Local Stock Boards Resume Trading in Mining Shares of Sister State Nevada Hills Advance-Smartly, WKile. Goldfield Consolidated ' Declines The San . Franciaco mining stock boards resumed business. yesterday, i-n Bueh street." The brokers .were back trom the country and ready to wrestle with the problems that were presented by the nuctuatlons In mining shares! When the gong-s rang the prices took «.n the tone of la«t Wednesday, the time when business *was suspended for a vacation of a few days. This lasted a while, but then a downward turn set in once more and the values in, the market depreciated. Goldfleld Con- solidated rose from $5.12% to $5.25 and there was a good demand for the mer ger shares at. that rate, the selling: be ing mainly In 100 share lots. After the regular call board- the prices for Ooldfield Consolidated fell. The lowest Jevol to,date* : was reached when 500 shares were sold' at $4.85, A conspicuous exception to the gen eral decline that took place was found in the case of Nevada Hills, which ad vanced, 'with sales of 5,300 shares, from $4.60 to $5." ".This stock has been im proving for eomc days in the local boards. Totvopah Extension improved five points yesterday, selling up to J2.10. Montana went upward from $2.75 to $2.£0. Mayflower Consolidated jrained a point and sold at 32 cents in informal - session.' Belmont dropped largely, the' fall being measured by the difference between $3.60 at the opening and $3.57% at the close. Indian Camp got down to 5 cents a share. L ' • ." A vote of thanks, has been tendered \u25a0the two retiring directors, Foster C Cole and P. C Rossi, for their active -interest in the affairs of the associa tion. ' ' . F. J. Koster -will . represent the Mer chants' association on the committee being formed by the San Francisco real estate board to assist In the organ- financial and Commercial Continnrd From Pnffe 14 IJaard M Co. 25 —jßtby Wonder. 20 — 'Lynx Creek. .l.2s — j Sierra M 4 M. — 10 i Mlnas Pedrai.l.2s — Smoky Va1.... — '25 1 Monitor Gold. — . 05 Spider Wasp.. 1.00 — '»r I>ev Co. — 05, Vulture — .40 Nrr Hllla ...5.00 — jWalker Lake.. — 11 San Francisco - Mining. Exchange " 11:30 a. xn. Begular Ssssloa '.'\u25a0 ISOO Gld Kewmnos. 7012000 Grassy G M. IS !00u Grt Bend Adz IZJIOOO Pine Xnt .... O8 ! i«W Oro ..., 17 1000 Blue Bell .... 13 7000 Bed Hili* -...'' StJ| COO K*l*fr O4 . 2000 Sandstorm - . .. 40 3000 Granny G M.ISH 2000 Mtic Sbos Ez..OSjlCOO Blk B Bonans OS KiOO Bescue ........ 17] 500 Great Bend .. 07 2 p. m. Session \ 600 Empire. ...... U 600 St Ive« ..:.;. 94 'jsfifi Empire '....-. 09 100 C Blue BeU 12 jf»ro Silver Pick... 60 1000 Mayflower ....'3O U-Q Jim Butler .. S4 200 Gld Con M.4.92H 2(jOC- Sandstorm Ex 04 5000 Kaiser 04 . Mid Pawnee.. 05 HI WOO Pine Xnt .... OS X/ - CLOSING QUOTATIOXS ./ * --Toappah District Bld.Aek.J "' Bld.A«k. noston Ton .. — , 12|Mont Mid Ex.- 04^ 06 Cfc«h Boy ... 05 C 8 Ohio Toe ....'— (34 • Oold Anchor.. — 23|nescue Con .. — . 17 Gold Crown ... 08 IOJToa 8e1m0nt...3.60 4.UQ lnd Ton ...."'•— i'l'ilon Home ... — .10 Jtw Butter, .. '65 02) Ton X Star.. 25 . 2fl MacXamcra,. .26-— j.U'cst End Con — -95 I Goldseld District Adams' ...... 10 lliGld Portland.. 14 — AtUnta ' R4 ' 57 Great Bend .. 6T- — niuck Acts .. 05 '.' OtflOrt Besd Act. 11' 12 Ulk B Bonasz ' 00' .OTjGrt Bend Ex. 12 . 13 Hlueßell ...1- 12 ' 14lHIbernla — : 09 Hlue Ball ... -23 . ZSlJumbo * ....... —4.25 Itlark Rock .. «5 . OOlJowbo Ex ....1.35 " — <«lußiWa Mt. #S ' 60| Kendall --. Ez '..* — fia* torn Frmctlon.2.4s 2.55 Love Star .... 17»4 — OoHjueror :-.. — .iSMayne,. 07 07^4 Cracker Jack.^lB " 10 Mid Pawn**... 05 HOC Imttrt \u25a0.:... 1;1© I.I2UN*T.-:Goldfleld. 15 •— Dili B Btt* C. 20 22 Oro ..%.....;. 16« i IS lurflfld TrngL* 2ft i\ Kwl HUU .... 35 86 lUxle ....... "07 OS Hed 1 Lion .... 15 nooilnion — ' OS^fted- Top ..:: —3.30 I tnpjre ...... Jl 12|tted Top Ex.. 22 23 l - lorence 3.90 — (Ssndstorm .... 38 .40 <;id Con M,..*.Sfl S.OOJisaniSittorin Ex. 04 -05 Gld Kewaaoe. '70 • 72iSt Ive« • . ... . . — ; ' J5 CW M Xer.. - — 'l.SOjl-'vUow Rose.. 07 - — - BaUfrog District > Rir' Bnllfror. —'fO! Mont Bullfrog 02- \u25a0 — Pl/rg Nat ißk 20 •• 22jMt/i RJf rf Suswt. .04 —JTramp; Con ; . . 43 45 Cold Bar ...-\u25a0— 70i Valley i View... .04 — Uge Harris.. 04 ftiiTankee Girl .. 05 — Mayflower Oon f3f> 4 3l(. \ : . -»\u25a0 " Manhattan ' District, • ADr Foo! Ex." oJ%"«j3|Man St ~nt Xcv —- 07 Cranny -G M. -18 l»'Man Bed Top. 02 — Man Broncho. O6*4.*7JMaa Whale...,— OS Man Comb ... — •- OSIMosUnK . Man.. . IT. : — Man ' Cowboy. ' W ' " <«! I'lne Nnt . ..." 07 08 Man Dexter.. 10 IZjWllowr Hone:. . 04 '* 08 Vea.Llt Joe. 02 - 03|Sj'l Humphrey. 06Vi C« t|y ; ' , : , - Other ' Districts •/.VW^KSpB i Cent Enrrtti.V— • «>lFltt»" B; Peak/; 1.47 1.55 I So ( Belle Jdln. -'—"'4 -«0l - l i Onutoeka - ICnTt M-C6. — ' TSjGould-t-Cur. '— \u25a0/ -U Kood 'authority, information Is: con firmed regrardln gtwo large; strikes on Jumbo Extension ground. and also con firmation of the strike reported on the Florence. His correspondent ~v writes that the Florence ore -vis superior to that found In the : Mohawk. out 60 days. While the Gold BullfrofT company has purchased .the ! Other two properties straight out, they will l'« , operated under separate company organlzatioa. The Gold Bullfrog retains its same officers 'tit E. G. Luentzel. president; 'H..W. Preston, vice president and general manager: Fred .W. Nash, secretary, and Michael Stcpan. treasurer,, and the following . officers will regulate the affairs of the holdings In the Lee district, ' consisting ; ot 18 valuable claims: E. G. Lnentrel, presi dent; A. U'Lldwell. vice president;' H. W. Preston, manages; Fred W. Nash, secretary, and Michael Stepan. treasurer. . ' The Lee - groups " were located by . -Taroney, Martin,' Cox and Martin. The arrival of President Luentzel a week jgo and his repeated trips between Lee and Rhyolite resulted in the consummation of the deal. The mill for the Lee. properties . will have a capacity of 100 tons a day. with a cyanide plant of 60 tons, capacity. The force that will hu put on the Lee properties will be able to take out 200 tons of ore daily as soon as the work is organized. Work will also begin on the mill, and with the development work on: the properties, being pushed vigorously throughout the summer It is believed that before Christmas the ore will be under treatment. izatlon of new companies of the na tional guard. INCRKASED COPPER EARM.XGS NEW YORK, June 3.— The net income o£ the Amalgamated copper company for I the year ended April- 30 Is ! shown by the annual report;, today, to have been $14,164,400, an increase over the previous year of $4,992,863. The-sur plus for the year, after > payment' of dividends,- was $2,228,088; ah Increase of $1,915,105. ' ;• -y-T. : :\u25a0\u25a0£'-.". " •\u25a0•\u25a0*\u25a0;\u25a0 ELEVATOR CABLES BREAK . AKRON, 0., ' June 3.— Ten persons were . injured in an elevator accident at the plant of, the Goodyear tire and rubber company here' today. WY F. Stafford may die. .The- cables support ing, the elevator .broke and the car dropped two stories. v . ; /,-^. REAL ESTATK T TRANSACTIONS - William C Towns-to; Mary. A.. Growney, lot 13. block 47, Snnnyslde; ?10. . ..... Tope art company \u25a0\u25a0 to Gertrude " B.".T hompson (wife of Charles L),lot in, E line of. Belvedere street, 156:1«4 N of Seventeenth, N 28 by E 124:7%; $10. \u25a0 Henry Marquard to Terrill Brothers, lot at NE corner of I. street and Tenth avenue, E 32:6 by X 100; $10. v ' Mary Downing to Joseph I*. Vlzzard. . lot at XW corner of Montana and Plymouth' (Marenge) streets, W 200 by N 125; $10. * ': \u25a0 George F. . Lyon to i Joseph Burns \u25a0 and" wife; lot In S line of McAllister street, 95 E of Wil- Urd, E 25 by S 100; $10. Bozo Sator et al. to Klntaro Kim'ura, property cut of coonty; $10. \u25a0 - \u0084 .'Mary S.. Kelly. to James D. Phelan, lot in S line of Golden Gate avenue, 86:10% B of Baker atreet, E 25 by S 112:6; $10. i . Enoch Berry and wife to Thomas "W. , Taylor . and wife, lot in E line of Twenty-fourth avenue, I 250 S of Point Lobos avenue, S 50 jby E . 120 ; $10. Howard J. Hill and wife to Pacific coast eyrup company, lot la \V line of Sansome'street. . 137:6 Jf of Jackson, >'68:9. W 114:6, S 9:9, W SS.-.S 119, E C 7:6, N $0, E 80; $10. .... John C. Coieman et tL to Thomas R. Bastian and wife, lot in SE line of Edinburgh- street, £00 SW of Japan av*nne. SW 25 by SE 100; $10. Dewey Coffin and wife to Frank R. Webb, lot In S line of Unadilla avenue, 170 W of Howth street. W 40 by S 400; $10. '" • Pope estate company to Rose C. Patterson, lot In-S line of Carmel street. .608:10%- E of Cole, 8.131:9. E 26:0%, NE 150, W 109:0; $10." George 8. -Doyle and wife to James 1. Duffy and wife, lot in E line of York street, 225 S of Twenty-second, 8 25 by 4 E100; $10. Alexander H." Dunn and wife to John Wiech hart, lot in JfW line of Silver atreet, 200 SW of Second, SW 25 by NW 70; $10. : . Grace - Scbaden to James "P. ; Jorgensen and wife, lot in E line of Fifteenth avenue, £06:8 S of Point Lobos avenue, 8 59, E 106:S; N 12U, W to point opposite beginning, W. 97:10; $10. \u25a0\u25a0-• Jacob Herman to Cornelius McCani*. lot ia \ line of. John street, 80 W of Powells W 20 by -N 62:6; $1,100. , - ' : \u25a0•\u25a0-,•\u25a0\u25a0 Jacob L. Goodday . and wife' to Anna K. - Hel ler, -lot In NW.i line of California street, - 82.03 SW of Fourth avenne, SW 25.13, X'Bl.oB, E 25, S 78.01; $10. * "-•\u25a0:. •\u25a0': ,'\u25a0-- , James Topley and wife to Topiey company, lot at SW< corner tof - Olmstead and ~ Bowdoln streets, W 120 by S 100; $10.- - \u25a0 ; Antonio B. Blanco and wife ' to . Matto Com* pagno. lot at XW corner of Lincoln and Tayloi street*. X33by W 82:6; $10. '" • - Frank X.' Orpin: to* Susie? A. Oalvin.' lot In. X line of McAllister street, 231:6 W of Parker,. W 25, N 92:6, XE 25, S 03:6; $10.' John H. Grady and i wife -to Emannelle ' Gaz sano, > lot. In . XE line of Xlneteenth \ avenue, ' 60 NW of H street, NW 25 by'KE 100; $10. E. It. Llllentbal and wife to Steve] Travesaro, lot In X line ;of Lombard i street, >\u25a0 101 .W of Scott, W 25 by X 100, and one other. piece; $10. '-•' Geonre K.- Pink' and wife • to ' George ;. Green, lot in X line of Mary street, 140:9 W of Colum bia place. WCOby X 70; $10. ' - - - .- T. Z. Blakeman and wife •- to- Annie f. Paul- \ sen.- lot* In W line of »Gough, street. 00 -K-'of j Bnsh. X 30 hy W 110;'$10. -\u0084\u25a0\u25a0.- ' Jane Brbnders to Joseph 7 Wannenmacher and wife, lot in . E line of r Avery Btreet, 1 100 S of Poet. 825 by, E 94:6; $10. .- Cordelia ' Burnham et al. to Charles F. Gun ther, lot In SE line : of . Moneow street, -WJ S W of Brazil avenue, SW,SO by'SE 100: grant. V, Patrick Kalaber to : Mary F. Cailaban /and husband. lot in • SE ' line of Xatoma - street, , 175 XE of Eleventh, 1 ; XE 25 by SB 75: gif t. .- • Ellen Dupan to 1 Lydia' Dng-an." lot In SW line of Sixteenth • avenue, \u25a0 100 XW \u25a0of - 1 street. -X W 75 by SW 100;$10. - : - Eugene K.*' Frits and. wife to. Kale Al'Pohli. lot tn 8W llne*of»De Long -atreet.* 100 NW of Piedmont avenue, XW 26 by SW 85;-$10. 'Oscar X. Owens to Annie ir.\Tbeller and wife: lot on gB * corner '\u25a0 of •\u25a0 Union \u25a0 street • and -, Devlsa dero, S 3R by E 103:1%; «0. \u25a0\u25a0 - .= H *• Frank F."- Bowman and : wife* ito' Francisco Sijr norelJo, lot : In XW lln^ of Peralte avrnne.'- 100 S W of York atreet.* SW, 30 , by ;« Xff, 150 ; : $10 t, »• Philip J. Krng and wife' to CBtberine Cuniff lot In E line of -.York sUeet.j'JOS N- of Twenty fourth,.X 26 by. K;U«): $10..,- :- S "'? \u25a0 Doane Realty, company, to ;Fritz E. D*hle) Emanuel— Store Ci turea for second story In Sline of Market street' 78 Eof Sixth. E 88:6 by S 70; $10 200 v \u25a0 / ' Anna C.~ Spreckels with D.^ 8. i Hess & Co.—ln terior finish < for residence at' 8W •\u25a0 comer ' of Clay •treet sand -Van Xess avenue, , W. 167:4H by,S 182:S^; ? $69,713. >^E3HP'v£'ttl^ttpknHlHßßßMsHtaMatff - Claua Spreckels with ' John \u25a0G . Pn tton *& r Co/, Clinton fireprooflnf - company, y A.'a Knowlfs Me- Pbet i company. > Artistic r met»l ; and J wire 'com-" pftcy— !• erect, bulldlag la Si line fof * Market THE: S^N HFRA^GISCO CALL, TUESDAY, \ JUNE 4j 1907. street," :. 75 ';W. : from - Third, tW.V; 50 -byf: S X 100: $32,924. , ; \u25a0 > .. \u25a0 -,\u25a0, \u25a0 \u25a0;- ;, .- . .; r r .< .- • : ; ; Mattheas Ooldsara with 'Hancrof t ! &\u25a0. D«*ls— To' erect % one story and basement frame batldlng at SW corner. of Twenty-fourth »and Kansas streets, W 25 by S' 100: 13,470.-* :y::^v;v.'X^rv : M. |H. •; and ;Ann x McCafferty 5 with 4 Hayes & Hayes — To : erect \u25a0a : two [ story ..frame * building In X i line ; of '"Jackson «. street,'; 00 -E : from " Hyde, '- N 68:9 • byf E 20: * $1,000. - i - •-?- -Vrv; M> :\u25a0: *\u25a0»* -.-''i M.H. Klrsten with Kinltte *&"" Zlmmermaji-*- All "wiirk except electrical- work, plumbing and painting ; for -a \u25a0 two I story j and i basement •. frame building in } S \u25a0 line , of i Hayes : street, '. 100 '\u25a0> B : of Ashbury^B 31:3; by 8 = 50; > $8,975.; !",;,;\u25a0: ' MARRIAGE LICENSES Tb«. following .marriage; licenses .were^lssued in thlseity.'JuneS: .' " :," "'" ' ; ' ; "•'\u25a0 [\C ,-; George : Wood,, 31. "Aiameda,. and Lizzie F. Kulin, 'Si, 241. Dorland- street.' I '/ '".. : • '" '. ' , ' ' William C. Scbimmel,:27,jColuga,'and"Amy G. Wigley.-; 18,'. 16C9 O'Farrell - Street. '\u25a0:."\u25a0 - ' -' ''•- Charles J.;Anderson;.34,-Reno,'and-Emma"oBt- berg, 28,'Iieno. \ <;\u25a0-\u25a0'* \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\'-\.\ h '<\u25a0 vVw'.'.- •-•\u25a0:• '",- -\u25a0'. '\u25a0 'ArtUur^D. Spacljer.'^B,' Sill: Sacramento street, and -Annie B - McGarry," 3167H \u25a0 Mission I streef.T - George W. * Mefford. \u25a0 33, . 47tJ '\u25a0 Thirtieth .'street, and Mary L: Garibaldi.' 21,3 14 Union street.^ -^ -Hubert. J.' Qulnn.-2i: Oakland.'] and "Marie" V.' Fltz Maurice,' 18,' 1733 Hayes street. '- ; .-v ••; :.<\u25a0 - . Edward '• J." Moonry,"; 25, -444 Twenty-ninth street, and" Alice ' Mooney,- 21, 3521 , Twenty-flf th atreet. <--\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0 .".- \ •—-\u25a0.- • '.;v- -: • -. • \u25a0\u25a0> - i Joseph S. Slyler, 39, and Marie A.'.Therien, 25, both of tids city. r... --i~* -\u25a0--;«. \u25a0--\u0084" -;---;--; r'.-r-; '.-.-,.'• -;' - 'Jerome I* Collins, ( 25, 67 Sheridan street, ;and Ccclle B.'Feeney, 21,4 53 'Mrnna?. street.- Vf>«v» -\u25a0'\u25a0 ' Rudolph Gysflman, * 20," 1012, Eddy street,' and Nelly Bykerk, \ 26,* city. -.0 -; ; . < .; v. - ' . \u25a0 '\u25a0-,\u25a0\u25a0 • . \u25a0 :.-' Edgar A. Perkins,". 42,* r 1438 Grove street, - and Rosalie; Baraeo, -30, 515- Broderlcki street.: .' .' '' -. '\u25a0'- Bryce B.- Kerr, - 19.-- 1227 ; Rhode Island i street."' and Annie 8.-" Meecham, : 18,'", 1139 Florida 7 street, Charles 8. - Kerr, J> 25.V 1782 Bush v street;*? and Margaret Hurley," 20,-600 Buchanan : street.-..-:^?^*- ' Charles S. Rcklnnd, 38,, Pinole," -and Clara .i i. Ersln, ; '3s, 1400 Fifteenth street.:*.* ,:.'.?W;J*wl Frank *E. - Eheleben, '\u25a0 28, and - May belle • BoTee, 22.<1)0th of 269 Lanssat avenue.- :vf r { y->\r *'" '.' \u25a0\u25a0- Leo' Gordon, 25; Oakland,: and Ida* Edwards,' l9,* 1517 Golden Gate- avenue. }\u25a0-.-*•'• .'-..-^irvv^.'. ,t" :•'\u25a0'\u25a0. - Frank E.". Spolr, ;33,i 352 -Octavia iStreet.t.and BlendiaE. Swenwn, 27/ Oakland. i.-..»':-v.-. 1 ,-%*. Sjv. Vitaie Pistone,.32,and-Autlji)netta Minetta,-24,' both of 332 -Green street. 1 ; ? .. .--\u25a0• . -v'. -'Vj.-**.» Joseph Sepulveda, \ 21,' Oakland, '-and --Hulda Johnson, l»,\San Jose. {--.-- .-.,... \u25a0_' . \u25a0 - -\u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0 EmH- 1 E." Shimek.". 2B, 62- Caremlita- street. i arid Frances M. . Stritzingerv: 39. 2140 -Mission t streets . Bert M.-3teele,- 23,. 1653 Ellis street; and Cell* King, 20, 313 Hickory avenue. . ! - J ' -^ -:•»•;. . Joseph; L,' Walter, 63/ Los Angeles,- and.'Hilda O. SchweiUor, \u25a0 45, 2300 Washington 'street.' ..', j^flS James J. Calden',' ;21, 2413 Folisora* street,*' and Mary- C Kent," :"lS," 130 Diamond 'street.'/ i-r-.'/t - ; George. W.- Withers, \u25a0 31, .1512 -Walien atreetj and Stella A. Forner, 26,2 148 Pine- strttt: \u25a0"" 'Harry Meisncr. 28,.a nd Eda- An(ierBon, !i 2B,:both of .'2SB. Guerrero' street. \u25a0' "'\u25a0 : . r V.'-''t ' '\u25a0\u25a0*< •'.' \u25a0'-'"'; I.wlrl Mignoeeo,' 24, and Armlda" Pagano,'- 21," both of 38 Laura street.- - -. . - - '.. \u25a0•» . Alfred H. Erne, 32, 430 Seventh 'street, and Helene Ziebuhr,*22, \Ro*s.: -\u25a0'- >• «»>:\u25a0.«'•-• :\u25a0 . i Frank O.;Brantr. 28; s SO9? Fell;, street,', and Lydia- Jacobs, 20," 1858 Grove ' street." -•\u25a0 v.- ••;. •< -\ ; Henry A. Byrnes, 21. city, 'and Nellie M. Sulll-" van, -18, 163 -Central avenue." -' - ' .- ' <*?' ?' : --y- Kitaro Okada, -31,- Fowler.? Fresno county," and Hisayo Morloka.v 20, • 2025/. Pine 'Street; •.1 .-\u25a0 --; 1/tV OAKLAND, "June 'S.-J-The- 1 following; marriage licenses were issued today:-- : - ; » -. '.- -'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 .--' -'-. \ Merton .A: Bullanl. 38, .' and ' Harriet % May Smith, 35, both ot Berkeley.';-^ "^ \ is I ••:. \u25a0^'\u25a0" \u25a0 '•' Thomas- Halman." '25,* : Aiameda, • -and -'Alice Seweli; 23, Oaklan*/- ">>* .: : »"-,t! • • - I-v , ;f ? ••George D." Duncan, /42, and.- Julia F. Harrison; 19.' both of Hayward.-. . \u0084... John MrCulle,-; SO.- and;ElUabeth . Lunday, . 21, both-of San' Francisco. -•-\u25a0' \u25a0- ;'\u25a0<-.*-" "-." ?- '\u25a0\u25a0< \u25a0 ,Jamps McCreary, 21, and Florence 19,- both of Lincoln, Placer county. ; < \u25a0-. •> -'"• .:• \u25a0-.-- jv« Harry ;P; O'Shaughnessy,- 33,'- and 1 Lillian Co- burii. 23,. both of San-Francisco. '.-;->> - -. .-'f-. William i ßabbitt,' Ss,'and Margaret M. Dugan, 27, both of Oakland. . .-\u25a0 - ,;„•; ..-. . ;» ,- Adolph F: Berg.^2s, West Berkeley, and Louse M. Plagat.- 23. Oakland. '.-.": ' \u25a0'-•-- " v : Frederick Flowers. 24. and ' Emma -.V. Smith," 16. both of Banta, San Joaquin county.;--- -Jay. P. Jones; 21,.andrHazerj.;Stoelc,U8, both of San Jose.- " ; - * ' ; : •-\u25a0 -' ' .<. • • : Aujrast M.i Souza", 24,^'HaJyward, and Ida M. Santos, 22, Oakland. .*<\u25a0 — M. , i. 1 .- r-- <-. - ; v_- ';; BIRTHS/ MARRIAGES, DEATHS -.Birth, marriage~*aad death notices sent by mail will not be Inserted. They must.be banded In at either of the publication offices and: be*. indorsed' with the name \u25a0 and ' residence of persona, author- ised' to bave'.tlie. name' published..- Xot ices , re- strjeted; simply. to. the. announcement of the event ate. published once in. this column free of charge. \u25a0 : • - / - :; -« \u25a0\u25a0 ,r?*^. : i ABRAHAMS— LOEWENBERG— In this city," by the .liev. -M. S.'; Levy*-' Louis ; Abrahams :and; . Sarah Loewenberg. ' \u25a0; ; '..'.',''\u25a0': .-'.-' *".;;"'" ' : *;'^ £ HABT— MICHAELS— In this' city,-- by- the'- Be r.' : ; M.. 8.- Levy. Ira. Hart and.EUa Michaels.^;": ,££ \u25a0HOLLZER-fGREEX— Inv Los -.3 Angelew.' by*- the . . ; Rev.":M:-S. Levy," Harry- A."- Hollzer and Louise ".'•Green. V--"' \u25a0'-.""\u25a0' ••-'"* ; - *' ' \u25a0\u25a0 •.•\u25a0 ?";•; '.'i ; V ?.'*.- LEVY-^ANTROWITZ-^-In this 'city? by', the Rev.; | : M:. S: Levy,-' Harry Levy, and Cella' Cantrowitf. * WACHOLDER— WOLFF— In*, this ; city, : . by 'J the' Key. M. ' S. Levy, \u25a0 Sam Wacholder • and Tillle . " ;Wolff. -..\u25a0. \u0084; \u25a0-.:-.'..-;.,-: ;w~..' r.",;.;- w^.^. r~ '\u25a0 ;-••\u25a0;•\u25a0 DEATHS ' \u0084;, v; v " ; ; :-'' ; Albertson. Frederick 38 Lan^evin, Charles .'. 65 Autey, William J..: 20 Madru. Louis F./... 41i Baust,.: Louisa; :.:..' l7 McCarthy, Daniel .v.75 Caton, , George; R,;'. 60 McKerrow,', Mary L.-.vti? Dallamore, - Antonla — Meyer (infant) •:. " \u25a0 ';:•-:' Dillon- (lnfant) \u25a0 ; . ; Kash/.Maty.'.v. '..'..: 70 Elsasser, Cbri»topher Newman,'* Julius '^.".. B2 Grant, - Helen A. ... — Parker,? Hacel . Pi . .-.15 Hamlltou, J. A..;. 70 Uobiuson," James .B. «S2 Handcork, Josephine 40 Scherer,- Elizabeth. .'. \u25a0— Keef. Thomas \u25a0 = ..*.. 65 Sheridan, :'\u25a0> Henriett a, — Kelly, Joseph C.:.; 28 Steuder, John ".'.'.-.'. -18 Kelly, '\u25a0\u25a0 Thomas . . . . ; 73 -Welse, -; Frederick ; A . 71 Kenefick,. Michael.. 70 ';•\u25a0.., \u25a0.-- "* :,; ALBERTSON*— In this city, June :3. : lSM)7i';Fred- : .' crick Albertson," a native of , Finland, • aged- 38 yeara. ..„.:.,\u25a0:,'....\u25a0 - : : . '•;;-" .--;, ; \u25a0, • AUTEY— In "this city,"', June" I,' 1007. William i., dearly beloved con • Of William H. . and Nellie \u25a0-D. •• Autey. : and • beloved '\u25a0 brother i • of . o Nellie,' Charles, Francis and Raymond Autey i and the late Mrs. William Moses and Mrs'/ M.*O'Toole,- a ; native of San ; Francisco, aged"- 20 years ; S • months and 19 days. ">>*-••'-- .•-. -. •* -'i*T*^ i v Friends i and ; acquaintances i are -; respectfully invited •to -, attend -\u25a0\u25a0 the -• funeral a today < : (Tues- • day),' June 4, at .8:30: o'clock 'a.', m;; from the . residence Of - bis ; parents,- 1054 1 Brannan I streef . near, '. Tenth, \u25a0 > thence -" to > St. Joseph's ' chorch,' Where ,a, requiem "high - mass -for the . repose -of "his soul will; be celebrated,' commencing at 9 o'clock a."m.> Interment, Holy .Cross cemetery." BAUST— In this city, June 2/ 1907, Louisa' Baiist;. beloved daughter of Louis Hambrecht. and sis- 1 tcr of r Mrs. • Martha . Lambert and ' Mrs. Clara Hinckley, and stepsister of Albert and Johanna Hambrecht, . a native of '. San s Francisco, aged 17 years 10 months and 13 days. v,T v . • Vl -•*'•.-, ":'\u25a0 - - Friends . and ' acqua intances » are Respectfully inrited 'to y attend the > funeral ' today -(Tues- . day), June 4, ' at 10:30 o'clock a." m., from the parlors of ; H.i F. * Snhr/ & . Co.V- 2919 . Mission street 'between : Twenty-flf th* and I Twenty-sixth." . Interment, Mount iOll»et-cemetery. ; ; T ,'';- '•\u25a0• <>' v - CATON— In th is": city, 1 * June! 1."- 1907.': Georse R. : beloved husband of \u25a0 the ' late • EHen Caton,- and loving father, of William » H.T< Thomas ! N.i and Lizzie '\u25a0 Caton - and - Mrs.",, Sarah \u25a0? Murphy-." and . \u25a0-_ brother, of \u25a0 Nathant Caton 1 pi, Spokane,' Wash:; •" a natire. of Washington, D. C. aged 80 years and 7 days;,. A member of ; Golden f Gate \u25a0 lodge . '3; Knights of Pythias.', 1 -^/*' / -' \u25a0; -;•••* '- • Friends \u25a0\u25a0 and '\u25a0 acquaintances ' ere ; respectfully ;-, invited to' attends the; funeral? today (Tnes- ' day); June ; 4,> at ' B:3o : o'clock ' a;V m.V from, his late, residence;. 24 i White street 'between Hyde \u25a0 and \u25a0' Lark in; thence eto St. . Brlgid's ? church.' " '.where - mass for ,the > repose : of \u25a0 his . soul 'will be celebrated, commencing at 9 o'clock a.'m." In- • I terment Holy : Cross cemetery: ; r .,vf -. r •. . -. \u25a0 . ( - .-. - DALLAMORE— In .this city, 'June 3,' 1907,'' Anhi-. 1 ; nia Dallamore, dearly ; beloved | wlf e : of t. George" XC. t Dallamore. - a native of ; Germany. > r Ai mem- •• ber. of San Francisco : chapter '196;' O. ; B.- g; - 1 . - Vi. Notice* of ", funeral '- hereafter, t * £<; ; ' . •\u25a0 i - *-.- •: . j DlLLON— in'> this ' city," June'-3; 1907,' ! John' Fran- cis, - beloved i 6on " of.' John \ and - Mary " Dillon.' a native - of : San - Francisco,-; aged . 7 \u25a0 months . and - 15 days.', ::\u25a0•': '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:'••. '.c ?>.-«\u25a0< '\u25a0»•.- j-;^3t. :\u25a0;./ -:•:'-•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>.-•< ... The funeral will take place tomorrow (Wert- ,' nesday), lat J Uf o'clock *a.> m/,«from^the •resj- -;dence of the parents.- 1444 KansaSi'street corner - of \ Twenty-sixth, f. Interment private,'- in - Holy . ..Cross cemetery.! -.."•_ \u25a0 -v^-Xv ;\u25a0;\u25a0.-; ;-."• ":. ';';. •». • ELSASSER— In ;. Oakland? June \u25a0 1 2, : 1907, • CbrUto- ,-pher, ElBaswr,"i a ; native of Germany.' 'A.menj- - - ber \u25a0 of ; Old Friends ; grove 1 138, £U. 'A. v O." D. ; . •'. stevedores' -. and --' riggers' - union \u25a0; aud j; Sbosbone. - tribe. 7B.; Imp.. O.'R.M.. - \u25a0-•.-• : >- Friends ; and '• acquaintances ? and ' members Cot , -i. the ! above I societies \u25a0 are i respectfully I mv fted to 'if a ttend i the ; funeral ; services » Thursday. June h 0, ',\ at 110. o'clock? a.tm.Yi at ithe«parlon of Gantner . Brothers, .- 8460 ; Sixteenth >.j street. rounder # the : auspices \ ot ; Old f Friends ? grove/ 139, ? v.*' A.'.s O "; \u25a0»r,p. '^lnterment ; Mount -cemetery. -fv-rivi -. GRANT— rtTAlameda^''JuneT2??l9oT,^Helen^A"- . Grant,' daughter of the late Senator Gilbert A.' -Grant -and Helen -A."- Grants and leister of 'E" '. -.N.i and "t Allen 'Grant,; a "native: of; New?Hamp-' ;\u25a0•: shire^-- > . - : - ...,-,.;.:, k:*\jl HAMILTO>-^-ln ' this [ city;? June ! 2, i 1907.V J. *Ar ; i Hamilton,'-; a.; native %of PpnmylTania. . aged i7O ; : years. 1 ' - A - member,; of [carpenters' < union 1082.-'v •-•\u25a0.. -Notice of ; funeral hereafter. (at ;;,the ' rtarlors * of ; the .Western .Addition t Funeral - Directors./*. 1724 v Devisadero r :\u25a0<. street <•: between ' Suttcr and Bush. • ' " HANDCOCK— In'. tUislcUyVf Junet2, : - 1907 Jo- y. sephlne, \u25a0;-. beloved ij wife %ot * Samuel dHandcock,* ;. and > daughter spf 'Thomas i and 1 the It late 'Rose - Heim.v aud » sinter f <>f iLouia I and tj'hilift S Helm p ana ; Mr».v Louise . Coearu,^ Mn.'tHcnry vLander-" V - mann f - ana Mrs. 1 - Paul . OJeu.i a > native of ; France>, \u25a0:\u25a0: used 4*) year« I '. ; month- and f4i days.T? A" mem- «> ber ' of^ Live , Oak circle i Jß.^Arf O.j F.f of^Armer-" '.^^\u25a0v'/--V '\u25a0' \u25a0-\u25a0 ,-*" '-" -"' : -'<- , • -.\u25a0'•\u25a0; t riends ;and >. acquaintances fare i respectfully \u25a0;.'. Invited to attend: the funeral. uervkes tomorrow >.-. (Wednesday),-? June^s,fatf 8* o'clockT«.^to.".Tat r the, parlors of Julius 8/ Godeau, s 2123 '.bush street,! tbence \ to , Holy Redeemer, church,; Elfrbt- . «>ntb i and « Diamond; streets,^ where t * : ? requiem ' r Wgh:maaajforith»;r#^»Mf«fiheriib«llwMtbe v celebrated, commencing: at 8.-; o'clock .a. m. KEEP^in' this^ity,: June 2,^1907." Tbomss^Keef/ •a, native of ; lreland, ; aged ; 6s years. mssatr*^ *= sFriendi ;andt:«cq«aintance92a»e?Tespee.troiiy B invited 1 to ! attend I the ; funeral |tomvrrow j < w#4- \u25a0 nesday ) ; June ; 5.Y at ; 9 i o'clock ia^ m.^ from .the 5 i parlors '% of £ Carews: *: n English. # 1618 *~ \u25a0' street,', thence •to \ Holy; Cross * chnrcb.; J . where | a '*•> requiem- ; hlgh:h Igh : mass s for :. the » repose, ot l bta \\ soul "' be, 'celebrated;' commencing J at^9:3o ; «o clock ;' '% a. im.^ Interment Holy , Crc«a ; cetaetery/SG^Sg:. KELLY— In -San-? Rafael,* ' Cal. 7i June 1«07, ' Jo- 1 neph G.- KellT, beloved 'son '\u25a0 ot i Margaret; and* \u25a0i .". the * late'< Thomas f Kelly, - and * brother ; of » Ed- ward. >\u25a0 Frank : and ! J., D.t KellyJ and i Mrs.i John \ i S/ { Q'Neil, ;a « native" 1 of : : SSa c Francisco,', aged •*\u25a0 28''vears.*. '" \u25a0;\u25a0' '*. '"''•" ••'"'•'-' '•":? \u25a0' '\u25a0*- ; -'-.'-.--r<''.»?' : \u25a0\u25a0?"-"\u25a0' 'h ' Friends are" respectfully f invited Sto * attend Uthftt funeral j tomorrow .'»( Wednesday ),%- at ;8:15 « t o'clock •a. - m.; - from h Ms * late .. renidence,- X 1541 •' w Franklin - street,'.' tbence ) to . St. i Mary's i cathe-; i "' - drai;-" where ja * requiem hiifh - : mass : for .j the f re- I pose o* 1 his : soul will be celebrated,' commeftcing - r ; at ' 0-. o'clock r B.; m.*- .Interment i. Holy,* Cross •'cemetery Iby special ' funeral train I from | Twen- '"-.ty-afth • and Valencia',- Streets at: 11 ! o'clock f-;' a.* m.';-;-' ;"\u25a0\u25a0";,;*'•!':\u25a0-. \u25a0 .\u25a0"' '-"'. :'--\u25a0[:' "'-':'. ;: '' '••'.' ?~/'J KELLY— In \u25a0'the""cltv \u25a0' and county hospital. June -: 3, -1907. -..Thomas: Kelly,* a native .of ~ lreland, /-" aged i.78 '"years. >: •\u25a0• '.":;/ ;-.».* -~ • 'i^'-V '*- - y i\'":'- i \u25a0 ','--'. KENEFICK— In this city, June 1. .1907. ": Michael,; --"beloved -' brother ' pf the late ; Thomas * Keneflck >: of :Vlr*k»la>Clty. : j-Nev:,v a \u25a0 native of i Ireland, ' aged ,70"years. V. (Virginia' City and \u25a0 Reno, Nev., i "papers please ; copy.) ' '..; v- \u25a0•'!•'\u25a0 ", : "-*'"--'. -j- ;*r Remains- at the parlors. of H.vF.Suhr & C 0.." 1 2019 Mission ' street * between Twenty-flf th | and V.Twenty-slxth.".' until 'l 2 -o'clock-: p.-> : m. J ' today .'- (Tuesday). - Interment at vVirglnlaiCity.tNey.;-;:. LASGEVIN— In" this cityi - June 3,Y IOOT.'i Charles . Langevhva native of Canada, aged 65 years, t- MADRU-^-In this city^i May i3la 1907, 1 Louis i P.? i: husband ' of : Dagmar Madnj, > -and-4fatber '. of Louis ; F.*' Jr. ",* Louise ~ A:! and * Albert r A.> Madru, •>:' a ; . natWe tof 'Alsace, 7- aged •41 ; years ', and ; 6 months. .;'<; \u25a0 /.:::,. ;\u25a0\u25a0',\u25a0[: \u25a0.-'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0<;:':.;\u25a0 ;\u25a0. v^.-.-.; K'-Jr. McCARTIIY— InV this city. June 3,' 1907,: DanIel •McCarthy, a "native of Ireland;) aged;, 75 McKKRROW— In "Oakia'nd.*; June> 8. : 1907, Mary I•L. - McKerrow,; wif e ; of . the lata Henry ; McKer- ;''row, aged 67 -years.-*?; ' ,'\u25a0 f.-' :i;. \u25a0:---' Friends , and ; acquaintances are ; respectfully .;. Invited to attend the: funeral services tomorrow ;. (Wednesday), 'June . 5; ; 1907, •, at •- 10 £ o'clock "•'\u25a0*'. .ra."; at\ the ' parlors, of Geary : ie '• Grlndell, N .'\u25a0 thence *to the "Catholic' church, - where T a ; mass I for ' the; repose lof her soul will Ibe jj celebrated. - ; Interment at St. Joseph's, cemetery,; Hay ward. MEYER— In this city,: June 3, '] 1907, Edward -.WA v dearly : beloved • s'>? Friends^ and ? acquaintances are | respectfully '•'•\u25a0 invited* to"' attend f the t funeral 'today ; (Tues- \u25a0\u25a0'• -rfayKat' 8 o'clock. a. c rm:rifrom;the!parlorsi of . Carew & -English, 1018 - Geary > thence \T to ' the Church of the. Nat iTlty, v oo * Fell ; street , between Gongh . and ; Octavia, - where a> requiem j X mass s for". the > repose -of .her: soul; will bejCele T •: brated,* commenicngi at 8:30 ; o'clock a.ißJ.i.iln- . terment Holy -Cross cemetery. ;' -,: .' 7 ; : .. \u25a0\u25a0' 'I ', . -. -'-"' ' THE LEADINQ '."• >>:~: ~ \ DiRBBTOR SAN!vFRANCISCO Bet. 15th and I6th Phong Market 109 ;: -: /,"'\u25a0." \u25a0-;. CYRUS • S. T , WRIGHT, \u25a0' •' ':'..\ '* : ' ; rc' ; ':: 5 jGEb^H.-CLARK,'^ '* * \u0084',,". ' • A.«P. BpOTH,f. ;•;\u25a0/- l>\ - \u25a0 ;v'VH^OLp;L:tWRIOHT.;S'I; v 'VH^OLp;L:tWRIOHT.;S'1 : ' ';'.-\u25a0::\u25a0\u25a0 ..'* "-\u25a0ERO.' -' \u25a0*'•':• ?:X}U- Telephone *%*t;«oT'.*;7_^"4 :^fgS-* I; iftEARyiBROS^ *, I . r .FUNERAL" DIRECTORS. - 2917.. Twehty-fonrth ! St.V V > V /\u25a0 •?i:=- Harrison S'andf'Bryant.;,* r c ''.' r *, \u25a0 . Undertakers and' Embalmen BHi^;: >;;-.v. : •? LADY 'ATTENDANT.^ \u25a0'-> : <^'^ ' ; O« . ; '2919 Mission' Street Near 25th^*VV£ ; :.v,,t -.\u25a0.'- . .r i- Telephone i Market • «8. '.-: -; \u25a0•;' ,•':;\u25a0-?;'-< PHQNE; MARKET -i32.y .; "\u25a0_ >: >d , \u25a0 >^'J UNDERTAKERS AND \ • EMBALMERS, i»460 SIXTEENTH STREET, ; .>: : , V •,• '.(V,-: Between j Church}: and Sanchet. \i_ ..^-,;"-.:; I , ! G, v P.-;PRECHTEJ,,^ i G.l W." KEELER/' • •\u25a0• Vice Pres. and Mgr.;; ,;. ; ,v i: »> -Pres.^ ; : Golden Gate . Undertaking \u25a0 Co. 2475-2483 ' MISSION \u25a0 ST. »f Phona Market 2500. '\u0084',: FUNERAL VDIRECf ORS * :\u25a0 ;V" •\u25a0 =1618 ; GEARY* STREET.^. '..i-'.'.V .. Between Buchanan omd '.'Webster • ;-,-i. - , '?;- : . ;, Phoae :W«st' :W4;Vt ' • ;.; ;% ;;\u25a0 «\u25a0 Ftanerai" ;liirector. : indj Embaliner, f^j : : 19404942 Post i st/, bet' 1 , Fiuraor« r and Steiner. \u25a0* Ji "' J;V -\- •^ : :i.'Teleph^i>e : ;West 6333.^^ ';>"\u25a0\u25a0)'\u25a0 -0^ < GEO. W. LUNT. '£ HENRY 1 0,'BDNKER,'. ? ••. ."-.\u25a0;\u25a0•.. ;: BUNKER ; v A-I«UNT,v : ;;:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 x-:i': \u25a0; " .;. ;funeralJ»irectqrs,; ;:;\u25a0-.; % ? '. '• ';\u25a0 Mission.', Masonic Temple,' ILh '\u25a0: r-«>.'r -«>.' 26C6: Mission* Street. .-• «,v' '• +.-0 .'--:\u25a0 \u25a0'-'-' Phone: Market; 263o.-: > /'.'.' ; , .-..'\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0<. Caiffornia UndertaJking; C^ 2210 STEINER STREET Between Sacramento and Clay.'' Phone West 1321 D. I. KENNY & CO. \u25a0 : t - \u25a0 ','• ' • •;' . ;' .V. i-;.V': >} \u25a0^^lTlfl^Eb^^STßEE^nealriSco^ ?-y? -y -V : : ';• ;;..l > honei'Wesit 12645.'.'; :'. ; Q. ';. .[^ : MolvXHAlV^si> \ Funeral Director* ' and Embalmen. IV'?£ i-sZi 'x PriTate. :j Residence J? Accommodations. *;;.r ''\u25a0\u25a0;*. \u25a0 :> Office '. SW.: 1 comer \u25a0". 25th -i and « Guerrero | sts-V"* \u25a0Ftone'Maritet^3s^V^;;:Jv^| ;.:\u25a0'•\u25a0•'"\u25a0 - : \u25a0 i ' U\DERTAKERSa^r -V:im K!^ ' \u25a0 V v ' 2347-2340 1 Market 5 Street, * rh>V •,-\u25a0s* : \u25a0 Bet. } 16th rand:17th • sts.\« Established 1 1878. v''| .'.:.. - ;,'l : - ;•\u25a0,:'«-; Phone; Market^ 154. -.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0::'-\u25a0, v. ; ;;,'_.; UNIfEDIUNDERMERSI :^A;-; s : ;^FJt!NERAL-;'DIRECTORS;v ' ,i 2608 ?Ho ward near! 2L'd. ,' ] Phone \ Market ' 276.'i Cypress Lawn Cemetery .. t OFFICE 'I3BO. SUTTER ST. . < Near Y«n Ne..>v4 > Rooms 5 ; add j6. Sfe. Phone Franklin 1 1830 £*'/%-Z2 \u25a0;*r'UNDERTAKERS;i>V ;^-\ :s^^;ll' %VC \u25a0.\u25a0',> S4«jMISSIOW-f OTKBJBT «!> ; izi~:£ \u25a0si}. Near Thirtieth. • . Tel:" Markißt; aaau|j :*yw*Sr»^v'»»»^: 1 ?-vt^ij,--.-v-t>-."." l;-.tv'-':«'.-..;«l ;-.tv'- ':«'.-. .;« . ••vV'V*a^,«a pi^foieoNNQß®e^l \u25a0Aaf . -" , FUNERALVDIRECTORS, c ..- • .\u25a0•-,•'• 770 TURK ST. between iVaa>Nesw. At. IQga^SaSXand "Franklin i S«."S^B^#!SSfiK Ladyj; Attendant^Mr^^^TeL^ Franklin % iwj* Sixteenth t and 1 6aerrc'rol stt^^i Formerly^ of ' MeFaddenv^j Meßrearty i, A|| Greea? j NKWMAN— In * this - city.^- May 20," 1907, • Julius Newman, beloved father of JStnlly," Max.- Bertha w- and " Adeline Newman, i and . beloved . son : of.'Er* i?; Destine l and >: the 'late \ Kalman V Newman,-."; and \u25a0 brother 'of . Mrs. J Kr- Casper,^ Mra. 1 -. Jennie - Solo- 1 Gf mon, ; Mrs. j Isldor and 1 Mrs. 'Joseph Rosenberg fg and k George "Newman. £a ? native; of I Germany, V. : aged:s2 years.'; : -_V& -;•?:. ;'--,.."v;; '--,.."v; '. : ;'-; '-- * • '. \u25a0", ' PARKER— In this city, . Jnne 3. 1907, ' Hazel P. , :z beloved i'and * youngest -' daughter iot t Edwin 5 C. « J and : Merisa Parker, { and sister of ' Mrs. L. ; Bria-. •J bin '\u25a0' and > Harry i O. ";; Parker,'- a ' natlre ' of ; Ne- . braska, aged 15 years 6 months and 15 days. \u25a0 . ;:4 if Friends s and ! acquaintances j are ; respectfully *'• invited ; to > attend the funeral ' tomorrow , ; ( Wed- ' \ nesday) , ; at ! 11 '\u25a0\u25a0 o'clock a.': m. , - from the Olivet '- - Presbyterian : chnrch."- comer. 1 of ; N lneteenth \u25a0. and f:, Missouri f streets. -:>: Interment . Cypress - Lawn i Robinson. .; a - native of "j Pennsylvania, aged 62 years ; and 1 * month. 5 . ;.i Notice of funeral 1 hereafter. f .;, V • -^ ' fl, . SCHERER— In r this "city,*,' Jnne •3. -1907; ; at her \u25a0: : reaidence.S \u25a0' 492 \u25a0*; Sanchea - street, \u25a0 ; Klizabeth i * Scherer, -- beloved • mother : of \u25a0 Mrs. • T.y A: v Por- .. 87th 'and Miss Mary Scherer, a native of Phil- adelphia. ~- va^:-, \u25a0\u25a0:-;'-.\u25a0- \u25a0~'JL*:M'-~Z. : ' Notice «t funeral hereafter. ::\u25a0'\u25a0 .' :\u25a0 .\u25a0. ''' ' . ' *'±~ SHERlDAN— lnlthla?city7l "Tune'- I.' -' 1907, ' Hen- £" rletta • Gertrude, dearly beloved .wife of Frank . S. * Sheridan, and •, loving -, sister sof f Ler a * A., ;i MacNevin f and " Martin v E. -."* Fleming, and ' lov ; ; y Ing ; aunt >of ?. William V.TJ' Harry \u25a0: J. and Dr. .' ' George M. * MacNevin : and I Gertrude ELI Flem- • ing, ra • native " of ? Coloma.% El ' Dorado county, ' . Cans (Placervllle '. papers . please copy.) '^ •-\u25a0•-> •• - '- \u25a0 '.-•'.'\u25a0 Friends ' and -.aeqnaintanecs | are ' reiipectfolly V, lnvited i to* attend the 'funeral today -(Tnes- ?*'day); at 8:80 o'clock a. m.; from her late, resl- «; dence, V 008 ;\u25a0 Hayes * street, 1 thence jto f Sacred Heart i chnrch;''- where sa i solemn . requiem \ high ",. I mass ' for the repose of her soul will = be cele- , : brated. : commencing at; 0 • o'clock i ».\m C Inter- >:ment'Holy Cross cemetery. \u25a0/;'.' ;"> '_-.r* fJJ- ,-j ; STEODER-^ln* this* clty,>June .I. v-1907, John ; Steuder, a-; native of Switeerland, aged :78 'Jyears."-.^J years."-.^ •\u25a0\u25a0;_.; x '-*.; -.-'. '\u25a0'\u25a0'Jj-J^~.-.f- " ''• .T-'.---'/ - '\u25a0 \-'- :J ; . WEISE— In this city, '; June 2A' 1907, Frederick '/A.,' dearly beloved husband of Sara Welse,- and - father of ' Pred, ; ' John and Panlle : Weise and. . - Mrs. ; P.'"- Schlvo, Mrs.'-W. A.** Blanck ' and Mrs. \u25a0 .- ; J. L. -, O'Neil and i'ttie \u25a0 late Maggie Edwards, , a sj native 1 of ":. Germany,' - aged .71 - years '/ and :j 6 ".' months. > ' /-\u25a0\u25a0'- ' -\u0084-.. --. - : ". -.-.' '\" .-'•::\u25a0\u25a0 * ! - •-V'r \u25a0; Friends 7 and * acquaintances « are respectfully > : invited \u25a0• to < attend > the 1 funeral - services \u25a0, today (Tuesday), June 4.'' at '2 o'clock-, p." m.,, at his < ; late residence, 47: East Park street., Intermeat •' MountfOllvet cemetery by. carriage. * ' G. lACCHERI. * "': L. FERRARI '•^•::-;-." < :'->i-.:-:-,.I J . lACCHERI. n A> -., ;\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0 '-A- PHONE MARKET. 174. PHONE OAKLAND 371: SAN FRANCISCO. , OAKLAND, . CAL. G. lACCHERI ZCti FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EHBALHEH! '_- : ' \u25a0\u25a0•• * ' So 3 2' Mission" st.,'^ San ' Francisco, ; Cal.' r- %i Branch Office and ' ResWlence, 548 Sycamore at ' , .; near > 26th,- Oakland. ? Cal. - - y::*y": McCORMICK '/ .; ! FUNERAL^ DIRECTORS, \-V.7 x 915 VALENCIA" ST. f NEAR 7 20 TH. ". Formerly \u25a0of McFadden,-- . Meßrearty & ' Green :. i . \u25a0 ; •\u25a0 \u25a0 Telephone Market 9".j.. ;.- " \u25a0 =; .'- H.i. Gallagher Undertaking Co 1314 1 WEBSTER - it.' bet. Ellis .* and 'O'Farrell Tel. W^st 8925, DANIEL P.- DONOVAN, fre* .A Manager; ; JOHN DOUGHERTY. . Vice ITcs "\u25a0- ; TMEODOR DIERKS & CO. -\u25a0;..;" ',\ ;\u25a0':\u25a0 : i \u25a0'\u25a0;-\u25a0' Undertakers, \u25a0 ,-..:"•/.. •. \u25a0\u25a0 ; 960 1 Devlsadero S<., Cor. McAllister. \u25a0\u25a0;.'\u25a0; ; :r :- Telephone '.Weat. 480." riX'.T-"'^,' - WOOIbiLAWIV^ CEMETERY^; \u25a0 : . 1 .' -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0' San ~;Mateo \u25a0 County." ' Finest I and ' Best Equipped ' Receiving - Vault ' an< -.-\u25a0\u25a0-••\u25a0- '\u0084^ v". ...^Chapel.?- >i--- ',--\u25a0-.::•• - : .'" (Masonic 'Cemetery.; Association.) - '. ; ''•- \u25a0':\u25a0':'- :^OIHce 11S4 O'Farrell St.'%-"V ,';"';' 22nd-STREET FLORISI . FUNERAL A SPECIAKTy.- i : ri Country J'Orders^ Promptly ' Attended' To. v • ''\u25a0'.. \u25a0- :; '.•." Good i.Work^-Lowest; Price.*. "- : - Phone • Market \u25a0 662. *\u25a0 • • -'-' . 3230 22D : ST. \u0084'\u25a0.-: \u25a0? -._ ".OCEAN;. TRAVEL. .- \u25a0\u25a0 : AMERICAN LINE \u25a0' Plymonth— CberbonrK'— Southamp to« - BT.-'LOUlS: ..r;'.;'. June- 15," July . 18,' 'Aug. r3" PHILADELPHIA ;".: Jdne ; 22," July •"\u25a02o,'v? Aug. :2: 2 ST.t PAUL :\u25a0.'.'.- .V.:. June 20,' Ang.3, Aujt. 3 JCKW^TORK-J^r. :: July .. 9. t, Aug./ 10,-. Sept.'f !\u25a0' Philadelphia— Queenatowi*^— Liverpool Westernland-": ; '.June . IPjNoordlasd - .".r.Ti June ' J Haverfordp:. i (.* J .June;22|Frlesland^ .'.'.•.'-. :. July n AV.w-it-Sew'?: York— London 1 Direct \u25a0-: '\u25a0-' v.-:- MINNEH AH A .. .". ; , .Juno 18, * July . lS.v'Ang. » K MESABA.. •.%'•.".;:..•; June 22. ; July '20, Aug. >,t MINNETONKA. v. .V. .June 29, July 27, ' Ang.^ •_' MINNEAPOLIS. ." . . .'.' . .July ; 6, J Aug. 3, Ang. . 'S. HCMNP^VIERIiEALINE New York— Rotterdam— via BouloKne JSsft Sailing ss * per • Sailing -List. > . NOORDAM.*. . .%' .*. .V.June 13. ; July l?.~Aug. : 2! BTNDAM. . . . .'. . J'.-.; .June 19, July 21 ~ Sept.; • POTSDAM... ;..%%.. June- 20, 'Aug.i7, Sept. 1 N. -AMSTERDAM (new) July 3,' Aug. 14,.S«»pt. 1! STATENDAM:..V....JuIy 10, Aug.i2l, Sept. '2: .' »w York— Dover— Antwerp ' FlNLAND. '."..\u25a0:.'...".;; June* 15.- July; 27.' Aug.-2' ZEELAND..'...V..'..::June 22,' July 20,' Aug.;!' VADERLAND.-: . .I . i: . .July, 6.' Aug. 3. f Aug. 3 KROONLAND. ...... V.July 13,* Aug. 10, Sept. ' WHITE^STARLINE -< .' New York— Quernstonrn— Liverpool :\u25a0 •BALTIC;..: ..J. '.'. . .June 14, r July -t 11, ; Aug.- 1 i *CEDRrc .:.-.:..,. r. . June . 20. ? July 18, Aug. ; 1 ! •CELTlC \u25a0'.'.\u25a0...". . .:t. i June 37, Jnly. 2s. Aug.' 2. •ARABIC. . : . . '.'_. . . ... July 4, , Aug.) 1,1, Aug.vfl \u25a0i Plymouth— Cherboarar— Southampton > •MAJESTIC ...;.:...;. June 1 12, ? July . 10,* Aug. : ' ••ADRIATIC (new) . . . June 18.j Jnly. 17, : Aug." I- •TEUTONIC '......... .June 26, July 24, Aug. -• \u2666OCEANIC. .:. . .': .V: .'.' July 3, July 31.- Ang- :2 't-e • *Nevv, -25,000 ,' Ton* ; had Elevator Gymnasium, Turkish Dnthn «t 'Band. >"^/- Be»ton-^4lueensitown^-Llverp6ol ,'.'-' CYMR1C... ...... ...-".JuneflS.'JulylT, ?Aug. 1- REPU8L1C. ........ ...Ju1y V 3,V 3, July; 31,- Aug. >i ?Se :S MEDITERRANEAN^io^ -\u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0?:\u25a0: , / FROM NEW vTORK \u25a0.".--. .--\u25a0•\u25a0 •CRETIC: .. :.:..'.:. .r. r. -.';".*. ... . J June 20, nooi •ROMANIC. : .*. . .'. . V . . : . . : : ; .: July - 15; 3" p.! m i^^i>^ \u25a0-.::\u25a0>- yC^^FROM^BOSTON.;^'^'.-^'- -\u25a0\u25a0 ' •CANOPIO.'.". .June 29,- 1* p."tn.;rAug.'lo,Oct. ; I ,*BpHANIC. .Sept.' 14.; 3 a.m. ; ; Oct. 29;, Dec. JJ O^N.^KOEPPEL,' Passenger Agent Pacific Coas .; -'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 38.E11U street, pear Market. ' <\u25a0'-• J4ctmbutyrj9nieiicah^ i WIN SCREW EXPRESS AND. PASSENGIR SERVICI Plymouth— Chcrbquri—Hamburf •Bluscher i . :\'. '. .June \ Cl*Amerika ; (new) '. June 'I Pretoria "ert ;r.v:'; June ; fcl*P.'. Llnc'n i (new). June 2 •Kalasrin (new) Jan* 181 "Deufhl'd (new) June 2' PmtrlcU .:'..... .Jun» J3|G. Walderse*. . . .June 2 & • Among special features of these vessels are Grill 1 Room, s : Gymnasium, Palm ? Garden, Bits Carlton . Restaurant, Elevators, Electric Baths. , Mediterraneai* Service. •'\u25a0 \u25a0-- )i .TO : NAPLES i AND'GENOAy^ \u25a0 : \u25a0"' -' •tMoltks i ; V.V: .-;.TT: :v. May 28," July .- 2,' Bept. " J f Hamtmrg « .% .;'„".". . . . June 11, Ang. 13, Bept.'2< •Has Grlir Room. fHas Gymnasium. *\y.-. -. ;.\u25a0 •- Summer Cruises '."\ DUJMNG V JUNE^ JULY ?AND^AUGCBt' -V- to 1 the Jfonreßian Fjords, North Cape i Spitsbergen, Iceland v and Enropeai seaside resorts. 1 Send for prowam ,.;. ,\ ' - „, TOURIST BUREAU. '. ki R.V R. Tickets, hotel f accommodations and gen eral . Information \ about < foreign • travel. ; - 1 -. . . . Travelers' : Checks Good All Over .the ' World. ' Hamburg-American Line V.5?'»08: jßT«rket;St^{s«n'Frincl«c«u':': ' : : '-.\u25a0\u25a0 ~: ":'\u25a0 T«lephon«;Tsinporary ; 294g.i.K^- V- : (SPRECKELS LINE) SHdMOLTJLU^S.^ B.\> sierra > sails Tt 11 Jam ** 15.-«f Round i trip,! $135 ; « secon d' Class, $90.~> - :, HONOLULU— S. S. Aiameda ' sails 11 , a.'tn.. Sat w urday. , June f32M Round > trip." 5 : erst ; class,** firs TAHITI. 1 . SOUTH i SEAS— S. : S.-- Mariposa sails 11 m •.•; m^July ' \W Round trip/ first classy *l2s.% Passenger Dept.", «73 Market St.; Freight Office "@®m®!g. WjClay, Bt.ig Pmoas »Twbp;; 1231. ftil^A:: \u25a0g»pa«asr»«JS3iil«i*«FM*P':»"kL- ,;-.> : -.-. -'3rtilt.%,-i»r«T>fr.-,-. ; KOSMOS UIINE M PASSKN GBK f AND } FREIGHT,- SERVICE.^ 8. B.T AMMON (6.000 i. tons) , \ Captain J.'. Ebel ing, sailing from San r Francisco \u25a0 on ; or about \u25a0 June ' 15, wljl carry- j passengers Ito 1 M«za tian, Manzanillu San Bias, i Salioa Orire, San '\u25a0 Jose : de Guatemala. AcaiutU. Cortnto^ PunU f Arenas,* C.^ R. ; t Payta, Calfto,' Mojleado, , the | principal i ports lof < Chile, London >\u25a0 and Hamburg. "x-. Kor rates I and -\u25a0 particu «IK # *PP^*«L* UENBAL^ M.\gBAY.-S Manager, 2^»*»t>Wharti(Pl«]l»j^rao^™^ l^gHe^l of Hackneys ABSOLUTE dSkk Dispersal Sale /SSuk of the . BAYWOOD kftjM BY . STUD of Saa Mateo, CHASE'S PAVILIOX 141 4 '^W^pJ Mai; i«tt IQ.at 1 ifo '. Several In ' this » grand < consignment were win- ners :at I th« I recent Pasadena ' Hone Show. \u25a0 These horses I are | all I broken I single I and | doable, snd nearly all are mannered by Uhat past master of the -, art/*, Mr. i Scaly, •" fit , for . any , private- ; nse or show - ring • In ' the world.' Some of thes« horses hare long tails, many are docked and registered. : The : lot embraces pairs, single | drlT«rs 1 and nad- i dlers. also the pedigrMd I Hackney . Stallion Bay* 1 wood . Rotas. -- Several * first * class rigs \u25a0 and har- nesses will also be sold. (: ' »v ' - "A,^ • This stock will be at our stables for. Inspection by June 5. Writ* for catalogue. \u25a0^~-" \u25a0'. vi FRED H. CHASE A CO., Aoctlons«s. 478 Valencia st. •*\u25a0•. -;.: •-. Near.lflth. Huetion Sale \u25a0*\u25a0 On '"' account of retiring from . business. Mr. W. K. Smith of 245 ISth st. between Mission. and Howard - will I offer - Bis | entire contracting . outfit of 35 horses,' 15 Al sand wagons, 1 ' two - horse lumber : wagon, v 2T\ • sets - of . double ' hsrnesa, con- tents -of blacksmith shop, tools, etc. This sale is positive.' as the owner. Mr. Smith,', desires to close out. bis business and leave the city. Sale takes place, at 11 o'clock •a. m. Thursday, Jane 6, 1907." •>.?•*\u25a0 " '- -- 1 / •; - 1; -c- JOHN i J.\DOTLE. Auctioneer. ; V>': • -Office ©81 Folsom "st. 1 r. ...... Of "the entire PRIZE WINNING HERD REGIS- TERED * HOLSTEINS. th« * property -of F. n. Bnrke. : consisting -of s BULLS, • MILCH ' COWS. HEIFERS • and CALVES, • to •b«' mM on \u2666 SAT- URDAY.' JUNE 8. 1907. at LA SIESTA RANCH. 4 v miles - north lot j San -\u25a0 Jose, 'on - Alviso '.. road, SALE COMMENCING , AT 11 /A; M. */A number of fanning implements, wagons and - hsin-mev. also : a . complete . dairy \u25a0\u25a0 outfit, including coolers snd -'cream \u25a0 separator, will ; be . cfferttl for . pis. Trains leave 3d and Tbwnsend sti. 7. 8:30 snd U o'clock -a. 'm.. . returning hoorly op ' to * 8 o-'^iock p. m. GET OFF. AT SANTA CLARA STATION. where conveyances : will ; be ' waiting. KRKD H. CHASE. & CO.. Uvestock auctioneers, 479 Valen- cia . near 16th- St., San Franciico, Cal.- I x will sell at \u25a0> public -T auction 80 h»ad of WORK • and DRIVING .HORSES, 5 SETS Of HARNESS and 2 WAGONS.-- - - - :THES NEW CITY SALS STABLE. L"v^ 11TH - AND - FOLSOM. 11 IA. M. v -;;, W, ; HrOQiyBOTTOM. Auctioneer. , ; ; \u25a0 , -.;'. ; \ , OCEAN . TRAVBIi *;L:'." ',' ' '\u25a0 - " : "^t7 rm 7K.- ' 'Steamers Leare^Broadway , y^Ri*-S»V-" \u25a0 ; - Wharves fT.^fi9Ljj LOS ANGELES \^P^^ DIEGO SANTA BARBARA Santa'; Rosa.' .". ;.i'.. .".*. Every • Sanday,' 10 a* m; State .of California . . . : Every Thorsday, 10 a.m. For SEATTLE, TACOMA V Victoria^ Vancouver, B. Cm Puget v ; *J : Sound and Alaskan Ports 5p0kane .......... '...Y.'.~../r.., June 1, 11 a. m. 50n0ma. .."...;. ...... -.v. June 4, 17, 30.11 a.m. Delhi. ;.;.-.i... ".:.".... ...Jnne 8. 11 a. m. City of Pnebla:.:;.V.......JuM 10, 24, 11 «. m. | For EUREKA (Htimtioldt Bay) Pomona. . .1 Jnne 5. 10. \u25a0 15.20.' 35. % -M.'-10^SO a. m.' City^of .Topeka: June 2. T, 12. 17, 22, 27; 10:30 am. Fcr}Gu^ymas, Mazatlan, La Paz, ; ;Ens 4o2. \u25a0 - OAKLAND \u0084'.....,068 Broadway. : San'; Francisco (Freight Offlce-rßroadway wharf. f>\ CjJ> : : DUNANN. G ; P. A..' San Francisco. '.'--\u25a0>.-: ' ; \u25a0''-.\u25a0\u25a0..-.,' ".;.^.. . \u25a0- \u25a0./.-* \u25a0..-•..•:-... -.-- Tfeyq Kisen Kaisha '.C'-l^v ',.-; (Chriental .Steamship _ Col) : -- " .*< Have Opened Their: Permanent Office at '-;' Room 240, James ] Flood Building *- S-'^S.'. "Hongkong"^ Maru," Friday, -Jnne' 28 1007.-. \u25a0-: ' \u25a0• \u25a0.-..;.\u25a0 .. '•'. - ,;',:.- . r—: '* Mam"." (calls • at. Manila), | Thursday,'' Jnly.- IS,*- 1007.-: - •—\u25a0 c " -" >-\u25a0?V. ~- j • S.:S. » '.'Nippon- Mara" : (calls \u25a0 at. Manila), Thursday, August 15,. 1907. .>'.', '. : , '-.'.'; " ! * 1 s Steamers ' will **. leave . wharf, 'corner ' First and Brannan streets. 1 p. tn., for Yokohama and ' Hongkong, V calling \u25a0at 1 Honolulu. \u25a0 Kobe - (Hi«ca), Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connecting at Hong- kong 1 with steamers ; for Manila. ; India, etc. .- No cargo i received ' on :. board : on \u25a0 day lof sallmg. ' . . - .; Round trip tickets at ntdnoed ratwt. '\u25a0\u25a0-' 'For freight and passage apply, at office Jame* Flood ' Building. r - -> y.-i ->.;.\u25a0'- \u25a0<-, .- ».--. --. .. ( ->. \u25a0 , •• \u25a0 -,\u25a0 .j ;\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0--:;: .\u25a0 :\u25a0; -W. H. . AVERY.. .. 'vW - .- Assistant. General ' Manager .: ;' :ruget; sound;;- ..' :- AicD;AXL\Ponrr»; in >alaska ' / Thrcugh Freight and- Passenger, Rates." i,l",'- ; \u0084"-<»,\u25a0 - •>\u25a0\u25a0• j Elegant , 8ts«l , Steamers. - . . . ; >;- .' BUCKMAN AND WATSON < ; *" Balling «. Every Saturday ' at 1 :80 p.'" m." .;'.; Alaska Paclfle 8." 8.- C©^^ Stsuart strett ;WBarf. •;,-.;•>-' -7 :.r: .V. ir-.":". '. ; Z W. ' D.' : WSLLS, Agent. «., : Northwestern Pacific Railroad Col ./ v--\u25a0v --\u25a0: ;\u25a0 \u25a0;•'• 'sho^b! ditisws ; ; V. .!;«•.\u25a0>£-. \ For Sanaallto^ Mill Valley, Saa . RaiaeL \u25a0 4 WEEK " ~ DAYS— :Evcry »- 3 0 v ; minute* from 6:15. to 9:45: a., m.; hourly, until 2:45 p. m.; then every 30 minutes until 7:45 p. tn.: 9:00/ 10:15 and'll:s6 p.m." v SUNDAYSr^Bvery '< SO ' minutes » from i:lsia. 4 ni^untllVB:ls p.-B:lB*a.^m. a 'jda!ly,^J:4Slp.%m.'\ daily ex-: cept Sunday and'B:lsp. m.' Sunday, only f or.i Camp Meeker,' Monte : Rlo, v Cazadero i and 'way stations. \u25a0%,?\u25a0\u25a0> ,}.s? 'U»i r^;\ •\u25a0\u25a0.'"% i;% t £ '9:15 a. m. . Sunday only and- 5 :15 p. tn.' dally, 'except^Sanday.v.for " Lagunitas, Camp *.Taylor,j Point- Reyes .and way stations. */---;//;.'». "\u25a0-*?;'.'•, l.V,^>.-7.'"- - " \u25a0 '- ' \u25a0\u25a0'- - ' "j.^Xo Sansallto 4 a«Jy.:,i; •\u0084 , ...-\u25a0. ..-. r-r{'-^;^:f;.wiwnßsWiDiyiMp!f :v ; : s-;:' For Tlbnrsna^ Belrcdere auad Sam Rafael \%;,7:30 I -8:0O,^f:ll, I ll:0Oa.!ra.r 12:36.- 4^o; 5:lO.-*5:5a.~6:*y'P. m-*dally.v<. -' , v r--j :30 fa.~j m? t daily « fori Petaluma.; Santa Rosa,"! Cloverdale- TJklah.AWllllts.', Sher- wood, . Sebaartopol i and way \u25a0 stations. a S« 8:00 1 1£~ m.-^ dally i for > Petal urn a,' ; Santa Rosa; Camp Vacation, : Qlen '- Ellen « and way .'Stations.*'. ii-'^Xf'-r ;>;d,-;'-'i-^ \u25a0-X'-'y *. \u25a0-.;. >"i 3:30* p. " mi} daily/ for Pc taluma, \ Santa i ßosa,r.Cloverdale,":,irkiah."-!Ouerneville, Sebastopol and ivr&y; stations. r^ -; /-: ...- 1. ; j,^s:losp. l ;m.'idallyifor!."Petaluma. S! 'Santa Rosaf. Sebastopol; ; Glen? Ellen r and way statlons:ts?^fi»l?s <^^*ji*? '»:-,\u25a0..•'•;\u25a0..? \u25a0>*%-. - r ', fe*,9:ls|a.lm;ii Sunday: only .for-Petaluma* Santa; Rosa,%Oien Kllen j and ;way *sta- tionsfWWH«SpWßHsMPsP>':' i - --- .-\u25a0\u25a0- ; i > -- ; '- .".Ticket i Offices : >r Ferry / bnildlng/- aad - Genial Offices,?* Jane* * Flood siwiklinir. -\u25a0>*» " • ~ < and Way Stations i.iiv WJ9« Vallejo, Mare Island. Napa HJai itJMa New Orleans Express— Bakers- \u25a0 field. Loa Angel es.Demicg.El , \u25a0* Paso, New Orleans f ?.M» IOMm Port ' Costa. Martinez. Byron. » Trae». Lathrop. Stockton. ' -s Merced. Raymond. Fresno, v **®-»-" Ooshen Junction. Hanford, \u2666 / ---•. • Lemoore, Visalia, Tularo. * 7.Wi • 11.08 a The Ovar land Limited— Omaha. ,' A^ Chicago. Do nver. Kansas City 7J3» »•<•• NlleaandWay Btation»^.. 2.«» iM* Newark. Agna w. Sao Jose 7 J3p 5.W» Benlcla. Win ters. Sacramento. * : Woodland. Kniirhts Landing. > • ' . Marysvil!« and Orovllle.^. W^»« . 3 J0» : Yosemite Valley t!» Raymond— \Vawonaßoote_r.^ 8.«« S JOp ' Port Costa. Martinez. Bjwn. :v.I" ' Modesto. Merced. Jresno * IZ.Ma 3J«n Via Tlburon. Wes* Naca. SL . - - Helena. Calistoga— : NUSa J.4«p Portland Express, (via Davis). Williams. Willows. Red Blnff. Ashland. Portland and Eart ».4»» 3.40» Niles and Way. Stations 7.48» 4.00p Vallejo. Martinez. San Ramon. ' Narja. Calistoga. Santa Rosa_ «.(>«#. 4.00p NUea,- Tracy, Stockton Lodl 1 10.28 a 4 Jfa> Elmhurst. Newark Centervllla» ISM* : ;i; i \u25a0•. Joaa. I t10.43a 4A99 Hayward, Niles. It vlnjtoo. fiaa i»2B* Jose. Livßrmora \u25a0„ tU.4fa S Mp Th« Owl Limited— Newman. Loa .. . " Banos, Mentlota. Fresno. Tv- ' lare. Bakenfleld. Loa Angeles S.*S* 5.2»» Hayward. Niles and SanJose__ 7.M« 5.2«p - Vallejo. Port Costa, Benicia. Sui- • sun. Sacramento _.„. ll.M« . ••<•» China and Japan Fast Jlail — \u25a0 Ourden. Omaha. Chicago—™ • . Martinez. Stockton. Sacra- mento. Reno, Sparks — _. 12.45*. • 2H ' Hay ward. Niles and San Jose J.4B* 7.009 Goldfield Pass. — Pork Costa. Be- nicia. Snlsan. . Elmira. Dixon. Davis. Sacramento. Trockeo Wadsworth. Hazeu. Fallon. "Tonopah. GoldS eld aDdKeeler 7.88« ' J.Mb Rhyolita. Beatty. Bullfrog 4.25» TMp ' Valleio. < Beneda and Way Sta- \u25a0-v \u25a0"', \u25a0- tions. Sunday only . 11.23 a - 929* . Oregon ,- Express— Sacramento. Marjsville. Bedding. Port. ' land. Puget Sound and Last. 8.48* [9.00» Fast Mall— O gde n. Omaha. Chi- -'.%fifl cago.— Pueblo, Kansas City. 'St. Louis \u0084 ,,'" \u0084. .-,',,; " 12.4J* COAST LINE iWdhlrd and Townsend Streets) «.10a Valencia St.*. San Josa and Way Stations _. ,;...-. ;,; . . ; , , CJOp i . 7.00 a Valencia St. Redwoo*!, San Jose. ; Monranhill.. Gllroy. Pajaro. ' - Watsonville. Santa Cruz— Lau- rel— Boulder Creek. Salinas Del Monte. Monterey. Pacific • *\u25a0>*»>\u25bc*'' \u25a0 1 \u25a0" . '\u25a0'.' '.. "'7.7 '..',, '..-'i S.tOp B.oBa Shore Line Limited— San Jose, i ' Salinas, Paso Kobles Hot ' " - Springs. San Lais \u25a0 Obispo. . ;>• Santa Barbara. Los Angeles 9.30p I.ooa Del * Monte, Monterey. Pacific Grove.-...—™......—....—....—— WOp I B.ooa Watsonville. Santa Cruz.Lanrel. ' ::."\u25a0 Boulder Creek . ...... . 9JO» 8.30s The Coaster — .^a a Jose. Salinas. ;..>-\u25a0 Paso Roble* Hot Springs. \u25a0 £,:- Santa Margarita, San Lvii ' - - -\u25a0 \u25a0 Obispo. ' Goadaluse. Santa - Barbara. San Buenaventura. ---" .".'Oxnard. Burba nk. Los Angel« 3 11.43* • IJOa Gllroy. Holliater. Tres Pinos. Pa- ' , iaro. Watsonville. Santa Cms. . Castrovllle. Del Monte. Pacific - .'*: Grove. Surf. Lompoc...^_. 11.45* v S.OSa Valencia St.. South San Fran- 'i-i.T^ cisco. Palo Alto. San Jose™.. 7.40* , 19J0a , Valencia St., Burllugame. San Mateo. Redwood. Palo Alto. San Jofe.™. '. -- - 1 J3o 11 JO* Valencia St., San. Joae and Way ~ • .- Stations...™ - " : 4.lS* 2.00 a Valencia St. San Jose and Way Stations^ ..... . MS* 9Mp Del Monte Express— Valencia c St.. San Jose. Gllroy." Watson- ville. Santa Crnz. Del Monte. - \u25a0\u25a0" \u25a0 * Monterey. Pacific Grove 12.19* : S.OB* Hollister. Tres Pinos ..-.. 5.40* „ I 3.15p New Orleans Express— El Paso, , . j- San Antonio. Houston, New * Orleans and EasU__._ .. 1015 a 3.15? San Jose., Sail nas. Paso Cisco.* San Jose. Gllroy. Hol- - lister. Tres Pinos ™_ _. 10JS« ,4JOp .Valencia St.. San Jose and Way! t8.00« \u25a0\u25a0•.-*• Stations .'__^.-^.:'_^J ..._...... 1 13. 15p t5.00» -Valencia St.. Burllngame. San \ . Mateo. Palo Alto. San Jose. - Los fiatos ... ... ..'.--.'.:- tl.Use \u25a0 S4o* Valencia St.. San Jose and Way " Stations ' ' : . . * . . \u25a0 10.90s . tS.OO* Valencia . St.. 'Bu rlingame. San . ' ' t \u25a0\u25a0-• Mateo, Ber?sford. Belmont. -: Redwood. i Fair, OaksTMenlo Park. 1 Palo Alto. San Jose__.. 7.40 a , 8-30* i Valencia St.. San Jose and Way , \u25a0 \u25a0 -'. •*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0 < Stations _„—_.._ _^^__~. \u25a0-. tMm *• B.ooa Sunset Express — San Jose, Sail- >* ; nas. Paso Robles Hot Spring*. '/ *~* San Lnia Obispo. Santa. Bar- '' bara, Los Angeles. Deming. £1 v : Paso. New Orleans : IO.Ba B.OCp Golden State Limited Sleeper- El Paso. Kansas City. St. Louis, : ' ' Chicago ._: ..„:. ._.-_.- 15.15s - : l.oop • Pajaro. • Wataon ville. Capitols. . \u25a0 - .^ : Santa Cruz. Castroville. Del > .tv ' . Monte. Pacific Grove - - IL45* , ! 8.15p - Valencia St. Ocean View. Palo :• Alto. San Jose _^ — ... \u25a0 — «.4fa ?Tjo* Sacramento Biver Bteamers____ v«J>O» - ..4.M* ' Wednesdays from Howard Ek -.\u25a0\u25a0>.' - -\u0084 Wharf No. 2. "P. B.'Break- . water." Marshflald. Ooquilld. ->.11-:\. Ifyrtle Point. Ore ,.:. :',.' \u0084.;.. tICWg .'.Union Transfer -Company agrots eoCect | baggage . and - checks on trains of Southern : Pacific and deli verto residence. They are ' authorized - to ; check - bagsaze direct from :\u25a0' \u25a0•.'- '\u25a0\u25a0- v-^'- --\u25a0-r-- •.\u25a0-..-\u25a0- -, oakland harbor ferry (Foot of Uaxkat Street) . : \ 7 jf». BjOO, 9jOO. 10J». 11J» a. m. 12J0. LOO. "£OO. »M.4jCO. 6 Joo,^£o,6Xo.9 fiOy.TH. ~ .'\u25a0'&\u25a0 tor Morninri ' ; P. for Afternoon .;.-. , ; ' ' tSimday excepted. JSunday only. : kIYTAMLA!^ \u25a0 1 ViaSaaaaJito rcrry— Foot of Market St. ' " Lv. Saa FTaa.' Lv. T»ra»lpal* WEEK SCN-. >^ifIP»V -SCX- T/FEX. PAY DAY (fJ%jgjy*B PAY DAY 9-AS A 7iM'A *2S A MA *ISA 11:10 A 1:40 P :~is&p~ »^s a : v^B§y.i-;- 12 = I*^1 *^ P »'^P TICKET ornCß ATBaCSAUTO rZBBY ' BAY AXD UJTEBCRUAN KUL"It:» .'\u25a0 {V^LEJO and NAPA : r (. NAPA VALLEY ROCTE j - MotttlecUo 8." S. v Co. and i Napa Valley Elcctrtd ' B. B. Co. Close CTmnecttons.i^ftWßWpMßßJ •«^IROCfJ»p TRIPS -I>An.T— « • -Boats" leitvelSan 'rraaetseo T:00.'*9:43:«l m-ij" 12:30 n00n,T3:15,- 8:00,; •8:30p. r m. -•• '."-'.. * . - San Francisco landing and office. Clay,: Jtreel whsrf, north, end; Ferry building, Market street* ferry; ;MealB a; la csrte.' Phone Temporary 4W. - \u0084'' Lands" Navy Isrd direct." • Th^ >Veekly Call! 15