Newspaper Page Text
. HOPSEgEgTO** G - ROOMS— CkmtLamed. : WALLEB bet FlUmora • aad Bt«tn«*^Ela-* rajßtJ.vttmUhed front and. back parlor, wtth nae ojgTrfChen; price SSS. - : OAK, "«l — Rooms, housekaeplttg -or j staglet PanhsT? , care; elegant > apartments «tw< con- veai^*- - Phone Page 614. . \u25a0 ' HAHTPSD st, 24, sear 17th and Market^S «ontf, tarmshed, honse keeping cooms; no •*nO- re *--- l '•\u25a0-.' .-\u25a0•_.*- OAK 1 et.., 419 — Sunny honsekeeptsg rooms and •bath-*, 'well furnished; modern conveniences. ' O'FAR&LL, 1460 cor. Buchanan— Sunny bay- «ln<y cnlta for hanseteeplng; - other rooms. ! PIERO2,' 408.' cor. Oak— Large sunny fnmtehed rooa Iff sentleman; rent for 1 $12, two $13. i SBOTWfX \u25a0 *t; 1167— Famished : hoasefkeoptsg rooms ;;w*t«>r to each; n*e bath; so children. SCOTT 4. 803— Suany housakeaplng room wtth rtmnlsl t wat*r. • \u25a0 - .- TO let-iftnny : housekeeping rooms. 4300 IPth ROOMS T) LET-Fnrn'i and rfnfnrn'fl BRODERICj: «t. 289, brt. Oak anfl Paga. phona Fell llTafNewly furnished enany bay window front root; al*o 1 large eurny front room, un- fßrnlsbedl adtanle for light hoosa keeping* reference^ ~- -'- .. ' " PON brtldlic, 1012 FlUmore st. bat.*. tar f-nijlolaeo ,Oate; - D«rly aad sleftatly fvnSsba s*xosy rooms, with every modern eon- venlent; accaselble tt an car lines. ' UMION SOUSE, aontkeast corner of Baasoß] and Ytttincton st*-: newly rnmubad. saaay room* «'»ctriclty and gas;* rooms SlM> par woekatnd op; lagre readlng-wom. BOSTOnAI* — Nr»iy furnished smmy roomst hot armtet tA-rrrry room* fraa tctbs and pboae. MOB Q^en X»t» w. '•'. -.\u25a0\u25a0 - •FOOSOMit, 22S9A— To rtstt, besstlfolr/ fnr- . &2feMO' fast room, bata, private family, fl3 i &A 1 QRX st" ' 'f^ETgV SQBB7 €Ol'£ie? - POO^Bf fMTA* i "Blag * Mter: »*• of batht 4 ear naa*| caar food rftatattfet. \u25a0 Phona Pa>a eaa. W prtv«t r-rMaaoa. oppasi floor ot 8 or 4 UxrjZ c^ra^^rMcOarty, station A, P. O. ' T^Afjfvmytj 11, tot, Mlsatea, bet. 11th tpA 12«>— Jf fift cnnußtiad sunny aonm, private • f<nfly. »sJ». - . ' > oaK «t_, 41V-Bnsay. cooets. dagaatty famlsbedt ei«o ssttat. taodcxß eomttnianoaat rant (20 1 OCTAVLa,- ISB— Jjanre neatly fnmlsted frost room la pmte family t (as ana bath; far 1 or . 9 tantieme. \u25a0 - 6IXTEK>T£ rt, 8199, coe. Ouureio Bast trtn*?«r *raeri t cewly farnlahed. sonny trust* itAltUf g TMttiaa ' OHCJHEarTHst^ «230, fiat I>— ST baantlrnfly fnri-Vjaa* r*m tot gestlatasot bath; private STZCTEBi «Ot . bloc* from Fn&acre—^Mcetr finished , sr&sy frost rooa suitable tat S? rrsoeb faaalJ. ' 6TEIVKB. Bf>*— l or S diolea suany rooms la new fiat; sJto light bessakeeplng rooms; rest resaonabla. VAX KESS. 2^o9 — Beautiful rooms la family; rsfletncn; references; no sign. Can before or aftg * : 20TH. M&coc. Capp— Large, deaa, oleely fnr« room with batb; -nttaU* tor 2. f2O; alsonlte. sattable for man aad wifa, <35. BRAITNAK S«o^-20 nicely furnished rooms; cheap rett; ftf tor aU worktogmen. BCCHANAJI co6 — Rooa. $4 a week; snltaMa for " 2 gpn-ipnon: rurctng water, gv.%. \u25a0 CASTRO *53A— Newly furnished room for f"«r 2 ccntj-'apn- ; - CL A Y <"t. ~09 — A pleasant ssnay room, suitable for. 2: la private family. v- . DOUGLASS. 8&0 — 8 cnfsmlshed rooms; bath aad rgentng -'^iter. - . \u25a0 - • ELLh! Tft^i— Private family; a large room for •tw< gentlemen; bot and cold water, and bath. GOL>EK GATE aye.. Io3lA— Nicely furnishes 1 frot rarlor. agitable for^ or 3 persona. GOL">ES GATE st.. 1T25. nr. Derisadero— Large ena nT room for 2: board reaa.; bath, phone. GUERKTRO. 1140 — 1 cr 2 furnished rooms; gas, bath *nd pxme. rTA*fc*»g)RP. ISO — Large, sunny, front rooms; -. netfiK^"^*- HATES. nice aunny rooms. LLOTD'ifl. ** Scott at. bet. Waller *nd Do- boce—^-UirnUtiid room .for 1 or 2 gentleman. MAYBF'IX.E 211 vv * n ' s *'* 9 — tf'wly furnished * • rronn ; g-lao transients. Phone Market 45*4. PIERCE y<*2~ Famished room suitabl* for 1, or, 2 g«i* ene °- ' «?n<vr*r f- <?or. day — Larpe front room; aolt- VhS;/ r 2 oWfi gentlemen; West 2219. stb>NE£. j " »s^6i opp. Alamo aqnart — 1 tingle pSa; geaUeman; $15. , . \u25a0 . S*TTER. 1723 — Nice, eunny famished room In ybasement ; agitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. TEHAMA," E2 bet Ist and 2d — Smmy front / room ta Jet; suitable for offlca. / THE ABBT. IMS Mission et bet lßth and I«th / >— Scnsy rooms from $2XO np per week. TURK. 1149 — Nicely furnished singla and doabla rooms; reasonable; running water. WEBSTER," 1409 — FurnlshM rooms for gaatla- rcra. 'n h«cb»lor cnnrterm rrotn reasonable. OAKL.OuD ROOMS TO LET WEN T'g^BCOyP. «T»— Oarg« front Bunay bay room; ras. bsth; near Key Bxmta eta- ' tloJfv^iftUfcle rar 2. Bg^JKB^ET ROOMS TO I^ T * yUltif VE tEO uunit,t t, frStsSl* for Ist gactle*. . man. or bonseteetaag. 2787 Dwigtt way* Barfcety. HOCg» i WAJrTBD-'»Jto*a«dDegp»Ba WA^TETV^ or 8 fmft!M!tdhafl rooms fee house* kafrttr teJSlchmcod fflstrtct CaS car •Odress , MRS. eTTiUVAS, etf Oreseaot XX, or bo* * TBB. C*P j*fflce. \u25a0--.; maY t, nrffed eocpla destt* ftndsned bonss- l^aeptog go»a»{ cocTenlnecea, bomettksv sea* JoSblrt tntgsrtlenlars. P. O. beStt. S--'^B>OaM A3CP BOARD ' 1 85— Eocs tfi board for ggrflemaaj btrge suauy bar wlncto' rooDi cartne views oresstntr room cooßKtMlfS<able for C: prirats ff.mtlyt ref- erences rfclrad. 1819 Mascmlo af. i>ACmo«v»_' 27iT-~Kl«c«nt fandsaad rooms.' wtth brt ef table board 1 fin view; pleasant «tarpwflng»: can accommodate fiva ©ocples or yenttaatt* prtcas faaaooable. \Yjrrx*. flppostte PaahanaTa— Suite of oornet roomifot 4 or 8 f«stJ*»«»l •acoaOfflf rca- Blag \u2666tei, fcagy phanet tBX . ' ROOM *A iwartf: ltrg« froot roont arary eonr*- . rtea߀%t>a» West T478. 2851 Prrbmaew st. i ELEOAJT • *oa»y - sdte aad board to satacft ! home. > f .gttastma st. aeag Pacy. - '"gQOM ofl bed, statable for i or 8 gtrrrimeflL 1 qqerrro at. Ba» Debooe \u25a0*.'\u25a0\u25a0 A&A3BDA ROOMS A3TT> BOARD _ . BOOKS wibosra fa fia* Joeatlont najrpnrtn«l laJNL^i--- -\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-.' \u25a0 \u25a0 -\u25a0•--\u25a0 _,-'-\u25a0 nOGii a board, . SOWBoent tlsta m*iJ5Z tn^.n: »iot>* AUn»<i gtM. BCBJCLET BOOMS A3TD BOAB3X gnyirt tint room, sattable for % wttfc boart} mofjere: mfllfot nefgnborfcood} eooreiiieoi -: toCTih. - g<T CHunmTng way. Bwlrelqv^ ' - •»: - \ ' fyß??? l^ ;,^4^ " ' '' \u25a0 ' gtT^aiaretV Subcrbaa Sdwwl, Saa >6^a> open tf gvtg: «mpl^ cronpgg. term's cotrrtg. etc. "^ J SUMMER RBSOBTl! ,*-i 1 — "ABROW»AJ> Hot Springs,' Ban Bct&ardtßO Oa>. near lUlasds; elevation 2000 ft; dry- mom> t sin alt hottest enratire springs In the world, 196 peg**; write for booklet and rates. ' HEMORRHOIDS PILES imrt diacomf ort pain and taf ectloos dis- eases, i^hy mmc them so lovingly when ttSey Pcan betorad to stay enrad, without knlfa, dan- _. orhdranca to bnslnesst • Thousands of men Sd^w ""^ ta " ttl> vte<T' toTastigats. DB. yOS. J. K3SKEB, ««1 ymmore at ; -. \u25a0'<£. TXVAI.ID '- CHAfRU - :; "- \u25a0- ' ---^ 2i nnr n rentxL ezchanredt manufacturer Basics* tterie ft*te- 2IOS Market st Tri. F*U &9U. CASH^K^Eai macba, punchars, '; Uftsal ' feeds y^erceatag*.- 21*4 garsatrAreaaa, Viash CH<«. PILOTS, ELKS , and^ OASO C \<Trms£ SS* GODGH ST.. nr. Fcltoty ,'-•.. -:.;.; '^fiHEBT.-atßTAl.^:',-;, -. : \u25a0;,.. cnFFT iTT&L AND PATEST CHIMKETS, F. MAJE^lO)she«t Metal Works Msnt.'tfaC trwC coppf. o^b B - P**" 2il& - loes McAllister. •\u25a0^ rr T ||| .; ; Vi' > .. M jBA3OTAJttPMg.^^ it pa.' t^rBli^i^l^'wnii»iiiiiiv I 'with 10 «r«Vcare, $30 to $50. Xso* toward j I - "\u25a0imriiiUHiMiimiiiiUMi i<nnsMtfii>issniimi<tri<i SEWTJfG MACHINES RINGEB aewteg" aachlnes;*- WHeeler r *"Wll»on r sewing zoachlnes; \u25a0 needles, parts and supplies for both., Sold only by Singer Sewing Machine Company at following Singer stores. San Fran- cisco Oal. : 1166 Market st.'TSS Halght Vst..- U66 Valencia st.,~ 812 Clement St.. 1431 Bush ; •t, 851 McAllister st. 2507 Market St., 819 , Golden Gate aye. Oakland: 465 12th st, 1058 • Washington st. 1141 \u25a0 8. « 14th- st .Alameda: 1821 Park st Berkeley: 8210 Adeline st. DOMESTIC— Best \- cheapest: 7aU kinds rentedT repaired, ezchanired; needles and- supplies for ' all makes. J. W. Evans, agent 1653 O'Far- rell st. near Flllmore; phone West 8601. A. E. NELSON'S - Sewing Machine Emporium, largest on the coast: new dropbeads 319.50) . rented and repaired, > 8260 22d st, bet. Mis- ' slon and Valencia. - . - NATIONAL Aotomstie. White. Standard, other makes, rented, repaired, rte. I. S. COHKS'S SOys. Phone West 5761. 1610 O'FarreU st. WILLCOX & GIBB3 Sewing Machine Company— Located at 724 Tnrk St., near Van Ness ava. Manqfactnrers of the genuine Automatic. 80 SBCOND-HAND machines, to be sold imme- diately. 1220 Colden Gate ay».. nr. Filbnore. TIPJBWRrTERS AND BPPPLIKS ALEXANDER & CO., typewriters; aU I makes rented, tndndlng Smith Premier; desks, chairs, ate; ask for prices partly used machines. AL> EXANDEE, 1820 lUlmore st; phona West _\u25a0 6288. BTEABNS* Visible Typewriter, the only visible with decimal tabulator; also second-hand, all makes; rentals and repairs. The Typewrtto- rlmn. 1724 Ffllmore st v*'. \u25a0 ; . FIRST-CLASS typewriters for from 525 to SI 00; all makes, all prices; rentals and supplies. Tha Typewriter Exchange, 1011 Golden Gata ava. *f efephana Park PTB. \u25a0 \u25a0 WALTER A. SCOTT, 1811 Flllmore st. and 623 Market; phon* West 2098. . BUPTUKP 1 CURED DB. FIKKCiK'S Hectric Truss does tha wotij aatabltahed S3 years. PIKBCB & SON. 1417 •\u25a0\u25a0 -' TRUSSES \u25a0-\u25a0" \u25a0 - MBB. M. 0. WTLUAMS, FBcmact* with Wm. Hatteroth— Trasses,. support. era, elast. hosiery, etc. 476 Page, nr. Webster. WALTEBS A CO~, surgical Instruments, hospital effciprnenta, trusses and elastic hosiery. 1608 .Biatnat at^ near Oaary. \u25a0 : . ... .-\u25a0\u25a0 BPBOIALIBTS ln truss flttlnga. CLAKK-#AN- COMPAKY. 1258 0.0. aye.. nr. Flllmore. A. BERBERT &s& s BHO.. TRUSSES. APPLt" AIfCES. 623 Golden Gate aye. ._ _•- I SHOW CASES AWKWATJT MFO. CO.— «bow aaaas; Murray pa tret. 849-gl MgAlllster rt. ' ; SEEDS GEM) tor catalogue, latest flower and vegetab^ tllortriitwL O. C MORSK & PP.. 171Ajaay_gt !. r^ ww^ AMBER A GRWKNBKRG. UP-TO-DATE TAIL. OP.B. ClB MCALLISTER ST. TKU JfKS ___'____' TRCXKB, sdteases, cheapest and best in city. V. Y. Trunk Company. 809 Van Nets aya._ TOOLWORKS "' SUWSCT Iron Works, general machine- shop. OEO.'POTSTADA. mnoacer. 1057 Folsom st. _^_ TOOLMAKERS ; Oonens & WnestboS, toolmakers and machinists; ren. repairing; woodworking tools. 704 Bryant RqoFcyq^^ EASTERN ROOFING COMPANT. Tel. West 4622. 1536 Ellis st .POTTED GLASS-WORKS EL E. EOPPS, Proprietor. AH kinds of. ornamental glass. 115 Tnrk st Telephone Franklin 1765. • - SHADE Mfg., 2505 Howard, cor. 21st; brass cur- tain rods, paint wall paper. J. P. JOPRDEM: ADVANCE! window shade factory. ! Orders filled at short notice. GEO. WALCOM, 637 Tnrk at. WINDOW shades made and repaired. 7. P. HOTTER. 604 Larkln st Phonp+Tranklln 2852. PROPOSALS j NOTICE Is hereby given that sealed bids will be' received at 218 California Hall, University of j California, Berkeley, on or before 5. p. m., ' April 23, 1907, for buildings to be erected for a pathological laboratory at Whlttier, Califor- nia, as per plans and specifications on file at ; said office in California Hall and with Mr. J. . H. Ramsey at Whlttier. No bids will be con. eidered unless accompanied by a certified check -or bond In favor : of ' the > undersigned equal to 10 per cent of the \u25a0 bid. with snf fl- \u25a0 dent sureties, conditioned that 'if tha bid be i accepted tba bidder will enter Into a contract ; faithfully to perform the obligations ln ac- cordance with eald bid and . with - said plans ; and epedncatlons. The right to reject any or all bids Is hereby reserved. The Begents of the \u25a0 University of California. . •\u25a0-. •\u25a0 - . LEGAL NOTICES \u25a0 -._\u25a0\u25a0 TO Whom tt May Concern— Ail bill* againit tha firm of Maloa, Matazaa .&: Pesacos. situated at 12 Clara st, must, be presented before May 18, 1007. JERRY METAXAS.' T. PESACO3. - PARK BOWLING GREEN AGAIN IN COMMISSION Bowllstg- en the green Is fast regain ing th« popularity It enjoyed before the lire a year a«o. ' The Golden Gate park green was put out of commission = for almost a rear, and the enthusiasts have anxiously . awaited the time when It \u25a0Bxmld be In shape again for play. \u25b2 tew of the more ardent devotees of the game have put in the last two Batordaya on the new green, but the rlnfcs were crowded for the. first time ygtwday. Among th« old timers who played were? \u25a0 John . McLaren, ' Joseph Gray, Rob crt Park, A. A- McVlcar, M. L. Crowe, J. M. Duncan, J. M. Earsman, G. St. X. Brenniet, A- Craig:, T« Millar, J. AT<TTiarlhTan. O. C. Patterson, A. Craig. No toornam«nta have been announced y«t, bat It 1* «xx>*oted that several will be ootmnencsd ln'tbo next week or two. Pl«y was confined to practice matches yesterday, the closest and most. Inter esting being that in wblch M. I* Crowe and A, A. MeVlcar defeated J. M. Dan can sad A, Crals by a score of 21 to 19. Othmr matohes played resulted as fol lows: Robert Park and J. M. Flnlay ion bsat J. M. Earsman and 6. Bt. J. Bresm«\ 21-6; Joseph Gray and Colin Mclnnei beat *£. Millar and J. M. Mc rAgJiiftn. £1-10; Joseph Gray and Mo y«r.hlrtn beat G. C Patterson and T. Millai; a-9. < 1 : - CROWN PRINCE OPENS SPORTS EXHIBITION BBRECH, April 2(W— Crown Priice Frederick William opened ' the interna tional' sports exhibition here today., in the presence of the crown princess and Prlnco and Princess Eitel Frederick.' The* Duke . of Mecklenbergr-Schwerin, •in the 'opening ' address, >aid that the . ob ject : of c the 'exhibition was ,to combat the : prejudices still : existingr . among many Germans agrolnst sports. He hoped , the .• exhibition ; would popularize sports ". in ; the ;. fatherland . and : bring the nations." represented ' closer together . in peaceful* competition. * ' , ". . Besides Germany, the principal coun tries "\u25a0 represented ; are . Norway, , Sweden, Denmark,'*/ Austria V' and ; Switzerland. There ; la a remarkably * fine ? exhibition of Scandinavian \ winter, sports. _ . : >.. Emperor .William : takes great interest in the promotion of eport in Germany, haringr lor a long time given prizes and otherwise \u25a0 tried * to , Induce . the German people to devote more attention to ath letic exercises. ;.'•\u25a0 , • ; ' His majesty lent a large , collection o£ Hunting weapons to the;,' exhibition, which i includes ' ballooning; exhibits and displays of articles used In all other •ports ; except ? automobiling.; . sr : ' DIED SJCTB— to tWs r elty. '*AprD 1907, Ther^ t aaa. - daarly • beloved danghter , of , Bridget • \u25a0 Smith, and . loving; sister >ef* Mrt.'; Mary . Pyle," ' ' ' and : Thomas, Edward, .- ".Phillis t and i Charles ; Smith. -a < natlva ' of / B m artsvl l l 4; r. Tuba : - couu ty ,' | OaL . (MarysTille " oapers • pleas^ copy.) * - -. - -, -\ - Krtice 9t toaeral ; teftaf tat,; . - : J THE SAlfr ITL^^SOO, C^^ Shipping News and Gossip of the Water Front Sails . qn^Linei" Alameda ' - The"- Oceanic' steamship company's liner Alameda, Captain Dowdell.^ sailed at 11 o'clock yesterday J morning > for Honolulu i with a full 'cargo and a, large number of passengera> Among the lat ter, . was Commander :Csß. 7. T. ? ; Moore; United States r , navy,? governor ; of i Pago Pago. :: The : gunboat Annapolis is at Honolulu awaiting ; Governor :"i Moore's arrival, and \u25a0iWll" carry ? him * from -the island port , to ! the , Paciflo naval station, where his rulal for; two 'years'! was 'so popular with the | natives I and so satis* f actoVy to Uncle Sam ; that \u25a0 his term of duty as a potentate* was extended for another. year. The Alamoda carried to sea part of the big -shipment of r garlic ; which ar rived on . the ;, Ventura < and f- was \u25a0\u25a0 con demned by the quarantine Voffldals of the state board of | horticultnre. -" When the Alameda gets out of "sight of v land, the pest-infested garlic \u25a0 will Ibe i f*d to the fishes. . ,: \u25a0' •'.:•\u25a0-. -'' : ' : 'z.? :.';•\u25a0:' ct'.'l-'. \u25a0:' The Alameda's passengers Included: S. P. ' Bartley, True Boardman, C. A. Brains, G. E. . Burps/ Miss If. "Chamber lain, Miss G. Clark, A. :M. Culver, W. DahL Lloyd "Edwards,':^ Mrs. > Edwards, W. J. 1 EUef ord. Miss \ Ida^ Fisher; A.: H. Ford, J. FothergilL Mrs.] FothergiU, C. Ferguson, Mrs. W. , Griswold. L. J. Hardy, George Hernandez, Mrs. Her nandez, Captain Hibbord, Mrs. Hlbbard, Miss K. Hodnett. Miss M. Hodnett, Miss N. Hodnett, L. H. • Holbrook, Mrs. i Hol brook, W; H: Lowenthal, . A. J.I McAlis teT, W. McCracken, / Miss L. S. Mc- Cracken, William Marlon,' Commander C. ;-; B. T. " Moore,' United States navy; Mrs. Moore, J. J. O'Connor,; Mrs. Os borne and two children, J.; Roberts, J. a Spitzer, Y. Takakuwa, Miss Ada Van Kirk, J. A. Walls, Mrs. .Walls, Master Walls; J. de L. Ward, : Mrs. Ward, Ott Wix and Frank Wynne..: ' To A djnst S nark's Compasses The Snark. Jack London's yacht,; will leave the city wharf, "Oakland, at > 11 o'clock this morning and will be towed around the bay by the \ iaufich Anna" H to enable the Snark's '. navigator, to ad- Just the compasses, on \rhich they must depend to guide them t«i Honolulu, the Snark's first stopping place." The Snark may proceed to sea this afternoon,, but as the adjustment of the compasses will take until nearly - sundown,* the de parture is likely to be postponed until tomorrow. • ', v ; Big Fine for Rockefeller Seven .Chinese sailors who escaped from the Standard company's steamer Ashtabula . are . said '\u25a0 to have gone away to Alaska to .work in^ the canneries. , These Chinese .were not" en titled to land here, and if the immigra tion authorities Impose the Y fine of $500 for eaoh alien, the carelessness of the Ashtabula' a officers will cost the oil trust $3500. As similar* escapes have been frequent -of late, It,; is -thought probable that the -company • will be fined. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u0084 . • ~\ \u25a0 . -_ ... : Water Front ' Notes The Japanese liner Nippon Maru left Hongkong yesterday ; for L this port. * The steamer Navadan 1 ! left \ Honolulu Friday, homeward: bound-\> r ' '\u25a0• The Kosmos liner, Amman left Guaya ' QUil April 5 fpr this . port. . ;, . v • {\u0084 The. oil steamer, . Santjt Ana, bound from San Pedro for Seattle, put ln hare \u25a0\ yesterday for fuel. 7 j James Kelly/ a boy"«n? ployed on^the \ steamer Missouri, fell .""into the-: hold yesterday, a distance -of 16 feet, \u25a0 and suffered a severe" laceration of the scalp, v -- ;;\u25a0. .\u25a0(;\u25a0 -. ;-,• ;;s\u25a0- t -. \u0084 W. Nalley, a longshoreman who lives at r'oint Lobos square, : was struck by a car wheel yesterday as It ; fell - from : a sling/on Howard street wharf N0.; 3 and sustained a compound fracture of the right thigh. ; 7^ COAST SHIPPING, NEWS Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific I ' ' ' '' "• \u25a0 ' - :;',: ;', - 1 ISiAnE: StE^ R *«°»ussen, has arrived at jof Umber. - ray " Harboir ' 760,000 feet 1 m^ 'uVStLKSS** toonb* *»m Point Rich 3 E ~ondo for tha Standard o*'. i company - » J hl «|!iSS B = h ~ n « Centrally Oaptßii Erlek. » son. finished discharging a li<onber cargo, 1 and $%*$ **?* ** a»y»HarboJ: to^oadTuWng 4&* '£* P*" s ** 0 * 6™6 ™ '^ Sa» Franctaco.^T~" i n ?rt «n^SS. \u25a0S?*?^ Alcax »& ' CaPtaln . Pager- JgW"*.' discharging » • . cargo and cleared for Greenwood \u25a0; directs to reload. ' The th?Sfi2!'J < & £*£*• - °*X<to* '< NlKi aid \^J^S o^!'Jf'" Hum^ Osiptam Wilson,^ fln i^uJ^^S ' and I nailed ; In ballast . to reload, the farmer -for the 5 Colombia mT^.^ 1 ? %*, latt^ ft" ABtorla - ' Th * Minnie A. Calna. Oaptaia Ol««ai, will finish dia charglng a lomber cargo todayTand Is echedmed to saU tomorrow in ballast f or Taeoma to reload? The tonnage rates on lnmbeir cargoes j from Bound points to Ban Pedro is now $8.75* .' Captain Jtm £!2?? * orm «">7 master of the steam schoon er i>.ortßland, has gone to the Atlantic coast to bring a large steamship around the Horn for use in. tie lumber trade on this eoast^Thainwr vessel wIU have a capacity of 1,600,000 feet of • lumber. ', \u25a0' .*'"'\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0"-.- '. , : • \u25a0\u25a0 ,\u25a0•\u25a0';. \u25a0 i, Tha bert Louisiana is out two days from As toria for San Wego with a cargo oflumber con elgned to wholesalers at that port / v The •nlpjaenr/., VUlard £ and ; the . (schooner Crescenv from Tacoma j \u25a0 the barkentlae Amaton, from Beningham, and the schooner B. 8.-, West from Grays Harbor, ara oat two dun with I car goes of lumber for wholesalers a^tals port The passenger and freight • steamer f, Bontta, Captain , Nicholson, : ; Is : due •* tomorrow morning from > San -- Francisco and way ports, , with -"- a cargo consigned to. the Pacific Coast steamship company.-.' . \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ' ••\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0•\u25a0-\u25a0..•\u25a0-:•\u25a0-..,. .-.-•-..-'.>•. \u25a0..."_'. ASTORIA. Ore, April 20.— Tha aWp".St' Nich olas sailed this morning for Bristol bay, Alaska, with supplies for ; the , canneries. *t The French bark Cornll - Bart cama down tha - rivar this moralag witha grain cargo tor Europe. „' The tanker Rosecrans arrived from San Fran cisco today and . went to Portland this afternoon to discharge a cargo of etude oiL- < • ; > v The American I ship John Carrier, with sap plies for the canneries at Bristol tay, - Alaska, { was towed; to m;''.^-v-^:-'-v~^ \u25a0.-,\u25a0 .;\u25a0:..-, ... Tba French bark -Leon Km sailed with \u25a0, a cargo, of grata for Queenstown. \u25a0•' I Tha steamer Tlverton .cleared ' for Saa ' Frao cisco with ' 510,000 feat ; of , lumber. ?-,"• "., PORTLAND. Ore., Aprfl" 2o. —The, tog North land ; will- sail Monday/ far \u25a0 Bristol bay. 1 Her 'crew of 16 men ' was signed today -by Captain Hanson. The eteamer Costa ulca. Captain Mason, sails , tor : Saa \u25a0 Francisco : tomorrow . moni* Ing. \u25a0'>\u25a0:•\u25a0-\u25a0. Vvi.:-.^ \u25a0'-\u25a0...:\u25a0\u25a0: .-\u25a0" " \u25a0 V-'-'i" *'*\u25a0 "••*.\u25a0--.'< -^X* The \ Norwegian - steamer Homalaa * win ' leave Monday • for Nanalmo, *B. C., to load - coal ' for San ' Francisco. It - win sin , nine '\u25a0 sailors I here. The ' Norwegian steamer Tarje Vlkea la balng painted on tha , dry < dock. \u25a0 • .-' :-^: -^:V": V "- ,'\u25a0 • ' • The ' steamer .'Alliance \win v sail * for i Ooos '; bay Monday - night . ln ? command r of ! Captain ?B. iW,' Olson, > who, b; to 1 few .' months ; ago, 1 was her chief officer.' \u25a0» Captain Kally i resigned^ bis posi tion this :, morn ing, when ths ' steamer : got \u25a0ln from l Ooos bay, with the t intention of < going : to San Francisco for a -vacation., ;;ji"j<>N*~ • \u25a0 Tha fB. T. Williams . company I has i chartored the American b&rkentlna Aurora .to: load -lumber at this port I for California. Large Quantities lof freight I are coming here I from the : east | for trans shipment ' to I the 1 orient I and the regular liners will ; be taxed beyond I their 1 capacity.'*' Owing jto this \u25a0 fact the I Portland and ; Saa 1 Francisco steam- Khlp company \u25a0 is ". casting about -. for .:. additional tonnage to help out \u25a0In \u25a0 thY rash. ; - *; ; .>- , ' ; .. ".'-;'? AJrmT.v IVsijisportsj -. •' .W::D. - The Burnside : Is 'at? Seattle. '-^- . ; ; v • The Bnf ord ". will ? sail.; AprU \u25a0:, 80 \ for.' China. • The Crook is la por t. • Oat of • commission. . i The Dlx sailed • for Manila April 7. •; V \u25a0.-;" •- •-\u25a0>\u25a0<• ' The . KUpatrlck •'; Is % at ; Newport ' News, v vi. :. The Logan 1» in port and will sail for Manila -May.s.--- -"^S- -" -'*-- -'/••»' :-'• '-« • i.-- \u25a0< \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0>\u25a0: j* The : Meade . Is In New. Tork. j*. Out ; of commis sion. -c--: .""•• "\u25a0\u25a0;-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .A.-'. r:/'",l> .;-,'\u25a0 iTf'l \u25a0:" v- \u25a0>\u25a0.:. i •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.• "; ' The Ingalls Is at ' Newport ; Wews, i Va." ; s ' v?;t v 5 < The : Sberldaa : Is la^port. t; Out | of ' commission.' The Sherman left Honolulu April 14 for Ma- I nUa.>.'f.'- :\u25a0::•:;\u25a0•. ;^.-- •- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• -. v- — .-;-. ;\u25a0\u25a0_ •;-. jviThe Thomas arrived April 9 at Manila. -. ?^v i \ •; The '-Warren . 1b . ln | port, l ; ? \u25a0 - \u25a0'::; \u25a0 . : \u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0 - \u25a0-\u25a0 "... \u25a0; * ;\u25a0 ; ,\\ \u25a0'.'\u25a0 ... ;•'."-'.*. ".•'•i The ;Overdn«' lJ«t •';,,' V"r ,'>:.:». ;iU German.- ship . Alsternlxe, • out • 146 ''days .from Callao. . for s Melbourne,"; 9; per ;cent."i - f . "-:„•\u25a0' - \u25a0v: \u25a0;:;.. British t bark •' Brunei, •' out s 116 : days \ from j New , castle, - Australia, , for \u25a0 Junln, X Bet ctati ' ' i * Norwegian - bark Alexander, out jM« days from Newcastle, Australia, for Panama," 60 per cent. British ship Forest Hall,- out 128 days from Pisagna, for Liverpool,-' lO percent \u25a0 .... .r \u25a0>\u25a0.;- :-..i -:: , British ship William Tillle, out 108 days from Iquique, for Newcastle, N. 1 S**-W.v/10 pcr \u25a0 cent. British ship Zlnlts, out 144 days from Bahia, for Portland, Ore., 10 • pw : cent. \u25a0 ..<.. Chartered for. Lumlier ' The Norwegian, steamer -Oscar -II Is chartered for . lumber . from Puget sound ' to - Shanghai, -at 38s, and the ship St. David |Is engaged for - the tame I business a from n Puget - sound -to a - direct nitrate port, at 48s 9d, or "Valparaiso at Bis 84. The former was chartered prior to arrtvaLr ; , SHIPPING INTEIiMGENCH \u25a0 ;..y=n.~« Saturday,: April SO, Stmr Santa * Ana, Daniels, \u25a047 - hours from! San Eedro,' bound to Seattle. - Put ln: for. fuel. „. '03 Stmr Despatch, Hansen, 89 hours from Port Los Angeles. ' ' '\u25a0' '•:- ;: \u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0'•'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• ---..-\u25a0'v:*'--'". '\u25a0" Fr stmr Amirs! Fourichon, , Blanchard, 8^ days from Seattle. Put in to finish loading."-. '\u25a0 Samoa, - Madsen, \u25a0 16 hours * from Caspar.'---' '..'\u25a0Btmr.Ravalll, Nelson, 24 hours from Eureka.' . S Stmr Argo,* Hansen, 23 hours from E«l river. '"j Jap stmr America Maru, * Going.; 28 days •21 hours and 1» minutes from Hongkong, via xoko hama 17 days 18 hour* and 64 minutes, via Hono lulu 0 days 21 hours and 37 minutes.'" - -> - Stmr Fulton, Larsen, 43 hours from San Pedro." ' Stmr Aberdeen, Ahlstrom; 25. hours from • Eu reka. '\u25a0•<'- -\u25a0\u25a0'• -- • • ' *-'"'" \u25a0': \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0" * ' '\u25a0 •\u25a0 -' '\u25a0 • *"' "' \u25a0"\u25a0 Stmi Argyll, Dickson, SO hours from Port Har fonL'-i--! :...--'\u25a0 :- ':•;...\u25a0•.*;\u25a0:. V; ?--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:.?\u25a0 \u25a0'<\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0•.' \u25a0 Schr Roderick Dhu, Anderson, 18 hoars from Monterey, ln'tow of tug Relief.-.\u25a0-"\u25a0•', r . Schr Ida McKay, 1. L«t»la, 3. days from Eureka. . Schr Vine, Schuls, ft days' from - Grays Harbor. '-* Schr * Lily,. Gunderson, \u25a0 6. days': from ' Umpqua river. ;''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. - ' &&W&l&^Sal3W&&m Power echr Oonflanza,. Johnson, 20 hours from Bowens Landing. . . " . ' ; Barge Three, Klrkwood., 22 hours from Port Harford. In tow of tug Sea King. \u0084 -\u0084. CLEARED "... ' ' -- - Saturday, April 20. - Stmr Watson, Bartlett, Seattle; Alaska Pacific steamship company.- • \u25a0 -. - . 1 .. , -. \u25a0 - Stmr Alameda, Dowdall, Honolula; -' I. D. Spreckels & Bros. Co. .•'\u25a0\u25a0'-. • •-. •\u25a0'; '• "\u25a0 Stmr Santa - Rosa,' Glelow, San Diego; Pacific Coast' steamship company. \u25a0 * , 1 Stmr ° Colnmbia, Doran, Astoria; San Francisco and Portland steamship company. \u25a0 Stmr Pomona, Swanson, Eureka; Pacific Coast steamship company. : . \u25a0 \u25a0 '•-.;.' . - : Nor stmr Oscar 11, Wllhemsen, Port Townsend; Renton, Holmes & Co. \u25a0 • , Schr - Mlzpah, Ealnlng, - Bristol > bay; . North Alaska salmon company. ; .. :; \u25a0- .rV-;'---~ \u25a0' ' \u25a0"'.'' SAILED "..' ."\u25a0 \u25a0" ' Friday,. April '\u25a0 1». Stmr Hornet, Mozsen, Tacoma. - .' \u25a0 \u25a0 .*• •. . \u25a0:. . Saturday, April 20. . Stmr Thomas 1.1 Wand, Peterson, Portland. * Stmr Area ta, Reed, Eureka. •' '.. Stmr F. A. Kllburn, McLellan, Astoria, eto. ' "'.Stinr Navarro, Lofetrom,-Crescent City. 'r Stmr Mayfair, Olsea, WUlapa Harbor. '.', Stmr Marshneld, Dettmers, Hardy creek. ''\u25a0 Stmr Czarina, Koehler,.Pirate Cove. Stmr-Despatch, Hansen,. Eureka. /'•.•SBaSsf Stmr Watson, Bartlett, Seattle.l? Stmr South Bay, Halverson, Astoria. , : Stmr Elizabeth, Olsen, Coqullle river. ..*\u25a0'.'. ; Stmr Point Arena,' Fagerstrom, Albion. . Stmr.Phoenix, Hansen, Westport. " \u25a0 Stmr Lakme, Henrlcksen, Eureka. Stmr Vanguard, Odland, Eureka. \u25a0 Stmr Scotia, Nelson, Eureka. : Stmr Alameda, Dowdell, Honolulu. Ship Llewellyn J. Morse,: Hemming, Bristol bay." ;•' -- \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0-. -\u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0'\u25a0' \u25a0 \u25a0 ":: -\u25a0'• v\u25a0;\u25a0 .\u25a0- . Ship Oriental, Wilson,^Bristol bay. *-. Schr Monterey,: Berg, Monterey, in tow of tug Defiance.; ... . \u25a0- \u25a0 -.- ' stst • , Schr Columbia, Johannsen, Astoria. ', . : ), SPOKEX. .''- Feb JT/.latM S, long 68 W—Br ship Black braes, from Antwerp, for Ban Francisco. T March 29,, lat 15 S, long 37;; W—Br ship Dynomene, from Shields, for San Francisco. \u25a0' ;•./.;-:-. -^,:>DOMESTIC PORTS .M, i c* * TACOMA^-Arrived AprU 20—Nor stmr. 1 Blsa, from Guaymas,,via -~. \u25a0- SEATTLE —Sailed April 20,-9:30 a. m. — Stmr City of Puebla, for. San Francisco; stmr Eureka, for-.Everett^.'V*'-'.. - v *.\u25a0 ":V-\u25a0,'-\u25a0.\u25a0-•\u25a0;-..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ;•\u25a0> ? ' Arrived -.-April ' 20 —Stmr' • Asuncion, '. \u25a0; hence AprU 16.';.::\u25a0-: .\u25a0/-,.'•'. > ••;.'- : \u0084r- . \u25a0 ~i-:'.U:?:\u25a0/...< Sailed April'2o—Stmr Buckman,' for San Fran clsco. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0' iv-..-.:- •*\u25a0-;\u25a0-•<;-. •.-/;-:\u25a0',--;-: v: \u25a0 ,--. PORT. TOWNSEND—Passed In April 20—»r bark » Reglna \ Elena,"' hence * April-- 6, - for Port Blakeley;. stmr Asuncion, hence -, April 16, for Seattle. «< -^ ;^., '\u25a0.- - •>\u25a0 .•.-:\u25a0 y ;-..'-;.. M TATOOSH —Passed Inward April 20—Stmr Spo kane, : hence:. April -17, for Victoria and _ Port Townsend. \u25a0?*/ \u25a0"*\u25a0 \u25a0 ', •\u25a0_\u25a0\u25a0 '''-..\u25a0.,. Passed outward April 20—©ark Guy 0. Goss; from Seattle, v for Nushagak. . - .\u25a0\u25a0 - ASTORIA—SaiIed April 19—Ship, St. Nicholas, for Nushagak. \u25a0•• •>'\u25a0\u25a0•- '•:" • r-. ',-.-• PORT BLAKELET—Arrived April 20—Ital ship 1 Begins Elena,' hence 'April 6. "-• isggMi&tßHß KETCHIKAN—SaIied April 20—Stmrs Dolphin and Farallon, for: Seattle; stmr City of Seattle, for Skagway. •''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0--''; •''•-\u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0'.':-\u25a0/: - : SAN r DlEGO—Sailed April 20—Stmr Alcazar, fo* San Francisco. ; >k;a_' \u25a0«;/'! .'.-. REDONDO—SaUed April. 20—Stmr Tamalpaia, for Grayii Harbor.-- '.'.../...;/.- • \u25a0• •- -""\u25a0 -'• \u25a0• \u25a0.-..-\u25a0- ! PORT. HARFORD—Arrived -April 18—Stair Coos Bay, from San Pedro. / . . . ..\u25a0 > Arrived April 20-^-Stmr Bonlta, heoee April 18. Safled April 120—Stmr Whlttier, for San Fran cisco, with 7 barge' Santa' Paula \u25a0in tow. \\i \u25a0 \u25a0; ; FORT BRAGG—Sailed - April. 20—Stmr:- Qua; lala, for San"Francisco.4 \u25a0'.: \u25a0 \u25a0 Arrived April 20—Stmr James S. Hlggina, hence April w' - - . \u0084 ASTORIA —Arrived Ajrfl 20 —Stmr Rosecrans, hence April 17. "\u25a0 * ' '.- ; . ' ,: -; -. • ' V; BELLINGHAM—SaiIed April 19—Bfetn Amy Eon,vfor San Diego. .-•.•\u25a0'- , --y. -: ' \u25a0- , ; v COBRKCTION In domestic ports yesterday the reported' sail- Ing \u25a0of - ship -John CutTler, -.-, from Astoria - for Alaska,.was an error. =»• \u25a0 > *--r ISLAND PORTS ; ; > 5H HONOLT7LU—SaiIed /April: 19, 7 p. m.—Stmr Nevadan, for San Francisco; bark Foohug Suey, for : Delaware, Breakwater.. \u25a0" • . ,\ .- -, .' J EASTERN,PORTS;- :;fe?i#r«?vJ: X- CAPE HENRY—Passed ln AprU 19—Ship L T. Chapman,; from Hongkong. ; - . :•'-• \u0084.---\u25a0\u25a0-,'\u25a0-;. -FOREIGN PORTS * V V HONGKONG—SaiIed 'AprU. 20—Jan. stmr; Nip pon • Maru,'! for Ban Francisco, via Yokohama and Honolulu.v?^-. '*\u25a0'.'' \u25a0' • \u25a0' ",<-- / - \u25a0 (.-•>; ;ROYAL-: ROADS—SaCed April 20-Br bark Inreramsay, for Tacoma. . - . -. , • \u25a0.x -.:., ' VICTORIA—Arrived 'April, 20—Stmr, Spokane, hence April 17.'~-\u25a0\u25a0"-"• '•'\u25a0:•- • \u25a0 -~ T \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 - Sailed April 20—Stmr City. of Puebla," for San Francisco.- •\u25a0">' - :.'. '•\u25a0-•: . ' . ' •: SaUed - April 19—Br bark Inveramsay, for Port Townsend. <\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-''' ':'\u25a0-'. '?':\u25a0£.'\u25a0:-\u25a0'-: •*.-"\u25a0 -:-. \u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0\u25a0.-.\u25a0 .v---':,i GDAYMJIS—BaUed "April 20-achr John A^ Campbell, * for Port Townsend. \u25a0 ; BRISBANE—Arrived 5 April 20—Br stmr Aor- j angl,-. from Vancouver. ••'\u25a0 ,• \u25a0 . 1 FERNANDO :DE NOBONHA—Arrived about AprU ; 6 —Br stmr j Earl •' of ' Garrtck, Ixom \u25a0-. New Yoricv^;---i,'«i.V':,u -:.-.;, -\u25a0\u25a0 - ,-. T. .;\u25a0.\u25a0/.\u25a0\u25a0.>•.:: - /i: > GIBRALTAR—Passed April 1»-Br stmr Indra samha, from, Yokohama, for New Xork.". •:,. .-',\u25a0 •\u25a0 \ ':\u25a0 PUNTA r ARENAS—Arrived April, B—Br etmr i Belle of Scotland," from New York. > ;, . U- GUAYAQUIL—SaiIed J April 6—fler stmr Am mon, for San I Franeisco/nrs*3?*^WKsfet*Stf"2ii-*» \u25a0" HOBART—SaUed April I IS—Fr bark Francois, from London, 1"for San Francisco. w-\u25a0.w -\u25a0. . , • \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:- SANTA' iROSALIA—SaiIed; April 6—Br :- ship Clan' Graham,' for Chemainus. . \u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0.:. . \u25a0, . AKTOFAGASTA—Arrived April 4—Br «tmr Ovid, from: New York. - :., - ' •.',-,.. v-. HCAIiLAO-^Arrfved "April 6—Br stmr Coya, hence Jan 30. <--*•. -^' '^"" •:;•*• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.• '..'..\u25a0.; "\u25a0 \u25a0 .•,.". •\u0084" ._,_.. : \u25a0 COUOJN'El^—Arrived 'AprU} 6 —Br stmr > Burma, from Oallao; for New York. *\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• . r \u25a0.'. -.-OCEAN STEAMERS ; NEW YORK —Arrived-April 20 —Stmr Philadel phia,'' from •" Bouthampton \u25a0 and; Cherbourg; stmr Neckar,'- from: Naples. , ::.',a^ :.;.,«.. . - --.. t -L'^.-.j v Sailed April 20—Stmr La Gascogne. for Havre; stmr St."Louis,;from Southampton: stmr Finland, from .Antwerp; j stmr; Campania, | from I Liverpool! stmr Prinzesß \u25a0 Irenes for Maples and Genoa.- ROTTERDAM—CaQed ; April 1 20—Stmr j Noor dam, for New: York. ;\u25a0;* \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0-.-\u25a0•...\u25a0.\u25a0.-•.; \u25a0 \u25a0'. -..-.. a:; s- ArrivedrApril" 20^-Stmr',Ryndam,' from -New York.", tw- •-.- ..-;::-.-;•.'\u25a0-?;-\u25a0\u25a0 - -\u25a0<;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: , -.\u25a0-.••.;\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 .- ANTWHRP-^flaOed April 20—Stmr Kfoonland,' for New York.' - " -. - . '\u25a0\u25a0 _'\u25a0 \u25a0.\u25a0•.. : 1 SOUTHAMPTON—BaiIed April 20—Stmr oel> tic,^for New.York.v.-.::,. \u25a0 , LIVERPOOL—SaUed April 20—fltmr Lueania. for New York. \u25a0 r -:-.^:, :\u25a0--'\u25a0 « ;-..<-, ~*7 - HAVRE—Sailed > April; SO—*tmr ' La; Lorraine.' for New York.^ \u25a0 •*-- \u25a0'\u25a0.'• .. \u0084--•, QUEENSTOWN^-Arrived AprU * 20—Stmr Um bria, r from - New;' York,- for Liverpool; and - pro ceeded.~-'V-<v^ "\u25a0;-:;--->-\u25a0>\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0-:' -.v-";... • \u25a0 -r" X DOVER—SaUed'April 20—Stmr Kroonlaid,"for New*York.~_i_^f''-f? "'"•'i?"," \u25a0•''.v*- '; \- .>-. •- -\u25a0-.\u25a0-•. t -> CHERBOURG—SaiIed: April': 20 —Stmr Celtic for New. York. :V :'r \u25a0; : -•• -- r \u25a0" \u25a0-.•--,-... '. Memoranda C;Memorainda;^ j LONDON,r April I»—Singapore telegraphs: 'Br Btmr!Livlngstonia,>from(New:York," arrived yes terday \u25a0 with * one * propeller i blade; lost, i Surveyor recommended she, proceed, to Manila \u25a0 for repairs. .Time ] Ball United , States Branch '- Hydrographlc Office, Mer v; ;\u25a0: chants': Exchange,: Saa Francisco,! Cal.. Aorll 't'^2O.-l»OT.-»^-,i.--'--^'t '^20.-l»OT.-»^-,i.--'--^'v \u25a0\u25a0::."\u25a0-' ',-: -\u25a0\u25a0..'\u25a0. .\u25a0;,~>:.Z.-* -; The time ball on the tower of the Ferry build ing was .dropped s today ; exactly i at 1 noon, Pacific Btandard! Time I (120 th 1 Meridlan),i or , at Bh.- 00m.* 00s Greenwich Mean iTlme." i; » •\u25a0,• •:> *-\u25a0 -\u0084• - \u25a0 -. ; , - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;;.\u25a0*.: -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;•\u25a0 \u25a0 .-r^'i-x: r ; -- i .^'J.ia' ( BURNETT,7-" :^ ~t Lieutenant .D.: 8." N.,^ in: ChargaT s '.- - \u25a0 '--'. = \u25a0\u25a0- Snn', Bind Tide j - :;; ':" - : > United • States i Coast * and ; Geodetic ! Srirvey— Time' and Heights of Tides at' Fort Point. For city W^tH?tßcpprt '-"tTnlted -". State*''Department*^ of -"Agriculture,' Weather Bureau. San. Francisco.. April 20,^ 1907: \u25a0\u25a0.;. .";'\u25a0>' BAINFAIX'DATAvI^;^"^ »'f >V)-, i--^--.- 1 .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'•.•\u25a0--. \u25a0.; "v '' -\u25a0'Past Seasonal >^ *-. r i Stations — .'. ,\u25a0 . '34 hours, to date.' normal. Eureka .........;.1.v.0.00.-' 48.28 :. ,40.73 Redißlmt 57V....;....;.0.00- -- 25.85 . 23.68 Sacram«ntosr«.'.....;:.o.oo - "23.08 -19.08 j San Francisco .•;.v;..v.0.00" 24.85 >--".22.22 SanwJos«v«..;'.;;...vr.O.OO: 22.17 ..:.". Fresno«.:.'.v.7.-;r.....0.00: ~ 10.55 '8.21 San' Luis Oblspo 0.00 .24.78 ; 20.08 Los 'Ange1e5;...".....".0.00." -.-\u25a0 -19.12 • * 18.48 , San 1 !Dieg0:..;'.V.;;.r.'.0.00 10.32.. '.8.00 j J' P FI- f ti -BTATIONB. B> H 4 • - \u25a0 S yw \u25a0- \u25a0 :': ' -_V'l \u25a0.\u25a0:\u25a0!'-rr \u25a0.:\u25a0\u25a0".«/\u25a0:\u25a0*! Baker ..80.24 BS 28 N Clear -.00 Boise lr..\.i-...80.24. 68 '•\u25a0 32 W > Clear "/: ;.00 Eureka.%'.;...;. ..-.-..%..'> 48 V ..*... ..:..."... Flagstaff .....20.88 •: 44 28 vNB \ Clear . Tr. Frwn0;......:.29.88 80 64 'W Clear , ~ .00 Independence .29.90 70 44 N . Clear. .00 KaUipell \u25a0„. .;..80.18 > 54V 22 B " Clear- .00 Los Ange1e*»..29.94 72 5« W .Clear. .00 Modena ?. .T:.. .80.02 '•" CO \u25a028 NB Clear .00 Mt.Tamalpals.29.B9 6T 65 S * Clear "- .00 North \u25a0 Head... .80.14 ?\u25a0 88 :62 ''•\u25a0 N ' Clear ~ .00 Phoenix*-..v,...29.T8L14 60 NW.^Clear' .00 PocataUo. „r- .80.28 i 46 24 . N Z Clear .00 Pt. Reyes fct.-JJ9.94 f 65; .: S Clear .00 Portland .»....80.10 .TO? 44 NB -Clear .00 Red Bloff ....29.90 82 B8 NW Clear .00 Reno :.. .U^.Bo.10 80 38 B Clear .00 Rosebnrt; .ii..29.96;;T8 88 KW Clear .00 Sacramento '.. .29.90 i 74 '63 . NW" Clear .00 Salt Lake 30.14 48 82 N Clear .00 San: Diego \u25a0.;. .29.93 70 :- 53 Wv \u25a0; Clear - .00 San Francisco..29.96 70 54 W Clear • .00 San» Jos* ".....29.94 -76 ; 50 KW ? Clear .00 San L.; 0p15p0.29.96 .68 52 W : Clear .00 SE. Fara110n..29.98 60 ... 8 Clear .00 Seattle, .......80.18 :68:68 88 V Clear .00 Spokane TUV-. \u25a062/30 .W r . Clear .00 •Summit ..... ..*..- 40.88 KB: dear .00 Tonopah f......80.06 ;54 -SO NW Clear .00 WanaWWl*^.Bo.23 66 88 ••» Clear .00 Wlnnemnoea z. .80.14 66". 28 NB . Clear .00 Ynma >. .29.86 76 '60 V Clear .00 •Average snow, 139 Inches. :.:v-i --'.^-.,;-.-:•••:\u25a0 synopsis 1..; -\u25a0-;\u25a0\u25a0 :- '--•: - Anaret of high pressure • otbtKm the Bocky mountain;. and Plateau - regions, causing - fair weather r orer - the enttr* Paclflo elope. \u0084 Brisk north-wind is.wported from southeastern Call fornla^Llght; eprlnkles of; raW are wportod from; Wyoming and northern Arizona. ' - J:The temperature changes have been slight ex cept a fall of about 20 degrees In the San Fran cisco bay section. :-:i,-,-,: ' --;•.>\u25a0• .-.\u25a0.\u25a0-. -.:--. .. -. - Conditions are farorable for fair weather, Sun day, . with' fog along the central coast In the afternoon.'-''. \u25a0'. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. \u25a0 \u25a0-\u0084<\u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0' -,\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0/\u25a0•>«:•; :"•--\u25a0':. 1 FORECAST '; <*V-^-.' 9t San Francisco and rlclnity —Fair Sunday, with fog In the afternoon; brisk west wind. \u25a0 \ Sacramento ralley—Fair Sunday: light north wind. .*•\u25a0\u25a0•"" --^-; \u25a0.».•-.<\u25a0 ;- ..-.-. , .. .\u25a0 San Joaqnln Talley—Fair Sunday; light north wlnd.jV'. . 1".. » : •; '•\u25a0 . .; - , \u25a0 .-.-•. Los Angeles and Tldnity—Fair Sunday; light west wind. - .'\u25a0'-'\u25a0 \u25a0 '- \u25a0' \u25a0'"\u25a0"'\u25a0 "' .... _Q. H. WILLSON, Local Forecaster.' front (Mission-street wharf) add 25 minutes. : - . - -StTNDAX. APRIL 21 - "-.-vr. Son rlBca ....... .5:281 Snn sets .....:... 6:60 \u25a0'\u25a0 . Time ' Time " 'I. Tine • Tim* Apr Ft Ft - — Ft- — Ft H-W ; L W H W L W 21.. 6:141 4.2 12:08 0.8 7:64 4.81..:.. I..... L >.W : • H W \u25a0'•-••• L-.W \u25a0•*\u25a0 H W -" 22.. 0:55 -8.1 6:38 4.2 1:00 0.8 8:24 8.0 23.. 1:60 . 2.6 7:44 t 4.4 1:54 0.8 8:54 5.2 24.. 2:34 2.0 8:40 ~4.6 2:42 0.0 9:24 0.4 25.. 8:20 1.4 9:28 4.8 8:24 ,1.1 9:52 -5.4 26.: 4:00 0.8 10:20 S.2 4:05 1.2 10:20 S.6 U. S. : Branch Ilydrographlc Office J A branch of the United States Hydrographlc Office/located at the Merchants'. Exchange, 1* maintained • In. San Francisco for the benefit' of mariners, without regard to' nationality and free of expense. •Navigators;are cordially' invited to visit I the office, where complete sets of \u25a0 charts and! sailing: directions - of. the world: are kept at hand,'for comparison and reference.,and the lat est Information can always be obtained regarding lights, dangers to navigation and all matter of Interest to ocean commerce. \u25a0 ' - • *' . > -3. a" BORNETT, - Lieutenant, U. S., N., In Charge.. Movement* of Steamers \u25a0 \u25a0-'»<- '\u25a0.'.^\u25a0\u25a0, -.- TO arrive- ."."\u25a0:.,•' '^ \u25a0' -. \u25a0' \u25a0-. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-:> r" From- \u25a0-/ •'\u25a0' |\u25a0\u25a0 - Steamer ;-|»Dne Oyster Harbor ...;.... Wellington .„. Apr. 21 Eel RlTer Ports. Argo Apr. 21 China & Japan........ Amer. Maru ... Apr. 21 Redonda.... :.:..•..';..... Aurella ........ Apr. 21 Portland & 'Astoria.. . . Nome City .... Apt. 21 Portland A Way.Porti. G. W... Elder.. Apr. 21 Bellingham Rainier . ... ..... Apr. 21 Mendoclno & Pt. Arena.' Sea' roam ..... Apr. 21 Hnmboldt r...... V5. .. City of Topeka. Apr. 21 San Pedro * Way Ports Coos Bay ...:.. Apr. 21 New- York," via Ancon.. Peru .......... Apr. 21 Port Harford .:.....;. Delhi V.....V... Apr. 22 Crescent Cltx. ..'.-....; Mandalay ..... Apr. 22 Ban Pedro ........... Centralla t...... Apr. 22 Coos Bar -'\u25a0". • - .'• .'. .*. .... Breakwater . .. .. Apr. 22 Humboldt ............ Eureka \u25a0\u25a0.::'.'...'. Apr. 22 S. Diego It Way Ports. State of 0a1.... Apr.. 22 New York via Ancon. . Newport ....;. Apr. 23 Sao Pedro .'.". Yoseralte <....:. Apr. 23 San / Pedro V/.r....... Northland •...:. Apr. 23 Puget SoundT Ports. ... City \u25a0 of. Puebla . Apr. 23 Seattle & Tacoma . : i. . Bnckman .• ." . . ... Apr. 23 Portland & Astoria.... Costa Rica .... Apr. 23 Grays Harbor ........ G. C. Llndauer. Apr. 23 Ooos Bay '.Z.~.. .1..'... M. BY Plant... A»r. 24 Hnmboldt '............ Pomona ....... Apr. 24 Will apa Harbor '...... Cascade ....... Apr. 24 Point Arena 4b Albion.. Porno .......... Apr. 25 S. Diego it Way Ports. Santa Bosa .... Apr. 25 gan Pedro ..V.... ..... O.:-W., Elder... Apr. 28 , San Pedro it Way Ports Bonlta ........ Apr, 28 Portland & Way Ports. Roanokt ...... Apr. 27 Hamburg A Way Ports Uarda \u25a0 ..^.... Apr. 27 Honolulu ............. Hllonlan ...... Apr. ?7 Puget Sound Port*. ... Spokane ....... Apr. 28 Mexican Parts ..:..... Curacao ....... Apr. 23 Portland A Astoria.... Columbia ...... Apr. 23 W , :,/: - ;\u25a0 ..-: -TO SAIL .>: .\u25a0 .:\u25a0.\u25a0 .^V,; - \u25a0 destination | Steamer j Sails jPler April Sl^- \u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ) - \ - I Portland * Way Ports. F. Kllburn.. lpm 3 CoQuille -: River ... ... . Ellxabetß . . .. 12 m 23 Astoria * Portland.. . . South Bay. . 10 am 2 Hamboldt *...:... '.:.'.". Vanguard *.'. Bpm 2 Seattle & Tacoma...... Watson .... 1:30 p 20 Astoria \ & i Portland. ... Aurella : '...'. 1 pm \ 2 Los Angeles Ports.*.*. ". J. Biggins. . 10 am ? Los Angeles Ports..... G. W. Elder 6 pm 13 Humboldt ............ Pomona .... 10.30 a \u25a0 9 'Ban Diego A Way Ports Santa' Rosa.. 10 am 11 ' Astoria & Portland.... Columbia ... 11 am 24 . -.-\u25a0 April '22— •\u25a0;\u25a0*\u25a0 -,-'\u25a0....:- ----.\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 -•\u25a0\u25a0'; Grays Harbor ........ Centralla .. 12 m 10 Eel RlTer P0rt5. . ..... Argo .... ... 12 t m 10 Havre & Way. Ports. ... A. Fdurlchon 12 Vm .... Puget ) Bound '\u25a0 Ports. . . . Umatllla •\u25a0 ;. . 11 am • 9 * - April 23— ' : \u25a0- \ \u25a0 •-.• \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0>': ' ; '• Seattle & Taccma..... Delhi ."....*. 4pm ,2 ; Wlllapa Harber'.v.v.'. Yosemlte ... lpm 2 Astoria * Portland.... Northland :. 10 am 2 Humboldt ............ City Topeka. 10.30 a 9 Cbhta St Japan Korea- ...... 11 am 42 San Pedro & Way Ports Coos Bay .. Bpm 11;, ./April 24— \u25a0'\u25a0;.=..,••>' = ••:- --\u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0 >•.»\u25a0..;-,\u25a0 \u0084.<\u25a0-. :-• Los Angeles Forts.... Cascade ...; ...... -2 New York, Tla Ancon.. San, Juan.... 12 m 40 Hnmboldt - '. ........... Eureka . . . . . 9 am 13 Coo* Bay ...;..... *.... Breakwater.. 4pm 8 Point Arena .......... Sea Foam... 4pm 2 \u25a0i April 26— i : > -:..-; •=.'.-.\u25a0 <:y. \u25a0 :<-'. Astoria & , Portland.". . . Norne • City.. ....:. 10 Hllo r . . ...~i .iii.."- • •• • ."• Enterprise • v 4pm 10 San Diego * Way Pts. State of Cal. 10 am 11 Bellingham ........... Rainier .... Bpm 10 --\u25a0April 2«— ;. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.-\u25a0-\u25a0•. -\u25a0-\u25a0• •\u25a0>.•.,.-.: \u25a0;•\u25a0\u25a0•«•• .•:\u25a0;-,-•\u25a0• Coos Bay ............. M. F. Plant 4pm 11 Astoria «V Portland.... Ooita Rica.. 11 am 24 Grays Harbor ........ O. Lfndau«r. Ipm 6 St "April 27— ,*\u25a0:,- \u25a0--»\u25a0'» >;••, \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0-.....::;.• --'_•.-\u25a0 \u25a0 Point Arena * Albion.. P0rn0;..'.:.. 6pm 2 New I York - via : Ancon. . Pern : '. .. V.r. 12 m 40 , Puget Bound Port*. . ..lOlty Puebla. 11 am 0 Seattle & Tacoma..^.. Buckman ... 1:80 p 20 Los s Angelas , Port*. ... Roanoke v ... 5 pm 13 t-'--- April' 2B— .::\u25a0--£\u25a0 --.-•\u25a0\u25a0; i: ; \u25a0\u25a0 : - "<-.-» - \u25a0\u25a0' San Pedro * Way Ports|Bonlta ..... t ptn| 11 - Destination --b \u25a0' \u25a0" I : '\u25a0\u25a0:. .- Steamer • -r , •\ \u25a0\u25a0 p»t< y Skagway & Way : Port*. Cottage City . . . I Apr. \u25a021 Skagway & War Ports . Humboldt '-' .« ; . Apr. 22 Valdez & Seward...... Yucatan ....... % Apr.: 24 Skagway & Way Ports. Farallon ..;'... Apr j24 Seward & Way' Ports.! Bertha-:. Apr? 23 Skagway Jk, War Ports. D|rlg6 .\u25a0.".t.vr... Apr. J 27 Southwestern Alaska,. . J«anle f. ;.'..... Apr.- 30 MOBILE MANUFACTURER LOCATES IN THE SOUTH SPECIAL DIBPATCH ; TO ! THE CALL. i^LOS '\u25a0 ANGBIiES, 5 April : An : ; aijto mobile f actory^to ; «mployi4oo ; men! and which will turn out 1,000 finished motor cars - in . the ; first year of i its existence, will be I erected in . Los ] Angeles "as | Boon as the work can be done. The site for the' 2 f aotory Ji'waa £*. bought ?' .today ,5: and architects / are '{: at jiwork 't drawing Uthe plan*. *; Thousands (6lj dollars' A worth Jbf necessary machinery has '\u25a0 been ordered f roml Jhe east."; It is , the Maxwell-Brlß coe motor car'company which has de cided § to I build \u25a0*. its 1 ears t in -> this j great market 1 forithe:autbmobile.l ; ! : / .; 'r* Already i- it h has \ plants 'i in : Pawtucket, Tar^towiClN.^Tniand^NewcastleV^lTne newj factorrlwiU ' supplyj the "entire } Pa 'ciflc£coast?»with| its I product § and^will also ship ears! to Jeasternl points/^di vid£ Irig t wlthlthe' Newcastle; plant " the . entir.e territory * west '^of 2 Chicago-lg About 8 1 0 daya ago Benjamin Briscoft- came to Los Angeles.' He^ is Uhe';: president! of 4 th& RESULTS OF THE GAMES ON EASTERN DIAMONDS \u25a0 'AMERICAN LEAGUE .CHICAGO, April 20.— The world's champions bunched seven of their eight i ts ln two ' innings today and defeated the:St.?Louis Americans, .1 • to : I. ' Owen, >rho pitched for Chicago, was effective after the : first Inning*,-- in which Stone's triple was ( followed by ; Pickering's single. Manager McAleer was ordered off >the ; . field for /disputing decisions. "Score: \ \u25a0 - . v . f.~-.-, Chicago ;>..\u25a0...._„ i£l*r.<B^- I St. Louis.-.;-; -..-.-. 1 3 2 Ow|a . and Bumvaa; Pelty and Bnelow.': - \ •". • : •' \u25a0_, ' •:- : '.: ; - T -' v^;. : :c-'^c "' *',''\u25a0' " ;.- r. h. a .PHILADELPHIA, April 20.—Phila delphia defeated Washington today <In the first game of the series by bunching* hits ., in last three Innings. Score: Washington 1 .............. ..:..1. s -10 :; ' s Ph1&deTph1a" ; . ... . .. . . . !.**!" .... 6 B—2 Battaries— Kltson. Blankenship and BeTdon; Bender and: fichreck. ' v ; : ". \u25a0- , ; '-. j . •- r. h. b. ; CLEVELAND; April 20.— Cleveland defeated Detroit again today. Crawford made Detroit's only, hit • and > run, Tur ner's "errorj being -; responsible - for the run. r was wild in the fifth, when - Cleveland scored • all Its 'runs. Score:; \u0084.. \ fn»T*ii'n< \.,'-..,,., 4 1 8 Detroit -.V... ..^.... \u25ba. 1 1 0 , . Batteries— loss and ©ark; Wniett. Euoaak and Schmidt. :]i.NEW YORK, /April 20.— Hard hitting on '- the \u25a0 part : of the ' local American league team < gave the . locals .an easy viotory over-Boston today. Orth'av pitching was a feature. Hoffman made his second home run of the season. Score: -'-.' \u25a0 .R. H. B. Boston \u25a0 .....%... ...'\u25a0 ..^ ....... 1 . 1 5. '5 New Tdit 8 13. 11 Batteries— Dineen and Crlger; - Orth and Thomas. . - \u25a0 • \u25a0 ' NATIONAL LEAGUE - - ST. LOUIS, April>tO^-The St. Louis Nationals won from Cincinnati again today. . '.. Karger had . ' the b.etter. of a great pitchers' : battle with Mason. Byrne for rSt. Louis." and : Lobert for Cincinnati, each got lhree hits. . Score: \u25a0 : ' '- "\u25a0\u25a0 ;.' :'-R.-'H. -K. st Louis :...u.:2.: ..^- ..a o o Olndnnati ........................ 16 0 Batteries — Karger and Koonan: Mason and McLean. . Dmplres — Johnstone and , Carpenter. BOSTON, April 20.— Heavy batting by New York: won the -game over Boston today. Boston used three pitchers. Mc- Glnnlty was > effective throughout. Score: . t i^SB . : . ; . -'.8.,8.- K B. New York ...^....... .......13 14 1 Boston .\u25a0.....-..............; * 2 3 Batteries — McOtnnlty and Breimahan; Tovng, Pfelffer, Boultes and Orndorf.. Umpire— Em»lie. '.:': ; BROOKLYN, J April base running on' the -part of. Brooklyn lost .the game to Philadelphia .today. Ruick, for -the f home team pitched a beautiful Philadelphia ...................... 2 2 1 Brooklyn ......:.. 0 1 8 Batteries — I-nih, and Jack Xyneh; Ruick and Butler. Umpire*— Klem and Rigler. f \u25a0, \u25a0 PITTSBURG, April ;20. — Pittsburg played a weak game ln the field today and Chicago hadjan trouble in winning?. Score: • . % .* N >:i.-/." \u0084. . - . • \u25a0 --'\u25a0 R. H»-E. Pittsburg ........ .....^T.......... 1 5 6 Chicago ......1. ........... o- _g O Batteries — Ijever and . Gibson, lisndgren and Ellng. Umpire— OT>ay. • \u25a0 - LADIES WILL BE GUESTS OF SOUTH END CLUB ; Preparations are being made by the members ;of the South End rowing club for their > ladies' day at 'the boat house '\u25a0\u25a0 on ; Central v basin, ' foot of Sev enteenth street, next Sunday afternoon. Since - the completion" of their boat house a year ago the South End oars men have held several such events, and each : has-. been a success. - ' This time the'eommittee in' charge has been more than \u25a0 active, and already, an interesting program has \ been arranged. . - " i I The \u25a0 first, event ; will . be : av f our oared barge race between three crews of the South End; club. . Crew No. 1 will < con sist of J. bundle (bow). "Tat" Reardan • (f orwardwaist). Otto ; "Wallflsoh (after waist), 'Ed \u25a0\u25a0; Barritty (stroke) and . A. Sonnenberg (cockswain). Crew No. 2 will ' consist of ; Ed " Knottner - (stroke), C. "'.> Nott '- (af terwaist, E. (forward-waist) ; and * Rome> : Shawhan (bow),- and erew \u25a0: No." 3 "-wiil \u25a0be com posed of -Torn Barry (forvardwaist), T. L Pitepatrick (afterwai*t), George Collopy (bow). Captain (Ed Scully (stroke) and J. T. Sullivan (eookswain). \u25a0 The second event will be;an outrlj ger I skiff . race : between John \ Simpson, Prank i Bergman and Ed Knottner. \u25a0"Tat? ; Reardan," Otto ,Wallflsch. TV.' C Pomin and Eugene Breasnean will give exhibitions of fancy .dlTtng. Next will come ' : a . bidarki canoe race between "Tat" Reardan, Romer Shawhan aad Frank Corfleld. The ' fifth' event -will be a barge race between the winning crew of the first event, an 'Ariel and a Dolphin 5 crew.-. \u25a0 This should prove ex citing, as the crews have always rowed close together ln former meets. F. Bushnell, .J. Hansen. Tat" Rear dan, E. Breasnean, C. Nott and George Wright will make the old clothes race interesting. . The floats of the Ariel and South End -club, which are 30 yards apart,' make it \u25a0. convenient to , hold such a* race,: as well . as ! relay swimming and water polo! exhibitions. V .Joe liundle vs. " Bert Marsh and J. Gallagher vs. M. T. Buckley are the boxing . matohes arranged '\u25a0 for . the day. ir^ Event : eight will ,be -a : relay , swim ming . race '•\u25a0 between : rival ' crews of the Bouth § End , club. ' " Donald Kessler, J. Hansen, George •'Wright : and Milton Rapp will swim "against Eugene Breas nean. .Ed Barrlty, H. : Much and .Romer Shawman. ;'\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0*.-.\u25a0.'\u25a0;" -V:--'- , •"-'Wrestling .match es-^-E. Bresnean vs. T. Butler," and Ed Barrity , vs. M. Rapp —and a skiff .race contested by ;A1 Korn, Cravey • Nott and' T. JO. Lodt (South \u25a0"• Ends), 1 i and •R. - Hansen ; and H. Jorce-CAriela), will be on the program. -The water/ polo .teams" will consist of the .fallowing men: VVAriels— Ed t? Smith, ; Charles i. Wilson,' Henry i Wilson, Herman ; Jennings . and Henry ', Ealmbach.'; r £33tSBBBBB&9Mm : - South Ends— E.' Breasnean, ,T." Butler, G. Wright, E. v Barrity and DonaM Keas ; A .novel .*. race , will be_ : the : handicap barge and skiff \u25a0\u25a0 race." 'Captain - Charles Wilson ;of S the 'Ariel ; club ;\u25a0 will , race • a fouri oared -Souths End I crew. , r - ' Offlcials^-Hon. R . P. ; ShortaU, , master of s ceremonies; starter, 1 Matt,. Harris; Judges, ; ; Charles "Wilson (cap tain; A." R. C) ,' >W. : Harris i (captain^ D. ; R. * C). ' Ed : Scully 1 (captain , S. ? E." - R.: C), "Al : Coney, T.L. Fltspatrick. Maxwell-Briscoe motor car company and also/president; of motor car manufacturers* \u25a0 association, the or ganization I formed to fight .the validity of ithe* Selden? patent' -, He -said nothing of I his \ plans I v ntll : a short * time : before his departure for the , east tonight, when he announced that his icompany had purchased ;'an entlre' 4 block :of fground and* has : ordered J all ~-l its % .'machinery.- ?oh I the ' factory.' will ' be ' begun ' at once 7 and ; will \u25a0'be"-,' completed ln four months. 'v^Tho 5 plant twill .'cost- several hundred: thousand 'dollars. ' .' • LOUIS 1 DONNELLY. IS \ DEAD J^NEW YORK, .April 20.-^Loals \ Don nelly,! traffic ''• manager.' of the Diamond Match - company,";; died here -today*" of rheumatism ; of ;the i heart.- , He" was jwell known "C among 'l railroad men through out^the^country.'; ";••"".:: HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC TEAMS AGAIN TO MEET Berkeley high school first. California school of mechanical i . arts second, Oakland hlgrh school third was the or der In which tlis first three schools finished In tha twenty-sixth semian nual field day of the Acadomlo athletic league a wee ka^o. UsuaUy the school* that finish first, second and third' in the bay counties field day are picked to take the same places in th« Aca demic. Iwhich heretofore has followed two or three . weeks later. This year the ' order; of the field * days has . been reversed, owing to tha difficulty en countered In": obtaining the university of California. cinder path. Tha aea demlo came first and the bay coun ties will be contested .on May 1", : It is almost a certainty that the or der of the victory a week ago will not be repeated at the coming- meet. Oak land hish -will have Albert Monn in the field events. This means 15 points added to tho 20 mad a by Oakland last Saturday, or 35 points it should. make in the next meet. - The Lick boys, who made .SI points in the meet.' feel that • it was mUf or - tune that lost them the day— Hupp, one of their star performers, ran his 2:0 yard hurdle heat 3-5 of a second faster than, any of th« others. Xa the finals Hupp ran right into a hurdle oa the bend, cut both knees badly and finished only third. " This was the turning; point of tha day for Lick. Two points w«ra> lost In this race and* two were lost in the broad Jump.' as Hupp, who had won the event in, the Stanford lnterscholas tio field day, could not do his best after tha Injury. Jie, received. Thlsaccidant also put another kink' ia Lick's patched up relay team. . : " In the . bay counties meet Llok will have Arohie Butler and Qoloher In th« 220 yard. -which should net at least a first and third plaoe. granting: Bead of Lowell second place. With' these men in tho running-. Hupp in s^>od condi tion and a relay team composed "of Golcher. Bettoli. Hupp. Allsopp, Butler and Graff, there is reason to believe that -the winner of the field meet will have to take Lick Into camp before en joying victory. ' ; GRIEF FOR DEAD PROPHET PROMPTS WOMAN'S SUICIDE Follower of Late John Alexander Dowie Throws Herself From of Tenement NBTV YORK, April 2<L-^Grievtaig; it is thought, because of tha death of "Prophet Elijah" Dowie. Mrs. Lydla Staley threw herself from the' front \u25a0window of her home upon the fifth floor of an apartment house , In Bast One -Hundred and Seventy- fourth street to day, and died later in a hospital from a fractured • skull. The Staleys were leading members of the Dowie sect in this city. ESTATE TRAXSACTIOXJ 'Anna L. Bauer to Stantoa art company, lot so if^s C «^?« r g«i \u25a0 K ** ray * ad '??\u25a0* •*"•»• w James Quina and wife ta Mary Qnmn, lot on I T^byß loniof^*" 10 ° * °* Bandolpo. * Julius Btmmens at al. to Sana S. Mtmck. lot on N llae of Twentieth street. 93:11 B of Stanyan. 8 150 by N ISO; $300, a Fey f Charles Fey. lot «a W lin« of Broderlci stra«t. OS S of Eddy, S 27:6 by W Robert' T. Heteslf tad wife to WllUaa J. Conrad, lot on SB line of Majestia street, 123 NE of Hearst. NS 25 by SB 100: SlO. Robert E. Murphy to Jnlla Solttvaa. lot o* S Una of Orev* stTMt. 206:8 W at OctavU. E 25 by 8 120, and aU internrt la eatato ot Mary J. Uozphr No. 2201: |10. Humphrey B. SuUiTan to JulU Soniran, lot on S line of Grove straat, 208:3 W of Octavta., W 25 by S 120,. and estate of .WUUaa P. Sal- Uvan,-No. 2202 i |10. . George H. Solilvan et al. to same, same; $10. < Colnmbia bnL ! ding and lean association .to Anna M. KioU, lot oa E line of Diamond itreut, 43 S of Twanty-thlzd, S 20 by E 100; - -James W. Comstock and - wift to Anna .M. Kroll. sama; $10.'-.--, Popa estate company to Mary T. McCarthy, lot on E Una cf Belvedere street; 03:1)4 3 of Parnassns, S 23 by E 124:T%; fli. Marie Arnaaton .to Loula . Canepa and > wife, lot on W line 0/ Capp street. 245 X of Twenty second. H 30 hj- W 122:8j HO. Anna Affolter to ' Mary -T. Men ton, lot on N line or Ftftef ith str?«t, 100 W of Ctawrwro. W 23 by M 100: «10. - Hatty Hart te Annls Hart. lot on W nit* of Lexington svenm 135 S of Nlneteenta street, S2sby W TO; $10.' . . Same to sami', lot on W line ef Lexington avenn*. 110 S of Slmetaest& street, 8 23 by W 70; $10. I • -\u25a0; . Oeorge Grunlj" et al. to Adolf Both et al.. lot on SB corner of Twenty-flfth' aad Hampahlr* streets. S 04 by B TS; *10. B. Frederick, Koeea to Maria Bosal «t al., lot on W Una ot Valtejo pUc«. SO S ot Tallejo street. S 19 by W TO; $1,100. Ambrose Gherrin to H. H. Hartmana, lot 00 SE line of Tehama street, 143 SW «f Blghth, SW 21 by SB 80; $10. - . Anna Gr«en to Joha EL Comyn and wife, lot on N lino of Frederick street, 55:3 E of Clay* ton. E 25 by N 103; $10. - . - - J. H. Thrana and wifa to Ella StnarV-Xot on S Una of Golden Gate avenue, 56:3 B of Ma sonic. E 25 by S 100; $10. • : John Center to • Thomas J. Eerwin and wtf ». lot on W line of San Bruno avenue, 87:8 Nrf. Eighteenth stre*t, N 25 by W 100; $10. \u25a0 John B. Kenny to Bom C. Mahony, lot oa XE corner oX S inches and Sixteenth »tr««U, E. 20 by N 2T; $10. . W. K. Sunfcrd and wtfa to American land' and trust company, lot on S lino of J street. 82 :8 . Eof Nineteenth avenue. B 60 by S 100, and one other pieea; $1% »tt3 \u25a0\u25a0'ii»> < i ) wf John Center to Mary Canon. lot oa W line of San Brnno avenae, 62:9 JK of Eighteenth street, N 25 by W 10O: $10. v ... Bertha C. Klein to Agatha Marion et al.. lot on E line of Sixth avenna. 273 N of B street. N 25 by E 120; $10. .T. . ! . ..••.' . - - .- » :;-i Robert - Longerlin and wife to ' Adam . Hencl's : and wife, lot on B corner at ' Twentieth avuus I South and It street. SE 75 by >E 100; $10. Jesse W. Hamilton and wife to Al«xand«r O. Schmidt, lot oaN line of Tnlton street JTB:lft Vv'-of Parker avenue,' W 25, N 1X9:03, NB 20:01, S 118.20; $10. V . - Alexandar O. Schmidt and w!f» to IsaM M. and Isabella G. Green, asm*; $10. - - Delia Albertson to J. I* Gomes, lot oa S lln* of Broad avenue. 185 W of Plymouth stuset, W, 20 by 5125; $10- .\u25a0\u25a0'..\u25a0'..! Pope estate company to Hermaaa Pankow and wife, lot on W line of Shrader strMt, 25 N of Bivoli. U23by W 100; $10. '\u25a0•)'. Pope estate company to Angelo «nd X. Snc chltano,' let on SW corner of Altnt-. avano* and Shrader street. 8 23 by W 100; $10. > Same. to Herman H. Hnrnmal, l>t <m B lln« of Belvedere street. 3SC:I% X of Seventeeath. N23by E" 124:7%: $10. •\u25a0 ; : - Sam* to Julia Simmons, lot oal Its* *f Bel vedere street. 320 S of Paraaseos avurae, 3 33 by E 124:7%: $10. ' \u25a0\u25a0•;\u25a0\u25a0 . Florence E. K. Curtis to Sol Geti k Sons, lot ' •n E line of TwratT-etivratfe'avestKi, 100 8 of J struts 25 by E 120; »o. ~.~r-*>t \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* > Jamas B. Stnart and! wife to Ernest A. Oeh en«r and wife,, lots 273 And 274. Cohb tract: $10.; John Flnntgan and wile to Frank Janga and wife, lot oa N Bne-of^Ney str*et. tTS ,W of ' Congdon. W 25 by.N U0; $10.* -\u25a0 \u25a0- Frank • D." Layton and wife to Finnic L. G*l lart, lot on S Ime of McAllister street. IG2:<J W of Broderick, W 43:0 by S 131S; $10. : Wllllaa D. Hackert to J. -Lewis, lot ea B ttn» of Third avewM. 123 N of O ttr««t, X 25 by B 120;. $10. -- \u25a0:-\u25a0-•\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 - -'- \u0084\u25a0 1 -.\; - •••-,_• - Ferdmand Bels Xr. to Minna Wefh* et al., lot' on N line , of Twenty-second street. SO S\u25a0 ef VermonVE 25 by X 100: $10. ' i Charlotte i.* Weir to Edward Ginley, tot oa Ft line of Sixth avenue, 125 B of Lake street. 3 25 by B 120; $10. -.*>•\u25a0•-"-•: David ' Bloom -to Samael Bloom, lot oa MB . corner of Nineteenth aad Tolsom streets, S 103:9 by E 240. and one •tharvlece; $10. - " ;-,, Amelia and , WlDJanx*H«dtf wider to Klolae A..- Webb - «t - al.. lot on S Una « of Filbert street.;. 178:9 Eof Baker. ; B 29 by N 107:8; $10. : .?? Ellen Mahon to Anna CJ. Galbrs l:h, lot on S -. line of Grove street, 31:3 S of Central avenoa,' <25 bf N'lOO; $10. -„"-. - i -' - • £', John J. Donovan to Annie H. Deaovaa, lot 36, block 50,' Beis tract; $10. ,;.- T.~ B. Potter Kealty company to Mary 3. Pskk \u25a0 \u25a0 llni. lot I.'. block -56. Eels tract: grant. - .j: Adrlea H. Barge* to Albert' P. B«rnsv:lot •«; NW corner of Pacific and Laavanworta » treats, ,-\u25a0 W'2o by N «0; $ia • Emma 0. Dahl et al. to Francis Campbell and I. wife, lot oa W line of Cnnrch streat. 32:11 !f ot. Elisabeth. X 25:1 hy.W 90:6; $10. -.;< . -- -~-. Jacob Weisabeia aad ' wife to ' Albart : P. Rma-. reasy - and : wifa. . lot -oa S Una of - Laka . atraat.-^' 27:S E. of 16th avenue, E2sby S 100; $10. • \u25a0 \u25a0 Bnlldlnz Contract* H. J. H. * Lorenzea with * Felix Marcusa — To erect a 8 story frame baUding, stores and data, on lot -on 'NE ."corner of California streat and Sixth, avenne, XIOO by E 32:«; $14,000. *\u25a0 John . Bosenf eld's - Sona with. Sidney Watson— Brick work for a 2 story frame bnlldtng on lot on SS line of Mission street. 100 NB of 4th, NB 25 by'SE 100; $3400.' !- - : ~": Chun Son Tons with Schaaf company— To «r»et a 4 story brick building on SW corner of Dnpoiu and Jackson streets, • 63:9 by 88:»; $35,000. 59