brown Go; A. P Coififih
k 218 Citizens' National Bank Building ""\u25a0?-\u25a0?•"
Ang-eies, California >,,' /r;/ r ; - , -\u25a0„'.'.' San !>Franciseo; 'California
THiE ARIZ ON $ : m^^^^^^^^^^^^
27 William Street and 40 Exchange Place, New York. /
London Office, 14 Queen Victoria St., E. C; , \u0084
Man Iranhoe.. 25 —1 Whale ....... -08 : 10
Man H«mboldt 08 08 Yellow Horse..' 05 00
Man Jackson. — 20| \u25a0, «
' Other Districts -, .. .;
Alice of Won. — 12 Mohwk Johnnie — 17
Arcadia 10 — Ker c Con Stock ' — 15
Cirac Mln Co — 15 Nevada HU1a..4.25" —
Cly Gibraltar. — IS XeT Hills An. 17 —
Kly Jum Cop — . 10 Ncr HUls Ex. — 50
Eagle's Nest.. 29 30NH Florence. — 15
Fairvw Aztec. — . 25 Ncr G Dey Co. — '05
Ftw O Bonldr 30 — Nevada Wonder 30
Ftw Hailstone " — ' 10 N Star Wonder ':—: — 12
Falrrw Eaßle. 45 — Plttsb S Peak.l.»s 2.00
Frvw Kd Mt. — 30 Pyramid ..... 46 —
Frvw R Rock. — 42|Ramsey O Won .—. — 60
Frvw S Klny. — 40 ' Red Wing..... 22 . —
Plor.G Red X — 20|Rex Wonder.. — 05
Globe Johnnie 11 — Rogers M& M — 12
G Crater Ncr 02 Co Konnd Mt..... -85 1.00
Goldyke Reef. 13 — Round Mt Ex.., 20 21
Ida Mines 18 — Rnd Mt Mhwk '17 —
Ida Mac Annex — 05|Ruby Wonder. — 30
Interstate ... — or Selby. Consol.. .—. — 75
Jack Pot — 1.20 Sierra M & M — .20
Johnnie Cons. .11 — Sfl Pt Mayflwr 32 . —
Kwch & Blfrg 01 " — S P Excelsior. 16. 18
Kwoh GMCo tO2 — Smoky Valley. — 25 I
Kawich Keyiit 02 -^ ss P ld er Wasp.. 1.25 2.001
Kwch M Co X — • 0' 7 Tronghi Cleg '— , 12
Lee Bonanza. — 101 Vulture ........ — 61;
Lynx Creek... 1.25 — I Walker I* Hla. 09
Mazuma HUls . — 20 Wndrlnd MCo — 20
Mlnaz Pedraz.l.lo — Wonder Cons.. 80 — :
tlonntn Cedar. — ' 08
San Francisco Mlnlas Exchange
11:30 a/411. Regular Session ' ; ;-.
1000 Dm B Btte C. 40 1000 Dmdfld Trngl.. 51
2000 Do. b 10... 42 700 Gld Con M...8.25
1000 Adams 20 800 Do, b 10. .8.87*4
1000 Blue Bull ... BO 2000 Empire 20
500 Com Fraction. 4. !»o 1000 Red Hills .... 54
4500 Dixie 12 1000 Dmdfld TrngL. Bl
2000 Do. b 10... 12 1000 liOna Star .... 34
1000 Lone Star ... 84 5000 Mayflower ... 40
1000 Do, • 10... 34 2000 Do. b 00.. ..1.42
1000 Red Top Ex. Bl 2000 Kewanos I.CO
1000 S Pick, b 10.1.30 4000 Daisy 2.25
1000 Red Top Ex. 61 2000 Blk B Bonana 12
1000 Man B?lmonto2% . \u25a0
Owhersf Refuse to Grant an
Eight Hour Day and
* Trouble Is Feared '
STOCKTON, April -20.— All tthe . mines
at . Angels .7 Camp, t including.. the mines
of the Utlca system;' the^Lightner and
others, affecting about' 600 y men,? closed
down at 6 o'clock tonight lowing to' the
failure of ; the ; . mine ; owners •to - grant
the I demand ".for; an ; eight I .'.hour ;day. at
the : wages | -'as paid Vfor ,fen : hours,; 's3;
Trouble •is feared, and armed guards
are about the amines." '*';', ' v : /
".. WASHINGTON,: ApriI 20.^Thefcomp
troller of the currency today Issued a
certificate authorizing • the First [-'na
tional', bank, of Glendora, CaL, to com
mence 'business "with" a "capital of
$25,000.^. C. S. xWhitcomb ; is president,
F. N. Hawes vice president and* H.r.C.
Wentworth .cashier. \u25a0'.'. \u25a0 "- - . : L \u25a0.."\u25a0' i
The First national. bank of Lob An
geles,.the Crocker national bank of San
Francisco and the Hanover , national
bank of New York have been* approved
as reserve ; agents'r for 'i the First \ na
tional bank of Glendora. -
Calif brnia'sjßepfesentative in . Joint
:> Immigration' Commission Visits"/ •"
Ji^^;Cvr-;th"elWhiteVHousiß---'-v. ;
*\u25a0 WASHINGTON, 'April ; 2o.— -William R?
Wh"eeler ; of California,' the. Pacific coast
niemb'ei'*, of . the ; Joint ' Immigrantleoinf
mission ' created at : the last \ session of
congress/- ,was ' introduced • to'jthe/presl-'
dent i today. '£ The : commission, 1 , which* is
composed ? of % ninej^ members, < three |of
Grew to Two Hundred I ;
B'-'-- ifll \ -Long alter. the Bell Telephone was a scientific B
m *i^^w success people scoffed at the idea that it would 11
P yi^^^k '\u25a0^ ever *? e commercially profitable. "\u25a0-: Business men i nj
H otherwise" shrewd and long headed. did not see:|
g J^^^^i how financial transactions could be carried on m
m • J^M&S^i 99 v «r a, telephone wire without any way. to • iden-^B
H /*s^^*Kftsi.:tify the ! man *at ; the other; end.' " There :were:H
1 yw^T?msi*\K others who doubted if ; the contrivance couldT; be 1 1
M . Ifyi^ /jWAfsA;. kept in-. working. order.' A Bell telephone line; H ;
M /*/*/*T$ : T$ I *rf?n r complete : in every respect, N. was i- exhibited B
1 A^S^VVJwk at the Philadelphia Centennial in : 1876, and |
1 Us '$i &lrJ^3&&iP - ,of the hundreds ; of thousands who caw^ it H
9 /ffS^^V^^v^vlK and tested It there were probably not'more ,g ,
M Js£?<3@©o@® «4*\ than adozenlwho considered iit anything H
H /Ux/^Ls^ J£L iSo^SftVN el se than' an amusing toy. Yet this ! so^ I
fl ' uiofs> /itT4!Y^\ *&? K\\ called toy has become one of the greatest \u25a0 g
a t/6^^J^^Jl^zA^^d^\k> commercial agents of the modern world— 9 ,
i'%?fvVv^wF /^/: :so important' that if; it I
9 X^y -w Jst, I 7<s>7 <5> A i y<§s fcmck were to go out of-busi- E
» */ **^ I '^*~*^j-M j/^ r> ° mi I ; 'Wpsa fnrnnft day it would ri ,
H J :: T t Tr — T*L TT — ** *•[ demoralize the industries § ,
H ''^-^JtS^t^^; 1 ",:.- >./ ;. of the United States. V , r . H
m Bell Telephone stock sold so;low-ln:its early days that : sloo.oo In- I
H vested then has increased to $200,000.00.: j . X. )C H
I United Wireless Telegraph Company 1
Keep_ the' instructive lesson of Bell Telephone stock in mind when |
-considering wifeless telegraphy.' ., Telegraphing through. the air, 1 without |
• wires, cables or costly apparatus,' is" a far greater* achievement- than ~ the - p
1 telephone— not only from the : scientific, but also . from the .^commercial - 1
v • ' > |
Wireless telegraphy is destined to supnlanf ; entirely, the telephone, I
L] telegraph md cable systems of the world.ljwill be the universal means y
'h2 of communication In the" futures -Thafa , tne reason the shares of the H
B United Wireless Telegraph Company are the nest eggs of fortune." a
: M The Western Union' and Postal Telegraph companies have been 3
P obliged to raise their-rates, owing to the Increase In the price of copper, |
|» metal, poles, etc. Wireless requires ho wire, poles or franchises, and as -s
I it is the cheapest means of communication it": will eventually do the A
3- .greatest^olume of business. / . ||
[ I ;. i Write today. It costs you nothing to find out all about it." -\u25a0 |1
I 1 Whaf TfIJC rhmninu !c Hninill egraph CompanK is getting more P
1 Tflldl IlllS luliipdny IS,UOing orders for the installation of wire- |
%''\u25a0 itka tt n«/j wi«i fl e e Tflin,^^ less instruments than it can fill. W
| -The United Wireless .Telegraph O n one day-Saturday, February 2 3
V& Company was organised to unify —eleven -great steamers left New %
g| .the wireless telegrapH Interests of York for different "ports equipped |
9 : America and Europe; for the pur- with : this system, and contracts %
B. pose ,of securing : an interchange were made another day of the same '
B- ; of messages between all ships at week for equipping five steamships |
I sea and generally advancing and :of- the peat -.Hamburg-American g
1 extending wireless teleeraDhv - line-*- This system is now in active m
| exteudins wireless .teiegrapny., r . u "se on over eighty steamships, in- 1
I The company now represents an eluding vessels of the United Fruit 3
| -established ; operating , and; commer- Company \ and : Standard ; Oil * Com- j§
I cial success, and through the com- pany ' v \u25a0 M
|;-panieswhich^.controls is earning f jtaless is as necessary on the I
1 money every day and hour. . oceantas ? the telegraph and tele- |
a --: a « Vi it n r«ii phone are" on the land. All great U
I MflrP (nfiPrS Mian I (an Till trans-Atlantic steamers are now M
1 "'^ ™" - - llia " il La " /' !I equipped with it^ and the time is I
| ' The Atlantic Telegraph fast. approaching. when every vessel y
\i Company, one of the number : cbri- that sails the seas will have a'wire- |j
g * trolled' by the^United Wireless; Te- i less outfit; : \ M
» ; We offer to investors a. small allotment of 7 per cent pre- §1
a fefred' participating stock of the United Wireless Telegraph h
I at par— s 10 a shares— fully ' paid and hon-assessable. g
9.9 '. .; 'The possibilities of wireless telegraphy are boundless, and the profit w
H-. to; original, investors must be.^^greater than in any. of the world's great P
g inventions.-^ '-./\u25a0. .'-':'.*.' -:\ -f\i ']'-.' '; '^ .\u25a0 .' ••'\u25a0\u25a0'.*'.: * ".'.!' _.." ' -' S
S • .The- shares of this company have been In great demand and the H
H price is continually advancing.' \u25a0:"' - ~-}y- "\u25a0 y•* \u25a0 --\u25a0': M
f| WE WILL SEND YOU; FREE particulars of the greatest investment X
w. that is now offered the American public. It is only necessary for r you ; l
H to* fill in the coupon. \u25a0 " |
If . . BANKERS wV v I
I Real Estate Trnst Building, Cor. Van Ness and Golden Gate 1
I 568 Golden Qate Ay., San Francisco, Cal. I
\u25a0 ''\u25a0••\u25a0 '. \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0- ' y , •'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..' ''."'v-:-''- Cut: Out the Coupon - U
i" '.Send in .your order at' i
I once for as many shares RjEALL & CQMPANY
1.. xrnii rl«»<;iri» at -$Irt fa' Gentlemen: \u25a0.-.; Please'- send: me, free 'of iil
\u25a0 ; 33. -you aesireat 5>lU a expense, a prospectus, and. a- copy, of* B
««\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 , - - . ; .V : i Wireless; News, I.'^as1 .'^ as per your? *X
H " Share,' With remittance by onVr In the San ; Francisco Call of April m
9 :'. •";\u25a0'-\u25a0 .'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0;'-•"..;\u25a0"\u25a0:- -.r-'-^ 21,^1907. .,:.- _:- : ,C \u25a0\u25a0 :;\u25a0_ ": \u25a0\u25a0 .;\u25a0-.-.-» ffl
S check, money order, reg- Nam« .............................. 1
1 istered letter or bank draft. Addreagv;C.........:.....^.. ..:..../ :S: S
l^c^STOqK^ 1 6c
B -v "\u25a0•: \u25a0./.: Manhattan^ Nevada's ;;'Gol^^Gamr^
y payments,^ or 1 5c cashv^ Qpfy : - 25,000- shares^to' be sold at 0
g i,this r price.- tWill;advark;e;tol^c:a;share in;2o da^^^Assays' §
| ? ;atBo^eet>si;o9^
ifas SOONv AS 100,000 SHARES ARE; SOLE). ;^ J
I lir.'JDeremfoerg, Piscal Agent, |
|i|W3i R!!'n™P r .e St.,. Rw^^s( Sah":Francisc<v|
whom* are senators and • three : repre
sentatives; ;.will i holdHtsiflrst meeting
in" this - city } next • Monday. : - *-'- :
:J WASHINGTON,'' ApriI 20.— The post-,
office Tdepar tment today I issued an \u25a0 order
"establishing | city; delivery at Pacific
Grove i on . June- IS,', with .two cairiers,
oriei substitute-.; carrier andU fourteen
street letter boxes. " } X'
:\u25a0£ Mrs.\« Elizabeth Freeman iof : l Clarion,
Mich., is 113, reads the' Bible constantly
and ;\u25a0 smokes .her 5 pipe ' regularly.; r.v \u25a0'.
TheGreat r il/\ D C EJ C; Will Be;
p^oS|J||||l!j^g|l|^i; Held at
TSk Western Horse Market, 297v 2 iendast :
:v'\- ;\u25a0-•'• •\u25a0tiid^""Aßrn:23d::- 1 '
Sale begins at 9 a. m. and till 11 p. m. .. _ t
Five carloads of Horses how on exhibition. A few will be sold privately
if desired. \u25a0 WSBB^9^StSvSK^mStBB&BSPO^^
: This is the greatest- collection of All-Purpose Horses ever ofiered,and
will be sold without reserve or" limit. Every animal -will be guaranteed as
represented and will be shown to harness during or after the sale.
50 head e( the heaviest Draft Horses . ever broujcht ; to California, -\u2666
Trelsblng from 1700 to 2100 pounds. .
The above Horses will be sold at 7:30 p. m. PKBPffiSßJStj^fl
. 50 head of Matched Teams, Trclgl»lnff from 1250 to 1300 pouads, ratt- \u25a0_"%
able for naxon vr ork.
The above Horses will be sold at 7:30 p. m. \u2666 \u25a0.
-'_ 50 head of Single and Doable Driving Horses. TveisbLas from 1250 tm ' •*
• ~ 1500 pounds. ' \u25a0: . \ \u25a0 \u0084 . -- ";
The above Horses will b» sold at 1- p. m.
50 head of gentle Dellverr Wagon Horses, all Welshts • and • sixes. \u25a0 > : :
The above Horses will be sold; at 1 p. m.'. - :
125 head of the Justly celebrated and well known Double Square Button
Horses, irelshlngr from 1000 to 1400 Ibi., all gentle, halter broken.
The above Horses will be sold at Horan's pavilion, 10th and Bryant stsJ. at^9'».,in.
Come farmers, come dealers, come business men; come one/ coma
all; it will pay yon to take a holiday. San Francisco is, the cheapest market
on'the coast for horses,- -
Owing to- the great advance in prices of heavy draft horses on the East-
ern market: this ' will' no .'doubt be our last big sale of the season. If -you
want- heavy horses now or, for future, use be sure and attend this sale.
Remember the sale of draft horses begins at-1 p." m.
Deposit of 10 per cent required on fall of hammer. " Balance on following
day, after horses are tried. out.
WestemHorseMarket .SiSSil
E. STEWART A CO.. A.ucttorieer'S ; t s. s .« jAII rKAlivljvU
" Steamers Leare Broadway
Santa - R05a .........'... Every - Sunday, 10 a. m.
State of California.... Every Thursday, 10 a. m.
Victoria, Vancouver, B. C, Puget
; Sound' and Alaskan Ports
nmatilla .........Apr. 22, May 7, 11 a. m.
City of Puebla Apr. 27, May 12, 11 a. m.
Spojtane .....; ;....May 2. 11 a. w.
> And^ Every Fifth Day Thereafter. .
For EUREKA (Humboldt Bay)
Pomona... '.:...'. Apr. 21, 26, Ma» 1, 10:30 a. M.i
City of Topeka..Apr. 23, 28, May 3. 10:30 a. m.
For Guaymas, Mazatlan, La Paz,
- Ensenada, San Jose del ; Cabo,
\u25a0 Altata, Magdalena Bay
Curacao. ...1.. .....7th of each month, 10 a. m.
\u25a0" " Leaving "Seattle and Victoria ;"-'« -
Spokane June 14, 28, July, 12, 26i Aus. 9
Queen. ...i.July 16
• For Nome and St. Michael
Senator Jane 1 President ......June 4
j Bight reserved to change this schedule.
SAN FRANCISCO — 3 Market st. and Broadway
I wharf. Telephone Temporary 432. -
OAKLAND— 9OS Broadway.
San Francisco Freight Office— Broadway wharf.
C. D. DUNAJTN,. G. P. A.. Sari" Francisco.
Toyo Kiseir Kaisha
' • (Oriental Steamship Co.}
Havi Opened Their Permanent Office at
Room 240, James Flood Building
S. S. America Mam (calls at Manila), Friday.
MayS, 1907.
• S. S. Nippon Mara (calls at Manila). Friday,
May. 31, 1907. -
- S. S. Hong Kong Mara. Friday. • June 2?. 1907.
: Steamers .will, leave wharf.- corner First and
Brannan . streets, " 1 p.' m., for Yokohama ' and
Hongkong, calling at Honolulu. Kobe (Hlogo).
Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connecting at Hong-
kong with stpamers for Manila. India, etc. . No
cargo received on board on day of sailing.
Round trip tickets at reduced rates.
For frelcht and passage apply at office, Jamea
Flood Building.
-- W.>H. AVERT.
Assistant General Manager. !
Passenger Service
'. -\u25a0\u25a0' PLTMOOTH— CHERBOURG— HAMB^EO
•aßluecher -; . ; . .Apr 11 Deutschland. ... .Apr. 30
a t p c Kaiserin ' (new) Bluecher . .... .*. .May 0
.........'. \u25a0 Apr. 18 Kaiseria v May 16
are Amerika (new - *~j. ,•
. .....V.... Apr. 25 .. j "
•Grill Boom. : a Gymnasium, p Palm Gardei
c Electric Baths. ' r Rlts-Carlton Restaurant.
v .Twin-screw Passenger Service
Or/ Waldersee.... Apr 6 Patricia ....... .May 4
•Batavia ;.:... .Apr. IS Gr. .Waldersee. . .May - 13
Pretoria .......Apr. 29 Pennsylvania.. ..May 23
Mediterranean -Service
•Hamburg. . ."• . .'.'.:.. .May 1, June 11, Aug. 13
••Moltke. ..............Apr. 23, May. 2B. July 2
> **Has; Grill Room. .'•Has Gymnasium. \u25a0 '
Summer "Cruises
to the ' Norwegian Fiord.*, Xortk Cape,
Spitsbergen,' Iceland and European sea-
side resorts. - Send for progrrajniue. \u25a0
j ,» , c; ; TOURIST.. BUREAU.". , . -
It. It.- Ticket B, hotel accommodations and gen-
eral Information vebout foreign travel.*' - - \u25a0\u25a0
-Travelers* Checks, Good All Over the World.*-
Hamburg-American Line
BOS Market St, San Francisco. \u25a0.-'.
'.:/\u25a0 Phone, Temporary 2948.
S.-S.^ SIERRA, sails AprU 30, 11 a. m.. 8.T.,
$135: second, single. $50. .
HONOLULU— S.'. S. Alameda sails 11 a.' m. Sat-
urday. 'May 11.'-. Round trip, first class, $125.
TAHITI, SOUTH SEAS^ — S. S. Marlposa: sails et
Hi «. m.. May 21. First class round trip,* $125.
J. D. SPRECKEL9 - <fc DROS. CO. ;
58 Clay. Street,* San Francisco.
•.'." ' . Passenger ' Department, 673 Market St.
. . . " Phone .^Temporary TZZXP, \u25a0'.'
':'* Sailing '•\u25a0 every . Thursday ' Instead 'of Saturday,
at. 10 a. m., from i'ier 42, % North ' River. . foot of
Morton street. :-••'\u25a0 t-- v ••\u25a0;."' ''\u25a0,^-' " •
First-class to Havre, $70 and. upward; second-
class ito \u25a0 Havre, *» $45 and - upward." GENERAL
ADA,'," 22 ; Broadway < (Hudson building). New
York. •\u25a0- 3. F. i: FUGAZI, manager Paclflc Coast,
630 Montgomery street,- Saa- Francisco. TickeU
sold. *7; all railroad ticket agents. ...
Stocks and Boiijds
J.. Member Stock and ' Bond Exchange. 48S Call-
f orola at. } - Phone Temporary '813.'- \u25a0 '\u25a0•
\u25a0%,• Uemberj San. Francisco Mining ; Exchange. .
\u25a0^ant Ads
Bring Results :>
IVTEDXESDAT, APEtL 24, at 11 a..m...at 585-
567-SGO Fourth St.". 1 will sail at public auction
56 head of HORSES, aoitablu for all kind j of
work; 11 ball bearing rubber tired Bnjrsiea.' T
side bar robber tired Bu«ies. IS lljrht and heayr
W.Hsorn, 41 seta of Al Harness. Saddle*. Brides.
Whips, etc. If yon want to sell or buy attend
this sale. JOS. JIEDEIP.O3, Lioea^ed Auctioneer.
Phone BSO2. Oakland. - \u25a0 ' ;-: \u0084
i;to? ; . ; &z \u25a0£&_
Auction next Monday. April 22, . at 11 a. m..
corner Valencia aad . Hemuim ita. \u25a0 I will ««ll 9
sand wagons and teams: also a lot of good cheap
Horses and Mares. »>M. CLOCGEU Auctioneer.
,JKv- . }£&. S^
April 25. at 11 a. m., at 615 BROADWAY. .'I
will sell a coasfg^anent of 40 head of chettp torses,'
big and small. WM V CXOUGH. Auctioneer.
V -m v f^iiri>H
The Leading Specialist. w *•".-.•" .-.•
For orer 17 years I hay* conlined my prae-
tlce to the special ailment* of men. For soeh
and REFLEX DISORDERS I nse methods
whicH 'absolutely and for all time CURE.
These methods are strict]? original with me
and known to no other specialist..
Weak and Jferronn men.' or those tmSertan
from any prlrate disease, should' call on mV
at once. I- make absolutely NO CHAR6H
for a friendly talk, and my advice will be ,
- valuable, whether treatment I* begun or not.
Writ* ' if you cannot - call. Hoar*; 9 a.m.
to 5 p. m.; eTeninss, T to a; Snndaja, 10
to 1- only.
Dn Miles & M
'-\u25a0 1603 FII.LMORE $T^ CORJfER
R?»51 WE A K^ MEN
B^ 21 "a RATOR stops all losses and
lr ' § unnatural disc h arg:e 3 •In 24
mS hours. You feel an improve-
UL 1 Luin ment -from: the flrst-dose. ;We,
Bpg Behave so much confidence in
Kadi Sour treatment that we offer.
..Five Hundred reward for any
case wa cannot cure. This secret rem-
edy cores lost power; nikatly emis-
sions, wasted organs, varicoeele. sleet,
strictures,- kidneys, . .failingr memory,
drains - In the urine, gonorrhea,, diseases
of the -prostate glands and * all other
terrible effects of- self-abuse, or ex-
cesses, < which ' lead to consumption 'and
death. Positively curea the worst, cases
in old or young of that mortifying con-
dition. Quickness of discharge. -. • Sent
sealed," $2 per bottle.;* 3 bottles $5. Guar-
anteed- euro any case. , ;--.-. .\u25a0 "*.
Call or-address orders HALL'S MED-
ICAL: INSTITUTE, 855 Broadway, Oak-
land. CaL Also for sale ?4 23 1 1> 24th
sti •S.F. - Send for free book.
Specialist dSjsm,
Formerly ,. Cor. Thlcd* nnd " MUiloa ' S<y
and . lately of Oaklaud, naa rctaxned/
Saa ; Fraaelneo > anil opened -ofBe«»
1 979, SUTTER STREET >Jr. Ffl*' ' "
ASTEED.. • .*sion.
' ' — — — • -; I'^tu '
Mrb island \u25a0"\u25a0^\u25a0.icut
Montlcillo S. S. CoJbn;' 55x114.
B.- R. Co. Close cor/»t., south of COtb.
,6 — ROU>D/
12 :^ t ßoon/ T 3:l^- • : M«nadT>o<-k hW?. .
CSan rranciagV^PP- Ohroniclf bids.
wharf, north y p<>r month: 4 r^n, cottase.
"ptaii^S^i jMt-flnhhed: owner Wu -