OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, May 02, 1907, Image 13

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1907-05-02/ed-1/seq-13/

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' ' ' ' '• \u25a0 '
.= ,P»lr of po.-»d rentcn-;- oa'y S minutes' walk
. from city hall; extra Urge lot. SOslOO: reduced
I-^ic* l n o" k ?"** : * s<oo ° trill hr Xtn * th *" ! * " T^ o ? e
\u25a0Qnartcr acre villa lots In Clifton park". Fruit-
\u2666sle; sale opfas *sa tract Paturdsr. May 4. 1907;
free auto ride from Fruitrale station to tract*
easy r'SJ-tacat plan. \u25a0 '
54.750— A Mock from 2 car lines and only a
. *h.ort w«!k to a Key Route, station is* ]••.
: rtrm 8 WT COZT o nnty colonial dwelilns
in.;**; 5 rxtra lsrpe rooms; big reccnti.Mi
hall: Urge, closets; 2 toilets, and every-
\u25a0hlng modem and convenient: nice garden
. , . in rc»rr: good noigtborhuod; close n»
. *chrwlf. and cb*urch»*. (327T)
SOMK I^ota Pay for Themselves. \u0084
$100 cash. $10 roouthly— Lot 40x,151. covered
fitn trees in -fell bearing: come, tee them —
Vmoos, oranpes. walnuts, peaches, etc.: price
«.>.... 10a can K**t «uy size at same rate.
. p^triction to fi^iOO house.
• f2OO, cash. $r month— Lot €ox3oo. all fenced,
fronting on 80- ft. stroet; well built up locs-
• * 'tlnnr tvice fi.rioo.
$300 fcKb, $8 monthly— Lot 50x112; ecwered;
* . city wator; street work done; near local-trains,
• - otiectric cjrns; price #1.2R0. ' * - ' *-- \u25a0
° . $200 cash. $9 mnnth'y— Lot 150525«. If you
want k view, here it ts. and there i* no cheap-
irt W by' the «ere; price for all. $*>50. \u25a0
f • .HEXRY Z, JONES, owner. 45*! Otb Kt.
I'\u25a0 HOMES on -monthly ptymenXs: basking Interest;
\u25a0 \u25a0 'will, bjilld- or but >-on' a 'home and loan fall
"eoet' cf -.btKne* <»n' .yptlr own lot, PACIFIC
: • • .HOME .BLDG-. CO.. K>2 Broadway. Oakland.
'/• .FOR SALS"
*-.•\u25a0-'." \u25a0• tjnt "V?x-I S3:- close In on S»n Pablo ay.: must
fee 6oid at once: * Address Owner, \u25a0P. O. box
. :. * 1.33.- -Onklnnd.- <*-sl. •\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 '
.-" IX>R JiALTv|— Nice cottage. -of -B- rooms, bath.
c * (cilet- /aad eTcrrthing • complete, situated oa
i- . .' TwelftH .svenw. lot --.23x100; price. $2,000
•\u25a0j*.s!i;".-sv>oo rnortirare that ' must .be paid by
*.." July^'.- 2 .ra'ore. jiiee- new .cottages of 5
:' •--. -rooms.' .each,. -.modern -and up to date, lot 33x
"•'» . H*V f tree't work done and - ipverythlng com-
•• rpleteV price $3,250; $1,000 cash, balance
.'\u25a0 \u25a0 rponthly pBymen,t»;iram«Hiiate possession given.
\u25a0*.•. * WESLEY" DIXON. 610H Ea»t Twelfth Btreet.
\u25a0•'\u25a0"• . -Rtrt Oiikland. - Phwn> Merrttt Sfl?*.
: :-\ LOTS. 1 ; • ; '.. •'\u25a0 -LOtS.-. ' LOTS.
:;.' ;..:''.'' "\u25a0BeiutijSul Boulevard Park Tract
•^ -;;-.-: .-'-..\u25a0 The : Cream' of- FrultT.s>. •
\' s - : Elevated- lsnd.r'msjAiUieeiit marine and land-
.'-.** scape'yiew; ail jstreets macadamized** curb and
; . • >tm» . : ipuitters. :' wUh- ' 5 foot ' stone sld e walk :
'. .* water,-- pas -and 'sewered; trees and palms la
• • • ;proffifk»i'"-'.n.ew electric' lights and car line
... -..tirocs-h the tract: ..'
. ' • ''• .'All Improvements Guaranteed.
:\u25a0 . " •ICotßnj-: JnfAltfmefl* couatdy .eyer offered at
.; . ' j.Qeh.- res?onible -pitces.- •-.. •" * .
I ' •• " ' " ..Corner 'Lpts at $30 per -Front Foot
' ••* °Xbs2££ *3riT*--jp2o;'per" froit foot; building re-
* • •«trictlocs '$1,500.--^ , :
• c ..\u25a0"•Terms $100 -.flown.' and $23 .per month at 8
: .. rter;.cent. .interest; -no Mongolia^ need apply.
;' '"\u25a0 \u25a0•'-.••. ;••\u25a0. -V: *T*~ . -. . •
:. •'• '" : 'For -particuiißrs call on. \u25a0 '
" :'• • " '-\u25a0•&. Si.ACSTI.N. .
•• - .-;'\u25a0•": :HO: HOI '23d ay.. ISast Oakland. '
-.'•.' - .'\u25a0'.<:' -. i" Phone Merrltt 10.
. * . • Or Braicji O'M'pe 6a the. Tract Boulevard.
"..•\u25a0' :.' \u25a0' ' Ju.nc'tk>n' of Lieseav.
;. ' . ;: : . ' Branch. Plipne Mcrritt 3484. .
\u25a0".-•"* •;:;Brancij Office.. Ope* Sundays.
.- ."" •' ' • .•.'".. CHICKEN PLACE.
. '.; 1 .hive a- -4 -rbom .nou'se and 3 acres cf land
in .orchard;" very flue; rent $12 aDd stock of
-.' . 4<»o. •'chicken's,- ducks; nice fresh cow; 14 '
• ; •- -cblckcn 'botis**,- *l\. wired in: Incubator and
•'\u25a0 brocsler.for sale." M. Hi KESISTON. Dlraond.
..' •" RHov*w*-sv. . *. • - " \u25a0 \u25a0
* '-'-- * tEAI -' ESTATE
' * : .$i. 306 -.will buy a" 5 room bonpe: lot 50x200; $400
.'-. .•" . • ' 'dowif "a.tid the balance $15 per month.
• $;I.CPO". »s"h bran new cottages of 5
. ; •• .' ro»»ms.* ."hot and cold water, electric r?ht«,
. laiih<lry rnonv. toilet, and bath; hard na- |
.. . .Isfe«i: $500- -down'; balance eaey payments.
•' $l,€iXi \u25a0yiii'btiT-i Jbraa new 4 room cottasre; lot
'•\u25a0; -.. ;-50»;:77; *.. ; -." - *.. \u25a0 • •
•'.« $1."*5. will-bny a fine 4 room cottage; lot 50x100:
; <= \u25a0 \u25a0'. *$yt3 "cash "anil the. balance easy Mermcnte. '
; •" ' -We also 'have" fine residence lots.' s2oo knd up-
\u25a0 .- "ward; .^rith city- .water, on the «trerts. cement
. «idewailc°t'.-:p.nd : lots snrveyed. free to -buyer*; $23
ddwii itad S5 fer- inr;ntb.
'\u25a0-\u25a0 -\u25a0" ••' .- : -SMITH & ELKINS.
.".": :-\u25a0 \u25a0 *. ' . Fitchlrarg,- Cal.
;.- • * .iTW-'ure open"Snnd>iy>. ' '
" _\u25a0* ** .MOXTA-RA REAL.. ESTATE
;.v-.* ;•.:••\u25a0 .* "• .mOxxaka.
i. V •- l*r€K lots JLn the Montara townslte, inclnd-
;.'... Ing .jill. improvements. $200 .and up. Excur-
\ ji.lotts VTbursda ys* "and Siindayß. ' Free tickets at (
. ' r.ffic'e.. MoStan. realty development company,
\u25a0m * 'IJ(in ftol<*en.f?«?e eve., cor. Fillmore >t
'"-'\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0::' "SAXADA BEACH. A
" •. "..tinly. 20 minutes from Market St.: elegant
..•..-\u25a0 l>each; lota $250 cp: best Investment oa \u25a0tnar-
' o.kef.- Free tickets at LOCKE-PADDON CO.'S,
•'„ *'-f.T6-yan New ay. - '
\u25a0- '.'• • SAX RAPAEI* REAL ESTATE
\u25a0 ' GOING' back ' to 'Frisco; sell 5 room bungalow,
.. *..135- foo.t lot. $1,500: halt value; easy pay- !
. *• tnents. ' THIELMANN. 253 B st. Saa RafaM. 1
. «\u25a0• ***'*"^*^**^**''*"»********-***"*""*"*****'**'
•••" **-V - -•° SA *yT.A' J C *. R ' C '* 1 REAt ' ESTATE
•\u25a0 EOMES. investments, lots, small ranches, beau- <
• tlfnl spaslde-resort. E. M. Brown. Santa Cng. j
Investments,, comes, orcharda. Best country oa
' . •'. «artli. List aent Peckbsm A Pecktam.Wafvlll*
. »r . --. "Btoclr fancbes,
• Grain ranches.
\u25a0••\u25a0" ." Fnrft, rancbea, 1
0 ." / Poultry and gardes ranches.
' * ', Will assume or pay cash difference.
;' ;: \u25a0."..., J. H. EDSOX.
•' 15 Bacon block. Oakland.
s- tSTANTED — To boy a good lot or contractor will
. * '-build <rood residence, without mosey. J. A.
' •" ° ' '** C * 9CELLA - Vf*** Filbert -rt. '
" TO LEASE i'* I
: •/• FOR -le t ase — 88:6x177:6: cellar and prcund floor,
.' adjoining Danfortb warehouse. - Battery rt. nr.
. ' * Broadway: ready May. GEOIt.GK K. FRIXK,
£626 Vallelo st
..• to Lease— splendid opportunity.""""
• . . .-4 story reinforced concrete building, vicin-
- . fry of 6tfa st.; containing 80 rooms; hot and
\u25a0 cold-water and closet in every room; gas and
• .• electric lights; will rent at $5 per room.
.' V- •' 1209. Sutter st.
' Large store. 58 ft,- new brick building, front-
.- * in'c oa Market st, between Taylor and Jones,'
' running through, with rear entrance on Golden
Gaie'lir. Apply at Golden Gate Cloak and
' % .*.. Stilt House. Market at, near Jones. . *
.' £4 "nice large offices, new brick building.-' en
•" Market • st, ' with . rear " entrance on Golden
Gate cv.; offices -to lease , singly or as a
'\u25a0 ' « hole.. Apply at Golden Gate Cloak and Suit
Honfe, Market rt.. near Jones. .
". *.00 .ROOMS with all modern appliances In the
finc-st location la the. Mission; lease for a
"\u25a0 . term of years; rent very reasonable: rood
. ' noner making proposition. - J. W. TBEAD-
WELL REALTY CO.. 946 rqimore st
- TO I,ET — Beautiful furnished house on north
' \u25a0 tfde Clay et., Pfe*i<3io . Heights; -11 rooms.
.. : - . B^x QS>7. CalL rfel Fillmore st. \u25a0- \-
- FOCST & FTEBBINS. 38 : SSoa . St.." Bear 3d and
.c : .Bryaat— Lots cleared or excavated. by day or
•. • - L . contract: also teamlnr of all kinds: terms reaa.
. . _ . *""**T****™*-*****'""*s*s
' * WRECKING, excavating, cement foundations.
* Tolo Ooastrnctlon Co.. 725 Market st • <
, '•• -_*\u25a0 * FIREPROOF FIOOORIXa -" '\u25a0
' Asbeirtollth, bs nd*ome, durable, ' noiseless, - non-
\u25a0 \ i-llppery. stain proof. A. Wlllkomm. Midway bid
i, '• * " DANIEL O'D AY, -'
BRICKS for eale — Propoeals • for ' wrecking', and
j '.buying Grsee. church ruins.' : corne.r California
I «J)d £;ocktoa ttt. Addreu 1319 Sacramento et.
j CASH registers— Do you nerd a' silent partner in
J \u25a0' roar business ? Oce ( that • will 1 look "a f ter .roar
! lnterpßts when you are away? \u2666If so," call at
our office' and 'let us show you how a "Na-
tional" - will accomplisb -, this; over 500.000
users of our syttems can f testify, to, this.. Why
net let a National ' Cash Regis ter'- relieve 'j'ou
cf all the worry and details? , The National
Cash Register Co.. 1283 Golden G ate a y.
; COMPLETE tailoring outflt for sale cheap. '-, 174S
Sutter «t.. 12. t0 Ip. in. --:
"Valte, Hall. Diebold, Cary. Plttsburg. any make,
i-ire or style. HALF' PRICE. Cash .or easy
.payments. Safes bought, 6old and exebsneed.
21 AND 23 SPEAJt ST. PHONE TEM. 3067.
KLEGANT \u25a0-\u0084-:- ;-i- .-\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 - --.-\u25a0- . ' ~
Knameli'ii bathtub with overflow .."....'..510.00
Enameled s!|k. strslner and bolts : 3.50
Closet Complete ..".......;•....-...:..\u25a0... 12.50
l—vaiorip* ..:.-... ...*..;'. '........-.. \u25a0 350
20C4 POST 55T.
FOR sale — 2 good machines, styles. 1 1006
model White Steamer, everything - complete,
good as new, $1,750; 1 1006 model. 4 cylinder
auto ear. In elegant condition, £1,500. COR-
DES FURNITURE CO. :. - *- -.\u25a0,-
PH'MBERS'. soli pipe, fittings, lead boilers,
metals; builders* . wall anchors, . floor .. plates,
sash weights, half price. NH. . corner Fulton
and Gouch sts.; 1,200 ft. 6 In. stan. soil pipe,
$1.50 a length. ,
SECOND-HAND boilers, engines- pumps, sunf t-
injr. pulleys, belting. plj*s. etc.. etp:. sold,
exchanged and rented. H. S." -WHITE \u25a0 MA.
CHINERY CO., conur. Ninth and Bryant sts.
TENTS at factory prices: nll~si*e9;' wnd for
catalojrue. W. A. PLUMMER. 115-117 Drumm
*t.. San Francisco; tel. Temporary 3053. And,
500-560 Franklin St.. Oakland: tel. Oakl'd 2553.
ATTENTION — Second hand pipe, as ; good as
\u25a0new; 50,000 ft \i, In. and %. in.; 50.000 ft. 1
Jn.. 100.000 ft. 1M in;. 10.000 ft. 2 in., cheap
for cash. WEISSBAUM. 133 11th st
CASH registers, Ilallwoods and Nationals. prs<?-
tirally new: all styles: sold on small monthly
CO., 10 City Hall Sqnare.
HALLWOOD cash registers: total. adders; $25 to
WO; also Nationals. CASH REGISTER EX-
CHANGE. IIS3 Market St.. Central Theater
building. \u25a0 ..\u25a0-.
FOR sale — Furniture ; good and vcbeap: we de-
liver to San Francisco three times a week. U.
sriIKLLUAAS, corner 11th and Franklin sts.,
Oakland. \u25a0
INDEPENDENT Machine Co.. 2XO 11th at.: en,
pincers and contractors: machine works: light ,
forging, tool making: lumber trucks a specialty.
BARS, cigar stands, grocery and window display'
fixtures, etc.. at short notice; showcases: desk*.
MEEK. 1161 Mission st between 7th aod Btb.
RELIABLE Wood Working Company, 219-221 Sth
st. — Store and office fixtnres : call once, nee onr
new stock of bar fixtures. M. P. JOHNSON. !
FOR sale — Soda fonntain, - showcases, bank and
offic» flxtnres, marble work; call and see them.
WHITCOMB. 527 Market St.. San Francisco.
LAUNCHES, new and slightly used. Cal; Launch
Works. P«e. coast agents for I Penlnsnlar mo-
tor. Blandlne ay.. Part Et., Alameda.
ROBERT MANN announces opehinc at ICO3 De-
vlsadero cor. Post; large stock TRUNKS, SAT-
500 TONS eecond hand pipe: sells 75 per cent of
the price of new. Address ALEXANDER
' SALVAGE CO.. 10S3 Howard st. S. F.
FOR eale^ — Machinery of all kinds boupht. sold,
exchanged and rented. H. S. White Machinery
Company, cor. 9th an*3 Bryant eta. . . \u25a0
100 'Reliance card machines.- $10 each; 'new.
highly nlckel ; plated; guaranteed 1 year. Mills
Novelty Co.. 007 Market st.
PEERLESS gasoline engine. « h. p.. $240:, 2
steam pumps, *£ b. p. motor, late drill press.
1057 Folcom st. _ ; .'* '.- •- -;.:-.»
ONE marine engine. l**o horsepower: orice $500;
practically, new engine. JOHN .W. SMITH,
737 Folsom st. .\u25a0 . . .
BOAT and stationary engines; reverse gesrs; pro-
pellers, batteries, castings. NIELAND,. 1728
Bryant st • ; . '
. tents, flags, poles; send for estimate. -417 '.
LET us Harare on your showcases and bar flx-
tcres. M. TERKELTODT tc CO.. 1763 Mis-
sion, et.
A — Turning, cabinet r.nd mill workt all- kind*)' of.
fixt. CA RL F. HAAS. 83 Minna : tel. Tp. 1477.
1000 cards printed $1; letterbeadm- env.. wedding
work: ebowcards.stgns. Robt. ,11111,1600 Steiner.
F. -W.- BANKS: -2d haM clothing and* tools
. -bought, sold. 1230 Howard, form. 1078 Howard.
BAR fixtures. *W- C. KING, agents of Chase,
Passow tc Sons, 1273 Mission: tel. Special 1173.
BOY your trunks ' and suitcase* direct from
tnat?r. . Mission Trunk Mtv.; 2190 Mission st.
SAFES— New and second' band. RICHARDSON
BROS.. Gen. Agts. Cary Safe Co.. 131 '5th st.
SCALES, trucks. • coffee mill*. • money . drawers.
Jaa. Geddes & Co., 431-33 Larktn; tel. Em. 623.
EDISON Moving Picture Machines snd St^reopti-
cons; bargains, r GEO. B RECK. 552 Grove st.
16 and 18 foot SALOON BARS for sale;*your
own price. MAISLER & SON. 1097 Polk st '
MAHOGANY coanters and show cases at a bar-
gain. 29 Bartlett nr. 22d. J. HENDRICKS.
SECOND HAND bar outfit, tor eale: bargain.
PRAHL & SCHMIDT. 941 Folsom st
ay. near Octavla at; books bought'
WEEKS - HOWE - EMERSON CO. — They make
, flags and flag poles. Cl Market st
A— LABGE Hall &. Cary \u25a0 safe, slightly nsed;
half price. Box 2602 Call office.
BIG line of gas and electric fixtures, cheap. 1167
McAllister st. below Fillmore. -.."-\u25a0.
2 QCIET milch cows any child can milk.' Apply
1198 Stanyan st comer Rivoll.
SAFES— New and second hand. The Hermann
Safe Co.. 120-130 Folsom st \u25a0
FOR sale, cheap, 2 . nice : Oregon pine bars, IS
feet long. 616Tnrk at .- - - / •-.
CHEAPEST and best . iri • America,' Tfie Weekly
Cell,'sl per year. ' ' ">.
FOR sale— Fine fresh cow. • Call at. 1251 29th
ay. South. -...-\u25a0.
HIGHEST paid for old gold/ silver; watches clnd.
. COc; main sprngs. 60c, warntd. 736 Van Ness.
A — GENTS' second hand clothing bonght and
- sold. MUSLN'S, 1290 A Eddy st cor. - Buchanan.
BOOKS- and libraries bought for cash. THE
HOLMES CO., 402 Van Ness ay. \u25a0'.-' .- ."-,;:-,
CASH paid for diamonds. O'NEILL & EBEB,
, 1744 FUlmore st below- Butter. /
WANTED— Castoff "clothing; , we pay highest
price. Frledmsn's; Misfit Parlor. 19 Bth st. V; ;
AAAA — Any . salaried : employe . or wage - earner
can. get from us.- just on his not* — - ~* . .
- MonHaly.Semi-Mo.Wkly.
$50.00— Return to u5.. 513.00 $6.25 $3.85
$30.00— Return toins.. S.OO- 4.00 2.00
$15.00— Return to ns.. : 4.00, 2.00 • .1.00
\u25a0 Or any other sum In proportion.
004-005 Mutual Savings Bank , Building. <
A— WHEN you > want to borrow I money, | want it
in a hurry, at a smalt cost without publicity
or red tape, see the Household Loan r Co.," room
70, 503 Golden ' Gate ay.; at Polk; phone Mar-
ket 3329. or room 3, Macdonough building, Oak-
land. 'A postal or phooe brings our man with
full details.,- ;V- ;.,r ... ;, .. :•
MONEY LOANED on furniture.' pianos and other
eecurlt,-: lowest rates; most favorable terms
in the city: see others, then. SEE MB AND BE
$2.25 weekly repays $50 loan and costs. -
Room 55. SW. corner Mission and 16th sts.
MONEY, loaned salaried - people ' and others upon
their own names i, without security : \u25a0* cheapest
rates/easiest payments; offices In 63 principal
cities; ' save < yourself .money -by \u25a0 getting ; our
terms first. TOLMAN. 787 Market, room 1 137,
Formerly 553 Parrott building. :'":^<:
- '•. 'D.D.DRAKE.' S-. \u25a0 -. , .
. T Franklin Realty Bldg., cor.-. Golden Gate and
:V*Polk: 80V St Paul , Bldg.. Oakland. '.>>•.-.-
. Salary loans made i quickly - and ». privately to
steady , emplojes; : lowest : rates ; i easy . terms. ":.
:\u25a0 HERMAN : 'MDBPHTf-^ — ~—
Junction of i Market I and * Sutter ' Streets-^"
First and second mortgages, estates. legacies, etc.
LOAN $n - furniture, 'pianos i or security \u25a0of \u25a0\u25a0 any
kind;, to poor people ; we make loans i free 'of
. charge.- ILLINOIS TRUST. CO.; • 1516 ; Eddy. V
XA— FOR a strictly private loan' oa furniture/
pianos, etc.. write .P.*o^boxi4Tl; S:i F.-, :-fc
ON furniture and pianos in. use; no commission.*'
.';-.\u25bc. TREMAIN. 726 Buchanan st. pear i Hayes.
ADVANCES on diamonds as nsual. Baldwin Jew-
\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 • elry, Co..' permanent office ' 1261 ; Van Wt*M : aye: ;
MORRELL— Cash loaned to salaried m«n on note
- wlthogt : ladorser. j 922 , Monadnock . TmtUdlng. kit
> MONET < I > Golden •» Gate * Aye. * Loan i Office, ;
LOANED.! 1276 Golden. Gate. are. ; .
A'.'.FRW .\ npw' pUi'nos-". "slightly^;.<iiima?Vd In
.".-transit wlirjbeifoldithis- wcektaf cost;-caf=cs
. .; only damaged. *• otherwise.) in :: flrsti c.lassf condi-
,tlon;^ snaps '.for,. PhrcwdE buyers ; : .' : also '"some
~ "pecond hand -barcalns;" Schl<?ip.\. $"C; ; Decker.
.' Br»ja..; slls: 'Davis & Soa.tslso;';Sherwood "&
",;Son, $172; Werner. $1S(1: all uprishti«.^Tprm!i—
rents $2 up.i installments. sl up." HEINE; PIANO
, CO. . 134 1 : Gold en ' Gat c ; ay. " - . ': :-}: \u25a0< f i '"\u25a0-'-'. ;
A NEW." PIANO' for;$15O. :~. A-'Rtecir ' nly> a
Kranlchv&'«Bacn. and 1 , runny.'; others'at' unices
from up. \u25a0 ' SnllsfßCtlen -.\u25a0 jru'araujeea '. at
- BENJ. CURTAZ ARSON'S. . 'I6IS Van 'New; aye.-.
BUY,' rent or exchange,' direct* at factory." pianos"
: that sing their. own • praise.", WMfiL.- RCnMITJC.
mfg.,;tuner, : repairer;'; *>T<rythljiE guaranteed;
" 20 years. In his \u25a0 own •bnl!<ilng.i 4S;, Bartlett ; sf
bet. 21st and 22d. , Valencia- and :JMissl6n> Kta. ; "
A liAßGK, Emerson. nprlslit'ipiano; cood'na new;
V. $ICS: no' reasonable cash offer refused. '. HElNE
PIANO; C 0.," 1341? Golden "Gae c ay. : .
A LARGE mahocany . nprlchtV little. hs»h : l;.,slso.
, BOWERS \u25a0..&. SON, •i' 29 McAllister r?t..i near,
> Van Ness ay. - - :' ' v:.-,.•.*\u25a0;;.•.-". '\u25a0"' J;
$10 TO. sloo- talking maohinen.ilSO;new pianos.,
\u25a0 Mission Phonoßraph . and • Piano" Co. 2CS7 Mis-
- ulon Rt. ; -•."\u25a0*\u25a0;;• ' , ; \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 .;.; : -r-:.;,'i- : -^J '^\u25a0-
FOR> sale— Flni» • Emerson' \u25a0 upright ;*• plapo. -price.
$250: no dealers; i C5S>B T«l?gr.ipli av.V.Onkland.;
BARGAINS— IO ' sllphtly used : uprlghtc. ,1 Joa.
;Schmitz &; C0..;^.50-Dovißadero'st. inear Oak.
SOHMER, \u25a0' Byron . Manx? pianos. ' Octllan ; pl«n«
' players. . BYRON, MAUZY.; 1175 O'Fnrrell st. v
A SNAP— rjprlßht 7 rosewood finfKh.'pfrftct flirder, -
."-. $75; must be sold. . BF3 , Valencia st. v ...- .
ALMOf?T \u25a0 new .- \u25a0 Emerso n' nnritfht.' nhoap. •• lIOR-
NDXG, : 1554 * Eddy, »t. near Fillmore. ;.y; .y ."/.'
A SMALL upright in good condition; $:iG. HEIXK
PIANOCO.. 14GG Bunh-Bt. .
DR. SYLVESTER'S Office. • : — ~— —
517 23d st, rr. Telegraph nv.'. Oakland. Cal.
Leading Specialist -for ..Women.
Ladies — If you are : suffcr'nr ' from anv' : nll-
recnt peculiar to your sex, \ worried ! about Jyqrur
condition -and '\u25a0 need ; help.\ conmilt ;. thl.i • famous
specialist, because he is. truly tlip only rejrular-
ly- graduated physician specialist- for.. women
. advertisiae, . havlne - (1») •. yenra v of .-. success-r-
, WITHOUT ONR FAILtiRE— he: srives. relief—
AT ONCE — without i druirs.' operation, jor 1 need-
less detention from your occupation, with orig-
inaI— PAINLESS— HARMLESS— methods;: with
high professions*, standing " ami - qunllflcatlons
recognUed by the bltrhf st . medlral authority,
with office well appointed and strictly private,
. he i* itbe 'SAFEST— AND,. SUREST— man to
conei.it when you need help. "\u25a0; Consultation nnd
advice abßo!ut«ly -. free. ; • Private ; esnitarium
wben necessary. FrpH , moderate. Hours. 0 ,
a. '. m. . to -9 ' p. , m.* * Open Sundays.' Telephone
Oakland 7901. . . .:.
51< 23d et. nr. Telegraph ay., > Oatclaud. ; C«l.
DR. G. W. "O'DONNELL— Ladies;-^ all-, who are
«Ick or In trouble, consult this specialist; on
female' complaints: ' positively 'corrected; the
unfortunate helped; •- the . mest dif Arnlt < cases
treated: every case taken: immediate relief:
- no poisoning drugs; low fee: myimetliods will
cure all cases of irresuinrlty; consult me; save
, time and money: advice free: hours, 0 a. m.
to 4, 3:30 to 8:30. : 1212 Tnrk st.-r^:.-. .;
VALPEAD'S female - pills? 'best - regulating pills
sold; price $2.50 by express.' Pasteur's syringes
and tablets: price $.". By express only on re-
ceipt of price. OSGOOD BROTHERS, whole-
sale druggists. 7th and Broadway.- Oakland. :;
A— MRS. DR. WYETH. reliable ladieß' . specinl-
I«t-for all female irregularities: instant relief
guaranteed ; 30 years' . successful practice. : 1524
, Webster St.. near Geary-; : open . Sundays. : •
MRS. DR. KOHL, ladies' specialist ' for ' all fe-
m «'e irregularities; Instant relief tmarnnteed.
1524 .W ebster »t., near Geary: open \u25a0 Sundays.
DR. JAxMES NEAL, 1438 Ellis st, near Webster.
Specialist in women's diseases. - Hours, 9 a. m.
to 9 p. m. ; Sundays, 9 to g. . ; s j
DI }:« C v. c * • O'Donnell. renowned female specialist.
912 Devlsadero, bet McAllister andG. G. ay;
*°-}« an<l MRS - DAVIES'. method of treatment.
524 Valencia at., between. 10th and 20th. '\u25a0-••-,
DR ROSEN. 2995 Folsom st,' cor. 2flth— Ladies;
thousands recommend him; relief or no fee.
AAAA — Dr. Sylvester's ' Office, . - ; "
517 23d st near Telegraph fa y.; Oakland, Cal. !
I.eadins Specialist for Women. *j
'» The doctor begs' to-.' announce to friends.
former ' patients and .-.the 'public* that '"be- has
no .branch • offices in San Francisco and has
given no one authority: to represent 'him: his
magnificent offices, laboratory and "sanatorium.
, which are most modern and: folly, equipped
j with, all up to date' appliances -necessary., for
.the cure of "women's diseases, are- perma-
nently established at >. 517 23d ' st. " Oakland,
Cal. ; " the . Sylvester - method t\of « treating
woman's disoasps and.-, troubles' 'peculiar, .to
her sex- is 'world* famous:* his raarvel&us \ buc-
' cess and his prompt and wonderful results are
- a surprise to the i medical profession.'— ;i ->\u0084
The doctor -treats, -personally : directs; his
assistants -and, operates; at any . prominent
' hospital -where bin patients may elect -to re-
main; if you really, need help. ' remember that
'he -.. is the - only regular < graduate >-~- physician
. specialist for women advertising; : bis ; method
. is absolutely painless. Harmless » and •• original
with himself: in his care yon find safety, «nd
-; prompt assistance;', bis ; prestige? and -standing
in '.the profession and [.community : cannot;* be
.-.questioned: .yon may" consult him : inl'confl-
dence and privacy and -get his advice ; abso-
lutely free of charce. '\u25a0 \u25a0 : .
Telephone Oakland 7901. ,: .
r»l7 23<1 ft. near TeJecrSnh-'nv..^Oakland.' Cal.
" "'--' ,':"-; MIXEa 'AND^ MlXlNG '^..''\u25a0•"'•.•'\u25a0v-.r-."
WALKER Range Mining: Company owns's'clalms
about west of Walker » lake near \u25a0Mt - Grant:
assays of $107.33. $25.42. $41.4f1. $103.35 i have
been made by.T. B. Gambel. , It.ls proposed. to
rush development work* : > To ajd in this work a
small ' block ' of stock -: will Ibe '\u25a0\u25a0 sold very \ low."
- Apply at once to F. De FREITAS, 413 Kearny
\u25a0 street ..'..-' - :''/ ' z- : O"7-iyS--'--^;'-i~'.~y*-.-£-.r-.
ASSAYING 50c; gold, rich ore. etc.', ' boucht.
Pioneer Assay Company.; 181 Sth st. nr. Mint'
ASSAYING nnd all branches of minins taught at
TTRALD'R School of Mines. •29'i'T/OCnet live.;'
. '..- AV'-V. MATRIMOXLVL ' : /\u25a0-.
Do not be. deceived;; 7 the only- reliable ! .'m»itri-
monlsl bnreaii you will- find "at MRS. WOL-
TRR'S.TTU Oeary;at.; fstabllahi»d lninoo..
LADY:' and gentleman s wishing I to' marry I call lor
address MRS. WOLTER. ; 1 71 1 - Genry fit. . .;. i.: .
LADIES- and' p-entlemen wl^hlnP'to" marry,; call
"at MRS." MCCARTHY'S.- B7S Halght St." -\u25a0'• --
DESIGNERS and contractors. 'Galasslr Marble
and Mosaic Co. > Tel. Fell 924f1. 1 1 21 Fell lat
' 1 Modri nnd Xovelty 3lanaf n'ctarers "X"'
MECHANICAL iustrumpntg. tool I making. • press-
- work, cear cutting.^V. BOLLMAN.'37S Natoma.'
\u25a0.''.'\u25a0-' " ; : : ;'' : 'INVAIjID^CHAIRS- : V.-;V-r
SOLD, rented,' exchanged; manufacturer Kernes'
trlcvcU ' chair. 210« Market at 'Tel. Fell 9011.'
a '.. :" ROOFIXG •'\u25a0>' i iy . } ,\u25a0 ' ;,- : :.':;* - :
" r -iASTEiiK^o6nx<i"c6MVAvir.~ "~~
-•-Tel: West 4622.' - -.-\u25a0- ' • Ellis rt.
-' >; ' I: '*,-\u25a0•.'.""\u25a0
F. v J. CLANCY ; our : garments 'have proper . snap
. and workmanship.' : -480 yHaightinr.*, Fillmore.
TAILOR. 555 -Van : Ness. v Room' l6. -v'- =
\u25a0V, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0:.:\u25a0 x BASEMENTS'.TOiI.ET/; 1 -;';;. ::--• \u25a0
Basement, with conveniences adapted for any busi-
'- ness; also lsrge rear basement.' l93lH O'Farrell."
" /;\u25a0 OFFICES 'ASP: STORES I TO> iaßT'M'2
SPACE ,in -'Longfellow : market^' 17x75*feet,' sult-
"\u25a0p able^for' any; first ; class : buslnees ; 1 rent > reason-
V.-able; lease : if- desired. VApply ': 2236 Fillmore.'
FINE '- basement, -.especially -unitable i for coffee
-" house. •*\u25a0• Mechanics'* h0te1. » 919 ; Howard ' «t.' t*'&Ti
HOTEL NORDEN,' 758 Howard,' bet" 3d and 4th;'
'r. hot-cold water j and 1 steam 1 heat : In every . room ;
vi elevator service ; ; rooms • 50c,"! 750," $1 - per : nigh t.'
CHRISTENSEN : -& ! . SHAW.' Props. ;> ; . A 'first
: - • class \ grill '\u25a0 and \ cafe ; In \u25a0 connection. \u25a0\u25a0; r ."-'.': '> \u25a0--': t
BT. GEORCE,': BTH AND HOWARD STS.;- v:» \u25a0
?";--: 25cfAND- ,15c -.PER- NIGHT;.- ?,?\u25a0-.-.. '.
-. $1.23- TO i $1.75 PER" WEEK. l>r- , ' :
* '-;\u25a0.\u25a0 ;.-^GOULD: HOTELS ;;'^;\;
-•: FURNISHED / ROOMS. - ' \u25a0': \u25a0 '.
; : ' > DAY— WEEK— MONTH. ' *>V ' ..*r -
4 -^ \u25a0'••')\u25a0 824 LAGUNA'COR^ McALLISTERr; ,
PLANTERS' 1 HOTELS cor. ; 2d < and Folsom : Bts.-^-
100 ' elegantly ; furnished ; outside \u25a0 rooms." 4 Includ-'
; ' Ing - bot ; and 1 cold I water,"* electric t lights," call
. ii bells ' and : all \u25a0 conveniences : prices , reasonable, £.4
ENTERPRISE : (The);'* 1144 MARKET,'; now 'open;
-.- j strictly J first '< class c HOTEL; ': large, s ; elegantly:
'•'' ( furnished - room,*! COc n to ' $1.50 1 per { day ;- steam
'•'." heat;i hot,jcold< water.\r,.-v.;:-'X;-^i ; --:^-w^^.^
ST. ELMO "APARTMENTS. . 1452 DeTlsadero near
', Geary ; : new. building, f w.\ or; unfurnished ; • pri-'
» va te hall : all modern ' conveniences j* rates reas-'
\u25a0'--\u0084' ;X'--'>^;-,'
MAYWOOD."? 131' i FELL,* NEAR" VAN \u25a0» NESS—
'^AND COLD ;WATER. >\u25a0:*:, :^.r,r;^ ; „ .-; '>:;.\u25a0\u25a0 :-.;
SAN . REMO, , 908 Me Alllstec^-EleganUy" fani'thed
rooms; country.; transient l 'solicited. v.^*"*-,- \u25a0" ."-\u25a0'
v - HOTEIig/^TFST*cr~Coi»tlnned : "\u25a0"'' \\
HOTEL 'I LA CKEU's; 2IVVI I Mission "i it. : :*tii Jte";; Mis-
r~'_ sion * s t.*< cr r ;. from ':'\u25a0 ferry : * r>B > ucwly w Vf urnlshed
S sunnyj rooms ;] electric .lights hot and cold .water.;
HOTEL i JtALElGH.^mi? Sutter ' st.V>nowi open;
; ; ele-ro 0 tly. > f urn" rooms.'x with ' or.¥ without I bath ;
*&! country^ transients fcollclted^rates * reasonable.
HOTEL -NETHKRLAXDAfbet^7thi»ndi Bth: t on
;,-; Market— lso 1 1 otitaide r. rooms : 'v. rehnln*? M water,'
• \u25a0; . voparate , cloeets4 belte.Kete^: s.TScito $2 'per,, day.*
MKCHANICS'.^nOME.-jietßVst.'.'j. near \u25a0« Church;
"; f urnisbed f. rooms;- for ? men : t electric u lights •\u25a0 m
. . every room : - hot; and fcold t water, hp. ths included."
: HOTEL- iCONORERSV'Jcor'.-^Fillmpre*- and -Ellis;
,- i phone j West < 42S4^In'; center; of j retail" district ;
\u25a0 "• \u25a0> suites 'and 'singly fpoms;* with Jpriyatef paths. :fe.
HOTEL CAUT.TON.-24a 4th' »-.t.^JKl ; sunnr Irooms;
; . electrir ' liffhts> and bath; ; s2.so ! up ; * transients
•>»; specialty;! 3d 'st.T station; take; 3d' st.v«*ar.y •,?,*.
HOTEL REGAI^-Now;open;;elegantly r fnrtilshed;
-, 50c * and \u25a0' up > per - day : f75 - teet --from <\u25a0 SB. • cor.
'; ' 3d and : Folsom ' sts. tf U.i BAI'OR,", propr. - > .
-;-\u25a0:\u25a0 :,;> :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,< •;. i ..;;HOTEL.-\f5T.-SRoaE.'d ! ..Vi'- r -,-K --,:•'
Northeast -• corner :% Ellis r.and "Webster - . sts. : '.. all
«;\u25a0- mortem - : <r»jnvenlences.:,5 permanent ; pi { transient.
HOTEL FKNTON: '2S9 ,7th ist.--^7O sunny "rboms:
j \u25a0: elpCtncHifhts: 1 7."> c «n; 'from Terries', take- now-
}-;ard:st.;car.;rTel::^tarkfitf!s44B;"v "Z- "r ; :v: v
THE i; RICHLAND— 3O pleasant' rooms; ; running
' - water and electric \u25a0 lights ;\u25a0 $3 weekly up.' 1006
\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0':': Mission st.: take Jllsslon - car.*'*:* -.;; *": \u25a0 ." " .'';\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 -.
A-^-HOTEL . WEST. : 154-ir.G f3d st. : s European
\>f\ plan ; s $3.n0 •-. to ' s7.. ; per ' week; ,75c \u25a0 to . $1.50 per
r ;i day; ', tourist, trade .solicited.;, -x' V \u25a0.'*\u25a0' • \u0084--
.THE GROVE--S:innr < .fHm!s,hed rooms,:sinsle and
. \u25a0• en ; : suite; '\u25a0' modern: .-.;-; Northwes t' corner , Gonjh ,
; • «nd Grove sts.:'. •; .;.- .', \u25a0*' \u25a0 , : -:'•' '\u25a0-.'.\u25a0'-'- •" ' ' • '" :'\u25a0 . I
THR-, DUNEDIN— Just- opened : -'.n^wlv | fnmlshed :
: also' transient; •-\u25a0-, modern • conyenlences: 1024
", McAllister. st. \u25a0-.;-.; :-,-,;;; - • . .:.
STANDARD: HOTEL: .corner* CUT and Folsom
' st-8.-^4OO sinple ." rooms,";-. 35c -.- and"- 50c , " per
. nlpht : i ?2.' $2.50 nnd \ $3 '•\u25a0 per; week ; -: safe ; \u25a0 bar-
.* ber shop and .batlis. ;*;*; . .
GOLDEN - G ATR .-«t..;, Offi— The Grand ;. ? new
I : house. 1 newly f nrn I^Ued :. 3 ; or 4 • room apt. ': f nr-
nislipd, or not: every modern improvement: rfs."
HOTEL RIERRAJ'-: G10 "i McAllister x Bt. : V- elertrlc
• lights: hot \u25a0\u25a0 water;ibaths;.sl: day; phone Mar-
:.: ket:- 3*!S7. ' ' : :: .;'; : --,-. :\u25a0 :-';,/- ' • -./ \u25a0 ; -•\u25a0 ',•\u25a0\u25a0'.
NKW/ SOUTHERN— Rooms. - 52.50 "wceklyt up;
\ trans.,* 50c ' per ; nltrht.';' Cor. v 6th snd • Bryant.-
CAPITOL' HOITSE— Rooms 25p -and i' upward;
-\u25a0 .weekly. ;$1.75 ' and up.'-' 733 ; Harrison st. nr. 3d. \
HOTEL ARCADE— IOO « rooms: ; running water;
•i 7. r >e , to . $1.50 per I day : | transient. t ; ; 151 1 3 d «t. \u25a0',
nOTKL FLTJS,' 1941 Mission— Select: ; r?ceptloa
;; and , parlor; ; rooms.', day,? $1, up; week. $5 \u25a0 up.-- ;
THE ;•- ARONA: .'\u25a0 776 \u25a0: McAllister ' St.— Furnl'«hed
. front roms.T single,' suites;- also. housekeeping. >\u25a0\u25a0•:
THE PIONI3ER.V 143 : 3 d? St.— Outside ; rooms. 1 S3
I and S2.. r >o per week; - t transient, 50c and 75c.-:
" HOTEL VAN NESS.HNenrGoiaen Gate.
. \u25a0; European, plan.-; sl' day.; 6l9,Van.Nesa ay.
'\u25a0\u25a0- HOTEL CRYSTAIj-— EUROPEAN^' PLAN.
:\u25a0 , $1 '\u25a0'\u25a0 day . iip. , SB., cor.*- McAllister, and Franklin.
TIIR r. Metropolitan •: Hotel A ' PT.I -Harrison ; st. ;
'rooms $2 up.\ weekly: take'Folsom-st.-car.V;-'--V;-
; ERN. - G37 ; McALLISTRR." hear: Franklin. ;. ,; \u25a0/\u25a0
ELKHORN. HOT7SB. >iIS3 -.Valencia st.^ rooms
t'. neatly/ finished:*; If block, from Slartet.l
RA ILWA Yj HOTEL.; 24 ;Ttffanr:av.:i; back of
, ; .i .Valencia 'enr barn:* furnished; rooms'. -\ \u25a0': '_..-
L'ELYSEE ; eleean'tlr '\u25a0 ftirnished ' rooms ; strictly
prlvnte hotel. -3143, 10 th at.". \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;'- - \u25a0' •
Vi vi.: HOUSES TO;tET , -"-' \u25a0 " -' . , .
4 , ROOMS and -bath; /new house: - 581 \u25a0 25th
• = avenue.^ .:.--.--.'•-.-?\u25a0• '..•'\u25a0 ;n+' : \u25a0*:•-...-\u25a0: :.'-'\u25a0.'-- .*\u25a0•''\u25a0. \u25a0'.-•\u25a0•.
HOUSES TO LET— Furnished
NICELY .' fnrnished j hVmseH .7 : rooms.' baths, Tgiti
' doa; -marine -view; 'see; owner. " 123 Cherry st.
$7S : nicely - f nrnlslied : house.', fi ' rooms and .bath.
2125 Broderick st. nr/- Washington : 2to4p. m.
-— ... -. -_ f
-.._. . , : . . . .... ... .. . ., , _\u0084. 1 ... . j . ......
9 \u25a0 ROOM ; house, completely, furnished.'" absolutely
\u25a0 s. modern.. with 5 bedrooms, parlor, sitting room.
dining morn and kitchen:. nice cement basement
;wlth furnace: -convenient -.to -station;. cat* lines
nnd university: will. rent, for- 3: months from
".Tune 1 or: 15 on account of going, east for the
- cummer; references . reonlred:>- rent '$100 per
\u25a0 month.- ' D. L. JUNGCK,'i2III • Shatiuck ay.,
Berkeley. Cal. .-. \u25a0;^ -:'--\u25a0-. \u25a0- , "f ,";'_ >,; :. \u25a0
HANDSOMELY fHrnlsl>e-i 0 room v house. ' from
. -Tune lto Sent.' IiUWTA 2~f>O;Colleca»sv;
' HOUSES TO .Valley
BEAUTIFUL' bome^for ; lent \ln " Blvtbedale csn-
. .yon. Mill -Valley. -Inquire *R. U\-,PAR,BONS.
; 'R.': P.; Savings Union,": cor.'; Califorjaja and' Mont-
frini»rr ' »(»\u25a0; ' v"- '\u25a0?' *.. \u25a0\u25a0"-*'/';-' '\u25a0'\u25a0' ; ' J ' ?l . . \u25a0"':' ' % * v
FOR f, rent— Furnished ? complete X except \ silver."
.;' from June :\' to 'Aug.\',l 5, V-: an; artistic, home: 4
lnrge - sleeblnsr- rooms \u25a0 besides, .servants' i nuar-
tt-rs. C.'L. PLAf!K.' 113 Circle. -Palo Alto. •
\u25a0'.;.' :V:'',\ ;';. HbusEs;^AKTED;^ ! ';^ ;;:'".\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0;'
DESIRR'to purchase fnrnislied flat or honse.. 1 5-12
W rooms: ; no 1 ssentf.- \u25a0 Bor S4!>. Csli. FlMmnre at.
;\u25a0\u25a0> V flats"; to] t.et V",'-; ; ; \u25a0 f;. ; : '\u25a0
. - sth ay.. Richmond: v new .; modern? flat. ,5
rooms. $37.50; .'\u25a0 cottage Lof 14.r ooms,; . Western
• fli*dlHon,'.'-s4p;-.';fie«r* 4> room;;flats. - Jllsslon,
\u25a0•• $32.50. -•', OUiers "ss J desiraMe.- ; "Appiv - -.-- • .-
'---..?\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' ;MOORE'S.\73S-747.Rddy»t. -^ '\u25a0
.DON'T pay* slo airbomsto rent?a flat: boy a
,'• cottage on easy terms of . LINCOLN 1 & SDTH-
.'-'-;. ERLAND. ,' 850 x Valencia.; .; near,'l6th.' »; •--..-; '
NEW i; modern ; corner. ; flat; of - 5 snnny rooms:
j" rent r reasonable : SK; •-• corner 'of Stanyan - and
- j 1 7t h ' sts». :-.. Owner ; on ; premlses.'rv I". - \u25a0-' ..7: ,*: ..-: >> -j
PAGE ' pt..' 570—2 : elegant new 4 room and both
flats: rent $40., Apply- DAN O'CALLAGHAN,
-:\u25a0; *)28;Fll!raore. <: , -.-:,;. -, o •--.".' 7- t •:
;NEWihouse-'of^S- rooms/and-hath. 81* Elliot
r'-•r '-• park r off; Stelner ' st." near.; O'Farrell. %. \u25a0
FINE new fiat: splendid view; suitable for doc-
; .-.; tor. >; Inquire ;34sp,2tst sst .-.:•\u25a0'.:.;, -.:•\u25a0'.:.; .-;. \j ;..,-;j
RHODE.* ISLAND 19-^Nice; sunny.' 5 .room
• flftt to lot: rent reasonable. - - - ..; \u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0'
%Z p.;'- PL ATS"; TO' % LET — V a r nl-ihed ''':\u25a0 \u25a0 ' '
$Go^— To X ren t v for S C<' months. "•"": completely fur-
nished: 6 , room 'flat, .'.with \u25a0 piano, -from-. May >1.
\u25a0 -Call between. l 2 and 1 p.m., 242 Clinton Park,
..off: Guerrero: st. » near.il4tb. •;- \u25a0,-\u25a0.' -
.WELL i furnished • flat; it 7 i rooms n J ' ba th; < for : C
i*- months, f. 22C : Hugo ;Et.i bet. -.3d. and -4th ays.,
-•\u25a0 Sunset :? soo. •\u25a0'\u25a0'•-:\u25a0 .\u25a0.-.,\u25a0..•\u25a0-'-•\u25a0:-\u25a0•«\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0.. -...-.. • : .-...- j .-
J /I '-., FLATS FOR S ALE— Fnrnlahed ]\u25a0. >\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.?_
NEW. i nicely '\u25a0 furnished s flat. ">\u25a0 cheap; r- low> rent ;
10 lease; central ; must sell. . lnq. 1149 McAllister.
FURNISHED: flat ; of .13 rooms; good -location.
~v. 341 y Minna ,str;"V;. -,.',*' V: -. •: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0: -'\u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0. -. -: -\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .'
SUNN Y« lower * flat | with i everyVconven ience : 'i for
honae keeping : ? near . station. :J. a. : HOWELL. '
. 2S37 \u25a0' Fnltnn st..'- Berkeley: ' tel:*; Berkeley 18 9 .'*.
" : VV;-; : ', ; U',. ' '" \u25a0
COTTAGE r- or"? flat t. close '• to f 16th I and - Fillmore
;•• cars;- rent v. not *over.;s3o:. per ; - month. >"<L: E
f MOULTON.I 2S3 3d gt.'i ?. f:- c v .. ;:, ~,??Ji- ,-\u25a0: ?..- '.-
3 i ROOM I cottage,*; new,;; sanitary > plumbing, low
;;,S rent •to good > tenant. ? 1265; 45th ' ay. . bet. • H
\u25a0-'-'and'la sts.-'- ':": '^- \u25a0\u25a0«:.' ; "-' \u25a0 ',-'-\u25a0\u25a0- 7.,.., .j--...-;'.-.. ..-.. -\-.-;
HAMILTON ;; SQUARE/ ? 3BB— Furnished '>. house-
• ; kseping : rooms, •;$B.; $8.r $10, tsl2t $12 : per \u25a0 month, . near
; - ! i San •:" Rafael : fe public - parlor." » piano, separate
- 4 kitchen.^'Address " MRS. i FARISH; I Parish ! Cot-
T V-''tage; ,Novato.'-^.y.'': ; V' r/-\u25a0-\u25a0-.r*^r /-\u25a0-\u25a0- .r*^ \u25a0\u0084\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0.*--;.-;.-'.\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0'.-.--.;;;\u25a0/.\u25a0-,.\u25a0
CAI^IFORNI A • et. ,-;," 4416-rFnrnlshed , j and \u25a0 unfnr-
f ;* nished --' housekeeping "• rooms, •,--' reasonable.: - •; F. :
MSNTCHTHART^>;'^?;',- - v--,: rjy'-'r jy'-' :;•\u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0•, :
ALVARADO,'- 548. between Castro and Noe sts.—
ft; Sunny, % upperi floor : of ; S '\u25a0\u25a0 rooms ' and ' bath, < com-
-\u25a0,'; plcte for housekeeping. '.-***'>\u25a0\u25a0'.? : ,v'.; , *--^ -, ' -.- '-\u25a0 \u25a0'.*. * •«•;.;
COLE stT!o7— 3 newly furnished rooms for house
; keeping ; ; block : from ; Hayes; fet. * car.*;.-..-? vb^ •=.?
EUREKA^ «t" 418,*ibet/s Slat Vand ; 22d— H v sunny
'""\u25a0-; house kecping>roomh,"?furniBhed ; take': 24th and
-;^ Hoffman ; cara ;to Donglajsa ;.;. no: children ; is2s. *:u
GROVE st.",-*. 1351"! near i Devisadero"-Large ermny
\u25a0 hoitse ; keeping I room ; I two j closeta ; j baths ; I reas-
»\u25a0'< onable. ;; ->, :,?:;. -i.7 ;.- ;i-4>i*"...;-:.,.,'.---i ; . ;-;\ \ ;;•.•.;;'
iVlßGlL* st:."; B4,*off 2Sth:and Howard— 2 elegant
' H unfurnished *\u25a0'\u25a0 rooms,*i t including V-cooklng gas ;
_-.'.#\u25a0 522.50; 'noj children. ;,^.l;;.:^ _^lj.".u- .v- = -^ (
' HAVES etT; 1429. f neac Brod<rlcl-- ::^S eunny rooms
-:;: furnished ; / ready 1 1."—^ icZ^r^ w-O:-: -\ z>
PIERCE i st;. 5 - 815; J'near " McAllister—Large sunny
Zi room ; also . table-, board ; ; home cooking. \u25a0\£*£rr-&£
PINE Ist. 1 . ",706,^ bet. j^owell & Stckts.-f3- «unny
rooms.*: bath.j lodry.;;f urnished." honsekng.'; . reas.l
30TH * strj 30i;-r cor.*: Foisom-^Nlce ; housekeeping
PON I building^ 1012 FUlmori } st.^btt'f McAliii-*
:1 1 ter ) and Golden .Gate; newly,-- and I elegantly <
;'•\u25a0 furnished sunny rooms,* with j every . modem ; coo- 1
\u25a0id venlence ; ' accessible iby j all >car i lines, aia X" ;*,\u25a0> .* I
NEW FULTON HOUSE t ;r429 / Fult-'i!THjBT-top«iied. :
jS newly |, furnished ; I reading I room.'} toth ,7 electric i
Zj light;*. room ? by^ day.^ week or . mon4b^ * 10-<.*--»4
BEA UTIFU L ; rooms In ; family"; . gentleman ;\ ref -.
\u25a0< erences ; ;< no ' sign.i *\u25a0 Call i before 2 iot I after i S?
{~ : l 23o9^yin^Kess jar.'.' . ,
ROOMS O TO : ; IiETi-Contlnned .^ «.
UNION i HOnBß.Tsoutb'eaat ? cornet : Jof '- Sansom*.:
'f~: and j. Washington 'sts. ; y newly .3 furnished.' snnav
% j rooms'; ;»' dactriclty >< and '- cas: • rooms ' $1.50 per
,"i-::wep)c and > up: 1 large j reading- roonuV^-'* ~ s V..'. . \u25a0\u25a0*
FURNISHED^ room, for -Jewish -gentleman.^ with
<~int!>. without;-, reasonable; «,' S; HARRIS,.; 422
;. HjiglitiSt. .\u25a0 -'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'.'.: • '?'::;\u25a0:.<:*'«''
.EASTLAKE - HOTEL. and Bay T sts.— \u25a0
B Single, rooms $ 1 .50 and $2 per; week ; j room and
Xfboard $s.so" and $6 per;week:;V;\~: '.- ,',./. .-
FILLMORE ; St.. J 837— Nicely, fnrnished rooms.
:!?±: !?± with ? gas,i bstb,'t phone.- hot - and cold '- water
-.- Jn jevsry^ room: {\u25a0 gentlemen ti only. % -i-~ -. '
ALTA aVISTA^ 93O 'Ellis . st.* cor.- Franklin— Fine
*? snnny; front, < for<2; |f amlly; botel.% best ', type.'i,,'
HARRlSON liit.f'iSaS.'-; near 24th^-Front room anl
*i tnnall r bwlrooni.s counected v and | furnished ; j snlt-
' 4.. able ;for 2 ', gpntlemen or ."man- and.wlfe; • r Ca'.l
\u25a0; -forenoon, or^after;si«*clock. ;" : \u25a0 "
BI'CUANAN !, st. •«()«— 1 room .to rent****nitable
or,i 3- gentlemen. ;--'\u25a0• \u25a0* ;..-.•.«•-.\u25a0. ;..;
MISSION ! St.." 2042. : near 16th. , The \u25a0 Hygela. new-
";" Ivj furnished rooms ;\u25a0 alos : transients. --T>l.- Mar-"
•;.:ket t4244.'-.t 4244.'-.- A .^.;'.'. .;/'..-;: -j .--'\u25a0,, r ; ; -'v; ; *'.' V V '-V- ; -
LOMBARD. st.V .1440, cr. Vsa Ness av.— Fur-
nlshwl or.-unfurnished room. In private family;
reosonabie."-^ .-,.;.;. \u25a0 .- : '= ...-•_• .'\u25a0_.-'?. '.
CALIFORNIA st.r; 3047— Front parlor for 2 gen-
.'.\u25a0tlemen;; single- beds; reasonable., ; '\u25a0
CASTRO ; st.V . 490— FurnUhed rooms for ; house
>> keeping. \l_-: ':'.j;;:'^ ',.'; :r-.'-V -..\u25a0;. -_ : * ' -\ ;.
ELLlS,st.,"lss2— Large room. 1 or 2 gentlemen;
...\u25a0:. hot and cold water. and bath.;. ' .
<<LOLDEN iGATE; «v«».. . Jo3lA— Nicely '< furnished
f-: j front ; parlor. ' snl table J for . 5 or S persons. s - J :, ., ;
GOLDEN )GATE ay.. ; 141Ji— 2 ? nicely 4 furnished
\u25a0i;-; f ront ; room ; parlors : . suitable i for 2 , or ' 3. 1 1
POTRERO . av;:'Mol2, nr.: 22d— Furnished room
: i to; let;. 'private ; family. .:.;\u25a0 . • ' . J
MAYBELLE.;-211'-Van Ness-^-Newlv furnished
.rooms; also transients."-- Phone Market 4544. .-*?,
MCALLISTER st.VSCS— Newly snd eleganUy fur-
;.nlshed;rooms; Treasonable. •:-. - |.;" -;••
MCALLISTER f st..' 100S — To .let. sunny front
S; parlQr.-sfori 2; gentlemen;; rent i ,516.->.i, t-.<t -.< •\u25a0\u25a0' .
OAK i st.l I*4lft—Sunny,1 * 41ft— Sunny, rooms,*-, elega ntly • fnrnished ;
also finite*-: mod.'conTeni?cc«»; rent $20 to ?*>o.
OAK \u25a0; at. , \u25a0\u25a0•. cor.i Broderick. : entrance \u25a0 park— Front
:: ; room,s suitable .for.l . or ,2 'gentlemen. -. ;' ; -\u25a0
SHARON St., BR.'i bet.;. 1 3th v and \ lCth. Church
:,-and^Sanchez— Large.' sunny front room.': $15. "\u25a0\u25a0.-.•<\u25a0,:
WEBSTER>' ; 140fl— Furnished ' rooms - for " rwrtle-' 1
'£j men.; Id ; bachelor : quartern : ; rents \u25a0 reasonable.
26TH sty 4246. 1 - CdKtro and Diamond— Snnny par- :
* \u25a0 lor'snltr. lmiiMpkppnln<r: bntli. «ra». laundry. -
BANCROFT way,; 2406.; Berkeley— For rent,;
"nicely furnished front .room.'- '-;.— \u25a0•' \u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0-'\u25a0 . ;
,^^ —^»^— »—^
\/>rBOOMS;ANDipOABD''-:i^ \
LARGE back parlor, use; of piano," with board.
• for 2' gentlemen. SJ2:CBpp st. . bet 23d
. ' and '24th. '"' • .. \u25a0 ..-" \u25a0'\u25a0-.'-'' v.'-* .*-\u25a0;;' '\u25a0-". \u25a0'-''\u25a0\u25a0- .'\u25a0-'". : : '.-
PACIFIC . a y., , 2747 — Elegant ; firrnished rooms;
:. best table board; fine locality; reasonable: refs.
HOWARD 8t."1534-^Sunny furnished, rooms, with'
' hoard, for 2 ' mechanics. •"\u25a0\u25a0'• *.\u25a0*>-* \u0084.:\u25a0•-_\u25a0>\u25a0 -.-\
REDUCED RATES : : for \u25a0 summer \ months; ' rooms \
'\u25a0: with' flrst-class.home table: .pleasant surronn.l- '•
Ines. Phono Oqklnnd Sos*». r. llfl loth st-
. rooms;and:Board,waxted -
WANTED— 3 nicely .furnished rooms, with table
-^ board : \u25a0: state nrlces. : Box ofl3.*' Call ' office.
WANTED— S cr -4 rooms aod bath, either nlcelv
..-- f nrnlßhed Vor \u25a0 unfurnished : ' family of; 2. . \u25a0 Call
\u25a0or address . W, '\u25a0 B." CAUSE. ' 214 Drumm st. - •
WANTED-^-Ati elderly lady wishes a single room
•Vwlth board In private family.' Box 2639.* Call.'
. V V: "\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'.'•\u25a0\u25a0.".: ; : ,"siiMMEn reports ;,';.-:.V... : ;
TO rent— -5 i room.- flat;' reasonable: \u25a0 new ; carpets
- in all rooms may -be^. pnrchs*te<l. : 4QT.2 10th *f
:, j \u25a0: ;\u25a0\u25a0.';.\u25a0;.,-' ; 1 : -i jewei.krs ."\u25a0;•.-•.-.: \u25a0' \u25a0!*,<
F.V L. COOK-rJewelry , \u25ba clocks. '£ sil verware. . sta-
: » tloneryi and. notions: formerly, of 1712 Market
st.. now permnnenfl-- located at 833 Golden
- Gate ; ay.;' opposite Jefferson- square. .:
STEINMAN. Jeweler. . 524 - Valencia, cor. ICth;
itnd society emhlems: mfr a specialty.
\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0' ' ;':'\u25a0 " :. : .\--- ;'". i -^ -\u0084:•\u25a0--:'' -"
--^.-\u25a0\u25a0:-...'. — i — -. — ~<-fc». -~~~ — ---,-,_„,. .
CH AS. V B.f BOBRECHT." ! 1033 Golden Gate X ay..
telephone Market <2206.« ~ Good " sinht; * prices
n^ right Call and "be . convincedV . Cpniultstloa
'. "free.-.;. .*-T '.'•:\u25a0 ,':'\u25a0-".-,:•' -' * '.\u25a0•;;;- ;-'.;; : ;'
G. C. KEMP/Tormerly 2002 Market st, now 459
, . Ffllmor* st. Prrsonal attention; open evenings.
< Chrn-ch «f. 1 Open evenlaars. -- - - '- - -..:•. -" .
"' -';'\u25a0;'\u25a0\u25a0> HEMORRHOrPS V; .;\^. .
PILKS induce' discomfort; pain and Infectious dis-
eases. . Why nurse them so. lovingly when they
, can be cured to stay cured,', without "knife, dan-
' ger or hindrance to business? Thousands of men
I end women cured in this vlcinltvv Investigate.
DR.THOS. -T KISNER.'2O9I FlUmore st.
;• f J •". SRWINO.f MACHINES $•' • \u25a0\u25a0 ; - '.':'
SINGER ;\u25a0 sewing i machines; 1 -Wheeler ' & * Wilson
. sewing \u25a0' machines : .needles.'; parts and ; snp.plles
.'; for both. '. Sold only by Singer Sewing Machine
\u25a0 Company at fotlowlw? Singer stores, San Fran-
• Cisco. • Cal. :v 1156 Siarket st." 783 , Hal-rht : st;
; 1156 '\u25a0 Valencia 5t... 512 Clement st; 1431 Bnah
, st.;-3M 'McAllister St.. .250": Market st, 8r»
'\u25a0•' Golden Gate s v.« Oakland: ~465 12th: st.; 1036
Washington : st.T 780 E. 14th St. '\u25a0•" Alameda:
'\u25a0fi 1321 • Park ' st.- : . Berkeley : ;*, S2lO Adeline | trtjg I
DOMESTIC— Best.,I cheapest: i all klnd« rented.
; ' ronaired, exchaneed : \u25a0 needles and supDlles for
, % . air makes. ::J.--W.; Evans., agent. ICSB O'Far-
\u25a0;\u25a0 rell st..-' near. Fillmore; . phone West 8601. ' .
NATIONAL .Automatic. .1 White." Standard. '"' other
i.-makes.i rented, "•f*pal4t«d.* etc. *L' S." OOHRN'S
SONS. ' Phone .West : BT6I. 1 1616 - O'Fanrell st.
WILLCOX& GlBBS 'Sewing Machine Company—
: Located > at .724 -Turk ? st.'.* near Van ; Nes« ar*.
•i Manufacturers * of ' the } genuine 'Automatic.*,; \u25a0"
A. \u25a0- F.*?.NELSON'S ? sewing ? machine ', emporinm-^-
v \u25a0 N<»w .'\u25a0 dropheada.?, $10.50 : > rented ; nnd repalreil.'
-.- 3260 : 22 d \u25a0 st. bet . Mission and * Valencia.
20 Second-hand < machtnes,\to ; be , sold mm*.
'\u25a0' dlatplv." •< 1?20 \u25a0 ftoidew O»»e »•»..' nf.. PtHm<»r«.
\u25a0 y^n^PTukjßTctrnißp ':.'': : '^ : .-:;[ '\u25a0••
DR. i PIERCE'S; Electric .' Truss i does the . work:
.-:• estahlished 32 \u25a0 years.', ' PIERCE ' ft ' SON. = 1417
-•\u25a0 Cl-estnut *t:; A\meda ' Tel." Alamed;*.' 17W. '\u25a0-"-'' -
•;\u25a0 -; C*"''vTßi*SSES'';. : . .'\u25a0 ';'\u25a0 ' ; ''
'\u25a0'"k'S, : . ;r '.v MRS." M.' C.^WILLIAMS.v •"" '"\u25a0-'"-;
Formerly with . Win."- Hatteroth — Trusses, support-
.'\u25a0;; era^elast. 1 hosiery. • etc."* 476 Page. . nr. Webster.
; , WALTERS 1 & CO. . surgical | instruments. hoeplUl
\u25a0 : ,. equipments. ; trusses : and elastic f hosiery. ; 1608
!•;,'\u25a0 Sterner -st..** near ; Geary. j;:.-:-v'-;- ,--; : - v.':--. ; .,-. ; * \u0084
SPECIALISTS "in- truss fittings. & CLARK-f AN-
, DION COMPANY." 1238 G.Q. aye.. nr. Fillmore.
H'ANCES.-t 623 Golden- Gate ay. ---\u25a0-:
:^:? ; ; v' ,'\u25a0\u25a0 •^IiAjnTAMUMS,!;;;;-"-^;^:;-';'
Htdtn^Sb flays'; enre, $30. to $60. 2504 Howard:
:i \u25a0; phone j special 2 171. * Training school for nurses.
SELECT- private home for ladles in confinement'
\u25a0a- 1 (J2?rButter - sf» nr. Lagniia : *\u25a0 tel:? West ; 7s3l:
L-; \'- \^bT.MAcmiras^^' \u25a0;.\u25a0 x :. :
' CASH 'or check > maehs.. punchers,! lifters;'-: goods
|0 sold * ot) on i percentage. ; s 2144 1 Market. 'Arcade.
-\u25a0< M ACTTINBa. ™ K34 > GOnGH ST.'.'-s nr. - ITtilton. ~"
;:\u25a0;;-;- \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 y., ..y SHEET METAL % --..:.-;, -.:-V->. : '
\u0084 W. CLiyrORD.l 620 ,TURK.% TeI.'. Franklin 637.
MAJESTIC Sheet i Metal i Works— Manf. tin. iron;
-,*i en-»er> brass.: Tel. Par* 241S.'tiOft>' McAllister.
;;,';':;-:f';-;f:^^SH6w-;CASESr-^ : '-. ''
\u25a0ARGONAUT MFG K* CO.-^Show ". eases : V Murray
ri' patent^'; Mft-M^ McAllister sst> * •':.-\u25a0*-.\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*?\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-;
h . :\u25a0 '- " . \u25a0 -SEBpsHr.^ ' ':;. -.'. ij. V :-" :
. SEND for catalogue, latest " flower aad ' vegetable,
illustrated. C.C. MORSE fc CO.: 171 A CJay «t.
- andlsupfxies ; : ,-..:
ALEXANDER ¥* f CO.; • typewriters ; i' all makes
;->} rented,' including Smith Premier; desks,: chairs,
' - -* etc. : ask for ' prices partly : nsed - machlnea. - AL>
7-S EXANDER. , 1820 -j I lllmor* 5 st : :- pnon* -West
;.: L<r2BB.::L <r288.:: ...;;\u25a0- - :.-^';-,.>;----:--:;---'-.f- \u25a0^\u25a0^\u25a0\u25a0:'A i -:-
• STB ARNyC Visible i Typewriter.^ th* * only
<£k with ' decimal I tabulator ; | also < second-hand, all
"' i-niakes;- rentals 'and repairs. Th* ,Typewrtto-', Typewrtto- '
;^riam^lT24;Yinmor* ttb;;^-;''^-^^'
FIRBT-CLASa typewriters for from $25 to $100;,
:-. all makes.: all prices; rentals and supplies. Th*
,- Typewriter JBichange, \u25a0: 1011 1 Golden .Git* I a v*.
•?-iTefephoneil»ark:»7B.vii-:..C"->.-;* i.;;i '.;; i .'- ;,".:\u25a0 .-.
-WALTER 'A:? BCOTT. ; 1811 FUlmor* 1 st. " and : 633
*--* Marttet : * ntwme ». West - 8093.-- -? -. •-\u25a0 » - . ,5 , -
j&fu*z • works 'p/_- T r . \
>*\u25a0' ?-'o;iß;^^^H6pPS;sPro->Tl*tor.'V-^- ;\u25a0- S-
All 5 kinds iof * ornamental v giaan. 115 Turk - at.
sXtiepboae Franklin ' 1768., . i
: : - S-i> DELIXqUEyT) SALE* XOTICE ~"_\'^-
'_ •!\u25a0>' OCEANIC ? STEAMSHIP -' COMPANY. ' •" 1
Location and s place of b-wioess."" City- and : County
v^l°f iSan • Francisco. „ State . of * Calif omt* . -• -
iNOTICE- There -; is 'delinquent ' upon ' the \u25a0 folio-*"- -
,; -.; Ing . described , stock oa. account 4 cf assessment..
• \u25a0". \O-\ 0 - 7 21 I»vi«d r oa -the.* 115 th1 15th- day tof Marcb,f 1007."
>; .the several amounts, set opposite" U»* names of.
the respective shareholders, ,as follows:;-; |^'
.v.'_ Names of .C^:;'.-.': Certl«-'-v \ "\u25a0•). ~\u25a0-'~ \u25a0-' -: "j
V Sharebolders. .\u25a0 -V: ca*e No. Shares -Ann-mt '
Ashman.'-Joha •".'..'.'......-. ll*^v lf»O \u25a0- $l.'»<X t .OO •
Allmsn. -Miles ...."...".....1114 "> sft----6«X>.oi' v
Ailman.v MlJes *'. r.-; .-. . ;.V^ir34 • 7 80 \-- ; J"«>«,oa*
AUman.- Miles ;..-;\u25a0. ......; 1224 20
Brown Estate Co.,' Daalal . 143 S5O 3.R00.00
Bakewel!.- Joha %. i ....... 2Srt 70 . 700.t-O *
Bothln, \u25a0 Henry \ E. \u25a0». ..:... 342 »70 : 8.700.00 £
Bothln/ Henry E...... ..... 521 ,1030 10,3P0.m>;
Browa.-Mr5.R4H.".;..:.. 1189 * 20 200.00"
Brown.- Mrs. R. H. : .......iijw> 10 ' 10O.ro '
Bonrdotte, John W......,..i15«i : . lrt> l^ooaoo,"
Baurdett*. John W.....'.;..1,JC« ' . lfift.v'l".oflo:*O-
Bonrdette. John W^;..;,.U2C0,*- 'ion "..l.ono.M*
Bourdette.John W...;. 1201*' 100 -. 1,000. (O
Bourdette. John' W.-. ;.;... .1202 100 "1.000.'J0.
Beardette,' John ,W.'... ... 1203 ioa' 1,000.00-
Boardette. J0hn:W.. ...... .1^4 ,100 : 1.000.00
Bonriiette, John W.V...;;.;1J03; IPO. 1.000.00-
Baardette, ' John.W.v.. '...*. .12W8 100 -\u25a0'\u25a0 1.000.P0
Boi!rdette.: John W.;;..v. ..12ft" ; * 10. "\u25a0 ; 10O.PO-
Brown. Win.-: C. \u25a0.'.-'.. ;...'.'.. few -'*'llf' ;i ino.'4>-'
-Brown. "VTai.-'C.". ........ ;'o*'.7 15 /\M,ttQ*
B<«rt»!«ea, 8. . . . . . .%; . . . . 1230 10"" r ICO.fIO-'
Ca lifcrnia - Safe : Deposit A \u25a0
Trnst Company.' 1 trustees :v*-
. for Ella 0.Mann..'.. .... 253 10 100.00-
Cairns,". Jnc. T. ....-..*.-.. .451 '- 20- : : ' 2O<AOO-
Carpy. Charles, PIMs-e . . 1 153 . ' sft -- v KO.OO
Carpv.; Charles. Pledgee '..lls4 ' 50 500.00
Costo'la.Stasla v.:..:.-...,1195- - 8 «>.«> -
Chamberlain. : F."- 0. . . . .. ..1221 .50 500.00-
Dwxan," Clias.' n.," Trustee.-. 13 10 IOO.nO
.DngaD.Chm. E., Trustee..- 1» 10 IOO.tM.
Dngan, OJias..-F., .Tn-stes.. lt» 10 ." loano;
I>ngan. Chas." R., 7 Trnstee.. 20 10 -•• IOO.tOs
Dngan. Phss. F... Trustee."." -I 10 100.00
Dngia.'Ch«s. E., Trns-tee.: 22 10 . 100.00
Dujtn. Chas.F..,-Tniirtee.. 23 ' 10- 100.00'"
Dn»an. Chas. X., Trustee.". -24 "\u25a0. 10 - - ino.W
.Dngan. Caas. E.. Trustee..- 25 10 100.00
Diigaa,; Cliss. E.. Trustee. . 2« 10 • 100.00
Donovan, Patrick ;. 425 \u25a0» 20 200.00
Donovan. ' Patrick ......... 42« : ~ V) 200.ft«l
Donsrall. Mrs. Anna .1 153 25 250.00 .
• Rlllson. .Jamfs .-.-.'; ko 40 400. 0>>
Flllson. Janes ...T....... . 772 fWV «oo.0:>
Klkins. F. 8.... ..;........ 102R 20 \u25a0-'•\u25a0, 200.00
Ferrler. Francis ......... . f« 10 '. IOO.'OO
Ferrier. Francis..; ..'./«>\u25a0 Ift ,100.00
Ferrier, .Francis ........... ftO ' 10 100.0»
Ferrler. Fmnci* 91 10 100.00
Gibt-on.W. D. X.. Trustee. 529 CO 5.10.00
Olnnoß/W.'D.'K.,- Trustee.. 75-1 ' SS SSO.OO
Gibson, W.D^K.. Trustee. 7P5 5 50.00
Gibson. W.-D. X., Trustee. -78» • 10 ' l^ft.fio
Green. Mllron. J.. Trustee.. 301 220 2.200.00
Green, Milton J., Trustee.. 302- 220 2,200.00
Orant. i Geo. - .'..;...;. 1217 -.- «o- JWXJ.oo
Hedstron. Bernard .;..*. .-.Tffli 10. 100.00
Hanks. .-M.-.W.;...- \u0084.;.11»7 - BO K0O.(.O
Hang. John ...;.. ..1095 80 POO.OO
Han?. Join ....... v 1102 2O 200.0H
Howard. F. S 1103 23 - - - 2&1.«)0
Hall, .W. R...... ....11S0 100 1.000.00
HaIJ.W. R ; ...1181 100 1.000.00'
Hall. W. R ...... .HS2 100' 1.000.00
Hall,- W. B. 1183 : 100 1.000.00
Hall,, W. R.y... ..11S4 1(V) l.OOO.tV)
Hall. W. R.... :.11S3 100 1.000.U0
Hall. W.R.... .......... .USB 130 J.P00.00
Hall, W. R 1187 100 1.000.00
Jantsen. .Isabell 1000 50 sooprt
Johnson. ' Pete '....122» 8 50.(j0 \u25a0
Kroeger. Hans ..'.. 147 " 100 1.00O.»)O
Kroer«r. nans •..'..:. ...:"... 14»- -w 60 r.00.00
Kroeger, Hans .;.-..•...... .14*» CO BOO.CO
Keller. • Charles v: :.. 313 50 r.00.00
Keller. Charles 314 &1 500.H0
Keyes, W. S.; Trnstee 432 5 50.00
Keye#, ; W. 8., 1 nwtee . . . . . 433 . fl no.oo
Keyes. W. 8., Trustee..... 4*U 5 60.00
KeyM..W. 8., Trustee 433 * 3 CO.OO
Keyes. W.S.. r Trustee..... 4.*5(1> 10 lOO.CO
Keyes. W. S.. Trustee..... 437 10 . 100.00 -
Keyes, W. 8.. Trustee.-;... 43S 10 100 00
Keyes, W. S... Trustee..... 439 10 100.00
Keyes, W. J S., Troatee..... 44H 25 ' 2.">f».C«»
Kerea. W. 8.,-Tmstee.". ... 441 23 250.00
Keyes. : W. 8.. Trnstee. . . . . 442 " 25 ' 250 OO
Keyes, -W.'*g.; Trnstee.... .- 44.1 . 2.t 2T0.0O i
Keyes, W. -8., Trnstee..... 444 50 f-AO.OO
Keyes, W. 8.. Trustee.... . 44!" 50 Cilfl no
Kahn. Henry . . . . .'; ........ 620 100 1.0C0.t0
Lange.W. A... ...'.;.... .. 374 - 10 100.00
Lange, W. A... ;..... 375 * 10 100.00
Land. Geo. 8.. ;....121« 10 100.00
Lowecberg." Geo ..lion 40 400.P0
Lytgens, JT.-. W.v .."..1135 10 Ioo.no
Lytgens^ J. W.. ...... ....1200 20 • 200.00
\u25a0Mooney.-W.-D. .:..;.; 94 20 200C.T
Mooney. Wr D. .M 127 4f> 400.00
Manhelm. tDibbem & Co.". .1193 33 -830 f^o
Manheim. Dlbbero * Co. ..1220 40 40000
Manhelm. Dlbbern & C 0. .'.1223 '.no - mnnn
Michel. J. A. . . . . . -.-. . 62S 100 1,600.00
Montgomery, D. W. . .... \u25a0. .1148 100 \u25a0.-. 1.000.00
Montgomery, D. W. .1147 ICO .'1 Ooo.no
McCarty, James...... *i 77 30 - ROO.OO
McCarty, Jaraea...........1210 \u25a0'• 20 2^o 00
McCarty. Jame5..;....... .1211 10-^ 100.00
McCarthy. John J 7...1177 ' 100 -1.fi00.00
McCarthy, John J. .....i.... 1171 10fl( I.nMVMi
McCarthy. John J.......... 1223 60 sfW>.oo
McCarthy. John J. ..-.:. ...-. 122« -. 23 S5O CO
Nevada County ' Bank...... 1142 10 _ " IW> 00
NoeL . Herbert ."...;;. .....12l« 100 -.-1.000.00
Parsons,'BmmaH. ........ 1143- 10- -jjortOO
Rosenberg. Bernard .232 J4-'» - i 4«o ro
Roper. Herbert »14 - lH—..~\t»f<tt
\u25a0 Boper, \u25a0\u25a0 Herbert '...'..: 815 -. 25 '1- iW.iyt
Roper, -i Herbert ..;...;.... ;91« - 20.-- 200t)0
Steacy.-B; F *..;....• W 20 . • 200()O'
8hnm0n5,G.:C. ........... 2» ,-;-Sft — « sno.no
Smith,' James . ....... ....,1141 ,20 ' 20000
Tnmhler. Cbarles . .'. :. . . ." .114<» 23 ' ' 2W.00
Thumler. -Charles ........ .1149 ' 25 "jaooo
Thnmler. Charles . "....._. .1180 • 25 •-- -•: 2JW> 00 -
Thnmler, Charles' ....r...-.! 131 ,- -23 -• . 250" fio
Thnmler. , Charles 11 32 10 ' -"- looino
Tompklns.'Kmma J. ......; 413 •BO »*, rio 00
; Tompkhts. 1 Emma J. ........ 414 *30 ; SOoioO
Tlltaailn. « Fr Jr.; C Tmate* - ----- '
for \u25a0 Ernest C. and Oscar * •
................ 46» 34; 340.00
Tlllmann. <• F; Jr.. Trustev \u25a0 ' - - • •
.. for Ernwt C. aad Oscar '
Hu«t«r t;V.....-.......:.:470 34 310.00
Tlllmann. . F. ; Jr.." Trusts* -
'-.' for . Ernest C. * and Oscar
Hceter ....:............ 471 100 1,000.00
Tlllmann, ' "• F. Jr. , TrtMte* *"
"for, Ernest' C. -and Oscar '
Hneter . .T....'.. ..472 100 1.000.00
Tlllmann, 'F. Jr.....;;v... 473 mo 1.000.00
-Tlllmann, '\u25a0 F. ; Jr. . ... ..'....' 474 100 Z 1.P00.00'
Tan»slg. , Mrs. • Annette... .-.: 532 50. : 500.00
Tubbs, Alice-. Hagar. .'...."..' 837 - 200 ' 2.000.00*
Tubbs Cordage. C 0........1143. .......1143 \u25a0 270 - 2 700.00
Tubbs. A. L.' C0. ;...:..... 1144 5«O 3 ono no
Thomas, -L.J..r;r. ..\u25a0:.... 1239 . 1 10.00
Th0ma5,. L.J...:. ..'..... ..1240 .1 10.00
Thomas. LJ. :.......:;.. .1241 1 10.00
Thomas.- Tj. J. . .'. ....... . . .1242 , - 1 10.00
Thomas, L.J.. ......;..... 1243 1 10.00
Thomas. L. J...;. ....... .'.1244: .1 lO.Oi)'
Thomas.>L.' J.. '....-...-.... -.1243; ' 1 10.CO-
Thomas, L.J. '..,.'.'........ 1248 1 ' 10.00
Thomas.- L.J.. ...;...... -..1247- .1 . 10.00
Thomas,. M.-E.;. ...1250 1 lO.Ort
Thomas, M. R '.-.1251' 1 10.*>0
Tbomss.M. K. "...;"...".'. .r.1252' ...1 • 10.00 •
,Thomss,-*M.-;E.. 12i3 1 10.< V)
; Thomas."' M.-E... ...... ":... 1254' 1 10 00
Th0ma5,, M^E..;. :....... .1255 -' .S -» 10.CO
Thomas, M. E. ............ 12SS t 10 00
Thomas. M. E. .: r. ' 1237 1 1 \u25a0 , 10.00
.Tulley. P. J. :;..:...:.:. .1192 20 J>00.«)
Thomas, , H.". W.; ;. Trustee. . '.- 69 23 230. <V>
Thomas,- H.»W.;^Trn»tee... .'74 23 230.<V>
Thomas. ; H.-W», ; Trustee... 129 50 500.00
Thomau, H. .W^, Trusi •«...: ISO •»0 x 500.00
. Thomas,. H.> W.V Trustee... 132 50 500.00
Thomas, H.'W.. Trnstee... 138 '50 , 500.M>
H.'-W.; Trustee.. .l 39 .50 - COO.OO
Thomas.. H. ' W.^Treste*.."." LVI .50. 500.0t>
Thomas, . H. • W., Trustee.". . . 131, ,50 • 500.W
.Tbotnas, , H.'W.,; Trustee. ."." 2H> 10 .' 100.00
Thomas, H..W.,,Trm»tee... 537 10 '100.00
Thomas. H.W., Truatee... S9B , SO 800.00
Thomas, H. W., Trnstee... »oa .20 200 AO
Tteomas,.H.,W., Tnate«.-.. 323. .30 SOO 00
Thomas, H. ;W.; Trustee.-. . .189 -' mo 1,000 00
'Thomas, VH.--, W.,;. Trust »*..., 554 23 250 00
Thomas. H. W.-, • Trustee... '.*»sJ> "- 13 15O.iw>
\u25a0 Thomas. >H. : W.,-Trßste«.... 573 10 10000
-Thomas.: H.'>W., Trnstee.;; !Wt - 27 27000
Thomas. . H. W.,- Trnstee. . . sfi3 . 40 ' 4^o 00
. Thomas, •: W.; 7 Trustee. .. «06 '-. 40" 4no!oo
Tbemaa. >H. W.; Troste*..". 1 632 , 20 - 200 00
; Thomas, ' H." W., '.Trustee . ;-." 6SS .20 200* 00
Thomas/ Hr W^Trustes. .-. . K\3 100 1 ooo'ao
Thomas.' H. i W., . Trnstee .'.'; T»5 , " 2S 230 OO •
\u25a0 Thomas, -H.-W.,- Tnwtee.*.";' 796 . 25 iao.iiCt
'.Thomas.; H.' W., J Trust**.. ;i 797 25" 250 00
Thomas, \u25a0.H.-.W.,'.Tru«tee..';;.ToB 25 730*00
; Thomas, :H.W., Trustee. '.:7» - 30. «oo'«.*>
Thomas.. H. > w.. Trust**. *.^ROS, 20 ' -' soo "0 '
Thomaa,:H.>W.,»Trnst**.:.-81» 10 loo'oo
.Thoma«,,H.^W.;'Tmst*«.*..;*ert' to 200 «o
'Themas.-H. W.v.Trnste*..! MS 500 Oi>
; Thomas. '\u25a0 H."* W.,;Trust*e. . . ' ft2« 20 200 f>o
: , Thomas, ;H.;W., Trustee.. .527 10 100 00
: Thomas. ;H.-.W.,j Trustee.';-. Kfl \u25a0 .10 100' o<j
'. Tbomas. ;H.;W.;; Trustee... 832 r 25 25o!oo
) Thomas, ' H.'- W., Truste*... 833 10-. !• 100.00
Thomas,. H. W.,- Trustee. r.~ m 9 \u25a0' 'is 100*00)
.Thomas, H.-W., Truste*.. ;\u25a0 853 -< 10 100 oq
Thomas,; H.'W.. .Trust**.;. 839 10 .10o]eo
« Thomas, 'H.;W.; Trnstee...; 9l2 \u0084 50 \u25a0. Jsoo.oo
lThomas,-H. W..: Trustee. :.. 917 2ft 2M.00
5 Thomas, ' H. W.; Trustee. : . 91 S \u25a0 '- 25- • 250* .>!
'Thomss,' H.'-W.;*. Trustee...: 024 . -'\u25a0- 20 200 PO
iTbx>mas,jH.;W.-. r Trustee. ..-"2fl ' ..10 ' \u25a0 io*\ik)
\u25a0 Thomas,»H.*W. t 'Tnistee. i ..:070 . S.-.I" ;80on.
, Thomas, ;H.-W., Trustee.. ..J)*"3 ;. 10 '"' loo*oo.-
I Thomas, ' H.iW., ! Trustee. . . - 884 - •" , fto - • - 900* 00
"{ Thomas. H. ;.W.;1 Trustee.. . 9«7 25 , 230 no
iThomas, ' H.* W.,. Trustee... '9Sß , "10. - 100.f«
'TUoiaas.iH.* W.,. Trust**.;. 1007 SOf -"r 500 60
: Thomas.' H.\W.; Trustee.'.. lol7 t 23 -r ;230; 230 no'
Tbomas, 'H. - W.; Trustee, -- - • v
:••-.• Original •„ Certiflcat* No. ' \u25a0 •--\u25a0 i^
' 4061— 25 sbares. eqn»l to -
,":- -'50 shares New Stock l lssm.T..-,V"",*: "~"T"?sr^'-",-
v' (not'lssued*""."'.-.-.'.'. .'..•;.\u25a0 -T-.r" /co ***J";SCO 00
,Too;der Mehdea, J." Hr. - ;v,10Sl 100. 'I.OOOjT^
». Ton der Mebrten.- G. H : . . . . 1 20S - sO r. : <, - SAO.Crt
:Vercoutere, Frederics ;...:. 1130 -.. 2ft,' .-2rtO.no
Vercoutere, . Frederics • . . . . .1 1.1? • - ."; 5.. --.50 tyf
i Volk«math.-j Maria -' . ; .". . . r. 122S :•: • <. - 10 :1 :: ;i looioo
iVan-Wyck.L.' H.vr.......123i -, 50 .M.*,srjo.co
> Van Wyck, '< L. "- H :V7.". ; i . ."-. 1232 \u25a0 ~ 50- -- — : 500J» -
'Van I Wyck. 'I/. • H. . V.\ . ;:.IV&\\> 50--' * ! oJWfio
IVan^Wyek, L. H.M. :;.;.. 1234 » 50 ~- f SQOOO
.Wyck^ ' L. £ H.-.;:: ;:.T4235 :;:. 20~q"sj>oo":*o
'. Weihman; •, C:. .-. .... . :. :."• .'. - 6 * 2* , t J3O.W
5. Weihman. j C. . . . . HTTT; .T ; • -* ' 7... \25^'.1 23O.'Ki
-,Weinman.-C, Weinman.- C. V1 .\u25a0..;..w.-v. 1079 ( - 23tTr^affiM
"S^^K i°**Q I "\u25a0 '•*•••• iS? M "\u2666*\u25a0= ' Moon
' Westall. Joseph : . ; .". . . • . . . . , 460 r*,^ fio , --j*, fiAO.flQ
IWestall.-; Joseph;"! r.T.TTTrtr- 481 — w* " 600.00 '
{ Westall!; 'Joseph .h^TiT.TlHay.lisn. >Boosi
I W«stall.i Joseph . . r. . . ... . . ; 4«3 ; M .- ... 500.0d
t Westall, Joseph %".*. ...... :v ««4 . . 50 1 \ \ 500.C0
f/We»uu, Joseph '..v.7.";r: rn4«s bo- ..cegoria
iWejrtall,- Joseph-;:^V;,^.,'4«6 ; r so \u0084 so^oo
> Wesun T *Josn»h ,.-.::-r:v. j ::":?4«7.'' 50 50*) 00
f W*stall. J Joseph •*;.v.".;'°r. t . . 469 50 sro(^\
'wilormnd^B.',Ah.v.-.;.-.T..12i4,', ; 5o '•'\u25a0 ?300.*00
; WUbrsnd.^ B. A. . '. . .*. '.-. :v.\ 1215 !• 20 - 1 ' ' 200 00
jWaish^P.'Jt. .-. .".\u25a0.-/.-.;.\u25a0. :m;ij> ---10 -':; -iooldo
I Waish.3 p.- ! J.trrr.i v : r. r f .* 122s ;!}. «:io; - 5> iraLOft
?\u25a0- And :In ? accordance : with * law \u25a0 aod.l an ' order : of.
» the -Board "of-Direetors.^mxde'on tbe»lfttfi'ds.v
• «f |>^rch;i'inoT.y»n''^s_' 1 *- \u25a0^Sar*« i /»r "c«j^ p»~~^l-
«t such stock 'aa i may b* necessary ' wni**b"e sold
( at . public ' auction \u25a0at the ; office of the | Company
j at ! 68 . Clay st.,; In \u25a0 the City . and ; County ; of Sas
- J OEtWQCE-rr I S AJB S-QTICE---c'oat*d
r.?"^ 1 "^ s?tJit ''*; «* California, on MONDAY.
n-rT^%- H - *««.-\u25a0, at- the •! boor of THTtEJ! •.*•,
"U-WA.p. in.nn snch A-.r. to pay mseh delln*
2!il' n L,i!'"^ l "" m '' nt * ne '»on. toc-ther with cost of
_adv»rthißg aad exnensea «f<mle. .
\u25a0 M . n. W." THOMAS.' Secretary.
•9™fV-f C°raP*ny.,sS Cliy «t.. ntv »nd County
. ;;55\""*n Fwncisco. State -«f Callforala.
... Dated Aprtl 20. 1907. :
,'x .-. sr TN"Sn3T MONARCH • OIL . COMPANY.*'
.\u25a0-Isvntinn and nlace :of hnntneM. v. City nnd
CorintT- of s, n jrranel-co. State of CaUf<wi*t.i.
-Notice — There in delinquent npoß the Mlow
* »nst described stock, on acctmnt of assessm^? .
J wo -*1.- levied on. the 21stdar rff March. 190". '
: fM. several, a nao-»atB set opposite »he names of
tfce r»spei?Mv- snarehaMer*. n<* foßow<«: -
\u25a0-•* Xanwnf < ..' Certlfl- ,
flharehoMer^.; . ' - cat* No. Shiren. Awnut
"enydlct." C. ."..........SO l.ooo ' $i4fl.nrt
Pr"ff*n. Katherlre ...... 37 100 ' lo.ofl
QT*nt..Mr*. A. N......inr 512 3t.m
•T"rt*^ n . J»mv».J. ;...;. 27 10' . t.M
:\ r "v-lnre. w. F xi I "uw i**o.or»
>l»Nee.;Dßn«ran. .Trustee .TT 1.700 - 17tUM
<VliWj»r Z m( l ni f . a 2\ ISO tS.Ort
S-n!rh. Thomas A."...:,. .79 .. *of> 3O.ftf»
-—And In arcordanre with h». arot an «rrter of
*>* Kpar.l «f Ptre??nr<. made rm the 71st (•--;\u2666• cf
tStwrch. ISO 7. so-maur shares of , e»rh oart*»l «f
•<*\u25a0>• st<jc*s 1* may be necessary will be sold at
•while anettm a* th» offl^e of the comnanv. a*
.-W-fisv street, in the Cltv and Conntv «f s>'"i
Frano'wo. . Stare of California. «n MONDAY.
Mflv is. 1907. *at twelve ' 'l2> o'eiock norm. on
**"'"' day. to- psy inch del!nt|uent a*we«»njeTJt
thereon. t««en.er trlrt cost of advertising and
eipenscs,©* .»\u25a0*\u25a0«..
,-' - . '«F.O. A." norCL-VS. *'er»-*arr.
,-ntfff, «f Coi»t>i«n'-. 38 riar street. Cttv and
FrVAXCtAI. • •
' Any eredltnr of th*« above compifny. wbethef
connected with the Trader*' Pntley Holders*
Company or slmn»r*t>nrinhatlons. can realii-w
55 ncr rent of tbelr adjusted' cUlm by eotn-
munteatln? with • • •
W»4 Matn.it Savlnirs B»nk Buildl»«*.
\u25a0• PS.oa» Temporary 1937.
ju^oi^i ,:j isX£*' r%l r:vt *' *
100 Ilulihar-l VMlott (Alaska^ <Q $4.50.
100 fTnmMl(tt.h<-ewer» stnek (*J 54."0.
100 Canadian Msrconf wtreleiw stock «f *I.W.
l.rwio Central mininff aad dev..<2 Queens) Q 13c.
2.--0 Bldwell cM motor « 4Or. .« . .
1.000 Taraaoa (Mexico) Q* 23c.
1.000 Klectric Heatlnj: and Mfg. Jl. A.V Q 33c.
1.000 BilnkJ.il 1 copper (Shasta Co.> & 13c.
l.ono Goldfleld* Coming Nation & 20c. • *
2.000 Alaska petroleum and coal (Treaa.V 0 13c.
3,000 AUetrhany mining -<* 12t. . , •* .
R .American Marconi wireless *fi *|40.
IS Chiapd-i mhber plantation 6% $S5. •
50 raited wtreslesa pref. «ij $S
I,loo 'Costs Be* mhh»r pref. (fi $<\u25a0
! , TR. F. WAYL.\ND** CO.. Sgp.
J P. O. cox 754. San Joae. Cal.
A water plant snpnlvlns a- rmwlne
rallfornla town can be nnrchased for $70,000.
It has been established 23 years am? provMes
an abundance of pure- water * At tli pric»
asketl it will return 7 -per cent net *p*C
s snnnm^on tho Invpsfment In mcr»th!r .tottli^
tnents. JOHN" T. fIF.r.L & SON. 304 Six-
teeatii street, corner Telegraph. Oakland.
REKAR economic rock drill stock: 3.5 m share«i
at BOc p»r shar». a harsaln: can be deliv»r*<l
immettiately: <\u25a0-• npnn.v's price. $1.50. n^t
come flrst served. Investnieat. box 541. Oak*
land. Cal. A
IF- von have a. few dollars to lavest hi a v**X
mine; unswcr thf* »d. ami yo" will maka
mmcv hv rtotng so. Bny^2R27. Call ofnee.-
. . . . . . tt^ *™^ mmmm *r*™*^ „
MONEY for.B. Go'<L*mltli '(formerly of 300 34.
st.. Ssn F»nc»wv>\ nr purtieo sendtns address'
to T.Omg.V nKRBjrK^ 07? Hayes »t. \u25a0
A—. DR. -n. E. MeLEAX.
nalr S->ect-»llj>t. ...
Formerlv -Call Building. .* *
\u25a0 I.» still mannfsetnrlns her celebrated hair and
shin preparation at 504 BrofVrlHe st.. nuder
tbeJimme of the E. R. McLAIN MAUFAC-
TUniNG CO. The «Temi>n<l Is areater than
ever for her Cole"»n -js-al Hair Tonic (tar oily.
-. hair». Dandelion Danrfmr Cnr», TT»Teltoe Hatr
>,Tonlc-(for thin, dry'an'l brittle hair).
• Hair Grower Pomade — *>T«n» etatment.
Cures Ecrema. If chine SSIn. Pimples, etc , *
Chilean Ha!r Bestorer (for restoring hair to' .
it» orlirlnal color >. • ,
Hasellne Cold Cream '< (without a • peer as' a
_ sk«n food). - • ,*"
Medicated Fac« Powder and nnmerous otoer
. pr»Da rations. • • . . *
-• Free diagnosis Monday ami Frtd»v. between
..- 2 and ;4: p. m. Telephone West .7374. \u25a0
RAG csrpets wove to order -and for sal*: alsn
chenllle-wove • rugs, silk portieres: handnom*
Cuff msrs made from your oM carpets; ««— n-1 ,
for jTJrcnlars. Geo. Matthews. 709 sth at. Oak.
•WIGS, tonpees. front pieces, that at; purest hslr !
. need: hair dresatne. shampooing, dveln^.ete.
G. LEDERER. 2271 California «t. near Web-
ster. formerly at 123 Stockton: entab. 1366. . *
THEO. TREYER..th* wig and toupe* maker.*
formerly of 331 Kearny st.. now p«rmanentlr
located et northwest corner California anil '
Kearny sta.. offices 34 and , ,
MASSAGE parlors: Invizofatinr 'and stimnlatln«
weak:, treatment for. scalp and'skin. Apts. 1.
2 and 3. 1728 OTsrrell st.
$100 on deposit for you If your hair cannot tm
restored; nbnudance of natural hair. C. E. H.
T. QO.. 730 Hayes at. »
FISHING baskets, hampers, baby carriages:
manafacturlnir. repairing. renovating- all*
kinds. 1418 Ellis at. - « .
PROSPECTOR wants grub stake to prospect
Arizona. 3onora and Lower California. Box
2<U7, Call offlce.
L. RAY. vibratory and electrical treatments:
massen»e. Pon bldg., suit 27-23, 1013 FUBnore.
SALCBRIN cure* all "Skin, diseases, burns and
sores. Agency Si> Sharon st. 50c a bottle.
ZIANCHO Lagnna creamery — Wbols.. retail deal-
era in butter, milk, cream, eggs. 2441 Mission.
BITY ycur macaroni direct from factory. Pomrwll
. Macaroni Factory. 10OS Alabama . at. nr j 22d. »
FishJnz baskets, bamperi. baby earrti?e«. mf* } \u25a0
repalrlßg. renovating all klnda. 1421- Wabster.
M ISS JOHNSON, nrof (N«sionsl masseus* and
eleotrical treatment^. 1021 FUlmore. nr. Pine.
MRS. .M. SnULZ Out-OS only), chlropodijit.- ma«-
sage. formerly 122,2 Lagnna.ncw at 11 IS . Tnrk. s
FOR piano* see' MRS. A. A. GOSBEB. with
- Kohler & Chase. 1329 Sotter. TeL Franklln2l4*.
MRS. HELEN DKBBER. • rr»>ltuitr masseusa.
12Qg Golden Gate ay.. near FlUmore st.
J. W. DONNELU or» to date photographer: >
open Sunday. 2282 Mission St.. near IJW*.
EI-ECTRIC vlbr^torr: try famons Assyrian
treatment.* 1031 Flllmor*. room ft.
MISS. IDA MOORE, mms-nette vibratory massage.
Rooms Sand 7. 1439 FHlmoro at. \u25a0
DR. M.AI7D INMAN. vaeunm dereloptng. re-
- moved to 912 Ellis st. second flat. ,
MME. GRRT. electrteal treatment for nervous
. d**e*mett. . 174« Gearv. •> -
~.^"S'.K'\ WALL PAPER." ~ ! *~\
Exclusive designa for , 1007. ' Retailed at whnli*.
sale 'prices: 50 per cast discount • from list.
FRASER* MeDONALD. Patnten- and Deco-
rators. 2323 ' FirjLMORE ST. nr., Wasalngtoa.
Phoo» : West 46«. .. • • .-- , ».- .-,.
AY.. TEL. \ PAGE 1313. " '"\u25a0'.-'
Palnthur." paper hanjiia* A ttnt; moder»te prices.
•-.-. C»H «w write C.. T. : KISSPL. 1*W1.4 WIN- .».* ,
*j* '.'. \: P "f jA ? T * g1 * 1 i '.*P.*gCOBATIOX9
PETKR PASSALI, decorator, plaster, compos!-'
\u0084,tlon. cement an* papier mache. 13C5 Valeneta.
t;rri' .- \u25a0 - theo: binnt.r. \u25a0 .
" *423-4 a** t4TH ST.* >TIETj. MARKKT -iat*.
1 rr" - photos /
CYKO; a splendid developing 'paper; all stze<i.
LtFto* Art C 0... 1814 Flllmerest. •
SCNSKT Ptatin* Works— <3old. silver., ulckot
* plating df»ne." 332 Clementin* «t. -Temn. 2411.*
\u25a0''_\u25a0'_\u25a0- \u25a0 - TRUXKS
'TRCNKS. suitcasc^r* cheapest and -.best in ctty.
-'—X.-V. 'Trunk tQrnapany. 308 Tan .New, a'v.
\*'4 s»i ,-"v \u25a0 •'.'UXXDOW^MHADEST-
SHADE Mfg.. 2503 Howard, cor. 21st: brass cur.
\u25a0•y friin rods.' paint wall paper. J. P. JOgRPEN.
"ADVANCE window f nude factory.. Order* fillet
- - at- short notice. GEO. WALCOM. H37 Tur* •*.
tWI.VDOW shade* made and repaired. - J. F. X
—HOTTER.- 004 Larkln »t. \u25a0 Phone aTrnnkHn 'jVVj.
yi?Li' ';. : BICYCLES -v-
.'J. tW.-i CORNELL. 'Sportlu-f^srooiis: * agency i for \u25a0
.~-Sb*U;: bicycles.; motor, cycles; 'repatrins. HO4
'\u25a0\u25a0^Valencia st. - '\u25a0* •\u25a0 *>•<- . . r--< i .
ryr^-X:.pivrbEXP i-xoTici -xoTicr 5 A';. '\u25a0\u25a0"' \u25a0.
DIVIDEND -NOTICE— The Giant Powder Com-
.v.18-B.v.» t * nn< oll il» tcd. Giant « ta tlon. , California :
* . Atallvldend, ». « li». ot fifty cents- <s*".y * per
- > shr2r?'»n * the. Issued capital stock of . the com- -
''-\u25a0panyitsa been deehire<L payable May 10,- 19»»T.
-^Transfer \u25a0 h»S« ' will cloaei \u25a0• May 3» . 190*. at .
noon. Checks will be mailed.
:V C. C..QULNN, Secietaok

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