58 HELP \TJ^TE^D~M^«^-Contlaioe -. C PORTER for saloon. 32 East st between Mar- * ket and » Mission. . ' , PORTER wanted. Apply 2500 Mission •st cor- ner gist; city."- "\u25a0 \u25a0 WANTED— xoon* man to work \u25a0\u25a0 In a grocery. 467 3d ct ' -' '•""--\u25a0' ' ; : \u25a0--•' WANTED— Loach cook. Comer Howard and Spear sts...- .. .." '\u25a0 "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• '\u25a0' ' "- FIRST class trousers makers. S3MT np,;-1783 Geary st CHEAPEST and beet In America, The W«cklx Call, f 1 per year. AGENTS WANTBP WANTED — Good, lire agent -In San-Francisco \u25a0 and surrounding territory for a~ fine \u25a0> line cf calendars, leather poods and advertlelns: novel- ties: fine opportunity to right man. Write J. Earl Rogers Co., box 460, New Orleans, La. AGENTS can make $10 per day selling our "Mendartp"; it sews. It rivets. THOS. FOOTS CO., Los Angeles. CaL 20TH - century douche for ' ladies.' ' $3: agents wanted. Kirk wood Rubber Co., 211 Elm are. PICTURE a cent wanted; pood proposition. Amer- ican Artist. 1230 Flllmore st v — --> SALESMEN WANTED ' \J-'C/ TO one of my salesmen who is covering only one State, using my proposition as a side line, for sir years I am paying over $3000 a year; men putting in their whole time can earn $300 to $600 per month; I want local and traveling men to handle my unique - plan, which means en immediate end permanent Income . to a bustler; you don't need previous experience In my line; you make no. cash Investment; . yon must be a hustler (This Is no book, > insurance or one-sale scheme; It Is a new way to Inter- est well-rated merchants In a staple \u25a0 line -of unlimited ' consumption). Simply write me what you have done . and 1 : will Immediately plve yon fall Information if you are the man I want. J. P. T., 408 Equitable Building, St Louis. SALESMEN — High-class, for new accounting system for merchants, banks and professionals; sells on 30 days' trial; proposition irresist- ible; good commission; the . opportunity of a . lifetime. Address Systems Manager, •M. B. Company, 123 Plymouth Place. Chicago. ._' WANTED— A high class specialty salesman of experience for California who can command at least $3000 per year above expenses; per- manent position to right man. J. A. KID- WELL. Mgr.. sales dept. Cleveland. O. LARGE wholesale house, paying its salesman $1,600 per year and expenses to sell staple linn to general trade, desires 2 more men . to com- mence work at once If possible. Address SAWYER. LESLIE & CO.. Detroit, Mich. LARGE wholesale bouse, paying its salesmen $1500 per year and expenses to sell staple line to general trade, desires 2 more men to com- mence work at once If possible. Address Sawyer. Leslie A Co.. Detroit, Mich. CAN YOU SELL TREES T If so. we want you to represent as the coming ' season; we : have one of the largest stocks on the coast; expense money advanced; outfit furnished free. Albany Nurseries. Albany. Oregon.' . SALESMEN for large Kentucky distillery sell- lng bonded whisky direct - to saloon and drag trade. Write for territory and samples. Lock box 493. Louisville. Ky. SALESMEN* desiring quick selling side line to general stores evexeywhere: samples light; commission 20 per cent M. & T. Co., 25 Sd ay. t New Xork~ - .' SALESMEN — A few reliable men to sell a beau- tiful line •of stationery to all Classen of re- i t allcrs: commission basis. Box 417, lowa City. la. - . . -. EXPERIENCED salesman to handle dry goods, gents' furnishing poods, etc.; for country. Call THE WHITAKERv & RAY COMPANY, 141 Grove 6t AGENTS and street men get In line; something new; Teddy and his bears; very hot seller; sample 10c. Green & Co.. 12 State st.. Chicago. HORSES, HARNESS AND WAGONS SPAN of bays, young and sound, $450; span of blacks, 5. years old, weighing 2900 pounds, $009; span of mares, young and right. $450; ppan of dapple grqvs, 6 years old, $650; span of dapple grays, weighing 3500 pounds, 6 years old, $725; epan of heavy truck horses, weighing 3500 pounds, 15 years old, _ $750; many other cheap horses too numerous to mention. If you are looking for horses, call at the Horse and Mule Market: everything cold under guarantee. 346-48 Twelfth st AT 665 4th st, Oakland — One big team for sand wagon; 20 bead of all purpose horses; 1 light 2 horse express wagon; 2 delivery wagons; 3 ball bearing rubber tire buggies: 1 dump wagon; 1 sand wagon; also big auction sale Wednesday. April 24, at 11 a. m. JOSEPH MEDEIROS. . \u25a0 SPLENDID 5 year old horse, sli-fed by Nutwood Wllkes, eound, gentle and free, open trotter; Bailey bngiry; band sewed Moffit leather har- ness, rubber tired surrey. Apply at Lapham stable*. 1309 Pearl st, cor. EndnaL Alameda. A SOUND bay team, 1126 lbs., full sister and brother; 6 pound gentle delivery horses. Del- monte stable, cor. Mission st. and China ay. FINE black mare (weight 1500 lbs.): one home goose neck truck; good harness. Can be seen at Ben Hnr stables, 1649 Pacific ay. HANSEN HARNESS CO., 1273 Folsom St.— For new and second-hand harness, collars and blan- ket*, etc., phone Market 2771. BARGAIN; business or delivery buggy, fine con- dition. LEIPSIC BROS., 1421 Buchanan, near O'Farrell. : FOR the best city made wagon, delivery and express wagon, call at KLEIBER'S. 1504-6 Folsom »t 20 HEAD of draught horses for sale. Oregon \u25a0 Horse Market, SE. cor. Hayes and Franklin. NEW and 2d-hand baggies sold: repairing ' and rubber tires. KENNEY MFG. CO., 531 Valencia LASTUFKA BROS., hleh-ernde harness, saddles. Write for catalog. 1659 Market Tel. Mkt -2976. ALL kinds of butcher wagons and grocery wagons at KLEIBER'S, 1504-6 Folsom . st :, Cal. Saddlery Co. — High-grade harness, pipe col- lars to order. 519 Gongh. TeL Market 2690. J. O'KANE CO. for harness, robes, blankets and whips. 628 Golden Gate aye. ; dog collars. SCHAUBEL & HANSEN— Light heavy harness, collars, robes, blankets, whips; 484 Bth st ;\u25a0 CRACKER wagon for sale. Inquire at C. Lea* non's stable. Bosh st., near Dertsadero. SPONGES — Headquarters for Sr*>nsres and cha- mols. 2115 Pine st S. . ADDERLEY. 5 TEAR old boroe and one at 9 can be seen Sunday at 3 Cook st off Point Lobos ay. 30 CITT bcslne-SB hugrles for sale cheap at KLEIBER'S, 1504-C Folsom st I WANT to sell a fine road buggy. FRANK P. BARBEE, 1651 Fillmore st GOOD express wagon for sale; $75. 1351 Ellis ' street. v . STORAGE. AND MOVING VANS BEKINS VAN AND . STORAGE COMPANY. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. 13th and Mission sts. Tel. Market 13. BEFORE moving call on , the Reliable Express Co. ; furniture moved, packed and shipped ! to any part of the dry or country. Stand corner Satter and Flllmore sts. : residence northeast corner Point Lobos ' and Blake, formerly cf Sutter and Montgomery." "-• EUREKA TRANSFER CO.— Baggace and freleht moved; storage at low rates; office IR2 Fulton st: Dhone Market 2758. F. HESS, J. S.ED- j WARDS.' WILSON BROS. CO.. Inc. — Moving and etorasre. Cor. 14th and Sanchez sts:. 1 block from Mar- ket i and ' Flllmore - st. cars: phone Park 271. ANDERSON Transfer and : Storage ' Co. (Ironclad warehouse). 645 Turk; telephone Franklin 213. PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Movlne Com- pitnr. 2320 Fillmore *t Phone Vwt 2C2S. >\u25a0-\u25a0 CARPET CLEANING ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with- out removal by * the S. F* Compressed \u25a0 - Air Cleaning Co. '-' Office -, and shop, • 15th *st : and San Brnno aye.; phone Market 2672. \u0084.>,; ALL ready for business — Pioneer Carpet Cleaning Works; temporary offlce.'P-ll Golden Gate aye.; phone Park 591. J. SPAULDING-& CO. : . MULLIGAN BROS. — Cleaning, • laying and > reno- vating. \u25a0 . Office 3020 Pine; phone West 5134. A. W. WELDEN CO. — Cleaning - and \u25a0 laying; office and works, 2400 Geary. \u25a0- Phone. West 93. Watts— Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations: ren- orating. laying. 587 \u25a0 Waller st" Phone Park 569. MITCHELL'S old-estab. , carpet-beating ; works; 5689 18th St.. cor. Dolores. Phone Market 1402. CARPETS cleaned, 4c yd.; laid. se. GISSLOWS. C. C. CO.. 3808 22d st Phone Market- 2259. CONKLIN BROS.' '\u25a0 Carpet : Cleaning Works. • 1319 Scott st. near O'FarrelL Phone .West 5601.x ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.— Advanced meth- ods. GEORGE : WALCOM CO.. * «37 i Tnrk «t.' .'_' :^" DYE^AND CLEANING; j-": 'J-V-> SEND your dry cleaning to the Presidio Het«hts Dye Works and be forever satisfied. ; Call West 453 fw wagons/ Office 3931-3933 Sacramento t.t. G. WEIDEMANX'S, dyeing and ; cleaning a spe- clalty. 339 Bth -»t. 'Tel:" Market 530«.V \u25a0\u25a0• :-t \u25a0\u25a0'- FmEPROOP FLOORING 1 Asbestolltn, - : handsome, ' durable, > noiseless,- non- fllppery. stain proof. \u25a0 A. Willkomm.' Midway bid. \u25a0-. ; : . vy:V GAS^ FI^T^ ES ::^ r: ':;\u25a0--\u25a0'-': BIG LINE. SMALL PRICE. THE SUN3ET, FIX- TURE CO.. 149 TURK ST. v • \u25a0-'--\u25a0" \u25a0 \u0084;' ;; '/\ '\ \u25a0\u25a0' GRADING - ;"\u25a0_:\u25a0;>';.\u25a0";\u25a0 y '7^ .'... ','^ \u25a0•;: , . DANIEL' O'DAY.f : - , GRADING. BOCK,- GKAVEL. SAXD, ; TEAMING. TEL."; FELL L6016.\iL 6016. \i 14TH • AND' BELCHER -STS.' •\u25a0 . \u25a0..:-'\u25a0 : .: y .' GUNSMITHS i.^ : :• r ,":C W. /H. { PRICE, 15 years " with * Clabrough . & , Golcher." gun \u25a0 stocks a • specialty.".' 9 > East i st. opp." Tlbnron ferry.' •; - ; \u25a0 \u25a0 hland-palinted7 china: ; -\u25a0'\u25a0-;, Don's Ceramic ; Supply Storei' 759-761 \ McAllister; largest' on Pacific ! Coast; \u25a0: devoted ? exclusively to white china, supplies ; , direct : importers. - '.. V Me Mnl^M^ . FURNITURE : FOR: SALE , . . " FURNITURE i FOR i SALE: V - : A ! well: furnished- flat lof >7: rooms; vicinity .of • Hyde and Washington . sts : ,' $S5O. ,> D..; W. . OABMICHAEL CO.. - 1664 O'Farrell Bt. .- --. SPECIAL SATE LINOLEUM. 45c; INLAID. 95c per yard; MATTING and RUGS. Fillmore Fujv nltnre House. 2115 Flllmore. near California. v FISHER 4b BERNSTEIN CO.; new," second-hand . furniture, stoves, : ranges; „ goods ; bought-: sold, 'X exchanged. : . 3312-5316 Mission st; \ near 29th. \u25a0 OAK saloon tables and hardwood restaurant ta- bles for Immediate delivery. 2169 ,- Folsom st. WINDOW shades 35c up; furniture, carpets, rugs, -\u25a0\u25a0:- llnolenm; lowest prices.' TOWEY. 257 Church. J. H. WILEY, 659-661-663 14th * St., near , Market and Church — Furniture, ' good and cheap. ; ...- .>' FURNITURE, beddln*: all new : ' low prices. : Cor- • ncr 11th and Franklin sts.,' Oakland. :. -. _•.'.*\u25a0" IN fitting a house, see me; 25 ' per cent off. L. ISAACSON. 1435 .WebsterJst. ' .-si \u25a0\u25a0* ,";. ' * $13 for folding bed that cost $28; good as new. • 972 ' Hayes \u25a0st near Flllmore. - - ~- " \u25a0 .- _ OAKLAyp';' FURNITURE FOR: SALE SPECIAL— day ' for bargains •in : furnltnre.* : H.* SCHELLHAAS. 11th st. corner store. Oakland. FURNITURE WANTED .; DO not sacrifice your furniture,' etc., until you ' get our estimate on same. , 725 McAllister st, phone ", Market 5427. : * \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,-.' :: .'.-- : . ! > ..'... -//.:; E. F. DONAHUE & C0.,r620 McAllister : st, pays : highest " price for \u25a0 furniture,'-' carpets, etc. Phone Market. 4934. \u25a0 ; ," ;. y : • HIGHEST PRICE • FOR SECONDHAND FCR- vSITPRB. BARNETT'S. 1002 G. G. »ye. JEWELERS F. L. COOK-^Jewelry, J clocks, - silverware,*: sta- tionery and notions ; formerly: of 1712 Market Pt., . nov permanently ' located r at 839 Golden Gate aye.. opposite Jefferson Square.. .\u25a0';:\u25a0:. BTETNMAN, Jeweler. ' 524 Valencia, cor. iflth; repairing and society emblems; mfg. a specialty. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 .'-\u25a0 LOST :^NI> \ FOUND ;'';'. '^.':\ LOST— A pasnbook ' with the ' Hibernla Savings and Loan Society, of San i Francisco, In the name of . ELLEN M. RYAN, No. 246-1029. The finder will please return to bank.'. Unless same Is returned within five days a new book will be lssned to> the applicant ; ..-.-..*...-:.. ... LOST — A . passbook with -? the - Hibernla -; Savings \u25a0 and Loan Society >of - San - Francisco, in • the name - of CELIA - SIDLOWBKI.i No." - 288-855. The finder will . pleas* return 'to bank. Unless same Is returned within five. days a new. book will be Issued to the applicant LOST — A passbook with the , Hibernla . Savings and Loan society of San -Francisco .In 'the name of EMIL L. LGEBERG. No. 256-1074. The finder will please return to bank.- Unless same Is returned within . 5 days a new book will be Issued to the applicant ;. ' g DARK bay horse about 1200 pounds, branded ' H on left hip; small white - spot " on left side; heavy mane and tail? lost from Ransome Cos- Btrnetion Company's barn at; Colma the night of Friday, March 15, 1907," between the hours of 8 ' and 5. . . . : LOST— At Fairmont Hotel Tuesday night, Anrll ' 16. 1907, black overcoat ' velvet ' collars Bul- lock & Jones make, with? owner's name in ' pocket. Party finding -same please address . 3097 California at.,, or telephone West 3611. LOST— April IR, going from Octavia and Halght to Junction of Bth and Market, on a Castro Bt. car, a lady's gold filled watch, with letters M ED: -Waltham movement. ' Suitable \u0084 re- ward If returned to 22 Octavia st.'- / .;. ;.:;_ * ;-•: LOST — Lady's open face watch and I gold dragon - pin lost ; a - gift and highly prized : Waltham movement No. 13014855. cane number 157197. Return to Mrs. Lane. 783 Halght st , or 119 [ Stelner st Will pay reward.^,- ---':-\u25a0:--'•. i -* ' " . LOST — April 20 on the' San Mateo car, or leaving it at 16th and, Mission sts., -lady's chatelaine watch with letter M on \u25a0 ontnide ' ; of case. Liberal reward If returned to 3222 Mission st. LOST — On Key Route boat \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 conectlng . with 7 o'clock train from -Berkeley lady's- purse con- ' talnlng money. Return to Williams • & Carter company, 1537 Bush stand receive, reward. LOST— At Fairmont hotel, Tuesday night, a long black overcoat; Zwerln < & Son make: - owner's name In pocket; unltshle reward. Finder please address A. : L. . FRANCIS. 2628 Lacuna st : LOST — April 17. either In j the Forum . Cafe or between the ' latter • and' Taft I & Pennoyer*s, • Oakland, a- pair^of • wild : noHe irlasßes: re- ward. Address box.. 1085. Call, . Oakland. . LOST — A passbook with .The Hibernla savings . and loan society of San Francisco, iln the name of . JOHN E. BASSETT. No. 259-893.: The - finder will please return to bank. . \u25a0" , LOST — Thursday night at Paris , Tea j Garden ior on the iway. ' cold bracelet - set with 'small dla- \u25a0; mond; (reward. - WILL H. WORDEN, • 2220 Geary st : . V •: .;. '". ; \u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 '.\u25a0'-' '. . STOLEN — Blsck water spaniel dop: long ears; white spot in front: license on collar N0,' 1668. Return to 2982 25th st, ' save trouble. YOU can't make $50 more easily than *. to r . buy 1.000 shares Rosebud mining stock •at \u25a0 16c ' per '. share. Room 8, 1443 Flllmore' st *.;•\u25a0-..•"• LOST — Gold fob/ dragon design, with monoeram J. •H. G. Finder can Ket . liberal reward by : returning same to 101 Stelner st :.."-,- ' : LOST — Flllmore and .McAllister . sts.,\. gent's . pocket purse - containing - money; \ please * return 3355 Mission st;. reward.. .; .-.>"*•..\u25a0<\u25a0• LOST— A fob. : black ribbon, with blue locket. man's photo Inside; . return to 2714 : Howard \u25a0 st: 'liberal , reward. ;•-..-: '^.- \u25a0 \u25a0 m \"t- \u25a0 LOST — April 18, snake brooch,, set with " pearls, diamond in head;' keepsake. - Return 1514 EHlsßt.; reward. 1 \u0084 \u25a0 --.>\u25a0 :\u25a0.;•;\u25a0\u25a0 ,'\u25a0 .~. \u25a0 -y SMALL sunburst : p!n set ; with ' pearls : and ' dia- monds In center; \u25a0 liberal reward. .. Return 243 \u25a0 San Jose ay. --.•-' .\u25a0_\u25a0 - ;\u25a0-.;\u25a0;\u25a0.\u25a0.•:-.•\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 --' .--••.'\u25a0\u25a0' -V , $50 REWARD for ' diamond ; screw earring i lost \u25a0Satuf-JBT. Return MRS. E. CONOR, : 1635 -Fillmore st' ••'\u25a0\u25a0:.-: -' " r •.:•....." BUGGY * left at 3004 Mission : «t will be noTH unless called for in 5 days. GEORGE HALL. STRAYED — Bay horse from Ellis. and Broderick sts. : reward. 1509 Stelner st . LOST — A •\u25a0 Gordon : setter . dog. . Return to . 680 Greenwich at; reward. :\u25a0: \u25a0 - ; . . -.. . , '. LOST — Pearl pin, diamond • center. -- Return to 223 Spruce - st :» reward. >. v \u25a0' \u0084 . . LOST — Friday : , gold . scarf :. pin .with „ opal ; ' re- ward. . 113 . Duncan St. i;,. : . \u0084 CHEAPEST \u25a0 and 1 best Uj" America. "The Weekly Call. $1 per year. . / - - •"\u25a0'"""\u25a0..' .• \u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0 =.\u25a0 LADTTORIES; * * SUN . LING " . LEE-^-Lanndry open '* " for business this week at ,475 Tehama at- nr.. 6th. . NEW CITY LAUNDRY; good work. 1315 Eddy Bt: tel: West 2469.: :.. , ... :j,: j, \u25a0\u25a0'. - -. > "\u25a0\u25a0':• v,. MEDICAL/ 1 DR. SYLVESTER'S Office^ - : " ~~~~~~~ 817 23d st, nr.: Telegraph ave../ Oakland, :Cai; \u0084 ~. Leading Specialist for .Women; Ladies — If; you \u25a0 are suffering from \u25a0 any afl- ' ment peculiar < to \u25a0 your ; sex, : worried about yonr ' condition ? and > need help, - consult \ this | famous . specialist because. he is. truly the only regular- ly \u25a0 graduated \u25a0 physician - specialist r for,-, women' «dvertlaln(t," having '\u25a0'\u25a0 (19) >; years • of ' succes* — WITHOUT I ONE ! FAILURB— he . gives • relief— .', AT; ONCE— without \u25a0 drugs,": operation; or • need- less detention from yonr occupation; with orlg-' InaI— PAINLESB— HARSfLESS— methods ; with high , professional standing \u25a0 and qualifications reeoj-nleed \by the highest - medical * authority, .'.with offlce well appointed and strictly private, . he \u25a0 is ; the : SAFKST— AND '\u25a0> SUREST— man to consult when yon need help. Consultation \ and v advice ' absolutely, "free.' -•« Private - sanitarium . when : necessary. \u25a0 • Fees : moderate. \u25a0 > Hours, " 9 /a. m. ' to 9 p.m. Open • Sunday s. ' • Telephone Oakland 7POL ' \u25a0 ; DR. SYLVESTEn'S Offlce, > - 817 23d it;, nr. Telegraph aye.. Oakland.- Cal. v DR. G. W. O'DONNELL^-Ladies;? all "who *\u25a0 are . . sick or In trouble. ; consult • this specialist : on ' female .' complaints: •„ positively i corrected; '. the unfortunate helped: k the £ most ,: difficult j cases \u25a0\u25a0 < treated ; J every : case ' take* ; I Immediate s relief: no : poisoning drugs ;' low ; fee ;* my,; methods \u25a0 will care all cases of Irregularity; consult me; save time and money: advice \u25a0 free: - hours, 9 : a. - m \u25a0to 4.8:80 to 8:80. 1212 Turk 'at?>./- VALPEAU'B - female ' pills; \best : regulating ! pills sold; 'price. $2.50 by express. \ Pasteur's syringes : ."-. and \u25a0 tablets : , price < $5. %By > express ; only/ on re- ' 1 celpt of , price.?; OSGOOI"KBROTHERS.. r whoIe-" sale druggists, -*. 7th ; and : ; Broadway.*, Oakland. T: i - A— MRS. DR. ,W YETH. - reliable ladies\ speclal- ' . Ist for all tf- male Irregularities; Instant relief guaranteed ; 30 years 1 successful practice.! 1524 V .Webster st..' near Geary; open Sundays. >, ; MRS. DR. KOHL.:ladles'_speclallst;for.all:fe- \u25a0 \u25a0' male : irregularities; t instant * relief .gun ran teed. '\u25a0\u25a0'{: 1524 .Webster; st... near Geary; open- Sundaj-s. DR. i JAMES NEAL," 1438 Ellis st ,' nneat Webster."r t Webster. " '.: Specialist In women's diseases.:,; Hours, "9 a. ; m. to 9. p. m.;i Sundays,*! 9, to 2. vv 'S< ' ' '*::\u25a0;\u25a0 •\u25a0"\u25a0,.. DR.'C. G.*! O'Donnell,'' renowned female specialist.'- :.- 912 Devisadero,} beti McAllister: and G.'G.'Save.i DR.. and - MRS.-- DA VIES" j method \ of i treatment '• \u25a0 :i 824 i st , 'i between \ 19th i and,. 20th." MARBLE AND J MOSAIC 'WORKS ?gg : DESIGNERS ; and I contractors?^ Galassl Z Marble -.- and '\u25a0 Mosaic Co.-*^ TeL^ Fell ' 9246.-8 1121? Fell ; «t 1 .: A ModeJ riand I Jioveltyj Mannfacturer \u25a0 . s MECHANIC IAL". instraimentst^to^li^^bK^rou^ •\u25a0 work; gear cottlag. V.' SOLLMAJi; 575 Natoma. :, ;V '; MISCELLANEOUS FOR; SALE CASH registers— Do you need a sUent partner: In v : your ! business T*\u25a0 One that will • look after your Interests when yom are \u25a0 away T *' If . so, '. oair ai VV our ; offlce and let • us . show f you how^a - isa- ; tlonal",wlU accomplish thls;;over 500,000 -Mers - *.of our systems can testify. to this. Why not let Ks, National Cash ' Register relieve you of all the worry , and details T The National Cash Begu- . ter C 0... 1283 Golden Gate aye. - ---j- -; CASH registers:" the best "made ; is the Hallwood ; -this is the cash register the trust Is afraid or. .Why T ' Because It's a better one i than ' they make for one-third the price; we carry Nation- als, practically new; for $25,; $35, $50; easy monthly payments;, investigate." ' _ „ - >-- : PACIFIC COAST CASH REGISTER CO.; \u25a0 City. Hall aye. . . ". \u25a0 , SAFES— SECOND HAND— CHEAP. :. '\u25a0_\u25a0\u25a0 .; \u25a0-, Waltz, f-- Hall, Diebold, Plttsburg, any make; -size or style HALF PRICE. Cash or easy pay- ments. . Safes • bought sold and exchanuea. .- :• , GEORGE H.NLARRABEE. SAFE BROKER,^ 21 and 23- spear st. phone tern .' 3067. elegant; '-;---v,,. «...:. \u25a0;\u25a0-\u25a0 .... • 5-ft. enameled bath tub. 20x30 W. E. sink.- . 80-gallon boiler. . ' .Patent water closet" „„_ \u25a0Combination. $40.50. ' 1964 POST STREET. A PRIVATE SALE, of several . modern slightly FIRE; PROOF SAFES; suitable for Jew- eler or other purposes: bargains if secured at . once ; \u25a0 cash *or - time payments. WRITE TO- \u25a0 DAY. : box ' 2845. ; Call offlce. .:" ;•\u25a0' -..' ; \u25a0 PLUMBERS' soil pipe, fittings, lead boilers, met- -- als, • builders' wall . anchors, floor plates, . sash weights, -half price. NE. corner Fulton and Gough sts.; 1200 ft 6-in. stan. soil pipe, $1.50 a, length. , _ - . : \u25a0 .-.-_.-,-- ....\u25a0-\u25a0.'-'.: '. . STEAM boiler, 6 H.P.; steam pump; steam sepa- : rator; - splendid ifoK dairy purpose. Call or.in- \u25a0\ : quire at : MR, BEICHLIN'S homestead, near ' San I Mateo; or address P. P., . Man ; Mateo. - SAFE — Special made for attorney, bond or I In- surance offlce; - has metal filing . cases, drawers . numbered and lettered; also extra heavy bur- •;_-. glar proof chest, 702 Polk, cor. Eddy. . " - . HALLWOOD cash registers; total adders; $25 to ' $90; > also Nationals. CASH REGISTER . EX- CHANGE, 1183 ' Market st, s Central Theater -building.: :: -.- _\u25a0-•• \u25a0-,-\u25a0, : \u25a0*. , -^V^ *\u25a0\u25a0-\u0084•' .-.-\u25a0.- .'. '" '" 2 ' FINE yonng fresh ' Jersey and Durham - cows ; young \u25a0 calves; v great butter cows; $35 and $40 each. 300 \u25a0 Augusta St., off San - Bruno ay. INDEPENDENT Machine Co., 220 11th st; en- gineers and I contractors; machine works; light ' ' forging,- tool-maktng; lnmber trucks a specialty. BARS, cigar stands,' grocery and window display fixtures, etc., at short notice; showcases; desks. MEEK, 1161 Mission st, between 7th and Bth. RELIABLE] Woodworking Company, 219-221 Bth st.— Store and offlce fixtures; call once, see our . new stock of bar fixtures. M. P. " JOHNSON. DRUMMERS' SAMPLES LADIES' SUITB. skirts; coats, waists retailed -at wholesale prices. R. 117, Delbert b!dg..Van Ness at O'Far. FOR sale — Soda fountain, showcases, bank - and office fixtures, marble work; call and see them. WHITCOMB. 527 Market st. San Francisco. LAUNCHES, new and slightly used. Cal. Launch . Works. ; Pac. Coast aprents for Peninsular mo- \ tor. ;< Blandlng aye., Park st, Alameda. 500 TONB second-hand pipe; sells IS per c?nt of the price of new. Address ALHXANDEB SALVAGE CO.; 1083 Howard st. S. \u25a0 F. FOR sale— Rhumkorff coU; 10-ln spark, for X- ray or wireless- telegraph. Apply electric sta- ... tlon. Ist ave.ybet Pt. Lobos and Clement st FOR sale — Machinery of all kinds bought, sold, exchanged and rented. H. S. White Machinery Company, corner 9th and Bryant sts. ; TENTS,- CANVAS WORK, WAGON COVERS AND AWNINGS AT F. THOM'S. 1209 MIS- SION ST. PHONE MARKET 2194. FOR sale— U. B.' government =' tents. 16 ' onnee, large size; creat barjraln. P. MONTAGUE. SW. " cor.: 12th and Mission sts. \u25a0•\u25a0.-.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 PEERLESS gasoline engine, «1 h. p.. $240; 2 steam pumps, y, h. p. motor, late drill press. 1057 Folsom st .' \u25a0 .' "..,.'. \u25a0 . ONE marine engine, 180-horsepower; price $500; practically -new engine. JOHN W. SMITH, 737, Folsom: st. - -..;•',- .\u25a0\u25a0 .: .\u25a0,'';.•'\u25a0-''.'\u25a0'. RANCHO Laguna Creamery; wholesale and retail dealers ' In. butter, milk, cream, eggs. 2441 ' , Mission st . : - ; '- BOAT and stationary engines; reverse gears; pro- pellers, batteries, castings. NIELAND, 1728 Bryant st »j -\u25a0'«>\u25a0 '\u25a0•€ ' .' '.- • LET .' us ; figure on yonr showcases ' and bar fix- tures.! M. , TERKELTOUT & CO., .1765 Mls- Blon St. --\u25a0 :\u25a0*:,-- : .. ." r -:-*- • »\u25a0"' "*.':'... A— Turnlnir, cabinet and mill work; all' kinds of flxt. CARL F. HAAS. 03 Minna. TeL Tp. 1477. 26 VARIETIES of thoroughbred ' eggs; ; circular. . Ingleslde Poultry Yards, 807 Mount Vernon ay. BUY " Nevada Rosebud mining stork : Just ' made * wonderful strike. . Room 5, 1443 - Fillmore ' st BAR fixtures. -.W." C.-KING, ; agents -of- Chaae; Passow & Sons. 1273 Mission; teL* Special 1173.- BUY i yoor-i trunks'* and- suitcases ' direct "\u25a0•from - maker. Mission Trunk Mfy., 2190 Mission st 1000 cards printed. W : letterheads, envelopes, wed- . ding work, showcards. signs. -Hill. 1600 Stelner. SAFES— New and second-hand. RICHARDSON. BROS.. Gen.: Agts. Cary Safe Co.. 131 sth st. BC ALES, trucks, coffee ; mills;-! money ' drawers. ! Jas. Geddes & Co.. 431-33 Lark In; tel. Em. 623 EDISON Moving Picture Machines and Stereoptl- ; \u25a0 cons ; bargains. ; -. GEO. \u25a0 BRECK, • CS2 Grove st. MAHOGANY counters and show cases at a bar- gain, r29 Bartlett near 22d. . J. Hendrtcks. G. E. RUSSELL, plumbers'^ supplies.' builders' - wall anchors, machinery. 260 Linden • aye.' . \u25a0 - ALL ' kinds of ' trees and plants; send i for price : list. OEM NURSERY. Los - Qatos. Cal. FOR , sale — Soda fountain ' and ' accessorle*: ; $100; , .almost new. .Address box -785, Call, of flee. WELL DRILLS for • oil. gas \u25a0 and « water . wells ; ' latest. LOOMIS DRILL t CO., Tiffin. 0hi0. "... 16 ' AND lftfoot SALOON BARS for sale at sac- > rlflce. MAISLER& SON." 1097 > Polk st. ' FOR sale— Scow schooner: " good \u25a0 condition.^ - Port Costa Milling Co.. 210, Battery st. B:\T. '\u25a0- : -, KING'S OLD BOOK STORE.'- 891 Golden Gate ".\u25a0;.-: aye..; near : ; Octavia- st*;' Books ; bought.-^ - /-. FOR Rale— 2 American beanty, showcases; cheap. EDW. KNOWLES CO., 214 Hydest ; , .. :, WKEKS-HOWE-EMERSON V. CO. —They - make -.flags and> flag poles. ::61^Market ; st. '*.' - 6ECO ND-HAND bar outfit > for V: gale : .- bargalnT PRAHL & SCHMIDT. ; 941 '< Folsom st '.. \u25a0'.. "^ A BIG line of : gas and ' electric - fixtures cheap. 1 167 \u25a0 McAllister st. ; ; below , Fillmore. '. ' .-• : SAFES— New and second-hand. The Hermann \u25a0 Safe Co.. 120-130 • Folsom . St. ;-;'-'.-', 1 8-H.P." second hand" gas', engine. 311 Harriet sty near 'Bryant. :\- ::,*.:\u25a0 V ;..'.; \.-"..\ \u0084' . . CHEAPEST, and best : In /America, - r The i Weekly ,-..- Call. \u25a0\u25a0 $1 per year.' -\u0084' '.' -:-. .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..-.., ';\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0 500 SHARES i Landan : Siphon . Company, 2483 Brvant st -, \u25a0:•'." • \u25a0 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS ; HIGHEST paid for old'gold; silver; watches clnd." , 50c ; main sprngs. ; so, ! . warrntd. >. 736 -Van : Ness. A— GENTS' \u25a0 second-hand \u25a0 clothing \u25a0 bought tnd - soId.. MUSIN'S.-.l29oA, Eddy st, cor. Buchanan BOOKS and ' libraries ' bought I f or « cash. , THE * ' HOLMES CO.; ; 402 Van . Ness i aye. .-.'-\u25a0\u25a0 f';V CASH ' paid " for .[diamonds. V O'NEILL. & • EBER, *i*,1744"- Flllmore .st;? 1 below ? Sutter. , ; '-"-•\u25a0 V; A LADY wants a * good,' sound horse, about 7 \u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0: years r old.. 2207 Market st. / :-: . :' \u25a0"; WANTED— SmaII '. cash register; • must ' be ' cheap. -.. Box 2.009. .Ca1l offlce. .*•.-\u25a0 ' • N \u25a0'« OLD i S. F. directories; any date. Box Call rj office, ;Flllm«re: st. '\u25a0"-' ' ' .-: v.;- '-V - ;MONETv.TOf;LOAN,;'- .; * .'\u25a0:• vS- AAAA— Any "\u25a0 salaried J employe }* or ; 'wage-earner can get from as, -just on his note— \u25a0'\u25a0 * : - : : - Monthly.Seml-Mo.Wkly. $50.00— Return to' us it $13.00 $6.25 $3.35 "\u25a0; $30.00— Return to ! us.'. 8.00 : 4.00 2.00 v- $15.00 — Return -to us: . % 4.00 ..*2 2.00 - 1.00 i- - -.Or. any 'other sum In 'proportion." - t - '.'-. \u25a0 \u25a0. \u25a0 v- \u25a0-;• THE STAR LOAN & INV. C 0. ,. :V' .; THE CITY LOAN CO.,' - - f-- r- THE CRESCENT 'LOAN -CO., - < .904-905 Mutual Savings Bank. Building. , EVER NEED MONEY? v .^ \u25a0\u25a0'. WANT IT INi A HURRY? WANT IT PRIVATELY? \u25a0- SNOW.WHBRB TO GET; IT? ,'•\u25a0 •\u25a0 MONEY. LOANED on furniture, pianos and other .• \u25a0 security ; • lowest rates ; v most \u25a0 favorable terms in the city;. see others, then SEE ME 'AND BB \u25a0V CONVINCED. - \u25a0 I .WILL SAVE . YOU; MONEY. . ~. $2.25 .weekly * repays $50 loan > and costs.^ vf :\u25a0 .-\u25a0: ,. GEORGE \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. Vl:* MILLER, ;^^-^r-^ it-". Room 1 35, • SW.i come*; Mission ; and Iflth i sts.>. • MONEY i loaned salaried people '\u25a0 and others upon -v their j own ; names % without * security ; i cheapest ; ; rates,' easiest , payments; offices in ; 6 3' principal ;\u25a0* cities ; £ save i yourself s money *• by '* getting s our 4 -r J - terms first 4 TOLM AN, r > 787 \u25a0 Market ' room ' 137,' y.Formerly.Bs3Parrottrbnlldlng.*V.': \u25a0'\u25a0; i ' -. ."HOUSEHOLD SLOAN 'COMPANY.';;; :' ; : Room .70; : 509 i Golden 4 Gate, ? at : Polk ; * also \ 8 *Macdonough bldg. y t Oakland,^ will loan you sums Ii of $10 to $200 on furniture, ' pianos;, horse, . ve- v hides * (without 5 removal) .*«•: Tel. * Market \u25a0 3329. : -'•\u25a0•'•\u25a0 '."-"\u25a0 : -' >>:':; D/iD'S DRAKE;;./-"": -;,<\u25a0'- . \u25a0'\u25a0- l-'.l -'.. r '" : ,"--. 7. Franklin Realty ; Bldg.T" cor. . Golden Ga te and < Polk ; s 301 St 1 Paul p Bldg.V? OakUnd.-s»^*r. ; Salary,, loans t made s quickly a and \u25a0 .privately. l to > \u25a0\u25a0.; steady \ employes ; f lowest | rates ; g easy % terms, y; .*-";- 1 HERMAN A" MURPH Y| f ;" ' "j^ j. — —Junction jof 5 Market J and ' Sutter * Streets—— First and second mortgages,' estates,* legacies." etc.' LOAN lon > furniture. v pianos ror 1 security =of | any »\u25a0? kind; Ito < poor « people » we '. make i loans free jof \u25a0(\u25a0: charge.-;,' ILLINOIS -.TRUST,; CO.; s 1516 i Eddy. l^ ON j furniture • and \u25a0 pianos ' in lose ; mo commission. ??.V. tTREMAIN.I-ra6 j Buchanan 1 at?; near 1 Hayes.^ ADVANCES ' on ' diamonds ; as I usuaL"! Baldwin * Jew- E*: eliy ' Co.ri permanent office: 1261 tVsa_Nessl_T«? "\u25a0?"\u25a0-,- uv •-' -•"' '"'ii"i 1 A i*irrrrTi¥MTVi:iiiitliiiiiiiiiii-M-«ilWTnn-***Tsr*rlr*nr^lTTr*^^ LOAN--<3on*Umed :l ' MORRELL — Cash' loaned to salaried men on note without i lndorser. . 922 Monadnock - building. - MONEY I ; Golden ~ Gate r Aye. p : Loan Offlce, : LOANED . 11;;1 1;; fs;^. 1276 j Golden Gate . aye. E.~ S. v < BONELLI.v 2002 Pierce \u25a0 st ; : lowest ; inter- ':^est:no commission rconfldentlaL^"-'*'^' ' il_ ,',: ":;: 3 MUSiCAii^ INSTRUMENT^', ' MUST sell or store. 15: pianos^ this. week; this Is a chance of a lifetime ; > $400 : pianos ; for ; $235 ; .-$5OO pianos for $265,' while they last; we have several \u25a0; second hand * uprights . from . $65 ! up; terms, . rents $2 ' up, * Installments $4 up. Heine Piano C0.,'1341 1 . Golden Gateav..' 1466 Bush ;\u25a0 st. .' ; and : 469-471 20th st . . Oakland.' ; . - BUY," rent or exchange' direct at factory: pianos - that "sing r^ their /.own", i praises. ' WM. "L. i SCHMITZ. " mfg.;*-' tuner.'- repairer; ; 20 years in • his o*-n i bldg., . 4S ' Bartlett: all • work \u25a0 guaran- teed ; bet. 21st and 22d, . Valencia and Mission. ' A NEW PIANO "' for $150. - A Steck. also \u25a0a" , Kranlch -& . Bach. . and many .- others .'at * prices from $100 ; up. - . Satisfaction guaranteed at BENJ.-CURTAZ & SON'S.- 1615 Van Ness aye. $ISS— RARE chance: fine S-pedal uprisht; snap. -JOSEPH: SCHMITZ & CO., 430 Devlsadero, .•."\u25a0' near : Oak. r--.: \u25a0 ;•" \u25a0 -'-\u25a0 ;•;. SOHMER, Byron Mauzy ptanos. Cec Ulan plan* players. ; BYRON MAUZY.' II7S O'FarreU st ' A NEW piano, mahogany case, | $160. BOWERS \u25a0 A SON, 529 McAllister st; near Van Ness.- - ALMOST \ new Emerson upright, cheap. HOR- NUNG, 1554 Eddy at. near \u25a0 Fnimore. \u25a0\u25a0-..\u25a0 A SNAP— Upright," rosewood finish, perfect order, ; $75; must \u25a0. be sold. ; 853 Valencia st. AN | upright piano in good condition; $54. 1466 Bush.et . -:.*-.\u25a0:*-:-- - . . . \u25a0 . DECKER Bros. I piano, $85,' at • 1341 \u25a0 Golden Gate -_- avenue.**- '\u25a0'- •.-\u25a0\u25a0»-. ,\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0-:-.-,\u25a0\u25a0 ? \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0.--\u25a0\u25a0 MATRIMONIAL : BUSINESS .man. : 43, /desires an ' Interview '; with ' lady matrimonially ' inclined : one who baa own home; country or city, and from $2,000 to $10,- 000 : no \u25a0 trlflers nor agents ; , all correspondence . treated i sacredly , and returned if desired ; posi- tively no notice taken *\u25a0 of . general delivery- Box 2038. Call offlce. > r :\u25a0 . WIDOWER 40 years old, 1 child 8 years old, In business, wishes to make the acquaintance of a lady of some means; object matrimony. .'Address P. O. box 152. San -Francisco. -* ' RESPECTABLE -. lady i wishes ". acquaintance of gentleman with some means, matrimonially ln- • cllned: no trlflers. ~ ! Address box ' 1090.' CalL YOUNG" gentleman would like acquaintance of It! refined \u25a0 young \u25a0 lady, \u25a0 with a view -to matrl- , ' mony . Address box , 2025, Call office. . REFINED widow, 80, wishes to meet a gentle- :\u25a0 man "of ' means; * object • matrimony. Address box 2044. Call office. . ' - LADY and ! gentleman ' wishlna* to marry call . or address \u25a0 MRS. WOI/TER. 1711 Geary st ALL ' contemplating ' matrimony.' send - 10c - for "The Wedding Bell," P. O. box 133. JMINES AND MINING WALKER: Range Mining Company. owns 5 claims about west of Walker • lake near Mt. Grant ; assays of $107.33, $25.42. $41.46, $103.35 have been made by.T. B. Gambel.' * It Is proposed to rush development work. To aid In this work a small - block of stock will be sold very low. Apply at once to F. Do FREITAB, 413 Kearny 7'- street."-? ,"_\u25a0** ..;.,. : - -.•,*.'•-".:• :"-• : - k: -..: '-:-?*..-\u25a0. Nevada ; Rosebud mining stock at 16c per share : easy : payments ; positively . will advance 5c per share as soon as 25,000 shares are sold; treasury \u25a0 stock . only ; will be \u25a0 listed soon. Rm. 5, 1443 Fillmore st. T. Deremberg, - manager. GRUBSTAKE wanted by experienced mine finder for prospecting tour In southern part of River- side county ; has already a : good • copper . pros- pect ready, to locate In Santa Maria mountains. Address JOHN M.; CULVER, Newman, CaL GET on »'\u25a0 ground " floor; new Nevada*, company . Just organized ; stock will • bring , 10 times the . cost to you In 30 days. Write for particulars. Box 2042. Call offlce. - - v . ASSAYING 50c;' gold; .rich ore. etc., bought^ . Pioneer Assay \u25a0 Company. 131 ~ sth st , nr. Mint 'ASSAYING and all branches of mining taught at HEALD'B School of Mines. 295 Locnst aye. •-' n _ _;_: li _^. L ; \u25a0 ''_'\u25a0*_]',_\u25a0_ ..-.* . v - ; ,_ _ ; CHAS. \u25a0B. HOBRECHT. 1033 Golden Gate ay*, telephone Market -2206. -Good . sight; prices right:"..: Call and be convinced. . Consultation 1 free. \u25a0-'\u25a0 --* \u25a0 : : - '"':'• '\u25a0 \u25a0 -•\u25a0\u25a0•' \u25a0\u25a0; ' \u25a0-. \u25a0- -;": \u25a0/ .'v I. POVELSEN.. V EXPERT OPTICIAN. 178 \u25a0 Chnrch. st. Open evenings. '-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'<\u25a0 '• t; ; ;i;V';'V-| PERSONALS " . INFORMATION wanted of JAMES BRENNAN. - ? who \u25a0 came •to • San • Francisco -in -April, 1906. y with ; his brother.-"- JOHN \u25a0**\u25a0 BBENNAN. ' from ; William MeFarland's. Delvan. Wisconsin; last : heard of was working in a creamery near Saa .Francisco; birth-place. Tinnlscollln, parish of / Cllntubrat. near Bailey bay, County Monaghan, i Ireland : 19 ; years of age. 5 feet . high, fair ,- hair. * \u25a0 If : anybody: knowx or hears of him. notify his - brother, JOHN BRENNAN, St ' George's 3 hotel.", Bth and Howard *ts. .: ' \u0084 • CORRESPOND for pastime and remits; Join our \u25a0' club. -••: Plan : and addresses for dime. ELITE CORRESPONDENCE . CLUB, Waltham, Mass. MONEY ' for \u25a0B. -, Goldsmith (formerly of SOP 3d - st.) '\u25a0'\u25a0 of •; parties sending " address to LOUISA 'HERRICK.' 972 Hayes st . ' , ,->. - EDGAR F. ALLEN— Fredle would like to hear from yon. YOUR BOY. Virginia . hotel, : i T. GEORGE— Hyde Park. * T/ss Angeles I County, -\u25a0: care box 25. J. BERNARD. • _\u25a0 [}. : : ' BITSIjnB SS PERSONALS A— DR. E. . E. McLEAN, 'Hair.; Specialist- v •;; .-\u25a0\u25a0• Formerly Call. Building. - *\u25a0; vlsv Is still ! manufacturing her celebrated talr- and '/ rtln ; preparation :; at 804 Broderiok • St.. - nnder \u25a0 -the \u25a0 name . of the E. E. . McLEAN ; MANUFAC- TURING CO. The i demand -is erenter - th«n , ever for • her Golden * Seal ' Hair Tonic • < for oily hair\ Dandelion Dandruff Cure; Hazeline 'Hair ;Tonlc;(for thin, 'dry and brittle hairf. \u25a0;'. . . " Hair ;; Grower > Pomade — Eczema ' ointment. . . Cures Eczema." - Itching : Skln.^. Pimples." etc.' Chilean; Hair. Restorer .(for, restoring. hair to f Its original color).. .j. * .. .. .. \u25a0J - -\u25a0 ' Hazel me Cold - Cream . (without a peer as a ' /skin- food*i. r , > - . t- Medicated Face-Powder and numerous other :;\u25a0 preoarations.V; ' \u25a0 :.' .\u25a0• •.„\u25a0 •\u25a0:;-.-; Free dla'gnosla Monday antl FrMav.' between 2 and 4 ; p. , m. r . Telephone ; West 7574., . ,- BACK AGAIN AT ; THE ' SAME OLD * STAND ! . Laces ' and :* Lsce ; Curtains a 4 Specialty : \u25a0 \u25a0 from 35<* nnalr "up. 'First class, work guaranteed. •„\u25a0 . Work ;. called ' for • and -* delivered fto • any .part of theclty. -:\u25a0<\u25a0.:-\u25a0--> \u25a0•- , -j. briglia: -r*. \u0084 3424 17th -st. near Valencia. \u25a0_ ; . Phone i Market 5664. TO LEASE-^Hotel I and : bar; *19 . rooms, all fnr- \u25a0 nlshed; barn and Inrce yard; close to Santa Fe ; and Southern '\u25a0 Pacific, J stationer, within j, 1 *. mile of ,- the .thriving s town of . Richmond: . elejrant •; proposition? for. man*, and - wife. \u25a0 : Call -at - 2621 *: i Sacramento : : st. 1 . for^ Information. . \u25a0 ~ x •- A : LADY, having lodirinK house would, like ?to ». meet -\u25a0an y elderly . gentleman ;of .-•• means .who . : would be *. willing \to . assist " her : financially or -.: as ; partner. i- : , Box , 978.-; Call offlce. • Flllmore st. RAG i carpets i wove eto i order * and j for ' sale ; ' also \u25a0t chenllle-wove a rugs. .» silk t portieres: k handsom* .': \u25a0 fluff • rugs '.. made • from •» your * old carpets; ? send '.•\u25a0..> for circulars.' Geo.< Matthews; 709 6th st. Oak. : WlOS" toupees. = front pieces, that fit; purest hair *\u25a0; nsed ; \u25a0 hair ' dresslne.-. shampooing, , djelnff. ' etc." G - LEDERER,. 2271 ' California < st , • near Web- ster,'; formerly,' at -.123 1 Stockton; egtab.i 18M.' ,;t THEO.T TREYER.T the wig ' and ;. toupee i maker. .~ : formerly; of : 331 1 Kearny : st..": now • permanently , located r at "^northwest -corner ~ California , and . .- : Kearny i sts. ,"":\u25a0 offices : 34 "„ and ' 35."^B9RSM)tt9 TH"E safest ; Investment : In . Nevada *, today i Is "\u25a0 the -V Rosebud s. mining * stork ; > only . : 16c ; -: easy :t: t pay- ,\ ments j- investigate.- Room 5,1443 Flllmore st' THE STAR HAIR REMEDY, the best tonic: re- i stores ' color i to, gray i hair: s stops i fslllng: : cures -.dandruff; - grows i new -, hair.' . . All \u25a0 druggists.'^ MASSAGB parlors; .^lnvigorating I and I stimulating : \u25a0 weak ; treatment for , scalp , and , skin." Apts. 1, }-2 and:3rl726 O'Farrell: st-, V; . , |100 on | deposit |for j you « tf , ! your < hair cannot Ibe - restored ; " itbnndance " of natural " hair. C.' E. H." . :T. I C0.,'i 780 : ; Hayes ; st. w y »\u25a0' :'\u25a0".'\u25a0 \u25a0'/.\u25a0 \u0084 " :. \ FISHING '\u25a0- baskets.. hampers,, baby carriages; man- \u25a0>•-\u25a0 ufactnring,*.s repairing, -,'; renovating, \u25a0 all - kinds. 7a 141gj Ellis; Btr^.jV>.-. y«vVv\:::'7--;-y : .",'.\u25a0\u25a0.•.- = SALUBBIN I cures I all I skin . diseases,* I burns I and :•<; sores, /g Agency 30 i Sharonl at'?; 50c ja " bottle.' j-r SUPERFLUOUS hair removed .tar .' electric needle." - 1 *p Mrs." C." Jeffries.l l62o Sutter ; \ tel. % West 4023. a _i ~.i. * t BUY. 1 your macaroni direct from factory.* Pompeii : .1 -i< > Macaroni I Factory .l l.oo6 * Alabama i st.7 nr. 22d. • < YOUNG ' lady \u25a0 would like a ' f ew J select customers ; .'. ?j manicuring.*; scalp . treatmenti 2023 , Flllmore.r.4. i " MAGNETIC massage; ! MßS. JIOLSHOUSER/ r.l.' 8 Is 1175!; O'Farrell j*at; near Oough; Franklin 2830. " MRS.? M.'; Er« LEAR Y.'S formerly "; 434 :\u25a0. Van ; Ness ["< j \u25a0\u25a0 s ave-V , now. located 2260 Mission.' bef 18th. 19th. ~ MISS \u25a0' * JOHNSON.V* professional %, masseuse ft and j sg. electrical ', treatments." 1921< Flllmore.- near Pine.-' \u25a0 MRS." M.' SHUE_f i (ladles '\u25a0 only) .' " chiropodist. ? mas- ° aji Page.**jformerlyil222 Laguna.* now at .1115 Turk; r J.i HAUPTLI I GUERINs CO.*:' Fashion Hair Store ; r. ;\u25a0-.;. electric 'face, 7-*7 -* scalp ; treatment ';..' 890 : Va n; ness. ;/ SHOE i repairing i bv, machinery.* Gallagher Bros.; - rSy Branch » l. ; 473 ' Halght ; st : \u25a0 branch j 2.1 3272 22d.i >t FOR * pianos t; see » MRS>. A: -jf A?r GOSBBE. J H with is Kobler & Chase. 1329 ButterVCiTel.: Franklin 2143 |2 I MBS.'JS HELEN^DERBER,'a graduate Jj masseuse,' M gg 18D6 j Golden i Gatej ave.r; near^ Flllmore j Bfb.'jgi '- ; M.*;sl BREMONT.'-g, prof es.^S masseuKe ; i scalp,™ face (. a_a i treatment.:, '1548, ElUs jst^s^ BUSINESS , pmsdyAlig^OTtto-iieil^ MEDICATED > scalp .treatment " z l MRS. '-. R-". CLIF-^ FIRD, * 1031 . Flllmore ; st. ; 1 otfiM ; 6 ; and .7. J." W. DONNHLL, : np-to-date : phototrrapher; " open : \u25a0 Sunday. "22f13. Mission st. near 18th. MISS H)A MOORE, mainjetlc vibratory massage. \u25a0 Rooms 5, and :,7.: 1439 Flllmore st. . - ' DR. rMAUD>INMAN. 'vacuum developing. "n- ; moved to 812 Ellis st. second flat MJfE. ' GREY.': electrical treatment for . nervous .-'dinewßes. -1746 «*>earr. * \u25a0\u25a0- T - -'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0''• -\u25a0\u25a0•-- PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING WALL PAPER. - Exclusive deslgnir . for 1907. Retailed at whole- pale /rtriees: 50 per - cent discount from 'list. FRASER * ; McDONALD, Painter* and Deco- rators, 2323 FILLMOBB ST., nr. Washington; „ phone; West' 4C6. »- * -\u25a0 . w-" HAVE ' YOTTU HOUSB PAINTED. PAPERKH OR TINTED BY WALK. 1113 GOLDEN GATE • A Y. TEL." PAGE 1313. - * PLASTEKING WTC \u25a0 take plastering . contracts "of any kind and . furnish ."any amount -of first class plasterers, men who have worked at the Frlrmont hotel — honest Italians! • Apply G.DOLCI BELLA. 1193 -Montgomery aT.-^- _;___________________ PLASTER DECORATIONS _^ PETER PASSALI.- decorator plaster, composi- tion, cement and papier mache. 1505 Valencia. ;-.--*.--T. '; --• THRO. BINNER. 423-425 14TTT ST. TF.Ti. MARKTCT 1014. : PLATING TTORKS SUNSET Platinjr • Works-^Gold. silver, nickel nlatinr done." 332 nementfaw__________4__ ; v "S .' PICTURE FRAMES _ _ _ ' .'• PATTL KRICHBAUM, art goods, picture framing. 1014 Fmmore stT Phone Park 800. PHOTOS SsHpEß^CTNT^F^n^alS^Jia^e^^era^r^^ Art Co.. - 1814 Fniroore st \u25a0 \u25a0.-.\u25a0- -- \u25a0 • OFFICES AND STORES TO LET [ FTLLMORE at." 1738, near Butter. modem_of- flces, with light and ' Janitor service; -^bw rentals. \u25a0 Inquire \u25a0 at bank. FURNISHED and unfurnished suites: best bnsl- \u25a0 ness block In city ; " reasonable. WHIGHAM, 1618 FUlmore St.. j \u25a0_.?.. STORE to let, 10x55; 16 11th st : rent 545; •est location for pawnshop or misfit clothing. PART of store or building on rear street 1533 - Pine st. near Van Ne*»s ay.' _____ OFFICE, STORE AND LOFTS AAAAA— For rent; one of the .finest and best locations for restaurant in San Francisco: situ- ated 'three- blocks from Market st. and new '-wholesale district; strictly first-class. hotel up- stairs that can accommodate 300 people; there are 8000 people within a radius of six blocks, and you hAve absolutely no competition: this Is a bona fide and gilt-edge opportunity for an experienced man: the closest Investigation so- Ilcited. Apply Planter's Hotel. 2d and Folsom. BASEMENTS TO LET. BASEMENT, with conveniences adapted for any business; also large rear basement 1931 V* O'Fnrrell st ' . LOFTS TO LET. 2 FLOORS to rent on Market st; 2d floor. $130 month; 8d floor," $100 month.**- D. W. CAR- MICHAEL CO.. 1664 O'FarreU st STORES WANTED. STORE or half store on Van Ness ay; or Flllmore st: state -location and stee. Box 2039. Call. HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES ARCADE HOUSE. 42 CLAY ST., balf block from ferry, depot; 200 single rooms, first-class ac- . commodatlons; < rates ocr nlzht 25c. 85c. 50c; weekly, $1.75. $2. $2.50. J. B. RANDALL. Mgr. HOTEL NORDEN. 758 Howard, bet. 3d and 4th: hot-cold water and steam heat in every room; elevator service ; rooms 50e.- 75c. $1 per nl?ht CHRISTENSEN & SHAW. Props. A first- class grill and \u25a0 cafe in connection. . . PLANTERS' HOTEL, cor. 2d and Folsom sts. — 100 elegantly furnished outside roms. lnclud- lne hot and t cold water, electric lights.- c«n . bells ' and all conveniences; prices reasonable. ST.* GEORGE,' STH AND HOWARD STST 600 WELL VENTILATED SINGLE ROOMS. 25c AND Ssc PER NIGHT.'. - -- $1.25 TO $1.75- PER WEEK. . HOT AND COLD WATER. READING • ROOM. < —GOULD HOTEL- FURNISHED ROOMS. DAY— WEEK— MONTH. ; 824 LAGUNA. COR. MCALLISTER. ENTERPRISE (The), 1144 MARKET, now open: strictly first-class HOTEL: large,' ele- gantly • furnished room. 50c to $1.50 pec day; steam heat hot . cold water. * \u25a0 \u25a0 . ST. ELMO APARTMENTS. 1452 Devlsadero, or. Geary; new building, fur. or unfurnished; pri- vate hall: all modern conveniences ; rates reas- onable. : TeL West 1523. *•*-.' -.. ' MAYWOOD. 131 FFJX. NEAR VAN NESSI— - (HAYF.S-ST. CAR LINE)— EI-FGANTLY FUR- NISHED : TRA NSHENT A SPECIALTY; HOT AND COLD .WATER. '.. ' . . '_ SAN REMO. 906 McAllister— Eleeantly furnished rooms; country transient solicited. STANDARD HOTEL, corner 6th -and Folsom sts. — 100 ' alnele ' rooms. 35c and \u25a0 BOc per night: $2. $2.50 and $3 per week; cafe; bar- ber shop and baths. ...' HOTEL LAUREL? 2I76 Mission st: take Mls- sion-st car 'from;- Ferry: !58 newly furnished 'I '• sunny rooms, electric llcht. hot and cold water. HOTEL . RALEIGH. 1,951 Sutter ' st.. now open. . Elegantly - furn. . rooms, with or without \u25a0 bath ; country: transients solicited: rates. reasonable. HOTEL NETHKRLAND, between 7th and • Bth. on Market — 150 outside room*.' running. water. separate : closets, bells, etc. : 75c to $2 . per day. MECHANICS' HOME. 16th St.. near Church; - .? furnished rooms for : men: electric " llshta ;in .every room: ., hot and cold water baths included. HOTEL - CONGRESS, cor. FUlmore and Ellis. Phone ; West 4224. In center of retail district Suites and single rooms, with private baths. HOTRL REGAL— Now open; elegantly fnr- nished: 50c and up per da v;. 75 feet -from SE. - cor. 3d- and Fqlsom Bts. B. BAIOR. ' propr. , ' HOTEL ST. ROSE. Northeast corner Ellis and Webster sts.: all mod- : ; era conveniences:, permanent or transient . THE ,RICHL.^ND— 36 pleasant: rooms; runnlne water and electric llehts:s3 weekly up. 1906 \u25a0 Mission st ;: take -Mission car. : ' \u25a0...«\u25a0- A — HOTKL WEST. - 154-156 3d St.: ' Kuropean plan; $3.50 to $7 per week; 75c to $1.50 per day: tourist; trade solicited.- . THE J GROVE--Sunny. i furnished i rooms. , \ sinsrle ; and en -suite: modern. Northwest corner • L Gough \u25a0 and \u25a0 Grove sts. "\u25a0\u25a0 ','\u25a0: :,'\u25a0"' \u25a0 HOTEL FENTON, \u0084259 ,7th . *t. — 70, sunny rooms; "electric. lights, hot water; 75c up; from ferries -;s; s take Howard st.car." " \u25a0 ". .;v: .; THE DUNEDIN— Just, opened": newly • fnt^hert : also ' transient; modern conveniences. 1024 >" McAllister str . - - ;\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0-\u25a0- HOTRL . SIF.RR A. 61 0 ' McAllister ;" st. : electric lierhto: hot water; baths; $1 day; phone Mar- ,;ket 3387. . : NEW,. SOTTTHERN— Roomn. • $2 SO . weekly .up: '...trans.. \u25a0 sOc t per \u25a0 nlcht • Cor. 6th ; and Brvunt CAPITOL HOTSB-^Room*" 2Sc and upward: ..fA weekly. ..- $1.75 and up. 733 Harrison st.. nr. 3d. HOTTCL': JfETROPOU!. " SW. cor. \u25a0 G. v G. aye. . "': and t ßuchanan . st : \u25a0\u25a0 European : $1 per: day np. THE PIONEER."- 143 3d St.— Outside rooms. $3 •V and t $2.50 . per .week : \u25a0. transient 1 50c : and 75c. \u25a0 - HOTEL VAN ; NESS.*- . Near t Golden V Gate.; '\u25a0'European plan. $1 day. 61ft Van Nensave. ; - HOTEL i CRYSTAL— EUROPEAN* PTJVN. : V $1 ; day up. : SE. cor. McAllister ; and • Franklin. THE - Metropolitan " " Hotel. " 973 ~: Harrison ." st. ; 7 . rooms ; $2 up, ' weekly : ': take> Folsom-st car. \u25a0 ELKHORN , HOUSE. ' 183 ' Valen<"ia «rt; rooms i-neatly finished : 'l. block! from Market •* .' RAIL WAYf.HOTET^, ?4\ Tiffany aye..« back of :> Valenolo \u25a0fr'hornr'fnmf-'he'i \u25a0 : -HOUSES TOILET. lv'; ~~ FILLMORE i «t.*r near ? Clav—^B i rnnmn : 5 rent I $90." -I: D.%Wr» CARMICHAEL . CO.. 1664 O'FarreU st. 2 ELEGANT houses. 12 and 14 moTnn:!photee 10- ~ cation. n.f Apply ; MOORE'S, j 735-747, Eddy ' s t 4'i ROOM * house; *.' ne w; " $20 : .< take =* Kentucky \u25a0\u25a0" - " :^Jy":'U:SI HOUSES iTO? LEASE".;;! ;K^"U^i ': i DWELLING iTO - LEASE " FOR :2 -, YEARS.> -\u25a0' \u25a0', r'?-j. 0 \u25a0 rooms ; < eletrantly ; fnrnished : , sterling sllver- :., -ware: handpalnted ; chlnaware: > oil paintincs; •*: 4 Persian " rugs;* and j c vervthing • else < in \u25a0 keeping ; r >- Pacific* Heights:* rent; $200 per month. . EDWARDS. : CHRISTBNSEN >& ) GOODWIN, ' S»is*i» Real * Estate— —^—ss s Geary i Streefw»a»*« *^ — 10- ROOM s? modern.^ newly '?. furnished ; v . N." -:' side ' .-: Clay '. st.J ; i bet.' \u25a0: Scott *- and ; Devlsadero; * perfect ': condition; ? long ; * lease If ~; desired, -t. J. ".w." 1 e-,*; HAMM.I agent ; corner ; 14th \ and j Market , sts. NlCELY 'furnished house, 6 rooms and basemen t; leas*. C Call" from: 10, to 2.-54S 2d ay. * HOUSES TO. LEASE— Fisrjiahfrd TO lease for 12 or 14 months, attrie've . bouse of 0 rooms, completely - famished ; ' uao. . fur- . nace, electric lights. \u25a0 etc. ; \u25a0 wtthtn ' %itontes* walk , of Morton st. : station : must be^esoonsl- ble parties. Address box 2576. Callbfflce. _ OAKLAND HOUSES TO LJffr- ; «; «- . " . -\ * 3 ' FINK three ' room bungalows, cor. fi. :. 19th and Bth ay., partly fnrnished: ren!J3s:-10 room bouse $75: 5 rooms $23. M.HNS & : -WILL. . 617 E. 12th St.. East OakUg. BEKINS VAN AND STOKAGB CO.— {9 n.ire the best warehouse In the West (oai* covered vans - nsed) : s. reduced rate shlpip. . - 10I& Brondway. Oakland. [} . "' BERKELEYFUJONISHEDJBi D SES TO rent—A - beautifully and - eouv«j»ttlj. * sltn- . a ted house (fnrnished). in BerSn-.r, for •*> months, beginning May 16; an ejclient Chi- nese serrant may go with the iocs*, lf.de- ' sired:, a small family preferrC Jnply to THO3. R.^. BACON. Bnabnell x>s*. BwUcler. FURNISHED 8 room house of R. Ji t Parsons, to \u25a0 Bllthedale canyon. 5 mlnntes fr© train; elec- tric • lights: bay • and mounta 1» view: larze grounds and beautiful srarden: S\ to $125 per month, according to time. Aoply"_ premises or at San Francisco Savings Union San Fran- CiRCO. '- ' >.-," \u25a0 --«>.'\u25a0 ".» - — BROADWAY. 1416. Alameda — Cotawtery fnrn. house. 7 rnoma: bath: lenW wftnem* \u25a0' BERKELEY HOUSES FOKtALE ON Webster st near College ar.i >rk«l«y— A 'new house, fnrnished or unfurnbal: »ix tf\ rooms. . bath and laundry. For pannlars ad- dress box 2M4. Can offlce. \u25a0 \u25a0 \ \u25a0 HOUSES TO LET— B«hr«ier> 12 BOOM fcrnlshed house; water frtx; wharf, boats, etc. Apply to JOHN H..MCKR, 553 : Van Ness ay.. city, or on premise*. \u25a0> - HOUSES WAXTED— FwasheJ . FURNISHED wuutiy honse wanta fVr July and August: state where located, rce - . Addregs box 2013. Call office. I.''' 1 HOUSES WAXTB • , DESIRE to purchase furnished flaflt house. &.12 \u25a0 rooms: no agents. Box 549. CalTWraor* «t. FLATS TO LET| FREE RENTING DEPABMENT. Sunset. 3 new modern flats. 6 and 7 rooms :....3.0O"to $45.n0 Richmond. 3. 4 and 5 room flats.C7.sO to 35 m» Mission. 6 and 4 room f1at5..... 02.30 to 35.00 North Beach, new flats. 4 -and i rooms 7.50 to '40.P0 Other flats, cottages and -a pa ments la a.l parts of the city. APPLY. - MOORE'S. , 735-747 EDO ST. SEVERAL 5 room, new and thot^hly modern flats, nr. Presidio ay. and S^mento st; very fine and ready to move rntcknmedlatety; $45 and $50. Apply 822 A. Presto ay.., Sun- day only; afterward to LmdhoV Fw. > Co.. Van Ness and Eddy. t - - FOR KENT. T ', 7~~ Swell Cat of 6 rooms, new anitp to date: Cole st; rent $50. D. W. rfe\fTnT^yr. • CO.. 1664 OTarreD st. >^ 2 FINE flats— s rooms each: 1 rm In bass- ment: $50 and $42.50 respective! north stde - of Green St.. 125 feet east of V< Ncsa ay. BRYANT, near 20th— 24 3-room al 24 4-roojn flats -to let; 1-year leas*; agenou premises , dally between 2 and 3 p. m., ?c. Sunday. -DON'T pay. $10 a room to rent Vjy * cottage on easy terms ct LINCOLV \u25a0 SDTH- ERLAND. 550 Valencia, near Bta LAGUNA — 11 sunny rooms: comietiy reno- vated: marine view: $100.' MaKj^ZTE Sk UNDERHILL. 2113 FiUmore st.f .; CENTRAL AY., 71. nr. Halght s_-^uiny npper modern flat; 6 large rooms, bat hsement* yard; adults. " V 1 NEW modern corner flat of 5 roomarent $4«>' SE. corner Stanyan and 17th sts. nvaer »n premises. . j LAKE, 740^ — Lower 6- room flat; tlr»t new: > rent $40. „ 1 ) -FLATS TO LET — FurmlrU — '\u25a0 , — t.: — J—l-iJ — l-i 2 MODERN new 5 room flats, fnrnhe!. **0 per month (or for sale). Apply 3224PiP9tdI<> ay. - Sunday only: afterward to LithoJm Furn. Co.. Van Ness ay. and Eddy st.[ -- $25 PER monttJ — Vina near San Ba^H 10 fnr- nished rooms, including nfano: -M«res . land : ' ' near depot' : Inquire B "5. Hamtcn square. Geary at side. MR. FARISH. ' \ COMPLETELY furnished: south al east ex- posnre: 6 room corner flat: year » longer at $100 per month. Box 2033. Call fo».. FURNISHED flat of 5 rooms and btb Pierre M.: rent. s6o. D. W. CARMICBMU CO.. 1C64 O'Farrell st. \ _': HAIGHT, 426 — 7 room upper flat eometely , furnished: responsible parties only," " CnSfrota 1 to 5 o'clock. - '. . V- FOR rent— Well furnished flat 7 re*ms.22«th: modern conveniences; well 'furnish** rent $100.. >.\u25a0,.{„ .. NICELY furnished sunny ; corner flat. "l rooms and bath; opposite Duboce Park. :3 jbtt st. J FOR sale — Furnltnre of new. modern 3a tj rooms & alcove. 1686 Ellis. Call 10 a. a. ts. p. m. 4 4-ROOM apartment flats for rent t> rek>nslble parties; rent reasonable. 2ol9 Pacls a% apt. 4 HAIGHT. 958 — F.lejrant furnished fit t> let; 6 ' rooms, bath and basement, lnclnyig piano. WASHINGTON. 2S33— Well furnlid .7 room flat; sunny; very large rooms.' J 1 »: 653 CLAYTON st. 6 room furnisljl flat, mod- ern.' phone: reanonable. \u25a0 :h. FLATS FOR SALE — Purf»h«l " FURNISHED Cat for sale — Bright may 5-room Cat: choice location: brand new laltur*. eon- : * sistln? of mahogany parlor, brnakc a mahog- any . bedrooms, weathered oak inlog-isjoni. beautiful Axmlnster and velvet mplet<» for hou*e keeping: this I* a " <«aerin«tnd will b* sold Monday: rent of flat. $40. D.f. CAR- MICHAEL CO.. 1664. O'FarreU st | FOR sale— Flat. 7 rooma, nicely fnrntM: rent $40; price $350;- no agents. 536 Viler st '.near Stelner.. . * I $250 — PARTLY • fnrnished corner f BERKELEY FLATS .Tpi_!Ba>". 2 NEW" flats. "ready May 1: 6 beauti^ri sunny rooms: clogs to X«» Roate and SJI Aahby wtation. \u25a0 Inquire - 2923 Lnrena at. Ht . %T% T .\u25a0 FLATS WANTED V\ WANTED — Sumy furnished flat of . J rntng on second floor, for a couple: , panhandb vlnlty : \u25a0 not 'on car line: .terms reasonnle;) for rt \u25a0: months, commencing . May 15. A Acts 1532 Greeast; phone . Franklin 108. |- »'\u25a0'•\u25a0- 4. FURNISHED or unftfrnished ronroi vtth sep- arate, entraance: between Van N« ay. and Flllmore st. Golden Gate ay. to Pt at, Ad- dress box. SBS. Call. " \u25a0 -ji!.- WllJ/t, lease 6or 7 \u25a0 room unfnmis J flat: • 3 adnltsr" no children: referencew. ' tat* - full particulars. ' Box 2086 Call < offlce. <*\ '"r- ..•>. COTTAGES TO LET "^ \ ~ - ' - \u25a0!.. -*;• -\u25a0 \u25a0. 1 :, -.- - L » .. • _. r \u25a0•.*-,'.. \u0084 BEAUTIFUL . cottages." 4 and 5 irotmi each; all : modern 1 Improvements; • essx, ter . Apply lumber yard. Army and Condon sts. ,—, — FOR rent — Cottage of 3 rooms, fir ihed - for bonsekeeptng: rent $22.50: water, f .'Apply .-. 134S Shattnck ay..: Berkeley. •«• "-• _/»•--\u25a0 OAKL.VND cottage to rent: furnish ed;\oomsT ' bath. . gas, electricity^ 6SO " 32d ,ai near Grave st. : Oakland. \u25a0-.:'. ; \u25a0 * : u. 22D A V..^- Richmond— Cottage of 6 form and : 'Abath:'-new: rent $30. ".D. W. CAI-CZBAEL , CO.. 1664 O'FarreU it 7 .j' 5 ROOMS.bath. basement; large ga^ni'^Seka' , yard; $30.--. 322 Lisbon - st ' near prasfl »\u25bc. NEW, 3 room cottage at the beach; %_: sstttary -plumbing. 1265 45th a y. bet H 1 iVtta. TO ;\u25a0\u25a0 lease— ln - vicinity ;tf P»to aL ( s^, hand. -, Komely 1 furnished « home "; of *14 : r us > and '. 3 baths; fine grounds, cared .for itmn*! «.' - ' pense: i large stable accommodatlo I. ' Ftrtlcov lara. - box 634.' Call/ 1651 % nilmorekt.': . ROOMS FOR j HOUSEKEEPtp; STEVENSON ' : st I 1357. near . Duhoci ' i.~~ Pri- vate house; unfurnished rooms to /sti 3 or 4 . 'with^bath.- gas t a_ d ,la_udry; Wtala for I* housekeeping. \u25a0""-^ \u25a0 ' "..' =f7