Newspaper Page Text
! PAGES 21 TO 28 I i|• - \u25a0 VOLUME Cn.— NO. 30. Grand Jury Will Take Hand in Sausalito Poolroom War Places Raided Again and Harvey, Daroux and Visitors Are Arrested MERCHANTS PLAN ELECTRIC LINE OVER VAN NESS Will Ask the Supervisors to Repeal Boulevard Ordinance MOVEMENT - STARTED Mass Meeting to Be Held to Discuss Ways and Means OFFER FRANCHISE United Railroads and the Ocean Shore May Compete A concerted movement Is on foot among tike retail merchants doing bnsl n«u In Van Xe*s arcane to file a peti tion with the supervisors to repeal the ordlaance devlgaatlßs; the thoroughfare \u25a0 * a boulevard In order to permit of the POBStrnctioa and operation -of a streetcar line. „ A meeting of Van Xess avenue mer chants will be held some evening of this week for the purpose of beginning a campaign for the installation of a trolley line along Van Ness avenue. It will be first necessary for the super visors to repeal the ordinance now on the , statute books designating Van Ness avenue as a boulevard because no car lines are permitted to run In boule- ---«.- >s,. -> \u25a0=• The merchants are of the opinion that as the character of Van Ness ave nue has been, changed from a residen tial to a busines thoroughfare -the reasons for having it a boulevard hay* been eliminated- It 'is further be lieved that a streetcar line will stimu late business in the locality named. It is planned to circulate petitions requesting the supervisors to remove th«? boulevard restriction from Van Ness avenue. Should/the petitions be granted the bar will be removed from the operation of a car line in the etrect. Then petitions will be circulated re questing the supervisors to offer for sale to the highest bidder a franchise for aji electric system to* run from Market street along Van Ness avenoe to the bay. It Is thought that there \u25a0will be competitive bidding between the United Railroads and the Ocean Phore railway company. The last named corporation \u25a0will have its ter minal at Eleventh and Market streets and a line a-long Van Xess avenue •would connect therewith and be of much advantage as a feeder to the Santa. Cruz system of the company. No doubt the rivalry between the two corporations would result in sub etantia.l amounts of money being of fered for the fra.nrhise and the city would thus gr^t sums approximating •what the privileges wer« worth. The fact that it is planned to have the Sausalito ferries land near the foot of Van Ness avenue In the near future is considered another incentive for the Van Ness avenue car line by the raer chaats,interested s.nd plans for the ac complishment of the improvement d« iired will b« perfected at an "early da.t*. The businessmen interested in the project were of the opinion that It would be necessary to submit the ques tion of taking Van Ness avenue out of tfie boulevard class to a vote of tha people. It was pointed out to them, however, that such a course \u25a0would not be required. Mention was made of the fact that the ordinance designating Nineteenth avenue as a boulevard was repealed by another ordinance passed by the board of supervisors which left It free for the Parkslde transit company to bid for the franchise i thereon in connection \u25a0with its Parkslde system. Another ordinance was then passed creating Twentieth avenue as a boulevard. KIKE KILLED IX COLLISIOX MONTREAL* Can., June 28.— Further details of the collision on the Canadian Pacific railroad at Bettler yesterday make the number of dead nine and the injured seven. The killed were: Guard O'Connor, and eight Chinese. The in jured were five Canadians and two Chinese. EVJOI.NET> FROM REDUCIXG RATES ASHEVILLE, N. C. June 29. — Judge Pritcbard \u25a0in ' the United States court today enjoined the railroad commis sioners of this state from enforcing the new reduced rate law pending- a fur ther hearing "P° n petitions -of -the Southern railway and the stockholders of the' Atlantic Coast line. The San Francisco Call. INDEX OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S NEWS TODAY TELEPHOXE TEMPORARY 88 SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1907. WEATHER CONDITIONS XESTERDAT — Clear; maximum temperature, SS; minimum. 52. FORECAST FOR TODAY— Fair; fog in the vornins and at night; west wind. Pag* 49 YOUR NEWSPAPER FOLLOWS YOU Have THE CALL mailed to your VACATION address. Change the address as often as you wish. If paper fails to arrive regularly and on time advise The Call's Cir culation Department promptly. EDITORIAL California's most valuable asset. Page 32 A compulsory philanthropist. Page S3 The candidates' procession. Pare 32 STRIKE SITUATION Carmen do not relax strike struggle an 3 warn public apalnst false rumors of settle ment. Committee meets and discusses matters growing; out of conference with Calboun. Mc- Carthy, makes warm reply to Funston. Page 22 GRAFT Arguments on the motion* cf the graft . de fendants to set aside indictments are concluded before . Judge Lawlor. ' Pace 29 Defendants in pas cases declare willingness to make stipulation that they will abide by testimony In .other similar cases already beard. . Page 29 CITY . Assessor Dod?e returns assessment roll ;; of $423,000,000, an Increase of $43,000,000 orcr last year's figure. - Paf o 44 • Dlrorce complaint charging cruelty tells of husband who showed bis anger by pulling ' out bis own hair. Pare 28 Dr. Ralph A. Huntlngton' sentenced : to four years' . imprisonment . for i a crime committed 'In 1900. , Page 33 . Works board may lay . off . sererel.^ hundred street workmen owing to lack of funds' for. sal aries. - Page 28 North beacn district, celebratrs Its rejuvena tion by gala reunion in Stockton strrrt business section.- \u25a0 ' ' Fare 44 New Torfc carman, who catised death., of six persons, confesses after being arrestM here. .. ! ,—. ... Pare. 44 . Retail merchants start morement . for con struction •-' of ; electric \u25a0' system -'along -Van "Ness a»enne by ' rembrlng •' boulevard -\u25a0-' restric tion."' - . i Fare 21 Telegraphers may draw, on a * $500,000 -fund while the strike is la progress. Fare 25 SUBURBAN - Rasel Johnson denies that John A.. Massif caused her to leare \u25a0 home and tells police she will not return to her parents. Pare 42 Pistol drops out of pocket" of TVestern Union guard, George Simmers, *in West Oakland and explodes, killing him. . Pare 42 Osteopaths elect Dr. W. W. Vanderburgu president, select Fresno as . next meeting place and adjourn. " Pare 36 •Friends of Mayor Taylor ar<? denied a liquor license by Alameda councilinen. t Page 42 Professor Ccry says woman he ejected from his bouse cursed and abused his wife. Page 42 Grand Jury of Marln county will be im paneled to assist In ' suppression of PsumlHo poolrooms. Page 21 COAST San Joe* Is being dressed in gala garb for grand celebration of July 4. Pare 33 Hundreds of persons are left hmneless by a fierce fire which swqpps Bisbee, Ariz.. Page 26 Steps taken to prevent - enforcement of law forbidding ose of sulphur In drying fruit, xchicb would mean enormous losses to California orchardlsts. • Page 26 Comedian Max - Dill marries former chorus girl of Fischer's theater at Tonopah. \u25a0 Pare 29 Fire men arrested In Goldfleld with $50,000 worth of ore la their possession. Fare 21 DOMESTIC New York* stock market makes stand against expected failure of city bond offering, t. '. Page 51 Hoke Smith ' Is ' Inaugurated as governor -of Georgia - and \u25a0 asks for laws to curb corpora tion*. - r *•*• 28 Defense In ; Haywood trial Introduces sten ographer formerly . In employ of " the Pinkertons and a. mass of . correspondence .regarding antt union work that be had stolen from offices.' F. 29 Secretary Metealf awards * contracts for' con struction of ' two "Dreadnought"* battle ships. * . Pare 24 President' Booserelt [ directs \u25a0 Gorernor Magoon to - purchase \u25a0. all church property la Havana fliocese, ' the deal involving about $1,500, 000. » . , Pare 29 Judge Lorlng of Virginia, acquitted of . charge of murdering Theodore . Estes, . who , drugged and assaulted -bis daughter, the latter alleged. P. 20 Party made ' up of ' Stanford girls \ has exciting trip while touring Spain and Morocco. Pare 29 FOREIGX * Premier Clemenceau will hasten ; adjournment of French parliament. 7 shelving all pronilsed re form measures. . . Pare 24 ,' Freack battleship strikes -torpedo boat de stroyer la collision and 60 men : killed or injured. Page 29 SPORTS , Miss Golda Myer wins final match 'in women's state tennis tournament and r will meet Cham pion . Hazel \u25a0' Botcbkiss la challenge match . for the title on July 4.* , ;" . Page 37 San Francisco " and Portland win - Coast \u25a0 league baseball games. > ; 37 . Prince and • princess of Wales . witness \u25a0 Wim bledon tennis matches and heartily applaud May Sntton. .--•', _\u25a0',', ,'• Pl *?. 8 ? Sevea tbonsaad .' persons attend the races ;on opening day ]at Seattle. • ''\u25a0 .7 ; ' . : i* \u25a0 . \u25a0' ." Pare 37 Frank G 111 captures I the $25,000 . Conpy 'i Island Jockey club, stake at Sheepshead bay,, Peter. Pan finishing out of, the money.- "; Page 37 Pacific "athletic association begins cam paigiT against , four ' round * fight i promoters who . . are violating city ordinance." ' Page' 39 LABOR Wfe^ Riggers', and stevedores' onion will hold ex dtlng election ' July 11, a : large ; number, of noin inations having - been made. ; •" ' ' Page 34 MAHI.YB £ ; : • - Japanese • seal : poachers ' are captured • at : Prl bilof Islands . by revenue'! cutter Berry, : but later are released. ijBHEK^^ . P ** e 25 ' British ' ship \ Wray . Castle n ends long '• royage safely after having been on fire, in collision anJ battered by. storms off , Cape" Born. " Pare 49 MIXING . ; Kenneth Donnellan says , that h e is able to pay all creditors , In \u25a0 full ', at " onci"! and ] that ihe I will resome; immediately, " .Page' sl SA^ M^ THE UPPER SCENE,. SHOWS MARCH OF ARRESTED MEN TO COURT. IN THE LEFT UPPER CORNER- IS -PORTRAIT • OF: DISTRICT; ATTORNEY- THOMAS P. BOYD.v ON. THE • RIGHT. • FROM > UPPER •TO T-OWERp ARE - PORTRAITS OF L. C. > PISTOLESI AND CITY MARSHAL • JOHN. HANNON. .- THK : I/OWfcß .PICTURE ISA' SCENE \u25a0- I.V , COURTROOM. TOE PORTRAITS FROM' LEFT '.TO ; RIGHT: BEING - THOSE OF MAR SHAL HANNON.' UNDER SHERIFF. R. LICHTENBERO. - JUSTICE f RENNER ~ AND CLERK HOWARD .VERNONV ON THE: LEFT* ARE 'PORTRAITS OF SHERIFF W. l^ P." ..TAYLOR AND: JUSTICE< J.iF.-RE^-NER.^ FRANK DAROUX'S, PORTRAIT, APPEARS \u25a0 AT BOTTOM. ~-r. : •;.;. •.-•'\u25a0.-.;•.\u25a0 . \u25a0;' ' . '\u25a0 .. •\u25a0 .' - ;V." .. \>- : ;,,:....r ; :, '- v.v: :.'- '-\u25a0':'\u25a0 GETS GOLD BRACELET FROM QUEEN OF HAREM Party Containing j Stanford Girls. Has Exciting "*""* Trip Abroad "\ :- SPECIAL DISPATCH ; TO ; THE CAIX NEW YORK," June '. 29.— Four _ young women'whose homes are In the west re turned ' today on 'the' Arabic '; of the White Star line from Liverpool. 1 having toured 'through Spain and Morocco without a chaperon.* They were. nearly shipwrecked in> the .Mediterranean, and saw a ship captain draw "a : revolver against a : mutinous crew. In the par ty .were M i ss Ruth Hay nes, daughter :- of \u25a0\u25a0, J.* C. Haynes, , mayor \u25a0 of Minneapolis; Miss. Clara C. Smith, Miss Mossacher* and Miss; G. VW. Lavayea of Los Angeles. All four are member's; of the same college ! fraternity, fand'^two are graduates *of;the University ofjMln nesota. Miss Smith and Miss Mossacher are gi-aduates ' of- Stanford university. The party left Boston ,o, on 'February 2, for ; a; trip -thorough Spain. .-They f went to Madrid and journeyed ori'; donkeys through southern ; Spairy and '; one f. day, embarked- on' a* 700' ton \u25a0 steamshlp";to take , th'errt. to ; Tangier.' - . : . ; i ;'' - ; V; '-' ': \u25a0 Off; the Moroccanfportia' storm - ; came up^and^the ves'selff'ould not' makeVa landing,, so; the^ young K women '. iweire dropped '\u25a0'irit'oj the l'arrns 'of sturdy ;Jl*or^, Ish sailors'who came alongside, in boats." ;l*"My, wasn't i it -exciting!" } said;/ Miss Haynes, i"when that 'little boat, FIVE MEN CAUGHT WITH ORE VALUED AT $50,000 Preci^s^Metal/MissedrFrc^ : Mine Is ; Recovered - at> '". ' : ~ Goldfield:: : ; ' '\u25a0" ~d v^GOLDFIELD,; NeV.C , June 29.^— Con 1 1 stable' Claude . Inman [ "arrested . flv'e /as sayers ' this s af ternbonCandr recovered 1,500;- pouridsl of , high, grade ore -worth $50,000, ' alleged to huve :.beenl stolen from' 5 the "\u25a0* Little "Florence \u25a0 mine. The men- under; arrest ; are M., J. Smith, ]S. H. Prince, , C. . J." Trask, Henry Lutzen heiser'and-,Fr«d,'Lutzenheiser.'. "•'•'\u25a0 ' iAll'vgave: ball^in - theCsiifnt of and t Justice*; of the • Peace • Solomon': set the cases * for \u25a0 hearing \ on ' July. 12. = It; ls; expected ;that: more arrests j.will 'be l made \ within k .;*a7 few _\u25a0 day s.i the * men ,who\actualiyj stole thejrichV rock being \u25a0under.v surveillance, v Constable '• Inman has } been v working ; on r the case for some tlrae^haVing.been^notifled'-ofJ.the thefts of •ore'bVythe; manaTgemerit of the" Little .Florence/,'-* '-<\u25a0•.•::' •••l!" -V* '\u25a0'-% . ' '^*v- -..", MILLIONAIRB DROWAEDr ; [ >• ST.^PAULii lllnru*4 June ; 2 9.^-Ffederick WATosef^a^rnllllonaire^. lumberman^wajs I drowned '|toda.yv;jln'' Balsam Llake;!' near Stl^Cfolx(Fa,lls,' ? i wrs.,\ while i sailing^ with" I several v ; iV^ -*iy?'-'\ \u25a0_, -• v* •'• -.-""; about, seemed' abou^to; capsize:^ We vis ited' the ", palace :, of the? sultan; and "\u25a0. the [q^^^ff the | harem ; gave : Miss " Smith a*gold; bracelet." ;,,;_. ;;. ; ;. '-,. . \u25a0.'\u25a0.'.-. ,: . •'.\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0"*.- Boyd and Taylor Make Gains in Crusade to Suppress Marin County Gambling r j ; r SAUSALITO, June .29.— At the conclusion of a legal farce enacted in the court room of- Justice of the Peace J. F. Renner this afternoon. District Attorney Thomas F. Boyd announced that heswould enlist the aid of the Marin county grand jury in his crusade to rid Sausalito; of \ its poolrooms. With the announcement, which came as \u25a0a : wbombshell inythe^ camp: of the gamblers and their, protectors— the town officials— the/plan of action" of; the antipbblrbom league in this city was unfolded.- The jury will 7 be" impaneled, according to .the district attorney, immediately following July 4. 'Tlie-threatened^bloodshed' in. Sausalito's- streets was not spilled today, because, as;KVGJPis}blesi^^ appeared at the poblroqms:accbmpanield;6rily;by^ a fe\v deputies "and not by the squad of-Morse patrolmen 'with whom he hadfsurrouhiie'd -Himself -during the':- first few days of the conflict.. "If these riie^ My men would^haye^madeig^ . . . .' \u25a0 , : . ;Sixl^arrests >Vof iyisitbrs-tb' the'gambling places, :tKe re-'j arrest -of Joseph/ Harvey-! and -Frank Daroux, the pool- 1 • ropm;; owners,; and I ith c ? seryr? •ing * of: summons too numer-[ bus;tcMmention wereUHeCde-; iyelppniehts in;the;.war;tojday^ ' Shortly; after; 3 ;o'cloclcitnis" afternoon ;B6ydv and iaccbmpanied;by;a half'^dozen 1 r <deputiesVrstepped.:off-the^S >Rafael trains and .\u25a0:\u25a0 walked h"to .the, poolroom (of: Frank; Daroux,-which > :was?crowded'at:'the tlme",wlthrmen' at-; • tra'ctedj^by.*the opening > of; the Seattle ; :races..-;The; entryi!6f .'• the officers •- was 'followed \u25a0; by.' a .wholesale exodus; i .tors, 1 * biith was^'attended"-with;no _;overt.! ;in cident.n- Constable Geo"rge; Agnews of ] San,Rafael; quietly, served a warrant on | Daroi^',^ charging*hlmywith;keepirigi v a | .'disorderly i house;;and {.with Daroux^in | : their >custody, the.; party.;then'>\u25a0\u25a0 set' out j fofjthe ipoolrqom.'bf ;Har\'ey. l;: Har\*ey,j .was'taken^into custod>von.'a .charge \ 'similar) to \tliat JlodgVd'j'againstjDaroux. | %"-Sheriff Z.Taylor*':then <announced £_In'i Harvey'sipoolroomithat^all^the men;in : the 'p 1 ace/must} 1 eaye:wi thln: 5 }'minutes. J i^Coßtlnned ; on; Page* 22, \ Column ; 1 V \u25a0*\u25a0 \u25a0. p- l. - \u25a0 - -" i \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0-•\u25a0\u25a0.%.'• ; - _ TO;2BJ Impertinent Question No. 5 What's theiDifference Between a^Bribe and a Fee? -For the most or wittiest answer to this ques- ' vltion— and the. briefer, the better— The Call will pay FIVE DOLLARS: - For the next five : answers The Gall will pay ONE DOLLAR each: Prize winning- answers will be printed next Wednes- clay and • checks f. mailed to the Avinners at once. Make your "answers short and address them to • ' \u25a0 f ._ , r T7LJI7 PAT T \u25a0:-•'-,;. v . , 1 rill. V-<r\L.J r i. i : • ?\u25a0 ' r i : . ****** / Aaiwerir to .'fWTiy ." Saoold You : Have a Vaeatloa r* ; '.: ,$5 ; prlze I ,to;C.*W.'L."t.Ke3d,*4T4fSecoad aTenue,- San Francisco. •My "wife" is" the best dressed woman." at Sea , View 'hoteL . .; $i Jprjze. to -R..8..; 8e11i' "/2M3 Piedmont ; avenue.' -Berkeley. s .:\u25a0 -^To^rest up", from the one I had last,we*ek. • ,H : prize : to G. \u25a0: A. •; Holden. : - 1259" Eddy street. \u25a0 Saa Francisco. - ' ' Needed, :. earned and \u25a0 coming." • :'. - $1 ; prize . to josephln* i E.^* Bock.* Stony,; PolnC Sob° m » county. CaL To avoid I those who have : had ; theirs.*- * $1 rrUe ' to Cora Reynolds.* 2130 Haste street. Berkeley. . : To; B etj- tired, -r ::l: :l .: ', \u25a0 i •" {- " \.;. \ ;:; :' .[ , . 91 " prize to "Helen Brnnlnsr. 862 ; Henry . street. Oakland. 4 Read The i Call's summer? resort ads. BEIGE FIVE CENTS.