Newspaper Page Text
I 191 model "f" WhEL -\u2666" dKnonst rator. as er^V^ White steamer, "as good Appljas Golflen ft.t. \u0084' ArTpMntLES for ererrbodr " " ' from S, F..t, y nmtr t0 40tp Rad San paMa MT "Ofi Reo-Mnabnut 1p for »ale- »t has a fln. tm. backmt for 2 more pwons 4. rcn* M a^ JSJ^ 1^ 1 " * " >V Btß « B<l Ml«l«» f-'tii AntoenßWi retiring in all its branche* ; only s^'^ssStissr^ aafl ™* ccar - fn^i tcaot)n " bw "*t- wld. repilred: >UPPMea:b«rtng cars for hire at all hours. aewij- • prtrt; ne» tire*: mod e«mipment : ewnet l<^s town. 347 Fnlton ,^ qlllpmfa V « JWth et.. Oaklasd. CaL J Pbons Oakland 48U2. f Sr3S3s ff °'--o^: RKLIANCB CTOMOBrLE CO.. 547 Fnltoa at" rarartng sdrCTtlng; repairing of all kinds! SA J*^ZS*^* 00 CO.^ " ' 423 yaleaeia si Ante> tire repair-tag pgr specialty . ' FOR P-^^dUn motwyele, ehesp. at 127 _?_j_ST.. RV»»H»M^ dl«tT>«»t. .MtT REPAIRIXQ _._ : . IJTGLE LAMPS A! v ( i\lv. L^; l ? b ** tlampsfw ' rr * mdln »- BOESCH LAMP CO:3oa*t Aeenta, 113S Ml—ton at. BAR AT) STORE FIXTURES STANDARD n-nlture Mfg. Co.. 851 Bryant st. makes all lad* of furnltnr*; tables a spel dalty. Je^bone Market ST24. . CALIFORNI Home Industry, «4 6tb. st.—Bar and stßTt rteres. showcases always oa band. 3. MARTEJON . .akes offlre. store and bar flx- tnres.', MlSta et. bet Mlssloa snd Howard. W«BTERNIXTTRE CO.. store, cface and bar nxtureg. tblnet. work. 608 Turk. PO r B . r^.* a 2L2 r har fl*rnre« see MeCOLM BARNAR 2027 Elite St., abova Derisadera. CHEAPESUuid best ta America. Tbe Weekly Call. $1 t< rear. "CLAIBTOYAyrS r CLAIRVOYAXCH " .] -,— CZTRAORDINARY .; \\ ; STRANGE GIFTS T In Honest PropoaJtleß. UR-tiRL A. CABLB. New Tcrk's Celebris clairvoyant medium and permanently located here, vis *a*ty. tect of time and 14 years' rontinuoua success fnl practice har* w»ed beyond al! doubt that Mr. C&e Is tbe leader of his profes. aioa. » proof of hHr wonderful pow- er, v will positively make na charre'for nls eervtcea onless yon fire ejhriy satisfied and find bim •uperJt to any palmist medium of el«ir*c«st In the city: tella your fall da what >mo call for, whom aad .«an Ton \«I1 marry: whether bcshssl wife or rweetheart i* trne or fa!*> names of friends, enemies *t rlTtl-rea<ls year entire life from infancy to old Jtge. )rtving names, date*, ets and flrure*. Advice ca ts*!«WTa Isw. health, love, raarriaee. <Jivorc#*nd ell domestic- and flnan- eial lenities: reon'tes separated: ren«>w*t>Tjth and vital force; locates - tn'.nes /id valoaMe ores. •R*t»*er. CARI.n iw*sttlvely puer- •nte«#snpcess when an ©t*n*Ts fall. sr>eci< eea«ne this week. LOW FEE. 60e. kn toaay, TW'jnistske the im» anfl lumber. CABV iIW O'P^rreU at, tear 'J- Goucb. HoP 10 a. n. to Sb,S b, m. Sundays, / *j-. 11 to C &A I ORA. THE WONDER. AA AcfW'Mged by all to be the world's areateot lif^ad-r: - if yna nave domestle tronble, if ; T»tt IT>^par»ted from tbe one you love, It ' yen t* yonr husband or wife is not true, if your U« fs-not a happy one. If ypn have In- verted Joney or expect to lovwrt la a proposi- tion «tcr kind and are ia doubt as to the merits r-tt' SEE ORA; readings TAe. 1124 I^ddy n bttweea Lagnna and Octavla. TTTTT Wtte Mrstlc of India. ORMOpE'/ornerly 10 years on Market at.; a clatjpTnt with power: rtsntae. reliable, eoescleiles; pa»t. present, fotnre; bnsteesj aflvice.JlnS' marriaire. divOTte; removes evil j iTrtnenas.tells yonr full name; bora in tbe Orient ivh the power of any 10 medium*; readtnri i 1310 Devlsadero st. between El- 1!" sod qarrelL MISS \f. tCXE. the famoua crystal seeress. lo- cated at C 3 Oaary st. between Larnna and BnrhaTiannje who Is w^ll known and one who is cemprtt to read your life; she reveals the part. arlvteerTvyt forecast of tbe future and will riveHroable advice coneernlnjr aU mat- ters of btaeas; readinr* dally. 10 a. m. and <> p. m. bone TVert 7485, MM»C.*PO|»?IV gifted clairvoyant medium, tells pa«t pnapt and fntur*: bom wita a doable v»n: nee(l stfibt: cards read clairvoyantly: t«dl«»s Wesents ?1: nalmiitry and clairvoyant *Ur!nn:Jfrilfe fe«<"ntT $1.50: open gnadaji; walk la ro floor. 1533 O'Farrell ct. sn». nr. vpadsworth foster, tie wen known '( !jce taeClum. gives truthful advice: sit titisn KjTalr* advised npoa with unerring V-cnrac] readisjra, narnetic treatments dallr. 10 a. sn. > 8 p. m. 1705 Gongh bet Pine. Cal. RFV. KA E HFU6SMANN-HARVKSTQN— C!r- «-ie« Frl y, --* p. m. : 25c: applications for •Vvelnpta- circles received? . readings dally: flfflrtßteHarrlages, funerals. 2771 Vs Folsom >t pear ax. MISS rKMOtt, young, rifted clsir. snd palmist: - .a wonderj. prophetess; name*; ladies. 50c; r«Pt».'tl: ra. 10 to O. 1290 Fail* nr. Lsguna. MME. BriWAN— Cart reader; ladies sad re»- tlerae»'.m» > ' lOCS Buchanan at., nr. McAllister. $!.«) REj INGS this month: lucky numbers and rbance, W; LELAND. 71« Qolawi Gate ay. UME. El UNIE. selentfae palmist card reader. - rewats ets that antonlah yon. 1463 Valencia. MADAM.HHAEFFER, clairvoynnt card reader. water a>/ 7f>4 Lagnna. bet. Grove and Fnltosu MME LCIA. Ppanl*h clairvoyant card reader. Rooms it*} 8. 103" A Coldea Gatt aT. MRS." BtWS. 1820 O'Farrell. nr.- Stetner^ 4Thrrrr« it.- t*rd readeyand parmlst. MME. U> WAU. card reader: ladles Sse. rents ROr. -tTV-Wt^rfwn «t.r n»*r 2M. ""\u25a0 ' r sr>R3tTCAI ' IS J 3 ? JL .~ „ MRS. JSVJS. tplrltnal clairvoyant and tnedlata, Jost arfed; birhest testimonials ; advlee osj nil cietTs. medical included; fee $1 upwsrd; bonrs l'to 8. 2128 Bush st. near FUlmore; no *ign,' \u25a0•"\u25a0•\u25a0-,..\u25a0- - . DR. HOVIAKD'S s©e reaiJlnn* ar* helping-all; yrm cr.ntake ytter life on hts honesty: rtrele. 25e. totrfct 2003 Butter *t. near rillmore. MRS. BENSON; readings dally: circles Bun- day, TOnesday, Friday, 25c TSIH Webster st.. ts^Tnlton.' MRj».-BJlfc" spiritual medlem: readlnga dally. 756 lief later at: -circle Thursday. 8 p. ta. MRS CfJDLE. materialirins; seance Sunday eve.. Bf«e*ck. 1400 McAllister sf ' \u25a0 PALMI STR Y . \u25a0 A—BnißjS-H. JEROME FOSSELLL /ieU »c«lb< #« lUt.- J ' l*lft Wetoter >t£j_j»j»gn»_4ia r "Z !ASH REGISTERS , , .." CASH rs*« inu »21 stsea. of all price*, formal! kinds ' «rf adaess,- on liberal Unas. National Caaav Bm fr \u25a0 C 0. .; 1«» Ooiaw • O«te aTe. CASH" rtffvi*. *& makes, daea. 910 up: our r-rW* Py»baa B4lf. ft^Q M»rket nptta(r». "\u25a0. "..; , n - ebabpsßCiAL art • \ ; ? ~. BViTt CO «1» Post st ebon* We** «2Sfl. !»• ' "*' *""'' « T^O RISTa __. FILAKK »>n.yT YEARS OV BTH BTvSOW it £tj iItLLISTER. BPSIJTESa'cHAJgCEsV'.' "' ' j J1 r^P^ TH . IB APPEAL\TO YODJ in-e2nitaf t r «'erred. guaraateed by the paW \u25a0 'there w«\h fex P erI ««e bas determined t«Mi rtTlilJ.! * lar « e eurplus after this guanm- STd-ia^iS? Preferred dividend will 1m ft l S **** uter - •\u25a0** this year la smair n ?*l* T (or **• "Qbdlvislonß great an.l SSSrn«S?K? <W ! lt ltter * wW I* • uaudlome aur- No^S 1 '!?- I 8I 8 Or l* fOT th « Chri»tm*s shopper. stock rtl,i/ T i B S th * price of • « ha « of this lastallsa^L sa*H5 a *H P tu " chase «t once. $10 In ttenmt? ** 5J ? own * ad 50c monthly, durilns $9 e«h ?* diTlden<l P«rtods. or Tbu E * rn T . our 10 P* l ««t dividend now. dirMi^S? k mtJ Coll * ct now and earn your first Sne« • bT w PV!B * W for * 10 Talue - Remit- lances may be made hy any of the usual meth- h* «J;w. S f - >° wn «r ont-of state business mtwt rtang? 'or in money order or certlned cx- o*. 7^!. B ,. rto^ . WIU NOT Increase at MIDNIGnT nn.J^ cert *'n date, nor will any other frn- queatly promised but. unrealUed wonders take £»S?:i • 35?r3 5? r *" -rarely as the present paid <v wi-T " 4 >w « to gusrautee 7 per c*nt oil yonr inrestment. Just so surely will you make a hawl- Jjom*^ additional dividend, payable In time f«»r wiristmas shopping and the summer vacatloa _^ OUR RESOURCES. 1 .JLT* f*? » üb *l»»Bion* of beautifully wooded . ~fi c , Marla oouaty. close to station. -It Is mi k kMwa fact that subdivisions pay. You W t \u2666!. * IP*??*'** and ma<le ha PP- T by learning WYOU Periods how well subdivisions; J 1^ 0 weU •«t»Wlsljed businesses snd probably e-notber to be added shortly, subordinate to the handjomel^ bU * atcesa^ to lt - " d P*Tin« IX CONTEMPLATION: A contract to open a .t? 1^!? on one of tt « subdivisions. Rock Is I \u25a0worth from $3.25 to $7.50 per load, according to the sire of the pieces of rock. Our procpecta are brighter than . ever befors | *[*. muBt broaden our ran<;e of influence to cope with the enlarging conditions. This is n enggestloa to yonr business judgment aai yon msy drsw your own conclusions If sufficient reason Is not thus shown for letting the In- ; TJr • we«6 ° * e « 1 '«B« B * guaranteed 'investment, \u25a0dare our future and gain the advantages from the start . , . Tho books of this Corporation are open t« say or all shareholders at all reasonable Urn**. Communications from all cheerfully and fully aaswered. ( - An arrangement may be made by which, oa a proper ahowing of good and sufficient need f>« the money Invested in this Corporation's stock, any shareholder may withdraw his full Invest- ment with dividend to date of withdrawal. SlcV- n*s* of investor or in Investor's family will al- W *ZL *? l mo >ediately recognised ac good and sufficient cause for withdrawal. Other good reasons may be advanced, so practically you »** • "Dally Cash Bilanee" with wtthdrawnl privileges in case of need. No promise is made that any remittance? will be accepted with a postmark of a later date than May 1. 1907, - NORTHERN COv..fIES REALTY COMPANY. Incorporated. •^J^ Marktt * v cor - Kearny. 2d floor. - $200.000— 510 per share par value. WANTED— A brlgbt business man with $3000 to lnv*«t as partner la a well established elec- trical Dcslstes; a great opportunity tor the right party. Box 816, Calf office. WANTED— Large well est. Mfg. Co.. making staple line of goods widely known, wants- sat- isfactory man wita $5,000 cash to e*tab. and carry on branch bus.; $250 per mo. salary and all expenses: share of profits extra; unusually pafe investment permanent engagement and high class bus.; good for $3,000 a jr. or better, with big future Increase. For particulars, fnr- nish refs. and address G. Eastbnrn, Pres., 67 Wabasn ay,, Chicago. BOTCHER SHOP— First class botcher shop must be cold on account of a disagreement of partners; a c years' lease goes with, ebop, which is a snap in itself. Sales average from $50 to $S5 per day cash, besldea other trade. ' Will bear the. closest Investigation. Come and stand behind tbe block and satisfy yonr- aclf before you buy. Call at ray office for further particulars. WESLEY. DIXON, BIOV4 East 12th Bt. East Oakland. , FIRST CLASS Uvery stable, horses, hushes and everything complete and modern, will oq put oa the market within SO days and boars the closest Investigation. It will be sold cheap. Has first class boarders who are good par. Parties have been running it for 15 rears and have made enough to retire, -WES- LEY DIXON, 610 Vi East 12th St. East Oak- land, 1 _ • \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; OLD established wood carving aud ornamental njaiter and cement boslneas of the late F. T. ulley; fine models, stock, benches, tools, art • books, etc; as a whole or la part; cheap rent with lease; with or without 4 room cottage: no reasanabU offer refused. 64S Hampshire ; st. bet ISth and 10th. . - FOR sale — Bakery, American and French trade, doing good business; baking 4 barrels the day; a complete installment of 3 ovens fitted' with - oil burners; borses, wagons, harness, etc, all - In good condition; good location,- rent cheap; opportunity fnr any good baker: $3500; profit immediate. Box 2002. Call, office. NEWLY incorporated manufacturing company wants young man of some business < ability and a knowledge of book keeping ' to invest '\u25a0 from $1,000 to $1,500 and take position of treasurer' and book keeper. Salary $25 per week and share of profits. Address box 1082, Call office. Oakland.. FOR Bale — Boarding bouse business; complete furnishings of 17 room bouse, lnclndlns bed- dlag. linen and silverware: 24 boarders and dining room for 40: rent $75 per month; on Union st: price $1,5015. YODNGS, BARRY & LAMB, 2147 Center st, Berkeley. BARLOW. 1210 Flllmore St., room 8. will buy, \u25a0•-11. rent er lease your rooming bouse, flat, satoon or business r.f any kind; quick: saloon for eale, sth and Mission ««.;, rent $100; B- room new flat, fine furniture, x - rent $60. . " SNAP. ' Good paying restaurant for sale, selling on account of ' change of bnslnau: suitable for man and wife; 3 living rooms in rear. Apply 1147 Harrison st FOR eale — 125 shares of the capital stock of a well paying electrical, machinery company. Es- tablished 1901. Doing a nourishing business. 1175 shares Issued. Fire directors. Apply foots; 84. M arson building. 1880 Butter st SPLENDID chance for investment from $1,000 | . np in established business paylnc already fair dividend and guarantees considerable yearly : increase; investigate. Box 953. Call, . 1651 Fllliaore 5t....- * START a mad order business; we furnish every- thing necessary; only few dollars required; sew plaa; success certain: costs nothing to Investi- gate. MILBURN-HICKS, 858 Dearborn st, . Chicago., \u25a0 . , ! SNAP — Mnst sell oolek-. 12 rooms, completely - famished, located in heart of city; produces net income of $200 monthly. Call at room 12, 1704 Steiner st,' between I snd 0 p. m.; no agents. . \u25a0 - \u25a0---\u25a0. OLD established batcher shop; S horses and 2 wapoaa; ice box; everything complete; on the main street of Oakland. MITCHENER A BARTON. 616 Broadway. Oakland, - STATIONERY and kodak business on Broadway; rent $90; 8 years' • lease: - subleases $75: see I thto and make an offer. MITCHENER fr BAR- : TON. 818 Broadway. Oakland. ... .. .. SALOON', completely furnished, ta central end growipe; neighborhood; good lease; low rent; \u25a0ptessSd opportunity. Apply D. A, CURTIN, 823 Monadnoek baDdlng. . \ \u25a0 .„ , WANTED— By \u25a0 lady of experience, boarding ' rr rooming bonso, flats or /tenements to manage; j ; ha* own help; first class. J. • BENSON. Sap Jose, Cal. - .-\u25a0' \u25a0' ; .. ". -, DAVE a toe proposition • for young man who "t» desirous of advancement:' amount required $100. See BROOKBANK. 1429 Steiner st between Ellis and O'FarreU. — t . \u25a0 . -•, * • . 3-STORY bay window '\u25a0 houee . suitable for hotel er boarding house, with saloon license. Apply SB. corner of Bryant and Gilbert sis. near 7th. FOR sale — Furniture business; flourishing and well established; $14,000 stock in Eureka. Hnaboiat frooaty. CaL Write bo* 200S, CaU. RESTAURANT: and delicatessen store, doing a good bnalnlss/ for sale., account sickness. - Fvr- ther information <10H E. 12th at. E. Oakland. GROCERY, Cigars, . tobacco, etc- ; fruits, branch bakery;- a sunny rooms; bath; with or without • furniture; rent $30. 2119 Point Lobos ay. 1 $350 — Restaurant , and . chopbonse ; near station ; rent |25: does a nice cash business. MITCII- ENER & BARTON, 816 Broadway, Oakland. WANTED— Partner for barber shop under room- ing house, of 117.- rooms; good location; capital needed $500.- Box 2040. Call office. >; . --, : . -, •\u25a0-;••., CALL roatefer.' sale! Richmond district; good opportunity ft* young man. Apply 1811 Baker ' st, between 4; t0. 7 p. m.j- ~ .'-,; . ; . ' ,:\u25a0 : FOB eale— A good -Call route In East Oakland; reasonable terms. Address H. * HEIM. ; 1073 14th ay.. East Oakland, i . \u25a0 SUBSTANTIAL, modern ' 5, v and 8 : room flats; , Golden Gate park vicinity; ' no dealers. Own- *- or.: box ; 958. -Call. • :r: r ROSEBUD ' stock win go to $1 in a >ear | bny now; l«-eeat lasUllment*. , Room B, 1443 ? FOlnwre st '•- - : .-.'" ---'": \u25a0'\u25a0-:\u25a0":\u25a0: ' \u25a0 :Jt-; ' . FOR sale—A 1 route wt t a, 4oo rabacrtbers!, cen- trally • located. - Inquire in . The ' Call ; Clrcula- tloß.Peyt.' -.'.-\u25a0-'. ',<u,7i'i ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0'. .-' -.\u25a0\u25a0 •. FOR «ale— Printing business In; good location: 2 presses; rent $80; price $1.250. Box 9.010. Call. FOB sale*-Oa« ' of the flneet : Jewelry stores oa '\u25a0 Baa ,\u25a0 FxancJUco \ Bay, \u25a0 Address , bo» ' goal, Call, FINK oyster and coffee house for sale; in best Ucattaa; \u25a0 reasoaaMa. ,' Box r.TM. Call office. : THIgCSAyi FRAN PISCO \u25a0••vSUyPA^ £1, .^l9b7:ir- : . BTJSryESsfcHAWCTS^Coßtliin'ed. f MANUFACTURING plant ; doing a '• fine * business in Oakland,; Saa Francisco and nearby; cities" for sale at a sacrifice; owner has ranch," and, \u25a0 on account of failing health, much give up one or the other and chose . ranch ; ' fully equipped witu up to date machinery, etc.;, fine chance for moderate capital or corporation: will take working partner: j will give ftill charge. Ad- dress box 10S8. Call office, Oakland.. : "READ This.", :-' ' •-•<- -"•\u25a0-'-. $3,500— Restaurant and oyster' "rotto. with wines, liquors, etc.; very central: 4 years' lease: $100: average daily receipts $65 to $150; this guaranteed: lease alone worth the price. THE ALDEN COMPANY. 468 10th St.. Oak- land, Cal.. ' . ;\u25a0•':...-.. \u25a0•:-\u25a0\u25a0_ .*\u25a0;-\u25a0 \u0084:' \u25a0 ,•,>.: '• ~~COAL LAND!. COAL LAND! VALUABLE COAL. LAND= FOR SALE. Fmery county, Utah;; will Pell 2560 acres;of patented coal land May, 2s, 1907; splendid qual- it* ; of coal. For Information, address " MAItK TUTTLE. County Clerk, Castle : Dale, | Utah. : ~- . \u25a0 WANTED— Partner to take one-half . Interest 1 tn restaurant: large floor, spsce on- ground floo' «f hotel building of 115 rooms: -bar, barber shop and baths; capital needed ' $750; on!y experi- enced restaurant people need apply. Box 2041, Caii-offlce. ; -.;>-,; : To lease— Hotel, 21 rooms aad 2 baths,, with rtla- big room 20x70 on ground floor: -near dep->t." Mill Valley; electric car V. hour, 45 minutes from city; rent $125. • Apply on ground Sun- day, or to M.' M. O'SHAUGHNESSY, 604 Mis- * slon st -. \u0084 - ' - :• ; -\u0084. . ;„:. ' ..\u25a0 . 1,000.000 people to know that they can travel round the. world on 25 cents per vdsy. Send one dime for secret and particulars to T. J. A. A.. 247 20th ay., Richmond district, care Manning & Wiser. . \u25a0 . . WOOD. coal, hay end grain business, at a sacri- fice; rent. $35; 3 rears' lease, lncludinc 6 room bonsp; see this for a hargaln; price $650. MITCHBNER & BARTON. ,916 Broadway, Oakland. -. WANXEIV-$1.0QO.OOO; r good security i^invest- ments in East San Francisco; population 300,- 000. . Box 1005. Call. Oakland. ' TIN shop for sale. ! lnclndlns lease, building and tools: cheap. Apply JAMES J. DRISCOLL, 22 . Geary st :,-'.- , .- - \u25a0-/.-..'" :^ ': : FOR sale — »J interest real estate- snd insurance buflness. Box 2034, Call office. " ; FOR sale— Saloon . and fixtures; corner, whole- sale districts Apply 415 Davis at. SNAP — $2,800; retail liquor hnslness for Bale: sickness. Apply 701 Folsom st. CHOP house for sale. 627 Broadway. Parties may call and see business. - \u25a0\u25a0 . RESTAURANT— Must sell at once; owner leaT- Ing ctty. Call 14 Fell gt. -.-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 LODGIXG-HOUSES FOR SALE FURNISHKD rooming bouse to rent; only small deposit necessary: owner nick;. bargain. - 51 an-1 53 Uatnpton place, near Folsom and 34 sts. , CRANDALU 3C5 McAllister st, buys and sells rooming bouses. List your property with him for quick returns, 1 .. . . .- : 11 ROOMS, newly furnished: 5 years' lease; low- rent ; -a snap; dears $91 a 'month. 1833 OTnxrell nt. > LODGiyCHOUSES TO LEASE. ONE of the best locations In the city; Mis- sion st. bet. 22d and 23d; 11 rooms; lease. Call at 2563 Mission st . ';- ?? TE^' Si TC !. '.'f <BASIS HOTEL — 71 rooms and office; ready for oceu- tjMc^SeeprlnclnalLSFrontstj^or^larket FrwANciAi. ; WANTED— •SI,OOO,OOO; eood seenrity: Investments •in Esst San Frnnclsco; population 300,000. Box 1005, Call office. Oakland. LOAN — $1,000 wsnted. 1 rear; wood security iitlH l-»ferest. Box 3043. Call office. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS MeCOLLbuGH CONTRACTING CO.. 2023.2033 Market—Buildlnga dealirned and erected quick- ly, economically; no "waiting for - mlllwork." W. G. THORSEN, house and elgn painting, paperhangtag, decorating. • 444 < Octavla st, near Hayes. ~. . \u25a0 . " - v ". : JAMFS HERCHR. KNOINEKR i AND MILL- . WRIGHT. 1111 LAGUNA. TKLJ ..WEST 4160. P.fle NOOY & VAN. DAM. carpenters, contract- ors; cab work. 1284 A Eddy.- Phone West 4824.; LOTS cleared, and graded at cost I. V. BUT- ,- .-TON. general teaming. 600 Golden Gate. aye. : C. H. TUBBS, contractor,' bnl!der> Jobbing; shop ' 53S Fulton st: residence 817 Prague st LOTS cleared: cash paid for old brick. • J.- H. SMITH. 550 Jessie st Off Ctb. - r : O. HOULE, 1364 Eddy at., contractor and build- er: store and office ' fixtures. \u25a0 .". G. W. BRUNNER, 1257 Eddy at.i picture frames and cabinet work.. \u25a0_\u25a0*\u0084- \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0- ' - - ' CHIROPODISTS : -..'-\u25a0 " DR. DUNCAN. 1550 Eliis st. near Fillmore. \u25a0 - All foot ailments - cured. . . Evenings \u25a0. by ap- pointment. , '•\u25a0 , -f:~ i' HARRIS H. KATZ, chiropodist: expert mas- eager; electric apparatus. 1183 Goldfn Gate. DR. JAS. BROWN, expert chiropodist, at Empo- rtum. Van Nets and Post; formerly 8 Geary. PROP. MISS' VIOLET, chiropodist and massage. 1?ll McAllister rt. DRESSMAKING './ / ACCORDION, knife and sunburst pleating, but- tonholes'- and buttons made at Stewart's Lining and Notion Store. 1213 . Post st, near Van Ness aye.: formerly of. Taylor st; , SUNBURST, accordion, knife pleating, .buttons, buttonhnln*. lining, notions; mall-orders solic- ited. STEELE'S. 1420 Post; phone West 6428. MCDOWELL'S Dressmaking and Millinery School. . 1215 Post Bt., near .V»n Ness. Branch 1018 Washington »t., Oakland. Patterns cqt to order. LE MODELE School of Dressmaking; patterns cut to measure. :. 1815 Bush St.. ' room 9; ' •\u25a0 MISS M. H. SNTDER. evening gowns; tel. West r.610. 1542 Webster st. • \u25a0 .- MILLINERT — : _ FREEMAN. MILLINER, now located 1208 Sutter - st,, near Polk; formerly 435 Geary. JUST arrived, our new spring hats. MISS H. A A. PRAG.^OIO McAllister, st DISPLAY "fine" Easter ' \u25a0"millinery. ' MlsVm, RICHARD, 8«a Valencia st % \u25a0'. \u25a0 \u25a0 ' BEE HIVE. 525-27 McAllister, bas a full line of anring hata. - ' LADIES' TAILORS': LADIES, we make units of very best material. $25; this special advertises us; before getting \u25a0 your suit see us and . decide accordingly. K. 'BEPROS. 1531.8ntter at.- .-.-.-- .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0.'.. LOUIS LINDSTROM. ladles!, tailoring; formerly Donohue bldg., now 1304 ' Post,"near, "near Franklin. ] I . H. BETTE. -. \u25a0\u25a0•.'\u25a0'"- \u25a0\u25a0 1168 Ellis et. : spring novelties. ;\u25a0';';..\u25a0;'\u25a0\u25a0.-•- FURS : :V \u25a0-;':\u25a0: -\u25a0'.';;\u25a0;,;: B. KANTNER. manufacturiag furrier, formerly 123 Stockton St. now 2000 Sutter. rooms 1-2. 0. BARE, furrier, formerly Lacnman 4 Co., now '. 1515 Bush st. cor. -Van Neas are., upstairs. \--:"- ;;:;- ';;.''. \u25a0 : -- ;: ; :w^ V\ \u25a0 _ HORN A ' CO.,' "wholesale ' tobacco' and cigars; Cubanola and El Sldelo cigars. 18 Sacramento St.. opposite the -ferries. '-\u25a0-- -'••:\u25a0• - » COMMERCIAL- PHOTOGRAPHERS A. L. MDRAT,*". photographic work all descrlp- ! tlons, picture framing. \u25a0 444 Octavla it ; tel Market 4051. --• » \u25a0/..<_-.;. -. : ' .• '. . . \u25a0'- \u25a0 ..'' DETECTIVES ~' : .- -~'~:}^:^?: MCCARTHY'S Detective Agency. \u25a0 Reliable lnfor- , roatlon In civil and criminal affairs; legal and . commercial- refs.; CQmmunicatloni conQdentlal. ; 122S Flllmore, cor, • E<l(Jy. 5 ' Phone West 80T8. THOS. McCARTHf . Principal.' • \u25a0*. ' -:;. -.: EDUCJATIONAIi--/ l-^ : 'X -?; ART - penmanship. - engrossing, ' Espina: * drawing, .mechanical r , (electrical),- ~ mathematics, - evgs. - Metropolitan » Business . Col., 925 ' Golden ' Gate ; i stenopraphy, bookkeeping, arithmetic, ,-gram- mar; day, $10; evgs., $5; positions. \u0084 , - ' .-.. ' GEO. ROBERT PUCKETT. Dancing Instructor; I private lessons dally/ 1 to 5. Cotillion Hall. 159 Church, at 14th and Market LENA BUDD POWERS, school of expression and ~ dramatic; art," 761 Flllmore; ; post . graduate of *. Eraereon . College of * Oratory. Boston. : -.->•* \u25a0\u25a0-. : . • "EVRRYTUINO : FOE SCHOOLS," -books, ';. ata- *. tionery, v apparatus^ (nntture. •-.\u25a0?. The . Whltaker ; .. & Ray Co.. Grovs and «Van ; Ness, \u25a0 »\u25a0» \u25a0 - - '\u25a0\u25a0/ ; \u25a0 , j • STAGE 1 1 danclnff.- and rwocal s lessons taught; sketches arranged; - pupil* prepared, for stags. 2357 Mission st \u25a0 - ". -:-t-r - -N--.-.-f;-*->.-.--.^.-;-^- -,x~ MISS v. POTTER.'- teacher lof ' elooutloa; : after* ; nooas. 2 to 5.y 1651 .Bash st/c.-. ; ; .'-< *V - >^ : AVEDANO, Prof. F.— Vocal ; teacher; ' i Italian . , method. - 127 La ; Ro y off. Baeraraeato st MME. sde t MARS, competent '<* French - and I piano lessons $1; at stodlo, 50c. 605 Stelae*. PROF. T. f A. t ROBINSON. . Individ.* Instr. ; t book- > ; keeping.* Eng. 7 math y; etc. ; day; eve. ' 200 Page. GUITAR. mandoUn, ~ piano, singing; new classes j forming; 8 lessons, s3. 893 Halgbt, c Devtsadero HEALD'S " Engineering " School, ; SOS ; Loeuat* vr%L '' \u25a0'\u25a0 cor. Franklin st i all branches j l day \u25a0 and ere. iEDUCATIONAL--Contliiued " ; c ENGINEERING— CiviI, eJecl/,\; mining, mech., ;i- survey, : assay," cyanide ; * day. '< eve. ; - est. -\u25a0 1864. Van der Nalllen School. 51st & Teleg.;t Oaklnd. HEALD'S Business College. - 1451 - Franklin. St.. i , S. - F., | and Bacon : bldg., - Oakland; day and eve. . SAN, FRANCISCO' Business College now located at 733 Flllmore, near Hayes; day and -.. evening.' R. PFAENDLER, pianist; pupils taught, classic •or popular. 355 \u25a0 Fell • st. Phone Fell \u25a0 1437. ' r \u25a0\u25a0*-\u0084-\u25a0 * S. C. BALDWIN. , ; * .' Banjo, mandolin, guitar. \u25a0 1374 Hayes, at ; ALL court \u25a0 reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh \u25a0 - Business - College, 464 . Devlsadero st MERRILL-MILLER College, pleasantly located at 733 Fillmore St.; day and evening. \ \u0084 THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— 2531 Washington St., . near Fillmore. KENT -law school, day and night, 539 Birch ay. - near- Octavla st., S. F. \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0'- - | EMPLOYMENT OFFICES i MOST reliable J Japanese and Chinese' employ- ment office on the coast; furnishes best help, all kinds, and guarantees the capability and qualifications of every one of them • cent ' out of my office. O. HATSUMI, 1613 Geary st; tel.: West 5883. .'/viv '. JAPANESE EMPLOYMKNT AGENCY. ;Male and female; "best cooks, waiters, porters, ! general housework, second : work and kitchen 'help, office help, etc., In the city. H. K. ODA, 1721 Post 6t; phone West. 4634. A — RELIABLE Chinese-Japanese emp. . office. A •HORI. prop.; furnishes best help, with • care and dispatch. 1748 Sutter st. ; tel. West 2803. AN original Japsnese and Chinese Emp. Office- Guarantees flrat -class help of* all kinds. Frank Bhlogakl, 2140 Flllmore St.; phone West 339. H. W. HONG. Chinese employment office, moved \u25a0 from 817H Webster to 837 Webster st, Oak- land; onp. Germanla Hall; tel. Vernon 241. CHINESE and Japanese employment office, 3C2 Sth st; tel. Oak 3101. '8. HALL, Oakland, Cal. JAPANESE-CHINKSE Emp. Office. Phone West 1731. T. TAMURAS. 1613 Lagnna st. EMPLOYMENT WANTED— FemaIe EXPERIENCED ' woman who is- never ' seasick would ~ give her services as I maid or nurse to lady going to Europe about end of April in re- turn for passage. J.L., Woman's hotel, La- . guna and Turk sts. .;. \u25a0-..'\u25a0 HONEST, strong, young woman , waats -general housework and window cleaning; $2 day; nnder- stancis her work thoroughly. 33 Beideman st. coruer O'Farrell near Scott / MIDDLE AGED English nuree, best of refer- ences, wants a situation to care for an Infant. Call on or address MISS PLUNKETT, 1692 Sutter at. near Webster. MIDDLE aged French woman speaking no Eng- lish wants position to instruct cnildren, or •companion to French lady; wages no object. Bos 2046, Call office. DRESS MAKER — Jumper silk suits of all styles up to date; fit guaranteed: few more engage-, ' ments per, dar. MISS BAItSS, 1209 Ocean beach boulevard. THOROUGHLY experienced, competent I young lady wishes position; quick and accurate at figures; knowledge of book keeping. 8., 239 Texas it. \u0084 . '- • \ \u25a0 : '. , RELIABLE yonng womnn desires honsework au<l cooking In a small family; wages moderate; : city or country. Box 2037. Call office. CHAMBERMAID— American lady wishes a" po- sition in rooming hons*. or hotel, at once. Ad- dress bo» 764, Call, 1651 FlUmore st YOUNG, girl to do light housework for cloth- ine. school Ing and good borne. Apply 3100 ElUf at.. South Berkeley. STENOGRAPHER — Clerical experience; htgn»«i references; state salary. Box 766, CaU, 1651 . Flllmore st . . . r YOUNG woman wishes honsework and cooklnaf. Call or address 502 Stanvan st, Monday. EMPLOYMENT WANTED— M«Ie BOOK KEEPER, German, age 28, wants situ- ation: applicant is well. versed in bookkeep- ing, both double and single entry, ' and was until Quite recently a head book keeper ia Germany; letters of .recommendation will gladly be presented on demand. Box 2019, - Call office. '% .V \u25a0 .. - " -. COOK, ' experienced " both oa- meat and pastry, capable of taking full charge kitchen of hotel or restaurant; will meet by appointment .ir write, • giving v full particulars. ' AddretJ CHAELES SHEPHERD. 674 Halght St. ... THOROUGHLY, osperienced R. R. accountant and cashier desires position with reliable con- struction company,-- mining corporation or: com- mercial house: outdoor work preferred; beat of .- ref-Bj-enee*. ,~ Box • 2188, Call office. : - TWO young men, 10 years' experience In Cal. t cheese, making, wish a, position, or _wI!J take > ranch" ac foremen or "on .shares; understand • horses and \u25a0 cattle •' thoroughly. - Address BLAETTLER BROS.. 323- Enreka at. 8. F. SITUATION wanted on 'private place in country 1 by a strong, active man of 30: a good horse- man; handy with tools; can milk; understand? care of chickens." etc.; references; wages $2/ to $35. H., box gn3i. CaU office. 2 FIRST CLAS3 carpenters and finishers, thor- oughly ' posted J. In every kind : of work, want work by contract; can give references from builders. Address or call -at 1082 East 24th .. at. East Oakland.. , JAPANESE, faithful cook. wants a situation; \u25a0null- hotel or restaurant; first class cooking; wife help in kitchen: city or country. Ad- dress E. B.YAMANE, 1531 Poet St.. S. F. : EXPERIENCED porter and packer, ' wholesale or mail order house. -wants position: married • man. aged 27. F. CONROY, 943 Willow nt., Oakland. . - - . .: • A CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, careful driver, -first class on gasoline engines, .wishes situation; Al recommendations, i Address P. F. 0., 160 East Sth st^ Oakland. Cal. \u25a0 \u25a0* -v WANTED— Farmtr , and wife, place to work. house to live. la, where can raise poultry, pr would lease small dairy on shares. Address box 34, Oakley, Cal. : ' CARPENTER: 15 - years' experience San Fran. • Cisco Jobbing and repairing; do my own work; . hire no help; work guaranteed. 672 Treat ay. MAN and wife (Scandinavian) _want position to \u25a0 cook for men, or to take care of country home; ' experienced. Address A. B.; Oakley, Cal, ; « GENTLEMAN wishes few hours* work daily ; mornings preferred; " no soliciting; office or ; store. • Box 933, . Call, 1631 Flllmore st i PORTER and packer ;• wishes situation, nnder- '. stands : shipping, ;. 14 \u25a0 years' - experience. •I. K. JOHANSEN. 14 Godeos st, city. - , PUBLIC stenographer: - will take dictations • at any time or place. 8. A. EROSS, 1033 Golden Gate ave,- Phone, Market 2206. MIDDLE AGED man and wife want position for . light work city or country. Address Hotel • West, 156 3d st, room 225. y . . CAPABLE! young woman ; desires honsework and - cooking ; to assist ; ; wage* small ; - city er coun- try.-vßox 2017. Call office. .. . , ..-. .-.,--. , GARDENER; young man, Danish, wanU work on private place; wages $40; reference. F. D., box 2016. Call office. . ;..';. . \u25a0 /, EXPERIENCED -poultryman" desires position; Is * sober and - reliable : caretaker. . Address box 2082. CaU office.; ;.> . >:.-. : . \u25a0 -..-. ;Z±.i '< JAPANESE boy wants a position to work every day from morning. to 4:00 or 4:30 p. m. KIMI, ... 1843 Bnchanen st ;..-.'\u25a0"\u25a0".. • ; ; , POSITION wanted as steam ahovel engineer by I an Al machinist; 12 years' experience. Box | 3032, Call office, '\u25a0 -...;.; '. '-; •>\u25a0; SODA dispenser with about 2 years' experience wants- position; good ; references. , Box 795, ' Call. Office. l\ -\u25a0:./\u25a0'\u25a0 -.- . --\u0084 •\u2666 \u25a0 :;....\u25a0..\u25a0-:; . GERMAN desires to chore < around hotel or res- taurant or help m kitchen. - Address 2045, Call. Al STENOGRAPHER will work evenings, 6 to ,10 ; Oakland or fan Francisco, y Box 2014, CalL CARPENTER with ; large expertence wants work '-\u25a0 or . situation, r- L. .THA.*AKIS. 682 ,- Folsom , at GARDENER wishes situation: private place; can \u25a0/milk; ! care : horse] F references. -. Box ! 2010. Call. BAR TENDER desires position; i speaka EngUsh <\u25a0 and . German. Address Box 2024, Call office. ; FAINTER - and 'paper.-: hanger: have all tools. . Painter, ' 840 Hayes ; ; phone Fell 564.^ . ;; : ; ;-;iy , %; CHEAPEST - and I best ta I America. The Weekly -: Call,' $1' pcr s year. \u25a0;-;•;\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0.:-;;-.-.•-. \u25a0:-•*,-' j-'r: -....\u25a0:-:.; I PLUXfBER wishes work,; ss 'per day. "^ Box 2029, \'-m Call ; office. —-\u25a0\u25a0" \u25a0** -'-»-.-.--.-' .-\u25a0\u25a0 - -- .;-,.-.. ;.--: **——*** nt^ *»t^ —\u25a0 *— *\u25a0 m '.;_;. ;_; { SANTA^CBW^BMPLOYiniIVr • !">!i IF \u25a0' yqn want : work -of 7 any description, mala or ; female, 'write to J. W. McCUISTION. 268 Pa- clflc are.. Santa Oms. iw; :J.^ : ;^;alJELPjWANTßD*^^e^sJe) \u25a0\u25a0 \u0084 f -' .' < - : - ; "- -.: f -~".;. ' ; ".V ' : 0i WANTED— Yonng women to learn telephone op- eratlag: paid while iaamlAg; salary incraaaed \u25a0 after first ,, two \u25a0. weeks - and farther Increased : " after iwork ibeeomes efficient \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 - . Daily luncheons furnished free, aad rest : t rooms, s. with £ matron * la \u25a0« attendance. . ;; f : -4: Penaaneat > position ; -\u25a0 food t chaacea for V ad- vancement -Apply -821 Hyde- st, -• ' \u25a0 FACIFIO TBLEPHiONBjAND TELBGRAPH CO. I jWANTED-^A * ftt\*tt fido i eooklnf 2 and r feneral I housework In a flat; 21b family; good wazes. t^A»al7jmorsjßß^M6B|WasW«rto«;at.";^ -\u0084-;.; HELI» \u25a0".' WANTED— Female— Continued j A— BRIGHT | young j lad" \u25a0to I act las \u25a0 bill clerk; : . one' who;can\ruu 'typewriter; permanent post- - tlon. /-Apply 'superintendent's office, The Em- : porium. ..,:".,. ." \u25a0:\u25a0 i '-..'\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0'••'',. - , "I A— EXPERIENCED trimmer wanted, for \u25a0 mtl- '^llnery department;!: permanent -position. Apply ;., superintendent's; office, \u25a0 The = Emporium. " A--<3ASH; girls wanted ; | good i chances I for rapid . \u25a0advancement."; Appl y,. superintendent's office, \u25a0^ The t Emporium. ;,..'. v, : - ;, ', > A— EXPERIENCED \u25a0 saleslady y for • millinery «le- " partment; 'permanent position. .Apply super- . Intendenfs of flee. . The Emporlnm. ; A— EXPERIENCED saleslady for" ladles' snlt '. department; permanent position. ! Apply sup- erintendent's office. The Emporium. A— EXPERIENCED alteraUon ; hands, on • Jackets : and. skirts. :. Apply, superintendent's office, .-. Tbe.i Emporium, -r-.: ' ;-. . - • -^. AN. apprentice in alteration -room; good chance , to leara alteration -work. -Apply supt's. ' office. The- Emporium.-- " r'.- . :.- .\u25a0 : A — WOMEN good at plain . sewing; permanent position. Apply - superintendent's office, The Emporium.'^"---- -.-\u25a0\u25a0'" \u25a0..-,•?'.•; -.' ;.\u25a0'.:—\u25a0•=•,. .•\u25a0;-.-"•.; ''-i -\u25a0 PATRONS for help charped $1 registry fee. . Waitress , and parlor mild. Redwood , $35: Ger- •man nurse: for. 1 child. $30. Oakland; hend , waitress , for hotel. $40; ; first \u25a0 class , chamber maid for hotel.: Berkeley, no waltlnp at taM<», $30;' cook and; second girl, ' same - house, San ; Mateo. $35 . and $30; cook and ae-ond girl, same house, Menlo Park. 535 and $30; cham- ber maid and seamstress and parlor maid and \u25a0 waitress, I same ' house, % Burllngame. \u25a0 $30^$3-">; I waitress .' for ' plain ; hotel In , country, . $35: waitress for restaurant. $9 per week. MISS PLUNKETT, 1892 " Sutter et near' Webster; offlce'hours. 9. a. m. to>s p. m, r . : - . ODR NEW FACTORY BUILDING. WHICH IS THOROUGHLY LIGHTED. VENTIL\TED AND HEATED. -IS -NOW- READY FOR OCCT'- PANCY; EXPERIENCED AND INEXPERI- ENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS WANTED ON' OVERALLS: GOOD PAY; STEADT WORK; PAID WHILE LEARNING. LEVI STRAUSS & CO.. VALENCIA. BET. 13TH AND 14TH. APPLY MR. DAVIS. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS ON SHIRTS; GOOD PAY; CLEAN, STEADY WORK: NEW FACTORY: WRLL HEATED AND VENTI- LATED: INEXPERIENCED TAUGHT AND* PAID: WHILE -LEARNING. --LEVI STRAUSS, & CO.. VALENCIA. . BETWEEN 18TH AND 114 TH.1 14TH. APPLY MB. HINSHAW.. . HANDSEWERS. APPLY :TO MR. " DAVIS, CARE - LEVI STRAUSS & CO. VALENCIA ST., BETWEEN 13TH AND UTH. ''-\u25a0''' * \u25a0C < \u25a0\u25a0'.V ,\u25a0 ', \u25a0' ' . '1.. ' ' \u25a0 .\u25a0 , / . PRES3ERS wanted on overalls. Apply LEVI '? STRAUSS & CO., Valencia and Brosnaa. 18th • and 14tb. •\u25a0\u25a0 r, HAIR DRESSERS WANTED. . Also bright apprentices, at ' COSGROVE'S HAIR STORES. 1718 Bacramento st, city. 2313 Telegraph ay.," Berkel«y. 211 Ellsworth ay.. San Mateo. ' WANTED — A middle aged lady as house keeper for aged couple on fruit ranch. Suisun valley. Solano • county. ' Cal. ; wages - $25 per month : \u25a0 Christian Scientist preferred. Apply MRS. GEORGE, B..BAHTLETT, 2225 Santa Clara nv.. .Alameda: or MRS. W. 8. CROCKER, 'BuUnn City., Cal. - MAN and wife for private family, $80; first class '.parlor maid and waitress, Menlo Park, $35; \u25a0 laundress for private family, $35; chamber- :. maid and: seamstress and parlor maid and waitress. Knm* house, $30,- $35. MISS PLUN- KETT. 1592 gutter st. nr. Webster. BOOK KEEPER— Thoroughly competent and ex- perlenced book keeper; splendid position, with - good \u25a0 wages. Apply, stating \u25a0 ftrfl experience, reference, etc.. . Book Keeper, box 722, Call office. 1651 Flllmore st . WANTED— Cash girls. 14 to ;1« years of \u25a0 age; 4 must, brine ace and schooling certificates. An- 1 ply superintendent's office between 9 ' and 11, HALE BROS., ' Inc., 6th and Market sta. WANTED — Bookkeeper; must be thoroughly ex- ; perieuced, rapid and accurate; splendid, lnera- t tlve position to one that can qualify. - Apply \S.'N. WOOD & CO.; Flllmore and Ellis sts. WANTED — Descriptive writers for short stories - and articles concerninc; Western life. Western ; places and home topics. Pacific Publishing - , Syndicate. 015 Van : Ness. San Francisco. BOOK KEEPER cashier— Yonng lady who is an | experience! cashier and thoroughly understands . 4 book keeping: a splendid poMtion. Apply S. N. WOOD A C0..-". Fillmore and Ellis sts. GIRLS 'wanted — Experienced' or inexperienced; ' good .: pay • while • learnlmr; clean, steady work \u25a0 year aronnd. \u25a0 United \u25a0 Worklncmen's B. A S. C 0. ,; 400 Bartlert st corner 25th. '• '" WANTED — Experienced stenographers \u25a0 an-1 typewriter operators. • Apply Superintendent. ,-- NATHAN-DOHRMANN CO., 1520-1550 Van \u25a0, Ness ay.. ,\u25a0- \u25a0-\u25a0 : . .- '•^\u25a0- •\u25a0" - \u25a0" .• -.-.', - - - WANTED — Girl to make herself generally use- ful around restaurant; : good wages to right . party. Apply - Milton's restaurant, 1463 \u25a0 ISth ;'st, city.- ;\u25a0 \u25a0"."\u25a0..- :. . .;• :, ; ' r \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, \u25a0 ' •.;-.?, ANY I intelligent : person may earn i a good income • corresponding ' for newspapers; ' experience un- necessary. ... Press" Syndicate. Lockport,. N. Y. WANTED — Extra' sales girls; \u25a0no - experience . necessary. Apply Sunt.'s office between 9 and 11, HALE BROS., Inc., 6th and Market sts. WANTED — First elasa adteration hands on cloaks and- suit*: permanent position and big wages. Cloak Department VWblte House. ~ WANTED — Competent girl r for ' general honve- \u25a0' work to go across the bay. \u25a0 Apply . 2550 Jack- son st bet' ll and Ip. m.; side entrance. j WANTED— Experienced alteration bsn<s» oa cloaks and suits. Apply NEWMAN A LBV- IN3ON, Van Ness ay. ; and Bntter st.,, A — FIRST CLASS second girl for private fam- ily: San Mateo: $30. MISS , PLUNKETT. 1892 " Sutter .st near Webster." WANTED — A - middle aged woman, German or \u25a0 French preferred." as a cook in restaurant. 1436 'Point Lobos, cor. 4th* ay. : \u25a0 - , WANTED— Experienced stenographer. \u25a0 Apply \u25a0 Supt's office between 9 and 11, HALE BROS., Inc., 6tb and Market. its.' .". WANTED — Second girl for country during sum- \u25a0 mer : mouths. Apply 2845 Sacramento st be- .tween.B and '10 a. 'm. •-.:,;... \u25a0•--. , ;s FIRST CLASS cook for private family, $50. See > lady this morning at MISS PLUNKET'S, 1892 .Batter Bt. nr. ..Webater. v . . EXPERIENCED nurse for email child, good wages. Apply 648 Albion st, Oakland. Tele- ; phone Oakland 2320. > - . - ' ALTERATION hands on coats anil skirts. ARMAND ; CAILLEAU," . lac, NW. cor. Van Ness and California.:- ":.- : . -. YOUNG girl 7 to do' light honsework for clotbinf. : echoollug - and good :. home. \u25a0 Apply - 8100 Ellis »t. South 1 Berkeley. ' .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:, ": ' ... . ; U .' WANTED— First - class- cook; good references; • wages ?">o.' Call between 1 and 3 at 2612 Scott > st; carfare paid. ;\u25a0-•' -xi :. ' MADEIRA k> MILLI NERI SCHOOL; v private \u25a0 elasaea; hats trimmed; remodeling a specialty. 872 * Eddy \u25a0 ato -.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 . :k -,-\u25a0--.., . ,~...,*. . - BUSINESS woman,' accustomed to meeting peo- | pie; must. know how, to direct Box 084, Call, Flllmore -st '. . >-' -, :\u25a0\u25a0..:--..\u25a0: ---'\u25a0:\u25a0> \u25a0\u25a0: .-.-..\u25a0, - .WANTED —^Teacher for district school. 'Address BOYNTON, • First '. National - Baak buildiag, £. Berkeley.* .-* '^v.*' : ';r .\u25a0•\u25a0:\u25a0-\u25a0, ."\u25a0"''><_.. •'"• -. •--' . , WANTED— Presser for • cloaks aad ' suits. Apply NEWMAN & LEYINSON.i Vaa Ness ay. and :';;Sntterst.-'-- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•'.-v r \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0.- .'\u25a0.;\u25a0•\u25a0.\u25a0,.\u25a0.\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. WANTED-^Glrl " experienced la etatloaery I store \u25a0 or store " work; references required. , SlB Van j\ Ness av."A".^;>;-r: >:"..;••.; ;: . v-v .-..:<\u25a0 .r,.: \u25a0\u25a0, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'„\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0 BKlRT' and Jacket alteration 'hands; good pay to first class, hands/ GOLDMAN, 1696 Flllmore. "-JH" -JHU \u25a0\u25a0r,<;-~ : > "\u25a0 \u25a0-'. : " \u25a0' M rs.~ CANER. yr'-f •\u25a0•\u25a0-. ..\.v. \u25a0 \u25a0 Dressmaking School ; aad ; Millinery. 311 . Church. GIRLS : wanted ' for factory ; work. : Apply W. A. yPLUMMEB," Ist r and r Franklin '; sts., Oakland. WANTED-=A good, reliable lady for office work; .state salary expected. -.'Address box 480. OalL EXPERIENCED . candy . elrla ; wanted at RONCO- / .VIEBI'S. \u25a0 1331 Flllmoi\ st ; steady position. ;>; > WANTED — 100 ladles to have hats trimmed. - 85c - up. 1 1211 Valencia sty MRS. A. C. RINE3. . COOK -. wanted ; ; lady ' preferred. . \u25a0; 208 " Ota st '.-\u25a0.\u25a0 WANTED— First-class » eoat~ waist snd .<\u25a0 sleeve .? r hands . and . errand ; gtrl.~s. 1200 ; Geary st. \u25a0 LADIES' ' tailoring j and I dressmaking, jj 63 j Portola ft at.';" ; off >Waller. bet. 1 Steiner and "Pierce*. , ct " EXPERIENCED dry goods salesladies. ."Apply .;. to W. THIRDt»t:3ON, J »3o.ValencU gt-^ ;f *\u25a0: STENOGRAPHERjimust be experienced. - Union U Gas Engine Co.,^ East: Oakland."/: \u25a0 COOK for smsll lunch. '" 10W Btt> st.".; . AN « experienced ::\u25a0 nurse '\u25a0-) for f Infant; '- refereaces. '.I Apply: 23lo Sacramento st^r v ? -:*:- J -;-. i». .WANTED— A %\u25a0 downstairs - girl ; f< mnst *be •? food •y^eoofc-.':- 251 9 1 Pacific av.r; ;. .: \u25a0-.. ..' . . v , . : . , ' RELIABLE '\u25a0 woman "to care ! forl invalid \ aad do ;« light -housework.-- 521 Ivy;aT." t y,' -,-:--\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0"\u25a0; \u25a0>•-;:\u25a0- GIRL or I woman . for ' housework : ta smaU family. . \u25a0~»- 1837 St Buchanan i- at .\u25a0.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 :.-:>v \u25a0\u25a0> 'y- >ij-"?i.\ \u25a0 : v?-»- - ; GOOD - Ulloresa wanted. "-. K.f SCHIMMKL. 1458 j; Franklin ;stv; "<;;,:- \u25a0 \u25a0", '.>/-..:;>:../.': ;\u25a0 SKlRT; finishers; also waist helpers, -v 1910 Brod- . --,\u25a0;.. r . - j HELP WANTED— Female— Contianed ; WANTED-^-Higb grade employes for bookkeeping \u25a0\u25a0- and office t work.- - Apply to * Superintendent . NATHAN-DOHRMANN t CO., 1520-1550 Van j ; Ness ay..; «..-> •",*\u25a0. TV A IST . and akirt helpers wanted at 1426 La- .. ; guna st \ . . . \u25a0• . \u25a0 '.. \u0084- \u25a0.\u25a0;\u25a0, . - ASSISTANT ia office Ia Mission. Box 2548, Call ; i office. :-" " ."'>.-. WANTED— Lady solicitor. 11 East st; good *\u25a0 pay; -\u25a0>\u25a0 ": : -.... -....--\u25a0 \\ V BARBERS AXD SUPPLIES JUST' ARRIVED— LittIe giant; most wonderfnl . massage machine, vibrator and head dryer on .the 'market; also carry most complete stock .barber furniture and supplies. -'Pacific Barber Supply. Co.. 508 Van Ncsa ay*. - SUNSET barber shops— 2 barbers for Saturday. $S and percentage, l«th and Mlssloa sts.: 1 barber Satnrday and Sunday. $S and percent- age. 715 Turk st corner Van Ncsa ay. FOR ssle-r-Birber shop, doing good business; guaranteed: 2 best msile chairs: only $S rent; bargain: account of sickness, 122 Browa «t, Napa. Cal.. opp. conrthousc. . . • -, WANTED — First class barber for country hotel shop; a good proposition for the right party. : Apply DECKELMAN BROS.. 972 7ta St. . Oakland. CaL - . : . $550 — 4 chair barber shoo, with 4 baths; nicely fitted up: well located: lease: mast sell at once. COLEMAN. 1237 McAlltatur «t • ELEGANT . location for a barber ahop right in the business - center of Van Ncsa ar. ; cheap lease. Address 1427 Bush st .. WANTED — 2 barbers for Saturday sad Sunday; hisrhest wages paid. Hotel West barber shop, 160 3d st .-..-\u25a0 , . BOOTBT-ACK for barber shop; $12.50 week. 60e over $16 week. 1777 Geary st. near FlKmore. j BARBER waared for Saturday. $8.80. 122 3d st" STEADY man: good position: tl9B Market at BARBER for Saturday and Sunday $8. and $4 for Satnrday. 1154 Folsom st corner Bth. BARBER shops of good merit bousht and sold at Colemaa's Exchange. 1237 McAllister st WANTED — Barber for Saturday aad Sunday; ( will pay best wages. 224S Fillmore at •-\u25a0•• , BARBER wanted: steady: $18 guarantee. 1403 Eddy st. between Webster and Fllhaore. BARBER Saturday and Bunday: $S and perceat- age. \u25a0 184 Church st. corner Markst. WANTED— Good barber for Satnrday aad Sna- day; wages $8. 258 Noe st i WANTED — Good barber, steady Job, good wages. Apply 1183 Montgomery ay. WANTED — Barber for Saturday and" Sunday. 7O4.Brannan et near Bth. '^tj GOOD barber, steady: $13 and SO per cent 1314 Castro- st near 24th. , BARBER Saturday and Sunday; $S aad percent- sge. 1661 O'Farrell st WANTED— Barber for Saturday and Sunday; wages $8.50. 21 Sth st^ • BARBER for Saturday and Sunday. 2357 Fo£ aom st. near 20th. \u25a0 GOOD barber wanted at 2330 Bryant st. near 24th; $20 a week. . WANTED— Good barber, steady Job. 103 East | st, near ferry. BARBER wanted; steady Job. 1182% 7th St. West Oakland. . - * . BARBER shop . for sale. - 2588 Bryant at near 24tb. WANTED— First-class lady barber: steady. At 113 4th at. - \u25a0 \u25a0 BARBER for Saturday and Suaday. 2052 24th . street : . * . HELP WAXTED— MaIe A— WANTED— BY 1 PROMTSENT BANS- INO HOUSE. REPRESENTATIVES TO FLACIS SHARES OP AS INDUSTRIAL * COMPANY WHICH OFFERS A GREATER OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTMENT THAN ANYTHTNO SINCB THE STOCK OF THB BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. IN WHICH AW ORIGINAL IN- VESTMENT OF 1100 HAS A VALUE NOW OF OVER $200,000: THB COMPANY OWNS THE ! MOST VALUABLE INVENTION OF TH3B AQB AND IS NOW HAVING THE GREATEST PUB- LICITY THROUGHOUT THB COLUMNS OF THE ENTIRE PRESS OF THB WORLD I THE STOCK 13 SELLING READILY AND MEN OF ABILITY CAN EASILY EARN FROM $100 TO $500 PER WEEK}' T.nrett«T f ARRANGE- MENTS WILL BE MADE WITH THOSB WHO ARE DESERVING; THIS IS A; BARB OPPOR- TUNITY TO BECOME roENnFTED.. WITH AN ENTERPRISE THAT WILL REFLECT BOTH CREDIT AND PROFIT TO ALL WHO ARE CONNECTED WITH IT{ THB COMPANY NOW IS AN ESTABLISHED OPERATING AND COM- MERCIAL SUCCESS. EARNING MONEY EV- ERY DAY AND EVERY HOUR, AND IS A GREATER MONOPOLY ; THAN THB BELL TELEPHONE. ADDRESS BOX 280 L. TAILORS' cutters; experienced mea; staady po- sitions and good salary. Apply at ence. S. N. WOOD & CO.. Fillmore sad Ellis. • WANTED — At once, men, inexperienced, tmdet 43, of fairly good build, to prepare for SPE- : CIAL examination for rr.irwfr^ aad LETTER : CARRIERS in the postal service ; good sala- ries; deserved promotions; many appointments- PERMANENT. See MR. OLIVEB TODAY, id tO p 6 L^g. v :72. starkat St. oppoaite CALL A—- BUSHELMEN . or ' tailors wanted; beat of wages j_steady position for good men. AnoXr . a J. HEESEMAN, 1107 Washington s*~ OakY ,-'laod,_.\: -. \u25a0 - ,--...- i '•\u25a0-«' \u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•-'\u25a0 ' ' - :- I \u25a0 - | FIREMEN and brakpmtu— California aad other railroads; ages 20 to 30; over 140 pounds and - B*4 feet; experience, unnecessary; firemen, $100 monthly, > become eagmeers sad earn $200; ; brakemen, ; $75, . become coaductors sad earn $150; name- position preferred. Railway Aaao- " ciatlon, j care San Francisco Oil. WANTED— Young mea to leara ' th*> crockery ;; business. 1 -Apply -to' aaDeriateadeat NA. ; THAN DOHRMANN 00., 1820-1650 Tan Ness avenue. \u25a0 '^S&SHjBSKsBSBf&aafIBS! 1.."'- r '\u25a0 '\u25a0 K FREE EMPLOYMENT BCREAC. If you want help of any. kind, mala) or \u25a0 fe- . male, telephone J. C >Westenbnrg. snpornitand- eat of the Whosoever Will Reacu*. Mission aad . New Merit Home Free • Employment Bureau, 3G6 Cth st. Telephone Oakland 8203. ALL . ROUND printer far foreman Ia I first I class country office: must be sober and able to take ; full charge' ofi office: if necessary; refereaces , required;, aiagle maa preferred:' power presses used: state wages for permanent Job.-; Address • M.W.; -Call office. San Franclscoi.. " _:.; :• ; - , A — BRIGHT, yoong > man,' ' quick : at : Inrurea \u25a0 and ! ' write*a^good :hand' for office work; zood chance for, advaacemeat , Apply gupt' a, office ' '\u25a0'- The Emporlnm. ;v ;*.\u25a0\u25a0". '.- . . . ! A— STRONG i boy. : about 20 years old. for stock , \i: room ; j good , chance for * advancement - Apply ' supt'e office. • Ta« Emporiums^ggxasSsSMbMeßß ' A— -RELIABLE- man t for porter - around \u25a0 store; must^have reference.V Apply supfs. \u25a0 office, i:- TheiEmporiaavr^ ,y: ; .t t - v^ \u0084 ; . t j. ] WANTED— An i experienced ,; cashier f or ' a first ' 'class restaurant; oae that speaks Oermaa pre- \u25a0', f erred ; > references. ; Call *at 1122 ; Buchaaaa !'i st." Saturday, between 1 11 - a._- m. - aad 13 •m, \u25a0•" .BRlGHT.', activ* boys.. 14 to 17: good opporto- : •;\u25a0 nity t to ; learn ' ; wholesale * hardwai« - bosiness; i v experience . not \u25a0 aeceesaiy. •\u25a0* - Pacific \u25a0: Bardwara : j and Steel Company. .Tta and Townaend sts. \u25a0- i WANTED— First class lc« cream maker, -"ene | understanding ; batter '\u25a0 making preferred. " ' Sta ta i - experieaee, glvln* refareaces. Box SOIL. CaU. 1 HELP WA.VTET>IMaJe— Contlnaed ? OFFICES OPEN TODAY \u25a0\u25a0. . - SUNDAY 8 TO 12 a MURRAY 4 R£ADY . r.eadhjg Employment and Labor Agents. • ' -Hfadquarters White Palace Hotel Bldg. 11TH and MARKET STS.. SAN FRANCISCO. _ PHONE SPECIAL 658 and 637. 7 Branca offices Cth and Franklin sta., Oakland. ,«-,«« PHONE 7361 OAKLAND. L..-129 S. Los Angeles st. Los Anzeles. 1 ««*• ' ''\u25a0 WANTED TODAY 9.657 men for all parts of Utah. Nevada, Ore- = »°B. Washington. Arizona. New Mexico and $100, $73. $60 and found. I LOOK HERE . a FUEE FARE I ' \u25a0 : ——OREGON :: — — r TO . BORDERS TO 25E GON OREGON OREGON FREE FARE FREB i 1 * b S?, r "- drlUe". teamstew. rockmen. roa- l chine drillers, whcelwrishts. blacksmiths, car- • penters. \u25a0 cooks, waiters, teamsters, etc Free) fare; ship tonight. ' \u25a0 : ' AGAIN FREE FARB SANTA BARBARA ' .„ SAN LUIS OBISPO DIST. • 120 miners, muckers, drillers, laborers mine* •and tunnels, company's own work. $87.30 to I $105. " - . FREE FARE. SHIP "TODAY AGAIN FREE FARE TO THE GREAT AND BEAUTIFUL «« ',*--. YOSE3IITE VALLEY r 100 crniers. trackmen, spikers. laborers, qnar- t rymea, etc.. $87.50 to $105. FREB FARE » • '"•""-• — xow TO— • .^ . ARIZONA --^-ARIZONA 200 laborers, governmeat work, on taa Colo- rado river aear Ynma. ' \.,»T,,, FREE FARB MERCED— FRESNO— BAKERSXIKLD DI3TS. FREB FARB ! OCEAN SHORE B. R. Laoortrs. teamsters, drillers, tanaelmea. FREE FARB _ \u25a0 WESTERN PACIFIC R. B. , \u25a0 Laborers, teamsters, drUlers. tunaetoen. _.__,_^ FREE FARB - BISKIYOU CO^-SHASTA CO.— R. R. WORK. -.»- " FREB FARE— MAYFIELD "*""»- I Ht?°*S r ?i. teamsters, new work. MURRAY A RBATJY. llth aad Market sta, . 3. F.. eta and FraakUa ata.. Oakland. ... , w FARMERS - fft x . HAYMAKZR3 , Iv haymakers, first Job this rear > 11 50 da* 1 and fi; 130 milkers: butur a^ehe^mtk*- . ers. all parts of California; $33 to $6©iadfs. " I^. Or * mea "* c h ««boye. dlty and eonatryT •^^rteS? «nche»; $25 to $3O^ad M. ' k fI^TT I^ 01112113 * ni TEAM3TER»-~ ' J^ for aU class of work/clt* aad - •SS'-bSS- 8 bOm - * 2 - 30 to » -X. l«0 to 850 teamsters, wagtm aad scraper work ta • ' $8O m^ta? aatl7 - ViM ." $3 - W ***' W " n* * k, STABLE HELP. ' neL'ef^SiS 11 **'" 1 " 11 *^ T washara, ha-. ' o?r^?S^ h *? d Mct'maehiae work. aU parts I w,^2^^k^d.ra7^m^ktrt°^ : 60 - jso^ 9°9 ° a% : >ck_^Vc^l nm ; TO THB . sUWMtxa.- woop »' ' . TABPa HTJMBOLDT CO. **«« \u25a0 Fm^i rare faml V fbeb FARE. 857 men for dlfltereat eompaares for mtn% yards aad woods; all classes rf help waated. Be. as about It Ship today— FEES FAJUfc rSF**?*** — WMBER N CO. —FREB FASX ***"\u25a0 \u25a0"• tOTML SAWMILLS. 68 men for 3 fiiSeraat <v>Tnpaai*s\. $35 t» $0B COME HOMB— COMB HOM9 TO SLEEP _ _ Includlnz Batiu H ?^* £?? ' ToM to •*«* ""^ \u25a0*«*•*\u25a0 o a. m. and S a. m. \u25a0 Electric lights la every room. Rcadbu room aU nsagazlaea, etcT^ Lew your call; pa caa't oversleep- bellboy calls NOW THEIf tuolumnb rSSSSg T^oxxnna, WOOD PLANINO MILLS YARDS M mea for mills aad yards; board at hotel la town. $67.00. 8 handy mea to run ears. ; 10 young mea for box factory; $60 25 laborers for roads ta woods; $4> found. WW J BWB W Tour far. oa this Job aad aalp yosj Remember. Tuolmano Conaty. Fare> naid. OTHER LUMBER HZLP^ .^T Circular aawer. Nevada county: $120 found 2 edgenaea. augar piae. Mountain mJU. $10 t± Edgenaan. another mill; $Dl.Brt. , « timber fallers. $60 to $75 fd.; free fare ; i • 10 men to build roads ia woods. San Matao i^SSi far * sOc - '^ "<» founovr . , MURRAY 4 READY, llth and Market sts. 8a n Fraacisco. . \u25a0 Sta snd Frankla Bts.. -Oakland. ' '«*„ v MECHANICAL. HEtP. Steam sbovel engineer. $130. free fare; steam shovel craaesmaa. $90; S macblalats. factory. paid, S103: blacksmith, country sawmill, to 2££ » 548m1"i5 48ml "i J"* woodworker, country sAop. $3 day and found; tool eaarpeaer. rait •.i. o *™.^*' 5 ao<l rora <»: 1 camp black- smiths. $3.30 to $4 day; 18 blaekstalths, shops, mines, sawmills; other Jobs, good wa?-*s ; jj> biacksmlta helpers; 3 boiler makexs: I boner makers helpers: d machinist helpers, city lob* CARPENTERS W *^ « carpenters, city Job; $3 day. 18 carpenters, country Jobs; good wage*. 8 haraesa makers: « cabinet makers. *_, , TINSMITH ?Jr*S tth> raeterT « \u25a0*«* by. steady Job, $4 day. 10 ship carpenters, $3 to $S day 5 boat banders, $3 day. < Boat repairer, company, $60 tomd. 8 millwrights. 2 monldcrs. 3 eemeat flafshers. cooper to make lime barrels. . UOT> HOTEL CARPENTER. Carpenter for country hotel, see boss here. $39 and found; S roua-h patntera. ___^ ENGINEER. mgtneer. ma evaporater machtao. $80. . MURRAY * READY OTHERS. -, MISCELLANEOUS. Bar teader. cooatry clnb. $73 to $80; eeadlf man. see boas hero. $35 fd,: 2 handy mea - around maehiaea. HOE AND RAKE IN VINETABD. la • mea to .hoe and rake In vineyard, plaat vine*, no experience needed, you'll do. $32.30 and found. ' \u25a0 RETAIL LUMBER YARDS. . 23 men to work ta retail lumber yards, naa* city. $2. CO day. Book keeper, city,- $60 op: cement miller, brick setters, brick, burners, brick wheelers. >FOREMEN. 4 tunnel foremen. J4 totJ day; rock tonomm. W. P. B. R.. $90; foreman for woods. LOOK— TELL EVERYBODY. 800 FIRST CLASS ROOMS. WHITE PALACE HOTEL. NEVER CLOSED. , SOc. 75c snd $1 day. iacludina; betas. . 250 ROOMS FOB MECHANICS~BTC, $2.8* PER WEEK. INCLUDING BATHS. «•"*\u25a0 WHITB PALACE HOTEL. , ELEVENTH AND MARKET STS. , HOTEL DEPARTMENT. J ' ETC E7B cooks. . waiters. \u25a0 dlsa washers. -. kitcaea hands, porters, bell bays, hall boys, eirvatot boya. butchers, bakers, city aad country Job*. wages $30 to $125 aad found. - Camp cook, 2& men. - fare 60c. $30 and found: T camp waiters, city aad cunatrr. $30 to $40 . and found; 6 farmers aad wfves; cook aad wife, hotel. OOe fare.- $75; waiter aad wlf*. tea . and found; thousand* of other positions tPS> numerous to mentioo. GET OCR DAILY LTST. FREE. MURRAY A READY, llth and Market sts* \u25a0 . White Palae* Hotel Building:. 3. F. Bth aad Franklin sts.. Oakland. » * . WANTED — Younij maa, aboat IS years c€ af»i must he quirk aad accurate .at tgnres) sad write ' legible baud; state - experience and . salary waated. Box 2013. CaE of2ce. ARCmTgeTURAI. eagtaeer or dr*ftsm±a tSor- \u25a0 ocshly \u25a0 famtllar wlta bnlldbK coastraetiosv . Address B. A W. E^i?ine«ring Company. 334 California st. Saa Francisco. '.- ANY : latelllgent person may eara a good t> i come ' eorrespoadiaa; for aewspapers; expert* - . ence unnecessary. Send for partjculars. Press) Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. WANTED— Stock boys! between 14 - *mi M years of age. • \u25a0 Apply superintendent's ofOeev * between 0- and 11, HALS BROS.. lac.. 6ta \u25a0 sad Market. sts. , . > . WANTED— FIoor manager, experienced ta drj goods tine. Apply Supt's office \u25a0 between v • and 11, HALE BROS.. INC.. «ta aad Mar* k«t sta. .- * . . .. -.:. • o , >- - WANTED— FIoor Bxaaager : on* axperteDCTd :Ba : "dry goods line. Apply Sapt's efncej batwei - 9 and 11. HALE BROS.. Inc.. Bta aad Market. nmtNTORS— Patents obtained In aU cooatrte*; \u25a0 attorneys ia Washingtoa. etc Soaatag's Pafr- " "eat Agency. -1122 Market st. eppoelt* 7ta. MEN and women to leara the barber tnde>t jo« urn bom t: to $» i»f *wS wUll* l«*nilagi ' *. catalogue free. : Motors* Collec*. S , Fell at. - i WANTED— 3OO mea 'ta occupy single - room* 1» T»e Glendale. 1015 Folaom St.. nr. «th; 23« •. and 33c per night; tUt) ud $2 a week. -. : ROOMS— IOO to rent. : 55c. «8c alght, tectaaW * baths.' 050 Jessie it, •£ UK back poatoOMll 57