Newspaper Page Text
58 HELP \TJ^TE^D~M^«^-Contlaioe<r WANTED — A thoroughly capable man to tak« chaise of a wrapping desk (or large retail store; must be a competent packer ana able to manage and Instruct assistants; good sal- ary and steady position; stats age, experience sod where last employed; applications treated confidentially. Box 2023, Call office. WANTED — Salesman to. carry ©or large cata- logue of wood window display fixtoresr^stor* stools, show cases, etc.; our wood display fix- tures are something new and great sellers; liberal commission to reliable parties. Colum- bus Furniture and Fixture Co., Columbus, Ga. MEN and bore wanted to learn plumbing, brick- laying, plastering and . electrical trades; posi- tions secured; free catalogue; day aod night classes: visitors welcome. Coyne Trade School*. 6th and Tehama sts.. S. F.. and New York. WANTED— SO lumbermen, •ereral mechanical and farm laborers, for co-operative company In South America, where they can earn $7 a day: send 10 cents for book of explanation, or call at 546 Castro ft. EXPERIENCED male stenographer ta work with a well established real estate firm at Klamath Falls. Oregon. Good opportunity for the right party; references required. Box 1091. Call office, Oakland. I MADE $50,000 In fire years In the mall order business; began with $3. Any one can do the work at homes In spare time. Send for free booklet. Tells how to get started. MANAGER, Box 570, Lockport. N. T. I WANTED. Salesman — Can you sell Berkeley lots. Including street work, at $5.00 per month? If so, here's quick. We money for you. Hol- romb Realty Co., wholesale dealers, 306 San Pablo ay., Oakland. \u25a0_ | WANTED— Descriptive writers for short stories and articles concerning Western life. Western places and home topics. Pacific Pnblishlng Syndicate. 915 Van Ness are.. San Francisco. WANTED — Cash boys, 14 to 16 years of age; must bring age and schooling certificates. Apply Superintendent's office, between 9 and 11. HALE BEOS.. Inc.. 6th and Market its. BRIGHT, energetic young man. 18 to 21 years, as office assistant and collector: must under- stand shorthand and typewriting; state age and experience. Box 2100. Call. WANTED— Young men under 35 to prepare for the railway mall service: Information free. Central Correspondence College, 603 Pythian bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED — 1.000 men & women fto borrow money. Pac. Loan & Jewelry Co., 1677 O'Farrell nr.Flll- more. Money loaned on everything. Open 10p.m. OFFICE boy wanted by large Insurance office: must write good hand, be well educated and connected. Address P. O. box 335. Oakland. FIRST CLASS cutter wanted; permanent posi- tion; good salary. Apply S. N. WOOD & CO.. 11th and Washington els.. Oakland. WANTED — Pressers on men's clothing and ladles' garments. Apply at once. S. N. WOOD & CO.. Flllmore and Ellis sts. WANTED — Experienced entry clerk In whole- sale furnlshinr goods bouse; state age and references. Box 2020, Call office. WANTED — Candy maker for San Francisco re- Fort; wages $3 ppr day. Apply I*. Demartinl Supply Co.. 724 Montgomery st WANTED — Blacksmith belpers, finishers, floor- men and carrlape painters. Nugent-Covey Wagon Co.. 343-349 Valencia st. COMPETENT, experienced book keeper for coun- try: salary $S5. Call THE WHITAKEB & RAY COMPANY. 141 Grove 6t WANTED — Man and wife to take charge of . hotel at sprlnrs resort, near Sonoma; refer- ences. Box 2003. Call office. WANTED — Experienced porters In wholesale fur- nishing coodK house: state age and refer- ences. Box 2021, Call office. WANTED — Good commercial photographer for elide making and other inside work. Address box 04.1. Call. FHlmore st. WANTED — Bushel men: good wages and steady positions. Apply at once. S. N. WOOD St CO.. Flllmore and Ellis sts. WANTED — <sood commercial photographer tor slide making and other Inside work. Address box 945. Call, Flllmore st. WANTED — Experienced dry goods wrapper. Ap- ply Sept.. between 9 and 11, HALE BROS., Inc.. 6th and Market sts. WANTED — Teamsters to drive scraper teams. Take Mission st. cars to Colma. Ransome Construction Co. WANTED — First class coat maker. LINDNER BROS., 1537 Bush st. eear Van Ness ay., rooms 221-23. BUTLER with references for good place In country. $30. MISS PLCNKETT, 1592 Sutter nr. Webster. , j BI'SHELMAN wanted Immediately: steady Job. HENRY LYONS & SONS. 1322 Van Ness above Sutter. 6A IXiORS and creen bands for Australia, New York and China. Humboldt House, - 215 Broadway. WANTED— 9OO men to fill beds at 15c per night at the Phoenix, 82S Howard St., between 4th and Bth. 1000 MEN to use Dr. Peter*' Vltaliier (Knrtko). j FORNIS. ALPEN. ERAUTER, 16th and Do- lores sts. BOY wanted — A fine opportunity for a bright boy. Apply auditor's office, 1299 Gough st, Monday. A — Errand boy, to work after school and Sat- nrday. Apply supt'S". office. The Emporium. TWO first class coat makers and • bnshelman wanted. 3. D. HAHN. 1215 Broadway. Oakland. WANTED — Ladles and gentlemen to rent rooms at 3377 26th St.. near Mission; 51.75-53.50 wk. WANTED — Men to brine their hats: we clean and remodel them. LOCIS. 1292 Golden Gate. 1 LABOR debts collected anywhere; suits and at- tachments. Knox, 2352 Pine St., near Flllmore, | WANTED— Men to sleep In the California HonseT 25c per room. Natcrna St.. nr. 4th and Mission. HA RICE KAVALICHICK— TfiUortnp. dyeing, pressing. Tel. Page 613. 1243 McAllister st. WANTED — Several men to try our made-to-order $4.50 trousers. 1503 Market. Palace HoteL . ' FIRST-CLASS eoatmnkers to work in shop. Z. H. HARRIS. 912 Market St.. opposite sth. SAILORS and ordinaries for all parts of world, at Herman's Shipping Agency. 45 Steoart st. ; j VEST MAKER wanted. Apply fit CHARLES LYONS'. London Tailor. 1*32 Flllmore st. TRorSEB MAKER wanted. Apply at CHARLES LYONS'. London TaiJor. 1432 Flllmore st. COAT MAKER wsnted. Apply at CHARLES LYONS'. London Tailor. 1432 Flllmore «t ONLY place for KAHN'S genuine chill con earns and Lot tamales. 1042 Golden Gate are. ERRAND boy for wholesale house. ROBINSON BROS.. Aronson bldg. 3d and Mission sts. METAL graver wanted. Apply W. A. PLCM- MER. Ist and Franklin cts.. Oakland. CaL WANTED — Cactoff cloth Ins: we pay highest price. Red Front Misfit Parlor. 19 Bth st. WANTED— IO bushelmen. Apply The Hub, 1745 FilJmore st.. King Solomon's hall. WANTED — A blue print paper coater; state ex- perience and salary. Call. Los Angeles, CaL BOYS for general work in wholesale business; wages $30. Box 2006. Call office. . COO PAIR second-band Mines. 75e up. 1282 Golden Gate aye.. near Flllmore st. - PANTS-MAKERS to take work out. Z. H. HAR^ \u25a0 BIS. 912 Market St.. opposite Oth. ,6HIPSMTTH wanted. 1015 Battery.' _^ WANTED — 500 men to e*t our celebrated 16c meal. 14 11th st. White Palace. FCBMSHING goods man. ALFRED LILIEN- FELD CO.. 1365 Flllmore st. WANTED— Man to help In grocery and saloon. Corner 15th st. and Potrero ay. BOY wanted for errands. EDW. KNOWLES CO., 214 Hyde st. near Turk. <• . NEAT errand" boy; wages to start. Gllssman Press, Inc., 138 Stelner st. \u25a0.-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 WANTED — 100 men to eat at the Boston Coffee House: Turk near Flllmore. MAN to wash dishes in a small restaurant. 610 Stanyan st. near Ralph t. ' * CARRIAGE painters wanted. 1414 Pine st. be- .tween Polk and Larkia. WANTED — A good restaurant dlshwaabor; " male. 1217 Pevlsadero st \u25a0 • \u25a0\u25a0-. WANTED — 50 men — Panama hats cleaned. 1261 Golden Gate aye. HOT bathe, 20c. 3 ISO 16th st, between Guer- rero and Valencia. - WANTED — JOHN HEMMING A'- to return -to work at'SnnoL \u25a0 \u25a0 . BOY - wanted, about 15 or '16 years old. 40 East »t ; . reference. •..-./ •.' •\u25a0: -"\u25a0-;:. EXPERIENCED beer drawer. 32 East st bet. Market and Mission. a \u25a0 •-> -. C PORTER for saloon. 32 East st between Mar- * ket and » Mission. . ' , PORTER wanted. Apply 2500 Mission •st cor- ner gist; city."- "\u25a0 \u25a0 WANTED— xoon* man to work \u25a0\u25a0 In a grocery. 467 3d ct ' -' '•""--\u25a0' ' ; : \u25a0--•' WANTED— Loach cook. Comer Howard and Spear sts...- .. .." '\u25a0 "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• '\u25a0' ' "- FIRST class trousers makers. S3MT np,;-1783 Geary st CHEAPEST and beet In America, The W«cklx Call, f 1 per year. AGENTS WANTBP WANTED — Good, lire agent -In San-Francisco \u25a0 and surrounding territory for a~ fine \u25a0> line cf calendars, leather poods and advertlelns: novel- ties: fine opportunity to right man. Write J. Earl Rogers Co., box 460, New Orleans, La. AGENTS can make $10 per day selling our "Mendartp"; it sews. It rivets. THOS. FOOTS CO., Los Angeles. CaL 20TH - century douche for ' ladies.' ' $3: agents wanted. Kirk wood Rubber Co., 211 Elm are. PICTURE a cent wanted; pood proposition. Amer- ican Artist. 1230 Flllmore st v — --> SALESMEN WANTED ' \J-'C/ TO one of my salesmen who is covering only one State, using my proposition as a side line, for sir years I am paying over $3000 a year; men putting in their whole time can earn $300 to $600 per month; I want local and traveling men to handle my unique - plan, which means en immediate end permanent Income . to a bustler; you don't need previous experience In my line; you make no. cash Investment; . yon must be a hustler (This Is no book, > insurance or one-sale scheme; It Is a new way to Inter- est well-rated merchants In a staple \u25a0 line -of unlimited ' consumption). Simply write me what you have done . and 1 : will Immediately plve yon fall Information if you are the man I want. J. P. T., 408 Equitable Building, St Louis. SALESMEN — High-class, for new accounting system for merchants, banks and professionals; sells on 30 days' trial; proposition irresist- ible; good commission; the . opportunity of a . lifetime. Address Systems Manager, •M. B. Company, 123 Plymouth Place. Chicago. ._' WANTED— A high class specialty salesman of experience for California who can command at least $3000 per year above expenses; per- manent position to right man. J. A. KID- WELL. Mgr.. sales dept. Cleveland. O. LARGE wholesale house, paying its salesman $1,600 per year and expenses to sell staple linn to general trade, desires 2 more men . to com- mence work at once If possible. Address SAWYER. LESLIE & CO.. Detroit, Mich. LARGE wholesale bouse, paying its salesmen $1500 per year and expenses to sell staple line to general trade, desires 2 more men to com- mence work at once If possible. Address Sawyer. Leslie A Co.. Detroit, Mich. CAN YOU SELL TREES T If so. we want you to represent as the coming ' season; we : have one of the largest stocks on the coast; expense money advanced; outfit furnished free. Albany Nurseries. Albany. Oregon.' . SALESMEN for large Kentucky distillery sell- lng bonded whisky direct - to saloon and drag trade. Write for territory and samples. Lock box 493. Louisville. Ky. SALESMEN* desiring quick selling side line to general stores evexeywhere: samples light; commission 20 per cent M. & T. Co., 25 Sd ay. t New Xork~ - .' SALESMEN — A few reliable men to sell a beau- tiful line •of stationery to all Classen of re- i t allcrs: commission basis. Box 417, lowa City. la. - . . -. EXPERIENCED salesman to handle dry goods, gents' furnishing poods, etc.; for country. Call THE WHITAKERv & RAY COMPANY, 141 Grove 6t AGENTS and street men get In line; something new; Teddy and his bears; very hot seller; sample 10c. Green & Co.. 12 State st.. Chicago. HORSES, HARNESS AND WAGONS SPAN of bays, young and sound, $450; span of blacks, 5. years old, weighing 2900 pounds, $009; span of mares, young and right. $450; ppan of dapple grqvs, 6 years old, $650; span of dapple grays, weighing 3500 pounds, 6 years old, $725; epan of heavy truck horses, weighing 3500 pounds, 15 years old, _ $750; many other cheap horses too numerous to mention. If you are looking for horses, call at the Horse and Mule Market: everything cold under guarantee. 346-48 Twelfth st AT 665 4th st, Oakland — One big team for sand wagon; 20 bead of all purpose horses; 1 light 2 horse express wagon; 2 delivery wagons; 3 ball bearing rubber tire buggies: 1 dump wagon; 1 sand wagon; also big auction sale Wednesday. April 24, at 11 a. m. JOSEPH MEDEIROS. . \u25a0 SPLENDID 5 year old horse, sli-fed by Nutwood Wllkes, eound, gentle and free, open trotter; Bailey bngiry; band sewed Moffit leather har- ness, rubber tired surrey. Apply at Lapham stable*. 1309 Pearl st, cor. EndnaL Alameda. A SOUND bay team, 1126 lbs., full sister and brother; 6 pound gentle delivery horses. Del- monte stable, cor. Mission st. and China ay. FINE black mare (weight 1500 lbs.): one home goose neck truck; good harness. Can be seen at Ben Hnr stables, 1649 Pacific ay. HANSEN HARNESS CO., 1273 Folsom St.— For new and second-hand harness, collars and blan- ket*, etc., phone Market 2771. BARGAIN; business or delivery buggy, fine con- dition. LEIPSIC BROS., 1421 Buchanan, near O'Farrell. : FOR the best city made wagon, delivery and express wagon, call at KLEIBER'S. 1504-6 Folsom »t 20 HEAD of draught horses for sale. Oregon \u25a0 Horse Market, SE. cor. Hayes and Franklin. NEW and 2d-hand baggies sold: repairing ' and rubber tires. KENNEY MFG. CO., 531 Valencia LASTUFKA BROS., hleh-ernde harness, saddles. Write for catalog. 1659 Market Tel. Mkt -2976. ALL kinds of butcher wagons and grocery wagons at KLEIBER'S, 1504-6 Folsom . st :, Cal. Saddlery Co. — High-grade harness, pipe col- lars to order. 519 Gongh. TeL Market 2690. J. O'KANE CO. for harness, robes, blankets and whips. 628 Golden Gate aye. ; dog collars. SCHAUBEL & HANSEN— Light heavy harness, collars, robes, blankets, whips; 484 Bth st ;\u25a0 CRACKER wagon for sale. Inquire at C. Lea* non's stable. Bosh st., near Dertsadero. SPONGES — Headquarters for Sr*>nsres and cha- mols. 2115 Pine st S. . ADDERLEY. 5 TEAR old boroe and one at 9 can be seen Sunday at 3 Cook st off Point Lobos ay. 30 CITT bcslne-SB hugrles for sale cheap at KLEIBER'S, 1504-C Folsom st I WANT to sell a fine road buggy. FRANK P. BARBEE, 1651 Fillmore st GOOD express wagon for sale; $75. 1351 Ellis ' street. v . STORAGE. AND MOVING VANS BEKINS VAN AND . STORAGE COMPANY. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. 13th and Mission sts. Tel. Market 13. BEFORE moving call on , the Reliable Express Co. ; furniture moved, packed and shipped ! to any part of the dry or country. Stand corner Satter and Flllmore sts. : residence northeast corner Point Lobos ' and Blake, formerly cf Sutter and Montgomery." "-• EUREKA TRANSFER CO.— Baggace and freleht moved; storage at low rates; office IR2 Fulton st: Dhone Market 2758. F. HESS, J. S.ED- j WARDS.' WILSON BROS. CO.. Inc. — Moving and etorasre. Cor. 14th and Sanchez sts:. 1 block from Mar- ket i and ' Flllmore - st. cars: phone Park 271. ANDERSON Transfer and : Storage ' Co. (Ironclad warehouse). 645 Turk; telephone Franklin 213. PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Movlne Com- pitnr. 2320 Fillmore *t Phone Vwt 2C2S. >\u25a0-\u25a0 CARPET CLEANING ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with- out removal by * the S. F* Compressed \u25a0 - Air Cleaning Co. '-' Office -, and shop, • 15th *st : and San Brnno aye.; phone Market 2672. \u0084.>,; ALL ready for business — Pioneer Carpet Cleaning Works; temporary offlce.'P-ll Golden Gate aye.; phone Park 591. J. SPAULDING-& CO. : . MULLIGAN BROS. — Cleaning, • laying and > reno- vating. \u25a0 . Office 3020 Pine; phone West 5134. A. W. WELDEN CO. — Cleaning - and \u25a0 laying; office and works, 2400 Geary. \u25a0- Phone. West 93. Watts— Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations: ren- orating. laying. 587 \u25a0 Waller st" Phone Park 569. MITCHELL'S old-estab. , carpet-beating ; works; 5689 18th St.. cor. Dolores. Phone Market 1402. CARPETS cleaned, 4c yd.; laid. se. GISSLOWS. C. C. CO.. 3808 22d st Phone Market- 2259. CONKLIN BROS.' '\u25a0 Carpet : Cleaning Works. • 1319 Scott st. near O'FarrelL Phone .West 5601.x ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.— Advanced meth- ods. GEORGE : WALCOM CO.. * «37 i Tnrk «t.' .'_' :^" DYE^AND CLEANING; j-": 'J-V-> SEND your dry cleaning to the Presidio Het«hts Dye Works and be forever satisfied. ; Call West 453 fw wagons/ Office 3931-3933 Sacramento t.t. G. WEIDEMANX'S, dyeing and ; cleaning a spe- clalty. 339 Bth -»t. 'Tel:" Market 530«.V \u25a0\u25a0• :-t \u25a0\u25a0'- FmEPROOP FLOORING 1 Asbestolltn, - : handsome, ' durable, > noiseless,- non- fllppery. stain proof. \u25a0 A. Willkomm.' Midway bid. \u25a0-. ; : . vy:V GAS^ FI^T^ ES ::^ r: ':;\u25a0--\u25a0'-': BIG LINE. SMALL PRICE. THE SUN3ET, FIX- TURE CO.. 149 TURK ST. v • \u25a0-'--\u25a0" \u25a0 \u0084;' ;; '/\ '\ \u25a0\u25a0' GRADING - ;"\u25a0_:\u25a0;>';.\u25a0";\u25a0 y '7^ .'... ','^ \u25a0•;: , . DANIEL' O'DAY.f : - , GRADING. BOCK,- GKAVEL. SAXD, ; TEAMING. TEL."; FELL L6016.\iL 6016. \i 14TH • AND' BELCHER -STS.' •\u25a0 . \u25a0..:-'\u25a0 : .: y .' GUNSMITHS i.^ : :• r ,":C W. /H. { PRICE, 15 years " with * Clabrough . & , Golcher." gun \u25a0 stocks a • specialty.".' 9 > East i st. opp." Tlbnron ferry.' •; - ; \u25a0 \u25a0 hland-palinted7 china: ; -\u25a0'\u25a0-;, Don's Ceramic ; Supply Storei' 759-761 \ McAllister; largest' on Pacific ! Coast; \u25a0: devoted ? exclusively to white china, supplies ; , direct : importers. - '.. V Me Mnl^M^ . FURNITURE : FOR: SALE , . . " FURNITURE i FOR i SALE: V - : A ! well: furnished- flat lof >7: rooms; vicinity .of • Hyde and Washington . sts : ,' $S5O. ,> D..; W. . OABMICHAEL CO.. - 1664 O'Farrell Bt. .- --. SPECIAL SATE LINOLEUM. 45c; INLAID. 95c per yard; MATTING and RUGS. Fillmore Fujv nltnre House. 2115 Flllmore. near California. v FISHER 4b BERNSTEIN CO.; new," second-hand . furniture, stoves, : ranges; „ goods ; bought-: sold, 'X exchanged. : . 3312-5316 Mission st; \ near 29th. \u25a0 OAK saloon tables and hardwood restaurant ta- bles for Immediate delivery. 2169 ,- Folsom st. WINDOW shades 35c up; furniture, carpets, rugs, -\u25a0\u25a0:- llnolenm; lowest prices.' TOWEY. 257 Church. J. H. WILEY, 659-661-663 14th * St., near , Market and Church — Furniture, ' good and cheap. ; ...- .>' FURNITURE, beddln*: all new : ' low prices. : Cor- • ncr 11th and Franklin sts.,' Oakland. :. -. _•.'.*\u25a0" IN fitting a house, see me; 25 ' per cent off. L. ISAACSON. 1435 .WebsterJst. ' .-si \u25a0\u25a0* ,";. ' * $13 for folding bed that cost $28; good as new. • 972 ' Hayes \u25a0st near Flllmore. - - ~- " \u25a0 .- _ OAKLAyp';' FURNITURE FOR: SALE SPECIAL— day ' for bargains •in : furnltnre.* : H.* SCHELLHAAS. 11th st. corner store. Oakland. FURNITURE WANTED .; DO not sacrifice your furniture,' etc., until you ' get our estimate on same. , 725 McAllister st, phone ", Market 5427. : * \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,-.' :: .'.-- : . ! > ..'... -//.:; E. F. DONAHUE & C0.,r620 McAllister : st, pays : highest " price for \u25a0 furniture,'-' carpets, etc. Phone Market. 4934. \u25a0 ; ," ;. y : • HIGHEST PRICE • FOR SECONDHAND FCR- vSITPRB. BARNETT'S. 1002 G. G. »ye. JEWELERS F. L. COOK-^Jewelry, J clocks, - silverware,*: sta- tionery and notions ; formerly: of 1712 Market Pt., . nov permanently ' located r at 839 Golden Gate aye.. opposite Jefferson Square.. .\u25a0';:\u25a0:. BTETNMAN, Jeweler. ' 524 Valencia, cor. iflth; repairing and society emblems; mfg. a specialty. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 .'-\u25a0 LOST :^NI> \ FOUND ;'';'. '^.':\ LOST— A pasnbook ' with the ' Hibernla Savings and Loan Society, of San i Francisco, In the name of . ELLEN M. RYAN, No. 246-1029. The finder will please return to bank.'. Unless same Is returned within five days a new book will be lssned to> the applicant ; ..-.-..*...-:.. ... LOST — A . passbook with -? the - Hibernla -; Savings \u25a0 and Loan Society >of - San - Francisco, in • the name - of CELIA - SIDLOWBKI.i No." - 288-855. The finder will . pleas* return 'to bank. Unless same Is returned within five. days a new. book will be Issued to the applicant LOST — A passbook with the , Hibernla . Savings and Loan society of San -Francisco .In 'the name of EMIL L. LGEBERG. No. 256-1074. The finder will please return to bank.- Unless same Is returned within . 5 days a new book will be Issued to the applicant ;. ' g DARK bay horse about 1200 pounds, branded ' H on left hip; small white - spot " on left side; heavy mane and tail? lost from Ransome Cos- Btrnetion Company's barn at; Colma the night of Friday, March 15, 1907," between the hours of 8 ' and 5. . . . : LOST— At Fairmont Hotel Tuesday night, Anrll ' 16. 1907, black overcoat ' velvet ' collars Bul- lock & Jones make, with? owner's name in ' pocket. Party finding -same please address . 3097 California at.,, or telephone West 3611. LOST— April IR, going from Octavia and Halght to Junction of Bth and Market, on a Castro Bt. car, a lady's gold filled watch, with letters M ED: -Waltham movement. ' Suitable \u0084 re- ward If returned to 22 Octavia st.'- / .;. ;.:;_ * ;-•: LOST — Lady's open face watch and I gold dragon - pin lost ; a - gift and highly prized : Waltham movement No. 13014855. cane number 157197. Return to Mrs. Lane. 783 Halght st , or 119 [ Stelner st Will pay reward.^,- ---':-\u25a0:--'•. i -* ' " . LOST — April 20 on the' San Mateo car, or leaving it at 16th and, Mission sts., -lady's chatelaine watch with letter M on \u25a0 ontnide ' ; of case. Liberal reward If returned to 3222 Mission st. LOST — On Key Route boat \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 conectlng . with 7 o'clock train from -Berkeley lady's- purse con- ' talnlng money. Return to Williams • & Carter company, 1537 Bush stand receive, reward. LOST— At Fairmont hotel, Tuesday night, a long black overcoat; Zwerln < & Son make: - owner's name In pocket; unltshle reward. Finder please address A. : L. . FRANCIS. 2628 Lacuna st : LOST — April 17. either In j the Forum . Cafe or between the ' latter • and' Taft I & Pennoyer*s, • Oakland, a- pair^of • wild : noHe irlasßes: re- ward. Address box.. 1085. Call, . Oakland. . LOST — A passbook with .The Hibernla savings . and loan society of San Francisco, iln the name of . JOHN E. BASSETT. No. 259-893.: The - finder will please return to bank. . \u25a0" , LOST — Thursday night at Paris , Tea j Garden ior on the iway. ' cold bracelet - set with 'small dla- \u25a0; mond; (reward. - WILL H. WORDEN, • 2220 Geary st : . V •: .;. '". ; \u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 '.\u25a0'-' '. . STOLEN — Blsck water spaniel dop: long ears; white spot in front: license on collar N0,' 1668. Return to 2982 25th st, ' save trouble. YOU can't make $50 more easily than *. to r . buy 1.000 shares Rosebud mining stock •at \u25a0 16c ' per '. share. Room 8, 1443 Flllmore' st *.;•\u25a0-..•"• LOST — Gold fob/ dragon design, with monoeram J. •H. G. Finder can Ket . liberal reward by : returning same to 101 Stelner st :.."-,- ' : LOST — Flllmore and .McAllister . sts.,\. gent's . pocket purse - containing - money; \ please * return 3355 Mission st;. reward.. .; .-.>"*•..\u25a0<\u25a0• LOST— A fob. : black ribbon, with blue locket. man's photo Inside; . return to 2714 : Howard \u25a0 st: 'liberal , reward. ;•-..-: '^.- \u25a0 \u25a0 m \"t- \u25a0 LOST — April 18, snake brooch,, set with " pearls, diamond in head;' keepsake. - Return 1514 EHlsßt.; reward. 1 \u0084 \u25a0 --.>\u25a0 :\u25a0.;•;\u25a0\u25a0 ,'\u25a0 .~. \u25a0 -y SMALL sunburst : p!n set ; with ' pearls : and ' dia- monds In center; \u25a0 liberal reward. .. Return 243 \u25a0 San Jose ay. --.•-' .\u25a0_\u25a0 - ;\u25a0-.;\u25a0;\u25a0.\u25a0.•:-.•\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 --' .--••.'\u25a0\u25a0' -V , $50 REWARD for ' diamond ; screw earring i lost \u25a0Satuf-JBT. Return MRS. E. CONOR, : 1635 -Fillmore st' ••'\u25a0\u25a0:.-: -' " r •.:•....." BUGGY * left at 3004 Mission : «t will be noTH unless called for in 5 days. GEORGE HALL. STRAYED — Bay horse from Ellis. and Broderick sts. : reward. 1509 Stelner st . LOST — A •\u25a0 Gordon : setter . dog. . Return to . 680 Greenwich at; reward. :\u25a0: \u25a0 - ; . . -.. . , '. LOST — Pearl pin, diamond • center. -- Return to 223 Spruce - st :» reward. >. v \u25a0' \u0084 . . LOST — Friday : , gold . scarf :. pin .with „ opal ; ' re- ward. . 113 . Duncan St. i;,. : . \u0084 CHEAPEST \u25a0 and 1 best Uj" America. "The Weekly Call. $1 per year. . / - - •"\u25a0'"""\u25a0..' .• \u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0 =.\u25a0 LADTTORIES; * * SUN . LING " . LEE-^-Lanndry open '* " for business this week at ,475 Tehama at- nr.. 6th. . NEW CITY LAUNDRY; good work. 1315 Eddy Bt: tel: West 2469.: :.. , ... :j,: j, \u25a0\u25a0'. - -. > "\u25a0\u25a0':• v,. MEDICAL/ 1 DR. SYLVESTER'S Office^ - : " ~~~~~~~ 817 23d st, nr.: Telegraph ave../ Oakland, :Cai; \u0084 ~. Leading Specialist for .Women; Ladies — If; you \u25a0 are suffering from \u25a0 any afl- ' ment peculiar < to \u25a0 your ; sex, : worried about yonr ' condition ? and > need help, - consult \ this | famous . specialist because. he is. truly the only regular- ly \u25a0 graduated \u25a0 physician - specialist r for,-, women' «dvertlaln(t," having '\u25a0'\u25a0 (19) >; years • of ' succes* — WITHOUT I ONE ! FAILURB— he . gives • relief— .', AT; ONCE— without \u25a0 drugs,": operation; or • need- less detention from yonr occupation; with orlg-' InaI— PAINLESB— HARSfLESS— methods ; with high , professional standing \u25a0 and qualifications reeoj-nleed \by the highest - medical * authority, .'.with offlce well appointed and strictly private, . he \u25a0 is ; the : SAFKST— AND '\u25a0> SUREST— man to consult when yon need help. Consultation \ and v advice ' absolutely, "free.' -•« Private - sanitarium . when : necessary. \u25a0 • Fees : moderate. \u25a0 > Hours, " 9 /a. m. ' to 9 p.m. Open • Sunday s. ' • Telephone Oakland 7POL ' \u25a0 ; DR. SYLVESTEn'S Offlce, > - 817 23d it;, nr. Telegraph aye.. Oakland.- Cal. v DR. G. W. O'DONNELL^-Ladies;? all "who *\u25a0 are . . sick or In trouble. ; consult • this specialist : on ' female .' complaints: •„ positively i corrected; '. the unfortunate helped: k the £ most ,: difficult j cases \u25a0\u25a0 < treated ; J every : case ' take* ; I Immediate s relief: no : poisoning drugs ;' low ; fee ;* my,; methods \u25a0 will care all cases of Irregularity; consult me; save time and money: advice \u25a0 free: - hours, 9 : a. - m \u25a0to 4.8:80 to 8:80. 1212 Turk 'at?>./- VALPEAU'B - female ' pills; \best : regulating ! pills sold; 'price. $2.50 by express. \ Pasteur's syringes : ."-. and \u25a0 tablets : , price < $5. %By > express ; only/ on re- ' 1 celpt of , price.?; OSGOOI"KBROTHERS.. r whoIe-" sale druggists, -*. 7th ; and : ; Broadway.*, Oakland. T: i - A— MRS. DR. ,W YETH. - reliable ladies\ speclal- ' . Ist for all tf- male Irregularities; Instant relief guaranteed ; 30 years 1 successful practice.! 1524 V .Webster st..' near Geary; open Sundays. >, ; MRS. DR. KOHL.:ladles'_speclallst;for.all:fe- \u25a0 \u25a0' male : irregularities; t instant * relief .gun ran teed. '\u25a0\u25a0'{: 1524 .Webster; st... near Geary; open- Sundaj-s. DR. i JAMES NEAL," 1438 Ellis st ,' nneat Webster."r t Webster. " '.: Specialist In women's diseases.:,; Hours, "9 a. ; m. to 9. p. m.;i Sundays,*! 9, to 2. vv 'S< ' ' '*::\u25a0;\u25a0 •\u25a0"\u25a0,.. DR.'C. G.*! O'Donnell,'' renowned female specialist.'- :.- 912 Devisadero,} beti McAllister: and G.'G.'Save.i DR.. and - MRS.-- DA VIES" j method \ of i treatment '• \u25a0 :i 824 i st , 'i between \ 19th i and,. 20th."<i-!^ DR.* ROSEN, 2905 Folsom ' st;- cor." 26th— Ladles ; :-; .' thousands . recommend : him ; ; relief or no r fee." jfiigt CHEAPEBTi and übest \ in r America,"" The Jyetr.'-,-'J yetr.'-,-' •';:,_ ;:-%-,<^~^"r} ;•: . -. : > MARBLE AND J MOSAIC 'WORKS ?gg : DESIGNERS ; and I contractors?^ Galassl Z Marble -.- and '\u25a0 Mosaic Co.-*^ TeL^ Fell ' 9246.-8 1121? Fell ; «t 1 .: A ModeJ riand I Jioveltyj Mannfacturer \u25a0 . s MECHANIC IAL". instraimentst^to^li^^bK^rou^ •\u25a0 work; gear cottlag. V.' SOLLMAJi; 575 Natoma. :, ;V '; MISCELLANEOUS FOR; SALE CASH registers— Do you need a sUent partner: In v : your ! business T*\u25a0 One that will • look after your Interests when yom are \u25a0 away T *' If . so, '. oair ai VV our ; offlce and let • us . show f you how^a - isa- ; tlonal",wlU accomplish thls;;over 500,000 -Mers - *.of our systems can testify. to this. Why not let Ks, National Cash ' Register relieve you of all the worry , and details T The National Cash Begu- . ter C 0... 1283 Golden Gate aye. - ---j- -; CASH registers:" the best "made ; is the Hallwood ; -this is the cash register the trust Is afraid or. .Why T ' Because It's a better one i than ' they make for one-third the price; we carry Nation- als, practically new; for $25,; $35, $50; easy monthly payments;, investigate." ' _ „ - >-- : PACIFIC COAST CASH REGISTER CO.; \u25a0 City. Hall aye. . . ". \u25a0 , SAFES— SECOND HAND— CHEAP. :. '\u25a0_\u25a0\u25a0 .; \u25a0-, Waltz, f-- Hall, Diebold, Plttsburg, any make; -size or style HALF PRICE. Cash or easy pay- ments. . Safes • bought sold and exchanuea. .- :• , GEORGE H.NLARRABEE. SAFE BROKER,^ 21 and 23- spear st. phone tern .' 3067. elegant; '-;---v,,. «...:. \u25a0;\u25a0-\u25a0 .... • 5-ft. enameled bath tub. 20x30 W. E. sink.- . 80-gallon boiler. . ' .Patent water closet" „„_ \u25a0Combination. $40.50. ' 1964 POST STREET. A PRIVATE SALE, of several . modern slightly FIRE; PROOF SAFES; suitable for Jew- eler or other purposes: bargains if secured at . once ; \u25a0 cash *or - time payments. WRITE TO- \u25a0 DAY. : box ' 2845. ; Call offlce. .:" ;•\u25a0' -..' ; \u25a0 PLUMBERS' soil pipe, fittings, lead boilers, met- -- als, • builders' wall . anchors, floor plates, . sash weights, -half price. NE. corner Fulton and Gough sts.; 1200 ft 6-in. stan. soil pipe, $1.50 a, length. , _ - . : \u25a0 .-.-_.-,-- ....\u25a0-\u25a0.'-'.: '. . STEAM boiler, 6 H.P.; steam pump; steam sepa- : rator; - splendid ifoK dairy purpose. Call \u25a0\ : quire at : MR, BEICHLIN'S homestead, near ' San I Mateo; or address P. P., . Man ; Mateo. - SAFE — Special made for attorney, bond or I In- surance offlce; - has metal filing . cases, drawers . numbered and lettered; also extra heavy bur- •;_-. glar proof chest, 702 Polk, cor. Eddy. . " - . HALLWOOD cash registers; total adders; $25 to ' $90; > also Nationals. CASH REGISTER . EX- CHANGE, 1183 ' Market st, s Central Theater -building.: :: -.- _\u25a0-•• \u25a0-,-\u25a0, : \u25a0*. , -^V^ *\u25a0\u25a0-\u0084•' .-.-\u25a0.- .'. '" '" 2 ' FINE yonng fresh ' Jersey and Durham - cows ; young \u25a0 calves; v great butter cows; $35 and $40 each. 300 \u25a0 Augusta St., off San - Bruno ay. INDEPENDENT Machine Co., 220 11th st; en- gineers and I contractors; machine works; light ' ' forging,- tool-maktng; lnmber trucks a specialty. BARS, cigar stands,' grocery and window display fixtures, etc., at short notice; showcases; desks. MEEK, 1161 Mission st, between 7th and Bth. RELIABLE] Woodworking Company, 219-221 Bth st.— Store and offlce fixtures; call once, see our . new stock of bar fixtures. M. P. " JOHNSON. DRUMMERS' SAMPLES LADIES' SUITB. skirts; coats, waists retailed -at wholesale prices. R. 117, Delbert b!dg..Van Ness at O'Far. FOR sale — Soda fountain, showcases, bank - and office fixtures, marble work; call and see them. WHITCOMB. 527 Market st. San Francisco. LAUNCHES, new and slightly used. Cal. Launch . Works. ; Pac. Coast aprents for Peninsular mo- \ tor. ;< Blandlng aye., Park st, Alameda. 500 TONB second-hand pipe; sells IS per c?nt of the price of new. Address ALHXANDEB SALVAGE CO.; 1083 Howard st. S. \u25a0 F. FOR sale— Rhumkorff coU; 10-ln spark, for X- ray or wireless- telegraph. Apply electric sta- ... tlon. Ist ave.ybet Pt. Lobos and Clement st FOR sale — Machinery of all kinds bought, sold, exchanged and rented. H. S. White Machinery Company, corner 9th and Bryant sts. ; TENTS,- CANVAS WORK, WAGON COVERS AND AWNINGS AT F. THOM'S. 1209 MIS- SION ST. PHONE MARKET 2194. FOR sale— U. B.' government =' tents. 16 ' onnee, large size; creat barjraln. P. MONTAGUE. SW. " cor.: 12th and Mission sts. \u25a0•\u25a0.-.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 PEERLESS gasoline engine, «1 h. p.. $240; 2 steam pumps, y, h. p. motor, late drill press. 1057 Folsom st .' \u25a0 .' "..,.'. \u25a0 . ONE marine engine, 180-horsepower; price $500; practically -new engine. JOHN W. SMITH, 737, Folsom: st. - -..;•',- .\u25a0\u25a0 .: .\u25a0,'';.•'\u25a0-''.'\u25a0'. RANCHO Laguna Creamery; wholesale and retail dealers ' In. butter, milk, cream, eggs. 2441 ' , Mission st . : - ; '- BOAT and stationary engines; reverse gears; pro- pellers, batteries, castings. NIELAND, 1728 Bryant st »j -\u25a0'«>\u25a0 '\u25a0•€ ' .' '.- • LET .' us ; figure on yonr showcases ' and bar fix- tures.! M. , TERKELTOUT & CO., .1765 Mls- Blon St. --\u25a0 :\u25a0*:,-- : .. ." r -:-*- • »\u25a0"' "*.':'... A— Turnlnir, cabinet and mill work; all' kinds of flxt. CARL F. HAAS. 03 Minna. TeL Tp. 1477. 26 VARIETIES of thoroughbred ' eggs; ; circular. . Ingleslde Poultry Yards, 807 Mount Vernon ay. BUY " Nevada Rosebud mining stork : Just ' made * wonderful strike. . Room 5, 1443 - Fillmore ' st BAR fixtures. -.W." C.-KING, ; agents -of- Chaae; Passow & Sons. 1273 Mission; teL* Special 1173.- BUY i yoor-i trunks'* and- suitcases ' direct "\u25a0•from - maker. Mission Trunk Mfy., 2190 Mission st 1000 cards printed. W : letterheads, envelopes, wed- . ding work, showcards. signs. -Hill. 1600 Stelner. SAFES— New and second-hand. RICHARDSON. BROS.. Gen.: Agts. Cary Safe Co.. 131 sth st. BC ALES, trucks, coffee ; mills;-! money ' drawers. ! Jas. Geddes & Co.. 431-33 Lark In; tel. Em. 623 EDISON Moving Picture Machines and Stereoptl- ; \u25a0 cons ; bargains. ; -. GEO. \u25a0 BRECK, • CS2 Grove st. MAHOGANY counters and show cases at a bar- gain, r29 Bartlett near 22d. . J. Hendrtcks. G. E. RUSSELL, plumbers'^ supplies.' builders' - wall anchors, machinery. 260 Linden • aye.' . \u25a0 - ALL ' kinds of ' trees and plants; send i for price : list. OEM NURSERY. Los - Qatos. Cal. FOR , sale — Soda fountain ' and ' accessorle*: ; $100; , .almost new. .Address box -785, Call, of flee. WELL DRILLS for • oil. gas \u25a0 and « water . wells ; ' latest. LOOMIS DRILL t CO., Tiffin. 0hi0. "... 16 ' AND lftfoot SALOON BARS for sale at sac- > rlflce. MAISLER& SON." 1097 > Polk st. ' FOR sale— Scow schooner: " good \u25a0 condition.^ - Port Costa Milling Co.. 210, Battery st. B:\T. '\u25a0- : -, KING'S OLD BOOK STORE.'- 891 Golden Gate ".\u25a0;.-: aye..; near : ; Octavia- st*;' Books ; bought.-^ - /-. FOR Rale— 2 American beanty, showcases; cheap. EDW. KNOWLES CO., 214 Hydest ; , .. :, WKEKS-HOWE-EMERSON V. CO. —They - make -.flags and> flag poles. ::61^Market ; st. '*.' - 6ECO ND-HAND bar outfit > for V: gale : .- bargalnT PRAHL & SCHMIDT. ; 941 '< Folsom st '.. \u25a0'.. "^ A BIG line of : gas and ' electric - fixtures cheap. 1 167 \u25a0 McAllister st. ; ; below , Fillmore. '. ' .-• : SAFES— New and second-hand. The Hermann \u25a0 Safe Co.. 120-130 • Folsom . St. ;-;'-'.-', 1 8-H.P." second hand" gas', engine. 311 Harriet sty near 'Bryant. :\- ::,*.:\u25a0 V ;..'.; \.-"..\ \u0084' . . CHEAPEST, and best : In /America, - r The i Weekly ,-..- Call. \u25a0\u25a0 $1 per year.' -\u0084' '.' -:-. .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..-.., ';\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0 500 SHARES i Landan : Siphon . Company, 2483 Brvant st -, \u25a0:•'." • \u25a0 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS ; HIGHEST paid for old'gold; silver; watches clnd." , 50c ; main sprngs. ; so, ! . warrntd. >. 736 -Van : Ness. A— GENTS' \u25a0 second-hand \u25a0 clothing \u25a0 bought tnd - soId.. MUSIN'S.-.l29oA, Eddy st, cor. Buchanan BOOKS and ' libraries ' bought I f or « cash. , THE * ' HOLMES CO.; ; 402 Van . Ness i aye. .-.'-\u25a0\u25a0 f';V CASH ' paid " for .[diamonds. V O'NEILL. & • EBER, *i*,1744"- Flllmore .st;? 1 below ? Sutter. , ; '-"-•\u25a0 V; A LADY wants a * good,' sound horse, about 7 \u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0: years r old.. 2207 Market st. / :-: . :' \u25a0"; WANTED— SmaII '. cash register; • must ' be ' cheap. -.. Box 2.009. .Ca1l offlce. .*•.-\u25a0 ' • N \u25a0'« OLD i S. F. directories; any date. Box Call rj office, ;Flllm«re: st. '\u25a0"-' ' ' .-: v.;- '-V - ;MONETv.TOf;LOAN,;'- .; * .'\u25a0:• vS- AAAA— Any "\u25a0 salaried J employe }* or ; 'wage-earner can get from as, -just on his note— \u25a0'\u25a0 * : - : : - Monthly.Seml-Mo.Wkly. $50.00— Return to' us it $13.00 $6.25 $3.35 "\u25a0; $30.00— Return to ! us.'. 8.00 : 4.00 2.00 v- $15.00 — Return -to us: . % 4.00 ..*2 2.00 - 1.00 i- - -.Or. any 'other sum In 'proportion." - t - '.'-. \u25a0 \u25a0. \u25a0 v- \u25a0-;• THE STAR LOAN & INV. C 0. ,. :V' .; THE CITY LOAN CO.,' - - f-- r- THE CRESCENT 'LOAN -CO., - < .904-905 Mutual Savings Bank. Building. , EVER NEED MONEY? v .^ \u25a0\u25a0'. WANT IT INi A HURRY? WANT IT PRIVATELY? \u25a0- SNOW.WHBRB TO GET; IT? ,'•\u25a0 •\u25a0 MONEY. LOANED on furniture, pianos and other .• \u25a0 security ; • lowest rates ; v most \u25a0 favorable terms in the city;. see others, then SEE ME 'AND BB \u25a0V CONVINCED. - \u25a0 I .WILL SAVE . YOU; MONEY. . ~. $2.25 .weekly * repays $50 loan > and costs.^ vf :\u25a0 .-\u25a0: ,. GEORGE \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. Vl:* MILLER, ;^^-^r-^ it-". Room 1 35, • SW.i come*; Mission ; and Iflth i sts.>. • MONEY i loaned salaried people '\u25a0 and others upon -v their j own ; names % without * security ; i cheapest ; ; rates,' easiest , payments; offices in ; 6 3' principal ;\u25a0* cities ; £ save i yourself s money *• by '* getting s our 4 -r J - terms first 4 TOLM AN, r > 787 \u25a0 Market ' room ' 137,' y.Formerly.Bs3Parrottrbnlldlng.*V.': \u25a0'\u25a0; i ' -. ."HOUSEHOLD SLOAN 'COMPANY.';;; :' ; : Room .70; : 509 i Golden 4 Gate, ? at : Polk ; * also \ 8 *Macdonough bldg. y t Oakland,^ will loan you sums Ii of $10 to $200 on furniture, ' pianos;, horse, . ve- v hides * (without 5 removal) .*«•: Tel. * Market \u25a0 3329. : -'•\u25a0•'•\u25a0 '."-"\u25a0 : -' >>:':; D/iD'S DRAKE;;./-"": -;,<\u25a0'- . \u25a0'\u25a0- l-'.l -'.. r '" : ,"--. 7. Franklin Realty ; Bldg.T" cor. . Golden Ga te and < Polk ; s 301 St 1 Paul p Bldg.V? OakUnd.-s»^*r. ; Salary,, loans t made s quickly a and \u25a0 .privately. l to > \u25a0\u25a0.; steady \ employes ; f lowest | rates ; g easy % terms, y; .*-";- 1 HERMAN A" MURPH Y| f ;" ' "j^ j. — —Junction jof 5 Market J and ' Sutter * Streets—— First and second mortgages,' estates,* legacies." etc.' LOAN lon > furniture. v pianos ror 1 security =of | any »\u25a0? kind; Ito < poor « people » we '. make i loans free jof \u25a0(\u25a0: charge.-;,' ILLINOIS -.TRUST,; CO.; s 1516 i Eddy. l^ ON j furniture • and \u25a0 pianos ' in lose ; mo commission. ??.V. tTREMAIN.I-ra6 j Buchanan 1 at?; near 1 Hayes.^ ADVANCES ' on ' diamonds ; as I usuaL"! Baldwin * Jew- E*: eliy ' Co.ri permanent office: 1261 tVsa_Nessl_T«? "\u25a0?"\u25a0-,- uv •-' -•"' '"'ii"i 1 A i*irrrrTi¥MTVi:iiiitliiiiiiiiiii-M-«ilWTnn-***Tsr*rlr*nr^lTTr*^^ LOAN--<3on*Umed :l ' MORRELL — Cash' loaned to salaried men on note without i lndorser. . 922 Monadnock - building. - MONEY I ; Golden ~ Gate r Aye. p : Loan Offlce, : LOANED . 11;;1 1;; fs;^. 1276 j Golden Gate . aye. E.~ S. v < BONELLI.v 2002 Pierce \u25a0 st ; : lowest ; inter- ':^est:no commission rconfldentlaL^"-'*'^' ' il_ ,',: ":;: 3 MUSiCAii^ INSTRUMENT^', ' MUST sell or store. 15: pianos^ this. week; this Is a chance of a lifetime ; > $400 : pianos ; for ; $235 ; .-$5OO pianos for $265,' while they last; we have several \u25a0; second hand * uprights . from . $65 ! up; terms, . rents $2 ' up, * Installments $4 up. Heine Piano C0.,'1341 1 . Golden Gateav..' 1466 Bush ;\u25a0 st. .' ; and : 469-471 20th st . . Oakland.' ; . - BUY," rent or exchange' direct at factory: pianos - that "sing r^ their /.own", i praises. ' WM. "L. i SCHMITZ. " mfg.;*-' tuner.'- repairer; ; 20 years in • his o*-n i bldg., . 4S ' Bartlett: all • work \u25a0 guaran- teed ; bet. 21st and 22d, . Valencia and Mission. ' A NEW PIANO "' for $150. - A Steck. also \u25a0a" , Kranlch -& . Bach. . and many .- others .'at * prices from $100 ; up. - . Satisfaction guaranteed at BENJ.-CURTAZ & SON'S.- 1615 Van Ness aye. $ISS— RARE chance: fine S-pedal uprisht; snap. -JOSEPH: SCHMITZ & CO., 430 Devlsadero, .•."\u25a0' near : Oak. r--.: \u25a0 ;•" \u25a0 -'-\u25a0 ;•;. SOHMER, Byron Mauzy ptanos. Cec Ulan plan* players. ; BYRON MAUZY.' II7S O'FarreU st ' A NEW piano, mahogany case, | $160. BOWERS \u25a0 A SON, 529 McAllister st; near Van Ness.- - ALMOST \ new Emerson upright, cheap. HOR- NUNG, 1554 Eddy at. near \u25a0 Fnimore. \u25a0\u25a0-..\u25a0 A SNAP— Upright," rosewood finish, perfect order, ; $75; must \u25a0. be sold. ; 853 Valencia st. AN | upright piano in good condition; $54. 1466 . -:.*-.\u25a0:*-:-- - . . . \u25a0 . DECKER Bros. I piano, $85,' at • 1341 \u25a0 Golden Gate -_- avenue.**- '\u25a0'- •.-\u25a0\u25a0»-. ,\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0-:-.-,\u25a0\u25a0 ? \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0.--\u25a0\u25a0 MATRIMONIAL : BUSINESS .man. : 43, /desires an ' Interview '; with ' lady matrimonially ' inclined : one who baa own home; country or city, and from $2,000 to $10,- 000 : no \u25a0 trlflers nor agents ; , all correspondence . treated i sacredly , and returned if desired ; posi- tively no notice taken *\u25a0 of . general delivery- Box 2038. Call offlce. > r :\u25a0 . WIDOWER 40 years old, 1 child 8 years old, In business, wishes to make the acquaintance of a lady of some means; object matrimony. .'Address P. O. box 152. San -Francisco. -* ' RESPECTABLE -. lady i wishes ". acquaintance of gentleman with some means, matrimonially ln- • cllned: no trlflers. ~ ! Address box ' 1090.' CalL YOUNG" gentleman would like acquaintance of It! refined \u25a0 young \u25a0 lady, \u25a0 with a view -to matrl- , ' mony . Address box , 2025, Call office. . REFINED widow, 80, wishes to meet a gentle- :\u25a0 man "of ' means; * object • matrimony. Address box 2044. Call office. . ' - LADY and ! gentleman ' wishlna* to marry call . or address \u25a0 MRS. WOI/TER. 1711 Geary st ALL ' contemplating ' matrimony.' send - 10c - for "The Wedding Bell," P. O. box 133. JMINES AND MINING WALKER: Range Mining Company. owns 5 claims about west of Walker • lake near Mt. Grant ; assays of $107.33, $25.42. $41.46, $103.35 have been made by.T. B. Gambel.' * It Is proposed to rush development work. To aid In this work a small - block of stock will be sold very low. Apply at once to F. Do FREITAB, 413 Kearny 7'- street."-? ,"_\u25a0** ..;.,. : - -.•,*.'•-".:• :"-• : - k: -..: '-:-?*..-\u25a0. Nevada ; Rosebud mining stock at 16c per share : easy : payments ; positively . will advance 5c per share as soon as 25,000 shares are sold; treasury \u25a0 stock . only ; will be \u25a0 listed soon. Rm. 5, 1443 Fillmore st. T. Deremberg, - manager. GRUBSTAKE wanted by experienced mine finder for prospecting tour In southern part of River- side county ; has already a : good • copper . pros- pect ready, to locate In Santa Maria mountains. Address JOHN M.; CULVER, Newman, CaL GET on »'\u25a0 ground " floor; new Nevada*, company . Just organized ; stock will • bring , 10 times the . cost to you In 30 days. Write for particulars. Box 2042. Call offlce. - - v . ASSAYING 50c;' gold; .rich ore. etc., bought^ . Pioneer Assay \u25a0 Company. 131 ~ sth st , nr. Mint 'ASSAYING and all branches of mining taught at HEALD'B School of Mines. 295 Locnst aye. •-' n _ _;_: li _^. L ; \u25a0 ''_'\u25a0*_]',_\u25a0_ ..-.* . v - ; ,_ _ ; CHAS. \u25a0B. HOBRECHT. 1033 Golden Gate ay*, telephone Market -2206. -Good . sight; prices right:"..: Call and be convinced. . Consultation 1 free. \u25a0-'\u25a0 --* \u25a0 : : - '"':'• '\u25a0 \u25a0 -•\u25a0\u25a0•' \u25a0\u25a0; ' \u25a0-. \u25a0- -;": \u25a0/ .'v I. POVELSEN.. V EXPERT OPTICIAN. 178 \u25a0 Chnrch. st. Open evenings. '-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'<\u25a0 '• t; ; ;i;V';'V-| PERSONALS " . INFORMATION wanted of JAMES BRENNAN. - ? who \u25a0 came •to • San • Francisco -in -April, 1906. y with ; his brother.-"- JOHN \u25a0**\u25a0 BBENNAN. ' from ; William MeFarland's. Delvan. Wisconsin; last : heard of was working in a creamery near Saa .Francisco; birth-place. Tinnlscollln, parish of / Cllntubrat. near Bailey bay, County Monaghan, i Ireland : 19 ; years of age. 5 feet . high, fair ,- hair. * \u25a0 If : anybody: knowx or hears of him. notify his - brother, JOHN BRENNAN, St ' George's 3 hotel.", Bth and Howard *ts. .: ' \u0084 • CORRESPOND for pastime and remits; Join our \u25a0' club. -••: Plan : and addresses for dime. ELITE CORRESPONDENCE . CLUB, Waltham, Mass. MONEY ' for \u25a0B. -, Goldsmith (formerly of SOP 3d - st.) '\u25a0'\u25a0 of •; parties sending " address to LOUISA 'HERRICK.' 972 Hayes st . ' , ,->. - EDGAR F. ALLEN— Fredle would like to hear from yon. YOUR BOY. Virginia . hotel, : i T. GEORGE— Hyde Park. * T/ss Angeles I County, -\u25a0: care box 25. J. BERNARD. • _\u25a0 [}. : : ' BITSIjnB SS PERSONALS A— DR. E. . E. McLEAN, 'Hair.; Specialist- v •;; .-\u25a0\u25a0• Formerly Call. Building. - *\u25a0; vlsv Is still ! manufacturing her celebrated talr- and '/ rtln ; preparation :; at 804 Broderiok • St.. - nnder \u25a0 -the \u25a0 name . of the E. E. . McLEAN ; MANUFAC- TURING CO. The i demand -is erenter - th«n , ever for • her Golden * Seal ' Hair Tonic • < for oily hair\ Dandelion Dandruff Cure; Hazeline 'Hair ;Tonlc;(for thin, 'dry and brittle hairf. \u25a0;'. . . " Hair ;; Grower > Pomade — Eczema ' ointment. . . Cures Eczema." - Itching : Skln.^. Pimples." etc.' Chilean; Hair. Restorer .(for, restoring. hair to f Its original color).. .j. * .. .. .. \u25a0J - -\u25a0 ' Hazel me Cold - Cream . (without a peer as a ' /skin- food*i. r , > - . t- Medicated Face-Powder and numerous other :;\u25a0 preoarations.V; ' \u25a0 :.' .\u25a0• •.„\u25a0 •\u25a0:;-.-; Free dla'gnosla Monday antl FrMav.' between 2 and 4 ; p. , m. r . Telephone ; West 7574., . ,- BACK AGAIN AT ; THE ' SAME OLD * STAND ! . Laces ' and :* Lsce ; Curtains a 4 Specialty : \u25a0 \u25a0 from 35<* nnalr "up. 'First class, work guaranteed. •„\u25a0 . Work ;. called ' for • and -* delivered fto • any .part of theclty. -:\u25a0<\u25a0.:-\u25a0--> \u25a0•- , -j. briglia: -r*. \u0084 3424 17th -st. near Valencia. \u25a0_ ; . Phone i Market 5664. TO LEASE-^Hotel I and : bar; *19 . rooms, all fnr- \u25a0 nlshed; barn and Inrce yard; close to Santa Fe ; and Southern '\u25a0 Pacific, J stationer, within j, 1 *. mile of ,- the .thriving s town of . Richmond: . elejrant •; proposition? for. man*, and - wife. \u25a0 : Call -at - 2621 *: i Sacramento : : st. 1 . for^ Information. . \u25a0 ~ x •- A : LADY, having lodirinK house would, like ?to ». meet -\u25a0an y elderly . gentleman ;of .-•• means .who . : would be *. willing \to . assist " her : financially or -.: as ; partner. i- : , Box , 978.-; Call offlce. • Flllmore st. RAG i carpets i wove eto i order * and j for ' sale ; ' also \u25a0t chenllle-wove a rugs. .» silk t portieres: k handsom* .': \u25a0 fluff • rugs '.. made • from •» your * old carpets; ? send '.•\u25a0..> for circulars.' Geo.< Matthews; 709 6th st. Oak. : WlOS" toupees. = front pieces, that fit; purest hair *\u25a0; nsed ; \u25a0 hair ' dresslne.-. shampooing, , djelnff. ' etc." G - LEDERER,. 2271 ' California < st , • near Web- ster,'; formerly,' at -.123 1 Stockton; egtab.i 18M.' ,;t THEO.T TREYER.T the wig ' and ;. toupee i maker. .~ : formerly; of : 331 1 Kearny : st..": now • permanently , located r at "^northwest -corner ~ California , and . .- : Kearny i sts. ,"":\u25a0 offices : 34 "„ and ' 35."^B9RSM)tt9 TH"E safest ; Investment : In . Nevada *, today i Is "\u25a0 the -V Rosebud s. mining * stork ; > only . : 16c ; -: easy :t: t pay- ,\ ments j- investigate.- Room 5,1443 Flllmore st' THE STAR HAIR REMEDY, the best tonic: re- i stores ' color i to, gray i hair: s stops i fslllng: : cures -.dandruff; - grows i new -, hair.' . . All \u25a0 druggists.'^ MASSAGB parlors; .^lnvigorating I and I stimulating : \u25a0 weak ; treatment for , scalp , and , skin." Apts. 1, }-2 and:3rl726 O'Farrell: st-, V; . , |100 on | deposit |for j you « tf , ! your < hair cannot Ibe - restored ; " itbnndance " of natural " hair. C.' E. H." . :T. I C0.,'i 780 : ; Hayes ; st. w y »\u25a0' :'\u25a0".'\u25a0 \u25a0'/.\u25a0 \u0084 " :. \ FISHING '\u25a0- baskets.. hampers,, baby carriages; man- \u25a0>•-\u25a0 ufactnring,*.s repairing, -,'; renovating, \u25a0 all - kinds. 7a 141gj Ellis; Btr^.jV>.-. y«vVv\:::'7--;-y : .",'.\u25a0\u25a0.•.- = SALUBBIN I cures I all I skin . diseases,* I burns I and :•<; sores, /g Agency 30 i Sharonl at'?; 50c ja " bottle.' j-r SUPERFLUOUS hair removed .tar .' electric needle." - 1 *p Mrs." C." Jeffries.l l62o Sutter ; \ tel. % West 4023. a _i ~.i. * t BUY. 1 your macaroni direct from factory.* Pompeii : .1 -i< > Macaroni I Factory .l l.oo6 * Alabama i st.7 nr. 22d. • < YOUNG ' lady \u25a0 would like a ' f ew J select customers ; .'. ?j manicuring.*; scalp . treatmenti 2023 , Flllmore.r.4. i " MAGNETIC massage; ! MßS. JIOLSHOUSER/ r.l.' 8 Is 1175!; O'Farrell j*at; near Oough; Franklin 2830. " MRS.? M.'; Er« LEAR Y.'S formerly "; 434 :\u25a0. Van ; Ness ["< j \u25a0\u25a0 s ave-V , now. located 2260 Mission.' bef 18th. 19th. ~ MISS \u25a0' * JOHNSON.V* professional %, masseuse ft and j sg. electrical ', treatments." 1921< Flllmore.- near Pine.-' \u25a0 MRS." M.' SHUE_f i (ladles '\u25a0 only) .' " chiropodist. ? mas- ° aji Page.**jformerlyil222 Laguna.* now at .1115 Turk; r J.i HAUPTLI I GUERINs CO.*:' Fashion Hair Store ; r. ;\u25a0-.;. electric 'face, 7-*7 -* scalp ; treatment ';..' 890 : Va n; ness. ;/ SHOE i repairing i bv, machinery.* Gallagher Bros.; - rSy Branch » l. ; 473 ' Halght ; st : \u25a0 branch j 2.1 3272 22d.i >t FOR * pianos t; see » MRS>. A: -jf A?r GOSBBE. J H with is Kobler & Chase. 1329 ButterVCiTel.: Franklin 2143 |2 I MBS.'JS HELEN^DERBER,'a graduate Jj masseuse,' M gg 18D6 j Golden i Gatej ave.r; near^ Flllmore j Bfb.'jgi '- ; M.*;sl BREMONT.'-g, prof es.^S masseuKe ; i scalp,™ face (. a_a i treatment.:, '1548, ElUs jst^s^ BUSINESS , pmsdyAlig^OTtto-iieil^ MEDICATED > scalp .treatment " z l MRS. '-. R-". CLIF-^ FIRD, * 1031 . Flllmore ; st. ; 1 otfiM ; 6 ; and .7. J." W. DONNHLL, : np-to-date : phototrrapher; " open : \u25a0 Sunday. "22f13. Mission st. near 18th. MISS H)A MOORE, mainjetlc vibratory massage. \u25a0 Rooms 5, and :,7.: 1439 Flllmore st. . - ' DR. rMAUD>INMAN. 'vacuum developing. "n- ; moved to 812 Ellis st. second flat MJfE. ' GREY.': electrical treatment for . nervous .-'dinewßes. -1746 «*>earr. * \u25a0\u25a0- T - -'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0''• -\u25a0\u25a0•-- PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING WALL PAPER. - Exclusive deslgnir . for 1907. Retailed at whole- pale /rtriees: 50 per - cent discount from 'list. FRASER * ; McDONALD, Painter* and Deco- rators, 2323 FILLMOBB ST., nr. Washington; „ phone; West' 4C6. »- * -\u25a0 . w-" HAVE ' YOTTU HOUSB PAINTED. PAPERKH OR TINTED BY WALK. 1113 GOLDEN GATE • A Y. TEL." PAGE 1313. - * PLASTEKING WTC \u25a0 take plastering . contracts "of any kind and . furnish ."any amount -of first class plasterers, men who have worked at the Frlrmont hotel — honest Italians! • Apply G.DOLCI BELLA. 1193 -Montgomery aT.-^- _;___________________ PLASTER DECORATIONS _^ PETER PASSALI.- decorator plaster, composi- tion, cement and papier mache. 1505 Valencia. ;-.--*.--T. '; --• THRO. BINNER. 423-425 14TTT ST. TF.Ti. MARKTCT 1014. : PLATING TTORKS SUNSET Platinjr • Works-^Gold. silver, nickel nlatinr done." 332 nementfaw__________4__ ; v "S .' PICTURE FRAMES _ _ _ ' .'• PATTL KRICHBAUM, art goods, picture framing. 1014 Fmmore stT Phone Park 800. PHOTOS SsHpEß^CTNT^F^n^alS^Jia^e^^era^r^^ Art Co.. - 1814 Fniroore st \u25a0 \u25a0.-.\u25a0- -- \u25a0 • OFFICES AND STORES TO LET [ FTLLMORE at." 1738, near Butter. modem_of- flces, with light and ' Janitor service; -^bw rentals. \u25a0 Inquire \u25a0 at bank. FURNISHED and unfurnished suites: best bnsl- \u25a0 ness block In city ; " reasonable. WHIGHAM, 1618 FUlmore St.. j \u25a0_.?.. STORE to let, 10x55; 16 11th st : rent 545; •est location for pawnshop or misfit clothing. PART of store or building on rear street 1533 - Pine st. near Van Ne*»s ay.' _____ OFFICE, STORE AND LOFTS AAAAA— For rent; one of the .finest and best locations for restaurant in San Francisco: situ- ated 'three- blocks from Market st. and new '-wholesale district; strictly first-class. hotel up- stairs that can accommodate 300 people; there are 8000 people within a radius of six blocks, and you hAve absolutely no competition: this Is a bona fide and gilt-edge opportunity for an experienced man: the closest Investigation so- Ilcited. Apply Planter's Hotel. 2d and Folsom. BASEMENTS TO LET. BASEMENT, with conveniences adapted for any business; also large rear basement 1931 V* O'Fnrrell st ' . LOFTS TO LET. 2 FLOORS to rent on Market st; 2d floor. $130 month; 8d floor," $100 month.**- D. W. CAR- MICHAEL CO.. 1664 O'FarreU st STORES WANTED. STORE or half store on Van Ness ay; or Flllmore st: state -location and stee. Box 2039. Call. HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES ARCADE HOUSE. 42 CLAY ST., balf block from ferry, depot; 200 single rooms, first-class ac- . commodatlons; < rates ocr nlzht 25c. 85c. 50c; weekly, $1.75. $2. $2.50. J. B. RANDALL. Mgr. HOTEL NORDEN. 758 Howard, bet. 3d and 4th: hot-cold water and steam heat in every room; elevator service ; rooms 50e.- 75c. $1 per nl?ht CHRISTENSEN & SHAW. Props. A first- class grill and \u25a0 cafe in connection. . . PLANTERS' HOTEL, cor. 2d and Folsom sts. — 100 elegantly furnished outside roms. lnclud- lne hot and t cold water, electric lights.- c«n . bells ' and all conveniences; prices reasonable. ST.* GEORGE,' STH AND HOWARD STST 600 WELL VENTILATED SINGLE ROOMS. 25c AND Ssc PER NIGHT.'. - -- $1.25 TO $1.75- PER WEEK. . HOT AND COLD WATER. READING • ROOM. < —GOULD HOTEL- FURNISHED ROOMS. DAY— WEEK— MONTH. ; 824 LAGUNA. COR. MCALLISTER. ENTERPRISE (The), 1144 MARKET, now open: strictly first-class HOTEL: large,' ele- gantly • furnished room. 50c to $1.50 pec day; steam heat hot . cold water. * \u25a0 \u25a0 . ST. ELMO APARTMENTS. 1452 Devlsadero, or. Geary; new building, fur. or unfurnished; pri- vate hall: all modern conveniences ; rates reas- onable. : TeL West 1523. *•*-.' -.. ' MAYWOOD. 131 FFJX. NEAR VAN NESSI— - (HAYF.S-ST. CAR LINE)— EI-FGANTLY FUR- NISHED : TRA NSHENT A SPECIALTY; HOT AND COLD .WATER. '.. ' . . '_ SAN REMO. 906 McAllister— Eleeantly furnished rooms; country transient solicited. STANDARD HOTEL, corner 6th -and Folsom sts. — 100 ' alnele ' rooms. 35c and \u25a0 BOc per night: $2. $2.50 and $3 per week; cafe; bar- ber shop and baths. ...' HOTEL LAUREL? 2I76 Mission st: take Mls- sion-st car 'from;- Ferry: !58 newly furnished 'I '• sunny rooms, electric llcht. hot and cold water. HOTEL . RALEIGH. 1,951 Sutter ' st.. now open. . Elegantly - furn. . rooms, with or without \u25a0 bath ; country: transients solicited: rates. reasonable. HOTEL NETHKRLAND, between 7th and • Bth. on Market — 150 outside room*.' running. water. separate : closets, bells, etc. : 75c to $2 . per day. MECHANICS' HOME. 16th St.. near Church; - .? furnished rooms for : men: electric " llshta ;in .every room: ., hot and cold water baths included. HOTEL - CONGRESS, cor. FUlmore and Ellis. Phone ; West 4224. In center of retail district Suites and single rooms, with private baths. HOTRL REGAL— Now open; elegantly fnr- nished: 50c and up per da v;. 75 feet -from SE. - cor. 3d- and Fqlsom Bts. B. BAIOR. ' propr. , ' HOTEL ST. ROSE. Northeast corner Ellis and Webster sts.: all mod- : ; era conveniences:, permanent or transient . THE ,RICHL.^ND— 36 pleasant: rooms; runnlne water and electric llehts:s3 weekly up. 1906 \u25a0 Mission st ;: take -Mission car. : ' \u25a0...«\u25a0- A — HOTKL WEST. - 154-156 3d St.: ' Kuropean plan; $3.50 to $7 per week; 75c to $1.50 per day: tourist; trade solicited.- . THE J GROVE--Sunny. i furnished i rooms. , \ sinsrle ; and en -suite: modern. Northwest corner • L Gough \u25a0 and \u25a0 Grove sts. "\u25a0\u25a0 ','\u25a0: :,'\u25a0"' \u25a0 HOTEL FENTON, \u0084259 ,7th . *t. — 70, sunny rooms; "electric. lights, hot water; 75c up; from ferries -;s; s take Howard" " \u25a0 ". .;v: .; THE DUNEDIN— Just, opened": newly • fnt^hert : also ' transient; modern conveniences. 1024 >" McAllister str . - - ;\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0-\u25a0- HOTRL . SIF.RR A. 61 0 ' McAllister ;" st. : electric lierhto: hot water; baths; $1 day; phone Mar- ,;ket 3387. . : NEW,. SOTTTHERN— Roomn. • $2 SO . weekly .up: '...trans.. \u25a0 sOc t per \u25a0 nlcht • Cor. 6th ; and Brvunt CAPITOL HOTSB-^Room*" 2Sc and upward: ..fA weekly. ..- $1.75 and up. 733 Harrison st.. nr. 3d. HOTTCL': JfETROPOU!. " SW. cor. \u25a0 G. v G. aye. . "': and t ßuchanan . st : \u25a0\u25a0 European : $1 per: day np. THE PIONEER."- 143 3d St.— Outside rooms. $3 •V and t $2.50 . per .week : \u25a0. transient 1 50c : and 75c. \u25a0 - HOTEL VAN ; NESS.*- . Near t Golden V Gate.; '\u25a0'European plan. $1 day. 61ft Van Nensave. ; - HOTEL i CRYSTAL— EUROPEAN* PTJVN. : V $1 ; day up. : SE. cor. McAllister ; and • Franklin. THE - Metropolitan " " Hotel. " 973 ~: Harrison ." st. ; 7 . rooms ; $2 up, ' weekly : ': take> Folsom-st car. \u25a0 ELKHORN , HOUSE. ' 183 ' Valen<"ia «rt; rooms i-neatly finished : 'l. block! from Market •* .' RAIL WAYf.HOTET^, ?4\ Tiffany aye..« back of :> Valenolo \u25a0fr'hornr'fnmf-'he'i \u25a0 : -HOUSES TOILET. lv'; ~~ FILLMORE i «t.*r near ? Clav—^B i rnnmn : 5 rent I $90." -I: D.%Wr» CARMICHAEL . CO.. 1664 O'FarreU st. 2 ELEGANT houses. 12 and 14 moTnn:!photee 10- ~ cation. n.f Apply ; MOORE'S, j 735-747, Eddy ' s t 4'i ROOM * house; *.' ne w; " $20 : .< take =* Kentucky <st car. lainvißtliav. South.; >\u25a0\u25a0" - " :^Jy":'U:SI HOUSES iTO? LEASE".;;! ;K^"U^i ': i DWELLING iTO - LEASE " FOR :2 -, YEARS.> -\u25a0' \u25a0', r'?-j. 0 \u25a0 rooms ; < eletrantly ; fnrnished : , sterling sllver- :., -ware: handpalnted ; chlnaware: > oil paintincs; •*: 4 Persian " rugs;* and j c vervthing • else < in \u25a0 keeping ; r >- Pacific* Heights:* rent; $200 per month. . EDWARDS. : CHRISTBNSEN >& ) GOODWIN, ' S»is*i» Real * Estate— —^—ss s Geary i Streefw»a»*« *^ — 10- ROOM s? modern.^ newly '?. furnished ; v . N." -:' side ' .-: Clay '. st.J ; i bet.' \u25a0: Scott *- and ; Devlsadero; * perfect ': condition; ? long ; * lease If ~; desired, -t. J. ".w." 1 e-,*; HAMM.I agent ; corner ; 14th \ and j Market , sts. NlCELY 'furnished house, 6 rooms and basemen t; leas*. C Call" from: 10, to 2.-54S 2d ay. * HOUSES TO. LEASE— Fisrjiahfrd TO lease for 12 or 14 months, attrie've . bouse of 0 rooms, completely - famished ; ' uao. . fur- . nace, electric lights. \u25a0 etc. ; \u25a0 wtthtn ' %itontes* walk , of Morton st. : station : must be^esoonsl- ble parties. Address box 2576. Callbfflce. _ OAKLAND HOUSES TO LJffr- ; «; «- . " . -\ * 3 ' FINK three ' room bungalows, cor. fi. :. 19th and Bth ay., partly fnrnished: ren!J3s:-10 room bouse $75: 5 rooms $23. M.HNS & : -WILL. . 617 E. 12th St.. East OakUg. BEKINS VAN AND STOKAGB CO.— {9 n.ire the best warehouse In the West (oai* covered vans - nsed) : s. reduced rate shlpip. . - 10I& Brondway. Oakland. [} . "' BERKELEYFUJONISHEDJBi D SES TO rent—A - beautifully and - eouv«j»ttlj. * sltn- . a ted house (fnrnished). in BerSn-.r, for •*> months, beginning May 16; an ejclient Chi- nese serrant may go with the iocs*, ' sired:, a small family preferrC Jnply to THO3. R.^. BACON. Bnabnell x>s*. BwUcler. FURNISHED 8 room house of R. Ji t Parsons, to \u25a0 Bllthedale canyon. 5 mlnntes fr© train; elec- tric • lights: bay • and mounta 1» view: larze grounds and beautiful srarden: S\ to $125 per month, according to time. Aoply"_ premises or at San Francisco Savings Union San Fran- CiRCO. '- ' >.-," \u25a0 --«>.'\u25a0 ".» - — BROADWAY. 1416. Alameda — Cotawtery fnrn. house. 7 rnoma: bath: lenW wftnem* \u25a0' BERKELEY HOUSES FOKtALE ON Webster st near College ar.i >rk«l«y— A 'new house, fnrnished or unfurnbal: »ix tf\ rooms. . bath and laundry. For pannlars ad- dress box 2M4. Can offlce. \u25a0 \u25a0 \ \u25a0 HOUSES TO LET— B«hr«ier> 12 BOOM fcrnlshed house; water frtx; wharf, boats, etc. Apply to JOHN H..MCKR, 553 : Van Ness ay.. city, or on premise*. \u25a0> - HOUSES WAXTED— FwasheJ . FURNISHED wuutiy honse wanta fVr July and August: state where located, rce - . Addregs box 2013. Call office. I.''' 1 HOUSES WAXTB • , DESIRE to purchase furnished flaflt house. &.12 \u25a0 rooms: no agents. Box 549. CalTWraor* «t. FLATS TO LET| FREE RENTING DEPABMENT. Sunset. 3 new modern flats. 6 and 7 rooms :....3.0O"to $45.n0 Richmond. 3. 4 and 5 room flats.C7.sO to 35 m» Mission. 6 and 4 room f1at5..... 02.30 to 35.00 North Beach, new flats. 4 -and i rooms 7.50 to '40.P0 Other flats, cottages and -a pa ments la a.l parts of the city. APPLY. - MOORE'S. , 735-747 EDO ST. SEVERAL 5 room, new and thot^hly modern flats, nr. Presidio ay. and S^mento st; very fine and ready to move rntcknmedlatety; $45 and $50. Apply 822 A. Presto ay.., Sun- day only; afterward to LmdhoV Fw. > Co.. Van Ness and Eddy. t - - FOR KENT. T ', 7~~ Swell Cat of 6 rooms, new anitp to date: Cole st; rent $50. D. W. rfe\fTnT^yr. • CO.. 1664 OTarreD st. >^ 2 FINE flats— s rooms each: 1 rm In bass- ment: $50 and $42.50 respective! north stde - of Green St.. 125 feet east of V< Ncsa ay. BRYANT, near 20th— 24 3-room al 24 4-roojn flats -to let; 1-year leas*; agenou premises , dally between 2 and 3 p. m., ?c. Sunday. -DON'T pay. $10 a room to rent Vjy * cottage on easy terms ct LINCOLV \u25a0 SDTH- ERLAND. 550 Valencia, near Bta LAGUNA — 11 sunny rooms: comietiy reno- vated: marine view: $100.' MaKj^ZTE Sk UNDERHILL. 2113 FiUmore st.f .; CENTRAL AY., 71. nr. Halght s_-^uiny npper modern flat; 6 large rooms, bat hsement* yard; adults. " V 1 NEW modern corner flat of 5 roomarent $4«>' SE. corner Stanyan and 17th sts. nvaer »n premises. . j LAKE, 740^ — Lower 6- room flat; tlr»t new: > rent $40. „ 1 ) -FLATS TO LET — FurmlrU — '\u25a0 , — t.: — J—l-iJ — l-i 2 MODERN new 5 room flats, fnrnhe!. **0 per month (or for sale). Apply 3224PiP9tdI<> ay. - Sunday only: afterward to LithoJm Furn. Co.. Van Ness ay. and Eddy st.[ -- $25 PER monttJ — Vina near San Ba^H 10 fnr- nished rooms, including nfano: -M«res . land : ' ' near depot' : Inquire B "5. Hamtcn square. Geary at side. MR. FARISH. ' \ COMPLETELY furnished: south al east ex- posnre: 6 room corner flat: year » longer at $100 per month. Box 2033. Call fo».. FURNISHED flat of 5 rooms and btb Pierre M.: rent. s6o. D. W. CARMICBMU CO.. 1C64 O'Farrell st. \ _': HAIGHT, 426 — 7 room upper flat eometely , furnished: responsible parties only," " CnSfrota 1 to 5 o'clock. - '. . V- FOR rent— Well furnished flat 7 re*ms.22<j Hugo st. Sunset, for 6 or 7 months; renrun. References. v ' OAK st.. -419 — Sunny flat: 6 rcout<--M,i>«th: modern conveniences; well 'furnish** rent $100.. >.\u25a0,.{„ .. NICELY furnished sunny ; corner flat. "l rooms and bath; opposite Duboce Park. :3 jbtt st. J FOR sale — Furnltnre of new. modern 3a tj rooms & alcove. 1686 Ellis. Call 10 a. a. ts. p. m. 4 4-ROOM apartment flats for rent t> rek>nslble parties; rent reasonable. 2ol9 Pacls a% apt. 4 HAIGHT. 958 — F.lejrant furnished fit t> let; 6 ' rooms, bath and basement, lnclnyig piano. WASHINGTON. 2S33— Well furnlid .7 room flat; sunny; very large rooms.' J 1 »: 653 CLAYTON st. 6 room furnisljl flat, mod- ern.' phone: reanonable. \u25a0 :h. FLATS FOR SALE — Purf»h«l " FURNISHED Cat for sale — Bright may 5-room Cat: choice location: brand new laltur*. eon- : * sistln? of mahogany parlor, brnakc a mahog- any . bedrooms, weathered oak inlog-isjoni. beautiful Axmlnster and velvet <feet«; never been occupied: must sell: cost 500: price $900 cash or part cash; rent $50; ten all day today., 1074 Page st. ; corner of olertck. $300— NICELY fnrnlsh»j r flat. 3 rooms y>mplet<» for hou*e keeping: this I* a " <«aerin«tnd will b* sold Monday: rent of flat. $40. D.f. CAR- MICHAEL CO.. 1664. O'FarreU st | FOR sale— Flat. 7 rooma, nicely fnrntM: rent $40; price $350;- no agents. 536 Viler st '.near Stelner.. . * I $250 — PARTLY • fnrnished corner f <atl almowt new velvet and brussels earpeg_'| sunny rooms; rents reasonable. \u25a0 Apply JgcVtt st ;. NKW. nicely furai«bed flat ebeailow rest;' ' lease; central: must selL Ing. ..11-IMcAnister. FOR sale— Newly furnished 4 row apartment. \u25a0 • 1314 Pine sit..- apartment 4. ' • > BERKELEY FLATS .Tpi_!Ba>". 2 NEW" flats. "ready May 1: 6 beauti^ri sunny rooms: clogs to X«» Roate and SJI Aahby wtation. \u25a0 Inquire - 2923 Lnrena at. Ht . %T% T .\u25a0 FLATS WANTED V\ WANTED — Sumy furnished flat of . J rntng on second floor, for a couple: , panhandb vlnlty : \u25a0 not 'on car line: .terms reasonnle;) for rt \u25a0: months, commencing . May 15. A Acts 1532 Greeast; phone . Franklin 108. |- »'\u25a0'•\u25a0- 4. FURNISHED or unftfrnished ronroi vtth sep- arate, entraance: between Van N« ay. and Flllmore st. Golden Gate ay. to Pt at, Ad- dress box. SBS. Call. " \u25a0 -ji!.- WllJ/t, lease 6or 7 \u25a0 room unfnmis J flat: • 3 adnltsr" no children: referencew. ' tat* - full particulars. ' Box 2086 Call < offlce. <*\ '"r- ..•>. COTTAGES TO LET "^ \ ~ - ' - \u25a0!.. -*;• -\u25a0 \u25a0. 1 :, -.- - L » .. • _. r \u25a0•.*-,'.. \u0084 BEAUTIFUL . cottages." 4 and 5 irotmi each; all : modern 1 Improvements; • essx, ter . Apply lumber yard. Army and Condon sts. ,—, — FOR rent — Cottage of 3 rooms, fir ihed - for bonsekeeptng: rent $22.50: water, f .'Apply .-. 134S Shattnck ay..: Berkeley. •«• "-• _/»•--\u25a0 OAKL.VND cottage to rent: furnish ed;\oomsT ' bath. . gas, electricity^ 6SO " 32d ,ai near Grave st. : Oakland. \u25a0-.:'. ; \u25a0 * : u. 22D A V..^- Richmond— Cottage of 6 form and : 'Abath:'-new: rent $30. ".D. W. CAI-CZBAEL , CO.. 1664 O'FarreU it 7 .j' 5 ROOMS.bath. basement; large ga^ni'^Seka' , yard; $30.--. 322 Lisbon - st ' near prasfl »\u25bc. NEW, 3 room cottage at the beach; %_: sstttary -plumbing. 1265 45th a y. bet H 1 iVtta. TO ;\u25a0\u25a0 lease— ln - vicinity ;tf P»to aL ( s^, hand. -, Komely 1 furnished « home "; of *14 : r us > and '. 3 baths; fine grounds, cared .for itmn*! «.' - ' pense: i large stable accommodatlo I. ' Ftrtlcov lara. - box 634.' Call/ 1651 % nilmorekt.': . ROOMS FOR j HOUSEKEEPtp; STEVENSON ' : st I 1357. near . Duhoci ' i.~~ Pri- vate house; unfurnished rooms to /sti 3 or 4 . 'with^bath.- gas t a_ d ,la_udry; Wtala for I* housekeeping. \u25a0""-^ \u25a0 ' "..' =f7<J,--"t "* FTLLMORE. 725— 512.50; rooms - /ra_tie4 - tor £-..:. housekeeping; * large. « Mght.^ sunny ;j HAMPSHIRE. 1121— For rent 3 ijtr ftmili^ front rooms for light hoasekeeis.