Newspaper Page Text
The Smithsonian Institution has discbv-. cred-with a camera that a streak of light-/ ning isn't a streak at all. See article and! curious photograph in » >$THE SUNDAY CALL VOLUME Cn.— NO. 17. "TEDDY BEAR" MAN IS GUEST OF THE POLICE Junius Powell Bowden Is Arrested on Warrants From the East FRAUD IS CHARGED Complainants Allege That Inventor Duped Them Out of Money • PRISONER, RETICENT Refuses to Discuss Case and at First Denies His Identity Junius Powell Bowden, the original "Teddy Bear" man and scion of an honored Detroit fam ily, languishes in the city prison with charges of embezzlement and obtaining money under false pretenses marked against him on the prison register. Bowden is accused of having swindled two men of his home town out:: of $2,250. He was arrested by De tectives Bunner and Matheson as he was strolling: along Flllmore street, near Pajtr«\ yesterday afternoon. Bowden, who Is said to be the In ventor of the "Teddy bear." Is be lieved to have accumulated consider able wealth from the novelty. He was known as a high liver In the «ast and always mingled with the smart set Since his arrival in this city Bowden has attracted a great deal of attention In Van Ness awnue and other thor oughfares where he. was wont to prom enade. During- his short stay here he has gained his way Into the good graces of persons prominent in the financial and social world./; \ Some weeks ago the police of Detroit notified the local officials that Bowden was headed this way -and requested that a sharp watch "be -kept for^hlm. It was not until yesterday that he was sighted. \u25a0'• According to the information re ceived from Detroit. Bowden is charge! •with having: embezzled $1,000 from Ed ward E. Rouech last April. The latter avers that Bowden interested him In a scheme to supply the country with Teddy bears and that he advanced 11.000 to help finance the scheme. .Hs further alleges that Bowden failed to make any returns for the "money. The other Detroit man with a griev ance against the Teddy bear creator Is Homer J. Johnson. According to John son's story. Bowden tried a new scheme on him and Induced him to invest % 1,250 In the Pexnberthy injection company, a concern which Johnson alleges was without financial becking. ' According to Johnson, he was hon ored with the high sounding title of •vice president and secretary of the new company in return for his money. He : says that the company went to the wall a few days after he assumed his duties ! and with its collapse Bowden disap peared. When Bowden was tapped lightly on the shoulder yesterday by the detec tives and told to accompany them to the police station he at once assumed a haughty air and insisted that the > officers had made a mistake. But, Eec ! ing that they were persistent and de \u25a0 maaded the pleasure of his company, : Bowden consented to make the trip i dowir town, and on his way to the city \u25a0 prison admitted his Identity. But farther than this Bowden would not proceed. Smilingly he announced that he had nothing to say until after he had consulted his lawyers. He was cool end collected and did not appear in the least disturbed when the jail door clanged behind him. Bowden is about 30 years old, hand some, well bred and wears clothes that would attract attention on any boule vard. He refuses to say how long he has been in this city. Bowden has the distinction of being the man who started the Teddy, bear craze some time ago. He is believed to have accumulated a vast amount of money by. hit novel creation, and ig said to have spent -it as freely, as Ihe made it. According to the police, Bow den is well known in . all . the * larger cities throughout the cast and middle west. Bowden is connected with a wealthy and prominent family of Detroit," and rumor has it, that he was once a very popular social favorite there. THIRTY; PERSONS' PERISH tf im DYNAMITE : EXPLOSION Authorities Believe Disaster Was Caused by j Dismissed ,Workraen * Who *. Sought . Revenge ." LONDON,* June 17.7— A dispatch to. the Standard ! f rom " Usbon : says that an ; ex-" plosion'of dynamite^ at' Covihilo.a man ufacturing town," kiHe*l~ 30 [person*. - It is believed the explosion . was -caused , by dismiss** f uorkoaen. -\u25a0\u25a0 who sought The San Francisco Call. INDEX OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S NEWS TODAY TELEFUOXE TEMPORARY 80 MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1907 WEATHER CONDITIONS YESTERDAY — Clear; maximum temperature, TC; minimum, M. FORECAST FOR TODAY— Fair; continued warm; light north wind,' changing to. west erly. 3sga Pa «« lP EDITORIAL The trend toward the hilltops. Pajre 6 Must be met openly. : P««6 Dooble tracking Central Pacific. Page 6 GRAFT Indicted Parkside capitalists will set up the defense that they were Tictims of extortion on the part of ,Ab« Enef. Page 1 No friends visit the county Jail on the Sabbath to cheer Schmitz, who passes the day alone save for the presence of guards and fellow pris oners. \u25a0 ' Page 1 Scperrlsors may take action today toward ' re organizing the municipal government. *\u25a0 Page 2 STRIKE SITUATION Striking carmen adopt a new and , elaborate boycott system against the United Railroads. P. 1 John Ellard, teamster, who was shot during battle at car barns early Sunday morning, is in critical condition. Pag« 10 CITY Originator of the "Teddy bear" languishes in tlie city prison, charged with crooked financial dealings. Page 1 Mystery shroud* the death of William Laiey at the city and county hospital. Page 14 Clergymen precch sermons In which they lan J the conviction of Schmitz as triumph of civic decency. . Pag« 2 Mill Valley ordinance closing the Monnt Tam alpals road to loving couples is enforced. Page 14 Lid mybteriouely clamped down along the red^ light district in Golden Gate avenue. Page 14 SUBURBAN Rev. Charles It. Brown In 6ermon advocates the direct primary and says Roosevelt will suc ceed himself if the people have their way. P. 5 Oakland city council will sell . park bonds to night worth nearly a million dollars. Page 4 Oakland man- Is beaten and robbed' by thug near center of city, and borne of 'the .victim Is entered by burglar the same night. . - Page S Special eervicCT to mark the reopening of St. Paul's" Episcopal church, which \u25a0 has been re modeled and rehabilitated. j| Page ft Funeral of Albert M.' Johnson, the attorney, conducted by Oakland Elks. . Page S Archbishop Biordan. Knights of Columbus and many pastors and parishioners attend laying of corner stone of new St. Joseph's church In Berke ley. Page 4 Great assemblage attends alumni day - cele bration at St. Mary's college, Oakland. Pags 14 COAST Mrs. r lrene Clark Is victim of \u25a0 a mysterious shooting affair at Tonopah. . Page 2 DO3IESTIO Haywood trial will be suspended^ for a day, as Orchard,' J. flic •„ chief t witness for \u25a0 the state, will be . taken ; Into another ; county * for < arraignment on charge of murder. ; . \u0084 ; . . Page 1 . " Western federation of, miners threaten, to with-, draw from Industrial .workers-'of the ; world , and form;a;new;ors*iiiiitlon. . 'Pase-T "One thousand -delegates from western . states will' attend public lands' convention in Denver tomorrow. . -'..., ..Pago 11 : FOREIGN" Toklo report declares that . the early f recall j. of Viscount ""' Aokl : as ambassador \u25a0 to ' Washington ' Is likely. Page 7 News of the dissolution of tbe.duma Is quietly received |by the Russians, but the' government fears that there will be trouble within the next few days. Page 3 SPORTS Golden Feather, a Los Angeles greyhound, capture* the open stake at Ingleslde park. P. 8 Racing program for the closing week gives promise of fine sport. - . Page 10 Stockton state leaguers win a alow game from San Francisco. Page S Automobile dealers and club will work jointly for the Improvement of . highways. Page 5 Oakland takes baseball double header . from San Francisco and • Portland > twice defeats Los Angeles. Groom of Portland pitches both games, shutting out the opposing team In the first with out a hit or a run. Page E Tennis expert* compete in handicap doubles tournaments on the public courts and .at the California club. "_ . Pago 10 Many ring enthusiasts visit the training quar ters of Kelson and Britt in Marln county. P, 8 MILITARY Millti&men of , the state make excellent scores in practice \u25a0at the range. ' i&*3s& ?*<* 9 Steamship Cape Breton brings coal and \u25a0\u25a0 coke from- Newcastle.* ' , Pago 10 MINING \u25a0 New copper region discovered west of ' Shasta gives Indications of great wealth In Its . large mineral deposits. ' l^^ago 9 THIRTY-FOUR LIVES LOST IN EARTHQUAKE Shocks Around Valparaiso Are Accompanied by ah Electric; Display SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL . VALPARAISO, June 16.— The latest Valdivia dispatches report that 34 peo ple In all were killed or wounded by the recent earthquake. The - Catholic church was one of the. buildings which suffered -most. Telegraph, telephone and railroad lines were also badly dam aged and i trains were stopped, ; owing to the , destruction of several bridges. The earthquake came accompanied .by an atmospheric and electrical display. The region : affected by the shock leads" from Valparaiso to Magellan straits and from the Pacific coast to Nouquin 7 In Argen tina. HHBBBSBB FVT|LE SEAnOEI FOR DEAD WASHINGTON, , June - 16.— The ; , navy department • received tonight a dispatch from Admiral Evans,, in - command -ot the .' fleet in. Hampton roads, • stating that- the search , for/ the bo'dies'of six I midshipmen and!- four sailors ,who. with the fireman whose Obody .. has -- since* been recovered, < were; drowned by the sinking \ of i : the t Minnesota's \ launch \ last Monday^* night; '.was ! .">'contlnued;:j* today without :\u25a0 success. ".* .The J dragging, of tho harbor, the said, . would i be ; re sumed again i tomorrow. \u25a0 " 'J' •-\u25ba:-";"'<'.': $75,000 SCHOOIitFIRK • FORT ; DODGE. lowa, '.; June 16.— Fire destroyed the. high school building at a<a«a todax, Ibe loss la '.|75 t ofl.Q;*;';: .-\u25a0•_.,\u25a0 sM;fflFß^<^^ CARMEN ADOPT A NEW SYSTEM OF BOYCOTTING All • Members of the Union to Go on Picket Duty This Morning TO PATROL : STREETS Names of Those Patronizing the JLJnited Railroads WillßeTakeir PROMISE OF SUPPORT Labor Leaders Assure Men That Aid Is Forthcoming , The carmen's union today, will establish the most elaborate sys tem of picketing and espionage •on patrons of the United Rail roads ever devised in a San Fran cisco labor dispute. The plan was decided upon at an executive meeting of the carmen, held yes terday afternoon in .Walton's pa ; vilion at Golden Gate avenue and Buchanan street . It was the first gathering of the carmen 'since the beginning of the strike - and they remained in session for three hours. ;i The ; men ; were addressed by Richard Cornelius,", president of : the union; James" Bowling,;. secretary: Su pervisor < Tvietmoe, ' secretary of \u25a0'.' the state; building "trades ; council;; Andrew FurusSth of- 'the .sailors', union and other 'labor • leaders. l 'At the conclu sion "the "offlcials^of 'the union: refused to jinake a statement . . The plan - for. picketing '-was outlined .tj>'ith'e£men^by?Fur"use^ 'will r .be"undGrJth6 v^enerai;dire^ction of John \u25a0* Keane,; Head^Jpi6k*et^"o^rtheTEallors', union.; -. ,The carmen .will i report! at their 'respective * : car) barn s /at ,' 6Jo'clock this mornings to"*- be^assigned^ to;- posts ;.cf 'duty along . the" 1 streets Voh'j which" they formerly /operated - carsl.-iThej men' will be "divided Into - squads. ;and 'each" squad will . be' in charge, of a 'man in- uniform. The squads , will be stationed \u25a0at trans fer points and other centers: of . the car; service. The number, of /each pass ing car, the number of men constituting the crew and the number of passengers will' be taken. A strong efforts will, be made also to learn , the names of every man, woman and' child /who rides.' '/ The list .of passengers will be compiled, every day and a general 'boycott in augurated. ' PURUSBTH EXPECTS TROUBLE Fjiruseth expects trouble in carrying out the : scheme. •" "You , may jbe ar-_ rested," he said -> to : the men, "and -if you are we will \u25a0• bail : you . out IX ; we can- — ifnot, you can stay in jail. But it won't hurt a hell of a lot if youdo stay in jaiL" / \u25a0 .. i, . !* . "The city will board us. while, we're in,"cried a voice frdm the hall. .-; The meeting was only * fdr* carmen. Other union men tried 'to ßenter,; the hall, but were barred.^ More than 1,000 - f carmen were in :. the pavilion when the meeting was called to order. Cornelius : made a speech: of encouragement : and called on the men to continue the light. ' Tveitmoe : , fol lowed. He assured .the :xnen 'that the reports that there, had been . a theft of the' funds of the union were f aJset j money, he -.' said, was In ' the a&to- de posit vault of a Mission bank and could only be withdrawn In the - presence of three members of the executive com-. mittee of the union. Embezzlement was Impossible. The speaker \u25a0 named \u25a0 . the members ' of the committee \u25a0 and voiced his -confidence .\u25a0 in -: their integrity. . ;,In \u25a0closing he declared 'that . * the carmen would : triumph and that \u25a0" organized * la bor : would be t behind the 'union until victory Is won. . \ ::^':T Tveitmot spoke later in the afternoon and attacked the United Railroads. "The United Railroads," said he, "has violated the terms of its franchise every day for! a year.' What r you ; must do is to elect a Union \u25a0 Labor board of supervisors— men ' who will take ; away, tho francnise of the road. \u25a0-. If the Geary, street and the; California 'street Klines were -in operation we 1 would 'win' this strike in five months."' - , - BELIEVES MBS WILL WIN :; Andrew Fur usethiwasj the principal speaker 5 of ..the r day. "After'; declaring his faith in the ability of the carmen to" win the ; stfike,' he assured them"; that they/had {the strength . of organized labor behind Ithem. He declared," how-; ever, that/t hey * would ' have'- to~> work themselves to co-operation of other bodies. in^^^thestfuggle.^^-- : • - "If you V aire? willing 'l to;jdo " : the^kind of work we have ; mapped" out \u25a0 for/you.", shouted the 'speaker,* '.'we'll win Y"V If • not, you will be defeated. You will-re port "tomorrow 'morning'; at \u25a0 your :car barns,' 1 every one of you, and. bej'as- Continued o»Pa»e 3r3 r Column, a \u25a0'\u25a0y- Overflow, crowd[ ai^ Boise , courthouse ''during trial fof /Haywood: -Lower portraits, left to right, are 'those.o f Mrs; GeorgeiF*etlih6ne{and*MrsT Charles Moyer, wives of • two western federation . officials accused of iinithcimurdero^ No Friends Visit County Jail to Cheer Schmitz Pisses Dty Alpn& S Presence -of : Guards and iFellow: Prisoners j : a contemplated removal to some 'other- place, no matter from what source^they { ;.- may have ; ? originated,-, are 'false and ' groundless. SchmitZ; is a; prisoner .justas purely 'as j are ;^the' men .among: whom he and ; will betreatedasone Statement^of.^Super!ntendent;Kerwin.of j the County Jail. -Eugene ;'E:-Schmitz,mayorjbf^SaniErancisco, spent his" first 1 Sun day/behind ip risen bars— -a. convicted Jf eloril';- In '- the - dim, v - narrow- cells adj acent : to: his room in the branch county^ j ail ; off \u25a0 the>lngleside \u25a0 road weVejrnenilife from £ 'the^scum s ofj;the' city's « populace ;*inithe;C^rridc^s;about ? ; him resounded^ the .prisoii-f grounds Spaced ; 'armed '-guards ;' and,: alone iri: his confine meritjttliejmayor,of San '-Francisco -tasted^for. trie. first- time T thelbitter- ness\of iine'.penalty he : for'tlie^betrayal \u25a0\u25a0 of f his. city.^; . .;;BJ%once^ that ;visitor -,was ; a i member of • his ''> legal '- staff /vwhb spent* a fshort^time with • himrun ;discussioiiubf steps to be taken'Hn * his \u25a0 behalf this week." •Nofmember, of '•his;family^visi^d*him^dujring\,*and nojf riehd > found: it worth 1 while .'to; carryj a word 1 offcheer Jrto? the^dis-, graced* official.'^* Friday •• 'and ?Saturday,.the - conduct'of -his; casefin^the courts \u25a0 and-; tHel partial ; f reedom Iwhichi tHis \u25a0 entailed ibroughttSchmitz into rco^tacjblwith \ the ; outside 1 world, >.but * yesterday ;. Lhe\wasYalone^ aibrieiahdlaVprisbner; : '.' [\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0).\u25a0- , '^;; -. : ,v. /t/ t \u25a0• : ... r. '>-- ";The^branch* couny^ jail • vWas : a 2 cehtc^6 {••interest ? yesterdaj^'for tHe: curious ieyej£o^ theirv gla^ces^fo^ to I indicate'- inlwhat s quarter* of < thei prison :Scnmit*z Cwas «: lodged. : - It wasfcoml^ that'thVifnmiibenfqf^ place ',was*largeri»than?usuat\and ,• that* the -occupants ; alli'dlsplayed *a C greater interest i In--^ scrutinizing*; the {jail. nu mb i eiv of ; Sun^ay^yisl tor sTwa s g r eat e r, also",:'- but t tor* the )flrst;tirne * in ''• years \ It took ? more : than « an * ordinary : permit 1* to gain^ -j .;.!;';. ,' c\.../c \. . ./ , v Sheriiffj O'Neilihas; in arked-tHe arrival of hiV.friend i^hmlS^at^tn^JaU I tyTissu-"i , ing ; . ; an J,. order r s forbidding w ; guards j'-. or others^ connected^.with; lt -to callow ; ad-, missionjto-any. person without a writ ten ; order:, from* himself "and 1 - has : an nounced . ; that '< permits -' to yisit ', the '\u25a0 jail or i any * prisoners 'Conflnedi therein will be- issued ;herea.fter.Tonly in \ rar^ejyn-? stahces."' 5 . He \: has Fdonet this"> to 'protect -,-*.>- -*-» V.---. _^; -^.^^r.-.i -** \u25a0\u25a0llillifc»lii " ; Schraltz:fromithe intrusiop of the "great number ( of % persons ; who i'might '-\u25a0; find ;: i t convenient j to visit : him 'on one pretext or another, « r"ather, : than > because of '\u25a0 any desire ito .throw; an'addltional; safeguard around -the -prisoner. " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0• v; \u25a0'*. '-t \^>.-'-.v t^'ii, 1 - \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 -^Guards :atj*thel;prison > were^loth; to discuss "the,. matter,. of .Schmitz'., prel-' ence > yesterday, v \but - admitted -.that ;or , ders ! iabre i positive 'tbAn I wtUcbStiad heretofore been '": made > had y been \u25a0 put intcT. f eff ec't \u25a0\u25a0-_ by/ Sheriff j O'Nell,"^ arid - that "they.^wereV prohibited i-'/ from permission' 1 to *any • one 'l not •VanctionedjbyJO'Neil.^ ' ':' V. If .*.' ; [ J'J.Wh'lief Schmitz ;\is;,to}alll intents'; held jiinder ; the i same '- durance ; impoaed^upon thefothercinmates^of -the •jail.Thef is 'in fact .allowed- : far --more r liberty and 'given* much ibetter V treatment ?tKan -Ihis [unfortunate and less com-* pariions. ." Schiriitz' does not^march .with '.the pother <, prisoners fto'vthe; mess hall , for. his? meals v and ; Schmitz - is '] not ; fined ? in'- a_V narrow -V cell in the :- regular prison ;\u25a0 corridors. >'\u25a0 Instead; he has ;been ; given • thel; room lot : one 'of theVguards_ on :^he second .flbor,^ which, 'though it hasVthe- heavy; prison bars v' over.-' the .window,, is^far. more * than , the.;, small-, cells, _and -: his • meals; are JservejJ^to • him ;in^thla^.ropm ,and?,coi» sist Jof more . claborsiteljv* prepared \ and better.'served-fare than is given :tb';the | ordinary convict." fi^--: s '/^ '\u25a0-' \u25a0"'\u25a0''";:; ; 1 Continued «a: P«*e^ 3r Middle ColumnT 1 There is a small revolution at Orleans because France officially denies sainthood to Joan of Arc. Read the interesting ar ticle to appear. in .•: I IIC jUIiU/iI LriLL Parkside Men Pass It Up to Former Boss Advance Claim That They Were Victinis of Extortion The testimony or the officials of .the Parkside realty company before the grand jury in : connection with /the inquiry -into the details of the bribery of the 'board of supervisors by this company shows that the defense to be made vby the 'mdicted;. officials when they, are brought to trial will be based on • the contention \u25a0 that they were not guilty of ; passing bribe money, but that \ Ruef i extorted funds » from Tthem. v When f acc^ to face with the -necessity : of : telling all the details „of the Parkside transactions to the grand jury? in'] ord«V; t o ihay e^ their; ! ye'rsions ; placed' on "record ; bef ore^Ruef "could .give " Ms^thV' Parkside .-- officials; passed - the matter <up %to- the . boss. > ';'; There! Is .no:. no : attempt ' on Cthe ; part of ! the 'r Pa*rk*side t promoters :-. to \u25a0 deny the paymenti of \u25a0 $15,000,-, to ; Ruef :and<the promise ? of ; J25.0Q0 more. The jclainV j they : set. up before" the, grand jury j and the - one \u25a0\u25a0 on which - their legal battles will be based Is that they were the vic tims';of RueCs extortion, and not bribe givers. . ' - According to - the . penal code, ,*^the •word 'bribe' signifies anything of value or advantage, present, or- prospective, or any - promise or undertaking to give any, ; asked,; given, -qr/accepted, with* a corrupt, intent to, influence, unlawfully, the person to whom It is given, in his action, vote, ; or opinion, -in any public or official capacity." ' • :,. This is -what the prosecution, by the returning -of ;.the< Indictments against the ' Parkside officials, : labels the pay ment of the money by them to" Ruef. The ; case, of 1 the* prosecution will be that, , knowing this money was to be paid* into the hands of the supervisors for ",the purpose of purchasing a fran chise,-the were., cuilty of bribery. -'-The 'contention of- the defend ants,* \u25a0as : made . evident • by ; their : tes'tl mony/ will *be -based , on t the section . of the ;pen*l code. reading: .^, "Extortion | Is 'the -obtaining .of prop erty •froiriWqbther, tt | wlth his consent,' In duced .by $ a iwropgful *use* of « force, or \u25a0 feaT.'for I under color ofi official "right."-.: •^'Ruef,- they* will- cla^m, 4 forced; them : into payment Jof^money!, to, protect 'theirJown'rights^hlSjact'amountlnsitfi -an i extortion*? and i absolving,' them , from 'criminal convlctidn,7regiELrdless of , what ,degree ; of .moral turpitude>on' their part thelr^ actsjmlght I involve. .. CHARGES ARE DISMISSED ' . MANIIiAV^-'June >C; 15.-^The ! charges 'against ' Captain }. Fred %Q/ Cole ' of ; tho quartermaster's [* department were dis missed courtl '.'-' It Is stated jthatvColeJwlll^'nbt'' be tried {by courtmartiai,' th'ej statute of , limitations hayingllescpjred.'^ Captain; Cole was . ac cused'of having 1 padded -payrolls."-. Impertinent Question No. 3 Why Aren't Wives Happy? -I^or the rilost (original 'or wittiest answer to this ques tion-^-and"^jie briefer the better— The Gall will - pay HVE^ DOLLARS. For the next five answers The Gall {vvillpajr-ONE 'DOLLAR each. " . Prize Avinning answers^will be printed next Wednes day and checks mailed to the winners at once. Make your answers short and address them to lN ; IMPERTINENT QUESTIONS/ PRICE FIVE CENTS. HAYWOOD CASE JURYMEN GET BRIEF RESPITE '"\u25a0 ' \u25a0 \u25a0 / Trial Is Suspended for Day, as Orchard Is Called to Another Court BOTH SIDES ACTIVE Defense Expects to Shcv/ Falsity of Story Tol^d by Assassin , ADAMS* XONFES3ION State Will Make an Effort to Introduce It in Evidence BOISE, Idaho, June 16.— While the trial of Willfcim D. Haywood, charged with conspir ing to secure the murder of for mer Governor Frank Steunen berg, stands suspended for a day, 'Harry Orchard, the chief witness in the case, will be taken to Cald well in Oanyon county, wtere the case against him for the actual murder of Stcuncnbcrg will be called and postponed until the next term of court. Judge - Fre mont Wood, who is presiding in the Haywood case, will hold court in Canyon county tomor row, acting for Judge Bryan, who is disqualified in the Orchard case because his partner is or was of counsel for Orchard at the time of, his arrest. .Orchard will be taken to Caldwell on the local train leaving here at ? o'cloc'.c y tomorrow morning- H«^, wiil IM .br > . in charge, of ; Warden .Whitney of the Idaho, penitentiary and a* force of guards. The adjournment of h!< case will be : merely -a perfunctory, matter,; not taking more 'than -a few minutes. The prisoner will at once be brought -lo'-- Boise. ':. : , The Hajrwood " trial, •will . b« : . resum^tt'' at 1 9:30 o'clock oh Tuesday mornlnsr. when the state will continue the intro duction of evidence in support of the Orchard story and endeavor further to link the defendant with the conspiracy to. murder Steunenberg: as outUned by Orchard In his confession. So far tin evidence has been corroborative of Orchard's story of his many crimes in major, and minor details. The , direct connection of Haywood has yet to come out In the evidence. Certain evldeiic* has linked him with Adams, whom Orchard says was his partner to a num-. ber" of crime*. Documentary evidence has shown Hajwood's connection with Jack Simpklns, but as Slmpklns vasa member of the executive board of the western federation of miners, of "whfcli Haywood Is still the secretary and treasurer, counsel for the defense claim that the drafts were drawn In the reg ular course of the federation business and that the production of drafts from Haywood to Slmpkins have no connec tion with a conspiracy, being, In- fact, on the "records of the federation. ADAMS MAY BE CALLED Simpkins Is named in the Indictment •with Haywood. - Moyer "\u25a0 and Pettlbone, but he has not been arrested. One of the drafts In" his favor was drawn after the murder of Steunenber?^ The .state has shown by some witnesses Jthat - Slmpkins wa3 with Orchard In Caldwell prior to but not at the .time of th« murder. The last draft produced' t ln" evidence and Identified by the cashlsc of the Denver bank was drawn in January, 1906. It was indorsed, by Slmpkins' wife and paid to her by rv bank In Spokane. Steunenbergr \u25a0'•wzi.-. killed on December 30, 1903. The dr&.'t In favor of Simpklns : was drawn prlt r to the time Orchard made his confes sion and about three weeks befo*/5 Haywood . was arrested in \u25a0 Denver. 1 1 Continued on Pace 2,' Middle Column