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TO-DAY'S FASHIONS OF THE SAN FRANCISCO GIRL AND HER MAMA *\\\#; /.«\u25a0*!* , » - •©«»>*«».; tain,* mfSzXaMO+, \ X A'trtet sine*^^ Lent. . and what ft woed«rfttt . V/y now . display- . tho sluivikoojegi •;. fan* f o '^^^.Vth^r^sle«nres«>-V^ry.vwft»' tts^w«ei;.t»? ;' Bold so many • norslt?** \ to. . r*—r» e, - walttey - for ! the sun," which they know ' yhm belrfnd tho eloafi*. ' Of eotrrse Baoter camo an. too soon to ploaoo the customers, -and they" found- some dl faculty, in adjusting' thenf elreo to the circumstances. The \u25a0easoa Is ls>to« they say -at; th* shops, which •hows that : tho ooming and going of the styles has become. M natural. a law, aa. the changes «f lho'smoon. r i^ ,-l;;_'\';. : ' ¥ .."• :\ .[''•/ ./ t -^ .' \u25a0 - Now, that tt>o latest things hare been displayed It i« ;: quite £enrldoja*(' that ;.th» btnrers^VhiT '-haro" \u25a0 been busily at work ,, in foreign cities and Kew " Tork" have returned : to" us' with ; things absolutely ' np^to i datei^V"'- i' :^"^. - k ?I? I- 'X' \ '-^- i" V ';*^ '.'.;-••' _v ItvWasi a great surprise •to meet one of -*on» popular- girls,' who has been away almost . con ; Btantly. since "the .fire, hurrying 'along with the rest of .the'.people.r '.' J..\' : ' '\u0084'-'' '•*.'-."' "' , \*Tm '• in '\u25a0\u25a0 an f awful \u25a0 rush ; for mamma," she' said. \u25a0TTesterday sheboiightV lace coat and the lace [; Is v almost y as^ heavy as the Hercules' braid. .It . ; had ;. a l pattern^ sppllqued ' on' ' lt :of gray t cloth* which was hand-, embroidered^. Now mamma! has \u25a0;,' to have Ja* cloth t skirt ;toT match the' trlmmlng|on ;;" tki'f coat.- , DQes* sndt5 ndt' c that \u25a0. «e«m a^quoot -'arrange- ' " \'mont? •Vßut^it'iwiu^haTo^a i 'stunning Reflect.".' They" had .j, become J.qulte '?. the" vbguo; beforo * we' left 1 '.'Parls.>'-^ ;-':?.-•\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0.•:*• 'v^--'" \u25a0:;;\u25a0'* \u25a0-•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 - \ see, 1 ! neither -of ' us got many •. thlngs> We \u25a0 > -couldn't: believe"lwe;.'would?'need*them after* our 'calamity. ; \u2666Whenever^, letter, told us; the ""doings^ h'erei we iwoiild^ think, it ; alii much 'exag- ' .'-* t6erated:' ; , ! n 'lt.? seem c«l? so Vinipbasitflfcl*':' You "don't 1 § know' how igrood i t}ls . 1 6 , be - back *'ag am/li n/ 1 In? Paris, 1 ' no • matter i-how.Ah*bspi table |th'e }p"eOple are,': you s ;alwaysvhave>a);feeiingr;jth"'at;if>Vou^are r n"ot Ijust1 just ithejright^thingJas" regards i clothes Vybufwilllbe' \u25a0 laughed latis and'; after jat.while ','\u25a0 It T gets fa trifle ; tiresome. V-IMid-soVlong forVbur<California'-free .Hdom-ohceyin^aV.wliile.'^'t/.";?*^'. ' ";'; * \u25a0'-:\u25a0- ,'\u25a0•; •<". *:^V« fg'-VDo ! you f knoW,lr!clldn't\buy.' a': hat , that •mamma' -.Would let s me; _wear^without ' being > altered ? f* She ' t* says t th'atV the 7 understand' what; is y chi<r; 11 ;; lcanlf aco .has j more \u25a0; yeC : and : needs fan; individual! s5-.~i\s\ l ¥J*if '•••*;« i .'i'l*"'??- a r^r l /.V* "'V^^'r^t-J • , ', N Doi;you';r?rpemher, .Mlssf-Louderbach? - She .s was;a;San Prangisco(glrl.^She*became'so enani .\u25a0^brediof;Paris' and; its f ways-ithatVshe ; fmarriedta" 3 son.-, of (one « bf vthe^very^largest |and f wealthiest ;>;ihopkeepersjlnnbat:c4nteri'of! fashlon.*?Oneday i (they. i took 1 ua^tKroiushV their/ splendid '$ establl3!i T ;';;ment;':andras7l}sWas!particulaßly«in need^o"*«hats hata',whichilattjactc«2?mai ; thej,mbst. ; jT^Wheh we., reached ! ?Cew iYorktoa'our; way.,back*tQ ;£ iSan'Fran.clsc.OiWel^'jsitedjtheia^braiieh .store and • "il ; saw^tlieV same '% hats; " i I- a knoyv ".thern •b y {ce r^aln ;^earmarks; t Jbutf.iheyA were i sq*.niatle^Qveri. that fjsometlmesjltl'vvas^hard-tojreco'gnisejthem.'/^ '** ':,% - 'l'yf,"./The!Ame^ steustfhayj»TanV"AniericaV*imt.' 4 r. '*j>' ' ,).4v*?li«t t us ; go .in: _her <t'\ 'sheT^ntiii ied, »',' for k a « cup • I o< Ktea.lVfThls"S shopping fso vdlstfeßsiag,* so* ;^eatlgulng.^:-.4;f- Jl^: ; .rlv>i ;^' : \ : s ;:'r4 r"*-^:; v..> v "i.-. . , ; tT>o; you j like,, ni y{ suit ?";-. she <. continued, .- when V* •woxo'xomfortably .^seated. .'.V'But ' you' wish the oeo* w«rs > tight fitted? Xcv- nor.* of the Ja»««*> \u25a0nits havo 'fitted coat*., Bom* are soxsffittad «e-ai black <Is really a ; f avorlte . this aesjraau : X oaa ' wear plain collar and turn-back on ffa> ta<\ on' the throe-quarter almvot. \u25a0 Only wtttl tho <vxtt» plain stilts, \u25a0 though. Black and white are *©• food to ; look at always. -- X am \u25a0 glad * that th*y ; ire the thin*, because, - X ' suppose* that I «an' ir ear them. If X oouldatX would havo to tak»> my eholo« .' botwooa bluo : or. brown. No . bmNi gTars for th* street. "We did get rath** tlr-*d; of tho* sameness, dont yo« think?. . , - -. "But -for. evening wear, such rrmy* *ZO»t clouds, ' like this smoke, or tho tr ansluoano* «f . a dinae fog— with the, glorious plats undo*** neathj 'and the bright green* and tit* yallow*— «.' the ©ran re. So much can bo done -with gm* that &IT3T wu dreamed of theretofore* "Oh, .the "length of this dress? Just three lnchea from" the ground." she said, returning t» our. previous, topic of _eonr«rsatloa. "Wont yoiv :omi home with me and let m« show y»u what' few dresses I brought .with nuf ''[Wnat many 'dr«ssea- would "haro meant X oan aot lmaslne It - th* quintl tj tm looked : at war* a"' few, and > the ' strangest feature of It an wu that there wti not an empire In ta* whole col lection. "Tou"it»," «a!d my laterestlnc youn* hoitess, -"Empire* aren't btcoralny to rr.s. Very fow peo ple can. wear thara— they're difficult. Sometimes when we i were ' wandsrlntr through . the famous galleries .with their •flor!ousl7 beautiful women of ' the • empire itlxn*,. I -used to wonder how .they would - 5 100k !t In -one of my - dresses.' Mamma thinks thfs 'sacrilege," she whispered, j. "so don't \u25a0 breathe li^^- \-:^y \u25a0<%\u25a0-' .. ! > -^ '- • --\u25a0 } r ,Vf - : "But -look, the belt line Is just where .nature -Intended - it to .be; no more exassrerated length of waist. * r The belts are about three laches In the back to one and a half fa front, 'givtns an appearance of length In front. > «r."But itlje skirts ""forr r afternoon and' evenlnit wear are »o lonp that it, is \u25a0 almost impossible to walk, in. tftem." 7 They cling: so about the feet that sometimes I if eel? Ilk e'a mermaid." - a favorite of mine, r I am, glad you like ;it. for. If isn't Im ported.*^ It is Qufta>s pretty as the others. Is* It not? % . Really, twoincn ' don't- have to" so abroad.. any f more.-< Of ; course it ' Is ' an excuse sometimes to'set away— -a kind oJ conscience. pill. ,'..'tAndyou-.llkethe, '..'tAndyou-.llkethe ccrla'e? Mamma picked. out thJa'for;mey"She;is partial to mous3elines/so we ; Justfhad'tohave'it. , I am' going- to" tell you an-, [other secret. ,The hat came from a Sutter street , Btore-fAWe didn't- se? a .; thing that went .well swlth it ;in* Paris.' I like the black girdle—^l mean , on the dress, anil the black knots of baby ribbon' here* and \u25a0\u25a0there."'; . * "«• "They /call J^this 1 hat Jaw modified - poke, but .it" :l6Qks > .to"me«more. like the tri-color« the children" '.wear.V. .' '.-* r v " '' '.'\u25a0„, •" \u25a0 '{ ;*»V'l : must tell- you.* about two dresses mamma got., -You know" lots of people take us for slater*, but : l 'have^ the hardest time tryins^to kaep'her^ .from\bui-ing old lad*y things. , Sho always has Jwom,.Wack^wlienever' s:i« could, anyway, .but it ; '.»ook3*weliron.her. and so I don't mind that. ,T f "ller" handsome, black drssa Is black net. \u25a0 It *oT- gold" cloth with a foundation' of f whlte taffeta, i The net ': is -pleated ' to^ below \u25a0 th« hips.^ .The." girdje, *whlch iist of soft liberty aUk,' , lons,' flo'wing^ends "which are. finished , with , gold fringe?. 'About' the" neck '*. is rose t point > yoke. \u25a0 It is beautiful/ and the* gold cloth gives ttV a'strange; swish. :. It makes sine feel, like -kow towing when I hear her' walk.^. And. do you j ,-'j (Continued .on Inalda, Page, .thls^ S*c Mo*)