OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, May 02, 1907, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1907-05-02/ed-1/seq-15/

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Thumbnail for 15

Bnnker Hi 11. .2 .50 .—lKean*. — IKean* Wonder — 75
«vn Knrefca... — M>iSoutheni' Belle 40. .—:. — :
'.'^rkrrjk fla'-''3t; "^
. « Tonopah District
fr^lmont — 4.soiMacNsmar* ... -45 47
1 Boston c Toft.- i .12 "—lMidwav" — IMidwav ..... : ." — J.WI
« -alifnrcla-. .v 12 . -IMiqtib Ei..». 45
JTasliboy OS lOiMontana ..*... 3. 15 5. 47
f>(» rani* ' .*. . OJ * pSlMont Mid Er. 09 10
luvka Ton... — -: •<>$', Mon Pittsh Hi 15 20
Cr.ldpu AnclirtT' Si •".: 4 Nevada Alpine .—. — l.::0
<Jrildcn Crown 12 14 {North Star.... 36 SS
r.olj Mountain 03 «.i."> Ohio Tonopab. 04 <i 5
«,n!d Mtn .Coir.' — «. <i-.' PajtnaMT ..."01 .12
:r.rrat Western -fl't. ,04; Bed Rock Ki. 02- 03
IL'im^c... ':..\u25a0•. " 07. - 1 Mi Rescue. Cons.:. 17 -IS
InOiaip'.Ton.V of 03,Tonopah Ex.:.3 .2 5 3,"0 '
I»ivj« Tooop4h« (>7- — Ton Gold .West* — 14
Jim B-JilfT.-. . 1.05 l.'tWTbn /Silver & G 03 "-
.l;m Biitf^rlEx' — .l«|To.n of Nev.. - — 19.T.0"
L'.Uie T0n. .,. „_ — 2.«5j West End. . ... .— 1 .2S
'\u25a0 •'.' / . G/>ldfl'eld District . '
Afivtaii'- .. 5 .?.. "1.9 iS»;Gfld*3d Chance 27
Al'ih» •:\u25a0-. •'.\u25a0:;,.. -^ 11 r.rsndinii 22- 23
ATfrma." .V { .-...'77 7K:Kr«>at B»nd: . .1 .00 I .«>.*»
B*ltim»rp rffid; — *. O3!(!r<Hit Bond An £l
H»dil \u25a0.'..'.^ :J. -^-,-40'Grt Hnnri ton — n»
Blar* Aritt.!. 10 •.41',Orr»t Bond Ex 26 • -27
H B B.»na'tfza ." M.-';if(Jrt Bend Frae 1 OX M
K'k Huuc-t:*: 11. n!Hibrrn:a ...... 12' IS
Hifxk Rwci-:. . 07 t>»;Ji]mbq- .' —4.10
KUif Bell, 24 rS'Jumbo Ex.... .2.25 2.17
ftliio Bull.*.;;/ +fi .47jJum KvLfM 11 —
VUij^ <?uarfi... . 15 JKendall ;..*... 44. Ad
Knvikljw ...•-'•—•• ]).'.. Kondn II Xx 'ai «il
iUiltr <;<>l<l«d..' 07-- •--'I.xpitna 1 .F. 3.1.7'}. 1 .7'}
K.".th'.". \u0084;..•..- jo.. ZJtijone Stuj-..-.'. .'\u25a0 .nn • -::2
« uJifto-h:*. •;•;. .•.-:-^ • " 75|1/>u- DiHon. .'« ." 15 • Hi
\u25a0•'"iuinliix .Mtw -K7. " fH'Majcn* ".: \u25a0'. \u25a012 • ii
Otiun* MthEx" 07' « <»! Mar Queen" Xx". «X -' —
«'«ni FriiCti.Mi.4.49.-4.4r»bl(lti{:t -Pawnee 08 .. —
. <~<>inpi.«nwt7iljji; n». . «O'Milltawn M jCo . — ':»
<*<imjnc Nifrion, *.*«. . 27;Mi!ltown Frac .—. — . Oft
Conitupi-of'--.":. 1 :,*n" :*— ;MohaVrfc :'-— I7",«to
. CrsMcer lmek/i 24. SSMohawk- A'n.. . 04- <k»
.T)«Li.tr ....•;. A.i.""*. 2.»».*.;Mbk' Con -L<>as" 2S '29
\u25a0l»awy? Ex-. '.-:.. : O6 * «:7fMobawk Kj.-. .- 21 V —
Hcwrt \u25a0C)iirc;-n-. '-*> 'O'lMolfawk "Junior" — 08
Descrf riwef. .: — ••\u25a0 lO'-Nrvart*- 80y. ..-. 15 ..-:»$
l>fl<i-n u.«'rti^;. 57.- . ::s]Xpradii GordAl — 3S
!>fl.l Trlanjrl*. • .*J9 . *O,S?w W«nt2rn:.. — . O5
l»ixip I::'. ' -JO. •\u25a0l2i#>fo : '. . . 35 'T8
JVwntnion .• i\4 •• 05JOM Gbld"Mlnes • — • '0Z
Kinpirp- .V". Mi, 1« : ll»jPalac» Goldtfd. '. 16 -^
KsinmiMa.;-..,...'. • 2^- v;\ Ponnsrlvania . . '— . 03
riorcni-c -,..-. .'.6. <v». 6.2sjP()Match ; V.-i..-. — ' -fio
liotfTa-C t*V. •« .. -rfße<{ .Hills.-. ... S»^6l
Vrenccs-Mtlt.-:- — '.i:4n[Reit Lion.,.v. . f{l "' id
Vth^n ...;.;/. ' 12- " ~.iße-(l Top Ki..- 44 ' 15
«".V:1 .\u25a0Ba'r.Gllrt-." '— ' !.<)•)! Red Top'Frtc.-'. — \u25a0 11
Oo)<1 Bsr Tynin* 1«J-' - li'ißuby : GM Po. — '"R.it
<;n!rtfia"B»ih i k;- —^" l.&lSajidstor'm "... . 70 71
r,t£ C->lief*.7.«7 s.u.i s.imi«t<>rtn F.I. -07' 'OS
<:.wM«jj «:,,g,f.. 34.'- ialSfW*r.p|Ck IATJ.SH
(VMA n-irrrka.- -r, .'. Sft'SilV-z-r Pick' Ex OR .]O
Gt4£4<F**&*'~Qf i"WT*I -.1v*.«...:\ ..l 42 i 47
<:a.s.«Vß>r r-? — \u25a0•"24! St Ivps J^aa... 12' !"i
Golfliia HffsM'; — • :. Onißiin'-IJr-Kw.':. : ' 01 04
i:f!4 N* of v. , r i *,Tt . \u25a0—< Treasare .-.'. . :.- il ' _
n.>MSa\..f^iit'"PS - .<K>iV*»rde •»'... .1..- -i- -C 3
cre-i-.f/.rfWTKi.-.T^s .. ;u;vem»i: ;.:*.:.. -22 ••••3
« W4 rt • .. : ' .04' : . 05
GnM-- H ; JT;;. ; --r-.-.-ftfifTcllow RrtSf;..- 11' 12
C,t\ V Strißp.;.--^. .•..15(,-Vel!ow.-Tllt«r.;- 20.""--
Kf-i |C««3saM>,*^39 llSOiTellow Top.'... -— -."". 07
i;«H;Sor«Jrj.%n- : i5V.-^.l -. . " ;- : -.- \u25a0:.; •' •• '
V-^A- •:•: "•• \u25a0.-.P* 11 ?^?* Diitrlct". '/' ;?'..-;-.-'
-Aro»-rxo*»<s. M, SIQX *•. -^'Hip Hooli^a'nJ ' — .- ' OS .
-T. -..; '4t'. • f2,'Home»tk. King. — '1.00
rti>»tty M«:x v <i -rr*. •"Jl.iLiire Harris 03 •'• o+
Rx c BWlTr^.:,- m.- \u25a0 O4.;LUtle .' Bullfrog -02 '-0:1
Itf^i*.-Sn»,r; . .": -IS ' rViHaJ-floWer Con., 4S . 4!>
Hr>n*:&lt]fio!4' —\u25a0 05i Mayflower Ex. -—' i 2
Riitlnie riar*--. 41 '* \u25a0»«'(Mopt«na- Bltrg. .05 >!*&>
Hlfji Baiin>r. ,^-J\ «oi"Mt .HUI Mines — • >'W
\u25a0 KWfih* <"iVartt:. — • «siUontgomry Mt.- —..'2l-
Kfri: Dfl-isj-.i.'^;;-.:JS:Uon{-Shosh.Ex. 11 t2
Bi!.'Jftog.3Ci.;. \u25a0 l<»;N«rpi!in ....... 15" 1R :
.nitffcr'Jtfnjper.. -rr"' \u2666'2.N"BEg>.t '. ...:\u25a0' .08-- 09
ny'tsti'MiA*?:: »r. oid Sol Bifrg.-'— '2».
:i?rffij:M C<* N' '.23 ::'•;•« Oriitlaal Blfrg, \u25a0' 15.' :: lfi
\u25a0 RJffgrNatfßW SS. . 37;Pbna Bonanza. -. — -.10
;.B!fPC'-.N '-R-fav; -^ Ofilßod 8ird..,, . : ; .03 ' — '
Wfrg'-.-PM*sta) "— -. «»;R<m Dog. .;.._•: — I.V
Bl:firs:-S«ftp-<rt.V--^ li nhrolife ' Twnsfr' 02 -04
«Blfrff;Vic't»k:. . ISV. =--;sh*tb<*f ..: «3 : . — .
: ftroii'sne \u25a0;..;.;•., \u25a0\u25a0 2o.'!*hos-Bfrjr frold 06 ' —
= T)en.:BLTrc! Ai\. .12.: -rtSUosh Nati Bk' 03 04
\u25a0TM«mviria..B?r£ ;~~i iSlKtelnway • ': 11 - : .-— ':
Gold.. Bar--/.. .--. :Sl': Sl' ' f"S;Tcarnp Cons, . 1 • S7 ',-fQ'
*J»>lfi B»r = fex> •— • . Jpf'Valley View..... — SO
JJpldcs S«*.prt» \u25a0 r~ '.;. .^OvraJJkfe. Girl.. >, OS '10
I. ::\u25a0'•\u25a0.• ::• '•' Manhattan' ;D'l«|rlct \u25a0'.:.\u25a0 ;'"\u25a0' -
A.pfif FobT-Ei* «2"'. 03IMan fi-O» N>v'. ''~L. \u25a0' 12
Ail«nrA-:P».o':.; -,ft 3 . oJMsn Mamn>!>tl» — .' 11
B'^iinc*- f.f(. -. 17 : — iM»n Mwhawk..,. — . !O
.'Bnri .Jtos .;..:;. >.-h-\' .pSlMaa'Mnnarrh..- 06 '• «>7
Cimuejf .:\u25a0:;.,, .02.-. nr>lMan Monitor. . — 05
I»oftti:» Iwiplfi;"- I<\{: \u25a0 .«— jjrfan -Ser Sonth '—^' «i.V
= (i014.WM5»./..-.-'- 10 Man Rod Topi 02- Vij
«-r»jtcAr :«{\u25a0 >i, • • 21", r.'CiMan Ttuyo .:..;—• or
If iiia?rra?f • .. ;\u25a0\u25a0. '\u25a0 Js \u25a0• i»\ Mail fry M4nett . —- \u25a0 . 3 Q
rlnflfM .OafnpJ. \u25a0^-\u25a0'. 12; Ma» Srahdard. "02 ' 0*
; Jnm>'lnp -Jflrk.- . • i>o. Msti SU Pick 7'—: iQ
1/iulii «rer;.:;- 22- — TMan : Shonbar. ; •if \u25a0 I— .
'M«^.. A tia'B :...., .— -: ..•s;m»» V»«ie 03- — ;
' ?^«.n.../Be|JK«nt . .01.' : U2lM'an'--Wlscnn*}B. :'-<- ' -C 5:
' M«n< : Bi^- Kotir-.- **f -»j Mineral IIH1. . ; -~ . 05-
Man':: Broncho.. 12- ISiMttsting Mas. "21 -"3
Mail-. Buffalo.;.' •?•< WiMilSUog An.-.. • 01- fi^>
\u25a0Maa; : «>jjtfcal. ;. -*t2. • ---'MiMtajnr Ex. '.V. 16 -17
M^nlrCops". .;..-'. \u25a0.60;...<t-iN>mo Man,.-.. \~-- ;2
M»ofoa-&..'.;V .^Original Man. W-.20
Man --.('OBsJt _.".' -^-. ii4'Piiie 'Nqt .'.-.". .. IH~ '&
UfUflOreacjear^'i .06- ' <!S!Rbcky v H|ij...; '-'OS. \u25a0• —
Maa:.r^hK.r.".! -04 or. i Se.rLer -Hmphry- flU'.m
Man ..Drij^r.. ... i» . : 'jH Striy Dog. -. . : . \u25a0\u25a0. 2tt \u25a0'.'\u25a0 js(
*la.n;.- Q inijt . /.. ' -;— •' . .f».T«ttjtiftna ' Coppr. -\u25a0— • " fls
«.tf. CE. f;«W rf-'; •SO.'TfiaHksgivJng;-. " 55- trt
. M«o-*ioid.'>'nij : ''tßifßHed. M^n. . .' \^> 10
m*b : Huttboifft m: «?» Whai* ':.'. ; •: . _;: \u25a0: <m- •i«
Man '.J-unrbo.;^ -r-i '4t*T-eUow: Htirse'i . ' OS- 07.
Majß+iuJe Joe . <a -o*l •;;. . ;;; .=: •' f \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0;.: i- 1 \u25a0\u25a0.
\u25a0\u25a0£\u25a0 \ : .\'i' : J'!y.:; 'i***"* -.nistri^t* .'. ; : : J : '- '--'=>T,"i
;vii'-e .of "JTon. --r-:-. i&iNev. 1 . J>ev '-Co.-. ' -^-" ; oS
.-^mirtta.v,.:'.-. in . lSJNevad* Hftis.;' -^-' i'M
\u25a0|.iyJunj'.Copi... 10 "J2iNcrHills Ab; •^'\u25a0\u25a0'- JS
C.a*rt3e-s"_V<.Rr., fi-: ; >i.vN>v. Jlills- Ex.-'-^C ' 44!
•r*ir"<? .Boiuldc-' $0 '.V>N#t -G'Dev <:\u25a0«•--• '05
I'vw-Htil^ooei \u25a0** *?9iNeva.d!i Wonde't- 17 ; - —^\u25a0
f«irrw : n»i:l». :p% 7<»,Vf>w Bel Amal Mi- '52
Irvw, S'.-Kin?. '/if* :44jN Star Wonder lO.> 12 :
Klor.G.Beia X "~r 20:l*iMnh S '•Pjeat.'l;>is "l 9£
Flotrnce- l#»«' Kfl. . .— (P.rrarnid ': i i\ 45.-^'
•ToMyke .Peef : :-'-'.iJ' : :i4',Rcx .WondVc. :• 05: _
fm\i Quartx. r. :\u25a0..—. . :;.V »t»jfcr* MAM -i-- OS
W« Mines..,., r^. Mt.. ;%. .4,' i do
Ida Mac Ajinex :\u25a0— i- 05! Rouha Mf " Exi .20 ; «*f
Interstate .;.. ;-£; 05; R Mt Blue Jkt -^-i : "€i
Jsck P0t,.,;. — .I.2o.;Rii<l Mt!?llhwk IX I' i.J>-
Jefferson Apex — *\u25a0 l7ißnby Wonder. -^-' 3^
Johnnie Cbn*. ft* . — 's«-]JiV Conxol::' -*4:. «2:
Kw..h Mx^» N •\u25a0_!. OlrSicrra M A -M —: It
'-^ Bonans*.. — . jo:^ P Exeeißtor.-'iff" li
Lirard M Co. 25' ~,'Sm«ky VallevV
l.yvt Cre^k.-^Kes — jSpWer,^ Wasp". :t.oa: -4-
Mtoax ,Pedras.l.2A- . — Viiitnre ..-.;..-• i*-' .-4ft
Uocnts Cedar. It 20JWndrJnd' *. OvJPJK&ZZ
Mbwk Jotainle -*\u25a0\u25a0 • 17J Wonder Oonsv,:- \2Sr''. — '
«»n Frnnrl.™ Mlnlnc KxchanWe
:>\u25a0 .\u25a0 •:.: '9-13- \u25a0«. : -m. ; Regnla'r;Sessle&~ j \u25a0 h
• KIOO Atlanta .:..: 71H00Q Red : HDls : .V:> •«>
lW>r. Atlanta ../... 72:2000 . Do, : s 10. ..: W)
\u25a0s.w> Atlanta; •.:.-,•; 73;i<>oo 0r0. ..„;., : - \u25a037
• l'V'fl AtJanta. t> 5:. . 741 200 Gld>Con M' "« GO
OfJf- Refee R qua . 25; 30p Palsy . ;. . . . j.'l2*i
' .:. =-;' .\u25a0•'.Xl:3O;a: nj. Regubo- Session. .;\u25a0•:.•.
-.. r.m Aaaßta : '.;. :.L \u25a0 781 vm Silver Pick • . ;l 15
II2S Br ? B( ' ho ••••'.- : 32ji000 Pni ;B; B Ji%, iujß si
-JWin {!j-j Humphrey rwlsKKI Cld Red Kinr SJ
.£oOO.A.aaflta. .;.„ . t6;2000;.Oro ...•,:.'..•:_ 38
... .:\u25a0.\u25a0 .'.•-.\u25a0•!!! •\u25a0\u25a0."\u25a0"-\u25a0; r P- ' »• Session '\u25a0:'\u25a0 • '"-r -•."'. : -.
JCn«B".t)mdfld : .'Trasl. -13] AOQ. Atlanta \u25a0.'""• 73'
V*Y* Pniplre ...;.U. UjlftOO Butte GMafieii i,-9
hm Orp. b 30. :s. \u25a0 3*51 200 Tranjp C,'*.s 00.
•' .'.iVP.ua S Pk;L,fl2H'i'*'Oo Kewanon: ~..:.\'Ji
1"V/-R>4 -Hills.. ;-,/. 00'OuO Bplmoct AniiL- r>3
l«i 3tLiai>n Ex ...2.2a 7000 Gldfld fnh>a.. : 01
!"<(<. r..Snifa}6n '\u0084,. 0512000 G Bendi-.'b S.tiQ2*A
lonp.Gidfd-wpae.i.: «3i . ./ ..;\u25a0•.: *
';-\u25a0 .• V . \u0084*.JOSISG QCOTATIOXS . . ''= [i. .; . ;
-V- '-.°./'. -. •Tpnopah^Dlstrlct .! '"" " ''.}' . \u25a0' '
<i":- ;\u25a0..-- ' BM.Ask.l \u25a0 :'\u25a0' : - v :;.'; -JBld A«k"
O»b »B<MC: ". . . •10 . 11 Ton Ht '..3.12W 3a7tt
(-rexl, -W.^slrn'.. -<i 3o; Tm Home .iV .-^ if)
J Bui)pit'.a.o7*4 f,l2Vi!Ton: X SUr..." SS' 40
M«nt Ex :0J» lOiW; Gbd e0n.1.17»i 125
ri.Tmeß{cr :., 02 92ViJ \u25a0 • • '.' •..• . • v :•.
• "•'• '/C-;, .' O>ida>ld District. : .'" \u25a0 ' •' .
Attteti \u25a0\u25a0.'.:.".. -.74. . T'Jl.Hiternla '..'...' 12 14
Bine Boll' ... 45 4d Jumbo Ex .;..2.2*"2 30
RUrk -Ksck".. -.ft- OS KVndair Ex : : . .• *04. —
Booth' ••.-,•,\u25a0.....\u25a0. '63 ' — : ;ijone Star rii'S • 29 • • So
; r^iunshja ; /.. ; ,=^-. ' KiMayne ... .;. .• — 14
«V>ni ErartUmA. 2o 4,4oi X<>vada BoY • is' 1»
Cracker" Jack. S3 25j0r0 ....... ;i . 34 X 6
l»niMr .......... '— - 2.o7'ilPotlaU-hj ..;.. — '\u25a0 ' gft
"Dm fl pn#:;e.;-'3.% - 37iRed HIUs ..;. 59 fiO
I>mrffld.;.TrßgU; 38 • 40!«wl Lion .. . 13 ' J0
iykj*. .:--..,:.. :ii i: rh Top ex. . 43 "44
Unmlninß- ..: . . • 02V4 03"Sacd*tortn . . . • -«S"
Empire; ..'.;;.. ':-)7 .. IK'.SUver- Pick ..i:iX». 1.J5
llorpnhe" -.-... .".6..20 f?,2s!S|#arhcad Frc. •— " 23
\u25a0•GiSd. KeVvan,o*. • — 1.30|5. Ives ... ...1.'*2%' 1.45
' «;ran*m>i ..:•..-" -20 .' --ri Wonder ..;\u25a0.:. 04 \u25a0 - 03
Crttt -.B.end-.1-.oo:i.p2i4iy«Uow: fiose..-.- .12 14
-.• '\u25a0/:-. '.Bulifroif District. : "• '.•-. • .
Ki-frs. '.Cbjn.- . » .:i-^' ..OC.Marllowcr Con .47 • * 4J5
Wl B*> «».5 .-S^Mttf Sho* Ex.' 12 13
!r«niest«lt#' K.I. 'JO •'— rti-amp -Cnn •.:< K7 Ul)
I.ipe llzrriß, .;\u25a0O4 - . «(5] >" a r koo JlJlrl -. . : -03 ' 04
•'.'.• IV ''• Itlaiihattarf District — . ""•".' :
AiV f'not: Ex. 02. "" 03!M«n- t.rttle ; Joe .03 03 4
".<;• W.. . 21" — [Mut-Tang 'Man.. -22 --^-
MrS Broaehq. -ll • 12inri«r* M«n. \u0084. ". -,30.-
Msjo-R.mer, .'. Ifi"* JfijJVlletl- Home.: m 07
Man Jfombldf. f& -lOiSjl Humphrer -qs 03.
. ... . .... • ..^^^ t .pj Btr , ctß •'•\u25a0•'
Ko!' -Belle 'Mm.--V4O:V 40: .— 'JMtts* S Pk.l-."90- 1".92H
" .' , .•'. : ' . -<>OMSTOCKS *••"..
\u25a0.'/"•••!-.\u25a0 -BSd-Ask.!- . • : Bld.Aik.
Ajpha •• .f. ,:..•.', 12 15 Hale A .Xorc. ".71 -75
\u25a0 ArAt*'".'. ..'»..- 22 . — tMexicaa-'' . 78 • —
I»rfch>» >\u0084..:.' 51 Opblr ....... '.2. 3fi
Bcillon .»...'.. \9 '\u25a0 — 'O«-«-rnjan ....; 10* — '\u25a0
Ojedotla-.,..' 35» — i ltctost '..'..... W 11
ChjiUrßptf ..'. Z3 • — ;s.r"rpion —
Or Mvperia!., 02 •" ~! Sierra Xcv -..,-45
Crown. Pelnt... *3 • — iirtib ..*.. :..'.. 04 —
«bnld .4: Cur." S5 —iUrion Con ... 44« —
Grant} Lodge of Masons Lays Comer-
stone of Kew Church Named
,'' ''..'• ; . . for. Divine • *
BOIJSE, Idaho. MaY l'— The fifth annual con
tfTpjift' of t r.e seventh missionary departmfnt
of the Episcopal rliurch was held at St.
Mieii«ei>.r»fhPdral tlii».momte«r with a sermon
by, B'.^hop Tutile aud the celebration of holy
communion. ' * • • " : .
.The-cornerttone-of the. new Bishop . Tattle
cfcurch was Jala In the evening amid impressive
cpremoc^es by the grand lodge of .'Masons of
ItisbO. . - • ;>,^--*. - ..\u25a0.- .: \u25a0 .\u25a0 \u25a0f-
The state* represented are California , Wasb-
In^ton. Otah. l&xix* Oregon, Arizona and
To v Bring Criminal Action
Against Boodler Who \u25a0
Career of "Flimsy Theater
to Be Brought to
; • v an End '.\u25a0.*
The Tjoard of public works took steps
yes.terday to rid 'the city of the Ruef-
Davig flretrap which disgraces McAl
lister street. The board adopted a res
olution calling: upon District Attorney
Lapgdrin to point out the necessary
procedure so that a criminal action
\u25a0inlght-tie Instituted against Supervisor
Sam Davis ($11,250).. Although, Davis
has feeen ordered repeatedly either to
close the fifetrap or to make It conform
to- the. city .ordinances he .has stead
fastly, refused' to take a.ny action, re
lying upon the favor of Ape Ruef and
.Mayor 'SchmUs to permit him- to con
t!nue;to violate the plain statutes. The
resolutions adopted by the board of
works are in. part as follows: '
: Whereas. It ] s shown that neither in struc
•tural esspntials. nor ; in equipment for fire pro
tection,-doe* 'the said Davis theater building
conform' to the requirements of the present
ortfnhnce, nor did It ever, in either respect, con
form to those of the old ordinance; thst In
deference, to -a "request' made by the board of
fire- wardens, in that behalf, this board did on
the, 15th day of March. 1907, and again on the
20t.h day of March. 1007. 4a writing, direct the :
proprietor and mantirer of the said Davis the
ater tn. install forthwith In the said theater
. buildm? .certain «>quipments for fir* protection,
specially provided for in and required by eec
tlQn:l4l of *ai<l ordinance. No. 31 (new neriei>V;
• th«t the .paid proprietor andmanager has failed,
\u25a0jjerlectpd .and refused to. comply 1 with the re
quirement* of the. direction, aforesaid;
: ResolvM. That the district attorney of the
city and- county he. and he !s hereby respect
fully requested to. ' advise this board at the
: earliest date possible as to the procedure acces
sary to be taken by .it in order to insure prompt
• and successful, criminal prosecution -in the'
premises. '. >-<.:.,:•;>\u25a0.
Niew Orleans Merchant Asks for Ban
\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . oh Colored Men in Bestowal \u25a0• .
:;. ":... ./of Scholarships •
.NEW ORLEANS,: May l.—Gustaf R.
W«stfceldU a prosrinent business man"
of. New- Orleans en.3 a member of the
.hoard .'of administration of Tulane uni
versity, Jias written, a letter to the
British -embassador at Washington ad-
Vising ' aßafast the appointment of a
Pennsylvania.-, rtegrO to one of 'the
Rhodes scholarship?." He says that he
believe* tl>e appointment of negroes
/wyuld ma.ke. the. Rhodes scholarships
unpopular, in the south. . '..';.>
.Antonio: Ro^i and wife to Ralvatore Dlto and
wife, lot an.E line-'.of Lafayette street,. 99 S o'
t/Oion, S IS By E S?:*!; |10. :
\u25a0 ;Edmiihd. Boutry to Joseph Rtockelov, lot on E
Ll"*^o^l^*L I "*^ o^ l^** 11 * tl * et . YaM N of Jackson, N 20
...Richard' Slalone to" William J. Vaccari, lot
n° 2. I1"^I 1 "^ °v f ; Filbert ctreet ' &7 wot Webster,
W 50:« by X 120; 510.
James Newlands .and wife to Dora M. Thurs
ton, lot on the.Tw'W corner of Clay and Devisa
dero.suwtp. N:27.:10i,4 by. W 120; $10.
':Geol-ff» P.' Th.ilrston-to Dora M. Thurston:
same;-, jift. .-...- -,
..Mary.E,' Reene ta Wiillam \V, Deamer et 'al.
lot en S line- of WaghliUfton etreet, 103 Wof
PoJk.MV 130 Uy. 8 .127:5i,4; UO. : ' • • • •
Utrry Heffertfan *'t »I.io An<Jrew Gllmour. lot
oa w line of £hotw«ll street. fiO. H or Twenty-
Uiird,X 19.. by W 122:6;- si;6oa }-™™J
-Marion. HenTernah- to ram>; same; $10 ''• •'
' ;,J.. H.. Beckman ahd wife-tosarae! same: $10. .
l^nfel; Murphy/ taJxtot* F.. Ecbe and Wife,' lot
8^ 0 ,* 1?'81^*-'1121 ?' Bl^*-' ll2 E of CTnerrero.
E; "-'8 by. a 82' |10, ..•.-. ; . - V
, :Edward j. \u25a0 McGiye.rh %oi wife to Union- invest
: tatn* company, -lot on- N line rt Jersey street- 23
\V of ChaUanoos*. W,2sby N 114; $10.' .
..William J. Conrad • and wife • to William
uS&S&fS&g ?o.t'on-«E? o . t ' on -«E «be of Majestic, avenue.
IJS JsE of Hearst .street. XE 25" by SE 100; $350 •
.. Homestead realty company to : Morris Sonmer."
l«?t on &w : line of Go«tflniren,' street. 150-NW
«f FeJton.. XW 50 trv'SW 100; $10 • •
;;. James H. -Swift and. irlfe to Christ .Twed'all
fVd.wife. lot on B line .of Diamond street, 210
N.of.Tweutjvßeoonxi." E- 125.by N 25; $10.
\u25a0 .. Jn^n ; H: Grady .. and.' wife . to Bert . MJUer, lot
on NE line. -of. Japan; atehue. 50 XWof Athens
strettiXtt- s^o by AEIOOMIO. . " "
: F. : .A. . Carlson and wife to" Thomas' Mad-
K^pm-k. .- lot 09 S-lineof/Sarjrent street,- 100 E-
Of-- Head,;, fi: 50- by.- S -10Q; ; $10. ' , -• • . •
:^ T -- S. Pottfr : tealfy companf to.Newton A
Wise: and wire. lots. 3S "and -39, block S8 Reis
tr»ct; gran.t.' \u25a0'.'.'' ';.\u25a0-.. -.
T-j^tS^J "£'• P* o ***?- t* ** Frank, lota 1, J5 to
14, block- it;.-. Mlmioa'xtree*t. land-company;- $10
Jnhn Costtfllo et aL,to:F...Oc*s. lot on S line
v^«»|. f- McKeoa to-Mary' J; MeKeon. . lot 'on
if^lS^' 79:2 X otrint '
M«r|aret ; M;" ft>ne.f. *t hi. tr> "Louis' Jame». Ibt
on 8E line of- S.t even son street, 175 .NE of
Mnth. >'E2s"by SE" 75; 410. \u25a0
• Thonisir :X#'vij and ': wife to.'' Peter Eastbiirr
,«>t on-.:K;]ihe.of LJztle Btrept. 100:3 E of VJ»
*ioa <*s wiacoedV. E 27:3 by N 70, Cobb. tract',
• EiiMbcin-P. Freeinaa to Elizabeth Kocbl lot:
on S Ope of Twenty-third street, 233 E of
Guerrero. E -27jl :by'..S 100: $10. \u25a0 -.
; . Cad Wen*cker fet'-'ai. to Theodore Wedell and
wife;, lot on X line. of Twenty-third street, S7:C
E of Chatta»ooga,-E.-SO,by -S' 40, and one" other
..piece; $10. - ." ." . .- . " ; /, • 1. , ;
• • Aridcptc: J. -and .Matgaret Donovan to Albert
\u25a0M. Bj»rk. lot on. N line of Duncan street, 107-4
E of Xoe. E26 by..>" n?;*$10. • > •
; lli-rnUKrii ' fit'U a«fd wife to Kresjenka 'Horathi
\u25a0lot on XW 'line of Edinburgh street,- -ISO' ME
DfFrance avenoe,"- XB.23,byNW 100: $lt>." 1 \u25a0
'. Jacob Hfym«n oomparry to August \u25a0 Kreth" and
wife, lot .00 XE line -of Fourteenth avenue south.
50 MV of I, street. XW 25 by XE 100; $10j
-..Maiy..A:- Keyfti et-M. to Dennis Hickev.- lot
ion X Uine of." Hlgtfland street: 193 W of "Holly
Park »v«riue^ \y 25,. X 80:3, SE 25^, S 85-2
$lO.- • • • . • \u25a0'..-.•
• Colonel- 4. and • Beatrice G. . Williamson to
Elha.Vtti .•Collins,.- lot on S line of X street,
\u25a082:^ W of -Eighth avenne. W. 25 by 8 85; $10.
• R. l\. -Ddrn and wife, to ' Willfam H. Price
•and wife; .ICt. on" W line, of Second avenue. 275
"X t)f B'stteft, N. ESbytV 120; $10. \u25a0\u25a0-
\u25a0••• "Rnpert'a.n'd I&a: Wannenmacher to.WJlhelmlna
J. and \u25a0C." R. Wllklns, lot on N line of Hayes
'street. 65 "W of Buchanan, \u25a0 W 27 by X 85; $10.
••• "Mary. UcE^lbbln to IJenry B. Lester. . half
Af -lots 22f1, "22» and 230. gift nmp 3; $10.
\u25a0 G^rite F* I^ypn to Frederick W. Crowell. lot
on X -line of Tenth avenue, 250 X of X' street
.N 25. by.E ISO"; $10.v" \u0084 . _
• Antonio Tajsjssano et al. to Daisy Anderson,
.lots 561 and 363. Rift map 1; $10. • \
.Matthew. J. O'.Neil ond wife to Kate Hosklns,
Jot fen W-.llne of Tay street, 71:6 S "of Clay,
S' 22 .by W 56: $10. .
• Kmpia F. Reed. U> Carolyn E. Reed, lot on
W line of Berlin, street, 50 S of Dwight, S
50 by W 120; gift., ;-.
• Paul Ilaoscn and wife to Charlen E. West,
lots i and 4, block 26. Reis tract: $in. •:
"\u25a0 Charles 'D. Elliott and wife to'Fitel Phillips,
:lot "on N 'line of Busb street. fiO E of Dupont.
X77U5, E 20, X 60. X 30, S 137:6. W 50; $10.
•\u25a0 Simon Van-der Vaart to Albert Bartz, lot on
•X line «f "Stanley street, 73 W of Bright, W 50
by:N 100; $10. ..- ; \u25a0
Arthur C. Franklin .and.w ife to Bernha-d
Geti. lot on RE corner of Forty-foarth avenue
slid 1 street, S 275, E 120, . s 2s E 120, N 300,
W 240; $10. '\u25a0 --
• Anna Harenberp to Ale*«an<lrr> Cravlotto. lot
on 'RE corner ' of i Greenwich . and :. Pierce streets.
'S R7:6 by E 137r6: $10.- •-.=,, \u0084 /
Mi, H. O'Sha"u?hn*>Kfiy jindwife to Charles? A:'
Rchroth. lot on SW coin.«t «f Ellis and Brod
'erick *tr##ts, W 100 br-S 100; fio. •- .-.
\u25a0 Elizabeth M; '"AKbton to " Clinton :D. • Baldwin.'
lot on W line of Larkin jtreet," 47-Sy. X of
Clay. X .SO by W 114:6; $10.< \u25a0- "
Ellta A.* Crowell -to. Clinton D. Baldwin, lot
on NW > comer nf Clay,; and Larkin • streetl! \u25a0 X
47:R^4 by W 114:6: $10. . :-._\u25a0 !T:^
Clinton. T.. Hull and wife to Samuel N.-Feldt 1
lot on SW . corner <\t - Eizhth avenue and L
street. N 46:(J by XV 120; $10.
.. Robert A. - Dean : and- wife to \u25a0 Anton Peterson
andjwlfe. lot on X line of Filbert; street. 233-9
W.«f Broderlck. W 25.-X 35% deg.'W 15:10 N
3«4 de«. W 93:10%, E to point opposite begin
nlnit, R 107:6; $10.' ,--.
:-- Jacob Weissbeln and wife to Wniiam.E." Casa
mtti. lot»on E Hnft of JTwenty-nlnth avenue. 225
S of.Poipt.l»bOF. S 50 by E 120; $10.. >*:->•
' n.< V-, Dora and wife to John Duffy and wife,
lot on W- line, of Second avenue, 275 S of A
street.' f? 25 by 120: $10. ..-; , At
i R.. Ducas; company to J. S. - Wilse, lot • on E
line, of Spreckels. street, &ft 'N 'of : Visitaclon
arenoe N 24:9 by.E.llO; $10.' - . ;•-;-.--.
: Ids S. -Henze tn,H#>rmtn Steber and wife, .lot
on;Wi line' of Prospect avenue, ;45:6V6S I «if,
Coto street, S 25 by W. 70; $10. .\u25a0\u25a0,-•\u25a0\u25a0:-\u25a0\u25a0:.;\u25a0
:\u25a0 Linda. Valencia to Frsnclnco Miraslio."-lot on
E-llne-of Dnpont street. '25 N» of Lombard, X
22:8 by-E 6S:8; $10. > c ,
Robert Maiben to Jscob Heyman company.
lot on '.W line of place, 72 N f of ' Pacific,
X 45:6 byh.W- 68:9;*$10. ;.-; v ~ WV -.-,'-
Jeremiih and. Sara"» \u25a0 Sullivan -to: Joseph Wal- S
ters and- wlfe.v lot s on -.B ;lin*.'6f • Highlana*Hve
nue, S88:10H>W-iof , Holly.' Tftrk 'avenue,* VI: 25
by S 100; $M<.-""."-' i-'7'i -'7'- X'-:>'A M". r r
-. Nellie - Sinclair ;et It " to ,'. the ; Hinda Testate
company, loft on SK'nlie. of Minna street,": 98:4
NE of Fifth?: Nir2s:by SE'BO; $10:.:.. ' '
J. Ellis Hill :to,ArUeE. RaDtln and wife;, lot
on E line of Ramsell street,' 100 N ; of Randolph,.
N 25 by X 100;'$ie. -> ,>\u25a0 \u0084 r % .;"-.'
Patrick - H,' . and .\u25a0Maryy.Murphy to.- Henry.- G."
I'ausm ann." lot*- on * NW • Corner " of • Lombard ' and
Buchanan. streetir,;W6s>b'.T;>N 120: $10. •-- - "; - -
Anna Ward > et* al.' to. the", McCarthy cJbm'pany,
lot on NBr corner of Graf ton and Brighton 'ave
nues, B 75 by N: 100: $10. ••;* :\u25a0'-'- r\u25a0..\u25a0->-,r \u25a0.. \u25a0->-,- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0-
. Emma. D," T»ylor t -to A.- E.'Selmer,' lotion ->W
line, of Nineteenth \u25a0•avenue; '26o -N : of Clement
street N 25 'by W I20:'$10:' >\ v '\u25a0:\u25a0< ~- • i: "' : ' '7/
WIHIam'H. I^oheldeet.al.' to Ge«npe; Heaz«l-'
inn. lot on SW line of Fourth street, -171 :10%"
NW of Howard. NW34:4H h.rSEHD;,?IO.- '"* V
George" Heazelton. "and wife '"to "Oscar Sntrrt.
lot on. SW. line of Fourth "streef/> 171:10% NW
of Howard. NW ; 34:4'4 by,BW 90;*$10. < ' -"^
• George A.Hnnnewell.to Joseph B." If fla,' "'lot iin
W line -of Wool street. 250. N of ' Eugenia." N. 25,
W 50:10*4, S 27. E 60:11:. $10. "—; -.-••\u25a0
George A. ; Hunnewell to Wdley'G.'^Huniie
j well, lot 4.' gift map l; $10. s^ « \u25a0 \u25a0 i :;:'.* '
Haille E. Irish -and wife to ' Samuel ' pns<*tt-" >
bery. lot on E line of Stockton street,' 7l:9 N : of
Pacific. N IS:S by X 68; $10. ' •' • . ">
Same to same, lot on N : line of Page; street,
76:2H'E nf Fillmore, E 24:f>H by N 100^ $10.
Samuel Dusenbery! and wife to Harlie K. Irish,
lot on W line of Buchannn street. 26- N of Sac
ramento. N 25:214 by W-' 109; $10. s:> '. '
Charles Kerr to Jennie D, : Kerr et al;,; lot '"0
N'W corner of :• Fifteenth: avenue 'south : anil
Stringham street,' NE 77:10%. NW',7O. .SW 205
NW 306:0 2-16, SE 113:8 15-16, gift map .4;
and three other pieces- $10. ' . -
Bulldlncr Contracts
John and Mary Lyons with Getty Bros.— All
work, except side sewer and water \u25a0 service , for
a frame cottage on E line of Eureka street.(be
tween Twenty-second and Twenty-third, 35x115:9;
Kenry Fennig with J. 'L: Browne & Co.—
All work for ;a " 4 room frame building ,on \u25a0 S
line . : of Bernard street, 01:6 W of Jones, W
23 by S 60: $1,650. '
C. S. WMght with Long & Hoyt Co.— All j
work for a 4vstory and basement- clans O build
ing on NW line of Howard street/ 207:2 SW of
New Montgomery. SW 27:6. NW 80, NE 7:6, NW
60. NE 20, SE 160; $30,170. " \u25a0 '
Susan W. Swain with A. E. Rltchey— All work
( for frame building on..W>line of Larkin street,
«6:3»i N 6f Filbert,? owner to pay bills for la
bor and ' material and pay contractor $SOO 'on
completion.: .".'•.-.\u25a0\u25a0• -\u25a0-.-.-•
, John A. and Evelina Chorley .with F.H. Born
— Air work except shades, gits fixtures and elec
tric light wiring for' a 2 story and basement
frame building Mi W line of- Shotwell street,
170 N of Fifteenth. W 120 by.N 25: $4,680.
Sarah Rosenstock and, Hilda R. Nuttall with
Jones construction company — Removing from cars,
hayling, erecting, etc.; C 57 - tons . of structural
cast iron and steel work for. building on W line
of Geary street. 108:5 ft Vr. of Eearny.r.W 60:0^,
N 122:6: $9,000. . , J> v ... _?'.
M. Schwab with Eureka building "company-
All work except plumbing, s painting - and elec
tric work for 2 story frame building on SW cor
ner of Fulton and .Fraflklin streets, W 82:6 by
S 103:1%; $26,100. i -
Rebecca H. Head and Anna : B. H. - : M. Jeph
son—^Terra f cotta for 12 story 5 building on. SW
corner of Post, street and Grant avenue. S' 123
W 67:1. N 40. E 4,,N SO. B 63:1; $56,000.
Joseph de .Vlncenti with.W. F. Fitxpatrick &
Son— All work for 2 I story I frame | building on
S line: of Broadway between /ones and Leav
enworth streets ; $5,M0. • .
Balrd estate with G. P. W. Jensen, Shephard
Bros., R. Ringrose, and Western Iron works —
To erect S story and basement brick building
on NW line of Mission street. 80 NE of Fourth
25x160: $41,940, .- .- '-' ,-,;-;
, .Adams company with • T.-W. Roberts — Exca
vating lot on NW line of: Mission street, 75 NW
of Sixth. NE 80 by SB 160; '$2,500. • :.=: .=
Charles H. Hubbswith Devoreaux Bros.— All
work for 2 story frame \u25a0 building on lots 1 and
2, block 124, ontside lands; *8,125. ' '.- ' ,
The following . marriage licenses went issued
in this city, May ;1:V :,- ?,y
William G. Couchlan. 34 and. Oonceptlon* J.
Rice. 23. both of . 1727 Butter street.- •- \u25a0- ;
Leslie W. Braden. 23. and Eva L. Bennett, 20,
both of 332 Cumberland street. - .
Daniel W. Sexton; 36, 246 Brighton avenue,"
and Mary E. Mulligan, 21, 3106 Twenty-flfth
Clarence F. Atwill. 41. 1751 Ellis street, and
Ella Greeley, 38, Monterey. \u25a0• - :\u25a0
John Olsen, 21. 106 Eureka street, and Chris-
tina Akmann. '2o, 4142 Seventeenth street...- -
Bryan J. . Connor. 21. 858 .Haight street, and
Carrie Dunn. 20, 174 Dubbce avenue. - : ,
James I. Mackin. 42. city, and Annie J. Jor-
dan. 37. 128 Noe utreet.;:, ;. \u0084-..,
. Christian Bom merer, 22, and. Rose Walter, 22,
both of 49018 Twentieth' street.' .
Charles A. Peyser, 38, city, and Annie Rellly,
35. Boston. ,-.. . . -.- \u25a0 : .\u25a0 ..
\ William S. Alexander, 42, and Nellie M. Tay-
lor. 39, both of tt*s city. ; .
Otto Haas, 32, New. York, and Amanda Carl-
son,: 25. Minneapolis. ..,\u25a0-:> v.^ _-......
• Francis . G. Hutchlnson. 28. . Menlo : Park.'* and
Jennie M. -Gorton. 20. San Mateo. • ..v •
Lulgt Melafronte, 26, and ' Oleste - Simoncelli, i
31. both 0f, 171 Highland avenue.; i
\u25a0'Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mall
will not be Inserted. They must be handed- in at
.either of the publication offices and be Indorsed
with the name and residence of persons author-
iced to have : the same . published. , Notices re-
stricted simply to the announcement of the event
arc published once in this column free of charge.
•'-\u25a0BIRTHS '.. -• V\" '-" •
BAGNALL— In this city, April 29. 1907. v to the
' wife •of ' Percy •B. Bagnall (nee Mayer), a
• daughter. . ;>'.-. "-I cK~.
FRIEDLANDER— In Oakland. May 1, 1907, to
the wife of M. , Frledlander, a son. c , ;
KULL— PAPB— In Berkeley, by the! Rev. W.
Brandes-of Oakland, George -L. K till and
• . Adeline H. Pape. . \u25a0 .. \u0084
April 80, " 1907. by the Rev. J. Fuendellng, ',
William Palmiae of .;, Hollister 'and Annie
Reichetetter of San Francisco.; \
PEFFER— SCHLICHTING— In' this city. April
28, 1907, by the Rev. J.I Fuendellng, Adolf
v Peffer and Caroline Schllchting.
•VA"N .'. TAGEN-^-SEDOLEY— In Alameda, April
30. 1907. by the Rev W. Brandes-of Oakland.
. -Walter Van Tagen and Mabel Sedgley,- both of
Alameda. . : . . , "r .- -' \u25a0
Beck, Philip '. . 1 Homy. Norman J. .. 2
Blaisdell,' Daisy. V.. 19 Hosmer, John. A. : ... 5(!
Comerford,' Wm. 51.33 Johnson,: Edna E... 15
rtowley, Sarah . . : . 35 Kelleher. Ellen .': : . : : 57
Dallam, Annie Jane — \u25a0 Kylen, -Carl*. J..... .' 52
Dniiz. \u25a0 Catherine. . . . 25 I-evy, \u25a0\u25a0, Aar0n. ... ; . . ; «2
Dlnkelsplel, - Pauline 62 Ixm»f, 1 - Patrick /: . . .: 8«
Dineen, John J.... 22 McHngh M lnfant > „ '
Duncan, W. L. ..;79 Mooney, ; : Augustus; v—^
Kgan. '< Richard .—. — Peebles (infant) - ;
Grace, Mary....... — Polbemus, Eunle W; 58
Gllllspie. Thomas.. 74 Sweeney (mass)
Gruhn. Henrietta... 4» Tboman, Msry A... 27
Orundel, Henry.... 39 Vallerga. Domenico. . 46
Hanks. John B 38 Wilson -Davis, Mrs. L. —
BECK— April 29. 1907, Philip Beck, beloved
son of Meyer and Annie , Beck, aged 1 : year.
BLAISDELL— In Oakland. Cal., April 30, 1907.
Daisy. Viola, beloved wife of Robert M. Dials-
delL and sister of Lillian * Boysea and Mrs.'
. A. L. Krelss, a native of San Francisco, aged
19 years and 7 flays. - (Martines and > Oroville
papers please- copy.)- "-..-. \u25a0 ;\u25a0',- i- r "*'. ' \u25a0•
Friends are , respectfully Invited . to attend
funeral services .: today - (Thursday),^: May ?2,
1907. at 2:30 o'clock p. m.,-' at Calvary church.
West street near Twelfth, Oakland, (Cal.-,/
COME 3FORD— In" th is' ci ty.i A prll 29/' 1907, • Wil-
Ilam M., dearly beloved husband of Rom Com-
erford, brother of John Comerford, stepson of
T.'vX. Goyette, "-and stepbrother, of. Caroline
Goyette and Mrs. J. Harper, a native of Vir-
ginia City, Nev.,' aged 33 -years. and 1 month!'
. A member of the t sheet \ metal *. workers' . union.
:,. Friends . and r acquaintances 4 are \u25a0^respectfully
Invited ito attend \u25a0 the - f oneral v today (Thurs-
: day). ¥ at 1 p. < m.'," from-; the rparlora 5 of v the
United Undertakers, 2608 : Howard -street.'near
| Twenty-second. \ Interment: Mount Olivet ceme-
v -tery.N •.\u25a0••....:\u25a0\u25a0 . -\u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0-^ -, -,i>.-. Vf-,.- ;4^
CROWLKY— In this '.city, r April 30, v - 1907,? Sarah
i Crowley."< beloved .' wife oorf r James \u25a0 Crpwley.-^ and
sister of Rosle and. Frank Murphy, a native of
San ; FrancißCO, > sged ; 3s ; years and 7 months."
(Vallejo papers please copy.) U "1 *.;':\u25a0\u25a0 '-.!:>
- Friends i and are fregp«ctfully
Invited to attend » the funeral i services • today
(Thursday)^ May 2/at 12:30 o'clock p.^ra.,' at'
\u25a0 \ the r funeral -• parlors : of/" James * MeGinn.->,' i 532
- Fulton street between Fillmore « and
-.: Interment i Hols; • Cross : eeaaetery ; by £ carrtate*. 1 '* 1
DALLAM— In Mill , Valley.'Cai.ff April ! 80.' I*o7^
' Annla Jane Dallam, relict of Richard B. Dal-
\u25a0 ; lam, and mother of Mrt.-J.'-W. Ames and Mrs.--
" " W.i C. i Brown ; and ' F.'f 8.1 Dallam,/ a 1a 1 native \u25a0\u25a0 ot-
" Pennsylvania." \u25a0 '\u25a0:, \u25a0' ; "' :;-;:. -.-. \u25a0-. /.--v. -.,;- ..;
''\u25a0; -..vFriends'andiacqnalntances- are .respectfully
Invited •to attend the t funeral - today (Thnrsr
i day),> May ? 2A 1807, ' at • 10:30 sa. m.:
. ' from : the * residence : of 3 Mr.* J.*» -. W. Mill
Valley, \.Cal. vlnterment" brtvate," Mountain
,'-View : cemetery, .Oakland.;;.-.-;,--, i - ; ;'. :."?J5
DANZ4ln'thls;cityr* ; May t !l//i907,-atlher late
' \u25a0 residence.? 910 % Railroad', avenne South..' Cath-
.erine." beloved wife of Henry -Dans and loving
. mother^of - Ralph -H.r.Melvln.' and; the "late
\u25a0 . - Pearl \u25a0> C.-".i Dans, ., and* daughter.' of j Christopher
' \u25a0 and \u25a0: Gortula : Christen. ~ and -1 sister - of : Henry.
\u25a0 Christen, fj Mrs, ;J.;: Price sand *the:jlate^Lena*
,s Crawfort.Naf ort.N a ; native ot: San •Franewco,'; aged \u25a0. 25
7 ; years s .;months; months and ;15 \u25a0 daybi -, v'^V:.,; ; ."""^
DINKELSPIEL--Iri» thls» city, /'April S 30, v .1907.*
• Pauline, swldowf of ..the. late'JLatarns' Dinkol-
V- spiel." and ' beloved < mother of ; Henrys L.^ Samuel
'\u25a0" L;^ Joseph s L.:* Mcl v ill* ; M.t and * Edgar; M.VDln-
• kelspiel »and j Mrs.'." Edwards Kallsher* and iMrsv-
Adolph '- Silverman," i- and i steter.: Qt $ Mrs. w Sarah
Vl Wertheimer.v Mrs.-. M.' vKahn, s ' Mrs.- B*» ' SelJlng-
u - and Mrs. • E.- Sichel and Joseph : L,' Hess, a \u25a0 na-
r-; ti ve » of 't DonaldsonvOls,'! La.". - aged > 62 --years j 6 i
- '-'. months and : s days. (New York papers please
.'\u25a0 copy.).- \u25a0 -". \u25a0 : - \u25a0" \u25a0.-.;\u25a0•\u25a0' > • • -:'.\u25a0\u25a0•- -.-\u25a0.•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ;--...'- \u25a0 -\u25a0
The funeral services • will *be held * today
r {Thursday), at 0:45 ! o'ciock a.', m., at her'late
.• residence, y 2001 ••: Lyon s street ; comer ;' of s Clay."
illnterment ; Home of Peace : cemetery by , special
train leaving Third 'and TownseDd ' streets at
;. 11:15 a.^ia."^ Please "omit flowers; « ] *'"/"^ "\u25a0'" '
: seph,"" dearly beloved son iof. Catherina . and the
i -late -Denis . Dineen.., and -beloved; brother^ of
J William . A..; and. Alfle -. Dineen i and ;, Mrs.'. T.". "A."
, Preston and the late Margaret Dineon, a native
of. San Francisco, aged 22 years 8 months aud
''i'lf days. --:.--.'..' il <,.". 1 «,,i.i;..';» <^ '-....•.;.;.>-.\u25a0._..\u25a0;.. .•.;'
I .-,- Friends and 1 acquaintances 'are; respectfully :
• invited • to . attend the ' funeral ( today (Thurs- i
: day), at 9. a. m.,.from.hU late. residence, 320
f, Thirtieth, street,.; thence ;to:Bt.\ Paul's* church, j
, where : a ; requiem i hint mass:for/the^repose, of !
j his soul will be 'celebrated at 0:30, a. "m. -' In- .'
:\u25a0 . termen " ; Holy i Cross : cemetery,'"; by ,£ electric . f u-" '
r- neral car from Thirtieth .street and San Jose
; : ' avenue. .,;/;; «'n'. ;ir- : --,- : - i" V; <^ ; r-v> ,:\u25a0:';:\u25a0\u25a0. •.;••!
DITSCAN— In\ this -city. ; May ' 17n19d7;: Captain '.
i William L., dearly beloved husband of Laura
I E. Duncan. - father of Mrs.'.Pnillp J. Knudsen.
\u25a0 and ' • grandfather ; of .. Dagmar, i~ Charlotte \u25a0' and \u25a0
| - Harold | Knudsen, -a native jof j Maryland, aged
, : "9 years 10 > months ( and ?18 \u25a0 days. . Marshal
I of the -Society » of California; Pioneers and-a
; veteran of the iMetican: war. -;:\u25a0 .'.;: \u25a0;
, ; - '- Friends ; and acqua intances i are V respectfully
'< invited .: to attend 3 funeral t services c tomorrow
• i •tFridayK'-Ma.v:3." at.2:3o,p,'m.,^at the mor- i
' : tuary i chapel at' Cypress .Lawn : cemetery. Elec- i
i trie, funeral, car. will -leave Twenty-ninth street
f.and'SanJoseiavenue -at l:4s«p.sm.:'; Funeral '
; nnder, ; the auspices of * Boclety Soti California
\u0084 Pioneers. : i Take.S Valencia- street V car.- ; -•' . ; ;
EGAN— ln 'Oakland. April {29X 1907, Richard;
j beloved ! . husbsnil ' of' Mary iKgan,' and son of
Itichard- J." and Annie" Egan,, and brother \u25a0 of
;. t rank. John,' "Edward,' \u25a0 Thomas '. and William
Egan and Mrs. William iHalliday.j Mrs. D.'X.
' .Cameron,- Mrs. F.i Monahan.* Mrs. Walter Par-
ker and Mrs. L.O.Sweetser. ,'ii'j.>*. \u25a0 .-
\u25a0. Friends and acquaintances \u25a0- areirespectfnily
- Invited to attend* the funeral today (Thurs-
day),. Slay, 2, at 8:30 a.' in., from the residence
of his parents,". 4o7 Twenty-ninth street, -thence
to" SM Paul's church,'; corner of .• Twenty-ninth
, and Chorch Streets,' where a reqaiem high mass
, for the repose of his soul will be celebrated at
it o'clock »a."j m. \u25a0 . Interment Holy - Cross ceme- !
.j: tery: ...:^:'. ", :,' : .- : -;,;. \u25a0*,;->? vV--., •-, :"'.: ;
'GRACB^-In .this city.' May l. : "l 907- Mary, be-
loved wife of John Grace and beloved mother
* of John, James and Alo.vsius Grace, Mrs. C. K.
McKenna aud' Mrs. • Kugene .Budde, va' native
, of ; lreland. , \u25a0.;:.., ,''.,. .\u25a0.:;...'..•\u25a0•. A -.-\u25a0;"' ':'.-\u25a0 .:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0
GILLISPIE— In . this city, April 29. 1907,
; Thomas, beloved husband of the late Mary Gil-
llsple, and beloved father of Mrs. Albert Tls-
\u25a0> sot and Jeff and the late Frank _Gillispie. a
native of > Richmond, ' Madison \u25a0 county, Ky
, aged 74 years 11 months and 17 days.
• , Veteran •\u25a0. police association, — Members;: You
, are requested; to. attend the funeral of our late
— comrade, Thomas \u25a0 Gllli«pie,' : from 12f19- Tenth j
afenue. Sunset district; today (Thnrsdav)
May 2,. 1907. at 9:4. r > a. m. By order •
•<---: THOS. W. BETHELL, rresident.
JAMES F. MORAN. Secretary. V ;
GRUHN*— At Burke- . Sanitarium,, near . Santa
Rosa, Mrs. Henrietta, -wife .of Abraham
Gruhn and mother of Joseph, Victor, Hose and
Regina. \u25a0 Israel, a native \u25a0 of . Germany, aged 49
years. .; . .--v \u0084t ---\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -...-.\u25a0;. \u25a0 .. ...
, Notice of \u25a0 funeral hereafter.:. -. i-...'\u25a0i -...'\u25a0
GRDNDEL— In Santa Rosa. CaK. ; April 30, 1907,
• -Henry, dearly beloved husband ' of Eliza Grun-
del, devoted father. of Alma and Frank Gron-
, del, . son of Katherlne and ! , the \u25a0 late Frank
(Jrundel. and brother of Frank ; Grundel. Mrs
.H. Behlmer, Mrs.' W. Bastian ' and Mrs. M.
Plath, a native of Newport, Ky., , aged 39
years ; 1 1 ; months and 25 days.. A member of
G. G. camp No. 64, W. of W.: Court Lincoln
No. 8715,' F. of A.,' and Royal : Arcanum No.
1105.* V. M. C.'- . ,-., : :' \- ,•\u25a0•-,\u25a0 \u25a0 : ..\u25a0; ,--,- \u25a0'.--\u25a0
\u0084 Friends and acquaintances are respectfully
invited to attend the funeral ! tomorrow
day). May 3. at 1:30 p. m.. from the parlors
of H. F. Suhr & Co.. 2919 Mission street, be-
tween Twenty-fifth '-. and ' Twenty-sixth. v Inter-
: ment Mount Olivet cemetery. -.
HANKS— In Alameda. April' 3o. 1907. John 8..'
eldest ; son of . the late John M. and Catherine
Hanks and beloved brother; of Mrs. .Walter E.
Deaves, Mrs. William Cleary and Harry M..
Hanks, a native of California, aged 38 years
and 4 months. . . .. c \u0084 .: , \u25a0\u25a0/ .
Friends and acquaintances! are respectfully
invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Fri-
day). May 3,1907. at 10 o'clock a. m.v- from
- the funeral chapel \u25a0 of. Smiley ; & Gallagher.
-2325 Santa Clara avenue, under the auspices of
Royal Arch ; No. . 2 . of San ; Francisco. - inter-
ment St. Mary's cemetery.-. . . "\u25a0
HOJf Y— ln p Fruitvale. April * 30. 1907. Norman
.John.- dearly beloved ami only, child of Samuel
and Lydla; Homy, grandchild of John and Su-
san Ypkela.. and nephew of John and. Edward
Yokela. a native iof \u25a0 San - Francisco, aged 2
years 5 • months , and 5 days. ; : . ; ,
. ' \u25a0 Friends and t acquaintances "arp respectfully
invited to attend funeral ; services tomorrow
'( Friday). May 3. 1907. at 2 o'clock p. m., at
the family residence, ' 3311 \u25a0 Putnam 'street,
Fruitvale. . Interment ; Evergreen ' cemetery. £
HOSMBR— In thin. rfty. ">tay T I', 1907, John A l-
. len Hosmer.' beloved ) hnsband ;of Lucle I Brew-
\u25a0 ster :; Hosmer , and ; father ,of Allen :8./ Maye
Grant Building, Market and 7th Stm.
:; Telephone Market 6446.
: . \u25a0•:.' FUNERAL DIRECTORS. \u25a0 -
Formerly of McFadden, • Mcßrearty 4 Green.
\u25a0' , . Telephone Market 97.
.Funeral Director and Embnlmrr,
1940-1842 Post , st." bet. . Fillmore and Stelner.
": . '; . • '. - Telephone West' 6333. ! ."-
;./ ,' -.. 8448 ;MISSIO»r" STREET, .-.
\u0084 -. Xear Thirtieth. .Tel. Market 282.
060 Devlsadero* St., Cor. Sic Allister.
. ';.,:." Z Telephone West 4804. ; •
776 TURK ST. between } Van IVtss Aye.
> ; '- \u25a0\u25a0'..\u25a0• atad Franklin , St. ''\u25a0\u25a0 :; ..
Attendant.' ,i Tel. ; Franklin 1911
p; f. green (a, co.
-\u25a0iV.iNE.. oor Sixteenth and Guerrero sts. \u25a0
Formerly of McFadden. f Mcßrearty ' & Green.
;\u25a0- - - Telephone Special ; 1507. , \u25a0' .•\u25a0:':
-' \u25a0•-' San Mateo County. •\u25a0 . ...,^ ...
Finest and Best- Equipped ; Receiving Vault .and
. ; \u25a0 Chapfl. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .
(Masonic - Cemetery \u25a0; Association.)
Office 1154 o'Farrcll; St. \u25a0
\u25a0— ?::•:\u25a0 : trNbERTAKBRS, " ' .
1 V • 2347-2349 Market Street.
Bet. 16th and '•? 17th t sts; ;«\u25a0 Established 1878."^
,: . : \u25a0;\u25a0• Phone Market 154. • * ?
-iPHONE 'MARKET 132. ,'
Qiaritfiejr Bros.
- 8460 SIXTEENTH STREET, . ,\u25a0;, \u0084v
- . Church ; and Sanchei.w ;r «
»'\u25a0& «.'•\u25a0 BELTJNGER.- * M H."* MBTZLEr7I^|
1 1082 rols«m'st.^bet.S- 14th > and? 18th. ' r
- v PHONE MARKET '160. v
- '.' '.*;• Undertakers '.] and".- Embalmers.' -Mi^^H
1335 Golden Gate? ay.-. .- Fillmore '-' and
."."'. -.v. v Stelner streets. . \u0084 . \--r-. , >.
~'.-J.\. '"'\u25a0:\u25a0.. <.::\u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0*. Phone : : Parfc;'Bg7.! ,-.. •- . *;*; *
'•\ -*.',; •; f". rUNERAL. (DIRECTORS. - : - - -
Vj \'t-r, 1 ; " 1070 -.Haljrht'st.T: near * Baker, s-.-'^ v »
1 : ; ...-\u25a0 -\u25a0-,-'\u25a0 Tate Haight < street : Cars ."«..>•' -\u25a0:''\u25a0>;'"
:,. '; * ; V-w":> F'USEBIAIiV DrRECTORs'.^ ';f [^
\u25a02WS ? Howard \u25a0* st 7SAU j »•\u25a0 Phone }, MarWt > 278
: %£'£';£ FUNERAI/f DIRECTORS*^; ;^
( a% 11«9 ;; Valencia <St.t* Near \ 33d S'St. ?a-
i's.'rt" ' "':'tz'- Telephone*Mark«ta6l. .;,;•= ':; t - x ;,
i'-r" -; : j.^.v^FlOßisivft^:^.-':- i;-,'-Ti ;-,'-T
•\u25a0i-«.^.---'^ ; " :t :.> ; S3tfeHA;TESSSTRKET.- :":V:: ":V : >:::\u25a0*' -."
\u0084;\u25a0,<>.;,- : .\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0-•4 Phoned Pake 3 440. \u0084,..:•
cor.'^devisadbrolands McAllister ; sts.
'•\u25a0', :^V^K? Phone!- West 2571; \u0084
" 3032 i MI88ION!8TREET,"8an? Francisco,- Cal. \u25a0
- - . '1 ; Phone < Market * 174, ' i San t Francisco. ' \u25a0\u25a0 '
Office j and -'Residence,-. : . - , .
'..548 Sycamore' st." near 26th.> Oakland.^ CaK '
; Phone Oakland 3711^ Oakland, - Cai. ;
[ M. and Irving T.'. Hosmer. a native of Toledo,
... 0. . '-\u25a0 aged ,66 * years ». 7 •'\u25a0 months / and ;. 18 > day s.-
(Stocktpn," Cal.; ' and \u25a0\u25a0 Montana papers ' pleas*
;.'." copy.) : .<u-ilr -v, >-;\- \ •.;-. \ -.. .- •-^ .-'-. \ ' *•'
.'. . -, Notice •of I funeral -hereafter. t \u25a0 \u25a0 ; ; . > «. : *.\J
JOHNSON*— In this clryT May I.' 1907.' Edna' Ellz-
>* abeth Johnson. : dearly . beloved ' daughter iof Ar-
; thur - n.' * and '• Mary Johnson,*- a ". native ; of I San
' Francisco,'. Ca!., aietl 15 yean and 11 months.
- - \u25a0>•" Friends * and -acQuaintances are •\u25a0 respectfully
;• Invited ! to • attend •• the • funeral : tomorrow •- (Fri-
-' ' day),< at fly o'clock^ p. 1 '- m.* J from 'the? funeral
:< parlors . of :\u25a0 the : H.c F. : Maasa : company, "\u25a0 1335
;-.-* Golden jGate avenne,* thence- to Sacred -'Heart
'/ church, 1^ corner Fell t and * Fillmore '. streets, . for
•\u25a0services.'^lnterment": private, i- „ ' :
KELLEHER— In! this city/ April 30, 1907. Ellep;
;.. dearly; beloved ; wife \u25a0>. of Jeremiah • Kelleher, a
' native of Ireland,; aged 57. years. '-. * •.•-."'.\u25a0 '-. " ' ;
Friends ami, acqusintauces are respectfully
. Invited 'to attend :. the • funeral *. today > (Thnrsi
U day);-^at: 8:30 a. "m., from the : funeral ' parlors
". of, J.*TC. "jO'Connor - & 'COii '-.-\u25a0 770 Turk " street.
\u25a0 'thence jto ; Mission Dolores *; church, - where '- a
; requiem . mass for^ the repbse her bou! - will 'be
. ; celebrated at 9 ; a.' 4 m. / . Interment ' Holy : Cross
-cemetery."; :;\u25a0.. -.-.;\u25a0 .-/j--- v '\u25a0;.< \ \u25a0 \u25a0:-.;•> - : -\u25a0•\u25a0 ;- \u25a0
KTLEN-^-In Stockton,"- Cal., April 27. 1907. Carl
S J. Kylen, a native of Finland,' aged 5'Z years.
Friends : and acquaintances: and officers and
members of benevolent. society: Star of Finland
i- are respectfully 'lnvited lto attend tbe* funeral
. > today » (Thursday), May 2, . at ; 1 :30 p." m.. 1
, from .'. the parlors <of \u25a0 ti. S. '.. Suhr £ 0..' 2019
Mission street between Twenty-flfth and.Twen-
ty-slxth. j Mount. Ollret cemetery:.
LEV3T— In "this* city; 'May 15t907; Aaron Levy,
a native; ofj Polen.i aged 62. years 11 months
and 28 days. . A. member of Golden Gate lodge,
. 1. 1, 0. "- B.r Bi : ;. Chevra-r Bashalum, : and > Golden
Gate ' lodge No. 3," X. of P. .v . - ;., ;
.. -'Friends- and acquaintances are respectfully
•;..- invited -to 'i attend ; funeral \u25a0 services i tomorrow
(Friday). .May. 3.:?1907,-' at 11-o'clock a. m.,
at I the new . funeral chapel of Charlw H. J.
Truman, 1909 .Mission ' street., between Flf- i
teenth and Sixteenth. Interment Salem ceme- \u25a0
... tery, ',- by « carriage. :•/;::
LONG— ln' this city. May 1, 1907, Patrick Long.
beloved brother of = Mrs. Bridget Doran and
uncle of Mrs.-; Mary/ Corbett, Mrs. John Lynch !
and Julia 'Doran. a native of the? parish! of
Grange, County: Lou t h. Ireland., aged 86 years.
.' Friends ' and r acquaintances arc respectfully
V Invited to: attend 'the funeral tomorrow (Fri-
. '.day);, at 8:30 a.' m.', from the residence of, his
niece, Mrs. John Lynch; 284 Qollingvcood street,
'between Nineteenth and, Twentieth;, thence to
the Most Holy Redeemer church, . where a re-
quiem mass for the repose of his soul will ; be
celebrated, commencing,, at 9 a. : m. Interment
Holy Cross cemetery. - •
McHUGH— In- this. city. April 30, 1907. at the j
parents' residence," ,1223 -Kentucky street.
Henry ;•\u25a0 J., * dearly beltived \u0084 and '• only son of
Henry J. and, Sadie .McHugh.' beloved grand-
., son .of : James . H/. and t Catherine McHugh; - a
native of San ; Francisco, aged 7- months and
29, days. ';.= ... \u0084,,-.;'>-.
MOONEY— In thia city. April 30, 1907. Augustus,
beloved son of the late Michael and ElUabeth
Mooney,.and brother, of Joseph Mooney, a na- ;
, tlve of New. York.'; '' -• : \u25a0 \u25a0 -\u25a0 :\u25a0•
\u25a0 - Friends: and. acquaintances are i respectfully
invited to a ttend . the; funeral , today - (Thurs- 1
day),' at ; 8:30 o'clock -a/m:,*i from, the parlors
of Carew & English, I6IS Geary street, thence
.\u25a0 to Sacred Heart church/ where a requiem high
mass - for the repose of his soul ; will ' be cele-
brated. *• commencing -at 9 o'clock. '--. Interment
\u0084 Holy . Cross cemetery .by electric funeral car
from! San; Jose avenue, and .Thirtieth streets.
PEEBLES— In this city. ' Mar 1. 1907. Mervin
Charles, youngest and beloved child of. Charles
H..and Anna -Peebles .(nee.'Rullbausen). and
brother of Hasel Peebles, a native „of San
Francisco, aged 'Z. months andlSdays.
POLHEMUS— In ; this city. May -I,'i 1907. . Eunie
,-.W. - Polhemus. widow- of Edward Polhemus.
and mother of Mrs. Mary Spalding, r John Hart
and Edward R. Polhemus; a native of Canada,
aged 5S years 1 month and 11 days.
Services . and Interment . private. \ -
SWEENEY— An anniversary - reouiem hlghV mas<9
for the , repose of* the soul -of the late Ellen
. Sweeney will be celebrated at St. Joseph's
. church. Tenth v and Howard . streets. ; today
(Thursday).- May 2. commencing' at 10 o'clock
a. in. Friends and acquaintances are respect-
fully. Invited to attend.
THOMAS— In : this \u25a0 city.' April 20. 1907. Mary
Ann. dearly beloved wife of Bradford Thomas,
loving daughter Of. John and th«- late Mary
{ Doherty, and sister of Thomas Daberty, Mrs.
A. \u25a0'\u25a0 Cunningham. Mrs. Birdie. Haas and - the
late \u25a0 John and Joseph Doherty, \u25a0a - native of
- California,^.- Wtf 27. years. .-;\u25a0 • \u25a0
, Friends and - acquaintances are recpeetfnlly
\u25a0 i iuvited: to' attend \u25a0; the •"• funeral, today (Thurs-
day), at 12:15-p.'.m... from the funeral parlors
\u25a0' of J.C. O'Connor. & C 0. ,-770 Turk street. .. ln-
' terment Holy; Cross cemetery.
VALLERGA— In; this city.V May 1. '1007. Do-
menlco." dearly. beloved husband of Antoinette
• Vallerga. devoted V father of Antinlsca, -Bert
:.' ; and Sllva : Vallerga and Mrs. : Fred Cavlglia.
and beloved son of Madelena and the late B.
Valierga, a native of Italy, aged 46 years.-
WII^ON-DAVIS^-In.this city' April 2S. 1007.
. Mrs. h. \A. : Wilson-Da vis, .a native of Ken-
;ltucky. .: ' .:;.;!} :;/.• . . ;
: JJ^;..".>. P.\BOOTH. ',^L"'.v.; '\u25a0 -\u25a0
\u25a0 haroLd Ij. \t'right.;
N. mAY&CO.
' \u25a0 UNDERTAKERS. \u0084
'" ' Telephone ; West ' 4707. . 1 .' ; .
\u0084 BUXKER & I.VST,
.Mission Masonic Temple," ..
, 2666 Mission: Street. ! .
- . -Phone Market 2«20. -.
California Undertaking Co.
.-\u25a0-* 2210 STEINER STREET
Between Sacramento and Cla.r:. Phone' West "i32l
; 1719 EbpY;_STREET, 7 NearJ Scott. ,-.-i i
r > Phone '.'.Weit' 2645. - • ]
• Funeral Directors ' and - Embalmers. '..
; :.' Private . Residence 'Accommodation.': •
Office SW. rorner. 25th and Guerrero sts.
: ____-: r_^__'.'_ .1- '.Phone : Market 35. -. : '^--' -\u0084'. *.-\u25a0'
. Plymouth— Cherbourc— Southampton
NEW Y0RK.......;.... Mav li; Jane 8. July fi
ST.'LOUIS. •.;./...»!. May 18. Jnne IS.- July 13
PHILADELPHIA.'. .:.. May. 25. June 22,Jnly 20
ST. PAULW.V. ..*.::: June- 1. 'June 29,, August 3 ;
Philadelphia— Queemtoirn— Liverpool- \u25a0
.Westernland. . :May i HlNoordland; \u25a0.'.:: . .May ;\u25a0.".
: Hatecford ; r. . .May; 18] Frlesland : . : ;*. . .June l
: \u25a0 New - York^Linidon • Direct' :
MINNEAPOLIS.", r. . ;V .:May - li; June ; 8, July ft
MINNEHAHA . . ; ;. .V.May IS,; June 'IV Joly : ;i3
ME5A8A.. .....:./. ..May 25, June 22. \u25a0 July 20
MINNBTONKA. .:...'. .June '1/ June 29, : July 27
-. Xe-rr York/ Rotterdam, , via ' Bouloene .
Sailings Wednesday, - as ' per Sailing; .Llst.'->'-
N00rdam....:'.'. :". .;.. . .May. B,' Jnne: 12, July 17
Ryndam . " . . : . .". . ;". . i i May rt 1 5, v June .19, July 24
Potsdam. .'.. . . . .\u25a0..". . : .May 22/ June! 2«.- Aug.- 7
New Amsterdam (new):\May 29. July 3, 1 Aug..14
Statendam .': . :-. . . . . . . .June : 5," July 10. Aug. -21
»w York — DoTer-^-Antwerp , , V,
VADEBIiAND.. .'•.;:*. May ill,' June 1 8.- Joly" S
FINLAND : .:'. : . . .'. .-.May i ]S.', June >; 15V July 27
ZBELAND.'T." .:;.r..'.May'a<|;. June 22,- July 20
KBPONLAND". rtr.:: June ,l,i July -13, i Aug. 10
.. ' New ' Yor^t— Queens* own— Liverpool •• \u25a0
ARABIC.-.-;'.-, .rt. ..... . i. . . .': . ... . .-. .-. .July . 4
BALTIC . r: . ".*; 7tl .Vrr. . May. 8, .'June \u25a0 14, ' Jrfly *111 1
MAJESTIC. :..r.V. ..::.. . . .V. . . . . . . /. . May ,* 15
CEDRIC. .; .". '.'. n .'. . .'. May 17.* June ) 2o, Joly 1 8
CELTlC ijj'.rr.v ." t: r. . . May 31, 'June 27, Jul y 25
1 „ - -- - x " .' j ''. ' -\u25a0» \u25a0
Plymouth— Cherbourg— Southampton
; •ADBIATIC..\...May 22, , June: 19, j n iy 17
[TKUT0N1C. . . . . . . May; 29,' June 26, ? July 24
, OCEANIC . . .V, : . :. Jnne s 5,', July I S, - Jniy i- 31 •
.MAJESTIC:7:.:;.Jnne»I2,-i Jniy \lf).\Avg. f
\u25a0•Nen,| 35,000 tons? has Elevator Gym« •
-. naslum, Turkish :. Baths '; and ': Band. ' .'
'V X Boston— QneenstoYva— Liverpool .
A 8 A81C . . .:;.:.\u25a0.- .....; .v: : . ; . . May- 9,.Jmt «
-. :\u25a0«/,:.. ,:v <•-..' FROM * NBW^yORK ;! 2- .- W,v -...-.
Cretlcr. .'v; ."".'.".' .r. May, 9,- noon;"' June 20,^0^/ 1
RomaAlc .'..":. ..".V'. : '. v: . . . v r. . r. : July , 15, S . d. • m.
; ,/ A\r -\u25a0; ; - i \u0084 ;
Can0p1t... . . . ?. '. .May .18. iS:3O ;p. , m.;, June 2»
R0nan1e ." . . .". . ". VV •;\u25a0 : : .V .-.*. :..'; .^ June •S. f ft r - a Jta.
a.- I ll.'iKOEPPEL?Pass«tt»:er,AKent Pacific Coast. '.
. :... . -\u25a0:.-., 3ft i Ellis Jst™| near* Market.; ;:*»-
I ; *' TO;;HAVRE.PARIS;^,i;. \u25a0 ;'
'; Baillng.- every .£ Thursday -instead i of i fatwrday,.
at 10 ' a.; m.j ifrom J Pier. 42, ' North . Ri ver, "v foot " of
Morton street. . - ,
•• : First, class [to \ H« vre.'s $70! and * npwarrt : > second
class a to ' 3 Havre.^ 545 rjind ' upiviird.--^: G EXERAL'
' AOENCT >>:\u25a0 FOR » UNITED ', STATKS •. A ND -• CAN-
ADAi'- ; 22 J'Brf>B(lwa.vit.tHa(l«on ; buildinpt.i^ New-
York. "•; J.fF.SFUOAZlrv'niannKera Pacific "n Coast,'
«30 i Montpimery x ntrtet.l Sin sFrancisco.' ; ",Tlckets
sold \ty |aU^railroad ticket ' agents.' •
t J-I ; wlll sell at-' public auction May a.rat'CTS
r BHOADWAT.* OAKLAND, 40 b«i<l of ALL PCR-
POBE HOBRES, consisting : of matched teams
; J"J<l stagie drivers, also busgU* and harness.
• This stock most* be now without .reserve to the:
* highest bidder. . . WM. CT.OUGH. . Anctloneer.
r~: ; : —
s OCEAX TRAVBX tV.'< .V.v \u25a0 V \u25a0 . >
« ,», JSsv \u25a0 Steamers Leave Broadway -
) Santa i Rosa ... ....... Every Sunday, lOja. m*-
- State of, California . . . .Every Thursday. 10 i.'m.'
• Victoria, Vancouver, B; C, Puget
i ; Sound and Alaskan Ports;
r Cmatllla .;':.'. ... 1..TT... r ."l May: 7." 22. Ua. m.
r City of Pueb1a ...... .......Mar 12.v2T. 11 a. in.
\u0084 Spokane ........;............ May-C. 17. 11 a. m.-
•And Every Fifth Day Thereafter.
: For EUREKA (Humboldt' Bay)
Pomona .May 1A IK IS. 21. 26. 31.Ju 5, 10:30 am
. C. Topeka.May 3, 8. 13, 18. 23. 23, Ju 2. 10:30 am
i For Guaymas, Mazatlan, La Paz,
' Ensehda, San Jose del Cabo,
[ , Altata, • Magdalena Bay
s Curacao ".....-. ......7th of each njontb. 10 m. m.
\u25a0*; Leaving Seattle and Victoria." vi*;
* Spokane ...... June 14, 28, July 12. 26, AnY »
1 Queen ..:... ....July 18
c For Nome and St. Michael
; Senator ......June 1 President .. Jnne 4
x Right.- reserved , to change this schedule.
SAN FKAXCISCO — 3 Market at. <n<l Broadway
. - wharf. Telephone Temporary 492.
• OAKLAND— BOS Broadway. .
San Francisco Freight Offlce-^-nroadwav" wharf.
\u25a0 C. D. DCNANN. G. P. A.. Saa Francisco.
i The Pacific Coast Steanaablp Co.'* Largre
* • -.;\u25a0 . and Klrcant Steamshlpa
Senator?! ..... -June 1 Senator.* .July . 17
- PreBidents.......June 4 Cmatiila... .. .. .July 31
• "Montarsj. ......June S Senator..' .Augnst 9
1 •Eur«a...;,.rrJune 20Senator..* Sept.*!
• Senator. 7.:.. v'.Jnne. 24|Senator... .....Sept. 24
•Meteor ; j r.'.;. . . July l| President .Sept. 28
•Carrying., freight only. . .
* ; Connecting at Nome for Golovin, Sol-
J omon-and Teller. At St. Michael with
. Northern Xav.Go.'s river steamers for
; Fairbanks. Tanana. Da'wgon and all
. points on the Yukon.
This company's steamers leaving San
r Francicsot every, fifth day make close
j connections at\ Seattle, i Through tickets
r and "bills of lading issued at lowest
. rates. - \u25a0 . :
» . Right "reserved to change this sched-
t ulet without previous notice.
; 3 Market Street and Broadway Wharf j
\u25a0 Freight Office— Broadway Wharf !
| Ixjyo Kisen Eaisha
- (Oriental Steamship Co.)
'\u25a0 ...Hjive Opened Their Permanent Office at
: Room 240, James Flood Building
S.: «.\u25a0 America Maru (calls at Manila). > Friday,
May 3. 1907. . \u0084
S. S. Nippon Maru (calls at Manila >,» Friday,
May SI. 1007. • .} -
S.-S. Hongkong Mara. Friday. June 2«» 1907.
Steamers will ; leave - wharf, corner ' First and
Brannan 7 streets.' 1 . p.- m.. for Yokohama and
Honffkoajr/ calling at Honolulu. Kobe' IHloroi.
Naea<>aki ami Shsnchal. and connecting at Hone-
kons with steamers for Manila," India, .etc. No
carco received on board oh day of Mtling.
Reund trip tickets at reduced rates.', '\u25a0
For freleht and passage apply at office, James
Flood Building;.
W. H. A VERY. "-'"\u25a0
: Assistant General Manager.
HONOLULU— S. S. Alameda sails 11 a. m. Sat-
urday. May 11. Round trip, first class, $125.
TAHITI. SOUTH SEAS— S.~ S. Marlposa sails at
lla. on.. May 21. First class, round .rip. $123.
HONOLULU— B/9. Sierra sails May 23. 11 a.m.
Round trfp, $135; second, single,' $50., .
58 Clfty. Street, San Francisco. .
Passenger , Department, C 73 Market st
. Phone "Temporary 1231."
Special ; Passenger ServirJe
at)entschland...Apr. 30fAmerika (new). . May 23
a*Blnecher...*...May 9'Deutschland. ... .May 30
raejKaiserin (new) Bluecher.. ..June •«
.....:.:;... May lfii . \ [,-
a Gymnasium. • Grillroom. r Rttz-Carftoo
Restaurant. ' J Palm Garden! c Electric Baths.
Twin-Screw Passenger Service.
Patricia. . . . . « . 1 .May • 4iPennsylvanta. ; . .May 27.
5i1via ..... . . . ... May 1 1 1 Ba tav1a ....... \u25a0; JUJ UU <» \
Gr. Waldersee. .May 18lPretoria. . . . .'.June's
Mediterranean Service.
•Hamburg.......... ...May "."-June 11. Anr 13
*.a H01tke. \u25a0...:.:.-.:... May !2»; July 2. Sept S
\u25a0 .*. Has Grillroom.", a Has Gymnasium. .^*-
Summer Gruises
- «; D S IRING . J H^^ JOL T AN P August
tothe Jforrrefflan Fjords,' Jforth Cape,
Spitsbergen.' Iceland 'and European
seaside-resorts. , Send for Drojrramme.
R. R. Tickets, h.«f el accommodations and geii- v
eral information ; about -foreigrn travel,
;'• Travelers' „\u25a0 Checks," good : all over*rthe -world.
Hamburg-American Line
008 Market St.. San Franctaeo. ,
\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- * Telcphons \u25a0 Temporary 2948.
Northw^tern I^cific Railroad Co.|
April 1 4^ 1907 •
For Sa««sUlto, Mill Valley, Saa Rafael «
\ tWEEK -DATS^-Every " 30' * minute's '
from: 6:16 to-,9:45' a. m.; hourly until,
2:4£-p. m.; ; then •very.'SO.mlnutes' until
7:45 p.m.: »:00.-,lo:ltand 11:55 p.m.:; .=
SUNDATS— -Every ; 80 minutes -from
«:15 a. .m.-untll-$:15.p.*.m.; 9:00, »9:15,
;»9:45, 10:15 and 11:55 p. m. •
'-For Fairfaic— Week idays^-6:15,. 6:45'
:7:lB,i«:lst»,*m^ :1:45."3:15,' 5:45,-;<:ls,'
V 4:48V 4:4B and • 6:15 > p. cm. ; Sundays. 8:15
»:15M0:15,10:45,.11:45 a. ni. # 12:45,-1^45
»2:45,4:15; 4:46 and 8:15 p.'Jm.' : *r?, -» i
-ForSSanvQuentln-^Daily— S:l5, 9:45.' '
11:4S a-^m., 12:4Band*l:4S-p.m.~' J -*v-?
;; B:lsia.- m.idally;"*:4s p. m. darly Vx-i
eept. Sunday, and 8:15, p.. m. „. Sunday,
oply for^: Camp v Meeker.' "Monte Rio'
Casa^l«rd andiway.Btatlons.v. v • - v •\u25a0 ;
• .9:16 sW,m.^ Sunday only. -and s:lsrp.*m.
dally except \Srraday, -for ".Xafunlta*
CtoaptTaylo^: Point Reyea:, and. way ,
'\u25a0tattwM.'&'-'i.v \u25a0 \u25a0••;-, .\u25a0.-:-':. : : ;-U^-> ".\u25a0-\u25a0:. \u0084
V,»X» iMamSttom&t,^'.;. \u25a0.:_-, - ; : t :.- . \u25a0 ...-; \u25a0;.\u25a0{. }
iV- •'•' \u25a0•^'.'•^\u25a0•**? !l ! r . i .??lT??.? o y.V r .:';' : .' '7 '
\ For Tttinr •«, Belvedere an d s aa Ra fael i
:7:40/>9:15;i«Il:0<>t a.' m^^l2:Js. 3-30 * r
15:10," 6:30 p. m.eaily.» 'i* •^\u25a0^\u2666•-•^ "«\u25a0-' \u2666
/* '7:4o" daily- for Petalnma;- Santa" Ro««: ; ]
• Cloverdale,^ Ukfah.* '^WHlit*,-i Bherrr««3* *
i Camps.Vacatlon;-Sebaatopol.,GUn "Ellen '
and -way : stations."*...* >v'^- # -^r^ ;',-..- ; « . \
7 '.3:30-p^m.; dally , ,for 'Petaloraa, Santa •
;Rosa,'2Cloverdale; -jUkJah.^OaernevtUe ]
:Sebastopoi;and*way:»tatloos. y',:.MUvz"?i *
•5:10-.p.-in. daily; for, Petalunaa, 1 Santa "
ißosa.iSebastopol.-sGlen*, Ellen. and -war ".
• stations.-; I . ,v,;r;i •;.•; .• \u25a0 r--.-'.'-, : '--•-.- \u25a0-\u25a0•/•?-• -Mr* ** r
\u25a0 •',/, 9:15? a. tmh S y -, <} ? y.- only f. Or Petaluma* ;
>Santa Rosa and; \vay,statio"ns. '\,
•: "TolTlburonf obl/.'.'. - -v/; }f^, t -«v- i j 1
sTleket? Offices:^: : F«rry rmlldlnr. : and Gcnenl
Offices. Jamei> >. Floort r.nlldin*. -*\u25a0•;> . » . ;
i V" U- ' s »i JAS -v^ GLE »-° General ;Msnar*r: j
I, 3. GEAKI. Act. Gtn. Passeeger > & Fret-1^ Ajrj '
\u25a0' f iff & KATXITAY TTLXWU \u25a0-.' '
' >->y« « ; ---. - , - .:- ~ !<. \u25a0 } .;\u25a0-• ~ »
% y^flS^S. TraJas leavs aaitnim *
» /^33»3n S an Francisco
\-<^^^> / Fkosc Mat 1. 1907 \u25a0•
-V^jX^ Foot of Market SKrwrt
; Leave . .*— VIA OAKLAND PIER— Arrlvs
• . 7.00« Richmond. Eenicia. Sacramento.
1 .M SaUun and Way Statlons_»i. T.4»V
-. . 7-W« Elmira. Vacaville. Rumsey;. IM9
' IM* Davis. Woodland. M»vrys7Ula.
- Chlco. Kpd Blnfl— OtotllJb. 7.4»»
: 7^Ba Elmhorst News>rk. Cbnterrillu. »
-\u0084 ~l* 'SanJoao. Los Gates. Wrlirht — SMi
. l.V* Vallejo. Napa. Calistofß. SsnU
7 ; - Rcsa. Martinez, Ramon fJ&*
7.43«'Kiles. Pleasanton. Llvermor*.
' •' " Tracy. Lathrop. Stockton__ 7JJ»
8.»0a Shasta Express— < Vl a Darts.)
* ' Williams. Willows. Red Blnil.
. A s.iland. Portland and East... t2Sp
IJOa Martinez. Antioeh. Bjroß.Tnwy.
. t--*-.t --*-. - Stockton. Newman. Los Banes. *
*r<3~: Menrtota. : Armor a, Hanford. 4JH
\u0084 I* ~V r VUalia, Porter Till#_^_ 4^S»
j 823 a Port Costa. Lathxop. MercwJ. Mo-
n v'iCl % :desto. Fresno. Hanford, \>
: * »alia.Tulare. Bakersfleld 4^l» j
i »AQ* Niles. San Jose. Livennore. .
- . Stocktoa CMllton). V*ll*y
\u25ba '• " Spring. lon*. Sacramento* 4M*
. ,8-wa Sonora.Tnolunine andAogel3._ 4.M»>
9-0«« AUanUc Express — Ogden \u2666 4J»s-
9.00a Rono. Tonopab. Goldfleld_____- LZSp
•. • J.4(Ja Riclimond. Tort Costa. Martinez. -
" andWaySUOons ••«»
• IOJOa Vallejo. Maro Island. Napa_«.: llJtu •
10.20 a Ne;,v Orleans ELipreis— Bakers- . *
I ?i , field. Los A ngf 1«*. Densicy, H
Paso. New Orleans . T.»T» •..
1 tO^Osi Port Costa, Martinez. Byron. * •
1 Tracy, n athrop. Stockton.
Mercwi. Raymond. , Fresno, JhThil
'. Qos hen Jnnctlon. Hanford.'
> Lemoore. Visalia. Talare. 3M§
ll.OCa The Overland Liml ted— Omaha.
Chicago. De over. Kansas CUy TJSp
ll.4fta NilesandWay Stations , ; MSs
2.08» Newark. Agr:e w. San Jose_. 7JS*
3.05p Benida. Win ters.
Woodland. Knights Landinf, - *
1 Marj-svilU and Orovillo. H.«S» \u25a0
} 3JOp" Yosemita Valley xia Raymond—
• Watrona Route...". 14&*
3.20p Port <Vwta. Martinez. ByiOQ. '
. Modesto. M erc»<l. Prenno™^-™ U.B!> •
3JO» Via Tlburon. West Kara. St.
Uetena. Calistrga-™... tsUS*
3.40» Portland Express, (via Da-ria).. • .
-Williams. Willows. Bed Bluff. ;
Aihland. Portland and East" J.4Sj \u25a0
3.40p Niles aud Way Station? , IM%~ .
4.(0p Vallejo, Martinez. San Rsmon. *.
' Napa. Calistoza. Santa Fn?»... tM\ •
. 4.90p Nilw. Tracy. Stockton Lodl 1».»«
' 4.M* ElmhJtrst Newark MM*
Agnew.San Josa. »„.... '.. • tli-44»
4.40p Hay ward. Nlles, Ir Tington. San tIJJi
Jose. Llvermore. > „. J11.43*
> S.Wp The Owl Limited— Newman. Los '
Banos. Mendota. Fresno. To. \u2666
lare. Bakersfield. Los Angeles . ».«•
5J9» Hay ward. Niles and *an Jose^.« 7.sJt
5.209 Vallelo. Port Costal Benida. Sxd-
sun. Sacramento « _—.«_. ILXS*
fi.OOp China and Japan Fast Mall—
Ogiien. Omaha. Clileago- -
Martuiez. Stockton. Sacra- -
menio. Reno. Sp« rk» — 12.49 i
6.29p Hay ward. Nlles and Seui Jose Msi •
1 7.00p Gotdflold Pass. — Port Costa. Be-
nlcia. Saisun. Elmirn. Dixon. • '
I>»vi3. Sacra m «nto. Trnckeo
i Wad3worth. Hazen. Fallon. .
To:iopah. Gol rin eld and Keeler 7.M»
7.«0» Rhrolite. B#atty, Bulliroj ... 4£Br
7.90p Vallcdo. Beneda • and Way Sta- . .
tions. Sunday only- „.., IL2I*
S29p Orejrou Express* — Sacramental .-
Marysville. Kedd i n r. Port. -"• *.
land. Ptixet Sonnd and ta«. I.4 Jt .\u25a0
J.Oflp Fast Mall— Oicdsn. Omaha. CM- • •-
cayo.— Pui-blo.- Kansas City.
SL LonU ..._ 12.4« l .
COAST LINE , ,\u25a0\u25a0.. *\u25a0•••
- «r (Third and Townsend Btneta) *\u25a0„ ..
6.10« Valencia sC Sair Jom and Way . \u25a0
Stations ..£ \u25a0 „.: -.- , 13%
j 7.00 a Valencia St. Redwood. San Jc*».
I " MorgAnhin. Gilroy. Pajaro,
' Watsouville. Santa Cruz— Lan- • •*. .
j ro'i -Boulder -Creek. Salinas • •
! Del Monte. Monterey. Pacific"
Grovo \u0084.*•, ,- -, .__..„. S.4Qa •
BJWt» Shorn Lino Limited— San Jose. . •;••"\u25a0*
Salinas. Paso Robles Hot '* •
-. . Springs. San J^nls Oblapo.
'\u25a0'•\u25a0'":\u25a0 Santa Barbara. Los Anseles IJ0»
>.00a Del Monte. Monterey. ?%el&c
Grova : ' T ....,.,. IJSBp
B.ooa Watson ville. Santa Cruz. Laurel. * , •
.. \u25a0'•'- Boul.ier Creek_J._ ; _» IJ0» .'
B M* . The Coaster— Saa Jose. Salinas. . • \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*
Paso Robles Hot Sprints. i %
SaiUa Marirarita. S«n Luis * .
- Oblspo. Guadalnpe. Santsw ;»>.*
Barbara. San Buenaventnra,
Oxnard. Burbank, Los Angeles 15. C» •
BJfla Gilroy. Hollister. Tre» Plnos. Pa- • ,
jaro, WatsonviHe, Santa Ctxxx.
Castroville. Del Monte. Pacific
• Grove. Surf, Lompoc. „ 11.45*
9.OSa Valencia St.. South San Fran-
•*» ; • Cisco, Palo Alto.' San Jo»e__. " 7.43»
10.30 a Valencia St.. Burllnsame. Saa
\ Mateo. Redwood. Palo Alto.>
Sa.n JfWft :,.. . Uffj .
11-30* Valencia St. San Jose and. Way
i~: s.-. Stations : 4-lSi»
2.00p Valencia St. San Jos* and Way •
Stations I - tJSa
3.00» Del Monto Express — Valencia .. .-
.-. St.. San Jose. GUroy. Watson-
villo. Santa Cruz. Del Monte.
Monterey. Pacific Grore— .-. ' 12.1 J» .
i.9O 9 , Hollister. Trw Ptnoa__..;_ i. S.**p • *
3.15p - New Orlean? Expres*— £l Paso. .
Ban Antonio. Houston, Nnr .• ; .
Orleans and East____ 1015« .
5.15» San Jose. Salinas. Paso Robles >
Hoi SpringsT; Santa Barbara. * .
Los Angeles . .__ t,ls«
3.15» WatsonviHe. Santa Cm, Dal '
* Monte. Monterey. Pacific
Gro»e_*rr __\_ 11.45*
3.30p Valencia St.. South Ban Fran-
cisco. San. Jose. Gilroy. Hol-
lister. Tres Plnos —__ 1135s
4JOp Valencia St. Saa. Jose and Way J t«.«« *
Stations .. I ti,lsp
fS.OOp Valencia St.. Burltnzame. San
Mateo. Palo Alto. San Jose.
Los Gatos tls«a • \u25a0
5.30? Valencia St.. San Jose and Way
j Stations : 13.30*
IS.OOp Valencia St.. Bnrlingame. San -
: Mateo. B«* res ford. Belmont.
Redwood. Fair Oaka. Menlo
Park. Palo Alto. San Jose™.. 7.40 a
«J3» Valencia St.. San Jose and Way
Stations ___„_„_ OS*
B.OOp Sunset Ex pres3— San Jose. Sail- » '
nas. Paso Robles Hot Sprinjf. .
San Ijiis Obispo. Santa Bar-
bara. Los Antreles. Demintr. £1 '-'-'\u25a0;
Paso. New Orleans. 10.13.
S.Ma Golden Sute Limited Sleeper—
• El Vaso. Kansas City. St Louis.
Chicago. ... 19.15. .
B.oos> Pajaro. Watsonville. Cap! tola. . •--.-•
.-.-. s^anta Crnz. CastroriUe. Del
\u25a0 \u25a0 • ' • Monte, Pacific Grove _«_ 11.45*
8.1S» ..Valencia St. Ocean View. Palo
Alto. San Jose « Ib4«a
tl.OOp Sacramento River Steamers II.OO*
4.00p Wednesdays from Howard St.
Wharf N0. 2. "S. S. Bretvk-
water."Marshfield, Coatdllew \u25a0•- .•
Myrtle Point. Ore. .~— ttOOsj
Union Transfer Company aaenta * coHert »
baggage and checla on trains of Sontbern
Pacific and : deliverto residence. - They are '
authorized to check !>ag3ag9 direct . from
residence. \u25a0
( Foot of Market Street)
7X0. 8X0. 9i». 10X0. 11 .00 a. m.
12X0. 1.00. 2.00. 3.00. 4X0. 5.00. 6X0, 8X0. 9.08 P. M. ;
!•: A for -Jlorains P for Afternoon .
excepted. tSunday only. " "."
; ' ViaSausa^ito Ferry— Foot of Markrt St. '
' Lv. Saa Fran. ' -ggL. * I Lv-TaßftTsris-" J *
WEEK SUN- /fflsMjfok. SCN- WltX \
DAY' PAY fe^W^a PAT D^Y f
9-45 A \ 7:15 A fcg^»W *$3yA- 7:45 A
» 9:15 A IGOA 1:40 P
i:4S"P ;: WSA 12:18 P 4J4 P \
\u25a0 SATUR- 12:i5 P IT 3:10 P SATtnu ,'
};Dat: 2-JSP L*wl Hslidayt 4:40 P ; DAY
4:4SP 13M P «q«shy7»»w 4=tfP +M P |
;marlb; island navy yaird;-
'•\:£ yALLEJO andNAPA> '
* MoortceUo 8. 3. Co." and Mapa-VsUey Klectri*
R. R.'CiX • Cloae connections. - n .•\u25a0 »>» > • » -
').,,\u25a0 6—6 — RO (J.\D • TRIPS D All. I—S1 — S i
' : Boats t leav* Saa rraadseo T:CO. •»:« a.*, aa.4 .
12^0 b00b." 3:15. 6:00. «S:3O p. s*. \u25a0*--.*
, 8a a ' rraadaco landing and of 3ce. < Clay-strre«
wharf, north cad Ferry building. Market ltn«C
terry. ;> Meals a la cirte. - -. ' " '"
• ' Ptwne ,T«nperary 40*. *" 1* "V "\u25a0> - • <
'Lands -Navy Yard dlrxt. _. j
; Weekly Call, $1 per^fea^

xml | txt