Newspaper Page Text
12 Additional Gasified Ads on Page II »ÜBLIC STENOGRAPHERS HENRY M RAPSON. Central Trust buUdlnj, room 14, cor. Goldea Gate and Van Ness ays. Tel. Franklin 633. KATHEBYN KIMBEULY— LecaI work a JJ<*- r!»ltv. 318 Monsdnock bldg. TeL Temp. 3\u25a03 \u25a0 27. . PATENTS CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, patents, late examiner C. S. patent oface. 410 (Call) C. Spreckcls bIJ. FRANCIS M, WRIGHT, formerly examiner U. S. patent office. 025-927 Monadnock bldg. '-- PENSIONS * _ PENSION Attorney E. A. BULLIS. 1541 Steiner pt.; past commander Thomas Post G. A. K. ' TF.XSIONS. extra pay. etc Write L. M. SHER- WOOD. 2751 Filbert st.. San Francisco. PHYSICIANS DR. WONG HIM. HERB DOCTOR. Permanently Located, 12CS O'FarreU at. bet Gcrjgh end Octavla. SEE MAIN CHY. Chinese Tea and Herb Sanitarium. 335 7th Bt., Oakland. ~ \u25a0DR JOHN M. WILLIAMSON, formerly 21 Powell, now at 924 Geary: boors 2 to 4 p. m. Rhone Franklin 2342; residence 1631 Oak st DR. FP.EDERICK W. D'EVELYN, .permanent office Central bldg.. NE cor. Polk and Sutter sts.; tel. Franklin 748; hours 1 to 3. DR ALFRED A. REGENSBURGER— Diseases of the skin. 915 Van Ness ay., NW corner Ellis et; office hour, 1 p. m. * . DRTA. H. WRIGHT, now at rooms 1009-10-11. Clironlcle blUg.: hours 12 to 4; Sundays, 3 to 4; phone Temporary 3657. ' H A. HESS. M. D. (Pacific Hospital surgeon)— Office hours I to 3 and 6 to 7:30. 749 Hayes st.: tel. Market 2425. DR. G. FICHTNER. 054 McAllister; specialty chronic diseases and chest troubles; hours 1-3, 7-S: tel. Page 2204. ; \u25a0 DR. J. S. HANLON, -' Formerly Scoble Hospital, now 629 Van New ay.: tel. Franklin 15. DR. BECKINGSALE, fEdicbnrph university) ; chronic dlwises. 712 Golden Gate ay. - DR. E. F. WEST, formerly of 311 A Leavenworth et. is now at 1115 McAllister; phcae Park 722. DR. W. A. DOUGHERTY, formerly Phelan bldg., now located at 3161 16th tt. : tel. Market 5441. DR. J. M. MACDONALD. office BS3 Octavla st; . phone Market 2084: res, pho'be Weft 2106. DR. CABPENTER^ — Diseases of women. SS3 • E£dy st : brs. 2-4 and 7-8. Phone Franklin 1772. DX. O. CHILDS-MACDONALD. surpeon. St Mary's hospital. 1107 Franklin Bt ; 2-4 p. m. DR. F. C. KECK returned and resumed practice. cor. McAllister and Steiner sts. Hrs. 2-4 p. m. AI.RERT J. ATKINS. U. D.. rectal diseases. 16(i9 Franklin st. nr. Pine; honrs 1 to 4 p. m. X-RAY and Finsen Light Laboratory. 999 Steiner et. corner McAllister. DB. P. F. C. BIEHL. late of 927 Market st, now 102S Market st; phone Market 5359. OPPENHEIMKR CURE .. FOR ALCOHOLISM. 20C5 MARKET ST. DB. F. THOMAS (foraerly Dcnohue blflg) now si6.Tnrk. Tel. Fracklin 1590. DR. JOSEPH ARDCNYI. diseases of women and * iron. 07P, McAllister gt _^ DR. KARIN KLINT. 1966 15tii st near Church; 2 to 4. 7 to S. DENTISTS DRS. C. W. DECKER, T. H. MORRIS. L. T. CRANE. SURGEON DENTISTS, 1318 Snttep et, above Van Ness. Rooms 1-2-3-4-5-9-10. A NEW wrinkle: midden blush plates. S5; nat- ural appearance guaranteed: present this card for 1 free filling. Ideal Dental Co., Delbert block. Van Ness and O'Farrell. PAINLESS dentistry — Old established, honest, reliable; reasonable prices; perfect work: free j consultation. VAN VROOM. 1501 Fillmcre st.. oorner O'Farrell. PAINLESS Dentistry; set of teeth, £5; crowns. $3: brSdyeirork. $5: fillinps, 50c;- all puaran- te*<l. DR. BROWN. Market. 14th and Church. DR. W. A. MEYER, form. Callaehan building, now 2156 Market et near Chcrch and 14th; rillmore «. ears. -\u25a0 . . . .. NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS. Dr. E. W. Pcrfeinir. 1102 Valencia it cor. 22d. DR. KNOX. dentist. 1615 FOlmore et, formerly Grant bldg.: ell work first class; prices low. C. W. RICHARDS*!). D. S.. 205-6 Central bid?., cor. Futter and Polk. for. Mutual bank bldg. DR. SIMMS, formerly Parrott bldg.. 855 Market «t. now located at 1214 Polk cor. Sutter. r. 301. DR. U. C. I'ETERS. now In Bergren bldp.. Post and Gonrb: formerly with Dr. H. R. Morton. BAKTLETT. DR. 17. GRANT, extracting epecial- ißt: ras si yon. 2103 Fillraore. KW. cor. Cal. DR. R. L. WALSH, 572 McAllUter ar. Lapuna. Platinum fiUintrs. 50c: crowns. $5; plates. ?7. HILL. DR. LUDLUM. 1443 Market St.. now at 452 Webster gt near Oak; pas given. DR. J. J. LEEK, formerly 1126 Market, now E24 Valencia st bet. 18tb and 20th. _^ SAND. DR. J. E. — Business is being conducted at 1163 Devlsadero corner Eddy; DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kinds of dental work. 515 Flllmore tt. near Oak. RAYMOND D. CASTLE, dentist now located at 13th and Mission Ets. DR. F. G. PLESS. dentist. SE. cor. 16th and Cpprrero nts. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-..- ADOPTION DR. EMILIE FUXKE"S maternity villa; infants adopted: strictly private. 1416 Sth at, Ala- roiMia. Cal. ... \u25a0 AUTOMOBILES — -f~ OWING to the demand for larger cars, we have several owners anxious to sell their cars at very low fipnre*. ADVICE: Bay now'lfiOft Stevens, like new; 1906 White: 1906 OMs- mobile; 1006 model G 12 hp. Franklin; Ram- bler. 20 Up.. 1906. cheap; Cleveland 35 hp. I!KKt Autocar runabout Demonstrations cheer- fully eiven. PIONEER AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. Wl-525 Golden Gate ay.. s San Francisco, CaL AUTOMOBILES FOR EVERYBODY. Winton 4 cyL. goes fine, looks new. snap, SS73. Autocar, 2 cyL detach, tonnean, bargain. $325. Pone Tribune runabout, rnest condition, 5325 PSpdlx Automobile Exchange, 4Sth st. and San Pablo ay.. Oakland. From S. F. Key Route to 40th and San Pablo. CAR STRIKE NOT OVER YET. BETTER JSET AN AUTOMOBILE. PHESIX AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE. 45th ft and San Pablo ay.. Oakland. OXE O laaßobil *« French type, runabout.... ffi.%o' 1 OldKmobilp tocring car ; 750 3 Ford tourine car '.'.,.". J 4 cylinder 20 b. p. touring car," a* bargain WO 1 4 cylinder 20 h. p. runabout. ....._„ 950 JOE BEANE, Mission Garage, 611 Natoma. STL. WILBERT & SON. ISth and Mission sts. Automobile repairing In all its branches; only first class mechanics employed, and work guaranteed. Tel. Market 1031. AUTOMOBILE wanted-^Lot Srtxl 7o. in Miramar tract Halfmoon bar; valne $500, tn part pay- - ment: sUte particulars. Box 2929. Call office. M ?,5£ L «*!^-" n Wlnton> wlth tOD - « 8 «nd eearch- Ilgbt 51.. j0; car in gnod oondltion, has never been abased. .WATERMAN BROS.. FresnoT # AUTO and general repairing shop, connty seat town; rent, $17 month; come macMnerv for sale; best chance In ctate. Box 2924, Call. RKNSTROM GARAGE. 424-434 Stany&n; phone Park 476. Antomobiles bought soM. repilredl supplies; tonring cars for hire at all hours. FOR «ale — 5 model N Ford onto and 1 f O4 Ford. «t LILIENTHAL BROS.. 5176 21st »tT ~~ R. H. MORRIS— AUTO BROKEIL ~~~ 675 36th St., Oakland. Cal. Phone . Oakland 45C2. PULLMAN automobile on - exhibition at the Mlwroosn of the FRANK O. RENSTROM CO 424 to 440 Stanyan Bt. ' WILL build garage \u25a0 for . responsible tenant- lt>- *-st!on Telegraph ay. ; and 41st «t CARL. 204 11th et, Oakland. -.'\u25a0; AURORA anto livery and garage. . Phone Mar- ket 11 «. 538 McAllister bet Van Ness and FnmUin. , . . AUTOMOBILE repairing: stortjre battery charg- ing, repairing. I. L. DX JONGH. 446 Fulton. SAN FRANCISCO' VULCANIZING 00.. . 425 . Valencia et Anto tire repairing our. specialty. LIND GARAGK AND MACHINE WORKS— RE- PAIRING. STORAGE- 223 FULTON ST. . . - l»O6 PACKARD , for Bale, Room 2. 1031 FOI- tnore^et \u25a0 ' \u25a0 " \u25a0---.\u25a0._\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0,.-•\u25a0 ... ..-,.: . ART GLASS* _ PLAIN, leaded and art glass. CS: HUBRELL, 212 Gongh tt between -Oalc and FelL'----. • \u25a0 r- , : ART I REPAIRING A. JIIZUHARA, 2300 citlifonfla st; gen. > art J repairing. - Ref. : 'White House, Nathan-D. ; Co. . )\u25a0_'-.. BUSIXESS CHAKCES PROFITS -in Oregon i lumber. / Have ; yon V ob- served the enormous quantity of Oregon ; lum- ber . being used sln • San '- Francisco T Do s you know that the \u25a0 entire United - States \u25a0is 5 buy- ing Oregon lumber ? ?-. Do yoa know 1 the actual cost, on board cars •In < Oregon, . and the 1 profits in the business? ,Why . don't, you' become a producer of lumber, receiving , your share - of this profit ? We are Belling a certain ' amount of stock In a lumber and timber concern" here. , Safe, solid and • profitable. .No better - invest- ment can be' found. " Full .. particulars, -r. with banking refereßces on request. Address \u25a0 Snn- sef Lumbering Co., 206 McKay bldg., Portland, Oregon. • • . ..'•\u25a0• .is,-*;-.; "*»"->_;.. \u25a0' -- '- .'\u25a0 FOR sale — 125 shares of fine capital ; stock of . a well paylnjr electricar machinery, company ;es- j tebllshed . 1901; doing a flourishing business; \u25a0\u25a0 1,175 shares issued: 9 ve directors. Apply room 1 34. Marson building, 13S0 Sntter st . ' i $1,000 INVESTED in. South American hardwood • lumber business will In a few years pay $1,000 a year for life;* best proposition providing for old ace; call or send 25c for book of resources. 549 Castro at . , . FOR sale— Small planing mill, half or entire Interest, doing thriving bosiness; clears 60 per cent profit; must sell; owner going east " For particulars apply 2027 X if, Sacramento, Cal. PRINTING /business— Well equipped printing plant on main business street for sale; $6,000 including building, or $4,000 without / Apply to bos 2926. Call office. - FOR sale — Well known 3 mast schooner, fine condition: will make . ferries -. easy, -or made for lumber;, owner not qualified to handle it Box 967, Call office. FOU sale — Well known 3 ' mast schooner, fine condition;, will make terms easy, or trade for lumber; owner not qualified to handle it Bor 067. Call office. PARTNER wanted to take % Interest In 2 rooming houses; will be ready' to furnish in 2 weeks. Ben Brilliant Furniture Co., 1953 Sntter gt . $600 — Wood, coal, hay and grain business: rent $33, including 6 room house; -3 years' lease. MITCHENER & BARTON, 916 , Broadway. Oakland. > ; ; $2.500 — Saloon In the business center " of Oak- land; rent $22.50; good lease. MITCHENER & BARTON. 916 Broadway, Oakland. FOR sale — Paying business at Bay station; rea- son, trouble with partner. 1 Apply J. -A. R EM- MEL. 121S Lincoln ay., Alameda. RESTAURANT; one of ; the greatest bargains ever offered; sickness; "very low rent; lease. 1433 Steiner st near O'Farrell. FOR sale — I complete bowling alleys, also bar, 1 billiard and 1 pool tabre. Apply to I. DAN- NENBAUM. Vallejo. Cal. FOR sale— An old established liquor store' ln. 'a large interior town. Address X, box 2925, Call office, San Francisco. \u25a0 : • HALF interest . established real estate and ln- snrance business; cheap. Box 291^. Call office. SALOON— S years' lease; rent $75 to - reliable man. Call 771 McAllister st; no agents. • BUTCHER shop -to let good location, cheap rent. SW cor. Clay and Webster st«. TO let — Good rock quarry. Apply to owner, A. WHILTON. San Leandro. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSE of 14 rooms, opposite 2 theaters, clearing about $150 monthly; long lease; location the best north of »larket st Apply 3212 16th st. CB AND ALL, 365 McAllister St.. buys and sells - rooming houses. List your property with him for aniek returns. ' ARCHITECTS WILLIAMS BROS., construction superintendents. L. Mastropasqua, architectural engineer. Plans and construction: estimates guaranteed. 729 Monadnock building, San Francises.. McDOUGALL BROS., architects, 721 Devisadero st. bet. Fnlton and Grove; phone West 5592. N. HIRANO, Japanese designer, and building contractor. IS2I Sntter -at.: tel. West 7068. AA'GLE LAMPS ANGLE LAMPS best lamps for reading. BOESCH LAMP CO.. Coast Agents. 1135 Mission st. BAR AXD STORE FIXTURES STANDARD Furniture Mfg. Co., Sol Bryant st. ; makes all kinds of furniture; tables . a spe- clalty. Telephone Market 3724. CALIFORNIA Home Industry. 214 Sth st— Bar and store fixtures, showcases always on I hand. SHOW CASES, STORE FITTINGS. TABLES— Lowest figures. Central Fixture Co.. 293 Polk. CALIFORNIA - Home Industry. 214 Bth st— Bar and store fixtures, showcases always on 'hand. J. MARTENLON makes office, store and bar fix- tnres. 218 .ath st bet Mission and Howard. FOR etore. office or bar fixtures see McCOLM & BARNARD. 2027 Ellis st above Devlsadero. J. LINDEN — Manufacturer \u25a0of showcases - and gjbtnete. 1755 Mission st. : BICYCLES J. W. CORNELL, sporting poods; agency Snell bicycles, motor cycles: repairing. 1104 Valencia. COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS A. L. MURAT, photographii* work all descrip- tions; picture framing.. 444 Octavla st.; T teL Market 4951. CHIROPODISTS DR. JAS. BROWN, expert chiropodist, at Empo- rinm, , Van Ness and Post; , formerly 6 ;Geary. DR. DUNCAN. 1550 Ellis et.' n»ar. FUlmore; -all _foot_ajlment« cored; evenings by appointment CLAJRVOYAXTS ' AA — ORA. THE WONDER AA Acknowledged by all to be the world's greatest life reader; if you have domestic trouble, if you are separated . from the . one you love, if you think yonr husband or wife is not -true, If your home is not a happy one, " if you have In- vested money or expect to invest in a proposi- tion of any Kind and are in doubt as to the merits of It SEE ORA; readings 60c. 1124 Eddy st between Laguna and Octavla. THE White Mystic of India.. . . ~" ORMONDE, formerly 10 years on Market st ; a clairvoyant with power; genuine, reliable, con- •cicntlous; past present, future; - business ad- vice, love, marriage, divorce; removes evU In- fluences ; tells your full name ; born :in \u25a0 the orient with the power of any 10 mediums • readings $1. 1310/ Devisadero ' st between Ellis and O'Furrcll. MME. MAJOR, clairvoyant, . palmist -and card reader, formerly of 146 Eddy St., is now per- manently located • at . ISOO . Ellis - st., - corner Pierce: satisfaction guaranteed; ladles 50c. \u0084 gents $1. , . \u0084 . - ;.. - \u25a0 ... '. .. MME PORTER, gifted clairvoyant medium/ tells past, present and • future; born with a double veil; second sight; cards' read clalrvoyantly; ladle* 50c. gents $1;- palmistry and clairvoyant tattings; full life reading $1.50; open Sundays- walk in; top floor. 1533 O'Farrell at: 5 MISS ZEMDAB. young, gifted clalr. and' palm- ist; a wonderful prophetess: 'names; ladles 50c. gents $1; hrs. 10 to S. 1260 EUls nr. Laguna. MME. EUGENIE, scientific palmist/- card reader- reveals facts that astonish yon. 1465 Valencia: BETHANA, famous orient*! clairvoyant, palmist and card reader. 2231 Pine st' cor. Fillmore. MME. BURKMAN — Card reader; ladles and gen- tleroen. 50c. 1003 Buchanan st nr. McAllister. $1 READINGS this month; lucky numbers- and charms. MME. LELAXD, /Tl6,Golden Gate ay. MADAM SCHAEFFER.; clairvoyant card reader, water seer. <04 Lagnna. bef Grove and' FnKonl MME. C; DEAN, scientific card and Hindoo ccc -render; hours 1 to 9. 1003 A McAllister st" MME. LOUISA, Spanish clairvoyant card reader Rooms -X and 2. 1037 A Golden Gate ay. ; - :^ . ; : MRS. BROWN. 1820 O'FarreU , nr. Steiner— Clairvoyant, card reader ; and „ palmist MME. MARSEAU. card reader; ladles 25c,' cents ,50c. 2693 Mission gt ; near 23d. . . MISS. M.%WILLE, 1505 Geary left for a couple of .: days; -wait * for; further, notice.; -^ \u25a0--'\u25a0' MISS MORRIS, card \u25a0 reader and clairvoyantt 859 '\u25a0\u25a0' Webster : et.y, room -7. ' <:/- - : ;'..-'-'.. '-' : ' : -Sj •'"';'- SPIRITUALISM' '•\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'•--','' '•\u25a0.:''•'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 "'.n, MRS/ EVERS. Eplritnal clairvoyant and. medium, . Jntf arrived;!^ highest i testimonials on . all matters,, medical Included; fee $1 upward- hoars 11 ' to t B. \u25a0\u25a0?. 2128 . Bnsh .st ; near. Fillmore; \u25a0 -no sign. ; . ;,- \u25a0-- ." ' : v' .\ '- -"-?-•'•-//;'.-:\u25a0'."'?,.\u25a0. DR. . HOWLAND'S 60c readings . are. helping all; yon can stake yonr life on his honesty: 1 circle, 25c. tonight. :;=\u25a0 2002 Sntter , st ; near FUlmore. ;•: MRS.; ROBINSON;' readtngs'daUy:? circles Sun- day,- Wednesday,* Friday,^ 23c -751% Webster .- at near Fulton.',, \u25a0\u25a0»;-\u25a0 -\u25a0'; .-.,".'\u25a0\u25a0 :":'-;- MRS. SEAL; spiritual :. medium: readings SdaUy.' ' 786 McAllister st : circle Thursday. * 8 p. v m.v~ ' \u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0 ': '\u25a0 \u25a0':'.".% PALMISTRY A— RETURNED— H. JEROME FOSSELLI, scien- tlfig pglmlst'*' 1810 ' Webster ct.:' pbone 419/y-S.T _;_\u25a0- '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;; cash » registers :^,v :':'k : CASH * registers.'; 521 ' olres. ? of " aU prices,"! f or Tall kinds of business, on'Mberal terms. -National Cash ; Register • Co.y> 12S3 .Golden Gate ay. ;, .;. .*\u25a0 CASH registers ; t all i makes, * sizes; $10 ? up : I our prices lew than half . tt 529 Market \u25a0 gpstalrs.^ * :.-'<• .' : -.--. \u25a0\u25a0:'"\u25a0: ' \u25a0\u25a0.-:* CIGARS", .'--^•\u25a0•'•'"'.-'j-;'; ''//;' v.y H< H~? & 'CO- - wholesale ? ; tobacco "and 'cigars ; ' .Cnbanola and-El Sttelo cigars.. 18 Sacramento . st ; opposite the ferries. ; THE :SA^:FRANaESG6i|C^^ " CONTRACTORS jASD; BUILDERS "}• McCUIXOUGH '• CONTRACTING CO.; 12023-2033 .' Market— BuUdlngs designed and < erected quick-" . , Iy.' economically; no P ,"waltlng for.mUlwork." • ;.; JAMES HERCHE. ENQINEER AND -MILL- ;. : WRIGHT,. 1111 LAGUNA. 1 TEL. \WEST 4160.' pTde NOO Y & ' VAN DAM,' carpenters. ' eentract- ; ore ; cab. work. \u25a0 1284 A Eddy.' Phone 1 West 4C24. C. \u25a0 H.T TURBS, contractor,; builder, IJobbing; shop ,-638 Fnltpn st. ; : , residence 317 Prague st. \u25a0?-,-\u25a0.:, -;., ANTI WALL PLASTER CO. : \u25a0 no . more • cloth ; ; use \u25a0- ;\u25a0 AnOplaster . board, -r 1923 ' Market ; st: V ; ;'-\u25a0.\u25a0;.'> : D.:hOULE, ; 1364 " Eddy st:,.' contractor and build-; l er: store and office ? fixtures." ;?;£2llilll_l£l_-: - COMMERCIAL ART V ; HUNT CO.. 2170 Post Bt.; phone ..West 6255.:; " In- spect our Bamples. '•' ' " --' ' \u25a0-'•' ''"';!____ l_— — ? CLOTHING i.WAJf TED .-""> : - '... \u25a0\u25a0'' j WANTED— Castoff clothing : ''-.. we r ; pay x highest • price.- -Friedman's Misfit Parlor. - 19 ' 8th st. \u25a0:\u25a0 > ' " : ..; ....'.iDETECTIVJCS /':.•".." >• ''.; : ;- McCARTH Y'S i Detective Agency. s Reliable . Inf or- " matlon In civil and criminal affairs;. legal and » commercial refs. ; communications I confidential. 1228 FUlmore cor. .' Eddy, ix Phone West . 3078. . thos. McCarthy. Principal. ' \u25a0»-\u25a0--\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0- I "^ PRESS MAKIXG-v Vcc>*RDION. knife , and j sunburst • pleating, but- tonholes and buttons j made- at* Stewart's Lin-. \u25a0 ing and . Notion Stored ,1213 ' Post : st.' ' near \u25a0 Van , Ness-ay.,' formerly of .Taylor st.*: •\u0084\u25a0..'\u25a0\u25ba''"«*\u25a0 SUNBURST, accordion, knife - pleating, buttons. s : buttonholes. ' lining." notions; \u25a0 mail orders solic- lted. STEELE'S. 1420 Post; phone West 6428." McDowell's Dress Making and . Millinery, School. • 1215 Post ; st;* near « Van t Ness.v " Branch : 1018 - Washington \u25a0 st. Oakland. Patternw cut to order. V:". '• iIILLIXERY v'O V . .;".; vV JUST arrived.- our * new; spring hats. . MISS .H. & A. PRAG, 910 McAllister st. . ' . : /; \ / DISPLAY fine Easter millinery. MISS M.RICH- ARD.--062 \u25a0 Valencia ": Bt' \u25a0-." . :"-»- 'ladies* tailors r. ' / LOUIS LINDSTROM. ladles' tailoring, formerly Donahue bids'., now 1304 Post - near Franklin. H. BETTE, V .'-' ,= :' 1163 Ellis st.: spring novelties. \u25a0V- .-/\u25a0 '.':":\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 ' •'\u25a0'\u25a0 furs.--..' '.-";•\u25a0:\u25a0-- '•• j ;';. '. .-; B. KANTNER, manufacturing furrleK.: formerly 122 Stockton sf; now 2000 Sntter, rooms 1-2. - G. BARE, furrier, ' formerly. Lachman & Co.; now ' 1515 Bush' st. J cor. Van Ness ay..' upstairs. ' \u0084 HAXD PAINTED CHINA Dorn's Ceramic Supply Store," 759-761' McAllister; largest ' on . Pacific • coast; devoted i exclusively, to white china, supplies; direct importers.-. ;'; ' \u25a0,'-EDUCATioNAL'-': : . \u25a0\u25a0'':. j GEO. ROBERT-'PUCKETT. » ; '-'- Dancing Instructor : private lessons daily. Ito 5. . CotiUion hall. ,159 Church, at 14th and Market. "EVERYTHING FOR SCHOOLS," books. \u25a0 sta- : tlonery, apparatus,' furniture.".. The Whitaker &"Ray,Co., Grove st. and Van Ness-ay.-; ' : , A— PENMANSHIP, encrossing. - Esptna, • drawing; MSTROPOLIT"AN BUSINESS COL.. 925 Golden Gate; stenography; : positions. .- • LENA BUDD POWERS, school of expression and " dramatic 'art. -761 Fillmore; post graduate of Emerson College of Oratory, Boston. ; -f .> -V. HEALD'S Engineering School. 295 Locust ay., cor. I Franklin ' st. ; \ all branches ; day and ; eve. ENGINEERING— CiviI. \u25a0 elecl:, mining, v mech.. survey, assay.v cy-anide; day.-, eve.; -est. 1864. Van der NHillen School, 51st- & Teleg., Oakland STAGE dancing & vocal lessons taught: sketches arranged: pupils prepared for stage. 2397 Mission PROF. T. A. ROBINSON, Individ, instr. math., book keeping. Eng.,' etc.: day, ; eve. : 290 Page. MME.- de- MARS, competent French -and piano teacher; lessons (l;.at studio, 50c.; 605 Steiner. GUITAR. \u25a0 mandolin, piano, ginelng; . new ; classes forming;' B lessons $3. 802 Halght, c. Devisadero HEALD'S Business Collegp, 1451 : Franklin .st, S. F.,, and Bacon bldjr.; .Oakland: day; and eve. SAN FRANCISCO Business .College now located . at 733FJllmore near/Hayes: day .and evening. R. PFAENDLF.R. pianist; pupils. t« light, classic . or popular. ; 355 Fell st. Phone Fell 1-437. r S. C. 1 BALDWIN. Banjo, mandolin. ; guitar. 1374 nayes st. ALL conrt i reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh -- - Business . College/ 4C4" Devisadero st. f . \u25a0 : ;>/• -\u0084 -\' 'c- MERRILL-MILLER i College, 1 pleasantly., located nt ; 733 , FUlmore : st ; day ; and \u25a0 evening. : .: : THE BERLITZ -' SCHOOL: OF \u25a0 LANGUAGES— .2531 ; - Washington st. -, near j FUlmore. .; :.. MISS POTTER, teacher of;, elocution; - aftar- noons. 2to 5. .:\u25a0 las'! Bnsh st. \u25a0 /-: \u25a0•':-\u25a0 ' -" EMPLO YMENT i: : OFFICES MOST reliable Japanese * and % Chineae , employ- ', ment office on the coast; > f nrnishes best • help, all kinds, and ' guarantees -the - capability *'\u25a0 and qualifications of every one of i them sent ' out of my : office. O. HATSUMI, 1513 , Geary st.;" ' tel. West 56SS :.-y. v ,-. •:. : -;'--- \u25a0'\u0084-.: - , \u25a0\u25a0'"'-• JAPANESE Housecleanhig "Agency, furnishes best . help.- with ; care: by. hours, 1 , days \u25a0' or/ week i; . cooks, waiters, bonsae i cleaners,* window wash- ers, etc. -H. K.- ODA,- 1721 Post st.:phoiie \u25a0' .West-4634./. -- \u25a0. .:.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0':-\u25a0 ; \"hf \u25a0;\u25a0 . ;Uv. -.\u25a0\u25a0- A— RELIABLE Chinese- Japanese emp.: office. . A \u25a0 HORI. prop.; -. furnishes ; best' help, -.with care and dispatch. 1748 Sutter St.: tel. West 2503. STAR employment' office furnishes 'Japanese nnd Chinese help with care. '.; 'Tel: :\ West 107.'i: W. KADOTA, 1608 Geary st'near Buchanan/;- '. H. W/ HONG, - Chinese * emDloyment office.' 837 / Webster 8t.; .: Oakland ; j: phone \u25a0;. Veraon *\u25a0 241. \u25a0•;; CHINESE and Japanese employment office, 362 sth st; tel. Oak 8101.1 B.HALL, Oakland,": JAPANESE-CHINESE^ Emp. Office. . Phone Wc3t 1731. Laguna st. i^.- ;'v. : EMPLOYMENT WANTED— -Female GOOD Japanese' girl wants ""position to; do" cook- ing " and housework, or take .• care •« of • baby ; Fneaks English : well. , 1431 Ellla st '• Pbone -\u25a0.. West . 3014. -;;-:\u25a0: T-/-^.'. r •?>-.- \u25a0;.:.-. '.••'\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0•..• -\u25a0",:":. \u25a0 O. ALICE JOHNSTON, dress maker, formerly 131 ; :, will go : in', families,-; s3 * a day,'-: or take . work - home. 919 -, H " st. near 10th - ar.", ' Sunset. v-;*v -;* , - ; ..-. : -. \u25a0 \u25a0. .. . .--; ..;.-; HOUSE KEEPER— Neat/ : middle" aged lady I wishes : position ;ln small family: would' leave ;- the city. ' MRS. D. ' SMITH, ; stetlon 42. r :^w WOMAN, would like " position as: cook .'or house ' Keeper In a : German family; ',s3o -or $35p»r month/ * Box 2922.' Call - office.''^ •*- -'' ,; : / EMPLOYBIENTI^WANTEb—siaIe ' A, married '; engineer, :c«nTdo'< his {own' 'repairing, ;-. wishes - employment; ,S references; :< telephone • Oakland \u25a0 6701.-^- Address , : Commercial' Union ' ho- tel, \u25a0' Emeryville.;, FRED'.TONN. : ; .; i. ; . ,},^j j [\u25a0\u0084 BOOK KEEPER., cashier , or ; general . office " man '.-:\u25a0 of . 20 years' \u25a0 experience,': will accept : any ... able position; t- best references. « Address - D.. \u25a0:.: 315 A' Steiner st. ..-/;,. /--...:\u25a0.\u25a0; ;.^ f ,-. ; ; .-*;-. - A : young . man \ wishes ; to ; do : chores ; in a ! private rfamily In the city;, must be In a 'good family. - Address JOSEPH N. - OILAR, ; Benlcia, ? Solano ....: county,: OaL'y :,. :•>;;-. ;.'W:v.',-l ;-. ', *^*- \u25a0\u0084".;':,' VjX'-s BOOK 3 KEEPER, excellent references s! and \u25a0\u25a0 ex- ; /perlence.'i desires position; s day cash 1 Journal or ledger work preferred. \ f. Box 2700, : Call of flee, i^ YOUNG ' man : wantn '.position s as '. coachman; R first I class references; Oakland preferred/B ox 1124 :.-. - Call office," Oakland, yi W.i ALLEN.'- ' ; f- ..' •\u25a0-: YOUNG man, | Austrian," 5 good worker.l would like ' Job as dish i washer.' or; pick . and shovel. /Apply . :S2B , Howard^st >; Bed r44if.:S'-'y V .. "/\u25a0•-_ :,?;' CH INESE first i class •; hotel or • restaurant ; cook , .wants situation in; S.. F. 1 or; Oakland/ Box . 1114. \u25a0 Call ; office; Oakland. :,•;- ; ;v GROCER . clerk," 25,: wants " a-iposltion/i city lor /country;; ready .'= to«work. ,; A/?N. STELLING ,208 San Jose ay/, S.:F. - • y ' ;v. ;,\u25a0>-. v \u25a0\u25a0-.. .:'.\u25a0 MAN,! who •; understands t the * care ; of i horses and -j cow.V also : a \u25a0-. good,"; careful * driver, i" Box 1 113 - ," Call = of flee, \ Oakland. >\u25a0;;/\u25a0.\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0. i .'-\.-. '^. \u25a0;-.\u25a0\u25a0- -'-t ; ' ; JAPANESE ; wants position ; at-any ; kind •of work *r: after 5 p.* m. ; speaks r English* well. ;• OGATA" ;;1341 Webster st. \ T . EXPERIENCED .;.' book : J keeper <i and S accountant \u25a0 wants posltlonrbestreferences.* Box 2910; Call * SITUATION as a man about private place. ; Box v^t 2921; -i Call' office." \u25a0 t ' : :'» r., *'*:\u25a0;: -:\u25a0-.?;. -.^. \u25a0:.-; , p '.\u25a0\u25a0„\u25a0 SAS'TA ;T CRDZ i'EaiPLbTfMENTAV^;'..' IF 1 you - want > work of 'i any •'o^scTipSGnTTmale^'t^ - : ; f emale.t write \u25a0to J.t W.V MeCUISTION/; 266 ' Pa- ! - * clflc^av.".'- Santa- Croi. \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 - -. * \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0';.\. -yj. »•„-.,.? . :) .' H--_ \u25a0 -HELP ' WANTEui-Feinale ''];. OUR NEW: FACTORY - ! BUILDING,; WHIOT IS ;, -THOROUGHLY ? LIGHTED.,^ VENTILATED - i AND HEATED/r IS NOW^ READY, FORi OCCU- ; PANCY; EXPERD3NCED ANdJinEXPEBI." ENCED « SEWING »: MACHINE j ' OPERATORS . WANTED *-ON n OVERALLS ; & GOOD a PAY- \u25a0; STEADY^ WORK;« PAH)tWHILE LBARNING' ?>. LEVI v STRAUSS - ,Bc >; CO^.*. VALENCIA s BET*' . -ft 18TH f AND 14TILT, APPLY* MB.V DAVIS. iv<* WANTED^An? experienced i French • girl' for Ken- r- eral housework ; ; S•in 1 family; ; fare • paid : » wanes <'\u0084 ' $20. ~ Call 5 320 { Petaluma^ av.v< coraeri MSslon -st.,, San. Rafael.;-: .. \u25a0'^JM&kS&B&3&y&3S&&SSBB&t WANTED-^Experienced j shirt? operators I on £ new '•.!i!?b; speed: power . machines: ! steady; work; good . pay.\vApp]y at ' 76B ; East ;l2tb!st> Oakland. '•- > emale^TContiniied ; WANTED^- Young ": women to~ learn telephone', op- ; -.crating; ' paid i while learning; salary. Increased after r first f two j weeks '- and , further " increased •i , & f r ,v work s becomes •ef fldent' \u25a0\u25a0%\u25a0'-, 2 .:. Daily^j luncheons i furnished free, and rest ~;. rooms-iwlth * matron ! in' attendance. * ; > ~ -j ; .f. Permanent *. positions : -' good chances for ; ad- PACIFIC e TELEPHONE BAN8 AND 3: TELEGRAPH CO: " •'. /'" ' '-.',.';."- \u25a0' --.v.'AAAAA ;"\u25a0-:'\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0.'.•-; .-t'' ; \u25a0:. Experienced v operators' wanted - on •\u25a0"Standard i shirts,'.' and a few bright plrls to learn at $5 - . per . week ; no < delays; •\u25a0 no < shut ' down ; >we op- 'J, crate ; our own : power plant ; new factory , now \u25a0 ; .-open.P- \u25a0/.\u25a0 : ;;..--u-r. : - r f. ; -*-- : '' : ".' •;.'• - ->•: STANDARD : SHIRT FACTORY. '\u25a0' ' : , \u25a0 ,; Gongh »' and \u25a0 Grove ' sts. '•;;.'. >\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0 ;\u25a0\u25a0 •."--\u25a0,;..\u25a0.;-..-..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0 '- ..\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0;\u25a0;----\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0-..•- ,'-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'• SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS ON SHIRTS \u25a0 ,- GOOD PAY; CLEAN, STEADY WORK; NEW WELL <\u25a0 HEATED "AND i YENTI- V LATED : ' INEXPERIENCED ' TAUGHT AND PAID WHILE LEARNING. LEVI STRAUSS & Co., Valencia between 13th and 14TH: % APPLY; MR. HINSHAW. \u25a0' •'-.'"• \u25a0'-. AAAAA -\ OPERATORS \u25a0on 'Boss \u25a0 of ;the - Road overalls and \u25a0«, coats, , also a , limited ; number of bright glrla to ' . learn,: at $5 \ per .- week, -'"j ~ - • --> - STANDARD ' SHIRT \u25a0 FACTORY. '\u25a0'... - , . . .'.;.- 2S: Fell. St.- X';..'.". '.': WANTED — Hlgh< grade employes for book '\u25a0 keep- ;.ing and '"'office ; work. • Apply to sunerintendenr, , NATHAN-DOHRMANN CO., 1520-1550. '- Van ; Ness ay. \u25a0 . .-.-:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . -\u25a0\u25a0; ;\u25a0•.• '.. ,-.\u25a0 -;-- . -" .' HANDSEWERS;i:-' APPLY TO MR. DAVIS. m CARE • LEVI STRAUSS &- CO.: VALENCIA ST. BETWEEN. 13TH AND -14TH. PRESSERS ; wanted on overalls; -Apply LEVI . . BTRAUSS . & CO.. i Valencia . and Brosnan, 13th and 14th. ' ;•\u25a0.-\u25a0- : \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0_ \u25a0-:'<: .\ -,- • WANTED— Experienced ventilator for hair dress- - v ins j> dep t v'- Apply -'. Superintendent's '\u25a0- office '\u25a0\u25a0 'te- :;tween 9 and ll.'Hale Bros. Inc., 6th, and Mar- t>ket;Bts.y : . J x:? ;.;\.- -\u25a0;-';-\u25a0•'\u25a0-;.\u25a0\u25a0,.„/\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 i<"si* :'> :! -i .WANTED— Gir^ to wait on \u25a0 ; counter ; in city --\u25a0creamery: vone. living in -Mission \u25a0; preferred; wages $10 * per week,,, Bor 2932," Call : office., ; GIRLS to ! learn ; millinery or hair • dressing In . 1 / month ; for , $5; A Tuesday, Thursday • and Satnr- . -;t day • evenings only. - . 429 2d ; ay.. Richmond. .* WANTED— Young 'girl to X assist : with light ;'.: housework , and : take" care" of children/Address ;*; 1824'.; Central \u25a0 ay., j Alameda.";: , , '- . . .WANTED— 4 ironers at once;- will pay high salary by week. '-Call at 667 Orove st. Golden - Rule, Laundry. ,''., : ; \u25a0--.-, ; \u25a0 •- COMPETENT cashier and office : clerks. "Call -after 9 a: m. S.N.: WOOD & CO.. -Flllmora ' and;Ellls nts.;- \u25a0 ; -- -..-, ;- \u25a0:; -• ,: \u25a0-,-.• • \u25a0."_-\u25a0.\u25a0- \. - WANTED^- Young " nurse girl to take care of 20 '\u25a0"\ months : old ? child ; V wages $20. Call forenoon .:' 2438; Jackson.'^; J , -.. \u25a0 "\u25a0; . " ..< \u25a0;.•;;.; WANTED— First class mattress tick spwer.- Ap- ply i JOHN " HOEY & . CO., Rhode Island and Alameda" sts.*; ' • • . \u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0 • . '. \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0. \u25a0 ..-".\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 WA NTED— Teacher for district school. Address .^BOYNTON. First National Bank build In?, \u25a0••\u25a0 .-.-\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0:..• .' -:- ' \u25a0 ",.'. •\u25a0-.. .. ..-- - \u25a0 WANTED— First class cake demonstrator; ; give •: experience 'and salary, wanted.- Box 2936, Call.' WANTED— Good female : cook •' in small restau- -\u25a0';; rant; also women ,to wash dishes. . 2742 Folsom/ WANTED— LadIes Ito " have - corsets made to or- - nder; $3.50 up. 1105 Valencia st. MRS. HALL. -.-;/.':'.. : -'y.-. ; MRS. CANER. ;, / - :j: j .Dress making school and millinery. 811'Chureb. WANTEIV— IOO Indies to have hats trimmed." .Tsc op. V l2ll Valencia ! St. MRS, r A/ C. RINES. .y j YOUNG i lady | stenoirrapher and . office assistant. Apply at Pacific Tank Co.. 268 • Market - st. ; < WANTED-^slrl ito • do ! general * housework.^ t 3775 it 25th ( st.;~;. between > Fair ; Oaks ; and ; Dolores/.-: : t ' WANTED— First ii class i coat. , waist i and * sleeve •.;":: hands i and i errand : girl. > ; 1200 Geary .< st ' i . -' - . . •"-. rYOUNGr Y0UNG £ girl /' for rgeneral ?; housework; ; . best \u25a0\u25a0 of i i:4 references."'; Call ;;4o3 . Connecticut \u25a0' st. 1- , :: : ; ,'-*;' . WANTED — Waitresses. ;," 'Apply " cafe, . . HALE 8R05..? INC.,- CthV and; Market sts. ; WASH lady. wanted. 52 v Tehamast.*k, ";;'.", [,'".\u25a0'\u25a0' GIRL \to do " general housework \u25a0" and •> cooking, | .wages $25. -Apply 11926 Fellist.'.-: ;s,; s , * , j WANTED — First claßs : sleeve . maker, ; $15 .per j V week. , J.; BAER, 1200 Gearyjst . " WANTED-^T>adies Ito have CORSETS made to ;.- order; $2.50 up.' 509, Laguna. st; \u25a0 ',; \u25a0 .- •"-\u25a0; CASHIER,' retail store, l no t book : keeping. Box 4026. 4 818 - Van Ness. ay. : . .y ; v 3 ; FINISHERS .on - coats. ; 1362 r Webster \u25a0 st, -, rooms, 1-2. ;\u25a0 .=;- : : ; \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:'.\u25a0:\u25a0>' .."_ -' >\u25a0:'.,:-..'.:-, -../ ;.v BARBERS AND v SUPPLIES BARBERS: o ' \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.- ' V "^ »" Your attention"; is -politely called to the open- ing of our new store, - ; , .\u25a0\u25a0 ' 'DECKELMAN j BROS., INC^ \ ; ' BARBERS'. SUPPLIES -\u25a0- ! y;;';.'\--';V:,-.-.".ANDfFIXTURES.;". - - '• \u25a0 ' . -. 162-164 TURK ST.. - SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. r] . . . -\u25a0\u25a0 - _\u0084,,;.--,-:,.\u25a0 r ' CALL,. PHONE: OR 1 WRITE. We Have No^ Branch Houses. , $175 buys barber ; shop lat 931% Folsom ' st. be- »:< , tween Sth and 6th ; rent, 1 , water and \u25a0 lights $17,' > with': lease;, good everything 'new, 2 %." first v 'class ; chairs;;- laundry '\u25a0\u25a0 nearly ' covers : ex- ';,, \u25a0. penses; Belling ; on • account of other; business. vij BARBERS',- furniture lofialli kinds at" special; re- 1?. ductlons during : the ' strike : : it^ will ' pay ~yon ; to \u25a0%-. see ; us. ;." STOLTZ'.v 1835 ; Fillmore. v :U -\u25a0< . . .: ;- ' '; BARBER ; for Saturday and | Sunday. 'sB.'v and bar- *fe ber '-for t steady t Job. t $18 : %60 i per - cent - If . he ". makes' over, $20.-;- 793 'Folsom \u25a0 St.* *' vi>. •'.' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0* - FIRST: class barher ; would * like * to ; have ; a; goo^l , '; position ) In - short i hours 1 shop : I to , start ; In ;next • - ; ", Monday. ;.-. Box • 1401, ".; Call ; office."- . ' r v ? \u25a0• . WAVTED— First i- class ; barber; r- $20 s and -' per- ;-'/. centage.'; Lobby Shaving : Parlor, 1460 Bosh , st. '; near ,|Van' Ness. ,V/ 'w"-, :.\u25a0\u25a0--:\u25a0'\u25a0--\u25a0 0"!':' -. \u25a0'.•'\u25a0.• \u25a0- ''.'\u25a0':': I FOR? sale— 2 l chair • barber .' shop ; '. running I tor '\u25a0 3 i'- : years;* 6; living ; rooms^ ia -. rear; -' cheap. \u25a0\u25a0- 2982 ; ;-;2sth ; Bt .\u25a0,---;-, .','; ;\u25a0.,.;:,.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•-.\u25a0-; ;--"'.',\u25a0 c^!-'>-'."T;.<" i FIRST. CLASS barber; wan ted^atj647Haight'st" WANTED— Good barber, 1 steady, • to ' begin i Mon- ti-; day; $18 and percentage/?:;; 603 ,7 th st. ,1 Oakland. DOWNTOWN barber wants Job Sat.' eve.* 7 ; p.* m.' :$ t6 Snnday ;noon,,^ Bteady>Box ; 1402,' i CalL'l $350 1 BUYS 3 shop j clearing \s2oo l month ; | finest '\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0?' fixtures ; ; 3 ', hydraulic : chairs. '•; 1290 k Folsom \u25a0 st ' BOOTBLACK 1 wan ted. i - 710 1 Golden . Gate '\u25a0\u25a0 ar. \u25a0/ FI RST;? CLASS barber ;\u25a0 wanted. '&) Monopol j shay- • -r ing; parlor, \ SWj oor.^- G/^G.'J av.? and ; Lagnna.*£t- FOR' sale-74 chair. barber, shop; : s2oo l down," s bal- .^;.ance \ to '? suit \ purchaser."^ 012 s McAllister \u25a0 st. -, :-\ WANTED-^Barber ; i' short ?\u25a0 hours ; S must be first LUDWIG & GATES. ; 634 ] Market st.i; \u25a0; i $170- : -Good & paving 23 § chair * barber > shop, v - : rent >S sll^ Call i 1460 >,7thl sU^W. '\u25a0:, Oakland: ,;;g .lij WANTED— Barber, ai \ Safe : Deposit ; Barber Shop,* >: Montgomery j st."\neariCalifornia.VJ V<J • \u25a0,-\u25a0-?: I ,' CHAIR . shop "s for 5 sale, 1 ? 573: tjent \ slo:-; . Anuiy ylWlLL;&;FlNCK;;i6B6jMarketjst:,;. ;;/-;-;• FOR t sale—^l V chair " barber f shop ; | best I location ; '. - : . .*..<• '\u25a0 ; .'\u25a0 WANTED^-Oood A barber/S $18 % aS week. :'^F.-.. H."; Vs ROSSELL, Redwood rl City, 5 CaL^-.T{. <P , j;..^ WANTED— First; class i barber.'* steady, * at' once.' - 2200 V£ -. BryantTbtt corneri2oth.>^. \ y? \u25a0-;.-\u25a0 : .-\u25a0;. \u25a0 v BARBER "Sx wanted-islß,*?;- steady.."* Jobr.; f, nearDy ,V>' country j town/;;^ Call - 705 * T,d s st. ;p ;, \-«..'--J y ; -- : • >-.-4 BARBER I wanted— Steady a Job,^ 10c • shop ; -; good vawagct)^46s;6tulBt.fiOakland. ; : : . v''»^fi;jpfi: 2 *FlßSTfcCLASSSbootblacksgfor,? barber/; shop/ 411606 ; Ellis ; sf > nearf Flllmore \u25a0 ' ?jr.} - ,; FOR sale— Shop ; i 169 ; Franklin st. '^ cor.'i Fell ; ; rent g;$10; 4 fine s location, 'a , r ; /'\u25a0'- 7. c- \u25a0'-:';:, \u25a0' I ': A \u25a0tiMTi GOOD i barber, steadyj at 1 116214 ;7th > st V»,W/; Oak- ;. land; » good Job. . -> . .• '\u25a0 •- - . BOOTBLACK % wanted ; | good j wages. "# 205 \u25a0 Scott Hi st -; near t HalgTit^fi;^"gßa<'B»tv-.;-r ™v~X*.*-S?&&Xr£ FORJsale-^-2 f chair : barber i shop.fe 112 ; Jones » stJ ; *s good i locatton:^gaEaHaMWfefiS^igi; ~ \u25a0\u25a0-' .':":- , ;' > ; :. \u25a0' ,BOOTBLACK 1 wanted; > sl2 ; 205 i Scott st. l l^T|XLAS3^rb«,|Bteady.' i«203i «203 Scott st : 2 ? BARBERS.* $B,"i' Saturday rand? Sunday ;^ Market :st^;>_ \u0084 :y-: ' v£y;?:rf<K r J AT> COSTIGAN J&'i CO.'S 1 Employment' Office! \u25a0>\u25a0.' \ ; ; San L ; Francisco j Office, r i .- * Phone ? Market . 2009. 4 ; and . 6 ? Fell i st. v . . opposite \ 10th and > Market _' t - N> > -\u25a0"' Oakland =, Office ; Located \u25a0 Tzi~. . .. :<-, 6th and ' Washington f sts. * Phone ' Oakland - 2653.- K&SH: -TO j NEVADA— TO i NEVADA. \u25a0 ' '.',,. -'-"; s i^Nevada-^— Nevada— Nevada. V,,- i r » Machlne;miners,:*s4 > day.: : h7'. : -^-:.';' '• Chuck \u25a0 tenders; v . t0 ', 53.75 ' day.'f .-•Machine ? helpers, > $3.50, to i 53.7 5 • day. • . ' ; , Laborers,;; heading, s $3 i day.- '•»';«,.- * .:= Laborers,'^ bench, a $2.50 to fs3 'i day. - 7 ;' Laborers.- i inside and, outside tunnel.- $2.50, - $3. *- '--^\u25a0\u25a0'- l Board and'room, $20 month.: v-;*" j : ,* ' .^P o ?'* be misled by. other advertisements. 100' It.alians;?Austrliins, vW. P.r?52.50 to $3. ' ; - rßocar Boca— Spring Beckwlth. - ' Free ' Fare-iOregbn7 Line — Free Fare. : :-^' ; Grass Lake-^S.rP. Co.— Grass Lake."i"-.i .;»o. trackmen, ispikers, strappers, \s2.2& to $2.40/ -.60 Iron car men,"? lay 'track, $2.25 to $2.40." - FREE < FARE— SOUTH— FREE ' FARE. \u25a0>' " i SAN S LUIS \ OBISPO r and ~ SANTA ' CRUZ. GO . TODAY ; AT.;,7:30 rA."VM.' and 2 P. M. J L \u25a0 J°^i drlllerB .lt«nnelmen,"mlnes,''s3 t0;53.50. '- • *\u25a0;\u25a0- 100, muckers, t laborers. - helpers, « s2.2s , to $2.50. ."r SANTA CRUZ TUNNEL. \u25a0:\u25a0 ; , ' SAN »LUIS OBISPO \u25a0 TUNNEL. : *:. "• : ' FREE FARES TODAY, r-.- >>.:>' > \u25a0 100 ; section < hands, , coast road, -$1.60 day. ' ; ; Prom S. V P. -. to : San Luis ;' Obispo and - Santa Barbara, - • --. ; .- . "• '•_ - ;\u25a0 ;-. Free , Fare-^-Sectlons. . Sacramento-TStockton— Truckee— -Slsklyon. ,- 4: section or extra "gang foremen, $90 month. Show ' your .' papers . and go today — Free. " ; .':•\u25a0\u25a0,: ,\u25a0 FREE .FAEE-^FOEEMEN. . '.'*\u25a0. -" -f £° "' foremen,- different ' Jobs ; call. - see ; splendid. •Section = foreman, 1 ' far; or > near; $90 month. \u25a0 4 married section «• foremen. \u25a0 close, . $70, . house. \u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0, ;,./.*-r-.-:.v-',-,' / FREE;FARE.v.---,;, ;-,; -. . . \u25a0- .SONOMA AND. MENDOCINO CO. ," - V;' Board isYourself-^Greekß will do. ;. 150,: section ! laborers." house - $1.75 day; i 200 : Greeks.,: different' : jobs, different . - places, % different wages,^. all^iree • fare; call. - •-.- Several » blacksmiths, -call, see.;. :-?.-'--\u25a0-/.: -?.-'--\u25a0-/.- - \u25a0\u25a0 m FREE.F ARE— SOUTH— FREE FARE.'. 50 ( teamsters, r $2.50; . 50, laborers, $2.50.- :- FREEFARE— S. - P.\ tunnel— San Luis Obispo. 10- tnnnelmen-or 1 miners, r53.50r $3.50 day. • . FREE.FAKE— Santa Crnz> Tunnel. 20 tunnelmen,. s9o: r 2O ; muckers. $75.. LOOK— CITY. <,i LOOK— COUNTRY '\u25a0\u25a0 WORK. - SO Greeks, • section work, board : self, " $1.75. 20 section - hands for Ukiah/ board self, ?1.73. . FREE FARE— SAWMILLS. 20 laborers,: S.-.P/ Co.;- $2.25 per day/ - , Ship -today ; 2, p. tlm.f. Call early. ». ' \u25a0y, Lemoore. ' between Fresno 1 and Bakersfleld. Cat .FREE FARE-i^3ANTA : CRUZ AT 2 P. M. 10 carpenters,.; 10 helpers, $2.25/ - " -: (^ CITY -WORK. --' ; \u008415 carpenters,'- steady • job, $3.50; 15 helpers, , steady. . s*(ne j0b,'52.50.; - --\u25a0 - :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 fe FREE ' FA^HE-^S.^ P. .: CO.— FREE > FARE. 1 COO ; Hindoos, board , yourself*, sections, , free ;' fare."- $1.75. . .- / .;\u25a0 .^ ,\u25a0 .\u25a0. ? - . - ... \u0084 - \u0084 • - : ;\u25a0 1,000 Greeks, board yourself, everywhere, $L6O : \u25a0 t0 ..^52.50. •\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0- ; -. '\u25a0•\u0084''.•.• v ..... \u25a0 ..-».- . -, Remember . Enreka -Today— Sawmills. Yards. : ; FREE FARE— SONOMA CO.— FREE FARE. ' ' h' "\u25a0 la Dor&rs, ' sawmills. • ship . daUy, : $40 fd. . ;Free: Faf*e— Ship - Daily— Lemoore— Free' Fare. oa Between Fresno and Bakersfleld— South. 5 20 laborers, S. P. Co.'s own work. $2.25. \u25a0;• Free , Fai*-^Santa"- Cruz— Free.' lo laborers,' help carpenters, $2.23 to $2.50. '-<\u25a0 Close; by-^-New. Job. Camp cook, splendid :' Job/; $75 fd. ...'. 50 : teamsters, t fare ; 70c.\ $3 day. -. " Camp cook,. city, Job, • J6O fd. . " : . SUNSET I EMPLOYMENT "AGENCY. . .'""EVANS -&, CAMERON. ' . Phone Vernon 136. ; - 420 -sth: st, Oakland, LARGEST. POWER CO. IN -CALIFORNIA. V . .FREE FARE— NORTH— FREE FARE. ARE YOU GOING?— ARE YOU GOING? 800 laborers, 9 hours: $2.50 to $2.75. -WESTERN > PACIFIC :R. R. . Beckwlth— Chilkoot— Spring Garden. ' ' $3.65 Fare— That's A 11 —53.65 Fare. •'. .20 \u25a0 machine \ miners. - chuck tenders, f 3 to $4. - 380 laborers and teamsters, $2.50 to's3. ' ' FREE FARE— MENDOCINO CO.— FREE FARE. 10 tie makers,l7c to 20c. - > 20 barkers and line drillers. $40 to $50 and fd.' \ 200 laborers, ! s3s to $40 and; fd. '25 teamsters.: 9 hours.* $2.50/ : .'\u25a0 \u25a0: i \u25a0". \u25a0\u25a0- ' 200 Greek : laborers, \ $60 and f d. : 15. teamsters,; free fare," FIREMEN and ; brakemen i on '} railroads in San Francisco vicinity,, to fill vacancies caused by \u25a0 ; promotions : : . experience nnnecessary ; ; age . over ; .20: over 140 pounds; 5% ftet or, over; firemen." $100 ' monthly,/ become ' engineers • ; . and : earn \u25a0 ;s2oo; ' brakemen.: $75, become conductors and ,-.:\u25a0; earn * $150 : ; name 5 position > preferred. , Railway :\u25a0 ;' Association, - ca re San •-\u25a0 Francisco j Call. BOOK or Insurance man of good appparance^ ac- •7 customed ; to ; meeting bankers > and professional , . men ; -:. we •. will - furnish * letters ; of -" introduction ; •;, and Indorsement;, a; large- sum of quick money! ;; lto^be.*made-hy T »man-, of ? ability,;- and. a per- ; .". manent position at good salary. to follow dem- l^onstration. : Apply to CHAMBERLAIN & CO., ... 59 Macdonongh, bldg., : Oakland..; WANTED^- Younit \u25a0 man* to learn the -crockery . business.' ; Applv '. to superintendent' NATHAN- -pOHRMANN CO., 1520-1550 .Van Ness ay.. \u25a0b :'':.—;.'..\u2666/\u25a0-\u25a0.. . -...- \u25a0\u25a0' v.-'.j a -- .. \u0084. .-..•-.\u25a0-\u25a0 .;-.; \u0084--.\u25a0.;,'•\u25a0 WANTED— Bright, intelligent ; men., fair • educa- ,-: '.' tion. * over 21, '\u25a0 to " prepare for examination I for . •\u25a0\u25a0'.CT. : ; S; gangers/ Wine , gaugers ? get -.$5 ;a ."ilay.: - Do you -.want : to .b etter • your ; position? -H See : »t H once, ; G/ "A. ? ROGERS.' 25; Union national bank -:: bldg.; 1103 Broadway. Oakland,- day or evening. FIRST J CLASS -coachman - for - private' place" In : : Oakland : i must * thoronghly understand care of \u25a0 -, ; horses,* fine rigs and harness, 'and, be well rec- • ommended; ' references - required/ V Box- 1122. Call office" Oakland,^ giving ; age, fuU -partlcu- .*;\u25a0 lars : about ' self . and^ wages desired. MEN I and , boys | wanted to learn plumblnir. brick- ' laying. - plastering -and electrical < trades; « posl-' < . tions * secured ; : : free « catalogue ; day \u25a0 and \u25a0 night - classes: visitors welcome. . Coyne Trade : Schools, I Sth and Tehama sts.; S.-F.,v and New; York. v : I MADE. $50,000 : ; in • 5 years in - the ;. mail order ;,v business ;\u25a0 began with $5.'; . I will show you how v toi do the work.' Send for free booklet - Tells \u25a0 how to get i started. "- MANAGER, box 810, -V. Lpckport. N. i Y. \u25a0\u25a0 .-\u25a0;; \u25a0'• .; -;..-,:. ...\u25a0--,..'• WANTED— Good,'; Rteady,-; reliable ; boy 16 or IS "> years : ; old^to assist /\u25a0 in S shipping : department; . '\u25a0\u25a0 permanent -s' position gy for \u25a0\u25a0- right - boy. \u25a0: Royal \u25a0J: Worcester ;. Corset -' Co.", . 72& > Mission -st ' ." »;.' ' WANTED— Salesmen i tor- Berkeley • subdivision ; ''\u25a0'. easy? terms;-'; fa stest v selling • property in Cal.: "•'references 1 - 'required, i' Irwin-Patton Co.;' 106 -'-: Delbert ; bnHdtng.asaßSSBgS6BBßßBigi«Sg>si3BE ,WANTED^-1,000 -men & women to borrow money. i<t PacLoan* Jewelry Co.'. 1677 O'FarreU /.nr. FUI- 1 .more.'v Money loaned on everything.'i Open 10p.m.' ANY/ Intelligent , person • may,- earn :'\u25a0 good .- Income ~{ correspond/- for, newspapers; ; exp. - nnnec. i Send ;.. ; \u25a0- for ; partic/ V, Press ' Syndicate. •> Lockncrt ; N. -.r V; ANY I. Intelligent * person i may.; earn : : good ' Income ::> correspond, for newspapers; ; esp."' unnec/.* Send \u25a0i,;" for i partic. . 5 , Press | Syndicate.'^ Lockport/ N. V. ; MANi with ; $100 jto V go~ to I Stockton.'' Sacramento i ' or San : Jose; ' l ; will \u25a0< guarantee \u25a0 $200 \u25a0 monthly . to /; a rustler/ Call 1223 Franklui' st r Oakland.^ Cal. MEN ; and women \to learn -the : barber .. trade; yoa' ;. * s earn '\u25a0 from" s7 i to ; so per ; week .while 1 learning ; t . catalogue '\u25a0 t ree."' ."\u25a0' Molers' | College, •\u25a0 818 1 Fell : st. . :; ; W AXTED-^-300 ; men >to - occupy • single \ rooms s tn :•• ; The .- Glendale; - 1015 * Folsom : st * nr/. 6th ; ' 25^ ll." and j 35c t per : night ; .' sl .SO", and •$2\u25a0 a \u25a0 week. .- '\ ' INVENTORS— Patents obtained In all countries; i •" attorneys -In Washington, . etc.'-- Sonntag'a » Pat- :;,ent: Agency.^ 1122, Market et^< opposite -,7th. ; -,: YODNQ & man. stenographer,'/ of J good " education .<; and address; : write. -s stating i experience, prefer: xi ences and salary, expected." ••< Box . 2923, - Call. WANTEl>— Ycrang ' man f abont : 18 i. years ; of * ajte ; v - « must : write I legible ;• hand I and Ibe i quick jj at I fig- : i'.nres. 'i£ Address s box; 2927,1, Call I office.;? -: -.'\u25a0 WANTED— Roomers V at ''-as. first v class.-* modi>rn a . - house ; -' 25c ', night, '<} $1 .50 t week; ; Mechanics ' ho- ,': j tel, 1 919 ; Howard ? 8t.%-T, ; -/^a.--,.:,-'.-> *>/i: ;•\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0'>.;\u25a0••\u25a0 \u25a0 ,WANTED— First iclass cake, demonstrator; jgive *? experience ? and ; '; salary -. wanted."- " Address oox : : t 2934,i Call) office:," vy : --y. ; : : -J\- . .C . \u25a0:- WANTED-^-900 men to fill i beds at 15c per night • ?at \u25a0\u25a0 the "" Phoenix,? 828 ' Howard ; st* 7 between 4th :'-:;andißth..rrtV^-^.>V" ; >'-?'.^-...5- "'>;; ..;--< --->p.. 1000 MEN 'to use j Dr. Peters' -Vltalizer | (Kuriko). -r FORNIS. /ALPEN, KRAUTER, , 16th < and Do- :/, lores ;sts.*.;-^'<T ';/;*-,;>•; > J 7w;: "\u25a0-,-' \u25a0,--;--;-':\u25a0./ \u25a0-- ;.:. PLASTERERS : for : finishing, "c Apply, at Job.'i 13th • k and £ Bernice | between J," Folsom ?f and % Harrison.' WANTED-^ Young j man S to 'learn r copper 5 plate ;<:, printer, vw Apply 1 DUNCAN, v, 1427 »r Fillmore £ st' WANTED^^Ladles I and f gentlemen I to I rent • rooms h£< at 3377 ; 20th '. stt near, Mission ; f $1.75- $3.50 wk. SAILORS ""and ordinaries \u25a0 forj all j parts of world,' -.;.. at Herman's Shipping r Agency, . 45 Stenart st: • »; BO V , wan ted ' In wholesale j house : good chance for gg advancement. Answer , box . 293o. \ CaU . office^';.' -\u25a0\u25a0: H ARICE O; KA VALICHICK '— Tailoring. :• dyeing. fs,presslng.T,Tel/;Page 613.^1243 McAUister st. » ; HARNESSSMAN 4 wanted ; V one £ who's can i drive m. preferred:'?:; PETERS stable.*! 1346 \u25a0 Grove : , st* =; 1 WANTED-^Men Ito I bring I the Ir s hats ; *we J clean 53 and remodel j them.i' LOUIS.'i 1024 ; Fillmore.^H? T.^ P.f O'DOWD.I FRISCO^S ' LEADING ?, TAILOR. ;\u25a0 4v 186? Church ? at;* corner; Market I and 1 14 th.. -^^ FIRST; CLASS s bnshelman wanted,- steady work. W Jfi D/jHAHN^I2IS ; Broadway, 'Oakland.^ ?. . ;\u25a0 ' ..- : •WANTED— Middle X aged ,, v * man S to <i care '\u25a0* for '• 2 §g horses ; and? dp ;ehorea.*-,449 JDnboce i av.^-^SfS^ ,WANTED-^-Boy i to : drivft wagon. 1 ; H. t£.'i ROSEN- SSBAUMi&;sCO.r*23IB.;FUImore>st.V, ; EVERYBODYj should 'wear jthe 14.*!I 4 .*! i Walk" : button.^ SS For; sale i at , stationers' ; ', price ' 6c.' it < \u25a0v :~: ~ '\u25a0'','-. YOUNG i men, "• accurate *at 1 figures,! for : wholesale abnsiness/g,;P.|O.isbox;367;^clty.-t:-;? > ; 'ACTIVE I and a willing % boys i for s wholesale j line ; S?go6dtWageß/^P^;367,*:clty.v?v: t ; , iWALTER wanted.^ North German hoteL* cor.- Sth SSandfßrannanjßts.': 1 ;: ••' " ' * ."-.'^. ' . '.'. . W ANTED-^5O i men ; : Panama ' hats \u25a0 cleaned." '- 1261' y. Golden v Gate . ay. / .. -^ , BUGGY r? wanted, v? PETERS \u25a0 etable", L V jl34« Uruve « ' -"- \u25a0\u25a0 - •'- / '. 1 giJBLELPVwAVrED---^Male— -Contlnpcd >. /"MURRAY ;*&; READY. 2 ; ; : " ." v ; f ' Leading Employment and Labor Agents. Ts r* •-.;:* White > Palace : Hotel > Building. 11TH AND MARKET STS.: SAN FRANCISCO. *• PHONE MARKET 656 AND 657. "BRANCHES AT: -=. - \u25a0 - 6th . and ' Franklin sts., Oakland. ~ .Phone ' Oakland ,7361. ; '\u25a0 ', 127-129 South -Los 'Angeles st," Los Anjceles. WANTED TODAY. FREE FARE-^FOR OREGON. FREE FARE. •. OREGON. : -,-.v - BORDERS. OREGON. p 1.500 men for railroad work.- rockmen/ drillers, laborers. : teamsters, blacksmiths, carpenters. - . wlieelwrights,' etc., 587.50. $75 to $135 month. i • FREE FARE. . SHIP EVERY DAY. GRASS LAKE. / i r FREE FARE. 100; rocktnen « and drHlew,'. ship i tonight AGAIN FREE FARE. ;- - SISKIYOU AND SHASTA CO. . Big crowd \u25a0of men ' for railroad work. \u25a0 - SANTA CRUZ. . ' - FREE FARE. ,20 drillers, $90: 30 laborers. $67.50. ~ _ -;- LAUREL. WRIGHTS. SAN LUIS OBISPO. SANTA BARBARA, :.-\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ; MONTEREY." SALINAS.. , ALL FREE FARE. - /-J, . r _''"', / > Company Work. :-?-. Section hands and fcr extra gang 3, ballasting, drillers, muckers. Ship morning, noon and AGAIN YOUR FARE FREE. WA Ukl **» '\u25a0 Cloverdale. . Ridgewood. WUUts. 00 men, section work. - Free fare. ,-.. BOARD YOURSELVES. 3.000 Greeks. Hindoos, Italians, Mexicans, Austrians. for railroad work. See us. - - - -" SECTION FOREMEN. V " 10 section foremen. S. P. Co. All free fare. $00 • MURRAY & READY. 11TH AND MARKET STS. . COME HOME COME HOME v,_ TO SLEEP. : ----- - 600 SINGLE ROOMS. 600 SINGLE ROOMS. ; 25 CTS PER' NIGHT." $1.25 PER WEEK. /" - INCLUDING BATH. , c«iree served free to each roomer between :,','- sa. m. and Ba. m. > FACING AND ADJOINING OCEAN SHORE 'X^V, "" R- R. TERMINAL, OUR OCEAN SHORE LODGING HOUSE, ;V^IITH. MARKET AND MISSION ST3. Electric. lights In every room. Reading room containing all papers, magazines, etc. Leave your call. Yon can't oversleep. Bellboy calls - yon up on time. -.'._: * : LATE ORDERS. SPECIALS Rough carpenters, fare 20c. $3 day and found. NEW JOB. - ',-• THREE MONTHS' WORK. Ji \u25a0 laborers, unload cars,"-' loading cars, etc., fare 25c, $73, board* s3 week, f 4 hod : carriers, $5 day: 3 plasterers. $7 day. Tally clerk, country, $3 day. 10 concrete, workers, $i day; 4 finishers, $C day 2. rough painters, $3* day. - / • \u25a0•'\u25a0'',':\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0 FIRST AND SECOND COOKS. . First cook, $S0 ; second cook, $60, good Job. - ; BIG JOB. \u25a0 . TEAMSTERS. -300 teamsters,. fare 15c, $2.75 day. 2 , machinists. . city Job, $3.50 day ; 4 carpen- ters, rough work, city, $4 day. Cook and men, ranch. $40 and fd. miners. •- $3.50; 4 chnck -tenders. $3.oO; coachman, Alameda Co.. $35 fd. i.-;^ MINE COMPANY.' ' .. BOILER MAKERS. tr^'f makers, mine co.. $3.90 day. '-\u25a0£S?£5 L J 1 ;. TO THE MINES. TUNNELS. QUARRIES. GOLD & SILVER, QUARRIES. ;':\u25a0-'\u25a0 ; -'\u25a0..•\u25a0' FREEFARE. 15 miners, big water tunnel, free fare, $97.50, -. 8 hoars. ; . - - . 20 muckers, same place, ' $75. , 147 > miners, .hand and machine wort, $2.75 to •_ $4 day. \u25a0\u25a0/' . ...- \u25a0. \u25a0 . -.-. : - \u25a0 \u25a0 - - - '89 mnekers and carmen, different mines, $75 to 552.50. - : - FOR A GOOD GOLD MINE. 3 machine miners, $90; 6 hand miners, $S2.DO; 10 muckers, $75. , - r- > .- 300 laborers, different mines. $67.50 to $S£so, ; drillers, rockmen, quarry and open ' cut work, - big wages. . - . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u2666 ' 20 laborers for different quarries/- • \u25a0 v-. TEAMSTERS AND LABORERS. .100 teamsters, wajon and scraper, city and \u25a0 'country, big wages. *" • > ' ~ : 500 laborers; - all \u25a0 classes \u25a0 work, city and \u25a0 country, some free fare. • i FACTORY WORK. 10 men to work In big factory, fare $1. $75. *-\u25a0\u25a0 8 laborers/factory work, city, $2.50: 25 labor- . ers, big factory, country, fare paid, $07.00. - FARMS, DAIRIES. . .., ORCHARD AND VINEYARDS. IS3 farm hands for orchards/vineyards, grain \u25a0and hay_ ranches, all parts of Calif orala, $30 ;„ to $50 and found. . \u25a0 .. -...-.. \u25a0 •. milkers, bntter makers, cheese makers, etc.. $35, $40 to $50 and found. . - V-; /%> CHOREMEN. AND; BOYS. •'; ••\u25a0 S3 choremen, choreboys. city and country, pri- vate places and farms. $15, $20. $30 to $35 fd. \u25a0\u25a03 choremen, Institntlons, near city. MISCELLANEOUS. ' YOUR JOB .13 "HERE. , Coachman," > see ';\u25a0 boss here, . $40 . and f d ; vege- \u25a0'. - table rand flower gardener,. : steady, country, .". .- $40 * and \u25a0 found ; " 3 : gardeners. - commercial \u25a0\u25a0 com- >• pany,-* $35 *. to '« s4s - and < found ; {attendant. :. in-* " stitntion.^ country,! $3O and 'found; -good place: •; '; 2 ' express », wagon drivers, '» Oakland .; $2.50 " and '..commission:^ coal -..wagon '.driver, city."- $15 a- week;-; 25 5- stablemen, .buggy "^washers, fear- .. ness -v cleaners, >-. hostlers.. . etc. ; 2 stablemta,' ;' country . stable. - south. ?4O and found: 'stable-' - man, north. "\u25a0 $50 \u25a0 and t found ; ; 3 handy men /.amnnd :. machine shop, city;- brick - setters. bricfc wheelers, brick burners; 5 men for fence V. gang, $2.50 day; 5 men for oil co., good Job, :,, 475. .-.-•\u25a0- : .'\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0 .-. \u25a0 -\u0084 ...... - . \u25a0 : MURRAY- & READY. 11th and Market, sts. r FARE PAID " TO TUOLUMNE COUNTY V"\ FOR LUMBER COMPANY. .'-';, 20 laborers foe grading, spiking, strapping, etc., 'fare paid; $40 and found.'- > —^OfcaSi " ">- •\u25a0\u25a0•-'\u25a0-'\u25a0 OREGON SAWMILLS. ; ..- 10 laborers; no experience needed; free fare; - $40 and found. - '• „\u25a0*\u25a0 " - ''> - ; -v* \u25a0 \u25a0"r K >: OTHER LUMBER COMPANIES. - 15, men handy : with' axea to build ; logging . chutes in woods,'. $75; ' 2 teamsters for woods, $70. north: 2 teamsters for bark camp, Mon- \u25a0" terey. Co., $50 and \u25a0 found; 16 men to pile tan- ; ~ bark, "- $40 , and - found: -10 tree fallers, free fere. $75 to $->0 and found; sticker hand, plan- . lug mill, $4 day;.shingle sawyer. Santa Cruz % : co.,vsCO and; board; shingle packer. 7c: 10 ' : married -' laborers, sawmill company; \u25a0", edger- man; $3.25 day. See boss right here. MURRAY & READY.. * • ' \u25a0 11TH AND MARKET STS., S. F. ' CTH AND FRANKLIN ST3.. ; OAKLAND. :-|--i r : HAY-FIELDS. - nAYSIAKERS. . HAYMAKERS. 'f- 127- men - for the hay , fields, run mowers,' ; rakes, '\u25a0 etc.,- $2 -to $2.50 a . day and ' found. t -- MECHANICAL. •/•Wheelwright for camp, free:- fare, $4 day; *15 - carpenters, ; big sawmill . company. - $90 to ;$105.m0. ; 5 molders, 3 coremakers,;6 carriage - - painters, : 10 carriage and wagon woodworkers, ,; \u25a0 good s wages ; 2 drill : press . hands, . country mi- ,," chine, shop;; 2 boDer-makers' helpers.- city Job; : wire - mattress-maker; \u25a010 machinists, country -.factory,'; $4.50 day; 27. blacksmitbs, city and •: ; ; cenntry , shops, \u25a0 mines/; sawmills. - quarries. : - camns, - etc.; $75 and - found to $125 a m until ; "12 blacksmith helpers. . . - .- ;;., MARRIED -HELP. . . --"-'•\u25a0 .••;»:-;\u25a0 '3 " farmers and wives ; 10 married men and : families, ': sawmill company; waiter and wife; cook and wife.^a&M&HffiwwHEßatWMftaimMlMi LOOK— TELL" EVERYBODY ... 500 FIRST CLASS ROOMS. WHITE - PALACE HOTEL. ; , NEVER CLOSES. . - 50c. 75c and $1 day, including baths. 250 ROOMS FOR MECHANICS. ETC., $2.80 PER WEEK, INCLUDING BATHS. WHITE > PALACE HOTEL, :l UTH AND- MARKET ST3. HOTELS, ETa ' BUTCHERS AND BAKERS. \u25a0'-'' 2 ; camp cooks," s9o mo. ; \u25a0 •» camp . waiters, : sso mo. and < found : ' 3 dish washers, : camp. ' $50 and found; no blankets needed on these Jobs. : \u25a0 15 -'cooks, * different T - hotels andy restaurants, -city and country, $45;. 550.' 580 to $75 and fd. 4 camp cooks, "• $50, $60, $65 and found. 17»- waiters, > hotels and ; restaurants, cjty *and ;,: country ;"S. camp waiters," $33 to $45 ' and fd. . Dish I washers, •• kitchen - hands, 'pot - washers, \u25a0;.\u25a0 sllvcrmen, , pantry t men, \u25a0 porters, bellboys, ele? \u25a0'!\u25a0:\u25a0-\u25a0.! \u25a0:\u25a0-\u25a0. vator , boys,7 Janitors, 1 , etc. \u25a0• -- " --:: ' l - \u25a0 " ' - - '\•\u25a0 • » V..2 butchers, * wagon work. \u25a0 fare $1, $50 and fd.; shop ; butcher. - south." $20 . week. . ? Cake : baker, * country \u25a0 shop. . $1 fare. , $20 week. '\u25a0' Cake 1 baker/}' small < country shop, '. $50 and " f d. \u25a0 6 other . bakers, -. 17 \u25a0" bakersV- helpers.- " >\u0084 Porter,-/ country^ hotel, " $30 .\u25a0 and 4 fd. - - ' '- Other • positions, "- too numerous to - mention. ;\u25a0\u25a0 GET OUR J DAILY LIST. . ?*/"- .- MURRAY 't READY, - 11TH : AND MARKET STS., S. F. ;~, 6TH AND ; FRANKLIN STS.,' OAKLAND. : .;:--, * SPECIAL -BY TELEGRAPH -TODAY. ' - . ... .--- FREH.FARE. \u25a0; \u25a0--\u25a0=- -.«' 2 > steam shovel'foremejk. . $150 : month. -, 3 donkey engineers. . $60 - and : found. - v .. ':--.<i FREE FARE. -.-,'-:\u25a0.- ; MURRAY & READY,- . - , UTH KAND - MARKET .' STS. . " EXPERIENCED; eIoveVcutter on block; steady" a work at Excelsior Glove company/ 2031 15th st' WANTED— -Men to j bring 5 their * hats ;we clean t -and remodel them. , LOUIS/1292 Golden Gate. WANTEIV=-Men,to sleep in the California House; per room/ > Natoma st."nr.'4th and Mlssloo. LABOR debts collected anywhere; '.suits and at- *." tachments-T Knox, : 2352 Pine st .^ear Flllmore. ROOMS— IOO i to I rent" 25c. 35c 'night, jlncladlns " r baths.' > 550 "Jessie «t: ; oif . 6th. ; back ; poatofflce. TROUSER MAKER wanted/Apply at CHARLES t* LYONS'.! London Tailors 1432 Flllmore st~ ;\u25a0:.-, : COAT * MAKER ? wanted.. Apply at \u25ba CHARLE3 ,m LYONS'.*; London i.Tallor.t 1432 , rillmore st - .VEST 3 MAKER ".wanted. V Apply at CHARLE3 S' LYONS'. 'London Tailor.; 1432 Flllmore st.-> \u25a0- 500 'PARIS, second-hand -shoes." ;7sc , up. . 1252 I \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 «• Golden * Gat e £ aT il n^* r ' s 'ullnor«' ull n or « - B . t -_l_ WANTED— SOO i men i to : eat *, oar ' ceiebra tedTlsc * meal.%t 14 1 Uth" st; White s Palace. . , ; HOT^ baths.t 2oc. J 31S0 < 16th ; st", between Guer- ;t?jreroiand r, Valencia/ :.'" : ; . ~ WANTED— Boy^ to .work around \ paint ' shop." SO9 ':\u25a0; Howard st:> ';- \u25a0; -.\u25a0>.--;»:-\u25a0 \u25a0 -\u25a0';.; L ; : ,.- J •\u25a0•-; ;~- - \u25a0 •' -.. repaired/ while you wait.- Cut - Rate Shoe Hepairing ; C 0. ,: 13 JSth \u25a0st r near '; Market. ,wa>tep NEW hook, "Capital \u25a0 and LaborV: &> .%":**?;* commission: price $1: agents »f^ a S,^,* I T'z write quick; free outfit •J.\u25a0 L. NICHOLS * CO.. Napervllle, ; HL ; \u25a0*\u25a0 -\u25a0-' . 20TH centnry . douche for ladles. $3-50: agent* >- wanted. Klrkwood Rnbber Co.. 211 Elm aye. PICTURE agent wanted: good proposition. Amer- \u25a0 lean -Artist. 1230 Fllhnore * st. - - SALESMEy WAXTED CAN YOU SELL TREES? If so, we want yoa -to represent : ns the coming season: we bav<» one of the largest stock* on the coast;- expeos* : money advanced; out lit furnished free. 'Albany -' Nurseries.- Albany. Oregon. \u25a0 _^^_lll^ * HORSES, HARNESS AXD W AGO:V ?J^ BARGAIN'week at 565 4tl» st; Oakland: prices to suit buyers: camping , outfit*, road and part -, buggies, surreys, saddlers, roadsters, pony and cart,. peddling, delivery, express and eon- - tractors' wagons; heavy teams and sanawac- <\u25a0 ons; trading, done; auction sale every Wedne* •- day at 11 a. m. - - . \u25a0' \u25a0> . :- .. ' *-•- 20 HEAD . of draught horses for sale: 7 sand wagons, express wagon and harneaa,'at a bar- rain. Oregon Horse Market, SE. cor. Hayes aad Franklin. . HANSEN HARNEJJS CO.. 1273 Folsom sf— For new and second hand ha me**, collars and blan- kets. etc.. phone Market 2771. BEAUTIFUL black mare, harness and bmrgy; ot\ > for busine** or for a lady to drive; or will sell single. 1351 Folsom »t . .' « " \u25a0 SCIIAUBEL & HANSEX— Ught.« heavy harness. collars, robes, blankets, whips. 454 Bth «t. J. O'KANE CO. for harness, robes, blanket* and . whips. 523 Golden „ Gate ay. ; . dog collars. TWO • fine. youn?. fresh cows for sale: reason- able. 310 Rntledge a y. near Alabama st 10 r.OOD. horses for sale. »3l Folsom at. bet. tSth and 6th. J. J. DOTLE. TEAMS FOR BIBS SAND wagons. and lumber wagons for hire. O. LIXDACER. 122124 Oara St.. city. STORAGE AXD MOVING VAXS BEKINS VAN ANI> STORAGE COMPANY. FIREPROOF WAEEHOCSE. ,- - 13th ard Mission sts. TeL Market 13. BEFORE moving call on the Reliable Express Co. ; furniture moved, packed and shipped to any part of the elty or country. , Stand corner Sntter and Flllmore sts.; residence northeast - corner Point Lobos and Blake, formerly of Sntter and Montgomery rta. EUREKA TRANSFER CO.— Baggage and freight moved: storage low rates: office 162 Pnlton i»t; phone Market 2753. F. HESS. J. S. EDWARDS. WILSON BROS. CO.. Inc.— Morinsr and storace. Cor. 14th and Sanchez stt.. 1 block from Mar- ket and Flllmore «t cars: phone Park. 27l. ANDERSON Transfer an.! Storase Co. (Ironclad wnrehonse). 61$ Van Mesa: teL-Ftaniltn 213. PACIFIC Storsse and Fcrnlture Moving Com- pany. 2320 Ffflmore st. Phone West- 2623. " " CARPET CLEAXIXG ' ALL carpets an<T rnga cleaned on the floor with- out removal by the 8. .F. Compresaed Air Cleanmg Co. Office and shop. 15th st and San Brnno ay.; phone Mar.Xet 2672. ALL ready for business — Pioneer Carpet Cleaning Works: temporary offlee. 011 Golden Gate ay.: phone Park 591. J. SPAULDING A/ CO. MITCHELL'S old estab. carpet beating worts. 501 Dolores cor. 13th. Phone Market 1402. TOWEY Fnrnltnre Repair Works. 237 Chnrch: window shaflfs to order; carpets cleaned & laid. A. W. WELDON CO. — Cleaning antf- laying; office and works. 2400 Geary. Pbone West 93. Watts — Reliable carpet eleanlnsr; <i lterations; ren- ova ting, laying. SB7 Waller it Phone Park 660. CARPETS cleaned. 4c yd.; laid. sc. OISSLOW'S. C. C- CO.; 3SOB 223 st Pbone Market 2289. CONKLIN BROS.' Carpet Cleaning Works. 1319 Scott st. near O'F«rrelL Phone West 5601. ADVANCE Carpet CU-anlns: Co. — Advanced metb- «*K GKORHK WALCOM CO.. 637 Tar* »t. \u25a0 DYEIXG AXD CLEAXIXG SEND yonr dry cleania? to the Presidio Heiznts Dye Atorks and be forever MtlsSed. Call West 453 forwagana. Qf3ce SO3l-303:t Sncraroenr* <t. BROOKLYN Psrtelan Works- Tel. JlarSer 231<-' 20^205 Punchet «t. - . \u25a0 - „. '; '\u25a0 FfRXITURE FO R SA LE . A— BEN BRILLIANT FURNrTURK CO.. 1953 SUTTEU NEAR FILL.MOKS. ; HOTEL.' ROOMING HOUSE AND FLAT SUPPLIES FURNISHED AT WHf>Ij;3ALB PRTCE3. SPECIAL SALE LINOLEUM. 45c; INI^IDk 05e \u25a0^ -per yard: iM'ATTINC. and BUGS. Fltlmwe Fur-- nitnre Honite. - 2113 . FUlmora near Callf-imia. I FISHER * BERNSTEIN CO M - new. secmd hJtn<t "fnmltare. stoves, ranges: 'good* bought, ooid. pscbaaged. : 3312-3318 Mteslon nt.. war 20th. -..\u25a0 J. 11. < WILEY. «Us3-6«I-663 14th st. near Market and Chnrcli — Fnrnltnre. good and ' cheap. WE furnish i room flat* for $13*'. Home Furnl- tnre company. 2176 Market st near 15th. - MUST sell, cheap, furniture of aa apartment at 3151 California st Apartment No. 1. FOR sale — Fnrnitnre in 3 'room- cottage* $23* \u25a0 snap. Box 4200. 813 Van Ness ar. -\u2666 - Fl»KNrrn*:K. b»ddtng: all new low srlcea. Cor. __mh_ »m» Franfcltn »t».. Ootland.. \u25a0\u25a0 : OAKLAXD FURXITTJRE FOR SALE. SPECIAL day for bargains In farnltm*. H.- SCHELLHAA3. 11th «t corner store. Oakland. FTJRXITCRE W.WTED E. F. , DONAHUE^ 620 McAllister.' pay* highest - for furniture, carpets, etc. Phone Market 4934. . BAMBOO FITRXITTJRE 1^ 0 "i d b * mbo ° Pole». wholesale and re- tall. N. AtCAGI A CO.. 115 Chnrvtw nr. Market. } LOST AXD FOUXD \ LOST— From In front of 2250 Green st. 1 Stevena- Lmryea, 4 cylinder antomobile: -body 'and run- ning gear dark green; state number 607B: $100 reward will be paid for information leadinz to .« its return, r Address either « East St.. tele- phone Temporary 2655, or 2280 Greco sfc.'tele- phone West 2674. J. L. EASTLANP. ' LOST— A passbook with the Htbernia Savings and "Loan Society of San Francisco*, la the »s*me of ELIZABETH, McMTJLLAN, No. 233- 307. The finder will please return to bank Unless same is retnrned within 5 days a new bonk will be Issued to the applicant. LOST— A passbook with the Htbernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of John Kelly, No. 8748 8-787 — 291-298 • the finder will please return .to bank; unless same <is returned within five days a new book will be Issued to the applicant LOST— Passbook with the Hlbernla Savings and Loan society Of San Francisco, In the name of CATHERN JOHNSTON. No. 310-14*4. Th» ' finder will please return to bank. Unless samn is returned within five days a new book will .be Issued' to the applicant *;.. J _\ . STOLEN — 1 . speckled gray horse 10 years old little knee sprang in front, weighs abont 1073 . lbs., branded. letter L on near front shoulder- hitched to small delivery -wagon with about ,' 10 In. -sideboard; reward. O. LINDACEit. .122-124 Clara st. dry. l u> LOST^In •\u25a0 vicinity 'of > Devlsadero st.-ladleV - gold .watch,' with \u25a0 guard > attached: monogram ,». on 3 ease.i' F. A. M. '. \u25a0 Kindly return to 1883 Grove ~ st: liberal, reward. : ; ' LOST-i- Yellow ' gear.' reddish brown top wazon. ' small black horse stenciled on sides. Bouaui«» & Cohn Cigar Co., 903 Market; reward. LOST — Monday 'J, afternoon between Bnsh *a'l Webster sts. and Gongh and :O'FsrrelL mink . gcarf. Retnrn 1207 Gongh st: reward. BOSTON 'terrier, brindle bull, answers to same ; of .> Potter: : white spot on cheat; please return 'to 2715 Steiner ' st ;- reward. - LOST— A' bunch of keys, on O'Farrell 1 between ; FtUmqre and ; Steiner. ' Return -' to 1335 FUI- • more;; suitable. reward.; .* ;' \u25a0 ' LOST— Amethyst pin, .soxronnded by pearls- Üb- reward. ; *i 3l29 .Washington**. - LOST— GoId ; locket ', monogram ~ M. : M. : \u25a0 return ;:> 903 \u25a0' Sanchea 1 st ' nr. , 22J ; reward. ' LOST— GoId -violet pin with diamond. Retnrn t« , 210IWeoater gt: foom 5. resTard- " , ""-"r 11 xo LOST— GoId • watch : lnltMln E. G. ; retnrn 110 . 15th ay. . ; Richmond ; reward. * _. FLORISTS ~~ FRANK i VAYR.' 17 YEARS ON 6TH ST vnw AT 312 MCALLISTER. f * UW GOLDEN GATE FLORAL CO., 989 Golden Gatl . ay. corner Larona st. \u25a0 ,- -," ," HOUSE CLKAXrXG Telephone West 1387/ . . y JAPANESE HOUSE CLEANING COMPANY : 1428 Webster «t. San Fraacicol , :19?Bush . it: : Japanese House Cleaning. \u25a0 '_--Jy_*_ cuxsauTHs ; W.H. PKICE. 13 Jyeara' with CUbiwhT^ - Golcher; • grun , stocks - a specialty. a^lf/«r - opposite Tiburen ferry. WJ 7**'