6 ALAMEDA HUNDREDS OF BUSINESS MEN TO BE AT BANQUET Oakland Chamber of Com-j merce Function Will Be Big Affair i IDORA PARK CHOSEN; Judge Melvin and H.C. Cap-! well Will Handle the Forensics OAKLAND, April 30.— Nearly SOft ! reservations have been made for : the • chamber of commerce banquet, which j will be held tomorrow evening at Idora j park. :t: t The r^fsrram calls for a fcusi- j ness men's dinner, the formalities of { turedos ar.d . splketalls not to be en- j forced, so the guests may. go directly; from their cfiees and stores. The hour j is 7 o'clock, with 15 minutes for,; seating: the diners. The speech making' will be commenced early and there will be a tftr.e limit. ' .\u25a0\u25a0-v?X Jud»r«» Henry A. Melvin and H. C.j Cspwell will handle tbe forenslcs. The | oratory will follow the address of wel- I rotne by Frank TV. Bilger, president 1 of cthe chamber of commerce. The pro- i pram follows; , - /t' i A. E«d Silnrian*" Ben F. Woniw •*C1««b Dirt" ?. 0..0. E. Hotle Orchestral' numbers under J»a:il Pt*indorff"s direction and * vocaJ pro grrara by a doable quartet, E. D. Cran dall. director, will be rendered. UPPER PIEDMONT MAY DECIDE TO JOIN OAKLAND Number of Leading Citizens Discuss the Plan to Disincorporate OAKLAND. April SO.— Upper Pied •nont. whic°h incorporated recently as a :own and then voted to annex to Oak land, is in some little trouble. T* e1 new town's leading citlreas — at TVast 11 i fair repr*»Fe'atation of them — war.t*fd" lifJncorporste and come into Oakland. Another body of prominent residents' wrould continue the town government. find a third percentage of the citlreas reiidlrig th>re desire legal proceedings to know where they are at. Mark Requa. Edward Engs and H. C, Capw*>n wfr» amonz the speakers it a meeting of the Piedmont improve ment club last night, and they declared that the residents had erred in incor porating and that it should cast off its pre**»nt muni«Hr>al harness and join T'&kland t* quickly as possible. Hugh ' ~raig. one of the town trustees., ob- ! lected to that* plan, but acceded to a, motion by Francis Dunn that a test; rase to try the legality xjf incorporation hf- brought. This would b* accom plished by a refusal of the Piedmont F?lnitary district trustees to turn over. their "records and properly to the town trustees.* A motion to lay on the table ">i .- - :v...t :• r. to call a disincorpora- MONTENEGRIN PRINCE'S SUBJECTS UP IN ARMS March on Capital Because . of Misappropriation of Public Funds ; VIEXXA. April 30.'— The rt-volution r.ry movement in Montenegro, which is a> military government, has b^a pro ciaSmed. and armed bard? are reported \u25a0 marchiTigr on th» capital. - Di^ord^r is • rapidly ' spreading throughout the country. The center of lYt*- discontent is at Androvica. the headquarters of the Yassojevics, nu merically, the strongest clan in the principality of Montenpgro. Tho rising I* attributed largely to the attempts of Prince Xicholas to o^errJde th»> constitution which fc* b? * towed upon the country Sn 1905. and also incessant" drain on the public !The prince Is accused of utilizing: the •tax*"-* of the other stat<» funds to swell his private hank account. Even sums received from .Emperor Nicholas and Emperor Francis Joseph from time to lime for speciSc purposes are said to have been diverted to the enlargement of the princes- income, nr : spent; In :h?s attempt to. ape tbe customs .of the courts of more important countries. * \u25a0 ; : r Brief Local News \u25a0J 1 ; ; ; •»• SEW EEaXTT FlEX— articles or UwttTxym tloa wrrt fiU>C y«>rter* Goff improTe- BK>ct rotapasr to <3o a real estate itcsioo'M. with a raplxal stock of tSSe.OOO. of wb'.rli (K<> each tttt been »abstateier aralsst the Van Aradale-HarrS* °i>:mber ccdpaoy. Uie plalstiff aHefin; that fcta '.'<(\u25a0 was *.:sC*j r:r;:T. nstalslDK a fracmred rkcll, fiied at the city and coQßty hoapital yecterday. v ~Crr-.tr was . attesaptlajr t« board tbe . rar -ri.rc It wh vtarted wlthoat warstss, throwlag : !tn to fhe grousd. ALLEGED SHOPLUXrH CHABGEB— PearI i. :r.r. who was arrected In Weinstock A. I.ubin * •lc<« on S«:urd»t- :k» Judre Ca hccj« resterday lot tbe arre*t cf C3iarle» Helea &*t <-d a it»rr* of tWhUcc *ectioa 4MB »f tb* I'eaftl CnV- is tcktns us sctocreMle beloosiiic to tfce PaMie rt.Ttsr. rartac_ e-rewße \u25a0 aad r«Jk •treet. wliboat rerm!M'e.a «jT ti!» cwner*. Tbl» is U* ftnt case cader tie «t»lnr. News of Counties Bordering the Bay Society in Cities Across the Bay OAKLAND, April 30— The marriage • of Robert' Bronson WhitehUl and Mies j Elizabeth Pratt was celebrated at the j residence of the bride's parents. Dr. •and Mrs. A. .H. Pratt, in Grove street' ! this evening in the" presence of 150 truest*. The entire lower' floor -of the i borne carried an effective cdSfioratton ; of garlands and wreaths. -T^.-ked out |in tones of pink and green. At S:3O J o'clock the bridal procession entered •the rooms, Mrs. Hugh McCall Webster i and Mrs. Arthur Xahl. -matrons of | honor, leading the way, followed by the jquartet of bridesmaid?, Miss Edna Mc | Kee. Miss Ann McClelland. Miss Edith ISchultr, M ls s Prance." Caldwell. '. The \u25a0 half dozen attendants carried the satin ' streamers which made the aisle for the ! brld«>. They* were, gowned alike in ; dainty robes of pink voile and wore I wreaths of roses In their hair. Miss i Genevieve Pratt In a. gown of pale (pink marquisette and carrying a 5 shower of bridesmaid roses served, her j sister as maid; of; honor. The Bride was escorted to the altar i by her father, who gave her into the ; bridegroom's keeping," Rev. C. H- Ho '; bart reading the marriage service. The ! bridal robe was fashioned of white I chiffon cloth, .richly embroidered. The ! bodice was finished with a garniture •of rare lace. The tulle veil with. Its 'knot of orange blossoms fell to - the jhem of the long court' train. Miss t Pratt carried a shower of , white or chids. \u25a0 .' \. ' Following the reception Mr. and Mr3l I Whitehill left for a short honeymoon I journey to the north. -They, will not I return to Oakland ! before taking up j their residence, in the attractive home I which has been prepared for the bride j In Butte. Mont. VjUMn. "Whitenm is a graduate of the (University of California- She is the j third member of the Alpha Phi - f ra ! ternity 10 plight her. marriage vow I within the month. Mr. 'Whitehill- is a j Prfnceton # man. He is largely inter ested In the mines J of Montana. \u25a0- . -• «\u25a0\u25a0'--•. Miss Eleanor McEwen will be a hostess of Wednesday, entertaining at her home in San Francisco in honor of Mrs. F. O. Hihn of Santa Cruz. Mrs. Hlhn has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. J. Cotton, for several weeks." Many delightful affairs have been given In' her honor : during- her visiL A number will go" over from this side to attend the affair. Bridge -will fur nish the diversion of the hour. Mrs. j Hihn twill return to her home within i a few daya. • • • Mrs. JohnC. Brittaln, 0 nee Gowingr, and Miss Gertrnde Allen, whose raar- a riage to Charles Hutchlnson will be an 'event of June, were the complimented guests this afternoon when Mrs. Wlck hasn Havens entertained at an ealb orate luncheon at her home in Pied mont. • . • • Miss Maud Cowhan, an attractive eastern girl who is visiting in Oakland. will.be the motif for an informal card par-ty tomorrow when Miss Bessie Cog j hill will receive at her home In Jack " son street. I^« r guests" will .Include \ Miss. Cowhan, ; Miss 'Jessie *FFor;i r ; Miss " Sevilla Hayden. Miss Ruth Kales, Miss Rose Kales. Miss - Pansy' Perkins, Miss Clara English. Miss -Ella Hoy t, , Miss J Edna Prather. Mrs. George- Porter j Baldwin, Mrs.- Sylvanus Farnham, ' : One of the Informal bridge whist i parties of Wednesd&.« evening will be | that over which Miss Lily Reed will j preside as hostess. Her guests will in j elude the members o* one of the small j er clubs and a few others. Among those j who will etijoy her hospitality are Miss Mollie Mathe?, Miss Katherine Brown, Miss Ruth Houghton. Miss Ruth Kales. Miss Rose Kales. Miss Josephine John son. Miss Ruth Casey. . The. engagement is announced cf Clyde C. Cumlngs . and Miss Caroline Loudtrback. Mlsf Louderback is the ' daughter of Mrs. C. K. Louderback, She Is a charming and attractive girl. Pos sessing a voice of great sweetness she has won a place, in musical- circles. jCummings came from Xew York last ! November to be the Paciflc coast man \ ager of the Denver medical company." I The marriage will be solemnized in ] June. The y\>ung people will reside I in Oakland for a year before going to Japan. They will establish their ! permanent home in New York. •• • - ALAMEDA. April 30. — Representative and Mrs. Joseph R. Knowland left to j day for Watsonville. where the con j gressman is to deliver his illustrated i lecture on the Panama canal. . 4 Miss Clemence Ledeme and Jena i Bauchou were married last^-evening at j St. Joseph's church. Mis 3 Martha j Lfdeme was maid of honor, and the groom's best man. was John ' Bauchou. { The other bridal attendants were Es j telle Leschott. Adele I^deme, 'Marie (Bauchou and Annie Bauchou. Mr. and j Mrs. Bauehou wi^l make their home in j San Francisco. NEW YORK VISITOR IN BERKELEY DISAPPEARS Aged George Veith Fails to Return 7 From a Stroll in the Hills \u25a0 \u25a0 >.. : ;^.(- ; iQ.v ',— <.'- ... . • BERKELEY. April. 3o.-^George,Veith. a gruest from New York in the horne 4 of E. H. Thompson at 1615 McGee r street; has disappeared and " the. pbllce" : have been asked to help find him." -Velth Is an elderly man who <-a me to the coast last month and until April 24 -made bis home with the Thompsons. ' \u0084. . . .'." Last Thursday he announced his, in tention of taking a stroll lh\the: hills back Berkeley. His luggage re mains' at the -Thompson "home. -'. His friends fear that he has either lo*t his way In. the hills or met with foul play. CHECK PASSER ACCUSED v-_ BY THREE VICTIIMS Young Man :-: Must Stand Trial on Charge of Negotiating ' Wort- • less Paper 1 / : OAKLAXD, April , . ZOl—liuny :O. I Liberman. claiming to be a the*son^bf a i wealthy member of the New York stock i exchange, accused; of passln.gr a,: worth-, less check on Charles Newman of* the College Inn, <.-wiir.be^.compelled ;to(face two additional charges.-; ' ; "JacoblS.". Kahn of .*7S6 street^thls • morning swore;; to. \u25a0, a com plaint charg-inisr ; Liberman * with . havinsr induced' hlm^.to cash : :four; worthless checks for $130, : 1 105." $85 and". SSK'/AII . were'drawn - on the \u25a0 Bank -of "Coldfleld. Nev.'V' ' \u25a0 \u0084 % \u25a0 - A. Apfel. .represfnting thej. Mutual life-insurance company;- has' charged Liberman ;^with . having; '.; passed;"", two wo rt hi ess « cKecks x on * him, on cv f o "r '•'* 1 8 5 and the other for $40. THE SAX FRANGISCO^CAIiIi, - WEDNESDAY^ MAY' 1, 1907; SOUTHERN PACIFIC PLANS INTERURBAN SYSTEM Electric Lines- Will rGonnect \- Cities on the ;;Eastefji Shore of Bay-: -^ CHANGE COMINGjSOQN Will I Follow. Improvemerits in Company *s Trans- , Bay Service* '.'-'' lOAKL-\Xp. . Aprlf 30^— Besides con verting: to'eiectricpower the ferry train systems connecting Oakland. Alameda and. Berkeley with : San Francisoo. the Southerd Paciflc plans to establish -a fast' interurban system connecting ', the east shore -cities,- according: to .a state ment given out by General Manager B. E. Calvin today. "This will be under taken as soon as the change" in the motive power on the ferry lines has been completed. ~ An electric train ser j vice from Fourteenth street. In. Oak [laiui. to somfr central point in Alameda lls Tone .of: the" features of the scheme. I Calvin said tonight:;/: 'Syi-'^ -) ,"' s . .'."' F' have under -consideration a plan for"-con necting Alameda and Oakland with fast running electric train*. Independent of the transbay serr i It«. The electrtelzinjf of tbe Alamedi mole sys tem will be completed 5 by September 1. and then will follow the chtoge from «team to:elec tricity on the OakUnd and Berkeley lines. By the time the Alameda ftstem Is ready we will have a new ferry boat" in operation and : will ! rut tte serrlce to a 20 minute headway on that I line. At this time the company holds no fraa t chJse by which Oakland and Berkeley can . be. I directly connected independently of th« -' ferry I train terrlce. That Is a matter " for future ; dISCOSSIoO. '''-f-. General : Manager Calvin Indicated I that .the company's -purpose "was" ulti mately to -establish a feeder • system; : which should be auxiliary, to Its trans bay train; service between the eaistside cities and San Francisco! SAUSALITO POOLROOMS WILL OPEN ON MAY 13 All Trustees Except -One Favor Giving License to Racing Men SAUSAXITO, April .30.— Harvey & Daroux will open their racing pool rooms here on May 13, according to all signs on the local political horisqn • to- day. All the members of the board of town trustees, save F. D. Linsley;. are In favor of granting the firm named a license : to operate- poolrooms and'l the political wiseacres, of " the: community say' that' the opposition of District! At torney Bbyd will not be' effective in preventiwg: Harvey "&' Daroux '„ ffrom maintaining their gambling'establish ment. ' ; .:!'•'*-"• v.' Work in preparing. the poolrooms for occupancy" is going forward Direct wires to eastern racetracks will* be installed as in. former .years and every facility provided for. the sporting men of the bay cities to make wagers on the events on. eastern 'and middle west racecourses. . --\u25a0 " . ' • District Attorney. Boyd has threat ened to prosecute the trustees who/vote -infavor of granting the license, 'and it is expected by some that if . he should take action in this: direction thelpool room men would tie up the case in the courts by stubborn opposition through injunctions and other legal moves to block the case. " LEAVES HIS BRIDE TO BE IN PAWN FOR THE FEE Applicant for Marriage Li cense Has to Rustl e , for the Price - OAKUXD. April ; 30.— Manuel .Rose was obliged to. leave his bride to be at the' county- clerk's • office.' today ..as security for the payment ;'of \u25a0 the mar riage license* fee.-. When' the "document was made,out Rose;laid down 75 cents,* which, he said, was the customary/price in the east.'* He: was Informed that the fee in this county was ?2.* Rose; ad mitted that, he did not {.have* this fsum with him, and turning tohls: fiancee he asked .l her to ; remain ' 'in '^the : county clerk's office fas a.n~ earnest; of his I good Intentions while \u25a0he went to obtain the balance.-: He returned s in7a* short .time and ca rri ed away, with him the" precious permit. The couple^signedthVresfisler as Manuel '.Hose,', aged 3U" and**Aunie George, aged' 2S, both 'of Oakland. deepening and: widening-: channel^atlpetaluma Dredger Will Make It Possible for Vessels of Considerable Draught to ; Approach , Wharf PETALUMA, April 30.-^-A "dredger from , San , Francisco: has arrived : at - the rock/. crusher. ; -;'r lt ?; will s deepen and widen .the * channel"', so' that ;•' of considerable draught :can ; approach ; the wharf,- and i.caVi: easily/ pass while the, docks: are'occupled. The ; big tug -Amazon **_with3j an - .engine^- of V;TS horsepower has :been putv on ..between the "crusher and? San Francisco.' '."It Iwlll tow," rock laden barges to San FranV; cisco. The crusher is working day and night^§MߧSßKi^^^iV ' r \u25a0 . - - '\u25a0'•'\u25a0\u25a0. ' TAKES ROUGH O.V HATS .-.; PET ALUaiA. April -Peter \u25a0 Cane vascini."a Swiss.i in » : fit of despondency due to; family (trouble,! tooki;rough r on rats, today; Heiflrst' drove his family out of doors."-: He died \u25a0in * great \ agony several -hoursUater. .\u25a0..,;.:\u25a0" ;: Those who haye>, no lin fLon-. don and complaintof' lts 'great, loneliness now^ have ' \u25a0 a club ' all .'to! themselves.* .The ne w! organization's called i' the] Eligible Social I Club. ;;Its | object f i*Hoj; bring: .^to gether, men' and ;womenrwtioj are lonely.' A vocalist -aud;a^ playwright^havefap-; plied; for 'membership.''^ Jy" Oae under the •title; of: "Tee and the' illustrations, by Jules * P&ge.) • are -\u25a0 as ttrongas thestory.t/.. - "-f-- J!:- * v *,."v . SHANGHAI.-. April SO.— ArriT«l Bafort;«rso I anxiously awaited. -. Barrett C prof pectiU now ' ex 1 tremely - dif>c?or«giiur. ir Prolongation ,' oil ? th« :. f oi*'' i *!sts r tsiftuK* \u0084'• a bsolateiy aecessarjr. — Editor, >orth Cbioa.Xtwß."^"-': : ::.--.:.t -\u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0. »-jj« ; - t -" J : '/ VAUDEVILLE STAR TO SUE TO RECOVER DAUGHTER Asserts Girl Is^ Illegally^De - tamed r at California 1> Training" Home CONFEICtINC} STORIES Matron / Claims the Mother Has Failed to Keep Her^Prbrhise' :--'J > OAKLAND. April;: 30.— Alleging that her : sixteen-year-old- daughter, Mabel Pendleton.; was r belrigr illegally, detained at the ;CalifornSa" girls' home in : Alatneda; lMrs.V Laura Pendleton, ?. a vaudeville artist.^ sought :the aid. of the police and district attorney .this after noon jto compel AL J. "White, the secre tary of the society., for ;- r the prevention of 'cruelty- tof children, to release . the girl; > Pendleton". was advised that she must ':\u25a0 sue 'out ;a * writ ~; of* habeas j corpus ";and " alloTr.*^the ; court .to pass { upon . the case. \u25a0, Mrs, > Pendleton sought j an 'attorney.; declaring -that .she' would apply for?* writ vtomorrorr. * Two-years: ago.;;, she said, she had placed her, daughter, in the Alameda'in stitution,;; that? the* girl might receive proper care while she. was on the stage. Recently^vwhen^ihVi returned to this city she- sough'trto; take Mabel from the home;' that v she; might place her . in a private -school, but was told that the j girl T would "no t;'.bej^ given; up^V On de manding a' reason V she was informed that Secretary White did not consider her a'proper person' to have charge of the girl 7 - :>C ; . "<:"\u25a0':'\u25a0 \u25a0 Mrs:.: Julia E. : Bush, matron o f . the training, home,^ said that the girl had been received" there at" the instance >' of Secretary White ': and that Mabel's mother had. agreed to pay. ss a month toward the board and tuition of her daughter. . ; Mrs. Bush asserted that Mrs. Pendleton had not contributed anything toward' the support of Mabel at the, home. .; . . LAUNDRIES MAY REOPEN WITH NONUNION HELP ProprietorsSay'They Have No Hope of Agreement > With Organization OAKLAXD. April 30.— With no settle ment of the laundry workers' strike in sigh vttiough it has been in progress for five greeks, the proprietors of the laun dries affected are '^planning > to reopen B< ?°. l \ w ). t^ nonunion employes. The prb- Prletors,' howej«r, «r« not unanimous in this regard/ *7A "number . of them say that:; they.." prefer to ;» wait 5 a few days longer in^the hopethat-a basis of com promise; will be reached.^ J.'.iLlKelley. of.j the -v.Tosemite vlaundry.- said ; today that he was ; convinced -that soonerior later,;the employers. would be forced'to reop«n',with" nonunion 1 help; as he" could B.ee no: chance for a settlement with the union.. He declared that the 'strike was spreading; tojother towns ; and thatV it might affect every steam laundry in the state that is fopejating with union help. nurses 'finishltraining \u25a0>': -and will now graduate Interesting Program of Exercises Is Arranged by Students of Prov idence Hospital School OAKLAND, April; 30.— Diplomas will be presented to the members ';of the graduating class, or the Providence hospital nurses training school 'next Thursday at a reception to be held In ; St. Francis de Sales hall. ; Twenty first and Grove m treeta. The graduating exercises) wlir be marked "by an Inter esting:, program, \u25a0 and ;a r. large number of Invitationt. hay« ybeen~ issued to friends of members of the class. - Those who will receive diplomas are: i Miss Anna . M. Schn»id^r. ; Portland. Or. ; if Ira M«xy T. Mir.h«l).,Wat»oarUle. CaL: Miw Alice G. Keaner. Sonoma. 3 CaL; C UIm ; Gtnrrlert IF. Martin. S«n : Fj snrijoo : Mis* Eleanor I. O'Con nell. ' Oakland. : Cal. : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Mica Barbara A. Garrln. Oakland. CaL : . M i«» Catherine i. E. -- Martin. St. Louis. Mo. ; t Miss : Mary C. Basbard, Lo« Anjce lw;.; CaL ; Mi«» * I»ttl« .' it.- CarJock. - Petaltnaa' CtL ; Mia* Katberio* J. Salliran, Chicago IIL POLICE ASKEDVrO MAKE ' HUSBAND ; TAKEiHINT Oakland -Woman Pays Spouse to Leave City, but He Spends" the Moneyv and .Wants More OAICIIA^TD; xAprir 30.-^Mrs: " Maria! Boettcher,^whio! conducts, a grocery. and i . notion^ store at;Telegraphi avenue and | Sixty^slxth "streetvihas; applied; to the "j police s for protection against her' hus- \u25a0'• band,/ Albert who, : she / de , olares, has repeatedly threatened, to" kill her.;- -y."_ l ;'->:."i : \u25a0 ":.:' : '_-'y •> ;'.*,; ': :.. j : \u25a0SatMrday^night.accofding'tb the wo- \u25a0 ; man.'Boettcher.fattempted to; enter her | home,* and ; failles'/aimed: a « revolver ;at 1 her v through^ the ;| and 2 swore ' that he would; kill " her. V- ; ;.' Mrs.:Boettcher Informed the prosecut- '! i Ing attorney • that*; »h« I had' given ; her ! husband $200 on : March .12, for,\whlch ' ; he [promised ; to leave • this •ci ty,*. but " mi i stead of ; doing ; bo- he *pent r the money i and. tlieh: demandedimore. \u25a0 | WANTS \ HER^OP^ED i; SON | SENT^O'^REFORM/SCHpOLI Accuses Lad of .Thefts^ but, Judge! Persuades Her to Give the Boy Another Trial ¥ OAKLAND,: ApriI SO.^Exasperated by at serlesToffpettyJ thefts"; of cher-adopted son."; Henry.' Brown/; MrsJ: Al'f Coleman } of Emeryville * todays "asked %to% have " the boy^commUtedfto; a 1 . reform' school,' but was persuaded , by! Judge Harris to give him|two • w=eeks%f urther ".trial. .At ? the endiTbfi thatl time* the! boy, iwho- is 'lA, years i}"old,:s Is \-~ top come -; Into", court * arid have] final ; disposition." made f of ; his ' case!' .Thelboy^isrsaldttoJliave^taken^SSSiof: Mrs. Cole man's ;money-Trecently, '.which h e i s eer «t ed [y nd er^ at tr c e.^'d ra wini n grffo m thi | fund' asthej needed* cash. . :"\u25a0-. ,->' ".Vr FIREMAN'S 'FCXD.CHOSEJf ;OAKI i AXD,:Aprir3O.- r A-lt3t > of.'4lfin suranct companies | has been \u25a0. presented to the board of 'education' by. the finance commltteejof'.? the Aboard,* j f rom r.whlch /will r be* selected 5 the 'A companlesivwltlr whom. : the £1450.000 "^insurance >> "on^th'e school ibuHdlnljsrbr^thls^clty ;;.wj!l f be placed.^ Forty^of companies twere.' selected •\u25a0by J »Exp«rtlLirjto have- said that if Holt was not" named ; wlth them they would: not care. to served- Joseph B. Lanktree was offered , a seat on the ; commission, but declined;' " _ t ' " ; ''''\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0' - [ Mayor Taylor^ has now. asked the "as-; distance of ,thV.r members of the _clty council arid" requested : that names.; of < possible' commissioners ,be submitted to him.*; ? Among the names "given In ' for his consideration 'are F. P. Royle. Harry L.;: Zimmerman. C. ''- R. Smith, >Charles Adams.; Charles Culver, , John Walker, F.E. Mason," David' W. Martin. G.-*H. Payne.; F.E. Mason, L. H. •?Ward,"'C.''".E. Tabor. C. _S. Fltzimmons. ; C. L. Mbul^ drop. Charles Sturges, : C.E. Plummer, A- -E. Buddington. ;E. P. Fish. " H. ; K. Jackson. James Fowler, C. L. Tilden . BERKELEY IS A MAYOR WHO REFUSED MORE PAY Others Accepted Increase When: Offered, but He •Would Not Listen : BERKELF^; "ApriI 30.—^Friends of Mayor V Thomas . Rickard \°have Just learned • that^ he /refused to permit : the town to raise .his salary of $£5 almonth i when "the; salaries -of the town "officials 'were recently adjuated. Every / municipal ;: official \u25a0£ except those who.make^up the, board of trustees and board: of education received. an' advance in .salary. The ; trustees "and school . di rectors ; are :not • paid. ~l , lt was proposed to increase Mayor "i ßickard's salary to a figure commensurate with the dignity and responsibility of the. office, but:the mayor refused to accept; any advance. DR; CLARK PRESIDENT - V OF THE HEALTH BOARD Recentiy Appointed Commissioners in "Alameda Organize and ' Several '-*^'.Officials ; Are Named ALAMEDA. April 30.-r-Th'e new board of i health appointed by the city council has 'organized ; audit elected : Dr. 'J. :K. ClarkJ president. -The other ; members of ,the Ibody " are ! Dr. "F. v.W.*: D'Evelyh, D r. H."Ai Miller/ Dr;'J.- K. Hamilton" and pr.^E. 'M. Keys. The :board has 'ap pointed i Dr. r I^. : W. : Stldham ; ci ty physi clan.'vDr. .Thomas Carpenter Jcity. vet- i erinarlan.'; E..;^C..- Maillot ; sanitary.: In- ! spector. and,; A." A. Cunningham*. city ; chemlstZ/A"-' '-^'- \u25a0\u25a0;'•• "'-.''/."* '\u25a0'•,' "•"\u25a0 ' \u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0' •-" '•! 1,. President ; Clark has announced * the following committees: Air. .water, light ! \u25a0 and, food— D'Evelyn.- v Hamilton;;, sewers, street •' and i yard f sanitation- Miller, Hamilton: contagious and'lnfec :tious^diseases,.* receiving,' hospital : and dty^'! ambulance-^-Hamilton, ; 4 D'Evelyn; [finance, salaries. 'judlclary^and printing, ' Keys;}Miller.js-The \ boards-will ; meet ; ; as heretofore __ on- the first Monday of each '\u25a0. nr ;,nth> " DIVORCE ; COURT CASES \u25a0 lOAKLAXD, irAp'riI : 30.'— -TValterj Heaver was 'granted- an Interlocutory decreeTof divorce "from"? Adeline LT- Heayerjon » the ground fof; extreme 1 cr uelty^todayVC Mrs. E-v* Robinson v filed ji a"? suit'; for 'divorce against -W:* Robinson,': charfring. cruelty. She'? asks :; for/; s2s"j_a "'month: : alimony. Anna ' Clinton t began : divorce ings ragafnst I Roy JL'i Clinton,'; alleging cruelty: .»> William Kl einhaupt • filed * suit f or^divorce fagainst'f Abble>Kleinhiupt on" the] ground \u25a0; of ; Infidelity. ' JUDGE' SEARLS' FUAEHAL BERKELET,; ' ApriI > 30.— Funeral ser \u25a0vice'si fof J Judge " Nlles. Scarls , -were held this? afternoon X at 'his * late. h0me,v2317 Dufaht 1 avenue.-^ R?y/ ! ?f«* H.* Hopkins readran>rappr6priAte^Bcriptural' selec tlqnliandaspokesbrlefly|;of }the l >dead jurist's I'career.^vThe % society *of $Ca H fofnialploneefsiaeritiaTdelegationfrbm San* Francisco^ tbTthajfuheraL; -Besides these 1 attendants u the i funeral Iwas 7pri .Yate.~-The; bodyj was "cremated. . RECALLS DISASTER AND REVIEWS YEAR'S WORK Professor Charles [ - Derleth Prepares Article; for Sci entific Journal- I CRITICISES BUILDERS Educator TeHs r of Paulty Work and \u25a0 Denounces Old Ordinance 1 BERKELEY, April 30.— Prof. Charles ' Derleth has prepared for a scientific j journal an article descriptive of the! year of reconstruction work in San | Franclspo. He declares In the begin- j ning; that: he has no sympathy v with > the efforts of many persons to over- 1 emphasize the destructive effects bfjthe j conflagration land, belittle the earth quake: as a primary cau?e.- There was: : an earthquake In California, he de . Clares; ..it- meted out ...considerable damage.land.it was" the prime reason for the great fire. In fact.- he strongly asserts that" the frank admission of] ! the: destruction is beneficial In that it; 'j tends, to promote a>*de3ire for better! j building- and It encourages a more thor- j ough r understanding of local engineer- ! j ing 'and architectural .problems. Pro- j \u25a0{ fesaortDerleth'Says tbat "with honest and scientific construction there- never "could have: been, except' at places on; the line of .the fault itself, such a com-j plete . collapse- and disintegration of, structures as to promote a general coit-l flagration." ' • j Professor. Derleth criticises severely I the construction of municipal build- j ings, and notes 'by way of illustration that 'the principal ruins still remaining in San Jose, are those.of buildings con structed by-, the -city •or by community enterprise. -It ,Is a sad reflection; he remarks, 7 that cities and communities all over the' United States are lax in their building of municipal. and public structures; it is in marked contrast to the excellence 'of "federal buildings. Professor Derleth strongly urges the future 'erection of -buildings of class A construction. \u25a0 He states that >, such buildings presented to the fire tt. de cided resistance jln comparison to the dangerous -hulks left- of -the buildings that had -self-supporting', walls. . " .Professor De.fleth;. severely criticises the old building law. He states that the board of supervisors were extreme ly lax in drawing. It up;- and that it consisted of 17 different and" sometimes conflicting 1 enactments. ' The . present building, law is a vast .Improvement and Is- deserving- of .all praise. -What Is now- Seeded isa more' thoroughly effi cient building department to insure the erection of buildings ". In accordance •with the, ordinance. -.This requires the services Of 'properly, trained Inspectors. About the Bay BXTKOT-AK IS~BE3TTiarCEl>M}afcland. April 30:— William ! Tl>t>n!as. a-»alo*>u teepei. was »en tenred totfaj 'to IS moaths'la the- •penitentiary at San-Qiientlc.;. • \u25a0.;-'.' "._ '-\ '•'\u25a0'' " SITEAK LTHI£rJ cbKTicTETJ^ r W»k!anif 'AprU 30. — George ; Ray^* - a haitler." " ytin \of hariaz stolen t s»t of burner* Xron V.-,E. B*wtt by "rollce - Judge Samnels UU» \u25a0 morninf . and wyi be-fentenced May 1. •--•\u25a0•" • PSESEST TOR PROFESSOR— BerkeIey. April j Sfl. — Professor Sonle ' recelTed from hi* «-l*»s ia i cItII engiueerlßf 'at tb» nni»er»ity tMay the I gift? of a leather* trsTellcg fca^for bis forth coming toor of Europe. ;\u25a0-. .- LOBES SACK OF GOlJ>— Oakland. AnrQ ,"W».— A. ljr«B. »b<> l!w.« at.Tweatleth aad Harr!»o« streeU. s complains of the Wa of :•. canrasisaek containing S.IOO In pcld. .He thici^ th» money vii Etolea by a pickpocket. . . cakpenteb taixs tkok bvxleixg— Oakland. April 30. — Richard GrlfiSn, .a rarpenter. fell from tbe , second story of a traildin? at I -Twenty-second and Webster streets today and ! hla.risttt wrist was fractured. .. : COXTRT CLEHK GAINS WEALTH— Oaklaad. April 30. — Joaeph Ixxiergaa. clerk In toe coort I of JostJce of: the Peace Jamea \u25a0G. Qclnn. will j abortly inherit C 5.000 as hi* share of the estate i of hla father.* George U. Looergan. • SELLS TATSTED MEAT — Oakland. April Sn. t I Charles . Caftan-.!, proprietor of a -butcher. «Oop I at ST7 Sao Pablo aTeane. «raa eooTtrted o; selllaic i : taisted meat this moraine and •enteneed t» pay j : a fine of Sl<») by Police Jndse Smith. - * - I TRIES TO HAi'O HIKSELT— OakUnd. April j ; 30.— WHIla ai Kelly, also known as Rboder I vco- j ; "»an. ( tried ; to commit sniclde la tte ronaty jail j todar br tsnricc himself vita a leather belt, j [but was cat down in um< by the jailer*. . Kellr j i was brocght here from : Llrenaare aa a Ttgraat. j ! SEEKS KISSIXG BROTHER— Oakland. April ' : 30. — Mrs. : Samoel Sn.rder Of Alba. Okla.. ha« i written to Sheriff Barnetavkintr for laformatina J r»gar at the time of! tbe earthquake and has not been' heard from I since." •\u25a0'•*'-.'. - •• ' I "WOJCEM -- FlGHT— Oakland. - April 301— Mrs. } > Clara, Frontier., who lixea at S~S7. Sllrer. street, j 1 was . arrested >«n a - charge of battery, preferred ; \u25a0 by .'Mrs. Nettle. Sura (roe this necrntsg. She wa* j : later relea.«ed on ?". 'ball. Mrs. Sprarne alleges ! tint. Mr*. Frontier struck her. la tbe face witU | : a erlbbage board. \u0084 '" . • . | WOMAX AS2AIGXED TOR ROBBERY— Oak land, April 30.— Bessie Bowman who is rhar;ed i with ha Ting robbed - Frank spin. « TVe*t'Oak-{ 1 land fruit dealer, of $~.3». \u25a0 watch and rins. w«< ; arraigned la . department 2- of the pollee ooort I this EQOrnlnsr asd her prellmlaary rsamiaailoa j was set for May \u25a0*..-'., ! \u25a0 • OAKLAND 'i HOTEL LEASED—^Oakland. April j 30. — O." W . Phillips of the Pfallllp« hotel too- \ pany.of San Francisco has leased the new three j »iory~ hotel 'ln "Twenty-second street near Cro^e. j The I building < Is* owned - by , the • CallforaSa prop- 1 ertlei.' limited, and tbe leaie,' which runs for 10 I years, calls for- »s,d©aV; -*: • . -.z i \u25a0\u25a0-' BTJTLD '.HEW i "T*AT! : HOUSE— Berkeley. | April 30. — Work " ha« been toegna on a new I clabbonsefor the Sigma Nu fraternity. In Berke- ! ley..- It Is. to be located In Dsrant arense near! Bowdltch street, and will «csroit In Its arch!- I tectnre m cW (i?b!mfii Datch dwrlllnz hoc»e ' The cost. wlUt* $15,000. '; COKES TO GET PRISONER— BerkeW. April 30. — DetectlTe i W. Blals arrlTed from Chlcajro today to take Into < custody ; Frederick Stanley. who 1* -wanted - there for - larceny. . Extradition papers for Stanley ar* now in GoVernor GlUett's haadi. s D.I as soon as they. are signed Detectlre Blats will! leave with the prisoner. LEAVE OLD LoDGEßoOMS— Berkeley. AprO 30. — Dnrant lodge. F.'and-A. M.,,wia hold Its last /meeting nrit Yzldi.j \u25a0 night In .the lo>lz* r«osia in i Odd FeUows' Ball, which it has u««-a Gordon,' charged with obtaining n^mer by false, .pretense Ma - Mrs.- Keirea .K. -Harri* by seltlng ! her -a - orantUy of f oraltsre wbtch had I net - been paid : for, - was begoa . In : department 3 ! of the police roort this morning. Tte cue went ' otft for /arther bearing. . \u25a0-• " j " nrSTRUCTORS HAXEa-Berkeley. April- 30 » President Wheeler^ ha* appointed the follow in: professors to aire \u25a0 Instruction ' at -the BnlTersitr expansion f «cfaool which eU- to be condocted a": BakeTsfltld dnrlaz themrata of May: Assistant Profe«sor_H. B. Torrey. Pb. I>^ dean: Aonistant Profeaaor G/H.* Roberts.* Pb.M>.;:Kam "Ph D • J; B/.Hobertson. A. M.; D. E. Sailtb. A B * sets. retary." \u25a0 . , ••it*-. .-.-,-. ** V . REFUSES TO ISSUE COMPLAErr^-Oailaad. AnrU 30.— Proaecotlng Attorney Eara Decoto i*l fused this morning to lssoe complaints ' to 'A \u25a0 O - Daly and J.B. McGlyoa. who aooght to haiV »he ! police court adjust family i dlCerencea. McGlrna [and hU- wife had been arrested on complaint of Dalj. acd In tnrn had caosed : the arrest of th* latter and Mrs. Daly, who Is a daughter or Mrs! McGljnn. /CHARGED VrTTH' BOBBER Y-^-Oaklaai Call 30.-Sant. :, F*X offlclaU iare ln»«tlwtto« ? t*he story ; of -Joseph * Maraet, a Greet laborer who claims he iwas 'taken- from a trala at Baiatow and robbed ef |130 by two raflway mVn. sf?rart claims ? It* '.had bought a «. ticket • to ' norida - in* March .and .was, on hlsway when fee. was a" rested and 'the: money takes from hl=i.. Follow- SAN MATED TWELFTH STREET TO BE OPEN TO TRADE WAGONS Oakland Officials Modify Recent Regulation of the Busy Traffic MOTOR CARS BARRED Only Business Vehicles to Have Access to Block East of Broadway" ; OAKLAND. April SO. — An order modi fying the recent regulation of trafflf in Twelfth street was i3sued*to the polic% I today. Automobile*, motor cycles and' [pleasure vehicles will be barred from I driving through Twelfth street between •Broadway and Franklin street. Hast iness vehicles will be allowed 1 access.' ; Mayor Mott Insisted that ttm f.h*avrf pedestrian travel ai that point demand ;ed protection. He ..as recognized that no specific ordinance covers th» condi ! tions" there, but he is relying for sup : port upon pyblic opinion 1 and upon *" ! clear '\u25a0 knowledge or the public neces-" Some of the merchants In Twelfth 'street urged the modl{!catloi» of tb* j original order, fearing that trade would i be lost to them by a* total blockade oZ ; team traffic .from Broadway. JETene* the slow moving wagons of trade will be given the use of the street.' ... Concerning the conditions Mayor Mott 'said: . It «honld be tb«ropzhly ;usd*r»wx»d . that-. t»J» iioiw'iri) mad* fnr r.n other pnrp«>«e t!ua tn i safp^uard thf>tti«>iß na~ thm street. I rely apno th^sr • f w^ffr.r'Tt tk* «rt. Oakland. It «»cars-t«» , mi-, shonld n«t if In tte rut la thl« «t any jotter matter Ulat pertaiiw f» the paMic w«lf*r». Restless Nervous . Do you- get up in the morning tired, languid, and frequently with head- ache almost unbearable! You have been unable to rest or. sleep. It is nervous exhaustion; and* affects the heart,- lungs, stomach and all the organs that depend upon the nerves for motive -power." What you\ need -is Dr. Miles' Xerviiie -;to > restore nerv- ous -energy and give new v; life to" the organs . : ; . \ "Tot 'yeare* I liav'e t>eet» very Btut«» »o^all*d "VJCMY^. off«r«d by unscrupulous d»alor» yy--