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MY MOST EXCITING DAYS SPORT AFTER BIG GAME Elizabeth Haight Strong "Wb»a a faUcx's fMlla'.blM, 'Am tb« best ones often do, - -' . - F«ella*. c!um e.n" ont o"-sort*. - ' TA*f« the time for outdoor cportfc • \u25a0'\u25a0 eendln' rod an* poppla'.gna, . . :.. • ' Tbeis'e tbe things that bllct.nin Trouble off the wnlUn 1 earth. Outdoor life; .Then earth an' be*vea Seem as close .as six an*. seTcnl",,> . *• NOW is the time^as summer draws \u25a0 near ' that \u25a0 lovefsVof the! shotgun ; growremlnlscent^and begin Uo : \ tell' tales; of. trips; lnto the. coun-" try In ; search of mountain and ; valley Quail, .doves, wild- -pigeons, ducks^and grouse; while the riflemen, who make big ga:r.o their. .'specialty, commence' to i ewap stories :<J .but . the graceful deer, \ the Ehas«> : bcaV, the trcacUcrous - pah- | ther. or «uy other wild animal. that has _ come with!n,:ranKC of their ".guns. - ; The -. Cshiug season is on, 'and the hunters, _ vhUe thinkins M ; sstfuUy-o::.thelr'."turn, . llstea to Uic devotees fof \the . gentle Xzaak "Walton .'.spsn; yarns,' of 'deluding. the canny speckled; trout with tlie Im-;: or a 'fat fly, or ticklins tho ; gbr- . manfl fanclet; of;U;c salmon by anodor- Jferou3 tidbit of spoiled- sardine. -The marksmen utlcr-asvtiicir.Elxareibr Uhe - conver?atiua 'discussions'; bn f"huntliig-t arms, different. po\vdcr>, ; primers; and" bullets,' aud questions^as to sights, am munition, trigger ; pull, .-etc.. -^arise 1 " and are debated Avltli an air of responsi bility tbat would do justice, to a judge i on the bench-". :'. -*.'\u25a0\u25a0•••.\u25a0. .-,\u25a0*.\u25a0;' Alexander Vogelsang, ex-fish ' com-, talssioner." ts .: more^a follower., of ; .the'^ rod than "the gun. ' ingenious,*^ Vurcs _; fcrl outwitting wary fish "appealing him than the killing -of game.; He was f asked to "tell again -the - story of UlO catching of^Bip Mike at' Big Meadows. the trout that leaped' into', local 'faiije on the end of Jlr. Vogelsang's *; Uric, ; but he Ignored J the sust'estion ' and ' re- ' lated Instead how he killed his -first end only deer. -• r \ ' » • '\u25a0-- "It was on tlie Mendocino .coast,?' lie began. : "Four of us . v.xat • into ' -tlio . hills aud ' caraped over I night 5 where* wa ; were told that 'deer were, numerous." John C. Lane was the leader in our little 'partj% for- be Vas a, surveyor and civil engineer and knew- vis "country well, besides be'ns- an" e^crt: shot and . eportsnian. In the riipmuig ; *asAve;b\:^ gan to Work our "\i"ay tbwafd' Malpas ! and Alder' "creelre/ Ijane-'safd; 'We'ro pretty sure -to get a 'sliot 1 at? th«i_ MaJp-ls t buck today.' Wcaskcd liinu wnat-.that meant, and. then.' he explained -that the two creelis were about twoihiles apart, and tha title" land /between, was. a "steep bluff, the top oT which was" a grain field Kloping s al3ruptly;to"thc ocean.;; \n enormous., buck had : li\'c&"* '-there? -'-for •. years ! aud- was known ,In", In" consequence . as the. Ma] pas- buck. 1 Everyo ne in tlie ; neighborsiood ! ja.ridvhunters 7 fromV afari had Ehot T at \u25a0 him,; but; no} one.- had;' been able to'hif him. -We 'decided 1 to trj^our luck. As we /went along, we : saw; some" eealions out In- the'- ocean ; and,f to" try . the range of our {runs.'we fire Mat them.' We finally drew • near to Malpas. '. and had about given up all hopes- of E.eelnff, deer that day, when some one shouted. *Here comes tiie buck 'now!'; We all ; Etood Etlll and looked. * He cam ©'run ning elong the top of the bluff -until/ he reached ' a little point* that -Jutted out f rom' the slope where he' stood- and' tvalted.' "I 'could just -see the- tip of -!his: horn, but *he was ' not * over ; 100 ? f eet \ away from". "Lane, .who^had'avgoo'd" view' of him. Lane raised,'' his jVgtln, 4, took :J careful aim and drew^ the: trigger.- . The- Bbell refused to explode. \u25a0- .Without-even Etopplng for remarks. . that', mi eh t ' have i been excusable under ,- \u25a0 th"e / -.VQ|reuin l^' 6tances, Lane went through theimbtlon> of putting-^ In • cartridges.^ raised his* gun? again,' t6ok'.careful j jaim,iahd]asaln^the '; shell failed to - explode. Lane then -de- \u25a0 llvered .himself of a long /string "'; of sulphurous 'adjectives, ending; up/with . the remark." 'The .gun isn't Ipaded"' He'd forgotten . that he'd used .up 1113 ammunition Brins at the sealions. : * By • this time -the buck started^ to' run again ' and came . Into vie w," of the rest ; of • us. . Lane, loaded his.gun, the rest'jof us <lld ,the same, and every/ one'.'flred at' the fleeing animaL- .We; sprinkled, him with gravel* and* scattered- dnsty-oveir* him, but that's all ithe^harm- that 'hap-; pened , to him. . ' He * ran *. up* into Malpas canyon .and- today I hunters!in^ that "'ilo-} call ty are still 1 trylng^to'kill : .the*"Malpas' buck that seems more likely; to'diofronV old age than bullets. But' on "the -way back I • killed- my- first -and- last - deer, for. unless - 1 need • the • meat, ' I'll : never kill another."- •\u25a0 - - ;"" ';"; t '.:^- He Wbuia- Not^Shoot - : .:^,*?S& I Bernard JETaymonvllle, 'a. t nieinber r _of the Country ';_ club,'^dedd.ed^ one Vday that he would give- the /quail and^ducks a little longer lease; on /life,' while 'he went In quest of ;a; deer... Astheshad fciever 1 killed one." some .of ? his 1 fellow 'member*. -/determined^-- that he have the experience, and with "that 'end' In view ' a party; of " six of them ''started out one warm; summer's day<- from the Country club with ' a ; guide and a- pack \u25a0of hounds. . Mr. Faymonville I was given the most favorable^ station "at ..the ehoulder of , a.] blil* and- there he and .the guide,, waited. -;;In. ;about ; an J hour, they neard the dogs a mile or two away^'and then as'tjie hounds drew. nearer.'r they heard^what was unmistakably the "noise of a pursuedi animal- crasliing:;down toward " them^ /They;. examined .\ their guns to 'see* that'they-weje'ln'^rcadlness,* and breathlessly i awaited t<iie 'appear-; ance of their game. ,. Presently. lie, come in eight, and ctood'on'the extreme point of the 'bill, r etamplng^ his iansry^ hoofs as though -protesting -at?' such'-, anl out-, rage. • A•: magTilnc"eht' : back hewas, and as he stood with 'ant-. lered • bead erect : and quivering, nostril v undetermined * which { 'ways to i leap^next^ the giiide * exclaimed :, quickly *r to -^Mr. ; Faymbnvllle^ /."Now, '\u25a0 ehoot 1 now, and you'll ' get him, ; sure!"vf* <:'' \u25a0". \u25a0* \u25a0 • Mr.'Faymoijyille ralsed>hls*gun; : tdoli careful ; aim,*/ and ;i;thenT,; deliberately lowered his weapon. . "\u25a0 " -'" i # 'Sho\Jt.'jsJu>ottqulck/t:crledVthcrsuide, ' almost 3umpins;ur> arid flown In lff^Jt<-* '.nervously; pfayihg ' v aroiind"tlie/trig'g i er'<ifhi.s pwn'gun; '*'.*;, _' <i - Mr.'*- FaymonviTie -once 'itiorc pointed'/ his «Tifletat-;.tU»jbeauti?ul animal as lie stobdri*on^,the>-* prdtniantory v outlined- 7 against;* the Vsky; 'and -/Mien* carefully^ * tired? straight: Jip" into "the ; air."/ . Tho '. •'guide(respectfullyl refrained ; f ronV, let-; < tins this) disgust/ show, in his coifnten-; - ance.,'- "Buck ; "• fever" was tlie diagnosis , > lie* made l of- his employer's case," but his^ :. feeling's were to ' those ; '\u25a0/of \ astonishment, when v Mr. ' Faymon^ • vllle, explained.' • - « -.<ril- J be- blanked,'.', he' said,- "unless-. I - needed-it' Icould. shoot suclj. ' a' graceful," magniflctnt animal as that!" : ,Mr."*'*F.' liP.''.;1 i P.''.; Butler, an ; experienced - i hunter, for* many- years,*jwho , has hunted \u25a0.big^game' 3 ail! over California, and v/ho s has "'earned /a^ wide -reputation - for > prowess ' ; and:,'sureness; of aim, agrceaV • with; :. Mr., ./ Fayrrionvllie \u0084 '. that - unless \ needed >f or. food. ;it often seems . almost v l-tt'-crlme to ' -kill'- "such beautiful C and ""harmless animals- as deer. '""The^-last i.decr/jl, killed Vabouf. two ; years; ago," * he;'said,'7^but;- t)ie remarkable-thing about Hhat^ hunt was • the ' fact ' that*. l- J. killed^ himUn" less than* five hours' after ;'Jeay!ngYmy;omce; lnsSan ; ; Francisco, v It : c was on a Saturday. afternoon,' and I ; left" : on the^l:4s ! boat^fo'r Hhe'Tanialapais ; sportsme'n's* club' -which' has , lts*.-. head^ /quarters at" Mar.2anita»^There.were v six; / of; us^that.-'dayr.'-'Oiir^ horses * were fall; , ready at the" club,* a'nd'^hel keeper with . the .'hounds - was , ; waiting ,-for".-: us -at'; \u25a0J Ctoyote '* flat^^V'Tne'hounds'were^nrstputJ, '.' down'N3^; > Green' : valley and ! they !hyn ted [\ ; an'; hour.tbefore^ they -jumped^ a j o^t Patch" cibseVtOhmev^He/ .;. trotted^-outjinto 'jth'e^ch'a'parraiia^bVtl^o] I yaTds^avfay^ a'nd l^ then :?: ?> tu>ned J 'tbVlook; back * ( at* the] hounds > iOO * yards i behind^ viUmUb'Qet ermine" his" course/, but; before; he could Etart again I sholJK^f^S^jpS then nearly \u25a0\u25a0'• 6' •'.- o'plotf^^^^^fi-^^S^^ was' \u25a0. setting- and - ; >" I'll'M^aF^^^M get the " Picture, ... th'a^^lSpSftv made} .as ;^^^^tood^v^!s*at|W^^B«e^ J^n^'^urnedJ{o^o'ok^t^is*s!UT^eyiM^ 'memory, of '\u25a0it t .afierwaVdrdulled r the''edie'^' but'tpday^ \u25a0jfi^ 0 ,,"^ *^ 0 *\u25a0 * I *"<? '*^®i *'?.9* * cment r ;is'over, v t i^ < irtlU^S'^'{cwi^pop|^^^u^i^^^i^ '•*^|f»!l^*\^Vh*th"erafa^6ft^^ Wild Plunge rpown/a | Canyon' <. , '','ltwas jßoi-nt earslago tl{at*Mr.?H.\H.V ! ; Ha|ght. .yiio isVnoteil its a'kecn'sports^v\ ;"5 man v and j a ri ca d \u25a0 sKo t, « iiaU^nt'csVuin's^ < '? adventure .wltli an "enormous *\u25a0 l>uck V jthat'f/ Cl , ? almost;put'an;Vnd^to^his^h^ting^ tf> 3te- Ha i g h t ;| d^esj; no t i^car ©*• "Vn at v ral 1 y^' , 1 V>the -les'sonV heVl^rnc'd^ ? cautlo^siiess lls c '} hcVis i n 61"6 1 " ai>t i .' _';-tb'vforge\:^/y' :^y!V^y;yY^*\ ; rC; x :^^^i.:_i( /Piskiyou.cognt:, fit' r-UMinor!" ' J ; Mr. Halght, ,"aiia as our proviVlfpe^^i ;iow, I? went, out' early, ,'oi.e moir.lng, lo s I ; bring^lmck;; inU tit|*teay^ * , of . meat. 34 1 \ final ly f ; r ea'cl icdva^v eryi h i gb/ !' } |p ridg«\near^*a \u25a0* place veredp "wltiiV 1 petual snow.^knovt-n as'- Goose's * Neck. ! BU lll^tiuitttingCf t hj atMs ." fl ; d"no;cfotTs''\] walking alwns 1 this rirtge I saw the four'lecj c-f a .j.-jr "} .|?«tandlng. behind a" manzanita \u25a0bush^i^.- 1 \andval 1 < I . had I topi S»»j^^m^ato^by /vwere >his par^ jf* |*inUer»|ab'o£e|^©X6hrubbei^ I ||Wiyat4^|&a^^|g|gTfromm:e:i»d- < (B^Jnis-horhs^l'.shot^at^'hW-a^a-'imV^ Ip»«atBly/eaw. him . jump^about;six' feVti v to Uio alx and.thcn^isappear.aonn' tha-S \u0084•\u25a0...-';\u25a0 f, -\u25a0"•\u25a0\u25a0' .'..'\u25a0 \u25a0'. ' '\u25a0,"--.- ~:itount&!n in'a-cloud'of dust.; I^ran as •. "filsr. a3 ; l''c6ulil'*througli\the brush>and 'ground l^6. yards., '»:ws^.":frijni^the" manzanlta '' bush; l-'a'pj-," ' j part-ml^Vjoacl-" ' - 1 ?• ) earned' Jwhen ; 1 t^was* ?. 'too'-littb^for- 'th'ieVknowledge'rtb "bfenefit > fmV tlVat^t,fie\b}Jliet*h r £to^^^ ' hlm-facross the back of -his n«ck. Think- 'V, "lag inilmfdeaa^'l/dFe^TQUt'my. JJ h v untlng v , itoscut; hisHhcoat* rthatvh«Xrnlghtr thatvh«XrnIght \u25a0 'seized" Ijtm* by * the; andVdrawnlhiS; head^backVwhen'. . :to;-.rhyli.dismjtyr 11 < and /astonishment, jhe".: ;jumped v upjas-.thougli;,ria 1 thing, : had hap- 1> opened » and ' dragged ? me jwith »^him. r I <• f iwice. fil £ I-li«ld . on • it \u25bawas -my • strength V ; pitched j agarnstHlUs ;Mlf " I -letr go, \Keld f -pake': a -hole -througirTne- -.with hishorEsi,. .He^.was'an^enofmousifouripoint'.bucklf Jot itho^SiejrraT black? tali; r species, • some- I times • f osj the^ rniile • deer> but "• |tMs^yarietyjie""neitfert.:s;een*^outhlo;f 1 the g rpregq^rllnei^.Ofithei'iwtj Alternatives ', l v I ,tli«^Messerr.evll«>O;-. 4 lf continued *to 'h'dld »o"n ; .to'^hiin with all '• : t JjeTstrength v 'a > nd:;* welght^l!: could /ipus- *; ; ' tor^Vandi as • fi'oC shcrpk', j head * to : free . \u25a0 ih Unsclts Jiffrabbedihis^other. hornx with jny;<*r Jgbt^hirfd.^whlqh still :3: 3 had'c my ./\u25a0 Shunting: kn Lf eiinj it>> " lnl his rtigh \u25a0 to* get : : : down, but *p; i con tjn'jied |tb i-lhol'd jon."; and 'together we -:' hill; the' ;;b"uck , and t\l 'alternatingVon Ctop"* until Ithe '. : fbottoirijof^the;'canroh^was : reach9d.- : ' No , ,experience}of;the : pastMior;adyenturo pf r < ijtlie^f uture i «?aii "ti nifike. '?. me.'s_fo"rge't *jo_ne i- ; ;moment~6f.Uhat;tensa%trtigsle, N .the"*an— f tmal'B?desperato^efforjts«^ito^f ree:."himse! f \u25a0 -; 1 !'andtth*e^ •loyifftarJtlvat; Igrlßpe'«,1 grlRpe'«, h«art* r , ( tthat|iy3»fe*mi',;hol3.*^l*;d'JUstic,o"me''rr^^ ftlic^opinion^-tb^t^ltYwas^ll^offf for^fu*;.".'] I t"ur«sijhiiri t i rig f or '* me •J'Jr/ Mn i}ra s c - sot>(i "^ i fluqk»wbuld?haxe{it.^«,*lid"io^tUe^botf^ ( ; tojn 'of Ithe-Jgulcjhl andjw^rtS'st^pVed^by^a"'." 1 I fall cn^t rcs^tiia tf* J»yl> at^?ri gi»| i* a,n $I«3s^ J '\u25a0KrMs'«Hi*c^c^y&«^^lt^\tfas*jast^htgliV s i « "q nb^ g|i $t o y peript ts,t he^dedt' 9 or hV \u25a0, (1( 1 [slide^iinilernca tfi'.-'J arid § r^happened 7. to j' ( '\u25a0 be >upjt vnibstv<when^we i \u25a0jso_};ablr-U'st_ly,-* to'SaVihaK^', ; _il*cnmb*ed ; on - 1 'top^of stbe~>tree-aud "tlia animal's^ < against^the~^trunk.''*Strainfi.! j ing *eyeVy,J muscle. 'ilisucceededj, In *hold-j>, 5 •ingQi ts js head Slo«sf enough * d i nj^thatt. po- ; "t 'sttloh^ wf thi^my^lef t*^handi;,while-- ,;« I - i I pissed I my.i knife • across! his r throat :^wlth '<! my^lglxt.'i^liWai (compelled ! ,t6Ji lie*, ptill $ J "aV s .whllei:beside'^thfr^dead »fdeer,*>thof- \ ! : 6ughly2 exhausted. : ;j hungihim^upi jand^went^backjto Jcamp } « [for^atHor*e,\v r il^teriln^the^«ftern6Qn^l ;\u25a0 t !brtusnt*h'i^.ttj*iana»myiftiend!nappcn^l Ing* toj; tfave *ea\es^ with ,£d*mi 'w'CVrel ,\ '£&*& hife^*^ l>ressedi^i?of J«7 course^, that |r» 1 fhie^ns j^tit^a^xvWstShouW.l^with^he'ad"^ c onS^ but ?k l«gs "toffr , T m.i*3 the r.k nees^hay 2 :welghVd'3o1 4 pourfds.^l^lefttnl»^»«*d^] ,at"<a taxidermist's, to be > mounted. and ;lt ;was J ,burnM up'in-'the tire. There are* many: other' things I'd rather have lost, than that" head.". ; * ". -', "^\u25a0"Frank H.;Mayerna3 hunted all kind* of *wlldigame. v buf perhaps ho ts most familiar -wl t h > the * cougar > or ' mountain Hour " ' "Frqni ::a :Tcowftoy's- standpoint.** :Bald!3faysr,*',*th'!», "yellowy thief has but 'one -Virtue* to^be - commended. ( and thla 'is* hiailbvV. for* mutton.'* I*vo known *> \u25a0 mountain, Hon to i kill over, 3oo; sheep tn less then seven' months... He la the most \u25a0 hated - scourge' ot the ranges. . and the cow " punchers •' pursue *,n!m ' relentlessly whenever they.; see i his tan ! hide on th* \u25a0 landscape..' 'I .remember 'onca whea X \u25a0was ; working .for* e the Lacey i outfit In Utah, 1 twobuckaroos and I were riding for,, strays ; on 'tne 'broken; mesaa below the La Sal- mountains,: when one of tha "meni suddenly spied something near ths foot of»a % cedair- bluff, and swung ln'ba hlnd •Iti to .Investigate, i Suddenly h» fired, and' then; we . saw \u25a0 a", long. nth*, bounding object: directly ahead of Ma \u25a0"and 'coming 'toward us. tionr I yelled, and then we three rode so as to form e> triansle'and head the* cat. o£f. Ha hit the ground Ilk© a colled spring, ium* Ing to* gain fresh Impetus with •wry spurt of dust that our-guns threw cj> a* his" heels.- Before he noticed hla pr« " dlcament the .husce'.cat !was almost di rectly between us., and be-: saw that his only, chance was to keep straight ahead. ' Like ' a flash . he bounded toward «otn* timbered gully,* mile off. and my horse • having * caught the . infection by ttf» .time' began fairly to eat up thedlstano* between , uiand-wbai seemed an Ani mated, -leaping ball ; of f ur. ; Time and. "again we all, three fired, but. -with no effect- 'Finally: the • lion turned fa» my direction, .and X •-" gripped \. 'a chunk •but-* of >hlm that ' made-" him , doubl* up. with a snarl and that.broa»txt my • -horse '-to 4 such' a sudden- atop that t /nearly .went over his head. -1 wed again, and the ltonj turning a double . sommer3ault, lay stllL Cougar coure*and | furious while *> lt lasts. ' but for ' one of the f elldlae th© beaat possesses. ", surprisingly . small vitality and is easily killed -in consequence." Shooting in Alaska ' Northern Alaska was Edward I*. Bos qul's hunting field for six years.' Alons the \u25a0 Alaskan coast from Nome . on the Berfnifr sea to Point Barrow In \th» Arctic •he Had every chance "\u25a0 to enjoy both the small and big game of that rigorous climate. /'A prospecting trip years: ago "Is quite "fresh In" my mem ory.", invitingly began, Mr.. Bosqul. "For years " the whaling fleet has depended on Its supply, of. frcsft meat from this district.' the -natives trading caribou or reindeer- meat If or provisions* and am munition. I reached the Colvllle river tjie 24th" day of December, having been 30 days' traveling from Point ; Barrow. Jt being midwinter. It was Impossible ; to locate game of any description, and from that time: until May our diet was a fish-one. About the middle of May I "employed several natives , and we started. In three, native" boats . (umiaks) -to work through the Ice along the coast to "the 'mouth of . the Mackenzie river, .where -the ;nativ*3: told,, me - reindeer could be found in "immense herds, being driven? taere'f rom : the • interior Iby tha mesiana " mosquitoes^ .Tho ice was Just beginning 1 to break up. so it was with %real 'difficulty that we. worked our way coast, seeing many, pola* "bears on the. floating Ice. but we mad* ,n» effort 'to kill them, aslwe^were look .ing for : ;cood.'and.t^e , white bear's meat .is never Vood to eat. \u25a0' v ">"' : *l':'.?T&'e third day out V«. saw our first jfbtCtflj of .reindeer feeding on the tundra j about' a" mile' from the \u25a0 beach. *We lm .rnedlately. lauded. ? I.went withthe Es. \u25a0 klmos '.about a jrnile and then waited wh}Je" r tliey-' njadc^a* long* detour and drove' the. band toward me. v There must 'have "been --three' -or I four of tlrera* the horns of both the male. and femalo still "In. "tho velvet.* was "my first experience" with that "style oC shootinirTwaitffd until they were with in JOQ yardsiot: me before; I -fired, for I \u25a0wantedtp'maki every" shbrtell.' expect ing-: theVwbole/ band, to disappear when I one of; them", fell: -I .sc'as, mistaken. My "fiFSt shbtfkri'ocJced dovrn' ths leader. The .restj of jtber-.bantl, stepped and' began to '-' circle .'arqund " hljnV: and- while they were" gaing- through thl3 'curious performance 1 I.;klUcd v^se£-en/ roore,:; "1, might have -killed 50 v more.* but 'as ther-bucks dress tpounds II Ifelt ' tbat^wc'had 1 : enough \ meat ;for "the suminer^: '.".-.\u25a0 --'v- .\u25a0 * \u25a0• ' "Tha t evenfn g^ I tnad cr v pm y ' mind to l.try, for. a' bear,' a3 n tb.ej natives- <told me ;that v ' by.cgolng | inland ;to ; a range of mountains aibont : four miles from" wher« ,we * were \u25a0' camped \u25a0 I r d. probably/- get a chaGce> to" 'shoot I one. ifor; tha . reindeer were * usually * followed -by \u25a0' th© brown bears from the, Interior. ".There was no need to wait for break of day, continual daylight- being: our lot. Just -then for several -months, so I started out with » 'native* boy 'and "for; 10 -hours 'walked .without*; seeing- anything. -but .a fe-«r /.fresh tracks. • About, to give- up.'l sud ,'denly ,'saw what I 'supposed. were three £ , reindeer feeding; on v«a.%hillock,about-sv «a.% hillock, about- s mJlelaway. J * Calling the : boy's attention \u25a0to^ tlie?bbj«cts, T he" gof-verj' "excited and ' Immediately .;wanted to go back to our -'c'arap" for -more . 'guns,' meaning more ; 'men,?- for*; a; native '"will Inever- hunt, a - bear. alone.. r.'l . \u0084> , I "' x, , "_ t *. "'"I. knew* then what 'the objects were >"and -worked around ,tosget above them* "as "• they ' were feeding • close , to " the top jCof "the * hill. J- 1 1 ' took . raeV an hour to -reach^ my desired point, and, -when I *\u25a0 glanced * over I v was" glad to see that •they^. "hadn't " \ been 'f? disturbed. The ••'' largestVone^kept ifeedin^r: toward m». I but waV almost, hidden by the berry : biishes,'anil«as ; rd-h"eard that the brown '.bear/jOi^Aiaska; Is an lugly customer > when^wounded,"': I ' took no;,chances, but f<waited*until.-" r he- 'carhe'', outsort '"• clear^ ground.: ; When he did he sat^up, looked yaround'and began sniaing-'astlxough b» s scentedv'. something rstrangej- * I flred, hlm'.in the neck.close to the butt of .the .ears.* for I was shooting ,^a' v*t>-55 : "Winchester ' j»' and '• knew if I •f landed .there hetd not KQ piuch, farther. ,'>\.s'3oon^a3 ra 'flr^d I .lost sight of the - bear,^hearins- Win:- either.^ running or -VolJlng 'down the, hill. ,; I- then ran to a point .'where' l 'could [see" the 'whole sldo .valleys below to • look for the - Qthers.";.Not:a bear' in. sfght*. Mystified i'l* r^turn'«aJtoUh& spot Vwhere' the- first ..besirihad saw- by ~ the' blood \u25a0 ;that~he**couldn*t'be"far.'off. "Pollowlns r the ' tracks r I \was 'surprised -to sec his Ijhlghnesa^ sitting up 'riot^24 .yards from \u25a0 m?.' his'heacl'and shouldersijtist'appear g ingf rabbyctitiie^brusb-^i I y nred."~ almost « . taking ra{snap3liot; : I, Uieq ,wa,lted five • . n»lhu(?C:wMch seemed more like hours. J but Jie^ring^ no. noise Jl>worke<ls'ray»w»y •\u25a0 : slowly *lnto the" -brush. "He -inoved^f rom rhli tracks;*' simply . rolled 7-,,'shQt.thjro"ngh, } .theJ,h<?ad.* t , Noticing 1. nd'dther". wound , on; him I • felt ; that this couldn't %be v the f bear. ( I'd I shot, first.* »o > calling "the! boy land \u25a0 starting jhtm skin i.nina::thls,one.'l'b«gan;a;searchifor the h other.>~A,:fe,wiminuteaialanffithe;torn ;"upj path 'he'd rolled I 'found him- lodged In raY pile^ "of f brush: \ *,',The * bullet * had [<torn I away * and « mashed | every bon e\ in s hla^hea'd.*."lf^he'd" If^he'd (alien . on ; a : l^ve>" »pot \ : heinevif^; would took j a ;'o f * Uou rs ,to\s ki n ,thetn ,• both. } so »lt\was 'midnight^ before 'we .reached \u25a0j the,caap<agalnil '^rbe.'larger. of-the two .*, Bears 5* weighed '• o.ver i aQO^ pouiuls. ";. and > the VsSlns lof ?botH . of tth^in ".trje're ; worth i;saylnar.*»jfßutr4tfeeseraninaals-« caa't - b« jj 1 comp^afed,* to *|h_e^beara; of . : southeastern j /Ala»kWl.wherer a .bruter larger 'than tha \u25a0"'B.ocky;jnoun.tainKvi3zly Jcan-be^touad.*