Papers That Scoff at First
Gradually Fall to Prais- ; ;
nig nuii
Shows All the Insolence of
a Spoiled and Petty
C. C. Carleton
NEW YORK, April 20. — An evening
paper here says that Attorney D. M.
Delmas may elect to remain in San
Francisco and discontinue the practice
of law here. It is altogether likely,
however, that Delmas •will continue
the practice of law in this city. He
lias already leased expensive offices in
the new Trinity building. Besides, al
though" disgusted over the Thaw case,
he does not consider that his advent
into the law practice here has been at
tended -with anything like a failure.
The lawyers and newspapers of this
city were from the very start jealous
of his intrusion. They had heard much
about his ability and anxiously await
ed his appearance in court to see how
"a country lawyer" would "stack up"
against the formidable prosecutor,
Jerome. They could not entertain the
thought for a moment that a lawyer
hailing from the "wild and -woolly
west" could compete with a New York
product. In fact, the average New
Yorker, if not- actually provincial. Is
narrow ajid insular in all things.
Nothing outside of the little island of
Manhattan Is ordinarily appreciated.
But when Delmas began his master
ly conduct of Thaw's defense, and day
by day during the examination of wit
nesses showed his wonderful ability,
the papers began to change their tone,
little by little his ability was recog
nized, and Foon the papers were fairly
teeming with wonder that the legal
Napoleon from the far west should
hold his own with the formidable Je
rome. Then Delmas was hailed as a
really great lawyer, who had found
San Francisco too small for him, and
had come to' the great city of New
York for recognition. Nothing suc
ceeds like success, truly. But when
the imbecile. Thaw began to badger
; and harass his lawyers with all sorts
iof suggestions and commands; when
i he began to grow domineering and in
. Solent in his manner toward them,
they were naturally resentful and dis
regarded his advice and his commands.
It is perfectly true that, one day in
i the court room. Thaw scribbled a note
to Delmas, declaring in substance.
"You are no longer in charge of my
', case." From the very start he was
1 full of whims and fanciful caprices.
j In fact. Thaw is nothing but • a boy.
,He has been humored, petted ' and
f pampered all of his life, and. as a re
! suit is intolerant, arrogant and inso
t lent in the extreme. He handcapped
! his lawyers throughout the trial. v
Delmas will have nothing further to
do with the case, no matter what In
ducements may be offered by the Thaw
i family. But he will continue his office
| in this city, and will, besides, accept
I whatever employment that may be
' offered iiim in California.
His fee in the Thaw case has been
. paid in full. An evening paper says
that it was $25,000, but The Call's cor-
I respondent understands that the. great
i California lawyer received a sum great
ly in excess of that amount.
Benjamin Briscoe. chairman of the
. committee of management .of the
i American motor car manufacturers' as
i sociation, has gone to California to
Hook over the field with a view toestab
i lishing a factory for the Maxwell cars
|if the conditions seem right. He went
; by steamer from here to New Orleans,
wher«- he will take the Southern Pa
' ci£ic, stopping at Los Angeles.
The Rocky Mountain club has leased
the entire second floor of the Hotel
Pierpont for its quarters. The club has
< 300 members. Including former resi
! dents of California, Colorado, Oregon,
' Washington, Nevada, Utah, Idaho,
| Wyoming, Montana, North and
; South Dakota, New Mexico, Ari
| zona and Alaska. John • Hays
I Hammond is president of the club,
IA- J. Seligman, vice president; James
fJ. McEvill. secretary; William B.
(Thompson, treasurer. The quarters 'will
I be ready for occupancy this week and
a house warming •will . follow. . . -
Charles M. Schwab has received from
Nevada the most optimistic reports con
jccrning his Shoshone properties in the
(Bullfrog district.
Mr. Gillies, "who is interested with
Schwab, was asked by The Call corre
rpondent If he could estimate - the
amount of ore in eight. He said that
this mlght.be misunderstood, but he
tv willing to give an estimate of the
amount of, ore already blocked out. "We
have in measurable ore," he said, "val
ues which we estimate at $11,000,000,
I &nd on our dump, ready for shipment or
.'mill treatment, ores valued at $300,000."
| Gillies refused to comment on the re
port that certain interests had secretly
. cent men into the mines, employed ac
ordinary miners, and that they had es
timated $37,000,000 worth of ore in
sight. •
Racing on the metropolitan tracks.
•which began on Monday at Aqueduct,
promises to be conducted under the
; most favorable conditions that have
;ever existed in this state.' Horsemen
.from all parts of the United ' States
have flocked here in such numbers as
:to cause an unprecedented overflow of
i Etabllng accommodations. The first
j great race was the Carter handicap.
• The next, in turn, will be the Excelsior,
Metropolitan, Brooklyn, Suburban and
! Brighton. The most notable horses to
be run . in the great handicaps will be
'Harrj' Payne Whitney's Burgomaster,
"now a 4 year old; ' James B. Brady's
-Accountant; •Go Between, the 'winner
of "last • season's Suburban; Oiseau and
Artful, Roseben. Oxford, Dr. Gardner,
Dandelion. Tanya. Whimsical,' Running
\u25a0 Water and Flip Flap. The most promi
,nent of the western, horses that will
: compete \u25a0with them include' Dr.". Leg-go,
Cotton wood. Sir Huon. Dishabille, To
1 kalon,. and others of mature age.- •
The season's very best promise, how
!ever, is in the 3 year olds, with Salyi-
Idere at the" head of the list; Electioneer,
Ithe futurity winner; Dr Mund, Peter
Pan. Ballot, ..Court Dress, Kentucky
Beau, Sewell. Superman, Fontainebleau,
IPenarrls, Charles - Edward. : Montgom
,;ery and : They're Off. With the . shift-
Ing of- weights,- though, there may' be
Borne others that will 'be a surprise. '
' / The Washington meeting failed to
develop a single colt or^ filly out : of the
ordinary, so that Uttle'can be said- at
' this. time -concerning- the:2 year olds.
Tl>ere*will;be. a shortage in jockeys
\u25a0on eastern .. tracks - this -; season.- ' \ Shaw
and ' Ly*>n have : .gone abroad'' and . J.
'.Martin is under h cloud; Radtke and
.'Miller are the best of the riders re
imalning. This wiU give the second
-rate boys and the newcomers 7 a -great
lopportunity. - '^\ w
*The Call;, 'correspondent . visited .the
jockev' club headquarters -today .in 'an
effort to -learnl something more about
tbe prospects* for, this season's racing
on :" \u25a0metropolitan -tracks * and*:th> • part
that California horses and' owners will
takein thes< events. .- T. ; Hi tchcock Jr.
will as usual, be well represented. He
! B^^»^^^\^^\^^^^L- S =---^' in sniallcr 9V. antitie ? cannot sell at the same prices. Moreover, we obtained these :r=:^^^^i^^iri^^y ,: \ %
\u25a0 if;. We have been (.selling thousands of sheeb/ Blankets, spreads and pillow \u25a0 cases to,. _. • ~-7n v & .";: '.y^^^ '% [
« \u0084 "^M^aaßWi^^T^ *^ ==^^^^ 1 : : lodging house ; and -.hotel keepers because .they {^cannot buy ; at ; sucKl low ;^y_- ' ..._" ; .. . -. ; \u25a0 \u25a0^^^\u25a0\u25a0•'^^^ "7"
pUpwViPr^ Ah thU time of the year bed covering is much -'in-; demand--and : nowhere can it be obtained at such money saving priecs— and of such reliable quality as at Hales. •• v
80c Bleached Empire Sheets, 70c. \u0084 'Bleached Sheets; \u0084.: \ ;^ White Bed Spreads. r
Hea\-y quality muslin*; size 72x90 inches : can , Best quality cotton,iwith fine even thread; ; ._ Size .72x9o, 80c, each- 81x90,^85c each. j , Three-quarter bed, 75c and 85c eacK; dctlile-
.be used as double-bed sheets: ' - : [j finish ; :^#heHa^JAveafs^ '\u25a0 bed size, $1.00," $1.25 and $I^o each. X^nty,
„,i , ,c , • - r, Q1 \u25a0'. , A c \u25a0„ w ' Size 54x90, 75c;eacli; ; 63x 90, 80c each.- ; Hemstitched Cases, bleached, 45x36, 25c .each. . serviceable spread. ~ . •'; '\ •
Unbleached Sheets, size 54x81 inches,. 4sc each. • ' 7?vQn -RSr^Wrii 81y QO 90c each Whif; Pn^i^fc "C " : tr xx£r iir i«, , • -&\
, „, . AO O1 . , An i /zxyu, ,eac each .cix yu, \u0084^yuc.eacn., >.wmte Blankets. '\ .:,--:. . Homespun White Wool Blankets. I. \ .
Unbleached Sheets, size 48x81 inches, 40c each. . y 81x99,' 51.00 each: 90x 90, $1.00 s each.^ \u25a0'-•"; These white blahkets are the greatest; value we: have; .; 56x76 inches • a coarse woven blankit'-'m^"
For lodging houses and bunk r houses; Re- - . : 90x90/ $1.05 -each; 90x108,- $l.lO each. ' • "ever-beeii able to -offer • k> our. customers.^ Single. .Yto wash and will wear well- S4 OO oal-- yaW
markablv e-ood sheets w«r^ p;ilf^tr a«M;:a «M ;: ' ' " double or three-quarter bed size. .10-4. size,, pair,' " i, wa^i dim win wear wen, par, vajoe
markaDiy gooq^sne^s. c Bleached Pmow\Cases. ... ; $4.00; double ,-bed size, : or 11-4, $5.00 and $6.00. ', : . $4.50. In great demand for lodginpb,Quies
Bleached^Sheets, /2x90 inches, 45c each. ;\u25a0; : Soft ..finish quality: cotton • - California Wool blankets. V y. s . : and hotels. ; v lv -Vvi
Seamed centers. .Size 45x36 .Ti^^each; 50x36, 25c each.. blanket,! size 56x76 inches, $4.2srvaluc Pillows, $1:00 each. V-.- \
Pillow Cases, size 45x36 inches 12^c each. • 50x40^' 2734c ; each ; Mx,so, eacn. $5.00: Five^pound blankets, size 68x76 inches, $5.00; , Covered with figured art ticking; all feat cr. filled-
Bleached or unbleached ; for lodging house use. ," 54x40^;. 32^c- each; . ; value :is: $6.00. ; \u0084;>>;' r . ::,-\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0' '\u25a0\u25a0 ..'..... ... 20x26 inches. An extraordinarily low priyd' pillow!
H.<S'"Goods Suit Values of Great Interest— at Male's S!"
"V^CUVW VMUUO- - .:;:'- ••' J Y;; ;.'.,.- •. ; . , , .\u25a0 . / ..- tifiL. - or. Carriage ; three-qu^ter site ;
Clothes Dryers; stand 4 ft. high; ' \, > bale or the^ newest and, prettiest _^^=v_ just the comfortable! size for
with 12 drying bars; special; 58c. v • : :^^|^^^ models shown this season at • i^^^^ baby to sleep in; withjeed >c- .
. bread and meats; 15c. . y ;* - Vi / y-*^ Every one' IS WOlfth much more /^. '• Bedford-cord, with hoof lined v
Fancy Vegetable Slicers; cuts po- -' • ' |/|^^\^^MW'*^ M \u25a0^•\u25a0' "P • - &$ tO match » . in S^y
tatocs, etc., in diiterent shapes ' /' ?-" . fe«L«'K^--V Suits tha^ : \ fJ£ r^hhe^rT°
for garnishing; 35c. .. • . -, # M%!^^ . J011".J 011 ".™ I'^1 '^ tire Muhee^ and \u25a0
Toilet Paper mrolls; special, 7 = . I J ]
r f\f \u25a0"' - '\u25a0 • - •'\u25a0 N^r •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 *xY,-.-iii W-u y -i" \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 • son:- iZZ.ou ;is a- , remarKaDiy. iow ; price* >.. \u25a0.Hjjj^mJHvnWvCPflrs •\u25a0- - /*v« m "^* - '
25C. • ;-• . \u25a0 --;; \u25a0'; . for. these '.bright,- new "styles; \u25a0it.willYpay • -'\u25a0 \u25a0V- \u25a0 \u25a0* »15 fin-f 31+ $1 * sfl
Tea Kettles; all copper polished; ;-"" ? & /Jf ">«"> J 1 ' 1 -^
neat designs; flat bottom; made ; W*WM^WWmSM V v>' \ Wt4^Mg^&^ Three-quarter stze Baby. Gc^C&t,
to heaf water quickly 59c. < *. ' <'ff§ i I ci The popular .Jumpcr.-stylcs^iicw^ ;\:>VV ; " •\u25a0?'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Si®|^^m-N«aN" "\u25a0 -->V ; ' with closely woven reed sjcfcs.
10 neat waici .ijuii-ivi^ , j?i.. ,>;> r- W 1 : * :U • , ;,.v?,,:r cutaways and broad-shouldered . -:\ • '- . r+*A r+eY^nrr k,^. ~a::*~£*7
Large size White Enamel Bowls; I -^, '11 W M : :-.•-.: . - Pony, and Eton' effects j^naterials y' % .Tr,* - ' reed reclining back,, adjustalle
hold 10 quarts ; large, enough for ' \u25a0-\u25a0 -WM Iji \u25a0 ®' r \u25a0 , are | \u25a0H. TOMl^^-7.— it ' J^ely tipholster^d
mixing bread; : worth $1.50, at ' >\u25a0 \u25a0 f/r*fM '\u25a0\u25a0'-M ii: • "."':.!'' •': - .and an almost endless variety of - ; ; ; - affilt^^^/* ctxsnion and ruffled pansol.
.WWte Enamel Wash Basins; 15c. • X^ ')^^^^^k ' 'be? I ?^!^^^^
Baby Bath Tubs; in galvanized • Iv^V - l?i^l^- -S* "^ ** '^"^ ' VV s * /I Gives the child perfect "c'oQfoft
iron or Japanned; $1.00. . Mm I. /Ifi -' j ilW\\ Here, are "descriptions ,of but." two rof Vthe " ' ' /M^^^^^t^^^^K\ arid is a .very graceful, prittily
Sleeve Boards; made of hard ////Mir Hl lit M 1 S\\W^ many different.-, styles /shown.iii YHale's; made vehicle — a p/easuri to
Eclipse Bread-Makers; you can /W/j/IJjJM I \l\Vw^\ ist?apped^Sve^ :^ffect^ >^S^ffi^^^^^^^^\ $1.50 HammOCK, $^,25
make better bread in three mill- /fj ffl § M'-ll'l' // I vi f \'\\m \\ ' ming: flat collar of, silk trimmed with j^^^^^MtlW^C^^S^^^^^&S\ Closely Woven Cotton HanwAv" :
utes; if onceused you \u25a0: would /Ml/llvfP t \V\SM\- e; braid :; full cluster Raited, skirt., h " o^W ffifiE^^H^SK:. . Sox^ inlhes; "°?h. H^S^
never be without one; $2.00/ • \ffl. M g MM \u25a0\\ I M : $22.50-Thr C e-Button \u25a0 Cutaway, r?^OfS spreader. comfortable pillow; extra,
-. L r V I . \u25a0 j^.MmiW-iml['---m: il'lW- f ancy - J checked; material; jacket /with- tail- X^mfflfflZ " 3mmliWSi^^V^ foot spreader and deep fringed val-1
Sleeve or-. Flounce Irons; patent ; ;; \3^^^ ' ' ' -ofcdVcol)ar;; ; strapped;. froiitYand back; V ..,. ;^RJ^^^^^^S^^^^ ance. The colors are/the agreeable'
handle; large size; 38c. ..'" . : ' \u25a0"" !. f; S^^* .'->.> \u25a0;. long sleeves ;i silk cuffs; full. plaited skirt.. ; : V- *~*'T > '^ ! V- ; < •; shades of green, yellow and red. >^
Splendid Vaiu«b - /. anil B^S^ Nottingham Lace Curtains $1.25 \ •\u25a0)
Men's Furnishing Goods at H^^^
Kever before have we "shown better 'styles' an^ .'as large -varieties: The'prettiest line we havejshown. this season; some. in the-blend work -braided \u25a0 tains ; splendid for. hotel keepers or other large users 5
| You will find the very, newest styles in Summer Shirts; ir Neck- ; effects ; others iri 'elaborate. -designs in Spachtel hand drawn thread effects. -_ of curtains. Tour choice of this $1.50 value f0r51.25.r v
wear, Hosiery and all the things in this line that; men need.'and \u0084 »,Vfl* \u25a0 • V ' • l ii l vx l-r i j \u25a0j " ' 'Vi' \u25a0 ' *j j >! 'ir^ i ; '* c " r '" - " -ioA. -V Brass .Curtain Rods, to -fit all ordinary windows; comolete a
th7important saving to Vouon every -article you.buy. at Hale's Y^hese we ;;^haye in^.hemstitched and> scalloped edge, effects ; Scarfs are 20x^4 a w i t h f brackets- each" 10c. ' completes
.is a great inducement. A few hints-rthese three;items:;;-Y; V :; inches;: Squares 32x32. y ; Yy '\u25a0 .' 1' ,' . ' . : ' ; . ! V' : » v ~fr*- g !\
Men's Negligee Shirts-^-Made, of American pongee ;". with soft turn- 'V; ?:,'".' y -.—. — . — — — — — — — yv;' .\u25a0 \u25a0 :\u25a0 '\u25a0'"':'' ,-' ". . y'. : CmioVi C mre*v* Ifl v)f \
down coils-; in light tan or cream color; silk' stitched allithrough; --^- .; \u25a0V - -— '\u25a0\u25a0 , ~ : -'l~±aaff :: ' >: ' : \~' ' '' " ' ] \ :; -- : ' : '-' :V: V- ' ' ' V ' OUC " ™Y erS V l ' lU
have soft cuff and heavy pearl buttons. One of the best values \u0084..; ml^imf M^^^ : % 'fi^^ . S ue'i^no^f read"" Oriental' striped Couch Covers ; 4 feet wide-; fringed dt all •
WJ r*V^i\ Men's 75c Suspenders for 50c— Made of fine ' j/SSSP^'^S^^CV^TT' ' ' \u25a0' - l window seats,' etc. - ... •" - \ X'\ -\u25a0
# NR\iN grade elastic webbing; v put up. one pair in \u25a0 '^bJft/Q^) f >^ • .' \u25a0 • o i lr> . » < *r \
fi /9^m^7^ t-r-^--y n-ir- n ii inn-Hi n n", ,i BH^li<iwiii/i^iiiwiw»' | '' r *^ j The latest -faki.- 1 Colored Gurtam Lawn 15c Yad
t/\/ / M - fasteners and leather ends; handsome line 'fji,,'* 0 } l ut: of "• Qi^fk Qfi-^f -KTiov AA^iArAh catalogue } .'.« end: -Aew Curtain- Lawn ; 3o inches wide; m - very daihtv 1 do •
/l\fy : . Ini ' of patterns. £. v :; • " h l^^^'' I • : OlXlh YOtreet , lNear Market I ;te o°r' , [ . S i g ns;formaking;up bed sets, dresser scarfs or:dci>es. I
wants to j get Hot Shot 'and California
King to the post "in , the /Aqueduct
steeplechases, although-, neither- horse
is in as good condition aB he should
be. California' King- as is' well-known,
was' bred by Adolph : Spreckels. . He^is
a son of Solitai,re 11. "Enoch Wishard,
his: trainer, J fully expected that r he
might win one of the' 3' year old 'events
at Sheepshead Bay -last June,' arid" al
though the California horse .did- not
run. fully, up to; the of his
sanguine trainee, he'did extremely well
in being able' to" carry 103 1 and : 104
pounds and "gallop .a mile and- a-fur
long- in 1:54 or thereabouts. :
Hot ' Shot \u25a0is \u25a0 well ,'put .up/ and as \u25a0 a 2
year old John T Madden; C-his breeder,
thought, highly -of him. • He is--a son'bf
Meddler and Royal Gun, a" full bVother
to Trigger and' a' half brother <to^Gun-%.
lire and Yankee Giin. \ Meddler was = the
sire of both Zanzibar and Hylas, ; who
sent. several first-class Jumpers to the
steeplechases. ' 'Hylas has c already Yon
two i steeplechase ; - championship - faces,
audi the insiders will -b ack ,hirh for-* the
championship of . 1907. ' r
' W. B. Jennings' will t of, course"; be on
hahd ; with his, formidable 'string of
racers, with the old campaigner' Proper
at' the head. He iwill have^ with ;hiin
the mares Dainty and Letola," the 4 year
old Confederate and a' lot of' 2.' year olds
said: to have been leased : from J. B:
Haggin.: ' • ' : ;. .',..'• '.
Henry T. Oxnard's'Albemarle. stable;
trained by .William "Brooks *-wiil^ have
the 3 year old. •Aleltori.fillyj-Adellnettei
the '4 . year , old • mares v Bohemia; -arid
Sail ta ; CataUna,- the 3-year bldjfilly/Ma
nila and mariy.*2,"year."6ld£. t .! i^Vv.^-. : v \u0084-.-'
J. A. Bennett,' .who L raced all :, winter
at LLors r Angeles, - will : be", represented : by
the high class .mare; Flip FJap.inllrandi
caps and long distance events. > ; Hg,wlll
enter Mosely and^Ed^ Ball fin .- selling
races.. ;w . r '.;':;:»;.v, : .. \u0084:. J..;." : - \u25a0..".'
R. F.\Carman,- who. brought his p'tablc
here from Los > Angeles "recently, will
have; . Arimo.j as a., star.';^- Sinee ~ last
fall; Carman has bought a' : lot:of, r neiv:
horses,", and •. the -string. _ it: is said, has
cost him \u25a0 $30,000. - !f- ". -.;-\u25a0"" \u25a0 ;.• - \'\
CCorrlgan will. be;ab6ut,.the ; b^st- of
the.'atring thatjH.'E; Rowel 1 -will bring
with, him. . He will ' train " for,* .Thomas'
H;^ Williams, . who " will \race.-~a. ."stable!
here for . tr.e first time' mi man'yjyears.'
The \ latter 'will | haye T his well:- known
string, of \u25a0. horses, that \u25a0 raced inVCali
fornia' last v winter. ?\u25a0•• in .ht s stable 'will
also be included Firestone, 'the *2 ">year
old ' coif purchased* by': Williams." for
$10,000. S :.. \u25a0\u25a0":-: c ;. / ,;i '."\ iy\:,- : :• .'• ."-Y; \u25a0
" W. v 08. Macdonough's ' Ofmondale
stable, trained by. ; Tom YlWelsh, J >will
campaign Ormondale, ' Oran? and' some
California :bred -2 • year r old's. V r If" Is
believed by ; some; that,- JohnYW.'! Gates
is i the* real'.owneri of »,thei 7 hofsesithat
willi race-under*' the* colors': of .Boots
.Durnell this; year.; "•.•He; has the flthree '
yearold Temaceo,'. winner 'of. :the recent
Caljfornia /derby, "and; a\ stringy of .<,2
year ; olds ;that: brought) high -prices; at
the. sales i last fall. ;.v,.TheV star iof-ithe
stable jß";Nealon:Vt He hasj- been t entered
In \thV; Suburban", \u25a0 ? Brooklyn; and ; Bright
ton handicaps, 1 and other; long ; distance
events. \u25a0 \V ':-:\u25a0'\u25a0 '•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0/\u25a0• "\u25a0\u25a0 ;' » - : - : . \u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0; -\u25a0" :
rS. C?*Htldreth/ who formerly) trained
for E. E.V Sihathers andimade?a/cleari
up-at;Oakland'huit} winter, f.will Jbegln
racing at -Aqueduct^twith;- theccrack
mare-Lbglstilla,<andiwitli >; Ra.pid-Water;
Security, .Van f. Ness.V Guiding " Siar ; arid
severaT good^youngsters. 1 \u25a0 .: v '
'-• It Js generally believed, that ' Sal vi- v
derc.f owned 'by T.tHitchcock;'J r.*,r. will
be -a; formidable 3 : year'Yold. ; i'This
gelding *, was ieasil >%---. the I best, > 2, "",\u25a0 year
old-last .year;;wi.nnijig:all»but»6ne race
and -accumulating;'; nearly.^: $50, 000 Z^ iri
stake >JwrnniTigs. Hllitchcock'.thas*. sev-|
I eral.i other.; horses, of," good -in
1GolfjBali:.1 GolfjBali:. T6qdles,?l,California^Kins
an'd^some, choice, 2 ;year^6lds^ besides
"a r powerful 'cross ( ' country^ s'tableAwbich
Includes G6*od'.'and'.Plenty.YHylas;',Or6, v I
Paul V Jones, The-Glaimant, '{- and* Phan-.
tbrn.'.;/" . '\u25a0".'•" C, \u25a0'"•.\u25a0'.'. \u25a0 v.'iV'-» ," : ,T : Y^ •"'...'. V .'.
;F.V,R; Hitchcock .will-haviTr Dandelion.'
,Tangle, i- Vendor. 1 \u25a0> and [* a -vj few - .others '
Both tables ; |b'e"
.trained "•by t'-Madderi.'-iWho in
. of; a iCompeteriti jockey Ito^flllithe; placed
\u25a0 oft Sewell. * who 'J rod© ;' In ; all
'of j her? faces f; last viyea.r»-\ ; iMaddenji will'
have, ; a -string * ; \ himself. J f pHlsfcVblder,
horses '-'a are . \u25a0", East i % End.^s Old V.A Colpny/
,pMhaw/ay7«Sayl6r t '{.vSall}''.H/K^jand'<t.-a'
I pro rri i s i ngAotof ;2 Yy c a r Tol ds / b" r e d r ; a t
j,Hamburg. place".^and jiopes^tojfindrpur-;
I chasers "\u25a0 for* soirie!|pf Atherii^ v y ]:• ; ii" .\u25a0,."" }!'.
'.It will be 'Castro; parlor." night, next
\u25a0Wednesday in Lyric hall, ; on the occa
sion of the. balltoVbe given by.the' Na
tive Sons' 'literary/ andi social icomhiitr
tee: , ThisaffairLwill^beiunderAtheidl^
rection- of ,the 'officersiof , ; the .commlt
tee-f^Louis - F:} Erb/:Vprcsldent; '•'\u25a0'. Li' 1 ;"- C.
,Tubbs; vice president;•E.iJ.'Rcilly,'sec
retary; : Williani^Martin; I treasurer ; E.
E.: Fischer,". George i'J.?; Stock witz and
C. A. "Kaiser, 1 trustees., . :Y \u25a0:'\u25a0'.
; "•:. IW-hy.. tbuy/ybur V'luraber, millwork,
doors, sash and 1 mouldings «.from: "Tom,
Dick and Harry, "X when you-saveiyour
self : trouble, and^expense buying 1 all
from lt.;B."-Moore ; Mlll and.Lumber.Co.;
Folsom and Fifth •\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0-- •
f- .The following;, have? been, elected, 'as
the;"officers of.;the:FriendlyYclub"of:this
city: ; John -Pauls; Cosgrave/;: sire; •; Vic
tor- J.^Lindquist^historian; ;vJolini -"A:
Sch' !aort?ser, v . treasu rer \u25a0;* Eugene kT/3k T/3 Bar^
v. It is conceded tHat we display the
iargestiselectioriiof I ref ined and : welKmade
f urniture< at prices ;-'tHat>are : vtrie>lo^est>_;
If lyou^are- not acquajri^d with; es-;
Jtabiishment :a^ : yisit wiHjbe^
while. v jj;
Forithis Yweek we y offer,^extraordinary
values in, . . .• » "t... \u25a0
; BRASS |i|Ep|;}^ETAtXßE^ \u25a0
; lVkreiss ; \u25a0
•-iii'^iYß^t^Strleet; v|Abb^VamNess <Aw;.
K;tt.*;Ciyde' : ;C.l : West6yer|andtwiniam:
J. .Weymouth, 1 executive' committee.* The
election; was followed by a' supper, after
which 1 ; the subject \u25a0 for/ discussion', was
,\'Dates."/ .The following. took part:
wiiiT-W.-t Maslin,- William - F. -Burke, ; Dr.
Gilbert M.tßarrett; Colonel Thomas Mc-
Grady.^ of f Kentucky,: C *A. S. Frost,' i N;
J. Kast, B.lWestover, John* Burke
and fi the ; ITheV favorite :\ dates
were : rf^The * birthdays Tot ? Chris i t^Buddr,
ha; \u25a0Mahdrnet v ,andi Confucius jand Magna
Chartafday;"'July\4,\l776;;July,-14, 1759;
t stormingl'bf 3 the ' Bastile, ''- Lincoln's
emancipation' proclamation and the cohi
Hagration"of;AprU\lS, U906."; ' ' ' " r
; r.Over J . :; '3oo.?f»'horses, l ?r draft • horses,
matched 'teams.'' single' and< double rdrlvi
Ing :- horses,* .will i be •< sold iL af ; auction { by
the'WesternfHorseiMarket.tSST .Valen
cia "street,^' oni.Tuesday, I April ,23." ASale
begins:" at; 9 |a l .-ni:; and, ; continues Itill, 14 !
pAni."-.See;auction*columniior details,;*.
Sir, ,ThomasrL.lpton has "to !pay': taxes
on' \u25a0'property*;. In*; Chicago ''-'assessed "y at
$350,000.,,- ;-\u25a0 _ ; \u0084.:.\u25a0
iM-mil mm m, - v— . Mj.-mil immhiuuh.. nil \u25a0 ;
j|'- '* "' " SUCCESS RECOMMBSps J
I. ' OFFICE— I26B 6'FARRELL ST. (B&*i)( B &*i) 1
r^|y |^he; Great Chined Herb Docir[ I
Hf -.:-'^No» misleading statements or deceptive- propositions toth« ailctad, -- B
H-"An;honest. doctor^ofrecosnized ability does not resortto'such stth#ds i\
lav:l> guarantee a, complete, safe and lasting cure In the quickest i Slrbia tl
\u25a0 *»tlme, s at-the lowest cost'possible for honest, skillful and successfu treat- H
m '\u25a0\u25a0: ment. ;I . cure Catarrh; Asthma, Lung, .. Throat, Rheumatism, ' Nervo sness H
\u25a0 -Stomach, -Liver, : Kidney; 'Female Troubles and all' prrvate d aaaas' vl
f£ Mm .are -composed of powerful "Oriental roots, . herbs buds vl
\u25a0 vegetables and. barks that -are entirely unknown (many of : th n) to ' H
\u25a0 ..'mealcal science in": this country." U
\u25a0 \u0084:•\u25a0 Drugs' or poisons 'are not. used in ,my famous remedies. I»\. ||
M - Father arid Mother Write Letters Indorsing Treatrriett \ ft
B '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -\u25a0' ' '\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 ~ -,-.>• >." * - \u25a0;\u25a0* • V SAN; FHANCISCO. March 23. IW. ' If
H•: .; -» TO -WHOM VTi MAT CONCERN: Onr three-year-old daughter."- hiring .biT^m H
. H-- for 'some time \u25a0 and v being ;tr»jit«Ji by. the ' most, prominent phystciana, graialiT ti
E|'« • became.* w>r»» ; and * was finally by -them.; We were then recommeadWc**'- -^ B
\u25a0j f Dr.' Wong Him.'** We started ivit!i'hls treatment," and within two months' tim« ir ij
y { daughter ;« was icured: : Bespectfollj 1 , \u25a0 * \u25a0 1 H
O ->J." \u25a0'\u25a0?' ' >"• vWR.VAND,MRS.. H.* CLIEB.' 2757 r t Harrison street, San Fr»acitc«i fl
ij SAX ISRANCISCO.* C«l.. December J9. i»0«J I 8*
Qi ?:< l"TO-THEiPCBLTC: This ifsito. certify, tha«. Dr.'iWong Him has cn«ed'.in<»JK Ini H
H\ had- •ufferwditoe, many ,yea/«.,. I <' triMV man* 'l» \u25a0
H: t doctors, "but;^they , failed ita core me. *.lconsalUd.Dt.\Wons' Him," and *ttM.t*Ztn* * B
H'" h!s'H?rb r Medicine .for slx^months am now per^ianentir v cored. .' 1 wish VjTSwair-' ?i
la '\u25a0 ' mend* liim" t6 the public as an efficient and *klllM-phjslcian.* \u25a0 • \u25a0 • »• I i • * *i
M •\u25a0 •; v^ . - .^CHmK^MB^«2^aB itrett/Saii^el^ Ci!. %
H's- YY. YV-'' -'.v;- . " ,".[',' l-. ;, i'-j SAN'FKJi^CIScb. : Ma*rca* ; i», iw, 1 ' } fj
; H>- ' '^ TO, THE PUBLIC: 1 had'a'rery B«Tere.*"ca«ei of^Th.roat- Tcoobl*^ and k»n«al H
mt-s. -. breakdown.%'sDM"nof»leep<or eat • for ieisht days.' iw After ', trying:, erery .'reTedjii I v' t!
Hf- Hieard-«f-wHhoutTBac«e«».-l;canedJOß ;Dr.%Wong''Hlm." 1268.OTarr«ll stret ••"Vw ' II
tm'f ? by *ieeltag;myv- pulse correctly diagnosed, my: case. « nia remedlea gaTe me lmifedJ*^ ti
m '";, • relief. '.vCann6t.#ty .too much ,in;faTop, cf .hfs teas. ..Q.*EEESE, 1352 Sthkre.^-. < B
. < '«^-' Y-'^MMI IMIWMIIIBIIIMUMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII »\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0!! '" * t' X<