OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, June 15, 1907, Image 16

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1907-06-15/ed-1/seq-16/

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Spooning Above the Clouds
Condemned by Mill
Valley Board
Stern Deputies Will Bar the
Progress of Lovers
Skyward \u25a0'
MILL. VALLEY. June 14.— Saturday
night pilgrimages to the fummit of
Mount Tamalpais and the romantic flir
tations that for years have attracted
lovers to that picturesque part of
Marin county will be known no more
if the board of trustees of Mill valley
and the men who control the railroad
and the North Coast water company
have' their say. Last night the trus
tees appointed a number of deputy con
etables whose duty it will be to drive
happy couples off the pathway that
leads to the mount
For some years past It has been the
custom for hundreds of persons . to
•walk to the taountain on Saturday
nights. Lately property owners and
others In the vicinity have complained
that the pleasure eeekers were care
less In lighting fires en route and that
several forest flre# were the result of
tlieir negligence-
Sidney B. Cushlng, president of the
Mount Tamalpais road, and James New
lends, president of the North Coast
•water company*, last night appeared be
fore the trustees of this place and
asked that the pilgrims .be hereafter
•shooed away" when making trips to
the mountain. Several other prominent
residents of the valley also voiced
their sentiments In favor of keeping
the mountain pathway clear of Satur
day night merrymakers. The appeals
\u25a0were so strong and the reasons so well
defined that the trustees decided to ap
point a number of deputies to drive
back all those who attempt the ascent
tomorrow night.
Trouble is expected, for the moun
tain climbers generally come about 200
strong. It is thought that the con-
Ftables will be compelled to Indulge in
stringent measures when the picnick
ers come up the hill in a body.
The right of way to the top of the
mountain belongs to the railroad and
the water company, who claim that
outsiders have no license to trespass on
their property. . ', , '' ,
Denies That He Has Been
Ordered to Step Out
of Office
A report current at the custom
house that Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury Reynolds had \u25a0written to Ap
praiser John T. Dare requesting his
resignation to take effect on July ' 1
was called to Dare's attention yester
day and met with an emphatic denial.
Dare said that about a year ago he
had intended to resign and. would have
done so had It not been that his resig
nation was demanded at that time.: He
refused to resign then under fire and
has held on to the position for that
"I intend to place my resignation in
the hands of the department shortly,"
raid Dare, "to take effect September 1
of this year. That will close 10 years
of ray services as appraiser and two
years as deputy collector of customs.
Twelve years is long enough to hold
the office, and I shall retire cheerfully
•with the proud satisfaction of, having
faithfully performed my duties and of
having left behind . me an unimpeach
able record."
When asked as to the Identity of his
successor the appraiser replied - that
United States Senators Perkins and
Flint had assured him that the Cali
fornia delegation as yet had no candi
date for the place.
The names most prominently men
tioned for the office are those of George
Katton, lawyer and political promoter;
Stanley Jackson, lawyer and formerly
special deputy to his father, John v P.
Jackson, when collector of; customs,
and Deputy Customs Collector Sparks
of Honolulu. ; . ;.'\u25a0.
ASKS FUR $414,000 TO
Fire Commission Arranges
for Annual Vacation of
the Members ~
The fire commissioners adopted a res
olution yesterday, requesting The super
visors to appropriate $414,000 out of the
. rehabilitation fund for. the building of.
new engine houses and the: completion
of those partially built. The; commis
sioners claimed that it would be impos
sible to erect needed structures out of
the regular appropriation made In next
year's budget.
"Chief . Shaughnessy filed a. report^to
the effecfthat there was no 'good, rea
son why the Spring Valley water com
\u25a0pany should not connect 1 hydrants. with
the 30 Inch main In Capitol avenue near.
Sagamore street,' and the company^ will
be again urged to: comply with; a
request that the : hydrants be installed.
The supervisors will be : asked for
$10,000 to repair underground street
cisterns and " Xor,rtB,ooo to build ; a ' new
cistern in Howard and Tenth ; streets. "
• Lieutenants; Daniel Murphy r and Ed
.-ward Daunet-: were promoted to be cap
tains. •;~>'?i«^SS^"viSßfBSs 9B9BSSSHHI
Battalion Chief Horn was- assigned to
the Mission district and Battalion Chief
Dolan to the Western- addition district-
Battalion Chief? Cullen ".will"? have his
"headquarters at. engine house; 29. i. .
The commissioners to .give
firemen \u25a0 their / annual .vacation of -15
days , each, beginning with July 5, but
no firemen kirpointedj since* January,' 1
last will receive'a' vacation.;
The chamber of , commerce .petitioned
the, Euper\'isors T yesterday, to ; reconsider
the\ item . mi the ; budget appropriating
5720,000 for the.bulldlng/bf a : municipal
road along. Geary street; andfPolnt' Lo-.
bos avenue, -'ba^theVgronnd I, that '\u25a0'- the
money; should.ibc /used; for; other ;im
provements more" necessar>v such' as the
rebulldlns/of ; municipal;: buildings ?"and
repairing of streets and^Bewers. •
Murlne 12ye Remedy- la^a.' Tonic
tor tfa«;"Auto Ey*,"- •
Gould Road Plans Docks for
Its Oriental Steamships
area on the, water front, confirmation has-been given : the reports
thai' tKe'/W.al^lPaafic-^ould* establish, a steamship line to the
orient. The plans include the digging of fa great basin. .
Asks - Oakland
Area at the Railway Terminal
OAKLAND, June 14.— That the .Gould
Interests are reaching out. for a. battle
with Harriman for ..the, oriental? trade
has been a matter 'of common gossip; in
traffic circles for . some , time. r. Now
comes confirmatory evidence through
the efforts of "Western Pacific agents to
procure extensive docking facilities on
the Oakland , water front. l
The plans .which -have; been: quietly
consummated 1 for the establishing of a
great shipping -center! where "ocearij go-.
Ing steamships can": be -brought close to
the "Western Pacific" cars, provide for
the , construction of a great basin 'along
the Western Pacific terminal, at* ; west
Oakland. This basin, with .' a Vdock
frontage on> one side, of -5,000 'feet, is
intended to be .the means by which the
Western- Pacific. may, handle-Its steam
ship business with the- orient. ....'.
Without.. divulging .'his client's | rea
sons for \u25a0 desiring; the extensive '.im
provements,' Charles; E. i Snook, '[ the' lo
cal counsel"'* for ...the ? Western.. ' Pacific
railway, went; before ."the* wharves "and
water front .commlttee-.0f .. the ':-' city
council last night and,. laid the basin
project before, it. • ' V
; Snook, - at the \ outset, : made applica-,
tion to the - committee , for* permission
to straighten the • northernj line^jof "the
railway terminal grant Iso thatfa urilf
form 'i width [ of \u25a0 1,000 ' f eetK should "i be
given -. the x company \ the - entire 3 length
of the fill along the north training wall
of the harbor. i -..--. - -\u25a0 • \u25a0 , ;^
The; attorney, explained: that owing
to an. error In "the .original .franchise
application the i maps showed a tapering
linefroma width of : I,ooo^ feetf at -the
west end to: € 00: feet \u25a0\u25a0 <&t the; east. .
\u25a0 Snook disclosed; by 'a further^ state
ment the docking project., He 'requested
that the city allow; the .Western -Pacific
400 to " 500 : feet -"of i additional i, space; ad
joining; the^^termlrial - : northward. ; In
this space, he Baid,-' the -Western Pacific
purposed to 7 construct ?= an : Immense
basin, dredged- to: a; depth* sufficient to
accommodate large' vessels. ' This ; basin
California: Promotion ''_ Com :
mitteeßeceivihg Many
•: Orders
The : people < of \u25a0 the "east are evidently
deeply interested In the work of ; recon
struction that is going on 'in' San Pran
clsco, and 'this fact is evidenced. byjthe
great demand ' in \ New-York » for ! the'; re-'
construction map ' of ; the (city ; that] vm
published ! i>y/ the \ Promotion
committee one; year latter the :fir&';^^';.
: When' these maps .were issued ; a' large
number, were sent to the eastern bureau
of theY committee j and? placedloni,s«.le
there. ' .', That the! demand^ for has
been active • isishown^by ithe": fact"; that
this : Bupply.' has i been f twice i exhausted;
and |! yesterday "the ,": committee j' receiyed
a " telegram ? 5 f rom^theS manager! of .the
eastern v bureau^ "f," f , that * anotner
large V lot >be . rushed* to ; New>Tork to
supply the Increased fdemand.'^ " -->/":-, \u25a0•
The maps 'have been"seritito:all'parts
of the .world'by" the; committee^ and also
by numerous ji houses,^ which
have - bought large f quantities and sent
them -to ; their,* agents^: a»d [correspond
ents at all ) polrits.>.\They,;have!attracted
cisco, ;- as % they- 3 " show;' at £a \u25a0' glance "Just
how things haye r > been* .done" in r . the
burned'district. ' . ;
Well Known FinancierrElected. to; Fill
" Vacancy! Caused .by Death ',' of
r V Charles " Maggini '-..' . / . ' .
/ Henry. Brunner.has becn;'elected pres- 1
ldent-.of /the"; Swiss-American j bank > of
San' Francisco,^ to succeed \u25a0"Charles -Mag-^
gini, ; who \u25a0 dled'a*; f ew ? weeks "ago; Other,
officers ' of 1- bank^havejibeen^clected
as ?follbws:-> First; vice-president, T. C.
Gognazzinl ;Vsecond^vlce \u25ba! president, Al
fred, Monbttl;:secretary^G;;Lepori; man
ager,* AT; A.' Micheletti ; cashier," Otto Ot
\u25a0tesenr."'-..«'":i'-..' > ;"v=.''".'? : -;* b "'•"\u25a0- ~' '"}*'<'• \t "- \u25a0 /.
:-'• Brunner '•] is : ; lnterested . lnj.the" Central
Trust \ company^ of * San > Francisco, y ; the
Italian-American J"bank| of
the 'American' bank' of Paris and a" num
ber of financial -institutions ; throughout
Calif ofnia; . . - ; '_-'. '• V.-J"-?: \u25a0;',<' w.'.^."'*A*; -'*'"./ '\u25a0\u25a0
San* RUe Lnnndrr
Will .' call' and rdeliver;" laundry i int three
days.* '/15S6."> Webster •street.".-.: : - : • '
, Henry: Ste"rri;,theVreal /. estate? agent,'
is / seriously" 111 jat -ittie;, Lane hospital;
pendicitls. ; ji.Thelphyslcla.ns |in^attehd- H
ance have ! assured > his] friends,"! ho wey/siv
that hi« chancca for r«co very ar«">bope
<uy'-.•';; : p .;.' :,-\u25a0 \u25a0--;>>- ? ->-\ \u25a0..-:•--• :.y^-:.-^
; would - run; the \u25a0 entire "'\u25a0 length of -.the
terminal, ,'. along;; , : which v", facilities^; for
: docking ships \ would -be : arranged.'- JOn
the opposite . ; side J; would ; be . the ' rnunic-^"
ipal wharf ; proposed [ to ' be; constructed;
which > would I provide : another \ 400 " feet
of docking facilities. "
The attorney carefully refrained. from
going; into minute detail; lest," thelulti^
mate . plans ; of " his i company j should r.be
prematurely uncovered.'".- The committee,
assured him that in Tview, of , the" recog
nition' t)y. '•; the ; . railroad .of \the lcity's
rights his} application' , f or '% Increased
terminal: space would /not ;be ; opposed. :':'
' In? the .matter.' of v the" basin/ the r !*de-"
cision : was : reached '\u25a0 that | a'; space 3400 ,; to
COO . feet wide t. be tween ,-\u25a0 the' city's :per
manent line of; piles and 'the lan'di edge
of the north sldeof the'terminal .would
|be left. -. -. \u25a0 ' ;.- ; . "'"','',
,'f Some -modification of. the. pile 'driving
'. arrangement \u25a0; was c made.>.<-,TheV-tem
porary, pilings will t be; placed 100 \u25a0 feet
north of .the .Western^ Pacific" terminal
ln^ order* to ~keep "out X trespassers.^ The"
new.: line is v along * the , follow.
ing; boundaries: :. . /,
5= Commencirigiat v a '•* point . I,loo .feet
northerly^ from ;.the :,western;i extremity
of the horthTtraining;,wall";thence";east
erly . parallel? to i said ' training =,wall, > to
the "I low; tide iline. i; Agjain
at.the aforesaid;polnt.'ithence- northerly.
1,400 1 feet | mort'or '. less,^ thence V easterly
parallel with .the ' north"; training .wall,"
to-lowitlde;linel> .'\u25a0>.: - ;. ,-. . , • '" :: :
: : This will carry the pllingdbse
Southern v Paclficjbroad: gauge :mole.Y; In
the;, event' of ; interference sbylth"e'att6r-;s bylth"e'att6r-;
riey 'general,:; on 7 the J grounds that; the
land to be inclosed ibelonaßltothe'iState,
Councilman v Jackson j said - that -the ?'city
would ; stand -on 'the -United". States
cuit "\u25a0 court -f.of ; appeals'^: decision J giving
the tflght* to i wharf \u25a0 out. « He I was | satis?
fled" thatUf- the 'state attacked Ithelmove
the J general '^.wbuld^j be f com
pelled : to againstUhe * Southern
Pacific ' for j unlawfully,! taking, the * filled
land ~at|. the ' broad 'gauge. mole. .
Captain Paul de Nievadoysl^
: Peking^ Post - r \u25a0
Captain Paul' de \u25a0" 'Nlevadoosky.'r^.'a
statesman \u25a0: and" member of . the - Russian
Imperial : guard, j was f_ a ; passenger "s? on
thiej liner .Hongkong --Maru- which ar
rived ;\u25a0\u25a0. yesterday. 'v- He ,. has -been" con
nected * with ;• the - Russian •.• legation ; at
Peking and is , on his way to ; St." Peters-;
\u25a0burg fon^ a -'leave ; of » absence. ; "*\u25a0\u25a0 '/. ' '^ ' :-'\
if." Captaln/de * Nlevadoosky ~~% is i avworld
renowned {traveler ; and a gTeati linguist,'
speaking el ght ; languages I fluently.""! He (
.was \ a '\ favorite f on i board \ the" ship > and
proved. himself to be? an agreeable en
ter tame r. , 'His > vj fellow^ I ."; passengers
christened 5 him the ißeau>BrummelCof
the'- party.*"" -•• - :"., *"':\u25a0•; ; ; '.'\u25a0;\u25a0'•.-'•'"-•-\u25a0 ' '\u25a0' '-'\u25a0 **""
.;!?•; bookedSagainst^boys
Police- Say^That[iThe3r /Broke;>lnto
• ; Residences and ] Stole*' Jewelry
- -> -"\u25a0':\u25a0"'.;'
\u25a0;,;Three . charges' /of t; burglary i: ; >wer>3
made at : the . city- prison yesterday; py
' Detectives s Harper/and fArmstrbhgi and 1
Policeman' Harrell^againstfAlbert* Quill,*
; 15 ": yearsj of , age^j He i^is accused fof .'com£
mi ttl n gfmany] bu rglaries," and \ the (three
rbbberiea $ t 'orjiwhich" l^ ;he ftwill *be"| tried
v were^»cbmmitted^at>i the/- residence 5 of
Frank I Hollingshead^l 125|Plerce?street, R
on ' Apri- 24," t whehi|looiWorth r bf "Jewelry
'was 3 stolen ;Vat*" the? home fot ( Charles | S.
Sherman^ 1444lHayes(Street^bnyjuhej5F
,when j"|3oo|Worth*^^of '} Jewelry/ andj ] silver,
k ware "..were i carried i off ,' and ; at I theTresi
dence|ofjMlssJldaTMetzgerA = 329£Chufch'
street; £on? Juneie.^when i $200» wbrth\6f
J c wel ry 2"an d %c 11 verj^war c &were g stolen. 1
ago ' thelsame ; boyTcommUtedfindre jtlfajg 1
30 - burglaries^but ;' owingl to! hlsTyouth 1
he 'was ;nbtrproceededfagalnst!^^i^"^^
' t Louis $* Carrillo^|another^lad^'/ was
booked ; by i th«T ßame]officerB]onYa^charge t
of ;burglary/^ He] ls accused of ( breaking'
Into;, the *4 residence i^off Alfred | Savasse,*;
2315' Bush \ street^bnt Mayl 3 l|a'ndf steal -**
was recovered.: , / , \\'.*i - ,
To Visit San Francisco
{.Without '*>; seeing^ th'eV Diamond^ Palace
would' be, like/ visiting 'Europe- without
seeing * Parish It \ is % a j leading* feature
of * San f Francisco;?* a 'marvel | o f * beauty,
and *5 elegance.^ andQ Is ,\u25a0"*\u25a0 unquestionably
the most magnificent Jewelry emporium
, be 3 seen.'Sj Ev«ry>tyisltor,ig and ?S resident
should -examine 'the I marvels >; of genius
at 1 909-811 Wan - Ness - avenue, near, Ellis
W^irigf^Poiicei : : 'Officials
- Clash at Meeting' -of 1
: - ' Commissioners--' , • ..
Captain's^ Attorney Secures
] Mhjuhction Against the
Board fMemlDers .
'* C aptaln * of ; Police : Mooney's [t ate V was
not decided, by the pollcecommissloners
yesterday afternoon for the reason ; that
his : attorney, JTheodore' Roche, "secured
a'i.wr|tf;of .';;* prohibition? returnable -J on
Monday/ rnoVnlngr.rUntll thlsilegalspolnt
hais'ibeen j settled' the"commlssloners Fare
rjeBtrained '\u25a0\u25a0 from s taking, f urther:/actlon
lifi'theTcasei'i- "'2, • .;\ > .' ~ \u25a0\u25a0:- "\u25a0. -:.-\u25a0 \u25a0 i f:;:, ; -- s r
x^.Yesterday's £ hearing: -.was : - marked (.by,
sensational ft charges 'i against y Dlnarl/
While Iques'tiohirigl Captain) Mooneyjre^
gardlngrcertain* houses 'oflquestlonable
reputation his -dlstrict.l Diriahlsawj fit
to % link f ; thef name f of - Captain^ Moo'ney.
with ) that ? of f Tessie ? Wall, ? ?a* notorious
woman (of Ithe^tendefloiri.v; Mooney's" ire
was f arbused^andfin ringin&Herms * he
intimated I that? his"; superior; offlceri was .
receiviriEr,; protection^ money . from ]ques;
.tionabXe presorts. \*-i/^V^. ; -V^.v^r^' ; -V. : '"'-»?^*'i*
:-v'Mooney/plainly : ,told|the \u25a0commission^
e'rs ; that 'i he i hadi criticised "i the iboard \ for,
itsltolerance" of iDlnan; He, did riot'rhlhce
his j,word^ ' ! -f w;hen*;?'h_e "'told \u25a0; them^that
Dinan .was" , not- "a^competent manY to
head'the'police department and. that" the
commissioners ?,\vtere : rnot".:doing:n- their.
duty;so':lons r as.they kept \u25a0 Dinan in his
offlcial^capacityJv-'V,^ v - .' . . * : T' ' ' •-\u25a0 *.'-: '-A :
;?<ilt^was^thej»gerierar< opinion i,among:
those VinV; a^» position >to % know 5 that i.' the
commission 1 "^.would : :^have / dismissed .
Mooney^ from- the \f orce f yesterday^ but
for^thVser.vipg "'of "the VrltXwhich 4 came
aboutat.the eleventh hour.-.- Practically
alijthe'jtestimonyihas .beenltakeni iri'the
passediuporijMotyney/wiil j know,' his : f ate>:
; ;-^One J of % the^ hiSst -Ichargres
made V^sainst^Diijan j byi Mooney.: was
thatfthe >f orrneri took? Larkin | street foff
Mobhiey r'Bir '8i bfeat^att^r^hejhad ;raided'itJje
housejof iTessleVVVftll^on ;tHat; thorough?
Dinan f with .'jstriying.^Uo-Vr protect j*tl»e^
place ; and ' said t that J his Veff orts toi keep
it closed'- were, interfered with : by the
chief..-. - : : ';.-, \u25a0.: : ;':K-r*. : v-. r->"v:r ->"v : - '\u25a0.. ? ";/,i:-:. v \u25a0-\u25a0 ,' :
.':*Accbrdingr » to = Mooney Dinan^ sent" for,
him;: and :--: said: the > poor i oTevll
alone.^ She" is, trying ito; make -a* living
down there • in . the'burned ; district 'and
her 4 Kotiae [« Is j' straight." \ Mooney i.; said
that ! he isecuredfevidpnee' later* that , the
was > conducting la 'questionable
*placei arid Uhatj he? raided 'It; at' the (first
opportunity/.-J ''''.•.'-• -' .: .\u25a0•'"
4 -Money, swore; further that Dinan 1 told
him^ not";, to* interfere:: with" the -v house
conducted sjby % Helen ,'Sherwood .at
McAllister street.^ '";;V V^.: ;V^ \u25a0;
"i '.'I; practically.; gave^up, the i fights for
resigned, from? the*iboard,"Jsaid 'iMqbneyr-
VI,' was/ of|the> opinion |thatjthe> policy
of fthis 'commission (wasj to protect j'evil
resorts, ' but II \u2666; was » determined f,to [ cKse
every, one' of (them • in* myi district.'' ";;;-:^ •.
he": Informed^ ;Corhrnlsaioherj Leahy -some
time : ago, that DJnan's. was Indtjdolngjhls
duty.'feiHe % added het discovered
that 'i Sergeant^ Donovan :of jjlhoj license
6mce*.was f .usurplng;;the?powes;of r the
board ;; by*, taking. I : it r'.upon'rr himself /to
issue ;permlts : for ' making "U -,lh
certai n -" saloons.' ;;•: He ? averred '.;^that *i he
caught the; sergeant red handed in these
deals."-:"; Mooney : ; wound Jup Jthis "; state
mentiby;saying:::H.;.V :l: ; v. vs-l ::: ,\u25a0' --
: \u25a0$?"!% have ;> long,': considered a Dinan .* the
official '; head i of ; the (commission?.*'; I r say
that ) I\do I not s think : any i man i who : pro
tects « houses': 'of ;illifameyls?.flt 4toi< head
the i police fdepar tmen t > of i thls^clty." .
! &WhileVMooneyl. was] being F questioned
by; rfagerty : regarding 3^the.? ; closlng ;of
disreputable"*"-; resorts /-'jliiV \u25a0'"his ;-7 district,'
Roche i introduced:' his ?,writ ~k of \ prohibit
tloh,'^ and 'f-T further '^proceedings >^,were
postponed|tillinext ".Tuesday/ afternoon."
whent theAWTlt^will 5 have^beeht argued
before"? Judge * SewelLilThe alleges
that? sections 33 '\u25a0> of;, the|.J regulations s of
the i police which
Mooney |Is *,being I trled,^ Is : , notf constltuf
tional.v so f, an H effort ?iwlll *? be "j made y, to
have"; it;- declared f so; by/thefcourt."\ . .
I£ During ithe I progress |pf | his | examiha^
tion s ; Mooney^' made f$ many ,|| uncomplif
SanFranciscp^ AU\ow •\u25a0previous Clearance Sales are surpassed. .
':m^-~ $8.50 and $10 Girls' Suits $4 95
"• : '^Jl^'""'' -' - ; •\u25a0-\u25a0-'Included are Regulation Sailor Suits and.Peter Thompson effects,. in •navy";
/tfC\^U>^CVY - and garnet Serges -Emblem ion sleeve ;vsizes;6 r to -14; ; worth \u25a0
hV^itfy'jk \ $8.50 to $10.00, according to size— all go at $4.95.
;^S^ ;
:^M^^ '\u25a0 i: s3 ;45 '-
tojjiifC ' light, meclium and heavy weight. $l6.do£fiildren!s Goats $4*95j
' lln ivßk VsSmeniJss I
II I'l \\ \ \VV ' OrGood Taffeta Silk in Eight Diflferent'Shades.-
///ft' \V\Y\i' $17.50 Suits $^6.95 $17.50 and $20 Suits to go at;so.9s-
'4f/J| \V\V^ Pretty Etons, 1 Fancy Trimmed. ' Prince Chaps, -Tight ; Fitting'- and "Pony \u25a0
y'*-^^r?^tl^lis^^* V . : -^ f V.V^2s i'O^£jiil»WayS j S W'i Ps.l * ';,/" 4 fSust^aWd;Fancy>Et6ns:allgo f atlsSL9s; <
Wh'- ' '-- '-Th'reeH-ButtonV. Cutaways /with - Silk: In-: '; , \v- ' - : ;: " ' " .
:- " Jpp " ii a id' Collars. . $30 Novelty^Suitsj sl6.4s /;
dg^- ' This $4 Lace Waist at $1.95 :^W^^^i^ji
•H \u25a0wiiP-^K^wK : •' Fincwhite Net daintily trimmed /.Tight fitting,^ satin lined, through--
• 'rll£>Y**W with^all over-lace. \u25a0 ' .•• ' oat. :^^g^g|^WJ
*•\u25a0 - : '«dT fir •j. *i ap $17i« ; Bla^^^^Coat $9:95
' J^W^^mS^^iL' \*T'> \u25a0 -•'• \u25a0 >v->" ' ' $2(1 UnviUnct Silk fW* tt <X
'''wWiP^^^w^' All over ecru or. white. ,• _ #« Uiug'DlKK ,3lll tOSIS >!f.V3
\u25a0 ' \u25a0••\u25a0'.\u25a0. \u25a0 "--Gl^^Sll^^feEfiise-. '
m^M?^: \u25a0 " ' -/ \u25a0,-V : .c";M^^|^ffig§iteSiST^S^fc/" ' ;
Finds } ; Decree
Awarded His Wife Was. i
5. , : , Not /Filed % -\u25a0- y/s?.h
Hiisbarid : Sympathizes With
Sorry Plight / .
Vv \u25a0 M.'r. M/ Foote, t founder .of the /defunct
Fjee/MarViage'and Divorce association
and-v brother /of ';the late \W." W./Fobte/
learned ' yesterday;- that . the interlq»u-"
tory .-*\u25a0 decree/ of divorce " obtained last
June by ,: his -wife, . Josephine ,R.\Foote,
was as 'valueless/ in law as/a -blank
piece; of J paper. /.The records .were' de-*
stroyed? in; the/ great ;;flfe.\*andlif^'Mrs?
Foote S still " pines ; for > freedom^ she ; must
begin ;.' alii overi again,'"-" prove I her/case
[ones I more >; and.'t af terj obtaining i a?d^
'cree,"\walt;another. yeaf^forithe ; filial 'or-/
der ~. that ~i severe " matrimonial "^'chains. ')'?
{ -In ' her [plight V^Mrs. 1 / Foote / has "< the
sympathy;Of;her^h"usbahd.>/;He; declares
that "heldoesinotlwant 'any .lworaan "who
does "notiwantlhlm^aridfexpressesi"/ the !
oplnion'.thatvhis f.wif ejls^theTvictim /of
an ; unjust! law.*;"" If he;had;his]own"way,':
he 'said iyesterday.'v'dlyorce .. as
simple ' and 'as '.easy; as /marriage;,'->; > v :
V/j Mrsvt Fo6te"» t begani her^ suit ; ; for a i'dl
yorce^fbur.* c daysiprlor- tot;thel*fireyof
'April s 18,-1 90 6r /All - ! thTeToriginal \ papers
except i the V summons ' "were ; destroyed;
On£ I JUne7l6^l9o6r;J.vß.^Cafter,"; acting
as \u25a0? attorney/ for,; the ' plaintiff .1 appeared
beforeTJudgeVGrahaih: with/an; amended
complaint i Foote E with/.cru-"
elty; ;tTheX?court f took '\u25a0» i t § for "J granted
; that j* the !« attorney? 'had Vt complied i with
FobtejjWaspreseht'andbri* cross* exami-^
hation^kindly;; I ..brought it- "but < evidence
showing i that <he i:had " abusedthis -wife.
Judge;'- Graham - sighed. ; ah '{lnterlocutory
decree."^ after jtwhlch §? Carter^
tbokSthe'-ivalli^lmportantrtridocument. I
tlirust fit£ ihtoj ; his;poc.ketgahd 5. walked
away^wlth|the; < kir.Sofpa*fmantwho;had
done : his? full Tduty. ;r;/;. :.\u25a0•/; . i.*
t The >Tyear.-[6f v .waiting*",* would ],' have
beenVup^toda'y.ir|Fobte;_ wasjreadyito.be
'freed, r5r 5 but investigations ; tpbn^
vinced^himv,that/hV/was [re- ;
ma^ln*! married ?f orTsome^time.", « He went
to"! Judge ? Graham'K yesterday^'i with '*\u25a0 the
amended /complaint •\u25a0* and ithe- interlocu^,
tory J. decree -' and " asked,' "How - about
this?'".-" :/;•: r' •'--\u25a0-;\u25a0;/\u25a0 ;>\u25a0'*\u25a0' - ; -. : .'/^'^
''r- The J judge/ looked : at • the /documents
and; discovered ; f that"iheither3 had ' ever
been|flled the? county .^ clerk?' The^
'decree i.was"s therefore ; based lon 'nothing. 1
Judged Graharhl|nformed Foote 'that un-"
Jer the ;Vcircurnstano#» /; the -order w of
the; court /was /void.';. .'Foote askedTlf a
trustful > woman should / be ' •" made '\u25a0 to
suffer?' because S! an •' attorney," had J kept
public '- records ; in ; his ; pocket • instead ' of
depositing them with : tho proper. : of
flcfal.^butv his 'i question is; still; unan^
sweredM \u25a0 -"//;\u25a0\u25a0// .• •. /•";\u25a0';./.\u25a0 •;-' _•-'-_'
W. C. V Robinson, '\u25a0 chief -,-. engineer 4of
the: National *nre ; . protection* association
of ::Chicago,'ihas Jbeen -for' several A days
inspecting^ the ~* plans i of i the J.propo«ed
saltlwater, auxiliary, high , pressure 'jsys-I
tern* prepared , : . in c the "j of I the fcity
engineer.vi Robinson: iwas /engaged by
the "> local % fire "3 underwriters "iXo% perfect
the|plahs] and .Uhe^ proposition
submitted^ to ;;a\vote ""of '\the \ people - for
the of jbonds •to the | amount of
$7 j500,000: '} t The * system ?if i put t into] ef
fect* will:* lower;, the; Insurance*, rate ; and
increase the • fire i protection"; of this ; clty. :
will; erect ) building
, Thomas 'Jennings' applied I; yesterday
for- a v ; permit 1 to .: erect v a;". three y story
brick tbulldlng : l at : the; northeast! corner
of -.Washington" arid} Battery Uat
aTcos.t/of '$50,000." i
Beantlf nl ; Paelfle^ Grove "_/
by % the sea.* '. Best < salmon : fishing on . the
coaBt.vNew,bathing facilities.' Glass bot
tom boats and wonderful submarine gar
dens.. Boating andt launch t excursions.
Skating :rinks. ; " Two - bra/s bands. •
mentary /remarks \u25a0\u25a0 about i newspapermen
to] whom i he: 1 gave] Interviews.* ;' He /said
that! most fof ' these! were 'manufactured,'
denying.*), that ihe /made the ? statemerlts
attributed "to ; hlm:\}W^^^^Sßß9Stioi
FiW Bus Service at Hade's
BBIB^^HIr^S ** ~ '""'" *~ "'* i j-* "\u25a0' \u25a0'V'" t '" ' :': '
-Bnw /\VIII?"LMve/;'.Each^Placeji9-n. ; .m-" lO:t5. ll:3O,' Itl3, 2:45 and 4"15.
[•MTHfintltHO'iVAßD^-f IISTH 'and.- CASTRO— -" 23D and VALEXCT.4—
" DoTvn l ; HoTrtird \u25a0---. to- tjUpCwtro tc.Hsrket,. Down \.i, np i, **T
t 23d,;- to Mission, to to 16th.« to ;ChKPch. . H°^. n v al ' acl » *°
Jale*».i'. - ri .- "". ' -\u25a0'-. •\u25a0'•' toj Mnrltet," to .Hale'n. - : Hale'ii. \u25a0. .*. * 1
\u25a0 Will* Leavel Kentucky ''and ; Humboldt Streets": at Si"fo, 9:45," 11.*06,12»4J1>
---, i-i15: and; 3:45. 7,: -. \u0084 V--'-//' / "*.'\u25a0:"-,'. ' •'./-.. \u25a0' \u25a0 \u25a0 ;
i|le^f Children's Stylish Goats
.. 'Newest '"styles— V -V'?^"i^§ ~ . >rr>-A^i
-prettiest mixtures ..; .-^•-a"^" 'YT2f'~J£-L
sands3>p5 ands3>p op 1i n s-rr.fv. •;\V«*7V*'-'-" ' *
J splendid ' -wearingr- , . /&&&Brs9&^z vit
to 14 years of age. .^--""*tßf^iß?>L .^\u25a0•»^?-*>i V, ' ~ V^S* £$jh~\!&i*
iTheibigr' saving in : f^^^^^^^Si^ 1 -'^^->^*^^fs : -j4** 1^
z Important '\u0084to *^»'
now.: Note the ac- ''^hy .- SI»J-
|companylnK.-lllusl-r:pi^S?#W(Vd HOD, V^ W "WZM'-h^l'
-•trationsnandt.rsee " ;\3&&~H'^l}&Zi'Zf&r i //\u25a0*•* p \u25a0 \u25a0 <* ." | /<;• . .' j. A//|
ithe:? ; -rarments i f;at';'V<;K*^~'r^.jp»2|';'t'-;. LJL J - 3 *r" *\u0084, ': '"— -"^" n^'^f^JrXt
."" gray.- mixture, Jin , , ; ./?>i";^"^l*?ff jjf.i-*! \( [ *jti I.?' \u2666'rt/i'A A ; V'- '\u25a0'-;.• • ; i : /^\
t- lar -T-'Ji and ;v;"*ctiffs i /<•\u25a0!#' ' - 11, tf^SKSL^Kf ' /Vo*^^Tf^-Jj^'t^l3^\
it rim me d .with O7O 7 /J/ j ; 8 s \--'i
*t- plain -> cloth: and' ": vv — JiL * "—" — r '( 3 /4?vT\ fIM * >*H'.^ -* ->^
jsilkKbraid^in/.a:- \u25a0 /T^S^T^';^ l/O-H'VUxA i^^
shade to harrao- 5 O-? t 7'^? \u25a0WTfl«_-- 1./ .Or <>5
nize with (color: of "-^X^, }~koZ*\ W%l-5/J/) W $*\u25a0%
;cloth;^neatipock- ! :. A\[^" Ft >VsV '.
ets. -jSeveral;other r " 4^,«i i sg^t>.- \ XyU-iil' \u25a0'l~j££*W '' '
\u25a0:. styles . V! in ' - \u25a0': plain - , \u25a0£&> z*Z. \u25a0v; \u25a0> \u25a0 WI%W. I^l^-
color ' and r mix- g^ '\u25a0 '^Q. & n ~
also a^tan, v , -tftS^Vi)?/' *r */T
ssilk; finish .poplin \ " '* \u25a0\u25a0.-.:,:£\u25a0 fiffi -f"^/-/
\: box s coat at; this ; \u25a0 .
price; iS plain, '-but * : ' : •\u25a0 \u25a0.•.',- '
very; stylish. • . *-. • \u25a0' - .. -
'tfj-i-'OBSBox » Coat— Of brown 6 S nn' \u25a0 Co«t-Of .illk-fln-
;,*P*?*cf^ checked. <mlxed rriateA c ! tan poplin ot fine
1 : " > , , \u25a0-*-_ ;-',,- . - •- , -/* * quality: j plaited front and back*
r r lal^? at \u25a05°A lari ? f Pannej: velvet; >\u25a0 beautiful collar of silk Battenberg
"" "cuffs -* and collar -\trlrhmed' \u25a0 braid; turnback cuffs; fancy but-
\u25a0ibrald; neat pockets/ 1 Can be .worn tons; : very," dressy 'and -stylish for
'/ all the^yearfround, : on % any occa-" Sunday /wear.'- Many other styles
\u25a0\u25a0-'sion. • \u25a0;/• .. .-v- •;^ J ;. -'± '\u25a0- In plain' colors and mixtures.
-Money paving Vaju^ in Sale ofHFancy China
Shelf; Paper-r-Bestlquality," assorted - .china." \u25a0 ;
;-• colors ;i selected; lace patterns;,-: 3 2Sc» *%orth 35c. Pine China Celery
->>- packages" for.; 10«?.-"- :\u25a0.\u25a0;.< \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' .•••--:.- • txvyy. floral decorations. ' *
' 1-lb. .bar. of pure White Castile* Soap, 23c* -worth: 50c each." Sandwich or
• lOC ."; \u25a0-....-- ' .\u25a0 • Chop Trays. *o|BM|
jWhlte^Metalware— looks* like .silver 13c pair.%- Tea Cnp* and Sancers; old
.'-.- and'xwearsieplendidly. V : * "* \ blue Japanese Canton <^}iina.
Teaspoons . at- 20c " a dozen; .Table- 10c Japanese - China Pin Trays.
Tf ", spoons f at i Ssc 1a " dozen : Forks tat 35ct . worth 50c . Japanese China Xnt
\u25a0/35c> dozen; Knives at 91.25 dozen. Bowls. ;. Others .'at ;3Oc. worth »sc.
I IMen^s Depe AbleWearat Low Prices
• Men's 10c Cotton Socks, 3- pain for ZT>c — Fine, durable - yarns; plain
; j ;,black; : tan.' and -black tops .-.with", white feet; double heels ;and toes-
\u25a0 .. T > fast ;: all sizes. '. \u25a0/".\u25a0-; "
: ""Men** -Woolen \V nderrvear," -,7sc' garment— Fine, -soft -finish yarns; light
' or ; medium 1 weight: natural gray or camel's, hair color; 75 per cent
" ; wool;Tnonshrinkable; •; extra value. r.'-' "*. '\u25a0'.-«
Men's Dnrable/Work Shirts, 50c each— Extra quality black and white
striped! drills;- also: plain black idrilkj; 1 absolutely fa3t dye; cut extra
- -•sfull^in>the;body;'haye}doubleiyokes: all sizes.
Phil Maguire Is.C aptured L After. Fight
and Will : Be . Charged '; With*
.. Committing *-Burglanes:',/
1 - Phil- Maguire," well* known" "to ; the po-".
lice, :/; was • :\u25a0{ arrested %\ early yesterday
morning '-:. in ;;a -;\u25a0 saloon : at ;. Seventeenth
and "\u25a0 York; streets Detectives » Burke
and I Smith -after ? a | desperate .\u25a0 fight." -It
took tthe > two! stalwart policemen < sev r '
eral minutes'; to overcome ;the; desperado
and"; put *the"t handcuff s i over; his t wrlsts.*
He Is .registered 'on *> the" detlhue : -bbok , at
the 'j city * prison i and"; the are
searchlng.for hlscompanlbrilncrinie. c,
>. Maguire -iwillii have ;se"yeral : V charges,
of \u25a0:\u25a0 burglary? booked "\u25a0 against "r him.' £-- He";
and a * companion i vlsl ted"; the * saloonfof
IJsaa'ciLee.'at Ninth'and'Folsdm streets."
on f the % night f of j February^ 1. --j, Maguire'
went -to ' the rear^and : his ' companion \u25a0"en
gaged Lee in' conversation as to leasing,
the • cigar ! stand'^ In! fronts .' Le e \u25a0 stepped \u25a0
6utside^the7 ; saloon *to; show;
him the stana/ and _while .there Magulre ]
sneaked , behind the bar and : stole . about'
$100 ;f; f rom*;the"cash , register.' V . 7,(
BTTTTEa— Full weight 2 lb '. sqoares. » b«st
7. quality \u0084..-..\u25a0...........•..."; soo
\u25a0- This •is a ' ffoltlen opportunity t» pack butter
for. winter use," as this brand has tU« reDntatlon
for k?enin- qnalltles. i * \u25a0
?AISOf»-rnU weight I lb packas*. re? 15c.100
**fgAK--Best cane granulated. 17 lb» f0r..»1.00
CATSUP—Bestfqaality. reir 23c per bottle.. Wo
:*»;e have .an ; extra largt stocls of. this and
desire ,to \u25a0• reduce, . hence '« the exceptionally low
prlc«>. >.-.••\u25a0;.",.-. -<- < .
SOAP— Diamond C Brand, teg So. 7 cakes 2So
h ?•; Ca*tae— Genuine Italian, reg 33c per bar.2sa
««iii£S : Bu °T W *P— X*-!? 5c caie. 6 bars 2ic
COFFEE— In order to Introduce onr MA J
= Coffee, resnlar. price of which la SZe per
lb. during this sale we will glTe 4 1b5....51.00
COCOA— Lowney's High Grade, re? 25c can. 2oc
Macaroni, Spaghetti or .Vermicelli, 2 1b».....130
CAXJrED SALMON— Rez 10c can.. So
BAKING POWDEE, Balmoral brand. 5 lb can 11 1
SALAD OlL— Union Oil Co.. re? 30c b0tt1e.. 230 I
.V.We ; are , determined to clean * out \u25a0 our \u25a0 entire I
line of Aca t e. Croctery . and Tinware. . and hare I
cut the prices almost In two. \u25a0- \u25a0 r
CARHOIX »TE WHISKZT— Per bottle »8« !
MONOGRAM RTE. WHISKZT— Per bottle.. .7flo
\u25a0WHTTZ CROSS KATT,WHI3KET— BottIe... 73o '
GETREIDS KITMTIfKT. — Karl Kerf aci & Co.. • ';
'-* rptr t "Jl.2s i>er ' bottle .".\u25a0:.\u25a0:...;... :. SHte
POST. or SHERBY ."WT2TE— Reg 50c bot -35<J ;
- ] .SToaza :"\u25a0.•'
1101 ValencU'ct. cor. 23d; phona Market ISS.
2275>Market st. . near i 18th ; phone Xarket .- 157.
. 242 Clement st. n«ar 4th ar. ; phono Faciflo 233.
Manufacturers' Prices
:'\u25a0.'\u25a0 \u25a0'.' : -on
' l ~* * \u25a0\u25a0'-*'•'\u25a0 As la^cut.': '
*2rJ^. Front of all- j
v yjag ov c r em-
*\u25a0\u25ba\u25a0 ' ~J~^.«t ?'\u25a0 j '"b r old* ry,
"'"\u25a0 *"' '•• "vTStTL^i*^"*"' '"' tucked col- ,
jtrfiij* '\u25a0 •i^iß'nD^SJ •"-- lar and cuffs
' edged with {'
v- *V value ...»3«
r*r v a^ v 2v**-'SS&BU» - Polka Dot
• " i\\V":V3v*7«^*^Sio r :*L - a w n;
\u25a0i\'>i.it"-- < /V-r , "Waists, lat- !
\\--~N"^VCw *" est models. ;
' . " -; -\u25a0;•'\u25a0 * 11.75 value
~-"-, '*> : '\u25a0 ' - •> j.'<>". ' - . ;; :-*i ..-. •'. • • • »*5« ,
'Kimonos. Skirts; and: Underwear,'
made to order, at. factory prices. See
our. full ; line and note prices.
"23 12>Fillnio^Streset
Bet. Clay/and Washington.
Goods'Sent'C.;O.;D. • /
: ' **oLc?*i* -i -%\u25a0 - THE IHA3A OSB> BUXXtt. -> A .*
U*&*GftSti '"»l» ia K«J and ««I<l »mJHc\^^
-Ofe« ">«»«. seated' with- Blnaßibboa. W,, .
.A* 1 ?"•? "• -' JW -i yens knows as Best. Safest. Al»»ys R dl»b;« j _
//;• v/./'/proposals/// .. i
I ix/AUCaOVrSAXZ-^Tfflcei x /AUCa0V rSAXZ-^Tfflce Gewrni ' Supe*rinten<U H
; ent 'Army Transport Serrlce. San Francisco, Cal.
! June ;B.-« 1907.— There \u25a0 will be sold 'at public au<^- \u25a0
; tion, "at^H; o'clock a.. m.. June 17. .190t,"at,Fofc
f aom -j street ? wharf.'? a i lot ; of > mlsoellaneona : <-ou» j
', demned \QuartermaiterS " Store*, -• a • list*, or whicl
i can be seen at. the office "ot the Projxrty Clerk tt »
! Folsom ' street " wharf.* J.B . BEIX«>'GE II '' > . Ll « n t- ;
' Col. v t and ; I>. ; Q.r SU. General.^ U." 3. \u25a0*. v . \u25a0 * .
;-' — ~H — \u25a0- .: .- z — ,- ,-..\u25a0.- ~^~~^~~~~ m
• C.Vs." ENGINEER Office/ BurHeblds.; Seattle'
: ; Waah.%f June 12. - 190".*- , Seated \u25a0 propo«aU ; for
; : dredging A Grays . Harjor.' »nd for . dredgins
; ;; WlUapa ;riTer. \\Va«hi ; wBl;: be .recelred -h«r«
\J i until • 12 ' mr July > 12. <\u25a0 1907. and then publicly .
j \u2666 v oo«ned.- -1 Information furnlahed on applica tio«. . = .
~ ' ;.;H. :-::M.-j-CHITTENUISX. Mai- Easaa, -\u25a0. >:

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